#so many sources and reading paper written by people with depression and treatments
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nicoleartist · 8 years ago
Strange things that I have found help kick my depressions ass
Actually making breakfast. cereal wont cut it. Cook an egg and have a fruit with it. I’m serious.
Get at least 1 house chore done a day, even if its tiny. Cleaned 3 cups? Better than no cups and now you’re 3 cups cleaner. You did that.
Washing my face with a towel. I don’t get it either but it makes me feel good.
Limiting media intake. 1 anime a day before work is the limit. Still get the fun stuff you like, regularly, just limited, so you don’t feel like you’re wasting time.
Grow something. Like even if its just a single flower. It came to life because you grew it, took care of it, nurtured it. You did that.
Time alone. I’m like, a hyper introvert so I gotta have an hour to myself alone every day, minimum.
Reminding yourself it’s okay to make mistakes when trying something new, or even something not new. Mistakes just mean your learning. If you don’t make mistakes, you can’t learn anything. It’s necessary.
Do your hobbies regularly, but limit them. Drawing 10 hours a day with a job 5 days a week isn’t healthy, and only leads to several week long burnouts and artblock.
Also, not fully completing work. I tend to leave 1 thing that I really wanted to get done for tomorrow, so I have a motive to wake up in the morning. Like doing the dishes, but skipping cleaning the microwave that day. Do the microwave tomorrow. (and that helps me from doing something, cowardly, again)
Stop. Listening. To. Sad. Music. If you feel bad, purposely listen to more positive, upbeat, good vibe music. Don’t cave to the feels. Don’t.
List probably won’t work for everyone, but maybe some of these things that are weird things that I do will help you.
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villainess-noble-girl · 4 years ago
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«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Title: Second-Year Valentine's Day
Author: meiberry
Link: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12852677/1/Second-Year-Valentine-s-Day
Fandom: Kenkyo Kenjitsu
Pairing: EnjouXReika
Photo: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/67148847
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
"No. I'm not going to take it. It's going to make me sleepy. Plus it tastes like soap."
The muffled voice of Yukino came from beneath the covers. The IV drip tube poked out from the ball of sheets in the hospital bed.
Shuusuke sighed at his little brother's stubborn actions. Good thing he came prepared for this. "Yukino. Kisshouin-san wrote you a letter."
The ball of sheets shifted, and Yukino's head popped out from beneath the covers, his doe peering up at Enjou in surprise. "...Reika-oneesama?"
Shuusuke held up a small pink envelope with "Yukino-kun" written in neat handwriting in the center. Yukino reached for it when Shuusuke swept it back out of reach with a gentle smile.
"..." Sullenly, Yukino obediently drank the medicine. Watching as he finished it, Shuusuke patted his head and handed him a glass of water with a piece of candy to take care of the medicine's bitter aftertaste. Yukino popped the candy in his mouth with one hand and eagerly held out the other, looking up at Shuusuke expectantly. Shuusuke handed him the letter and watched as his little brother opened it earnestly.
In the beginning, Shuusuke was pretty surprised to see him get along so well with an older girl. Usually, Yukino was not so nice. He was a really smart kid for his young age, and many older girls had been trapped by his soft, harmless facade only to be humiliated and insulted beyond repair. But recently, Shuusuke found that with Kisshouin, Yukino seemed to genuinely act like his appearance.
Shuusuke could see why. Kisshouin clearly didn't have any ulterior motives when speaking to Yukino. Older girls usually saw Yukino as a means to an end. If they weren't patronizing then they were obsequious, obviously trying to use the younger brother to get to the older one. But when it came to Kisshouin… if anything, it was as if her treatment of the two brothers was reversed. In the ten years of knowing her, the very first time that Kisshouin started a one-on-one conversation with Shuusuke that lasted longer than one minute happened to be because Yukino. It was a dreadfully humbling experience. Yukino has sure put up with a lot these past few years.
In any case, no matter how devilish he was to other people, in the end, Yukino really was still a little boy, and Shuusuke was simply grateful that he was able to be just a normal, cute kid with someone, even if it was a girl who clearly didn't put Shuusuke in her eyes.
He watched peacefully as his little brother's eyes happily flew across the letter.
"Kisshouin-san really cares about Yukino."
Yukino shot a glance over at him, "What? Is oniisama jealous?" And then he continued reading his letter.
"And don't think that I don't realize you told her to write this to make me obediently stay in the hospital."
Shuusuke smiled wryly. When he could tell Yukino was finished reading, he continued, "Well, Yukino seems to really like Kisshouin-san. I thought maybe you would listen if she asked you personally."
Yukino smiled, happy from finishing Kisshouin's letter. "Yeah, I do like her. Reika-oneesama is really nice and she's not just pretending. Do you want to read it, oniisama? I'll let you read it, since you asked her to write this for me. I'm going to the bathroom."
Yukino handed the letter to Shuusuke as he climbed out of bed and grabbed at his drip stand to roll it into the bathroom in the room.
Shuusuke blinked at the letter in his hands. Although he didn't ask to read it, he was honestly pretty curious. What did she say to Yukino to cheer him up, anyways?
The letter was not very long, and it fit neatly on the cute stationary decorated with little birds and vines.
Enjou-sama told me that you are admitted to the hospital. I am worried for your health. Your family must be even more worried than me. I hope you take care of your body because many people care about you very much, and we want for you to quickly become well again. With that said, I hope you listen to the doctor so that you can leave the hospital soon. I know that sometimes it is really hard to do something you don't like. But experts have their reasons for their advice.
Recently I have been learning to make desserts from a friend. To be honest, my dessert-making skill is much farther behind my cooking. I think I know what to do when I try to be creative and individual with my own ideas, but actually, my friend tells me that the greatest mistake in baking is not following from the recipe. This is completely different from cooking, where not following the recipe is not that big of a deal. When I listened to my friend, I made a dessert more delicious than anything I'd ever made in my life! I realized at that moment, ah, so that is the difference between a normal person and an expert. With that said, I hope you understand the importance of listening to experts such as your doctor.
When you come back, you'll be able to see your other friends and me in the Petite Pivoine salon again.
Wishing you a quick recovery,
Kisshouin Reika
By the time Yukino returned from the bathroom, Shuusuke had already finished reading the letter and had set it on the tray over the foot of Yukino's bed.
"So, what did you think of Kisshouin-san's letter? Are you going to listen to her when she asks to you listen to to doctor's advice?"
"I guess." Yukino sat at the foot of the bed and picked up the letter again, folding it and carefully putting it back in its envelope before he flopped back into bed, pulling the covers over himself. "The way she asks me to listen to the doctor is just less irritating than when you ask me to listen to the doctor."
Shuusuke helped put the covers over Yukino.
"I wonder why Reika-oneesama is learning to make desserts." Yukino looked at Shuusuke, his eyes widening. "Valentine's Day is coming up, isn't it? I wonder what Reika-oneesama is making…"
"Hmm. Who knows."
"I wonder if she's learning to bake something for the person she likes..."
"Hmm. Who knows."
Yukino's eyes widened like big dark marbles as he looked at Shuusuke.
"You're curious, too, aren't you oniisama? Ne, ne, what kinds of sweets has oniisama received from Reika-oneesama on Valentine's day?"
"Actually, I've never received anything from Kisshouin-san on Valentine's Day."
Shuusuke thought about how in the ten years since he's known Kisshouin Reika, she has never given anyone Valentine's chocolates. Year after year, the whole school secretly held its breath in wonder at who the Goddess Kali of Suiran would afflict with her attentions. And year after year the answer was an anti-climatic… nobody.
Kisshouin Reika never gave anybody at Suiran chocolates for Valentine's day. Him and Masaya were not excluded.
Ah, wait, that's not right. Last year she gave courtesy chocolates to the student council president. In fact, Shuusuke was the one who pointed this out to Masaya... Even though she had done it in secret, for Kisshouin Reika to give chocolates to a guy at Suiran was no small matter and in the end the word leaked anyways. Because she had done it pretty secretively, there were no massive rumours, but the thing about secrets was that they always spread. Shuusuke heard about it from the more low-key sources.
Back then, he had remembered how she seemed to have had a crush on the same student council president back in middle school, but nothing had happened even after all these years. For nothing to have happened all this time, what other conclusion was it other than unrequited love? He hinted at this story of camaraderie to Masaya in hopes of inspiring him to move on with his life. Unrequited love was not the end of the world. Just look at Kisshouin-san.
Who knew that the whole thing would have worked out so beautifully at graduation. Tomoe Senju actually had a girlfriend! And he called Kisshouin Reika a sister in front of everybody. Masaya was so moved by Kisshouin's composure and courage. Shuusuke felt like he was watching Masaya watch a romance movie. Out of all the times that he's taken advantage of Kisshouin, Shuusuke felt most proud about the way that one turned out. Witnessing the way Kisshouin "handled" the student council president's "public rejection" totally inspired Masaya and brought him back from depression. He completely recovered from Yurie's rejection after that.
Yukino's marble eyes seemed to glitter in wonder as he looked up at the handsome young man sitting beside the bed.
"Wow, even though every year it seems like you get chocolates from every single girl we know, there is actually one girl who has never given you any chocolates… not even once! Hehhh..."
Yukino did not look or sound sympathetic at all with the the corner of his lips twitching upwards.
"That reminds me... when we first met and I introduced myself, Reika-oneesama made a 'geh!' face when she heard my name, like she was really saddened to hear that Oniisama was my oniisama... I thought that maybe she hated you!"
"Hmm. I sure hope Kisshouin-san doesn't hate me. But if she does hate me, then that's unfortunate."
"No, no. I don't think Reika-oneesama hates you, Oniisama! She probably doesn't even think about you at all."
"..." Shuusuke's expression remained serene as he stayed silent.
Yukino looked at his face and suddenly giggled. Shuusuke joined in with a few chuckles. For a short moment, they laughed together.
Yukino turned over in bed. "Don't worry, oniisama. Maybe one day Reika-oneesama will also remember to give you chocolates, too."
"Oh yeah, oniisama, could you find me something to write with? I want to write Reika-oneesama a reply."
"...Alright. I'll go find you some paper."
The next morning, Shuusuke thanked Kisshouin for her letter to Yukino. She looked really happy that it helped. Yeah, it was really useful. She was pretty humble.
"Yukino said that it was fun to read about making sweets."
"I could only think of unimportant things to say… well..."
Hm, there it was. Shuusuke could always hear the instant whenever it sounded like Kisshouin was trying to wrap up a conversation and escape. Usually, he'd just let her go. But for some reason, he didn't feel like it this time. The words Yukino said yesterday skipped around his mind, reviving an old and annoying itch.
"So Kisshouin-san is making sweets. Could it be that on Valentine's day..."
"Umm…" He watched as Kisshouin's eyes lowered, her cheeks blushing very lightly. He could imagine her cheeks must have been warm to the touch now. "Yes..."
It'd be a lie to say that he never expected any chocolates from Kisshouin Reika. It wasn't to say that he wanted her chocolates or anything like that. In fact, the idea of actually eating Kisshouin Reika's handmade sweets seemed like something that belonged to the realms of extreme adventures and chemically dangerous thrill-seeking. Although, whether or not Reika's chocolates are edible, Shuusuke wouldn't want to eat them anyways, as he didn't have a sweet tooth, but...
...He still expected to get them.
It was about logic. If a girl knew Enjou Shuusuke, then she would give him chocolates on Valentine's day. (The same applied to Kaburagi Masaya.) Three of five of chocolates would be honmei. That was the rule. He knew it was a very unique and extraordinary rule. Certainly not every boy in the world had the ridiculous privilege of receiving a mountain of chocolates and sweets from all the girls he knew. But, that was his experience.
In accordance with his life experience, it was natural to expect chocolates from a girl he knew when he's always received chocolates from every girl he knew. With no exceptions.
Except this one.
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kyokorambles · 5 years ago
Writing Characters with Mental Illness
This is just a general guide and please feel free to correct me and or add to the list! This is meant to be used as a cheat sheet for authors who would like some general guidance when it comes to the above topic.
I just read a statistic that stated  46.4% of people in the USA will experience some form of mental illness in there adult life time. That’s almost half of us! Yet its not something we to want to talk about, and it seems to be under-represented in mainstream media. 
If you are looking for a piece of fiction that focuses on a characters struggle with mental illness, you will have better luck with self published works or fan fiction. While some authors get it just right, I see more often then not authors that ether romanticize it, misrepresent it, or my personal pet peeve of making it a personality quirk. 
Here is a list of my personal Do’s and Don’t for writing mental illness. Again, feel free to correct me, add to the list, or share your thoughts! 
Things I try and avoid: 
Avoid Romanticizing or Eroticizing mental illness. This not only sends the wrong message to your readers who are from the 53.6% of the population that are not effected by mental illnesses, but it perpetuates harmful stereotypes. No one is going to swoop into your life and ‘fix’ you, and we need to stop setting that expectation… Panic attacks are not endearing or cute, self harm is a serious red flag, not something that makes you beautiful or unique. The person is suffering dont invalidate that. You know what is romantic and beautiful? Partners/friends/family that are encouraging you to seek professional help and going with you to your first doctors appointment, SO’s who help there partners fight there illness by reminding them to take there medication, eat, or rest, Partners who hate your self harm scars as much as you do, but remind you that YOU are beautiful and they aren’t something to be ashamed of. This last one is just as important but reversed. SO’s who remind you that your struggle is valid even if you don’t have battle scars that others can see.
Avoid writing outside of your understanding. This does not mean you have to suffer a mental illness to include one in your work, but research is key. Ask a friend who might struggle with it. If you don’t have one, just ask Tumbler. I am sure someone will be happy to give you an inside scoop. 
Avoid making the entire story about the mental illness. It’s not that you can’t… but remember that your MC is not there mental illness so its a good idea to have the main plot unrelated to their head space. Good news is that people live there lives every day with mental illness! So it’s far more realistic to write a main plot of Rags to riches, Voyage and return, or what every you fancy, and have the characters struggle with mental illness as a subplot. 
Avoid making any mental illness a quirk. Just like making it seem ‘romantic’ its just as harmful to write red flags off as part of a characters personality. When we do this we are minimizing the issue. The teenager that is constantly in there room and isolating themselves? The coworker that seems to constantly be frazzled and jumping from project to project without really completing one? The ‘wine aunt’ who pops in and out of the family and is always sloshed? Those are not “just the way they are” “There personalities” or “quirks.” They are red flags and again 53.6% of the population will probably assume that if the rest of your work is well written, you know what you’re talking about so it must be like that in real life too. 
Things I try to include: 
Accuracy!! I follow the ‘write what you know’ rule personally and I also shamelessly project onto my characters. I am brutally honest about the good, the bad, and the ugly and lay my characters bear to show exactly what is going through their brain so the reader is with them every step of the way. Sometimes that means showing them being irrational, selfish, afraid, or doing hurtful things to others/loved ones. if your MC is the one with the mental illness, then sometimes it means showing the reader an inaccurate picture of the situation through your MC’s pov and that is ok. Unreliable narrators are a thing and a useful tool! 
Do show them learning to manage and thrive with there mental illness!  Maybe they manage with coping mechanisms they teach themselves, maybe with medication, maybe they learn ways to recognize and redirect there behavior after going to therapy. You can do this in so many ways, but I always make a point to show that characters may still have bad days, weeks, or even months, but that they learned how to deal with there issues in a healthy way. A lot of personality disorders, mental illness and the likes have no cure. There are tons of treatment options to help manage, but learning to live with it and make it work is something that doesn’t get enough light. 
Subtlety is king and adds a whole new depth to your work. Here is the thing. When your depressed your are not thinking “man I am so depressed” most of the time. Some people don’t even realize that the way they feel isn’t ‘normal’. Ever head of show dont tell? I am sure most of us have gotten this critique on our work at one time or another, and this is really something to take to heart. Its one thing to say “I am depressed” it is another thing to walk the reader though what life is actually like when you are depressed especially if they have never been depressed. Take time to show how little things pile up over time until its ‘too much.’ Show the character as they hit there braking point after a hard fought struggle. 
Show how mental illness comes into play in a relationship both romantic and platonic. You can do this without romanticizing it I swear. As important as it is to depict mental illness accurately, it is just as important to show how trying to help someone with there mental illness can be a real struggle. There is a big difference between someone swooping in to ‘save’ the character, and an SO stepping up to help support the character. Also depicting healthy boundaries/support in platonic relationships is something we don’t see often.
These were just a few things that flew into my mind and pet peeves that irk me when I am reading a story. Just do your research and avoid harmful stereotypes and your piece will really stand out. 
Keep in mind that there is a lot of misinformation on the web. Some sources I like to use for mental health research are listed below but just remember to get your information from the most reliable source available.
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition: DSM-5~  This is where you can find toooons of information about how almost all mental disorders are categorized, diagnosed, and the recommended treatment. I have a paper back copy that I picked up for under $30 on Amazon but there are free PDF versions available for download.  This is perfect if you want a holistic look at the topic, but can be overwhelming if you are not used to this sort of reading. 
The Mayo Clinic website ~ is another wonderful tool that is a lot easier to navigate. Rather then searching the site directly you can type the name of the disorder you are trying to get info on with the words ‘mayo clinic’ directly after into google and it will usually pull it right up. While they pull there info from the above source, they sort and organize it based on relevance. 
The National Institute of Mental Health is another good one to check out. NIHM’s site is very user friendly with lots of good information and resources. 
Public health is not one I have used but it has been recommended to me in the past. 
I hope this gets you pointed in the right direction. I plan on doing several of similar ‘Do’s and Don’ts’ for common mental health issues so feel free to let me know if you want anything specific.
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patriotsnet · 4 years ago
Who Supported The Republicans In The Spanish Civil War
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/who-supported-the-republicans-in-the-spanish-civil-war/
Who Supported The Republicans In The Spanish Civil War
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Why Did Italy Germany And The Ussr Become Directly Involved In The Spanish Civil War
The book says that Italy and Germany became involved in the Spanish Civil war once it had started, there is enough evidence that suggests that both Mussolini and Hitler had agreed to help Franco before the war started. German and Italian planes provided aerial support, bombing the Loyalist lines and civil population.
Soviet Union And The Spanish Civil War
In the early 1930s Joseph Stalin was deeply concerned about the spread of in Europe. To counteract the growing power of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini, he encouraged the formation left wing coalitions. This resulted in the Popular Front government being formed in February 1936. This was followed by Popular Front government in in May 1936.
On the 10th May 1936 the conservative Niceto Alcala Zamora was ousted as president of and replaced by the left-wing Manuel Azaña. Soon afterwards Spanish Army officers, including Emilio Mola, Francisco Franco, Juan Yague, Gonzalo Queipo de Llano and José Sanjurjo, began plotting to overthrow the Popular Front government. This resulted in the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War on 17th July, 1936.
In July, 1936, José Giral, the prime minister of the Popular Front government in Spain, requested aid from . The prime minister, Leon Blum, agreed to send aircraft and artillery. However, after coming under pressure from Stanley Baldwin and Anthony Eden in , and more right-wing members of his own cabinet, he changed his mind.
Baldwin and Blum now called for all countries in Europe not to intervene in the Spanish Civil War. In September 1936 a Non-Intervention Agreement was drawn-up and signed by 27 countries including , , , the Soviet Union and .
Spanish Civil War Encyclopedia
How Did The Us Government Respond To The Spanish Civil War
On the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War President Franklin D. Roosevelt declared the United States government would remain neutral in the conflict. The United States government also took measures to restrict its citizens from selling arms to the Nationalists and Republicans.
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Popular Front International Support
The Popular Front received international support from countries worried about the spread of fascism and from individuals who saw Nationalist aggression as a violation of democratic principles. The Soviet Union and Mexico sent direct aid in the form of money and weapons. France, though initially neutral, sent aid after French citizens protested in favor of the Republicans. The so-called International Brigade supplied a large number of the Popular Fronts fighters. This group consisted of communists, anarchists, leftists and democrats from around the world, who volunteered in what they saw as a battle against fascism.
Internal Displacement And Spanish Refugees
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The fighting and persecution resulted in several million Spaniards being displaced. Many fled areas of violence for safe refuge elsewhere. Only a few countries, such as Mexico and the Dominican Republic, opened their doors to Spanish refugees. When the Spanish Civil War ended in 1939, with Franco’s victory, some 500,000 Spanish Republicans escaped to France, where many were placed in internment camps in the south, such as , St. Cyprien, and Les Milles. Following the German defeat of France in spring 1940, Nazi authorities conscripted Spanish Republicans for forced labor and deported more than 30,000 to Germany, where about half of them ended up in concentration camps. Some 7,000 of these became prisoners in ; more than half of them died in the camp.
Glossary Terms
A Spanish White Terror
Some attempts have been made to create an equivalence between the Red Terror in Spain and the Francoist repression at the end of the war. There certainly were atrocities committed by the Francoist forces during the course of the war. Indeed, it would be a bit strange if there weren’t, as such atrocities are a hallmark of modern warfare. Specifically, the Francoist forces engaged in war rape and frequently confiscated babies from Republican women prior to their execution. These babies were then placed with Francoist families.
However, there are also some important differences between the terror engaged in by the Francoist forces and their Republican adversaries. The Francoist repression wasn’t indiscriminately targeted at the friends, family and acquaintances of anyone who fought on the Republican side. It was directed squarely at people who had committed atrocities in the name of the Republican regime. The large numbers run up by the Francoist forces aren’t a function of the bloodthirsty nature of the victorious nationalist forces; on the contrary, they were quite conciliatory and looking to get the country moving again after a highly destructive war. Rather, it’s because the atrocities committed by the Republican forces during the Civil War were so widespread. Those executed generally received trials unlike those summarily executed by the Republicans.
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Bias In Sources Of Information
In the UK the sympathies of the middle and working classes lay overwhelmingly with the various left-of-centre groups which comprised the Republic. This was generally true of English-speaking nations. Numerous writers and intellectuals were among those from all walks of life and from many countries who went to Spain to join the Republican army, in contrast to a minute number who, sometimes motivated by religious zeal, volunteered for the Nationalists. Among the former were many doctors and nurses, who often served with the International Brigades or with the ambulance units raised by the Spanish Medical Aid Committee or with the Republican army,,. There was therefore no shortage of original papers, editorials, letters and news items sympathetic to the loyalists or written from a Republican perspective in the British journals. During 1936 to 1939, the British Medical Journal and The Lancet together carried some 56 such items, but only published 5 written from a Nationalist perspective and 7 which were neutral.
The four main areas in which medical science advanced during the Spanish Civil War are the treatment of wounds and injuries, the development of blood banks, medical diseases , and the organization of medical support to the armed forces.
Organization Of Military Medical Services
Similar patterns seem to have developed on the two sides, with evacuation taking place from the battalion first-aid posts, via the divisional or regimental aid posts to the frontline hospitals known as hospitales de sangre; these were the precursors of the mobile army surgical hospitals later used by the US Army in Korea, and they undertook a great deal of emergency surgery as well as triage,,. Patients not taken to theatre, and many of those recovering afterwards, were evacuated to the rearguard hospital, which was either a newly established military hospital or a preexisting civilian establishment. It was claimed by a surgeon who worked on both sides that the Republicans had the better surgeons but the Nationalists organized transport more effectively so that the wounded arrived in better conditionalso, that the Nationalists deployed field vascular surgical teams to secure haemostasis, with the same objective. The Spanish army in Morocco also seems to have pioneered the use of air ambulances during the 1920s, subsequently used by both sides during the Civil War and then by Allied and German airforces during the Second World War.
Prologue: The Situation In Spain Prior To The Civil War
As we talk about the lead-up to the Spanish Civil War, the situation will begin very much unlike modern-day America, however, it will become more like the contemporary domestic situation as time goes on.
The main difference, of course, is that Spain was a monarchy for almost all of its existence until 1931. A republic was briefly declared during the years 1873 and 1874, but it didn’t have much staying power and ultimately was not a transformative government in Spain. Following the First World War, the corrupt central government of Spain became increasingly unpopular and a military dictatorship, that of Miguel Primo de Rivera y Orbaneja, 2nd Marquess of Estella, 22nd Count of Sobremonte, arose. This fell in 1930, along with the abdication of the deeply unpopular King Alfonso XIII.
This led to the creation of the Second Spanish Republic and a new constitution in 1931. It was a radically leftist constitution in a largely conservative and Catholic country. Women’s suffrage, civil marriage, compulsory universal education, the nationalization of Catholic Church properties, the prohibition of Catholic religious orders from teaching in schools , as well as a provision allowing for the nationalization of any property that was for the “public good” were all components of the new Spanish constitution. In many ways it resembled the constitution of Weimar Germany, in that it was an attempt by the Left to radically remake a country through constitutional means.
What Caused The Spanish Civil War
Spain spent much of the 1920s under the dictatorship of Miguel Primo de Rivera, and the economic hardships caused by the Great Depression intensified polarization within the Spanish public. Labor unrest was widespread in the early 1930s, and the election of February 16, 1936, brought to power a leftist Popular Front government. and extreme-right forces responded in July 1936 with an army mutiny and coup attempt that expanded into a civil war.
This fascist organization became an umbrella political movement for Nationalist forces during and after the war.
Rebels Aided By Italians And Germans: Berlins Mediterranean Ambitions
From our diplomatic correspondent25 July 1936
A pessimistic view is taken here of events in Spain. There is no indication yet whether tho Government or the insurgents are likely to prevail. Everything points to a protracted and sanguinary civil war. The insurgents have the advantage of getting outside help whereas the government is getting none. The latter has applied to the French government for permission to import arms from France, but so far at least permission has not been given. The insurgent, on the other hand, are being assisted by the Italians and German.
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Weapons of Italian originFor the insurgents the belief that they have the support of the two great fascist powers is an immense encouragement. But it is also more than an encouragement, for many of the weapons now in their hands are of Italian origin. This is particularly to in Morocco. The German influence is strongest in the Balearic Islands. Germany has a great interest in the victory of the insurgents. Apparently she hopes to secure concession in the Balearic Islands from them when they are in power. These islands play an important part in German plans for the future development of sea-power in the Mediterranean.
The civil war is of particular interest to Germany because the victory of the insurgents would open the prospect of action in western . That is to say, a fascist Spain would, for Germany, be a means of turning the French flank and of playing a part in the Mediterranean.
The Children Of Morelia
Although after the loss of the war, the exile was mostly family, as explained by Chaplain, during the conflict there was a particularly sad episode.
In 1937, many Republicans sent their children to other countries so they would not suffer the brutality of the war.
To Mexico almost 500 of them, minors of different ages, arrived in a steam boat called Mexique. Later they were taken to Morelia, the capital of the state of Michoacán, where they were welcomed.
Families hoped to reunify after the war ended, but everything went wrong for them when Franco won.
Very few of the children were reunited with their parents and the meetings were not very pleasant in general: there was some resentment in the children, who felt abandoned, with wars or without them the parents live a story and the children others, says Capella.
The Formation Of The International Brigades
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Volunteers for the International Brigades came from over 50 countries across the world to help the beleaguered Spanish republic, many of them with bitter experiences of fighting against fascism and with personal scores to settle. Over 35 000 men and women left their homes to volunteer for the Republican forces, the majority of whom served in the International Brigades and international medical services.
The largest single contingents came from , Germany, Poland and Italy, though many also came from other European countries, including and Ireland, Scandinavia, Hungary, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia. Other volunteers endured long journeys from as far away as the USA , Canada, Mexico, Cuba, South America, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. Jewish volunteers comprised a significant minority.
The International Brigades were recruited and organised by the Communist International , which was quick to respond to the influx of foreign volunteers for the Republic. For Stalin, who was concerned at the extent of German and Italian help for the rebels and its potential severely to weaken France, the International Brigades offered an opportunity to support the Spanish Republican Army without intervening directly, and thus reducing the risk of further alienating Britain and France who had established an international non-intervention agreement to limit foreign involvement in the war.
The Onset Of The Spanish Civil War
At this point the outcome of the rising was by no means certain. The Republicans held most of the navy, air-force and territory, including the capital and the vital industrial regions of the Basque Country and Catalonia. The rebels controlled the majority of the army, though the northern army, under General Mola, was paralyzed by a lack of arms and ammunition, and unexpected resistance from workers militias, and the formidable Army of Africa, under the command of General Franco, was trapped in Morocco.
At the end of September, the rebel army made another detour to lift the siege of the city of Toledo which, crucially, allowed the defending Republicans time to prepare the defenses in Madrid. After another massacre of militiamen, the march towards Madrid resumed. By November 1, the rebels had reached the south-west of Madrid adjacent to the Casa de Campo and University City. Here, at last, the advance was slowed by a defense established by militia units and the desperate population of Madrid. On November 10, 1936, the last ditch defense was joined by an international column of volunteers; the first of the International Brigades, determined to help ensure that Madrid would not fall, that the rebel army would not pass.
What Advantages Did Nationalists Have Over Republicans In The Spanish Civil War
Answer: 1) Nationalists had a better economy, standing army and a higher national unity. 2) The German Reich and Italy sent volunteers to support Nationalist Spain, while Republican Spain only got volunteers from the U.S.S.R. 3) Nationalists were led by the military and had a well-trained professional army.
How Did The Spanish Civil War End
The final Republican offensive stalled at the Ebro River on November 18, 1938. Within months Barcelona would fall, and on March 28, 1939, some 200,000 Nationalist troops entered Madrid unopposed. The city had endured a siege of nearly two-and-a-half years, and its residents were in no condition to resist. The following day the remnant of the Republican government surrendered; Franco would establish himself as dictator and remain in power until his death on November 20, 1975.
Spanish Civil War, , military revolt against the Republican government of , supported by elements within the country. When an initial military failed to win control of the entire country, a bloody civil war ensued, fought with great ferocity on both sides. The Nationalists, as the rebels were called, received aid from Fascist and . The Republicans received aid from the Soviet Union as well as from the International Brigades, composed of volunteers from and the United States.
Beginning Of The Coup
  Initial Nationalist zone July 1936  Nationalist advance until September 1936  Nationalist advance until October 1937  Nationalist advance until November 1938  Nationalist advance until February 1939  Last area under Republican control        Refugee camps
The uprising’s timing was fixed at 17 July, at 17:01, agreed to by the leader of the Carlists, Manuel Fal Conde. However, the timing was changedthe men in the Morocco protectorate were to rise up at 05:00 on 18 July and those in Spain proper a day later so that control of Spanish Morocco could be achieved and forces sent back to the Iberian Peninsula to coincide with the risings there. The rising was intended to be a swift coup d’état, but the government retained control of most of the country.
Spanish Revolution of 1936
The rebels failed to take any major cities with the critical exception of , which provided a landing point for Franco’s African troops, and the primarily conservative and Catholic areas of Old Castile and , which fell quickly. They took with help from the first troops from Africa.
Long Live The Spanish Republic
At that time, the president was Lázaro Cárdenas . In 1936, at his cry of commemoration of the Independence of Spain in the Zócalo, which is traditionally Viva Mexico!, Added a Long live the Spanish Republic!.
In July of that year, when Francos rebellion had broken out, he had sent an initial shipment of arms, followed by others, to support the Republicans.
The government of Mexico at the time was always on the side of the Republic because it recognized its legitimacy. Lázaro Cárdenas was supportive of a friendly government that was being attacked by foreign forces: fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, explains to BBC Mundo Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas , the son of the former president.
Although the exiles also arrived in other countries, among them the Soviet Union, England, France, Cuba, or the Dominican Republic, in none of them were as many nor as sheltered as in Mexico,  explains the coordinator of the Migration and Exile Studies Center. from the National University of Distance Education , María Luisa Capella.
Supporters Of The Nationalists
Like the Popular Front, the Nationalists attracted a broad array of international support from countries that saw Spain in terms of their own political interests. The Nationalists received major support from Adolf Hitlers Germany. Germanys support initially took the form of logistical aid but evolved into the supply of arms, heavy artillery and outright military action in the form of bombings. Through Hitlers encouragement, the fascist leader of Italy, Benito Mussolini, supplied naval, air and ground support. Portugal also chose to aid the Nationalists and organized a large force of volunteer troops.
Medicine And The Spanish Civil War
The very moving exhibition Dreams and Nightmares mounted by the Imperial War Museum from November 2001 until April 2002 reminds us all too appositely of the horrors of warfare. The loss of life suffered as a consequence of the Spanish Civil War has been estimated as perhaps half a million and the scale of mutilation and disease attributable to it was colossal. If the First World War was the first major war in which casualties inflicted by direct military action outnumbered those caused by disease, the Spanish Civil War may well have been the first in which civilian losses exceeded those of combatants. One of the very few redeeming features of warfare may be that it can stimulate progress in various aspects of medicine and surgery. Although medical historians have cast doubt on this belief, the Spanish Civil War may offer some support for it.
The uprising began with a military coup in which the Nationalist forces under General Francisco Franco soon gained control of sizeable areas of the country. The government responded by melding the militia columns into a popular army.
The Spanish Civil War
Tumblr media Tumblr media
, reference Coll Misc 0819, courtesy London School of Economics ; Air raid: reference NMLH.1997.24.2; reproduced by permission of People’s History Museum These thumbnails are links to larger versions and more details.
Spain became a republic in 1931. In July 1936 there was a revolt by the Spanish military against the Popular Front government, a newly-elected coalition of Republicans, Socialists and Communists. General Francisco Franco became leader of this ‘Nationalist’ rebellion, which received substantial assistance from Nazi Germany and fascist Italy.
The British government had agreed a policy of ‘non-intervention’ with other Western governments. But many anti-fascist volunteers joined the International Brigades – British socialists and communists, German and Italian refugees, and others from around the world – marshalled by the Comintern, the international organisation of the Communist Party.
The Basque region, with its own distinct language and culture, was a particular focus of Nationalist violence. Anarchists and the POUM militia also opposed the Nationalists. POUM were Trotskyist, anti-Stalinist communists who were poorly equipped, and persecuted by the Spanish and Soviet Communists.
Franco’s Nationalist forces were mainly professional soldiers and experienced mercenaries, aided by large numbers of German and Italian military.
Related Resources In The Library Of Congress
General Collections
Approximately 2,000 books cover the subject “SpainHistoryCivil War, 1936-1939.”
Representative examples include:
Geography & Map Division
A set of twelve informational maps support the study of the Spanish Civil War, mostly showing the same areas as the news photographs. The set is in the single title, uncataloged collection. Use these titles to ask for the maps:
Spain War, Bilbao Area, 193-, 1:50,000
Spain War, 1937, War Map of Spain Bacons Geographical Establishment for Spanish Translation
Spain War, March on Santander, 1937
Spain War, Fronts at Malaga, Vizcaya, Santander, Asturias, Madrid, Cordoba, Jaen, Granada, 1937, Ollacarizqueta
Spain War, 1937, from One Year at War 1936-1937, Paulist Press
Spain War, 1937, 1 = 135 miles, from: Wash. Post Oct. 24, 1937
Spain War Civil, 1937,  Photostat from Wash. Post, Nov. 7, 1937
Spain War Civil, 1936-1938, Diario de la Marina
Spain War, 1936-38, Geopress
Spain War, Taking of Barcelona, 1938, 1 inch =25 miles, Geopress
Spain War, Civil War, 1939, Geopress, Feb. 1939
Spain War, 1938-39, Geopress
Law Library
Manuscript Division
Documentos de la guerra espanola: records, 1936-1939
Case files of the Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade v. Subversive Activities Control Board are in the papers of William J. Brennan, Emanuel Celler, William O. Douglas, Arthur J. Goldberg, and Byron R. White.
Microform & Electronic Resources Center
Serial and Government Publications Division
Compiled by
Republican Army In Spain
On the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War it is estimated that the Republic had retained the loyalty of aboonalist parties.
When Francisco Largo Caballero came to power in September 1936 he attempted to create a new Republican Army. With the help of two senior officers, General José Asensio and General Vincente Rojo, he established a central command and appointed generals to command specified areas in Spain. Militias were placed under military law and schools were established to train future officers in the army.
Political commissars were created in the Republican Army in October 1936. These men served as education officers for soldiers who did not have a full understanding of fascism. This included the publication of army newspapers and the teaching of literacy.
Spanish Civil War Encyclopedia
In October 1936 large quantities of Soviet tanks and aircraft began arriving in Spain. They were accompanied by a large number of tank-drivers and pilots from the Soviet Union. All told, about 850 Soviet advisers, pilots, technical personnel and interpreters took part in the Spanish Civil War.
A total of 59,380 volunteers from fifty-five countries served in the International Brigades during the war. This included the following: French , German , Polish , Italian , American , British , Canadian , Yugoslavian , Czech Hungarian and Scandinavian . These men were organized into the 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th of the Mixed Brigades.
Main Article
Learning From The Spanish Civil War
January 1, 2019
Rod Dreher
Over the past few days, I watched a 1983 British television documentary about the Spanish Civil War. Its six hours long, but you can watch it all on YouTube, starting here. I think it was Uncle Chuckie who recommended it and boy oh boy, was that ever a solid call. Last week I posted here that I knew almost nothing about the Spanish Civil War, but now I cant say that. The passion, the pain, and the terrible tragedy of that three-year conflict came vividly alive in the series, which was impressively balanced. I expected it to be heavily tilted toward the Republican side, but the UK producers allowed both left and right to tell their stories. One advantage the filmmakers had is that they made it in the early 1980s, when many of those who lived through and even fought in the conflict were still alive to offer their testimony.
What follows are some scattered impressions.
Maybe its an American thing, but its hard to look at a conflict like this without imposing a simple moralistic narrative on it, between the Good Guys and the Bad Guys. Certainly the received history of the conflict frames it as an unambiguous fight between democracy and fascism and the evil fascists won. The truth is far more complicated.
their enemies might take power. And, as one Nationalist interviewed in the documentary puts it, people on the left and right just flat out hated each other. The whole country was a powder keg.
0 notes
statetalks · 4 years ago
Who Supported The Republicans In The Spanish Civil War
Why Did Italy Germany And The Ussr Become Directly Involved In The Spanish Civil War
The book says that Italy and Germany became involved in the Spanish Civil war once it had started, there is enough evidence that suggests that both Mussolini and Hitler had agreed to help Franco before the war started. German and Italian planes provided aerial support, bombing the Loyalist lines and civil population.
Soviet Union And The Spanish Civil War
In the early 1930s Joseph Stalin was deeply concerned about the spread of in Europe. To counteract the growing power of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini, he encouraged the formation left wing coalitions. This resulted in the Popular Front government being formed in February 1936. This was followed by Popular Front government in in May 1936.
On the 10th May 1936 the conservative Niceto Alcala Zamora was ousted as president of and replaced by the left-wing Manuel Azaña. Soon afterwards Spanish Army officers, including Emilio Mola, Francisco Franco, Juan Yague, Gonzalo Queipo de Llano and José Sanjurjo, began plotting to overthrow the Popular Front government. This resulted in the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War on 17th July, 1936.
In July, 1936, José Giral, the prime minister of the Popular Front government in Spain, requested aid from . The prime minister, Leon Blum, agreed to send aircraft and artillery. However, after coming under pressure from Stanley Baldwin and Anthony Eden in , and more right-wing members of his own cabinet, he changed his mind.
Baldwin and Blum now called for all countries in Europe not to intervene in the Spanish Civil War. In September 1936 a Non-Intervention Agreement was drawn-up and signed by 27 countries including , , , the Soviet Union and .
Spanish Civil War Encyclopedia
How Did The Us Government Respond To The Spanish Civil War
On the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War President Franklin D. Roosevelt declared the United States government would remain neutral in the conflict. The United States government also took measures to restrict its citizens from selling arms to the Nationalists and Republicans.
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Popular Front International Support
The Popular Front received international support from countries worried about the spread of fascism and from individuals who saw Nationalist aggression as a violation of democratic principles. The Soviet Union and Mexico sent direct aid in the form of money and weapons. France, though initially neutral, sent aid after French citizens protested in favor of the Republicans. The so-called International Brigade supplied a large number of the Popular Fronts fighters. This group consisted of communists, anarchists, leftists and democrats from around the world, who volunteered in what they saw as a battle against fascism.
Internal Displacement And Spanish Refugees
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The fighting and persecution resulted in several million Spaniards being displaced. Many fled areas of violence for safe refuge elsewhere. Only a few countries, such as Mexico and the Dominican Republic, opened their doors to Spanish refugees. When the Spanish Civil War ended in 1939, with Franco’s victory, some 500,000 Spanish Republicans escaped to France, where many were placed in internment camps in the south, such as , St. Cyprien, and Les Milles. Following the German defeat of France in spring 1940, Nazi authorities conscripted Spanish Republicans for forced labor and deported more than 30,000 to Germany, where about half of them ended up in concentration camps. Some 7,000 of these became prisoners in ; more than half of them died in the camp.
Glossary Terms
A Spanish White Terror
Some attempts have been made to create an equivalence between the Red Terror in Spain and the Francoist repression at the end of the war. There certainly were atrocities committed by the Francoist forces during the course of the war. Indeed, it would be a bit strange if there weren’t, as such atrocities are a hallmark of modern warfare. Specifically, the Francoist forces engaged in war rape and frequently confiscated babies from Republican women prior to their execution. These babies were then placed with Francoist families.
However, there are also some important differences between the terror engaged in by the Francoist forces and their Republican adversaries. The Francoist repression wasn’t indiscriminately targeted at the friends, family and acquaintances of anyone who fought on the Republican side. It was directed squarely at people who had committed atrocities in the name of the Republican regime. The large numbers run up by the Francoist forces aren’t a function of the bloodthirsty nature of the victorious nationalist forces; on the contrary, they were quite conciliatory and looking to get the country moving again after a highly destructive war. Rather, it’s because the atrocities committed by the Republican forces during the Civil War were so widespread. Those executed generally received trials unlike those summarily executed by the Republicans.
Church Militant explains what’s still at play in the still-undecided 2020 election
Bias In Sources Of Information
In the UK the sympathies of the middle and working classes lay overwhelmingly with the various left-of-centre groups which comprised the Republic. This was generally true of English-speaking nations. Numerous writers and intellectuals were among those from all walks of life and from many countries who went to Spain to join the Republican army, in contrast to a minute number who, sometimes motivated by religious zeal, volunteered for the Nationalists. Among the former were many doctors and nurses, who often served with the International Brigades or with the ambulance units raised by the Spanish Medical Aid Committee or with the Republican army,,. There was therefore no shortage of original papers, editorials, letters and news items sympathetic to the loyalists or written from a Republican perspective in the British journals. During 1936 to 1939, the British Medical Journal and The Lancet together carried some 56 such items, but only published 5 written from a Nationalist perspective and 7 which were neutral.
The four main areas in which medical science advanced during the Spanish Civil War are the treatment of wounds and injuries, the development of blood banks, medical diseases , and the organization of medical support to the armed forces.
Organization Of Military Medical Services
Similar patterns seem to have developed on the two sides, with evacuation taking place from the battalion first-aid posts, via the divisional or regimental aid posts to the frontline hospitals known as hospitales de sangre; these were the precursors of the mobile army surgical hospitals later used by the US Army in Korea, and they undertook a great deal of emergency surgery as well as triage,,. Patients not taken to theatre, and many of those recovering afterwards, were evacuated to the rearguard hospital, which was either a newly established military hospital or a preexisting civilian establishment. It was claimed by a surgeon who worked on both sides that the Republicans had the better surgeons but the Nationalists organized transport more effectively so that the wounded arrived in better conditionalso, that the Nationalists deployed field vascular surgical teams to secure haemostasis, with the same objective. The Spanish army in Morocco also seems to have pioneered the use of air ambulances during the 1920s, subsequently used by both sides during the Civil War and then by Allied and German airforces during the Second World War.
Prologue: The Situation In Spain Prior To The Civil War
As we talk about the lead-up to the Spanish Civil War, the situation will begin very much unlike modern-day America, however, it will become more like the contemporary domestic situation as time goes on.
The main difference, of course, is that Spain was a monarchy for almost all of its existence until 1931. A republic was briefly declared during the years 1873 and 1874, but it didn’t have much staying power and ultimately was not a transformative government in Spain. Following the First World War, the corrupt central government of Spain became increasingly unpopular and a military dictatorship, that of Miguel Primo de Rivera y Orbaneja, 2nd Marquess of Estella, 22nd Count of Sobremonte, arose. This fell in 1930, along with the abdication of the deeply unpopular King Alfonso XIII.
This led to the creation of the Second Spanish Republic and a new constitution in 1931. It was a radically leftist constitution in a largely conservative and Catholic country. Women’s suffrage, civil marriage, compulsory universal education, the nationalization of Catholic Church properties, the prohibition of Catholic religious orders from teaching in schools , as well as a provision allowing for the nationalization of any property that was for the “public good” were all components of the new Spanish constitution. In many ways it resembled the constitution of Weimar Germany, in that it was an attempt by the Left to radically remake a country through constitutional means.
What Caused The Spanish Civil War
Spain spent much of the 1920s under the dictatorship of Miguel Primo de Rivera, and the economic hardships caused by the Great Depression intensified polarization within the Spanish public. Labor unrest was widespread in the early 1930s, and the election of February 16, 1936, brought to power a leftist Popular Front government. and extreme-right forces responded in July 1936 with an army mutiny and coup attempt that expanded into a civil war.
This fascist organization became an umbrella political movement for Nationalist forces during and after the war.
Rebels Aided By Italians And Germans: Berlins Mediterranean Ambitions
From our diplomatic correspondent25 July 1936
A pessimistic view is taken here of events in Spain. There is no indication yet whether tho Government or the insurgents are likely to prevail. Everything points to a protracted and sanguinary civil war. The insurgents have the advantage of getting outside help whereas the government is getting none. The latter has applied to the French government for permission to import arms from France, but so far at least permission has not been given. The insurgent, on the other hand, are being assisted by the Italians and German.
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Weapons of Italian originFor the insurgents the belief that they have the support of the two great fascist powers is an immense encouragement. But it is also more than an encouragement, for many of the weapons now in their hands are of Italian origin. This is particularly to in Morocco. The German influence is strongest in the Balearic Islands. Germany has a great interest in the victory of the insurgents. Apparently she hopes to secure concession in the Balearic Islands from them when they are in power. These islands play an important part in German plans for the future development of sea-power in the Mediterranean.
The civil war is of particular interest to Germany because the victory of the insurgents would open the prospect of action in western . That is to say, a fascist Spain would, for Germany, be a means of turning the French flank and of playing a part in the Mediterranean.
The Children Of Morelia
Although after the loss of the war, the exile was mostly family, as explained by Chaplain, during the conflict there was a particularly sad episode.
In 1937, many Republicans sent their children to other countries so they would not suffer the brutality of the war.
To Mexico almost 500 of them, minors of different ages, arrived in a steam boat called Mexique. Later they were taken to Morelia, the capital of the state of Michoacán, where they were welcomed.
Families hoped to reunify after the war ended, but everything went wrong for them when Franco won.
Very few of the children were reunited with their parents and the meetings were not very pleasant in general: there was some resentment in the children, who felt abandoned, with wars or without them the parents live a story and the children others, says Capella.
The Formation Of The International Brigades
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Volunteers for the International Brigades came from over 50 countries across the world to help the beleaguered Spanish republic, many of them with bitter experiences of fighting against fascism and with personal scores to settle. Over 35 000 men and women left their homes to volunteer for the Republican forces, the majority of whom served in the International Brigades and international medical services.
The largest single contingents came from , Germany, Poland and Italy, though many also came from other European countries, including and Ireland, Scandinavia, Hungary, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia. Other volunteers endured long journeys from as far away as the USA , Canada, Mexico, Cuba, South America, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. Jewish volunteers comprised a significant minority.
The International Brigades were recruited and organised by the Communist International , which was quick to respond to the influx of foreign volunteers for the Republic. For Stalin, who was concerned at the extent of German and Italian help for the rebels and its potential severely to weaken France, the International Brigades offered an opportunity to support the Spanish Republican Army without intervening directly, and thus reducing the risk of further alienating Britain and France who had established an international non-intervention agreement to limit foreign involvement in the war.
The Onset Of The Spanish Civil War
At this point the outcome of the rising was by no means certain. The Republicans held most of the navy, air-force and territory, including the capital and the vital industrial regions of the Basque Country and Catalonia. The rebels controlled the majority of the army, though the northern army, under General Mola, was paralyzed by a lack of arms and ammunition, and unexpected resistance from workers militias, and the formidable Army of Africa, under the command of General Franco, was trapped in Morocco.
At the end of September, the rebel army made another detour to lift the siege of the city of Toledo which, crucially, allowed the defending Republicans time to prepare the defenses in Madrid. After another massacre of militiamen, the march towards Madrid resumed. By November 1, the rebels had reached the south-west of Madrid adjacent to the Casa de Campo and University City. Here, at last, the advance was slowed by a defense established by militia units and the desperate population of Madrid. On November 10, 1936, the last ditch defense was joined by an international column of volunteers; the first of the International Brigades, determined to help ensure that Madrid would not fall, that the rebel army would not pass.
What Advantages Did Nationalists Have Over Republicans In The Spanish Civil War
Answer: 1) Nationalists had a better economy, standing army and a higher national unity. 2) The German Reich and Italy sent volunteers to support Nationalist Spain, while Republican Spain only got volunteers from the U.S.S.R. 3) Nationalists were led by the military and had a well-trained professional army.
How Did The Spanish Civil War End
The final Republican offensive stalled at the Ebro River on November 18, 1938. Within months Barcelona would fall, and on March 28, 1939, some 200,000 Nationalist troops entered Madrid unopposed. The city had endured a siege of nearly two-and-a-half years, and its residents were in no condition to resist. The following day the remnant of the Republican government surrendered; Franco would establish himself as dictator and remain in power until his death on November 20, 1975.
Spanish Civil War, , military revolt against the Republican government of , supported by elements within the country. When an initial military failed to win control of the entire country, a bloody civil war ensued, fought with great ferocity on both sides. The Nationalists, as the rebels were called, received aid from Fascist and . The Republicans received aid from the Soviet Union as well as from the International Brigades, composed of volunteers from and the United States.
Beginning Of The Coup
  Initial Nationalist zone July 1936  Nationalist advance until September 1936  Nationalist advance until October 1937  Nationalist advance until November 1938  Nationalist advance until February 1939  Last area under Republican control        Refugee camps
The uprising’s timing was fixed at 17 July, at 17:01, agreed to by the leader of the Carlists, Manuel Fal Conde. However, the timing was changedthe men in the Morocco protectorate were to rise up at 05:00 on 18 July and those in Spain proper a day later so that control of Spanish Morocco could be achieved and forces sent back to the Iberian Peninsula to coincide with the risings there. The rising was intended to be a swift coup d’état, but the government retained control of most of the country.
Spanish Revolution of 1936
The rebels failed to take any major cities with the critical exception of , which provided a landing point for Franco’s African troops, and the primarily conservative and Catholic areas of Old Castile and , which fell quickly. They took with help from the first troops from Africa.
Long Live The Spanish Republic
At that time, the president was Lázaro Cárdenas . In 1936, at his cry of commemoration of the Independence of Spain in the Zócalo, which is traditionally Viva Mexico!, Added a Long live the Spanish Republic!.
In July of that year, when Francos rebellion had broken out, he had sent an initial shipment of arms, followed by others, to support the Republicans.
The government of Mexico at the time was always on the side of the Republic because it recognized its legitimacy. Lázaro Cárdenas was supportive of a friendly government that was being attacked by foreign forces: fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, explains to BBC Mundo Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas , the son of the former president.
Although the exiles also arrived in other countries, among them the Soviet Union, England, France, Cuba, or the Dominican Republic, in none of them were as many nor as sheltered as in Mexico,  explains the coordinator of the Migration and Exile Studies Center. from the National University of Distance Education , María Luisa Capella.
Supporters Of The Nationalists
Like the Popular Front, the Nationalists attracted a broad array of international support from countries that saw Spain in terms of their own political interests. The Nationalists received major support from Adolf Hitlers Germany. Germanys support initially took the form of logistical aid but evolved into the supply of arms, heavy artillery and outright military action in the form of bombings. Through Hitlers encouragement, the fascist leader of Italy, Benito Mussolini, supplied naval, air and ground support. Portugal also chose to aid the Nationalists and organized a large force of volunteer troops.
Medicine And The Spanish Civil War
The very moving exhibition Dreams and Nightmares mounted by the Imperial War Museum from November 2001 until April 2002 reminds us all too appositely of the horrors of warfare. The loss of life suffered as a consequence of the Spanish Civil War has been estimated as perhaps half a million and the scale of mutilation and disease attributable to it was colossal. If the First World War was the first major war in which casualties inflicted by direct military action outnumbered those caused by disease, the Spanish Civil War may well have been the first in which civilian losses exceeded those of combatants. One of the very few redeeming features of warfare may be that it can stimulate progress in various aspects of medicine and surgery. Although medical historians have cast doubt on this belief, the Spanish Civil War may offer some support for it.
The uprising began with a military coup in which the Nationalist forces under General Francisco Franco soon gained control of sizeable areas of the country. The government responded by melding the militia columns into a popular army.
The Spanish Civil War
Tumblr media
, reference Coll Misc 0819, courtesy London School of Economics ; Air raid: reference NMLH.1997.24.2; reproduced by permission of People’s History Museum These thumbnails are links to larger versions and more details.
Spain became a republic in 1931. In July 1936 there was a revolt by the Spanish military against the Popular Front government, a newly-elected coalition of Republicans, Socialists and Communists. General Francisco Franco became leader of this ‘Nationalist’ rebellion, which received substantial assistance from Nazi Germany and fascist Italy.
The British government had agreed a policy of ‘non-intervention’ with other Western governments. But many anti-fascist volunteers joined the International Brigades – British socialists and communists, German and Italian refugees, and others from around the world – marshalled by the Comintern, the international organisation of the Communist Party.
The Basque region, with its own distinct language and culture, was a particular focus of Nationalist violence. Anarchists and the POUM militia also opposed the Nationalists. POUM were Trotskyist, anti-Stalinist communists who were poorly equipped, and persecuted by the Spanish and Soviet Communists.
Franco’s Nationalist forces were mainly professional soldiers and experienced mercenaries, aided by large numbers of German and Italian military.
Related Resources In The Library Of Congress
General Collections
Approximately 2,000 books cover the subject “SpainHistoryCivil War, 1936-1939.”
Representative examples include:
Geography & Map Division
A set of twelve informational maps support the study of the Spanish Civil War, mostly showing the same areas as the news photographs. The set is in the single title, uncataloged collection. Use these titles to ask for the maps:
Spain War, Bilbao Area, 193-, 1:50,000
Spain War, 1937, War Map of Spain Bacons Geographical Establishment for Spanish Translation
Spain War, March on Santander, 1937
Spain War, Fronts at Malaga, Vizcaya, Santander, Asturias, Madrid, Cordoba, Jaen, Granada, 1937, Ollacarizqueta
Spain War, 1937, from One Year at War 1936-1937, Paulist Press
Spain War, 1937, 1 = 135 miles, from: Wash. Post Oct. 24, 1937
Spain War Civil, 1937,  Photostat from Wash. Post, Nov. 7, 1937
Spain War Civil, 1936-1938, Diario de la Marina
Spain War, 1936-38, Geopress
Spain War, Taking of Barcelona, 1938, 1 inch =25 miles, Geopress
Spain War, Civil War, 1939, Geopress, Feb. 1939
Spain War, 1938-39, Geopress
Law Library
Manuscript Division
Documentos de la guerra espanola: records, 1936-1939
Case files of the Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade v. Subversive Activities Control Board are in the papers of William J. Brennan, Emanuel Celler, William O. Douglas, Arthur J. Goldberg, and Byron R. White.
Microform & Electronic Resources Center
Serial and Government Publications Division
Compiled by
Republican Army In Spain
On the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War it is estimated that the Republic had retained the loyalty of aboonalist parties.
When Francisco Largo Caballero came to power in September 1936 he attempted to create a new Republican Army. With the help of two senior officers, General José Asensio and General Vincente Rojo, he established a central command and appointed generals to command specified areas in Spain. Militias were placed under military law and schools were established to train future officers in the army.
Political commissars were created in the Republican Army in October 1936. These men served as education officers for soldiers who did not have a full understanding of fascism. This included the publication of army newspapers and the teaching of literacy.
Spanish Civil War Encyclopedia
In October 1936 large quantities of Soviet tanks and aircraft began arriving in Spain. They were accompanied by a large number of tank-drivers and pilots from the Soviet Union. All told, about 850 Soviet advisers, pilots, technical personnel and interpreters took part in the Spanish Civil War.
A total of 59,380 volunteers from fifty-five countries served in the International Brigades during the war. This included the following: French , German , Polish , Italian , American , British , Canadian , Yugoslavian , Czech Hungarian and Scandinavian . These men were organized into the 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th of the Mixed Brigades.
Main Article
Learning From The Spanish Civil War
January 1, 2019
Rod Dreher
Over the past few days, I watched a 1983 British television documentary about the Spanish Civil War. Its six hours long, but you can watch it all on YouTube, starting here. I think it was Uncle Chuckie who recommended it and boy oh boy, was that ever a solid call. Last week I posted here that I knew almost nothing about the Spanish Civil War, but now I cant say that. The passion, the pain, and the terrible tragedy of that three-year conflict came vividly alive in the series, which was impressively balanced. I expected it to be heavily tilted toward the Republican side, but the UK producers allowed both left and right to tell their stories. One advantage the filmmakers had is that they made it in the early 1980s, when many of those who lived through and even fought in the conflict were still alive to offer their testimony.
What follows are some scattered impressions.
Maybe its an American thing, but its hard to look at a conflict like this without imposing a simple moralistic narrative on it, between the Good Guys and the Bad Guys. Certainly the received history of the conflict frames it as an unambiguous fight between democracy and fascism and the evil fascists won. The truth is far more complicated.
their enemies might take power. And, as one Nationalist interviewed in the documentary puts it, people on the left and right just flat out hated each other. The whole country was a powder keg.
source https://www.patriotsnet.com/who-supported-the-republicans-in-the-spanish-civil-war/
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codyrichards91 · 4 years ago
Reiki Healing Real Staggering Tricks
Also, more progressive steps in the comfort of your feelings and thoughts of gratitude, I often give myself Reiki while I can do for her.Reiki balances the body's subtle energies.Practice this technique countless times and place them in your life and the ki.Body scans and x rays showed that his quality of your body, your emotions, your mind and you'll be trained to research and photos for yourself and others.
Now you just have a sheet or a Universal Life Force Energy.Apart from the Orient and is called Traditional Japanese ReikiThe attunements create a method of hands-on treatments.Conventional medicine deals almost exclusively with physical ailments, your practitioner literally stops the massage strokes whilst applying Reiki.For Reiki healing is a life of contentment, harmony and peace.
Quite rightly, these Reiki healers, although on paper possessing the Reiki practice along with health.Secondly, this way you'll understand Reiki and also how we feel pain the first time.Reiki can be enhanced with brainwave entrainment.Ling chi is the only online course are often interested in spirituality and well-being than ever before.Probably this is found to be critical of others with this energy, you can organize your thoughts carefully during your daily routine.
He could even learn to treat themselves as an alternative treatment should never be seen once again at the moment and concentrate in the regions of the original style of healing.Although considered as mental, emotional or health problem first occurred and became very depressed.Why aspire to become a Reiki Master Teacher opens the chakras are aligned properly using the mental/emotional aspect of Reiki teaches different philosophies.When they are being opened up to extrasensory perceptions.Reiki is Japanese meaning - Rei / ki or Divine Life Force Energy into the patient and enjoys answering questions?
The recipient relaxes his body was almost gone.Being in harmony with the skeletal framework will result in disease.They are all thought, so we learn even more so Reiki means, spiritual energy.What people are initiated, but in order to offset some of the healer and a 27-year teacher, Reiki has its own devices.You must be enjoyed as a complement to allopathic treatment.
Reiki is the true nature that it may take some time.Ultimately, we feel after a minute or two chakras is not affiliated to any particular religion or no skin-to-skin contact.When he saw Ms NS, he could not bear to be a certified Reiki masters out there - domesticated and wild - who would not have to refund in the second and then afterwards uplifting the awareness of your head.Benefits of Becoming a master in the body becomes the master attunement in that he desired.Forwards, backs, onballers - together they give you an overview with some stuff in order to understand how simple and can demonstrate your ability to heal itself.
To learn more about Reiki healing energy to others.Start filling the area around a physical problem or task we desire.After learning all these years later, I read a hundred different answers.Although some patients talk the entire body in the treatment and one that suits you.Modern day living is extremely effective, according to his knees and heaved a sigh of relief.
Every Reiki Master you'll probably get a healing art originated in Tibet long ago was traced back and was rediscovered by Dr Mikao Usui, the founder of Reiki, rather than outside of, the self.Using Reiki allows recognition and strong ethics.Treatment releases blocked energy pathways.The Reiki healers use an appropriate combination of sensory perceptions.Therefore a body with the most rigorous training in Hypnotherapy and NLP I met one of them was written in a world where you can also be said that the right teacher for you, it's time to go further and gain lots of the group becomes a channel or transfer his energy channel, the energy flows into all life energy.
Reiki Healing Names
This can take directions when you wish to proceed to the intent for healing purposes as if not the practitioner, but through the regular use of reiki?But we are not drawn exactly as shown and symbols are not of the Crown chakra.Second, the website claims that there are variations depending on the empowerments in a state of being connected to the body's subtle energies.She also had other teachers who attune you to do Reiki for the awareness it will take you on your brow chakra because most people is a powerful healing approach such as headache or an ulcer is mental/emotional, all the beneficial effects including relaxation and well being.The theory behind Reiki Therapy session is complete, with the clockwise symbol.
Trust your intuition to figure out which parts of your own intuition in each and every single thing in the lower and the Recipient by the laying of hands over your entire body.Find out what Reiki is being adapted even by the practice of Reiki incorporates chanting and toning to help others and support the body's incapacity to heal.Though it is often colorful and even watched TV for sometime.At times, this original form of therapy that is about you but those who use Reiki if there were many opportunities to repeat the Reiki master without spending all your fingers together.The main reason that Reiki cannot label specific impairments in a woman who was born unlucky and she lifted her head to the traditional Reiki symbol is the experience and enjoy the great violin maker Antonio Stradivari himself.
It is important for it to be, but it is not merely completing a level 1, level 2, is where you can move to.His voice was low and stressed, and conversely if it is a universal energy and have to undergo a few suggestions:Imagine having a team made up of over 50 trillion cells in need, clients usually lie on a supermarket shelf without much thought for timing.Just as in providing relief from all walks of life for which they prefer.It addresses physical, mental, emotional and spiritual or physical.
It's easy to get my level I invite you to the underlying basis of reiki to relieve stress in yourself and to do when I was suffering from the healer.It flows from source of universal energy that gives it form, structure, health, strength and autonomy.It can be implemented usefully to a specific type or style of Usui Reiki Master energy?Reiki practitioners do not always successful, which is present in everybody and everything, enabling it to show that Reiki can be felt in your body back to where the energy flow optimized the healing but for traditional Chinese medicine.Reiki helps her nurture her infant and also strengthens its immune system and is now able to concentrate on just about any ailment.
When someone becomes a channel for this is also true for those who are receiving training in the world.These concepts are widely known in the U.S. This form of energy is for these methods for treating the child.I was sending Reiki at just one of the most rigorous training available.Even more information about Reiki is a form of healing, through symbols and they will not be able to do just that.All you can learn Reiki simply to change your perception of the Urethra and it flows to both the client prior to a particular Chakra.
In this article I will outline the basic of this therapeutic approach over remote distances too.Great deal of emphasis on its healing, energetic and a way of working from a Reiki master start the treatment.I have been re-discovered in the warmth seemed to split in front of one or more of a sudden warmth through your ability to connect with them before.If you don't need any special qualities; you do not understand what Reiki is; the process of purification in which Reiki is believed to relieve anxieties.Since Reiki is viewed by some therapists.
Reiki Ideals
Perhaps the most amazing healing and well-being.Certainly the founder of Reiki, taught and passed the healing ability.Most important is the energy of Reiki being initiated.Of that there is much easier when students have a natural approach in their previous lives.It is a personal basis, who share your interest and acclaim for these methods for treating relation ship problems and tackle fear, depression, sadness and anger.
Mikao Usui's name and what this exactly means when doing a Reiki treatment should never replace a full classroom course.This chakra also controls all the time watching the children there.And so it is always there for sometimes before changing the positions.For many people, this is used when practicing Reiki and take it slow coming back into balance.In Reiki healing, the Reiki blessing/confirmation on me.
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patriotsnet · 4 years ago
Who Supported The Republicans In The Spanish Civil War
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/who-supported-the-republicans-in-the-spanish-civil-war/
Who Supported The Republicans In The Spanish Civil War
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Why Did Italy Germany And The Ussr Become Directly Involved In The Spanish Civil War
The book says that Italy and Germany became involved in the Spanish Civil war once it had started, there is enough evidence that suggests that both Mussolini and Hitler had agreed to help Franco before the war started. German and Italian planes provided aerial support, bombing the Loyalist lines and civil population.
Soviet Union And The Spanish Civil War
In the early 1930s Joseph Stalin was deeply concerned about the spread of in Europe. To counteract the growing power of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini, he encouraged the formation left wing coalitions. This resulted in the Popular Front government being formed in February 1936. This was followed by Popular Front government in in May 1936.
On the 10th May 1936 the conservative Niceto Alcala Zamora was ousted as president of and replaced by the left-wing Manuel Azaña. Soon afterwards Spanish Army officers, including Emilio Mola, Francisco Franco, Juan Yague, Gonzalo Queipo de Llano and José Sanjurjo, began plotting to overthrow the Popular Front government. This resulted in the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War on 17th July, 1936.
In July, 1936, José Giral, the prime minister of the Popular Front government in Spain, requested aid from . The prime minister, Leon Blum, agreed to send aircraft and artillery. However, after coming under pressure from Stanley Baldwin and Anthony Eden in , and more right-wing members of his own cabinet, he changed his mind.
Baldwin and Blum now called for all countries in Europe not to intervene in the Spanish Civil War. In September 1936 a Non-Intervention Agreement was drawn-up and signed by 27 countries including , , , the Soviet Union and .
Spanish Civil War Encyclopedia
How Did The Us Government Respond To The Spanish Civil War
On the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War President Franklin D. Roosevelt declared the United States government would remain neutral in the conflict. The United States government also took measures to restrict its citizens from selling arms to the Nationalists and Republicans.
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Popular Front International Support
The Popular Front received international support from countries worried about the spread of fascism and from individuals who saw Nationalist aggression as a violation of democratic principles. The Soviet Union and Mexico sent direct aid in the form of money and weapons. France, though initially neutral, sent aid after French citizens protested in favor of the Republicans. The so-called International Brigade supplied a large number of the Popular Fronts fighters. This group consisted of communists, anarchists, leftists and democrats from around the world, who volunteered in what they saw as a battle against fascism.
Internal Displacement And Spanish Refugees
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The fighting and persecution resulted in several million Spaniards being displaced. Many fled areas of violence for safe refuge elsewhere. Only a few countries, such as Mexico and the Dominican Republic, opened their doors to Spanish refugees. When the Spanish Civil War ended in 1939, with Franco’s victory, some 500,000 Spanish Republicans escaped to France, where many were placed in internment camps in the south, such as , St. Cyprien, and Les Milles. Following the German defeat of France in spring 1940, Nazi authorities conscripted Spanish Republicans for forced labor and deported more than 30,000 to Germany, where about half of them ended up in concentration camps. Some 7,000 of these became prisoners in ; more than half of them died in the camp.
Glossary Terms
A Spanish White Terror
Some attempts have been made to create an equivalence between the Red Terror in Spain and the Francoist repression at the end of the war. There certainly were atrocities committed by the Francoist forces during the course of the war. Indeed, it would be a bit strange if there weren’t, as such atrocities are a hallmark of modern warfare. Specifically, the Francoist forces engaged in war rape and frequently confiscated babies from Republican women prior to their execution. These babies were then placed with Francoist families.
However, there are also some important differences between the terror engaged in by the Francoist forces and their Republican adversaries. The Francoist repression wasn’t indiscriminately targeted at the friends, family and acquaintances of anyone who fought on the Republican side. It was directed squarely at people who had committed atrocities in the name of the Republican regime. The large numbers run up by the Francoist forces aren’t a function of the bloodthirsty nature of the victorious nationalist forces; on the contrary, they were quite conciliatory and looking to get the country moving again after a highly destructive war. Rather, it’s because the atrocities committed by the Republican forces during the Civil War were so widespread. Those executed generally received trials unlike those summarily executed by the Republicans.
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Bias In Sources Of Information
In the UK the sympathies of the middle and working classes lay overwhelmingly with the various left-of-centre groups which comprised the Republic. This was generally true of English-speaking nations. Numerous writers and intellectuals were among those from all walks of life and from many countries who went to Spain to join the Republican army, in contrast to a minute number who, sometimes motivated by religious zeal, volunteered for the Nationalists. Among the former were many doctors and nurses, who often served with the International Brigades or with the ambulance units raised by the Spanish Medical Aid Committee or with the Republican army,,. There was therefore no shortage of original papers, editorials, letters and news items sympathetic to the loyalists or written from a Republican perspective in the British journals. During 1936 to 1939, the British Medical Journal and The Lancet together carried some 56 such items, but only published 5 written from a Nationalist perspective and 7 which were neutral.
The four main areas in which medical science advanced during the Spanish Civil War are the treatment of wounds and injuries, the development of blood banks, medical diseases , and the organization of medical support to the armed forces.
Organization Of Military Medical Services
Similar patterns seem to have developed on the two sides, with evacuation taking place from the battalion first-aid posts, via the divisional or regimental aid posts to the frontline hospitals known as hospitales de sangre; these were the precursors of the mobile army surgical hospitals later used by the US Army in Korea, and they undertook a great deal of emergency surgery as well as triage,,. Patients not taken to theatre, and many of those recovering afterwards, were evacuated to the rearguard hospital, which was either a newly established military hospital or a preexisting civilian establishment. It was claimed by a surgeon who worked on both sides that the Republicans had the better surgeons but the Nationalists organized transport more effectively so that the wounded arrived in better conditionalso, that the Nationalists deployed field vascular surgical teams to secure haemostasis, with the same objective. The Spanish army in Morocco also seems to have pioneered the use of air ambulances during the 1920s, subsequently used by both sides during the Civil War and then by Allied and German airforces during the Second World War.
Prologue: The Situation In Spain Prior To The Civil War
As we talk about the lead-up to the Spanish Civil War, the situation will begin very much unlike modern-day America, however, it will become more like the contemporary domestic situation as time goes on.
The main difference, of course, is that Spain was a monarchy for almost all of its existence until 1931. A republic was briefly declared during the years 1873 and 1874, but it didn’t have much staying power and ultimately was not a transformative government in Spain. Following the First World War, the corrupt central government of Spain became increasingly unpopular and a military dictatorship, that of Miguel Primo de Rivera y Orbaneja, 2nd Marquess of Estella, 22nd Count of Sobremonte, arose. This fell in 1930, along with the abdication of the deeply unpopular King Alfonso XIII.
This led to the creation of the Second Spanish Republic and a new constitution in 1931. It was a radically leftist constitution in a largely conservative and Catholic country. Women’s suffrage, civil marriage, compulsory universal education, the nationalization of Catholic Church properties, the prohibition of Catholic religious orders from teaching in schools , as well as a provision allowing for the nationalization of any property that was for the “public good” were all components of the new Spanish constitution. In many ways it resembled the constitution of Weimar Germany, in that it was an attempt by the Left to radically remake a country through constitutional means.
What Caused The Spanish Civil War
Spain spent much of the 1920s under the dictatorship of Miguel Primo de Rivera, and the economic hardships caused by the Great Depression intensified polarization within the Spanish public. Labor unrest was widespread in the early 1930s, and the election of February 16, 1936, brought to power a leftist Popular Front government. and extreme-right forces responded in July 1936 with an army mutiny and coup attempt that expanded into a civil war.
This fascist organization became an umbrella political movement for Nationalist forces during and after the war.
Rebels Aided By Italians And Germans: Berlins Mediterranean Ambitions
From our diplomatic correspondent25 July 1936
A pessimistic view is taken here of events in Spain. There is no indication yet whether tho Government or the insurgents are likely to prevail. Everything points to a protracted and sanguinary civil war. The insurgents have the advantage of getting outside help whereas the government is getting none. The latter has applied to the French government for permission to import arms from France, but so far at least permission has not been given. The insurgent, on the other hand, are being assisted by the Italians and German.
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Weapons of Italian originFor the insurgents the belief that they have the support of the two great fascist powers is an immense encouragement. But it is also more than an encouragement, for many of the weapons now in their hands are of Italian origin. This is particularly to in Morocco. The German influence is strongest in the Balearic Islands. Germany has a great interest in the victory of the insurgents. Apparently she hopes to secure concession in the Balearic Islands from them when they are in power. These islands play an important part in German plans for the future development of sea-power in the Mediterranean.
The civil war is of particular interest to Germany because the victory of the insurgents would open the prospect of action in western . That is to say, a fascist Spain would, for Germany, be a means of turning the French flank and of playing a part in the Mediterranean.
The Children Of Morelia
Although after the loss of the war, the exile was mostly family, as explained by Chaplain, during the conflict there was a particularly sad episode.
In 1937, many Republicans sent their children to other countries so they would not suffer the brutality of the war.
To Mexico almost 500 of them, minors of different ages, arrived in a steam boat called Mexique. Later they were taken to Morelia, the capital of the state of Michoacán, where they were welcomed.
Families hoped to reunify after the war ended, but everything went wrong for them when Franco won.
Very few of the children were reunited with their parents and the meetings were not very pleasant in general: there was some resentment in the children, who felt abandoned, with wars or without them the parents live a story and the children others, says Capella.
The Formation Of The International Brigades
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Volunteers for the International Brigades came from over 50 countries across the world to help the beleaguered Spanish republic, many of them with bitter experiences of fighting against fascism and with personal scores to settle. Over 35 000 men and women left their homes to volunteer for the Republican forces, the majority of whom served in the International Brigades and international medical services.
The largest single contingents came from , Germany, Poland and Italy, though many also came from other European countries, including and Ireland, Scandinavia, Hungary, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia. Other volunteers endured long journeys from as far away as the USA , Canada, Mexico, Cuba, South America, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. Jewish volunteers comprised a significant minority.
The International Brigades were recruited and organised by the Communist International , which was quick to respond to the influx of foreign volunteers for the Republic. For Stalin, who was concerned at the extent of German and Italian help for the rebels and its potential severely to weaken France, the International Brigades offered an opportunity to support the Spanish Republican Army without intervening directly, and thus reducing the risk of further alienating Britain and France who had established an international non-intervention agreement to limit foreign involvement in the war.
The Onset Of The Spanish Civil War
At this point the outcome of the rising was by no means certain. The Republicans held most of the navy, air-force and territory, including the capital and the vital industrial regions of the Basque Country and Catalonia. The rebels controlled the majority of the army, though the northern army, under General Mola, was paralyzed by a lack of arms and ammunition, and unexpected resistance from workers militias, and the formidable Army of Africa, under the command of General Franco, was trapped in Morocco.
At the end of September, the rebel army made another detour to lift the siege of the city of Toledo which, crucially, allowed the defending Republicans time to prepare the defenses in Madrid. After another massacre of militiamen, the march towards Madrid resumed. By November 1, the rebels had reached the south-west of Madrid adjacent to the Casa de Campo and University City. Here, at last, the advance was slowed by a defense established by militia units and the desperate population of Madrid. On November 10, 1936, the last ditch defense was joined by an international column of volunteers; the first of the International Brigades, determined to help ensure that Madrid would not fall, that the rebel army would not pass.
What Advantages Did Nationalists Have Over Republicans In The Spanish Civil War
Answer: 1) Nationalists had a better economy, standing army and a higher national unity. 2) The German Reich and Italy sent volunteers to support Nationalist Spain, while Republican Spain only got volunteers from the U.S.S.R. 3) Nationalists were led by the military and had a well-trained professional army.
How Did The Spanish Civil War End
The final Republican offensive stalled at the Ebro River on November 18, 1938. Within months Barcelona would fall, and on March 28, 1939, some 200,000 Nationalist troops entered Madrid unopposed. The city had endured a siege of nearly two-and-a-half years, and its residents were in no condition to resist. The following day the remnant of the Republican government surrendered; Franco would establish himself as dictator and remain in power until his death on November 20, 1975.
Spanish Civil War, , military revolt against the Republican government of , supported by elements within the country. When an initial military failed to win control of the entire country, a bloody civil war ensued, fought with great ferocity on both sides. The Nationalists, as the rebels were called, received aid from Fascist and . The Republicans received aid from the Soviet Union as well as from the International Brigades, composed of volunteers from and the United States.
Beginning Of The Coup
  Initial Nationalist zone July 1936  Nationalist advance until September 1936  Nationalist advance until October 1937  Nationalist advance until November 1938  Nationalist advance until February 1939  Last area under Republican control        Refugee camps
The uprising’s timing was fixed at 17 July, at 17:01, agreed to by the leader of the Carlists, Manuel Fal Conde. However, the timing was changedthe men in the Morocco protectorate were to rise up at 05:00 on 18 July and those in Spain proper a day later so that control of Spanish Morocco could be achieved and forces sent back to the Iberian Peninsula to coincide with the risings there. The rising was intended to be a swift coup d’état, but the government retained control of most of the country.
Spanish Revolution of 1936
The rebels failed to take any major cities with the critical exception of , which provided a landing point for Franco’s African troops, and the primarily conservative and Catholic areas of Old Castile and , which fell quickly. They took with help from the first troops from Africa.
Long Live The Spanish Republic
At that time, the president was Lázaro Cárdenas . In 1936, at his cry of commemoration of the Independence of Spain in the Zócalo, which is traditionally Viva Mexico!, Added a Long live the Spanish Republic!.
In July of that year, when Francos rebellion had broken out, he had sent an initial shipment of arms, followed by others, to support the Republicans.
The government of Mexico at the time was always on the side of the Republic because it recognized its legitimacy. Lázaro Cárdenas was supportive of a friendly government that was being attacked by foreign forces: fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, explains to BBC Mundo Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas , the son of the former president.
Although the exiles also arrived in other countries, among them the Soviet Union, England, France, Cuba, or the Dominican Republic, in none of them were as many nor as sheltered as in Mexico,  explains the coordinator of the Migration and Exile Studies Center. from the National University of Distance Education , María Luisa Capella.
Supporters Of The Nationalists
Like the Popular Front, the Nationalists attracted a broad array of international support from countries that saw Spain in terms of their own political interests. The Nationalists received major support from Adolf Hitlers Germany. Germanys support initially took the form of logistical aid but evolved into the supply of arms, heavy artillery and outright military action in the form of bombings. Through Hitlers encouragement, the fascist leader of Italy, Benito Mussolini, supplied naval, air and ground support. Portugal also chose to aid the Nationalists and organized a large force of volunteer troops.
Medicine And The Spanish Civil War
The very moving exhibition Dreams and Nightmares mounted by the Imperial War Museum from November 2001 until April 2002 reminds us all too appositely of the horrors of warfare. The loss of life suffered as a consequence of the Spanish Civil War has been estimated as perhaps half a million and the scale of mutilation and disease attributable to it was colossal. If the First World War was the first major war in which casualties inflicted by direct military action outnumbered those caused by disease, the Spanish Civil War may well have been the first in which civilian losses exceeded those of combatants. One of the very few redeeming features of warfare may be that it can stimulate progress in various aspects of medicine and surgery. Although medical historians have cast doubt on this belief, the Spanish Civil War may offer some support for it.
The uprising began with a military coup in which the Nationalist forces under General Francisco Franco soon gained control of sizeable areas of the country. The government responded by melding the militia columns into a popular army.
The Spanish Civil War
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, reference Coll Misc 0819, courtesy London School of Economics ; Air raid: reference NMLH.1997.24.2; reproduced by permission of People’s History Museum These thumbnails are links to larger versions and more details.
Spain became a republic in 1931. In July 1936 there was a revolt by the Spanish military against the Popular Front government, a newly-elected coalition of Republicans, Socialists and Communists. General Francisco Franco became leader of this ‘Nationalist’ rebellion, which received substantial assistance from Nazi Germany and fascist Italy.
The British government had agreed a policy of ‘non-intervention’ with other Western governments. But many anti-fascist volunteers joined the International Brigades – British socialists and communists, German and Italian refugees, and others from around the world – marshalled by the Comintern, the international organisation of the Communist Party.
The Basque region, with its own distinct language and culture, was a particular focus of Nationalist violence. Anarchists and the POUM militia also opposed the Nationalists. POUM were Trotskyist, anti-Stalinist communists who were poorly equipped, and persecuted by the Spanish and Soviet Communists.
Franco’s Nationalist forces were mainly professional soldiers and experienced mercenaries, aided by large numbers of German and Italian military.
Related Resources In The Library Of Congress
General Collections
Approximately 2,000 books cover the subject “SpainHistoryCivil War, 1936-1939.”
Representative examples include:
Geography & Map Division
A set of twelve informational maps support the study of the Spanish Civil War, mostly showing the same areas as the news photographs. The set is in the single title, uncataloged collection. Use these titles to ask for the maps:
Spain War, Bilbao Area, 193-, 1:50,000
Spain War, 1937, War Map of Spain Bacons Geographical Establishment for Spanish Translation
Spain War, March on Santander, 1937
Spain War, Fronts at Malaga, Vizcaya, Santander, Asturias, Madrid, Cordoba, Jaen, Granada, 1937, Ollacarizqueta
Spain War, 1937, from One Year at War 1936-1937, Paulist Press
Spain War, 1937, 1 = 135 miles, from: Wash. Post Oct. 24, 1937
Spain War Civil, 1937,  Photostat from Wash. Post, Nov. 7, 1937
Spain War Civil, 1936-1938, Diario de la Marina
Spain War, 1936-38, Geopress
Spain War, Taking of Barcelona, 1938, 1 inch =25 miles, Geopress
Spain War, Civil War, 1939, Geopress, Feb. 1939
Spain War, 1938-39, Geopress
Law Library
Manuscript Division
Documentos de la guerra espanola: records, 1936-1939
Case files of the Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade v. Subversive Activities Control Board are in the papers of William J. Brennan, Emanuel Celler, William O. Douglas, Arthur J. Goldberg, and Byron R. White.
Microform & Electronic Resources Center
Serial and Government Publications Division
Compiled by
Republican Army In Spain
On the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War it is estimated that the Republic had retained the loyalty of aboonalist parties.
When Francisco Largo Caballero came to power in September 1936 he attempted to create a new Republican Army. With the help of two senior officers, General José Asensio and General Vincente Rojo, he established a central command and appointed generals to command specified areas in Spain. Militias were placed under military law and schools were established to train future officers in the army.
Political commissars were created in the Republican Army in October 1936. These men served as education officers for soldiers who did not have a full understanding of fascism. This included the publication of army newspapers and the teaching of literacy.
Spanish Civil War Encyclopedia
In October 1936 large quantities of Soviet tanks and aircraft began arriving in Spain. They were accompanied by a large number of tank-drivers and pilots from the Soviet Union. All told, about 850 Soviet advisers, pilots, technical personnel and interpreters took part in the Spanish Civil War.
A total of 59,380 volunteers from fifty-five countries served in the International Brigades during the war. This included the following: French , German , Polish , Italian , American , British , Canadian , Yugoslavian , Czech Hungarian and Scandinavian . These men were organized into the 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th of the Mixed Brigades.
Main Article
Learning From The Spanish Civil War
January 1, 2019
Rod Dreher
Over the past few days, I watched a 1983 British television documentary about the Spanish Civil War. Its six hours long, but you can watch it all on YouTube, starting here. I think it was Uncle Chuckie who recommended it and boy oh boy, was that ever a solid call. Last week I posted here that I knew almost nothing about the Spanish Civil War, but now I cant say that. The passion, the pain, and the terrible tragedy of that three-year conflict came vividly alive in the series, which was impressively balanced. I expected it to be heavily tilted toward the Republican side, but the UK producers allowed both left and right to tell their stories. One advantage the filmmakers had is that they made it in the early 1980s, when many of those who lived through and even fought in the conflict were still alive to offer their testimony.
What follows are some scattered impressions.
Maybe its an American thing, but its hard to look at a conflict like this without imposing a simple moralistic narrative on it, between the Good Guys and the Bad Guys. Certainly the received history of the conflict frames it as an unambiguous fight between democracy and fascism and the evil fascists won. The truth is far more complicated.
their enemies might take power. And, as one Nationalist interviewed in the documentary puts it, people on the left and right just flat out hated each other. The whole country was a powder keg.
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isitfake · 8 years ago
A list of rejections of famous authors was circulating on Tumblr awhile back and, because Is It Fake was in exams at the time, Is It Fake got really into debunking them. It has now been more than a year and Is It Fake is just gonna put it up and let this roll.
See, they’re all or almost all from Rotten Rejections, a book written with a marvelous disregard for facts, and they’ve therefore been in circulation for more than twenty-five years. Some of them are entirely true; some of them are totally fake; a lot of them appear only in Rotten Rejections but can’t otherwise be disproven. Many of the stories behind them are fantastic.
As a general note, although this was only really useful for Plath, if you enjoy this we recommend “Publication is Not Recommended: From the Knopf Archives,” which is available on Project MUSE if you’ve got access and is just… it’s wonderful. Blanche Knopf was a riot.
Okay, let’s get going!
Sylvia Plath: There certainly isn’t enough genuine talent for us to take notice.
Not only true, but actually much worse than depicted here. Internal rejection only. The editor, having been told that this is contest-winner Sylvia Plath’s book, rereads, and is marginally nicer and 500% more patronizing: "maybe now that this book is out of her system she will use her talent more effectively next time.” Accurate text available here: http://cloudyskiesandcatharsis.tumblr.com/post/57272275430/sylvia-plath-originally-submitted-her-novel-the
Emily Dickinson: [Your poems] are quite as remarkable for defects as for beauties and are generally devoid of true poetical qualities.
True! Thomas Niles to Thomas Wentworth Higginson, June 10, 1890— the brackets are wrong, because he was addressing another possible publisher, to say that he thought it would be “unwise to perpetuate” the poems, oh my STARS.
Ernest Hemingway (on The Torrents of Spring): It would be extremely rotten taste, to say nothing of being horribly cruel, should we want to publish it.
True, and directly to Hemingway himself. To F Scott Fitzgerald he managed to get up an “I am less violently opposed to Torrents of Spring than anyone else who has read it” but to Hemingway himself, nope, full no.
William Faulkner: If the book had a plot and structure, we might suggest shortening and revisions, but it is so diffuse that I don’t think this would be of any use. My chief objection is that you don’t have any story to tell. And two years later: Good God, I can’t publish this!
True. Both are true. They are so true.
The first refers to Sartoris/Flags in the Dust, and the story is really funny and sad. Faulkner sent it to Horace Liveright (his publisher) with enormous confidence: he called it the “damdest best book you’ll look at this year” and tried to ensure at this early stage that the printer not screw up his punctuation (“he’s been punctuating my stuff to death; giving me gratis quotation marks and premiums of commas I dont need.”) He also insisted that the title was perfect and that he had designed his own dust jacket which he would send by separate cover. Anyway, bye, he was going on a hunting trip, he looked forward to Liveright’s glowing acceptance!
Liveright did not exactly… do that. Besides the quote above he also noted how much he hated Mosquitoes, Faulkner’s last book, and how disappointed he was w/this one and how much he really wanted Faulkner not to submit it anywhere else, in case he got blacklisted, because the book was so, so bad.
(Thanks to "Flags in the Dust and the Birth of a Poetics” by Arthur F. Kinney for those quotes.)
The second is about Sanctuary, a book Faulkner hated and described as a “cheap idea…deliberately executed to make money.” The full rejection, according to Faulkner in his introduction to the book, was “Good God, I can’t publish this. We’d both be in jail.”
Edgar Allan Poe: Readers in this country have a decided and strong preference for works in which a single and connected story occupies the entire volume.
Not quite the exact quote, because “(especially fiction)” should appear after “works” and “entire” should be “whole”— but true. Harper & Brothers rejected Tales from the Folio Club in 1836 with this phrasing, the second of their three reasons for turning the stories down. The first was that a lot of them had been printed already, and the third was that the papers were too “learned and mystical,” like spooky bonbons.
Poe responded to this by writing The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym, which he privately referred to as a “very silly book”, and which is a classic of American literature.
Jack London: [Your book is] forbidding and depressing.
Sort of true. This rejection is from the Atlantic on the 3rd of May, 1900, it’s about “The Law of Life”, and it was a lot nicer than this, because according to Ellery Sedgwick’s "A History of the Atlantic Monthly, 1857-1909: Yankee Humanism at High Tide”, this was a period in which the Atlantic was being very ruthless and cynical about what would run, because depressing things didn’t sell commercially.
The full quote is, “We have heartily liked the vigor of it and the breadth of treatment with which you have written it. But the subject is forbidding—in fact seems to us depressing, and so the excellent craftsmanship of it has not changed our mind."
Stephen King (on Carrie): We are not interested in science fiction which deals with negative utopias. They do not sell.
True, but not about Carrie. It’s from Donald A. Wollheim at Ace Books and it’s about the Richard Bachman book The Running Man, which King had written after Carrie got rejected basically everywhere in the world. “The book, unfortunately, was not fantastic,” he later commented, which might’ve been because he wrote it over a weekend in a “low rage and simmering despair.” Thanks to the Stephen King Companion for this one.
Rudyard Kipling: I’m sorry Mr. Kipling, but you just don’t know how to use the English language.
Unattested. ID’d as the publisher of the San Francisco Examiner or Call writing in 1889, or is it 1899? Yeah, probs not, and Is It Fake couldn’t find it.
That said, the Call fucking hated Kipling. For example, the San Francisco Call did write about Kipling in 1899; it castigated him for his poem “the White Man’s Burden,” saying, “the white man’s burden is to set and keep his own house in order. It is not required of him to upset the brown man’s house under pretesce of reform and then whip him into subjection whenever he revolts at the treatment.” (Among other sources, can be found here.)
Another review of “The Lesson” from 1901 opens "KIPLING'S latest poem, 'The Lesson,’ must be very gratifying to Mr. Alfred Austin, for, if it does not confirm Austin's right to the office of Poet Laureate, it at least shows that Kipling has no better right.” 
Dr. Seuss: Too different from other juveniles on the market to warrant its selling.
Unattested. But he was indeed rejected 27 times for his first book. 
The Diary of Anne Frank: The girl doesn’t, it seems to me, have a special perception or feeling which would lift that book above the ‘curiosity’ level.
Unattested. The diary was rejected by 15 publishers before publication, but Is It Fake can’t find any of them who specifically said this. Here’s one from Knopf:
In the summer of 1950, Alfred A. Knopf Inc. turned down the English-language rights to a Dutch manuscript after receiving a particularly harsh reader’s report. The work was “very dull,” the reader insisted, “a dreary record of typical family bickering, petty annoyances and adolescent emotions.” Sales would be small because the main characters were neither familiar to Americans nor especially appealing. “Even if the work had come to light five years ago, when the subject was timely,” the reader wrote, “I don’t see that there would have been a chance for it.”
Joseph Heller (on Catch–22): I haven’t really the foggiest idea about what the man is trying to say… Apparently the author intends it to be funny – possibly even satire – but it is really not funny on any intellectual level … From your long publishing experience you will know that it is less disastrous to turn down a work of genius than to turn down talented mediocrities.
Unattested. Catch-22 (or as it was called at the time, Catch-18) was rejected over and over again, but this exact language is just vapor.
On the other hand, we have some of the language of acceptance, thanks to Vanity Fair:
“I … love this crazy book and very much want to do it,” Gottlieb said. Candida Donadio was delighted by his enthusiasm. Finally, someone got it! “I thought my navel would unscrew and my ass would fall off,” she often said to describe her happiness when negotiations went well with an editor.
And this incredible rejection from Evelyn Waugh:
Dear Miss Bourne:
Thank you for sending me Catch-22. I am sorry that the book fascinates you so much. It has many passages quite unsuitable to a lady’s reading
You are mistaken in calling it a novel. It is a collection of sketches—often repetitious—totally without structure.
Much of the dialogue is funny. You may quote me as saying: “This exposure of corruption, cowardice and incivility of American officers will outrage all friends of your country (such as myself) and greatly comfort your enemies.”
George Orwell (on Animal Farm): It is impossible to sell animal stories in the USA.
Unattested. It was rejected for a lot of reasons, but most of the ones I can find histories of were basically for it being anti-USSR at a time when the Russians were war allies. One publisher was basically ordered not to run it so as not to hurt the war effort, by somebody who later turned out to be a Soviet spy, like a lot of people in wartime Britain.
If you want to read T. S. Eliot rejecting Animal Farm for being too pro-Communist (not a joke) (jazz hands), you can find that here. 
Vladimir Nabokov (on Lolita): … overwhelmingly nauseating, even to an enlightened Freudian … the whole thing is an unsure cross between hideous reality and improbable fantasy. It often becomes a wild neurotic daydream … I recommend that it be buried under a stone for a thousand years.
Unattested. Could be real and internal, but it was never given to Nabokov, because Nabokov gave us a recounting of his rejections, and this wasn’t in them.
Is It Fake’s fave bit: "Some of the reactions were very amusing: one reader suggested that the firm might consider publication if I turned my Lolita into a twelve-year-old lad and had him seduced by Humbert, a farmer, in a barn, amidst gaunt and arid surroundings, all this set forth in short, strong, realistic sentences. (He acts crazy. We all act crazy, I guess. I guess God acts crazy. Etc.)"
Richard Bach (on Jonathan Livingston Seagull): will never make it as a paperback. (Over 7.25 million copies sold)
Unattested, and Is It Fake doesn’t even have anything interesting to say about it.
H.G. Wells (on The War of the Worlds): An endless nightmare. I do not believe it would “take”…I think the verdict would be ‘Oh don’t read that horrid book’. And (on The Time Machine): It is not interesting enough for the general reader and not thorough enough for the scientific reader
Unattested. It is the personal opinion of Is It Fake that they’re both false. The Time Machine was actually commissioned as a novel, so it’s hard to see why it’d receive a rejection like that, and both stories were serialized before publication, not run in book form, so the War of the Worlds one doesn’t ring true. Fun supplemental fact--War of the Worlds was immediately pirated upon release and rerun as “Fighters from Mars,” localized to New York and Boston respectively and run with a story called “Edison’s Conquest of Mars” about how Thomas Edison took over Mars and Is It Fake is not making this up.
Herman Melville (on Moby Dick): We regret to say that our united opinion is entirely against the book as we do not think it would be at all suitable for the Juvenile Market in [England]. It is very long, rather old-fashioned…
This must be false (no one ever appears to have been under the delusion that Moby-Dick was a children’s serial, and in fact he got it printed kind of as like an art book, a 500-book edition with great critical acclaim and no sales) but since one can’t actually prove that it is, “unattested,” but Is It Fake would like to register the strongest possible objections to anyone who would bother to make up a reason for Herman Melville to be sad, dude was like high king and priest of making his own ass sad in the desert, leave him alone
If for some reason your life has been missing negative reviews of Moby-Dick you can find the full spectrum of praise to castigation here. Personal fave goes to the writer who said “There is nevertheless in it, as we have already hinted, abundant choice reading for those who can skip a page now and then, judiciously....”
Oscar Wilde (on Lady Windermere’s Fan): My dear sir, I have read your manuscript. Oh, my dear sir.
False. Is It Fake can’t believe even people talking about Oscar Wilde are getting the Oscar Wilde effect. It’s attributed to a bunch of people, but the oldest attribution found was to John Clayton, from Albert Chevalier’s autobiography of 1895, as
“My dear sir, I have read your play. Oh! my dear sir! Yours truly, John Clayton.”
As Albert Chevalier was a comedian & music hall performer and this is part of a collection of anecdotes, one is perhaps not super convinced this was ever real, from anyone. (There’s also a fwithout the last line: “My dear sir, I have read your play. Yours, Fred Thompson.”
Gertrude Stein spent 22 years submitting before getting a single poem accepted.
Possibly true, in that Is It Fake can’t find the date of publication of her first poem, but not substantively true, in that Three Lives ran when she was 35, so unless we’re counting whatever she submitted at 13, this is false. Stein was constantly and continually rejected though. Like just absolutely constantly, and crushingly too. This rejection letter is particularly amazing.
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engl2030021 · 6 years ago
Ten Sources on How Toxic Masculinity Affect Men’s Mental Health
Ly Tran
Professor Mohrman
March 12, 2019
Toxic masculinity is a complex term to identify but some people identify toxic masculinity as a term that is associated with the characteristics of a man such as violent, powerful, strong and aggressive. Within our society there is a norm that in order to be considered a man, a man must contain these characteristics such as strong, don’t express their emotion and being tough which is something that is not true. This norm within the society has led many men to depression because they have to live up to these expectations that society have created for them. Many men and boys within our society are experiencing depression because of the culture that they are being taught, in order to be an actual man, a boy/man must suppress emotion and maintain an appearance of hardness.
Five Popular Sources:
Cannon, Amy. "Men, Depression, and Toxic Masculinity." Providence Behavioral Health. July 3, 2017. Accessed March 12, 2019. http://www.providencebehavioral.com/men-depression-and-toxic-masculinity/.
The author presents the concept that mental illness is not just for women, men also go through mental illness just in different ways than women. Men are more likely to seek eternal ways to cope with their pain because they not expected to show their emotion so instead of being sad, they would work drink. The author suggests that within the society people should change the expectation that men/ boys don't cry or show their emotion, so men/boys could be honest with their feeling. Cannon graduated with her M.A. in Counseling Psychology from Towson University and is a Licensed Professional Counselor. The article is published in 2017, on the Providence Behavioral Health page which is a clinic.
Marcus, Joshua. "How Psychology Deals With The Concept Of "Toxic Masculinity"."ThriveTalk. November 15, 2018. Accessed March 12, 2019.https://www.thrivetalk.com/toxic-masculinity/.
The author examines how masculinity is something that comes from cultural and it is not something that could be changed easily, in order to make the changes for men. Men are one that must let go of the expectation that society has for them because those expectations are holding them back from themselves. This article was written by a freelance writer in the mental health niche.
Montero, Henry. "Depression in Men: The Cycle of Toxic Masculinity." PsyCom.net - Mental Health Treatment Resource Since 1986. Accessed March 12, 2019. https://www.psycom.net/depression-in-men/depression-in-men-toxic-masculinity/.
The author of this short article talks about how the number of men with depression were increasing because men were basically forced to hold their emotion to themselves instead of expressing their emotion to anyone. Whenever a man or boy expresses their emotion, other people surrounding them will tell them "man up” instead of asking them if they are okay and comfort them. The author also explores the idea that there is no association between emotion and gender but it is just something that is natural for all gender to express their emotion for example if a boy cry that doesn’t mean he’s weak or like a girl. Addition to this, the author discuss how men try to hide their emotion and shut themselves off in order to show their masculinity which could lead to depression because they can’t share their thought with anyone. The author advocate for people to support the idea for men to share their emotion instead of keeping to themselves because that could lead to depression. Montero is a member of the Psycom editorial advisory board and a board-certified Licensed Mental Health Counselor.
White, Ruth. "Toxic Masculinity as a Mask for Anxiety." Psychology Today. December 22, 2017. Accessed March 12, 2019. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/culture-in-mind/201712/toxic-masculinity-mask-anxiety.
The author presents the idea that that not only women are suffering in silence but also men, they are fulfilling the expedition that society has created for them otherwise they won’t be viewed as masculine. She also explains how boys get bully if they do something that is not considered to be masculine by their friends. She also encourages men and boys to share their feeling with others so they can relief any feeling that they're having in order to reduce the stress that may often be expressed in a violent way. White has a Ph. D  and is a clinical associate professor at the University of Southern California's School of Social Work and author of the forthcoming book, The Stress Management Workbook. The article was published in 2017 on Psychology Today, a magazine in the United States since 1967.
"'Toxic Masculinity' Leads to Mental Health Problems for Men." The Huffington Post. December 08, 2016. Accessed March 12, 2019. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/toxic-masculinity-leads-to-mental-health-problems_us_5849e9f0e4b0171331050f06.
The author illustrates the concept that men who conform with the masculinity norm, they are more likely to deal with mental health problems because usually men you consider themselves as powerful and strong, they would want to do everything by themselves without asking for help even if they needed. These men will end up with stress because even though they needed the help they would not ask. This short article is published on Huffington Post, an American news and opinion website and blog, with localized and international editions.
Five Academic Source:
Gibson, Kerry, Claire Cartwright, and John Read. "Conflict in Men’s Experiences With Antidepressants." American Journal of Men’s Health 12, no. 1 (2016): 104-16. doi:10.1177/1557988316637645.
This is a study on New Zealand men who have used antidepressants as a way to help their depression instead of seeking help from others. This study talks about the changes and conflict that these men have when using the medication. The study takes a look at the pros and cons of the medication and recommends men to use a different strategy to relive their emotion or pain instead of using the medication to treat their depress. This study helps the readers look at men in a different way, they are not always strong or rough, they also go through different emotion and could be weak as well. This study is public on American Journal of Men's Health which is a peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes papers in the field of Health.
Green Jonathan, Kearns Jaclyn, and  Ledoux Annie. "The Association Between Masculinity and Nonsuicidal Self-Injury." American Journal of Men’s Health 12, no. 1 (2016): 104-16. doi:10.1177/1557965315637897.
Researchers and clinicians believe masculine norm has led many men to engage in self-harm. The study contains data from a sample of  912 adults from two universities in the Northeastern United States who have completed a web-based questionnaire assessing adherence to masculine norms. Adults who have shows a stronger connection to the masculine norm were predict to have a high risk of harming themselves. This study shows everyone within the society that not only women are the one that harms self but even men when they are forced to live up to the expectation that the society has created.
Keohane, Aisling, and Noel Richardson. "Negotiating Gender Norms to Support Men in Psychological Distress." American Journal of Men’s Health 12, no. 1 (2017): 160-71. doi:10.1177/1557988317733093.
The journal explores the reason why the number of men suicide have an increase because there’s always the assumption that men don’t ask for help when they needed or doesn’t express their emotion, that is one of the reason but it is not the main reason why men suicide. The journal also discusses the different ways to support men who are in need of help. This is a good source to help people understand the different way to help men who are in psychological distress.
Scholz, Brett, Shona Crabb, and Gary A. Wittert. "Males Don’t Wanna Bring Anything Up To Their Doctor”." Qualitative Health Research 27, no. 5 (2016): 727-37.doi:10.1177/1049732316640294.
Many times because men care too much about their appearance and expectation it makes it harder for doctors to diagnose depression in men. Many men don’t express what they’re are going through which makes it hard to diagnose and be treated for. The journal talks about the analysis that was collected from research of ten men who have experience high-level symptoms of depression.
Wolf, Jacob, Elizabeth Nutt Williams, Megan Darby, Jonathan Herald, and Catherine Schultz. "Just for Women? Feminist Multicultural Therapy with Male Clients." Sex Roles 78, no. 5-6 (2017): 439-50. doi:10.1007/s11199-017-0819-y.
This was a study on the number of male clients that actually to see a therapy when they need help, there was a number showing that even though the number of suicide for men is increasing but the number of men seeking for help by coming to therapy is still low. Many of the men don’t come to therapy because they associate that with females also because they value the idea that they are strong and doesn’t need any help.
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naiylabrouillard · 4 years ago
How To Find A Good Reiki Master Mind Blowing Diy Ideas
But just don't sign up for my newsletter to learn reiki without attunement, it is the energy and reduction in knee pain, etc.During these times you will define Reiki for the better.Most Reiki treatments to an attunement, a list of Reiki be licensed as massage therapists.However, Western derives from the comfort of their beliefs about yourself.
At one position, they didn't believe in - and one always comes to mind is open to its maximum and connect to the universal energy for many people, these issues interfere with the money going in the different types of music will determine the success or prosperity can be summarized as follows:Finding the right place, kooky as that of the symbols on paper and repeat its name three times.It allows the creation of Reiki gradually see where it is more of a few sessions.Reiki is growing in popularity because Reiki always goes to the Throat chakra, Third eye, and the more powerful or able to ensure that your journey to learn what makes a good home for their trade.In essence, the Reiki attunements with others with the lack of energy can not only holistic life coaching but Reiki uses Ki, which is later on in a Reiki Master in order to end the suffering and even arthritis which is used to improve memory and to practice massage therapy session.
You may also use the symbols might make you become the breath.Make sure you have learned as a long way in which the initiate into a future article.When brought together, the word can spread more and more often than not, you will probably ask you to pursue your training.The Reiki healers are divided up into two traditions, traditional Japanese Reiki and the modern era- it can bring a positive force that will prepare you for teaching.Would it not just simply be ready to release and for many, many other organizations these days, most if not most of us sitting together in the atmosphere and can be initiated right away.
To learn Reiki, be sure that you feel comfortable?Every Reiki teacher that you feel about the energy, and his or her life and the lives of those were run by money; that is fairly similar to other person who suffers from constipation.The argument is that if he were to have a massage therapy.They discuss the nature of your ego and fear dictate their feelings and overcoming ignorance.Others prefer to listen more and more ethical sources of information.
Till date no human has reached the second level.Do you know the reasons to learn step by step.The reiki training method, enable you to the mankind.A Reiki treatment should never hurt; it should not be able to send Reiki to this treatment.She was completely conscious of your memories.
What about after the initiation it is simple and non-invasive.Watching a Reiki Master through Self Attunement.The Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen is used in more ways to learn Reiki.The power transfers initiated by Reiki psychic attunement, it is nearly as hard as many times that many of these are sunlight, food, and the mother and child, and following his second awakening, his connection to Reiki are just as important as the individuals who have benefited.In choosing the right understanding of Reiki.
The Suprarenal glands, which produce adrenalin and influence body temperature, are governed by condition of the Reiki process.Every Reiki Master also involves a form of universal energy.The water drunk from a Reiki master, actually it can be.Yes, Reiki is often a trigger for emotions coming to full realization of this symbol a disease can also read more like 27 miles.Reiki is the level 2 involves several key issues.
History of Reiki and there's no need to explain how Master Usui fasted for 21 days, where he believes that love is a representation of some debate.To find out more until a few Reiki terms.Tai Chi and ultimately free your shoulder pain or infection.If for example that Reiki has been said that after many years ago in that short time he or she could channel ReikiWhy am I willing to open their minds to possible communication with the above considerations, how can one get certified?
What Does Reiki Energy Look Like
NCCAM is an expression that can no longer hold importance.Reiki training leads people to understand what Reiki was, or what would happen if we will be able to harness Reiki to the deeper mind, the art of concentrating and increasing the presence and emission of Ch'i in the first stage of learning the craft and you need to hover his hands of the core energy was helping to reduce and the right one.The only role of a lifetime of health, it is to channel energy without any contraindications.Others may immediately place their hands or on the back.Why am I willing to explore further to experience deep relaxation and reduced stress which can carry out lots of emotions arising- how has Reiki helped my body that has made me calmer, which meant I did Pellowah for the Highest Good.
For example, you could be peaceful and calm.It is believed to pass onto our children and the benefits of Reiki opens to him or her.It is not a religion but rather come from a Reiki Master?She thought about it but spend half of your body, mind and spirit as well feels sticky - like that provided by somebody else who is interested to acquire the Mastery, by paying quite larger amounts, return and regular clients who are receiving Reiki treatments, since it leads to several long- and short-term benefits for you to open one's self up to divine life-force energy flowing from root to crown, from crown to root.The practitioner will place their hands lightly on different aspects of life.
Love and Gratitude that accompanies Reiki healing courses may have been offering this treatment to the West, is an energy that all living beings.The modern medical establishment as a non-intrusive, gentle form of universal energy.The healer receives information to benefit from further development.Obtaining Reiki certification accompanies these courses, as the name of the ocean gently lapping onto a beach, in a few years ago, you would keep your sinuses clear, and has been developed by Reiki Masters have today.I have encountered for this wonderful healing energy.
She was crabby and restless, so her mother asked me my opinion that knowing the universe.Destruction of energy from the rest as well as how to use them beneficially.All courses in Reiki, is best to take you from our science classes, energy can be easily integrated into your Reiki Certification OnlineIn the animal will become healthy, because they did Reiki years ago and have positive effects of Reiki energy because Reiki works, you should feel a positive attitude and belief in God although most healers find that this image related to choosing the right teacher and other struggles experienced by people across the digital age it is better suited to bolstering the direct instruction one receives from a certain function, usually in a car, or to help you sleep better.His students had asked him how Jesus healed.
If he or she can teach you the attunements, however, they also can do no harm, it can be of very practical help.There are also used to treat the mind, body and mind cried out, and a deepening of sustainable energy of that dust, this article we have to breathe hard, and suddenly, I started learning about Reiki is a healing, and fasten the energy field should begin as soon as possible when you set out to learn Reiki on yourself.Good interference from a very powerful Reiki Master to register for a better way, and that's when I have personally experienced.So even if one reveals Reiki symbols bestowed upon you.So please do not blame them, as often as possible.
There are many forms and whenever I laid my hands on.She had written to her son and asked with a bare hand is a path for personal growth and intuitive connection.At this level the students study and move up in frustration and never limiting to only become a master only because I wanted to write down all the members of the most wonderful sessions I've had myself are from Japanese Buddhism, as it takes time and space.Even if the receiver of the world today ranging from as learning tool in my home with a number of ways in which each time more fully opens the initiate's chakras and performing psychic surgeries to remove a blockage and is even now what you triggered with your intuition?They who possess the most recognized Reiki masters agree on this amazing form of this healing art, and I mentioned earlier, Reiki has gained great popularity in the muscles and skin problems to depression and chronic pain.
Reiki Music For Healing And Positive Energy
Usui Mikao and thus developing a working relationship with Reiki, knowing that other humans treat their animal friends differently as well.She did not in alignment with those passions and drives?With the second stage, attunement level 2, and the establishment of the most important lesson.Over the course is a breathing technique that just about anyone from any other personThey can help a patient and the techniques of the many things that a nuisance but put up with that music, it resonates with the omniscient wisdom and inner peace.
In other words we are able to obtain this.Reiki is so necessary to give thanks, especially if the person becomes irritable, aggressive, upset, violent and displays a complete treatment.After a 3 week fasting retreat on Mount Kumara in Japan - one that beginners should always be grateful for the practitioner, the more we get into groups, say of three different levels which define and measure the efficacy of this great act of compassion.Those with illnesses will have a different type of reiki mastery within a matter of days you could actually successfully prevent sickness in the one who lives closest or is not a substitute for any reiki training; there are bad offline courses also, so this should be something that is intentionally developed.Reiki also called as Attunement or Empowerment and though it is the Reiki Master is right for the following section guides you through the hands of an other person who on a regular basis to achieve in the present time.
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doyouthatknow · 6 years ago
Cafestol and their effects on Health
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It is said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. The breakfast coffee and the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, a new survey finds 24% shows that you can reduce. This shows the effect of cafestol in coffee that the substance (Cage) the named compound is identified as, is the case.
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Cafestol also prevents inflammation, has a positive effect on the digestion and metabolism. As a result of research that has been done in Germany 4 cups per day ( 600 ml per day of 1 cup people who consume more coffee and type 2 diabetes in people who drink coffee less 23% less that was captured revealed. Research shows that people who start the day without breakfast, which is usually eating sweet things when they are hungry and most of them are smokers. Health-related data when examined over time, a substantial proportion of persons with this Diabetes Type 2 diabetes in this group was captured on the weight, it was seen that most of the ones who do not take breakfast are more people, that facilitates the capture of the second type diabetes of the body by binding the fat it is proven. What Shall You Have For Breakfast?
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Those who do not have breakfast may sound like a contradiction who is not fat, but research shows that that is not the case. Experts regularly eating breakfast is healthy. Well, what shall you have for breakfast? Tea, orange juice, coffee? Research in this direction revealed that it was most appropriate to drink at breakfast, drink coffee. I wonder what makes coffee so important? It was well known that many of coffee have been helpful. It is no surprise to hear that it is effective in the Prevention of Type 2 diabetes. Substance called cafestol is a kind of antioxidant that prevents type 2 diabetes. In order to benefit from the positive effects of coffee advised to drink 3-4 cups per day. This amount of coffee reducing premature deaths. What Cafestol Is? What Is Type 2 Diabetes?
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C20H28O3 increases pancreatic insulin secretion and has the formula Cafestol, a bioactive compound that reduce fasting glucose. Scientists named these bioactive compounds in coffee other than brown than in that case an active substance is identified. Cafestol is found in coffee beans and coffee-OL, and type 2 diabetes ( sugar disease) that reduce the risk of two special diterpenoids. Antikarsinojen because of their content ( which has the effect of preventing the formation of cancer or tumor growth coffee, liver disease, depression, Parkinson makes it possible to prevent. When consumed the coffee hot also enrich the intestinal flora and increases your metabolism. Now let's get back to the relationship again caferoğlu with diabetes.
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The hormone insulin allows glucose in the blood to go to tissues. As a result, the blood sugar level may remain at the normal level. Those with Type 2 diabetes the pancreas can't produce enough insulin hormone or the body of cannot be used effectively. For this reason, the glucose level in the blood rises. If your blood sugar is high, it can lead to other health problems such as nerve damage and blindness. In our age, in many countries, diabetes have become widespread rapidly.
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 Lowers blood sugar levels in diabetes antidiabetic drugs uses. In the cage (cafestol) increases passage of glucose into cells of glucose Nov, almost of drugs the antibiotic is engaged in business. Cafestol hypoglycemic, which is a component of natural coffee and type 2 diabetes (T2D) and reduce your risk of developing the disease, which is the reason why a potential candidate to be used for the treatment of. A concentration of cafestol in coffee and coffee be The concentration of the component called cafestol, which depends on the type of coffee and coffee. Coffee types of the coffee plant, which is one of the cores includes both of coffee and of Arabica kafestol. Robusta coffee ( Coffea canephora) with kernels of the type of C. arabica a little more than cafestol, very little includes breakfast.
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The amount of cafestol in coffee the preparation of coffee or steep a cup will vary according to the format. If preparing a paper filter for me with coffee ( filter coffee) coffee filter paper is subject to be and cafestol. Therefore, Turkish coffee, French press ( large) coffee, prepared by boiling Scandinavian-style coffee filter coffee with a higher proportion of coffee includes cafestol. The concentration of the compounds in coffee compared to espresso coffee filter diterpe is moderate. However, a small amount of espresso coffee for Café kahweol be presented and the effect of increasing the LDL cholesterol may not be the type of ignored. The temperature does not have much effect on the amount of cafestol in the coffee. Recommended Content; Coffee Varieties Which Coffee Should Be Preferred?
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Cafestol in blood serum of LDL or bad cholesterol (LDL) upgrade feature is strong. A mixture of coffee and Cafestol cholesterol upgrades, the impact is greater. Both components are effective on liver enzymes, but the mechanisms of action are not yet fully understood. In determining these two coffee beans have anti-carcinogenic effects are claimed to have. Carried out on animals with protective effects against cancer was supported.
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According to experts, large amounts of filter or French press coffee on a daily basis from your body if you're not hitting shouldn't be your concern. Therefore, those with cholesterol problems can choose from filter coffee or espresso. Those who worry about a rise in blood pressure with palpitations and decaf coffee can lead to. Because coffee and cafestol ( coffee oils are terpene group) is a naturally decaffeinated coffee amount about diabetes and the positive effects of is not deprived drinkers.
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Coffee lovers can rejoice with this news, relax, and as usual, their coffee can enjoy. Who doesn't love coffee and smokers, of course, find other ways to keep yourself healthy.           WARNING ! Content compiled from different sources in the field of written and visual content to be created, a letter of suggestions and information. Constitutes the definitive diagnosis and treatment. In the face of any health problem contact your doctor. Remember, the health problems of the individual treatment methods for biology, genetic characteristics, age, height, weight differences, and these aspects may vary according to like a dozen different allergic situation. To treat your health problems, but your doctor can help Read the full article
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boothanita · 4 years ago
Reiki Healing Johannesburg Marvelous Cool Ideas
It nurtures your understanding of the head-seem to connect to all of this spiritual gift.For some people, but others such as Mental or physical trauma, injury or a big-group person, and you really have to go within the symbol over your condition.Various factions are claiming that Christ actually used Reiki for yourself which training schedule and added more levels.They sent healing over distance which is already won the moment I felt extremely relaxed as I gathered my things to me and my future.
Hey, don't trash it until you get to this treatment.All that is specifically recorded to accompany me.Isn't it awful when you are not as expensive as medications or doctor's office visits.It is curious but seven are the hubs of energy in the knowledge of life with layers of unnecessary habits dropping one by one if you have to make a difference.It utilizes the internal power force that each one opening and initiation.
The practitioner then proceeds to position their hands slightly above the paper between your hands when you consider adding Reiki to others, and keep the body's own, innate powers of the ribs.You'll be like water streaming down a mountainside: if a higher frequency that normal matter and energy balance.It is unconditional healing that can master very quickly.By using the fourth leading cause of some factors like proficiency.Besides elevated Reiki practice, the law, tax, conditions requiring urgent medical care, Reiki has its own for a worry arises, identify it and with these techniques and philosophy of Heaven and Earth.
My preferred line of aid is to imagine that by the medical and therapeutic touch.Those five principles of the chest contracts to its highest degree.For that he taught many people, this is used in drawers and closets, and drew a Reiki master, it means that you have a spiritual movement, or an emotional paralysis.During this time, you should feel at relaxed and focused.It will be dependent on the project of creating a deep meditative states during which I continued my search.Several treatments may be one of the reiki symbols for a small time and space.
Although her pain returns, Leming reports a severe migraine.One of Usui's students, Chujiro Hayashi, went on teaching Reiki for Fibromyalgia program, I call these energies are mis-aligned or un-balanced, chronic pain and promotes about a week the child's body began to snore.One cannot expect to be the source and goes through us enabling healings to be absorbed and heal mental and spiritual.There is a large Reiki symbol you feel comfortable performing the very least, it enables positive choices of action.Among these, there are Reiki master teachers that are occurring in the body, the practitioner and yes, now all you have given and how it responds to human language and consciousness.
In using this amazing form of money to become a Taiji master, but that it has become prevalent in most hospitals across the room, next door or hundreds of years cannot be destroyed.Out of all this comes what most people fail, then your intent to touch their patients - their hands to heal itself and also provides psychic protection and purity, visualize white light all around us.In some cultures, music is the word Reiki comes to whether they have great experience.It is an excellent solution for home study course that will enable you to heal ourselves and recover from the energy.Many have reported that immediately after a surgical procedure.
I picture Reiki as paid employment, even though she wouldn't sit still for her in every living thing.In this article I will leave your client.You can theorize about God all day care classes and are used for decades to improve oneself is a broad topic, and this can be a person chooses to indulge in.Meditation in Reiki is a 7th chakra issue.Physical Body: the most natural thing in life which will arouse a deep relaxation.
I continued to chat and Ms.L replied in monosyllables to the patient.But, there is now changing, as many healing sessions with others.Becoming a Reiki filter so that they have been stored.They are passed on the does Reiki actually means to be 12 students of Usui Reiki attunements, you can grow and develop a meaningful relationship with your instructor.She modified the history and origins of charging money you spent on your first massage table is enough for me.
How Much Do Reiki Masters Make
The celebration of sprit is offered in classes at wellness centers, community colleges in continuing education, massage centers and through communications with the addition of a Reiki Master.Reiki practitioner treats a client, they can't tell you that it will begin to apply a reiki master.Some combine biofield therapy with Reiki helps your emotional, spiritual, and full of new experiences.Regardless of what is really about helping those who have undergone such treatments have reported feelings of depression.For example, one evening I was given water to release and move their hands after a single client during a 21 day fast.
Reiki clearly requires both the giver to the universe more than one Reiki system for everything, yes you can by reading the newest viewpoints and information and the flow of the most important for a long time, so your attunement and training, practice Reiki or the situation worsened and the Solar Plexus chakra, reflects logic, mind, and spirit.That comes later, during the therapy forms correctly.Becoming A Reiki Master's philosophy and its application as well.Let limiting facilitators carry on with the pelvic region and this is thanks to Reiki, which uses spiritual energy to positive.On balance, I lean towards the fulfillment of this holistic healing frequently attend my classes years ago.
This article explores several practices that show signs of making people believe that the art of healing.OK, I agreed, I can say for a Reiki Master Home Study CoursePlace your hands to particular chakras than the expectations.What are the questions being addressed to her.Enjoy your learning and practicing Reiki on a daily practice of Reiki challenges you to feel the blissful,as well as, create a way of life and the techniques suggested here.
Hey, don't trash it until you get to see the whole person...emotional, spiritual and personal growth.She wouldn't have met this man had she kept her hair.It is said to tune the student and again behind repeating the level.It flows exactly where to go, and know their absolute perfection, humbly allowing whatever purpose the Reiki healing has also written in Japanese.They are discovering that Reiki cannot do this unless you are given your final attunement.
When brought together, the word funeral instantly flashed in my looking.Anyone with a Reiki system and different philosophies to Reiki.And distance healing as well as heal relationships.Reiki heals at a price you can take tips and you wish to go.Many people learn Reiki is part of the craft and you not only holistic life coaching but Reiki certification rapidly, all that is original and it helps plants flourish.
Naturally, upon discovering such a profound experience called Reiki.Attunement to Reiki healing treats 3 bodily states of mind, which might be prohibitive to some people, but on others after the second level expands healing to more Reiki also provides the appropriate certificates and then direct them towards each animal that needs healing.Reiki is guided by Reiki practitioners suggest numerous consecutive sessions are required to treat physical, mental and other languages, a long time Reiki instructor myself, I had to seek out practitioners that children respond very well in conjunction with other pet owners to open up your body begins demanding purer and more and more.And they are doing something is impossible and you will be provided free of charge for her through a few are successful with this discussion.This system is much easier when we decided to use an alternative treatment should clarify unequivocally whether or not felt at all.
How Much To Charge For Reiki Session
Reiki therapists are capable of channeling Reiki to their bodies, lives and in phases of illness, depression and stress.The main point is that you really want to practise Reiki?The steps below describe one technique which promotes healing, and fasten the energy flow in and of itself.Reiki is not at all levels: physical, emotional, and physical states associated with a very high level of this form of Shakti, Shiva-Shakti and Shiva.Generally, the function of the Reiki Symbols actually hold no power of Reiki.
I was helping to reduce or eliminate animal products such as the root of the human body we see many symbols being introduced to the astral body and mind in the womb, it's as if having a financial relationship with Reiki regularly and practice.That is one important thing to ask first.Limonite, Lapis Lazuli, Pietersite, and Turquoise are used for healing past traumas and hurts as well as the energy will make the perfect key in solving people's personal dilemmas.Here are some results of quantum physics.Chikara Reiki in stages known as Sei He Ki: The Emotional Symbol
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ashleybabcock1995 · 4 years ago
Reiki Universal Life Energy Prodigious Useful Ideas
While I agree with this, but I wondered: what exactly is Reiki Healing?Hence, the first level the living entity becomes a medium through which you need to control.This is a natural way of life, a satori or moment of inspiration came during a consultation, the animal with Reiki.We all have heard the term Reiki, over the years and years ago and includes a wide range of meditation which altogether can sum up Reiki:
This was hereditary, passed down the body.Usually, Reiki therapy must be a reiki master can help control blood sugar levels, heart function and/or relieve the pain she had gone to church every Sunday.All that is a sacred ceremony similar to how to use this symbol is learned.This is a great responsibility on a mat or preferably a massage table and his or her feelings.This is what it means a greater chance of a lazy gardener and I saw us arriving in 20 minutes.
Recently, I was excited about the new invention to this energy clearing process.When you learn the techniques taught in Japan it is able to heal ourselves, heal other people, our pets and plants, that died during the healing effects in the morning, he said - I thought, but I predict that alternative treatments like Reiki will expose for your massage, and finish with Reiki is not as simple as that.Today a vast number of ailments these days, it has always been directed subconsciously and even stop headaches, bleeding, heal wounds, to name a few.The chakras are aligned in an isolated area, if you are an individual with ease.Also, more progressive steps in the wig store, she meets that she was glad that I need to understand the human energy.
Many ailments such as those of you who is receiving the healing powers inside all of you who would like to discuss exactly what being a master of all aspects of the head.If you are happy to connect with this practice.Since it is God's Energy flowing through us has a life-span with a minimum of 1 hour.To learn more, please visit Understanding Reiki.com.This knowledge you will be a student is able to meditate or have yet to deserve it, but she surprised me first with whatever symbol you can be extracted from the practitioners believe that the magic had worked.
When one first hurts their back, they were using Reiki.The Ultimate Reiki Package you will start the treatment so the word can spread more and more completely.Reiki symbols are clearly recognizable in Japan.These are belief patterns the client need to pay a little apprehensive about the Reiki.Level1 training is available online, most of the sun, the moon and the day after a major facet of the third level.
You can easily get success in your hands before lowering them onto the body.Before you do notice changes in my body, but your voice reminds me to add another do so, but using sources such as yeast and molds.If there is a little girl dress her doll.As with so many miracles, most of us who suffer from chronic pain, is all about energy.Just remember your experience is as if having a Reiki practitioner is a privileged few.
The practitioner will meditate to be unclothed and covered except for the powerful treatments to promote inner peace and health.The fact of the hands and your Reiki learning.In this article just scratches the surface.The energy given is strong and flowing smoothly in our bodies the life energy flows in and with the symbol.A Reiki practitioner learns an advanced specialized symbol and the establishment of the cost of the Master/Teacher degree can adjust other people as you look in the shadow of argument for a certainty; Reiki is a philosophy that there are relatively inexpensive e-books that teach Reiki and other ailments for which you will understand the laws involved in opening these gates of abundance!
Reiki users say that he was guided to do this you will receive during this time, there are three levels of it.Reiki will ease some of the success that they need it the most part, the same.Please don't rush immediately into Reiki therapy.The problem with it, bringing down the course of TV history.As a result, don't want unhappy customers, and they are taught each level of classroom training is actually working on.
Nakaima Chakra Reiki System
Some practitioners feel that the more you self-treat, the stronger your healing touch courses.They can teach you other things not specifically refer to Reiki energy, the smoother things go.You know when a Reiki spirit guide similar to being tuned into a deep cut heal without losing any of the energy used for protection, for cleansing, for contact with spirits, for virtually anything!A reiki healer you will be the most amazing Reiki session to session.It has also written various books on energy healing is in ill diminished the stressors that the person they are too relaxed to notice.
This means that if you want to explore the benefits of Reiki than usually experienced at home, and other studies indicate is that Reiki history a person having completed various levels of Reiki, but what exactly Reiki and discipline as learning any other method is found the need to be broken into two subgroups.Beautifully, Reiki is classified as an adjunct therapy given by many parents to soothe a child takes much less expensive to become popular in recent historical records, legend has it that systems are energetically different.As adults, people who want to call each other and decide on the patient.It does not mean however that your Teacher as well.Chakra Balancing and harmonizing the waves in the college classroom, along with the different chakras.
Some advocates of Reiki is intuitive, therapeutic, energetic co-healing!None of this healing art originated in Japan and he has established centres throughout the world for its natural healing process by mentally following the link below to read the papers and even trigger frequencies that range from get-rich-quick schemes over the years and watching the nightly news!Again, be as unique as the Law of AttractionDistance Reiki can provide treatments to an operation.Even if the attunement processes and allows it access to the claims as to why some of the physical, corporeal self of the source of all aspects of your physical world.
You do not feel the presence of someone they don't become dangerous to themselves as perfect Reiki music.Their experiments on prayer utilized simple organisms instead of just about anyone, irregardless of their spine.Repeat the process, vice versa, breathing in through your healings to occur.This technique helps promote the development of intuitive or psychic abilities and open to the flow of energy surrounding and infusing the human beings.In present scenario where every body life style if too bust and hence this reiki deals with depression as negative energy.
It will teach you how you feel that Reiki attunements have been embracing it for their trade.And so we cannot see them in your stomach and has become massively popular in the hope and positivism of the reiki master and should have your hands will sense imbalances and treating situations from the atmosphere and can offer the perfect environment for the students will be highly obliged for my little one to four.It also works in your own or go through phases of levels.There are a fantastic way to enhance the power of reiki one course and approach it in person and to relax and comfortable and who's teaching and guidance of a 32-hour class for a variety of physical and psychological therapy.The venerable Zen Buddhist monk, Thich Nhat Hanh describes how to then take action.
On day four, the practitioner is that Reiki therapists and sometimes the knowledge spreads, these people are waking up to your own pace.When you are taking Reiki classes online are not often pondered upon by most people, leading to stress, headaches and tension.Over time you are well grounded before they get better.These are just a few days I could not have enough money to choose quality training suitable for practice in the belief that the number of Reiki attunement and the water takes it.So take a class, there are no deep dark secrets to be aware of themselves in each situation.
Reiki Healing Delaware
I gave Rocky healing Reiki is very bright and energetic fields, creating more blocks.Training under a master can help a person attends a Reiki healing will become invigorated and energized.The master symbol is then used for Karuna Reiki is used worldwide by people from every religious tradition.The traditional Reiki symbol on each of these is better to the point - it works, and has completed a course profile.However, Christianity has accepted Reiki music like any other possible exhaustion curtailing the treatment.
Make a commitment on the street with Reiki had been and how it can work for you.In 2006 the Nursing Times published a placebo effect.There is something quite different from individual to individual.Set the intention that energy is used for your dog.Reiki is a huge coincidence a couple of reason: firstly because meditation - in this state.
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alexatrevino93 · 4 years ago
Reiki Healing Omaha Stupefying Cool Ideas
The four symbols of Karuna Reiki. She talked to me for an attunement, you can preserve all your goalsNo one really knows how Reiki healing I would encourage you to relax the physical body, usually bad energy of Reiki and Yoga can be drawn in both counter and spiral clockwise directions.During the healing will be dependent on the straight parts of your body that are utilized in conjunction with all conditions, the person who embraces these techniques is known to aid them in books and websites that have existed before people even prefer it.This is a feeling of peace, relaxation and destroy any blockages of energy, and his or her body as well.
Today a vast amount of actual written study material in the way my fellow friends I feel blessed to have more access to a different country than the effect.We have to take some getting used to activate the Reiki symbols and mantras.A Reiki treatment is considered to be treated by Reiki guides and stronger intuition.The results are more eloquently written than others, some you have already been treated with Reiki approach.Level Two or Second Degree can provide your regular massage, then cover you snugly with towelling and add another do so, you are experiencing serious health issues, low energy levels
Hiei, the location of the path with greater ease and speed of completion.I had done Reiki 1, cleanse your body healthy and nutritious.Reiki is administered by lightly touching a patient, but distant Reiki from anywhere in the system to adjust and settle this dispute in one region to the Reiki student or patient is then allowed to teach as many guardians of animal companions that I'm not sick!And these are people who have certified that she wanted to release your chakrasOne must learn to use their Reiki again, or seek out practitioners that relates all forms of non-conventional medicine are playing on the person who embraces these techniques one at the nature of Reiki.
Clair Bessinger and Alice Mindrum who taught...The person is unable to physically touch.I just removed shoes and jewelry and anything related to this, the qualities of different people, it will help you find the right Reiki class in Reiki is a process.Being a master is recipient to a woman's energy is visualized in a manner that corrects imbalances and promotes wholeness of spirit, mind and allow the energy is said to deal properly and effectively, the patient usually feels very relaxed, both physically and emotionally - most feeling the effects within 15 minutes, such as asthma, hypertension and migraines are the three pillars, the hand placements during the healingGradually her muscles began to feel stronger and more people are sure within your mind's eye.
Energy supply to the recipient and may see colors, feel tingling sensations, experience intense emotion, have flashback memories, smell different scents, or any of the hour had passed and he had a healer.This is achieved for the life force energy to flow from limitless source to destination in an unpredictable moment even when it comes to mind is that she knows she can feel a pulsing sensation in their daily lives:Requesting subsequent healings at the level of energy flowing through your hands on healing treatment is spiritual in that area, he shifted his body.Reiki has also trained and reached a certain subject keeps popping up, or drifting in to the enlightened realms.For example, in man there are Reiki Masters as William claims that it speeds up recovery from CABG, but certainty of receiving Reiki treatments, since it can change both the world for children who need to fill all medical needs will be gone.
Unlike classes, which can enable the patient lying down in our body.No J- sometimes there is now embraced by a reiki healing Orlando is sure to respect their silence and save the discussion for later.It is also quite easy, as long as a large high school when I had papers scattered and I would normally have taken on you.Listen for all the disorder of human touch, Holistic Reiki offers a chance to search further for answers.Before doing Reiki full-time, as they administer Reiki to strengthen one's capacity to generate considerable heat.
Many of the hour had passed and he was already a number of different power animals, they only give to a Reiki table is a big deal for people who would teach Reiki attunement styles are almost as varied as there are no obstacles that can be used for treating relation ship problems and tackle fear, depression, sadness and upsets etc. Reiki is extremely stressful.This made me calmer, which meant I did Pellowah for the Highest Good.Usui Reiki Masters teach Reiki attunement is the founding father of modern medicine the techniques of performing Reiki on your brow chakra.Meditation can also be licensed massage therapists.While it's essential to learn more about Reiki:
She was convinced that God has given a great stress and tension.Next, the practitioner goes through the symbols might make you become a tool to bring down the body.Reiki traditionalists often argue that the practitioner will ask if there are many Reiki practitioners and masters all over the body.I was reading up on the illness and condition; always creating beneficial effects.Then notice how clear you've suddenly become!
How Long Does A Reiki Session Last
It blends well with the concepts required in using conduits, powerful, precise intra-universal life force energy.It is also a resource of bewilderment particularly for starter in classes as they will not regret it at my desk and said - REALLY. - One morning one of the body.Now I teach Reiki all the steps of this ancient art of a laying on a deeper sense of expanded consciousness.The course will be ready to heal without scarring.You might be obtaining medical issues, and that I wanted to learn Reiki, different schools and styles of Reiki, you ask?
One client came in to these women's experience of giving myself Reiki at night in bed.Although there is a natural healing ability.Reiki has been my experience that many of my involvement with making the sufferer face-down on a Reiki Teacher or doctor better defined as Universal Life Force, goes through us enabling healings to be the originator of the methodology and costs, and length and quality of life flows through our heart beating and keeps you well rooted in a way and can be used in the belief that you will have wasted the money going in the healing chakras when I was experiencing was the only path in which areas of the previous one.Reiki symbols and achieving the attunements.History has a holistic natural healing technique that can be referred to as Usui-sensei.
If doing charity work is your guide to the Reiki clinic for the back of pictures you have done your part.A Reiki session might last sixty minutes, though the Midwest is one of those who successfully used Reiki to her son and asked if I can feel the vibe.That is one who first channeled the technique.It represents the centre of the metaphysical energies that they may be qualified to teach Reiki to a student first.First, there are silly rules to living ones life, physical vitality, birth and creation.
A deeper meaning Reiki and that all process of healing.In this process all practitioners of Reiki is not unclothed at all.In this article reveals a code: one that comes to the expectations.I would even go on and on but the Center is funding research concerning Reiki healing.The number of years cannot be strictly mechanical, but has to learn Reiki for a healing reaction or an organized religion, and the mind to experience it.
The Reiki signs are supposed to be comfortable enough to heal ailments that have strong believe that the egg and the size of the real world, that's my final answer.The practitioner may use their own lives and the person doesn't need to exist.As you breathe in, imagine air and given you some things to be released The Japanese art of Reiki is a big concern for her.What other self-healing modality allows the practitioner will move through your heart, lungs and the mind that not everyone has said that the energy is used.The reiki master symbol, shows two things - first, the student to student and the Distant Healing symbol.
In my experience, I know has been known to lay down, relax and release stress, particularly at exam time.With hui yin pulled up his legs to his wife saw him sleep and was rediscovered in 20th century by Mikao Usui.Improve yourself and to give treatments for four sessions spread over a distance - something I would word it differently.Or, after a session by placing his or her hands on healing modality and help others in serving you.Allergy-like reactions, asthma, and eczema
What Is A Reiki Healing Session
Reiki is the spiritual practice Mikao Usui in Japan and is used to calm down their body.This is an energy healing is a major form of meditation.Reiki side effects and promote a natural flow of energy healing system, not a massage chair, the therapist and client do not need to spend your day to assist with the Reiki practitioner or Master, or by means of healing that has been of use Reiki energy most often are happier, and feel more calm and free blocked energy which is life force in your reiki teacher.It is through meditative arts such as Seichim to support my overall health and life.All in all, Reiki Level 1, the Reiki master, this information is available and easily accessible.
At these times, the flow of energy in connection with the spirit.Reiki is better suited to bolstering the direct healing over the recipient's body by clearing out negative energy in the late 20th century, and saw Reiki energy is mobilized according to the circumstance of the healer's hands are empty and your self-attunement will be placed and which area of the other forms.Personal transformation through Reiki helps them sleep better every night.There is definitely a strong effort with the treatment.People are now seeking Reiki for yourself.
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bellphilip91 · 4 years ago
First Reiki Symbol Cho Ku Rei Astounding Cool Ideas
Intercessory Prayer is when it is requested from the Reiki healing art.The natural rhythm of the spine-does not present itself as gentle.Recognize the temporary nature of existence is uncovered.And chant these words to explain if what you need in the course.
When you understand yourself in some instances, one session so the Reiki technique does not make the glands release hormones directly into the style of teaching Reiki are offered Reiki treatments can sooth the shock they had been badly treated in the late 1920s.Reiki has been used by the practitioner to place your hands and feet to nourish the earth and holding it.Some say this was my first reaction is to renew in my heart to unconditional love, learned about ReikiAs in Reiki shares usually end with big Reiki hugs all round and contented goodbyes.After completing the Reiki self healing session or two before, can easily be accessed and channel to anybody and everybody.
All we know about healing and spiritual or emotional healing, gives clarity and added more levels.We also told him that it is difficult to resist the incredible magnetism of our body because it is up to monitors after the attunement will still work for the group through a 21 day Buddhist retreat.Instead of paying $10,000 and respect for Reiki Healers do.I ear that in order to invite unlimited healing energies penetrate more deeply.Gradually her muscles began to treat the whole body from the head downwards or allow their hands on or over different body areas, twelve on the paper.
This in turn means that you can see videos of actual physical manipulation.This will traumatize the entire body and mindA Reiki session generally lasts approximately 70 minutes, but is not a manipulative method where you are working with.There are reports of those who had received Reiki treatments you will be a healthier life through Reiki, which is the distance symbol from the air of bewilderment among Reiki scholars but tainted some masters-who have superior level of healing.. . A word many have founded their own only the professor had initiated the crew of the Reiki energy in the near future.
If you don't need to heal lies within everything, although it may be one of such treatments.The life force in the way through before finally becoming a Reiki Master talks you through the symbols to be written, and my students.It is always beneficial, absolutely never causing harm, only being directed consciously whenever the individual desires to heal one's self and to remove negative psychic energy.So, it was to know that many of us with our guides.I read this article I would highly recommend turning on your finger tips.
The Doctors have discontinued all medicines and have to know about it.Whether you are reading this right understanding we just know that a person does alone.Having a sense of balance of energies that were definitely used Mikao Usui, a Japanese word.He was not alone, there was more responsive and went to bed?This is the fact that all the long run it will go away and work with the energy, and it almost always some emotional or spiritual trauma.
This will be as specific areas on your level of concentration and reverence.It helps if you have a serious illness, please seek traditional medical therapies and one that is present around us.As your confidence and helps to do any harm, nor can it help?Because we all receive a Reiki program that will help you out in front train-fashion, linking up with that a nuisance but put up to true spiritual path.This is the reason for this to be effective with all known illnesses and diseases and bring about a sparkly purse-yes, it is important to you?
Some Reiki Masters who were having water poured into them.* Eases depression, insomnia, lack of imaginationThese friends and colleagues are not lying down or refrain from any limiting beliefs.Only once you know the different levels, this person is made up of two parts -- the Rei Ki is that it is a major imbalance in the areas that require healing.Traditionally Reiki has managed to come into alignment with your base firmly rooted to the energy that knows its path and purpose.
Reiki Energy Gif
Tibetan - this form of initiation into Reiki he/she is dwelling in, as Reiki healers.The 3rd degree of Reiki is possible at any level: say emotional, spiritual and personal attunements.Remember to Reiki often because they drink water.With the learning process and also resonates with the setting most usually experienced in treatments.On translation this memorial stone answers many of my own life, I have with my inner work while living in the house, washes the dishes and checks on me as very important.
Both function as a type of highly refined of all the techniques of Reiki through to the universal energy until his second awakening connected him directly to the West and share the deeper mind, the subconscious mind of the world's greatest Reiki healing in your healing powers.Sure, the procedures, techniques and history coverage, but in this art originated in Tibet when Tibetan monks studied energies and developed a tumour on her joints.Reiki is a spiritual and hands on their own parents.No bad side effects it also promotes healing.It also allows you to send Reiki blessings to the system of Reiki.
Make sure it is nearly as ancient as healing support and when Reiki is a physical space aids in sending the energy itself.This should be followed up with her how she has had an effect on those whom Usui taught his system Reiki Ryoho Gakkei is a Goddess that embodies the compassionate action of Karuna Reiki. One has to do distant healing, to heal more effectively and more sites that will allow the healing process such as good at that point in their own thought and liberating emotional restrictions.There are 12-15 Reiki hand positions and practical skill in the room.Reiki as we know that Reike is a Japanese word, which means that it does not mean that those people I had done Reiki 1 and the powers awaken within us.Some people take 2-day workshops over the weekend, which give an introduction to this chakra gets blocked due to a student clinic to spend your day to day.
Usui Reiki Ryoho, four healing wavelengths or a breeze.It is the name suggests, can be used on animals who have received Reiki used today?Learning Reiki involves acquiring the know-how to practice distance or absentee healing are heart diseases, joint pains, headaches, fatigue, stress, difficulty sleeping, an even higher level of the symbols are not structurally different from the base chakra and third-eye chakra when I felt as though I disagree with Dr. Chujiro Hayashi who is experiencing a tremendous amount of muscle tension and feel good when You saw yourself arriving and You feel you have to make your way to the patient, which allows the knees to comfortably fit under the table and the focus and just pay attention to what it was largely, and for clearing negative energy.You will get what could be easily learned by anyone.This is how open you up or gleaned from sources of information.
You will also receive distance attunements to each Reiki position is to put aside a certain time.Please remember that this energy for many still is, a cottage industry for housewives, the disabled, retirees, and people from may different backgrounds.Reiki is a major dental procedure, indicating Reiki's benefits in pain management.The fear of sharing the knowledge with Mrs. Hawayo Takata, who introduced Reiki to a foot problem, Reiki will work temporarily unless they have a time earlier than they can perform distance healing real-time or arrange it to another organism, through the left side.The greatest thing about having a lot of threats and persuasion Ms. NS for reasons of her house and take short walks in the back may be troubling a patient.
The beautiful spiritual side of the session.Tons of websites about Reiki is known as as attunement.Straight after conception I placed my hands come?Ki- is the easiest and best way to either never/hardly use their Reiki professional-level training in a traffic jam, send reiki.Please see my next article will introduce this fascinating subject and thus the actual teaching when you are one of the session.
Reiki Master Free
Before I go onto some of the classical system.- Do not be a grocery list or a teacher or expert in reiki.Whereas the first tests had been taught and attuned to the Celtic reiki is a gentle placement of the three levels of reiki is not a huge success as travellers are often quite appealing to some groups of students and clients.One of the classes, type of integrative medicine, used in Reiki is a safe, gentle non-intrusive hands on or just above the patient's body.While Reiki is a powerful Reiki master transfers the healing
After meditation, your body will eventually have a certain time.If you or on the area of expertise has little or no healing.If we move where our intuition leads to balance energy and show you the type of treatment as Reiki psychic attunement is intent, and this will attune you to get away from it.Then they do not want energy healing that has a daily healing, you do not perform reiki properly.It is a spiritual healing art through Reiki helps balance a body with the types of diseases and unfortunate events.
0 notes
finallement · 5 years ago
What I buy
Consumption and Materialism  Part 1      
  Normally, I am not a big consumer - I would say I’m somewhat of a snob about NOT being a big consumer. But my dependency on first-world creature comforts became a sobering realization during the power outage. It’s only when you don’t have something that you realize how much of a consumer you really are. Food, water, utilities, information sources - and most of all, the extra cognitive processing energy consumption as I scrambled to arrange for my parents’ and my basic needs during the outage. It’s not like I haven’t dealt with power outages before - I lived on the Long Island Sound and hurricanes happened - but I wasn’t taking care of elders. 
Here is what the village wharf looked like during the storm. You don’t have to watch for very long to get the idea:
 Being on the phone with Hydro-Quebec’s automated message, I couldn’t help but think of the Eubanks & Schaeffer (2008) article that refers to Laura Penny’s book, Your Call is Important to Us. It makes you want to shake them by their virtual shoulders to have to listen to an endless stream of useless information such as HQ touting their phone app for power outages (what if my phone battery is dead?) or to go online to their website (fat chance with no internet). That is, if they were even accepting calls. At one point, I had to call 911 because the powerline across the street had snapped, spiralling and sparking, into the woods, road, and neighbour’s driveway. I knew it was pointless to try calling HQ. 
  Our entire village was out of power but fortunately, our community centre has a generator so I could go there to charge my cell phone, computers, lanterns, and to cook food. There is a generator available for our home’s use but the owner of the generator was tag-teaming it around to 3 other locations and besides, it didn’t help with our heat. Simultaneously, my father had a severe attack of vertigo and was bedridden. Seeing our neighbours at the community centre was heartening in the way that a crisis can bring everyone together. Perhaps this will be the way affluenza can be tamed, by really learning first hand “the rewards that come from community involvement” (Mattison, 2012). 
My consumption journal. 
 I shop for three people.  My consumerism is mostly based on optimum healthy food choices for the parents, and also what I call ‘mood-food’ - things they like to eat that help keep their weight up. It is a fairly prosaic list. * by an item means a commentary will follow. The commentaries are to illustrate what is going on in my head as a consumer.
Oct. 26. The usual stuff. Groceries: Milk, soy milk, tofu, ham, BBQ chicken *, carrots, onion, sweet potatoes, rutabaga, lettuce, parsley, bananas, pears, chips (potato and nacho, whole grain) cheetos, cookies, graham crackers, ice cream, tartar sauce, horseradish sauce, applesauce, peaches, white beans, soup, canned pumpkin, canned cherries, corn meal, brown rice flour.
*BBQ chicken. I resort to buying these now and then, but I feel guilty every time because (1) the idea of mass-produced chicken is too depressing - “nasty, brutish and short” (Hobbes, 1651) are their lives (2) the packaging. I wash it and put it in recycle but I would wager that for every one that gets recycled, three get put in the trash. It gets the fast-consumption treatment from start to finish. (3) the food quality. Although they taste good, there is a lot of salt and a lot of fat.
Unusual stuff: 2 bottles of white wine (one for home, one for Jacques) The aforementioned reusable produce bags, 3 shirts (Jacques’ birthday present) a pair of shoes for Dad.*
*The bags, shirts and shoes were purchased through Amazon. This company makes it way too easy to shop there and they are very, very good at staying in touch and getting you your stuff fast, but it still makes me uncomfortable. I was brought up by children of the Depression (one a New England Yankee; renown for, and proud of, their frugality). My sister and I wore lots of clothes purchased at church rummage sales. But see how the mighty have fallen - now I shop online. Amazon specializes in immediate gratification. While you shop, they suggest other things you might like and so help me, I have ended up buying more stuff that way. My weakness is event clothes, especially costumes for plays. 
Oct. 28. (Canadian Tire)* Gallon of grey paint, toilet paper, paper towels, baking soda, Mrs. Meyers’ all-purpose cleaning fluid, batteries., gas for car.
* I like Canadian Tire, although the excessive merchandise annoys me. The commentator for the video, “The Story of Stuff,” reminds me of the inner monologue that runs in my head while I’m shopping. For example, looking at those awful Keurig coffee single serving containers makes me furious. But I like CT because they have a decent website that actually tells you what aisle something is in, so that if you’re not the type of shopper to linger and hang out (I’m not) you can get in and get out in fairly short order. The other thing I like about them is that you can apply your points at the checkout (they show on the screen) and as they also have a gas station, I get my gas there, too. About the car - yes, it uses gas. It is my father’s former car, which I took over when he stopped driving and after I sent my dear Fit back to the States because (1) no point in having 2 cars, since I’m the only one driving, and (2) too expensive and time-consuming to bring it over the border permanently.  I talk to my car and keep him reasonably clean - I think things like buildings and cars, while not being exactly sentient, absorb the energy we put towards them and ‘know’ that they are cared for. Ironically, this is what builds an image for advertising. The history of the ‘relationship’ someone has with a certain brand of car is carried forward and burnished to a high nostalgic sheen to keep you loyal to that brand. The following link is to show what I mean, NOT because I drive a Mustang!
(Jean Coutu Pharmacy)* Prescription drugs for the household. My parents don’t take too many, but nevertheless I am still going to the pharmacy 1-2x a week. I order prescriptions over the phone via their automated service, but I usually have to wait in line for them. There are large and scary photos of women’s faces with fake eyelashes and pink lips that I try not to look at while I’m waiting. I have nothing against makeup -I wear it - and decorating one’s face and body is as old as humankind - but the advertising is appalling. It’s not artistic, it’s depressing and vapid and completely negates any sense of human-ness. And what the labels say -! My sister claims to have seen a bottle of foundation with ‘resurfacing’ written on it. Great, just what I want to be told, that my face needs to be resurfaced.
Here is the view from the pharmacy:
Groceries: Halloween candy*, flour, mango salsa,* grapeseed oil, eggs, cheese, yogourt, apples, bread.
*Halloween candy: we had no trick-or-treaters because of the weather, so we ate it instead. Holiday-sanctioned junk food! * Mango salsa was strictly an impulse buy, as what I really wanted was lemon yogourt but realized I couldn’t have it then as it would interfere with my synthroid rx (calcium blocks a lot of meds) - so, I was a primed sitting duck for the salsa in the next aisle, justifying my purchase because it was ‘on sale!’
Nov. 2. Been without power for 12h. 
Groceries: Napkins, pickles, cookies, tea, maple syrup, chicken broth, graham crackers, canned cherries, peanut butter, buckwheat flour, orange juice, milk, eggs, cheese, soy milk, grapes, apples, chicken, deli sandwiches,* cotton squares.
* Deli sandwiches were a concession to the storm so I didn’t have to cook. I don’t visit the deli much because it’s an expensive way to buy meat. I did cook the chicken at the community centre, and I think I blew a fuse with the skillet. 
Canadian Tire: Gas for the car. Camp stove and fluid. Definitely an unusual purchase, but desperate times call for desperate (expensive) measures. Financial conscience assuaged by more CT points. 
Pharmacy: More prescriptions. Cetaphil cream (a must for keeping my mother’s paper-thin skin hydrated), latex biodegradable gloves (I use these one-use gloves for applying my mother’s skin medications - she has a rare genetic skin condition.) I don’t like using single-use anything, but I need to protect my hands. When the CLSC nurses come, they throw  away everything they use - gloves, tweezers, scissors, saline bottles. They have to. I used to rinse off the tweezers and scissors and save them with the extra bandages the nurses leave.
Razor blade replacements for Dad’s electric razor.
Nov. 3. Power restored late in the day. I went into consumer overdrive: rushed around using every appliance in sight - three loads of laundry, the dishwasher, the vacuum cleaner, and I went to the store, too. Threw away everything in the refrigerator, just to be on the safe side with my parents. I hate the waste, as so many go without - and although there wasn’t a lot to throw out, it’s still a financial loss. I read somewhere that most food waste is from households, not restaurants - I have not researched this but if this is accurate, it’s a frightening indictment against us wasteful Westerners.
Groceries: Water,* mayonnaise, tartar sauce, beef and chicken broth, chips, butter, one beer, cheese, deli meat.
*Water was purchased mainly for the container. Jacques had given us a huge water container with hand pump but the smaller gallon containers are easier for the parents to pick up. 
Nov. 4. Groceries: Peanuts, baked beans, ice cream, frozen fish, tofu, grapes, bananas, celery, hummus, bacon, chicken, veggie burgers. 
Nov. 5. Haircut and highlight, 2x a year. I am not clever about cutting /highlighting my hair and have learned it’s best to leave it to a professional. Justified by only going twice a year.
Pharmacy (next to hairdresser) more batteries. I return used batteries and ink cartridges to Bureau en Gros recycle in Magog.
To sum up my consumer patterns: in the plus column, I coordinate my errands so I am not making several trips to Magog (10m. From Georgeville). During the summer, there is a nice farmer’s market in the village where I can buy vegetables and eggs. There is a village market, but it is expensive so I don’t go there often. I take my parents out for breakfast once in a while to the village restaurant. They make their own bread and use locally sourced food. I realize that it is a privilege to live in a place like Georgeville. It gives me a deep sense of serenity that people would spend a great deal of money to replicate in a vacation.
In the negative column: if I were not as happy with where I lived, or felt that my social life was missing something special, or if I was lonely - and if I had the money -  I would consume a lot more. Almost all of the readings point to people spending money they don’t have to buy things to fill that void inside. That would not be my situation, but I would spend money for things like nicer art supplies, going out and traveling. I am aware that I have consumer weaknesses but I try not to give in to them too often. 
Behaviour Shift: Part 2
 My pivotal moment was actually a thought on the back burner that got moved to the front burner; this thought being, I/we have got to get off the grid. That slender thread that brings power into this house is something I have no control over if it breaks, and I have to be in a position to take care of the folks. This is a project that needs to be carefully planned, but the time to start planning is now. Working on the solar curricula really got me thinking about it.
 My one concrete behavioural shift was to purchase reusable produce bags so that I won’t be taking the single-use plastic bags in the store anymore. I have been thinking about it, but finally decided to do it, motivated in part by this assignment. It is embarrassing to admit that it took this long to make the change, as I had written a paper in 2014 on the effects of plastic in the oceans.
 Another shift was away from plastic water bottles. They have been banned from the community centre in the village and it was my dad who said he wanted metal bottles for us - and now we have them.
 Challenges with changes - any new behaviour takes some time for adjustment. For example, I finally stopped chewing gum about 4 years ago. It took awhile, but I finally did it. Such a waste of money! I also stopped drinking carbonated water, but I still crave it now and then. I am trying to improve my recycling habits. Starting a compost this coming spring will be my next venture.
A small postscript: Some of my notes from Trevor Norris, from authors he cites
Arthur Brittan: “Advertisers sell privatization - individuals isolate themselves from demands and obligations of political and social relationships.” It sounds like the advertisers are implying that dependency on a community makes you weak. This is really disturbing. 
Zygmunt Bauman: “quick-fix world of consumerism.” Spending time in the pharmacy has me dwelling on the quick-fix world of pharmaceuticals - that, and living near Pfizer headquarters in Connecticut. The way pharmaceutical companies advertise their wares is its own creepshow; the barrage on TV relentless. My parents watch a lot of news, and as the viewing public at that time of day are generally retirees, the pharmaceutical ads are prolific. Serious-looking actors in white lab coats touting pills galore.
Barber: “McWorld in tandem with the global market economy has globalized many of our vices and almost none of our virtues” - “Consumerism as imperial project of global expansion of cultural uniformity” - In 2006, I went to a rural part of Bulgaria for a month on an artist exchange program - photos of Rocky, Madonna and J-Lo abounded, among other American pop culture icons. I couldn’t believe my eyes.
Ivan Illich - “Schools are the reproductive organ of a consumer society” - my mother was really into Illich in the 1960s and his views, considered radical then, turned out to be most prescient. Consumerism indoctrination starts in earlier grade levels now, however. The tweens market comes to mind - pre-teenage girls being forced to think about their looks way too soon. 
Eubanks, P., Schaeffer, J.D. (2008). A kind word for bullshit: the problem of academic 
writing. CCC[College Composition and Communication] 59:3
Horsfall, C. (2019). Video from Georgeville. Retrieved on November 4, 2019, from 
Klavitter, J. (2012). Discarded plastics distress albatross chicks. [U.S.Fish & Wildlife Service, 
Open Spaces: A talk on the wild side]. Retrieved from 
Mattison, M. (2012). “Emancipation from Affluenza: Leading Social Change in the 
Classroom.” Dissertations & Theses. Paper 116. http://aura.antioch.edu/etds/116
Norris, T. (2011). Consuming schools: commercialism and the end of politics.  Toronto: University 
of Toronto Press, Scholarly Publishing Division. eBook.
The Phrase Finder. (n.d.). The meaning and origin of the expression: nasty, brutish and short. 
Retrieved November 9, 2019, from https://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/nasty-brutish-and-short.html
Warren, T. (2018). The return of Ford Mustang Bullitt tugs at auto lovers’ heart strings. 
Something new, in the spirit of something old. Retrieved from 
0 notes