#so thank you anon 🫶🩷
eenochian · 10 months
Are there any fictional characters that you think you resemble?
i don’t typically think about stuff like this, so this was sorta fun to research lol. i don’t often take pics of myself and i share them even less, so i didn’t exactly have anyone to ask for second opinions 😶
i usually focus on characters that i want to look like more than ones i actually resemble, plus my body type is hard to find in media… but here’s my list 😌
in terms of hair/eye color, my eyes are hazel-green and my hair is auburn. i’ve lost some of my redness in recent years (hair’s more of a cinnamon color currently), but i’m planning on dying it back to auburn lol. two characters i’ve always personally looked at and gone, “ah, ideal version of me!” are mary jane and claire redfield.
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growing up, i frequently got compared to any redhead by my family, regardless of how much i actually looked like them – my mom would always compare me to ariel, merida, or anna whenever we’d talk about disney, for example. i’m biased towards redheads (esp. ones with green eyes too) because i’m so used to seeing myself in them, even though i don’t really resemble most of them lol.
as for body type…
i’m stumped, honestly :/ most women in media are given super “ideal” proportions y’know, whether that’s making her super slim, fat, or curvy in just the right places. i’ve got an odd body type, so i’ve yet to encounter a character that looks like me. also haven’t had anyone tell me “[x character] has your body!” so i don’t have any opinions to go off.
if i had to describe myself— i’m a very curvy girl. my thighs are perfect to fit my corgi-sized cat, it would take probably five of my own hands to wrap around the apex of them, and my hips are as you’d expect with that measurement lol. i’ve got a super high waist (just under my chest) that dips in pretty dramatically, and my bra size is 40i.
i know that makes me sound like some jessica rabbit-esque “thicc goddess”, but i’m really not. my stomach isn’t flat, i’ve got a rounder face, and i’m convinced that my legs are weirdly short lmao.
as i was typing this all out, i started talking to my brother about the body type issue, which ended up catching the attention of the rest of my household. according to them, apparently i sorta look like rose from titanic. aka kate winslet in 1997. which is a MAJOR COMPLIMENT, OH MY GOD??? 😭😭
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i’ll admit, i kinda see it? face shape has some similarities, but obviously i’m no kate winslet, she’s fucking gorgeous 💀 my hair’s also stock straight to the point of barely holding a curl.
there’s a few more characters that i definitely identify with and could see myself feasibly cosplaying in the future, even though the resemblance is weak at best for most of them. several are women from comics because i love a woman that can kill me <3
(claire is here again bc i honestly prefer her game appearance over the movies lol)
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and yes. #5 IS bloom from winx club. i think cosplaying her would heal my inner 9 y/o self that was obsessed with looking like her.
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rosicheeks · 1 month
You’re doing great Rosie. Hugs
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le-velo-pour-dru · 4 months
youre super cool!!! 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
Awwwwwwwwww, you really think so? Thank you so much!! 😄🫶💖 How kind of you!! :3 🩷
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wonwoosthetic · 5 months
hi i love ur entire minnie oc world i’m so obsessed!!!! i literally check ur page everyday to see if u’ve posted smth new HAHAHHA aaaa i’m so excited for how u’ll write nanatour hehe thank u for ur writing :3
Aaaah omg thank you!!!!🩷🩷🩷 STOP you’re so cute😭😭 thank your for stopping my to send me this!!🥹🤍🥹🤍🥹 I‘ll try my best to get to writing the next episode of Nana tour as soon as possible and I hope you’ll like it once it’s posted!🥰
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strawbeerossi · 6 months
You Think, Genius?
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Pairing: Fem!Reader x Spencer Reid
Description: Being friends with Spencer Reid is an adventure within itself. Movie nights are no exception.
Content/Warnings: Friends type humor, tension, mention of food/food fight, best friends to lovers trope, heavy kissing, very sweet smut (wild because I hardly write that, I feel like lmao).
Word Count: 2.7k
Anon Request: spencer reid x sarcastic funny reader? not mean but like kinda like Chandler from friends humour? with earlish seasons reid (season 3/4)ish cute smut. ADDING TO THE SARCASTIC!READER SHE AND SPENCE HAVE A BESTFRIENDS TO LOVERS ARC 🫶🫶
Navigation || Criminal Minds Masterlist || Request
RIP Matthew Perry, thank you for playing the king of sarcasm and being my inspiration for this. 🩷
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“Serial killers and childhood neglect have actually been linked together for years. Some of the most notorious serial killers were abused in some shape or fashion at home. Which makes sense whenever you take into account how easy it is to psychologically break a person and cause them to shut down, children being more receptive than most adults.” Spencer rambled on about some study he had been reading about.
Everyone was mostly tuned out besides you, your left hand holding the travel size cereal box up in clear view, your eyes wide. “That explains why I can’t stop eating this cereal! My mom made my life a living hell and now, all I think about is cereal. Oh god.” You said in a sarcastic tone, causing Derek to chuckle from his desk.
“She’s a cereal killer.” He joked while you both were giggling, making Spencer look between you and Derek, a confused expression on his face.
“She’s not a serial killer. I don’t think she’d be working here if she was one.”
The laughter continued on at your coworker’s obliviousness. “No, Spence,” JJ shook her head as she approached your chair, gently taking the little box before holding it up. “The joke is that she’s eating cereal. Cereal killer.” The blonde explained as you were turning back to Spencer.
“Oh, it’s no joke. I’ve got six bodies in my apartment right now. Just waiting to get home to do away with them.” You continued on, a little snort leaving your lips as you were getting your cereal back.
As you were pushing a handful in your mouth, you watched as Spencer looked at you with his head tilted to the side. “You haven’t killed anyone. I know that for a fact. You’re too nice.” He said while he was tapping his pen against his desk, JJ let out a huff and waved him off before she was walking away from your desk to get to her office.
“Isn’t there such a thing as killing people with kindness? That is my big move. I will be nice to them and boom,” You punched the palm of your hand to appear menacing. “I go in for the kill.”
Spencer was shaking his head with a soft giggle at the mere idea of it, your sarcasm slowly seeping through the cracks in an obvious way where he could see it.
“Right. How foolish of me to not understand it.” He joked softly while looking back down to the page he’d been doodling on. Your humor was new to Spencer, something he wasn’t really used to. You were a very sarcastic person, hardly ever having a conversation without injecting the encounter with your wit and sarcasm. He was still pretty clueless with it, however he felt he was getting better. Especially now that you had him saying his own sarcastic phrases at random times. It was weird for the rest of the team seeing the way you’d slowly brought Spencer out of that little bubble he was used to.
He was always the one who didn’t understand jokes or take sarcasm, appearing confused a good chunk of his career from the jokes and lighthearted banter. Being friends with you was a good way to learn how to understand though, which was why he was so lucky that you were his best friend.
“I was thinking of watching a movie. Do you wanna join me?” You asked, packing up your things as you looked over at Spencer as he raised an eyebrow.
“Tonight?” He asked, making you shake your head.
“No. Next week.” You answered with a deadpan expression while he crinkled his nose.
“You’re.. Being sarcastic..” He began while you rolled your eyes fondly with a smile.
“You think, genius? Come on, are you gonna come over or not?” You asked while putting your bag over your shoulder.
“I don’t see why not. Can we watch that new show that’s airing tonight?” He asked curiously, already following you out of the bullpen. He knew you’d give him a ride rather than sending him to go on the metro and meet you there later.
“Sure. I’ve been interested in it anyway. The new sci-fi one, right?” You asked as you made it to the parking garage with him as you were both in search of your car.
“Yes! It actually looks very interesting because from what I’ve read, they don’t make up their own rules as they go. They are using actual scientific data and evidence.” He gushed while you were clapping your hands together.
“Like learning in school! Oh how I loved school!” You were laughing as he had taken notice of the sarcasm and nudged your arm.
“Seriously. It’s going to be great! You may not think it now but you’ll enjoy it while learning about the real world when it comes to tech and space exploration.”
“We’ll have to see about that Dr. Reid.”
The ride back to your apartment was peaceful, the sounds of some radio station filling the quiet atmosphere of the car as you passed by numerous street signs. The comfortable silence was something you liked, never needing to strike up a conversation to enjoy Spencer’s company. Even if he was just reading while you were on your phone.
Back at your apartment, you’d just gotten the channel you needed pulled up, having about ten minutes until the show was supposed to air. Spencer made sure to tape it back at his own apartment, wanting to go back and watch alone to fully appreciate the show for more than its entertainment quality.
“Do you want me to run to the kitchen and get snacks?”
“You don’t have to run, Reid. You can walk.”
“Ha ha. So funny. Snacks or not?”
You were waving him off with a little laugh, offering a smile. “Yeah, yeah. Please go get some snacks. I think I have a big bag of that buttered popcorn you’re obsessed with.”
Spencer practically skipped to the kitchen upon hearing the news, retrieving one of your mixing bowls from one of your cupboards. After filling it up generously with the snack of choice, he was stopped by the fridge to grab two water bottles. With the two cold beverages under his arm, he was hurrying to the living room.
“I think we are all set.” He beamed with pride while placing the bowl on the table.
“Perfect. You’re right on time. It should start after these commercials.” You informed him while leaning forward to get a handful of popcorn from the bowl. While pushing a piece of popcorn into your mouth, you were only raising an eyebrow when you felt a pair of eyes on you. “What?” You asked, head turning to face Spencer as he quickly put his hands up in self defense.
“Nothing! I just wanted to see if it was good, that's all.”
“Right. I hate to tell you this, it tastes like buttered garbage. I don’t think you should subject yourself to eating it.” You joked, picking up a piece before flicking it in his direction, his eyes widening as he felt the snack hit his cheek.
“That could’ve taken out my eye!”
“Too bad it didn’t. We could get you an eyepatch.”
That was when Spencer took it a step further, getting a small handful of popcorn before throwing it in your direction. He was too busy laughing at your expression that mirrored his shock from earlier, pieces of popcorn in your hair and some on the couch.
“Is it a war that you want?”
“Me? You started it! Call it returned fire.”
That kickstarted a popcorn fight that didn’t seem to let up. Spencer was reaching into the now empty bowl before letting his eyes widen. He had no more ammo yet you had two handfuls. He was done for.
“You can apologize and we can end this.” You warned, your body now propped up on your knees as you had eventually turned to face him on the couch. “Just one ‘I’m sorry’ can end this bloodshed.”
“Suit yourself, Reid.” You were winding back one hand whenever Spencer was moving quickly to grip your wrist. There was some screaming, some laughing, and eventually you were being wrestled down onto the couch.
“Drop it!” Spencer laughed, both of your wrists being pinned down. “You do that and this will be all over.”
“No way.” You laughed, panting as you were being pinned down, some of Spencer’s long hair tickling the skin of your cheeks. You had both been in that position for a few more minutes before things calmed down, leaving you and the man above you to stare at one another and wait to reach a stalemate.
There was a growing tension, your faces only inches apart as he had you trapped between his body and the couch. Those beautiful eyes were looking down at you, almost as if Spencer was using the close proximity to take in every feature on your face. It was enough to make your face flush, cheeks hot from his gaze fixed on you and only you. The sound of the opening credits for the show you were supposed to be watching was playing in the background yet you could only look at each other.
There wasn’t a beat missed as he leaned down, lips against yours in a soft, yet cautious kiss. He felt like he had to play it safe, although the way you were feverishly returning the kiss told him all that he needed to know.
There was a fiery passion as your lips slotted together, almost as if they were made for one another. Your hands were moving to tangle in his hair, legs now wrapped around his waist as you both gave in to your urges that were always bubbling under the surface for however long you’d known the loveable genius.
It felt right, in a way. The way your were wrapped in one another’s embrace while having a moment of passion that you never expected to happen. However you had to admit, this was better than you ever thought.
Spencer was pulling out of the kiss, face flushed as he stared down at you with a shy smile. “It felt right. I’m sorry.” He whispered, only being pleased with the way you responded by pulling him down to connect your lips again, wanting to savor another moment as if he were going to disappear in thin air if you let him get too far.
The kiss had escalated soon enough, both of your clothes in a pile on the floor as you were tangled up on the couch, nothing but underwear separating you from each other. “Are you sure that you want this?” Spencer soon asked, his forehead against yours. Your friendship was always special to him, so naturally, he was worried about preserving those positive memories and the relationship as a whole.
“Definitely sure. I’ve thought about this for years.” For once, you were genuine. There was no hint of sarcasm dripping from your tone. That’s how he knew this was serious. “I’ve always loved you. I know you know that because I tell you all the time but it’s.. It's different than loving your best friend.”
Your confession had Spencer’s cheeks bright red, head nodding slowly to show he was paying attention. “Y-yeah. I love you more than a friend too.” He said slowly while he was bringing his hands down your hips, his fingertips tracing over your hot skin as he was hooking his fingers in the waistband of your panties.
Your hips lifted to assist him tugging your underwear down, your own cheeks hot from being exposed in one of your most intimate areas. It wasn’t like you hadn’t had sex before and you had confidence when you did but this seemed different.
“I need.. Hold on.” Spencer began while pushing himself up a bit, your watching with a raised eyebrow as you propped yourself up on your elbows. He went for his slacks, getting his wallet.
“Are you gonna pay me for this?”
“What?! No! I-I just..” He began, shuffling through the wallet before he was pulling a condom from one of the wallet folds.
“You have a condom? You were planning for this?”
“No! I have.. I asked Derek for one. Obviously not for tonight but I had to be prepared!” He said quickly while tossing his wallet on the table.
You didn’t tease him any farther, instead your eyes gazing over his body as he was shimmying out of his boxers while standing. Just kissing you had his cock semi-hard, his hand wrapping around his shaft to give a few pumps in order to complete the process although it wasn’t too hard with the anticipation of what was to come tonight.
After sliding on the contraception, he was heading over to get settled between your legs. His eyes were glancing over your glistening pussy, your arousal shining in the dim light of the living room. “Wow.” He whispered, hand moving between your thighs as his thumb pressed against your throbbing clit. The pressure alone was enough to make your mouth go slack.
“Fuck.” You breathed while feeling the pad of his thumb start to rub your clit, your arousal coating it with each swipe. He was taking his time with teasing you, at least.
When he was finished with massaging the bundle of nerves and he couldn’t hold back any more, he was grabbing his cock before lining his tip along with your entrance, thick tip breaching your slick cunt as he was slowly pushing into you when you were both ready enough.
There was a pleasurable burn as he was stretching out your inner walls, your hands tightly gripping onto his shoulders as you pulled his body down onto yours just to feel his skin against yours. It was oddly more intimate than you could’ve expected, even with him staying perfectly still with his cock nestled deep inside of you.
There was a soft gasp leaving your lips when he gave a slow thrust, just testing the waters for now as he didn’t wanna go too crazy before you were ready. He didn’t plan on going super hard anyway, that wasn’t who he was. “You alright?”
“Yeah. Yeah. Keep going.” You urged.
Once you proved comfortable enough due to your persistence, Spencer’s thrusts began to pick up a steady pace and rhythm. Your moans were enough encouragement for him to feel confident enough in the act, not shying away from you as much as anyone would’ve expected.
They rhythmic sound of his skin slapping against yours coupled with your gasps, shaky breaths and moans were filling the living room, the long forgotten show still filling the background noise. Spencer had since embraced you, one arm wrapped under your frame as the other kept himself pushed up over you. He just wanted to feel you close, to hold you as he made love to you.
It was beautiful to him, the way you were holding him and keeping him close in return. It was like you were the only people in the world, no responsibilities other than being close to one another. The warmth of your flushed skin against his was all he needed to be happy.
It was a dream, essentially. A dream so vibrant that Spencer didn’t want it to end, even if he knew that realistically he couldn’t be in a dreamland forever.
As he was torn from his thoughts at the feeling of your hands on his cheeks, he was offering you a smile as you were locking eyes with one another. “I love you.” He said softly, repeating what you’d both confessed earlier while leaning down to press his lips against yours.
It was after the fact whenever you were finally speaking again, body sitting up from the spot you were in on the couch as Spencer had retreated to the kitchen to dispose of the used condom. “Do you wanna come take a shower with me? No funny business.” You put your hands up in defense.
“No. It’s too personal for me to see you naked.” For the first time, Spencer was the one to be sarcastic with you, making you both burst into laughter.
“I’ve taught you well. Come on.”
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chrisevansonly · 11 months
𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐝 | 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐬
✯social media au
✯lando norris x female reader
✯guess who just got promoted?
✯ i wanted to do a little post today, my energy to write and create is so fucking low today, but thank you to the sweet anon that requested this!! we love some dad!lando <3
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liked by mclaren, landonorris, maxfewtrell, carlossainz55 and 1M others
so who’s going to tell lando we need a bigger car? baby norris coming this fall🩷🩷
tagged landonorris
see 165,000 comments
username baby lando😭
mclaren congratulations you two!! future little mclaren driver🧡🧡
>ynnorris save them a seat🫶🏻
carlossainz55 I COULD CRY🥹
>carlossainz55 so happy for you two!
username i want to sob my eyes out
landonorris nah i think we can all fit in the mclaren😁
landonorris i love you so much, can’t wait to be a parent with you❤️
landonorris added to their story!
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*comments disabled*
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liked by ynnorris, danielricciardo, mclaren and 1M others
yeah, life’s pretty fucking great these days
tagged ynnorris
see 245,000 comments
username he’s gonna be the best dad😭
username i love this little family 🥹
username MY FAVS
ynnorris my loves, can’t wait for little norris to get here🩷
>landonorris i love you both♥️
>danielricciardo #whipped
>ynnorris #bannedfromourhouse
ynnorris added to their story!
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liked by landonorris, wagsoff1, mclaren and 989,000 others
just a little sappy appreciation post for my favourite man in the world. I hope our little one grows up to be just like you and that they’ll have a heart as big as yours. there is never day that goes by where you don’t make me laugh, smile and feel so utterly loved i get dizzy. you’re going to be such an amazing father and you’re already an amazing husband.
i love you so so much lando, always and forever🩷🩷
tagged landonorris
see 105,000 comments
username time to go lay on the freeway
username oh she love loves him
username my eyes are burning😭
mclaren we’re running out of tissues😭
liked by ynnorris
danielricciardo lando is leaving our golf game as we speak, he is crying
>carlossainz55 i’ve never seen him run so fast
landonorris god i love you
landonorris i’m coming home mama
landonorris gonna give you the biggest kiss
>ynnorris you’re so cute baby😭🩷
username dear god, when is it my turn?
username screaming, crying, throwing up!!!
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2kiran · 4 days
HI! HELLO!! 🤍🫶🏻
first of all i really love your writing! the way you write is just amazing! i absolutely love your works and always come back to re-read some of them!! keep writing and don't forget to take care of yourself and drink lots of water!!! 🥺🩷
anyways i wants to request something if it's not too much of a bother askjkasksj
dom!m!nerdy reader and sub!badboy with a whole load of crying from overstimulation, praise k!nk, size diff (tall!reader) and dumbification OOOHHHH IM GONNA GO FERAL 😵‍💫
[also can i be your 🎀 anon?]
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2knote. aww, this is so sweet of you. I appreciate it, thank you so much and I hope you enjoy this one. take care of yourself too and get some rest. lmk if you aren’t actually anon angelwing.
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Every nerve was set on fire, blood pumping hot in his system as beads of sweat tingled down his forehead to his chest. It doesn’t help with the sudden high temperature of the room, especially not the uncontrollable throbbing in the center of his thighs. “Shhh,” your voice brings him back from his clouded state, grounding him. “won’t you look at that? You’re doing so great, practically sucking me in.”
He whimpers, oh how badly he wanted to punch off the smug way you were holding him up with his knees that threatened to buckle. His head tilted up to look at you, eyebrows knitting together in an attempt to appear threatening. Instead, he seems even more fucked out, tight hole squeezing your length with every push.
“Sh- shut up.” He grits, though tears sprouted and occupied his vision. Fuck, he hated you. The complete opposite of him, a reckless bastard, and you, the smart and adored one.
He hated how he’d perk up when you’d speak, listening to how your voice practically caressed the words you were uttering. Wishing that in lieu of you giving out the correct answer, you’d say his name and and — he’s definitely out of it. “Don’t say things like that, pretty thing,”
That fucking glint in your eye and how you’d scold him if he stepped out of line, he despised that even more. He clenched around you, gripping your cock tightly, silently begging for you to cum inside of him. It was overwhelming, flushed and sweaty skin bumping rhythmically against each other and making his mind hazy with pleasure.
You were supposed to hate him, not treat him as if he was the most valuable thing in the world. “Shit, that’s it.” You groan, rolling your hips into the spasming warmth that warned to milk you for all you were worth. “So good for me, haaah, yeah, take my cock.”
And he was. “Nnnggh–” stop talking is what he’s unable to retort with. Each thought is combining with one another, jumbled nonsense forming in his head and his mouth agape, only to gift pretty little moans and hushed whimpers to your ears.
He can’t stop the tears, bottom lip trembling and he’s clamping down all over again. You’re brushing against that spot which causes his back to arch off the wall, eliciting a breathy groan from him. He’s leaking on his stomach, pre-cum pathetically gathering up and slicking himself with his own fluid.
“It’s okay, let it out. You’re okay, yeah?” You grind your hips, aiming for it and he swears he’s going to kill you when he cums hard from just that. His body trembles, numbed, gasping for air and the only thought echoing is your damn mouth that can’t shut.
“Listen. Ah– look so pretty like this, all for me.” He can barely move a muscle, your thumb smearing his release around the sensitive tip. Briefly, he wonders if you’ll stop.
You don’t.
One of his palms reach out to you, weakly pushing at your arm as he sniffles. You’re rolling — on the brink of pounding — into him, set on getting him brainless beneath you. He can’t say it, can’t tell you to fuck off because you feel too good and he’s still got energy left. The overstimulation has a faint hint of pain pinching him, but he’s too distracted by the way you don’t quit.
You must’ve gotten to him. “Doing such an amazing job for me, sweetheart.”
He sobs, not quite recovering from his orgasm yet. How you’re crowding him sends him reeling, dizzy, and incredibly horny. He grabs the back of your head, tugging on the strands as he yanks you down to capture your lips in a bruising kiss. You can make out the salty taste of his tears due to the unrelenting thrusts, his poor body not catching one break, and that has you pushing your tongue inside of his mouth.
When you finally pull away, he whimpers in disappointment. But then, you speak up;
“You can give me one more.” It’s not a request. It’s a demand.
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twobluejeans · 11 months
charles leclerc x famous!reader
summary: in which the lavender haze has been lifted. or in which america’s it couple splits.
part 6: reckless, part 5: relevancy, part 4: emo ponytail girl, part 3: dupeee, part 2:wtf does ET know?, part 1: don’t start
faceclaim: madison beer
ally’s radio 📻: PART 6! #juticefory/n . shoutout to the anon who inspired this chapter, u helped sm and gave me further ideas💌. a lot of tswift references 🫶
INSTAGRAM, july 14
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liked by dannylandopnj, alltoowellcharles, and 321,543 others
f1updates carlos recently in an interview in which y/n and charles got brought up
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sainzpodium this is why carlos is the better ferrari driver
lewishsystem “loyal and trust are crucial in any relationship” wym by that 🤨
hereforicciardo the way carlos didn’t even interact with charles today in the paddock before and after the race
lewisfever lewisystem “it’s hard to ignore certain actions and how they reflect on a person’s character” the way he’s confirming the rumors bro 😭
russeliclassy lewisfever what rumors?
lewisfever russeliclassy charles cheated
INSTAGRAM, july 14
liked by naileadevora, lewishamilton, and 4,567,245 others
yourinstagram surprise. i know u guys are already getting 2 new songs from me with the new midnight deluxe edition on the 17th, but i still have a lot to say. meet me at midnight on chapter 1 for a story that turned out to be pretty…reckless.
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billieeilish already crying
dojacatstreetsera the devil works hard, but y/n l/n world harder
landonorris song’s mid (i’ve listened to it 3 times so far and have sobbed uncontrollably🥲)
yourinstagram landonorris weak (i broke down mid-recording session)
barbiey/n no i cant i’m not ready
INSTAGRAM, july 14
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INSTAGRAM, july 15 (midnight)
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liked by zendaya, authurleclerc, and 6,543,127 others
yourinstagram thank you dearly to everyone who helped bring this video and this wild idea of mine to life... petracollins i truly could never have done this without you & to the rest of the amazing crew who worked 3 very long days & then a very long week... thank you, from the bottom of my heart. i also want to thank lando, who photographed these amazing photos awhile back when we were in manchester. landonorris i love u. reckless, both single & mv, out now everywhere 🤍 🏹
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beyonce So beautiful ❤️
aliensuperstary/n beyoncé ADAM SANDLER?? WHAT R U DOING HERE😭
tchalamet proud of you ma chérie
yourinstagram tchalamet hi thank you i love u i miss u
onlychalamet tchalamet yourinstagram i love their friendship sm
salmahayek nunca dejas de sorprenderme. Estoy tan orgullosa de ti y tan feliz y emocionada de verte prevalecer a través de todo🫶🫶🩷🩷
see translation? salmahayek: You never cease to amaze me. I am so proud of you and so happy and excited to see you prevail through it all.
yourinstagram salmahayek muchas gracias tus palabras siempre significan el mundo para mí. te amo y te extraño mucho. ¡No puedo esperar a verte a ti y a Valentina pronto!
see translation? yourinstagram: thank u so much. your words always mean the world to me. i love you and miss you dearly. cant wait to see you and valentina soon!
90sbabyy/n salmahayek yourinstagram why am i just finding out salma is y/n’s godmother? hello what
bellahadid i love. so happy to see u turned ur pain n hurt into something so beautiful ... only heard some of it and already know it's so special. ok. enough of that. i feel like i've typed more than i needed to. love u! proud of u!
yourinstagram bellahadid u bitch why would u type this? now i'm crying in the middle of a re-run of narcos
danielricciardo yourinstagram you said u we’re gonna wait till i got to italy to watch it with me…
yourinstagram danielriccicardo ….oops?
landonorris danielricciardo you see me personally, i wouldn’t let that slide 🤷
danielricciardo yourinstagram #fake #donthmu #streaks #realonesknow
classynorris y/n and lando teaching daniel gen z slang gotta be the funniest thing ever
landonorris classynorris i actually regret it so bad
yourinstagram classynorris biggest mistake ever. he won’t stop saying bombastic side eye. free us
danielricciardo landonorris yourinstagram L + ratio + bozo
TWITTER, july 15
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yourinstagram 7h
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viewed by authurleclerc, charlottesiine, and 4,854,257 others
ally’s radio 📻: yeah 😌. people in the instagram story views + the song itself might be a little sneak peak of the next chapter.
taglist 🦢🪩: @incoherenciass@dakotali@405rry@topaz125@sassyheroneckgiant@hevburn@itsmytimetoodream@ivegotparticulartaste@crowdedimagines @asterianax @haydee5010@scenesofobx@christinabae@magical-spit@dessxoxsworld@myareadsbooks@honethatty12@hopefulinlove@diasnohibng@gentlemonsterjennie1@hummusxx@eugene-emt-roe@taestrwbrry @perjarma @cxcewg@chimchimjiminie16@glow-ish@allywthsr @millyswife @mrsmaybank13 @black-swan-blog27 @stargaryenx @lilsiz @ohthemisssery @leclerclvr @slytherinjimin3nthusiast @shessthunderstoms @cool-ultra-nerd @ncentic @playboykenz @canvashearts @tinyhrry @xeliaaaa @ifionlywould
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kazutora-kurokawa · 4 months
Could you pls do nsfw headcanons for toman division captain & vice captain with a short curvy reader.
Toman Captains + VCs x Short!Curvy!Reader
♡ NSFW, Fem reader, reader is around 5'4 for reference, reader is busty, reader has hips wider than her waist, reader has thick thighs, biting, size kink, breeding, ass slapping, just average smut ♡
Captains: Baji, Mitsuya, Pah-Chin, Nahoya, Mucho
Vice Captains: Chifuyu, Hakkai, Peh-yan, Souya, Sanzu
note: thank you for requesting anon 🩷 I wasn't sure if you wanted Takemichi or Baji as the first division captain, so I just chose Baji. If you want some headcanons for Takemichi just let me know 🫶
note 2: shout-out to all my short followers, I'd grab stuff from the highest shelf for y'all 😚
🔥 Bites you all day everyday (he calls it love biting)
🔥 Especially likes to bite your thighs
🔥 He can take your bra off with his teeth
🔥 Grips your thighs when he eats you so you can't squirm away from him
🩵 Your body is a temple and his preferred place of worship is in between your legs
🩵 Gets hard when he sees you wearing a form fitting dress for the first time, it's like a life changing experience for him
🩵 Takes photos of you just so he can jerk off to them later
🩵 Always grabbing on your tits when he fucks you
🪻 He bases designs he makes on your figure
🪻 Asks you to model clothes for him and he always ends up taking them off of you as soon as you walk through the door
🪻 Soft and sweet during sex, praises and compliments you every five seconds
🪻 Kisses your tummy and hips when he eats you out
🫐 Likes to eat you out because he doesn't have to make eye contact with you (poor nervous baby)
🫐 He'd be really unsure of himself during sex, but as soon as you start whining for him to go faster he's on cloud nine
🫐 Likes when you ride his thigh and when you're on top of him in general
🫐 He's absolutely submissive and prefers to let you take the lead
☁️ Always has his hands on your hips, especially during sex
☁️ Likes when you wear his jacket while you fuck, it fits you perfectly and he just thinks you look so cute in it
☁️ He loves fingering you, he gets a great view of your body
☁️ Kisses you on your thighs and clit while he's fingering you
🤍 He has crazy stamina and always tires you out
🤍 Asks you to wear tight clothing when you go out on dates (he always ends up taking you to a secluded spot to fuck)
🤍 Let's you ride him but he'll be gripping your hips and controlling your pace the whole time
🤍 Has his face buried in your tits the whole time you're riding him
🪷 He's a pro ass slapper and makes sure to slap your ass every time you walk pass him (leaves handprints on your ass too)
🪷 69 (no rapper) is his favorite position, he gets to eat you out, your ass is in his face, and he gets his dick sucked. It's a win-win-win
🪷 Likes your ass tooted up and your face down (y'all know what song I'm referencing?)
🪷 Moans when you grab his hair during sex
💠 Likes to lay his head on your thighs (preferably while you're jerking him off)
💠 Prefers to be on top because he'll cum quick if you're riding him
💠 Gets overstimulated really easily but he won't say anything because he doesn't want to stop fucking you
💠 Loves when you sit on his face and run your fingers through his hair while he eats you out
🎀 Enjoys the height difference between you two and uses it to his advantage
🎀 He'll hold you and fuck you while he's standing
🎀 Loves fucking you against walls
🎀 Knows you can barely handle his dick and loves seeing you whine about how big he is
🌸 Teases you about your height during sex (he'll call you short-stack while he's balls deep inside you)
🌸 Likes when you ride him because he gets to hold you close to him
🌸 Loves to cum inside you, always tells you he's gonna get you pregnant while you're fucking
🌸 Lays on your chest and kisses your tits after sex
@arlerts-angel , @i-literally-cant-with-this , @trevengersprincess , @happy-trenchcoated-impala , @giugiette , @katkitkats
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xxblairexxss · 11 months
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Ice cream date
Theme : Fluff
Thank you so much for your request, anon! 🩷🫶🏻 A short break from angst before I start writing for another angst request! I loveeeee writing for dad!charles soo adorable! 🥹
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“Charles?” You tilted your head to your side once your husband picked up the call.
“Yes, honey?”
You looked back facing your nail lady and pointed at the pastel lavender colour before bringing your phone back to your ear. “Can you pick up your little daughter from the daycare today? I don’t think my nail appointment would end in 15 minutes.”
“Yeah, of course. Don’t worry about her. Enjoy your day out with your friends, okay?Let me know if you need anything.”
“Thank you, honey! I love you!” You ended the call and went back picking different charms for your new nails.
“Hey, baby! I missed you.” Charles crouched down and picked up his baby girl into his arms and nodded as an act of acknowledgement and gratitude to the daycare worker as he turned away to make their way to the car.
“Sir, may I have a word with you?” He turned back and raised his brow in question to the sudden interference.
“Yeah? Yeah, sure. Is there anything wrong?”
Charles was told how his little girl was caught scribbled on her classmate’s notebook using her crayons. The notebook was actually used for kids and tutors for daily activities which required paper and pencils. Not only did his little girl scribbled on her classmate’s notebook, she also shred a few pages.
“We left the children a few minutes and came back to see the other student crying. And this is what she did.” She handed him the proof of crime and Charles was astounded. He had to continuously apologise on behalf of his daughter while Y/D/N kept on hugging his neck and giggling in his arms, completely oblivious to the informal parent-teacher meeting.
“Dada, I want choco this time!” She squealed in her car seat, elated for her daddy and daughter ice-cream date which had become a ritual every time Charles picked her up.
“No ice cream this time, baby.”
“Eh? Why? But, dada, I want ice-cream!” She stopped clapping her hands and caught Charles’s gaze on her through the rear view mirror.
“You were not a good girl today so you don’t get ice cream. We are going home and there’ll be no movie night for you too.” Charles saw she jutted her bottom lips out and whimpered.
“Did you say sorry to your friend?” Charles looked back into the rearview mirror and saw she was wiping her tears off with her arms. “Baby, dada’s asking you. Did you say sorry?”
She didn’t reply as she kept on sobbing but she actually nodded to his question but Charles didn’t catch that so he thought she was ignoring him.
“No cartoon after this and go straight to your room. I’m telling mommy what you did today and she will scold you even more.” He had always been very gentle with her before she was even born. He never had a sister nor any girls from his family members. When you told him you were pregnant with a girl, you knew right away he would make her the centre of his world.
When you came home, Charles was in the bathroom while your daughter was nowhere to be seen. You usually would always came home with your husband and daughter cuddling on the couch watching Disney movies.
“Baby?” You had found her in her room with puffy eyes. Sitting on her little bed, you brushed her hair away from her face and she hugged your middle. “Who made you cry?” You cupped on her chubby cheeks and softly rubbed your thumbs across her cheekbone, wiping the freshly tears away.
“Dada hates me…”
“Who said that? He loves you so much, baby.”
She ended up telling you everything that happened, which made her cry again and you had to continuously wiped her tears and told her it was fine. You had learnt that she was upset because she was looking forward to her little ice cream date and was turned down by her dad without being told why. She was upset because she had never seen her daddy being so mad at her and she didn’t understand why.
“I missed you.”
You were making dinner when Charles hugged you from behind and you could smell the scent of lavender from his shower gel when he dropped trail of kisses on your neck.
“Did you get into a fight with your other girlfriend?”
“What?” He broke the hug and went to your side, leaning against the kitchen counter with a frown. “Did she complain to you? Honey, she ruined her classmate’s notebook. How can I not ground her.” He stole a slice of mango that you were cutting and you slapped his hand away.
“Did you actually ask her what happened?” You raised your brows when he looked dubious to the questions.
“Did she tell you what actually happened?”
“Yeah, she did. And I think you are in trouble this time, honey.” You took a slice of mango and put it in your mouth, chewing it while looking very thrilled meanwhile your husband looked like he was going through every single possibilities in his head.
“Oh! Hi baby! Are you hungry?” You exclaimed when your little girl approached your little time with your husband with her fluffy friend, Mr. Boo.
“Baby, do you want to set the table with dada? Like always?” He crouched down and stretched his arms, expecting her little girl to come running as she usually did but she didn’t. She went to your side instead and hugged your leg, struggling a little when Mr. Boo almost slipped off her little arms.
“Oh, shit.”
“Language, Charles!” You glowered at him. “Baby, let daddy set the table alone while you helped me stir the soup, alright?” You picked her up as she shrieked with laughter, leaving a peck on your cheek and tried to grasped on the ladle, completely ignoring your husband.
“Can I get a kiss too, baby?” Charles went to her side and leaned in to kiss but she quickly turned her head away, hiding her face in your neck. “Honey, help me here.”
“Don’t involve me.”
Charles didn’t get a kiss and he stopped asking when your daughter got into a fit crying as she got annoyed from the constant bugging. When she walked to the dining table, Charles pulled the chair by his side, as she usually wanted to sit by her daddy but this time, she went straight to your side. You had to hold your laugh seeing your husband looked defeated with the constant ignoring game.
“Baby, say ah!” He cut the steak into a smaller piece and stretched out his arm that was holding the fork to feed his little girl but she shook her head without looking at him.
“No thank, dada.”
“Wow, I just got rejected over and over. Honey, can you–“ You shook your head without letting him to finish his questions.
“I can’t help you, Charles. Serve you right.”
You had left your little girl alone in the living room while she got busy munching on her animal shaped biscuits as you went to the kitchen to hug your husband from the back while he was washing the dishes, your head leaned against his body.
“Did she make you upset, honey?”
You heard him heaved a sigh which made you chuckle. “You are so silly. Just go and apologise, she’ll be fine.”
“Flirting you was way easier. Ouch!” He winced when you slapped him on his back. “Honey, she’s 2! Where did learn how to sulk like a literal teenage girl?”
“She probably learned it from me.” You leaned away when he turned his body around as he properly engulfed you back in his arms.
“Why did you teach her these bad things. Where is she, anyway?” Charles slanted forward to try to look for Y/D/N and you pulled his face closer to peck on his cheek.
“She’s eating her snacks. Go and talk to her, baby. I don’t think she’s still cranky.”
“Wish me luck.” He tilted your chin and brushed his lips on yours, patting your bum as he left the kitchen.
“Hi, baby. Can I get one?”
Her small hand was in a fist, full from grabbing the biscuits along with her little chubby cheeks. When Charles took a seat by her side and asked for one, she was contemplating, her other hand opening and closing as she looked on her little plate back to her dad. Once she came to a decision, she took two pieces of the biscuits and handed it to him.
“Can you feed daddy instead?”
She lifted up her hand and put the biscuits into his mouth, giggling when Charles tried to chomp on her hands.
“Are you still mad at daddy?”
“Not much. A little bit, I think. Is dada still mad at me?” She pinched her chubby fingers together and scrunched her nose while answering the question.
“Daddy’s not mad at you, baby. I’m sorry, okay? Can you forgive me?” He swept off the crumbs on her cheeks with his hand as she put another biscuits into her mouth.
“My friend ruined my book first, dada.” She wept the back of her hand against her cheeks and Charles immediately leaned in to stole a peck on her cheek. She looked like a little chipmunk, he couldn’t not kiss those little face.
“What else did your friend did, baby?”
“She threw my book away and I was upset so I did bad things back to her. But I said sorry to her.” Charles’s heart was swollen with guilt when he saw her little pout.
“Next time, don’t do that to others. Just let daddy knows if someone’s being mean to you, okay? Are we good now, baby?”
“I think so.” She wiped off her hands once she was done eating and grinned. “I finished!”
“Can daddy get a hug?” She pushed her little chair back to move closer to her dad and wrapped her arms around his neck. Charles stood up with her in his arms and began attacking her face with kisses, making her laughed.
“Oh? You guys are back to best friends now, I see.”
“Mama!” She ducked down and pecked on your cheek as Charles pulled you closer by his freehand.
“You got crumbs all over your face, darling. Did daddy say sorry already?” You brushed off the leftover crumbs on her face and fixed her bangs.
“Yeah, dada said sorry to me.”
“Dada owe you an ice cream date, right, baby?” You poked on his waist, causing him to twitch.
“I want chocolate ice cream!” She squealed with exhilaration, causing both you and Charles to chortle.
“Can mommy come too?”
Charles shook his head immediately and turned your daughter away. “Mommy can’t come. It’s only for us, right?”
“That’s mean!” You scowled and slapped on his arm.
✧.* tags! @i83andrew @cltrlne @karmabyfernando @ohthemisssery @ru-kru @tastebaldwin @aundercover
please let me know if you would like to be removed or added in the tag list!
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le-velo-pour-dru · 10 months
I know you said send anon hate… but you are too wonderful of a human, I can’t imagine doing such a thing!!
keep on being awesome!
YOU ARE SO SWEEEEEEEET AAAAAAAAAAAA 🥺🩷 That is such a nice thing to say, thank you anon, I love you /p 😭🫶
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mountsmase · 7 months
a/n: hii 🫶🏻 this is a concept that I love and we’ve always spoken about it so I thought it was about time I turned it into a fic 🤭 i also just wanted to say a quick thank you to all of you on anon who send in these concepts because you gave me so many amazing ideas for this fic and I love doing concept nights with you all 🥹 I’m so proud of this fic so I hope you enjoy it 🩷 feedback is appreciated as always 😚
word count: 4.3k
genre: pure fluff
Coming Home to You - MM7
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Relief floods over you as you step into the warmth of your Manchester home, the front door clicking closed behind you as slip off your shoes and drop your bags by the door.
After a busy few days, down in London for work, you’ve never felt more relived to be back home. The 4 hour drive home having done nothing to alleviate the exhaustion taking over your body.
You love your job, it’s so rewarding and comes with some amazing experiences, and honestly, you couldn’t imagine yourself doing anything else. But, that doesn’t mean it comes without downsides and challenges. The long hours and the time away from home can be exhausting, and it’s times like these where you want nothing more than to snuggle up in bed, let your duvet engulf you, and sleep for days.
You let out a tired sigh, willing yourself to relax a little as you shrug off your coat and hang it by the door, making the decision to deal with your bags later.
The water is just starting to boil when Mason hears the front door open and close from where he is in the kitchen. After an earlier than expected finish at training, he headed straight home to tidy the house and get started on dinner. He knew you’d be tired and a little worn out when you got home, so he wanted everything sorted for you to get in and have a nice relaxing evening without having to worry about a thing.
He tuns the hob off and makes his way through to the hallway to great you, stopping in the doorway to watch as you pull off your coat and hang it up on the rack by the door.
A shriek leaves your lips when you turn and notice him standing there and he can’t help but chuckle at the surprised look on your face.
You weren’t expecting him home so soon, he was due to be at training for at least another hour, and in your rush to get inside and out of the rain, you hadn’t even noticed his car parked on the driveway.
You can feel your face light up at the sight of him, dressed all cozy in his dark green hoodie and black joggers and you can’t even give yourself time to wonder why he’s back so soon as he beelines for you, arms wrapping around you in a warm hug.
Your own arms wrap around his waist tightly, your face finding home in his neck and you nuzzle into his skin. You breath him in, the smell of his aftershave mixing with hints of his natural scent calming you instantly.
For a few minuets, you just stand there, basking in his warmth and enjoying the familiarity that he brings you. And, as time passes, you feel your self sinking further and further into his embrace, moving away seeming impossible and extremely unappealing.
You assume he’s feeling the same way as he tightens his grip around you and scoops you up, your legs instinctively wrapping around his waist as he carries you through to the kitchen and places you down on the counter.
“Hi sweetheart” he says, unwrapping himself from you and placing a kiss to your forehead.
“Hey, Masey” you reply, getting comfy on the counter as you watch him move around the kitchen.
“What’s all this?” You wonder aloud, spotting the pans on the stove and multiple ingredients lining the counters. “And how come you’re home so early?”
“Dinner, and just finished training a little earlier than expected because of the whether” he tells you, motioning to the window where you can see the poring rain through the glass.
You nod absentmindedly, relived to know that he’s not home early due to more issues with his recent injury, and also happy that you don’t have to worry about the cooking tonight.
If you were in charge of dinner tonight, you’d most likely end up ordering a takeaway. But, a home cooked meal definitely sounds more appealing right now.
“How was the drive?” He asks, adding the pasta to the boiling water before coming to stand in front of you.
Spreading your legs apart, he steps in between them, one hand landing on your thigh whilst the other reaches up and tucks a stand of loose hair behind your ear. You send him the softest smile you can manage, knowing just how much he dislikes and worries about you having to do that long drive so frequently.
“It was fine, boring as always but I’m just happy to be home now” leaning forward, you nudge your nose against his in a silent reassurance that you’re in one piece and happy to be home with him.
Your little moment is interrupted when your tummy rumbles loudly, the two of you giggling together as he steps back and continues cooking dinner.
“Sorry, I’m starving”
“Good job chef Mase is nearly finished making dinner then” He says, earning a very unserious eye roll from you as he adds a few more ingredients to the pan and finishes making dinner for the two of you.
You sit and eat together at the kitchen island, chatting about anything and everything and he can’t help but worry as he spots you shuffling around uncomfortably, your hand coming up and holding the side of your neck as you wince quietly.
“You okay?” He asks, the look on his face matching the concern in his voice.
“Yeah, just a little achy from the drive but I’m fine” you reassure him, still trying to get comfy and he just nods, wanting to ask more but reluctantly opting not to.
He knows you’re likely to try and brush it off as nothing, so he wouldn’t get an accurate answer from you, and that’s exactly what you were planning on doing. You wouldn’t want him to worry about something that’s probably just a little tension from the drive and you’re grateful when he doesn’t ask any more questions. But, you forget that he knows you almost as well as you know yourself, sometimes even better, so despite your seemingly reassuring answer, he’s still worrying as you finish up dinner.
You offer to help him tidy up but he doesn’t let you, not wanting to aggravate what ever it is that’s bothering you so you reluctantly sit back and watch as he loads up the dishwasher and tidies up the kitchen.
“C’mere” he whispers, helping you down from the stool once he’s finished putting everything away.
He pulls you into him, body flush against yours as he wraps his arms around your shoulders, your own snaking around his waist as you rest your cheek against his chest and melt into him.
“How about a bath and an early night?” He suggests, resting his head on top of yours.
He places a kiss to your forehead when he feels you nodding, tightening his arms around you when you try and step away, keeping you against his chest.
“Not so fast” he mumbles, tilting your chin up with his index finger and leaning down to claim your lips with his.
You kiss him back, a satisfied hum leaving you at the familiar feeling of his lips back on yours and you can feel the butterflies raging in your tummy.
Kissing him has always been one of your favourite things. His lips are always so soft and gentle and you feel yourself melting into him as he parts yours slightly, his tongue slipping inside and gliding against your own. Your hand moves up to his shoulder and squeezes gently, his arm tightening around your waist. His other comes up, hand framing your jaw and he brushes the pad of his thumb over the apple of your cheek as he continues to work his lips against yours.
He keeps the kiss fairly light, pulling away after a few moments to look at you, and the soft smile he sends you has your heart soaring.
“Come on,” he nudges his head towards the hallway, untangling himself from you and allowing you to walk ahead of him as you head towards the stairs, turning off all the lights as you go.
You stop short, bending down to grab your bags, but you’re brought to a halt when Mason comes up behind you.
“Let me get those” He utters, hand brushing over your hip as he steps past you and scoops the bags up himself.
You mutter a quiet ‘thank you’, sending him a grateful smile before scaling the stairs and heading straight into your shared bedroom.
You begin removing your jewellery whilst he goes into the en-suite, starting the bath and making sure the water is the perfect temperature before adding some of your bubbles and bath salts. He rummages around for some clean towels, laying them over the heated towel rail to warm them up and adds a few finishing touches to the room.
You see him re-enter the bedroom in the reflection of the mirror and he disappears into your walk-in wardrobe, re-emerging with some PJs for the both of you before coming up behind you. He leans around and places a delicate kiss to your cheek, sending you a smile in the reflection before leading you into the en-suite.
The water is still running when you follow him into the bathroom, piles of bubbles foaming on the surface and you can already smell your favourite combination of bubble bath and bath salts. There’s a few candles lit and scattered along the edge of the tub and counter tops, the main lights dimmed, causing the room to become enveloped in a soft, golden hue.
You get to work removing your makeup and he reaches over, checking the temperature of the bath before turning the taps off. Taking the pile of PJs he brought in, he makes some space on the heated towel rails, hanging some of your Christmassy PJ bottoms and one of his shirts on the rack before coming back over to you.
“Ready, bubs?” He asks, hands coming around your waist as he looks at you through the reflection in the mirror.
Sending him a smile, you nod, reaching to lift your t-shirt off and he gives you a hand, pulling the material over your head and discarding it into the laundry bin before helping you remove your leggings and underwear.
You catch him looking at you, his eyes shining with an emotion that you can only describe as adoration as they scan over your body, simply taking a moment to admire you before holding his hand out for you to take.
Helping you climb into the bath, he watches as you lower yourself into the warm water, stepping back and undressing himself so that he can join you.
You can’t help but watch as he pulls his hoodie over his head, his perfectly toned body and the tattoos that you adore so much making it hard for you to look away.
“Like what you see?” He teases, catching your staring, and he smirks when your eyes snap up to his, a deep blush covering your cheeks.
“Shut up” you mumble, voice quiet and he smiles, loving that he can still make you shy after so long together.
“But, for the record, yes. Yes I do” you add, and it’s his turn to blush as he steps into the bath behind you.
You shuffle forward, giving him room to slide in behind you and you settle back against his chest. His arms circle your waist, hands landing on your tummy where he traces random figures against your skin and you let your self sink into his embrace. Relaxing fully for the first time in what feels like weeks.
Your head falls back against his shoulder and you tilt it slightly so that you can look up at him. You meet his warm gaze, a soft smile sweeping over his lips before he leans down and touches them to yours.
He keeps the kiss slow and perfectly soft, only breaking apart when you separate to take a breath, and he takes the opportunity to brush his lips over your cheek, trailing kisses down your neck and along your shoulder. He kisses any inch of skin that he can reach, revelling in the giggles that leave your lips when his stubble tickles your delicate skin. His fingers continue tracing over your tummy as you lay there in complete bliss, all thoughts of work leaving your mind until all that’s left is him.
“Sit forward, my love” he requests, speaking softly as to not break the peaceful atmosphere. You do as he asks, sitting up and shuffling forward to allow him more space behind you.
He reaches over and grabs your body wash from the edge of the tub, squeezing a generous amount into his palm before lathering it up. His hands find your shoulders, massaging the soapy suds over your back and down your arms before rinsing them off. You think he’s finished, wanting to grab the bottle and return the favour but he takes it from your hand, placing it back down before finding your shoulders again.
His thumbs work over your skin in firm circles, fingers working to ease the tension in your back and he pays special attention to the spots that gain the most reaction from you. Soft hums leave your lips and you have to stop yourself from melting into him, the feeling of his hands working over your skin relaxing you and making you feel like you’re in heaven.
He doesn’t stop until he’s content he’s gotten rid of all the knots and tension, double checking with you that you’re no longer feeling any discomfort before scattering kisses along your skin and pulling you back to lay against his chest again.
You stay in the bath for quite a while longer, relaxing together in a comfortable silence until the water begins going cold and you decide it’s time to get out and start getting ready for bed.
Climbing out of the bath before you, he wraps a towel around his waist and takes yours off the heated towel rail, holding it open for you as you step out of the tub. The warm fabric engulfs you as you step towards him, his hands working to wrap the towel around you as he pulls you into his chest.
“How’s your back feeling, angel?” He asks, placing a kiss to the top of your head.
“So much better, thank you.” You lean up, placing a quick kiss to his his lips.
“You’re welcome, baby. Just let me know if it starts hurting again, yeah?” He says, more telling you to than asking, and as much as you don’t want him worrying about it, your heart warms at how attentive and caring he’s being towards you.
“I will, Mase. Seriously though, it does feel so much better already, thank you.” You roll your shoulders, still feeling a tiny bit of discomfort but it’s miles better than the pain you were in earlier.
Stepping back, he takes your towel from you, helping you dry off and change into your candy cane printed PJ bottoms and one of his t-shirts before getting himself dry and into a pair of boxers and his matching bottoms.
“Do some skin care with me?” You give him your best puppy dog eyes as you hop onto the counter next to the sink, knowing it’s impossible for him to say no to them.
“Sure, bubs” he says, sounding defeated, but you know deep down that he loves doing your skincare with you. He most likely would of ended up doing it with you even if you hadn’t asked.
You push his hair back with one of your headbands, unable to hold in your giggles at the sight of him with his hair pushed back, all messy and sticking in every direction.
“Oi, don’t laugh at me, I don’t have to do this with you, you know?” He teases, threatening to take the band of and you scramble to stop him, pulling his hands down and turning serious.
“No! No, sorry. You just look so adorable, it’s cute” A blush covers his cheeks at your words, his skin that’s already reddened from the heat of the bath turning even more flushed and it spreads over the bridge of his nose. You can’t help but lean in and brush a kiss to the patch of skin there.
Leaning over, you pull all of your different products out of the drawer - ‘potions’ as Mase likes to call them - and line them up on the counter ready to use. You run through your routine, using cleansers and moisturising before moving on to serums.
“What are we going for today? Hydrating? Brightening maybe? Or what about anti-aging?” You ponder out loud, adding the last part on as a joke and his reaction has you giggling, just not in the way you anticipated.
“Anti-aging?” He asks, a faux look of offence on his face but it quickly changes to one of amusement. His hands find your waist, sliding under the t-shirt as his fingers tickle over your skin and he quickly has you thrashing around, trying to escape his hold.
“S-sorry! It was a joke! Mase!” you say through giggles, aimlessly trying to grab at his hands.
“You think I need to use anti-aging stuff?” He stops his actions and you take a moment to catch your breath, worried that he actually took offence to what you were joking about, but the cheeky smile on his face tells you that he’s still messing around.
“Of course not, I mean, it’s always good to use it but you’ve got better skin than I have most of the time anyway” you reassure him, twisting the cap off of one of your serums before squeezing a few drops into your hand and massaging it into his skin.
He takes a moment to admire you as you do so. Watching the look of pure concentration on your face as you work whatever product you’re using into his skin.
He loves these little moments with you. Moments where you feel like the only two people in the world, moments where he gets to have you all to himself without any distractions or worries.
His eyes scan over your face, taking in your bare skin and all of your what you like to call ‘imperfections’. Little things that you always seem to complain about, but he loves. They make you, you, and you’re perfect to him. In his eyes, you’re the most beautiful girl in the whole damn world, and he wouldn’t ever want to change a single part of you.
“You’re so beautiful, angel” he whispers, speaking his mind, and you shy away from his gaze, bringing your hands up to cover your flaming cheeks.
Compliments are something you rarely received in your past relationships, but that’s something that quickly changed when you met Mason. He always wants you to know just how much he appreciates and admires you, and even after a couple of years together, you don’t think you’ll ever be used to how often he says those types of things to you. His words making you feel special and wanted in a way you never felt before meeting him.
His hands land on your hips, squeezing gently through the material of your PJ bottoms and you sneak a glance at him through your fingers, finding him already looking at you with the softest of smiles grazing his lips.
“Don’t hide from me, bubba” he gently wraps his hands around your wrists, tugging them away before nudging your chin up with the tip of his finger.
His eyes lock onto yours once again and you swear you can see every emotion thats swirling through them, the deep shades of chocolatey brown shining with so much love and adoration that you can’t quite believe it’s for you.
Warmth rushes through you when he steps forward, his hand coming up to cradle your jaw. His thumb brushes over the skin of your cheek and you sink in to his touch, eyes fluttering closed when he rests his forehead against yours and, for a few minuets, you just enjoy his touch and the peaceful moment together.
You’ve always heard people saying that home isn’t a place, but a person. And, until you met Mason, you didn’t think that could ever be true. But they’re right. He is your home, your safe space, someone you know you can always count on and trust. From the minuet he walked into your life he’s brought you so much happiness and light and honestly, you can’t even remember what life was like before him. He’s your rock, your person, and after a week of work like the one you’ve just had, there is no one else you’d rather come home to. You thank your lucky stars every single day for bringing him into your life.
You reluctantly pull away, suddenly filled with an overwhelming amount of love for him. Your lips place a kiss to the reddened skin on the bridge of his nose before trailing across his cheek and landing on his own. His hand moves around to the back of your neck, holding you to him as his lips move against yours.
The kiss is kept gentle, your lips working against each others slowly as neither of you really having the energy to go any further, but it’s filled with so much emotion and conveys your feelings perfectly.
“I love you so much, you know that?” you whisper against his lips, giggling to yourself as you pull away to catch your breath.
“You might of mentioned it a couple of times,” he responds, chuckling when he catches you rolling your eyes.
“But, I love you too, more than you’ll ever know” he turns serious, catching your gaze, wanting you to understand just how much he means it.
You nod, sending him a tired smile before taking his outstretched hand and jumping down off the counter so that you can brush your teeth.
He holds your shoulders carefully and turns you around so that you’re facing the mirror. Reaching around you, he takes your hair brush and a scrunchie from the draw before working to untie your hair from the bun it’s currently in. He brushes through your tangled ends, being careful not to tug too much and cause you any pain before separating your hair into three sections and doing his best to plait it for you.
“You’re becoming a pro at that” You say absentmindedly, watching through the mirror as he ties the scrunchie around the end of the neat braid.
“I know, I learn from the best” his eyes are twinkling when he sends you a cheeky smile through the reflection, “Summer is the best teacher” he adds, emphasising the fact that he didn’t say you and you jab him with your elbow, the two of you laughing together but you’re stopped short when you begin yawning.
“C’mon, let’s get you into bed, bubba” he chuckles, placing a quick kiss to the top of your head before guiding you out of the en-suit.
He helps you climb under the duvet, tucking you into the warm sheets and making sure you’re comfy before he stands again. He goes to leave the room, but he doesn’t get far, your hand reaching for his as soon as you realise he’s leaving.
“Where’re you going?” you pout, already battling against sleep.
“Just getting some waters from downstairs, I’ll be as quick as I can”, he tells you, but your grip on his hand doesn’t budge.
“Promise?” You whisper, his heart soaring at your tired eyes and pouty lips and he smiles to himself, loving how clingy you become when you’re sleepy.
“Promise, bubba” He squeezes your hand when he feels you loosen your grip, letting you know that he’ll be as quick as he can before heading out of the room.
You’re almost asleep when he re-enters the bedroom and climbs straight under the covers next to you. He leans over to grab the remote from the bedside table and turns the TV on, flicking through a few channels before deciding on Disney+ and you giggle when he selects Ratatouille. The familiar Pixar lamp bounces across the screen as he turns the volume down a little and puts the remote to the side.
He switches off the lamp off and gets himself comfy, laying on his back and opening his arms for you. Shuffling into them without hesitation, you snuggle up to his side and rest your head against his bare chest, the calming beat of his heart right underneath your cheek.
His hand finds its way under your (his) t-shirt, fingers tickling over your back and you snuggle even closer, tilting your head up so that you can look at him.
“Thanks for tonight, Mase” you hum, looking up at him through your lashes.
“You don’t need to thank me, bubs. You’d do the same thing for me and it’s only right my girl gets princess treatment after kicking butt at work all week” he grins, leaning down to kiss you and it’s calm and soft when his lips touch yours.
“I get princess treatment from you everyday” you say, head dropping into the same place as before and you sleepily nestle into him.
“As you should” he mumbles, fingers continuing their patterns on the skin of your back.
You lay there for a while, eyes growing heavy as you try and focus on the TV but the beat of his heart combined with his soft touches makes it hard for you to stay awake any longer.
“I miss this when I’m away” you stifle a yawn, snuggling even further into him as you finally give in and let your eyes fall closed.
“Me too” he leaves a lingering kiss to your forehead, “Now, get some sleep pretty girl. I love you”
“I love you too, Mase. Night.” You manage to get out before he feels your body go heavy against his, sleep finally taking over you as you snooze in his arms.
a/n: I hoped you enjoyed! feedback would be really appreciated 🫶🏻🩷
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fallenneziah · 2 months
If you are excepting requests? May I request a ghost x reader where he sees reader working out and at first he thinks she’s doing it because she wants( he lowkey doesnt want her to lose the weight, 🩷he likes her chubby :((( )but then she just stops eating and doing things she normally does because she’s insecure and he just comforts her. kinda long but only if u wanna do it🫶🏼🫶🏼 feel free to change some thingsss
Aww, thank you anon. Requests are open, I'll happily write for you guys (please send me stuff 😅😂)
Beauty standards.
Cw: unhealthy weight loss, unhealthy coping mechanisms, eating disorder (in standard), Ghost taking care of you. Just fluffy.
Ghost is absolutely enamored by you. As a 6'4 man with muscles for miles, he absolutely adores you to be somewhat opposite of him.
There's just something about your soft tummy and despite how much you workout and how strong you get you never lose that soft plush to your skin that makes him want to pick you up and cradle you for hours.
There was something about your warm thighs. He loved holding them. He loved when you sat on his lap and he could pull your thighs in and squeeze the soft skin in his calloused hand.
What he would give to feel your tummy in his hands, sleeping with his head on your chest and your hands on his skin.
Your body is everything to him. He would love it, kiss it, and worship it every day. He just thinks you're absolutely beautiful.
But lately you haven't been feeling as excited about your body as he is. You'd promised yourself you would stop going on Instagram just to split compare yourself so much to the obvious filtered oblivion that were the supposed supermodels. And you promised you wouldn't let any of it get to you.
You were chubby, and sometimes being labelled as simply cute hit a little nerve inside you. Especially in military.
Slowly falling back down that hole. First staring to with a random weight suggestion board that had been cycling around. You decided to try it, and soon exercise took up a huge chunk of your day. More than it usually did.
Grabbing a half a bite of breakfast to leave for your ass crack of dawn morning run followed up by the crazy workout routine you'd been suggested.
At first Simon commented on the stride and how he was impressed you were stepping up. Under the impression you were taking care of your body's needs.
But it only got worse. Until you felt no change in the workout routine and simply decided you would just stop eating.
You had to get thinner somehow and you wouldn't stop until you could confidently post a picture looking like one of the Karcrashions.
You skipped out on meals and simply gave the excuse of being tired and that you'd get food later. But this only flew for so long. How you thought you'd get away with it with the others let alone your own boyfriend was a wonder.
Once again, laying in your bed after rejecting dinner, hearing the door open. You recognized the heavy footsteps as he approached, kneeling onto the bed.
"Hey Simon..."
Simon hummed, his arms wrapping around you, pushing the blanket back and laying down behind you, kissing your neck.
"Tell me what's wrong." He whispers, pressing another soft kiss behind your ear.
"I'm fine baby, I'm just not feeling hungry."
Simon kisses your nape again. "You're never hungry anymore..."
"Just on a new diet..." You mumbled, wanting to tell him and wanting to hide at the same time. Simon squeezed you gently, his hand splaying across your stomach. His kisses slowly stop and he lays his head there, just listening.
The moment of silence passed before you finally managed out. "I feel Hideous..."
Simon shifts slowly. "Why? What makes you feel... Hideous."
You roll onto your back, giving him a firm look. "You know exactly what. Look at me... No matter what I do I can't get rid of this stupid fat!"
Simon remained silent, nodding a little. His heart sank. Simon understood what it meant to hate yourself. He still remembers the time when he felt like he would rather die than live in his body.
But he loved your body. He could never see you as hideous.
"What? You mean your stomach?" He gently rubbed the plump area. You scoffed though. "It's everything. My thighs, my arms, my stomach..."
Simon looked you up and down, effortlessly lifting you up. He kneeled in front of you, gently wiping a tear before it could fall far.
"Fuck what anyone else says. Fuck it." He leans forward, wrapping his arms around your waist and gently kissing your thighs.
"I love every inch of you." He whispered. "The world can burn before I give one fuck about what they say about you."
You sniffled and grimaced. "I hate it... I wish I was skinny."
Simon looked up at you. "Sweetheart, you're beautiful. You're perfectly healthy. What woman wants a bloke with abs and no fluff. Like sleeping on a goddamn xylophone." He gently kissed your stomach, holding your thighs.
"Everyone likes a little bit of fluff."
"I know I do."
He stood and swept you up again, making you gasp and grip onto him, legs curling around him. He played back down on the bed and postures you on top of him.
"No woman's stomach is completely flat, thigh gap? I couldn't give less of a fuck. All I care about is that you're still healthy, and ultimately, you're happy."
Your eyes brimmed with more tears, sniffling. "You don't... Think I'm ugly?"
Simon leaned up, sliding you down into his lap. He wrapped your legs around his torso and kissed you softly. "Not a day since I met you."
A lot of times, seeing your body in a positive light is a hard thing. Even with people around you who encouraged your proportions. Simon knew this. He knew he could help, he could love you and reassure you that he wasn't here just because of your body.
He loves his fluffy princess 😊.
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marlenesluv · 9 months
heyy wife its ur southern girl anon <3. what about charles x university of florida cheerleader (lets go gators)
Welcome to The Swamp. (CL)
awe, hii!! <3 i love this idea! i decided to skip the whole launch and jump into just some cute and sweet posts. (this took a bit longer than i expected, agh)
fc: rylee nicole
warnings: j a bit of cussing
masterlist here -> masterlist link
^ check my list for all posts! ^
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liked by: charles_leclerc, francisca.cgomes, and 560,246 others
y/n.user: post cheer -> jet for race (my jet lag is real)
view comments…
yourcheerbsf: the post-cheer glow you get??😩
|> y/n.user: you get it too, babes🫶
fanpage.char: the pic of charles omggg, the glassess
|> user5: they take the cutest pics of each other fr
f1wags: you both look so good, AHHHHH. life is not fair
lilymhe: you look so pretty in blueee
|> y/n.user: ty lily🥹
|> charles_leclerc: but you look even prettier in red ☺️❤️
|> y/n.user: you’re so right, love
danielricciardo: did you guys win the game?
|> y/n.user: yes
|> danielricciardo: DRINKS ON ME TN🦅🇺🇸
|> y/n.user: WOOHOO RAHHH
user19: charles looks like a hot mister peabody
|> user8: HELP HE DOES
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liked by: y/n.user, pierregasly, and 863,205 others
charles_leclerc: my gorgeous gorgeous girl before the race <3
view comments…
carlossainz55: what is the second one?
|> charles_leclerc: selfie
|> carlossainz55: hm interesting
y/n.user: awww char🥹❤️
|> charles_leclerc: ❤️❤️
f1.edits: i’m so editing them rn. everyone shut up
wagsoff1: our miss y/n is slaying in monaco 😮‍💨
|> user02: something about monaco makes everyone glow a little bit more
charles.fp: charles, we love you, but your gf is hotter
user10: okayyyy, you guys ate
y/n.4ever: does y/n listen to girl in red?
|> y/nsfans: FRRRRR like pls? why is my cheer mom dating a man that makes cars go vroom vroom
|> y/n.4ever: mhmm! i mean, i can go vroom in my kia…
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liked by: danielricciardo, charles_leclerc, and 565,293 others
y/n.user: my winner in monaco 🇲🇨 congratulations, babe, you deserve it❤️ (plus the one daniel and char took on my phone at dinner…)
view comments…
danielricciardo: i talked to charles. i want to go to your next game with you guys PLEASEEE
|> landonorris: i wanna goooo tooooooooo
|> y/n.user: fine, i’ll get tickets
charles_leclerc: thank you, ma cherié❤️je t’aime
|> y/n.user: je t’aime❤️
|> user20: im sobbing this is so sweet
gatorsfann1: my cheerleader is out with f1 drivers?
|> f1fanpage: she’s dating charles… PLS NABAHA
|> gatorafann1: since when?
|> f1fanpage: it’s been over a year😭
|> gatorsfann1: oh. they’re cute LOL
|> f1fanpage: SO TRUE
carlossainz55: deserved p1 ✊
|> charles_leclerc: no you didn’t, mate. i did, and i got it 🙄🤥
|> carlossainz55: i meant that you deserved p1. asshole
|> charles_leclerc: oh. well thanks ☺️
|> carlossainz55: yeah you’re welcome whatever 🙄
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liked by: y/n.user, gatorscheer, and 881,903 others
charles_leclerc: front row seats to the swamps best cheerleader ☺️❤️
view comments…
gatorscheer: a little offended, but we get it
|> ferrarifriends: LMAOOO omggg
y/n.user: you really are a cheerleaders best cheerleader ❤️
|> charles_leclerc: only for you🫶
danielricciardo: this was an experience i didn’t know i needed, but i did need it 🐊
*liked by y/n.user*
swampfp: when i saw charles. daniel, and lando on the tv, i flipped my shit. so glad y/n brought you guys
y/n.fanpage: our cheerleader is looking so cheery and cute
landonorris: i wanna go again
|> oscarpiastri: i wanna go too
|> y/n.user: maybe i should just reserve a bunch of seats💀
|> georgerussell63: yes, yes you should
francisca.cgomes: pierre, y/n said she’ll get us tickets next home game😁🩷
|> pierregasly: okay🩷☺️ can’t wait, thx y/n!!
|> y/n.user: no problem! :)
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liked by: charles_leclerc, kellypiquet, and 623,035 others
y/n.user: char got us a dog?? meet, chomp🥹
view comments…
lilymhe: stop. chomp is a sweetheart. i wanna give him a big ‘ole hug🥹
|> y/n.user: you can meet him this week when you guys come over 🤗
|> alex_albon: oh boy. she’s gonna want a dog
ahs.edits: you got a dog. i needed you, and YOU GOT A DOG
*liked by creator*
charles_leclerc: chomp is our best boy🥹🐶
|> y/n.user: yes he is🥹
francisca.cgomes: chomp is so adorablee
|> y/n.user: ikr🥹
y/n.char.fp: they got a dog together?? bye, j get married
|> charles.fanpage: lit-er-ally ✊
|> y/n.char.fp: like, we know charles is gonna propose. its just a matter of when
landonorris: chomp looks like he’s gonna chomp my arm
|> y/n.user: 🤷‍♀️
|> landonorris: WDYM 🤷
|> y/n.user: if chomp likes you, then you’ll be fine
|> landonorris: what if he doesn’t like me⁉️⁉️
|> y/n.user: …..🤷‍♀️😬
(reposts, comments, and likes are appreciated!^-^)
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dwindlinghaze · 11 months
HIII YOU’RE SO AWESOME! I was wondering if I could request a extroverted introvert!fem reader x introverted!Remus, where she is introverted and very sunshiny in public and remus is grumpy but he’s literally madly in love with her? like sarcastic, confident Remus is with this like bubbly and giggly girl and just a cutesie little story about them?
I hope this isn’t too much!
-Anon 🫶🫶
hi, lovelyy! thank you for requesting this! i loved the idea a lot and i hope you don't mind me writing r as girly and feminine :) 🫖👛🫧🪽🎀
sunshine and midnight rain
(remus lupin x reader)
contents : fluff, kissing, sweethearts in the sweetest love 😭🩷
  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
when he first saw you walking this morning with the brightest smile ever, he wanted to hold you and forget about everything in schedule today.
he saw you waving to a ravenclaw, blowing the girl a kiss as the two of you laughed. it was so adorable and heart warming. he couldn't believe it.
you plopped down next to him, greeting your boyfriend a good morning.
"morning, angel," he replied, kissing your head with a gentle yet firm pressure.
"how'd you sleep last night?" you asked, rubbing his cheeks softly.
"um good," he replied shortly. "would be better if you were with me but i'll survive," he smiled.
"oh rem, you can always ask me to be with you whenever you want okay?"
"i know, lovie," he replied, kissing you once more on your soft cheek.
when you two first started dating, it was a huge shock to the friend group. you two were the absolute opposite of each other and maybe that's why you two completed each other so well.
remus needs rays of golden sunshine, a beautiful princess-like girl whose heart is veiled with fresh daisies and soft hands to keep himself grounded while you needed those midnight rains to keep your flower field of your heart blooming continuously.
he remembered the first date you two had was on the most whimsical day ever. he laid out a picnic date for the two of you in the middle of a field of wild flowers.
when he saw you walking in from the door, his eyes were met with fleecy skin, sparkly eyes, light pink clothes, and a pure heart to tie them all together.
he couldn't believe it. such a dreamy girl wanted to be on a date with him!
he felt special. lucky. and best.
"you're absolutely stunning," he mumbled in awe as he saw you sitting down next to him, your soft skirt calmly hovering above his leg.
"remus, so are you," you said, smiling at him with a smile so sugary.
remus realised how quiet you were being. but he knew that he's not the cause of it. you were calm and peaceful, enjoying the soft winds surrounding you two.
"i made some food for us both, i hope you're hungry," he said, putting a good amount of food on to the plate he brought.
"mmm looks tasty," you beamed. "you must be a very good cook."
"i try," he smiled weakly. "i hope it isn't too bad, sorry if it is."
you took a portion of it, placing it on your mouth as you hummed in contentment. "it's delicious! do you cook a lot?" you asked.
"i help my mom sometimes, yeah," he blushed, squeezing your soft knuckles.
"oh that's so sweet of you!" you giggled.
he loves you. so very much. he has been looking for you since he first heard his mother reading a romance fairytale when he was a child.
of course he wasn't thinking of you at that very moment. but he was hoping to have a lovely fairytale, he's glad his hope was fulfilled by meeting you.
he knew at the first moment he landed eyes on you, you will wrap his fragile heart in the most precious and endless love. he wasn't mad about it, he knew he will always have you by his side and he can rely on you whenever.
despite his rough and grumpy exterior, inside his heart was painted with your colours of pearls: pale white, pink, and softly glowing.
his friends teased him about it.
"how can she make you so soft and puddly? you're like a stone with us," sirius groaned. they're best of friends. remus is familiar with sirius' hyperbole jokes.
remus didn't reply, he kept on reading.
"moony, what do you call a dark house with pink interior?" sirius asked, one of his jokes.
"hmm?" remus replied, unamused.
"a remus!" sirius roared with laughter, james laughing along as he patted sirius' back for his horrible joke.
usually after a full moon, remus wouldn't even break a smile. he physically couldn't. but ever since you're his, he smiled whenever you visited him at the infirmary.
even james told you about it. "our grumpy remus smiles more often now that he met you," said the boy when you returned from the hospital wing to eat breakfast.
"really?" your heart warmed. you loved making people smile. it felt like you had accomplished something so special. although it's not a hard thing for people to do when you're around.
"yup. he usually sulks around the room after his furry little problem but now he looks... healthier and more alive somehow," sirius said.
"i'm so glad. i think he deserves the best of the best."
at first remus' friends were hesitant about your relationship, afraid that remus' cold demeanour would gloom down your shine but it never did. if anything your shine had brightened him up.
his friends were grateful and happy for remus. they know you're the perfect girl for him. a big part of loving someone else is to love yourself first. and you did that both so wonderfully.
remus isn't scared of you not accepting him for his lycanthropy. though he does have a fear of hurting you one day. that doesn't stop him from loving you and being open to you about himself.
he knew you're open minded. with your bold beliefs of equal rights in society. he wasn't scared. he wasn't in pain. after all the awful things the universe had given him, a lovely sweet girl is there, making the life he has bearable again.
the first night after he told you about his lycanthropy, you wanted to stay for him. but he insisted on you to not to do that and meet him the next morning instead.
no, he wasn't embarrassed of his appearance right after the transformation. his scars don't heal overnight. he physically looked the same the night before and the morning after, except that he's more relaxed the next morning as for the slumber really helped.
he just doesn't want you to be tired. he wanted you to sleep well. having the rest an angel always needs. of course you wanted to be with him before and after. but you know better than to go against him during his weakest point.
you see him the next morning, bringing a bag of chocolates and croissants.
you placed the bag on the bedside table, reaching for his hand instead. he was still asleep, eyes fluttering cause he's dreaming. you caressed his rough and scarred fingers softly, humming a tune.
remus woke up in the most peaceful way ever. seeing you beside him, playing with his fingers. "morning, princess."
you looked over at him, smiling so big. "oh morning, my remus," his heart fluttered when he heard the nickname. he is yours. forever yours.
"you're here, darlin'."
"i am, i brought breakfast for you," you grabbed the bag of chocolate and croissants, opening them.
he sat up, reaching for the pastry but you pushed his hand away, making him frown in confusion. "i will do the work for you. you've been doing so much to me and i want to do this in return," you giggled. "sit back and relax."
"you don't have to," he said.
"i know. i would never do this to anyone except you."
remus smiled at that, opening his mouth to let you feed him. "you're such a doll. you're so good to me and sometimes i feel like i don't deserve this treatment... i'm not good enough."
"rem, don't worry about that," you smiled at him softly, wiping away the drop of chocolate on his chin. "you have to love and accept yourself. i'm here to be with you all along the journey. i want you to be good to your body, be good to yourself and never say such things like that. life becomes good when you love yourself."
"is your life good?" he asked.
"the best," you answered. "i've learned to be grateful for everything- 'cause i have everything," you chuckled, squeezing his knuckles. "maybe i'm not the ideal type of girl in every person''s eyes but i am my type of girl."
"you're everything i aspire to be," remus said, holding his hand over yours over his heart.
"i love you," you said.
"i love you, darlin', i won't ever stop," he smiled.
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Sleepover with Best Friend!Stray Kids
Warnings : food mention, that's it I think?
A/N : Thank you to anon for the request 🫶 I changed it a bit because I couldn't think of anything to write for them at a sleepover in text form, but I hope you still enjoy it 🥺 if not, don't be afraid to let me know and I'll try again 🩷 Also so sorry for taking so long to get the requests out. It was my dad's birthday today so we celebrated over the weekend.
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