#so many smiles this episode!!! i'm crying; that's my guy!!!
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jtownraindancer · 1 year ago
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Ace's TURИ for Burn Rewatch: Thoughts of a Free Man [Part 2]
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ramspatula · 1 year ago
Georgie Cooper X Reader | save your tears
Hey!! I write Georgie Cooper headcannons now! I also write a book on wattpad where every chapter is an episode from YS with the reader inserted as a character and Georgie’s love interest. If you want to read the book in full go to my Wattpad - @RamSpatula
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"Are you crying?"
"You're crying."
"I'm not fucking crying, Georgie! Leave me alone"
"What happened?"
"Just leave me alone."
"I heard you sobbing through the door."
"I swear to God Georgie-"
"Woah! Don't use the Lord's name in vane like that-!"
How many times? How many fucking times did I have to deal with his shit. Despite how lowly I thought of him at the moment he still didn't leave. Instead he decided to sit directly opposite me on my bathroom floor with me. I glared at him with wet red eyes and he leaned back to grab a bit of toilet paper before handing it to me. I snatched it out his hands without saying thank you and wiped the tears of my cheeks and blew my nose.
Georgie: You're so hot.
Y/n: Don't talk to me.
Georgie: So I can now tell that you're upset with me and not someone else.
Y/n: I wonder why.
Georgie: What did I do?
Y/n: I hate you.
Georgie: No you don't.
Y/n: Why're you even here? I thought you were with Janice or Anna- Jana?
Georgie: I love you.
Y/n: No you don't. Not that way at least.
Georgie: No but we can build up to it.
Y/n: Are you saying you like me?
Georgie: I kiss you every chance I get. You've noticed that right?
Y/n: Maybe. I try not to get too hopeful.
Georgie: I have a feeling you might like me too.
Y/n: Don't wiggle your finger at me like that- that is really off putting.
Georgie: You like it really.
Y/n: I don't. Not when you pull that face-
Georgie: You think it's funny-
Y/n: I don't.
Georgie: I can see a smile creeping-
Y/n: Stop it-
Georgie: I think you like me-
Y/n: -I think you need to get out my bathroom.
Georgie: Were you jealous?
Y/n: Was that your plan?
Georgie: Nah, I just thought you liking me was a rumour.
Y/n: So you decided to give up on me?
Georgie: No just building up my experience.
Y/n: Building up your experience?! For what-
Georgie: So I can do this properly.
I let him kiss me, properly, before he pulled back with a smug smile and I shook my head but I couldn't deny the smile on my face.
Y/n: That might be the best way to excuse yourself for making out with other girls whilst liking me.
Georgie: Everything has to be perfect for my girl.
Y/n: Your girl?
Georgie: Yeah. Don't you remember when I used to tell all the other guys not to ask you to the dance so I'd have an excuse to take you?
Y/n: No!
Georgie: Well I did that.
Y/n: Come here.
I used one hand to pull him in by the back of the neck and the other to thread through his hair. He placed one hand on my hip and the other on the back of my head, gripping my hair as he kept us locked together. He lead the kiss until I ended up under him, on my bathroom floor, completely focused on each other and not on any of my 3 brothers coming home and coming to use the bathroom.
"Get out!"
"I knew he wasn't just a friend!"
"I swear I will end you if you-"
"I'm not telling anyone you and Georgie were tryna get it on in the bathroom on the floor-"
"Stop talking-"
"That is what we were tryna do, right-?"
"You need to stop talking too."
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The link to the book on Wattpad mention in the title!!
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larissasgirl · 10 months ago
I always love seeing new writers! Could I request some fluff with regina and insecure reader??
I will never let you go again
Welcome to my first storyyyy my guys! I was surprised at how easy it was to actually write, I hope this is what you had in mind! I'm sorry if there is any mistake :-)
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You thought you had a pretty good reading of the situation, but now, you weren’t sure where you stood with her. Your first encounter with Regina wasn’t exactly what you’d call love at first sight. In fact, she had insulted you, ripped your heart out and left you at the border of Storybrooke to walk home. But then, you slowly warmed up to each other. It started by acknowledging each other, then politely smiling at each other if you’d come across one another in the little town. Then, it was dinner invitations, drinking apple cider on her couch and deep conversations until the early hours of the morning.
And now, you were feeling so unsure, so insecure. It led to locking yourself in your apartment, thoughts racing through your head. In the past two weeks, Regina had been distant, too distant. You didn’t understand why she had texted you earlier this morning to cancel your usual dinner at her place, or why she wouldn’t answer any of your messages and calls. Truth to be told, you were heartbroken. Surely enough, this wasn’t just an innocent friendship to you. You knew she wasn’t the Evil Queen anymore, that she wasn’t this person that got described to you many times by the citizens of Storybrooke. She was the proof that anyone can change. She was fierce, something you had always admired about her, and you had always pitied anyone that ever got on her bad side, knowing you had once been there, as her strong personality mixed with anger was sometimes scary. You had seen her beautiful brown orbs shine with fire, and despite your heart screaming at you to fix it, to fix your friendship or whatever it was, your head had eventually won the fight. You had stopped calling. You had stopped showing up on her doorstep, knocking on her door only to be met with silence even though you knew she was home. If you were being honest with yourself, her message from this morning was your last straw. You were too broken to continue fighting. 
You felt as if your light has gone out. You’d only got out at crazy hours in the evenings, when you were sure you wouldn’t meet anyone, or at least, very few people, and especially not her, to get some groceries and cheap wine to drown your sorrows. You knew your eyes were constantly red and puffy from crying over someone who so clearly sent a message without literally doing so. Regina didn’t feel the same way than you did, and there was nothing you could do about it. So should you hang on to something that would only extend your pain? 
So instead of giggling with Regina like you would do usually every Friday night, you found yourself sitting on the couch, and old episode of Friends running in the background as you were having yet another glass of wine, hoping it would lure you to the sleep you craved so much, but couldn’t find as easily as before. You were wearing an old hoodie with gray sweatpants, an outfit you had gotten at university during your studies. You could feel your legs falling asleep from being crossed for such a long period of time, but you didn’t bother to move them, concentrating on the tingling sensation, hoping it would somehow take over your sadness. 
Halfway through the bottle, you heard a knock on your door. As your posture straightened up, the blanket that you had draped over your shoulders slide down, the cold air making its way to you even with the hood you had folded on your head. You weren’t really in the mood to see anyone, especially on yours and Regina’s evening. Your mind was working slower as usual, a result of the alcohol you were consuming. Yet, you shrugged and decided to ignore it, pretending you weren’t home when your mind was still clear enough to tell you that the lights were on, that the tv was loud and that the person behind the door probably noticed all of that too. Yet, another knock came to your ears not long after the first, and you knew whoever was there had no intention of going away. You figured it was either Emma or Snow checking on you, both knowing how hard you’d been taking Regina’s silence. Knowing it wouldn’t be easy to send them on their way if you didn’t answer the door, you sloppily got up from the couch, cursing as you bumped your calf into the table in front of the couch as you made your way to the front door. 
You didn’t get a chance to open your mouth to say you were fine, as the person standing in front of you was the one that was clouding your mind for the past two week. Your eyes locked with hers, and you noticed that she was still wearing her work clothes, a silk white blouse tucked into black pants, a beige coat keeping her warm from the cold air of the night. You noticed that she was also evaluating the state you were in, her eyes going from your sweatpants to your hoodie, to the wine bottle that was resting on the table behind you, her gaze softening as her brown orbs met yours again. 
“Hi,” she began softly, as if she was scared you’d break, as if she thought you were as fragile as glass. And truth to be told, you did look like you would, like you were holding on by a thread. 
You opened your mouth to answer, only to close it again, no words not coming out. “Can I come in?”, her voice cracking as she cleared her throat, fidgeting with her fingers as you noticed the black leather gloves she had on.
You simply nodded, opening the door for her to see the mess your apartment was. She had the decency to not say anything, knowing you were always a tidy person, even if the sight of the dirty dishes piling in the sink, the empty pizza boxes sitting on the counter and the pile of clean clothes unfolded resting on the kitchen table made her jaw clench. You knew she loved order over chaos, which is why you always tried to keep your place clean, but you didn’t think she’d actually witness the mess it was right now. Regina knew she was the reason for this, for the state she had found you in. She was no idiot. She had noticed the way your smile got wider every single time she’d walk in a room, the way you’d always pick the seat right next to her at Granny’s even if the one in front of her was available, the way you’d always hug her a little longer than anyone else. And she knew she did the same. Her day lightened up when she’d catch a glimpse of you, if you name would light up her phone, if she’d hear your voice or your laugh. And knowing she was causing you so much distress was breaking her heart even more than it was already. She made her way to the couch, her eyes never leaving your frame as you did the same.
“I’m sorry,” she simply stated, as you took the furthest spot possible from her on the couch. Her heart sank a little, jealously hoping you’d still want to be next to her, to be close to her. “I’m sorry I canceled our evening together.”, she muttered the last part, not trusting her own voice.
You closed your eyes, trying to keep the tears at bay. You couldn’t look at her, you couldn’t bear to see her expression as she would tell you it was a misunderstanding, that you were simply very close friends. Yet, you knew this conversation had to happen one day of another, so you’d rather it be now, while the wine was making it seem like a cushion you could rest on as it would unfold. You braced yourself for it and opened your eyes, choosing to fix your gaze on the side of the blanket that was messily unfolded in front of you.
“Why?,” you managed to whisper, your voice cracking at the end, as your grabbed the corner of the blanket, fidgeting with the edge. You felt Regina move from her seat, causing your heart to beat even harder in your chest. She instead sat right next to you, her now glove-free hand resting on top of yours, stopping your movements. She then used the other one to gently grab your chin, lifting it up slowly so you’d meet her eyes. You noticed she had taken off her coat, but you didn’t have the strength to look away from her gaze, her eyes piercing into yours. 
Your breath stopped once again, seeing the remorse and the hurt that was shining in them. All you wanted to do was to wrap your arms around her and hold her, to make all of it disappear. Yet, you couldn’t, your own pain a reminder it was her who had been avoiding you, and not the opposite.
“I got scared,” she hesitated before continuing, noticing you were sitting still and that your eyes hadn’t left hers. This seemed to give her the bravery to continue. “I-I want what’s best for you, Y/N. I love spending time with you, I look forward it every day. I wake up and my first thought is you. I go to bed and my last thought is you. I-I’m in love with you and it scared me,” she blurted, her cheeks tinted with a soft red color. “I don’t know what I thought. That maybe if I distanced myself from you, it would go away. But I missed you so much. I was sitting at home by myself, and I couldn’t stop thinking about you, about our evenings together…If I hadn’t ruined everything”, she continued in a low voice, her grip on your hand tightening, as if she was scared you’d run away, that you’d slip from her touch and reject her. Yet, it was like you were hypnotized by her, as if she had put a spell on you to keep you still, your mind registering her words one at the time, almost jokingly slowly. 
“I have been avoiding you because I got scared to have fallen in love with you, but being without you is an even scarier feeling,” she confessed, her eyes swelling up with tears. You had never seen Regina so vulnerable, despite the closeness of your relationship. And almost as if you were being remotely controlled, you felt your hand free itself from hers, making her gasp, probably thinking she was indeed right and that you were rejecting her after her past actions. Instead, you caught the tear that was falling on her cheek, causing even more to make their way down her beautiful features.
“I thought you didn’t want to be near me anymore”, you finally confessed to her, tears falling on your cheeks as well. You took a deep breath, preparing yourself for the confession you were about to make. “Since I’m not a hero, or anything, really”, you mumbled, shaking your head, trying to put some orders in your thoughts as your deepest fear was finally out in the open. 
She cupped your face, wiping your tears with her thumbs as she pressed a soft kiss on your right cheek, so softly that it felt like a feather was brushing against your skin. You closed your eyes under her touch, the one you had been craving for ever since you had realized you had feelings for Regina.
“You’re not anything, Y/N. You’re the woman I love,” she whispered, her lips brushing against your skin as she spoke, smiling softly as she heard a soft sight coming out of your lips at the contact. You weren’t aware that you did. Your mind was blank. You couldn’t move, couldn’t speak. Was she really saying she felt the same way you did all this time? That it was a misunderstanding? And she had kissed your cheek? You had hugged before, but you had never felt the softness of her lips on your skin, which truthfully didn’t help with registering the situation. It felt like hours when a minute probably went by. Regina’s lips were still brushing against your cheek, her eyelashes tickling your skin every time she’d blink even if her posture was completely immobile, as if she wanted to take in the closeness she had with if you’d decide to move away from her. The chaos in your heart was instead replaced by relief, by disbelief for the words you had been craving to hear for so long.
Finally coming back to your sense, you grabbed the hands that were still resting on your cheeks, moving your body so your forehead was now touching hers, your noses brushing against each other.
“You love me?” your voice sounding so small, so foreign to her ears that she was scared words would fail her, as she simply nodded. “Don’t ever do this to me again,” you whispered, smiling softly even though she couldn’t see you. Regina instead had other idea, wanting to see your face, wanting to read the depth of your mind in your eyes, as she distanced herself from you to do so, wrapping her arms around your neck in an attempt to keep you as close to her as possible. The frown on her face was quickly replaced by a smile matching yours, pure adoration written cross her features as light seemed to have returned to your eyes.
“I could never,” she stated, shaking her head, her perfume reaching your senses and embracing you, making you feel calmer, safer, loved. “I’d rip my own heart out.”
“Don’t do that, “you giggled, biting your bottom lip in the process. “I love you too, in case you were wondering,” you beamed at her, your mind finally catching up to what had just happened, the weight on the world having finally being lifted off your shoulders. The smile she gave you then completely turned your world upside down, the kind of smile that made your knees go weak, making you thankful you were sitting down. You were living for that smile, you’d do anything to see it, to have it directed just at you. 
Regina moved a piece of your hair away from your face, her hand resting on the back of your neck. Your skin felt on fire, your heart threatening to jump out of your chest. She glanced at your lips for a second, and you did the same, licking your lips in an automated gesture. She slowly leaned forward, giving you enough time to move away if it was your wish. Instead, you closed the distance and met her lips. Goosebumps rose on your skin as she gently pulled you towards her, as if she was afraid you’d disappear, her arms wrapped around your neck as yours found their way around her waist. The kiss was gentle, even more than you’d have imagined if possible, but yet, so passionate, filled with all the emotions you so desperately tried to express to each other. She eventually pulled away, leaving you gasping for air, as you immediately thought that you wanted to kiss her again and again for the rest of your life. She had her eyes closed still, a soft smiling playing on her lips, and so you leaned in again, making her giggle as your lips met hers, this time only lasting a few seconds, an attempt to convince yourself it was really happening. As you pulled away, she brushed her nose against yours before kissing it. 
“Now that it’s settled,” she chuckled, getting up from the couch and pulling you with her, “Let’s get some sleep. Tomorrow, we have some cleaning to do,” she grinned as she motioned towards the mess around you, as you rolled your eyes and got up to give her some clothes for the night, Regina never letting go of your hand.
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seb-reads31 · 4 months ago
Hello! I have a juicy one shot request for you today, full of angst!
It's angel dust x male reader and goes as follows:
Reader and angel were both part of the mafia and secretly became a couple for quite some time but reader died in a shootout a couple of years before angel's death and both angel and reader assume that the other got sent to heaven. Many years pass and by pure chance they meet at a bar but after so many decades in hell they don't really recognize eachother (that and the fact that angel is a spider demon dude helps with him not being very similar to his living self), later that night reader is in bed and he realizes "HOLY SHIT WAS THAT ANTHONY" and immediately runs to the hotel to find angel who also just realized that he met reader just a few hours later. They reunite and cry tears of joy after too many years spent alone in hell
Hope this wasn't too long of a request lol, let me know if i broke any of your rules so that next time i'll be more careful, with that said have a nice day!
Cautions - Drug use, shooting, death, cursing, sad angel 😭, mention of angel oding from drugs, MALE READER - fem DNI this is for the gay guys, crying, both sad and happy, reader being a bartender down in hell, Valentino, SPOILERS FOR EPISODE 6, Angel arguing with Valentino
Type - oneshot
Genre - angst to fluff <33
Comments - Nahh, you're good man. No rules broken yet 🤧 BUT OMG I LOVE THIS it's so cute but it's gonna make me wanna cry 😭 (testing out banners, thoughts? Made by me btw in PicsArt) and omg I'm so sorry for being dead 😔 AND, I'm basing this partially on episode 6 where Charlie goes to Heaven. I low-key hate the ending, it feels rushed but I'll probably end up rewriting it later (I'm gonna start adding word counts ISTG)
Till death do us part
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Your whole body felt so hot, your heart thumping so loudly in your chest it almost gave you away. You can barely breath, not wanting to give not only your position away, but Anthony's.
It all went wrong.
The information given to both of you was fake, you were set up. They were gonna kill you and him if you were caught. You only had 3 bullets left in your gun, and there were about 5 guys looking for you and Anthony. Shit...
The two of you were hiding behind large crates, trying to come up with a plan and quick. There was an exit to your right, but it would force you to pass by an open area where the guys hunting you down would see you. Trying to make a run for it wouldn't go well, they would just shoot you down. Trying to lay low would just lead to the inevitable, them catching and beating the both of you half to death. But maybe..
"Damnit!" Anthony softly muttered, breaking your line of thought. "What're we gonna do?" All you could do was look at him, with the softest look in your eyes as you told him the only plan you could think of, "We need a distraction."
He was.. confused for a moment, but he quickly caught on as he saw you prepping yourself to run out the opposite way the exit was, but he stopped you by grabbing your shoulder. "I- no! I'm not about to let you get yourself killed just to save my ass!" The trembling hand on your shoulder was an easy sign that he didn't want to leave you here by yourself.
"Anthony, we don't have another choice.." You turned around and placed a hand on his cheek as you continued, "we're sittin' ducks here, and I refuse to let you get caught by these fuckers." There was a determined look in your eyes, but also a softness deep down that showed how much you cared for the mafia boss's son.
"Oh, and I'm just supposed to let you die?" Anthony was on the verge of tears, because he knew you were right, but he didn't want you to get caught by his family's rivals just to get beaten or worse.
"I can escape, you just have to believe in me. Can you do that for me, my angel?" You could feel tears prick your eyes as well, but you forced them back with a soft smile as you leaned your forehead against Anthony's, but all he could do was worry and think the worst. But he nodded, giving you one final passionate kiss before he let you go.
"Don't die on me, got that?" Anthony looked stern, but the tears in his eyes told a different story. As you nodded, you could hear the footsteps and jeers of your rivals get closer, this was your only chance to get Anthony, your angel, out of this mess.
You jumped out, letting your last bullets fly strategically as Anthony ran under the radar, through the door, and into the outside as quickly as he could. Every shot he heard made his heart sink, but he still held out hope. You promised him after all.
Angel Dust sat straight up in his bed, panting softly as he woke up from that nightmare. The day he lost his everything.
He didn't notice until fat nuggets licked his face to try and comfort him, but tears were running down his cheeks from the painful memories. He remembered that day like it was just yesterday, even after so many years had passed.
Angel sat up, wiping away any left over tears to start getting ready for the day.
After he finished his morning routine, he slowly walked down the stairs to the main lobby of the Hazbin Hotel and was greeted by Charlie's smiling face and overly excited personality.
Her voice was too loud, considering he was still hungover from the night before, but had a new outlook on life and it was thanks to Husk. "Mornin' Char, we doin' anything today?" Angel yawned, stretching both pairs of arms and arching his back slightly.
"Yep! 'Cause I've got some big news for everyone! Speaking of which, could you sit in the main room until I get everyone? I still need to find Alastor and Husker before I announce it." She looked like she could barely contain her excitement as she ran off before Angel Dust could answer. But he shrugged, sitting down on the plush sofa and chose to scroll through voxtigram to pass the time.
About 10 minutes later, Charlie had arrived with Husker in tow, Alastor appearing from the shadows not too long after. "Alright everyone! Today, I would like to introduce you to.." Charlie paused, to build suspense, until she pulled out a strange looking man from somewhere. You. "Our newest patron!"
You waved, albeit awkwardly at the strange group of sinners. You weren't new to hell, far from it, but there were only a few you really recognized. Husker, your bartending buddy from a few years ago that you met at a bar you worked at. And Alastor, him being the radio demon and all.. But everyone else, as far as you knew, you had no history with.
Before you could try leaving the room to escape the awkwardness, Charlie nudged you slightly. "Go on, introduce yourself!" She was so sweet it was hard to say no, if we're also not counting that Vaggie was staring at you with a small glare.
"Uh, hi?" Is how you started, but continued even after you heard Alastor chuckle. And while Angel couldn't help but feel a little.. off when you said your name, it being very familiar, but he shrugged and put on his classic porn star persona as he introduced himself to you.
"Nice to meetcha~ I'm Angel Dust, but you can call me yours," he winked at you as others groaned but you couldn't help but feel as if he was familiar as well.. it was probably nothing though. You did have a dream about how you died last night, so it's just a weird coincidence.
As everyone else introduced themselves, they began to leave, but the ones that stayed were Charlie, Vaggie, Alastor, Husk sort of as he went back to his bar, and Angel Dust following him. You stay in the main part of the lobby as you converse with Alastor and Charlie, them telling you a bit more about the hotel.
Over at the bar, Angel couldn't help but stare at you, barely even touching his drink. "Alright, why are you staring at the new guy?" As much as Husk prided himself on being able to read people, Angel was throwing him off with how quiet he was being, barely registering that Husk spoke to begin with.
"Huh? Oh, he just.. reminds me of someone." He barely looked at Husk when he answered, keeping his puzzled gaze on you. "From when you were alive?" Husk was curious, and he may or may not've noticed how you looked at Angel Dust when you were introduced to the staff and patrons.
Angel nodded, but let out a small sigh. "Meh, I'll think of who he reminds me of eventually." He chugged the last of his drink before standing up, presumably to go to his room. As he began walking, you couldn't help but watch him, wondering why his voice and demeanor was so familiar.
Alastor noticed, and him being him, decided to poke a little fun at you. "Oh my, are we falling for another patron my good fellow?" His static voice made you jump slightly, as he was just sitting quietly as Charlie rambled on before. But you were quick to shake your head, denying the radio demon's claim.
"No, no. He's just.. familiar is all. Probably just deja vu. Besides, my partner when I was alive might be in heaven, he's the only one for me." There was a small smile on your face as you thought of your sweet Anthony, completely unaware of what the future held.
A few days had passed, and you and Angel Dust had become pretty good friends. While he would flirt with you on occasion, it was all in good fun.
Everyone in the hotel could see how close the two of you had gotten in the short time you've been here, it would've been impossible to notice! How you two just, clicked. No one could understand why, but you balanced each other nicely.
Angel was already falling into a routine with you, unconsciously of course, but there was always a lingering guilt in the back of his mind as he thought of his lover when he was alive. He was redeeming himself for him after all. No matter what he did over those days, he couldn't help but develop feelings for you.
You felt the same way as Angel, unknowingly. You loved Anthony with all your heart, and just knew he was up in heaven waiting for you. But Angel.. well, he was not only drop dead gorgeous, but he showed his real self with you. It was hard to not fall for Angel's charismatic nature, and it reminded you of Anthony's personality.. odd, but not uncommon. Sometimes people have the same humor, way of talking, and favorite drink as others that they never even knew. Right?
It's been a week now, and you and the gang are at the club! Paid by Charlie while she was up in heaven of course.
The night was great! You all were enjoying yourselves with some shots, and watching poor Sir Pentious fail to woo Cherrie Bomb several times.
During the night, you and Angel being the most sober were trying to keep Nifty under wraps as she continuously causes chaos. First she starts raking some loan shark's shots into a garbage bag, then she finds the cleaning closet and tries to steal the chemicals hiding in there, then she's left with Husk who is forced to baby sit her.
And now, Angel and Cherri were getting into a small disagreement, along with Husker.
"Y'know, we can do this fucking shit every fuckin' night!" Cherri yelled over the music in the club. It's clear that Angel was done, Husker included and Niffty was drunk.
But even with Angel's sour expression, she continued. "You don't have to spend all of your off hours 'working on yourself' you little bitch."
Husky was quick to shut that down though. He knows the issue, and he expressed that. "The hotel isn't a problem in his life, it's-" he paused, not quite finding the word as Angel looked away, but quickly saw a man that he truly hated. Before Husk could say something, the spider sinner spoke with a grave tone. "Valentino." "Exactly!" Husker finally continued, unaware of who Angel saw, and only you put the pieces together, but didn't want to interrupt what was happening. Not until you needed to though.
"So why don't you-" Husk continued, trying to give Cherri a piece of his mind before Angel stopped him again. "No, Valentino," and he pointed to a large crowd, the moth overlord in the center of it with two others in his arms.
Angel was clearly disturbed, seeing his boss at the club when he's supposed to be relaxing. "Let's get the fuck out of here- come on." He began walking and you followed suit, wanting to make sure Angel wasn't alone. Husker and Cherri can handle themselves after all. But.. "Where's Niffty?"
The question startled Husker, who was holding the bug just moments ago, but you managed to catch a glimpse of her.. going towards Valentino, muttering the word 'bad boy' along the way. "Uhh, Angel?" You quickly pointed out where she went, and Angel's eyes widened even further.
Angel immediately went after her, pushing through the crowd as best as he could, you following right after him. You've heard a story or two from Angel himself about how awful the overlord was, and you refused to let him get his hands on the spider you've gotten so close to.
He was angry, not his usual charming self, pushing and cursing at people with a quieter voice trying to get to Niffty. When he did catch her, it stopped him right Infront of Valentino himself, the man not sparing a second to greet Angel Dust.
"Holy shit, Angel Dust? What are you doing here baby?~" he cooed, surprised to see his star at the club as well. "You didn't get enough dick today?" He made a suggestive gesture, clearly teasing Angel even though he knew how hard he worked him earlier.
"Funny." Angel said in a monotone voice, nowhere near amused with the joke or with Valentino. You could tell that he just wanted to take Niffty and get back to the hotel. But Valentino wasn't about to let that happen, not yet. "Who's this chiquita?" Gesturing at Niffty, who was clearly twitching at the thought of getting closer to the 'bad boy.'
"You bringing me fresh meat?" The implication was disgusting, and you almost spoke up when Niffty lunged a bit at Valentino, trying to bite him.
He made another joke, something about a kink, but Angel was clearly tired and just wanted to sleep. "Fuck off Val." He muttered turning to leave but Val was not happy. "Excuse me?"
You expected Angel to just walk, but he doubled down. Which was kind of hot. "I said fuck off!"
"I may have to put up with your bullshit, but you ain't fucking with any of my friends." He was stern, but setting a very clear boundary. It reminded you so much of.. wait, Anthony?
"You forget who you're talking to?" Valentino was fuming now, not used to Angel fighting back. He quickly stood up, using the smoke of his cigarette to make a chain on one of Angel Dust's wrist, pulling him close. "I own you bitch."
Angel looked scared again, and you stepped closer, ready to throw hands, and Valentino noticed but didn't back down. "Yeah, you do. In the studio, and you can do anything you want to me there, just like our deal says."
You were proud of him right now, but also sad. This is your Anthony. The man you were trying to get redeemed for. He was down here in hell, where he didn't belong. "But out here, I get to do what I want. So once again, fuck off." You saw Valentino raise his hand, going to slap him, and you moved quickly, but not quick enough. "Angel!" You called out, seeing Niffty fling out of his arms and Angel bleeding slightly from the harsh hit.
You wanted to rip Valentino limb from limb, but that wouldn't make it any better for Angel. He needed you, and you needed to make sure that he was okay.
Instead of pummeling Valentino, you went to Angel, pulling him into your arms as you checked his face, just like you did when you both were alive. "Enjoy the rest of your night, bitch, because I'm going to enjoy making you pay for it tomorrow." Both you and Angel glared at the moth demon, and you finally had it.
"You may own Angel now, but I swear that I'll make you pay in the future. Watch your back you bald headed fuck."
You gently lifted Angel up to his feet, holding him close as you hear Cherri mutter 'dickhead' behind you, also worried for Angel. "Fuck it, it was worth it." He muttered, leaning into you and wiping the blood from his face away. "You did good kid," Husk said, patting him on the shoulder as you went to Cherri's table. But not before Niffty ripped some of Valentino's neck fluff, making him scream girlishly.
Cherri split off from your group, with Sir Pentious finally returning, and you all went back to the hotel. It had been a long night after all, and you were all laughing along the way.
But when you finally reached the hotel, Husk Niffty and Sir Pentious went to turn in, Angel too but you stopped him. "Hey.. can we talk for a sec?"
Angel thought he had an idea of what you wanted to talk about, so he stayed. "I'm fine, really. You know I'm gonna bounce back, no matter what Val does to me." And while that has been in the back of your mind, you shook your head. "Thanks for the comfort, but that's not it. Angel.. what's your real name?"
If you were right, it would not only fill you with joy, but you'd be so upset. Anthony didn't deserve to be in hell, he was the sweetest person you knew, and was meant to be in heaven. But you held two of his hands nonetheless, giving him both a nervous but hopeful expression.
And Angel.. he was lost, he couldn't tell why you wanted to know his real name, but he also wanted to tell you. "It's.. That's uhm, kinda private babes, why do you wanna know?" He tried laughing it off, even thought about making a weird joke but he could tell that this wasn't the time. "I.. I think we knew each other when we were alive."
You gave his hands a gently squeeze, and unconsciously threaded your fingers with his. "Please.. I just need to know if you're really him." Even though you were desperate, you would never force Angel Dust to tell you. But it didn't hurt to try.
Angel was conflicted. Not just because you were familiar, but he didn't want to be heartbroken if he got his hopes up. He wanted you to be his lover from when he was alive, but he also didn't. You were supposed to be in heaven, and he's supposed to be trying to redeem himself to be with you again. You sacrificed yourself to save him after all, those bastards in heaven would be lucky to have you.
"Anthony." Angel was taking a leap of faith, watching you carefully.
Your eyes welled up with tears, and you took one of your hands to place it onto his fuzzy cheek, stroking it gently with your thumb. Then suddenly, you pulled the taller spider into an embrace, fully letting your tears flow down your cheeks.
No words needed to be spoken. All the two of you needed was to be in each other's arms, finally reunited after so many years of believing the other was in heaven. You both sobbed, holding the other tightly as if he'd disappear. And from this moment onwards, you swore silently to protect your angel from anything. No matter the cost.
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jiro-kirisaki-no1-fan · 19 days ago
Episode 14 rant
Jiro my baby I love you forever❤️ I was so worried for him especially during his episode oh my god
I KNEW that Yuri was in Frostheim before. IT WAS SO OBVIOUS!
There's this theory that Yuri failed to treat Jin's mother, hence why he's actually terrified of failing to treat all his patient. I believe this could be revealed later🙏
Aaaa when these annoying fuckass students started to make fun of him. I'm so glad Jiro stepped in🙏 it would have been so awkward.
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It was kinda sad when he started to cry. I felt a bit bad for him of course, but he did deserve it... Like, he was being such a prick to everyone and his ego was so high and he behaved as if he's the greatest and best one out there, which, I'll have to be honest, is super annoying. So him getting humbled did satisfy me somewhat. Especially when Jiro and the MC just stood there. It was so awkward.
HOWEVER Jiro is NOT cold🙏 He cares for Yuri, obviously. Because without Yuri he can't survive. He's very direct and logical and doesn't do pointless things. When the Frostheim students wouldn't leave, he stepped in for Yuri, sort of, and made them leave, giving him privacy to be vulnerable. I think that's kinda cute. I think, since Jiro is such a logical person, that he has struggle to comfort others. I bet he wants to but just cannot find the right words.
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Oh god with all the pressure and the absolutely CRUSHING of his self-esteem, and possibly being reminded of his time at Frostheim, it's only natural to now have trouble treating Jiro. It's so insane. God I panicked too. I actually really like that the developers showed this because it makes Yuri look more human and less like an arrogant, prideful, mad scientist type of guy.
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It made me tear up
Yuri cares so much for Jiro omg I wish. Jiro also calling him pathetic 😭🙏 AHH but saying he can cry when they're alone, when no other person is there, was so cute. He wants to protect Yuri as well, not just in fights, but maybe in an emotional sense too? I love him. It's so heartbreaking to see Yuri cry here. This made me feel bad for him because Jiro ended up in the infirmary because of him. And it's really important as a doctor to stay concentrated and vigilant when dealing with patients, so him being so nervous after the ordeal with the Frostheim students was only bound to end up with Jiro on the verge of death.
I LOVE how Jiro gave Yuri the hint with the incubation period. Because Yuri loves solving the cases, and Jiro knows that. That hint was enough to make Yuri solve everything and he lightened up again. I 100% believe Jiro did that to comfort him.
HE EVEN SMILED when Yuri solved the case!!! He's like "I'm so proud of you" omgmggmgm
God I hate Hyde so much. Frostheim (except for Kaito and Luca) are my biggest opps istg.
There's still so many questions, for example what Sinostra wants from Mortkranken, or whatever Frostheim is planning??? For Sinostra it's probably the spider eggs but I have no idea what Frostheim wants from them.
ANYWAY the Chapter was SO AMAZING!!! I LOVED IT SO MUCH!!! Might be the best Chapter oat🙏
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flightfoot · 6 months ago
Isn't the target audience for the show little kids? Why is the heroic mc gaslighting? Why was THAT chosen to be her decision? Idk I feel like the fandom excusing this is focusing solely on the fanfiction side of things lol. I can't really see a conversation about boundaries like you've mentioned happening, for example. Marinette will cry about it for one scene, hugged by the guy she gaslighted, then the show will move on. All the implications of her actions, how toxic the love square is- those are not things that can be adressed respectfully in an episodic kids show. Especially not by these writers. We've seen the twitter takes. So just- idk, I wouldn't want a ten-year-old to watch this ngl. Especially because the kid watching might be an abuse victim themselves.
We have had some conversations about boundaries before, in Glaciator 2, when Ladybug was upset at Chat for keeping on hinting at wanting to be a couple, which means that such a conversation IS in the show's wheelhouse of what it can do.
Cat Noir: I guess I'm not your favorite cat at the moment, am I? (walks towards Ladybug) Can I take you to a movie to make up for it? Or how about a restaurant to celebrate our nomination as Couple of the Year? Ladybug: (yelling) We're not "Couple of the Year", we're not a couple at all! Cat Noir: Sorry! Sorry! I didn't mean to make you so mad. (Ladybug simply looks away from him, still mad.) I get it. You're sick of me. I might sound like a broken record expressing my affection for you over and over. I know I should stop but... I can't help it, you know? I have so many feelings welled up in this heart, and I don't know how to control them. Ladybug: (sighs) I know your heart's in the right place and that you don't mean any harm but— Cat Noir: (dejectedly) You're right. You shouldn't have to put up with this. I'll stop. I don't know how yet, but I'll figure it out. I promise. Ladybug: (smiles) I'm counting on you. Cat Noir: (frowns) I'll see you later. (vaults away, and Ladybug eventually to the other direction)
Cat Noir: Nice to see you again, my... dear friend whom I respect and for whom I have no other feelings than true platonic friendship. Ladybug: Are you making fun of me? Cat Noir: Not at all! I'm... just getting my bearings. Ladybug: Lucky Charm! (uses her power as a car drops in front of them) Cat Noir: Oh, yeah! That lucky charm really revs my engine! (Ladybug closes her eyes, coming up with a plan to use her lucky charm. The scene zooms to the big exhaust in front of Gare du Nord.) Ladybug: Okay! Take the wheel. I got a plan. Glaciator: There you are! You think you can escape me like that? (Ladybug and Cat Noir step in the car. Cat Noir starts the car engine and drives away, escaping Glaciator as the villain comtinues to chase them.) Glaciator: (sing-song) I'm Glaciator, the mean ice-cream man, and I am your number 1 fan! Cat Noir: (while driving) That's enough! We're just friends! Ladybug: Okay. Let's go! (hurls her yo-yo, tying it around Glaciator and on her car seat) Pass me the wheel. Glaciator: You think you can escape me by attaching me to you? Cat Noir: Where are we going with this—? I mean, not the two of us. Just... where are we going, like, a direction? Ladybug: I got it. We're heading to the Gare du Nord. We'll stay in touch. (She continues to drive, escaping Glaciator.) Cat Noir, now! (Cat Noir jumps out of the car.) Ladybug: (through the ear-piece) You know what to do. I'll come back as soon as you're ready! Cat Noir: Drive safe. (He leaps to rooftop where a billboard of him and Ladybug is located. He drops it to the ground to use it as a ramp for Ladybug's car.) Ready, m'lady! Uh, do you mind me calling you "m'lady"? Ladybug: No, that's okay. (performs a drift) It's not that complicated, you know? If I tell you that something's annoying, you stop doing it, that's all!
I don't know that the show could go over all the implications of some of the things Marinette's done with Adrien, in all the identity versions, but it having Adrien lay down some boundaries and Marinette doing her best to abide by them so she doesn't accidentally hurt him is within the realm of what it can do, since it's done it before. Granted, there's more variance and a bigger scale with some of the lies Marinette's told Adrien and the secrets she's kept from him, but it's a similar idea at least.
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befuddledcinnamonroll · 2 months ago
Perfect 10 Liners time! Ok, Yotha, you got some crow to eat, be good to our boy.
Oh, Yotha's meter is full on broken.
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Which does fit with how he is with Gun, he feels a pull, but doesn't know how to really handle it. And his kisses up to this point have felt very "do behavior A to get response B" rather than any actual desire.
Obligatory beach splashing time! Pretty sure it's law by now.
Ha, of course Fai has been leaving the door unlocked on purpose. That's a good man, because if I had people snuggling in the bed next to me every night, I would be hella annoyed.
I love that we are getting to see more Fai and Wine interactions ahead of their romance!
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Part of why I didn't immediately warm to Faifa was the intensity of how he came after Wine, but now I want to go back and rewatch with the recontextualization of the new scenes. It's getting sweeter by the second.
Lol, I would so be Wine here, just like "aaaah, cute older guy is talking to me, brain no longer functioning".
Oh, they are sparking so beautifully!
I love that we get Tay just randomly popping in on occasion to be the wise sage of the group.
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I'm assuming his move to Nan is going to be relevant to the FaiWine story. New location for frolics?
My theory about Arm getting drunk in every episode for the entertainment of the writers is holding up.
Oh, that is so pretty.
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Now I want to be at the beach.
Oh good, we're talking about the kiss.
All that and Yotha still didn't say, "I kissed him to confirm I don't feel anything anymore"? Dude, that's the most essential piece.
Hmm, this doesn't feel super romantic to me? Maybe because I've seen what waiting around for someone can be like in real life, and most of the time it sucks.
Like I get that Gun is a very sweet, loving, kind man, but I need him to be more selfish.
Yes, perfect!
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Hold those boundaries baby. He doesn't get everything when he wants you to wait.
Hmm, also with the bracelet - it just feels like Yotha wants them to be boyfriends without calling it boyfriends.
Again, not mad about any of this stuff, it all fits their characters, but it just doesn't feel romantic to me.
Ha, love the friend interactions, as always.
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Wow, Yotha really be walking through the halls in those pajamas, that is an impressive level of dedication.
Gah, I just - of course Gun would be sad! I feel like there's still a lack of real honest communication here.
Fai is a whole mood, I am 100% on your side bro.
Aww, Fai getting all the birthday love is cute. And deserved!
Oh for crying out loud, Yotha, you are so in love!
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Seriously, all the brothers need some therapy. Please, someone just mention the word.
Lol, Gun is not fooling his mother in the least.
Yotha doesn't want to do what Wa did, but he's still setting Gun up for hurt all the same. Not being willing to call him your boyfriend or call it love doesn't change the reality, and it would hurt just as much for things to end.
Goddamit Yotha! I was giving you grace last week, but you are straight up ticking me off now.
I know we just did this plotline with ArcArm, but I need some hottie to come flirt with Gun. Boy needs to feel desired.
This is such a sweet friend group.
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I love when we get to see men taking care of one another.
Oh Fai. Always sacrificing himself.
Gun deserves so much better than this.
I mean, yes, Yotha is not wrong to say he needs time, but the hot and cold is what's super hurtful. One minute he's playing boyfriends, then he can't even smile at Gun. He's so hung up on some projection of what love is supposed to be, rather than paying attention to all the ways he genuinely does love Gun.
Yotha, you are making me want this to happen for Gun.
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It's not that I don't feel for Yotha, or his struggles. I think I've just seen too many real life friends being hurt by a partner who knows they have issues, but refuses to get help or work through them in order to stop causing their partner pain. And it's really shitty.
Yes, Gun! He can take his time, but you also get to set boundaries.
Waaah, stop making my AouBoom smokers.
God I love my boys.
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They are very clearly "we may be side characters in this show, but we're still gonna prove why we're the number one in physical intimacy at GMMTV".
Goddamn, Aou, how much have you been working out?!
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Lifting someone your own size is freaking hard!
Ok, can our BL boys just stop ever crossing the street?
They are a very pretty couple.
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Hmm, this was an interesting one. I think Yotha is just bumping up against reality a little too much for me here, which is not the fault of the show.
But at least it looks like next week Yotha may finally get his shit together!
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Well it's late night for me and helluva Boss Mastermind episode just dropped and I'm kinda in the mood to do a live reaction to text of first and honest impressions thingie. So let's go!!
Awww. Loona hesitating to burn their first job pic was precious❤️
Holy shit okay Satan's design is the first Sin I actually legit adore! Freaking amazing!😳
Can the the rip-off-Elsa brother (won't bother remembering the name) PLEASE stop calling Stella hot? Neither funny, nor character driven just really freaking creepy! Stop!
Vasago first impression. Uuuh okay? Is the gimmick he's simply gonna talk to another language.
Hiiii baby!! Looking good in that suit! Daaaamn! Good to see ya!~🥴
Warning up to the new VA each episode ngl. Doing a sexy job with it😚
I can't decide if I love or hate the "LINE?" joke... Could work as him not giving a fuck to spell the "fancy" word I guess😆 but mostly it makes him look kinda stupid so yeah... not a fan.
Whatever, moving on!
Tone down Moxxie pulling uwu and crying faces please? Just a bit. It's too much is all I'm saying. He's baby but like it's not endearing if you do it constantly 😢
Animation is so gorgeous tho as always. How rip-off-Elsa moves and uses his power is so smooth!
So Striker just made a guest appearance and fucked off with a wicked smile. I can't!😆
I mean good for him for getting that immunity deal but not even a tiny bit of verbal interaction with I.M.P? Moxxie? Anything? No?? You're killing me man. I am robbed and inconsolable 😭
The Sins interactions are mostly annoying but lmao at Mammon's clown noises bahahahah! Love it!
Uuuh Satan's voice might be doing things to me👉👈
Goddamn his design is amazing too!
Fizz!!! He's trying! Bless his heart he cares about his friend a lot imma cry!
Oh wow! Kudos to Blitzo for giving that speech. Dare we see social commentary that actually hits? And he's using it to save his family? Respect!
The guards are threatening af! I love how creepily slow they move and how that one touched Blitzo after the execution announcement was so foreboding. Really good way to convey the imminent danger. Niiice!
Muzzle on Loona just showing how little she's allowed to be. Even lower than the imps basically. This is sad.
Stolas to the rescue! Ye- Song? OhmyGod🤦 nah man just... okay whatever I'm skipping it, it feels really awkward to have in this situation.
Skip skip skip
Okay no back up back up. Satan singing???
No still don't care about it, too awkward sorry.
Skip skip skip
"This is a sturdy door"
Frick that caught me off guard! 🤣🤣🤣
Oh my god noooo. Via making that sound while crying broke my heart!!! Poor Baby bird!😢
Yeah see having Stella be non abusive and manipulative with her is an amazing idea and I love it but goddamn it, it doesn't work if you present her as absolutely brain-dead and obvious about everything the rest of the time!!!!
...well that was embarrassing 😂
Actually felt more bad about Stolas assuming he'd be sacrificed than the sacrifice itself.
Heroic I know but holy shit 🤣
Really love Satan's entire schtick. Very much a fan! The guy is so entertaining to watch!
Vasago really didn't do much in the end besides fanboy over Stolas did he?😆
"For the next 100 years"
Bahahahahahahahah!!! Get fucked rip-off-Elsa lmaoo!!! That bit was gold!!
And Stolas is common folk now. Okay I guess. I'm very neutral about that.🤷
Ohooo?? Blitzo actually getting support from this whole ordeal?? Oh kudos! Great direction! Very much support it!
More of soft Loona yes!!🥺❤️
(and I'll be willing to pretend the kicking his balls awful nonsense never happened 🙄)
Ah the last scene with Stolas? That was actually so very soft and sweet. Beautiful quiet moment to close off to
And that was it🫠
Whelp I didn't think I'd have this many reactions watching the episode.
Overall not bad. I'm going to bed now tho I'm tired🥱
Oh And in conclusion:
Bring Striker back soon!!!!🙏
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lady-of-ocs · 2 months ago
My throat hurts, I'm back at school, but at least there's Haikyuu
Hellooooooo world. Throat is feeling funky today but I shall persevere. I started season 4 the other day! I'm going into episode 5 I think? I'll watch more later. Might make cocoa for my throat. Anywho. THOUGHTS ON THE EPISODES I'VE WATCHED SO FAR.
Alright, first of all, I don't really hate or love the new animation style of this season. I miss the old one, yes, but this one isn't the worst thing to ever exist or anything. Except for what they did to my beautiful boy, Asahi. I miss the gorgeous man bun angel baby. He's still there but he's also not, you know what I mean?
The whole height measuring thing is such a small scene but it's just so funny. We love to see Yamaguchi hyping up Tsukishima about his height. And Tsukki looks so proud of it, too. They are very close to the top of my Favorite Haikyuu Friendships list. AND ALSO.
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THIS FUCKING SCENE. Obviously I've seen it before but I just. UGHHHH I LOVE THEM SO SO MUCH. You see more of the younger Kei when he was softer and less salty when he's just with Tadashi. It says so much about their friendship and Kei's comfort with Tadashi. His content little smile just melts my entire heart. Crying screaming throwing up over them. My notes literally say "Cradling them gently in my hands because GOD I love these two." and that's so real of me
So, I knew about Hinata crashing the first year camp at Shiratorizawa prior to watching season 4. I'd heard about the second hand embarrassment. I DID NOT KNOW IT WOULD BE THIS BAD HOLY FUCK. Tsukki's got a mantra of "you don't know him" going on loop in his head and I'd be right there with him because OH MY GOD. HINATA, HONEY. PLEASE. YOU'RE KILLING ME HERE. And here's the thing, I get that he's unhappy about not getting invited to either training camp. I imagine that it's a big blow to his confidence to have two of his peers get these great opportunities based on how skilled they are and not be invited himself. He's worked just as hard as they have. And Kageyama's comment of "see you at the top" when Hinata was clearly upset surely didn't help (something about it felt especially mean to me. Like, somehow the meanest thing he's said to Hinata even though it's not). BUT COME ON BABE YOU HAVE TO TAKE THE LOSS HERE. BALL BOY ARC YOU ARE GOING TO TAKE ME OUT. And so many of the things he does at the camp just make me curl in on myself. I would not be caught dead acting like that (but to be fair, he's like 15 and I'm in my 20s so I'd hope I was more mature than him). He also made me a little sad several times. Like, Hina baby you are breaking my heart but you did this to yourself holy shit.
Side note: I don't know the name of the guy but one of them has the same English VA as Reki from Sk8 the Infinity and I heard him talk and it took me the fuck out. Hello sweetie. Glad to hear you here.
Hinata getting scolded back to back to back TOOK ME OUT. Could not be me. I'd be crying. And to be fair, it seems like he was about to when he was talking to Tanaka. But Nishinoya appeared and made him feel better and I was so gratefully. I don't like seeing my kids cry.
They haven't shown as much about Kageyama and the National Youth Intensive yet, but I enjoy that a lot more. Far fewer second hand embarrassment moments over on Kageyama's side. Him setting too high because he's used to setting for Hinata was both embarrassing but also oddly endearing? He adjusted, of course (he's an excellent player and can adjust when he needs to), but he's so used to setting for Hinata that his muscle memory automatically wants to set the way he would for Hinata. Not sure how to explain it but yeah. I'm enjoying all of the new characters very much, also. Idk the little white haired bird-looking boy's name yet but I like him. I'm in awe of your skills if that makes you feel any better, sweetie. AND I SEE ATSUMU!!!! Fuck you Miya Atsumu <3
TENDŌ! TENDŌ! TENDŌ! TENDŌ! I WAS SO FUCKING HAPPY TO SEE MY BOY. I LOVE HIM THE MOST ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ He brings me such immense joy and I'm so happy he's here. He better come back. HIS LAUGH WHEN HINATA TOLD HIM THAT HE CRASHED THE CAMP. I LOVE HIM. HE'S LIKE KUROO WITH HIS FUCKING HYENA LAUGH. Nobody talk to me while I swoon over Semi Eita. Kicking my feet and twirling my hair. Tendō also in the background making me laugh. Does this boy have bones? He doesn't move like he does.
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OBSESSED with the way Tendō is grabbing onto Ushi’s jacket here. Just. I don't even know what to say about it. It's such a small gesture but it's so cute. Tendō, I love you. And Ushiwaka, I love you too for allowing it to happen.
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I know we're focusing mostly on Hinata at this point in the season but I miss the rest of the team. I like that we occasionally jump back to see what they're doing (as film structure would call it: "meanwhile, back at the ranch"), though. Nishinoya knocking Tanaka over with his chaotic receives? Beautiful. You love to see it. No one being able to serve during that practice match? My dearest darlingest crows, what the hell happened there? Are you kids okay? But I'm sure once the camps are over, we'll be back with the team and I'll get to see all of my boys.
Tsukishima: “You wanna practice with me?” Me: TSUKKIIIIIIIIIII ❤️✨❤️❤️❤️❤️✨✨✨✨✨ I just love Tsukishima tbh. The fact that he's actually willing to practice with Hinata because he knows he can learn from it is soooooo much growth on his part. I'm very proud of him. And he's so smart <3 Salty as ever but very smart
So Kageyama is out here getting insulted and making enemies and Hinata is making friends. Love that for him honestly
So I'm going to take this time to talk about Hyakuzawa AKA 2 meter guy. He was absolutely shattering my heart. Like, STOP BEING MEAN TO HIM YOU GUYS HE'S TRYING HIS BEST 💔 That being said, HINATA IS SUCH AN UPLIFTING AND ENCOURAGING BABY I LOVE HIM WITH ALL MY HEART ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️. I was so happy to see him stand there and encourage Hyakuzawa and actively help him out. Hinata really just goes and makes friends everywhere he goes and that makes me so happy. When Hyakuzawa actually got the ball up and it cut back to Hinata talking about it giving him time to rest and reset himself when he gets overwhelmed OH it got me. I was squealing about it at 2 AM. And then they high fived and I got really happy that Hinata made another friend. I love seeing him make friends. He's just human sunshine and we love to see it.
I'm starting classes tomorrow but I'll still be watching and posting about it every now and then. I should watch the dumpster battle movie again now that I have all the context. Anyway. Hope I feel better soon
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Avatar: The Last Airbender Live Action Thoughts!
-First of all, ya'll need to leave those child actors alone, they are babies and they didn't write the show, nor was it their idea to do it. I have seen way too many people body shaming children; leave them alone they all did well!
-I think Gordon makes Aang just as cute and small and powerful as I always saw him as!! He manages to joke around and be fun even when the storyline is a lot darker and more serious.
-I really wish Sokka was able to be more of his goofy and silly self. I understand why he isn't, and his humor is more sarcasm and dark jokes, but I saw glimpses of him in there! His excitement when he was with the Mechanist, engineering and getting to do something other than be in charge. Also when he has any older brother convo with Katara or Aang. I'm hopeful with time he'll be able to loosen up!
-(Speaking of the Mechanist, my boy Danny Pudi was SO GOOD, I love him, him and his little son).
-I wish Aang would practice waterbending with Katara :( those scenes of them practicing together were always some of my favorites in the series. Just beautiful kataang moments. I'm glad they addressed it but I missed those moments.
-I don't understand how you guys can't be having fun watching this, I get so excited waiting for little moments of lore, or when Jet and Katara were fighting in the forest I was sitting in front of the TV like "WHERE'S SMELLERBEE AND LONGSHOT. OH MY GOD NO IT'S PIPSQUEAK!" It's just so much fun! The colors are beautiful, the effects are gorgeous, and the plot and characters are entertaining. Think about the piece as it's own thing and enjoy it!
-Adaptations are just that; adaptations, and things will be changed! I think so far I haven't minded their changes, I understand why they've been made. There are things to criticize, but I think this is pretty well done.
-Zuko is fantastic; I think all the child actors are fairly good but Dallas' pissy attitude and the faces he makes are so so fun! I feel for Zuko and I'm scared of him when he shows up, and he's just as annoying and bratty as ponytail Zuko should be. His physical motions are fantastic!
-TEO WAS SO LITTLE?? Oh my god, like as a kid I thought the cartoon version of him was kinda hot so when they wheeled that tiny baby in I was HORRIFIED.
-Idk why YOU ALL weren't scared of Lizzy Yu's Azula, but her little smile in her intro scene gave me a lil chill. Maybe it's because I was away when the show first came out so I saw post after post about how bad she was, but I just.... Thought she'd be worse?? She did really well! Ya'll better be careful though or Gaten Matarazzo will come for you, that's his girl.
-So far the mushing of plots has made sense to me. Yes, I miss the silly filler episodes and the traveling the Gaang did, but it allows us to sit in a scene longer, and to colorize the world better, when we're in one place and one plot for longer. I think that's important for this type of medium and this amount of episodes. They might be able to justify more next season if this show does well enough.
-I am OBSESSED with Zuko and the 41st division oh my god, what a fantastic and well thought out addition. The reveal, and they're bowing for him when he comes back was DEVASTATING.
-They we're GIVING us Sokka and Katara best sibling moments, I loved all of them. They are so cute, they just mean so much to me.
-I don't feel Appa or Momo as characters like I did in the cartoon. I'm hoping this can change, because rn they surprise me every time they get on screen. I'm like "WHAT- oh it's Momo, he's here." How are we going to feel Appa's loss as much as we did in the cartoon if they continue to like barely be in it.
-Ken Leung SLAYED as Admiral Zhao, I watched him go literally insane as the episodes went on.
-Aang's imposter syndrome and feeling of failure being focused on I will always enjoy, even if I hope he can be silly next season too. His entire character arc this season just made me want to cry.
-Bro the coloring during the the Siege of the North was A M A Z I N G. The way the color faded in and out with fireballs and the monster koi passing nearby, just so pretty. It looked awesome.
-Making Yue a waterbender? The best. Her freezing Sokka in place so he can't stop her? Heartbreaking.
-Iroh and Zuko paddling off looking for bestie Lt. Jee?? Okay.
-They really grew this show up for us adults that watched it in 2005 and focused in on the really painful moments, themes, and details.
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wehangout · 11 months ago
kiss prompt: Gallavich and 36 :)
Send me a number and I’ll write a gallavich kiss 👄
36. - - to give up control (you know what episode could have had some really beautiful ian and mickey moments and didn't because fuck the writers? this one)
It plays on your mind while Lip and Debbie bitch about selling the house, while Debbie makes shitty assumptions about gay guys, while you stand with a cup of coffee in each hand because Mickey's upstairs crying over his shitty, dead dad.
And it's really fucking hard. It's hard to sympathise and it's hard to actually give a fuck, because it's Terry. It's fucking Terry, and you don't know why Mickey's crying or why he gives a shit, and you genuinely believe him when he says he doesn't know either.
So you pour him a cup of coffee and head back upstairs.
He's dressed, shoving things into his pockets before sitting down and grabbing his boots.
"Got you a coffee."
He doesn't look up. "Thanks."
You place it on the nightstand and watch him do up his boots, hands and fingers moving quickly. "Goin' somewhere?"
"Next door."
You know the face you make is mixture of confused, disgusted, and outright exasperated. "Why?"
"Someone's gotta sort out that shit," he says, not looking at you. "No one else is gonna do it."
"Doesn't mean you have to."
"Kinda does." He sits up straight and rubs his hands over his thighs. "No one else gives a shit. Not sure I do, either, but ..."
"Dunno." He glances at you out of the corner of his eye and then says it again. "Don't fuckin' know."
He stands and moves to go, and you stupidly let him get all the way to the door before stopping him.
"Wait a minute. I'll come."
"Ain't got time for your bullshit right now, Gallagher."
And it's his tone and his words and the way he won't meet your gaze that makes you realise ... well, everything.
"I'm sorry," you say. He shrugs, and you push on. "No, I am. If there's one thing the mandated therapy in prison taught me it's that my feelings are valid, and so are yours."
He snorts. "Yeah, okay, Dr. Phil."
You place your own coffee cup down and walk towards him. "I don't get it, okay? Terry was a piece of shit who fucked us up too many times to count, who hurt you in ... in a lot of ways."
His jaw clenches at your words that say everything all while saying nothing, but you soldier on. You reach out and tangle your fingers with his.
"I don't understand why you're upset about him being dead, but I do know what it's like to be the only one who gives a shit." You tug this hand until he looks up, meets your gaze. "Someone died and you have a lot of fucked-up feelings that no one else feels and ... I get that. Okay? I understand that."
He tongues at his cheek, and then, "Monica?"
You shrug and nod, but don't say anything else about it. This isn't about Monica and it's not about you. It's about Mickey, and you don't need to understand what he's feeling or why he's feeling it. You just need to be there for him.
He sniffs. "I gotta head next door."
"Let me come."
"You don't have to, man -"
"I want to." You squeeze his hand. "I want to help you. Let me help you."
"Ian -"
"You don't have to do this alone, Mick."
He looks at you and nods, just once, real quick. "Okay."
He searches your eyes for a moment, then leans up and gives you a quick kiss. "Thanks."
You smile. Kiss his forehead. Let him lead the way.
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After the heartbreak of the Full Moon episode, I need some Stolitz fluff to soothe my soul. I would love to see a Stolitz and Adamsapple double date. Maybe even include some Fizzmodeus because they are extra cute too.
"Who are we having this date with again?" Adam asked as he fixed his tie. Him and Lucifer were getting ready to go on a double date with a couple he couldn't remember the names of.
Lucifer came over and fixed the tie himself. "Stolas and Blitzø, we will be meeting them at Ozzie's. So let's not be late."
Adam rolled his eyes, he didn't care for double dates or see the point. You're basically hanging out with friends and your boyfriend.
They walked through the portal and entered Ozzie's, looking to a far booth the other couple were already there.
"Lucifer! Adam! Over here!" Stolas greeted with a wave of his hand. Blitzø gave a curt wave of his hand.
"Stolas! Good to see you old friend." Lucifer shook their hands, Adam gave them a thin lipped smile.
"What's the matter, to good to speak?" Blitzo commented.
Adam glared. "I could say the same fucking thing to you, clown boy."
Lucifer laughed nervously. "Okay, okay we're here for a good time right?" He leaned in close to Adam. "Be nice."
"I'm always nice."
"Real nice, not bitchy nice." Lucifer deadpanned.
Adam narrowed his eyes. "You're trying my hands but fine." He took a sip of water. "So how did you two meet?"
Stolas perked up. "We met as children, I went to one of his many circus acts and uh, well." His face pinched pink at the memory.
"He's been smitten ever since." Blitzø finished with a smirk. "Though, I have to agree he's always been special. What about you two what brothel did you meet at?"
"You could say Adam and I go way back."
Adam snorted, "Yeah, since the beginning of time. We met in the garden of Eden."
"Wait." Stolas squinted. "You're Adam as in THE Adam? The first man?"
"The one and only." Adam smiled widely.
"Weren't you like the leader of the exterminations? That's kick ass by the way gotta appreciate someone who doesn't mind getting his hands dirty." Blitzø said, he had heard of Adam but wasn't sure what happened after that extermination.
Adam leaned back all smug. "Yeah I know I'm amazing. I'm a fallen angel now, the details aren't important."
"Hey guys! How is everything?" Ozzie came over with Fizz, who fist bumped Blitzø.
"Good Ozzie, as always." Lucifer said.
Blitzø rolled his eyes. "Yeah much better than the last time we were here."
Adam frowned. "What happened."
Stolas looked uncomfortable. "Not important. Let's order!"
They ordered their food and talked until it came. They are their dinner mostly in silence, making the odd comment.
Blitzø shifted in his seat. "So Stolas. I know things haven't been, perfect between us, ever, but what we have is real. And I want to keep having that with you. What I'm trying to say is, Stolas of the Goetia family, will you marry me?" He presented Stolas with a ring box that had a silver band and blue gem.
"Oh Blitzy!! Yes!!"
Adam and Lucifer smiled at the scene before them. "Isn't that just sweet Luci?"
"Yeah. Congratulations you guys."
Adam couldn't help feeling a little lukewarm. He was happy for their friends but yet at the same time a little bit jealous. Him and Lucifer have been together for a while now and they kind of talked about getting married but nothing concrete.
Lucifer turned to look at Adam. "Well, I was going to wait until after dessert but what the hell." The King pulled out a ring box of his own.
"Are you shitting me...." Adam couldn't believe what he was seeing.
"I love you Adam, I've always loved you. I will love you until the end of time. Will you spend eternity together with me as my husband?" Lucifer asked with a smile so wide it hurt his face.
Adam wasn't going to cry, not like Stolas. He blinked back the happy tears. "Fuck yes, it's about fucking time." He put the ring on his finger and kissed his fiance.
"I knew the short guy topped."
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Did you miss me? (your mum misses you)
I'm back with another Sanders Sides draw each other, this time, Patton!! And oh boy, prepare for some angst!! (personal favourite)
I wanna believe I've improved also, but I'd love to hear your comments on what I can do better.
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First we have Virgil!! Bullet point time for details:
Like a controlling parent™, Virgil has no eyeshadow!
He also has no hair in his eyes (almost, I couldn't let our boy suffer)
Honestly, if without his hoodie and the banner of his name, would you recognise him?
Not because I'm a bad artist (true), but because Patton has devoided his dark strange son of his dark strangeness.
Unthreatening Virgil for the win?
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Next we have sexy Logan.
I'm sorry!! I wanted to draw sexy Logan and I found an excuse, okay??
To be honest, Logan hasn't changed his behaviour towards Patton throughout the series.
He's always been dismissive, so why shouldh we change our logicality drawing style of him?
Kinda proud of this one, sorry for the lack of details though (I hope I can compensate with sexy Logan)
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Ah, Roman, here at last. Can you feel your eyes filled with tears yet or shall I explain? Have to do everything around here myself:
Everything about this is so *chef's kiss*
From the fact that out of all Scenes, Patton decided to draw Christmas Carol Roman.
From the fact that he drew him in a happy (almost cocky) way.
From the fact Roman is holding the folder, smiling, ignorant as ever.
Or even that Patton really likes to drill in the mistakes of others, proving he's the (morally) better side.
But eh, you could also view it as a heartwarming declaration of support from a father figure.
Up to you, I suppose. Not as fun though.
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The dark sides, everybody, have arrived. Janus! In the courtroom:
We haven't addressed that the most Patton has seen of Janus is in the svs episode.
But this man really knows how to draw him sassy
The episode was basically Patton fighting for his life (and losing??)
You may ask, omg why this one??
Plot points
Sassiness meter
You'll figure it out in the next couple drawings, you impatient buffoon
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Seconds, anyone??
You can see how Patton rushed through with this drawing (not because I'm tired and it's three in the morning)
He's terrified of him, but drew him kinda cutsy
Patton officially doesn't know how many legs an octapus has
Remus is "smiling" because never in the entire dwit episode did Remus insult or offend Patton
Surely he said some things that were very out of pocket, but he never even hurt the little guy (or the giant frog)
Really, check back, he even gave him his creative liberties!!
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Lastly but not least-ly (nailed it) Patton drawing "himself" :
I can already here the confusion (through my screen, yes)
This is indeed Janus! Patton and not the truthful representation
Why?? Hah! Naive naive fellow fander
Patton (in canon) is coming to the realisation that his moral compass is pointing south (towards hell).
Not all the time, ofc, he has some great attributes.
However he does need the help of a little sharp side
What better way to cry for help than to show the importance of cooperation/integration
Also,, moceit.
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vole-mon-amour · 2 years ago
3x12, Jamie edition, part 3.
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You fucking idiots, both of you. "He's fine." I'M GONNA BEAT YOUR ASS, ROY KENT.
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Coffee scene <3 Just make out already! Jfc!
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Keeley is so sweet & deserves someone new who will take out all the drama of her life and bring only joy and no jealousy. Drop both Roy and Jamie, find yourself some Boss Ass Bitch for your happily ever after.
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But hey, at least they're gonna talk! Hopefully. It was due, like, a couple of weeks ago. (Me who actually ships them) DROP THEIR ASSES, KEELEY.
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Both? Neither?
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LMAOO. She's the exact savage that we need. "Oh, for real? Me? I actually get to choose???" It's like I said, they sat down bickering without considering what KEELEY actually wants. Drag their asses.
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TRY-ANGLES. Jamie is so cute, ugh.
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The entire episode I'm thinking about Phil's "People might think they're having a wild affair" so I'm more than happy about this outcome. I'm actually ready to accept OT3 or all single, it's all good. Go spend the night together again, just like Amsterdam, but get lost in each other's arms for real this time.
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When everybody started barking after Roy asking if he can be a Diamond dog, the door closed, and Jamie got really curious. hehe.
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"A care package from Zava"
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Heh. Who is that guy constantly next to Jamie? What's his name? They're obviously friends.
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Both laughing and crying. Stop it. ;_;
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Colin crying, but we know it was emotional for the actors too. The dude in the back is full on wailing.
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"Richmond appear to be crying. Interesting strategy." That strategy is called "I love you all very much" ;_____;
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Hands off, asshole. Honestly, the rules of football... Barely touching, apparently, doesn't count.
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I love watching Jamie play. I love knowing that Phil really loves football and enjoys filming this.
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It's the second (or the third?) time this happens this season. When is Ted going to adopt Jamie? ;_; I mean, he already has a stepdad, but he can have two wonderful ones as a treat.
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JAMIE STILL HAS THE BOOK AND IT LOOKS LIKE HE READ IT MANY TIMES. Or at least carried around with him everywhere. Weeping.
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"And Tartt finally puts it away" I literally started sheering with tears streaming down my cheeks. I feel like only this show can do it.
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Henry is me. Henry is all of us Jamie lovers. God, he could've moved to England and have a constant access to Jamie. Jamie would've loved spending time with him.
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Not Jamie's leg AGAIN, but that expression <3 Jamie is THE best. And that smile. That tongue. Having thoughts. :')
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Jamie giving up the ball, giving it to Dani to score? TEAM PLAYER. My heart is so full of love for Jamie.
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Stay mad about it. x)
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stoutguts · 5 months ago
A Pint of Comfort (💀🧼) PART 4
(The final part, woohoo! Let’s get into it! :333 ALSO REPOST FOR REACH BECAUSE I FUCKED UP AND FORGOT TAGS AT FIRST—😬💀😭)
(first time rlly writing a full length fic like this, so be nice okay?)
Tooth-rotting fluff, established relationship, the definition of hurt/comfort, mutual pining (kind of?????/just barely (idk, I'm kind of bad with tropes), lots of crying (and suggestive kissing), Ghost has Astraphobia,—Johnny helps Simon through a PTSD episode, while also finally getting a much needed point across 💖
possible CW/TW for PTSD, flashbacks, Ghost's canon backstory, very subtly implied NSFW at the very end lmao, and implied parental/child ab*se
Link to part 3! Teehee:
“So, what’s got ye up so early?”, Johnny asks, as Simon hands him a fresh cup of joe.
“I thought I’d make ya breakfast. As a treat”, Ghost replies, blushing a bit,—pausing briefly to take a sip of his morning tea. “Also, I’m feeling better today.—I think I’m finally getting over this bloody cold”, they finish.
“Ah’m glad yer feelin’ better”, Soap says with his signature smile. Simon’s heart flutters. “Ye dinnae have to do that though, ye know ah’m not much of a breakfast kind of guy anyways—“, Johnny starts, but Ghost cuts his rambling short.
“I know I don’t have to, but I want to. Simon blushes furiously. Ya took care of me last night,—when I was at my lowest. The least I can do is make ya breakfast or something…as a thank you”, Ghost says, averting its gaze, and rubbing the back of his neck.
Soap could’ve fucking wept at that.
Poor Simon wasn’t used to having things given to them, and someone not expecting something in return. And Johnny would be fucked, if he wasn’t going to shower the man with love and affection regardless if it’s reciprocated.
Soap’s love for Ghost, is simply unconditional. They’re his ride or die,—his soulmate.
In Johnny’s humble and infatuated opinion, Simon deserves the fucking world and then some. He’d fall over himself to give it whatever it wanted or desired.—Because that’s just how much he loves his partner.
“Oh Si, baby, ye don’t need to thank mae. He sets his coffee mug down on the kitchen counter, walking over to them. Ghost, in turn, setting down their teacup on its saucer. Yer happiness and well-being is all that matters to mae. Ah’m more than content with ye just being by my side like this…”, Soap says, with now half-lidded eyes. Cradling it’s face in his hands, as it settles it’s own hands on his hips.
The two share a kiss before pulling back from each other,—shaky and gentle.
“But—“, Simon starts, utterly flustered, but is interrupted by Johnny kissing him again, His hands stilling cupping their rosy cheeks.
It’s more passionate this time around, and it makes Ghost gasp, breath hitching, and it’s pulse race. Small noises slipping from the both of them.
“No ifs, ands, or buts..I love ye Si, I love ye so much. Yer mae everything. Words cannae even describe…Yer more than enough Si..”, Soap says, babbling a little, closing his eyes and touching their foreheads together.
“Ah’ll tell ye over and over, as many times as it takes to get it through yer thick skull.—Yer loved more than ye could ever know. Yer not a burden or a monster,—yer Simon…..I hope one day ye’ll see in yerself, what I see in ye”, Johnny finishes, finally moving his hands down from Ghost's face to take his hands in his.
He opens his eyes again, only to be met with his boyfriend bursting into tears, with them streaming down like a waterfall.
His actions had always spoken much louder than his words,—that is,—until this moment. (And though his actions did certainly help things in this instance like usual,—he could tell it still wasn’t the real kicker).
Overcome with emotion,—and the fact that he may have finally gotten through to it,—he fails to stop himself from crying too.
Eyes wide but soft, vulnerable, and begging Soap not to wound them. Simon's lips quivering, and hung slightly open in a stunned silence.
"Di-Did I say something wrong?—“, Johnny begins to overthink, but abruptly stops, as Ghost unlinks their hands and embraces him. Burying it’s tear streaked face into his neck, and Soap can’t help but be transported back in time to last night.
Tears still flowing and soaking his neck, as he tenses up again, with his thoughts running wild once more.
Reading Johnny’s body language, Simon lifts up.
“Ya did nothing wrong. Ya said nothing wrong.—And I hope so. I hope I can love myself, as much as you love me.—Thank you. Thank you so much, Johnny”, Ghost sobs, before kissing him this time. Before he can even respond, a hand is gripping tightly onto his mohawk like a makeshift love handle, while the other arm is wrapped around his waist.
Feral, with teeth scraping against lips, and their tongues clashing against each other. Primal, with harsh breaths being taken in through their noses, and small moans and groans climbing their way out of their throats. Both of their faces now tear-streaked, and they can both feel the wetness of their cheeks pressing up against each other.
Simon flips them over to where Soap is now the one pressed up against the counter. Before Ghost finally pulls away, and peppers kisses all over his face and neck. Mouthing at and paying special attention to the scar across his eye and the one on his chin. All the while, Johnny is writhing, scratching his nails against their scalp and back.
“Woah…..He breathes out panting.—Well yer pretty chipper this mornin’, aren’t ye?”, Soap says teasingly, a bit dazed, with a goofy smile that’s so wide that it hurts.
Simon chuckles. “Uh-huh, though I'd be even more “chipper” if we could eat first”, it suggests, just as breathless, smiling just as wide, and is just as dazed. Before finally coming to, and lifting off of Johnny entirely.
“Sounds like a plan”, Soap agrees, suddenly more eager, after he hears both their stomachs gurgling and growling.
The pair chow down on a bowl of some semi-burnt scrambled eggs each, and black toast with jam (how appetizing,—strawberry jam for Johnny, and grape for Simon). Neither of them really being able to cook for shit. (Most times defaulting to eating out somewhere, or microwaving some frozen dinners. Sometimes turning on a movie or a nature documentary to watch while (and after) they eat. Cuddling up to one another, full and content). The team effort they had made didn’t go well AT ALL, and it was one eventful shit show. Left them both laughing and shooting the shit the whole time, (which is probably why they fucked up so bad in the first place,—minus their almost non-existent culinary skills). Ghost was in charge of the eggs (because if they weren’t, they’d be even more burnt), and Soap was in charge of the toast (which he promptly forgot about of course).
The two had already downed a banana and an apple respectively, for a more balanced breakfast. Both the core and the peel still sitting somewhere on the kitchen table, having not been thrown away yet.
As they’re finishing up their drinks—Ghost finally pipes up after a long bit silence,—on a relatively quiet morning, at least for them.
“I think I get it now.”
“Git whot?”, Johnny slurs, as he speaks with his mouth full.
“That ya…Simon huffs a laugh at the slurred voice, and blushes. He takes the final sip of his tea, before placing it down on the table…Really, truly love me.”
It actually said it.
“Mm-hm,—he swallows—and just how much do I love ye?”, Soap prods further, a mischievous grin on his face. He sets his fork down in his bowl of eggs, and puts his half-eaten toast back on their large, shared plate. (As they decided to consolidate, as to not have to wash so many dishes). (Not to mention, the bowls they’re eating out of are disposable).
Fockin’ Bastard.
“M-more than anything in the whole wide world…”, Ghost chokes out, avoiding Johnny’s gaze. Viciously taking a bite out of their toast.
Embarrassed as all hell, as it knows that it’s as red as a tomato at this point,—he can fucking feel it.
And he hates it, but somehow loves it, at the same time…
“That’s right. And who are ye?”
He raises an eyebrow, with that shit-eating grin still on his face.
“Simon Riley…Simon “Ghost” Riley.”
It corrects, before he can reprimand him. Shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly,—but with no malice or venom towards himself.
“Good boy. And don’t ye ever forget it”, Soap says, before simply turning his attention back to his food.
Ghost still pink, practically glowing at this point, with their pale skin not doing them any favors. They rub the back of their neck, before doing the same, trying to scarf it down as fast as possible. So it can excuse itself from the table,—as soon as possible.
The rest of day was spent in more bliss than ever before.
The couple’s bond having been forever strengthened and deepened,—from a seemingly ordinary weekend.
No longer would Simon harbor doubts about Johnny’s love for him. No longer would Ghost be afraid of being vulnerable or opening up around him.
It’s last reinforced concrete wall had been blown to smithereens, to hell and back, and here he was exposed in all his glorious beauty…
Soap be damned if he wouldn’t protect them with all he’s damn well got.
He’d be his life preserver when lost in the deep ocean and crashing waves of their own mind, own psyche. Be there for it when and wherever possible, drop everything, just to give him a mere pint of comfort. He could care less about them venting to him,—they could include all the specifics and gory details, and he wouldn’t even flinch. Simon would have his full attention, like he’s in debrief. Offering solace when and where he can,—in between listening like a dog with it’s ears perked up, at a noise that had caught it’s attention.
He’d watch it’s six,—always. Providing cover fire,—for their sake and their sake only,—he likes to make it’s job as easy as possible after all. Ghost’s own personal one-man clean up crew, aiming to save them from the exhaustion or stress. He’d butcher every last fucking tango, shadow,—every person who dare lay a finger on them. Johnny’d take a bullet through the head again,—just to save Simon and have the satisfaction of knowing he’d be okay,—that they would make it out alive at least.
He’d give his life up for him.
And Johnny damn well knows they would do the same, and then some. Possessiveness being one hell of a trait of it’s.
But now, there was no more walking on eggshells around him.
No more fear of crossing lines or boundaries. The two now harmonious in their radiant love.
I want to thank everyone for their support and stuff on this! I hope you’ve all enjoyed it, because I’ve certainly enjoyed writing it!! :
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lorax-devito · 6 months ago
okay so my musical obsession has been obsessing recently and I’ve been listening to a lot of them
will and deh
he basically sang if I could tell her in the van scene
I’m sobbing
I’ll copy and paste the lyrics here for you guys that don’t know the song :
He thought you were awesome
(Zoe/love interest part)-He thought I was awesome?
(Zoe/love interest part)-)My brother?
(Zoe/love interest part)- How?
He said
There's nothing like your smile
Sort of subtle and perfect and real
He said
You never knew how wonderful That smile could make someone feel
And he knew
Whenever you get bored
You scribble stars on the cuffs of your jeans
And he noticed
That you still fill out the quizzes That they put in those teen magazines
But he kept it all inside his head
What he saw he left unsaid
And though he wanted to He couldn't talk to you
He couldn't find the way
But he would always say
If I could tell her
Tell her everything I see
If I could tell her
How she's everything to me
But we're a million worlds apart And I don't know how I would even start
If I could tell her
If I could tell her
(Zoe/love interest part)- Did he say anything else?
A-about you?
(Zoe/love interest part)-Never mind, I don't really care anyways-
No, no, no, just, no, no, he said-he said so many things, I'm just I'm trying to remember the best ones, so, um-He thought
You looked really pretty, er-It looked pretty cool when you put indigo streaks in your hair He did?
And he wondered how you learned to dance
Like all the rest of the world isn't there
But he kept it all inside his head
What he saw he left unsaid
If I could tell her
Tell her everything I see
If I could tell her
How she's everything to me
(They both beautifully sing this part)-But we're a million worlds apart And I don't know how I would
even start
If I could tell her
If I could tell her
But what do you do when there's this great divide?
(Zoe/love interest is singing this)-He just seemed so far away
And what do you do when the distance is too wide?
(Zoe/love interest is singing this)-It's like I don't know anything
And how do you say
I love you?
love you llove you
I love you
But we're a million worlds apart And I don't know how I would even start
If I could tell her
If I could
Zoe would obviously have to be genderswapped to be a guy and it wouldn’t be about her brother it would be about El but you get the idea
I’m sobbing crying throwing up bc if stranger things was a musical (which I would love to see,imagine Vecna and Steve dancing around the stage-it could be like that one buffy the vampire slayer episode,anyway that would be hilarious) will would definitely sing a song like this
(and Max would sing defying gravity in the graveyard scene)
I guess this could work for Mike but in my head will sang this song just in a less weird way that Evan did
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