#so no happy surprise reunions but first time saying I love you instead ???
baekguuuuu · 2 years
Better Than Revenge
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Characters: Baekhyun x Reader
Genre: Romance, Fluff, Smut, Angst
Word Count: 20.1k (im sorry i tried to make it short but it just happened ><)Summary: All those years you are convinced that you only like the same gender. However, you decided to start anew after ending a long-term unhealthy relationship, not expecting to meet new people and him.
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I should have seen it coming. 
For almost nine years, I let myself turn a blind eye to what was bound to happen. 
There’s nothing wrong with loving someone of the same sex.  
My parents had assured me that when I started dating this girl I met during my first year in university.  
I’m an only child.  
As a kid, I was my dad’s princess and my mom’s precious daughter.  
I grew up in a very loving family. My dad is a cardiologist, and my mom is an elementary music teacher. Both are nearing retirement but still doing their best in their career. 
My parents met when they were in middle school. You know, the cliché, my dad made fun of my mom to hide his little crush on her. When high school came, my dad finally gathered all his courage to ask my mom to be his girlfriend. 
My dad is a gentle, loving man. Since I was a kid, I’ve seen his effort to show love to my mom despite his busy schedule at the hospital. He’s never absent on anniversaries and birthdays; he never once missed holidays and family reunions.  
I remember my friends in middle school told me how their parents would always yell and fight with each other almost every night. They were surprised when I told them how my parents treated each other. 
“They’re probably just not showing it in front of you,” one of my so-called friends scoffed, rolling her eyes bitterly. 
I was a child and asked my mom when I got home that night. “Mom, do you and Dad ever fight?” 
My mom, she’s the sweetest person I’ve ever known. There’s a reason why she had been teaching for the longest time, and her students—those mischievous children, love her.  
She smiled gently, caressing the apple of my cheek with her thumb, “Of course, honey. But instead of screaming from the top of our lungs to each other, we would always choose to sit down and talk, remind each other why your dad asked to marry me and why I said yes. Sometimes, we would even recite our vows from our wedding day. I love your dad, and I will always choose to love him over anything. And, of course, we—your dad and I love you very much, my baby. You will always be our treasure.” 
I wanted that kind of love. 
I keep telling that to myself until the end of high school. The boys hated me so much for declining their invitation for a simple date or even saying no to a party that my parents even gave me permission to attend.  
In my mind, I was looking for someone who would treat me like how my dad treats my mom. But living in a different generation from my parents, the boys back in high school were all about sliding your panties down your legs, and after that, see ya! 
When I met Yunjin, I didn’t expect a romance would spark. It was a friendly encounter, then hanging out after lectures to study dates. Until the day Yunjin confessed that she was attracted to me and wanted to ask me for a date. 
I was a nervous wreck. I didn’t know what to do or what to say.  
But I agreed. And it made me happy. 
She made me happy. 
Until she didn’t. 
You see, after university, Yunjin convinced me to apply to a huge international corporation for which she had wanted to work forever. We submitted our CVs, and we were called for an interview. 
I didn’t want to go, honestly speaking. I originally wanted to work for a government institution, but I had no choice; otherwise, it would become another silent treatment I’m somewhat used to. 
I got accepted, but she didn’t. 
And it all started going down since then. 
I endured disrespect, dishonesty, and manipulation for the rest of our relationship because I love her as a partner and as a person. 
She had been talking shit behind my back to our mutual friends, saying that I’d been arrogant since getting accepted to her dream company. She had been making me feel like garbage every time we were together, would purposely ignore me whenever I was talking or would humiliate me in public instead of lecturing me in private. 
I was twenty-one when I started working in the company that began every downfall of our relationship. 
I’m already twenty-seven—turning twenty-eight, and it took me nearly seven years to realize that enough is enough. 
The last straw was when I found out that she had been unfaithful for quite some time.  
Her phone was left unattended, and it rang when a call came in. She hated it whenever I’d go near her personal belongings, especially her phone, so I didn’t pick it up. But as soon the device stopped ringing, another call would come in. 
I answered it, and it came to my knowledge that she had been seeing another woman from her workplace. 
When I confronted her about it, instead of apologizing, she almost made it seem like she had prepared a presentation of what I had done wrong and what I could’ve done better. 
“How come this became my fault?” my voice cracked as a salty stream of tears escaped my eyes. I was seated on the couch in the living room of our shared apartment while I watched her pack her belongings.  
Yunjin continues shoving her clothes into the duffle bag I got her last Christmas. She scoffs, zipping the bag and slinging the strap to her shoulders while her other hand grabs her old suitcase. “If you weren’t so conceited and would always shove into my face that you have a better career, salary, and status in life, I probably would have stayed with you. But no, you’ve done this, you’ve done that. Your family doesn’t even like me—” 
“Why do you always have to bring my family to every argument?” I get up from the couch and walk in her direction, thinking I would have understood her point better if I had stood close to her. 
Yunjin sighs my name, dropping the duffel bag from her shoulder. Her hands rub her face tiredly before facing me with an exhausted face. “We’re two individuals who came from different worlds, okay? You don’t even have a student loan because your father could pay for your tuition without sweat. While I had to work twelve hours a day to buy food still while I pay off my debt.” 
I shake my head, smiling bitterly. My bottom lip trembled, and I had to bite it to hide my vulnerability. My body is shaking from anger; at the same time, I want to bawl my eyes out, scream on the rooftop, and punch a mirror so the pain would be diverted to my fist instead of my aching heart. 
“Just go,” my energy is on its limit. I’m beyond exhausted, and I just want to be alone at this point. The thin thread that I’ve been holding on to for years has finally given up, and my palm is bleeding for holding on to it for so long. 
She left, and I cried the whole night. 
I cried for the years that I lost being with someone who didn’t see my worth and who didn’t appreciate who I am and what I achieved in life. 
I cried for days, weeks, months.  
Until I couldn’t anymore. 
When I decided to move back to my parents’ house, I had never seen them so delighted for the longest time.  
I do not understand Yunjin’s sentiments about my parents. They’ve been nothing but nice to her. They even offered to help her get a job when she didn’t get accepted to the company she wanted, and they even offered to help us with the deposit when we decided to get a place of our own. 
My mom had always wanted a grandchild; she does, but she has never spoken about it out loud. Too considerate that she might offend us. I heard about it from my aunt, who loves to gossip here and there. 
I also want it, especially with someone I see my future with. 
When I asked Yunjin if we should consider adopting a child of our own or opting for IVF, she laughed at my face, saying that I was ridiculous for even wanting a child. 
“You know you’ll lose your freedom with a kid on board, right?” 
I also quit my job as it reminds me how Yunjin would always say that I’m conceited because I got in, and if it weren’t for her recommendation to apply, I wouldn’t be where I am. When my high school friends heard the news, they all called me and comforted me. However, one suggested, “You need to get the things you’ve given her. Take it all back! We need to revenge what she did to you.” 
Another one even suggested, “Make a TikTok on how she cheated on you. We’ll make it viral, and she would lose everything.” 
Although thankful for their thoughtfulness, I decided to deactivate all my social media accounts and spend time healing.  
When the third month came, I searched the internet for a job, preferably with a much smaller group of people. And I’m glad I found a posting three days ago looking for a Mobile app Developer. I read the company’s background and was thrilled to see it was a startup company. 
“Why did you decide to leave your previous job?”  
Since it’s a startup company built just two years ago, HR warned me that the final interview would be with its founder.  
“He’s meticulous,” they said, more like a whisper, though the tone of their voice was more on the playful side. 
Kim Junmyeon. That’s his name written on the nameplate on his desk. 
My lips stretched into a polite smile, patting myself on the back for rehearsing in case I get asked this question. I want nothing but to be honest. “I’ve been there for seven years, and I can say that I contributed many ideas and showcased my skillset to the company. However, I had to take time off and focus on my well-being for personal reasons. But now that all is well, I’m confident I can return to work and optimistically deliver my potential to this company.” 
Kim Junmyeon looks at me momentarily before nodding his head, though his brows are still furrowed, as if he’s still unconvinced by my answer. “But why not apply for a much larger company than us? Their salary range would be way higher than ours. Don’t get me wrong, but your resumé is impressive, and not that I doubt my business, but why here?” 
I clear my throat, straightening my posture before rubbing my palm on my pencil skirt. “Do you mind if I’d be honest?” 
“Please,” his response is quick as if he’s been waiting for me to say those words. 
“It’s not about the compensation,” I start, sighing as I remember the stress I experienced from working in a larger corporation. “I’m looking for a place to work where I can be excited to get up from bed and drive to work. Not worry about being on top but just enjoying where I’d be while doing what I could. And I see potential in your company. Not only in economic growth but also in providing employees with a healthy environment while paying their dues.” 
The founder’s eyes are on me, unmoving a muscle as he stares at my face, studying my expression while I talk. When I receive no response from him, I continue, “Am I wrong?” 
My heart felt like it would jump out of my chest any minute, and I couldn’t be more thankful when his brows finally relaxed. He leaned on his chair, sighed, and finally smiled.  
“There’s only one way to find out, right?” 
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Back in my previous job, we were supposed to always show up at the office in business attire; it didn’t matter what department you are from, everyone needs to follow the policy. 
I couldn’t be more surprised when I walked into the office, noticing that most of the employees are wearing jeans and sneakers; while I’m dressed in a dress shirt and tight skirt, I’m even wearing a pumps heel. 
Jessi, the team leader for the Marketing department, eyes me from head to toe with a judging look. We just met ten minutes ago when HR endorsed me to her team for the time being while they actively acquire other Developers to join the company. 
“Girl, who died?” 
Nayeon, one of Jessi’s team members, gasps, “Jessi, that’s not a nice thing to say!” 
Instead of feeling humiliated, like when Yunjin would say things like this, I laugh, shaking my head as I shrug my shoulders. “I didn’t get the memo that I can wear pajamas at work.” 
Jessi snorts, clapping her hands at my remark. “You can be nude, and one of the executives will be more than happy to welcome you.” 
Throughout the day, I did nothing but chat with Jessi and her team. They are all nice and welcoming, though a bit sarcastic. I learned a lot about the company and its policies, and I know that HR might have missed disclosing information when I signed the job offer. 
The company is on a first-name basis; it was not like we are not allowed to address upper management formally, but it was said that they prefer to be called by their first name.  
So, should I call the founder Junmyeon? Just Junmyeon? 
I shiver when Jessi tells me to be comfortable with the executives; they are nice people who care about their employees’ well-being. 
Back at my previous job, I remember stopping in the hallway and bowing my head until it reached my stomach every time I’d pass by a boss. 
“Girl, just be comfortable,” Jessi pats my shoulder before throwing her laptop inside her bag and grabbing her keys when the clock hasn’t hit exactly five in the afternoon. It’s still 4:58. 
When she notices my baffled expression, she gives me a pitiful look, caressing my face with her thumb, and it didn’t fail to make my heart thump inside my chest. “You’re so precious and fragile. Come to Mama when someone here makes you cry, alright?” 
Jessi walks out of the operational floor laughing when she realizes how hard I am blushing just hearing her words. 
Nayeon, who sits across my workstation, shakes her head and starts packing her things. Her smile shines bright when she turned to look at me. I suck in my breath while I wait for whatever she’s going to say. 
Gosh, why is everyone so freaking gorgeous here? 
“We have flexibility regarding our work schedule,” Nayeon explains, standing up from the ergonomic chair and waving the other team members goodbye. “As long as you’re done with your task for the day, you can go home or whatever. If you notice, we don’t need a badge to log in and out for the day. The company hired us because they trust us.” 
I’m the last one to leave my table. Everyone in Jessi’s team came to my cubicle to say goodbye and tell me to take care of myself on the way home. 
I’m in shock—in utter shock. Is this what they call a culture shock? It's a good thing, though. I even had to slap my cheek to see if I’m dreaming, but when the stinging pain on the right side of my face seemed real, my chest suddenly feels light, and my eyes brim with happy tears. 
When I wrap my things up, I glance at the place I’d be working, hopefully for a long time. I want to see myself contributing to this company and building relationships with the awesome people I’ve met so far. 
While waiting for the elevator, I look down at my outfit, take a mental note to clutter my office attire somewhere else and opt for more casual clothes once I get home.  
I can’t help but bounce on my feet in excitement once I get home and tell my parents how work was today. I feel like a kid whose parents are waiting at home for their child to tell them how school was for the day. 
When the elevator dings, I look up from the floor and am greeted by a young-looking male who looks like he’s been sleep-deprived for days. I bow my head and smile at him as I step inside the lift. My index finger lifts to press the basement parking but lets out a soft oh when it’s already lightened up. 
I gave the man a tight smile when I realized he’d watched my every movement. My eyes are locked on the small screen atop the elevator, watching the number of floors decrease by each second.  
“Are you a new hire?” a velvety voice rings through my ear, making the hair on the back of my neck stand up.  
With my eyes wide open, I shift my eyes away from the screen and turn my head to look at him with the gentlest smile I could ever give a person. “Yes, sir.” 
When he made a face from hearing me say, sir, I pursed my lips, closing my eyes for a second before uttering an apology. However, he just chuckled huskily while shaking his head.  
I heave a deep sigh, turning my head to look away from him and face upfront. I didn’t even notice that I was holding my breath for the rest of the elevator ride until I stepped out of the box.  
My hand fishes out my car keys from my bag and was about to turn on my heels to the left side of the parking space when the man from the elevator cleared his throat to catch my attention.  
“Welcome to the company,” he smiles, raising his left hand as if to greet me from afar, and walks away. 
The interaction was so quick that I didn’t even get a chance to say thanks or raise my hand as a greeting, but I did the latter on his back as I watched him unlock a sleek black vehicle with four rings aligned horizontally on the grille. Damn. 
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It’s finally Friday. Don’t get me wrong. I’m having the time of my work life here, but I still need a break. I will spend the rest of the weekend at home in my pajamas and binge-watch a new series on Netflix.  
When the clock hits three in the afternoon, surprise is an understatement when everyone cheered from their seat and went to the Zen area of the office.  
Jessi, who seems to be my trainer when it comes to things I should know about here, closed my laptop without permission and asked me to stand up from my chair, and when I did, she hooked her arms with mine and dragged me to where everyone was hurrying to. 
I’m in awe when the Zen area is rearranged with tables, drinks, and food. Everyone converses happily while holding a glass of champagne, while the others have wine. 
“This, my child, is what we call a Happy Hour,” Jessi tightened her hold on my arms while her other hand slowly moved from left to right to educate me about their culture here, exaggeratedly—her words, not mine. 
We are listening to Jessi’s rant about her Tinder date last weekend when everyone notices Junmyeon walking in the area. I could feel Jessi’s eyes on me while she waited for me to bow my head off out of reflex, but I scrunched my nose at her when I didn’t. 
When Junmyeon walks over to our table to greet Jessi’s team, I notice someone walking behind him. It was the man from the elevator on my first day in here. 
He looks neater than when I saw him last time. His dress shirt is unbuttoned until he reaches his chest, showing his prominent collarbone and the skin of his chest. His hair has been brushed up, showcasing his clear forehead. 
“Ah, Baekhyun!” Jessi hollers, slapping the table with her palm as the two men reach our table. “You finally decided to take a shower, huh?” 
The man from the elevator, whom Jessi addressed as Baekhyun, laughs, snatching Jessi’s glass of wine to take a huge sip. “I finally paid the utility bill yesterday, so the water’s back.” Everyone from Jessi’s team laughs, even Junmyeon, who sat in front of me.  
“Oh, she’s the new hire!” I tense in my spot when Baekhyun sits on the empty chair beside me. Nayeon just walked out to the toilet, and he quickly moved to occupy her spot. Junmyeon rolls his eyes, shaking his head at Baekhyun’s unnecessary enthusiasm.  
Nonetheless, I plastered a kind smile, nodding to confirm his statement. “I am the new hire, yes.” 
Baekhyun raises his brow, and the corner of his lips quirks as he stares intently at my orbs. “No, sir?” 
I almost choked on my saliva, the event from high school when boys would blatantly flirt with me flashing right before my eyes. I laugh awkwardly, my foot under the table, blindly nudging Jessi’s shoes to ask for help. 
My attraction to the opposite sex is nearly nonexistent. I would feel awkward until I gathered the courage to let them know my preference. 
I heard Jessi sigh, and I turned my head to look at her like a clueless sheep. “Just ignore him.” 
“Hey, that’s not nice!” Baekhyun complains, his voice turning to a whine.  
“Baekhyun, can you not flirt with every female in this company, please?” Junmyeon interrupts, though the tone of his voice is gentle and kind. 
“Excuse me? I do not flirt with every female in this company. You guys are making me look like I’m a total perv.” 
“You are a perv, Baekhyun. Stop fooling yourself.” Jessi deadpans, and I saw how everyone subtly agreed. 
Baekhyun huffs, crossing his arms on his chest. “You guys, I thought we’re all friends here, yet here you are, ruining my moment.” 
I decided to ignore him, just like Jessi’s advice and turn my focus back to her disastrous Tinder date. However, every time Baekhyun tried to start a conversation, I would still respond politely, but with a lack of interest, to send a message that I did not want to associate myself with his thoughts. 
It has come to my knowledge that the company would have a Happy Hour every other Friday where drinks and food would be available from three in the afternoon until five.  
“We’re into work and life balance here,” Nayeon giggles, a bit tipsy, when I asked her why a company would serve an alcoholic beverage to its employee when they were supposed to work their asses off. 
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Weeks have passed, and I’m getting used to the company’s culture. I started to enjoy getting out of bed and running a bit before preparing to get to work.  
My parents even noticed the improvement in my mental and physical health. I’ve literally stopped crying and would meet people on weekends instead of locking myself inside their homes. 
I also became much closer to Jessi and her team, especially Nayeon, who I found out is a few years younger than .e, and this is her first job, so I decided to stay rather than look for a larger opportunity. 
Junmyeon, the founder of the company, is a very hands-on man. He would have to walk to each department every other day to talk to the team and ask them for any concerns he should know about and any feedback an employee might have. 
I also found out that Baekhyun, that playful man when he’s not behind his laptop, is the executive director of the company. Built the company beside Junmyeon and is two years older than me. He’s single and loves to play computer games in his free time.  
How do I know all of these? 
Well, he’d magically appear at Jessi’s team meeting whenever he’d have a chance to inspect and get an insight into the Marketing team’s status. Those were his excuses when Jessi tried to kick him out. And since I’m not actually part of Marketing, I would idle at the corner of the meeting room, and he’d sit beside me as he rambles while doodling on his iPad. 
I feel sorry for judging him during my first Happy Hour experience. Baekhyun is a nice guy. A good person, a funny one. He’s comical—and yes, flirtatious, but when it comes to work, he takes every detail seriously.  
“Do you work out?” Baekhyun suddenly asks when I bump into him in the elevator when I’m done for the day.  
I shrug my shoulders, stretching my neck from side to side, totally spent from working the whole day. “I run every other morning, but I used to go to the gym when I was younger.” 
Baekhyun’s laughter booms inside the lift, and it is so loud that I swear the elevator shook a little. “You talk like you’re already in your sixties.” 
“Well, it feels like it.” 
I couldn’t stop the smile that was slowly spreading on my lips when Baekhyun was unable to stop laughing; he even slapped my shoulder and arm, though not forcefully. 
When we got out of the elevator, I realized that he was walking to where I parked my car. I looked at him to silently ask what he was doing, but when he fished out his car key from the pocket of his pants and pressed the unlock button, the vehicle beside mine lit up—indicating that it had been unlocked. 
I roll my eyes at him, shaking my head. I open the driver seat side, and before going in, I peek over my shoulder to give him a playful judging look. “Do you really need to park beside me?” 
Baekhyun shrugs, crossing his arms on his chest leaning the side of his body on his car. “What can I say? I’m a clingy guy.” He even ended his sentence with a wink while biting his bottom lip. 
Knowing how playful he can be, I pretend to stick my index finger down my throat to induce a vomit. 
His laugh echoed around the basement, and before he got inside his car, he called my name. “Do you want to know why I ask if you work out?” 
“Because I’ve never seen an ass look that good when you wore that tight pencil skirt on your first day.” 
I gasped loudly, stomping my feet to hit him or even had a thought of pulling his hair out of his scalp, but before I could reach his spot, he immediately opened his car and locked the door, sticking his tongue out when I tried to open it, slamming my fist on his window. 
He drove off, leaving me all flustered in the empty basement parking. 
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When Baekhyun realized that I do not get offended by his advances—many provocative advances, I must say, he started texting me on weekends, asking me about random stuff, or sometimes even asking me to meet up. 
Where the hell did you get my personal mobile number? Sent | 9:48 PM 
Omg, did Jessi give it to you? Sent | 9:48 PM 
Ah, no. She’ll chuck you in the head before you even ask for it. Sent | 9:49 PM 
I can’t believe that I’m sitting on my bed, grabbing the remote control to pause Netflix just to respond to this guy. 
Haha! Received | 9:51 PM 
I may or may not have sneaked into your resumé. Received | 9:51 PM 
You look hot in your photo in there. Received | 9:52 PM 
I couldn’t help but scoff at his last text message, though a smile was forming in my mouth. My fingers are quick to type a reply. 
Sometimes, I get scared of what goes on in your mind. Sent | 9:58 PM 
Do you need anything, by the way? Sent | 9:59 PM 
Let me know before I go to sleep. Sent | 9:59 PM 
His reply came in an instant. It’s like he’d been waiting for me to ask, and he’s already typed his answer. 
You, baby. Received | 9:59 PM 
I left him on read, jumping from my bed to take a cold shower—too bothered by his response and by the way he addressed me. This is the first time he has called me differently than my name. 
The next morning, I was awoken by the birds chirping outside my window. I tap on my phone and see that it’s already 8:30 in the morning. I turned off the Do Not Disturb feature, and several messages appeared in the notification. 
I’m hurt that you left me on read. Received | 10:30 PM 
Are you still there? Received | 10:48 PM 
Are you that old to sleep this early? Received | 11:05 PM 
I’m going to call you grandma starting today. Received | 11:10 PM 
I think you really have gone to bed. Received | 11:25 PM 
Good night, baby. Dream of me. Received | 11:27 PM 
Oh, sorry. Received | 11:27 PM 
Good night, Grandma. Received | 11:28 PM 
I snicker upon reading his messages that I slept on. At the same time, my mom knocked on my door before peeking inside when I told her to come in.  
“I made pancakes, darling.” she smiled, knowing how much I love her pancakes and seeing me excitedly jump off my bed to run downstairs. 
Throughout the day, I helped with house chores since my dad had to go to work, and my mom needed to prepare a lesson plan for her homeroom class. I didn’t have a chance to check my phone for notifications as I deactivated my social media, and my friends haven’t contacted me since. I prefer not to work on weekends. Also, there was some advice from Jessi and Junmyeon to stay away from work-related things during the weekend. 
I had an early supper with my parents and had to take the two rescued dogs my mom adopted from the shelter to walk before I was done for the day. 
I groan when my back touches the fluffy duvet on my bed. I stared at the ceiling for a few minutes before unlocking my phone and was honestly surprised to see tons of messages from Baekhyun.  
“Oh, shit,” I cursed under my breath when I realized that I forgot to reply to his last message and left him on read again. Even though he annoys me on a day-to-day basis, he’s someone who doesn’t deserve to be disregarded when he’s done nothing wrong. 
I scrolled through his texts, and most of them were just whining and complaining about why I was not responding to him.  
Are you really that busy on Sunday? Received | 11:18 AM 
I’m starting to think that you really are a grandma who has nine children and forty grandchildren. Received | 3:10 PM 
His last message was sent twenty minutes ago. 
Can I call you? Received | 8:10 PM 
Without thinking further, I tap on the call icon and place my phone on my right ear as I wait for him to answer the call. 
Instead of the normal hello when someone answers a phone call, I received a gasp then, “Grandma knows how to make phone calls now!” 
I shake my head, laughing softly, before I sigh and plop my head on the pillow. “I was busy the whole day, sorry. What’s up?” 
“My dick.” he sniggers on the other line—he should be thankful that he did not just say that in front of me, else I’ll probably slap the shit out of him. 
I purposely yawn for him to hear, shuffling on my bed to lie on my side. “Your dick is like my patience—short.” 
I could hear the sheets from his line, and he was probably on his bed as well. “You did not!” 
“I just did,” I smirk even though he can’t see it, it’s still satisfying. 
“Do you want me to send you a picture to prove that he’s not small?” he challenges, and I’m surprised that he actually sounds offended. “Because I will.” 
“Baekhyun—” I hiss, sitting up on my bed and rubbing my temple, just thinking that he might really send a picture of his shaft. “Do not freaking send a picture of your penis to me, please. I’m going to screenshot your message; if you do, print it on an A4 paper, laminate it, and send it to Junmyeon. I swear, I will.” 
“Okay, that was a good threat.” Baekhyun laughs it off, and I’m glad that he just moved on from the topic so quickly. “Sorry, I was bored the whole day. I don’t have any schedule, and I honestly wanted to talk to you.” 
“Seriously, Baekhyun. Why don’t you just play your game or something? I thought you love gaming and stuff.” 
I stopped rubbing my eyes with my fingers when he didn’t respond to what I just said like he always does. He stays silent on the other line for approximately more than fifteen seconds, and I had to confirm if he’s still there. “Hello? Did the line get disconnected?” 
But when I heard him clear his throat and take a sharp breath, I knew that he had heard what I had just said. He’s probably just tired; that’s what I thought. 
“Y-yeah, I’m still here.” 
“Oh, alright. Well, you’re probably tired and—” 
“No, no! I’m not tired or sleepy. I’m just—” 
“Just?” I press on, getting bothered by how the Byun Baekhyun everyone knows at the company is stuttering and at a loss for words. 
“That’s the thing, baby.”  
Once again, I tense upon hearing the pet name he’s been addressing me by since last night.  
“I would normally ignore all calls and texts when I’m playing—even from my own mother, but I’ve been pausing the game the whole day to check if you texted me back or even read my texts.” 
It took me a few seconds before I comprehended the meaning behind his words. My eyes widened on their own, my saliva was caught in my throat, and I couldn’t find my voice to speak and respond to him. 
“Baekhyun, I—” 
“Please don’t say no—please don’t.” he cut me off, his voice loud as he spoke. “I’m trying to figure things out. I’m trying, okay? I really am. I—this is new to me. So, please... don’t say no for now.” 
I didn’t know what to say or how I would break into him if I swung for the same team. He sounds so sincere that I do not have the heart to crush his soul, especially not on a Sunday night.  
“O-okay...” was all I could say. 
I believe that made him satisfied as he’s back from his usual chirpy self and continued complaining about how I should handle my messages as they could be important. 
“What could be so important that I need to drop everything and answer my phone?” I snort, my hand reaching to my nightstand to turn off the light so the darkness can lull me to sleep. 
“Me, of course.” 
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Jessi has warned me, not really warn, but informed me that Baekhyun is a huge flirt and I should just ignore him as he is known to woo every single new hire in the company. I heard stories from every department as well that Baekhyun was too friendly to them when they first joined the company. 
But this was before he started getting too close to me. I didn’t mind because he is kind and considerate despite the fact that he would annoy the shit out of me every single time he’d get a chance. I could see him as a friend. 
I thought that he’s just playing around, that the stories I’ve been hearing are a hundred percent true, and he would move on to the next new hire once he met her. 
But boy, did my heart flutter when Jessi has a new member added to her team as a Brand Associate, and I’m already expecting Baekhyun to make the same move he had done to me when he suddenly appeared at Jessi’s corner with an iced latte in his hand and placed it on my table without any funny business but a soft good morning and a pat on my head before walking away, not even glancing to the new hire. 
Ever since I switched workstations with the new hire, whose name is Miyeon, my gossip buddy, Jessi, has had to send me a message via MS Teams instead. Hence, it didn’t come as a surprise that a notification ding chimes from my laptop as soon as Baekhyun walks out of sight. 
Jessica Ho | 9:03 AM: What the actual fuck just happened? 
I just responded with a laughing GIF, not knowing how or what to reply to her message. Because I, myself, am astounded as fuck. 
A little over two months after I joined the company, I got accustomed to seeing Baekhyun in the elevator after work so we could go down to the basement parking together—it was like he knew what time I usually finished my tasks, so when the elevator arrived, and he was not there, I was utterly dumbfounded. 
Where are you? Sent | 5:01 PM 
Is everything okay? Sent | 5:12 PM 
I sit inside my car as I stare at the sleek black vehicle parked beside mine. I waited for another thirty minutes to see if he’d respond to my messages or would appear in his car, but neither happened. Therefore, I decided to just drive home. 
We’ve known each other not too long ago, but I can’t help but feel worried about his whereabouts when he would normally pop up like a mushroom literally anywhere.  
However, I don’t want to pry on it too much.  
Not that we are just friends, but Yunjin used to yell nasty things when I would ask where she was or what time she’d be home—I’m scared that Baekhyun might do the same. 
Would it be too annoying? Should I delete my messages before he can see them? 
I flip my bag upside down so the contents would scatter on my bed as I hastily look for my phone. I decided that it’s better to just delete the messages, just because. 
When I see the unread messages I ignored while I was driving, my heart starts to thump loudly in my chest. Did he find it annoying? Would he ask me to stop texting him without any reason? 
Shit, baby, I’m sorry! Received | 5:48 PM 
I was in an extended meeting. The stakeholders needed my input, so I couldn’t check my phone. Are you still in the office? Received | 5:49 PM 
You didn’t wait for me? ): Received | 6:00 PM 
I was biting my bottom lip when I read his texts, but laughter escaped my mouth when I viewed the image he sent. It’s a photo of his car parked in his usual spot and the empty space on the left side where my vehicle usually parks. He added a crying sticker to it to emphasize how surprised he was to see that I left without waiting for him. 
Please text or call me once you get home safely. Received | 6:02 PM 
I’ll let you know next time if I’m going to be late. I’m sorry. &lt;3 Received | 6:02 PM 
Why is he apologizing? Shouldn’t he be mad about how I disturb him during work hours? Baekhyun is a busy man, but he has an important role in Junmyeon’s company. 
Nonetheless, my fingers start to tap on the screen of my phone to respond. 
Yeah, I just arrived home. Sorry for asking. I was worried that something might have happened. Hope the meeting was a success. Sent | 6:31 PM 
Once I cleaned up the mess I made on the bed while I was frantic over a text that I sent, I strip my clothes to shower, but when I was about to enter the bathroom, my phone starts to ring, indicating a call. 
Baekhyun’s name flashes on the screen as he waits for his Facetime request to be answered. 
“Why’s the camera facing the ceiling?” Baekhyun laughs; his voice is husky yet gentle. His surroundings are a bit dim, his face being illuminated by the red accent light of his car while he drives. “Let me see your gorgeous face, baby.” 
Getting used to the endearment he always uses, I scoff while rolling my eyes even though he can’t see it. “Why are you calling me while you’re driving?” 
He shrugs, his face full of smug. “We didn’t see each other the whole day. You were busy, and I was busy. Payroll missed another deadline. My secretary fucked up a report. Junmyeon was demanding. Everyone was a bitch, basically.” 
I laugh, my eyes crinkling in the process as I listen to his rant. Since he was talking a bit faster than usual, his dialect unconsciously came out, and it was freaking adorable. 
“My hands are on the wheels, baby—don’t worry. Now, let me see your face, please—with a cherry on top?” 
“Baekhyun!” I shriek, thankful that I am home alone at the moment. “I’m about to take a shower, and I’m butt naked, alright?” 
He dramatically gasps, hands hurriedly rotating the steering wheel to the side of the road before pressing the hazard button, and the ticking sound resonates from his line. 
“Oh yeah?” His voice turned sultry as his eyes switched to a more intent gaze. “You really know how to de-stress me, huh?” 
Like a fish out of the water, my mouth opened and closed on its own as if I’m having a hard time breathing. “You—Baekhyun!” 
“Come on, baby. I won’t even look that much.” His tone was back to playful when he covered his eyes with his hand, and then, for a little while, he peeked through the spaces of his fingers.  
Knowing Baekhyun, he won’t stop and would bother me all night long—or probably until the next day, but I don’t want to be hussy. Thus, I finally tilted my phone to show my face and my bare shoulder—showcasing my collarbone to the front camera. “I really need to shower, Baekhyun. I’ll call you later, okay?” 
“I misheard it with: I’ll show you later,” he cackles, his eyes forming a crescent shape as he laughs, and his perfectly aligned teeth are shown. “Alright, baby. Call me when you’re done.” 
“Alright,” I assure with a purr while raising an eyebrow when an idea pops into my head. “And about showing you later—we’ll see about that.” 
I wish I was able to capture the moment Baekhyun’s eyes almost pop out from their socket, and his jaw dropped upon hearing my words, before I tap the end call button. I honestly didn’t expect that kind of reaction from him, and it’s kind of amusing.  
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“So,” Jessi bumps her hips with mine while I wash my hands after using the toilet. She uncapped her lipstick and reapplied the makeup on her face. “How many times do you and Baekhyun do it in a week?” 
I swear that I heard my neck crack how fast I snap my head to look at Jessi with wide eyes. “You’re being ridiculous!” 
She scoffs, leaning the side of her hip on the sink as she turns to give me a judging look, arms crossed on her chest. “We’re both adults, and there’s nothing wrong with discussing your sex life with a friend.” 
I choke on my own saliva, “My—my sex life?”  
To be honest, I haven’t been touched since my last relationship. Of course, it crossed my mind here and then, especially when Baekhyun started putting his hand on my thigh every time we sat beside each other, or the way his hand would automatically wrap on my shoulders—sometimes my waist, a bit too intimately; he has also started kissing my cheek—though it’d be just a quick and light one, it wouldn’t fail to leave me blushing for the rest of the day.  
But as much as possible, I don’t want to put much thought into it since he’s that playful. 
“Wait—so, and you’re saying that—” Jessi stops mid-sentence like she’s solving a fraction in her head, her brows furrowed. “You guys haven’t had sex yet?” 
“No!” I quickly defended, my hands flicking some drops of water to her face, making her hiss. “We’re not like that.” 
“We’re not like that,” Jessi mimics with a high-pitched tone of her voice, rolling her eyes before zipping up her make-up bag. “Honey, Baekhyun would always look at you like he’s going to eat your vagina.” 
“Can you not?” I gasp, turning on my heels to get out of the washroom to hide my flushed face. I swear I feel how warmth crept through my body.  
Jessi followed my suit, laughing as she closed the door behind her. “You’re thinking about it, aren’t you? Update me when it finally happens!” 
That incident made me reject Baekhyun’s phone calls when the clock hit five. I left the office quite early to avoid any interaction for now—hopefully. It’s not only that I got bothered sexually, but the fact that I haven’t told anyone, even Baekhyun, that I have not been together with a guy before—and the fact that I’ve only been attracted to a woman... up until Baekhyun. 
Yes, I am not denying that over the time we spent together, I got attached to him. Like, if we don’t see each other during the day because of our workload, both of us would make an effort, be it via Facetime, a quick drive late at night, or sometimes I would drive near his place, or he would drive near mine so we could meet for a meal or drink. 
Baekhyun is a sweet guy. He’s considerate, though a pervert. He notices small things and makes it matter how I like my coffee in the morning, how I don’t like pickles in my burger, or how I’m fond of adorable cheap stuff that he once gave me a three-dollar pastel keychain because it reminds him of me, on how I love my mom’s dogs that he bought them few toys to chew on, or even creating a playlist on Spotify and sending it to me. 
The list goes on... 
And one thing I’ve noticed since he started sticking around. He has never, ever flirted with another girl, at least not in front of me, or not in my knowledge. 
I remember one happy hour in the office when Miyeon tried to start a conversation with Baekhyun. He was civil and got engaged with the topic; however, when he noticed that she started to get tipsy and touchy with him, he got up after giving some lame excuse before looking for me, who was busy at my desk and unable to join the event.  
That story came from Nayeon. She was surprised, to say the least. “You got him all whipped,” she said, giggling like a teenager. 
I didn’t even know the reason at first when Baekhyun appeared in Jessi’s corner, wheeling a chair with him and sitting beside me, watching me work for two hours straight before giving up and calling it a day. 
“Don’t you have any important things to do?” I snort, packing my things up and slinging my bag on my shoulder, but I was snatched right away by Baekhyun, who carried it instead. 
“You’re important to me, baby, or you haven’t gotten the memo yet?” 
That conversation stayed in my mind until now. And I don’t think it’d flow out of my head for a while. 
I know what we have been doing is far beyond what casual friends would do. And I didn’t stop him the first time. Why didn’t I? If I don’t like him, I should’ve told him that, hey, I’ve been attracted to women—only women. Or so I thought. 
At the same time, I’m scared. 
My last relationship didn’t end well. I was treated like garbage for years. I was humiliated and stepped on everything I did. My ex made me feel like I didn’t deserve whatever I accomplished after university—that everything I have is because of her. 
And although I tried so hard to connect my ex with my parents, it just didn’t work.  
“We’re adults now, and we don’t need to be with our parents.” That’s what she reminded me of every time I’d ask to see my parents and be with them on holidays or even on their birthdays. “Just send them a text.” she’d add. 
My dad and my mom didn’t say anything. They were supported and would say that they didn’t want to be a cause of argument between us.  
But I know. 
I know they wanted me to be there; they wanted me to come home and eat dinner with them and laugh and chat in the living room while a variety show plays in the background. 
But Baekhyun won’t do that, right? 
If I finally take a step forward, he’s not going to change, right? 
Because it would hurt like hell because I trust him. 
For the short amount of time I’ve spent with him, he made me feel like no one else—not even my ex when we started dating back in university. 
Are you okay? Is everything okay? Received | 9:03 PM 
Did I do something wrong? Received | 9:04 PM 
I snapped out of my thoughts when my phone dings as messages came in. It’s Baekhyun. I glanced at the screen of my phone. It stopped ringing an hour ago due to countless phone calls he was making. 
I don’t know if I did something you’re mad about, but please let me know if I took something too far. I will apologize and make it up to you. Received | 9:08 PM 
But please don’t ignore me. Received | 9:09 PM 
I kept staring at my phone as I read his messages and waited for another one to come in. 
You’re reading my texts, but you’re not answering my calls, baby. I’m honestly getting worried. Received | 9:11 PM 
I’m sorry if I made you angry, but can you at least tell me if you’re okay? I’m going crazy over here. Received | 9:25 PM 
Reading his last text, I finally decided to move my fingers to reply. He has done nothing wrong, and I’m the one who has an issue. Hence, it’s not fair for him to endure whatever I’m doing. 
I’m fine. Just not feeling a hundred percent. I’m sorry for not responding. Sent | 9:32 PM 
Don't worry, I’m not mad. :) Sent | 9:33 PM 
I throw my phone to the side, and my hand extends to the lamp on my nightstand. I shift my position to my side, pulling the duvet up to my shoulders as I close my eyes to sleep for the night. 
I had enough thoughts running in my head, and sleeping this early on a Friday night might be a good idea for my mental health. 
I think I slept for like thirty minutes until my phone started to vibrate under my pillow, waking me up. I blindly reach for my eyeglasses on my side and wear them before answering the call.  
I sit up on the bed, eyes wide, as I tap the green button to accept the call. “Hello?” I croaked, rubbing my throat. It felt really dry upon speaking. 
“Oh, crap! You were asleep?” 
I grunt in response, running my fingers through my hair before getting up from the bed to turn on the lights in my bedroom. 
“Oh, I think I got the correct house.” 
“H-huh?” I’m half-asleep and unable to comprehend his sentence clearly. 
“Did you just turn on the lights, baby?” 
As if I didn’t know, I look at the ceiling light to see if it’s really turned on, and almost face-palm myself when I remember that I flicked the switch literally ten seconds ago. “Yeah, I did. Why?” 
“Ugh, I thought Junmyeon would lie about this.” he exhales, and I heard him getting out of his car. “Can you come out for a bit, baby? I’m outside your house.” 
Without ending the call, my phone still pressed on my right ear; I hastily run downstairs, almost tripping on the way down, earning worried looks from my parents, who are still in the formal living space, chatting. 
“Oh, God, honey!” My mom stands on her feet, her hands on her chest when I reach the floor. “Careful, please!” 
My dad stands up as well, walking in my direction to check if I had any injury when I didn’t fall. “Let’s end this night without any injuries, alright, sweetheart?” 
I nod my head hurriedly, plastering an innocent grin on my face, pressing the end call button on my phone. “Sorry, sorry. I just—someone’s outside, so... I’ll be heading out quickly.” 
My dad nods his head with a fatherly smile, telling me to be careful, and I think he’s just happy that I started going out again. At the same time, my mom looks like she’s going to peek out the window to see who I’m meeting at this hour. 
“Uh... dad? Can you please control mom?” 
My dad turns his head to my mom, who immediately smiles innocently. It's like she’s not about to ask me thousands of questions about who I’m going to meet in my sleepwear. 
He shakes his head, though fondly. “Just go, sweetheart. I’ll handle your mom. Tell her we said hi.” 
I nod, grinning widely. “Of course. I’ll let him know.” 
My dad blinks several times before gasping loudly, and like a signal light, my mom squeals, jumping on her feet happily.  
I laugh at their reaction before opening the front door. “I’ll be back later!” 
Baekhyun’s face lit up upon seeing me getting out of the door. He starts to walk to meet me halfway and engulfs me in a hug. His hand is on the back of my head, while his other hand is placed on the small of my back. “I was so worried.” 
I rubbed his back for a while before I reciprocated the hug by hugging his waist closer to me. “I’m sorry.” 
He pulls away, placing a hand on my forehead and then my neck. “You don’t have a fever...” 
I chuckle, slapping his chest lightly. “No, I’m not sick. I’m just tired and have a lot going on in my head for days now.” 
His eyes lock with mine, as if trying to read what has been going on in my mind. “I’m here if you need me.” 
Before I could even respond, I heard rustling inside the house. I peek over my shoulder and see how my mom and my dad hid behind the curtains by the window. Baekhyun follows where I’m looking and tilts his head in confusion when he sees nothing. 
“My parents are watching us,” I shake my head as I try to pull Baekhyun towards his car. “Do you want to get out of here?” 
“Huh—” he turns around to face my parents’ house again, and his eyes scan the façade to look for them. “What—where? I can’t see anyone.” 
I sigh, shaking my head as I cover half of my face with my hands, embarrassed with the thought of my parents’ idly tattle, at the same time ecstatic that they didn’t view my last relationship as something to be wary about.  
“Just raise your hand and wave a little. They’ll see you.” 
With furrow brows, Baekhyun hesitantly raises his left hand and moves it a bit. Not even five seconds later, the window in the formal living space is opened, my mom’s face peeking out. “Hope to meet you soon! Come over for a meal sometime!” 
“Mom!” To say that I’m horrified is an understatement. Everyone knows my mom as a gentle, kind, prim and proper woman, but no one knows, except my dad, how she can be when she gets eager and exhilarated. 
Baekhyun gasps loudly, straightening the coat he’s wearing before bowing politely to my mom and my dad, who is trying to pull Mom away from the window. He waves goodbye before closing the window and drawing the curtains as well. 
“Okay,” I chuckle, shaking my head at my parents’ action, though a fond smile is on my lips. “That was my mom and my dad. I—uhm, you can come over, you know—if you want.” 
“I’d love to,” Baekhyun answers immediately as if he’s been waiting for me to invite him myself. 
Despite hanging out together for months, it’s my first time to be Baekhyun’s passenger in his car. We both laughed about it when he said, “I even thought about slashing your tires so I can drive you home.” 
Since I currently live in my parents' house and I haven’t introduced Baekhyun formally to them, I can’t invite him in an instant. When I explained this to Baekhyun, he didn’t even hesitate to suggest driving us back to his place. 
“No funny business, I swear,” he removes one of his hands from the steering wheel to draw a cross on his chest with his finger. “You’re already in your sleepwear, so I can’t think of a place to go to unless you have somewhere in mind?” 
“That’s fine. As long as I get home in one piece.” I shrug, holding onto the plastic bags on my lap.  
Being a thoughtful Baekhyun, he purchased a bunch of different snacks I’ve been eating since we got close to each other. The chips I keep munching on when work gets too loaded, down to the chocolate bars I keep in my drawer at the office. There’s even a fever patch and a paracetamol in a small paper bag on the side. 
Baekhyun’s place is tidy. I didn’t expect it to be this neat in the first place, as much as how rude it sounds. And at the thought that he didn’t expect to have a visitor, I feel ashamed of the clutter in the corner of my childhood bedroom at my parents’ house. 
I’m also surprised that he even crouches on the floor to help me wear an indoor slipper that is suspiciously in pastel color.  
“I hope I got the size right,” he mumbles under his breath as he observes the footwear.  
“Yeah, it’s perfect.” They’re a couple of centimeters larger than my usual, but it’s much more comfortable this way. “Thank you.” 
He chuckles huskily as he stands up, flicking the tip of my nose with his index finger, a thing he has been doing for quite some time now.  
I follow him to the kitchen, where he places the plastic bags on the kitchen counter. My eyes scan the place further, and I can’t help but be in awe of how he keeps it neat when he’s busy with work. 
“My mom comes over from time to time,” Baekhyun suddenly speaks, snapping me out of my trance as if he’s reading what’s going on in my mind. “But I do like keeping my place clean and organized, else I wouldn’t be unable to function.” 
I scrunch up my nose at him, “Well, thank you for making me feel bad about the pile of laundry in my room.” 
He laughs out loud, eyes crinkling and forming into a crescent shape as he does. “I can help you with that, baby. Just hit me up.” 
I roll my eyes at him with a playful smile on my face. I sat at the barstool, and he followed suit. “But seriously, I didn’t expect you to behave. No offense, but I thought you’re going to slam me on the wall and do the deed as soon as we arrived.” 
Baekhyun gave me a baffled expression before placing both of his hands on his chest as if he were hurt by what he had just heard. “I didn’t know you think so low of me.” 
I cackle, hitting his shoulder with my fist lightly. “I’m just kidding, you idiot.” 
He chortles before placing his hand on the side of my neck. “Baby, I’m not going to slam you on the wall if we’re going to do it. I’m going to lay you on my soft, comfortable bed before kissing the hell out of you.” 
“Oh,” was all I could mutter before chucking awkwardly, scratching my cheek before looking everywhere else but his intent gaze. 
I thought I’m ready for this kind of conversation with him. However, my hands suddenly feel clammy, and my heart feels like it’s going to jump out of my chest any second. 
Without removing his hand from my neck, he steps closer to where I’m seated. He stands in the space between my legs as his other hand holds my cheek to make me look at him.  
“You’re nervous,” he remarks, his face void of any expression. 
I am unable to find my voice; I can only grunt as a response.  
Baekhyun caresses my cheek with his thumb, his gentle eyes assuring me while his mouth forms a smile. “We’re not going to do anything if you’re not comfortable with it.” 
I nodded my head, though I held onto his wrist when he was about to pull away. “Baekhyun, I—” I close my eyes for a few seconds before opening them. Seeing Baekhyun’s worried look made me exhale shakily. 
“I’m going to tell you something I haven’t told anyone at the office yet,” I wince when I realize how my voice sounded so small and terrified, like I’m going to confess that I stole candy from the candy jar in kindergarten. “And I’m going to ask you something, and I’d like you to be honest, okay?” 
Baekhyun, all of a sudden, drop a kiss on my forehead, which he hadn’t done before. My body feels warm as a blush crept up on my face. “Okay, baby.” 
“I’ve never been with a guy before,” I confess before pressing my lips together in the hope that he’ll take the news well. 
He raises his brows as he tilts his head to the side, “You never have a boyfriend before? Was it you, or was I just dreaming when you told me that you just came out of an unhealthy relationship? Did I drink a lot to not remember?” 
I look at him as he rambles, and when he ends his sentences, he looks at me like he’s expecting me to laugh or confirm his assumption that he’s just dreaming, but I keep my eyes on him without any emotion but silently pleading him to get to my point. 
It takes him almost a minute before he widens his eyes in realization and gawks. “Wait—you—you’re—” 
The corner of my lip turns down when he removes his hold like I’m a burning hot iron. With a sad smile, I nod my head. “I’m sorry for not telling you, and it just didn’t cross my mind that we would actually be taking things too far.” 
Baekhyun stands still, his mouth still agape as he stares at me with wide eyes. Reading the room, I nod my head, patting his arm before jumping off the barstool. “I’ll see myself out.” 
As soon as my feet land on the floor, I’m carried back to the barstool with a loud thump. Surprised, I look at him with my eyes wide open.  
“Where the hell are you going?” he growled, hands gripping my sides as if he’s trying to prevent me from running away. 
“I—” I flinch from the tone of his voice as for months I’ve known Baekhyun, he has never raised nor shown his anger or even annoyance in front of me. 
I think he notices how my orbs shake when I cower in some fear and anxiousness. His brows are furrowed, and he is suddenly relaxed, and his grip goes from rough to gentle. 
“I’m not going to hurt you,” he breathes out. He looks surprised by his action as well, more than by my reaction. “I’m sorry, I was just surprised. But where do you think you’re going?” 
Letting out a deep, trembling breath, I bite my bottom lip as I lock my eyes with him. His kind and considerate demeanor finally comes back. 
“I just thought that you didn’t want to do anything to me upon hearing my confession,” my voice is small, and my fingers start to fidget the seam of the sweatpants I’m wearing—a habit that I have when I’m nervous and frighted.  
“Baby, I—” Baekhyun sighed, closing his eyes and leaning his forehead on mine. I could feel his breath fanning my face, and I couldn’t help but close my eyes while I waited for his next words. “I’m sorry. I’m really sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I didn’t know. I just—I genuinely like you. It doesn’t matter to me who you have been with, but I like you. And I want to be with you... if that’s okay.” 
I peek through my lashes to see that he’s still not opening his eyes. I raise my right hand and place it on his cheek. A smile automatically spreads on my lips when he leans on my palm. 
It’s not the first time Baekhyun has said that he likes me or is interested in me. But the first time, he said it without any playful remarks like he has done before. 
“Baekhyun, can I now ask you something? Can you be honest?” I murmur, caressing the skin of his cheek with the pad of my thumb. 
Baekhyun only grunted in response. 
“Why me?” 
This time, he slowly opened his eyes, though not looking up to meet my eyes. He’s silent for quite some time while he thinks about my question, and I’m grateful that he seems to be taking my two-word question seriously. 
“You make me laugh,” Baekhyun finally answers. His voice comes out as a whisper, and he exhales through his nose before finally meeting my eyes. “And I love to laugh.” 
I snort, shaking my head before leaning away from his forehead. I scrunch my nose at him when I see how he stares at me with a fond smile on his face.  
“Did it bother you, though?” 
“Bother me?” I asked, tilting my head in confusion about his query. 
“That I took advances towards you when I have, you know—” Baekhyun innocently shrugs, licking his bottom lip like he’s hesitant to say the next word that’s about to come out of his mouth. “Dick.” 
My laughter comes like a whistling kettle while I hold my stomach from laughing so hard. He looks confused and a bit offended, but he joins in when he realizes that I won’t stop laughing for a while. 
“Sorry—” I cough, trying my best to stop another round of my ugly, hysterical laugh. “Well, to tell you honestly, the first time took me by surprise, but I got used to it. You keep texting me dick jokes that it suddenly felt like a normal thing. Although I’m grateful that you didn’t send a photo of your penis, or I’d really hunt you and stab you in your sleep.” 
It’s his turn to laugh, and my heart finally feels light, as if the awkwardness from my confession is drifting away. I bit my bottom lip while I watched the twinkle in the corner of his eyes as he opened his mouth widely and roared laughter, showcasing his perfectly aligned teeth. 
The room had slowly gone quiet when his eyes met mine, and we stared at each other for a few seconds before he decided to break the silence. 
“Are you going to hit me if I kiss you?” 
I scoff, rolling my eyes playfully. “I might if you don’t.” 
I let out a long, satisfied sigh when he finally placed his lips on mine. It’s what I’ve imagined all along. Soft and warm.  
Warmth. It’s what creeps from my neck to my face when Baekhyun cups my jaw to tilt my head to the side to have better access to my mouth.  I couldn’t stop the moan from the back of my throat when he spread my lips with his to open my mouth, and my tongue met his. 
That made Baekhyun pull away from my mouth, and my eyes are unable to open for a few seconds as the feeling of his lips lingered on mine.  
“You are breathtaking,” Baekhyun’s voice is hoarse, and when I open my eyes, his orbs are dancing around my facial features. He runs his thumb on my bottom lip before leaning forward for a peck on my lips and pulling away in an instant. “So, what do you say?” 
“I’ve never thought I could like someone like you,” I exhale through my nose, and my voice comes out like a whisper.  
“Because I have a dick?” he chuckled huskily, sending me a cheeky smile. 
I burst out laughing, pushing his chest lightly before hooking my fingers on his belt. “You seem to be eager about your dick, Baekhyun. You sure it won’t disappoint?” I playfully taunt him, raising a brow suggestively. 
Being dramatic as he is, he gasps loudly, clearly offended—still. He hastily unbuckles his belt and is about to unbutton his pants. “I can prove it right now—” 
With my eyes wide open, I stop his movement by holding his arms firmly. I chuckle, a bit abashed with my facetious remark about his pride. “How about the bed?” 
Baekhyun has a cheek to blush when he realizes that I gave him the consent to really show me his shaft, maybe even do more. It’s actually the first time I’ve seen him flushed. It had been the other way around. 
I’m a giggling mess when Baekhyun visibly struggles to carry me to his bedroom. I was honest with him when I told him that I like keeping a healthy weight. I don’t do fad diets, and he knew that I eat a lot of not-so-healthy stuff when I’m stressed out. But he still insisted on being “romantic,” as he said. 
When my back finally hit the soft mattress, I let out a cough from laughing too much before meeting Baekhyun’s eyes. Despite grunting all the way to his room, he seemed fine; his gaze was dancing around my facial features. 
“What?” I tried my best to keep a straight face when, in fact, our current position on his bed made me realize how intimate we are, and also close, probably—if things go well, on doing something besides kissing each other. 
I almost melted on the spot when Baekhyun displays a gentle smile on his face while his fingers tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ear. “A man is just appreciating his woman’s beauty.” 
My eyes roll playfully, though I can feel how my stomach flutter from his smooth words. “Alright, mister. Are we going to be just sappy all night or...?” 
Baekhyun chuckles huskily, leaning his body weight on top of me and diving his head down to kiss my lips. Then, it traveled to my chin and to my jaw. 
My mouth falls open when his mouth reaches my neck. It started with his soft, puckered lips on my skin until he started with an open-mouthed kiss on the base of my neck.  
We are moving quite fast, but I’m too occupied by the way his tongue is brushing on my skin, his teeth biting the soft flesh before sucking on the spot. 
“Shit—Baekhyun,” I sigh from the stimulation, closing my eyes when I feel the tightness in his pants as he moves to place his lips on mine again.  
A silent whimper escapes my mouth when Baekhyun suddenly pulls away. I snap my eyes open, furrowing my brows at him. But before I could even open my mouth to ask him why he stopped, he beat me to it.  
“Are you okay—is this okay? Am I making you uncomfortable?” 
“I’m okay. C’mere.” I answer in an instant, grabbing his neck to kiss him again, but he pulls away. 
“Do you want me to keep the lights on, or do you prefer it off?” 
“I’d prefer it if you keep your mouth on mine,” I deadpan. The built-up frustration in me starts to act up. 
I expect Baekhyun to respond sassily or to laugh as he normally does, but he looks a bit somber, and it somehow makes me feel guilty. 
“I just don’t want to ruin this, baby,” Baekhyun explains, heaving a sigh. “Trust me when I say that I want this more than you do, but I’m thinking that this might be your first time—” 
“With a guy, yeah...” I cut him off, fiddling with the button of his dress shirt. “I’m sorry—I didn’t think about that.” 
“Hey,” Baekhyun nudged my nose with his to call for my attention, and it did. I see his bright eyes, and he immediately smiles. “Why are you apologizing? I'm honored that you want me, but let me take care of you, yeah?” 
I nod my head with a smile, “Okay.” 
Dropping another kiss on my mouth, he starts lifting the oversized sweater I’m wearing, exposing more skin for him to touch.  
“Oh, shit,” Baekhyun curses under his breath when the hem of my sweater reaches above my chest, exposing my bare mounds to him. “No bra?” 
I giggle, placing my palms over my nipples when I see how he ogles on them. “I was sleeping when you called, remember? Who wears a bra when they sleep?” 
He gently grabs my wrists, pulling them to my sides before removing my top completely. My back arches when he puts one nipple in his warm cavern, his teeth grazing the surface before completely sucking my areole further into his mouth. 
My hand flies to his head, bunching his hair softly when his tongue starts swirling around. He makes sure to treat my other boob the same, giving me the same pleasure as the previous one.  
I let a moan when he starts trailing kisses down to my navel, squirming a little bit when he purposely licks on the side of my stomach when he notices that I’m quite ticklish. 
He unties my sweatpants, pulling them down from my thighs to my legs until they reach the floor. I’m left in my plain cotton underwear, and I can’t stop covering my face with my hands when he holds my knees before pulling them apart. 
I should’ve at least worn a much decent piece if I just knew that I’d be bare in front of Baekhyun. 
But that thought flies outside the window when I feel his index finger lightly rub against my clothed private part. When I open my eyes, I’m surprised to see that Baekhyun is already looking at me as if waiting for a negative reaction or refusal. 
“Oh, God—” I prop on my elbow to get a better view of him rubbing me down there, my jaw slack for a silent moan. “Keep going, please.” 
Taking it as a go signal, he proceeds to remove my underwear, leaving me completely bare before him.  
I throw my head back down to the mattress when Baekhyun positions himself down on the bed, spreading my thigh wider, his breath fans on my womanhood.  
The pad of his thumb rubs my folds. His movements are gentle and slow, but they don’t fail to make me roll my eyes from the sensation, letting out a grunt.  
I squeak when the tip of his nose makes contact with my clit, his finger parting my folds to expose the bundle of nerves. He then starts giving my bud a peck repeatedly. The action makes my womanhood produce its own lubricant, and I only realize that Baekhyun did that to stimulate me rather than forcing me to be wet in an instant. 
Damn. He’s good. 
“Ha...” I moan when his tongue finally runs through my folds. I hold onto his head when he grunts in response, and the vibration makes the tip of my toes curl. “Fuck—yes, please.” 
I heard Baekhyun snicker at my womanhood upon hearing me curse—which I rarely do, sucking on my clit before flicking his tongue on it. My hands, absent-mindedly, push the back of his head further between my legs, feeling the knot in my stomach quickly forming. 
I can’t stop the noise coming out from my mouth when he shakes his head, stimulating my womanhood intensely. His middle finger sneaks inside my hole before pulling away to peer at my face.  
“Please—don’t stop,” I beg, biting my bottom lip when he added another finger, thrusting them faster. “I’m almost there.” 
Baekhyun grunts, his mouth coming to my clit again to push me to the edge. I almost lost it just as he started sucking on the bud, making an erotic slurping sound across the room. 
My thigh clamps his head as I try to pull away when my climax hits, but he’s much stronger, making sure he gets all the substance from my entrance.  
I prop on my elbow even though I’m still recovering from the mind-blowing orgasm he gave me. I watch him with hooded eyes as he continuously digs his tongue on my entrance, moaning like he’s satisfied with my cum. 
When my muscles start to twitch from overstimulation, I push his face away with my hand before covering my womanhood as he attempts to have a taste again. 
“Okay, you’ve had enough,” I laughed light-heartedly, grabbing his face for a kiss.  
Baekhyun moans when I part his lips with my tongue, tasting myself on him. “I’ll never have enough of you, baby. I don’t think I can ever get enough.” 
I wrap my arms around his neck, climbing onto his lap for us to switch positions on the bed. I trail kisses from his lips to his jaw, and when I reach his neck, my fingers start to unbutton his dress shirt, pushing the fabric away from his body to expose his toned torso. 
However, before I could even completely remove his pants, he stopped me from doing so, and I looked at him with a baffled expression.  
“Are you alright with—” 
“Sucking a dick?” I snort, tugging his pants again when he lifts his hips for the garment to slide down his bottom. “I’ve never tried it before; thus, your guidance will be very much appreciated.” 
Baekhyun grins upon hearing my statement, although he closes his eyes in an instant when I circle my fingers on his member without any warning. He’s already hard, and I’m unable to hide my amusement at how it keeps twitching when I start moving my hand.  
“Baby...” Baekhyun growls, snapping his eyes open to observe what I’m doing. “I had a long day; I don’t think I’ll last long tonight. I’ll make it up to you, I promise.” 
I snicker, pumping his length continuously. “I thought I heard you say that it won’t disappoint.” 
“It won’t,” he glares, though the furrow on his brows quickly vanishes when I grip him tighter. “But someone decided that it was a great idea to ghost me this afternoon.” 
I finally stopped my ministration, giving him a sheepish smile. “Sorry.” 
“I had to endure Jessi’s nagging when I asked her about you and that you were not answering my calls. She thought that I did something wrong to you.” 
I jut out my bottom lip on him to act adorable, but it’s obviously a failure when he visibly grimaces playfully. I hit his chest before throwing myself on top of him, giving his mouth a smooch. “I’m sorry. I’ve been thinking about us, and it’s eating me alive. You know what happened with my ex, and as much as possible, I don’t want it to happen again.” 
“I will do my best not to hurt you, baby,” he kisses the tip of my nose, which I find to be too endearing. “I may play around a lot, but I take my relationship very seriously. My friends and family know that.” 
“And you’re thirty,” I press my palms on each side of his cheek, giggling when his lips turn into a pout. “You need to settle down, old man.” 
Baekhyun gasps, holding my wrist and sitting up on the bed. “Are you proposing to me right now?” 
I know he meant it as a joke, but my mouth opens and closes like a fish out of water. He probably noticed how flustered I became, and he laughed it off, kissing my lips to calm me down. “I’ll do the proposing, baby. Don’t worry.” 
His words didn’t help, and my whole body felt like it was on fire. Tonight is officially our first night together, and the discussion about marriage has already been brought up. It’s obvious that we are moving too fast, but somehow, it doesn’t bother me... at all. 
We are just looking at each other for a few moments, in each other’s embrace. Hence, I finally decided to break the silence. 
“Can I suck your dick now?” 
Baekhyun laughs out loud, caressing my bare back with his palm. “Alright, baby. Just for a bit?” 
I nod my head with a wide smile on my face, tucking my hair behind my ear. He sees that I’m struggling with my hair, and thankfully, he decided to hold it for me.  
I lower my head until my lips touch his tip. My eyes flickered to see Baekhyun’s reaction for a bit when I heard him hiss. His face is scrunched up, and he’s biting his bottom lip while watching me go down on him. 
Feeling encouraged by his response, I spread my lips wider to take him in my warm mouth. My heart feels like it’s being tickled by soft feathers when he moans loudly, “Oh—shit, baby.” 
His grip on my hair becomes tighter when I started bobbing my head around his length, not forgetting to circle my tongue on his tip every time I need to take a breath. 
“W-wait, I’m close, baby,” he pulls me up from my position and guides me to lie down on the mattress while he positions himself between my legs. 
When he reaches his nightstand for protection, I immediately stop him from opening the packet. “Is it alright if we do it without the rubber?” 
It’s his time to be surprised by my request. He raises his brows in shock, although he seems to be tempted. “Are you sure?” 
I quickly nod my head, “Yes, I want to feel you.” 
Baekhyun throws the packet of condoms on the floor, placing his palm on the mattress beside my head for support as he lines his length on my hole, seemingly pleased with my justification. “Okay. I’ll just pull out—” 
“Can you come in me?” I’m so embarrassed to ask him this question, but I’ve been meaning to, as I really want to feel it. In case he feels uncomfortable with the idea, I instantly added, “I’ll get pills tomorrow to avoid any unplanned occurrence, I promise.” 
“Relax, baby,” Baekhyun gives me a reassuring smile, slowly pushing his length into me. My jaw goes slack, and my eyes close from the stretch. It’s not that painful, as I’ve used stuff for penetration before. 
“I don’t mind the idea of you being swollen here.” He places his hand on my belly, rubbing the skin with his thumb. “In fact, I’d love it. But you have the final say, baby. It’s your body.” 
My bottom lip is caught between my teeth as I whimper when he sheathes his member deep in me. I throw my head back on the mattress, and he takes it as an opportunity to lick and bite my exposed neck. 
When I tap his shoulder to let him know I’m ready, he straightens his back, holding on to my hips as he pulls out and pushes in my womanhood.  
It seems impossible, but it feels like my walls can perceive the veins of his cock. It twitches from time to time, hitting a spot in me that would make me roll my eyes to the back of my head.  
I’ve used toys before; my ex loved to use them, but this is different. His length is snug on my walls and rubs my insides perfectly. Not to mention the way his hips would snap on my pelvis, stimulating my outer lips as well. 
My chest starts to heave as I pant when Baekhyun adds his finger to the scene, rubbing my clit while his thrusts go faster. 
“Oh, gosh!” I squeak, frantically gripping the sheets, when I feel the tight knot in my stomach close to bursting. “I’m close—please, don’t stop.” 
I didn’t expect that he could go faster than he already had, but boy, he truly didn’t disappoint when he went faster, and his thrust became firmer. 
“I’m almost there, baby,” he grunts, removing his hand away from my clit so he can support his weight when he leans down to place his lips on mine.  
I moan in his mouth, holding on to his back, when I feel something warm shoot inside of me. The warmth almost feels like a tickle and surprisingly satisfying. I never thought those explicit videos I watched when I was a teenager were true. 
My arms hugged his figure closer to my body when he finally gave up and lay on top of me. His face is buried in my neck while he catches his breath. It takes him a good minute to remove his weight on me, not even giving me a chance to comprehend what he’s about to do. 
He stuffs two of his fingers in my hole, and his lips go to my clit to suck the bud. I let out a high-pitched scream as I grabbed a fistful of his hair, totally overwhelmed by his quick movement. 
“I’m coming—I’m coming!” 
My legs convulse from the intensity of my second climax of the night, and I almost cried when Baekhyun wouldn’t stop slurping the juices from my hole. I didn’t expect it to happen, and I guess he didn’t see it coming as well, but a thin liquid gushed out from my vagina from overstimulation. 
I was about to apologize to him but was surprised when he looked so pleased, sticking his tongue out before licking a stripe on my folds one last time before climbing up to devour my mouth. 
“That’s so hot,” he remarks, pertaining to what happened. “I’d pay with my soul to make it happen again.” 
I chuckle at his statement, though tiredly, “I’m glad I didn’t disappoint you.” 
Baekhyun laughs, biting my bottom lip and pulling it with his teeth. “And I hope I didn’t disappoint you either.” 
A smile formed on my lips before giving his lips a chaste kiss that I could say that I poured my heart into. “You’re perfect.” 
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When I decided to activate my social media again, I instantly received many messages from my high school friends and people from university.  
My high school friends were so ecstatic when they saw that I uploaded a story on my account after being unreachable for months.  
It was a silhouette of Baekhyun and the sun setting in the background.  
They were supportive and happy that I was seeing someone again after the bad break-up with my ex. 
While the people I know from university didn’t even say any greetings and went straight to, “Who is this?” or, “A guy???” some even sent, “You’re straight now?” 
I chose to ignore the toxicity from those people and focus on the good side. I left them on seen and went on with my life where everything seems to be falling into place. 
And I think that irked them as someone sent me a screenshot of their conversation in a group chat that my ex is also a part of—and which I was kicked out of when we broke up. They were talking about the story I uploaded and how I am probably rubbing it on their faces that I’m dating someone again, notably a man. 
I don’t mind their tattles, but what my ex said bothers me a lot. She said, “He’s just a tit for tat from our break-up. It’s only going to be joyful at first. They’ll break up in a few months, believe me.” 
I remember my face turning so red when I read her message. However, I did my best to keep my cool and replied to the person who sent the screenshot with a simple, “I’d rather not include myself in their narrative. But I appreciate the thought of you reaching out.” 
Because she couldn’t be more wrong.  
A week after we officially got together, Baekhyun was the one who asked if he could meet my parents. I told my mom about it, and she enthusiastically invited him for dinner.  
To say that my parents love him at the first meeting is such an understatement. Baekhyun is a charmer. Everyone could be swooned by his tactics, and my parents weren’t an exemption. 
A week after that, he was already playing golf with my dad, and he would play the piano with my mom. 
In the third month, Baekhyun invited me to attend the wedding of his cousin. His parents would be there, and he wanted me to meet them. It was such a nerve-wracking moment since I never got a chance to be close to my ex’s parents or any of her family members. 
But boy, was I wrong. 
His mother linked her arm with mine almost the whole time at the reception. She asked different questions that weren’t personal and made me promise at least five times to visit them at their home for me to try her cooking. 
His dad was the calm and serene one but would say the word: daughter-in-law when someone would ask who I was. 
I also met his older brother and his family. They were all nice and friendly. Baekhyun’s nephews even started calling me aunt. 
“You’re the second girl Baekhyun introduced to us,” his brother told me, tipping his head in Baekhyun’s direction while the latter was engaged in a conversation with their relatives. “The first one was his senior in high school. She was his first girlfriend. She shouldn’t be included, to be honest, because we’ve known her before they started going out. So, technically, you’re the first.” 
I was not uncomfortable with the mention of my current lover’s past relationship, and I appreciated the honesty instead. “He mentioned that he dated quite a few before me, though.” 
His brother snorted, shaking his head. “He did. Mom would always ask him to bring them over. But he kept saying that he wouldn’t bring someone he won’t marry.” 
Baekhyun was confused and quite worried on the drive home because my face was crimson red the whole night. He kept checking my forehead and neck to see if I had a fever or if I had eaten something bad at the wedding reception. 
I wasn’t planning on telling him the reason for my sudden change of behavior and why I was blushing like crazy, but when we arrived at his place and were about to go to bed, he insisted on going to the hospital so I could get checked. 
Hence, I decided to tell him what his older brother told me. I hid my face in the space on his neck, abashed, and I was pretty sure that my blushing went over and beyond. 
I was expecting him to laugh, to make fun of the silly thing his brother informed me. But a kiss on my forehead and a back rub were the things I received from him. 
“Of course, I do see myself marrying you,” his voice was like velvet as he spoke, his hand never stopping caressing my back. “I can’t see myself with anyone else besides you.” 
I was about to cry, but he might’ve realized that what he said was mushy and decided to be his playful self again. “Because who else can tolerate your dad's jokes except me?” 
My fist came in contact with his chest, although a bubble of laughter escaped my lips. I also couldn’t see myself with anyone else but him. 
That was the first time we said the three words to each other, as we both came from our love-making relationship. 
In the sixth month, I told my parents that I saw an apartment near the office that fit my budget and was planning to get a place for myself as I felt bad about living in their house at my age. 
They told me that they would love it if I stayed with them since they did get lonely when I was still with my ex. But at the same time, they assured me that they would respect my decision, whatever it would be. 
I promised that I would visit them if I ever moved out and told them that they could do the same.  
Before I could contact the realtor, I decided to tell Baekhyun about my plans as well. He was surprised, to tell the least, and I honestly didn’t expect him to react the way he did. 
“Why would you look at a different place?” Although he wasn’t yelling, it was obvious that his tone of voice was close to being upset.  
“I’m just planning, babe,” I told him, squeezing his arm to ease his mood, but he just brushed me off, which was shocking. I cleared my throat before clarifying what I said. “That’s why I’m telling you first before I inquire with the realtor if I could check the place and apply for a lease and—” 
“And I asked you why.” 
It was also the first time I’ve seen him in this mood, and it made me want to cry on the spot. Not because I got scared of him but because he was upset because of what I told him—because of me. 
“I feel bad living with my parents, Baekhyun,” I confessed, looking at my lap as I fiddled with the seam of my pants. “I’m already twenty-eight, and I shouldn’t be a burden to my parents. Also, the place I’m eyeing is only ten minutes away from the office, and it would somehow make my life easier.” 
Baekhyun scoffs, turning his head to me. “And the distance of my place is also ten minutes away from the office. That didn’t cross your mind?” 
I opened my mouth but closed it right away when I couldn’t find the courage to tell him that I did. However, I didn’t have the guts to tell him—and I was embarrassed as hell to even think about it, so I opt to look for a place on my own. 
“Do you even love me?!”  
I gasped loudly, my eyes wide as saucers as I stared at him like he had grown another head on his neck. “What the hell, Baekhyun? I told you about it because I care about your opinion. Why are you getting angry at me like I did something horrendous?” 
I believed that made him slap some reality on him. He closed his eyes and exhaled through his nose, “I—I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t mean to shout. I just—I don’t want you living by yourself, it’s not safe. And I have my own place. You can move in with me—and honestly, I’d love that if you do.” 
I rolled my eyes at him, shaking my head, and it made him panic, thinking that I was declining his proposal. “I’ll think about it, you idiot.” 
Baekhyun exaggeratedly pouted, huffing as he tried to act cute, which never failed to make me cringe every time he did, by the way. “You didn’t even think twice about renting another place. What’s so wrong with living with your awesomely handsome boyfriend, huh? You get to see my face first thing in the morning, get to shower with me because, you know—conserve water and all that, and seriously, you don’t have to pay rent.” 
I was about to cut him off when he mentioned that I wouldn’t have to pay rent if I moved in with him, but he placed his index finger on my mouth, shushing me like a child. 
“I won’t accept any kind of money for rent, baby. A blowjob, maybe?” 
My palm hurt from slapping his arm repeatedly, but he just kept laughing as he dodged every hit. “You know I do that for free.” 
Baekhyun bit his bottom lip, raising a brow suggestively. “Shit, now I’m hard.” 
I didn’t know how our argument would always make us tangled in bed, but it just happened. Always. 
And you can blame the euphoria or whatever, but it made me agree to move to his place. He asked when I literally just came, and I wasn’t even done screaming his name, and my muscles were still convulsing from the intensity of my orgasm. 
He played dirty, but I didn’t regret my decision a single bit. 
In the eleventh month, something unexpected happened. 
Actually, two things happened. 
I received an invitation from a university acquaintance to her wedding. I didn’t want to go because this person was part of the group chat where they gossiped about my life. But Baekhyun told me to go and be the bigger person. 
I knew he told me to go not to become the bigger person, but because he read her text and specifically said, “Bring your boyfriend with you.” 
He knew about the screenshot of what my ex had told other people when I uploaded a photo of him. I wasn’t planning on telling him because I found it completely ridiculous, but I was drunk, and my mouth ran before my brain did. 
“You just want to show how hot you are,” I rolled my eyes, chucking a pillow on his face. 
“Oh, so you admit that I’m hot?” he trapped my figure on the bed with his arms, grinding his bulge on my private part. 
“Eh, you’re okay...” I shrugged my shoulders, dismissing his growing ego. 
“That’s not what you told me last night when I was eating you out—” 
“Alright, alright! I’ll go, okay? But you need to come with me. I don’t think I’ll survive more than an hour there.” I covered his mouth with my hand, and he had the audacity to smile and kiss my palm.  
He removed my hand from his mouth, dropping a kiss to my mouth and then to my neck while his fingers yanked my underwear, throwing it to the floor. “Of course, I’ll come with you. But for now, I’ll come to you. How’s that sound?” 
I hugged his neck, and a throaty moan escaped my lips when his length plunged into my womanhood, caressing my walls satisfyingly. “Oh, I’d love that.” 
When the day came, I felt under the weather, and Baekhyun had an impromptu meeting. I was about to text my friend, but before I could, she already left a message thirty minutes ago.  
“I’m expecting you to be there! I haven’t seen you in a long time. Just because Yunjin will be there, you’ll bail out on my wedding day!” 
I can’t remember if we were that close back in university for me to be an important present on her big day, but as I stared at her message, I realized that they just wanted me to be the main dish. 
Baekhyun even told me to stay at home and that he’d come home right after his meeting, but I had already responded to that person, confirming my attendance. 
He called me stubborn when I explained that I wouldn’t back down on their schemes, although he still drove me to the reception.  
I kissed his lips, thanking him for driving me before getting out of the car.  
“I’ll come right after the meeting. Call me if anything happens. And when I said anything—anything, alright?” 
I kissed him one more time, totally swooned by his caring personality. “Okay. I love you. Drive safe, yeah?” 
“I love you too, baby. I’ll see you later.” 
As expected, she invited me just to meet Baekhyun. I was almost fuming in annoyance when they kept laughing at how Baekhyun was not there. Even my ex was laughing with her punchline, “I’m starting to think that the guy on your story was just a random photo you saw on Google.” 
I didn’t want them to think that I was getting affected by their jokes that I knew were half-meant. So, I decided to laugh with them, and I wasn’t ashamed to show them that it was by force.  
Baekhyun texted me to say that he was running late, and if he didn’t make it to the reception, he’d still come and pick me up. I told him that it was fine and assured him that no one was harassing me when he sent: IS SOMEONE BOTHERING YOU THERE???, in all caps. 
The second thing happened when my ex sat beside me and handed me a glass of wine. The smell of the alcohol, although quite subtle, when it reached my nostrils, I wasn’t able to hold back my gag. I peeked at my ex, and gladly, she didn’t see it. 
But one person did. The one who sent me the screenshot of their group chat messages. 
She eyed me with concern when I gagged once again before deciding to place the wine on the table where I wouldn’t smell it. 
Remembering that I wasn’t feeling well this morning, I was about to call Baekhyun, but at the same time, I didn’t want to bother him for a while since he mentioned that it was an important meeting with a stakeholder. I knew he said to call him if anything happened, but I thought that I could still handle it. 
Since it was nearing the end of the reception, more alcohol came into the hall, and I started getting dizzy. I ran to the toilet and tried to stick my finger on my mouth to induce vomit since I’d been gagging and thought that it was a good idea to just let it all out. 
“No—wait, don’t do that.” 
It was Jisoo who sent me the screenshot. She held my hand away from my mouth, brushing away the hair that got stuck on my face as I started breaking into a cold sweat.  
She closed the cubicle door and sat on the cold tiles in front of me. “I saw how you became sensitive to the smell of alcohol. How many weeks are you in?” 
I tilted my head to the side, not having an idea of what she was asking. “Sorry?” 
“Oh,” she smiled sheepishly, “aren’t you pregnant? I’m sorry if you find it offensive. I—” 
I chuckled nervously, not expecting to hear that from her or from anyone. “I probably ate a lot earlier, huh? That it bloats my belly.” 
I haven’t tracked my period due to work, and I got busy when Baekhyun and I decided to re-décor the apartment. But we are careful. I have been taking after pills since we got accumulated on not using protection nor pulling out.  
“Oh, shit...” 
My eyes widened in realization as I remembered the night that Baekhyun came home when I was already asleep. He was tipsy as he met with his friends for a drink, and when he saw me sleeping just with a loose t-shirt and underwear, he initiated intercourse. 
I was tired, so I let him be. I quickly went back to sleep when he finished, and when morning came, I rushed to get ready for work since neither of our alarms went off for some reason, and the afterpill on the medicine cabinet was left untouched. 
Jisoo gasped upon seeing my reaction, “You—you didn’t know?” 
I shook my head slowly, still in faze by the fact that I could be, and a large possibility, pregnant. “I—we were busy. I was feeling normal until today...” 
“I—” Jisoo rummaged through her purse, groaning when she didn’t find what she was looking for. “I usually carry a test with me, but I don’t have it right now. I—uhm, I can ask the hotel clinic if you want to. Or would you want to do it by yourself at home?” 
“I—uh,” I heaved a deep sigh, not knowing what to do but to dial Baekhyun’s number with my shaky fingers. When he didn’t answer, I left him a message, hoping that he’d read it soon. 
Come pick me up, please. Sent | 7:45 PM 
Jisoo stayed by my side as we went back to the gathering. She even got a different chair for me to sit on rather than the seat next to Yunjin. I gave her a grateful smile, and she just squeezed my hand to tell me it was fine. 
I was bouncing my legs for at least ten minutes straight when I decided to tell Jisoo that I wanted to test it now, and she nodded her head, telling me to wait for her while she went to the hotel clinic to see if they had a test kit. 
When she came back, she nonchalantly asked me to go with her to the bathroom as she needed to retouch her make-up. The other girls just waved us off, not really caring about us.  
On the way to the bathroom, I finally received my boyfriend’s reply, and I couldn’t help but sigh in relief. 
You alright? Received | 8:18 PM 
I hastily typed a simple Yes, and his response calmed my nerves a bit. 
On my way. Give me 15 mins max, baby. Love you. Received | 8:19 PM 
I read the instructions carefully and made sure that what I’d done was correct when the result finally showed on the kit. I bang my head on the cubicle’s wall, alerting Jisoo on the other side.  
“Is everything okay?” 
“One line means negative, right?” I asked dumbly, not knowing how to react to this situation.  
“Yes,” Jisoo confirmed, knocking on the door to ask me to open it, and I did. “Is it negative?” 
I handed her the kit, my face blank of any expression.  
She gasped loudly when she saw the two lines, pushing me back inside the cubicle and locking the door. “Congratulations!” 
She jumped on her feet as she hugged my almost limp figure. When she noticed that I wasn’t excited about the news like she was, she looked at me with concern on her face. “Are you not planning on this?” 
I shook my head, biting my bottom lip as I got worried about Baekhyun’s reaction to the news. We both discussed marriage but haven’t gotten further about a child coming into play. 
What if he didn’t want a child like my ex? Will he change? Will he leave me as well? 
Yunjin being unfaithful and breaking up with me was painful, and it took months for me to feel alive again. 
But the thought of Baekhyun walking out of my life was unthinkable.  
I just couldn’t. 
I was beyond grateful to Jisoo when she held my arm as I decided to leave the venue and wait for Baekhyun to pick me up. However, as soon as we got to the table to bid them goodbye, I saw everyone gushing about Baekhyun. 
“I saw you on LinkedIn, and you’re an Executive Director of the company you built, right? What are you doing here? Are you related to the bride or the groom?” one of them asked, resting a hand on my boyfriend’s thigh, and it didn’t fail to make me raise an eyebrow in annoyance. 
“Right! I knew he looked familiar the moment he walked in. I’ve heard that it’s a great place to work. You have an impressive accomplishment at such an age, I must say.” Yunjin even joined the conversation, seemingly immersed in seeing Baekhyun. 
Jessi once told me how Baekhyun has achieved incredible credibility in terms of corporate business, and a lot of multinational corporations have asked him to join their team, but he chose to stay with Junmyeon, his good friend, since grade school. 
Fortunately, Baekhyun brushed her hand away, eyes scanning the place to look for me. “It’s the company of my close friend, and I’m just helping him. And I’m looking for my—” 
“You’re such a humble guy. Can I have your number—” 
“Oh—there you are!” Baekhyun sighed in relief and smiled sheepishly when he saw how unhappy I looked upon seeing the interaction. He walked in my direction and kissed my lips in front of everyone. 
“My conscience is clear, baby,” he whispered to my ear before facing them, whose eyes were wide and their jaw almost reaching the floor. “I’m here to pick up my girlfriend. And we’ll get going now.” 
I forced myself to smile, waving them goodbye, and couldn’t stop the amused chuckle I felt when I saw their incredulous look, especially when Baekhyun intertwined our fingers in front of their faces. 
“Thank you,” I mouthed to Jisoo when Baekhyun tugged my hand as a signal for us to leave the place. I felt sorry because he must’ve been uncomfortable from their questioning earlier. 
Jisoo smiled widely, raising a fist in the air, whispering, “Fighting! And call me.” 
And that made me remember the reality that I have a child in me, and I must tell Baekhyun about it. 
When we reached home, we washed up together and went to bed. I knew it was a long meeting, and he must be so tired, but I couldn’t stop the negative thoughts in my head. And I won’t be able to sleep in this condition. 
He was already breathing heavily, a sign that he fell asleep, and I confirmed it when I raised my head from his chest and peeked over to see his face.  
I huffed, feeling pathetically frustrated with myself. I could’ve told him on the drive back home, but I waited, and now he was asleep.  
I started whining his name to try to wake him up, but he didn’t even budge. I tried kissing his neck since he was a bit sensitive in there, but all I received was a tired groan.  
“Baby... I’m tired. Tomorrow, okay?” 
I didn’t know if it was because of the pregnancy or if it was just all in my head, but when he turned around so his back would face me instead, I exhaled shakily, and tears started forming on the brim of my eyes.  
I pursed my lips so he wouldn’t hear my soft hiccups. It was a petty thing to do, but I grabbed my pillow and went to the living room, settling myself on the couch with a single pillow and a throw blanket.  
I was sniffling when I closed my eyes, and a salty stream of tears flowed to the side of my face, praying that everything would be okay and that sleep would come so I could rest my mind for a bit. 
My eyes snapped open when I felt the space beside me sink and an arm wrapped around my middle. It was still dark outside the window, so I guessed that it was still dawn. 
I was still somewhat hurt when he turned his back on me, so I decided to do the same, having him taste his own medicine.  
“Baby... don’t do this...” he sounded so fed up, and being at the peak of my emotion, I hid my face even more when I felt a prickle in my nose, and tears started welling up again. 
I was normally reserved and wouldn’t make a big deal on things. I’d like to stay calm and think before I open my mouth on a serious matter. So, this was new to him. 
“You know I’ve never said no to sex before, but please, baby, let me sleep for at least three hours, and I’ll do anything you want.” 
That made me sit up from my curled-up position, and he was beyond shocked to see me crying. “Sex?! You thought I was asking for sex? What the fuck, Baekhyun!” 
“No—wait, baby. Don’t cry—oh, my God.” he tried to initiate a hug, but I slapped his hands away, glaring at him. “Why are you so mad at me—where are you going?!” 
I was sobbing violently, trying to push his chest away, when he literally tackled me on the couch when I attempted to walk away. He waited for me to calm down, not saying anything, but would peck the tip of my nose when I would hiccup. 
When my sobs finally ceased, he tilted my chin so he could look directly into my eyes. “Are you going to tell me now why you’re so mad at me?” 
I just sniffed, not answering his question. 
“How am I going to fix it if you won’t tell me?” he sighed, closing his eyes in probable annoyance. 
“Are you getting tired of me?” I croaked, biting my lip when it trembled.  
He rubbed his face tiredly before huffing. “What—” 
“Just say it if you’re fed up with me. I won’t make things complicated, and I will leave you alone.” 
“Baby—do you hear yourself? What the hell is wrong with you?” Baekhyun hated the instances in which he would raise his voice at me, but this time, it seemed like I needed it from his point of view. “Why are you breaking up with me? Did something happen—did I do something wrong? Tell me so I can fix it—at least give me a chance to fix it!” 
“I—” I lowered my head as another set of tears formed. 
I heard Baekhyun sniff, and his voice started to crack. “Baby... please... tell me what’s wrong.” 
I raised my head to look at him, and guilt crashed through me when I saw his eyes turn red and glossy. “Promise me you won’t get angry... please.” 
“You know I would never be angry with you.” 
I gulped audibly before opening my mouth to finally tell him what I should’ve done earlier. “The girl you saw earlier, the one whom I was in the bathroom, she thought I was pregnant because I became sensitive to the smell of wine.” 
He nodded his head, urging me to continue. 
“She asked me to do a test. And, uh... it came positive.” 
Baekhyun’s eyes widened in surprise, and his mouth fell open. “You—we—we’re pregnant?” 
“Yes,” I confirmed his question, anticipating his next action. Is he going to be mad about the unplanned pregnancy? We haven’t even been together for a year. Will a baby be a hindrance to our—his freedom? 
Baekhyun exhaled heavily like he was holding his breath for a long time, “Baby—that’s—you should’ve told me. Is that the reason why you’re frustrated at me?” 
I was breathing heavily, thousands of thoughts running through my head, when he didn’t directly confirm if he was fine with it or if he wanted to be out of the picture. “You’re okay with it? You’re not mad?” 
Baekhyun looked at me like I’d said something I shouldn’t have. “What—why would I be mad about it? We’re having a baby, my love. This is good news! Where the hell you got the idea of me not wanting to have a child with you?” 
I’d like to blame it on the pregnancy this time when I started sobbing, throwing myself to Baekhyun as I hugged his neck tightly. He must’ve sensed my sincere emotion, that I was frightened that he could’ve thought otherwise about the situation. 
Baekhyun hugged my figure, caressing my back and the back of my head to calm me down. “Please don’t ever doubt my love for you. I’ve never loved someone as much as I love you. Please don’t forget that, although I will never get tired of reminding you every day.” 
I cried even more with his confession, wailing: I love you, as I hid my face in his neck, climbing on his lap as I made myself comfortable in his hold. 
Baekhyun showered my face with kisses when I pulled away, despite my cheeks being soaked with tears and my nose probably snotty. He looked at me like I was his greatest treasure. “My baby is such a crybaby.” 
I sniffed, though a smile finally formed in my mouth. “I guess I’m not your baby anymore, huh.” 
Baekhyun scrunched up his nose, nodding his head. “Yeah... I mean, I’d go down on one knee right now to make you my wife instead, but I haven’t bought a ring yet. Will a Ring Pop do for now?” 
I placed a chaste kiss on his lips before laughing. “As long as it’d be strawberry flavor, I’ll say yes.” 
Baekhyun laughed so loud that I had to cover his mouth with my palm as it was still dark outside, and our neighbors might report us if we didn’t tone down our voices. 
“But seriously, babe,” he hummed as he laid me down on the bed and attacked my neck with his lips. “Why did you turn your back on me earlier? I was so hurt when you did that.” 
Baekhyun looked so done with me, but instead of getting bothered by it, I found it amusing how he went on for almost an hour, explaining that he didn’t do it on purpose and he was just half asleep and wouldn’t do it if he was fully awake. 
In the twelfth month, Baekhyun finally went down on one knee. Asking me to marry him with a proper ring adorned in his fingers. Our families and our closest friends were there.  
I couldn’t help but tear up to see them celebrating for us. 
On the fifteenth month, I walked down the aisle to vow to take Baekhyun as my husband. The wedding was rushed, and we thought it wasn't plausible. But a good friend of mine, Jisoo, who is a wedding organizer, made it happen. What are the odds? 
By then, I stopped counting the months and just lived in the moment with him.  
With Baekhyun. 
Baekhyun is different. He proves to me every single day that I’m finally with someone I can feel safe with. Someone who will celebrate my success—our success together. Someone I can lean on and someone who needs me as much. Someone who trusts me as I trust him. Someone who loves me as much as I love him. 
Someone who respects me as much as I respect him. 
I couldn’t be more thankful that I didn’t take my friends’ advice about vengeance. 
Because you know what’s better than revenge? 
Moving on, then finding contentment and happiness. 
It could be at work, financially, family, or in person. Let time heal you, and once you feel like you can take a bath and eat breakfast, keep moving forward and focus on what and who makes you happy. 
You’re going to be okay. I promise. 
It took me a long time, but I finally found the love I’ve always wanted. 
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niicoli · 1 year
Toxic satosugu x pregnant reader
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So imagine you all were dating back in high school after you it had got out that you liked both of them and the boys were already together so they decided to “ play around with you “ and took you into their little world. They showed you love and compassion and made you feel like you were on cloud nine, they made it feel so real that it felt to good to be true … and it was.
“ It’s over we don’t need you anymore “ as soon as those words left satoru lips it was as if the entire world had stopped, it had fallen still with only the breath of you three in the room. Trying to bring even the smallest of brain cells to form an answer was proving difficult to find in this case,” I-I don’t think I understand what do yo-“, you go to say only to get cut off by geto laughing, and this wasn’t the normal honey filled laugh the one were you could fill the adoration and love. No this laugh made you feel a fool, made you feel like you were nothing more than a dumb little kid again having trouble understanding a question. But his eyes oh his eyes were the cruelest out of the two of them, finally understanding you packed up most of what you needed and raced out your home no THEIR home before you could even utter your surprise to them and then the silence was interrupted by their mocking condescending words from them “ Thanks for the fun time” before finally disappearing from your life
Few months later and you have been growing bigger and bigger each day having had run into an old friend since that day you have been getting help and support from Nanami almost as if you were his responsibility , almost as if he was the one who you were knocked up with in the first place.
But oh how you cherished the memories with him but sometimes even the cherished moments with him can’t stop your mind from going back to the real villains of your world
Nanami could hear you crying on most nights about them and always noticed how the next day how tired you were but would always say nothing out of respect for you and your feelings but even that was starting to wear him down
Whenever he would see gojo and geto at work he would always try and be professional with them telling himself to just leave it alone but every time he would see them all he could see was rage and eventually just ended up avoiding them and focusing his attention on you
But then came the school reunion after you gave birth to your baby boy he was the most precious thing that ever could have happened to you, with his eyes just like gojo’s and a smile like geto you couldn’t believe how much he looked like them but he was yours and you be damned if anybody tried taking him from you
Now on the day of the reunion you showed up with Nanami and your son not having or trusting anyone to watch him but those closest to you, you went about the event reconciling with old friends who would congratulate you on your new life and baby and how cute he was. Some of which were out of genuine happiness for you and some out of pity but you wouldn’t let them get to you, you were so happy about your new beginning
Well until you ran into THEM
Your blood ran cold when you locked eyes with you and again it started to feel as if your entire world was collapsing again right in front of you but with only ringing in your ears to keep you company
You wanted to run, wanted to scream at the top of your lungs and as you stood there holding your breath you finally noticed that they weren’t looking at you anymore but instead at your confused baby boy he was looking back at them just as curious
Did they notice, did they know ,how couldn’t they with how much he looks like them and when they finally reached you it was silent just like that day when everything first started
And here you were watching your entire world burn down again.
Should I make a part 2
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lightlycareless · 6 months
naoaki coming back to the estate only to find naoya and y/n having an intense make out session 🤭 also when hinata finds out y/n is inlove with naoya, she would beat up gojo because he jinxed it 😭
Omg yesssssss however...
This would be highly embarrassing for all parties involved hahahahaha
But you know what it reminds me of? This video right here. God, there's so many things I could go from here like.
If this was the child au (when Y/N and Naoya are a bit older) this is how Naoaki finds out they're dating. He'd leave the room immediately.
Highschool AU, they'd be caught by Gojo, who would take pictures to blackmail them with :) And that's how everyone knows they're dating now.
But going back to Naoaki, ngl I'd like to see his reaction (he'd be getting a taste of his own medicine if you know what I mean)
Warnings: spoilers for my main fic, I believe. Slightest, tiniest hint of smut. Someone gets a reality check.
Happy reading!
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Naoaki rushed back to the estate as soon as the mission was over. He always did, but as of lately, he’s doing it more— and it's no surprise why.
Ever since you came into his life, you're all he thinks of. From the beginning of the day to when he goes to sleep, Naoaki can't wait for the moment he’ll be able to see you and the lovely way your face brightens up when seeing him again, getting to hear your chirpy voice telling him of all the things you’ve done while he’s away, and maybe, if he’s lucky enough, how much you miss him too.
He doesn't care that you're Naoya’s wife. Wasn’t really an issue since he’s been nothing but disrespectful towards you; what claim can he make, demanding to keep away from you and respect him?
Everyone knows he doesn't deserve you, especially him. So what does it matter if his brother gets close to you?
Besides, it's not like anything is ever going to happen between Naoya and you. You hate him too much to allow it.
So in a way, he’s relaxed when arriving at the estate.
Kind of, for Naoaki is still worried that Naoya's suspension, where he's forced to stay back home until it's over, could easily provide him a moment to torment you.
And that… Well, he wouldn't be that far off.
Only it's not quite how he imagined it.
“Y/N—are you here…?” Naoaki is just a mere seconds away from knocking your bedroom door when it suddenly slides open, you scurrying out soon after, with a flustered face and disheveled appearance, which you try to fix before he notices, eventually acknowledging him.
“Naoaki!” You breathe, threading one of your unruly hairs behind your ear. “I didn't… I wasn't expecting you to come back!”
“I thought I'd… surprise you.” He admits, eyes focused on the swollen appearance of your lips, the fidgeting of your fingers against the collar of your kimono, and was that a… “... Are you ok?”
“Yeah!” You gasp, fervently nodding your head. “I'm fine! I was just, you know, laying a bit! Tired from all that work. Have you eaten? I'm sure you're starving!”
“No, I haven't” Naoaki, obviously, gets the feeling that you're trying to rush him away from your room. But why?
Is there another reason behind your flustered, suspicious behavior? Or maybe he caught you in an… inappropriate time?
“Well then, that can't be!” You say, quickly grabbing him by the arm and pulling in the direction of the kitchen. “Let's get you something to eat first!”
“Wait, Y/N— I don't—” and perhaps because he was tired, or simply caught off guard by everything, Naoaki can't do anything but allow you to guide him away.
Away from the rising suspicions he harbored towards your unusual appearance, your odd behavior, or the sounds coming from inside your chambers…
Naoaki, even then, was willing to push all aside and simply enjoy his reunion with you—had he kept his sight on the hallways, instead of turning back to your room, giving it one last glance and getting a sight that would forever mark his conscience: an equally disheveled Naoya exiting the doors.
Although subtle, the impression of what the two were doing there was clear in the way he fixed his pants, followed by the marks on his neck, or even the lack of an undershirt…
Naoaki didn't want to concede and admit what transpired, but it's not like he had much of a choice anyways when Naoya proceeded, with little to no shame.
“Y/N!” Naoya suddenly calls, a noise that immediately makes you stop, hesitantly turning around as your cheeks become redder and redder, to see him.
“...Yes?” you squeaked.
“Once you're done, head back to my room. I'd like to pick up where we left off.” Is all that he says, with an arrogant smirk plastered on his face that was undeniably directed to Naoaki, before turning around and retreating into the hallways.
You don't give any time for Naoaki to say anything before you're tugging him back away towards the kitchen, the path there completely silent as his new reality begins to settle in his mind.
It was almost cruel the way he found out, almost as if the universe decided to cruelly play a trick on him, toying with his worst fears, destroying what he thought invincible, and mock him with it.
But Naoaki would have to learn that the universe doesn't work that way. All had simply been work of his own delusions, thinking that just because there was a rift, he'd be able to step in and fill that void.
It was never meant to be that way. Not at all.
You and Naoya were fated together for a reason, Naoaki just needed a bit of time to see that.
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Naoaki you fool... Did you really think you were to stay with y/n? Nope :) I mean, at least not in the main story I mean what.
Anyways, this is a direct call back to that one time Ranta saw Naoaki leave y/n's room and he was like oh no Naoya not better see BUT HE DID. Oh, those were the days.
As for Hinata, you can be 100% sure she's going to beat gojo's ass for even thinking something like that. :) I wonder what her reaction would be to seeing the two tho...
Anyways, I hoped you enjoy this silly thing I wrote hahahah I don't even know if this is what you wanted, but it did rub one of my guilty pleasures so... 😏
But thank you for sending in this ask :>
Take care, and hope to see you soon!!
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cuddl3s4shur1 · 1 year
𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆:Earth 1610! Miles x F! Y/N
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𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐎:Your old bestfriend moves in with you for a while , during that time you gain feelings
𝐀\𝐍: This a little cute or whatever
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆:I dont know its a little angst but it gets happy an lovie dovie
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Your room was like heaven in your eyes. It had most things you loved in ONE room. Your favorite books, your tv, your pc, And lastly your personal space. No one ever telling you about what you’re supposed to do in your room.
And yet all of them would come crashing down on one random day in June.
You would get up to your room taking another way to get up there instead of just coming in through the front door. You would get to your room like you always do. You were about to start your after-school routine, listen to music, and do your homework.
You open the door to see your room split in. Emotions would all come at you at once. You didn’t know what emotion you wanted to feel. But one that practically took over all the rest was confusion.
Why was it two twin beds instead of your queen, why were all of your beloved precious items pushed to one side while the other had items you never saw before,
“Mamá, ¿por qué mi habitación está a la mitad? ( Mommy, why is my room in half) “ you yell to her dance downstairs
You run downstairs, and in the process, you definitely felt like you missed a step, your mom was in the kitchen working on a meal.
You saw her recipe cards on the table.
Was family coming over you thought to yourself? your mother would only pull her recipe cards out if she had invited people over and wanted to impress them.
“Mama what’s going on first my room, Ahora tarjetas de recetas ( now recipe cards) . “you ask her confused about everything
The doorbell started to ring, she dusted her hands on her cooking apron. She would then remove the apron and head to the door . “ looks like the surprise came earlier than anticipated “ she would say.
“ You look at her confused, what surprise, and who on earth was at the front door?
“Honey this might be a little different for you, but remember Miles your childhood best friend, “ she asks you.
That’s when you knew exactly what was happening: she probably invited him over, but little did she know that you guys fell out a year ago.
“Sí, mamá ( yes mama) “
“Well I ran into his mom at the store, and You know Jeff is on a business trip, so u said they could stay with us... Isn't that great “ she says?
You begin to force a smile on your face “Yeah it's great “ you tell her.
“I was hoping they would come later so the food would be done, it's good there here now so they can get used to the home, “ she says, she answers the door.
You were trying to decide if you wanted to you upstairs or stay downstairs and introduce them to the house. You chose to stay downstairs you knew mama rio would want to see you.
“Ah, mi chica, mi chica (Ah my girl, my girl) “Mama Rio goes in for a hug with your mom
. “Te echaba de menos (I missed you) “ you mom whispered to Mrs. Rio
“Where’s my baby Y/n, I haven't seen her in forever, “Mama Rio says.
You walk close to the door and hug her.
She starts to squeeze you tight in her arms “I missed you too mama “ you hug her.
“Cariño, ¿dónde has estado? No te he visto desde el año pasado (Baby where have you been, I haven't seen you since last year ) “ mama Rio asks you.
“I've been busy you know “ you tell her
“ Mi chica, necesito que vengas a verme más ( my girl, I need you to come see me more)”she demands to you
she tells you “I’m sorry, I promise I’ll see more, “You tell her
, Miles brushes past you and starts to head upstairs. With bags in his hand . You go upstairs also and follow his lead . He places 2 bags in the room next to yours .
Mama rio was going to sleep their
Then he went into the room that you guys were going to share . He places his bags and go back downstairs. You were confused on why . You left it alone and went to your PC and started to work on your computer .
“So how’s life been “ miles try’s to break the silence you turn around while staying in your chair .
“Well and yours “ you ask him.
“I understand we're not really on speaking terms with each other but just so you know I still care about you, “ he tells you.
“Then if you care so much why did you start acting different and ghost me, “ you ask him “It's hard to explain, “ he says.
“just tell me the truth , when we fell out you made me seem like I something wrong like I made you go away “ you told him
“Thats not it y/n , i can’t tell you why “ he tells you , your mind goes confused.
“ok, thats fine, when you want to ... Then you can talk to me, “ you tell him and go back to doing what you needed to do.
He felt his heart beating fast like it was aching to tell you the truth.
He let out a sigh “You know Spider-Man “ he asks you, you turn around “ ofc, I mean you should know I love spider-man” you tell him
“Right right, we’ll let’s just say you know I know him, “ he says, you start to smile.
“Like really know him, Spider-man is me “Y'all both go silent, and a stare-off starts. You let out a tiny scram of excitement, he pulls you in his arm with his web shooter. He covers your mouth with his hand.
“Shh,” he tells you, “Y/n are you good “ your mom yells
He removes his hand from your mouth “Yes I’m good, it was a spider but Miles killed it “ you lied to your mom.
You guys both look at each other, you looking up at him, him looking down at you. His arm still on your waist .
“You can let go of my waist now, “ you tell him
. He removes his arm and you back up.
“Well uh that’s cool, I’m going to you know listen to music and do my work “
You say awkwardly and sit back down.
He was happy, he got his best friend and some new feelings for her Also.
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baby-xemnas · 5 months
heavy breathing and sweating thinking of bepo chained up with tears in his eyes getting interrogated .whimpering and trying not to cry but hes a big baby and he hates pain and the whole time he just thinks of how he has to make law proud he has to get through it for captain....... post reunion law seeing all bepos injuries from it and giving him the most tender reverent massage and sexing in the world to reassure him hes Here and no one will hurt him anymore. im ill
ill draw chained up bepo at some point for SURE
but for now - imagining bepo surprising even himself that he is doing a good job enduring pain and that reacting with steel determination came so naturally - surprised but only because its the first time they ended up in a situation like that! stupid alliance with too many unknown variables - if it was up to their captain taking the lead this would never happen....but for his honor theyll endure.
i love how bepo is only cute around law and in any other situation hes very much a proper pirate....he had some choice words to say to his captors i have no doubt
in my head you know that law is so cool and bepo is so undemanding - law will be so calm about taking care of bepo, not visibly upset (he doesnt want to worry bepo, especially then when bepo is safe with him) just Peak Rational tending calmly to bepos wounds. he is weighting in his options of how to praise him...law is very grateful that him just being Strong (and cool) is what brings bepo happiness and comfort so he doesnt even have to go out of his way to do anything for him...they just work when they are together
its nuts that hawkins probably saw the MOST of laws reaction (penshachi too) - when they all were in the immediate danger (but especially bepo) after the fact (and even when he comes out of his cell) law is collected.
they are so precious about each other they are both thinking "im ashamed i ended up in the situation and made you worry/im ashamed i couldnt prevent it and you got hurt, you are my responsibility" so instead of saying these things out loud - they both know how the other is feeling - they do their best to move on asap.
and so he will be when treating bepo and caressing him, say he is checking if anything is broken (he has Scan for that) and smiles so soft and loving when bepo giggles after a ticklish spot gets stroked...
Bepo melting in his hands as usual (as usual!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️) its the most wonderful thing in the world and makes them both forget that anything bad ever happened
edit: im dumb and chronologically law couldnt be the one to treat him but im too sleepy and lazy to rewrite it so just ignore that inconsistency thanks
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berzahoes · 9 months
directors on directors | spike jonze
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summary: reader and spike are paired up for directors on directors (director!wife!reader)
an: because i love actors on actors, this was born lol (takes place during 2022 when jackass forever comes out) also i’m literally reading an article about spike and jackass forever for this 😭 is the reader the director of the batman instead of matt reeves for this? yes because i love that movie and batman <3
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“how was it to be back with the jackass crew?” you asked spike. you and your husband were paired together for directors on directors by variety. you honestly didn’t even know what to talk about since you and spike had been together for a long time. you didn’t think it was possible to run out of things to talk about, but you and spike did.
“it was fun, i did miss the guys a lot. but, you know this, i was the most skeptical because we’re all like fifty, but as soon as we shot that first day, everyone was happy.” he said. he remembers the day he told you that another jackass movie was being made. you were happy for the reunion, but at the same time you were worried for all of them.
“what was your reaction to johnny’s hair? because he starts the movie with brown hair then ends it with silver.” spike asked. you were on set when johnny debuted his new hair.
“oh god, i liked it. i thought he was some random guy at first, but then i realized it was him,” you laughed along with spike. “it’s a good look for him.”
“what about me?” he asked.
“i see you every day,” you teased. “you know i love your hair.”
“you’re obsessed with it ever since we were teenagers. i remember you overreacted when i told you i was going to cut it all of.” spike said.
“i think that’s a reasonable response.”
“it was a joke!”
moving on from the hair talk, spike asked you about your film, the batman. he was surprised when you revealed to him that you were going to work on a superhero film. he remembers years ago that you said you would never direct a superhero film yet here you were talking about your batman film.
“what made you say yes to batman?” your husband asked.
“other than layne begging me to do it,” you chuckled. when you told your kids, phoebe and layne, that you were considering directing the new batman film, your oldest and only boy, layne, begged you nonstop to make it. phoebe didn’t really care until she learned that robert pattinson was casted then she would often visit the set. “i know i said i would never do a superhero film, but when layne started reading comic books and watching the animated series, i started to actually get into the world of comics. i guess it’s because i never picked up a comic book before, but i enjoyed making it. so all of you batman enjoyers, you have our son to thank for the batman.”
“i think he spent more time with you than with me on set of jackass,” spike pointed out. it wasn’t often that layne was on set of jackass, but he did visit. “phoebe too, she probably just wanted to watch robert pattinson on a motorcycle.”
“she’s going to freak out when she sees that you’re embarrassing her. i can already hear it.”
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Sorry for how long this is. My mind is occupied with thoughts of Danny today (and most days)... Just imagine you've been dating for a while. You’ve gotten to know not just him, but the rest of the guys and their families. The boys are on tour, and you’ve been spending as much time traveling with them as possible, but you haven’t been able to be there the whole time. It’s been several weeks since you’ve seen Danny, and you’ve been talking every single day, but of course that’s not enough. You’re sure he’ll pounce on you the moment he next sees you, and you can’t wait any longer for that to happen. Instead of waiting patiently for the next planned trip, you rearrange your schedule so that you can surprise him at their next show. When they arrive at the hotel, you’re already there waiting. [I’m imagining this being like one huge suite that they’re all sharing. Or maybe not even a hotel, but a rented house or cabin or something.] Danny happens to be the first one in the door. He walks in and sees you and the shock quickly turns to a huge grin, and he quite literally picks you up and carries you off the one of the bedrooms–any of the bedrooms, it couldn’t possibly matter which–before you can even say hello to the Kiszkas. You don’t think they even saw that you were there.  His mouth is on yours before the door can even fully swing shut behind you. Before you know it, you’re on the bed with him under you, straddling his waist. Those frenzied, desperate initial kisses have calmed to a slow, thorough makeout sesh. Danny’s hands are on you, sliding up, ready to undress you. Movement in the corner of your eyes draws your gaze up to find Sam standing in the doorway, amused and maybe just a little embarrassed to be interrupting. He points out that you and Danny are, regrettably, in his room, but insists that it doesn’t matter, he can take another room. He turns to go just as Jake comes in, head down, focused on the notebook in his hands, talking about a very pressing issue regarding whatever song they had all been writing. You’re upright but still stradling Danny on the bed, and he’s watching upside down from where he lays as Josh joins them in the room too. “Oh hey!” he says to you, causing Jake to look up from his notebook and realize that you’re there and they’ve all now interrupted what was supposed to be a romantic surprise reunion. (To his credit, he’s the only one who looks even the slightest bit remorseful for the intrusion.) You start to shift to get off of Danny, telling them that they should work on their song, that you and Danny can “catch up” later. He grabs your hand and says, “No, you stay. They can leave.” They all agree and start to leave, just as the front door opens and several very recognizable voices are heard in the hallway. The Wagners and the Kiszkas are all there to hang out before that night’s show. Danny throws his head back and groans loudly. The guys snicker. You hop off of him, and he sits up and then stands, subtly adjusting his pants. You smile knowingly and kiss his cheek. “You poor thing,” you whisper teasingly. You’ll make it up to him later, and you both know it’ll be worth the wait.
Omg this is so cute! I love this, I know the Kiszkas would be so insufferable at first and trying to bother you two before leaving, making Danny so annoyed, you're just happy to see them all.
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I said it before and I'll say it again, we were robbed of a reunion of Marcy and Simon so I made one! I'll post it on my ao3 soon
Days. For several days Simon hasn’t received texts, calls, nor was he even home! According to locals, his home exhibit had been closed since before he left to go questing with Finn. Marcy flew all over Ooo countless times, searching everywhere for him. She never stopped no matter how tired she was. After thousands of years, she finally had her surrogate father back in her life! Why did he disappear without saying anything to her? Ugh! She should have taken a moment to go outside and take the call!
When she realized she was too tired to go on, she headed back to his home, using the spare key he gave her years ago to let herself in and she made herself at home where she plopped herself on the couch and had a good, long cry before drifting off to sleep. She would continue her search after resting and getting her strength back.
Simon had recently returned to Ooo from his adventures with Fionna and Cake and managing to find and apologize to Betty for his actions so many years ago. It hurt that they parted ways, she was his everything after all. It was needed though, for both of them. For the first time in a long time, Simon felt alive instead of just going through the motions of day-to-day life, it was enough to make him smile as he made his way back to the Human City and then to his home.
Simon kicked off his shoes when he got through the door and was making his way to his room when he heard the opening song to Cheers playing on the television, seeing the door of his bedroom opened. He honestly didn’t recall if he left it on or his bedroom door open, it felt like it had been ages since he’s been back with everything he’s been through. Looking around, nothing looked out of place or stolen so he obviously wasn’t robbed. “Most likely left in on before I started sulking in the shower…”
Taking off his jacket, he hung it up before making his way to his room. All he wanted now was to sleep, even though it was still daytime. ‘Last time I slept decently was that nap I took in baby world with baby—’ He snapped out of his thoughts upon seeing movement a familiar figure asleep in his bed. “Marcy…” He was both surprised and happy to see her. Normally she’s a light sleeper, she would have heard him the moment he opened his front door.
Simon saw her phone and he couldn’t help but to glance over when he saw it ring with a text message. It was from Princess Bubblegum telling her that they’ll find Simon soon and to not give up hope again. It broke his heart to read that, and now it all made sense why she didn’t wake up as she normally would. She must have been looking all over Ooo for him, and it pained him that he had once again hurt the girl he had raised and loved like a daughter.
Watching her sleep brought him back to his earlier thought. In the baby universe, he was taking a nap with a baby Marceline snuggling into his chest. Thinking of it brought a tear to his eye, but he wiped it off quickly. He mulled over whether to wake her or not, he had no idea how long she had been asleep for, but knowing Marceline she would have been up for days searching until she could no longer move. His fearless sweet Marceline… His daughter.
He snapped out of his thoughts when he saw that Marceline was waking up, he smiled and got on the other side of the bed. “Marcy, I’m home. I’m okay.”
Hearing his voice caused Marceline to quickly sit up and turn to him, rubbing her eyes and blinking a few times. Whether to properly wake herself up or to really make sure she wasn’t dreaming, Simon wasn’t sure of, until she tackled him and hugged him tight that is. “You’re okay!” She said in relief through her tears.
“Oh, Marcy…” He rubbed her back soothingly as he hugged her back just as tight. “I’m sorry to have disappeared for so long, and I have so much to tell you…”
The two stayed like that for a few more minutes, partly because Marceline was still crying, but also because neither of them wanted to let go of the other. It was the vampire who pulled back and spoke first. “Simon, I should have taken your call, I’m--”
Simon placed a finger on her lips. “Nope, I don’t wanna hear it.” He smiled, removing the finger from his lips, using it to wipe some tears from her eye. “You have nothing to apologize for, Marceline.”
He told her everything that happened from his little adventure with Finn to seeing GLOBetty, he didn’t leave a single thing out. Gone were they days of him keeping her in the dark, it was something else he promised himself upon coming home.
“I’m glad that you got closure, Simon.” She smiled but couldn’t help but to feel a bit sad when she heard the pair broke it off. She knew how much Simon loved Betty. “I’m also glad to hear that you’re ready to move on and live, though I am still pissed you never told me any of this pent-up feelings you’ve had for years.” She playfully punched him in the arm.
Simon rubbed his arm. “Yeah, I had the feeling Finn wanted me to talk to you about it too.”
“That cheeseball, I can’t believe he took you on a quest! He should know you’re too old for that stuff!”
The two shared a laugh and another hug. It was good to be home.
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mowsyling · 2 years
Willow season finale some thoughts &stuff
Ermahgerd!!! The end... 👀👀👀😱😄
But first things first... I was so frickin scared going into this. I had a crappy first half of the day and when I got around to having time to watch I hesitated, afraid I'd be disappointed again &turning a crappy into a horrible day... I wasn't.. it didn't.. 😅
Anyway, some scenes and thoughts..
Sibling & "lovers" reunion scene was delightfully awkward &weird.. Wtf Airk? Acting like nothing is wrong.. He guys great you made it!🥴
The cliff scene with the rest of the gang went pretty much exactly as I expected, including Willow not jumping at first.
Meeting unexpectedly hot Crone.. Also not far from what I thought would happen.. I was pretty sure they'd end up caught in an illusion type thing. I had even had considered a wedding scenario once, still surprised that actually happened. A surprise was Madmartigan's involvement.. Hadn't considered that! (It makes me think it really was his voice Kit heard in the treasury in the mines.) Anyway..
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I cheered!! 😄😂🙌
(There's someone far better suited.. he just needs to get through his corruption arc first.. *coughs* I'm getting ahead of myself..)
Of course Willow turns up on time to save the day, shatter the illusion &de-petrify everyone.. fighting ensues..
This was funny... 😆
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👆This was hilarious to me😆😂 I want it on a shirt! 😂
This scene was... oof..
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My poor foolishly brave baby boy!!🥺🥺😭 I had such a hard time getting through this🫣.. hit pause to collect myself.. I knew he was gonna "die" just didn't know how ded hed get.. When she poofed him through the passage l was very uncertain.. torn between "she literally shredded him - there were pieces!😳 and "but he went though the passage so there's a chance..?" Ooof..
I made it through.. and on the battle went.. Wand broken but Elora now fired up & lo & behold! Shooting lightning from her hands!😅
I was so tense through all this, still worried about Graydon's fate.. I knew everyone else was gonna be fine..
Important realisations &decisions (Boorman)
Then.. I cackled so hard when this happened! They really went there! 😆
(Monster fuckers unite!😂😆)
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Kit's face!🤌😆😂😂 The personification of "Eww"...
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Croneified Harbinger Airk.. Evil is really not great for your skin it seems.. Do not recommend..
Jade finally activates the cuirass for Kit... I have to say I absolutely love the design of that armour! Gimme!😍
I had considered Willow deliberately breaking his staff but my guess had been the crystal might be needed for the Lux instead it was used as detox or anthelmintic I guess you could say😆😅 for Airk.. kinda..
Boorman.. I feel you..
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This is when I finally shed some tears... 🥺😭😭
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I was almost convinced at this point Gray was gone for good.. was mentally preparing myself to be very sad disappointed 😅
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I shrieked! I was so happy! Idc that he's in Wyrm-land with (fake) Dark!Elora.. He's alive! (-ish?) The relief!😅😅😄😭
Man bun Graydon has rights!
Dark!Elora is hot!
(can't blame Graydon if he's gonna fall for that for a bit..😆)
(This looks exactly like the Battlefield from Willow's vision btw.. (sadly reached the picture limit😆)
So I guess Graydon might have a corruption arc next season... And it looks like they planned for three seasons!
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That's it.. not super detailed just what hit me most..
Not all hope is lost for Graylora nation! 😄😅🙌
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quincyhorst · 8 months
RedoMata HCs: Juan's life (in detail)
In a whiteboard doodle long ago, I remember saying that in my setting Juan would mix up Spain's spanish and latinamerican spanish quite a lot. I'd like to develop on that better.
But while he was born at Spain, Juan spent a huge chunk of elementary school living back at Mexico due to parents' work. For now, I picture him living in Morelia, one of the many mexican cities to host a bullring.
As means to keep a piece of Spain around, Juan developed a liking to playing the flamenco guitar. Having already at hand many Flamenco CDs passed on from grandparents, he'd put them on the radio and try to imitate them by hand. But eventually he'd develop his own style, with a frenetic yet moving melody inspired by the movement of horses. His own family fell in love with his music, playing it at reunions and such. But for the most part, such music remained hidden on the Zubeldia household.
Be it by the new scenario or by the culture clash, Juan had always struggled to make friends; having difficulty to reach out to others or maintain a conversation. His classmates didn't like him much either, often mocking his different accent and vocabulary. With time he got used to loneliness, avoiding most social situations as possible. Not even his family seemed to change his mind, until... When it was time to leave Mexico and go back to Spain, Juan was surprised by his grandma deciding to stay in the american continent instead. Her choice was set, but before parting she gave her grandson one final request: For him to keep sharing those beautiful melodies of his.
When he came back home, things got a bit complicated at first. He had been so used to the different timezones and regional vocabulary, that re-encountering the original spanish language gave him some whiplash. Pronunciating became tricky for him yet again, and so mixing up words with different meaning. Trust me, sometimes it gets that bad. Specially with the dreaded word coger.
???: Oye Juan, ¿Podrias por favor coger el balón- ("Juan, could you please grab the ball-") Juan: ¿¡COOOOOMO!? ("WHAAAAAAT!?") ???: ...Eh? Juan: ... Juan: ...Nada. Continue por favor. ("Nothing. Go on, please.")
But fortunately, and inspired by his grandma's words, sharing his flamenco skills managed to give him a place; so much so that he soon started to develop some fame. Determined, Juan later on entered the annual May Flamenco contest of Cordoba, and ended up sweeping all the other contestants despite his young age. With this, it was definitive: His community had fallen in love with his guitar skills, nowadays inviting him to local events or parties. Juan didn't mind, he was happy to finally be out of the shadows for once. But he still fell under the effects of social anxiety outside of his hobby.
As another method to fight it, Juan would start joining groups of his interests; soccer being one of them. To his surprise it was a sport he warmed up easily to, being able to be a fairly good keeper on the yearly Spanish Youth League (But not winning it nonetheless). It was on the Community Cup where his true potential finally shone, thanks to the perfect goalkeeper-defender synergy he developed alongside Rafael and Antonio (Also of Andalusia but of other provinces).
Although they ended up on the third place, the potential Juan and his new friends had was enough for him to be choosen over the actual 1st and 2nd place keepers of the cup. Aganist all odds and controversies, he fought very hard to keep his place in, though out of nowhere a sudden riojan pretty much overshadowed him.
(The post ends here, but under the cut there are some misc rambles regarding his setting)
Let me say one thing. In previous headcanons I've posted, Juan was established to be from Cordoba, Andalusia. However lately (and due to me overthinking things) I thought that alternatively, he could have been born in Madrid instead. And after returning Mexico he moved to live in Cordoba instead. Unfortuantely due to the Spanish Community Cup being very strict with its origin rules, Juan was called to play for the capital, alongside players like Davi Peroqui. (Worry not for the andalusian team, they'll get another keeper otherwise. And the dynamic with Rafael and Antonio will stay! Just that it will be developed after Red Matador is formed.)
This scenario is also based on the famous flamenco guitar player Paco de Lucía (Which I've seen Juan be compared to), who was born on Andalusia but later moved to Madrid afaik. Juan's arc could be a parallel version of that.
But like I said, this is just an alternate take. Plus it'd mean me having to work again on an entirely new character dynamic (Davi + Juan) all over again 🫠 So for now Andalusia it is.
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alan-duarte · 1 year
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TIMING: Current LOCATION: A latte to love PARTIES: Boyd Adkinson Jr. @saveah0rse & Alan Duarte SUMMARY: Alan and Boyd meet in an overcrowded café and share a chair and a chat. CONTENT WARNINGS: n/a
Having a large family often meant that there were rarely enough chairs around the table for all of them. Alan’s parents, his nieces and nephews were seated already. The elders were waiting patiently for the rest of them to get chairs, the kids weren’t nearly as quiet about it. 
It wasn’t his problem, he left the parenting to his brothers and sisters. He wasn’t precisely trying to be the cool uncle™ but it never failed to make him gloat whenever the kids went on about how Uncle Alan was less of a bore than the lot of them. Thank you very much. 
He gave the barista a glance and an apologetic smile. They’d put the chairs back where they belonged, and tip accordingly, obviously, but even he agreed that the Duarte table could have been any introvert’s definition of hell. There were 16 of them now, but as far as family reunions went, this was a small party for the Duartes. The cousins weren’t even there, you see. And their spouses, and their children. 
Looking around at the diminishing chair supply, Alan finally set his eyes on one that appeared to be free. The man who sat there might have been waiting for company. Still, Alan made his way toward him, fixing his hair mechanically as he asked : “Excuse me, is the chair free?” 
So, maybe letting himself be goaded into doing a couple shots with the regulars at the bar last night wasn’t his best idea, but the coffee Boyd was nursing was soothing his pounding head. It had been nice to get a sound sleep for once, even if he paid for it in the morning. Eventually, he’d have the energy needed to keep hunting the Agropelter he’d been looking for for the last couple weeks. For a sick animal, the thing was elusive. He was sure at the bottom of this coffee lay the energy boost he needed. Boyd had been prodding at a danish for the better part of an hour when a huge group walked in. A Latte To Love was great for people watching, and today they just didn’t stop coming. The number of people in the little cafe made him happy he’d already ordered. They made him want to duck out as soon as possible. 
Boyd wasn’t at all surprised when a member of the large party approached him to ask for the chair across the table from him. The man had kind eyes that caused a little flutter in his chest. Maybe that’s why when he tried to respond, instead of saying “go ahead,” or “take it away,” like he had intended, he blurted out, “Go away.” Cheeks flushing, Boyd cleared his throat. “Sorry, sorry. I meant to say, go ahead. Take it away,” he clarified. He tried to deflect with a small chuckle. “One of those days,” he said with a dismissive shrug. 
“I’m so sorry, I startled you, didn’t I?” Alan gave the other a bashful smile, his eyes drawn to the shade of red on his cheeks at first, then at the dark sweep of the man’s long lashes, the brush of freckles on the bridge of his nose. Right, the chair. Feeling heat rising in his own face, Alan rubbed at the back of his neck while he clarified. With light laughter, he nodded, wrinkles intensifying at the corner of his eyes while he crunched up his nose. “It’s fine, I’d also be at loss of words if I saw that walking in on Sunday morning,” a nightmare that Alan only appreciated because it was composed of people he loved dearly. 
With a happy sigh, he set his hand on the back of the chair, ready to take it away. “We all have those days. I hope it gets better,” a pause, “maybe I can pay for your next coffee cup? To pay for the chair,” right. Of course, Alan, to pay for the chair. 
The crinkle of his eyes, the light blush that lit up his cheeks–if Boyd didn’t know better, he’d say there was still some booze in his system the way he was feeling. Was this guy flirting? It had certainly been a minute since the cowpoke had been on the receiving side of any flirtation, and he was feeling rusty. “I won’t say I wasn’t a bit taken aback. You got a big family,” he said with a nod in the direction of the large party. “Always good to have your people, though.” 
The wish for a better day could be brushed off with a friendly smile, but the comment about repaying him caught him off guard. It seemed this handsome stranger was full of surprises this morning. Boyd looked down at his coffee cup and then back up to the man before him as his smile grew. He nodded with a chuckle. “Right, for the chair. I just might have to take you up on that.” 
"It's like that every Sunday," except on full moons. Alan never knew how he'd feel when he woke up, and every now and then, skipped Sunday meetings under pretext of a business trip or an important seminar. "We'll try to keep the volume reasonable," that wasn't a promise he was sure to be able to keep, though he would at least try. The key was to keep anyone from mentioning sports or politics.
"Just tell them to put it on the tab for Alan Duarte," he didn't need his family name and he was just asking to get stalked online. He'd allow it because he'd first find his business' page, then his social media pages. "Nice meeting you," he smiled. "Thanks for the chair," and with that, he left, shaking his head as his youngest sister gave him a knowing look, as if to say again?
“Nice meeting you,” Boyd repeated, watching as the man–as Alan departed. He hadn’t even told Alan his name, he couldn’t just charge the man the price of a cup of coffee for nothing. He turned back to his coffee, his danish, and questioned if it was strange to look Alan up. Maybe it was. Maybe he shouldn’t do it. Maybe Boyd would just have to come back another Sunday. The thought had his cheeks warming up again. Yeah, he’d definitely need to be back next Sunday.
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livinglouderx3 · 2 years
Team 7 reunion - Part 2
Part 1:
It had been like lighting a fire – something Sasuke was supposedly very good at obviously; because Naruto had started talking almost right away, excitedly telling Sakura and Kakashi all about how the two of them had gotten closer over these past weeks, and closer, and closer. Well, until the kiss had happened – until they had happened, and how that had been the happiest day of his life.
So cheesy.
Their life. Sasuke had wanted to correct him, but refrained from it.
Sakura at first had a mischievous smile on her face – glancing at Sasuke as if to tease him any second now for his unexpected declaration of love, but as Naruto went on with his story the Uchiha noticed how her expression slowly changed, becoming softer and more and more filled with fondness as time passed. Even Kakashi had actually put his book away for once, also listening to Naruto rather intently with no distractions.
Sasuke had to bite his lip in order to fight the smile threatening to form on his face – he didn't want them to  notice just yet how Naruto already had him wrapped around his finger in such a short time, how soft he had already gotten when it came to the man beside him. Sometimes it surprised even himself.  
But no, these things were still reserved only for Naruto at this point – only for when it was just the two of them together.
For now, he would just sit here, letting Naruto tell those two people who had – Sasuke didn't want to deny it any longer – become like a second family to him, to them. Naruto looked so happy, smiling with each word he spoke and the sight alone did things to Sasuke, making his mind spin and his heartbeat get out of control rather quickly. He needed to ground himself, to keep himself from completely losing it – so without a second thought he just did the one thing that calmed him every time, searching for Naruto's hand, squeezing it softly.
Only then did he realize that their fingers were in fact still interlaced – still laying on top of the table.
Naruto immediately went quiet, turning to face Sasuke in the blink of an eye.
Of course.
The Uchiha just sighed, trying to act completely nonchalant about it, “You're already talking their ears off, usuratonkachi. Give them a break, will you?”
He honestly expected Naruto to just pout at him, telling him that they didn't really mind him doing so (Sasuke knew that they didn't – they were more than happy to find out more about so many things they could tease Sasuke about in the future, he was sure). But instead, Naruto once more just surprised him. His blue eyes were soft, locking with Sasuke's dark ones as he gave him a lopsided grin. The blonde tightened his grip on his hand – the touch was warm, filled with love and so, so many promises of happiness. Sasuke almost snorted at the cheesy way his mind worked these days, Naruto's stupidity really must be rubbing off on him.
He rolled his eyes rather dramatically.
An action which made Sakura burst into a laugh – apparently.
“Well, mission complete.”, she tilted her head, raising her hand with a victory peace sign. Both of them turned to her – completely confused by her sudden claim.
“I was already wondering when you two would tell us.”, she explained, her expression suddenly seeming more serious, reflecting, “but you took too long – and I was so excited for you.. so I thought I might as well challenge you to open up, you know-”
It suddenly clicked in Sasuke's mind.
So that's why she had brought Hinata up all of a sudden. It had been a test. He hadn't noticed.
He was about to open his mouth to say something but Naruto beat him to it.
“What-”, Naruto's eyes were wide open, “So you already knew-”
“Have you seen then way you look at Sasuke?” Sakura raised her eyebrows, “Not even I was that whipped for him.”
The blush was back in full force in no time and so clear on Naruto's face that Sasuke truly wanted to punch him.
He should have expected Sakura to notice, honestly – she was smart and perceptive and Sasuke should have known better than to underestimate her like this.
“Although...” The pink haired then turned to him and he knew, in that moment right there, that the true teasing was just about to start.
“I didn't except Sasuke to be the one to break the news...”, she smiled, “You're quite possessive, huh?”
He noticed the way her eyes moved down to glance at their still joined hands.
Unbelievable. She was unbelievable.
He could only let out an amused huff.
Yeah, they'd been fools to think those two wouldn't notice.
SNS Month 22, Day 23: Angels and demons or Hands ☼ ☾
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wikiangela-fanfics · 2 years
Fictober 22 - 3. That was not my intention
fandom: supernatural
ship: Dean x Cas
words: 838
Note: Here's yet another fic where Cas comes back from the dead post 15x18 (can you tell I'm still very much not over that? I don't think I ever will be, no matter how many versions of their reunion I write lol) idk, this was the first thing that popped into my head when I saw this prompt so here we go
Suddenly, Cas is standing right in front of him, and as their eyes meet, it's like everything and everyone else disappears. Dean simultaneously feels like he can finally breathe again, and like he’s holding his breath just in case it’s a trick and it’s not real. 
“Cas.” he whispers, frozen to his spot. He didn’t dare hope that they’d get him back, but here he is. Looking at him with those stupidly blue eyes Dean was sure he’d never see again, and smiling nervously. “You’re back.”
“Hi.” Cas responds and that prompts Dean to close the space between them and hug him tightly, feeling instant relief. He’s really here. It’s real, Dean’s not dreaming. Then, he releases Cas, but stays close, still looking at him, just taking him in. He doesn’t think he ever really let himself look and appreciate Cas, always repressing any feelings and wants instead.
“You dumb son of a bitch.” Dean finally says after a moment of silence, shaking his head. Cas tilts his head in that adorable way of his. Dean’s happy and relieved to see him, really, but now that the initial shock is subsiding, he’s getting ready to let everything off his chest now. “You can’t fucking do that.”
“Do what?”
“Leave me.” he answers, though he really wanted to be more subtle. Well, it’s not like he’s prepared a speech or anything, he wouldn’t let himself believe that Cas might be back. And fuck subtle, anyway. It’s been long enough. “Especially after- after saying all of that?” he’s getting angry, and he hates that. He doesn’t want to be angry. He’s been angry for years. He doesn’t want this emotion to be present at this important moment.
“Dean.” Cas tries to interject, and Dean almost melts hearing Cas say his name again. But he’s not done.
“Wait, let me talk now. It’s my turn.” he takes a deep breath, trying to calm down. He feels overwhelmed by emotions. He’s happy and relieved, at the same time he was just mourning and devastated, and angry at everything that kept them apart for so long, including himself. It’s all too much. He needs a drink. He takes another deep breath and puts his hands on Cas’ shoulders. Cas keeps staring at him with wide eyes. “Everything you said- it took me by surprise. So much was happening, I was so confused… It was a lot to put on me and then just die- and I know, you made a deal, which was fucking stupid, by the way, and you should’ve told me.” he needs to take another deep breath when he hears his voice raising. He’s not going to ruin this moment by being himself. “Honestly, it made me feel like crap. It’s not fair.” he admits and sees hurt in Cas’ eyes. “I mean, when you were gone, and your words hit me, and I realized I’d never be able to say it back. It just made me feel shitty. I was already- I was already miserable every single time you were gone, and this was permanent, and adding your words that I can never reply to on top of that-” his voice shakes and he needs to pause before he cries again. He spilled enough tears in those months when Cas was gone. It’s enough.
“I’m sorry.” Cas says when the silence stretches. “That was not my intention. I didn’t want to make you feel that way.” he tentatively puts his hand on Dean’s cheek and Dean leans into his touch. “I just needed to make sure you knew how good and caring and amazing you are, and how important you are. And how much I love you.” he smiles, probably figuring out from Dean’s ‘speech’ that he feels the same way. Dean puts both his hands on Cas’ cheeks.
“I love you, too, Cas.” he whispers, the words feeling almost foreing in his mouth. He wants to change it, though. He wants to keep saying it to Cas, forever and ever, making up for all the years they wasted, and for all the years ahead. “Please don’t ever leave me again.” he pleads. Cas’ smile widens.
“I won’t. I promise I’ll be right here, for as long as you’ll have me. And I promise, no more secrets. Especially if my life is at stake.” he adds with a hint of amusement, but it’s not funny. Dean is convinced he literally wouldn’t survive losing Cas one more time. That would completely destroy him.
“Sounds good.” he smiles, finally a real, genuine smile, after who knows how long. Then, he leans in slowly, feeling his heart start beating even faster than it has for the whole conversation. And when he finally, finally kisses Cas, he literally feels butterflies in his stomach, which is so cliche and silly, but it’s true. With Cas back, Dean’s whole world feels right again. He feels alive and in love, and ready to spend the rest of his life with his best friend by his side.
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jaimehwatson · 2 years
Jaime’s Our Flag Means Death Fanfiction
I’ve written a bunch of Our Flag Means Death fanfiction since watching the show for the first time earlier this year, and I realized it’s way past time to make a round-up post listing it all! Read on if you’re interested in some short stories about Edward Teach fucking and sucking and experiencing emotions. (The majority of them center around him and Stede being adorable, but Izzy and Jack also make some appearances in the angstier ones, and then I surprised even myself by writing an Izzy/Roach one most recently too!)
Sounds kind of dumb when I say it, but it's true: I would do anything for you - Ed/Stede The first one I wrote not long after finishing the show! A short and sweet first time for Ed and Stede. (Along with a lot of my other ones, this one takes place after a vague and non-specific reunion of some kind. I wasn’t personally interested in writing the details of how they find each other again and resolve their issues—I’ll leave that for the show!—so just assume everyone is mostly fine and don’t worry about it.) 
I hope it stays dark forever, I hope the worst isn't over - Ed/Izzy In contrast to the cuteness of the first one, this one is pretty dark and involves Ed getting a very sad bad blowjob from Izzy. Enjoy!
Want to do something weird? - Ed/Stede Ed and Stede swap outfits again—this time for some (very mild and light-hearted) consensual non-consent roleplay in which Stede plays the role of Blackbeard and vice versa. This one is pretty funny honestly I think.
Restless Nights - Ed/Stede A two-parter with a time skip in between, in which there is Only One Bed! In chapter one, Ed and Stede awkwardly share a bed early in their acquaintance, with Ed being inconveniently turned on by it and Stede being super oblivious. Then chapter two picks up with them in a relationship, sharing the bed habitually on purpose, and reflecting on how much things have changed since then. This one has the most kudos of any of my works on Ao3 so far, so it comes highly recommended by the only-one-bed-lovers of that website! Also features a little bit of soft dom Stede.
Beach Episode - Ed/Stede This was the 69th fic I ever posted on Ao3, so you can absolutely guess what happens in it. Also features from backstory for Ed’s knee injury thanks to resident kinesiology expert @the-girl-with-the-algebra-book!
Let them kiss you and hold you tight, as long as the money's right - Ed/Jack (plus brief Ed/OC and then a cute Ed/Stede epilogue) Angst with a happy ending about young Ed doing sex work and then having a bad relationship with Calico Jack, which he goes on to have a sweet conversation about with Stede at the end. This one comes with my fiancé’s seal of approval—he’s been gradually reading through all these after catching up on the show more recently, and he says this one is his favourite so far because it has the best emotional throughline. And if you need any more encouragement to read it, Calico Jack gets punched in the face during sex!
You're the sun that makes me shine - Ed/Stede In a lot of my other fic, I tend to write Ed as a bottom because of the irresistible parallels to the “run me through” scene. But for this one I decided to switch it up and write about Stede’s first time bottoming instead! Another very short and sweet one.
Silk and Smoke - Ed/Stede In this slightly silly one, Ed and Stede smoke some weed and jack each other off. Also features Lucius walking in on them, and Ed being kind of into that.
What makes Ed happy? - Ed/Jack, Ed/Izzy, and then Ed/Stede over three separate parts I posted this as a series rather than one three-chapter work, since each part can be read as stand-alone if you’d prefer, but as a whole it explores how Ed changes over three different points in his life. It’s got motifs and everything! The middle one with Izzy gets pretty dark, but as this is Izzy Hands we’re talking about, really you can be pretty sure that he’s into it.
If it's blood you want, I've got plenty of it—you're gonna love it - Izzy/Roach primarily but there’s some Ed/Izzy in there too Finally, I got inspired by seeing some good tumblr posts about the ship to write some Izzy/Roach! So in my most recent fic, Izzy gets injured, Roach has to sew up his wound, and Izzy is unexpectedly into it. Ed is there too because I love him!
Thanks for reading this post, and I hope you enjoy my fic if you check some out! I’m sure I’ll be writing more soon :)
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zhongrin · 2 years
//spoiler warning for the P5, P5R and fanmade visual novel//
I'm still a bit giddy so forgive me for my crappy attempt of explaining my feelings properly lol (but then again, it's kind of your fault for making such an amazing game 🥹)
First things first, thank you so much for your GOD-SENT walkthrough 🙌
There were so many parts that I had to pull up the settings menu just to recompose myself LMAO I didn't even have to touch my cheeks to know they were about to go up in flames from Ren's smooth flirty lines 🙈
During the time of his disappearance, even though I knew Ren was gonna come back this time , I still cried like I did in the bad ending 🥲 and during their first reunion as well 🤧
I absolutely loved the affection heart thingy (I forgot the name lol) and how each day the description changed! When it showed "You're down bad for him. So bad." I related to that in my soul 😆
Playing your game was quite a ride bc I've never played Persona 5/P5R, only watched some gameplays (and not even of the full game since atlus has that weird rule 🤡), so many things at the end were a big surprise for me (like that whole alternative dimension thing and the red haired girl). That didn't affect my enjoyment tho! On the contrary, it's making me consider buying the P5R now that it's released on switch 😆
Throughout my gameplay today, each day that passed and scene that happened, I kept thinking "please don't end here, I want more 🥺". Don't get me wrong, the ending was so cute and sweet 🤧 I'm just really addicted to this vn and don't want to leave RenRen 😆 I can't wait to play the GE2 tomorrow!
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i am sobbing. crying. laying on the floor. i wanted to hoard this ask so bad but that wouldn't be fair to you. ironically, even as a writer, i can't express this feeling in words. so have all these instead:
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seiya-starsniper · 2 years
and if I get burned, at least we were electrified - Chapter 3
Link on AO3 [here]
Chapter Summary: Time for a Dreamling reunion! And a guest appearance by Johanna, because I love her to pieces, and someone needs to keep Hob in check while The Corinthian is away.
The Corinthian has been gone for almost a year. 
Hob had taken a week off work after the blond had left to process. He hadn't been able to stay in his flat that whole week, opting instead to crash at Johanna’s. Everything in the flat reminded him of The Corinthian, who hadn't even bothered to pack a bag, just vanished into thin air. Johanna had forced him to start categorizing all her magical artifacts after two days, and Hob was all too happy to have something to take his mind off things.
Afterwards, between travel shutdowns, his university absolutely falling to madness trying to transition to online, and an uptick in supernatural activity (pandemics don’t stop supernatural beings, who knew) so vast that Johanna had asked for his help on a few jobs, Hob hadn’t been able to even go look for The Corinthian even though he had a very good idea of where he was. Or well, at least, what country he was in.
Hob had tried calling, texting, hell he even rang up the witch coven in Edmonton asking if they knew a summoning spell to get him to come back, all to no avail. Johanna didn’t know anything either. She had never even heard of a nightmare walking around the earth prior to The Corinthian. 
“You know mate,” Johanna says now, sympathetic, over their fourth round of drinks. She’d practically had to drag him out of the flat tonight. “I hate to say I told you so but…” she doesn’t finish her sentence. Hob knows what she means. Johanna had not reacted kindly to Hob moving The Corinthian into his flat. She’d cursed him and called him every name under the sun and had told him she wouldn’t come to an idiot’s funeral. She'd said the relationship wouldn't last a year before The Corinthian would get bored, gut him, and leave him.
She had come around, Hob remembered. Eventually. Reluctantly.
Two years after The Corinthian had moved into his flat, Hob and the blond had been tracking a suspected child serial killer. It hadn’t taken long for them to locate the killer’s hiding spot in an old crumbling castle, and on the night they moved to confront him, Hob had been surprised to run into Johanna right outside.
"What the hell, get the fuck off my turf mate," Johanna had said when she spotted them. 
The Corinthian growled in response, and Hob heard it come through all three mouths, which meant he really didn’t like her and that complicated matters.
“Johanna, lovely to see you as always, mind filling me in on why you're here?” Hob asked, trying to lighten the situation.
“Why are you here, I thought the bastard only ate human eyes-,”
“Oh, I like any and all types of eyes, in fact I'll bet the eyes of a Constantine would taste divine,” The Corinthian responded and Hob knew enough about the Corinthian to recognize he was trying discreetly to reach for the knife in his jacket. He stuck out his hand to stop him.
“Ok whoa whoa, Cory, first off, no, Johanna's off limits, not only is she not a criminal, she's also my friend ,” Hob said, gripping the Corinthian’s wrist to show he was serious.
“Your friend who taught you how to blow me up too, if I recall,” The Corinthian noted, a sour tone in his voice, but he didn’t struggle so Hob took that as a good sign.
“Yeah, pity none of it stuck.” Johanna retorted.
“I'll make your death stick you fucking-”
“All right, all right, you're both super scary, that's great,” Hob interrupted before they could get fully off topic with their juvenile antics. “Now, Johanna, there is a child in there that I have been asked to retrieve. His mum's worried sick and the Yard is just spinning their wheels. As much as I'm glad to see you, you being here worries me. Could you tell me why?”
Johanna had softened instantly, then looked utterly miserable at the news.
“The thing in there's an ogre. I'm sorry Hob, I don't think the kid's still alive,” she said sadly.
The reveal broke Hob's heart. Still, he didn't want to give up hope.
“Let us come in with you then," he'd said. Johanna gave them an offended look at the idea she might need help.
"I know, I know." Hob continued. "You're a big girl and you've been doing this for a while, but Cory and I aren't fragile, far from it, so there’s no need to worry about us, even if we do get hurt. Plus, I want to at least find something, if only to bring closure to his mum.” Hob pleaded. He really did not want to return to the woman empty-handed. Johanna looked like she wanted to argue, then decided against it and after a quick rundown, the three of them went inside together.
The resulting fight had been messy. Turns out, there was a whole family of ogres in the crumbling castle. Johanna had been able to take down two before the third had broken her right hand. Hob and The Corinthian had disemboweled it thoroughly in revenge.
In the end, Johanna was right, there was no living child in the castle that they could find, only scattered bones and discarded clothes. Hob would have to break the bad news to the distraught mother. He did manage to locate a jacket that matched the one of the photographs the woman had given him. Proof that her child had been here and gone. There was no need to look for anything else.
The Corinthian easily sensed the dour mood between Johanna and Hob, and had gone off to go eat the three pairs of ogre eyes in private once he’d separated them from their owners. 
He’d come back a short time later in a considerably brighter mood, which Hob found a bit inappropriate, but he reminded himself that The Corinthian was who he was, and he’d probably had a good meal, so at least there was that. They'd have a talk about proper human passing behavior later.
“I know where a whole lot of other ogres are!” The Corinthian bragged. "And a whole lot of children, who are very much, Not Dead. ” Hob could practically hear the capital letters in the blond’s voice, and he raised his head so fast he was pretty sure he gave himself whiplash. He swore he heard Johanna let out a surprised gasp.
Well. The Corinthian now had their full attention.
“Also, I forgot how delicious non-human eyes are, I’ve changed my mind, we should absolutely meet like this more often, Constantine, I would love to get some Fey eyes next time.” The Corinthian continued. “In fact-”
"Cory, where are the damn children?" Hob snarled. The Corinthian's returning feral grin meant he was playing coy on purpose.
"Oh, there’s a hidden dungeon right downstairs.” The blonde shrugged, as if the news didn’t change absolutely everything about the night. “About 30 or so of them. Apparently there’s going to be some sort of family reunion in the next couple of days, so all those kidnappings were prep work for the big feast!" The Corinthian spread his arms wide for emphasis. 
"But you know how ogres are, they like their food fresh so they’ve been trying to plump up the kids with all sorts of garbage to make ‘em taste sweeter." 
“So wait, what you’re saying is-” Hob’s hope is so fragile, but could it be? They didn’t know how many children had been taken, but thirty was quite a lot, so maybe-
"Well, there were definitely some children who were eaten the last few days, just as snacks, mostly homeless orphans, but the one we were looking for is right downstairs Hob!" The Corinthian then turned to Johanna and gave her a conspiratorial grin. "And the rest of the ogres have no idea their hosts are dead so…"
Johanna’s answering devilish grin once she realized the implications had fit right at home with The Corinthian’s. They looked like a pair of naughty children who'd just gotten away with stealing sweets under the adult's noses. Johanna would receive a massive payment for taking out an entire orge's nest and Hob would be able to reunite a single mother with her only child. 
"You've got a little something on your face, love," Hob said later, once they’d left the castle and arranged for the kids to be picked up. He leaned in to swipe the fluid from the blond's face but as soon as he began pulling his hand away, The Corinthian took it instead and licked up Hob’s fingers as if he were licking the blood off one of his own knives. Slowly. With intent. He stared right into Hob’s eyes while doing it too.
"You two are disgusting! " Johanna had yelled before storming off. Hob would’ve thought to chase after her to at least say goodbye, or try to coordinate getting rid of the rest of the ogre nest, but his brain had short-circuited entirely. 
He had never driven home so fast before. The Corinthian had distracted him the whole 25 minute drive.
Hob’s immediately snapped out of his reverie and back to the present by Johanna,“Penny for your thoughts?” 
“Just thinking about the ogre nest,” Hob answers. No need to elaborate past that. Certainly no need to tell Johanna the details of what happened afterwards.
Johanna grimaces like it's a bad memory. It probably was. Even with the happy surprise of finding all those children alive, her hand had taken at least a month to heal. 
“Why are you thinking about- oh you fucking sop. Disgusting, the both of you were that night.” Johanna downs the rest of her beer.
“Look I know the eyeball munching thing takes a bit to get used to but-”
“I wasn't talking about that, although honestly, the eyeball thing is not erotic no matter how many times you try to explain it, you're just a freak.” Johanna interrupts. 
“What was so disgusting then?” Hob asks, curious. He knows his tastes have always been, perhaps, on the other side of eclectic, especially in the last century, but Johanna has had plenty of non-human dalliances herself, he’d have thought she’d have been more open minded about things.  “He made sure he was out of sight when he ate all their eyes, when we thought all those kids were dead. The epitome of politeness, if you ask me.”
“You really don't know? God the thing doesn't even have eyes-”
“He's not a thing Johanna-”
“But anyone could tell he was so far gone for you, it was nauseating. He looked at you like you were the only thing worth looking at in the whole damn universe. And you were doing the exact same thing back at him. Like a goddamn romance novel from Hell.”
As much as she's insulting him, Hob knows she's also trying to reassure him. He's thought about their last night nonstop, turning it over and over in his head. He still doesn’t have any answers for why the blonde left the way he did.
“I just don't know why he left,” Hob groans, frustrated with the line of thought. “Especially after I gave-” Hob stops suddenly, realizing he hasn’t told Johanna what happened that night. He wasn't ready for her judgment on his actions back then, and he’s not sure he’s ready now, but it may be too late to back out now. 
“…after you what Hob?” Yep, no backing out now. She’d been trying to get this story out of him for a while, and now that he thinks about it, the drinks were probably a means to multiple ends. 
“Well I mean….we had this job go terribly pear shaped,” Hob starts, praying that he can focus on the minutiae of the botched job and get Johanna lost in the details.
“ What. Did. You. Do . Hob?” No chance of bullshitting his way out of the conversation now.
“I lost an eye, all right!” Hob admits. “And you know I can grow those things back like grapes, and the eye was still perfectly intact so I just thought…”
“You gave him YOUR EYE?” Johanna practically yells. Well now the whole bar is staring at them, and Hob can tell a few of them are checking to see if he still has both eyes. He really should have just insisted on taking her to the private back room he’d built for his business meetings, but Johanna just plopped down at the bar when they’d come downstairs, wanting to be as close to the beer taps as possible. 
“I didn’t want it to go to waste!” Hob frantically tries to whisper, then tries and fails to put his hand over Johanna's mouth. 
Johanna looks heavenward, as if that will somehow provide answers. Or a pity smiting to escape this conversation, Hob's not entirely sure.
Finally, she sighs.
“Look…” she tries. “Maybe he just got overwhelmed. Has to process things alone before he can come back. You've got a whole lot of memories in that noggin of yours, and he probably got spooked by something,” but Hob knows neither of them believe it. Still.
“It felt like a final goodbye, but you're not wrong,” Hob concedes. “I don't know what he saw, but whatever it was definitely spooked him. I wish he would've just asked me instead of running off. I couldn’t even go after him with all the shutdowns happening right after, and he still won’t pick up my calls. I'd be off there chasing him down now if I could take the time off from classes.”
There's silence for a beat. Then, "S'not just the job keeping you here though, innit?" Johanna slurs.
“What do you mean?”
“Your Stranger. The one who gave you all this,” she gestures at him. “You're still waiting for him, aren't you? It's why you won't leave the UK for anything, travel restrictions be damned. You could do video lectures from anywhere now too, but you’re here waiting for a man who you’re not even sure still wants to see you.”
“Hey now, that’s not fair, I still have other duties to attend to here too! Plus I wouldn’t even know where to start looking for Cory,” Hob tries to defend himself. 
“Yeah, but that's not the point , Hob. The point is you're waiting on some guy to show up to this pub and maybe you stopped waiting every week with your blond man around but now that he’s gone and left you, you're right back at it waiting for a different man who left you like a lovesick fool.” She points at him. “You, my friend, have got a problem. ”
Hob downs the rest of his whiskey instead of answering. 
When Hob heads upstairs to his flat, warmed from both the whiskey and Johanna's company, he runs his fingers over the sigil The Corinthian had carved into his bed shortly after he'd begun living with Hob. He smiles ruefully at the memory. It was the first time The Corinthian had opened up to him about what kind of supernatural entity he was.
Hob had spent the better part of the last century living with either restless, dreamless sleep, or with nightmares that shook him so much he'd wake up screaming. It had been a long time since he'd had any other type of dream. His condition started around the time the Sleepy Sickness started, and Hob had been glad he hadn’t fallen prey to some of the more severe conditions, such as no sleep at all, or a perpetual sleep. Hob had made it a habit to avoid doctors and it would’ve been rather hard to explain himself not aging while in either of those states.
It didn’t take long after moving in for The Corinthian to offer up his services to alleviate Hob of his troubles. Turns out, the Quora article was right after all. 
"So, what, you're a nightmare and doing this will help stop me having bad dreams?" Hob had asked as he watched The Corinthian inspect his bed for the perfect spot to carve.
"It'll keep the others of my kind away, yes. I haven't been back in an age, but I know most of the other nightmares have gone absolutely feral in our creator's absence.” The Corinthian grinned, as if the knowledge greatly pleased him. It probably did. 
“The creator who tried to kill you? The one who went missing, and that’s why we have the Sleepy Sickness?” Hob asked and The Corinthian nodded. 
“The one and only. I’m sure the realm’s a bit of a mess, but the other nightmares should still leave you alone once I put my mark here, if they know what's good for them." Hob swears The Corinthian’s grin grew even more feral.
"And what exactly is this mark?" Hob tapped at the symbol The Corinthian had put on paper to show him what he’d be carving. “A protection spell of some kind?”
"It's my name,” The Corinthian replied. “My true name, from when I was first born into existence. It means that I’ve claimed you as my dreamer, and you’re mine."
Hob's breath stuttered in his lungs. He'd wondered if The Corinthian could tell the effect the sentence had on him. It was the closest the blond had come so far to saying what Hob meant to him. Hob already knew at that point that he was falling for the nightmare, and this certainly wasn’t helping his case.
"Go on then," he said, possibly a little (a lot) more breathily than he meant to. "Carve your name into my bedpost. Show everyone that I'm yours."
The Corinthian had also cut his name into Hob’s chest, right beneath his collarbone (for extra insurance, he said) later that night, right after he had sunk his hips down onto Hob’s cock. The twin sensations of pain and pleasure had nearly driven him over the edge, and Hob had needed to grab the base of himself to stop himself from coming too early. The Corinthian, little shit that he was, took that as a challenge.
The wound had healed of course, but Hob still feels the mark there, like a ghost. He had kept the paper drawing in a folder too, because he was sentimental. He wonders, not for the first time, if he’s able to be tattooed, but he’d always been too afraid to go into a shop in the event the tattoo doesn’t take with the way his skin heals, and he’d have to explain himself. For now, the mark on his bed will have to do. 
The nightmares stopped entirely after that night. Hob's still not sure how exactly the whole naming, claiming, thing works, but he's started praying to it at night, wishing for The Corinthian to stay safe wherever he was, but mostly wishing he would just come home.
Almost two years after The Corinthian leaves, The Stranger walks into The New Inn and stands in front of Hob's table.
It's the first time in a long time Hob forgets about The Corinthian. All he can do is stare at the ethereal being in front of him and think finally.
"You're late," Hob says, and realizes he's smiling. It's been so long since he last smiled genuinely that it feels both foreign and comforting at once. 
What he doesn’t expect next is to see his own smile returned. Even if he had the most expensive and high quality camera known to man on hand, Hob doesn’t think any piece of mere human technology could capture the brilliance.
“It seems I owe you an apology,” his Stranger says. “I've always heard it impolite to keep one's friends waiting.”
Friends. His Stranger had called him his friend. He's acknowledged their bond, their companionship. Maybe a little bit later than Hob had been hoping for, but it was worth the wait. His friend was worth all the time in the world. 
Hob’s centennial companion pulls out the chair in front of the table and sits down across from him. He hasn’t stopped smiling. Neither has Hob. 
Time passes like that for a while. It’s not awkward, there’s no tension, just pure contentment to look at each other for the first time in 133 years. If Hob didn’t know any better, he’d think he’d think he’d died without his knowledge and gone to heaven. 
“Hi dear, can I get you anything?” The waitress’s sunny question shakes them both out of their trance.
“Anything my friend wants, my treat Anna,” Hob says before the other man can answer. 
“I thank you, Hob,” his friend answers then turns to Anna, his smile more muted now, but not any less dazzling. “A glass of dry red wine please, the oldest vintage you have available.”
“You and your wine.” Hob laughs when Anna leaves. He recalls that wine, usually a red, would be the only thing his friend would ever order at their meetings. Some things just never changed. 
“It is, admittedly, one of my favorite inventions by humans,” the dark haired man replies, then purses his lips. “And I have been without it for quite some time.”
“Have you now?” Hob asks, sensing a story. “Well then, you can have all the red wine we have here, I don’t mind.”
“Ah yeah, this place, The New Inn? It’s mine.” Hob admits. “I don’t really get too involved in the operations side of things anymore, but I tend the bar from time to time when there’s no classes. I know you probably saw, but the old White Horse was going to be turned into flats by some reprehensible folks, and I’ve had enough wealth accumulated over the years that I was able to stop the whole operation in its tracks. Couldn’t keep the damn place open though, so I decided to build on the land right by it instead.”
“You…built a pub? So that we could continue to have a place to meet?” The other man asks, astonished.
“Of course! Isn’t that what friends are for?” Hob replies. He really hopes he hadn’t read the whole thing wrong and his friend doesn’t walk out on him again for presuming things. It’s only now just occurring to Hob that building an entire pub for someone, even a not entirely human entity, is a bit much.
Of all the reactions the Stranger could have had though, the absolute last one Hob expects is tears.
“Even after I was forced to miss our last meeting. Without knowing if I had abandoned you or not, you still kept your faith in me? Enough that you built a place so that I may take sanctuary after my imprisonment?” The Stranger's voice is filled with unbridled emotion as more tears freely spill down his cheeks.
Imprisonment? Well now. Hob has a whole lot of questions, but first and foremost, he had a friend to comfort. He reaches across the table and takes the man’s hand in his own. Squeezes it for good measure. It’s the first time they’ve ever touched in 700 years and it feels electric , more so when his friend begins to run a hesitant thumb along his. 
“My friend,” Hob says after a brief silence. “I would build you thousands of sanctuaries across the world, no, across the entire universe, if I meant that I could meet you at each one and offer you a place to rest.”
Hob decides to take a chance. To be bold. He’s already gotten more than he could have ever hoped for, what’s one more risk?
He reaches over with his other hand to wipe the tears from his friend’s face. The other man looks shocked, as if he hadn’t realized he were crying. No, more like he had forgotten. What had filled his friend so full of grief for so long that he could no longer comprehend his own tears? 
“I know it’s customary for me to update you on everything I’ve been up to in the last hundred years.” Hob says. “But I think I’d like to know what’s happened to you instead, if you’re willing to tell me. However much or little,” he adds, reassuringly.
His friend is quiet for a long time, expression contemplative. Anna comes back with the wine, raises her eyebrows, but blessedly, does not mention the emotional moment fraught between them.
“I’ll come back with the rest of the bottle in a little bit, just holler when you’d like it, all right?” she says and in a flash she’s gone, leaving them to their privacy.
The Stranger still hasn’t let go of his hand, and does not appear to want to. He instead uses his free hand to pick up the glass Anna had left so he can sip at his wine. After a few minutes, he sighs and begins to speak.
“Do you remember, in 1789, when we had spoken about how beings such as us could be hurt, or captured?” the Stranger asks solemnly.
Hob remembers. He nods and squeezes their hands together, prompting the man to continue.
“In 1916, a man named Roderick Burgess had sought to capture my sister, Death, in an attempt to resurrect his son lost in battle.” the Stranger says. “His spell entrapped me instead. He then used more magic to bind me within the basement of his estate, and I lay there for more than 100 years. Roderick demanded many things from me, his son alive again, riches, immortality, all of which were not things that I could give, nor would I have wanted to, if I could.”
There is so much in that first bit that Hob doesn’t know where to start. He goes with the most pressing question he has.
“But I thought Roderick died in the 1930s! Why couldn’t you escape then?” Hob remembers now, with a sinking feeling, that there were plenty of rumors about Roderick Burgess having trapped the Devil in his basement. He wishes he’d looked into it more, wishes he could’ve found his friend earlier and broken him out of that awful prison.
“Roderick did die, in 1926 actually, and his son had offered me freedom, if only I would not hurt him and his lover in revenge for my capture.” his friend confirms. “The son was young when his father took me, but he was nearly an adult when he murdered my raven companion, Jessamy, on the order of his father. I could not forgive him for that." His Stranger now grips Hob's hand at the memory, pained anger crossing his face. Hob wants to wipe away that expression too.
"My anger and pride kept me imprisoned for an additional 96 years, until finally, in their old age and near death, his paramour took pity on me and broke the enchantment imprisoning me.”  
“Jesus Christ,” Hob breathes. “Was there no one you could call to for help? What about your sister, did she know you were trapped?” There is absolutely no way someone could defy Death of all things, especially if someone trapped her own brother. Hob makes a mental note to ask about the whole family tree later.
“My siblings all knew of my capture, and yet none of us are allowed to intervene in each other's affairs, unless asked. It is another thing my pride has cost me. I need only ask their help and any one of them would have come for me. Instead, I chose silence.”
“But that’s not fair! I know you’re not human and so you have different rules than me, but amongst us humans, we give help to our families even when it’s not asked for! Sometimes, especially when it’s not asked!” Hob argues.
“It is the way of the Endless, Hob.” the Stranger says with a finality that tells Hob the subject is closed. Hob wants to continue to press, but he asks instead,
“Endless, so that’s what you are then?”
“Yes. There are seven of us in total. And I must apologize once again for keeping you waiting on another thing for the last few hundred years. My name.” 
Hob feels his heart stutter in his chest. 
“I have been called many things over the years. My most recent name in human tongues has been Morpheus.”
Morpheus. It's a regal sounding name, fit for a king. Hob’s just getting used to the idea of it in his head when Morpheus speaks again.
“But as my friend, you may call me by my truest name, Dream.”
Dream. What a beautiful name. All of his names are beautiful, Hob imagines, and he’d like to learn them all. 
“Well, Dream, my friend, can I buy you a drink and a meal then?” Hob asks, squeezing their hands together again. “I'll catch you up on all that you've missed.”
“I would be happy with anything you are willing to offer me, my friend,” Dream replies.
They get the rest of the wine, and Hob some food. Dream does not order anything for himself, content to partake in whatever Hob is willing to share, which is everything. He unfortunately has to relinquish his hand from Dream’s to eat, but they freely reach for one another when the moments allow. It is far from the regal meal he had offered to his friend in 1589, and yet, Hob thinks it tastes better. 
Hob is now telling Dream stories about the last hundred years. It’s been quite possibly the most interesting century he’s lived through so far. 
He shies away from anything related to The Corinthian. Hob had been a mercenary in his past life, killing for other people's money, so he knows Dream won't judge him, may even commend him for trying to do some good for people who slip through the flawed justice system. But explaining Cory is a story all on its own, and the memories are still too fresh and painful, especially with how things were left off (Hob still refuses to admit they've ended). Still, the blond was such an integral part of life in the last ten, no, twelve years . Hob is still counting the two years The Corinthian has been gone. 
“Hob?” Dream’s voice snaps him out of his self-pity inner monologue. Hob forgot what he had been talking about, but he knows he needs to get back to more light hearted topics before he ends up crying at the table himself. 
“Sorry about that, don't know what came over me!”
“You've become melancholy despite describing a happy memory,” Dream observes.
“Ah yeah, well.” Hob decides to open up, just a little. "I went through a break up not too long ago. Well it's been almost two years now, but we were together almost ten years before that." It's not much, but even admitting that The Corinthian left him out loud to someone else feels like tearing open a not yet healed scar.
“Ten years is not an insignificant amount of time, especially for mortals. It is understandable why you would be distraught,” Dream says. This time, it is the Endless who squeezes Hob's hand in reassurance.
“Yeah, I still miss him too." Hob says. “Didn't even get a proper goodbye, one day everything's perfect and then he just up and left.” He tries not to choke on those last few words, but it's more difficult than he'd like to admit.
“Him?” Dream asks. Right, Hob's only ever had female partners to speak of whenever they met once a century.
“Oh yeah, another fun 20th century thing I discovered, turns out I'm bisexual!” Hob declared proudly.
It really hadn't been that much of a discovery, nor had it come in the 20th century. Rather, it had been in 1789 when Hob had realized he may have inappropriate feelings for the man sitting across the table from him. 
He had tried to gently bring up the topic in 1889, prefacing things with friendship first so as not to alarm his companion, but Dream had reacted so poorly to being regarded as a friend that Hob hadn't even gotten the chance to be romantically rejected.
And then Dream hadn't shown up in 1989 and had broken Hob's heart.
Hob is glad to know Dream didn’t abandon him on purpose, and he’s even more glad he waited for him and built them a new place to meet. But his heart is still too raw to even think about trying to start something with Dream, not when he's just gotten him back, not when his heart still belongs somewhere in America.
“But enough about me and my poor broken heart, let me tell you about the internet!”
Dream looks like he wants to press, but instead gracefully accepts the subject change and allows Hob to enlighten him about YouTube, memes, and Netflix. 
At some point in the night, Hob catches sight of a breaking story on BBC, on one of the pub’s televisions. A British tourist had been found on a beach in Florida. His eyes are missing. The story then goes into the mysterious resurgence of killings by The Corinthian in the United States. It seems like there’s been a murder at least once a month, if not more, in the last two years.
Fucking hell Cory, what are you doing?, Hob thinks despairingly.
“What are you looking at?” Dream asks, curious.
“Terrible news mostly, sorry about that, I’m going to ask them to change the channel.” Hob says. He can’t stomach looking at this. Before he’s able to get up, though, Dream turns to look at the television screen behind him and his entire demeanor changes.
Hob feels as if all the air in the room has suddenly disappeared. If there were ever a reminder for the immortal that his oldest friend is not human, this is it.
"The Corinthian," he hisses, venom dripping on every syllable.
“Wait a minute, you know him?!” Hob asks, and his mind suddenly spins a thousand conclusions.
The Corinthian told Hob that he was a nightmare. His creator, the one who had tried to kill him, was a king, who presided over the realm of dreams and nightmares and he…
Hob suddenly has a flashback to ancient Greek history, the old poems, the name Morpheus…
Morpheus. Dream.
Dream is The Corinthian’s creator. The one who had tried to unmake him…in 1916…almost a hundred years ago.
Dream continues, unaware of Hob's panic. “The Corinthian is a wayward creation of mine. I was in the middle of unmaking him for some grievous crimes when I was captured by Roderick. I also have my suspicions that he provided advice to Roderick on how to keep me contained.”  
Suspicions that Hob knows to be true. The Corinthian had told him once that he'd gone to visit his creator's captors to make sure he wouldn't get free. Hob feels wretched for not pushing The Corinthian more on who exactly his creator was but the blond had always been so cagey about his origins, and Hob had learned from his 1889 meeting with Dream not to push too many boundaries on supernatural entities. As far as he was concerned, The Corinthian was a survivor of a cruel, uncaring master and Hob was just glad to have him in his life. He's not sure how to reconcile the image The Corinthian painted of his creator with his centennial companion who certainly has a temper, but was anything but cold and unfeeling.
Dream stands suddenly, only barely managing to not knock his chair to the floor.
“I apologize, Hob, for cutting our time short, but I must reign him in before more are cut down by his selfishness.”
“Wait Drea-”
But Morpheus is already gone. It's so sudden, so familiar, that Hob realizes he's an idiot for not noticing it before.
Shit shit shit, Hob thinks.
He pulls out his phone and dials a number he still knows by heart despite not hearing from it in almost two years. 
The number you have dialed has been disconnected. The operator automatically answers.
All Hob can do now is wait, and hope that his lover and his old friend don’t tear themselves apart. He’s not sure whose side he’d even choose.
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