#so stop letting speculation ruin your day !! take care of yourselves or so help me!!!!
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mouthstatickinard · 4 months ago
bonking you all with a cardboard tube. stop dooming over the clip. go do something nice for yourself rn and stop getting sad before we even know what happens next. this is mandatory btw, sorry i don’t make the rules
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jennifersylvesters · 6 years ago
75 and 76 with harrison/reader
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHOHOHO. OKAY. y’all choosing one of the trinity of tropes. i’m here for it. but the question is: can you handle it? answer: ya you probably can, and i’m being so dramatic. what else is new? same as the others - it’s both bullet points and blurbs ( i think this is longer than the last one?? oh god. i don’t wanna check. )
75. bed sharing / 76. did they or didn’t they?
For years you had been close friends with Harrison. You saw him around before the two of you actually met, but it wasn’t until your friend Lacey introduced the two of you that you got to know him. Almost instantly the two of you had a connection, quickly becoming friends. He was your “person”, your closest companion. The two of you texted one another daily, sharing funny stories or dumb photos. He was the person you called in the middle of the night, asking to kill a bug for you. (What’s nice was that he actually came over and did it, despite calling you dramatic.) You confided in him with just about everything. Well, everything except for the fact that you had a major crush on him. 
both of you are part of this tight knit group that always hangs out on the weekends with one another, usually partying at someone’s house or at a bar. to be honest, you preferred hanging out with friends because it meant there was less of a chance of you watching harrison flirt with random girls
but there’s one night where everyone’s partying at tony’s place. it’s getting pretty late that you decide that you’re just going to stay over and sleep in the guest room.
and that’s the thing about being part of the group; it wasn’t weird sleeping over unless someone made it weird
anyways you’re settling into the bed, getting comfortable when harrison peeks his head in
“You mind if I crash with you?” he requests noticing that it’s just you in the bed. “Remy took the couch, Sam called dibs on sharing Tony’s bed, Lacey’s taken the futon, and Tom’s passed out on the floor.”
“I’m sure Tom wouldn’t mind the company” you tell him sweetly. He rolls his eyes at your playful demeanor. 
“Hardy har har. C’mon. Please? You’d let your ‘person’ just sleep on the floor?” He juts out his bottom lip, shooting you the most adorable puppy look. You raise a hand, trying to cover his face. 
“You know I can’t resist you when you do that.” He hears this as a joke, but you’re being dead honest. That face would make you commit sins for him. 
so you gesture for him to come join you in the bed
it’s not like the two of you haven’t shared a bed before. in fact, you’ve done it multiple times. and every single time your heart leaps out of your chest, anxious about his presence being so close
but you keep reminding yourself “this isn’t weird unless you make it weird”
except it gets weird in the morning
tom comes bursting through your door the next morning like “rise and shine, bitches!” 
and then he makes a face, unable to process what he’s witnessing
which is harrison with his shirt off having his arms wrapped around you while you’re snuggled against his chest
so with wide eyes he backs out of the room slowly before gently closing the door. and then he takes a deep breath. then begins yelling “OH MY GOD I THINK HAZ AND Y/N DID IT LAST NIGHT” as he waves his arms and dashes through the house with the news
this obviously wakes the two of you up because why is tom so loud?? it’s way too early for this. you both kinda stumble out of bed before you realize that harrison is shirtless
when you point out he’s not wearing a top, he simply picks up his discarded shirt from the night before and slips it on. you can’t help but wish he was shirtless for a little longer because that was a view
and when the two of you leave the guest room, all your friends are standing outside like “did something happen??”
the two of you look at one another and in synch just shrug your shoulders
so now everyone’s speculating whether or not something happened. some people are sure the two of you did it because they’ve seen the way you look at harrison even though you insist the two of you are just friends. others are like “there’s no way that would happen. y/n would never ruin the friendship like that” which, true. but they don’t have to say it so bluntly
both of you play it coy just simply shrugging and making simple faces and gestures in response. this is driving your friend’s crazy, which is honestly kind of fun
and then the next day you guys are walking together out in the city
he mentions tom’s been bugging him about it, asking what actually happened. he laughs at how silly it sounds for everyone to be involved in this when nothing clearly happened. you’re not sure why, but it irks you that he’s laughing
“We can say we did” you suggest nervously. He looks at you, unsure of what to say. “I mean, I don’t care.” You do your best to sound nonchalant despite the multiple implications this would mean. “There are worst rumors people could spread about me.”
He remains quiet, glancing down at his shoes. Was this a bad idea? Probably. But it’s not like it’s harming anyone.
“I mean, it’ll be fun to see everyone’s reaction.” You try and keep this light and fun. If you prove that you’re game for just a funny joke, he’ll buy into it. “It’s really not a big deal.”
He hesitates. You can see him on the verge of shaking his head, but for some reason you want him to play along. You want to believe that the two of you are capable of something more, even if it’s simply a one night stand. “Really, I don’t mind” you add.
“A-Are you sure?” You nod in response, unaware of the consequences you now faced. 
so the two of pretend that you slept together just for kicks. because why not? it’s a fun joke. that’s what you keep telling yourself.
and both of you are pretending this whole sleeping together is not that big of a deal. people do it all the time. it’s sort of impressing your friends how you guys are acting mature, as if it doesn’t really mean too much
but the dynamic between the two of you has radically shifted
he’s a little more gentle with you, courteous with his actions. he’s checking in on you more than usual, more affectionate than normal. not that you’re complaining. 
but in turn you find yourself a little shyer around him. everything he does is so sweet that you’re not sure how to handle this
anyways there’s another outing and this time y’all crash at tom’s place since he’s decided to play host
tom’s like “y’all can sleep in the guest room again wink wonk. just please don’t soil my sheets too badly or i’m making you pay for the drycleaning” he’s such a div, but he thinks he’s hilarious
and the two of you are lowkey freaking out
you know you shouldn’t because nothing happened last time and nothing’s going to happen this time right??
both of you are hesitant of your every move, afraid it might be too much. at first when you get under the covers, you’re a bit nervous even though he is as well. it’s just the two of you under blankets for god’s sake, but it feels nerve-wracking 
he’s trying to play it cool, attempting to have a regular conversation with you. and honestly it helps a bit. you’re finally starting to relax around each other, starting to feel like things are going back to normal. you guys are leaning in to one another, smiling at your silly inside jokes 
harrison keeps scooting in closer to you, way closer than before. and you keep saying to yourself that he’s probably just cold or doesn’t wanna talk too loud. except you know what’s happening even if your brain is taking forever to process it
The next thing you know, his lips are grazing yours. He never kissed you before, not even on the cheek the way some of your guy friends palled around. This was special, a tender kiss that made your heart flutter. 
it starts to get a lil more forceful, your hands roaming through his hair, tugging on it while he’s getting handsy. and you’re so eager for this to finally happen that you help him slip out of his shirt and you’re kicking off your pants. 
and then the next thing you know he’s stopping and like “i, uh, i…sorry.” you’re confused because you thought that the two of you were enjoying yourselves, but he turned so quickly on you. he rolls towards the other side, scooting towards the edge of the mattress
“did i do something wrong?” you ask concerned. you touch his back and he stiffens. “no, it’s just…i can’t…i can’t do this right now” and you get the sinking feeling that you’ve ruined everything
so you turn to your side, trying to steady your breathing so that you won’t cry
the next week or so is agony because the two of you are both actively avoiding one another
you don’t text, you don’t hang out, and it feels like you’re not one another’s “person” anymore. the loneliness is eating at you, but you don’t know how to deal with this misery besides wallowing in it
saturday night swings around and it’s some dumb house party. you only go, deciding that you’ll only stay an hour
you’ve managed to find a secluded area where you won’t be too bothered and that’s when tony slides into the space next to you.“wassup y/n” he greets you but his smile fades when he sees you looking miserable
so he asks you what’s going on. you don’t want to explain, ashamed of what happened. but tony’s always been there for you and insists he won’t judge. so you decide to tell him everything. how nothing happened before. how you decided to play pretend. and how things got more intense. and now you’re at the point where you don’t know what to do about haz. tony’s like “oh.” because it’s a lot of information to process. he feels bad about the whole situation, and tries to convince you that you should just try and forget about it for tonight. “that’s not great advice, tony.” “sorry, i’m not good with this when i’m drunk”
so later you’re out on the patio and you’ve kinda decided that you’re gonna leave - this isn’t fun and you miss just having your friend being by your side. things just aren’t the same without harrison as your friend. 
You ignore the sound of the glass door sliding open, assuming it’s Tony come to convince you to stay. “I’m not telling Harrison” you announce, shaking your head. 
“Not telling me what?” You swivel around, surprised to see Harrison holding on to the door, curious about your words. 
“Not telling me what, Y/N?” he asks once more.
“It’s nothing.” You don’t want to discuss this with him, especially feeling as lousy as you do. You try to walk past him, but he’s in the way. “Please move” you request, but he doesn’t budge.
“You haven’t talked to me since last week. What’s going on?” he pleads, wanting to fix the relationship.
“Neither have you!” you exclaim. “You’ve been avoiding me!”
“That’s not true.”
“Yes, it is!”
It’s clear that Harrison isn’t going to agree with you anytime soon. 
“Please…Just tell me what’s going on.”
You feel so helpless around him. Frankly you’re sick of how pathetic you’re being. It was awful being in love with your friend, feeling that he would never understand how you cared for him in a different way than the rest. So you let honesty take the reigns, spilling out your emotions. 
“I liked you Harrison” you blurt out. “I’ve liked you for, like, forever! And I know you’d rather us just stay friends, but that’s not fair to me. And when you just rejected me like that the other night...It sucked! Like, it really sucked, Haz!” 
you don’t feel eloquent in the slightest and it’s so frustrating knowing you have all these emotions that can’t be properly explained. he’ll never understand how you fell in love so quickly with him and it’ll take three times as long to get over him. and honestly you’re still not sure you want to get over him
anyways he’s looking away from you and he mutters “i knew it was a bad idea”. it’s like a punch to the gut, but he continues. “i shouldn’t have gone along with your idea in the first place.” that hurts to hear, and you begin tearing up.
“i’m sorry the idea of sleeping with me is so disgusting” you choke out, trying not to cry. he looks up and sees your face, and immediately regrets what he said. 
“oh! y/n! that’s not what i meant! that’s not what i meant at all” he’s reaching out for you, but you slap away his hand because you don’t want pity. not now, not from him. 
he’s frustrated, tugging at his hair as he tries to figure out what to say. “i just didn’t want...i didn’t want that. i can’t sleep with you knowing that it’s just going to be part of another rumor. you deserve better than that. i just wanted...i wanted to be with you, but not that way.”
he’s not really making much sense and he can tell. he lets out an upset groan as he squats down trying to properly express himself. and when he looks up at you, still looking a bit distressed, he decides he just has to go for it
“i like you, y/n! obviously i like you!” you stop tearing up hearing this, caught off guard by the confession. “i just...i dunno! i’m bad at this! i didn’t wanna jeopardize the friendship if you didn’t feel the same way! you’re my “person” for god’s sake! and i’m sorry i hurt you. i am! god, i am so bad at this....christ, why am i so bad at this?”
you’re blinking back tears. “you like me?” “of course i like you. i’m pretty sure i’m in love with y-OOF” he’s not prepared for you to throw your arms around him, tacking him to the ground
You squeeze him tightly, so delighted to hear those magical words from him. Nothing about this was fake or a rumor; it was Harrison laying every truth on the line with you. “Say it again” you whispered in his ear. 
“I like you, Y/N.” You felt his arms wrap around you, pressing a kiss in your hair. “You’re my ‘person’. Forever and always.”
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squarehere · 8 years ago
Library AU - Snow Day - The Conclusion
Decision time!  Will they stay, or will they go home?
Five Minutes Prior...
“Reference Desk, may I help you?”
“Could you repeat that, please??”
Wei quickly lost interest in the Satomobile magazine Bolin left at the circulation desk.  He shot Kya a questioning look and mouthed what the fuck? to her.  She could only shrug in response.  Uh oh, this gonna go to shit, he thought.
“Um, Sir?  You need to be more specific.”
Her face grew still while the caller described exactly what he meant.  
“I can assure you, those books don’t even exist.”
As luck would have it, Lin Beifong, the Assistant Director under Raiko, strolled in just as Kya’s reference interview grew heated.  She greeted Wei with a nod, which he returned with a humorous smirk as they listened on.
“DO I??  OK, listen.  This call is over.  If you call back again, I’m going to trace you, and you’ll be banned.  I’m hanging up now!”  With that, Kya nearly slammed the receiver down.  As if things couldn’t get more embarrassing, she looked up to find Lin standing before the desk with an amused expression.
“Crank call?”
Kya could only blush.  “M-may as well be.”
“What did he want?” Lin asked, arching her eyebrow.
She’s having too much fun with this!  Out of habit, Kya glanced around conspiratorially.  Not that anyone else was around but Wei.  Nonetheless, she motioned Lin closer and whispered into her ear.  “Books on squirting.”
“...I see....”  Lin could only sigh and shake her head.  After 35 years with the public library system, she’d seen and heard just about every crazy thing imaginable (and some unimaginable).  But there were still moments when she could be shocked.  “Well, what I have to say should take your mind off that.”
Kya’s face lit up.  “Is that so?”
Lin smiled fondly at her.  “It is.”  She then motioned Wei to the reference desk.  “Wei, you’ll want to hear this, too.”
“I’ll page everyone else,” Kya said as she reached for the intercom beneath the desk.  
A short moment later, Bolin and Opal filed over, his hand on the small of her back while they quietly speculated on what interrupted their break.  Bolin’s hand fell the moment he saw Lin.  It was bad enough that he endured Wei’s teasing over dating his sister; he certainly didn’t need their aunt joining in!  Once at the desk, Wei “tsked” them with a disapproving look.  When Lin briefly turned away from them, Opal responded by giving her brother the finger.
“Is this everyone?” Lin addressed the group.
“Nope.  Korra and Asami are here,” Bolin piped up.
Lin glanced around the main floor.  “Where are they?”
Opal smiled impishly.  “They went the supply room.  For scissors.”
Wei and Bolin snickered away, which Lin silenced with a sharp look in their direction.  But just then, Korra and Asami appeared from the circulation office, Korra playfully pushing her girlfriend forward.  
“Glad you two could finally join us,” Lin said with a hint of mischief.
Korra sheepishly rubbed the back of her neck.  Although her friends knew of her relationship with Asami, she wasn’t certain about the administration.  She wasn’t the best at subtlety, so they must have known.  But judging from the rumors swirling about, the other directors had nothing on the two of them.  “Sorry about that.  We were getting supplies for the office.”
“I’ll bet,” Kya said under her breath.  “Anyway, I called you here because Lin has an announcement to make.  Lin?”
Lin cut right to the chase.  “I have good news and bad news.  First, the good news: Raiko finally decided to close early.  A half hour to be precise.”
The small group cheered, at which Lin smiled patiently.  Well, it’s time for the other shoe to drop.  “And now for the bad: because the roads are nearly impassible, I’m afraid we’re stranded here.”  
“Goddammit,” Asami rolled her eyes.  Other groans and curses followed.  
“Hang on, there’s more.”  Lin waited for them to quiet down before finishing. “Raiko ensured me that if you reported in today, you’ll be excused the day we reopen.  Whoever was absent today will cover the branch.”  
The group was visibly relieved.  “I suggest you make yourselves as comfortable as possible.  Kya and I will bring some emergency blankets from upstairs if you need them.”  
Once blankets were distributed and the building locked to the public, Lin and Kya treated their employees to dim sum from the street stall across from the branch, which was (surprisingly) still opened.  After the others dispersed, Kya and Lin had the floor to themselves for once.  She wrapped her arm around Lin’s shoulders.  “So chief, where are you holing up?”
Lin smiled affectionately at her and pulled her into her arms.  “Hmmm.  Your office has a cot, but I have some spiced wine upstairs that I’ve been meaning to try.  Care to join me?”
Kya kissed Lin softly and brushed a stray silver lock from her face.  As a branch manager, she tried to set a good example for her staff.  She never encouraged workplace dating, but she never discouraged it either.  This made her predicament tricky.  However, a tryst with Lin here of all places was too delicious to pass up!  She couldn’t deny that.  “How could I refuse such a tempting offer?  I can bring my cot upstairs.  Is your office soundproof?”
“Mmmm.  Don’t know.  But I’m eager to find out,” Lin responded in a low voice.
Kya laughed.  “Now we have to.  For science.  Let’s get my cot and call it a day.”
Lin kissed her once more before following Kya.  “You’re on.”
“’....And then her rock-hard nipples perked up like Cabbage Corps radio antennas.  His meat Colossus--’ Hey, stop!  I wasn’t finished!” Korra squeaked out while playfully swatting Asami’s shoulder.  
But it was no use.  She was laughing to the point of tears.  Korra couldn’t help but follow suit.  One of their favorite activities at work (besides making out) was finding the campiest, shittiest books on the shelf, turning to the juicier passages, and reading them aloud.  Sometimes it was just the two of them giggling away; other times they had a small-but-captive audience in the circ workroom.
"You really outdid yourself Korra,” Asami finally said once she took a few breaths and recovered.
“The book?”
“No, goofus!  I mean this.”  Asami gestured towards their setup: several floor pillows arranged for sleep, and an oil lantern for their only light source.  They shared one of the emergency blankets Lin and Kya gave them.  It reminded her of the many nights spend reading under her covers as a child.  “It actually looks...cozy in here.”
Korra, all smugness and charm, huffed on her nails and fake-polished them against her shirt.  “What can I say, I’m gifted.”
Asami ruffled her hair.  “I suppose you are.  In more ways than one.”
This piqued Korra’s interest.  “Oh?”
Asami slipped the book from Korra’s hand, then gave her a slow, inviting kiss.  “You know what I mean.”
Korra drew her closer and returned the kiss.  “I think I’m catching on.  I’m a slow learner.  I need some encouragement.” 
Asami gently stroked her cheek.  “Please.  You’re anything but slow.”
Korra kissed her in thanks.  Her lips trailed along Asami’s jaw to her ear.  “I’m so glad you came today.”
“Me, too.  I couldn’t let you go alone.  Besides, this would’ve been a drag without you.”
“I know, because otherwise I’d have to bunk with Wei!” Korra laughed softy, her face scrunching up.  She enjoyed his company, but he could be a handful at times.  Even for her.  
“Ugh, true enough.  Opal and Bo can babysit him just fine.”
Korra gave Asami a devilish look.  “So now I get to have you all to myself.”
“And best of all? No interruptions,” Asami said while slipping her hands under Korra’s shirt.  
“WOW!!”  Bolin was nearly speechless as he and Opal stepped outside from the loading dock.  Snow was still falling heavily from the grayish-purple sky.  Everyone’s buried Satomoblies looked like large snow drifts.
Opal, who wisely changed into pants, pulled a ruler from inside her coat and trudged a few feet into the parking lot.  “It’s almost to my knees!  Let’s get an official measurement.”  She submerged the ruler into the snow.  “Fifteen inches.”
“And counting,” Bolin said while peering up towards the sky.  Snowflakes fell onto his eyebrows and eyelashes.  He stuck his tongue out to catch a few.  
Opal turned and watched him.  He’s irresistibly cute right now!  The sight called sudden, prurient thoughts to her mind.  But Bolin noticed her staring.  “Everything OK, sweetie?”
She blushed after getting caught.  “Oh!  Um, I think we’ll get over two feet.  How much do you wanna bet?”  
“The loser makes dinner.  AND gives the winner a full body massage,” Bolin said while approaching her.  
Her blush returned.  “Deal!”  After sealing it with a kiss, Opal took a few more steps before tripping over her feet and crashing into the snow.  Her laughter broke the quiet of the storm.  
“Good idea!” Bolin dived beside her, laughing as well.  Before he knew it, she rolled on top of him and leaned down for a kiss.  Bolin wrapped his arms around her and deepened it.  “This is a first.”  He sat up, bringing her with him.
“What is?” Opal asked, straddling him and brushing snow from his hair and back.
“Making out right here on the pavement.”  While Asami and Korra had the supply room, he and Opal claimed the loading dock as their workplace hideaway.  Despite being outside, they had relative privacy there.
Unbeknownst to them, Wei was standing in the doorway.  “Are you kidding me?” he asked himself, disgusted by what he was seeing.  He smirked knowing he was about to ruin their fun.  “FOR FUCK’S SAKE, YOU TWO!!!  GET IN HERE!  I HAVE TO DO THE ALARMS!!”
The couple looked annoyed, both their cheeks flushed with embarrassment.  “SURE THING, MOM!” Opal called back.  As they stood and brushed off, she gathered a handful of snow.  Bolin snickered beside her.   Oh man, here it comes!
“I don’t know who’s worse, you or Korra and Asami--”  Before he could finish, a snowball hit him directly in the face.  “THAT’S IT!  YOU’RE IN DEEP SHIT NOW!!”
“Quit being a stick-in-the-mud, Wei!  You need a girlfriend!” Before Bolin could shoot back, Wei fired two snowballs at him, one of which was meant for his sister.
“HA!  And you guys need to get a fucking room!”  But before he knew it, Opal snuck behind him and leapt onto his back, the surprise of which knocked him over.
The three of them pelted each other with snow until they tuckered out.  Afterwards, they finally settled into the break room, made tea, and listened to their favorite radio show on the branch’s radio.  When Wei returned from setting the alarms, he found Bo slouching on the couch’s arm with Opal curled against him. He smiled.  He was truly happy for them despite his constant teasing. They deserved each other, for better or worse.  
There was just enough room for him, so he slipped beside Opal and rested against the other arm, falling asleep soon after.
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