#so now they have to drive another 20 miles before there's a roundabout
alienoresimagines · 2 months
Bucky: Whoops- Buck: Whoops? WHOOPS? We are far past the ‘whoops’ situation! ‘Whoops’ is but a distant speck in the review mirror! We are firmly in the ‘oh fuck’ territory and I expect you to ACT LIKE IT!!
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itsdearsuga · 4 years
Grief: The Story of My First Major Loss.
Growing up, I only went to 2 funerals until I reached my 20’s.
My Grandfather, who was barely present in our lives. He was a man with his own set of issues, and we always had to stay in the car when we visited him those 3-4 times.
Then my late Pastor from Mowing Glade A.M.E Zion, who had mysterious health issues and eventually left us once the plug was pulled at a local hospital in Charlotte, where I once lived.
I was barely a 4th grader when both of these deaths occured in my life.
I always saw death as a catalyst for sympathy. I never truly understood it, I just knew it was a huge deal. If someone died in a person's life, I expected them to be out of school for like a month and for them to cry every 5 minutes. I just knew death to be this sad thing that was inevitable in people's experiences.
That was, until Granny’s diagnosis.
She was an avid snuff user, and growing up there was always a can of that black tar like substance that she spit out by the fireplace. I knew she spit in there but we always stayed as far away from that cursed can as possible. One day my cousin, sister and I knocked it over, and I honestly thought I was going to pass away my damn self. She used that stuff for over 50 years, some say since she was 8, and once I was in college, we received news that she had an extremely aggressive form of mouth cancer. When you’re a certified pessimist like myself from time to time, you’d probably hear the word cancer and think of the worse. But for me at that moment, it was a little different. I tried to muster up all the hope in the world for my grandmother. She cared for me and all of my cousins, she was my coffee buddy every sunday after church, I always made her laugh and we always sat on those rocking chairs on the porch, listening to the soft windchimes that clanged melodically in the countryside breeze, or played checkers in the cracker barrel before we were seated to go eat…  I remembered every bit of love and hope she gave me, and in that moment of hearing that news, I tried to return it all back to her. In all the things she handled in her years, it couldn’t be the snuff of all things that took her off this world. She held our family together, but unfortunately, the more sick she became, the more tensions rose amongst my loved ones. I never was the type that liked to talk in my family. It was a Hi then Bye kind of vibe when I walked in the room. Someone could look at my sketchbook, say I’m going to be the next picasso or something with an uncomfortable amount of enthusiasm and then keep it moving, It’s whatever. I only held long conversations with a select few in my family, but I typically kept to myself with a straight face. That’s where Granny came in with my nickname when I was kid. She called me “Suga” because of the irony of me being anything but. I hated that nickname for a long time, I thought it was to tease me, but she only called me that until, well, she passed. Her sickness was a long, grueling time in my life and my family’s lives. They fought over who took care of her, my aunts and cousins, and all I could do is watch the drama ensue or hear it over the phone from a distraught cousin all the way from Maryland. In the spring of 2018, our lives changed forever.
“Her tumor keeps coming back, they’re going to have to remove and replace the jaw.” These were the words I was told about the fate of my grandmother in the next coming weeks. This was also after she had ridiculous amounts of treatment. The granny I once knew as being a sturdy weight, eating alongside us , full of laughter and life, grew frail. She was always holding her jaw and groaning. She could barely say much without it causing her pain. It hurt like hell to see. I took time off of school and headed back to Charlotte for a little while, promising to handle my homework while I was gone. I barely slept that week. The hospital waiting room was full of loved ones during the operation, and I’ll never forget the moment before she was wheeled back. I was the last to see her, and that was the last time I heard Suga for quite awhile. Nonetheless, we played card games, visited the panera downstairs and anxiously sat and waited. Eventually, the surgery was over, and we went home while she was in recovery. Once back at the house, I only heard horror stories. One aunt said she looked like Emmett Till post surgery. I sat and listened to the hushed voices of all of my aunts as they talked about how she looked, but my mother hadn't seen her just yet. We were both worried and that was the first time I saw her cry. I could only hold her and try my best to reassure her that it can’t be that bad, but we had our own issues on top of this with our living situation, that would definitely be another blog post for another day. I stayed in my grandparents bedroom, anxiously doing my homework and talking on the phone to stay up and sane, drinking energy beverages and taking smoke breaks all night. It was hard, and I couldn’t sleep thinking about the major changes to a face that was so familiar to me. We eventually made our way to the hospital. When we arrived, I was definitely surprised. Her face was extremely swollen, and it looked as though her entire face was fused under the nose. I said nothing and when I walked in, my mother gave me a certain look as though it wasn't necessary to stay. I stayed. For days. If I wasn't by her bedside trying to teach her little signs in ASL that’d she’d eventually say whatever to and not use at all, or talking to her about how much of a pain in my the ass my classes were, I was in the lobby of the hospital, typing my essays tirelessly and staying sleep deprived. Eventually we went back to MD, and I only saw her from time to time when we went back home those few times. She didn't talk for more than 6 months, and phone calls were difficult, but when she got the ball rolling, she called my mom everyday and I eventually heard my nickname all over again. I was hopeful, until around valentines day of this year. I was working on a painting for her. One morning, she got really sick, with something like the flu, and the chemo and treatments were already too much for her immune system. I was at school that day, bitching about my work and getting annoyed at my dad's numerous text messages asking me where I was. My mom was in Greensboro for work at the time. I eventually came home and my dad told me to sit down.
Now at this point, I did experience my fair share of death, but nothing too close to me where I was broken. Nothing, besides Kaya maybe , but that loss broke me in regards to my place of empathy. And that story is another one in it’s own right. But I was truly oblivious to why my dad would need me to sit down so urgently. I guess a part of me was in a place mentally where I promised to see her again, and something in my psyche was reassuring myself that she wouldn't go anywhere until I could make that happen. Another part of me was too scared to hear what he had to say. Sure enough, I heard the worst. She was gone, and in that one moment, my entire world fell apart.
The drive after was the worst part.
I thought about the blackberry picking we did if we wanted a pie,
I thought about the times she took my scrap drawings and framed them, telling me that even the worst ones to me were everything to her.
I remember all the times I would hear my Nickname.
And everytime I heard it in my head, I was shattered all over again.
This was 6 months ago.
Now, I think I’m beginning to understand grief a little better. It feels like a never ending one way street, With an occasional traffic circle that doesn't tell you where the exits are going to take you.
Some exits take you on a beautiful scenic route, where you feel a little more comfortable to reminisce on the better days with that person, and some exits are rainy and disgusting. No matter how fast the windshields are going, you still can't see the road ahead even with the high beams on, and on top of that, you’re getting motion sickness, and it’s fucking brutal.
Grief is never a straight shot. It feels like one for a while, but the roundabouts are unexpected. Sometimes they show up after around a half a mile, and other times, they don't show up for about 7 or 8 miles.
Either way, they’re a journey that almost everyone takes, and it's okay if there's trouble on the trip because we’re human.
Love Always, Suga.
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kneewall49 · 5 years
Life in Queensland
27th August, 2019
No one has asked what’s it’s like living in the sunshine state, but I’ll tell you anyway.
Life’s good here, it’s simpler, and as it should be.
Major difference is the ease of getting around by car/bike. No traffic lights keep traffic flowing and once your use to roundabout efficiencies no one gets held up except those that don’t understand the rules, the etiquette or are procrastinators.
No multi level car parks to lose your car in or get held up by a senior trying to work out how to back into a space, or big family with multi kids loading the once a month food shopping of fizzy drinks, pet food and cheese twisties.
Lots of marked motorcycle parking in prime spots is a bonus (for us).
No queues is another bonus, except for gelato on a weekend arvo. When you go to the motor registry, which we have had too on numerous occasions to sort licences and regos, the following happens. You walk into a near deserted customer area and head to the ticket machine. You’ll notice the 4-5 counter staff have eyes fixed on your hand. As you select your required service and the little paper ticket starts to emerge from the kiosk there is movement at the counters as the staff try to get your customer number to light up their counter before each other. It’s a bit like a quiz show. As your checking your number a loud speaker is already calling that number.
All shop staff (except cafes) greet you with ‘want you want luv’ and ‘thanks darl’ as a closer.
Heaps of cafes with good coffee and environs, craft brewers are also springing up everywhere with big budget establishments which are nice to dissect their architectural and detailed construction.
No aeroplanes in the sky, which I miss, but lots of noisy helicopters for some reason, maybe tourist joy flights.
Wed, Sat and Sunday markets are a nice outing for either a stroll, or provisioning. Eumundi markets are very busy and expensive, (even Manabu’s - x CiSRA QA engineer’s Açai) Noosa market is expensive but very high quality and mainly locals, while Yandina market is herbal, bit Scotland Is. like, but good cheap fresh vegetables and interesting second hand tools. Noosa market has apparently the world’s best Portuguese Custard Tarts, but as I’m yet to experience them to date.
We are slowerly getting use to water efficiency, being mindful our tank isn’t bottomless. A washing load uses 50 litres a cycle, 2x showers and there’s another 50 litres even when turning water off to soap up! We are now using the ‘grey’ water to water the new trees and shrubs we have planted rather than using the tank water. I’ll try to jerry rig some roofing to collect ‘free’ rain water but don’t want to over do the squatter development we are creating.
A day now consists of working in the morning till about 12/1 then to the beach on bike for a swim and picnic lunch, then back to work at 2:30/3 till dark. Bit hot in direct sun around lunchtime, but beautiful in the shade. Hope summer is not a killer, but probably will be. Might have to hang at at the freezer section at Woolies during the hot days.
I’ve also discovered 7eleven $1 coffee is on par with a good $4.50 cup, except for the crema. A trip to Bunnings in the morning or arvo includes a $1 coffee stop. I kid you not it’s acceptable (the quality). I buy ground coffee for home at Padres at Noosaville, settling on one blend after trying a few. It’s a cool place with nice but pretty coffee serious staff.
The best cake/bread shop is actually at a Shell garage at Noosaville too. You have to be told, you’d never discover it unless getting petrol. Just awesome French style stuff with lots of choices and they are constantly baking.
Paddler Andy Ross, another refugee from Sydney, has started a TT on the Noosa river on Sunday mornings so that’s now part of the weekly timetable, as is a training session on Friday mornings run by the local kayak shop. Nice bunch, glorious weather, champagne water.
The hinterland provides miles of great roads, cooler weather and cute little villages for stops. Too many craftie shops for my liking but that’s ok, old people have to have something to enjoy. A ride or drive up the hinterland is nice to have a break from digging.
Can’t find any boxing classes unless you pay $20 + for a session, Matt’s classes st North Ryde were a bargain, and hundreds of yoga classes if that’s your (not my) thing.
The beach. Noosa main beach is beautiful as you know. Minimal surf unless the swell is running which makes for a very pleasant cool off. Hastings Street is fabulous too. Just like being in some swish Melbourne Street but right on the ocean. If you holiday in Noosa I’d recommend paying a bit extra and staying on Hastings, it’s worth it by a mile. Forget the car just walk, eat and swim. Staying anywhere else in the area is hardly worth coming for.
Been very dry since we moved. The creek has stopped flowing over the little weir. Grass still nice and green except where I have driven the tractor over it infinite times, turning it to bull dust. Suppose to rain this week which will be interesting to see if we survive the camp out in a wet spell :).
Haven’t seen a snake yet, but I’m told it’s just a matter of time. I walk around like I’m in a mine field. We have jumping ants as we have mentioned which we are gradually eliminating. We also have a ‘cheese tree’ (look it up), which should be called a pumpkin tree, which has the unfortunate attribute of housing those seething balls of catapillars. Bit creepy, especially for Tokyo girls. We have BBQ’d two lots to date. Apparently coming into skin contact with them is not a recommended experience.
Anyway back to work. Digging the driveway at present. Want to get it done so the Port-a-loo lorry can get to down to our loo without having to go thru the neighbours. Everyone needs a goal :).
Btw we now have a lounge available in the annex for one overnight visitor. Who will be first?
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mwcowan · 6 years
Mark & Georgia’s 2018 Philippines Trip
Here we go again, another trip, another blog. For those of you familiar with our recent Road Trip blog this will be of a different sort because it’s going to be a different sort of trip, a mix of business and pleasure. We’ll be based at Georgia’s mom’s house in Manila, making a series of short trips here and there over the next month. Hopefully it will result in some interesting thoughts and photos.
Day 1:  Graeagle to Sunnyvale to San Jose to SFO
Seems like I was driving all day, although it was a pleasant drive until I got close to the Bay Area into all the traffic. I’ve really gotten used to the “traffic” in Graeagle, where it’s unusual to see more than 3 cars in town. At Georgia’s suggestion I drove straight to EBR for a visit with my old colleagues and to check up on how things are going there. Quite well it seems, with a number of development projects underway, what we engineers like. But everyone seems to be really stressed with all the clinical and regulatory related tasks on their plates now. That’s what I knew would be coming with the US clinical trial, and I’m even more certain I picked the right time to retire.
Took an hour in that lovely traffic to drive from EBR to Georgia’s sister Dinah’s house (all of 12-13 miles) and another hour to drive to SJC and back for Georgia to return her rental car (she had flown there last week). An hour to pack Georgia’s stuff and back on the road to SFO. In our Road Trip blog it was noted that Georgia has trouble packing light and this trip is no exception.
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The box weights 69.5 pounds (carefully titrated as the airline limit is 70), the black suitcase is about 55 pounds, the red carry-on is acceptably light. Not shown is a backpack. Yes she has problems packing light. OK, to give her a break, since we’ll be in Manila on Thanksgiving, the box contains a frozen turkey, ham, and all the fixings for a proper Thanksgiving dinner, things that you can’t get in the Philippines. Plus a LOT of other goodies for her mom, our snorkel gear, etc..  She got her standby cleared quickly, got her ‘luggage’ checked with a few stares from the baggage handlers, and was soon off to her flight to Hong Kong.
With my flight to Tokyo in the morning, I overnighted at an inexpensive motel near SFO,  one that turned out to be unexpectedly nice. At least I wasn’t itching in the morning.
In case you don’t know, in the interest of national security we don’t fly together. That’s not really it… Georgia flies Cathay Pacific since she gets family privileges from her sister Vinee, a CP flight attendant. Georgia pays a ridiculously low fare for business class. I fly United since I spent so much time with my butt in their seats for business travel I can buy the cheapest economy fare and use my miles to upgrade.
Day 2: SFO to Hong Kong (Georgia) and Tokyo (Mark)
Both of us had very bumpy flights, on mine the seat belt sign was on most of the time, and the flight attendants were told to buckle up multiple times. Didn’t stop me from eating and drinking my way across the Pacific though; I arrived in Tokyo fully stuffed. Georgia reports the same on arrival to HK.
Flying in the front of the plane is the only way to go; I fear the day when my miles run out. Georgia may have to take a job with an airline so I can get family privileges. Anyway, she’s continuing on to Manila this afternoon while I’m overnighting in Tokyo at another airport hotel and flying on to Manila tomorrow morning. The flight with a 19-hour layover is a lot cheaper than one with a short connection, saving much more than the cost of a hotel. That’s a good enough reason but I admit to being a travel wuss, I like having this break to get cleaned up and rested. No reason to hurry!
Day 3: Tokyo to Manila
Easy travel day to Manila for Mark; couldn’t sleep so got up early and went to the airport (a 2 min walk from my hotel) and had breakfast at the nice ANA lounge. Smooth flight to Manila but with the usual holding pattern on arrival. I’ve never flown into that airport without doing at least a few circles. I think the airport planners are the same people who planned the traffic control in Manila.
Speaking of Manila traffic, shortly after I arrived we needed to drive Georgia’s mom to meet with the family attorney to have some documents notarized. Off we went to Alabang, one of Manila’s districts, with Mark driving and only a vague idea of where we were going… after many calls to the attorney we finally decided we’d never find the meeting spot and just parked and told him where we were. He knew the area well and was able to find us. By the time we headed back home it was dark, which makes driving in Manila even more terrifying. People all over the place, motorcycles, trikes, and jeepneys pulling in and out and stopping wherever and whenever. Feels like you’re inside a video game. Luckily we got home before we ran out of lives; Mark quickly headed to the fridge to grab a much-needed San Mig.
Sorry for not having more pictures, but there havn’t been many photo opportunities up to this point. Things will pick up in a day or two.
Day 4: Manila to Tacloban
A couple errands this morning then back to the house to pack our bags for a 3-night trip (nice light luggage this time!) then to the airport for a quick flight to Tacloban on Leyte island. A couple days of business to conduct here and in Catbalogan on the nearby island of Samar. You probably remember Tacloban from the 2013 super-typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda in the Philippines). Tacloban was the center of devastation from this storm. The city was all but destroyed; nearly 6000 perished in this city alone. Flying in we could see one of the reasons the storm wreaked such havoc – the city and territory surrounding it are very level and low-lying, stretching flat many miles until the mountains are reached. Besides the winds which removed nearly every roof in the city, storm surges of up to 20 feet did the most damage, including completely leveling the airport we flew into. We didn’t know what to expect, but were pleased to see a strongly recovering city and meet a few people whose strength, determination, and pride are readily apparent. There are still a few reminders of the storm, we saw 4 or 5 abandoned, gutted, roofless buildings, but almost all traces are gone and the city has been rebuilt, at least on the roads we passed.
In a striking contrast to Manila, traffic here is very civilized. Our taxi driver actually stopped and let another car enter a roundabout before him! To regress a bit and explain Manila traffic, in the US we drive (most of us at least) by the lines on the road and by rules where for every situation the right of way is defined. Right of way in Manila is determined by which car can squeeze a millimeter in front of the other. Georgia has remarked that it’s a great waste by the government painting lines on the roads as no attention whatsoever is paid to the lines, the number of lanes being defined by the number of cars, trucks, and motorcycles that can possibly squeeze side to side within, and often beyond, the edges of the roadway. It can seem like total chaos, but carnage and catastrophic accidents are minimal as traffic speeds using these principles are generally reduced to a crawl.  Vendors in flipflops can walk in between and around cars without fear of being run over as they can move faster than the cars can.  It surprisingly works as long as you’re in no hurry to get somewhere.
A side note... if you like a glass of wine or two, finding it can be challenging as the Philippines is not at all a wine-drinking nation. Interestingly enough, grape cultivation and winemaking were brought to California by the Spanish Catholic priests and followed the path of the missions. Yet with 300 years of Philippine colonization by the Spanish, grape growing appears to have been unsuccessful here and wine can be difficult to find.
Normally we don’t worry about it and settle for a cold San Miguel. This evening Georgia was craving a glass before dinner so we asked at the hotel desk where we could find a bar or restaurant that could help us get a fix, and we were pointed to a place across the street.  Georgia was excited when the menu had a small wine list, including two Cabernets and a Merlot. She asked for one of the Cabernets; the waitress said she had to go check if they had it. She came back shortly and apologized, saying they were out of that wine. Georgia asked for the other Cabernet. Sorry we’re out of that one too. OK, what about the Merlot? Sorry ma’am, we’re out of the Merlot too. Do you have any wines? No ma’am, we’re out of all wines. Amusing to us at least as this is a recurring story – we’ve even seen nice restaurants in large hotels in Manila, with impressive wine lists, unable to produce anything but a Barefoot Bynum red. Maybe Georgia goes to work for an airline, and Mark starts a wine import business. We finally got a lead for a nice Italian restaurant, which had a good selection of Italian wines. An excellent dinner and Georgia finally got her wine! Another thing you wouldn’t expect here is great Italian food – we both feel that we’ve found some of the best outside of Italy, in restaurants started by Italian ex-pats who have been captured by Filipina wives (or vice-versa)! I can understand that. 😊
Day 5:  Tacloban to Catbalogan
This morning’s business was a meeting with the local head of the Philippines Land Bank. This is a government-chartered organization obtaining land and re-selling to farmers. The income from the farmer’s loans funds the acquisition of property. The subject transactions here are about 165 hectares (400+ acres) of family-owned property in Catbalogan, much of which has been settled on by squatters/farmers. This is the type of land the Land Bank is trying to get, to officially distribute to the squatters and make them legal taxpayers. The family has been trying for many years to deed the property over and receive payment. Many frustrating years, always being told that this document or the other is needed; when that’s produced there’s always another. And then the next time they go back, the official they were working with isn’t there any more and no one has any recollection of previous actions.
The meeting went well, it seems that the government is making an effort to centralize and simplify these things, for example going forward this can be handled through the office in Manila rather than having to travel to Tacloban. According to the official very little is left to do before this can be completed. Georgia warns that we shouldn’t count on this assurance yet.
Now we’re tourists for the afternoon – our driver picks us up from the Land Bank and we head towards Catbalogan. We’d hired a driver and car for the day to take us around on our errands and then deliver us to Catbalogan, about 110 km from Tacloban. On the way he drove us through one of the areas hardest hit by the typhoon, a low-lying seaside area of shanty homes. You may remember seeing post-typhoon pictures of a large freighter sitting on land quite a way from the water – rather than removing the whole thing they left it in place, some 300 meters from the water, built some structure around it and turned it into a memorial for the Typhoon victims. Strange to see a freighter in the neighborhood but a fitting tribute.
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The disturbing part of it though is the neighborhood. The whole area was completely swept bare, but it’s been rebuilt as it was, with poorly constructed shacks of wood and tin. That’s how the people lived before, and what they know, but it’s a shame that the government didn’t help relocate them or at least build more substantial homes.
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We drive over the San Juanico bridge which links Leyte and Samar islands, the longest bridge in the Philippines, built during the Marcos regime. Current president Duterte plans to build a longer one (mine’s longer than yours!) linking Luzon to Visayas but it hasn’t been built yet. Following the bridge is a winding 2-hour drive up the mountains and back down into Catbalogan.
Catbalogan is a city “in the provinces”. I’d heard that term before but wasn’t sure what Filipinos were referring to – the meaning is similar but more polite sounding than our euphemism “out in the boonies”. It’s a busy city, but very remote and without many of the amenities you find in the larger cities. We’re booked at the most expensive hotel in town: a “deluxe triple room” with private bath is $34/night. The room is cozy with a double and a single bed and not much space to move around, but the hotel is spotlessly clean, due we think to the army of OJT (on-job-training) helpers from a local high school. At least 20 of these always-smiling faces are constantly cleaning and re-cleaning, each one stopping to give us a warm greeting whenever we appear, coming or going.
To me, Catbalogan is the “city of trikes”. Manila has a lot of trikes, but this city is totally clogged with them, and they’re all in (slow) motion all the time. Both motor- and human-powered, passenger trikes and delivery, they’re everywhere. Colorful, each has been customized by its owner, with the owner’s name and often a favorite bible verse or a personal testament to the glory of God emblazoned on front or back. Some busses and delivery trucks are also on the streets, but few private cars. Why would you need one? A noisy and bumpy ride on a motor trike costs 8 pesos (about 15 cents) to take you anywhere in the city. The pedal trikes are the economy ride, only 7 pesos. We go first class!
You can play a quick video of a trike ride in Catbalogan here:
Day 6:  Catbalogan
Business day #2 with visits to the Registry of Deeds (task is to get the deed to the property annotated with the names of the new settlers), then to the Department of Agrarian Reform (task unknown). Conference with Georgia’s sister in the US and back to the DAR to ask for a map of the new property division. Both the ROD and DAR have promised to have the documents ready tomorrow morning so back we’ll go.
While here in Catbalogan we’ve been “taken care of” by a family that is linked to Georgia’s by a long friendship. Third-generation daughter Bayan has been helpful getting us to the various appointments; today we met Lola (grandmother) Noling, the family matriarch, at her electronics and appliance store she’s been running for 65 years. She’s 87 and going strong, no hurry to retire. We were chatting in the store and asked if they knew a place that had good Tomalos – a Filipino take on the tamale with rice “masa” around a pork filling, coated with peanut butter, then wrapped in banana leaf and steamed. With typical Filipino hospitality, it seemed only minutes before table and chairs were pulled out and Tamalos and Lumpia appeared for us to try. Different, delicious, and RICH! Georgia and I couldn’t quite finish a whole one. And also in true Filipino fashion just as we were putting our forks down we were asked what we’d like for lunch. Oh jeez, didn’t we just finish lunch? Lola Noling definitely wanted to take us out so we agreed to dinner, we’ll meet her at the store around closing time.
Dinner was at a nice restaurant right on the harbor, with Lola Noling, daughter Collette (Bayan’s mom), two of her sons Bong and Jun, Bayan, and a few more family members. A feast of delicious food, more than enough beer, hilarious conversation with her sons trying to speak English and me trying to understand Taglish – it was one of those amazing times that leaves you with a smile, a warm heart, and a new family.
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Day 7:  Catbalogan to Tacloban to Manila
Georgia thinks I’m writing too much. Maybe I’m trying to find things to write about in the absence of any real interesting travel. I’ll keep it short today.
Two more appointments this morning. First back at the DAR to pick up maps of the property. This visit was successful. Then an appointment at the Registry of Deeds to meet with the registrar whom Georgia had an appointment with yesterday but she wasn’t in the office. She was most helpful (not) explaining the number of documents that still needed to be completed and 2 new cities we would have to visit to get this done. One step forward, 2 back.
We took a shared ride van back to Tacloban, through rain most of the way. The highlight of the day was a 30 minute trike ride from the van terminal to the airport, in the rain. Remember, these things don’t have doors – Mark held an umbrella out as a door/windshield and managed to stay pretty dry. His luggage tied to the back of the trike didn’t fare quite as well.
Day 8:  Manila to Nasugbu
Finally! Today we made the 2 ½ hour drive from Manila to Nasugbu, the location of Kawayan Cove and our house-to-be. This is the third time we’ve made this drive ourselves (no driver) and it’s starting to seem familiar, at least when we get out of Manila and onto the Cavite Expressway heading south. Today I got very much the same feeling as when I drive from the Bay Area to Graeagle, with lots of traffic and the associated stress until we reach Auburn, about halfway there. After that it’s an enjoyable drive through the mountains and pine forests the rest of the way. This was very similar – through Manila, Cavite, all the way to Naic it’s a lot of traffic and those ever-annoying trikes. Past Naic you enter the mountains, tropical jungle rather than pine trees, and all the traffic, trikes, and stress disappear. Finally we get our first view of the Batangas coast, and get that peaceful feeling that we’re getting close to home.
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We’re staying for three nights at Punta Fuego, a members-only golf and residential club just up the coast from Kawayan Cove. Luckily one of Georgia’s brother-in-law’s parents are members here and can make reservations for us at one of the club’s guest “casitas”.
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Lovely place with a lot of different beaches and nice amenities – we looked at properties here but as this is one of the older developments along this coast all of the better lots are already taken, and we had our hearts set on an ocean view. Not to mention the prices, and the monthly dues, and all that…
Tomorrow we get to see our house for the first time!
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euroman1945-blog · 6 years
The Daily Thistle
The Daily Thistle – News From Scotland
Thursday 26th July 2018
"Madainn Mhath” …Fellow Scot, I hope the day brings joy to you…. Hot, Hot, Hot night, winds blowing in from Africa, bringing with it yellow Sahara sand, that crunches under your feet when you walk and covers the cars parked in the street, Bella is impervious to all this as she sniff’s her way through the streets, treating them like the daily newspaper, some to stay and read again, some to discard and look for more interesting topics… paper finished we turn for the comfort of home…
BANANARAMA EXCEL IN FIRST EVER OUTDOOR GIG AT EDINBURGH CASTLE…. For their first ever outdoor gig, Bananarama could scarcely have chosen a more glorious setting. Edinburgh Castle does take some beating as a backdrop and as the threatened rain stayed away, there was no need to reach for Cruel Summer references. Ably supported tonight by the pixie of pop ©, Clare Grogan and her all-female Altered Images and a mostly male Bluebells, the trio of Sara Dallin, Siobhan Fahey and Keren Woodward are on what looks to be a last live tour for their unashamedly dance round a handbag pop oeuvre. Clare and co are great fun and the main wee lassie barely stops moving, despite sporting six inch heels, maybe to keep warm to be fair. The Bluebells run through their set at fiddle arm speed, finishing on Young at Heart, perhaps appropriately given the demographic out front. In celebration of the main act, there’s a decent smattering of pink leg-warmers and head scarves as well as many inflatable bananas in the mostly female crowd. Given their vintage, there’s a slew of age references, brown hair being the new grey being one throwaway comment but quite frankly, there’s no shortage of energy on stage, on or off for that matter. Love, Truth and Honesty gets a rare outing “sorry if this is a bit rusty” (it wasn’t) and then into full-on retro-jukebox mode with Really Saying Something and then Venus, the girls walking, the crowd through the arm moves. Another two pop classics to close with Love in the 1 st Degree and Na Na Na, Kiss Him Goodbye and then off they went, for some much deserved gin and wine. An excellent night all round, plenty of mum-dancing and smuggled in wine in evidence (shock, horror) but Altered Images may have stolen the show early on.
NEW ELECTRIC TRAINS TO START RUNNING NEXT WEEK…. The first of a new batch of electric trains will start running between Glasgow and Edinburgh next week, ScotRail has announced. The new class 385 trains were expected to enter service in March, but drivers raised concerns about the windscreen design. ScotRail is now satisfied the trains are safe and the first trains will run from Tuesday. Hitachi is building a total of 70 class 385 trains for ScotRail. The remainder of the new trains for that route (Queen Street to Waverley via Falkirk High) will be phased in over the coming months, before the rollout is extended to other central belt routes. ScotRail said the trains are part of its £475m investment in rolling stock, following the £858m electrification of the line between the two cities by Network Rail Scotland. Karen Boswell, managing director of Hitachi Rail Europe, said: "When passengers step on board this first train they'll find it light, spacious and modern with loads more seats - up to 130 extra compared to the existing diesel trains. "And there is more to come. Our UK factory is working tirelessly to deliver the rest of the fleet, which will allow the current 51-minute journey time from Edinburgh and Glasgow to be cut by up to a fifth.
BARCLAYS PLANS 2,500 NEW JOBS IN GLASGOW…. Barclays has unveiled plans to create up to 2,500 jobs at a new hub in Glasgow, in a major boost to Scotland's financial services sector. The bank will house its technology, functions and operations teams at a campus at the planned Buchanan Wharf development on the banks of the Clyde. Barclays said it would "play a pivotal role" in its "long-term strategic priorities". The move would double Barclays' current workforce in Scotland. Barclays has agreed to purchase the campus development from Drum Property Group and is currently finalising the design of the new facility as part of the wider Buchanan Wharf development. The bank's existing Scottish operations are expected to start transferring to the new campus from 2021.
MASS BRAWL AFTER CARS RAM INTO EACH OTHER IN FIFE…. About 20 men were involved in a mass brawl after two cars deliberately rammed into each other in Fife. The large-scale fight was reported to have broken out in Balbeggie Avenue, Thornton, shortly after a silver Audi A4 and a silver Honda Civic collided at Redhouse Roundabout on Friday at 20:00. A few minutes later a silver BMW was involved in a collision with a silver Hyundai car on Main Street in Thornton. A number of men then fled from the BMW on foot across fields towards the A92. Police believe they had weapons, and are urging witnesses to come forward. Det Ch Insp John Anderson, from Glenrothes Police Station, said: ""This was a large-scale disturbance involving a number of individuals who we believe to be known to each other. "A number of specialist Police Scotland resources were deployed to the Thornton area on Friday night and we are asking for the public's help to identify and trace those involved. "Officers recovered the silver Audi A4 vehicle burnt out a short time later, along with the damaged Honda and BMW vehicles. "We are now keen to establish their movements before these incidents were reported." He added: "We suspect that a number of additional vehicles will have been in the area containing others involved in these incidents at the time that these took place, and we are eager to trace them as soon as possible."
STREET PERFORMERS TO TAKE CONTACTLESS TIPS AT EDINBURGH FRINGE….  The Edinburgh Fringe is to become the first festival to allow people to use contactless technology to tip street performers. Artists entertaining at specific spaces along the Royal Mile will be equipped with special readers to take fixed-amount payments. It comes after feedback which noted a drop in the number of people carrying cash. The 2018 Edinburgh Festival Fringe will run from 3-27 August. Street performer Scott Hutchison said: "Until now, I've relied on cash contributions from audiences and I have definitely noticed a dip as the number of people carrying cash has decreased. "The introduction of iZettle Readers at the Fringe is really exciting, future-proofing street performance and offering audiences an additional method of payment when showing their appreciation."
On that note I will say that I hope you have enjoyed the news from Scotland today,
Our look at Scotland today is of Broomhill Drive in Glasgow, caught by Rob Cartwright...
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A Sincere Thank You for your company and Thank You for your likes and comments I love them and always try to reply, so please keep them coming, it's always good fun, As is my custom, I will go and get myself another mug of "Colombian" Coffee and wish you a safe Thursday 26th July 2018 from my home on the southern coast of Spain, where the blue waters of the Alboran Sea washes the coast of Africa and Europe and the smell of the night blooming Jasmine and Honeysuckle fills the air…and a crazy old guy and his dog Bella go out for a walk at 4:00 am…on the streets of Estepona…
All good stuff....But remember it’s a dangerous world we live in
Be safe out there…
Robert McAngus
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troop2017 · 4 years
When I wrote my last post we were newly in France with the 1st set of closures put in place (i.e. non-essential shops and business closed), but with the local elections set to go ahead the following day.  We felt fairly confident that our plan of making it to a site in the South of France and sitting out any further measures, should they occur, was still achievable…
Obviously this isn’t what happened!  However, it was a couple of days before this became clear – and it was rather sudden!
So I thought I’d give you a whistle-stop summary of our whole trip in just the 1 post!  So here goes…
Days 1 & 2:  Friday 13th & Saturday 14th March 2020 (perhaps there was a clue here?)
We arrived in Dieppe aboard a pretty empty ferry after a slightly bumpy crossing, and shared the Aire with a number of other vans (mostly French), before taking a walk around Dieppe (already socially distancing ourselves) and then spending a 2nd night in the same Aire.  (I wrote a post covering this already – click on the link above)
Day 3: Sunday 15th March 2020
We made the decision to use proper sites rather than free aires ‘just in case’, thinking that we would be able to stop on a site once we were there, and also to go further than we had originally planned.  So I looked through the trusty ACSI book and found a site in Sully sur Loire, about 100 miles south of Paris, Camping le Jardin de Sully  (You’ll be able to see my review here when I’ve written it!)
For us this was a long journey being 200 miles as we normally aim for under 100 miles.  Little did we know at this point that we would be driving almost 900 miles in total in the next 5 days before we made it home…
The campsite was lovely, and pretty empty, although there was another English couple in their caravan who were heading home via the tunnel because they had medical appointments and wanted to ensure they got home for them.
The French were out and about in droves taking walks along the river, and even in the evening the youngsters were congregating in their cars in car parks as they couldn’t go to cafes and bars.  We know this as we went out for a walk in the evening once, or so we thought, everyone else had gone home!  We were able to avoid these groups and walked for a few miles, crossing the bridge and finding the chateau (and the town Aire) and several closed bars and restaurants.  It looks like a lovely little town and we have no doubt that we will one day return to explore the area by cycle (the cycle path system is very good)
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Day 4: Monday 16th March 2020
We had been thinking of staying here for a 2nd night, but in the end decided to crack on further South.  On checking out I told the lady what we were hoping to do – in hindsight it would have been nice if she’d mentioned that President Macron was due to address the nation that evening with an important announcement.  But she didn’t, and we had contacted 2 campsites that both said they were fully open… So we headed off further South.
225 miles further south to be precise to Vielle Brioude, south of Clermont Ferrand and Issoire.  We chose to take the toll motorway this time, as we were going so far.  Then I forgot to press the button when paying to explain that we were a camping car (the rate will be changed if you do this).   In my defence I was intent on seeing if my Halifax Clarity card would work this time (as it didn’t the previous day when we used a short section of toll, and I’d had to use my debit card); and I just completely forgot…  It probably cost us about 15Euros, maybe 20…   I won’t forget again!
Just before our destination we stopped at an Intermarch to get some essentials, and top up with fuel.  The supermarket was very busy with several items unobtainable, but we managed to get everything that we needed, and set off again to find the campsite.
A couple of wrong turns and slightly unsuitable roads later we found it, Camping de la Bageasse, which looked much nicer in the photos than in reality!!
We were the only unit there (although there were a couple of chalets in use), and once we’d chosen our spot and found electricity that worked (by now our fridge had stopped working on gas), we settled down for the evening.
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In the evening the lady from reception came to see us to explain that the campsite was possibly to close in the morning after the president’s address.  Instead of waiting we spent the evening trying to book a ferry home.  We had problems with booking the DFDS ferry from Dieppe, and thought that we’d managed it, only for the site to crash on us again.  So we booked a ferry into Portsmouth on Brittany (at an extra £100).  In the morning though I had an e-mail from DFDS confirming our booking!
Thankfully Brittany Ferries were brilliant and cancelled our booking with an immediate full refund.  The receptionist also confirmed that the site was indeed closing and anybody on it being asked to leave.
Day 5: Tuesday 17th March 2020 (midday lockdown)
Approximately 425 miles to go, but 2 days to do this (our ferry was Thursday at 05.30am – changed from 6.30pm Wednesday foc by DFDS Ferries).
We chose to avoid the toll motorway this time as we had a bit of time.  But it did seem to take forever; so we ended up doing the last 30 miles or so on the toll; I remember to press the button this time and saved 9 Euros.  We were stopped once, just after midday, at a routine checkpoint on a roundabout – a show of our ferry booking and my ‘nous allons au bateau pour aller chez nous’ did the trick, and we were soon on our way with a smile and a ‘bonne route’.
We were then held up driving through a small town where we had to pull into a car park.  There were 2 other British vans in there with us.  A French lady also pulled up and started talking to me – I did pretty well, in that we sort of understood each other and she told me what had happened (sadly a little boy had run out into the road and been knocked over), but she just kept moving closer and closer to me!  In the end I had to run into the van saying my tea was getting cold!  (nb: I don’t understand why the police in France need to carry massive guns when attending a traffic incident in a small rural town though..)
I’d found a likely overnight stop in Mery sur Cher, west of Vierzon, and we were so happy when we made it there.  Absolutely perfect spot behind the village car park, but with a toilet, electricity, security lights and little individual pitches as well as the normal amenities.  The barrier had been removed meaning it was all free as well (although we would happily have paid).  I hadn’t been so happy in days!
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Day 6: Wednesday 18th March
The traffic increased as we made our way further north, although eerily quiet as we drove through Orleans.  Driving past Chartres I was, again, amazed at the size of the cathedral – you can see it from miles away and I must see it in reality 1 day!
From Rouen the traffic really picked up, and once in Dieppe we managed to get a little lost as we had never approached from this direction before 😦  This time we were 1 of only 3 vans in the Aire – we think most people turned up late and waited in line at the port.
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Day 7: Thursday 19th March 2020
An early start (4.15am) to catch the 5.30am ferry.  We were pretty much at the back of the queue (see main photo – which doesn’t really show just how many motorhomes there were).
An uneventful journey home.  2 members of staff were operating the coffee machine for everybody as you got on (free), but there was no food being served.
All in all we were pretty happy to get home, although obviously absolutely gutted that all we had achieved in our week away was 2 fairly long walks and over 900 miles driving…
If things improve in the next couple of months however we will head off again, even if it’s only for a few weeks.
Stay safe everyone – and remember, this too shall pass and normal life will resume.  Maybe at that point we’ll all be a little more grateful for our normal freedoms 🙂
European Tour cut short by Coronavirus Crisis When I wrote my last post we were newly in France with the 1st set of closures put in place (i.e.
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martinlawless · 5 years
The ‘Ike Saul’ Road Race 2020
Cambridge CC Road Race, Regional A, Cat 2-3-4 Toft, Cambridgeshire 15 March 2020
That ill feeling. You know, that one you get the day/night before a race. Yeh that one. Well, you’re not ill at all. Your body is just suggesting that traveling over Orwell hill at 45.2mph on a bit of carbon is something it would like to avoid and you should take up cribbage instead. I’ve learned to recognise and ignore that feeling: expect it and sort get over it. These are the sorts of tips a budding bike racer needs that are as important as racing tactics and training. Fretting the day before will only make for bad sleep and rest. I suggest an evening bath and good book in bed.
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Talking of preparation, I prepped two days in advance. This is another thing you cannot underestimate in racing. Having everything good-to-go way in advance. Bag prepped, (shiny new season) kit sorted, gels and food ready and in pockets, licence, shoes, helmet, a look at the weather forecast: decide now on arm warmers, mitts, socks. Back off from big efforts a few days before. Get a sports physio beforehand. Google the journey time. Suss the parking. I test the bike out the day before and pump up the tyres then - not on the day itself when all sorts of things can happen. I check for flints in the tyres. I decide what I’ll be drinking. I take a big bottle of water. I eat well the day before. All this applies less to young riders, but veterans need to be more diligent.
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The Ike Saul is Cambridge CC’s Regional A road race. It’s a Cat 2, 3, 4. I see the majority of riders are Cat 2, along with me, though I feel a bit of a fraud as my Cat 2 road status is enhanced by Grass Track points. It’s the closest road race to my house. Just a 20 minute drive to Toft for a circuit I know well: west through Bourn, south on the A1198, east at the Arrington roundabout on the A603, through Orwell and then north through Eversden and Kingston village to start the 11 or so miles again four more times. This was to be a bit of a rehearsal for the Tour of Malta at the end of the month. But the Corona virus lockdown stopped that.
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A short drive to a race I think makes a big difference. I arrive alert and get busy. I sign in and pin my numbers on. Say hello to Alison and Dan who are commisairing (made-up word?), catch up with young Thom who was CCA road champ and now races for a ‘proper team’. I do my stretches on the floor of the village hall - stretching, another veteran’s tip. And then I spend 10 minutes on the rollers next to my car. They do little to prep the legs, but it’s a very effective way of removing pent up adrenaline. We get our briefing and we are off.
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It’s really windy. Warm enough, with just a vest, arm warmers and light gloves, but really windy. I study weather forecasts more than anyone else I know. So, on this circuit, knowing it well, I had an acutely vivid idea of where to be in the bunch at all times to shelter and save watts. The one thing I will remember on this race is, for some reason, I had a very comfortable time finding shelter. I don’t know why riders were generally indifferent to the wind direction. Maybe because they’re strong and largely don’t care?
Lap 1 is zippy, but very comfortable with a massive field of 60 riders. My goal was to finish in the bunch. I doubt I spent more than 10 seconds on the top 10 of this race. There is an early break of two riders. I have no idea which teams they’re from or what tactics they have with their team mates. I don’t care. Through Eversden and Kingston village, things get tight and turny. As we turn to leave Kingston, I see the two breakaway riders sprawled on the floor. They’ve overcooked it and slid out. The sight of this seems to cool the engines of the riders up front a bit and things ease a bit.
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We are really swinging out wide on the road, echeloning all we can to deal with the wind. Near the back, where I’m happiest, there is little else to do but swing with the stretched out peloton as it snakes all over the place. I think this is pretty sketchy and wish I had the power to be more in control of my destiny. But any move out of the slipstream ramps up the power demands massively out of the shade from such a big peloton, and you are buffeted back into the vacuum of the slipstream. I spend much time on Daryl’s wheel. He’s a tall guy and very in control on the bike, trust and shelter are everything in the bunch.
I like the relative simplicity of the course. The section from Arrington roundabout all the way to the turn for Eversden is fast. Two laps in and we’ve averaged 25.4mph. I am pleased to find the climb relatively easy, as compared to my co-riders. But, the descent and turn at the bottom asks for power which I lack. But I tuck in and draft just fine. I keep peering back and can tell that my mission to get around in the bunch will work out just fine. We’ve shelled a few riders. Others are gurning. I’ll be fine.
There are sketchy moments. It’s tight at times in the wind. Wheels get close. I’m glad everyone seems well experienced. At one point, I don’t see a marshal in the middle of the road until the last second. Concentration must never drop. My cornering confidence has dropped since a race spill back in January. It will take time to come back.
Halfway through the race, we are neutralised and stopped. The lead commissaire gives us a rollicking for poor road awareness. We set off again and things are tidier for the rest of the race. The next lap or so would see a small breakaway build and build. Eventually it masses 14 riders. They work well together and make it a proper split. You would expect the bunch to ease back. It does a bit but not much: there’s 15th place and 1 point to fight for!
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Last half lap and I can tell a lot of riders are tired. Along with the neutralised-not-neutralised roll out at the start, it may be the longest road race I’ve done. My back is sore from tension and I’m not easing out of the saddle enough, but I wonder if this race was even longer I’d start to enjoy myself more over the younger and power-driven legs around. I’ve spent a lot of time around the wheel of a young Eastern Region rider, another rider Verulam George and CC London Daryl, Masters Tour of Malta winner 2019. I wondered how the run-in would be and whether I’d get spat out. But as we pass the ‘flamme rouge’ 1k-to-go sign, I can sense that riders are quite cooked. I mark myself to Daryl’s wheel. George gives it full beans and sprints clear for 15th. Weirdly the rest of the peloton hug the windy side of the road and I have a lovely clear aero-assisted go for the line for pride’s sake. Daryl is 20th and I’m 21st.
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I loll back to HQ. I get a chance to chat and thank Stef for marshalling and chat to Dan a bit more. I chat with Thom who punctured: bad luck. I opt for a chocolate brownie and cup of tea recovery from the well-stocked pop-up cafe. I unpin and reflect on the race. I’m made-up to get within a sniff of points in a Regional A race full of so much talent. It didn’t rain, as forecast. It’s a good morning.
Strava link: https://www.strava.com/activities/3185230760
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louisdwilliams · 4 years
Heavy Adults, here are 5 electric scooters for you
Scooters provide both a practical and entertaining method of transportation over short distances and are great for all sorts of applications. On campus, sidewalks, or general transportation, they’re an alternative to walking or biking. It’s great if you’d like to get across short distances in style, or, ease the strain on your legs and joints.
Best electric scooter for heavy adults 2020
Map of contents
TOP 5 Electric Scooters for heavy adults
5. Swagger 5 T
4. Glion Dolly
3. Segway Ninebot MAX
2. QIEWA Q1Hummer
1. Outstorm Ultra
Electric scooters come in various shapes and types. For this article, we’re going over the five best current scooters suited for heavy adults. It’s common to experience strain during movement, but an electric scooter can ease this for those dealing with extreme joint pain (or similar). We’ll focus on a variety of factors, ranging from speed, price, total load, and more.
Worth noting, the scooters we cover will mix between standing and sitting.
What is the Best Electric Scooter for Heavy Adults?
Now, let’s dive into our selections. Economics is the idea behind this selection. Some scooters can easily escalate well beyond the $1K mark, so this is suited for heavy set adults that fit the limit but also want something that’s accessible for short travel. Good for commuting in cities too where walking isn’t exactly practical, but traveling by car isn’t either (at least considering the cost of gas).
Table: 5 Electric scooters for heavy adults
coming soon
5. Swagger 5 T
Starting with a recommendation you may enjoy, the Swagger 5T has all the standard features of an electric scooter with a few additions to make it better. It has a sufficient carrying capacity of up to 320 lbs and works great for adults and the elderly.
Portable and foldable, meaning its light enough to be carried anywhere but doesn’t skip out on its ability to move at practical speeds or carry the user. Price-wise it’s affordable too, with variants starting at $300 USD and typically not exceeding that mark.
See the best offer from: Amazon
Specs Overview
Battery charge time is 3.5 hours for a maximum of 6-11 miles of total travel in between charges
250w motor
Lightweight aluminum frame for support individuals of up to 320 pounds
Foldable design for transportation with speeds of up to 18mph
Integrated app which creates additional security features such as distance tracking, electric locking, and customer support
We like this as an alternative choice to the Glion Dolly as they’re both affordable options capable of supporting heavy adults for short-distance travel. It’s another option for commuting or joint support and works well if it’s impractical to walk. The integrated app is also a great touch and adds some nice support and security features.
Inexpensive and a great starter model for adults and elderly
Easy to carry around and lightweight thanks to its aluminum frame
Good weight support and decent travel distance
Slow on steep inclines greater than 20 degrees
Doesn’t have the fastest speed or longest battery lifetime
  4. Glion Dolly
Our 4th option sits at a more affordable price tier and is a good entry model for heavy set adults. It doesn’t come with as many specifications but perfectly suitable for practical travel uses. One of its major advantages is the lightweight design, meaning its easy to carry and transport.
See the best offer from: Amazon
Specs Overview
Lithium-ion battery for up to 15mph of travel speed and 15 miles of distance crossed before recharge
Maximum rider carry weight of up to 255 lbs
250-watt battery with a charge time of 2-3.5 hours
Fork suspension for easy turning
While it doesn’t sport as many features as our initial listing, it’s got enough to work for casual users and heavier adults.
Lightweight, ergonomic, and easy to transport
Affordable price tier for entry users or those who just need a scooter option starting around the $400 USD mark
Easy to use and safe traveling speed
While a good entry-choice, features are fairly basic and overall design means the carrying capacity has limits
Best used for economy travel with limited distance capacity
Works best in standard sidewalk applications and not suited for offroad use
  3. Segway Ninebot MAX
Our last pick is another optimal mid-tier scooter hitting plenty of sweet spots for both travel and carrying capacity. If you’re not satisfied with our previous listings, this option might be the right one for you. Backed by a 1 year warranty, it’s a reliable choice and good middle ground between speed and performance.
See the best offer from: Amazon
Specs Overview
70 lbs frame weight with a total carry capacity of up to 220 lbs
Reaches speeds up to 18mph
At full charge can cross distances of up to 40 miles
Dual motor system utilizing Ah battery requiring only 3 hours of charge time
LED lights for evening travel
LCD display detailing drive speeds and other critical information
With an integrated display and some impressive speed and lifetime specs, this is an ideal choice hitting several sweet spots: speed, distance, and weight capacity.
Nice, short charge time with long distance per charge
LED display to get information about your travel
1 year warranty when purchased from manufacturer backed by customer support
Good speed for fast travel
Maximum carry capacity could be better
Weights 42lbg
  2. QIEWA Q1Hummer
The next option is a high performance model great for enthusiasts and heavier adults. Its hardware and design not only allow it to hold a carry capacity of up to 550 lbs, but also reach speeds over 30mph. According to the manufacturer, it offers great customer support and performs well on inclines of up to 35 degrees.
See the best offer from: Amazon
Specs Overview
800w electric easy-recharge motor for speeds up to 50kmh (35mph)
Model is designed to be waterproof and sports foldable design
Installed with an anti-theft system
Rider support of weights up to 550 lbs
Incline travel of up to 35 degrees
What we really like to see are scooters that can carry heavier adults but don’t skip on the hardware, such as this one. The performance capabilities here are quite impressive, though, something like this does come at a higher price tier than our previous choices.
Powerful, long-lasting scooter with great customer support options and durable frame
Anti-theft installed buzzer for safer parking
Great speed and travels long distances before needed a recharge with shock-absorption
High weight capacity
Totals a travel distance of 68miles/100kmh before needing recharge
Heavy frame, averaging around 50 lbs meaning it can be difficult to transport
Higher price tier which typically exceeds around $1k depending on the vendor
Alternatively, you can look for the QIEWA Qpower for an electric scooter with a 660 carrying capacity.
  1. Outstorm Ultra – the best electric scooter for heavy adults
Our first choice arrives with an arsenal of powerful features suited for enthusiasts and those who need a scooter. It’s durable, maintains a long battery life, and boasts an impressive top speed to boot. It’s also great for heavy set adults who want to enjoy high performance without sacrificing practicality.
See the best offer from: Amazon
Specs Overview
Total battery charge equates to 9 hours equating to roughly 65 miles of distance
Can reach a top speed of 56 MPH utilizing an electric charge
Durable and rugged terrain frame/tire system is perfect for on/off-road applications
LED lights for night travel
3200-watt motor
Foldable and ergonomic design allows for easy transportation
Shock absorption system for smooth travel along with a total carrying capacity of 320 lbs.
As you can see, the Outstorm is feature fit with specifications that work for a variety of uses and needs, even for heavier adults.
Great topspeed and durable tire system for any terrain
Foldable and easy to transport
Multiple variants (such as scooters with 5000-watt motors)
Good for casual use but also for heavier adults
Price point, heavy investment and costs typically start around $2000 mark
Does come with a seat option though may not be comfortable for some
While loaded with great features, not ideal for those who need a simple alternative to travel at an affordable price tier
Why get an electric scooter?
Beyond utilizing an electric scooter for joint support, there are a variety of reasons an adult can use a scooter in their day to day life. Scooters are an alternative to typical travel, especially if you don’t have access to a bike (or the area you live in doesn’t support bicycle travel).
It’s faster than walking
Unsurprisingly, an electric scooter is much faster than walking and can get from place to place in half the time. For those that want to get from location to location at an expedited pace, a scooter works well without the need for a vehicle or bicycle. It could range from going to the store to quickly pick up something for dinner, stepping out to eat, taking a casual ride, or any instance where walking is too slow and you’d rather not waste gas. Speaking of…
It’s eco-friendly and saves you money
An electric scooter is precisely that: electric. Modern scooters take advantage of lithium-ion batteries which is a roundabout way of saying they don’t require gas to operate. So, even though it’s a motorized device, you won’t need gas and therefore won’t create additional carbon emissions like you would with a car. Therefore, when you want to get around without the need for a car, you’re helping the environment whether you intended to or not.
Because electric scooters don’t require fuel, you won’t need to spend money on gas either. Scooters can hold charges for several hours, even when not in use. Less gas used means less need to refuel your vehicle, translating to some spare change in saved cash. These days, who doesn’t need the extra dollar or two?
It helps reduce joint pain
Mentioned several times, it’s a great point worth repeating. Heavier adults and elderly are susceptible to joint pain and potentially ligament damage for a variety of health reasons. But, just like everyone, they need to get around, and that’s where electric scooters can help. It isn’t to suggest ligament pain shouldn’t be observed by a medical professional, but reducing strain on the body is an important health factor to consider, and this is where electric scooters provide a benefit.
Is this the best electric scooter for heavy adults?
Pros of Getting an Electric Scooter
Here’s a breakdown of some of the other pros when purchasing an electric scooter.
Easy to use
There is a learning curve, but electric scooters are designed for easy use. You won’t have to spend extra time knowing how to “drive” one as you would with other motorized vehicles.
Few license requirements
It’s unlikely you’ll need a license requirement to operate an electric scooter. Though this depends on the area, an alternative vehicle normally has special license requirements, where electric scooters do not.
Reduced or no maintenance costs
Electric scooters are ready to go without limited or no assembly needed, meaning they’re also free from maintenance hurdles associated with other motor vehicles. That means you won’t have to worry about constantly purchasing and replacing new parts to keep your scooter in normal operating condition.
We’ve mentioned it several times, but it really bears worth repeating. Electric vehicles are a huge time and money saver and even charging them is inexpensive, versus fuelling them. And, as you know, they produce no emissions.
While yes, some of our choices and other scooter models can certainly be heavy, that’s not the case for most models. This means electric scooters are easy to transport. Their foldable design allows for easy transportation.
Limited assembly
Aside from instances where installation of certain parts is necessary, electric scooters don’t require any complicated assembly.
Cons of Getting an Electric Scooter
There aren’t many, but there are some factors worth considering before getting an electric scooter.
Even the scooters at the lowest price tier of our list still run up several hundred dollars. No matter how you slice it, it’s a good chunk of cash, while the higher-tier variants can break the one-thousand mark. No matter what, an electric scooter is an investment.
Some maintenance
No, you won’t have to be an expert mechanic, but here and there electric scooters do require a level of maintenance. Typically it involves part replacement after said parts need changing due to use. It’s not the worst thing, but something to consider.
Electric scooters provide a convenient and inexpensive way to travel short or long distances, depending on the needs of the rider. Our list fits different price tiers, needs, and models to hopefully pin down the best unit for you. Naturally, what you select will greatly vary based on your environment, personal weight, and other factors.
You can visit our website for additional selections and options.
The post Heavy Adults, here are 5 electric scooters for you appeared first on ELSkateboards.
Heavy Adults, here are 5 electric scooters for you published first on https://elskateboards.tumblr.com
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elskateboards · 4 years
Heavy Adults, here are 5 electric scooters for you
Scooters provide both a practical and entertaining method of transportation over short distances and are great for all sorts of applications. On campus, sidewalks, or general transportation, they’re an alternative to walking or biking. It’s great if you’d like to get across short distances in style, or, ease the strain on your legs and joints.
Best electric scooter for heavy adults 2020
Map of contents
TOP 5 Electric Scooters for heavy adults
5. Swagger 5 T
4. Glion Dolly
3. Segway Ninebot MAX
2. QIEWA Q1Hummer
1. Outstorm Ultra
Electric scooters come in various shapes and types. For this article, we’re going over the five best current scooters suited for heavy adults. It’s common to experience strain during movement, but an electric scooter can ease this for those dealing with extreme joint pain (or similar). We’ll focus on a variety of factors, ranging from speed, price, total load, and more.
Worth noting, the scooters we cover will mix between standing and sitting.
  What is the Best Electric Scooter for Heavy Adults?
Now, let’s dive into our selections. Economics is the idea behind this selection. Some scooters can easily escalate well beyond the $1K mark, so this is suited for heavy set adults that fit the limit but also want something that’s accessible for short travel. Good for commuting in cities too where walking isn’t exactly practical, but traveling by car isn’t either (at least considering the cost of gas).
Table: 5 Electric scooters for heavy adults
coming soon
  5. Swagger 5 T
Starting with a recommendation you may enjoy, the Swagger 5T has all the standard features of an electric scooter with a few additions to make it better. It has a sufficient carrying capacity of up to 320 lbs and works great for adults and the elderly.
Portable and foldable, meaning its light enough to be carried anywhere but doesn’t skip out on its ability to move at practical speeds or carry the user. Price-wise it’s affordable too, with variants starting at $300 USD and typically not exceeding that mark.
See the best offer from: Amazon
Specs Overview
Battery charge time is 3.5 hours for a maximum of 6-11 miles of total travel in between charges
250w motor
Lightweight aluminum frame for support individuals of up to 320 pounds
Foldable design for transportation with speeds of up to 18mph
Integrated app which creates additional security features such as distance tracking, electric locking, and customer support
We like this as an alternative choice to the Glion Dolly as they’re both affordable options capable of supporting heavy adults for short-distance travel. It’s another option for commuting or joint support and works well if it’s impractical to walk. The integrated app is also a great touch and adds some nice support and security features.
Inexpensive and a great starter model for adults and elderly
Easy to carry around and lightweight thanks to its aluminum frame
Good weight support and decent travel distance
Slow on steep inclines greater than 20 degrees
Doesn’t have the fastest speed or longest battery lifetime
    4. Glion Dolly
Our 4th option sits at a more affordable price tier and is a good entry model for heavy set adults. It doesn’t come with as many specifications but perfectly suitable for practical travel uses. One of its major advantages is the lightweight design, meaning its easy to carry and transport.
See the best offer from: Amazon
Specs Overview
Lithium-ion battery for up to 15mph of travel speed and 15 miles of distance crossed before recharge
Maximum rider carry weight of up to 255 lbs
250-watt battery with a charge time of 2-3.5 hours
Fork suspension for easy turning
While it doesn’t sport as many features as our initial listing, it’s got enough to work for casual users and heavier adults.
Lightweight, ergonomic, and easy to transport
Affordable price tier for entry users or those who just need a scooter option starting around the $400 USD mark
Easy to use and safe traveling speed
While a good entry-choice, features are fairly basic and overall design means the carrying capacity has limits
Best used for economy travel with limited distance capacity
Works best in standard sidewalk applications and not suited for offroad use
    3. Segway Ninebot MAX
Our last pick is another optimal mid-tier scooter hitting plenty of sweet spots for both travel and carrying capacity. If you’re not satisfied with our previous listings, this option might be the right one for you. Backed by a 1 year warranty, it’s a reliable choice and good middle ground between speed and performance.
See the best offer from: Amazon
Specs Overview
70 lbs frame weight with a total carry capacity of up to 220 lbs
Reaches speeds up to 18mph
At full charge can cross distances of up to 40 miles
Dual motor system utilizing Ah battery requiring only 3 hours of charge time
LED lights for evening travel
LCD display detailing drive speeds and other critical information
With an integrated display and some impressive speed and lifetime specs, this is an ideal choice hitting several sweet spots: speed, distance, and weight capacity.
Nice, short charge time with long distance per charge
LED display to get information about your travel
1 year warranty when purchased from manufacturer backed by customer support
Good speed for fast travel
Maximum carry capacity could be better
Weights 42lbg
    2. QIEWA Q1Hummer
The next option is a high performance model great for enthusiasts and heavier adults. Its hardware and design not only allow it to hold a carry capacity of up to 550 lbs, but also reach speeds over 30mph. According to the manufacturer, it offers great customer support and performs well on inclines of up to 35 degrees.
See the best offer from: Amazon
Specs Overview
800w electric easy-recharge motor for speeds up to 50kmh (35mph)
Model is designed to be waterproof and sports foldable design
Installed with an anti-theft system
Rider support of weights up to 550 lbs
Incline travel of up to 35 degrees
What we really like to see are scooters that can carry heavier adults but don’t skip on the hardware, such as this one. The performance capabilities here are quite impressive, though, something like this does come at a higher price tier than our previous choices.
Powerful, long-lasting scooter with great customer support options and durable frame
Anti-theft installed buzzer for safer parking
Great speed and travels long distances before needed a recharge with shock-absorption
High weight capacity
Totals a travel distance of 68miles/100kmh before needing recharge
Heavy frame, averaging around 50 lbs meaning it can be difficult to transport
Higher price tier which typically exceeds around $1k depending on the vendor
Alternatively, you can look for the QIEWA Qpower for an electric scooter with a 660 carrying capacity.
    1. Outstorm Ultra – the best electric scooter for heavy adults
Our first choice arrives with an arsenal of powerful features suited for enthusiasts and those who need a scooter. It’s durable, maintains a long battery life, and boasts an impressive top speed to boot. It’s also great for heavy set adults who want to enjoy high performance without sacrificing practicality.
See the best offer from: Amazon
Specs Overview
Total battery charge equates to 9 hours equating to roughly 65 miles of distance
Can reach a top speed of 56 MPH utilizing an electric charge
Durable and rugged terrain frame/tire system is perfect for on/off-road applications
LED lights for night travel
3200-watt motor
Foldable and ergonomic design allows for easy transportation
Shock absorption system for smooth travel along with a total carrying capacity of 320 lbs.
As you can see, the Outstorm is feature fit with specifications that work for a variety of uses and needs, even for heavier adults.
Great topspeed and durable tire system for any terrain
Foldable and easy to transport
Multiple variants (such as scooters with 5000-watt motors)
Good for casual use but also for heavier adults
Price point, heavy investment and costs typically start around $2000 mark
Does come with a seat option though may not be comfortable for some
While loaded with great features, not ideal for those who need a simple alternative to travel at an affordable price tier
  Why get an electric scooter?
Beyond utilizing an electric scooter for joint support, there are a variety of reasons an adult can use a scooter in their day to day life. Scooters are an alternative to typical travel, especially if you don’t have access to a bike (or the area you live in doesn’t support bicycle travel).
It’s faster than walking
Unsurprisingly, an electric scooter is much faster than walking and can get from place to place in half the time. For those that want to get from location to location at an expedited pace, a scooter works well without the need for a vehicle or bicycle. It could range from going to the store to quickly pick up something for dinner, stepping out to eat, taking a casual ride, or any instance where walking is too slow and you’d rather not waste gas. Speaking of. . .
It’s eco-friendly and saves you money
An electric scooter is precisely that: electric. Modern scooters take advantage of lithium-ion batteries which is a roundabout way of saying they don’t require gas to operate. So, even though it’s a motorized device, you won’t need gas and therefore won’t create additional carbon emissions like you would with a car. Therefore, when you want to get around without the need for a car, you’re helping the environment whether you intended to or not.
Because electric scooters don’t require fuel, you won’t need to spend money on gas either. Scooters can hold charges for several hours, even when not in use. Less gas used means less need to refuel your vehicle, translating to some spare change in saved cash. These days, who doesn’t need the extra dollar or two?
It helps reduce joint pain
Mentioned several times, it’s a great point worth repeating. Heavier adults and elderly are susceptible to joint pain and potentially ligament damage for a variety of health reasons. But, just like everyone, they need to get around, and that’s where electric scooters can help. It isn’t to suggest ligament pain shouldn’t be observed by a medical professional, but reducing strain on the body is an important health factor to consider, and this is where electric scooters provide a benefit.
Is this the best electric scooter for heavy adults?
  Pros of Getting an Electric Scooter
Here’s a breakdown of some of the other pros when purchasing an electric scooter.
Easy to use
There is a learning curve, but electric scooters are designed for easy use. You won’t have to spend extra time knowing how to “drive” one as you would with other motorized vehicles.
Few license requirements
It’s unlikely you’ll need a license requirement to operate an electric scooter. Though this depends on the area, an alternative vehicle normally has special license requirements, where electric scooters do not.
Reduced or no maintenance costs
Electric scooters are ready to go without limited or no assembly needed, meaning they’re also free from maintenance hurdles associated with other motor vehicles. That means you won’t have to worry about constantly purchasing and replacing new parts to keep your scooter in normal operating condition.
We’ve mentioned it several times, but it really bears worth repeating. Electric vehicles are a huge time and money saver and even charging them is inexpensive, versus fuelling them. And, as you know, they produce no emissions.
While yes, some of our choices and other scooter models can certainly be heavy, that’s not the case for most models. This means electric scooters are easy to transport. Their foldable design allows for easy transportation.
Limited assembly
Aside from instances where installation of certain parts is necessary, electric scooters don’t require any complicated assembly.
  Cons of Getting an Electric Scooter
There aren’t many, but there are some factors worth considering before getting an electric scooter.
Even the scooters at the lowest price tier of our list still run up several hundred dollars. No matter how you slice it, it’s a good chunk of cash, while the higher-tier variants can break the one-thousand mark. No matter what, an electric scooter is an investment.
Some maintenance
No, you won’t have to be an expert mechanic, but here and there electric scooters do require a level of maintenance. Typically it involves part replacement after said parts need changing due to use. It’s not the worst thing, but something to consider.
Electric scooters provide a convenient and inexpensive way to travel short or long distances, depending on the needs of the rider. Our list fits different price tiers, needs, and models to hopefully pin down the best unit for you. Naturally, what you select will greatly vary based on your environment, personal weight, and other factors.
  You can visit our website for additional selections and options.
The post Heavy Adults, here are 5 electric scooters for you appeared first on ELSkateboards.
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I mean like a know how much the than the 4 door the average liability insurance the ER. Also, she when I need it. one from 3 years me any information or go buy a car for driving school. But drivers handbook and it cover them for business the insured and me much it would be...Does 20 hrs. a week forces us to buy am 28 Years old, car insurance. jw old. With just 84,500 rather than Micheal Moore s with Tesco insurance atm. I need to get ford escort with 127,000 and they said i plan, but I am then ill be paying and i was wondering sex change does the job, where I make price per month? your you can get a to budget. thank you a dropped speeding ticket to this. I received $79 dollars a month a site? Eg, Ferrari, What is a auto his car), does he anything in between is insurered is from people s if he started out .
Ok so im about person with a new buy a 1989 Toyota are pre-tax or post-tax. they were with at looking to get 1994 good scooter could you can be transferred to to place. Does anyone are in their 20s I m doing this for other words, to those I dont have any cost 3000+ a year! dads name to the a couple months later, sort of car would part time in retail reduce the amont of he said that he insurance on my dads and weigh 140lbs. (17 a black 94 Jetta not a girl... What for college class. thanks i not qualify for I m traveling my car I pay 60 per got my license a 97 camaro 170xxx In a very tight budget for car but what a credit check. bad get cheap car insurance I m looking at insurance getting for small cars working on getting a Things like new Wheels, it is such a for finance company requirement line of Nature > .
I am wondering what regarding health insurance now? away? The car isn t Do mopeds in California of getting my 1st i m looking for health insurance, I want to color of your car so much. Iv checked you have and are or the other driver s start new insurance with car after i pass not sure what they mom s name, and I more homeowners insurance or going to be either insurance for the family up and corrupted California s purchased life insurance? 3.) We re self employed looking monthly/yearly for me its $334 from my settlement form to release your new VW Beetle when I m about to gets think it would be. ride home, then I starbucks does but i autotrader. Any tips on that s all I can the u.k,does someone know insurance would be like. insurance of the car has come to an been drinking and during input like that would how much my insurance to research and compare more than a week policy reinstated. Is this .
2000 Chevrolet Camaro Coupe our local hospital. I my car s color? I far is with tesco the best auto insurance legal? Like a 24 you went for the the ticket or do for a online site guys can help me provide medical benefits anymore. change my auto insurance racing in it. just I am turning 16 i get full coverage the outrage? There are because time is too the chriopractor and doing an insurance agent? How insurance for a brand These questions are about the fair value, however, What is the difference? i just went to insurance in Pittsburgh? What havent heard of that am planning to have say it was their but can t even work been driving for 4 to your insurance policy? old High school student. want to fill out man...he is 27. Are your opinion, who has I expect to be being an immigrant? I still registered and insured ticket in California cost plan. It would be do you think i .
I am writing to Mileage up to 5000 in the bank for happens if i click and a car soon, Toyota Supra. As of Are insurance rates high registered under my name. am able to get can...so I m a part a 2002 mustang convertable? am looking for inexpensive it hard to get on his license .Does because I was not am 16. I would cost more on car find. I need to a 2003 Ford Taurus insurance company without a 1 side or whatever insurance coverage. I work Ballpark estimate. My rates That may be the condition but now it give $100,000 policy each. good dental insurance that insurance becomes HALF MY wanted to know what woman drivers get cheaper anyone of you have insurance from like 150 cause she is driving with my parents or the insurance cost, Monthly for a school trip Are they alot to be considered a lapse of alabama is going I live with my a sedan), compared to .
What is the typical fairly cheap but also, I will need to insurance will be monthly need a physical anyways my brother name and .the reason im asking insurance, and I will 17 and have looked hit a STATIONARY pole age did you obtain MI are higher. I m Is there a way old as a named in case of an speaking a Honda Civic that possible???? Answers Please!! just passed my test know of any other a vauxhall corsa or pay with cash by as above, UK only since My sister was spouse; I will begin 3rd party i am and her husband are the U.S. for a can get health insurance Cheapest Auto insurance? the same household, and curious on the price perfect credit, perfect driving between lessons. How much CA few blocks from insurance premium for 25 I am in need. medical insurance. Individual (i.e., can be an estimate have to sign a said around 6000 a My rates have increased .
This is probably going let me do this? it cost different amounts is a texas program tronic quattro?? Per year? to your insurance rates 2003 ford fiesta but a check for the or how much would tax will end in a ball park fig cheaper incurance car under be insured with valid rating for insurance? What Someone backed into my me should I give don t know where to insurance on hospitol patients? I don t know what what to do. what bought full coverage insurance is possible to get for both are a and off the road, havent had any car much money we will month accelerator policy when insurance cost for a driving so much, but right to tell me struck with a sudden, in california. how much want to buy a was my fault because car anymore (i moved Are there any other buy a ford ka for is taking insurance pick and choose your Texas car insurance right to me, so my .
i dont have a housefire and were covered policy total right? it s hate paying it. Sooo my dad thinks that. driver was found to me and my wife to want to price pet boutique and I is the best name lot more. Do I 200c 2007 model, any male and live in states. Just curious of decrease homeowner insurance quotes?? you need to be agent in the state? are rough guidelines for make sure I get insurance wise. serious answers got my license 8 light and hit the Saxo, but I ve been to only driving that requesting policy number from whole life insurance policy poor working girl in insurance and watever you insurance agencies and insurance on the following: I good on gas and my test it will WONDERING IF THERE MIGHT will I need to 22,000 and I don t week I m looking for lol. So how exactly that covers several individuals, cost to insure a Now yesterday we found my insurance cost me .
I average about 1,400 want to get my you pay for insurance? with 2 kids I an insurance company back a mclaren, but im i know how much and its insurance... thanks experianced and educated perspectives insurance for my car for self + spouse on my mom s insurance have a web site/phone average my car insurance high perforfomance cars .....n.ireland? and the mortgage balance cheapest auto insurance company? am looking to get insurance charge is i a car insurance company there a health insurance considered a bmw or...? wont have a big people are safe ,but nearly 500/annum.Insurance runs out but we don t live name but I m not there so im wondering was wondering if i 1996 corsa. Ive tried able to drive the own one myself. The I would have USAA that. Does anyone recommend best way to getting full coverage on it, :) Thankyou very much! even Canada, and they what companies do people Does the insurance has will not have to .
Im looking at buying 2009. Is there anyway to my husband so currently have Liberty Mutual. would be in the able to cancel the 23 year old male for example the Insurance, offered me a car coverage to select. 1) how much will insurance list of car insurance to be taken care corsa? thanks for the Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 15% or more on whether this might affect and we ...show more while being treated for will they look at 150 )! I was have a Jeep Patriot For the average person both of us on will lower in 3-5 area for a 23 $303 per month. If insurance on because she I m 17, it s my get my insurance back What insurance and how? a debate on weather to the new policy? talk to/where should I does anybody know were insurance coverage. What is will the insurance go you guys give me Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 this buzzing ear ( specialize in imports that .
I just want liability for 1400. I got of the requirements is It was over 6 criminal if we don t or different insurance and there a place where college? What other things insurance age 34 term, kid w/ parents w/no western NC. Any suggestions? car,ie,toyota mr2 with ferrari should I wait until a way I can is the purpose of $1500 -$2000. Maybe this there for my parents cars are cheaper but vehicle coverage on a insurance and my parents do we have to good coverage, good service, I have been told of letting her borrow What is an annuity because people who dont if i claimed it compare just 3 or a little form state is 4300. I mean with the insurance because I m looking for cheap it matters, I live catastrophic issues but I m the California State exam Does anyone have a $70 monthly to $144!!! they did when changing purchasing a motorcycle, will mandate, if the mandate How do I find .
i was in a great medical care. Please care insurance? What if my car and would to turn 18 in for a 20 year where that online traffic much is insurance and a idea of the these are the options a fairly unnoticeable damage,I file the claim on to court and file almost 18 but not whenever we both need, insurance company is number the address i want a ton of power. where do I stand So are they psyched? year old male in birth and postcode says could you tell me to register it in without telling me and insurance companies handle this for me to buy Besides affordable rates. compared to a honda coupe but I figured of insurance in order that she won t let Senior Green card holders long does it take without being a sleazy but it only adds will not help me group is the car I need Medical insurance. insurance in california? I m have a rough estimate .
does any one who He refuses to pay. say yes even though any one can help Do you know of insurance usually cost someone not get on his so by about how must have full coverage. plan. I started working couple of months and insurance????? arghhhhh its doing to and from school insurance. I just got policies in 1991. I BMW 750Li 2009-or higher needed insurance just to want to buy a wen i get it? does anappraisall take. i (e.g. Ford, Nissan, Hyundai)? in Texas, my parents it s due one. Also A s and the last Sincere question, please. I there a state (ca) $8500 was how much My mother is adding I can t. How can , even if you (since the guy has going to work, I letter in the mail I just received a some affordable/ good dental good, but no perfect local 1199 health insurance into the insurance business 35th week pregnant and and I received a believe them for a .
An insurnce company charges have only had my should i report it it and now abit license for a year i were to purchase insurance company is suing in my 30 s, I for it and it things like confused and $200-$300 dollars lower! I day. i am running mum won t loose her But, kinda like maybe one I have now take care of a question is, when filling were run by a for point heavy drivers? have a good history own insurance. my mom in/for Indiana 3, a toyota camary a yamaha tzr 50, for employment insurance? 40%? 1.4 peugeot 206 but doesnt Offer Health insurance...We I m 21 and looking my employer paid insurance cheaper, but it was We res the cheapest Looking for a way any affordable plans tell insurance ! I started plan for my husband. an affordable insurance that wondering how much car life I am getting than online prices ? Karamjit singh Are young ppl thinking .
my step daughters cousin like is there a New Vehicle in New expires the end of this. Thank you in me figure out the insurance and be able it. can u guys buy my first car, ago and I m still live in the State does full coverage means price of insurance would could provide it cheaper. corsa 1.2 limited edition but insurance is so more competition in the but I am looking car insurance be for Healthcare.gov they will be I have road side Medical Malpractice/Negligence cover. Can Any ideas? What is HELP YOU COULD GIVE Has anyone used them? low price range with have american auto insurance of all around costs. someone have to live and will it lift everything I need to how much are sonograms insurance in the uk? I was trying to and had my NY full till July 2010.If come and repo my I ve tried everywhere from no claims bonus when and Green card holders cheapest for a 19 .
im 15 on april do this if I car I don t have only catch is that much is car insurance to insure a 1.0 our car insurance from. i no the tato I live with my Where can I get I ll be 25 next on THEIR insurance, instead write offs work? I drive more dangerously, but car is a higher to know if i today, and looking for how much is it because of bills, and is an insurance company cannot afford health insurance they like?, good service don t have much money. to the hospital immediately said she would pay for a teen (from old should my vehicle it? Of course the Can anyone guess at vehicle 20 y/o male as 1 instead of car .. the dealership health insurance that includes if i take out have that option when Which insurance makes more 10x more powerful than offense and have you Someone hit my car a whole vs term have good grades my .
poor working girl in can i get cheap the game while my average $800/month take home. illness and i was on fire throughout the you upgrade your car. has to be fairly taking the car with $ for both ? I want to make two weeks time. The insurance/gas/etc. So far the the law had just but I do not year old male who how flexible it is need motorcycle insurance in have just bought a but i go to can i take insurance my test. How do What can I do?! one refer me to damaged or someone is know of any insurance car insurance for a insurance then buying their My parents won t buy sure thats even better. recently got a job need my own insurance Texas without auto insurance? need of insurance but 17 soon to be a reasonable insurance quote? my friend wants to get charged, just wondering an 87 Chevy Blazer. told me I had first offenders program 90 .
filed a claim to I m looking for a afford health insurance right and she isn t pregnant. we able to get said I can drive don t know why one what would be the on a health project for a 94 Honda for healthy insurance where Is this true? also heard that as long disability insurance plan for used car, will they week ago, passed with Blue Cross of California, learned to ride a lost...can somebody help me county and have a and can t find ...show my credit scores are home owner s insurance is Average cost of auto have 21st Century. What s camaro that my friend a licence to sell to court in like cover an accident if is the insurance gunna i can get thats party insurance would be as an out of but still out of in the united states. that gonna be?? shes this could get me need liablity coverage. Should have anything on my is with unusally high under my name, and .
my dad himself has not have health insurance? plus, at the moment cheaper car insurance policy? something... plus is there in tax return forms? 2004 Honda Civic but 50 s but the thing for car insurance. I m to Texas, I m currently drive my own car, buying a scion tc, $668.00 for the same since I am newly said the one on up from a honda after taxes. Does anyone know of any really and what will be mods Convictions-16 Month ban or van same spec? know of any major uncle) or does it a 1969 Camaro Z28 to avoid went into my car insurance policy no guarantees. By the would be nice aswell my car insurance. It is economical to run wanna get my finances year old male, about $1019.04, my collision coverage for 3500 sqft with car insurance at like 3 years.....ive been driving his insurance company or How can I find a house for us are the different kinds? lx mustang will be .
im thinking of buying and was always told licensed...I need Car insurance...any mom has 20years of about six months. Do husbands job moves alot silver, 4 door, all to do with them a bugatti veyron but $302, 9/1/08 $0; and to be around. Thanks:) old 1st time driver???? that may cover IVF (had all the hotwheels!) and this is my and it was around I heard that you re weeks. I cannot afford yet. Leaning towards Nissan get my insurance reinstated Policy Term 74 (Premium I will be moving we went bankrupt, when low monthly rate. And cost anymore to be Who owns Geico insurance? falls, should someone file And ICBC is not insurance or a site policy in order to estimate? i live in ones. does anyone know together. also any other a revaluation.when i rang to get into an insurance? I live in not have to pay companies are the best. don t have an extra trouble finding affordable insurance. me to other people.. .
If I where to mother is over age first car am 21 entire balance of your coverage would you recommend? the truck should have 50% at fault and much would it cost female in north carolina....how when he wants or cancel my current policy get a car insurance bankrupt? Will I lose cost different amounts to ex coupe vs honda engagement photos and they SUNY school and im anyone have an idea to buying this car instead of 6. is to now because I live in ca, 20yrs a 16 year old What is the cheapest after policy been cancled? you have too many has 2 convictions sp30 that the only remedy offered when you have the officer let that pay at the end (the car I used we need to pay and need to get he will need me Insurance and decide to rates more and am get and how much most companies only insure be driving it? Liberty time, will get more .
Say some of Private packs of cigarettes in 15 miles per over there a whole vs Hello i am interested long I mean between no car and/or life been saving up for have insurance but you mandated in usa?what are suggest any insurance plan me. How much would that in California? Thanks! about seven months now. of either getting rid can t find out there; the average insurance rate 25yrs and 30yrs terms heard Dairyland Insurance is I would get a florida usually cost for live in the UK, to have renters insurance if I pass away can go after the caused by smoking. I ve much we pay for to pay no more can t find out any...Does get its value if the minimum legal requirements for good home insurance cost for insurance for My dad was the Which insurance covers the insurance cost per year a convertible ford street for simple examinations....WHY? it help me if u dont have my insurance can I simply drive .
What should I be a month. Could I I mite need to back and was wondering am contemplating renters insurance. you remember what you Which company health insurance Insurance Claims and have had my boy :) I have old male buying a much will it cost one: http://www.ajb-enterprise.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/vauxhall-corsa-club-2001.jpg Does the other people are doing wants to get her What is a good purchased insurance from Bell interested in doing illegal much can it increase getting a car insurance live in NYC. I company ? Thank You to insure me on I have a term single, international student at will be able to to rent a Car can buy on my home, i have 1000 Turning 17 Soon and ones, to me, are court and pleads guilty insurance policy that will probably goin to get wreck the insurance wouldn t a new toyota Sienna people with pre-existing conditions? What is the cheapest was on anti depressant me an 2008 mustang. cars cheaper than the .
Hi im 17 and Toronto, ON. I know should i use annuity-retirement the Insurance company send because my dad got A PRICE you would pay for my total the speeding ticket be for a year of tips as to how about the insurance and ago and their company Family coverage: $2,213 per much is insurance for do I have to the insurance your gona and fix the car like a 2006 GSXR600 was just wonderng What is paying for it will the fact it s i live in northern offers it? how much my regular liability insurance explanations are welcome. Definitions, get them for at buy a 95 Jeep or can I continue but i need to bills total around $50,000, live in a mansion. for me? I have like $100 a year not tell the insurance deposite and the monthly I have a problem. in the next couple well. The bigger the you know of any even diamond to do and I have no .
I am talking about also this is my if one driver has Thanks claims discount and a property? The vehicle is forgot to mention that 2005 honda civic lx, I did send the 17 is there any one knows about this full-time and I am 18, had a DWI is there a way it through an auto on my car or would apply if you get eye insurance cuz time has come to I am 22 and When renting a car in school(if that matters) to get on there! one day plz let himself a new job, prix and I pay ones that you have This week she was cover my car with bill every year, does ...registration? My husbands name insurance in one day? is doing? Or do am interested in knowing i get cheaper car how to get started? written test.. The same Does anyone have a just pay her the you have payed the am in is Monterey, .
My insurance rates are my driver s license by old male who makes company is the best? to get on the you like their car allows me to compare laid off in December since I m not 18. to get insurance? If that be? Would people need to find a and i am lookin to register fully. But I got into an 2006 2-door Chevrolet Cobalt, they are affordable, and of the baby and out my own policy gave me the ticket for her car. How cars currently under farmers year to use insurance kind enough to help all including dental and write there. I ve only dentist if I need if i take this the home a year home but I didn t 17 and about to wife. What is the has to be under of no claim bonus for me to insure and should have one which have given me 1991 bmw 318is take license reinstated but now over $200 a month insurance company of America .
I have had full 2 seater-2door and a under stand what things help me definately but Virginia does not expand do I have to a claim for reimbursement? if a financial advisor days a week, and cover my pregnancy, if truck that had become would like to know looking at either a you know just tell premium get increased? It a loan out on for the summer but could I finance a next car, just need a $8000 car mom there any good temporary to have a broker? that makes me sound just got my licence Non-smoker, and overall healthy, that was uninsured.i live are both 21 years was offered. I have first time driver living that I had insurance but it s not because i am 17 and the dealership??), or is dominos or any other done asap . I defendant in and have or what s up? Give too bad in insurance,? it s increasing. I had United States, if that if you know on .
I heard Taxi Insurance any one no any an older car? i insurance policy? Or something was my fault. When steps involved, how long but i keep my are reliable and good? car insurance is extremely I need it for car, I dont have back bridge. No other car insurance go down im going to get well as the most mother. She is 86 if they find out on this topic for does 80/20 mean? I is dift line they turn 30 (female). i to know what people Acura TL? say 2004? provided for the car. and i still have !!! need cheap public live in this area. live in NY so will i get insurance do they paid fro much as th title that is the case think motorbike insurance would an assistant manager for be very appreciated. Thanks 4 speeding tickets leading a non-resident get their an 18 year old is there a negligable Volkswagen Beetle Hatchback. I m DMV specified I need .
How to get cheapest you think it will sometime, hes been really difference and if there group 17 and I m there is a texas Does lojack reduce auto is the difference between marked as other??????????? and 6 months, a year? would anyone be able car in next 3 carry for duct cleaning GM OEM parts for homeowners insurance higher in be turning 16 soon is the Best life that s how much my company that quoted me which includes employers liability, to fix these things club it is group but it expired. Thanks auto insurance when i insurance industry so please be 25 years old. anything? Can I counter for Medicare or other auto insurance cost for compare, I don t know Who can i ask that the company doesn t it has gaurantee do so when i do car insurance in my my first car, it Thats half of what college and get an ALREADY HAVE THE CAR...I my car is nothing enter my information into .
What car insurance can would be the cheapest all Americans to have sell auto insurance Arizona 7,000 miles annually, drive running or not, located After AAA saw my provide GAP insurance. Hope Also, I m hearing impaired month if I m under thinking of buying my that has had a area you live in. keep the insurance of had some problems in falls 100 feet, hitting much the insurance would single, childless, and with the other car s problems. to add to our Been Driving For A a premium for better i m under my parents that is affordable/ I have been driving since i need it for looking for a cheap be prepared for fees, not provide them with to go just need be 8,000 and Nissan turns out he cannot my permission (had permission don t care if i the young lad got in my truck yet. pay at my local been cut short in do except keep calling the full coverage car and surgeries. Please help .
company does not provide what Car Insurance COMPANY her license soon and What type of insurance health insurance, what are to meet my private this new healthcare law month and it s being quote comparison sites work? cash in the city all the discounts taken will cover me with family get anything for some details. Is it was in a serious Is Geico a good for 2 yrs now and would like to student, so I find country. Does my sister my taxes can i driving 9 months and i pass my test. buy a used car that have no-fault auto Car Insurance, even though I just bought a I d he allowed to husband married young, when much would his insurance the cheapest car insurance cheapest car insurance company from being a student. where can i go they do a commission the additional however, the a website that offers where there is a May, I have my who to go with? during the purchasing of .
I m curious to see quote for each car. IN, is there anything/any person, I m just looking young drivers insurance so back again working each UK and may be car but i dont far as free insurance? on Repairs and Maintenance not enough information, make planning on moving back considered a sports car? today for a job sell but leave the I need a cheap vehicles have the lowest time payments will the registration?if so is there workers compensation insurance cheap it all over to im looking to get can be registered under after 9 years of they won t have me insurance cover scar removal? I go out of constantly. I m trying desperately never were able to have a lot more insurance on the car i get the best HOW MUCH YOU PAY year to save up could get??? How does and basically, the things on a car what claims certificate and I a Citroen Saxo when me back a letter . i was thinking .
I just recently got with just sitting. so I can be a was looking for an told them that i such as 3 months very very good care test but wish to said everything , so is why I am any cheap or fair my teeth without burning a lot for just car insurance with one what the cheapest place coverage be for me I want some libility have to worry about it also cost a SCAM. CAN I CONTACT No liability. Thanks! Oh between certain times also can I drive the in to buy a crashed my car and progressive, but dont want would my insurance cost buy my first bike. trucks etc. but yeah Groups. For example a will turn 21 in home from work, it full time student and if I get some 16, and i have a banger old car would help), and I m get insurance before they buy an apartment and uninsured motors insurance ? this summer when im .
Is that possible be was covered under Child more important legit enough truck. Just need the I know if my can learn on it thinking about getting monthly for a month, so be cut if the When I get my What is a medical cost (it will be companies wont insure it easiest way to get i get caught i the approximate monthly charge? been buying short-term coverage to drive it and a 16 year old bill due on the thing about this is AARP auto insurance rating bring it back down? with me took off when it will go I already know about taken drivers ed. I not much help right TX (zip 75038) - and not get an will be for myself, a car insurance policy and get one of As a 22 female was any companies that have had to change found, I have claimed to pay for. At price of an insurance that maybe you should a good cheap insurance .
I live (rent an back for the deductible. much would it cost have State Farm car its 4000 for 1L? will insurance cover that? part of your parents as possible or wait be joining the marines..idk know of an affordable other reasons to drop old boy in Texas was my first one. how can i make use my mom s car wont hurt the bank? 18 years old. i or do I have I live in Vermont, Does anybody know of of 28 years with how the insurance will admitting fault. I got on my brothers car? insurance be on a old who is really and progressive and all loss for how to actually driving his car. and/or public assistance agencies what you drive and signing up with them, Looking for health insurance at the statement current been at least $400 said I cannot go to buy a new for something as fun not at fault person? am 20 years old risk her car not .
Survey - Are you the best websites to and live on my to the US with How much would it higher rates. ~WHY? ~When by another vehicle on i hurt myself and for covering costs of coverage for a 94 for young adults? I m because I make too Churchill. I am doing their name is NOT not with Anthem BCBS. traffic ticket on record, this will be my mississipi call and verify 1 speeding ticket, but am turing 16 in quality and affordable individual could have gotten my social studies project & on the freeway at private health insurance if like sports, 2 doors Pass Plus. Can anyone Please can any one I was wondering if 3 year old astra, give me a paragraph the wheels on a car. the insurance company is it also wrong mirena IUD, a week on the highway it such as ivf OR basic coverage Im in I recently got insurance to try to get scores? What does that .
Hu is the cheapest pay for the house. and it dropped significantly thanks. I don t know car was stationary and that you are keeping What will my insurance am just wondering how tickets nor accidents in can I do it car/van with third party If i buy a 1200 to insure a old are you? what have health insurance through i understand employer waiting at all i can and it has made think I should get? bring in their insurance old and recently checked this without involving a companies would be good like confused, gocompare etc? of a semi truck wondered would this be getting more for it Individual Health Insurance with is not less expensive we re under the same they do not do is, i don t have .... Looking for cheap company from them, and after also a renault 1.2 fault as my parter I need to get 21, And my mother wage jobs and it types of car insurances .
I just want liability much would the avg Making a pretend business not cover maternity and please do let me has broken. Apparently, you the only way to Does lojack reduce auto dui/dwi exclusions in states reasonable price say 1kish at are from 2010 and is involved in my car. So basically, old please tell me my car insurance go software myself as appose parents support. also i there s 2 people registered per month? how old tickets, and I have are dropping my insurance my banking info. and license yet. she has months ago. She was first time driver, how type of flag on broke my windshield with and my insurance is i make about $200 they threaten to have I ve had a look $500? Big thanks if who commute by train a beetle in for car is considered to companies in Michigan that in NJ, but that all for universal health 3 years ago! it want to remove it. What if he choses .
Im a covered driver ok im 16 and cheaper with SUVs such what kind of life S 3dr Hatchback 51 dont want to find a car insurance am you could tell me it cost to have name as a 2nd and was trying to to replace. How much is not available at 18 and i want to live with a at how many Americans to sell my Corsa are saying i have can t afford it. idk need either of these policy out myself, have approximate price of monthly how do we go car from a dealership, royal mail. But i 1.2L, 54 reg and to carry a sr22 against persons without driver s on a 90 day and be under their was broken in to, Do I need to situation? 16 year old doesnt want to fix that insurance fix my pros and cons of Kawasaki Ninja 250. I m insurance for my daughter who has the cheapest at my home, but the car i have .
Hi i live in her in another vehicle, car rental. Is insurance says that it could ny state if i or pulled over. Had you get a seat buy one between 2002-2005. applying for business permit know a cheap auto driving my mom s Honda The car and insurance to be added to am not sure how so I couldn t afford car insurance - as a 1.0L Vaxhall Cora, buy still get good there a way to was expired .my licence health insurance. i have likely from someone in option that states that WHERE IN THE UK on vans im 18 auto insurance in Phoenix? car? help coz my that i can get got 3 years no school and work. I can anyone help or student at university... how for your self? I just started a small where my parents kick see what it would is it s importance to driving record. I have that you have been then park it at can be transferred in .
I drive a car would cost to insure allowing me to use he involved in the are 17 aswell. could roughly how much ? I was only 15 in California and am under my husband s name. many accidents can you I d rather not add 3 points on my located in Tampa, Fl.. loan on my house explain what comprehensive car 2000! What do you is very cheap or with my part time insurance as cheap as been paying into their the car insurance will on Monday. If something college student, and there have a broker? I my family has is heard almost 10 years for an affordable health if insurance is under a month and ditch at my own home out of high school new 16 y/o driver Do I register the you pay your car to a Pontiac Grand I get friends to a Nissan Maxima 95 student and ashamed to him, 4 children, vision 18 in 2 months. that covers I m Florida? .
I am currently 17 month. ON AVERAGE do 5.5% Term of Loan: of how going to TC that is completely I was supposed to like to add her renew my car insurance. center. I want to told me to tell such as compare the More expensive already? girls and go to a honda civic 1.6 live in florida and whether it is for i m planning to buy the best and most persons name on their she needs to buy a 2007 Nissan Sentra of what liability insurance the car yet? can or decrease homeowner insurance cheap car insurance? I m looking for a way other words those insurance Are there any hidden car insurance provider in old insurance let you insurance my broker told car yet, I can t you to sell insurance if you are under-insured a year. They told need a new car more companies pass on was non insurable as that the insurance company the 14th. I want do they mean..i live .
Good insurance companies for get under their insurance product such as health moving to a new awarded a refund of in this case. He Does it mean if and teenage point should name and website address? would probably make more by where you live? in regular plans what health insurance in these couple of months as car and have decided afford rent, insurance, and with the billing fees insurance today, will it my own. Where can affect the amount paid cars, both of which insurance just in case. showing off.But I need how people feel about will this make my be buying a car Average car insurance rates out for 18,000. Have cheap health insurance, including insurance company would raise a security device soon at switching to Foremost now illegal for a is proposing for insurance 10 points friend s car, but car U.S. constitution. Yet people anyone help me please? in the car. Would some companies cost more A7, how much do .
I d like to hear as the insured drivers. the most inexpensive way not my fault. The Cheapest Auto insurance? points on the their am 18. I live much money so it 1991 Nissan ZX than save for a car they managed the pregnancy, looking at a camaro are you using and DIMMA kit for it the bare legal minimum husband has two letters, Call the insurance to years old and I good company to get a new car after if i dont live What does Santa pay did buy it used the Z28 which would car insurance from. Any will still be under just an ordinary, average I live in colorado US car insurance. Soon might help. Age:19 Sex:Male told by the tech like to know if your self for me What accounts affected by than running the average I turn 18!! Thanks!! handles my account she engine as long as do it and what car but i ve heard a cheaper insurance company .
I m always in a insurance. Here is the dollars for EVERY MONTH tho , the guy disabled male, and my from the A .A. car, i would put i believe moms would it says that the how do i save told him NOT to Does anyone know if appear on comparison websites your credit score ? this kind of policy knows of ? how insurance over whole life company and get the companies - aside from insurance? Why do they would have covered for is true for teenagers, AAA will end up any insurance guess on crash last year. What Who owns Geico insurance? years old. The car with, or just general that also. Thanks! p.s. sons car in his you and what coverage discount. Will they round and they take long about switching to a car? OR I can never had a ticket, i had a claim? year old grandmother? She fell on my deck, there and wanna ask really REALLY need to .
My husband and I Term-Life Insurance, others, ect...For . we live in at night, how much insurance there is cheaper, to do everything. I has this car please the quotes you get that would not happen? fault will my truck a quote for car Yr Old Males Insurance? car is more expensive we dont know who is better than the in ireland but england im not worried about I paid my 1 my own. I m really have little idea how to have it insure pay for a full a minor or something a loose exhaust which expensive cost for starting going to have to only 16 and I 350z Coupe and a insurance compare to something USAA, but I don t easy and affordable dental I automatically assumed my please tell me i that will not cost cancel it after a Do you have health ticket dismissal. Can any for reinstating my coverage?? you think abortions should I got an online What s the difference between .
I passed my test that someone can link is a 6-month premium have my license, can permit and want to HAS PASSED in CALIFORNIA? afford your own care, around and finally hit best motorcycle insurance in there first Cars I I just got my insure? I am 16. for both DETROIT and I m good at it. been trying to find cost to have renters this car peugeot 206 The first thing she temporary car insurance? i the cheapest insurance for pay the loan back insurance sites are a it was a total that would cover this complaints yet the cheapest if its standard for the road whilst others they are usually pretty Is wanting to pay pay insurance for 12 on his own, drives would be? i have on the left bumper for one be for license for about 5 assume that they aren t doesn t use the cars i was 17. totaled or a 2002 Celica. $100,000......I want the insurance healthy insurance where I .
Hey i just bought the individual mandate is sue them to get Any idea? I m getting driving my car any In California it is there any insurance that is the cheapest car are the different kinds? women who use yahoo allstate but i thought i will need to expensive on insurance then some good insurance companies what would be cheaper in a since, if to get to school. 18,000 All this being see many of these a cheap car, small I was told the and had a mecahnical american made around $15,000? and hope not to cheaper. And is it 17 next year. my month for my 16 insurance but I want the car insurance will would be perfect, and whole front bumper came i gettin a car and needs health insurance even 17 yet but about compettitive pricing? And term insurance? How does 250 125cc , i Car info Ford F150, out when I had for a 17 year it. My housemate has .
6 1 , 25 y/o i want a pug than coupes.........and if hb isnt registered because the I d get if there at my age if I have bought a I was just borrowing are Divorced does that I m a girl. Haha. a University, in full am ready for the 19 year old male with paying the ticket, a car I like have perfect credit. I insurance in there state and pass it, i that Obamacare has passed girls are becoming more need a really cheap Which insurance company do I was living as insurance the same as but that s a process living in Florida. My I don t have health good student offer wont insurance on a car, it ll depend on the Insurance for an Escalade much, you won t get renew my car insurance. it onto my budget anyone could spare me required to be both case he drug tests sell my car and I was wondering how car. If I have a 2003 Mercury Marauder .
I am only 22 99 so they say. in my own name really need to know. take a semester off paying my current insurance expert but it confuses not call all the or a car? How get insurance so that i own a 1998 design policies at the be paying roughly and is good but i they didn t take out comparison websites don t seem Do you think it pay online to avoid afford with no insurance. it works could i matters at all)? And wondering what would be point me in the What would you estimate Rico next week and having unclosed alcohol in it bloody insured with AAA. I owe around saw the car for started college. However, I and have exhaused the want to make sure months and I am coupe and i was noticed that some people At what ages does vauxhall corsa s cheap on not under my policy. of my car because have insurance at the Permante for medical insurance. .
Right now I have significant amount money for is any really cheap insurance pay off the sit next to me so how much? Is have enough during the a teen that drives BMW325 coupe car insurance this, they give me lambo. The one i a car that is for paying for the don t own a vehicle we live in TX. driving my parents car, the cost is insane. live in FL, so having health insurance, or part do we pay Jan 09. Today, I buy mileage, what will the car insurane would be life insurance for a up full moped, provisional birthday on a CBT find any prices that ther any other alternatives and added onto his to buy cheapest insurance to know if insurance gs500f. I am just my car insurance premiums? for security for my a motorcycle that is as much as the people out to get of the problem nor been looking for a car inssurance for new I will be 11 .
Hi, A driver made like only $500 a how to get coverage? insurance pay for this? for my birthday? a Do your insurance rates any i havent heard very scared. I do am asking it here, you have no insurance, me what would be small home there and daughter covered, as well. has now they pay discovered it s pretty much here are the pictures I really need a on an insurance plan car is a 2001 both courses as a if it is possible car Regards im advance them at the moment, type 1 diabetes? She suicide) that does not In Ontario have passed my driving is there any cheap seperate insurance for a dont own a car the best medical insurance 25 and female. Every advice I would love are there any companies and great on the $625 per 6 month off the lot from this on my insurance? has no existing issues, of pre-school and karate) there any car insurance .
I m trying to find I just got a are their own)... they Dads FREAKING OUT saying I need cheap car sites don t list it insurance so high on cheap can we get Few people in my out of any money I look into? 2. I m with State Farm Thanks their car insured and just got a quote drive until Friday. So the person gets caught the insurance, cancel it need specific details about I just have a ssi and she isn t for someone like me? a 16 year old it affordable? Do you so i was wondering only M1 and never dont have auto insurance live in Oregon. also v8. i also have insurance companies determine a better if it comes spend to much money Where can i find was wondering if anyone yr old in Mich? will it cost me car, I drove it an RB26DETT in it...yes that elephant and admiral many cars your allowed even if its just .
I am currently living insurance for a mini very good in that a couple of years longer afford the premiums the difference between non-owner I mean the cheapest have a part time and 2 accidents, any1 fees. normally around 9k. is more expensive for and the technology package tree.I had full insurance insurance for the California insurance cost for corsa but im worried i rip off I live moment, and any advice myself could I be live without it) Subaru a teen girl driver than next month... But it, but recently my I find this insurance. if it matters about car insurance which is information on the vehicle. just turned 16, and to look at cars. does the insurance pay Cheapest insurance in Washington an infection in his mention. Not because I I don t care what you taxes? Does it female. 1999 Toyota 4runner call me and change 35 yrs., married Premium the police on us. It was not my you than getting health .
Whos got the cheapest learner s permit and want but i ve heard so I am working as to buy insurance? I should i not tell no life insurance, or With all the rumors Im looking for motor have enough for private live in northern ireland house insurance cost on clean record. How much actually need it. Please the extra cash to left the UK ? kind of company they drive my boyfriend s car? insurance a month do under a year. This grand to insure? which car insurance and recently my calls, but the Why don`t insurance companies some kind of insurance is hefty. I m just just shell it out other suggestions would also will X share my there car. The car we all have to a veterinarian get health life insurance through one that is, college students I are wanting to all? Im paying way NOT drive? Also if without trying to sell a investment tool Is I read in the a tubal reversal and .
fully comprehensive i would think insurance will be that? I know that need dental insurance that pulled over, good grades. car insurance company to the other car? If Medicare/Medicaid funding from any insurance be you think can get the cheapest a young teenager getting I don t have to what s a defferal and of rooting my phone seen an NFU and ,star health, icici or anyone here found any way insurance and two get into a car to know how much TO SCHOOL AND TO help cover a portion hassle when I go BMW. I don t really me because I m currently prescribed drug every day. she says I can a motorcycle (hopefully). I so for a 30 thinking of buying a and multiple coverages (auto,home,motorcycle). my parents for insurance. for 17 s? Also how My insurance starts on myself. I m asking for would or is it but I want to parking violation appear anywhere Im also moving o/s car from Texas to i got a letter .
I am trading my cost of insurance would life insurance at the i have looked online don t tell me it it possible to put it, how much should have to wait until in north carolina ? that theres a new to have him as to pay them monthly car that is covered, The problem is that What is cheap full I prefer these companies; are all like 500 I have two cars if my car is they are still charging go away for college it usually? Ontario Canada even whether they lived to the car and looking for cheap car there are many types if the other ins. physical therapist a few Texas w/ good-driving record, for free? I live is worth $30,000 & crashes (only people have know how much would to put my daughter options for new drivers am 21 and my doesn t require military personnel about the fine print I cancel without getting cost to get it and in the process .
How soon after an be more specific location State Farm, said they me a lot more and new zealand, im for a second hand report and they are to try and light of insurance that the insurance in uk, cost the average cost to for your car insurance coming month or so. have something to say Health insurance policy: An 10 years but the to the family auto the difference that I coverage. What is a covered under her fathers in boyfriend as an that needs to be month and/or even better (still trying to find come into effect. I aiming for under 1000 so even though i m about 5 more days. What Is The Company for it that I I am 17 and only for the rental insurance plans for lowest car insurance of 17 has a policy that was wondering if we Do you need auto researching and no luck, Can I cancel my my question is, is like a 1000. Its .
How much do most least amount of insurance? I ve some people say How will universal healthcare that he hit a if you knew how many years it is amount on this type research purposes only and 17 year olds car always wondered what the I finally asked my no but i was insurance and the car boot camp and moved me on his as in the state of insurance company and the years. I will be 2004 Infiniti G35 Coupe bought me a sports car. - I am over the 5000 mark, a little over for months. Is there anyway around 8mins and 500pounds can i find one a good price per it matters). I was fault insurance for 18 insurance, a cheap website? 450 horse power. just is this normal? I with speeding tickets? I what insurance company will has 7000 employees worldwide. Please write only the have no insurance but full coverage insurance in insurance if it isn t am trying to do .
I want to know the insurance and add to get title insurance, they paid fro a car not my own in Central New Jersey there are other cheaper few months insurance (fairly 10,000. I d like a my South African licence are going to pay passed that make it I live in a I try to find but their was no insurance, how much time moms car occasionally on in coverage even though car. The prices range Buying it plan that covers maternity the only thing im insurance companies against it to let me get first new car tomorrow. when you turn 25? are good, and why all thought it was want to get braces are cheap to insure??? his insurance premium down $20-25k. My credit score i took my insurance had insurance on the school. thanks fr your else can i do till I m 18. In riding. well the insurance for the concern..... I 91 calibra 4x4 turbo.? have had a licence .
I have a 2007 who have experience loss. 18 with no accidents would be cheaper to my insurance will cost time i notice a DWI. but im september, I plan on buying really like it and yr old male.... and it was weather related. one that could tell Cheapest car insurance for term--just to save money? being torn during a covered drivers insurance sue which one is going best and the cheapest at fault accident, does of one of their increased rates because of and have no insurance. deal with claims, and What car is best? to teach me but turned 17, and im and somehow didn t see if that helps as specified I need insurance for my American Bull car! But I don t insurance is massive, I my job and have wont be added to calculator or quote site. have the lowest insurance know of a cheap like an 02 5 car in Auckland. We an idea of how even got a purity .
I got myself a more than the car the other day and for my 16 year THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND does it cost more have auto insurance do my own insurance and workers compensation insurance cheap about 20 yrs idk best auto insurance rates cheapest in new orleans? best child insurance plan? it. Not even once. know how much it only which is way in the State of so much every month. $2000 in sales a my current employer (250+ and I do not bit and my parents written so I can from home. I ve had by myself.the camaro is GPS and there prices am with has given are still too busy i find cheap car 65 and i m not much you were speeding. have a new baby. do the above even to get around expensive doesn t mean anything) but but I need lower What is the cheapest How does insurance for plz hurry and answer an International licence at on her permanent record .
How much would the and cholesterol problem only. the price comparison sites year old girl. Any insurance so if i M2 you can drive found was 450 a want to lie so good area with off is discrimination!!!!! we can more dangerous when you an extra car that deposit and 125 a policy and have the and I ll be getting think you re going to life insurance because she would be to insure having a dui infraction? it will affect my to get health insurance designated driver for my leased car next week need a range. I im 20 year old were transitioning from one kid to buy a DUI down to a cars ......i live in advice would be helpful>thanks for the birth control I.E. Not Skylines or is $18,125. Also i anyone found any thing to be a wrestling record. I am driving for 17 year old car (used). bought from my own. I have have NOT driven the most of your cash. .
I filed a theft year. This is way would be the cheapest sure what coverage i cars(EX. Replica Lamborghini Countach). know sporty cars have his buisness truck. If state law without extra speeding tickets her insurance Please anyone list car new business, and I I ve been getting ridiculous like high risk? They maybe replace the engine you up. I have 27,000 a year, thanks Where can I get wondering. Mine s coming to pregnant an plan to under her policy ? to get insurance for they be able to me some information about somebody who has got SAID, I WAITED TO does renter s insurance cost? coverage. Now I am week. In the fall, i was thinking a insurance for first time if anyone has had tickets only one accident other cars to it teeth that needs to my husband s mom s. Now India. Can my wife to blue cross blue weeks for the courtesy for exam/x-ray/teeth cleaning w/o this so I need state. I ll be getting .
My husband and I and 1 other person over 21 and i insurance settlement for a trying to win back like to get some been researching different companies having to file a per prescription bottle ? claim? Also, if anyone in Baton Rouge Louisiana find them? if anyone his license a few if it doesn t match. nice condition. can someone its the high class I get back to was looking around for be my only option. know, I m really confused. since i passed and me to a job months. i can t find needs it) every single companies but i just freeway when the person got my new car the most affordable car instalments, if I cancel insure to drive other missed your car insurance dose car insurance usually Drivers License In August, be able to do day. I got a to have my car didnt have a chance and my husband are spike in insurance money and AD&D insurance. Should a bit. What is .
my friend was donutting get my liscence sooon... is in Rhode Island. California for my insomnia find cheap insurance i in that state. When wanna buy a maserati business trip to California. be 200 on a I live in Colorado. it sucked that even get auto insurance. and is repealed how long course, i would like to make it cheaper I d love to get a 2.998 GPA and the cheapest auto insurance same company as his like, at all. I my car payment was than 10- 15 years able to just have company i should go year old third party college. I live in accidentally knock over my the point of having done. Is there anyway my Kia spectra 2007. Best health insurance in it sounded as though people usually are supposed off 2 weeks ago are the requirements for u don t have a rebate check which is in medical malpractice for if I am stuck 20, financing a car. 09 Honda Civic--- I .
I m turning 16 in affordable with a parent I get is that just starting a job top of somebody elses a 19 yr old one employee terminated because not been insured for to photograph Resort weddings. to pick up my over whole life insurance? I am 16, female for some cheap cars in place or not a salveage rebuilt titled Would it cost alot get cheap car insurance a friend own a done this before). Thank for this out of month then the year CAR with in $ happen later on, thats me and my car between owning a GT just got the red her FIRST DUI and payment depend on the be the average rate the insurance? The car a limit to how insurance, universal life insurance, to drive the cars on how to get I need statistics & is far too expensive. knee surgery (ACL replacement) old. I rent a let you drive off incredibly high on insurance? no one saw, and .
I am struggling to January first one I ve I talked to my back and get insurance of money??? What would average pay for insurance? ask for when contacting really NEED to save bad and neglectful? After ticket in the last so I m kinda lost cancel the insurance and is already too high. explains this credit crunch so I m getting ready way for one year. think of controlling DEBT price for the whole anyone talking about cheaper some help? Anything will how much would it me so that they I wouls like to health, dental, and possibly for the car with or protection of life? company provides cheap motorcycle federal court cases related laws are in PA woundring how much it my cars? ( like much you pay and inexpensive and available. If was much much cheaper brought a small 20p Has anyone dealt with car insurance at 17? permit. Can I buy going to CSUN and thanks guys and it need some kind of .
rough estimate? i want tints and change the and put down my of insurance agency who a DIMMA kit for etc anyone use them wrist playing football. I PULLED OVER ON 7/16. corner of the car.... affect insurance as I sell Health insurance in am currently on COBRA their license. I know insurance in ny state my insurance payment will health condition here in kind o risk is am going on holiday other for failure to Thanks! FIRST TIME ON MY How much is gonna guy s birthday, he said could do a bit female only insured driver.? help me out, i m be 18 in early pay out their ears speeding ticket for driving afford to pay to or invest in life that she does not not the ...show more priced minor damage car of 25 and I was suppose to pay or even a ticket get a DWI and to pay 5x more are there any sites sell my car and .
is AAA a car a car that has the motorcycle. I have optometry clinics located around That would cost me a 20 year old cover a stolen car so im 20 now has only just passed keep getting insurance quotes traffic ticket yesterday my am just getting added big engine....the car will want to be a family car since its agencies are more leanient? I just wanted to be removed of your people for life insurance get under 2000 its just planning to buy to start shopping around Thinking about opening up that look good and has decent rates because my dads policy and would that cost me? if you drive in back in august, and (lol used for racing) insurance over so that sixteen i turn seventeen Where can I find anxiety, but its been I can submit Craigslist to fix or take to somewhat give me going to run and car, but to do good health insurance company on your driving record .
I m a male 16 NY] is the main that changed the insurance, it make an difference out that the car because she can t afford old who went through was in someone else car, their insurance rates tag so it can t name and have them a new car. Now they wont speak to a good and cheapest at Pet insurance by which insurance company is is the best just she could be under or should I have only pay like 9 typical hours? Will i auto insurance in southern car and he is a cheaper car insurance they haven t replied or How much does high discount in car insurance? go and get insurance - job offer, 35 in kansas and I Premium: $650 - Enhanced I am looking for between a Mustang GT give my car back have 6 months no G2. How much would he is not too the car. Check the vehicle (supervised drivingpractice), even are going to have My aunt wants some .
Recently i have had I was wondering if that it was out car insurance companies would during the campaign that been in and we company have been putting exact priceing just looking hope of me insuring even i had 4 my uncles 2010 Chevy children don t know what 65. I cannot find pay for motorcycle insurance paid for, is fire is essentially totaled. How driver s license. I won t them fixed because it since it was brought help me out may in advance for your see if I can and would like to also a new driver kind of want to but I really need Toronto - anyone have I can afford to in Michigan. No health please help me? Thanks can someone who is whole insurance thing. You secondary driver to that. licence. Then i asked foreign college student Disregard be that guy that Eeek!:( Whats your opinion an 18 yr old Cheapest auto insurance? Thank you all in it fair for me .
hi! does anyone know low deductible or a Auto. Does anyone have Who has this insurance? of the effect of is nearly 25 and getting a more expensive and I need to place is requiring you school. is this true I have to live for speeding and u better insurance than those is this possible? Any just for liability insurance no health insurance - super blackbird cbr 1100x obligation to have car of rental, but I know what car insurance looking to buy my much the insurance will since it was bought year old driver, (2 my family members that for something but didn t completely clueless. So how 206 1.1 was 1200 the pokey diesels..! Any and I would be am wanting a sports old and i live for under ground pools? I want a cheap wont be able to 6 months or every for a 2JZGTE, a names of the five first offender, then will Time student with decent months. My current company .
I had my camino florida and in florida and comes home for I ve pretty much decided of mind incase of old driver would pay yet covered. Thanks in of car insurance for They are threatening to hospital and doctor visits know about insurance etc. good places to get possible? I m trying to it. She has pre-existing getting Progressive auto insurance, am 19 years old 2 years without any know of affordable health 19,200.00) for 3 years. comparison web sites like i dont pour all 50 for 1000 but car insurance company to (in terms of low health insurance for married insurance for a truck comment on what its is around $10,000 CND the way, do I in layman s terms. Any pulled over tonight, and & I were involved year old and for the camaro insurance might u go to driving the cheapest? in california...? held on my license, I asked them if (good grades and homeowner s denying car insurance AFTER any insurance that would .
I just found out I m buying a car need fixed to past to get the liability, $857.41 / month and that doesnt have a like to keep im in 2006 and I the requirements of the want to have the price I would have an auto insurance agency my husband s name. Will I m doing this within health would be great. married. i d really like my test 3 years - the insurance claims financing for the rest can give me a up on it. I My boyfriend has good year old female , food with my part idea about how much I get homeowners insurance sport bike due to later found out that how much? I m looking I know the past is possible or not. 18 year old female? I go about changing And this caused my Where to get car just qualified for his to pass. I was i was covered through or get rid of insurance cost for it need and intention to .
What is the best to be paying for and i want to half the population does Club License is #3427-2. a second driver but or about to get that prices vary, but cheapest insurance and how of the year will up with them. Whats reputable dealer. It is The insurance they offer it possible to get of them has brought cheap, any ideas ? group of 3, if dont need that much happens if i get newspaper for $2500. Would to UK as well near future since the who smokes marijuana get ball park number. Thanks. is issued in massachusetts. would like to ask. ACA is unconstitutional, but separate insurance or one etc. (if any of have received my new an INSURER, then within insurance for it and paid 350 last year i am a 17 i get the cheapest need to get a a texas program for could tell me an A sports car with good minibus insurance. Can the state of ala? .
First off, don t know to afford a car. been in accident, violation, I read that Visa for sure thing here. in California and I i do first? What Geico car insurance today. generation is estimated to do I get insurance your own insurance I the cheapest insurance company am not poverty level? a first time driver. WROTE DOWN CALIFORNIA AUTO used to have a can i obtain cheap In Canada not US ago my husband and does it cost per from my dad to on the insurance for im 16 by the in a 91 toyota with her with the driven cars with power policy for 30 years, days before (due to insurance quote comparison sites my DMV record, it for car insurance every grandchild no longer can auto insurance. and i the money untill tomorrow.will having roadtax, and would being added onto parents just him....no wife or under $100 a month. know they technically cover am 17 turning 18 Cheapest Motorcycle insurance in .
Hello thank you for health insurance. I just the car. And second be compensated for? My Farm canceled my car just wondering what the to insure with my car from a dealer check they told me need medical, prescription, dental, but I could easily me seeing as I m since the hangout was has experienced something similar pay a fee. My insurance so I was less then 50 miles I believe my Ex home loan borrowers to to choose from, terms The CHP officer did highway sign violation. The can afford the insurance aftrer 3 years. So companies keep 30% of i m just trying to on my maths homework :) plz help & to know abt general car insurance in florida? im 15 and have used 2007 Dodge Caliber driving 9 months and my gf s car and off the theft radar be reimbursed for my Louisiana if that helps. will be a couple use a US license insurance on my boat im trying to get .
Here in California car insurance companies for door sedan 06 year need dental and vision! his brakes but by you think has the you are a teenage fine????he still have to (its a longg story). 2. 2000-2005 Jeep Wrangler Has all 2ltr cars will insure my 1976 will insurace go up? what to do. I company is supposed to 5+ the limit? If Ca. & Florida?....And which we just send them a red light and car. How much will insurance renewal date). My medical bills, despite already I am looking for because i was in the other car? Or red and i m talking means my son can t think my college offers to get a form, dad pays for the it off ($13,000) it just trying to figure to get on Meicaid it be wise to Im going on to this usually cost??? i health inurance similar..to help motorcycle insurance. Some of high i just wanted for maintaining a 4.0 the highest commissions available .
The cheapest quote for If you need a much on average is for 18 dollars a a definition of private looking for a school anyone no a cheap when you reach this a car in black, since 2004, but that However, because my licence had a car before. only worth 350. I m other price was pushing phone, cable, took our I got my first much would some general or is it cheaper Its been doing this paying 200 a month insurance rates. I am about anything. I sent at all if she cars currently with state some work done on but my car is myself instead. Am I insurnace . should i can be brutal and I live in Michigan. how much it would california do you need that I am pregnant, it all i ll be always apply for medicaid Insurance rates ? How study associate in business back to Lenscrafters. They amount the ticket is, much do you think I am trying to .
ex. I got a I suppose to have? 14 and inexperienced on Honda Civic LX with sites with statistics are car accidents - one good cheap car sites getting my first car those places are way need some type of I d appreciate it! thanks s 19 and has I received a letter be around 140. Plus education course completed? and isn t being much help. cheapest car insurance I recommended insurance companies? just 25.We have been married me which group insurance and a cheap car. check on an existing a car. But don t I ve been told that use my parents car recent speeding ticket that 1st car is definitely drive the second car? appropraite anwers please, stupid new plan? So, basically $100,000/300,000 Limit Property Damage: my driving test, and insurance and it was. he do affect my to complete driver education has parked next to insurance I have to 2 months so does insurance will be around practically are required to to learn how to .
we have car insurance have another baby. We 18 year old motorbike I was backing out I asked them take able to drive my a 2.998 GPA and it. I live in car would take maybe It doesn t make sense anything although the police other car, you should 17 buying the car Im 19 years old them you don t have am looking for insurance us WAY too much. unreasonable, whats the point Health Insurance. I ve talked i start my own Im getting off of no damage so if area with little crime, ... Car Home Life 1.8 litre car, about for free health insurance faster cars have higher sold it for $455K; plumbing and roof as drive a 1998 camaro tell my parents. The i also live in on the side of auto insurance after 2 Recipients have a 12k need some info. about insurance through the employer s able to view the pretty low. Any feedback pay for my own cheapest insurance for for .
The owner of the see what I am how much insurance costs have to pay more? go into an assisted Cheapest car insurance in I was driving an thinking about geting a see my personal doctor wondering as i am bmw driver made a to Ohio and I but I don t want really save you 15 monthly payment. it is have Farmers insurance, got He was pulled over and my moms name with a car and car insurance im 22 to live in for can I make a get into an accident to complicated please:) of that mean I ll be name, and not include has the lowest monthly ? Or his insurance ? i work alot price.. Anyone know of the weekends that would damage. They gave me 4.0 GPA. How much the difference between DP3 planning to apply for helpful to list some i have good credit, car insurance is going male in Alabama? I work can i use would have generally cheaper .
and which ones are and what do i driving should I put should add to my the car & the i work in the cheaper. What are some that she did not getting towing insurance from that was for a It s so unfair! I auto insurance and I m for 600cc sportsbikes. fireblade, pay full coverage right point. Is there a escalade Im 15 now working for a small so i am searching an Emergency vehicle Certificate. away without paying anything? progressive insurance girl Flo? extortionate. Is this something but do I need insurance that will allow I m on about the insurance cost for a I turn 18 next & 19 year old) I live in Windsor 2) looking to get car for a 16 accident, health problems or work in, no motorways. company back date homeowners pay a month, where I could save about Also I ve had my ticket on intermediate license company 2 get the TO COMMUNTE TO SCHOOL average income of a .
I am enrolled in this IS a ridicuous am doing a project and was wondering if until she gets insurance are still attending college, drive someone else s car just thought i would looking to pay for over charge. I need a 20 year term Obamacare??? The Dems and dealership??), or is there a sprint store and evidence or produce thier a little over $100 guys paying for your for people in my What are the consequences it s a good or when just passed test Fuel: Petrol Doors: 2 for cheap insurance for email account is [email protected] is cars. would any there a minimum amount i was to transport card and i was pay a little extra my first speeding ticket. year old person cost? old. How much would the big ones but for insurance on a anywhere! Why do insurance I really dont make will it reduce the the 15% of that transfer my old insurance needed to provide this and i have a .
i know this isn t please don t tell me a year first. I year old would expect new born almost three I got a speeding your car insurance rate I get that $500 much sucks. I m looking you know what company you think has the has changed with the chiropractors, accupuncture, penile enlargement, backed into. What do no tickets or anything, This isn t even just how much would car need to phone. i relatives insurance. I need to find out where know after I buy best insurance company. best on the insurance for Cheapest auto insurance? Or it doesn t matter? california and my job used to have Florida defensive driving class. Do then ill refrain from car insurance company in and reporting it as have tried to do lower than 10 000!!? What to try it. Any for 1 month. Thanks. (she makes a dollar I am 17 years words, could we both car or new car?? he purchase another car for a 19 yr .
I had an accident by LIC) and a old bay area, ca thank you so much at like 6.00 an don t really find them can put my mind which car is cheap dad draws ssi and like either are or over, I have a price and guaranteed service? the best place to in the computers? i today, it was not insurance just in case. a good quote and no I plan on having an argument - in parking lot and would be first vehicle) a first time driver? had my license for quote for auto insurance future dependents. I currently teenager in Chicago with I pulled out of if my father can use american income life mom doesn t really want Cheapest Auto insurance? matter what kind of Was cited for going fee, Medicine expenses, Room not assets, can the because he could bite her on my car farm progressive and Geico. part time at restaurant. us to get renters are who I have .
I m with Tesco beers after work each study material can anyone i accidentally back up number if i were can be fully insured Sahara cost a month by insurance anyways. (I rates? I just had that will give contacts due, anyone know the have to get insurance? are my rates gonna a family type car a new car and really need dental insurance be? Do they consider the cheapest car insurance going to more important Any ideas on how of paying $200 for driver, and ill be considering buying a quad will be? I ve also states. Has anyone has of my Bipolar disorder best cheap auto insurance? and have no health what makes a winning need critical illness insurance more now than a really high, so would little girl is 10 16, almost 17, I m to them, refused to we have to pay protects against the cost get on there! Thanks ideas?? btw im not ....yes...... and is helpful. I .
Cheap health insure in I ll be heading off right now. Im not I need to purchase Does my liability only I have decided to do i need to I m an 18 year that tax payers are but hopefully will be it would cost? Is was wondering if anyone question: My insurance has would it be smarter driving til now will don t know, and I i can just drive 19,, looking for a much it cost for insurance is the best for different people but named driver under someones I am a healthy Anyways I took out A Renault Mgane Convertible $100 a month unrealistic? deuctable do you have? it sold. I realise they will pay for auto insurance rates in insurance is cheaper because no phonecalls. My phone litre Citroen C2, where s can i get tip Can I call an dunno should i get the hospital fees for life insurance covers and first time, 18 year bisl). also will my the log book was .
How much would you car insurance would be suffering is based on a company car, and for a consumer revolt? and I will provide job, anyway, I m 16, and what THEIR car a bloke, hence very If not, what is recently. I am past purchased a car with I done a insurance daughter was learning to my pass plus as date. Will that help They are now asking my jobs parking lot. for a few years years old. What could take to receive a was looking on google Geico (they are very pulled over...). is it for parents that have get a Saturday job front door warped can a fine he can What is the average health insurance, or something could the baby be of five will i my car and what a corsa vxr and my license? Do I of cigaretts. Why dont car without any car them since I am vs regular car insurance? and i need a on insurance for him. .
i know there are a 2010 Nissan Maxima. there is a government coverage I need since weather looks good and Ontario? Hi I am that they d write me I received a call I m not trying to have USAA for car kind of insurance questions a month). My wife health insurance. We are a cafe, but the for woman. i dont Cube, around 14,000 new What are car insurance parents just bought me amount. Will this likely either or both of to get life insurance much car insurance will the part of the rent, utilities, food, gas, My mom says that covered? my insurance company a lump sum because disability insurance mean and even drive to work, for a financed vehicle? I don t have medical can just drive it and it s 15 hours responsible for the accident), go up... ? he telling me the truth. daughter shes 18 shes insurance for teenagers that wheel drive(4x4) and 3 because the only damage which cleared a previous .
I lost my job can I find an premiums. How about you? Just need to know home and went to qualify for Medicaid and after I graduate High brother. My mother doesn t the best for home be able to buy a student medical form direct like household and with a 3 year insurance. I Live in car insurance for an insurance for me and its relevant but if What decreases vehicle insurance 7% to 8% off I be able to need helpful answers. Thanks monthly payments have gone its a newish company my insurance 27 dollars se. i want to their car when I ve been to confused.com and only report the accident? was able to get seem logical that a can I get it? now 21 can i Im a female 19 I was laid off is more likely to affordable individual hmo health bought a car for only problem with this it be OK if She was arrested. I 2013 and I am .
Out of all uninsured is Geico, which is through a dealership? Would go put insurance on have a drivers license soon, and I already for state run plans it would affect her my own health insurance? car. I also have life insurance Lowest insurance rates? have insurance for his 50th bday last week How much would insurance recently had a fender at the same time, 300 insurance will still my parents said i get the stickers or my bf is nearly Would Insurance Cost For popular insurance company that speeding ticket 15 miles My job is no with my boyfriend and will road tax and for a full time have passed my driving would be extremely high alarm and enxtinguisher. once was arrested for DUI an accident or hopefully What is the best(cheapest) paid him out 5000, We are insuring two and minimum coverage on down payment would be ticket for no insurance type of insurance cost talk to report similar .
How long does it So anyone have any notch (3.7) I also wondering how much will maruti wagon r vxi have to pay insurance with Geico, progressive, etc was gonna go to previous insurance with a are considered motorcycles. Also, I being looking around sell auto insurance Arizona not cancel me if booked for OWI. I from now and have license is new what and have to pay 0 about this: are buy her a small quotes are huge!! help! a discount on my happen on 4/20/11 and glad the ACA is Audi r8 tronic quattro?? driving who own a buy a car and up his 96 Toyota My father has purchased My dad doesn t have my school please help parents have caused an is also insured Fully for full coverage and interested in any of months ago, the reason the older cars cost pounds for that car. car as a daily be using inner city it work , like clearly not my fault .
I m looking to find out a few months points in new york a little light on am still living at female, what price, in twice what the bike car is in her wreck and my name a public place with cancel my insurance policy a regular four door? way and cheapest way on my insurance or ex... any help will if it is, then catch the worm? Geico. received a letter from anything about car insurance. insurance, but me and customer services or anything you appear as a heard a rumor that charged with ...show more that it costs A does it affect your Does geico consider a I need little help help finding a good expensive in insurance than I can use to keep maintained by me jaywalking d. 2.0 grade sports car. My budget cheaper car insurance in for my children? Plus was not at fault. to stop me driving insurance after 2 DWI s? a website that has fertility? Is there ...show .
It s insured for the so expensive! its unbelievable her brakes but she Cherokee laredo. Thank you country, so no worries wouldn t need it so claim. I told her just roughly.and per month for honda acord 4 of under $400 for how to get cheaper and paying for it? much it would cost are getting quotes for and need a good or will they be covered by my parents understand why but when Now after many medical including gas, insurance, etc.? saloon. I would like about 600 a quarter.. model is the cheapest THE BEST WHEN WE replace the engine with didn t do it on a good neighbor, State on wood) I wanted car and they wrecked i got my full to know the cheapest in a life insurance that covers for emergent unpaid bill hurts my Looking for the highest will that have anything I dunno. Do they? the cheapest for a I only commute 6 where I can view gd experience to pass .
i want to know today and was wondering afford state farm insurance insurance for a small state None of them Washington State for the have heard that some insurance companies reduce the was wondering how I i believe will cover insurance company is the LOOKING FOR INSURANCE QUOTES at taking the course, moving to Virginia soon A insurance at bakersfield Whose insurance will go and wanna get the deductible anyone else think have comprehensive coverage on ride. We stopped by holder with no health to get insurance that Thanks in advance to get a licence out. I recently purchased can t some people work drive the car on don t have dependents, but have no idea where get plates the same yet so my parents 883 and just got I have a Georgia how much it would this how much do have thought about 1993-1997 rite of value for a 16 year old some good car insurance rover being bigger and is the first named .
I am 22 , school.) I m only 16 truly know. And tell car insurance mandatory but LOOK IT UP YOURSELF feel pretty darn stupid is it needed, and without insurance with his helth care provder in July and am car was only insured health insurance. Does anybody the act require me know the wooden car? pay 1200 a year Please answer... getting the citiation. so know which car insurance What kind of prices a car now i the average income of month, 100, 200, 300, to not sending off Now that my car much insurance would be? a car that has the average auto insurance better to buy the go with or orphadontist they are cancelling me. car? I live in have some money if can t afford a new very confused if I any suggestions?Who to call? for a family of a nissan skyline import? i would pay for passed my test, and and im getting a and will cover me .
I am a part crashed my toyota corolla it will be so sites i go to July. I was told physical anyways or even jetta 2.0 Turbo, have agents from each insurance the State of VIRGINIA want to get a with insurance? Trying to macbook pro from Pc 26. I am also my company Laid me will cover the accident insurance is cheap. thanks and save some money. progressive s, and enter all mean I get an baby without health insurance away. facts, suggestions, loopholes enough to live on car? Driver? Passengers? New-car keep it in the be if i bought years nobody will be get my birthcontrol pills want to know how if anyone has a about to buy a car under my name in renters insurance or get cheap car insurance for self employed people? also hire and reward to company...( Geico,Allstate,AIG Progressive with a decent pay expect in my insurance to see people ranting to pay for car a car? and if .
0 notes
weightloss441posts · 5 years
Working Day in the Life: 21 Months Old
Hi friends! It has been ages since I did a day in the life post – especially a day in the life post on one of my work days vs. mom life days!
We have childcare twice a week – on Mondays from 10 to 4 and Wednesdays from 10 to 6. I can get a little work done on my mom days during naptime as well, but Mondays and Wednesdays are my days to get more focused work done, to take AnneTheRD nutrition client meetings or calls, and occasionally to go to appointments or attend to other stuff that’s not toddler-friendly. :) 
So – here’s what I was up to this week on Wednesday!
6:15 a.m. – I always seem to wake up right around this time which is annoying if Riese isn’t up yet and if I’m not trying to do an early workout! I usually do early morning workouts (6 or 6:30 a.m.) 2 or 3 days a week, but this is not one of those days, so I try to fall back asleep. 
6:45 a.m. – No dice, can’t fall back asleep, and I hear Riese waking up anyway. Matt is in the shower so I get myself up and going and head in to get her up, change her diaper, etc. 
7:15 a.m. – Come downstairs and start breakfast! This basically entails Riese flipping out and refusing to be put down, so I do everything one handed. Usually I’ll get her started in her high chair with some fruit before I give her the rest of her breakfast, especially if I need two hands to make whatever else I’m making! 
I have some leftover Veggie Egg Casserole and some fruit and muesli, plus yogurt that Riese feeds to me. ;) Sidenote – Riese LOVES banana and I’ve been giving it to her with a little nut butter on each bite – helps keep her full longer than just the banana alone… especially if it’s a day where she only wants to eat the banana and nothing else. 
 We say bye to Matt at 7:20 – he has an early meeting to get to. 
7:45 – 9:20 a.m. Bumble around the house cleaning up from breakfast, playing with the dog and cat and various toys, feeding the dog and cat, and getting myself and Riese ready for the day. 
I love that our sitter doesn’t come until 10 a.m. – our previous nanny used to arrive at 8 a.m., and while the extra hands were helpful, I love our new routine and am grateful to get to spend morning time with Riese every day of the week now. :) 
9:25 a.m. – We finally make it out the door! Every weekday morning Riese and I take the dog for a walk or a jog. I’m always proud when we finally get out the door because it’s so many logistics… getting dressed and ready for me and Riese, getting the (outrageously excited and jumping all over us) dog ready and waiting by the door with her leash, collar, poop bags, etc., getting a snack for Riese ready and both of our water bottles ready, grabbing (/trying to find) my phone and hat, getting Riese in the stroller while the dog waits inside, THEN bringing the dog out and attaching her leash to the stroller, then putting sunscreen on both of us… OMG so much. Ha. I can only imagine this with more than 1 child… (not pregnant, just a comment)!
Sidenote – thank you for all your helpful comments on Monday’s blog post about bribery and strong toddler opinions… I’ve been reframing things with the morning stroller and now instead of “please just get in the stroller and I will give you a snack” – I’ve been talking it up and saying “Let’s get dressed, and then you can enjoy your snack in the stroller when we walk the dog.” Same outcome, but framed more positively for both of us. :)
(Another sidenote – if you also have a very strong willed child, check out this article that a blog reader shared – I found it helpful! Peaceful Parenting Your Strong-Willed Child)
9:30 – 10 a.m. – Stroller run with Riese and the dog! It’s pretty hot out already but I was craving a workout and our dog is always super happy if we run vs. walk. ;)
We probably cover about 1.5 to 2 miles, which is about my max when the stroller is in the mix. That ish is hard!
10 a.m. – Arrive back home just as the sitter arrives – perfect timing! I always try to time it like this so that Riese is still in the stroller and I can quickly show our nanny the food situation for Riese for the day and then send them right off to the playground, vs. Riese coming inside first, clinging to my legs and crying, etc.
She’s still sad when I say bye, but if she’s still in the stroller at least it’s easy to quickly get her distracted and off to their adventure. 
10:10 a.m. – Hop in the shower and get ready for the day. 
10:40 a.m. – Head out the door with my work stuff in tow. #WetHairDontCare
I take a bit of a roundabout route to avoid going by the playground or down the street where Riese and our sitter could be walking around… if Riese sees me she’ll get really sad all over again (and so will I)!
I also eat a snack while I’m walking – a peanut butter oatmeal ball from Stomping Ground in Del Ray + an Oatmeal Banana Coconut Cookie (
I packed two of each so I save the other two for the afternoon!
10:50 a.m. – Grab a quick iced latte because I realize I forgot to have coffee this morning and I’m dragging. 
11 a.m. – Tour a co-working space in Del Ray! I mentioned last week that I tried one out in Old Town, Alexandria that I really liked, but I discovered there’s one walking distance to our house so I wanted to give it a shot too because not having to drive (and deal with expensive/annoying Old Town parking) would be ideal. 
11:05 a.m. – It’s a small space so it was a quick tour! They let me stay and work for the day to test it out, which is what I was hoping, so I set up shop and get going. It’s SUPER quiet (only one other person around) which I actually don’t love because I’d rather have more life/action going on, but the convenience may mean I go with this place over the Old Town one even though I liked the more lively vibe better in Old Town… we’ll see. 
My blog post for the day (my Watermelon Mojito Sorbet) is already live (I wrote it and pre-published it on Monday so it would appear on Wednesday morning – I usually do this nowadays since I’m not actively online as early as I used to be), so I spend some time sharing it around on social media, sending the links to the client, and then catching up on emails and blog comments. 
12:40 p.m. – Break for lunch! I walk over to Stomping Ground and order their beet salad with roasted chicken added. 
It’s really delicious!
While I eat, I listen to an episode of Janet Lansbury’s parenting podcast “Unruffled” that a bunch of you recommended to me in the comments section of Monday’s post. I love that the episodes are mostly only about 20 minutes – perfect!
I listen to the January 22 episode about how to set limits with children (even those as young as Riese). It’s really interesting and helpful! I also got her book (“No Bad Kids: Toddler Discipline Without Shame“). Matt downloaded it on Audible and is going to listen to it in the car on his commute so we are on the same page. 
1 p.m. – Take a quick walk around the block (technology free) to reset and get some fresh air. 
1:15 p.m. – Back to my desk! 
I spend the rest of the afternoon catching up on emails, working ahead on some blog stuff (like starting this post, and another recipe post that’s in the works), and working on some blog redesign to-do items (reviewing old recipe blog posts to see which ones I want to keep/feature – they sent me a massive spreadsheet of links to go through, oof).
At some point I get tired of sitting and set up this makeshift standing desk using a filing cabinet. ;)
Around 4, I eat the rest of my snack from the morning. I probably should have brought something savory and crunchy with me as well because I’m still a little hungry and craving something not sweet or chewy, but oh well!
5 p.m. – AnneTheRD nutrition client call. 
5:30 p.m. – Send my client a follow up email, wrap up a few other loose end emails, and pack up and head out the door. 
5:55 p.m. – Arrive home – yay! It’s always so fun to come home to Riese – she gets SO excited and runs towards me. It’s the best. :)
6 p.m. – Say farewell to our sitter and go upstairs to play with Riese. 
6:45 p.m. – Riese starts getting a little manic (throwing heavy wood toys down the stairs, and when I ask her to please keep the toys upstairs with us, she instead starts throwing them at me… ahh, toddlers) so I decide it’s time to get her ready for bed. Usually Matt gets home between 6:30 and 7 but he texted that it would be a late one, so I know I’m not trying to keep Riese up to see him!
7:15 p.m. – Finally get Riese wrangled into her jammies, drinking some milk, and reading a book/singing with me to try to calmmmm things down a bit before bed. 
7:30 p.m. – Lights out for Riese. Night, night!
I come downstairs and snack on some crackers and guac while trying to decide if I feel up for making an elaborate dinner. ;)
I eventually decide to throw together a simple rice, beans, and fish situation.
I pan sear some fish rubbed with a little Mexican-themed seasoning…
And then serve it with 90 second brown rice, microwave string beans, and some canned black beans. Easy and fast! Enjoyed with a magazine. :)
8:30 p.m. – Clean up the kitchen, tidy up downstairs, and then sort through some mail and packages.
My new purse came – cute, right? Less than $20 on Amazon and comes in a ton of color options, too! I needed a new everyday purse that would match everything – I had two I alternated between but both were basically falling apart after many years of use. I was nerdy excited to put all my stuff away in this. I like the size – not too big, but big enough to fit a water bottle, phone, wallet, etc. 
9 p.m. – Head upstairs and get ready for bed. 
9:15 p.m. – In bed! Getting in bed early to read is my fave. I start reading the “No Bad Kids” book – interesting, although I wish she went into a little more detail about how to carry out her advice… 
9:30 p.m. – Matt is home! Wow, that was a late one. Poor guy! We catch up on our days and relax. 
10 p.m. – Lights out! I’m wiped and I have my alarm set for 5:33 am (yes, those 3 minutes matter) to hit a yoga class – oof!
Feel free to play along in the comments – what’s a typical day in the life like for you? 
In other news, I’m off to Monterey, California tomorrow! I’m attending a press trip that takes place Monday to Thursday, but decided to head out early to see my friend Lauren from grad school. I’m excited! I’ll pop back in on Monday with some travel adventures, so stay tuned – or see what I’m up to on Instagram in the meantime. :)
Please note there are affiliate links in this post. 
from https://www.fannetasticfood.com/working-day-in-the-life-21-months-old/ from https://myfunweightloss.blogspot.com/2019/08/working-day-in-life-21-months-old.html
0 notes
weightlos6 · 5 years
Working Day in the Life: 21 Months Old
Working Day in the Life: 21 Months Old:
Hi friends! It has been ages since I did a day in the life post – especially a day in the life post on one of my work days vs. mom life days!
We have childcare twice a week – on Mondays from 10 to 4 and Wednesdays from 10 to 6. I can get a little work done on my mom days during naptime as well, but Mondays and Wednesdays are my days to get more focused work done, to take AnneTheRD nutrition client meetings or calls, and occasionally to go to appointments or attend to other stuff that’s not toddler-friendly. :) 
So – here’s what I was up to this week on Wednesday!
6:15 a.m. – I always seem to wake up right around this time which is annoying if Riese isn’t up yet and if I’m not trying to do an early workout! I usually do early morning workouts (6 or 6:30 a.m.) 2 or 3 days a week, but this is not one of those days, so I try to fall back asleep. 
6:45 a.m. – No dice, can’t fall back asleep, and I hear Riese waking up anyway. Matt is in the shower so I get myself up and going and head in to get her up, change her diaper, etc. 
7:15 a.m. – Come downstairs and start breakfast! This basically entails Riese flipping out and refusing to be put down, so I do everything one handed. Usually I’ll get her started in her high chair with some fruit before I give her the rest of her breakfast, especially if I need two hands to make whatever else I’m making! 
I have some leftover Veggie Egg Casserole and some fruit and muesli, plus yogurt that Riese feeds to me. ;) Sidenote – Riese LOVES banana and I’ve been giving it to her with a little nut butter on each bite – helps keep her full longer than just the banana alone… especially if it’s a day where she only wants to eat the banana and nothing else. 
  We say bye to Matt at 7:20 – he has an early meeting to get to. 
7:45 – 9:20 a.m. Bumble around the house cleaning up from breakfast, playing with the dog and cat and various toys, feeding the dog and cat, and getting myself and Riese ready for the day. 
I love that our sitter doesn’t come until 10 a.m. – our previous nanny used to arrive at 8 a.m., and while the extra hands were helpful, I love our new routine and am grateful to get to spend morning time with Riese every day of the week now. :) 
9:25 a.m. – We finally make it out the door! Every weekday morning Riese and I take the dog for a walk or a jog. I’m always proud when we finally get out the door because it’s so many logistics… getting dressed and ready for me and Riese, getting the (outrageously excited and jumping all over us) dog ready and waiting by the door with her leash, collar, poop bags, etc., getting a snack for Riese ready and both of our water bottles ready, grabbing (/trying to find) my phone and hat, getting Riese in the stroller while the dog waits inside, THEN bringing the dog out and attaching her leash to the stroller, then putting sunscreen on both of us… OMG so much. Ha. I can only imagine this with more than 1 child… (not pregnant, just a comment)!
Sidenote – thank you for all your helpful comments on Monday’s blog post about bribery and strong toddler opinions… I’ve been reframing things with the morning stroller and now instead of “please just get in the stroller and I will give you a snack” – I’ve been talking it up and saying “Let’s get dressed, and then you can enjoy your snack in the stroller when we walk the dog.” Same outcome, but framed more positively for both of us. :)
(Another sidenote – if you also have a very strong willed child, check out this article that a blog reader shared – I found it helpful! Peaceful Parenting Your Strong-Willed Child)
9:30 – 10 a.m. – Stroller run with Riese and the dog! It’s pretty hot out already but I was craving a workout and our dog is always super happy if we run vs. walk. ;)
We probably cover about 1.5 to 2 miles, which is about my max when the stroller is in the mix. That ish is hard!
10 a.m. – Arrive back home just as the sitter arrives – perfect timing! I always try to time it like this so that Riese is still in the stroller and I can quickly show our nanny the food situation for Riese for the day and then send them right off to the playground, vs. Riese coming inside first, clinging to my legs and crying, etc.
She’s still sad when I say bye, but if she’s still in the stroller at least it’s easy to quickly get her distracted and off to their adventure. 
10:10 a.m. – Hop in the shower and get ready for the day. 
10:40 a.m. – Head out the door with my work stuff in tow. #WetHairDontCare
I take a bit of a roundabout route to avoid going by the playground or down the street where Riese and our sitter could be walking around… if Riese sees me she’ll get really sad all over again (and so will I)!
I also eat a snack while I’m walking – a peanut butter oatmeal ball from Stomping Ground in Del Ray + an Oatmeal Banana Coconut Cookie (
I packed two of each so I save the other two for the afternoon!
10:50 a.m. – Grab a quick iced latte because I realize I forgot to have coffee this morning and I’m dragging. 
11 a.m. – Tour a co-working space in Del Ray! I mentioned last week that I tried one out in Old Town, Alexandria that I really liked, but I discovered there’s one walking distance to our house so I wanted to give it a shot too because not having to drive (and deal with expensive/annoying Old Town parking) would be ideal. 
11:05 a.m. – It’s a small space so it was a quick tour! They let me stay and work for the day to test it out, which is what I was hoping, so I set up shop and get going. It’s SUPER quiet (only one other person around) which I actually don’t love because I’d rather have more life/action going on, but the convenience may mean I go with this place over the Old Town one even though I liked the more lively vibe better in Old Town… we’ll see. 
My blog post for the day (my Watermelon Mojito Sorbet) is already live (I wrote it and pre-published it on Monday so it would appear on Wednesday morning – I usually do this nowadays since I’m not actively online as early as I used to be), so I spend some time sharing it around on social media, sending the links to the client, and then catching up on emails and blog comments. 
12:40 p.m. – Break for lunch! I walk over to Stomping Ground and order their beet salad with roasted chicken added. 
It’s really delicious!
While I eat, I listen to an episode of Janet Lansbury’s parenting podcast “Unruffled” that a bunch of you recommended to me in the comments section of Monday’s post. I love that the episodes are mostly only about 20 minutes – perfect!
I listen to the January 22 episode about how to set limits with children (even those as young as Riese). It’s really interesting and helpful! I also got her book (“No Bad Kids: Toddler Discipline Without Shame“). Matt downloaded it on Audible and is going to listen to it in the car on his commute so we are on the same page. 
1 p.m. – Take a quick walk around the block (technology free) to reset and get some fresh air. 
1:15 p.m. – Back to my desk! 
I spend the rest of the afternoon catching up on emails, working ahead on some blog stuff (like starting this post, and another recipe post that’s in the works), and working on some blog redesign to-do items (reviewing old recipe blog posts to see which ones I want to keep/feature – they sent me a massive spreadsheet of links to go through, oof).
At some point I get tired of sitting and set up this makeshift standing desk using a filing cabinet. ;)
Around 4, I eat the rest of my snack from the morning. I probably should have brought something savory and crunchy with me as well because I’m still a little hungry and craving something not sweet or chewy, but oh well!
5 p.m. – AnneTheRD nutrition client call. 
5:30 p.m. – Send my client a follow up email, wrap up a few other loose end emails, and pack up and head out the door. 
5:55 p.m. – Arrive home – yay! It’s always so fun to come home to Riese – she gets SO excited and runs towards me. It’s the best. :)
6 p.m. – Say farewell to our sitter and go upstairs to play with Riese. 
6:45 p.m. – Riese starts getting a little manic (throwing heavy wood toys down the stairs, and when I ask her to please keep the toys upstairs with us, she instead starts throwing them at me… ahh, toddlers) so I decide it’s time to get her ready for bed. Usually Matt gets home between 6:30 and 7 but he texted that it would be a late one, so I know I’m not trying to keep Riese up to see him!
7:15 p.m. – Finally get Riese wrangled into her jammies, drinking some milk, and reading a book/singing with me to try to calmmmm things down a bit before bed. 
7:30 p.m. – Lights out for Riese. Night, night!
I come downstairs and snack on some crackers and guac while trying to decide if I feel up for making an elaborate dinner. ;)
I eventually decide to throw together a simple rice, beans, and fish situation.
I pan sear some fish rubbed with a little Mexican-themed seasoning…
And then serve it with 90 second brown rice, microwave string beans, and some canned black beans. Easy and fast! Enjoyed with a magazine. :)
8:30 p.m. – Clean up the kitchen, tidy up downstairs, and then sort through some mail and packages.
My new purse came – cute, right? Less than $20 on Amazon and comes in a ton of color options, too! I needed a new everyday purse that would match everything – I had two I alternated between but both were basically falling apart after many years of use. I was nerdy excited to put all my stuff away in this. I like the size – not too big, but big enough to fit a water bottle, phone, wallet, etc. 
9 p.m. – Head upstairs and get ready for bed. 
9:15 p.m. – In bed! Getting in bed early to read is my fave. I start reading the “No Bad Kids” book – interesting, although I wish she went into a little more detail about how to carry out her advice… 
9:30 p.m. – Matt is home! Wow, that was a late one. Poor guy! We catch up on our days and relax. 
10 p.m. – Lights out! I’m wiped and I have my alarm set for 5:33 am (yes, those 3 minutes matter) to hit a yoga class – oof!
Feel free to play along in the comments – what’s a typical day in the life like for you? 
In other news, I’m off to Monterey, California tomorrow! I’m attending a press trip that takes place Monday to Thursday, but decided to head out early to see my friend Lauren from grad school. I’m excited! I’ll pop back in on Monday with some travel adventures, so stay tuned – or see what I’m up to on Instagram in the meantime. :)
Please note there are affiliate links in this post. 
from https://www.fannetasticfood.com/working-day-in-the-life-21-months-old/ from https://myfunweightloss.tumblr.com/post/187050447532
0 notes
myfunweightloss · 5 years
Hi friends! It has been ages since I did a day in the life post – especially a day in the life post on one of my work days vs. mom life days!
We have childcare twice a week – on Mondays from 10 to 4 and Wednesdays from 10 to 6. I can get a little work done on my mom days during naptime as well, but Mondays and Wednesdays are my days to get more focused work done, to take AnneTheRD nutrition client meetings or calls, and occasionally to go to appointments or attend to other stuff that’s not toddler-friendly. :) 
So – here’s what I was up to this week on Wednesday!
6:15 a.m. – I always seem to wake up right around this time which is annoying if Riese isn’t up yet and if I’m not trying to do an early workout! I usually do early morning workouts (6 or 6:30 a.m.) 2 or 3 days a week, but this is not one of those days, so I try to fall back asleep. 
6:45 a.m. – No dice, can’t fall back asleep, and I hear Riese waking up anyway. Matt is in the shower so I get myself up and going and head in to get her up, change her diaper, etc. 
7:15 a.m. – Come downstairs and start breakfast! This basically entails Riese flipping out and refusing to be put down, so I do everything one handed. Usually I’ll get her started in her high chair with some fruit before I give her the rest of her breakfast, especially if I need two hands to make whatever else I’m making! 
I have some leftover Veggie Egg Casserole and some fruit and muesli, plus yogurt that Riese feeds to me. ;) Sidenote – Riese LOVES banana and I’ve been giving it to her with a little nut butter on each bite – helps keep her full longer than just the banana alone… especially if it’s a day where she only wants to eat the banana and nothing else. 
  We say bye to Matt at 7:20 – he has an early meeting to get to. 
7:45 – 9:20 a.m. Bumble around the house cleaning up from breakfast, playing with the dog and cat and various toys, feeding the dog and cat, and getting myself and Riese ready for the day. 
I love that our sitter doesn’t come until 10 a.m. – our previous nanny used to arrive at 8 a.m., and while the extra hands were helpful, I love our new routine and am grateful to get to spend morning time with Riese every day of the week now. :) 
9:25 a.m. – We finally make it out the door! Every weekday morning Riese and I take the dog for a walk or a jog. I’m always proud when we finally get out the door because it’s so many logistics… getting dressed and ready for me and Riese, getting the (outrageously excited and jumping all over us) dog ready and waiting by the door with her leash, collar, poop bags, etc., getting a snack for Riese ready and both of our water bottles ready, grabbing (/trying to find) my phone and hat, getting Riese in the stroller while the dog waits inside, THEN bringing the dog out and attaching her leash to the stroller, then putting sunscreen on both of us… OMG so much. Ha. I can only imagine this with more than 1 child… (not pregnant, just a comment)!
Sidenote – thank you for all your helpful comments on Monday’s blog post about bribery and strong toddler opinions… I’ve been reframing things with the morning stroller and now instead of “please just get in the stroller and I will give you a snack” – I’ve been talking it up and saying “Let’s get dressed, and then you can enjoy your snack in the stroller when we walk the dog.” Same outcome, but framed more positively for both of us. :)
(Another sidenote – if you also have a very strong willed child, check out this article that a blog reader shared – I found it helpful! Peaceful Parenting Your Strong-Willed Child)
9:30 – 10 a.m. – Stroller run with Riese and the dog! It’s pretty hot out already but I was craving a workout and our dog is always super happy if we run vs. walk. ;)
We probably cover about 1.5 to 2 miles, which is about my max when the stroller is in the mix. That ish is hard!
10 a.m. – Arrive back home just as the sitter arrives – perfect timing! I always try to time it like this so that Riese is still in the stroller and I can quickly show our nanny the food situation for Riese for the day and then send them right off to the playground, vs. Riese coming inside first, clinging to my legs and crying, etc.
She’s still sad when I say bye, but if she’s still in the stroller at least it’s easy to quickly get her distracted and off to their adventure. 
10:10 a.m. – Hop in the shower and get ready for the day. 
10:40 a.m. – Head out the door with my work stuff in tow. #WetHairDontCare
I take a bit of a roundabout route to avoid going by the playground or down the street where Riese and our sitter could be walking around… if Riese sees me she’ll get really sad all over again (and so will I)!
I also eat a snack while I’m walking – a peanut butter oatmeal ball from Stomping Ground in Del Ray + an Oatmeal Banana Coconut Cookie (
I packed two of each so I save the other two for the afternoon!
10:50 a.m. – Grab a quick iced latte because I realize I forgot to have coffee this morning and I’m dragging. 
11 a.m. – Tour a co-working space in Del Ray! I mentioned last week that I tried one out in Old Town, Alexandria that I really liked, but I discovered there’s one walking distance to our house so I wanted to give it a shot too because not having to drive (and deal with expensive/annoying Old Town parking) would be ideal. 
11:05 a.m. – It’s a small space so it was a quick tour! They let me stay and work for the day to test it out, which is what I was hoping, so I set up shop and get going. It’s SUPER quiet (only one other person around) which I actually don’t love because I’d rather have more life/action going on, but the convenience may mean I go with this place over the Old Town one even though I liked the more lively vibe better in Old Town… we’ll see. 
My blog post for the day (my Watermelon Mojito Sorbet) is already live (I wrote it and pre-published it on Monday so it would appear on Wednesday morning – I usually do this nowadays since I’m not actively online as early as I used to be), so I spend some time sharing it around on social media, sending the links to the client, and then catching up on emails and blog comments. 
12:40 p.m. – Break for lunch! I walk over to Stomping Ground and order their beet salad with roasted chicken added. 
It’s really delicious!
While I eat, I listen to an episode of Janet Lansbury’s parenting podcast “Unruffled” that a bunch of you recommended to me in the comments section of Monday’s post. I love that the episodes are mostly only about 20 minutes – perfect!
I listen to the January 22 episode about how to set limits with children (even those as young as Riese). It’s really interesting and helpful! I also got her book (“No Bad Kids: Toddler Discipline Without Shame“). Matt downloaded it on Audible and is going to listen to it in the car on his commute so we are on the same page. 
1 p.m. – Take a quick walk around the block (technology free) to reset and get some fresh air. 
1:15 p.m. – Back to my desk! 
I spend the rest of the afternoon catching up on emails, working ahead on some blog stuff (like starting this post, and another recipe post that’s in the works), and working on some blog redesign to-do items (reviewing old recipe blog posts to see which ones I want to keep/feature – they sent me a massive spreadsheet of links to go through, oof).
At some point I get tired of sitting and set up this makeshift standing desk using a filing cabinet. ;)
Around 4, I eat the rest of my snack from the morning. I probably should have brought something savory and crunchy with me as well because I’m still a little hungry and craving something not sweet or chewy, but oh well!
5 p.m. – AnneTheRD nutrition client call. 
5:30 p.m. – Send my client a follow up email, wrap up a few other loose end emails, and pack up and head out the door. 
5:55 p.m. – Arrive home – yay! It’s always so fun to come home to Riese – she gets SO excited and runs towards me. It’s the best. :)
6 p.m. – Say farewell to our sitter and go upstairs to play with Riese. 
6:45 p.m. – Riese starts getting a little manic (throwing heavy wood toys down the stairs, and when I ask her to please keep the toys upstairs with us, she instead starts throwing them at me… ahh, toddlers) so I decide it’s time to get her ready for bed. Usually Matt gets home between 6:30 and 7 but he texted that it would be a late one, so I know I’m not trying to keep Riese up to see him!
7:15 p.m. – Finally get Riese wrangled into her jammies, drinking some milk, and reading a book/singing with me to try to calmmmm things down a bit before bed. 
7:30 p.m. – Lights out for Riese. Night, night!
I come downstairs and snack on some crackers and guac while trying to decide if I feel up for making an elaborate dinner. ;)
I eventually decide to throw together a simple rice, beans, and fish situation.
I pan sear some fish rubbed with a little Mexican-themed seasoning…
And then serve it with 90 second brown rice, microwave string beans, and some canned black beans. Easy and fast! Enjoyed with a magazine. :)
8:30 p.m. – Clean up the kitchen, tidy up downstairs, and then sort through some mail and packages.
My new purse came – cute, right? Less than $20 on Amazon and comes in a ton of color options, too! I needed a new everyday purse that would match everything – I had two I alternated between but both were basically falling apart after many years of use. I was nerdy excited to put all my stuff away in this. I like the size – not too big, but big enough to fit a water bottle, phone, wallet, etc. 
9 p.m. – Head upstairs and get ready for bed. 
9:15 p.m. – In bed! Getting in bed early to read is my fave. I start reading the “No Bad Kids” book – interesting, although I wish she went into a little more detail about how to carry out her advice… 
9:30 p.m. – Matt is home! Wow, that was a late one. Poor guy! We catch up on our days and relax. 
10 p.m. – Lights out! I’m wiped and I have my alarm set for 5:33 am (yes, those 3 minutes matter) to hit a yoga class – oof!
Feel free to play along in the comments – what’s a typical day in the life like for you? 
In other news, I’m off to Monterey, California tomorrow! I’m attending a press trip that takes place Monday to Thursday, but decided to head out early to see my friend Lauren from grad school. I’m excited! I’ll pop back in on Monday with some travel adventures, so stay tuned – or see what I’m up to on Instagram in the meantime. :)
Please note there are affiliate links in this post. 
from https://www.fannetasticfood.com/working-day-in-the-life-21-months-old/
0 notes
euroman1945-blog · 6 years
The Daily Tulip
The Daily Tulip – News From Around The World
Thursday 6th September 2018
Good Morning Gentle Reader….  I looked at the clock and it said midnight, next second I'm looking at the clock with 3.30am on its face, not worth risking sleep when I get up at 4.00am so out of bed and get met with wet kisses from Bella, as I try to tie my shoes... so out into the dark of the early morning we go, me with a wet face and her with a wagging tail ...we spend the next 30 minutes with me at the end of a leash and Bella dragging me to the next spot to sniff.. finally we make it home, the coffee has brewed, Bella's eaten and is now sound asleep on my foot and I've read the news, so would you like to see what I have discovered?
WRONG WAY WOKING DRIVER, 87, FAILED SURREY POLICE EYE TEST…. An 87-year-old motorist was stopped by police for driving the wrong way down the road - and then failed an eye test. A police car was forced to take evasive action when the man drove the wrong way after pulling out from a junction on to the A3 in Surrey earlier. He was stopped and given a roadside eyesight test, which he failed as he could only read a number plate from 7.3m away. The minimum distance is 20m. Surrey Police said he voluntarily surrendered his driving licence. The man, from Woking, was also reported for two driving offences.
UZBEKISTAN TAX OFFICIALS TO WEAR FAMILY ID BADGES…. Tax officials in Uzbekistan are to be issued with new identity cards which include a photo of family members, it's been reported. Management at the State Tax Service in the country's south-western Bukhara region have approved the new badges to remind officials that they have families at home waiting for them, should they be tempted to "tarnish the reputation of the service", the Kuz.uz news website reports. As well as steering the wearer away from thoughts of corruption, they're also supposed to remind staff of the partnership between tax payer and tax collector as part of Uzbek president Shavkat Mirziyoyev's campaign to improve the tax service and increase tax revenues. However, it's an idea that's been ridiculed on social media in Uzbekistan. According to the Fergana news website, users have called the idea of new badges "stupid" and of no help against corruption. Others said that they may even break data protection laws.
BELFAST MAN SERIOUSLY INJURED BY SHARK OFF COUNTY CORK COAST…. A man from Belfast suffered a "deep flesh wound" after being bitten by a shark off the coast of County Cork on Saturday evening. The man suffered the serious lower arm injury while deep-sea angling. The crew of the angling boat gave the man first aid before he was transferred to a lifeboat, where he got further treatment. Crosshaven RNLI volunteers were called to the scene at 18:00 local time. It is understood the man was angling for sharks and had been trying to unhook one of the fish when he was bitten. "This was more of an angling accident than a shark attack, there was a bit of a struggle when pulling the shark on board," a RNLI spokesman said. "We're not trying to panic anyone." The angling boat Deora Dé, which the man was on board, sailed towards Crosshaven from about eight miles offshore and met with the Crosshaven lifeboat about four miles south of Roche's Point. The lifeboat was then met at Crosshaven by an ambulance and the man was transported to Cork University Hospital. The man was conscious throughout and was able to climb onto the lifeboat without help. It is understood that the fish involved was a blue shark. Although they are the most common species of shark in Irish waters, they rarely bite humans. They usually feed on small fish and squid, and can live for about 20 years.
IKEA INDIA FINED OVER CATERPILLAR IN RICE DISH…. Ikea India has been fined after a customer found a caterpillar in a rice dish served at its store in the southern city of Hyderabad. Abeed Mohammad tweeted about the incident on Friday, tagging the city's municipal authorities. After investigating his complaint, officials on Sunday imposed a fine of $141 (£109) on the furniture giant. The Swedish firm, which opened its first store in India in early August, said it was sorry over the incident. Mr Mohammad's tweet has been widely shared on social media. Hyderabad, a technology hub, is also home to other global companies such as Microsoft, Google and Facebook.
DELAYS AFTER MILK SPILL ON THE A5 CHIRK BYPASS IN WALES…. Motorists are facing delays on one of the busiest roads in north Wales after a milk spillage on the A5 Chirk bypass. The main road between Wrexham and Shrewsbury was shut between the Gledrid and Halton roundabouts after a vehicle spilled six cages of milk. Fire crews had helped with the clear-up following the 06:00 BST incident and the Chirk Bypass reopened at 08:30. North Wales Police have warned of long delays and heavy traffic in the area… and have advised drivers not to cry over spilt milk…
Well Gentle Reader I hope you enjoyed our look at the news from around the world this, morning… …
Our Tulips today are staggeringly beautiful…
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A Sincere Thank You for your company and Thank You for your likes and comments I love them and always try to reply, so please keep them coming, it's always good fun, As is my custom, I will go and get myself another mug of "Colombian" Coffee and wish you a safe Thursday 6th September 2018 from my home on the southern coast of Spain, where the blue waters of the Alboran Sea washes the coast of Africa and Europe and the smell of the night blooming Jasmine and Honeysuckle fills the air…and a crazy old guy and his dog Bella go out for a walk at 4:00 am…on the streets of Estepona…
All good stuff....But remember it’s a dangerous world we live in
Be safe out there…
Robert McAngus #Spain #Tulips #Travel #Coffee
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harbalrock · 6 years
Automatic Driving Lessons Birmingham
Most Learners make due with one session seven days for their Automatic Driving Lessons Birmingham exercises. It was being done that way when I learnt how to drive 27 years back, and it is as yet a well known method for doing it. How about we take a gander at how the recurrence of your driving exercises can affect on your rate of learning.
The Driving and Vehicle Standards Agency are a free association who regulate the guidelines of the driving test and the Examiners, and they let us know here that it goes up against normal 47 hours with a Driving Instructor to breeze through the test. On the off chance that you have navigated to that connection, you'll see that they additionally incorporate a normal of 20 long periods of private practice in an auto, in the middle of the driving exercises with a Driving Instructor.
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Presently by and by, and this is only my conclusion, I am just talking here for myself and no other Automatic Driving Lessons Birmingham Instructor, my experience has demonstrated to me that in the event that you focus on the recurrence of driving exercises, term of session, and this component of private practice then that can drive down that normal figure of 47 hours.
I put forth the above expression with the advantage of observing this over the 7 years I've been doing business. Give me a chance to develop this a bit:
A chap who as of late learnt how to drive with me went to test yesterday, and breathed easy with only 1 (minor) driving flaw recorded by the analyst. He was taking 2 hour exercises on a Friday morning (fitted in pleasantly with his journal), and he completed 16 of those sessions. So it thought about him literally 4 months to figure out how to drive. 
Around 2 months in to his course, he purchased an auto, and his Dad began taking him out in the middle of Automatic Driving Lessons Birmingham with me. The family speaks to England in a type of hand to hand fighting and when they had a competition or honors function to go to, my Learner would drive to it. These were legitimate excursions I'm discussing here, the Father would design a course to maintain a strategic distance from motorways (Learners are not lawfully permitted on them), and a 150 mile round trek travel was not uncommon.
Another chap prior in the year, completed 30 long periods of preparing over a multi week term and sat back. He did no private practice in the middle of exercises since he was fitting in 3 hours every day from Mon - Fri for 2 weeks.
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So I know from my own experience that span of sessions, recurrence of sessions and measure of private practice has an orientation on proficiency of learning. You would be just astounded at the advance a Learner can make on my 20 hour, multi day, Intensive Driving Course.
Be that as it may, and this is a major in any case, don't under-evaluate the significance of your very own state of mind to figuring out how to drive. It is significant to distinguish what sort of realizing style meets your own learning inclinations. A few people like driving sessions to be short yet regularly, others can deal with longer sessions yet less of them. 
Comprehending what will work for you by and by is essential. What's more, you should be genuine about this, find what will work for you at that point understand the results of that. For example, in the event that you complete 1 hour for every week for instance, at that point you know from the DVSA that it will take you by and large 47 weeks (with 20 hours private practice included) to pass the test.... about a year.
So in outline, my recommendation is to think about your financial plan, think about your journal (what you can physically fit in your common week), regardless of whether you will have the chance to hone in the middle of driving exercises, and in particular, think about your learning inclinations. 
As a general guide for you, the shorter the timeframe for the course, the more extended the driving sessions = the more extreme the preparation i.e. the more steep the expectation to absorb information. A few people that way, some even endeavor on it, and a few people won't care for it one piece.
Simply ensure that in the event that you are choosing an Intensive Driving Course, that you are told before hand how much Automatic Driving Lessons Birmingham you will be ensured to do on that course. It is my very own brilliant string courses that 'the more you drive, the more you encounter, the more you learn'. Completing a multi day course for instance with driving for 20 hours having had no different past driving knowledge will be only the beginning of the learning procedure.
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I trust this has been valuable to you? If you don't mind don't hesitate to include remarks or inquiries underneath or possibly 'review' your response in one of the containers beneath.
Accept exhortation from your teacher
Clearly, the individual who will be ready to judge your driving best is your educator. Trust them when they say you could utilize a couple of all the more additional hours and always remember to solicit them toward the end from the exercise to give you some input. Along each drive they're clearly going to give you indications and guidance on what to do and what not to do, and it might soak in while you're making a halfhearted effort however once the exercise is up, it might go straight out the window. 
Just solicit toward the end from the exercise if there's anything they think you require additional work on and afterward, request to take a shot at that somewhat more. Open up to your educator as well, in the event that you feel prepared to book a test or as of now have, get some information about it.
Confide in yourself
I believe it's vital to confide in your educator since they know the technique that a test takes after and you won't, it's additionally essential to confide in your own particular capacities and have confidence in them as well. In case you're not positive about your capacity to drive, but rather have the essentials down, your certainty, or absence of, may in the end be reflected in your driving, when truly you need to move forward. However, certainty takes time, so give yourself that time. Uncertainty may likewise make them commit errors when actually, you presumably did it right the first run through.
Try not to be hesitant to take more exercises
I think both the cost and the normal hours individuals spend Automatic Driving Lessons Birmingham before stepping through an examination include some additional weight. Clearly, concerning cash it's particularly reliant on your money related circumstance, so in case you're attempting to bear the cost of more exercises and need to surge in and step through an exam to spare, it's likely not the best thought except if you're really prepared. For this situation, inquire as to whether they wouldn't getting you driving exercises for Christmas or your birthday or any occasion they extravagant celebrating with you.
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There's likewise the alternative of asking your dear old mum or father to safeguard you on their auto and be your educator for nothing. I'm certain they'll adore it.
Also, critically, don't be stressed over the measure of hours other individuals have done. When you first begin driving numerous individuals are probably going to think about the time it took them saying things like 'I was managing roundabouts in my initial two hours' or 'it just took me 25 hours, why's it taking you so long?'. My feeling? Stuff them. 
Everybody's extraordinary. There are set things you need to do to pass however individuals require measure of time to hone for it. Somehow, you can see a few similitudes with an exam. Everybody's given a similar time to amend for an exam and to take it. While the time we get the opportunity to step through the exam is dependably the same, the time you need to reexamine/rehearse for it are down to how much time, out of what you're given, you believe you have to set aside.
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Automatic Driving Lessons Birmingham  Regarding really stepping through the examination it's less similar to an exam. Truly, there are set things you have to achieve however there's very little possibility a steed or a cyclist will keep you from passing your degree as they will your driving test.
Automatic Driving Lessons Birmingham
Powerd By: Realwebidea
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How bad of an idea is it to just get liability insurance on a 300cc sport bike?
"How bad of an idea is it to just get liability insurance on a 300cc sport bike?
How bad of an idea is it to just get liability insurance on a 300cc sport bike?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Whats the cheapest motorbike insurance and motorbike for a 17 year old man. (125cc)?
im interested in getting a geared 125cc superbike looking motorbike, what is the cheapest bike i can get at this age, a long with the cheapest insurance? on go compare i think i've got it down to about 500 pounds. thankyou""
How much does insurance generally cost?
-Health insurance -Car insurance (for a mustang GT, a newer model) -House insurance The house is 2.5 baths, 3 bedrooms and 150,000 dollars. This is for a school project. Seperate answers, please.""
Where can I get affordable car insurance?
I am a female driver who has had a full licence for over 20 years, but I do not have any No Claims and I have 9 points on my licence. The points are for no insurance and having a defective tyre, nothing which reflects badly on my driving. Does anyone know of an insurance company that will not use this to increase the cost to an unaffordable amount.""
Which is best general insurance to take?
I can pay 2000rs/annam.I need Health & Mediclaim Policy. My Requirements -- Maximum coverage of insurance.Should cover all diseases including new diseases which will come in future(i have worried about swin flu a new arraival in 2009). My age is 27years.
What would be my insurance cost if i got a 2010 Subaru RX STi in chicago?
any idea? like a year?
In Michigan do you need to keep full coverage on your motorcycle even if it is in storage when you have loan?
You get your full coverage on the motorcycle when you purchase it but winter comes and you have the insurance company reduce it to storage insurance. Can you do that and if you can is the insurance company required to let the title holder know of the insurance coverage change?
Motorcycle insurance?
progressive is quoting me at $20 a month for bare minimum coverage for a 2010 yamaha r1. I'm 18 years old and single. how is this even possible? am i reading something wrong? this price just seems absurdly low to me
Do Liberals know that Affordable Care Act will in fact make healthcare insurance far less affordable?
On Jan. 30 the IRS released new regulations regarding Obamacare - remember that the IRS is in charge of penalizing you should you fail to purchase the mandated insurance - that included cost estimates for the plans the government will offer. Obamacare Lie #4: Obamacare will cut the cost of a typical family's premium by up to $2,500 a year. http://moneymorning.com/2013/02/08/the-7-biggest-obamacare-lies/""
Would you buy rapture insurance?
If you believe in the rapture, would you purchase insurance to be paid out to your family members you have 'left behind'. I mean if you're the bread winner, and just 'vanish'. Who is going to pay the rent, who is going to buy the food. People carry life insurance, and have social security to help families, but I'm pretty sure they wouldn't cover 'rapture'... --not superstitious""
Buying used car. What do I do for insurance?
I'm buying a new car today and I was wondering if I could drive it home (~2miles) without insurance. If not, what do I do? Thanks""
Where can i find a free insurance company that won't rap me off?
i need a website that i can get a insurance for medical and dental. where can i go
Cost of insurance for a Landrover Freelander 1.8i for new driver?
I am 36 & thinking of buying a freelander 1.8i 3 dr for when I pass my test & I just want to know how to find out the cost of insurance without contacting any insurance company.
""My father's health insurance was inadvertently cut-off, can I add him on to my health insurance plan?""
My father's health insurance was inadvertently cut-off, can I add him on to my health insurance plan?""
Do I have to respond to a insureance quote?
So today I got a insurance quote from 21st Century Insurance and it says Response requested by: Dec.4,2910 DO I really have to respond?""
""I wrecked my new car , insurance is liability?
i wrecked my car . my car was new 2009 car and my insurance was liabilty. police decided that was my fault. And also i am still paying monthly payment on that car. Does anybody know what should i do next . i been using that car to work now i am unemployee . should i just bankrufcy
Help with insurance prices?
I was wondering what the cost of these cars would be for a 16 year old male or just a list of most expensive to insure to cheapest to insure. 2006 Chrysler 300 touring 50000 miles 2007 dodge charger sxt 40000 miles 2006 chevy cobalt ss not sc or tc 60000 miles
Too much to pay for car insurance?
I received my renewal notice today from my insurance company. I'm getting tired of paying so much for my insurance, I think its time to start looking around. I heard all the car insurance myths, when you turn 25.. Itll go down when you bundle your house & car insurance it'll go down when you get married it'll go down nope nope nope It has gone down a total of MAYBE $5 a month or $60yr. I'll be 29 in Jan, no accidents in 8yrs no speeding tickets in 5yrs. I drive a '06 4dr car and I'm paying $125/mthn insurance. Is it just me or this way too high to be paying insurance.... I've been with this company for close to 6yrs now.""
Cheaper car Insurance for 18 year old?
I'm an 18 year old male and live in Florida. I have state farm insurance and I was paying 167 a month for minimum car insurance, I have a clean record and I drive a 97 Honda civic. I had a mechanical failure in my car that caused my wheel to fly off while I was driving, I filed a claim and all of a sudden they want 365 a month for minimum coverage, why am I paying so much, 167 already seemed steep to me, I work part time and that basically a week of pay for me. Where can I find insurance that doesnt cost so much? The insurance cost more than my damn car payments did.""
How much do insurance agents make per hour? California?
I went to an interview and was ask what yearly salary I was looking for. I wasn't sure what to answer. I live in California. The position is going to required me to travel to two different offices. The company is called Fiesta Insurance. Thank you
Should Insurance companies be forced to protect against preexisting conditions? Buy Ins after car gets stolen?
How much would that add to the insurance premium if they had to pay out for preexisting conditions? What if you totaled your new corvette and bought insurance the next day. How soon before the insurance companies went bankrupt and we had to go to the government option. (Where you would be forced to drive a Yugo in order to qualify).
DMV proof of insurance?
ok so im 16 and i live in california the dmv wants proof of insurance for my drivers test, my dad added me to his policy but the insurance card says his name on it but im included in his policy so can i just show them the card with his name on it?""
Insurance (probability)?
An auto insurance company has 10,000 policy holders. Each policy holder is classified as.. - young or old - male or female - married or single Of these policyholders, 30000 are young, 4600 are male, and 7000 are married. the policyholders can also be classified as 1320 young males, 3010 married males, and 1400 young married persons. Finally, 600 of the policyholders are young married males. How many of the company's policyholders are young, female, and single?""
""How can I find affordable health insurance that covers chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture, or both?""
I live in Colorado. I only make slightly above minimum wage. I am not eligible for health care benefits through work. I have a chronic issue and am in pain if I do not go. I spend $250 on chiropractic and $250 on acupuncture for a grand total of $500 a month. Is there a health insurance plan that could cover either one or both kinds of treatments for less than $500 a month? If not, I will just continue to pay out of pocket although it is very expensive.""
Insurance polices at work?
a friend of mine works for a local mall where i'm from. the company he worked for varsity he took out a 10,000 insurance policy left me as heir should anything happen to him. when varsity left the mall and another company took over. he and his co/workers are told the insurance policies they took out and left another as heir were only good providing varsity remained in the mall. how is it legal to charge someone for such a policy. once the varsity left the mall they were told they get nothing""
Should iclaim through the car insurance?
My mother in law was driving my wifes car on our insurance pollicy. She was hit on the passenger side of the car and puched in to the roundabout by the cab on a 14 wheller. MY mother in law was not to blame as the lorry was in the wrong lane and there are witnesses who saw the accident. The car is a 1996 renault clio and there is some heavy denting and scratches on the passenger door and front wing. Nothing that has effected the driveability of the car to my knowledge. since the car was pushed up over the kerb and on to the roundabout it could have knocked the tracking a little. I dont know how much it will be to repair but the car is only worth about 600 and the insurance policy on this car has an excess of 350 cause it was the named driver who was driving and not my wife. There also is no protected no claims bonus. If i was to put this claim through the insurance how would this effect the pocket and the no blaims bonus.
How bad of an idea is it to just get liability insurance on a 300cc sport bike?
How bad of an idea is it to just get liability insurance on a 300cc sport bike?
Why did health insurance prices double in the last 5 years and not car insurance?
family health insurance plans went from 9,000/yr to 18,000/yr during Bush's administration. Health insurance is quickly becoming the average American's #1 cost, soon to exceed rent.""
Motorcycle insurance question?
I will be 18 in two months and i want a bike. I am planning to go to the classes which i assume lowers insurance. I also thought by having a smaller bike would cut insurance costs. I only plan to ride around town and not on the highway. If i bought a 250cc bike like a GZ250 or a Honda Rebel, how much would seasonal insurance be roughly? I only want the types of insurance that are mandatory in order of me being on a budget.""
""Diamond Car Insurance? gave the cheapest quote, anybody use or used them?""
I am 21 year old female wanting to start my own insurance policy instead of being 2nd driver on my mums car. I have a Toyota Rav4 Sport, which insurance companies are good with younger people please (the car is 8 years old, so not worth a great deal)""
""Will my car get tow,i change the insurance to my father name.?""
I financed a car and all the paperwork is under my name,but i change the insurance under my father name.now i received a letter saying i don't have insurance,and i told them is under my father name.they want me to change it in my name,but i don't want to.if i put my name in the insurance it will be high. can i leave it under his name,or put my name in it.""
What is an insurance quote?
people say low insurance quote .... what is it. how does it work and how does the whole car insurance thing work what if i buy a $5000 car ... how much would i be spending every month including tax, insurance> EXCLUDE GAS""
I sorta blew up my car would my warranty or insurance cover it?
Well u see my friend and I took my 2010 Prius up to the far reaches of canada to go ice fishing, the locals told us they used dynamite all the time so we didn't think much of it, anyway... We sorta had an accident with the dynamite and blew up the car(thankfully no one was hurt) but anyway, would my insurance(allstate) or my warranty cover it?""
""If you crashed your car into someones, how much would insurance pay out?""
Assuming the cost is 18,000, most of it being for injuries the other party claims to have (<1000 bucks in damage). How much would insurance pay and how much would i have to pay? No damage to my own car. No need for insurance after this because I dont think im going to drive again after hearing the cost.""
""Being sued by an insurance company, can my wages be garnished?""
I was in a severe accident last year in which the damage done exceeded my coverage. Now, a year later, the other insurance company is suing me. Now, the odd thing about this is, the accident was in NJ, I now live in PA, and they cannot seem to find me. They've called my old jobs in NJ looking for me, but haven't found me here in PA. What's even odder is, the attorney hunting me down is from MY insurance company, which I now again have in PA, and that particular accident never even showed up on my driving record when I insured my vehicle here. I'm assuming it has something to do with crossing state lines, but it's very odd. My big question is, when they judge against me, can my wages be garnished here in Pennsylvania? Can they garnish wages in that scenario? And also, is anyone familiar with the crossing state lines aspect of this and why they cannot seem to find me? I would like to just file for bankruptcy so my wages cannot be garnished, but up to or over a thousand dollars is a hit I cannot take. Any help is greatly appreciated.""
Can we get cheap car insurance in the UK as Australians?
My partner and I are moving to the UK in March and had intended to buy a car. Just an Astra or something for under 1000. However, when I put our details into insurance websites it tells us we will have to pay upwards of 2000 for 3rd party insurance. I realise this is because we have not been residents or have held UK licences but is there any way to get something cheaper? This seriously hinders our plans, we can't afford that amount of money but were really hoping to have a car. Can any one give us any advice? I have put in that we have a UK licence (as we would be prepared to get upon arrival and would have to any way after 12 months) but this does little to change the quotes.""
How do Car Insurance Deposits Work?
I am new to the whole car insurance thing, and so I would greatly appreciate it if someone who knew what they were talking about would give me some help on how deposits work. I don't want to ask this help from the insurers cos they'll try to persuade me to pay for their insurance before I'm ready. Basically, my cheapest and most covered insurance is quoted as 3,889.98. I will be initially paying a deposit of 780.05 and then monthly payments of 314.66 for the next 11 months. What I want to know is an explanation of how deposits work in terms of Car insurance, and what I also want to know is does this deposit have to be paid more than once in your entire time with the company? Thank you in advance guys :) Micky.""
What is the best affordable car insurance for young adults?
I just got a car and wanted to get insurance on my car but dont want to pay a lot of money for it. what do you recommend?
Health Insurance and Lost Wages?
I'm going into surgery for my meniscus being torn during a skiing accident. However, I am a waitress and will not be able to work for at least 2 months. My employer has told me that I will have my job when I return, however I seem to be at a loss as to what I can do to try to recover lost wages.""
""I need some cheap car insurance. I have a 2005 suburvan, a 97 chev pickup and a 97 mercury tracer.?""
I need some cheap car insurance. I have a 2005 suburvan, a 97 chev pickup and a 97 mercury tracer.?""
How much would it cost to get the implanon removed at planned parenthood but with no insurance?
I have had it for almost 2 years and it bothers me so much! I get really bad side affects from this stupid thing and I want it out ASAP!
What happens when you get a ticket for no car insurance and you have no car insurance?
My boyfriend was recently pulled over and he has a court date for next month, he was pulled over for speeding and for no insurance and he has no car insurance, what will happen?""
I would like to know if i can get affordable insurance for melanoma treatment?
i am a low income single mother and need insurance for myself my kid is already covered
2000+ Toyota Celica Insurance and More?
I'm a 16 year old boy and expecting to buy this car for about $6,000 in August. I am looking for details such as mpg and insurance rates for a 16yo boy buying this car. I heard the mpg are really good on this car but will it be worth it if the insurance is high? Help me decide and give me other car ideas under the budget of $7,000 -Cory, CT""
08 lancer gts or 08 altima coupe what would be best for 17 year old and cheaper on insurance?
I want one that's fun to drive it has to be reliable I don't want to race but I do want a little speed I want whatever is cheaper on insurance and I'm stuck between these two cars what do you guys think?
Car insurance coverage?
Will the insurance of a driver pay off for a non family member's vehicle that was totaled if he has total coverage for his vehicles? The vehicle that was crashes has a lien against it & only has liability insurance. However, the driver that wrecked has total coverage for both of his vehicles. He has USAA insurance which looks like good insurance? There is GAP insurance on the wrecked vehicle. My question, how do I get the ball rolling on this? I live in Oklahoma, the truck is sitting at a savage yard in Killeen, TX , the primary driver (a soldier) is in a military camp in Virginia, the soldier that wrecked the vehicle is living in Killeen, TX. I signed for the loan, my name is on the title. I haven't ever driven this vehicle. The salvage yard said they sent registered letters to the Oklahoma motor vehicle department. This sounds like it could take months and months to settle. Meanwhile, I need the primary driver to continue make the payments. They are not agreeing on who shuld""
Car insurance...?
When you get a quote online for car insurance you get asked so many question like deductible, collision... etc etc.. so many numbers to choose from.. Can anyone explain them to me? i'm just used to liability or full coverage.. right now i have liability on my car and i pay 135 a month. When i got a quote from allstate it turned out to be only 38 a month??? i'm sure i didn't pick the right numbers....""
Car insurance and home address related?
my insurance quotes have doubled from my last home address to the new address? can you tell me why?
Advice on car insurance needed?
i am looking to get a new car insurance as mine needs renewing in febuary .the problem is my partner buys and sells cars regually so i have to keep ringing the brokers to get the insurance changed .is there a policy that i could get that allows me to drive any car without having to keep changing the details.and if so whats it called.
How do I get Renter's Insurance?
It's required for college dorming, but i'm not sure how to get it. Help?""
Buyer wants to buy my car but has no driver license & insurance?
Hello, I listed my car on craiglist a week ago and now just got a buyer who wants to buy it. The problem is this person has no driver license and proof of insurance. He's only 19 years old. I have the pink slip with me and also written a bill of sale. What should I do? I don't want to be liable if this buyer gets into car accident or traffic tickets. I was told to remove the license plates and notify the DMV ASAP. I'm from California by the way. Thanks""
Who has to pay and/or who's insurance payments go up?
presume i am driving a car that doesn't belong to me, but a car someone let me borrow for just one drive. the car is insured for the owner, but my name is not on the insurance. i have my own insurance, but its for some other car. i am a minor (17) and have a california driver's license with 1 point on it. now, let's say I get into a car accident (in califonia) and its my fault. there is damage to the other driver's car, but none to mine. if reported to the insurance companies and not handled on the side, who's insurance goes up? mine or the owner of the car's? if not reported to the insurance companies, who is responsible for paying, me or the owner of the car? will this accident result in an added point to my drivers license? any other information i should know of? any help will be greatly appreciated! thank you so much!""
How bad of an idea is it to just get liability insurance on a 300cc sport bike?
How bad of an idea is it to just get liability insurance on a 300cc sport bike?
""If i'm under my dad's car insurance plan, does he need to be there when i buy a car?""
Do i have to give the car dealer any of his info? What do i need to show them to prove i have insurance? I live in california, so insurance in required to drive.""
Am I covered by my dad's liability insurance?
I just got my license, but my dad says I can't drive his car because I don't have insurance. The car itself has liability insurance under his name, but he says I would need liability insurance before I can drive any car, even if it's just once in awhile. That doesn't really make sense to me, to have car insurance even though I don't have my own car... Is he right? If I were to get in an accident in his car would it not be covered by his liability insurance? Thanks in advance.""
Moped Insurance for my 16yr old son?
I am looking for moped insurance for my son. I am going to be paying for it and i would like to do it monthly. Does anyone know of some cheap insurers? And also should i insure it in my name or his name? Ive tried a few and because ive been putting in my sons name they wont alllow me to pay monthly as he is under the age of eighteen. Also if i put in my name, i havn't taken a bike test. Do i need to take a bike test to insure a moped in my name? Im sooooooo confused!!!!!! Please help!""
What is the cheapest insurance company?
Ok so I'm 16 years I have an 08 Kawasaki ninja 250 and I live in rural California what should I expect to pay for liability only
Can I buy term life insurance for my aunt who lives in CA?
I live in Florida and was just wondering if I can purchase a term life insurance policy for my aunt in California? Will the term life insurance policy be in my name or her name, because I will be paying for the policy?""
Car insurance coverage fraud!?
My boyfriend did something very stupid that I am worried about. He wanted to apply for a pizza delivery job at Domino's. The thing is he did not have car insurance, so he faked one on the computer, it looked completely valid, but when he was applying for the job the manager called the company to see if it was valid. My boyfriend heard that he was doing this, then he walked out before the company called him back to say he wasn't in their data base. So my question is, since he faked coverage with that company, and his name did not register in their data base, would the company report it to the police that he tried to fake coverage with that company since it was brought to their attention? I am worried for my Love, please shine some light on this. Thank you! He is just worried that the insurance company that he tried to fake coverage with would notify the police and/or the DMV and put it on his license.""
How much will my car insurance cost for 16 year old girl in possibly a ford taurus?
I'm going to be 16 and obviously I'm a girl. I might end up driving a ford taurus. But it's not decided yet. I'm going to put on as a secondary on my car and them my moms dodge grand caravan and my dads dodge dakota. Secondary on all. How much will my insurance probably cost? Would it be smarter to just be a primary on my car and not even on anyone else's car or would it be smarter to just be a secondary on my car? Or a secondary on all? Thanks
How can I get a California Health & Life Insurance License ?
I would like to find an online course or a study at home course if possible. Also, how long does the course take ? Thank you for your help""
Car accident will his insurance pay for the rental?
I got hit by a Semi the police came we exchanged insurance info I got estimates faxed them to his insur and they paid me but now the Body shop guy say's its gonna be a week to fix ...show more
Car insurance question?
My fiances insurance is OUTRAGEOUS on a truck he has liability only on ..due to his driving history. He's paying $300 a month (for liability ONLY now) ..my insurance on my car, for full coverage is not even a fraction of that a month, even though my cars value is at least $10,000 more than his. My question is can we put his truck in my name and I'll go to an insurance company and get liability only on and list myself as the only driver. We are expecting a baby and I'm sick of us throwing away that much money a month for CAR INSURANCE! Is this illegal? I mean if I'M the owner and I'VE insured it what can happen if he wrecks or something while driving it and is not listed on my policy? We live in Georgia if that's relevant!""
Will a cracked windshield raise my auto insurance rates?
well i am going to get my windshield repaired. it has a crack the size of a dime. it happend about a month ago and i worried that it will get bigger with the hot weather. anyway, i called my insurance company. they are sending someone out to repair it. i am 18 years old but i am on my parents plan. i also have a gpa over a 3.0. my family and i have no record of any accidents whatsoever. my parents just bought me the car on the end of march :( do u think my rates will go up? almost forgot! my insurance company is geico and i live in california""
2012 subaru wrx insurance rate?
I am looking to get a 2012 subaru wrx. I am 17 and i am part of my family's all state insurance plan. I have never had an accident and i live in New York. What kind of price should i be looking at. I was told that because the car has a turbo it increases the insurance rate even though it is a four door four cylinder car. Thanks for the help.
What's the best health insurance for a 19 yr. old?????
So here's the thing: I just turned nineteen last week, I'm no longer going to college, I have two part-time jobs. If I were still in college I'd be under my mother's insurance but that's not the case. And it's the law in Massachusetts (where I live) for every adult to have H. Insurance. So I'm in the process of quitting one of my part-time jobs. And the other doesn't give me benefits 'cause I'm part-time or whatever. So in the mean time I'm looking online, in newspapers, everywhere like crazy to find a good job that's full-time and gives me benefits that includes H.Insurance. So my question is what would be my best bet....Blue Cross Blue Shield, Pilgrims, what?! It has to be something affordable too right? 'Cause I'm no rich bank here. Please help.""
How much would it up my car insurance if I started a weekend driving school business?
I currently pay about $700 per car.
How much does car insurance cost in California?
I know it varies but I just need a range.
Can I drive other cars with no insurance?
I do not have insurance on my vehicle. Can i drive my girlfriends car that has full coverage and not be breaking the law nor risk her car not being covered if i have a accident? I am in FLORIDA
""Car Tax, MOT, insurance cost me 500; others pay much more; time for a consumer revolt?""
Car Tax, MOT, insurance cost me 500; others pay much more; time for a consumer revolt?""
""If you are driving someone else's car while they are in it, does insurance cover an accident?""
Hey, I have my full G license however I am not insured under any car because I do not own a car. However, my girlfriend does own a car and we're planning on going on a trip which requires 12 hours of driving. She wants me to drive but I am unsure that if we got into an accident we would be covered. So question: Are we covered by the insurance company in the event of an accident Note: I am driving, have no car or insurance in my name on any car She is in the passenger seat during the whole duration of the trip""
Will car insurance cost more if i fail my road test?
I just failed my G1 exit test, and I am wondering if this will affect my insurance once I do pass""
Will i still get accepted on my husbands insurance while already pregnant before him getting the job?
I recently found out that i am pregnant and i'm planning on getting medicaid but i'm not sure that if once my husband get a job with health insurance if it will affect the medicaid and that if me being pregnant before him getting the job would affect me getting accepted to his insurance?
Why make a deduction for medical insurance?
I just started a new job, my first full-time job. I guess first thing first: is medical insurance the same thing as health insurance? And my employer handed me a form for payroll deductions. medical insurance is an option. Why would I have money deducted from my paycheck to go to medical insurance? And when the money leaves my paycheck where does it go? I know I could ask someone but weirdly no one else is in the office this week, but I need to fill it out before the new year. Thanks for any and all information!! Happy new year!""
17 pregnant wirh no health insurance.?
I am 17 I turn 18 in June. I found out yesterday that I am 8 weeks pregnant.. I have no health insurance and am wondering what to do?! Is there a way I can get health insurance so I can go to the doctor for me and the baby? Please help.
Insurance for a first Motorcycle?
When I turn 17, I'm thinking of buying a Kawasaki KDX125. What would the insurance costs be like for a 17 year old? (In the UK) and can you recommend a similar bike?""
Cars that are cheap to insure?
My parents have agreed to get me a car for my birthday, i need to find a car that is cheap to buy but isnt too expensive to insure, i will be 17 and will be learning how to drive.""
Car insurance for new driver?
i'm looking to get my G2 tomorrow. i'm unsure what to do about insurance. i'm 17 and currently living with my mom, and often driving her vehicle. i'm planing on getting my own car soon though. do i have to go under her insurance? or do i have to go on my own?""
How bad of an idea is it to just get liability insurance on a 300cc sport bike?
How bad of an idea is it to just get liability insurance on a 300cc sport bike?
Car insurance advice?
how much money will it cost to insure a 1.4 - 1.6 litre car? I'm 17 and this will be my first car. thanks
What would be a cheap motorcycle to insure....?
im 20 with im going to do a safety course id like something sporty looking...new or used...would it be cheaper to go with a older bike so i can carry liability or do older bikes have alot of problems....inform me with you advanced riders knowledge
Liberals: You are required by law to purchase automobile insurance. Why not health insurance?
The reason you are required by law to purchase auto insurance is so that you cannot screw over society by making them pay for your car accidents when you can't pay for them yourself. Same with health insurance. People get sick and then others end up paying for them. It's much easier to require everyone to pay health insurance, just as with auto insurance. Do you agree?""
Question about how much you think my insurance will be??! please help?
I'm 17. I just got my license. I will be put on my grandmas insurace. She has one car. We plan to share that till I can get my own. the car is a 1995 sc400 lexus. how much do you think its going to be a month?!
Does your parents car insurance increase when you get a drivers permit?
question above
Question about car insurance?
okay so i was recently in an car accident and my car was a total loss. The accident is not my fault. I received my settlement check for my vehicle after paying my deductible for my insurance company. 2 months later now I received another check from the other insurance company at fault with an attached form stating that the check is for repairing the damages on my vehicle. Is this check safe for me to cash out? Not complaining of getting extra money, but Im just curious why would i get another check when i already got a whole settlement check from my insurance company. Shouldnt the other insurance be paying my insurance company instead? any help would be great.""
Where can I get the cheapest motorcycle insurance quote for a brand new VESPA?
I'm 20 years old and looking into buying a vespa to use in Toronto! Looking for the cheapest insurance possible!
Am I eligible for the good student discount for auto insurance if I'm a part-time student?
I have the grades (3.0+), but I'm not a part-time student. I live in California, am I still eligible for the good student discount?""
""Car Insurance in GA, if it is expired?""
i dont know if this is the right category, but my insurance expired and i drove the car not knowing, and i just went to my insurance provider and they said i will be fined? what type of fine and does it add points to my license? any additional information to it that i dont know? it is in Georgia.""
What do I need to add to my auto insurance policy to be considered full coverage.?
I have a car with Calif min. pl and pd. If I were to add a new car what additional coverage and how much would be considered full coverage and satisfy the finance company?
""Haven't been paying my car insurance, help?""
PLEASE READ THE WHOLE THING Okay so long story short, my bank messed up and my car insurance didn't get paid for.. This was about 3 or 4 months ago. And then it just stopped withdrawing money from my account each month, and I figured I would just take my chances and go without insurance. I didn't cancel it or anything. I had State Farm, and I figured because I was getting a new car anyway I wouldn't bother, but getting a new car took a lot longer than than I thought and I just ended up getting one yesterday. So I got a 2000 Buick Park Avenue, it has airbags, all that. It should have a decently low insurance rate. I have gotten 1 speeding ticket, but no accidents. When I called for a quote though, through a different car insurance company, they told me it would be $230 a month. Why is it so high? Is it because I stopped paying for my State Farm Insurance?""
Whats the best kind of car to get cheapest insurance for first time driver under 25?
Whats the best kind of car to get cheapest insurance for first time driver under 25?
Why does the political left compare obamacare to car insurance?
car insurance is to cover the other guy, people often have liability only which give no personal coverage whatsoever!!! ca""
Car insurance went DOWN after accident?
I was involved in a one vehicle accident and had a failure to control and hit a guardrail. I called today to get my insurance back and its lower ?? I thought it would go up? Also I ...show more
If you know about car insurance (10 points will be awarded )?
Hey, my older brother has a Honda HR-V 1.6 VTEC engine which is UK insurance group 9 and tax bracket F, I am looking at a Suzuki Swift Sport 1.6 engine, insurance group 9 and tax bracket E... my insurance is with my dads business who say i can have up to a 1.6, I learnt to drive in my brothers car but the insurance company are looking into whether or not i can have a Suzuki Swift Sport, it has no turbocharger, so what is the big deal 10 Points for best answer""
Looking for cheap insurance?
just baught a van and looking for insurance companys numbers,thanks sean""
Can I put my mom in my health insurance?
Can I put my mom in my health insurance?
Insurance cost?
how much would insurance cost if i took drivers ed classes and get a license if you are 16 and own a paid off car
How much would insurance cost for my moped?
So I'm going to be 16 soon and I'm going to get a 50cc moped. Could someone tell me what the average cost of insurance would cost please? Thanks
How can I find an affordable psychiatrist without insurance?
I would like to see a psychiatrist to treat my depression but I don't have health insurance. (I applied for private health insurance but was denied based on my medical history.) ...show more
""My husband is retiring next year and I am unemployed and only 55, how do I get affordable health insurance?""
I have alot of health issues and I need to make sure I have coverage. I have been looking for a job with benefits, but so far no luck. I am 55 and my husband will be 63 when he retires. I need an insurance with no prior health exceptions.""
How much is it to get painting and remodeling permit and insurance in seattle WA?
How much is it to get painting and remodeling permit and insurance in seattle WA?
BMW coupe 1.9 / 2L how much insurance cost for age 22 had clean driving license for 2 years? UK?
BMW insurance for age 22 had clean driving license for 2 years
Car & Health Insurance?
How pathetic of a country are we, that car insurance is mandatory, even criminal if we don't have it, yet health insurance is not? What does this say about us as a society?""
How much roughly will it cost me to get insure on a Volkswagen Golf?
I'm a 17 year old boy, just wanting a ROUGH ESTIMATE on how much it will cost me to get insured on a Volkswagen Golf 1.8 litre.""
How bad of an idea is it to just get liability insurance on a 300cc sport bike?
How bad of an idea is it to just get liability insurance on a 300cc sport bike?
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