#so often lengies was just... there
tuiyla · 2 years
What I’m getting from the first two minutes of Sadie Hawkins is that season 4 desperately needed more Sugar Motta
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boxofbonesfic · 3 years
i just want to say that good bones is probably one of the most well done pieces of fan fic (if not writing ever) i’ve ever read in my life! just wanted to say that, but for snippet saturday, how about something you’re just super duper excited to post! like a snippet or line you’re really excited about from it! 😘
wow, firstly thank you so much omg. i loved writing Good Bones, i kind of just winged the whole thing, considering it started from a oneshot.
i have a Viking!Steve x Thrall!Reader i’ve been sitting on for… a year and a half-ish, so here’s snippet from my very first chapter.
“Úr vegi, þræl!” He grunts, shouldering past you. You don’t understand him, but his gruff tone, coupled with the unfriendly way he glares at you cements your instant dislike. His lip curls, and you can tell the feeling is mutual. You don’t know what he called you, but by the laughter that echoes from some of the other men moving about on the deck, you can tell that it’s likely less than pleasant. There are twelve men that you can count, a few of them messing about with the ropes for what seems like rigging, and still more milling about, counting things, cleaning meat…
That’s when you see him.
You’d heard hushed tales of the giants from the north who feared no cold, felt no hunger, and thirsted only for blood—but you had never been certain of the truth in them. These people certainly walk like men, you think, casting a wary glance around, but then again, there are plenty of beasts that walk like men.
He is tall, taller by three heads than any man you’d ever seen, and a single dark scar marred his otherwise handsome features. Icy eyes regarded you as he sat forward in his seat, studying you. His hair was long and blonde, with braids throughout ending in what looked like different beads. Your people adorned their hair as well, but his was…different. The color of sand in the morning. And his eyes…
The color of the Nile.
The same angry voice from earlier rang out in the chill air, breaking your reverie.
“Hey, skipstjóri. Það lítur út fyrir að þræll þinn sé vakandi. Tók hana nógu lengi!” it was the man who’d shoved you, his tone mocking. There was that word again, þræll. What did it mean? Was it you? The man with the golden hair chuckles deeply. His gaze turns back to you, slithering over your form. Suddenly you are acutely aware of the wrappings that preserved your decency, and how thin they are. You shiver, telling yourself it must be the cold.
“Farðu varlega, Stark. Ég held að hún sé ekki hrifin af þér..” The other one laughs, clapping. You turned to glare at the man who’d spoken, and he blew you a kiss. You narrowed your eyes, clenching your burning palms into fists. The yellow haired giant snaps his fingers, the sound traveling sharply across the water to your ears. “Come.”
You can’t help the strangled gasp of surprise that escapes your mouth as a word you understand comes out. It isn’t relief that floods you then, but dread as you approach him, stumbling as you struggle to move with the rhythm of the boat beneath your feet. He isn’t far, seated just underneath the mast. He holds out a hand to you, but you don’t take it, eyeing it suspiciously. You don’t know where you are, or how you’ve come to be here, but you know you haven’t done it of your own accord.
“You…fear?” He asks, his deep voice amused. He knows you’re afraid. You can see it on his face. What he wants is confirmation. You stick your chin out defiantly—he won’t be getting it from you. You’re old for an acolyte, most of the girls your age were priestesses already, some of them for many summers past.
You weren’t ready yet; often scolded by the older priestesses, constantly getting into trouble, it was no wonder you hadn’t been chosen. Perhaps this was your punishment—the penance for your irreverence.
“Answer.” the jovial tone leaves his voice, and you find yourself nodding despite your earlier conviction. “You...mine. Þræll.”
You knew you had to choose your words carefully, each one cost you so dearly. “I am not...yours.” your voice was scratchy, like wind through the reeds. You hate it. It sounds nothing like you. You can’t stop the hunch of your shoulders or the set of your jaw at the pain that lanced through you as you spoke, and you curse yourself for your weakness, knowing he’d seen it too.
He laughs. “Not...before. Now? You, þræll.” He leans forward further, beckoning you closer. You took a few hesitant steps before stopping. “You..remember fire?” he asks, and you shake your head. He sits back, a strangely satisfied smirk on his features. “I remember fire. I save you. Your life? Mine.” he says it so matter of factly that you question whether or not it is true.
But he did.
He’d taken you from your temple, from your sisters, and now, you were in the middle of the vast, terrifying sea—with him as your only confidant.
þræll/ þræl
“Úr vegi, þræl!”
“Out of the way, thrall!”
Hey, skipstjóri. Það lítur út fyrir að þræll þinn sé vakandi. Tók hana nógu lengi!
“Hey, Captain, your thrall is awake! Took it long enough.”
Farðu varlega, Stark. Ég held að hún sé ekki hrifin af þér.
“Careful, Stark. I don’t think she likes you.”
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hatari-translations · 2 years
CYBER - Aftur (Again) - transcript/translation
Another CYBER request! I’ve got a few more requests in the backlog, will get to them.
Icelandic transcript
Taktu til ef þú hatar sjálfa þig Mikið skaltu taka til Ég skil þig ekki og held ekki að þú skiljir mig til Ekkert hérna var gert fyrir þig Farðu aftur heim til þín Ég sný mér við og bít í gegnum puttann þinn
Aftur Og aftur saman Aftur og aftur saman Að fara að fara að fara að hætta saman aftur og aftur saman Svona gerist ef þú horfir of mikið á gamanmyndir, rómant��skar Hlæja, sleikja út og stara, ha! Lykill í skránni, lykill í munni, lykill í nefi Nikótín, ég (?) ekki Ydda blýantinn minn og merki á bréfið, bréf til þín Ástin mín, tíni orðin til og set puttann í bréfið Rósavín og lím og (?) Sjálfur(?) djöfullinn gefur með sér í nefið
Og aftur og aftur, ég tíni leifarnar til og hlusta á lagið eftur Sýni fólki heimili og sel þau fyrir milljónir aftur Þú ert alltaf fyrir mér og síðan tekurðu allt aftur Skiptir örsnöggt um ham, þessi fer þér ekki Er með of(?) skap sem mig(?) höndlar ekki Lotsa(?) kyrkislöngur bíða kyrrar ef þær óttast(?) Ekkert hreyfist þótt maður (?) í kringum þig, ég anda ekki
(Ahh) Og aftur og aftur Veggir þrengjast, hurðir minnka Verður erfiðara að flýja tilfinningar Festist við þig og þú skilur ekki Getur ekki skriðið hraðar en þú sleppur ekki
(Ahh) Og aftur og aftur Gerðir mistökin of oft og núna ertu fastur Endurtekur mistökin alltaf aftur og aftur og aftur Leyfi þér alltaf að gera allt aftur Leikari í sviðslistum núna(?) Er ég að flýja til (?) endalausa (?) Núna er ég að bíða Allt of lengi búin að bíða eftir öllu sem ég (?) Kalt blóð á höndum mér, klaga ekki ahh
Transcription notes
It's hard to split this song into lines since it's all very fast and jumbled up, but I did my best. Transcribing it went better than it could have, I definitely managed to make out some things I might have not, but it gets increasingly slurred and hard to make out as it goes on.
I left the first word of the last line of the second verse as "Sjálfur" but it might be "Sorrí" or something else.
English translation
Tidy up if you hate yourself You'll have a lot of tidying I don't understand you and I don't think you understand me either Nothing here was done for you Go back home I turn around and bite through your finger
Again And together again Again and together again Just about about to break up again and together again This is what happens when you watch to many comedies, romantic Laugh, lick your lips and stare, ha! A key in the lock, a key i nthe mouth, a key in the nose Nicotine, I don't (?) Shapren my pencil and address the letter, a letter to you My love, put words together and put the finger in the letter Rose wine and glue and (?) The Devil himself(?) shares something to snort
And again and again, I pick up the remains and listen to the song again Show people homes and sell them for millions again You're always in my way and then you take everything again Change your skin in an instant, this one doesn't suit you A too (?) temper that I(?) can't handle Lotsa constrictor waiting still if they're afraid Nothing moves even if I (?) around you, I'm not breathing
(Ahh) And again and again The walls constrict, the doors shrink It becomes ever harder to escape emotions Stuck to you and you don't understand Can't crawl any faster but you're not getting away
(Ahh) And again and again Made those mistakes too often and now you're stuck Always repeating those mistakes again and again and again I always let you do everything over again An actor in the stage arts now(?) Am I running away to (?) endless (?) Now I'm waiting Have been waiting far too long for everything I (?) Cold blood on my hands, won't tell ahh
Translation notes
Oh boy, a lot of ambiguity here, fun.
In the first line, "Taktu til" generally means to tidy up but can also be more metaphorical. The "Mikið skaltu" is a figure of speech along the lines of "Oh, you're so going to..." but also more literally just means "You'll tidy up a lot", though that's somewhat poetic word order. I think what they're going for is like, "Tidy up if you hate yourself; well you're sure going to need to do some tidying, then." The "yourself" sounds feminine, incidentally ("sjálfa þig" is feminine, "sjálfan þig" is masculine).
"Aftur og aftur saman" is ordered so that at first you hear "again and again" and then the "saman" changes how you parse it so that it's "aftur saman" i.e. together again; slight wordplay nuance to that.
"Að fara að fara að fara að hætta saman aftur" is making use of "að fara að", "to be about to", which is very easily played with to have several of them in a row; when you say it quickly it the "að" kind of disappears so it just sounds more or less like "fara fara fara". Tried to retain that sense a bit with "Just about about to".
The addressing of the letter also sounds in Icelandic like the narrator literally addressed it "A letter for you".
It's explicit in the devil line that he is also taking something himself as well as sharing it, which is not always implicit with "share" in English.
The "change your skin in an instant" is literally "change your skin", the same sort of phrasing used in folk tales about seals taking off their skin and becoming humans, then putting the seal skin on again and returning to the sea as seals. It plays on the literal meaning with "this one doesn't suit you", but is also metaphorically used for changing moods/roles/personalities. There may be a better translation but it's not coming to me at the moment.
That "constrictors" is as in snakes that constrict their prey. I don't feel like I hear that word a lot, other than in the specific species name "boa constrictor", but the Icelandic kyrkislanga (literally "strangling serpent") is common.
Some lines here seem to connect to other songs on the HORROR album, probably intentionally:
Sleikja og stara (lick and stare) is a recurring line in Snákar.
The Devil himself line is reminiscent of Lifandi, which also refers to a dealer as the devil.
"Can't crawl any faster but you're not getting away" invokes Skríða.
There may be others but this is what I caught off the top of my head.
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acuppellarp · 5 years
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Welcome (again) to A Cup-pella, MC! We’re excited to have you and Sugar Motta in the game! Please go through the checklist to make sure you’re ready to go and send in your account within the next 24 hours.
Name + pronouns: Mr. Worldwide (MC), he/him Age: 26 Timezone: PST Ships: Sugar/Money, Sugar/Love Anti-Ships: Sugar/Humility
Full Name: Sugar Valentine Motta Face Claim: BABY V(anessa Lengies) Age/Birthday: 28, July 31st, 1991 Occupation: Socialite, Heiress, Producer of TUAP, Philanthropist, Entrepreneur Personality: Melodramtic. Idealistic. Uninhibited. Materialistic. Industrious Hometown: Newport, Rhode Island Bio:
Sugar Valentine Motta grew up with not a silver spoon in her mouth, but a gold, diamond encrusted one. Her father, Sullivan Motta, inherited his family’s jukebox business which was more lucrative during the 1950s than 2010. So with the money he already had, Sully started a mattress chain and thus, the Motta fortune continued to grow each day (with a little help from his side businesses that Sugar doesn’t find interesting or ask about). The Mottas were a family of three until her mother, Ginger, suddenly passed away from a brain aneurysm when Sugar was five. Despite living most of her life without her mother, she still feels a close bond with the woman she hardly knew. Of course, having only her dad around made Sugar into the definition of a daddy’s girl. But who wouldn’t be with a dad as rich and doting as Sully?
Sugar was born and raised primarily in Newport, Rhode Island, a city of not even 30,000 people known for its rich inhabitants, historical and large mansions, and boat ports filled to the brim with yachts. Being an only child and also the only (or more accurately, most important) women in her dad’s life made the heiress fiercely protective of him. More often than not, she tagged along with Sullivan on his business trips for apprising vintage and valuable jukeboxes or opening mattress stores in new cities or events for the luxury hotels and homes he had partnered a contract with. There were some trips he wouldn’t allow her to join, and while she would initially pout about it, Sugar would often just go take a trip of her own with one of her other wealthy friends instead. That became especially more-so when the Motta’s bought a private jet (what? it’s cheaper to fly that way. Probably).
Seeing how liked and respected Sullivan was due to how well he ran his businesses and how he would spare no expense to impress someone, Sugar herself adopted that trait. It seemed to be the Motta Motto to say: “If you got it, flaunt it" with the “it” usually being literal piles of cash With funds being at her disposal, and Sugar never being one to hide that fact, it was easy for her to make friends. Most of them were the kid’s of people her dad knew, rubbed elbows at parties with, or from a past business transaction. And while she knows that some of them just like her because of the money, she doesn’t particularly care. A friend is a friend after all, right? However, it’s because of that her romantic life sometimes suffers.
Next to money and her father, romance was near the top of the list as one of Sugar’s favorite things. She loved to be swooned, she loved the feeling of having a significant other to hold or be held, and to simply have someone to share life with. She had boyfriends in the past, but she was quick to understand that women caught her eye much more. One could only gush about how beautiful Lily Tomlin is so many times before the dots couldn’t avoid being connected. While liking girls didn’t give Sugar much pause, the intimacy that mutual attraction created with them did. She found she loved the romance, yet hesitated when it came to going “all the way” with someone. Being in the world of the rich, it felt like there was a hidden pressure to be the type to enjoy sex leisurely, especially since Sugar seemed to indulge in all other aspects of hedonism. It wasn’t like she hadn’t *tried* it, but she didn’t see what the big deal was. She liked getting to buy and wear the high end silk lingerie than have someone carelessly take it off. However, instead of admit to romantic partners that sex didn’t appeal to her as much as it did to others, she’d find ways to dance around the subject. Or, if all else failed, end relationships prematurely– even if she still harbored feelings for them. Sure, it would hurt for a little, but love was resilient. Love was kind. *And* love was easy to find if you had money. So at the end of the day, Sugar could rationalize that she was young, hot, and rich and therefore, there wasn’t really any reason to rush into anything with anyone. Finding true love young was so 2005 anyway (not that she wouldn’t celebrate every time one of her friends found it).
After graduating high school, Sugar moved to New York City, taking residence with her best friend and life partner Serena Smythe. She learned firsthand how vastly different it is to actually live in a city with millions of inhabitants instead of just visit one for fun, and in truth, Sugar had trouble finding her footing. She was lucky to be living with a friend when she first moved, but she refused to act as lost as she felt. Thankfully, she found that New York was full of people with ideas, and most of these ideas needed money for funding them. So with that, she started branching out into offering to produce or fund various projects for various people. As it turned out, while she loved impressing people with how much money she had, she found it much more rewarding to help create or better someone’s vision. That was even more true when she herself was involved in them. It was due to this that she went to Sully and told him she wanted to take over his Jukebox business, because she had the idea to start updating them too. It was clear her father was holding onto the past busiess, and Sugar knew she had a vision for its future. She wanted to have each jukebox get its own personal selection of classic hits along with songs from the last decade too– as long as it fit the Jukebox’s location. Sully couldn’t say no to his daughter, so he let her take the reigns mostly and as the numbers are showing, her idea is a hit among its clientele. It may be a small feat in the grand scheme of things, but it was something Sugar did mostly on her own and it has caused her to feel much more self assured in a new way that (surprisingly) money couldn’t buy.
Pets: None :~(
Relationships: N/A
Twitter name/twitter URL/description:  
Prin¢ess $ugs | locamotta | Someone once said to me “more money, more problems” but i don’t remember who since they had no money, and therefore, were not my prob 💁‍♀️💋
Five latest tweets:
@locamotta: #restinparadise coco cupid chanel motta. i miss waking up to ur sweet chirping every day. i know ur resting on the shoulder of the legit Coco up in heaven even if birds don’t normally get in. love u my sweet #CocoMo 😇🦜♥👩 😔😭🤧 06/12/10 - 01/20/19 @locamotta: going ✈ where the haters can’t find us #laterbitchez #sug&renatakemykonos @locamotta: snow in NY is fun until it touches the grimy streets and instantly becomes a health hazard #imynewport @locamotta: @buzzfeed​ I took ur “Which Iconic ‘90s Teen Girl Are You?” quiz and did NOT get cher horowitz    I DEMAND JUSTICE FOR THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #boycottbuzzfeed     @locamotta: hey sugartwits, i’m feeling too sad to shop but not too sad to spend money: send in ur fave kickstarters and gofundmes so i can make myself happy pls!! dms are still NOT open #leavemealonebrad
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chicagomu · 4 years
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FULL NAME: Cassia Denalia Motta.
AGE: 29.
BIRTHDAY: August 13th.
RELATION: Full Sibling.
TYPE: Triplet.
GENDER: Cisfemale.
PRONOUNS: She/her.
ORIENTATION(S): Fluid/Fluid.
JOB: Owner of MOTTAvation Gym.
FACE CLAIM: Vanessa Lengies.
Cassia was kind of a spitfire as a kid, depending on who you asked. Around her family she was a force to be reckoned with, her behavior swinging from nurturing, to silly, to extreme rage, sometimes even on a daily basis. But outside of the home, around people she didn’t know, she was often shy, and self conscious. Her parents put her into cheerleading to try and encourage more levelness at home, along with more self confidence out of the home. It helped to an extent. She still experienced a wide range of emotions, and a lot of self consciousness, but she did learn to hide the latter, at least.
When she was just 8 her grandmother passed away, which changed her mother from the loving and caring woman she once was to someone cold and distant. At the time, Cassia didn’t understand, though she now knows that it was depression that had taken the mother she knew from her. Two years later, and Cassia came home from school to find that her mother had left, without so much as a note. Her, and all of her things were simply just gone. Cassia hasn’t heard from her mother since, but even at 10, she decided she needed to take it upon herself to be the mom. She stepped into the role, trying her best to fill Stacy’s shoes, though her own moods did tend to make it more difficult.
It wasn’t until high school that she took it upon herself, with her father’s money, to put herself in therapy, and it was then that she was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. Having a name for her uncontrollable emotions was a relief, it also helped her understand her mother’s depression, and she often wonders if her mother suffers from the same thing she does, not that she has the option to ask her, of course.
After high school she went to a local college, where she studied fitness and nutrition. Now as a trained dietitian she runs her own gym which she opened, yes, with her fathers money, but she doesn’t care. MOTTAvation is run like a clinic, they offer personal training, and a range of free classes. Everything from pilates and yoga, to kickboxing, to healthy cooking. Her and other dietitians are available for their clients to consult with, which has put them on the map for being a leading center for people to find ways to lead healthier lives.
Due to her struggles with mental health, and her mothers, Cass decided to put in a huge effort to help the community as well. She also offers reduced memberships for women, and even free memberships for those who can’t afford the gym. She offers childcare, and healthy eating classes for children. She also has a staff of social workers, who can help give families resources for bill assistance, mental health resources, battered women resources, a long with renting out the apartments above the gym at low costs to those who need help, and many other services.
0 notes
andiesmu · 4 years
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FULL NAME: Cassia Denalia Motta.
AGE: 29.
BIRTHDAY: August 13th.
RELATION: Full Sibling.
TYPE: Triplet.
GENDER: Cisfemale.
PRONOUNS: She/her.
ORIENTATION(S): Fluid/Fluid.
JOB: Owner of MOTTAvation Gym.
FACE CLAIM: Vanessa Lengies.
Cassia was kind of a spitfire as a kid, depending on who you asked. Around her family she was a force to be reckoned with, her behavior swinging from nurturing, to silly, to extreme rage, sometimes even on a daily basis. But outside of the home, around people she didn’t know, she was often shy, and self conscious. Her parents put her into cheerleading to try and encourage more levelness at home, along with more self confidence out of the home. It helped to an extent. She still experienced a wide range of emotions, and a lot of self consciousness, but she did learn to hide the latter, at least.
When she was just 8 her grandmother passed away, which changed her mother from the loving and caring woman she once was to someone cold and distant. At the time, Cassia didn’t understand, though she now knows that it was depression that had taken the mother she knew from her. Two years later, and Cassia came home from school to find that her mother had left, without so much as a note. Her, and all of her things were simply just gone. Cassia hasn’t heard from her mother since, but even at 10, she decided she needed to take it upon herself to be the mom. She stepped into the role, trying her best to fill Stacy’s shoes, though her own moods did tend to make it more difficult.
It wasn’t until high school that she took it upon herself, with her father’s money, to put herself in therapy, and it was then that she was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. Having a name for her uncontrollable emotions was a relief, it also helped her understand her mother’s depression, and she often wonders if her mother suffers from the same thing she does, not that she has the option to ask her, of course.
After high school she went to a local college, where she studied fitness and nutrition. Now as a trained dietitian she runs her own gym which she opened, yes, with her fathers money, but she doesn’t care. MOTTAvation is run like a clinic, they offer personal training, and a range of free classes. Everything from pilates and yoga, to kickboxing, to healthy cooking. Her and other dietitians are available for their clients to consult with, which has put them on the map for being a leading center for people to find ways to lead healthier lives.
Due to her struggles with mental health, and her mothers, Cass decided to put in a huge effort to help the community as well. She also offers reduced memberships for women, and even free memberships for those who can’t afford the gym. She offers childcare, and healthy eating classes for children. She also has a staff of social workers, who can help give families resources for bill assistance, mental health resources, battered women resources, a long with renting out the apartments above the gym at low costs to those who need help, and many other services.
0 notes
privilege-archives · 8 years
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❖ FULL NAME: Skylar Ann Motta. ❖ PRONOUNS: She/Her. ❖ AGE: 22. (October 17th). ❖ BIRTH ORDER: Third. Twin to Fourth Motta. ❖ GRADE: Junior. ❖ MAJOR: Nursing. ❖ SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Bisexual. ❖ ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Biromantic. ❖ FACECLAIM: Vanessa Lengies.
There was never a dull moment in Skylar Ann Motta’s life. Growing up with a famous father definitely made sure of that. Skylar was always a bit of a daredevil. Throughout her childhood, she liked to throw caution to the wind, and she often found herself in risky but exciting situations. Like climbing the big tree in their backyard or escaping out of her window so that she can reach the roof of the house. Stacy constantly liked to joke that she had to keep one eye on Skylar at all times because she never knew where she could end up. Her parents decided to channel her wildness into something safer, and that’s how Skylar ended up doing gymnastics - where she could flip in the air as much as she wanted. Her coaches said that Skylar had a true talent for gymnastics, but she eventually quit once her mom started to become sick. It was something that they enjoyed together, and once her mom stopped showing up to her competitions. Skylar quickly lost her passion for gymnastics.
Skylar did not know how to handle her mother’s depression. She wanted to avoid that her mother was even having a problem. Skylar spent most of her time in her room writing or reading, anything to not think about what was going on. She wanted to believe that everything was going to be okay. But, when her mom left them at the age of twelve, Skylar had no reaction. She didn’t know how to process someone she cherished so much walking out on her. So, instead Skylar closed off all her feelings, and this isolated herself from her siblings. Her dad threw money at the situation, not knowing how to handle Skylar becoming reclusive. Skylar used the money to buy herself a fancy new computer which she used to take notes on depression. By Skylar learning about her mother’s mental illness, it gave her some closure about her mom walking out.
After Skylar finished processing her mother leaving, and Sage’s benign tumor, she found her daredevil personality returning with a vengeance. In high school, Skylar started to ditch class to go rock climbing, bungee jumping, or just hanging out with her friends. Her thrill seeking often landed her at some party drinking the night away. Eventually, her grades started to slip, and that’s when her father decided to step in. He brought Skylar to a therapist who showed her how to channel her feelings into more positive outlets. Skylar joined soccer and track, and the constant running allowed her to feel better about her family situations. She decided to improve her grades and stop the partying. It seemed like as long as Skylar never talked about her mother, she wouldn’t have to deal with her thoughts of abandonment, and that worked for her.
Even with therapy, Skylar was still guarded. She had difficulties trusting people, and that had an effect on her relationships. Skylar found that she liked hooking up with people because no feelings were involved, and she didn’t have to deal with the person leaving her down the line. However, she did try her hand in a few relationships, but they never lasted long due to Skylar’s commitment issues. Although, she didn’t have any luck in her relationships. Skylar still believed in love, and she hopes that one day she will be ready to open herself up to someone special.
Researching about mental illness, and going to a therapist, fueled Skylar’s passion for helping people. Because this was so personal to her, Skylar was glad that she got accepted to Pacific State University. She wanted to study nursing without people asking her questions, or trying to bring up facts about her past. Now that Skylar is studying nursing, she hopes that she will be able to intern at a psychiatric hospital. She wants to make sure that her patients have everything they need to be comfortable while they are in the hospital. She also wants to help in a children’s hospital, so that she can bring joy into their lives. Skylar secretly hopes that one day her mother will come into her future job, and she would be able to tell her everything she learned about mental illness. But, Skylar knows that it’s just wishful thinking, and she has lost hope on her mother coming back into her life.
Skylar likes to keep her hair at a medium length. Her hair is often curly, and it is usually kept in a messy bun when she is working out or playing sports. Skylar likes to dye her hair a light brown, but she has dyed it purple before. She prefers to wear jeggings, leggings, or tight sweats on a daily basis. But, she doesn’t have a problem with dressing up for a special occasion. Skylar has one tattoo of birds flying next to a tree branch on her back shoulder blade.
Stacy has not been in the picture in a long time, but she was once an extra on a movie with Al Motta, who is a very well known actor and has been since he was a teen. Their youngest daughter, Caila, has been acting since she was five months old, and is still an active actress, singer and judge on both the X Factor and America’s Got Talent.
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Congratulations, BRE! You’ve been accepted as SUGAR MOTTA! Go ahead and make your acount and send it in within the next 48 hours! Make sure you check out the NEW MEMBER CHECKLIST! We look forward to playing with you!
Bre, 24 (my as well put it now even tho it’s not official for another week :p), EST
lmao. I’ve been RPing around 8 years now, and on Tumblr for 3 or 4 now I think
I’ll say I’m a 7-8/10. I work a lot, but I can get on at least once a day.
Sugar Briann Motta, 20, August 22nd
She’s a twin; Youngest born; Canon FC of Vanessa Lengies
I can’t stress this enough, please only fill this in if you’d play another character happily.
Sugar is my baby, that’s why. She’s a riot to play and she’s just got that energy that’s refreshing to play out.
TW: Cancer & Death
Sugar Motta: to some you could say she’s literally “Sugar. spice and everything nice,” but there’s more than meets the eye when it comes to the budding designer and Motta Hotel heiress. She was born on a hot summer day in August to her parents Al & Sage Motta. Sugar and her twin were adored by everyone from the moment they arrived. Being born to a family where the family business was the huge hotel chain named for them brought in only the best things possible for the Motta children.
Being the youngest daughter, Sugar immediately had her father wrapped around her tiny little finger. Growing up, Sugar was given dance lessons, horseback riding lessons, all the best toys, and of course her very own pony, a puppy and anything else that a little girl could possibly want. To say that the Mottas lived a charmed life would be an understatement.
In addition to being spoiled by her parents, Sugar also took on the typical youngest child personality. She was often loud, abrasive, she even went as far as self-diagnosing herself with Asperger’s Syndrome in order to say whatever she wants and not be in trouble for it. She got away with most everything given her daddy’s pushover attitude for his little girl, her mom never being one to punish her kids and the Motta family nanny, Miss Hattie, being lenient as well when it came to discipline. One thing they all had in common though was the fact that all 3 adults constantly pushed and encouraged Sugar and her siblings to pursue their passions and dreams.
However, their world came crumbling down about 10 years ago right after the twins’ 11th birthday. Sage Motta felt a lump in her breast and went for a mammogram when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She underwent a mastectomy, but unfortunately she never woke up. It was revealed that her cancer was stage 4 and that was ultimately what had killed her since her cancer was so far advanced and had gone unnoticed for so long. She was laid to rest a week later. To this day, Sugar definitely still misses her mom and hopes to make her proud.
Following in what her parents always told her, Sugar graduated high school where she was on the dance team and student council. She was accepted to the highly prestigious FIDM where she plans to pursue her passion for fashion and major in fashion design in hopes of seeing her passion and designs on the runways of Fashion Week someday. Now ready to start her Junior year, she still lives at home under her Daddy’s roof, rent free of course, and has everything still provided for her. She may be Daddy’s spoiled little princess, but honestly? She sees nothing wrong with that.
Mother’s Name: Sage Motta (née Hawthorne) Mother’s Age: Deceased; Age 37 at death 10 years ago due to breast cancer Mother’s Occupation: She was a former model turned socialite Mother’s Hometown: Westchester, NY Mother’s Current Town: At time of her death it was Knollwood Mother’s Faceclaim: Elizabeth Reaser
Father’s Name: Al Motta Father’s Age: 51 Father’s Occupation: Owner and CEO of Motta Hotels & Resorts Father’s Hometown: Pasadena, CA Father’s Current Town: Knollwood Father’s Faceclaim: Rick Pasqualone
Playable Sibling Information : All the Motta children are named after spices; Sugar claims it’s because of their mother having a “killer spice addiction.” Open to older sibling(s), No younger siblings
Non-Playable Sibling Information: None; The family’s lifelong nanny is called Miss Hattie
Nope! Just that we’re freaking awesome!
0 notes
cosanostraroleplay · 7 years
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Quick Facts »
FULL NAME: Sugar Motta
DATE OF BIRTH: June 3, 1998 (19)
OCCUPATION: Unemployed
FACE CLAIM: Ariana Grande (will accept Vanessa Lengies or alternate face claim)
Personality »
happy-go-lucky, optimistic, trusting, friendly, out-going, confident, gullible, flaky, spoiled, lazy, entitled, oblivious
Headcanons »
As the only daughter of the Motta's, Metropolia's most wealthy founding family, she's lived her entire life sucking on a silver spoon. From a very young age, sugar learned that money could by anything. Friends, loyalty, happiness - and it's a principle she's clung to throughout her life. Even as an adult she is extremely spoiled, entitled and oblivious of her surroundings.
More recently she's been having a hard time adjusting to her family's new found disgrace in Metroplia's elite high society after her brother and father made a political move that crossed the Andersons and their allied families. 
Being an oucast has not sat well with sugar and she is desperately trying to buy (or claw) her way back into high society's graces, with or without the blessings of her father and brother.
Affiliations »
Grey; the truth is, Sugar's always been very oblivious to the war going on around her. she's lived in her bubble of luxurious bliss for so long, that now that she's been thrust into the real world, she's not sure what her beliefs are or which side to take.
Connections »
Mason McCarthy;  is a family friend. While they aren’t extremely close, they are the kind of friends that still get together on special occasions. The Motta’s are no longer allies of the McCarthy’s after crossing the Andersons, but that hasn’t stopped Sugar from keeping in touch with Mason through the years.
Mike Chang; is an ex-boyfriend of Sugar’s. Sugar met Mike at a charity event and she was instantly intrigued. After all, what high society debutaunte doesn’t love a man in a uniform from the wrong side of the tracks? Plus her relationship with Mike was just a game to make Daddy upset and spoil her with more stuff. It ended as abruptly as it started and somedays, Sugar still wonders if Mike was the one that got away.
Hunter Clarington; is an old family friend. The two have known each other their whole lives having come up in the same circles. Hunter is like a big brother to her, and while they two aren’t particularly close, they hold a special place in each other’s hearts.
Cooper Anderson; is a former boyfriend of Sugar’s. He courted her while his father was alive, and she was to marry Cooper, but when the Motta’s crossed the Anderson’s the courtship was cut short. They are mortal enemies...except they’re not, they’re actually pretty good friends - secretly.
Stacie Evans; is a very close friend of Sugar’s and perhaps one of the few of Sugar’s friends that she didn’t ‘buy’. She considers the girl family because of her undue loyalty and would do anything to protect or help her.
Kurt Hummel; is Sugar’s stylist. When she came knocking at the door for Kurt to design her wedding for her marriage to Cooper, he jumped at the chance. Even though the wedding fell through, Sugar is still one of Kurt’s most prominent clients.
Sebastian Smythe; is a childhood friend of Sugar’s. They remain close, and though their similar personalities often prove for many heated, snarky moments, they consider each other confidants and lifelong friends.
0 notes
hatari-translations · 5 years
This is an interview with Hatari from ESCKAZ. The interview is in English, but towards the end, at about 2:30, the interviewer asks them to sing a section of their song. Matthías and Klemens look at each other, have a brief exchange in Icelandic, and then Klemens says he’ll sing a traditional Icelandic lullaby.
Below, I’ve translated what they’re saying and talk a bit about the lullaby that Klemens is singing!
KLEMENS: ...Syngjum við?
INTERVIEWER: If you want.
KLEMENS: Á ég að syngja, eða?
MATTHÍAS: Ég gæti... Nei, ekkert vera að því.
KLEMENS: Á ég að syngja gamalt þjóðlag? Umm, íslenska vögguvísu?
MATTHÍAS: Þú getur gert það, já.
[Klemens sings a line, quietly]
KLEMENS: I will sing you not a section from our song Hate Wil Prevail, but I will sing a old traditional Icelandic lullaby.
[Klemens sings the same line, but with a different melody]
English translation
KLEMENS: ...Do we sing?
INTERVIEWER (in English): If you want.
KLEMENS: Should I sing, or?
MATTHÍAS: I could... Nah, let’s not.
KLEMENS: Should I sing an old folk song? Um, an Icelandic lullaby?
MATTHÍAS: You could do that, yeah.
[Klemens sings a line, quietly]
KLEMENS (in English): I will sing you not a section from our song Hate Will Prevail, but I will sing a [sic] old traditional Icelandic lullaby.
[Klemens sings the same line, but with a different melody]
I love this little dialogue between them, where they’re very doubtful about the idea of singing part of the song for the interviewer, and Matthías is like “Let’s not”, and then Klemens suggests instead he can just sing a lullaby, which is about as far from “Hatrið mun sigra” as you can get.
Klemens’s lullaby is called Sofðu unga ástin mín (“Sleep, my young love”), which is also the text of the line that he’s singing. As I’ve noted above, Klemens sings the same line twice there with two different melodies. The first time, it sounds like he’s just making sure he remembers how the song goes, which he does. The second time, though, the performance that “counts”, he sings the line that he just sang with a different melody altogether! I wondered if he'd maybe sung it in choir at some point and was singing an alternate voice as a little easter egg for any Icelandic choir members who might stumble upon this one day, but I looked up how the other voices go and none of them match what he was singing, so unless there’s a different choral arrangement for the same song, that’s not it.
I’m left thinking either he just sang his own melody for the hell of it, or... he just started a bit too high. You’ll notice if you compare the first time he sings the line to the second that he starts a bit higher the second time, and it’s possible he realized as he’d started that he wasn’t sure he could actually reach the subsequent notes from there well. So rather than awkwardly stopping and starting again in a lower register, he just ran with it and sang it to his own melody, knowing probably no one listening knew how it was supposed to go anyway, much the way that he just ran with saying he loved donalds. I am completely guessing here, mind, but I think it’s an amusing possibility. (Of course, now here I am telling the entire fandom that he sang it wrong. Sorry, Klemens.)
The lullaby
Sofðu unga ástin mín is indeed a very well-known Icelandic lullaby - any Icelander will know this song. It’s less old than I think most people assume, though: it’s from a play by Jóhann Sigurjónsson about real 18th-century outlaws Fjalla-Eyvindur and his wife Halla, which first opened in 1911.
Here’s how the Icelandic lyrics go:
Sofðu unga ástin mín
Úti regnið grætur
Mamma geymir gullin þín,
gamla leggi og völuskrín
Við skulum ekki vaka um dimmar nætur
Það er margt sem myrkrið veit
Minn er hugur þungur
Oft ég svarta sandinn leit
svíða grænan engireit
Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur
Sofðu lengi, sofðu rótt
Seint mun best að vakna
Mæðan kenna mun þér fljótt,
meðan hallar degi skjótt,
að mennirnir elska, missa, gráta og sakna
English translation
Sleep, my young love
The rain cries outside
Mom will keep your toys,
your old bones and talus box
We should not wake through the dark of the night
Many things the darkness knows
My mind is heavy
Often I’ve seen black sands
burying a green field
In the glacier rumble deathly deep chasms
Sleep long and sleep tight
It’s best to wake late
Sorrow will teach you soon,
as the hour grows late,
that people love and lose and weep and mourn
Translation notes
The “old bones and talus box” are traditional Icelandic toys. In olden times, children would play with the leg and jaw bones of sheep, pretending they were horses and cows. The talus bone (ankle bone), a precursor to dice thanks to the different sides that it could land on when tossed, was used to predict the future.
As you can tell, these lyrics are pretty dark for a lullaby. That would be because in the play, Halla is singing to put her daughter to sleep before throwing her in a waterfall, because men are coming to kill her and her husband and she would rather her baby die this way than they all be killed by them.
This is not really well-known context in Iceland, though! To most people it’s just a pretty lullaby with some stark, haunting lyrics. I don’t know if Klemens knows where it’s from or not, but either way it was a pretty natural choice of song to perform here. It’s a really beautiful and emotional song, only more so if you know where it’s from, and often not just sung to put babies to sleep but recorded by well-known singers or performed by choirs. Here’s a choral arrangement; here’s singer Ragnheiður Gröndal.
161 notes · View notes
privilege-archives · 7 years
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❖ FULL NAME: Juneau Sage Motta. ❖ PRONOUNS: She/Ze. ❖ AGE: 22. (October 17th). ❖ BIRTH ORDER: Fourth. Twin to Third Motta. ❖ GRADE: Senior. ❖ MAJOR: Art Therapy, with a minor in Business. ❖ SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Homosexual. ❖ ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Demiromantic. ❖ FACECLAIM: Vanessa Lengies.
Juneau Sage Motta, better known as Sage (or Junie, but only if she loves you), was born as the quintessential middle sibling to Al and Stacy Motta. Not only was she stark in the middle, but she was the middle triplet. Sage had always been quiet, unsure of herself, but generally an internally vibrant and kind girl. Losing her place in the world made her soft. She didn’t find her gifts immediately like Dena, nor did she have her personality completely figured out like Maddox. Sage was her own person, even if she had no idea what that was.
While her triplet found solace in front of the camera, Sage rather liked to be behind it. She would always hover around the shots, either during filming or photoshoots, gazing in awe at the way certain lighting or camera angles or editing could make the scene look completely different and absolutely beautiful. Sage’s love of all things visual stemmed from there, and she would often accompany her sister to shoots in order to practice her own style of photography. From the time that she was about twelve years old, Sage began to experience intense headaches.
An emotional headache would come in the form of their mother, Stacy, walking out on them. It was hard enough to comprehend the death of their grandmother, but Sage wasn’t sure what to make of her mother leaving, either. Dena took it the hardest, and while Sage tried to be there for her sister, she found it more difficult to watch her family slowly unravel. Always the sort of background caretaker, she did everything in her power to make sure that all of her siblings were alright. Of course, there are some wounds that cannot heal, and the aftereffects of being abandoned so young have resonated quite visibly in Sage.
However, she didn’t have much time to grieve. It wasn’t very long after Stacy walked out on the family that they were thrown with another hardship. Reports from Sage’s schoolteachers quickly reached Al Motta, informing him that Sage’s performance in school was very quickly deteriorating. Her vision was poor, she seemed to be in another world during class time, and her personality had very gradually been turning for the worse. The only class she willingly participated in was art, something that has stuck with Sage from the beginning of time. Al and the rest of the Motta’s chalked it up to Sage’s grief from dealing with Stacy’s departure and a need for glasses, but things were much more serious than they could have imagined. Everything came to a stopping halt when Sage had a seizure during an assembly at school. Humiliated, she was immediately rushed to the hospital where a neurosurgeon sent her in for an MRI and CAT scan that revealed the truth: A benign tumor had formed within Sage’s skull. Thankfully, it wasn’t cancerous, but it was in a part of her brain that would prove to be tricky to remove.
Petrified, Sage had no choice but to go through with the surgery. It wasn’t cancer, they said, but she still had to endure radiation treatment and was constantly on watch in the hospital. In some ways, it was worse than cancer, as the surgery was a delicate process and one that somewhat made her not want to live through it all. Combined with the anti-seizure medication, the radiation, and the various therapies (art, plant, music) Sage managed to find her will to live again.
The downside of all of this was that because of the tumor’s location, it had an irreversible effect on her personality. Gone was the girl who was bright, full of love and laughter, and in her stead was a hollow shell of a soul. Nothing fazes Sage, as it should, but she exudes a terrifyingly calm and chilled demeanor. She has little patience for those who irritate her, and you can never really quite tell what she thinks of you, which is how she prefers it to be.
Sage was about sixteen when all was said and done, and after spending the majority of her tween and teenage years from the inside of a hospital, she opted to be homeschooled instead, so she could take advantage of art classes at a nearby community college. Some might have been weakened by such a near-fatal blow so young, but not Sage. She threw her heart and soul into trying to make a difference. Sage was seventeen years old when she founded her charity, Carpe Diem (a sick wordplay on seize the day, in honor of her own illness) and became a spokesperson for brain injury and seizure treatment. The charity works to provide treatment for those patients whose medical insurance cannot cover the expenses of brain surgery or seizure medication, as it can get quite astronomically expensive.
She was accepted into Pacific State a year early, having finished her homeschooling, but instead chose to take a year off to really launch her charity with the knowledge that she would eventually return as head of it. She’s currently an art therapy major and business minor at PSU, and just launched a line of zen coloring books. All of the proceeds go to her charity, as the Motta’s are rich beyond all reason and she would rather put the money towards something that is more worthwhile.
Sage, for all of her faults, is very much a sight to behold. She is always dressed from head to toe in black, even in the dead of summer. She always wears a black choker around her neck, and she can usually be found wearing some kind of hat in order to cover the scar on her head from her surgery. Regardless, she always wears her hair down for this same reason, even though her hair covers it. Sage’s posture is poor, and even though she tries not to make herself much of anything, she tends to stick out due to her drastic wardrobe choices: leather, combat boots, etc. Sage has three tattoos: a feather on her left wrist, an ankh on her right hip, and Isis, the ancient Egyptian goddess on the back of her neck.
Stacy has not been in the picture in a long time, but she was once an extra on a movie with Al Motta, who is a very well known actor and has been since he was a teen. Their youngest daughter, Caila, has been acting since she was five months old, and is still an active actress, singer and judge on both the X Factor and America’s Got Talent.
0 notes
privilege-archives · 7 years
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Thank you for your audition, DEE. We are thrilled to welcome you into the group as the Fourth Motta who you have chosen to name JUNEAU SAGE, with the faceclaim of Vanessa Lengies, and we truly cannot wait to meet them. Please send in your account in the next 24 hours, and read over the new members checklist before sending in your link.
Dee, she/her, 24, EST, your worst nightmare etc
nope, but i somehow keep crashing this party?
Juneau Sage Motta, Vanessa Lengies, Demigirl, She/Ze.
22nd, October 17th. Sage is the fourth Motta. She is a twin to the third Motta.
Sage is a senior. Her major is Art Therapy, minor in Business.
Juneau Sage Motta, better known as Sage (or Junie, but only if she loves you), was born as the quintessential middle sibling to Al and Stacy Motta. Not only was she stark in the middle, but she was the middle triplet. Sage had always been quiet, unsure of herself, but generally an internally vibrant and kind girl. Losing her place in the world made her soft. She didn’t find her gifts immediately like Dena, nor did she have her personality completely figured out like Maddox. Sage was her own person, even if she had no idea what that was.
While her triplet found solace in front of the camera, Sage rather liked to be behind it. She would always hover around the shots, either during filming or photoshoots, gazing in awe at the way certain lighting or camera angles or editing could make the scene look completely different and absolutely beautiful. Sage’s love of all things visual stemmed from there, and she would often accompany her sister to shoots in order to practice her own style of photography. From the time that she was about twelve years old, Sage began to experience intense headaches.
An emotional headache would come in the form of their mother, Stacy, walking out on them. It was hard enough to comprehend the death of their grandmother, but Sage wasn’t sure what to make of her mother leaving, either. Dena took it the hardest, and while Sage tried to be there for her sister, she found it more difficult to watch her family slowly unravel. Always the sort of background caretaker, she did everything in her power to make sure that all of her siblings were alright. Of course, there are some wounds that cannot heal, and the aftereffects of being abandoned so young have resonated quite visibly in Sage.
However, she didn’t have much time to grieve. It wasn’t very long after Stacy walked out on the family that they were thrown with another hardship. Reports from Sage’s schoolteachers quickly reached Al Motta, informing him that Sage’s performance in school was very quickly deteriorating. Her vision was poor, she seemed to be in another world during class time, and her personality had very gradually been turning for the worse. The only class she willingly participated in was art, something that has stuck with Sage from the beginning of time. Al and the rest of the Motta’s chalked it up to Sage’s grief from dealing with Stacy’s departure and a need for glasses, but things were much more serious than they could have imagined. Everything came to a stopping halt when Sage had a seizure during an assembly at school. Humiliated, she was immediately rushed to the hospital where a neurosurgeon sent her in for an MRI and CAT scan that revealed the truth: A benign tumor had formed within Sage’s skull. Thankfully, it wasn’t cancerous, but it was in a part of her brain that would prove to be tricky to remove.
Petrified, Sage had no choice but to go through with the surgery. It wasn’t cancer, they said, but she still had to endure radiation treatment and was constantly on watch in the hospital. In some ways, it was worse than cancer, as the surgery was a delicate process and one that somewhat made her not want to live through it all. Combined with the anti-seizure medication, the radiation, and the various therapies (art, plant, music) Sage managed to find her will to live again.
The downside of all of this was that because of the tumor’s location, it had an irreversible effect on her personality. Gone was the girl who was bright, full of love and laughter, and in her stead was a hollow shell of a soul. Nothing fazes Sage, as it should, but she exudes a terrifyingly calm and chilled demeanor. She has little patience for those who irritate her, and you can never really quite tell what she thinks of you, which is how she prefers it to be.
Sage was about sixteen when all was said and done, and after spending the majority of her tween and teenage years from the inside of a hospital, she opted to be homeschooled instead, so she could take advantage of art classes at a nearby community college. Some might have been weakened by such a near-fatal blow so young, but not Sage. She threw her heart and soul into trying to make a difference. Sage was seventeen years old when she founded her charity, Carpe Diem (a sick wordplay on seize the day, in honor of her own illness) and became a spokesperson for brain injury and seizure treatment. The charity works to provide treatment for those patients whose medical insurance cannot cover the expenses of brain surgery or seizure medication, as it can get quite astronomically expensive.
She was accepted into Pacific State a year early, having finished her homeschooling, but instead chose to take a year off to really launch her charity with the knowledge that she would eventually return as head of it. She’s currently an art therapy major and business minor at PSU, and just launched a line of zen coloring books. All of the proceeds go to her charity, as the Motta’s are rich beyond all reason and she would rather put the money towards something that is more worthwhile.
Sage, for all of her faults, is very much a sight to behold. She is always dressed from head to toe in black, even in the dead of summer. She always wears a black choker around her neck, and she can usually be found wearing some kind of hat in order to cover the scar on her head from her surgery. Regardless, she always wears her hair down for this same reason, even though her hair covers it. Sage’s posture is poor, and even though she tries not to make herself much of anything, she tends to stick out due to her drastic wardrobe choices: leather, combat boots, etc. Sage has three tattoos: a feather on her left wrist, an ankh on her right hip, and Isis, the ancient Egyptian goddess on the back of her neck.
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