#so overcome with love they reverted back to their 1.0 form
chabby4memes · 4 years
1.0, Patron of the Angel Shrine Not once had anyone came by, not to praise the so called 'angel' the shrine was dedicated to. Not like the Demon haunting it ever cared, not one person had came by, and it had become decrepit. So the day nine beautiful girls had approached the shrine, The Demon nicknamed Stars, loved to be alone. Stars really did not like that, but had already been spotted, her bruised body exposed to all nine. She did leave the shrine, and every time, she'd be beaten for incompetence, by her stepfather, Cypress, so she spent a lot of time alone. She didn't wear any more than a green hospital gown, it covered enough body for her worst injuries to be concealed. She darted away from them, a mistake she'd regret, Demons aren't supposed to fear humans, it is the other way around. She heard them talking about her in a minorly worried tone of voice. She slumped against a wall. Stars, unlike many of her kind, was mostly blind and mostly deaf. So when she felt a pair of hands on her shoulder, she panicked, her last eye glowering in fear. "It's alright. I've got you." The shorter girl was taken aback by the weak glower Stars displayed, responding with a more powerful, ice blue glower. Stars clutched the girls green ribbon, holding it to her chest. Her eyes became soft, before she fell asleep comfortably, her hands were in a sorry state. Stars however, did not remain asleep for much longer, having a weak panic attack when she realised she was being looked at. Her body became limp as she tried to breathe. Stars was not the type to allow people to come near her. "Uchiura sure has some wierd kids." Being from France made Stars very paranoid, and the girls were visiting Uchiura for a two week period. When she woke up, she recognized the infirmary, slipping from their grasp, before running into her 'father' she squeaked as he grabbed her wrist, completely overcome with fear, she recognized the voice of a girl from before. "Sir, is this your daughter? We found her at the shrine." He looked at the blonde haired girl, nodding, with a forced smile. Stars looked away, not even attempting to warn anyone of her sour fate. She just slumped, lifelessy as he dragged her home. She was ready. When they got home, he pulled a hot leather belt from his closet. He lashed her on her back, the extremely hot leather feeding into her skin, in her household, being.... was well. Not a good idea to say the least. Her teeth clenched as the belt ripped another piece of skin off her. "Why are you such a failure!? Kill them! Fly! trash!" But his words hurt more than any beating would. When she showed up at diving shop the next Saturday, and she encountered four people. "Are you Matsuura Kanan-Sama?" The blue haired girl nodded, and she limped over to her, dropping a letter infront of her. "And an Ayase Eli-Sama?" She looked over, before pausing, seeing the Blonde haired girl from yesterday, dropping a letter in front of her. "My dad, wants you to read them." She tripped down the middle step, before slamming her face down onto a concrete pavement. Her nose broke from the instance, and she reverted to her true form and fled to the shrine. Her enlarged body managed to run to the shrine.
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