#so many flags to complement the lights<3 <3 <3
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sunkissedlouis · 1 year ago
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SURROUNDED BY LIGHTS ✨💫🌈 | faith in the future world tour in vienna, austria 09.13.23
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narashpoetry · 6 years ago
7 Types of Toxic People to Avoid
People often make excuses for allowing others to treat them badly. They create stories in their head. They change the narrative. He actually cares, he just needs more time. She’s not a liar, I’m sure I misunderstood.
Don’t make excuses for people. Listen. They’ll tell you exactly what they want from you. They’ll tell you why they’re in your life. And when they tell you, believe them the first time. When someone tells you they don’t want to be with you, believe them the first time.
Don’t allow others to push you around. Don’t let them make you feel like you deserve to be treated like an afterthought. Don’t accept breadcrumbs.
If you allow these people in your life, there is NO ROOM for good to come in your life. Because your mind, your energy, the physical space around you is occupied. CLEAR THE SPACE.
To help you, here’s a guide of 7 TYPES OF TOXIC PEOPLE TO AVOID:
1)   The Narcissist
We’ve all heard this word. What does it actually mean?
The mayo clinic defines a Narcissistic personality disorder as:
A mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism.
Do you know anyone like this in your life? One of the most important takeaways from this definition is that narcissistic people have NO EMPATHY. They can’t understand you emotionally. They can’t connect. They won’t understand your feelings or thoughts. Somehow the story gets turned and revolves around them again. These people will often leave you confused. They seem to have it all together, they seem confident, but in reality they lack self-esteem. They need counseling. But it’s not your job to diagnose them, counsel them, or push them to change. They can only change if they want to. In the meantime, don’t allow someone like this in your life. They WON’T be a good friend, partner, spouse, etc. Negative people in your life will bring more negativity. Let that energy go. Good energy is trying to find you. It’s watching you and waiting for you to clear up the space. SO CLEAR UP THE SPACE.
2)   The Pathological Liar
Have you ever met someone who lies so much that they believe their own lies? The narrative changes. They create a lie and all of a sudden, reality has changed. They’ll say things like, “She was actually spending the night at a friend’s house” or “he was at a guy’s trip, he never saw that woman again.” With these people, pay attention to the details. If you catch them lying to someone else, they’re probably lying to you too. If they don’t have a conviction against lying, they’re probably lying to you. If they lie about the little things, they’ll likely lie about the big things. If they take a long time to answer your question about something that is a fact, they may be lying to you. Now, I’m not saying to analyze each person and look for toxic behavior. I’m not saying that everyone is bad or that anyone is perfect. I’m not perfect. I’m saying DON’T INGNORE THE RED FLAGS. Don’t get in that relationship if you notice a few red flags. Don’t get back with him if you see these issues, if your gut is telling you something is wrong. If you can’t think logically and do what’s best for you, listen to your body. It will start having reactions if you’re making terrible decisions. You may notice that you have a sick feeling in your gut. You may start getting sick every time you’re around your toxic friend. Being around toxic people will have a negative effect on your body.
  3)   The Greedy One
Have you met someone who’s says that they’d do anything for money? For a raise? Have you met someone who would lie, commit fraud, cheat out their business partner, or lie to their customer to put more money in their pocket?
There is nothing wrong with wanting to be successful. There is nothing wrong with being rich. There is nothing wrong with having a lot of money. BUT LOVING MONEY is a different story. If someone loves money more than they love people, more than their desire to keep their integrity, they WOULD DO ANYTHING FOR MONEY. Don’t enter into a relationship or business partnership with this type of person. You won’t even like being friends with a person like this. They will cheat you out of what you deserve. They will throw you under the bus to put more money in their pocket. They will charge you more to put more money in their pocket.
  4)    The Gas Lighter
Dictionary.com defines gas lighting as:
To cause (a person) to doubt his or her sanity through the use of psychological manipulation:
How do gas lighters cause you to doubt yourself? They will lie to you even when you have proof. They will swear and deny their words and actions even though you were present. They will attack your identity and tell you that you are a horrible spouse, parent, employee, etc. They will project their toxic behaviors onto you. If they constantly hurt their spouse, they’ll say that you constantly hurt your spouse and you never should’ve gotten married. But they’re very smart and manipulative so sometimes they will complement you. They will make you feel good about yourself. They’ll gain your trust to only tear you down again. Why? Because it will hurt you more. They will make you feel crazy. They will get into your inner circle, gain your trust and tear you to pieces.
Please, stay away from these types of people.
  5)   The Selfish One
If someone only cares about themselves, they will not be a good friend, spouse, fill in the blank. They will not care about you. Of course, everyone can have a bit of selfishness. I’m talking about extreme selfishness. Relationships are about give and give. Both sides have to be givers. Both have to think about the person in front of them and want to make them happy. If both parties behave like this, both receive and both are happy. But if you’re with a selfish taker, you’ll constantly feel empty. You’ll feel exhausted, ignored and alone. Find a new boyfriend, find a new friend. Have two good friends, have one good friend. Keep your inner circle small and only allow people to be in it who are deserving and worthy of your time, love and presence.
  6)  The One Who Never Apologizes
One of my favorite qualities about a person is their ability to apologize. Their ability to ask for forgiveness. Nobody is perfect. But an apology can heal a heart. An apology can restore a relationship. After forgiving someone, if you continue to be in relationship with them, you’ll have an even stronger bond. Your relationship will be stronger. Accepting an apology and forgiving someone gives the other person grace. Think about it, how many times have you wanted someone to offer you grace after a mistake? I know I have MANY TIMES. Apologizing also takes great humility. Don’t be in relationship with someone who never admits they’re wrongs. They are not perfect. They are not God. They are not the sun. The world doesn’t revolve around them.
7)  The Prideful One
There is a verse in the Bible that says “Pride comes before the fall.” (Proverbs 16:18) Kingdoms have fallen because of prideful leaders. Pride causes one to be blind. Blind of their mistakes, their shortcomings. Blind to how they treat others. They can’t do wrong. Having a prideful boss, employee, business partner, or spouse will bring problems into your life. They won’t ask for directions when they don’t know where they’re going. They won’t admit that they’ve made a mistake. They’ll blame other people for their mistakes because they can do no wrong. The opposite of pride is humility. A humble person is willing to admit their mistakes. Think about a time that someone told you that they made a mistake. It was their fault. Remember how you felt in that moment. You probably had more grace for them. You probably respected them more. You probably trusted them more. Pride brings destruction. If you’re in relationship with a prideful person, that destruction will bleed over into your life as well.
I’m not writing this to tell you that all people are bad. I’m writing this because I walked through a season of being surrounded by these types of people. And in this time, I thought I was losing my mind because I was overwhelmed with the darkness and toxicity that surrounded me. I’m writing this to tell you that I’ve walked over to the other side, and the light is beautiful here. I hope that you can recognize these red flags and cut out toxic people sooner than later. It’s very hard. Sometimes you know these people are toxic, but you wish they weren’t. You wish they were better because you trusted them. But stop wishing for the truth to change. And trust yourself more. Trust GOOD more than evil. Trust that GOOD wouldn’t make you feel the same way that TOXIC energy does. Trust that things WILL GET BETTER when you decide that you are worth more. You are worth being surrounded by love. Take the first step. Remove the bad so that you can welcome the good with open arms.
Set yourself free.
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four-loose-screws · 6 years ago
FE4 Suzuki Novelization Translation - Chapter 3 Part 3
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Chapter 3 - The Military Campaign in Isaach
Part 3
Mananan didn't tell anyone about Gala's predictions.
Instead, he thought them over that night, and made up his mind on his own. 'If I am going to die no matter what, then I should do what I wanted to do from the beginning.'
The next morning, he went to Prince Mariccle, and told him that planned to take Trent's head and go to Darna to apologize.
 "But that's too dangerous, Father! Please, allow me to go instead!"
"No, I'm the only one who can do this. As the king and inheritor to our holy weapon, I have the power to request an audience with Prince Kurt. He is sure to understand. You must go to Rivough, and guard the city with your life, no matter what may happen."
"What if something happens to you?"
"If something does happen to me, then it means Grannvale will try to conquer Isaach. If I do not return, then you may request reinforcements from Queen Rahna of Silesse. If, after all of that, you go to war, then Shanan must flee the country immediately. If what Gala predicted is true, and we prolong his life, then Isaach will be restored one day."
"Did she say where he should go?"
"With her final words, she said, "the country of forests and lakes," and... "Ver."
"Was she trying to say Verdane, perhaps?"
"Yes, that's probably it. Verdane is called 'the country of forests and lakes.' And it is a remote, poor country, so I don't think any other country will try to conquer it and make it their territory. Alright then, Verdane it is. I can't promise that he will survive if he goes there, but all we can do at this point is trust his lucky stars." Mananan said, then gave Balmung to Mariccle. "This is the best opportunity for me to hand this over to you. I intend to return home safe, but even then, you should be the one to rule Isaach from now on."
Mananan only requested two of his attendants to accompany him on his trip to Darna.
It took them eight days to cross the desert.
Once they could see Darna, Mananan unfurled Isaach's flag. It depicted a white sword floating diagonally above the ground, which was colored red.
A group of soldiers quickly came out from within the town and ran towards them.
The leader walked up to them. "Hault!" He shouted.
"I am King Mananan of Isaach. I have come to apologize for the attack. I'd like to speak with Prince Kurt."
"Understood! Please follow us into town."
The soldiers surrounded Mananan and his attendants, then walked them through the castle gate.
General Aida was waiting for them inside, and behind her was a large number of Grannvalian soldiers.
"I am King Mananan of Isaach."
The moment he finished his sentence, Aida said, "Arrest these invaders!"
"What!? But I've come to apologize! I wish to speak to Prince Kurt!"
Aida didn't even flinch as she continued to give her cold orders. "We're going to arrest you. If you resist, then we'll kill you."
Her soldiers unsheathed their swords and surrounded him.
"I won't resist, just please, listen to me! I did not order the attack on Darna! I've brought the head of the man who did and am here to apologize!"
The soldiers stepped closer and raised their swords.
"I am the king of Isaach and a descendant of Sword Saint Od! Have you any manners!?"
"Place each of them in a private cell." Aida said before turning her back on him and walking away.
Mananan was placed in a small underground cell.
Both the walls and floor were made of stone, and there was no bed inside, only a plain blanket.
The moment the soldiers holding torches walked away, he was surrounded by darkness.
He felt around for the wall, then laid out the blanket and sat down on it.
'I really am going to die here.' He thought.
Not that Gala's predictions had ever been wrong before.
'All I can do now is maintain my dignity as a warrior.’
When he closed his eyes, he pictured his grandson's face.
Shanan was still only ten years old, yet he already knew well what it meant to be a king.
'But who knows what kind of hardships await him now.' Mananan thought, and felt his chest suddenly become hot.
He had no idea how much time had passed, but when light returned, it came with bread and water. He assumed that it was his dinner.
The guard lit a small lamp in the hallway, so he had just enough light to take his meal.
The bread didn't have much flavor.
‘Nothing is set in stone. I cannot give up.' He reassured himself, and ate every last crumb.
After some time, the guard extinguished the lamp, and he was once again surrounded by darkness.
He closed his eyes, and tried to fall asleep, still leaning against the wall.
He had no idea how long he'd been asleep for, but he awoke to the sound of footsteps echoing off the stone floor.
A light drew closer.
Aida appeared, leading three soldiers. She wore a simple black uniform without any ornaments, and a plain cape. The inside of the cape was a vivid scarlet that complemented her fiery red hair.
Mananan stayed in his sitting position, not budging even an inch. "Did you give Prince Kurt my message?" He asked quietly.
Aida nodded.
"And what did he say?"
"Kill him."
'You're lying.' He thought, but didn't say. 'After all this, I'm not going to put up a fight.'
Two of the soldiers drew their swords, and walked into the cell.
By the time messengers from Grannvale arrived in Rivough, two weeks had passed.
The Isaachians had already been told of the king's death by one of his attendants.
Prince Mariccle kicked them out for Grannvale's cruelty to the king, knowing full well that doing so was an act of war.
He then went to his younger sister, Ayra, and told her to take Shanan, flee the country, and go to Verdane.
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"Brother, I have trained my whole life to become a warrior. I want to fight and avenge father!" Was her response.
He knew that she was being modest, as she was an exceptionally good sword fighter, even among the other Isaachian soldiers. She was especially famous for her finishing move, Astra, where she slashed the enemy multiple times in rapid succession.
"I know how you feel, Ayra. But this is what Father wanted. If Shanan survives, then so will Isaach. However, if he was sent out with an entire guard to protect him, he'd be a walking target for the Grannvalians. That's why I have to entrust him to the greatest warrior in our country. Please, you must take him to Verdane." She stared at him with her large, black eyes before finally nodding.
"I understand. For the sake of our home, I will guard Shanan with my life."
Mariccle and Ayra went to Isaach Castle, where they explained everything to Shanan.
"From now on, think of your aunt's words as my own, son. And do whatever it takes to survive, no matter what happens. You are Isaach's future. Okay?"
Ayra dressed as a mercenary, and gave Shanan clothing fitting for a mercenary's nephew. They traveled in a half-circle around Isaach, and made it into the Kingdom of Sliesse without even stopping to rest at Ganeishire Castle.
They continued in a straight line across Silesse. When they reached one of the western port towns on the coast, they heard the news that a large Grannvalian army was currently marching across the desert towards Isaach.
Shanan ground his teeth together, and spoke not a word, instead making a vow to himself. 'One day, I will have my revenge against them!'
From there, they took a boat headed for Madino, Augustria.
About halfway along their journey by sea, two fast-moving ships appeared. One blocked their boat's path, and the other came up beside them.
On those ships' masts, long, black, triangular flags fluttered in the wind.
"Pirate ships!!" One of the passengers cried out.
Ayra walked to the side of the boat, looked at the pirate ship, and saw a woman standing in the center of the deck holding a bow.
"Let down your sails!" The captain called out.
"What are we going to do? Fight them?" Ayra asked one of the sailors.
"Heavens, no! That woman is the infamous Brigid! Everyone who dare challenges her gets an arrow to the heart! It's better to just pay their fee. They'll let us go free if we do."
The pirates let down their sails and stopped moving, then sent out a rowboat.
Once rowboat reached the side of the boat, Brigid called out, "Ahoy, Selen!"
"Ahoy, this is the captain of the Selen!"
"What are you carrying?"
"Some silver trinkets and strong ale!"
"How much is it all worth?"
"Three thousand gold, give or take a few!"
"And how many passengers do you have aboard?"
"Then the fee is ninety-five gold!"
"Yes Ma'am!"
The captain counted the coins, put them in a leather pouch, and lowered it into the rowboat with a rope.
Brigid took the pouch and recounted the money.
"Ninety-five gold exactly! There shouldn't be any other ships in these waters, but we'll follow you to Madino just in case!"
"Thank you kindly, Brigid!"
"What would happen if the captain lied about what's on this ship?" Ayra asked the sailor.
"He would never! The pirates have friends at the dock, and they check everything that comes through. If he lied, they'd just get their payback on the way home."
"Wow, they would really do that?"
'There are all sorts of things happening in this world.' Ayra thought.
Just as Brigid promised, one of the ships followed them to Madino, never once trying to capture or leave them.
The Dominion of Augustria was a country rich in both resources and culture. It shocked Shanan, who had just traveled the barren lands of Silesse. In Augustria, there were multiple large cities, each filled with elaborate buildings. Huge populations of people lived within them, and the shops were lined with things he had never seen before.
Outside of the cities, farmland stretched on for miles, and well-flattened livestock could eat as much grass as they pleased.
In every city that they stopped to rest in, they asked around for information about what was happening in Isaach, but were unable to learn much. To the people of Augustria, Isaach was a far off land, and they didn't care about what happened there.
Ayra and Shanan were angered by it, but they knew that there was nothing they could do.
Two weeks later, they reached Verdane.
As they crossed the river that served as the border, the landscape changed completely.
The moment they saw Verdane on the horizon, they understood why it was called the country of forests and lakes.
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psychicwint · 2 years ago
Atc 250r rear fender
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#Atc 250r rear fender for free
#Atc 250r rear fender mod
#Atc 250r rear fender driver
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zipcushions · 2 years ago
Decorating tips and ideas perfect for Labor Day celebrations
Labor Day, the last full day of summer, is almost here, and we just can't wait to celebrate this festival to its fullest! With this national holiday knocking on the doors, the spotlight has been on end-of-summer celebrations much lately. One of the most popular holidays of the year for many American folks, Labor Day is the perfect opportunity to celebrate the season of summer and have a good time outdoors before the colder months of fall play the spoilsport. 
We know many of you plan to celebrate this holiday in your backyard by inviting your friends and family. To help you make the most of this last great 'summer fiesta,' we have come up with some simple Labor Day decorating tips and ideas that will help you celebrate this holiday in its full spirit.
1) Patriotic Decorations
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There are plenty of ways to decorate your backyard for a holiday celebration, but since it's Labor Day, why not do it with a patriotic flair? A good starting point is an American-themed wreath for your doorframe, but nothing beats a classic American Flag hanging on your front porch. Another great way of adding that Labor Day feel is by hanging patriotic pennant banners, streamers, and stars on your walls and roofs. 
2) Custom Cushions and Throw Pillows
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Not only is Labor Day a great time to buy outdoor cushions on sale, but also the perfect occasion to decorate them with a bunch of them for your backyard celebrations. Outdoor cushions are eye-catching elements of any outdoor decor. You can set the right tone by adding some American-colored cushions that will have your guests singing red, white, and blue. Further, add some throw pillows to elevate the coziness and the aesthetics of your outdoor arrangement.
3) Lightings
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String lighting, fairy lights, and vintage bulb lighting are perfect for adding an extra spark to your Labor Day decorations. Place your string light and vintage bulbs on the roofs will liven up your outdoors like no other. Additionally, create subtle ground lighting effects by decorating your garden plants, trees, and even backyard fence with tiny fairy lights.
4) Accessories and DIY activities
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Many accessories like Labor Day pinwheels, American-themed cutlery, tin can luminaries in patriotic colors, and wooden décor firecrackers make great Labor Day additions. They work as the perfect decorating accessories and DIY activities for the kids in the build-up to Labor Day.
5) Red and Blue themed Lunch
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Hosting a Patriotic-themed lunch outdoors is one of the best ways to utilize your outdoors for this occasion. To set the mood for a Labor Day meal, arrange your table in classic colors. A spotless White tablecloth with Red and Blue runners, napkins, and other Labor Day-themed cutlery will perfectly complement your meal. You can also experiment with American-themed edibles like red and blue popsicles and cupcake icings.
So, there you have it, a perfect look for this Labor Day weekend. You are free to experiment and spice things up, but remember not to alter functionality for the sake of just aesthetics. Make the most of these tips and enjoy the Labor Day weekend to the fullest.
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junker-town · 4 years ago
NBA mock draft 2021: SB Nation bloggers make picks for their teams
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It’s time for the SB Nation NBA mock draft with picks made by our team communities.
The NBA playoffs are over, the Milwaukee Bucks are champions, and it’s officially time to roll into draft season. The 2021 NBA Draft is going down on Thursday, July 29.
Now it’s time for the annual SB Nation NBA mock draft. Each of our NBA team communities made a selection for their club in the first round. Trades were not allowed.
For more draft coverage, check out our top-30 player rankings from Ricky O’Donnell. You can find complete draft coverage from our team communities at our NBA draft hub.
The Detroit Pistons are on the clock with the No. 1 overall pick, and so is our Pistons community Detroit Bad Boys. There isn’t much mystery around the top pick this year.
1. Detroit Pistons - Cade Cunningham, G, Oklahoma State
Cade is not a no-brainer No. 1 pick. The athleticism is a concern and the shooting inside the arc is a red flag. But the skill level is undeniable. He’s a high-level passer, has really good court awareness on the offensive and defensive end and has the height and wingspan to be an impact player on both ends. He is the kind of player who could look way better outside the confines of the NCAA, and if that happens it means he’s a franchise-level talent. On the chances Detroit trades down? Well, you don’t win the lottery and spend your winnings on more lottery tickets. Just take the best player on your board. For me, that’s Cade. — Sean Corp, Detroit Bad Boys
2. Houston Rockets - Jalen Green, G, G League Ignite
Ridiculous high upside, would form a great backcourt alongside Kevin Porter Jr., and Evan Mobley feels slightly redundant with Christian Wood on the roster, so Green is the pick. He has the potential to be a top scorer in the league, and you just can’t pass up on that type of upside with the Rockets light on top-end talent. He’s just 19, so he will need some development, but he’s been playing against grown men in the G-League, so he’s already much further ahead than your typical 19-year-old. — Darren Yuvan, The Dream Shake
3. Cleveland Cavaliers - Evan Mobley, C, USC
Evan Mobley is a no-brainer for the Cavs at No. 3. Some consider him a worthy No. 1 overall pick and someone you can build around going forward. Is there some slight redundancy with him and Jarrett Allen, who is likely to sign a lucrative contract this offseason? Yes. But Cleveland cannot afford to be picky and the right coach and organization can pair Mobley and Allen and build a really solid unit with those two anchoring the frontcourt. Mobley’s upside as a frontcourt playmaker and offensive hub also differentiates from from Allen. Green woulld be in the running too had he not been picked at No. 2. But with the board how it is, Mobley is the eashy pick. — Chris Manning, Fear the Sword
4. Toronto Raptors - Jalen Suggs, G, Gonzaga
To a certain extent, the choice for the Raptors at no. 4, which already represents a significant lucky break for the franchise, is an easy one. In a draft class with four names at the top, and three players rotated through picks 2-4 in various combinations, there really is no wrong choice. In this, given what’s already happened here, the Raptors will happily select Jalen Suggs as their point guard for today — and tomorrow. To be clear, this selection works even if Kyle Lowry returns to the team. And if Lowry leaves, well then, the Raptors get another young talented guard who can run a team and defend like hell — with a listed 6’4” height to boot. That Suggs will be paired with Fred VanVleet and the up-and-coming Malachi Flynn in the Raptors’ backcourt is pure gravy. Like I said, this is all a lucky break for Toronto. Suggs will fit right in with the squad. — Daniel Reynolds, Raptors HQ
5. Orlando Magic - Jonathan Kuminga, F, G League Ignite
I gave Scottie Barnes a long look here (and I think the Magic will as well - high character, length, position versatility). But I also think there would be some redundancy in picking Barnes with Jonathan Isaac and Chuma Okeke already on the roster. Ultimately, I went with Jonathan Kuminga. He’s a huge project, but his size, potential to create offense for himself, and his defensive upside is too much to pass up here. — Aaron Goldstone, Orlando Pinstripe Post
6. Oklahoma City Thunder - Scottie Barnes, F, Florida State
Considering where OKC is at, if they can still get Barnes that would be a win. His stock has been rising recently. If OKC is going to continue to build on Dag’s positionless basketball where all five guys can handle the ball, Barnes fits that mold. Plus he’s arguably the most versatile defender this class and with the NBA becoming more switch heavy, you need a guy who can defend guards, wings & bigs. — Clemente Almanza, Welcome to Loud City
7. Golden State Warriors - Davion Mitchell, G, Baylor
Assuming the Warriors keep their duet of lottery picks, they find themselves in an awkward position: do they try to add high-ceiling prospects who can be core members of the next era of Warriors basketball, or do they aim for more NBA-ready players who can help a championship core maximize on their chances of winning another title in the next two years? Mitchell helps the Warriors put a foot in both pools. He has the ceiling to be a high-quality starter down the road, but at 22 and with strong defensive chops already, can be a contributor immediately. — Brady Klopfer, Golden State of Mind
8. Orlando Magic - Moses Moody, F, Arkansas
I don’t feel great about my pick for Orlando at number five, but I’m a big fan of this selection. Moody is exactly the type of prospect Orlando should be looking to pair alongside their stable of combo-guards and bigs. I love his range shooting upside and defensive potential moving forward. I considered Bouknight here as well, but Moody is a perfect fit and too strong of an option to pass up. — Aaron Goldstone, Orlando Pinstripe Post
9. Sacramento Kings - Jalen Johnson, F, Duke
Admittedly, I was hoping Scottie Barnes fell to No. 9, but Jalen Johnson is as good of a consolation prize as the Kings could ask for. Johnson isn’t as safe as a pick as some of the other players that were still available — most notably Franz Wagner and Josh Giddey — but he arguably has the most star potential of anyone left and if there’s anything Sacramento would welcome in the coming years, it’s a homegrown star; particularly one that fits alongside De’Aaron Fox and Tyrese Haliburton. To me, Johnson fits that bill with his playmaking ability, raw athleticisim and defensive instincts. — Christian Rivas, Sactown Royalty
10. New Orleans Pelicans - Franz Wagner, F, Michigan
If the 10th overall pick is kept, the Pelicans will seek out a versatile rookie who complements their two cornerstones in Brandon Ingram and Zion Williamson. Franz Wagner projects to be an ideal fit, offering in time a valuable 3-and-D component but with upside. Despite spending two years at Michigan, he’ll only turn 20 in August. Additionally, there’s a real chance he develops into an above average playmaker — Wagner finished with a better AST:TOV ratio than many shot creators who will be selected ahead of him in this draft, including Giddey, Green, Cunningham and Suggs. — Oleh Kosel, The Bird Writes
11. Charlotte Hornets - James Bouknight, G, UConn
The Hornets have a glaring need at center, and many fans and pundits expect they’ll target that position with a lottery pick. However, the Hornets spent two second round picks on centers last year, and they may want to use free agency to find a quicker fix. Their wing depth was strained last season, and Malik Monk’s pending free agency won’t help that. Bouknight can immediately shore up the depth at that position while adding some scoring punch on the perimeter. — Jonathan DeLong, At the Hive
12. San Antonio Spurs - Josh Giddey, G, Adelaide 36ers (Australia)
Giddey is the perfect blend of best player available and upside swing. While his lack of range won’t do much to help San Antonio’s abysmal three-point numbers, he’s only 18-years-old and has plenty of time to develop a jumper under legendary shooting coach Chip Engelland. The oversized Australian point guard is one of the best passers in this class, and with DeMar DeRozan possibly on the way out, the Spurs could use another distributor. He won’t lead the Silver and Black to a title anytime soon, but he was a nightly triple-double threat in the increasingly competitive NBL, which turned out productive rookies LaMelo Ball and R. J. Hampton. Should he fall this far, PATFO could be looking at another infamous draft day heist. — Noah Magaro-George, Pounding the Rock
13. Indiana Pacers - Jared Butler, G, Baylor
If the Pacers don’t use the 13th pick to trade down or up or out of the draft in order to bring in another player, they will likely be standing pat with the bulk of their current playing rotation which, when healthy, doesn’t leave a ton of minutes for a rookie, but they still need to look to the future for a point guard or combo forward. I hoped to swing for the fences with Roko Prkacin, an 18-year-old Croation combo forward but after he bailed on the draft, I went with Jared Butler, a strong point guard with good size who can show up on both ends of the floor similar to Jrue Holiday. Butler has health concerns which didn’t hold him back at Baylor and he was recently cleared by the NBA to play. There’s no doubt he can play in the NBA is worth the risk for the Pacers to solidify their backup point guard situation since T.J. McConnell is a free agent and Aaron Holiday has struggled to seize that role over the past couple of years. — Tom Lewis, Indy Cornrows
14. Golden State Warriors - Alperen Şengün, C, Beşiktaş (Turkey)
The Warriors were able to snag an NBA-ready prospect with the No. 7 pick, so now it’s time to swing for someone with more risk but great reward. The Warriors Alen Smailagić experiment failed, and last year’s James Wiseman pick is either disappointing or TBD, depending on who you ask. Sengün has star power — he has a diverse array of low post moves, possesses some divine passing chops for a big man, and won the Turkish SuperLeague MVP at just 18. The Warriors revamped developmental staff, which includes Dejan Milojević, the Serbian national team assistant coach credited with playing a large role in Nikola Jokić’s development, will have a chance to turn Sengrün into the steal of the draft. — Brady Klopfer, Golden State of Mind
15. Washington Wizards - Corey Kispert, F, Gonzaga
The Wizards need to improve their three point shooting given that they were 22nd in the league in accuracy and 29th in threes made last season. Kispert has been one of the nation’s top shooter in each of the last two seasons, shooting over 40 percent and averaging at least two made threes per game and never had a usage rate of above 20 percent until his senior season.. Though Kispert is a little “old” as a four-year player, the Wizards need someone who can make an impact right away at one of their weaknesses. Based on the players available, Kispert will fit their void at the three point line nicely. — Albert Lee, Bullets Forever
16. Oklahoma City Thunder - Keon Johnson, G, Tennessee
He’s super raw, really athletic and we didn’t expect him to fall this far. Johnson might be something special and it’s a swing worth taking. Keon Johnson at 16 is too good of value to pass up on. A high upside guard and wing combo that is worth the risk. Johnson’s elite athleticism was on display when he broke the NBA Combine’s record for vertical leaps at 48 inches. Another added bonus to the pick is that he should be able to help contribute to OKC getting a top pick next draft as well since he’ll need time to develop and refine his skills. — Sarah Dewberry, Welcome to Loud City
17. Memphis Grizzlies - Trey Murphy III, F, Virginia
The Memphis Grizzlies as currently constructed do not need a player that needs to help them right now. They’re one of the deepest rosters in the NBA - they can afford to, for the first time in the Zach Kleiman Era, take a swing at a player who perhaps is not ready made for the rotation of a playoff contender. Enter Trey Murphy III, who despite playing three years of college basketball is still an uncertainty due to his transfer from Rice to UVA. His numbers for the Cavaliers are not other worldly. But he projects to be a very good NBA three point shooter who can create for himself and others off the dribble with 6’9” height. His game has room to grow in several spots. But at #17 overall? You can do a lot worse...especially considering the Grizzlies do not need him to be a contributor immediately. — Joe Mullinax, Grizzly Bear Blues
18. Oklahoma City Thunder - Isaiah Jackson, C, Kentucky
Jackson won’t need many touches and can impact the game in other ways. An athletic big who can develop into a defensive anchor for the team. The Thunder will not to help improve his shooting, but the canvas is basically blank with him at just 19 years of age. At the minimum, he should be a good, rim running big that can rebound and protect the rim. — Sarah Dewberry, Welcome to Loud City
19. New York Knicks - Tre Mann, G, Florida
If the Knicks keep their two first-round picks, they will undoubtedly be looking for some scoring punch. They were a middling offense last season even before all their shooters forgot how to shoot in their first-round defeat to Atlanta. Tre Mann was a premier bucket-getter last season at Florida, and could help mitigate the loss of Alec Burks in free agency. — Joe Flynn, Posting and Toasting
20. Atlanta Hawks - Kai Jones, C, Texas
Atlanta sticks with their ‘best player available’ strategy with the selection of Kai Jones. Jones is a versatile big who some consider a top-10 talent in the draft, and ideally would be part of the Hawks’ frontcourt rotation of the future along with Onyeka Okongwu and John Collins (if he’s resigned later this Summer). Hawks GM Travis Schlenk has shown throughout his tenure that he has little to no interest in drafting for need, so while backup point guard options like Jaden Springer were tempting, it’s difficult to pass on a talent like Jones. — Zach Hood, Peachtree Hoops
21. New York Knicks - Sharife Cooper, G, Auburn
Sharife Cooper may be tiny, but the kid can dish the rock like nobody else in this draft. The freshman from Auburn averaged 8.1 assists in his one year in the SEC. If he can fix his jump shot, he might be the rare undersized PG to make a splash in the modern NBA. And no team needs a PG more the the Knicks. — Joe Flynn, Posting and Toasting
22. Los Angeles Lakers - Usman Garuba, F, Real Madrid (Spain)
I get why Lakers fans would want a 3-point shooter with the No. 22 pick, I do. But the thought of Frank Vogel rolling out a super-switchy, small-ball lineup with Anthony Davis and Usman Garuba in three year’s time was too exciting to not act on. Garuba has the size to play either forward positions, the wingspan to protect the interior and the lateral quickness to guard the perimeter — he has all of the tools to be an elite defender in the NBA. His offense leaves a lot more to be desired — particularly his shooting — but he can put the ball on the floor and make plays for his teammates at a high level, which is a good quality to have for a guy his size. He’s a steal at No. 22 even if he’s not exactly what the Lakers need. — Christian Rivas, Silver Screen and Roll
23. Houston Rockets - Miles McBride, G, West Virginia
Houston needs a backup point guard and McBride should be able to fill that role just fine. This is somewhat of a value pick for the Rockets, as McBride is going in the teens in many mock drafts. He’s an excellent defender and has great scoring ability, though he does need some work running the offense. But that skill set should fit in perfectly off the bench, providing some offensive punch and using his athleticism to defend either guard spot. — Darren Yuvan, The Dream Shake
24. Houston Rockets - JT Thor, F, Auburn
After passing on Evan Mobley earlier in the draft, the Rockets need a big with some potential, and many think Thor has some of the best long-term potential in the draft. A plus athlete and defender, Thor does need some polishing on the offensive side, but also possesses an accurate shot, making him a threat from three, the pick and pop, and is solid at the free throw line. A high energy 4/5 hybrid, Thor is an adept switcher, capable of guarding smaller players, and should earn playing time right away on a rebuilding Rockets squad. — Darren Yuvan, The Dream Shake
25. Los Angeles Clippers - Jaden Springer, G, Tennessee
The Clippers don’t have a lot of first-round picks coming up, so going for the high-upside play this season makes a lot of sense, and Springer is the youngest collegian in the draft. He plays with high energy and makes quick decisions, both of which are hallmarks of Clippers role players, and his forays to the rim should be more successful with L.A.’s spacing. Springer was also a force defensively in college, and his tools should translate. If the Clippers player development staff can fix his shot like they did with Terance Mann, they’ll have a real player. — Sabreena Merchant, Clips Nation
26. Denver Nuggets - Chris Duarte, G, Oregon
The Nuggets break from their mold of selecting younger players in the draft by instead selecting Duarte, a 24-year-old shooting guard who fits their roster well. The Nuggets have multiple point guards they trust, but in the event that Will Barton doesn’t return, the wing position is decidedly thin. Duarte provides an element of 3-and-D potential to a roster that desperately needs it, and adding him to a roster that already features Nikola Jokić, Jamal Murray, and Michael Porter Jr. means he can focus on what he’s best at: shooting and defense. — Ryan Blackburn, Denver Stiffs
27. Brooklyn Nets - Ziaire Williams, F, Stanford
For this pick, if I’m the Nets I’m looking for someone with tons of upside potential who may have fallen on draft night and the only real caveat is that this player is a supreme athlete who can keep up with Brooklyn’s pace. Enter, Ziaire Williams. Williams had a rough freshman season, missing some time due to injuries and when he was on the court he shot pretty pedestrian from the floor. That said, he has late-lottery potential. He’s a great athlete, is very (very) long, and can play on both ends of the floor. The Nets are looking for much immediate help in the draft, which is why they can swing for the fences here with this pick. — Tom Lorenzo, Nets Daily
28. Philadelphia 76ers - Nah’Shon Hyland, G, VCU
In search of players who can score and create off the bounce, the Sixers go with Nah’Shon Hyland, guard out of Virginia Commonwealth University. Hyland shot 39.9 percent from beyond the arc over 331 career attempts at VCU and he has different-area-code range. With shooting chops like that, Hyland could find minutes early in his career as a spark plug off the bench. Hyland’s poor assist-to-turnover ratio would be concerning if the intention were to play him at point guard. But with Tyrese Maxey already on the roster, Hyland makes more sense as a two-guard. The bigger concern surrounding Hyland is his size, standing 6’3” and weighing 165 pounds. He’ll be fast tracked into a training program to bulk up. — Kevin Love, Liberty Ballers
29. Phoenix Suns - Josh Christopher, G, Arizona State
Phoenix takes the best player available on the board and keeps the local product in state. Christopher is a powerful athlete with good size and strength for his position standing at 6’5” and weighing in at 215. The self creation flashes combined with his athletic profile and three-level scoring potential makes him an intruiging prospect for any team in the late-1st round. Phoenix has struggled with shot creation at times when Paul or Booker were sitting, so adding someone that can create for themselves in a low-usage role (to start) off the bench alongside Cam Payne would be more than ideal. — Brandon Duenas, Bright Side of the Sun
30. Utah Jazz - Ayo Dosunmu, G, Illinois
Utah’s loss in the 2nd round showed a fatal flaw in perimiter defense that did them in. This offseason should be spent by the Jazz looking for perimiter defenders that can shoot, something they should have gone after last year. Ayo Dosunmu is a bit of a swing for the fences type pick but he had great measurements in the combine and has proven to be a high level defender in college. He showed signs of good shooting at Illinois also and, if he can shoot the three with consistency in the NBA, Dosunmu could be a nice rotational player for years. — James Hansen, SLC Dunk
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bestmechanicaustin · 4 years ago
Best Bull Bar Installation Service and Cost in Austin TX |Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin more information is at : https://mobileautotruckrepairaustintx.com/bull-bar-installation-near-me/
Bull Bar Installation Service near Austin TX: Are you looking for the Best Bull Bar Installation Service near Austin TX ? Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin, Bull Bars are engineered to factor in vehicle design, air-bag deployment, crush-rate, accessory fitting availability, approach angles, weight, strength, and more. Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Bull Bar Installation Service around Austin TX. We serve Austin TX and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
Bull Bar Installation in Austin TX Bull Bar Installation Service near Austin TX:  Bull Bars are essential for the safety of you and your 4wd in highway, rural and remote-area travel, even more so when you take your 4wd off-road. Bull Bars offer by far the best form of vehicle protection against animal strikes and other collision types. Here we explore the basics you need to know when it comes to Bull Bars.
What is a Bull Bar?
A Bull Bar is a simple but extremely effective addition to the front of a 4WD vehicle. Available in a variety of shapes, sizes, and materials including steel, alloy, and even plastic, a Bull Bar will also provide protection when driving off-road, against logs, banks, scrub, and similar obstacles.
Why Do You Need a Bull Bar?
There’s no doubt a 4WD with a Bull Bar looks great, but the primary reasons for installing a Bull Bar are functional. You need a Bull Bar on your 4WD for: ● Human Safety – with a Bull Bar, the high energy of an impact with an animal is prevented from dissipating throughout the entire vehicle. This reduces damage to your 4WD, even more importantly, it protects the people travelling inside of the vehicle. A quality bull bar is a potentially lifesaving addition to your 4WD, Ute or SUV. ● General Protection – a Bull Bar offers general protection to your vehicle both off-road and also on tarred or paved roads. This includes protection from rocks, sticks, ruts, logs, and also in minor accidents where a front-on collision with another vehicle or object takes place. ● Animal Collision – if you hit an animal such as a kangaroo, especially at speed and without a Bull Bar, your vehicle will in all likelihood be damaged severely and even potentially be written off. A Bull Bar greatly mitigates this risk and protects your investment. ● Mounting Point: a Bull Bar provides a perfect mounting point for winches and other accessories such as UHF antennas, driving lights, and sand-flags.
Why Choose Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin?
Bull Bar Installation Service near Austin TX: Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin Bull Bars are engineered to factor in vehicle design, air-bag deployment, crush-rate, accessory fitting availability, approach angles, weight, strength, and more. Airbag-compatible Bull Bars from Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin are assessed for performance and compliance for functionality and safety.
Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin Bull Bars are premium products that are engineered and manufactured to superior standards to not only be optimally functional but also to complement your 4WD’s aesthetics. We also offer Commercial Bull Bars, Under-Vehicle Protection, and Smart Bars.
At Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin, we stock and sell a range of Bull Bars to suit your needs, from nudge bars for smaller Utes and SUVs to our sleek and appealing Summit, Sahara and Deluxe styles for 4WD vehicles. Each and every steel Bull Bar we sell is designed to complement individual vehicle models perfectly, and each is finished in a durable powder coat with optional paint color coding for a perfectly integrated result.
Contact Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin
Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin is very proud to be the largest supplier of 4WD parts and accessories on the Sunshine Coast. The team are delighted to offer personalized, expert advice and service in all aspects of 4WD and outdoor adventuring within Austin TX.
Please give us a call or come to visit us at our Maroochydore store to discover our full range of 4WD parts and accessories as well as our range of camping and touring accessories. We’re very happy to offer guidance and advice! Contact us today via phone or online enquiry form.
Six Reasons Why You Need A Bullbar Bull Bar Installation Service near Austin TX: 1. Animal collisions If you hit an animal like a kangaroo then the impact can easily disable your car, leaving you stranded, or at least cause some major damage. A bullbar protects the front of the car so if you do collide with an animal then you’ve got a fair chance of driving on. I’ve hit roos at 100km/h but only on cars with bars and aside from the odd broken driving light the car was fine. Ideally, you don’t want to hit anything, but if you do then it’s a bullbar you need. Remember, minimise the chances of animal strikes by trying to travel at times other than dawn and dusk.
2. General protection Driving off-road is a bit of a misnomer, as no driving is actually done off a road. Instead, what we refer to as ‘offroad’ is really very rough roads. These have all sorts of hazards such as rocks, ruts and sticks, and the latter in particular are a real problem. They can get caught up and jammed into odd places – like the time I had a new ute on test and ended up with a stick about 40mm diameter through the front underbody next to the fog light. And that was on a dirt road at night, not even a 4×4 track. Or the time when I was a passenger in a Pajero, and noticed a large log jutting out from the side of the road, pointing straight at us. Unfortunately, the driver didn’t notice the problem and impaled the car on the log, with the end of the log about three-quarters of the way into the engine bay. That was the end of our journey and nearly the end of the car. As part of the repair the driver bought a bullbar, and while we will never know for sure if the bar would have saved us, the fact is that steel or alloy is a lot harder to pierce than plastic.
3. Winch mounting point There are ways to mount winches without bull bars, but a bar is the easiest. A tip; even if you don’t plan on buying a winch, spend the extra for a winch-capable bar anyway just in case, and it’ll also help a bit with resale.
4. Accessory mount point If you do any serious dune sand driving in the deserts or otherwise you’ll need a sand flag, and the very best place is as far forwards as you can manage, which means a bullbar. Without a bar it’s hard to create a strong enough mount. And then there’s driving light installation too, which also needs a much stiffer base than many nudge bars can provide. The bullbar is also a good place to mount UHF antennas too.
5. Approach angle improvement Always good to improve your approach angle so you don’t touch the terrain as much in hard going, and if you do, then you won’t damage a bar as much as the original plastic. Bars scuff, plastic breaks.
6. Potential for recovery points The days of vehicles with simple chassis rails extending out front are long gone, yet recovery loads are increasing. Some bullbars have recovery points built in, others as an option, and others help expose the chassis so points can be added. Without a bar it may be difficult to fit recovery points.
4 reasons why bull-bars should be avoided in vehicles The reasons for the ban are: ● Bull-bars make crumple zones ineffective by transmitting crash energy directly to the body structure, thus causing injuries and death to the occupants. ● Bull-bars may interfere with airbags from opening during accidents by upsetting the sensors during a crash. ● Bull-bars are dangerous for pedestrians, cyclists and two wheeler riders. Especially when cars are being designed to reduce the impact of a crash on pedestrians, bull-bars cause serious injuries and death to other road users as they often jut out of a car during a crash. ● Bull-bars damage the chassis of a car during a big accident, as because of its rigidity, the impact is disproportionately distributed, resulting in the crash energy being forced onto the body structure.
Bull Bar Installation
Bull Bar Installation Service near Austin TX:A Bull Bar Installation doesn’t take long and these useful truck accessories go by many names. In American common names include bull bars, brush guards, deer pushers and cow bumpers. Conversely, in Canada they are called moose bumpers, and in Australia, they are appropriately called Kangaroo bars. If you’re hesitant about upgrading to an off-road bumper or bull bar then a grille guard might be right for you. So what exactly is a grill guard? A grill guard is a protective steel framework that extends out in front of your vehicle. Grille guards are available in either a one-piece all welded design or a three-piece bolt together design. ● As you can imagine the one-piece welded designs are much stronger structurally than the three-piece bolt together designs. The three-piece designs are less expensive. But for the best protections we recommend the one-piece welded design for rural drivers and off-roading. ● On the other hand the three-piece designs for aesthetics or city drivers only.
How To Decide Which One?
Some of our customers question if adding a grille guard to their truck makes it more dangerous for pedestrians or even passengers in other vehicles if involved in an accident. Unfortunately, studies have shown that using a bull bar increases the risk of death or serious injury to pedestrians because bull bars are rigid and when in an accident the bull bar will transmit all the force to the pedestrian, unlike a stock bumper, which will absorb some force and crumple. We recommend using less rigid bull bars if you live in the city and more rugged grill guards if you live in the country where pedestrian’s collisions are less of a concern. Bull bars usually come in three models, black powder coated, chrome plated steel, or stainless steel. Stainless steel is probably the most resilient material used for grille guard, especially stainless steel that has been highly polished to a chrome finish. The powder coated and chrome plated steel versions are more susceptible to flaking and chipping, therefore, allowing rust and corrosion. While the name grille guard suggests that these accessories will protect your vehicle’s grille from damage and they will, there are some other benefits too.   Unfortunately, with so many assorted brands and models of grille guards on the market from the extravagant pure accessory type bars, to the mostly practical it may be hard to narrow down your options.
Selecting A Grille Guard Or Bull Bar ● Look for a bull bar that has pre-drilled holes that allow for easy installation of auxiliary led lighting like fog lights or a bull bar with a light bar already included. ● Look for a grill guard with removable cage tubing that covers the center section of the headlights. This will allow for servicing your truck easier. ● Look for a bar that has quick release latches. Having this feature will allow you to tilt the grille guard forward to open the engine hood for service. ● Look for a bull bar with a built-in skid plate if you like off-roading. This added benefit will help reduce damage to your front end while you’re out wheeling. Grille guards are some of the most practical and trendiest truck accessory upgrades you can choose. Your truck will take a beating when off-roading. Adding a grill guard will give your rig an extra layer of protection when it’s needed most.
Installing Bull Bars Bull Bar Installation Service near Austin TX: Depending on your vehicle, and the type of body armor and protection you need, bull bar installation can range from a super-easy, Saturday afternoon love fest to a driveway-hosted blood match between you, the bull bar and every tool in your garage. A lot depends on the vehicle and your level of expertise, but it’s mostly dependent on the bull bar itself. Now that you’ve got your hands on the bull bar of your choice, here are some general installation steps. We’d tell you exactly how to do it, but we don’t know what you drive or which bar you’re getting. ● Open the packaging of your bull bar and read the installation instructions. ● Check to make sure you have all the necessary tools and that no parts are missing. ● Crawl under the front of your rig and locate the factory-drilled holes. ● Bolt the bull bar brackets into the holes and torque them down. ● Connect the bull bar to the mounting brackets, ensuring that everything is even and level. ● Double-check that all the bolts are tight.
COST How much does it cost to install a bull bar?
Bull Bar Installation Service near Austin TX: It usually costs anywhere from $1000-2500 installed. You can also find cheap bull bars on gumtree (usually OEM bars). Installation costs about $300-400. Consequently, why install a bull bar? A bullbar or push bumper is a device installed on the front of a vehicle to protect its front from collisions, whether an accidental collision with a large animal in rural roads, or an intentional collision with another vehicle in police usage. Similarly, how much does a bull bar weigh? The average weight of an East Coast Bullbar is approximately 35kg (a steel bar is approximately 80kg). Simply so, do bull bars help in an accident? Like grille guards, bull bars bolt to the front of a vehicle and serve to block crash energy from reaching softer front body panels - channeling it directly to the vehicle's structure instead. How do you remove Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin Bullbar? Removing the Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin Bullbar Not sure how much bigger a 9, 9.5 or 10 is?? Disconnect all electrical cables from the battery and the winch make sure you know where they go, remove the solenoid pack from the winch, take all the cable off the winch drum, remove the grille, unbolt the winch from the bar.
Black Rear Bumper Guard Installation - $250.00 Stainless Steel Rear Bumper Guard Installation - $275.00 Black Rear Bumper Guard Installation - $250.00 Stainless Steel Rear Bumper Guard Installation - $275.00
Is a bull bar worth it?
Without a bar it's hard to create a strong enough mount. And then there's driving light installation too, which also needs a much stiffer base than many nudge bars can provide. The bullbar is also a good place to mount UHF antennas too.
Will a bull bar stop a deer?
The Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin bull bar is sure to serve as a durable shield between you and an animal that jumps out of nowhere. One testimony shows virtually no damage to their bumper after colliding at 60 mph with a deer. No damage to the bumper also means no damage to the rest of the truck.
Do bull bars make cars safer?
Often bought in the name of safety, it is a fact that crash bars or bull bars can actually create greater danger not only for pedestrians, bicyclists and other vulnerable road users who get hit, but also for people traveling in the vehicles to which the bars are fitted.
Are bull bars dangerous?
Bull bars are more dangerous than conventional bumpers and radiator grilles as these are built to crumple on impact while bull bars do not, transmitting the full force to the pedestrian.
Is it legal to have a push bar on your car?
Registered. They are perfectly legal AS LONG AS you don't have lights on it like strobe flashing red, blue or white. And if you're looking to purchase, look up dodge charger push bars.
Are bull bars legal in the Austin TX?
Some states require license plate relocation from the body to the bull bar. However, all states allow installation of aftermarket bull bars as of 2018. In recent times bullbars have become popular also as a cosmetic accessory, particularly on the larger four wheel drive and Sports Utility Vehicles (SUVs).
Are Full Metal Bull Bars legal?
Vehicles fitted with bars before this date are not affected. The directive insists on a minimum level of protection for pedestrians and that the bars are type-approved for the cars they are intended to fit. Steel bull bars don't meet these standards and are therefore effectively illegal.
Do bull bars affect mpg?
yes. Anything that adds weight and wind-resistance will have some sort of effect on your mpg. How much it affects it will depend on other mods and which bull bar you choose.
Does a bull bar affect airbags?
Toyota approves some bull bars that can work with its vehicles while other aftermarket bumper makers such as Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin certify that their steel bumpers will not impact airbag deployment. So, buying an airbag friendly bull bar/steel bumper is very important if you value your safety.
What is the law on bull bars?
While you wouldn't get away with one like that, it is not illegal for vehicles to be fitted with bull bars in the Austin TX. As long as the bull bars do not cause an increased risk to passengers, pedestrians and other road users, they are allowed.
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Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin
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mobilemechanicsabq · 4 years ago
Best Bull Bar Installation Service and Cost in Albuquerque NM |Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque
More information is at:
Are you looking for the BestBull Bar Installation Service near Albuquerque NM ? Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque,Bull Bars are engineered to factor in vehicle design, air-bag deployment, crush-rate, accessory fitting availability, approach angles, weight, strength, and more.Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Bull Bar Installation Service around Albuquerque NM. We serve Albuquerque NMand other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
 Bull Bar Installation in Albuquerque NM
Bull Bar Installation Service near Albuquerque NM:Bull Bars are essential for the safety of you and your 4wd in highway, rural and remote-area travel, even more so when you take your 4wd off-road. Bull Bars offer by far the best form of vehicle protection against animal strikes and other collision types. Here we explore the basics you need to know when it comes to Bull Bars.
 What is a Bull Bar?
 A Bull Bar is a simple but extremely effective addition to the front of a 4WD vehicle. Available in a variety of shapes, sizes, and materials including steel, alloy, and even plastic, a Bull Bar will also provide protection when driving off-road, against logs, banks, scrub, and similar obstacles.
 Why Do You Need a Bull Bar?
 There’s no doubt a 4WD with a Bull Bar looks great, but the primary reasons for installing a Bull Bar are functional. You need a Bull Bar on your 4WD for:
●      Human Safety – with a Bull Bar, the high energy of an impact with an animal is prevented from dissipating throughout the entire vehicle. This reduces damage to your 4WD, even more importantly, it protects the people travelling inside of the vehicle. A quality bull bar is a potentially lifesaving addition to your 4WD, Ute or SUV.
●      General Protection – a Bull Bar offers general protection to your vehicle both off-road and also on tarred or paved roads. This includes protection from rocks, sticks, ruts, logs, and also in minor accidents where a front-on collision with another vehicle or object takes place.
●      Animal Collision – if you hit an animal such as a kangaroo, especially at speed and without a Bull Bar, your vehicle will in all likelihood be damaged severely and even potentially be written off. A Bull Bar greatly mitigates this risk and protects your investment.
●      Mounting Point: a Bull Bar provides a perfect mounting point for winches and other accessories such as UHF antennas, driving lights, and sand-flags.
 Why Choose Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque?
 Bull Bar Installation Service near Albuquerque NM:
Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque Bull Bars are engineered to factor in vehicle design, air-bag deployment, crush-rate, accessory fitting availability, approach angles, weight, strength, and more. Airbag-compatible Bull Bars from Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque are assessed for performance and compliance for functionality and safety.
 Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque Bull Bars are premium products that are engineered and manufactured to superior standards to not only be optimally functional but also to complement your 4WD’s aesthetics. We also offer Commercial Bull Bars, Under-Vehicle Protection, and Smart Bars.
 At Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque, we stock and sell a range of Bull Bars to suit your needs, from nudge bars for smaller Utes and SUVs to our sleek and appealing Summit, Sahara and Deluxe styles for 4WD vehicles. Each and every steel Bull Bar we sell is designed to complement individual vehicle models perfectly, and each is finished in a durable powder coat with optional paint color coding for a perfectly integrated result.
 Contact Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque
 Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque is very proud to be the largest supplier of 4WD parts and accessories on the Sunshine Coast. The team are delighted to offer personalized, expert advice and service in all aspects of 4WD and outdoor adventuring within Albuquerque NM.
 Please give us a call or come to visit us at our Maroochydore store to discover our full range of 4WD parts and accessories as well as our range of camping and touring accessories. We’re very happy to offer guidance and advice! Contact us today via phone or online enquiry form.
 Six Reasons Why You Need A Bullbar
Bull Bar Installation Service near Albuquerque NM:
1. Animal collisions
If you hit an animal like a kangaroo then the impact can easily disable your car, leaving you stranded, or at least cause some major damage. A bullbar protects the front of the car so if you do collide with an animal then you’ve got a fair chance of driving on. I’ve hit roos at 100km/h but only on cars with bars and aside from the odd broken driving light the car was fine. Ideally, you don’t want to hit anything, but if you do then it’s a bullbar you need. Remember, minimise the chances of animal strikes by trying to travel at times other than dawn and dusk.
 2. General protection
Driving off-road is a bit of a misnomer, as no driving is actually done off a road. Instead, what we refer to as ‘offroad’ is really very rough roads. These have all sorts of hazards such as rocks, ruts and sticks, and the latter in particular are a real problem. They can get caught up and jammed into odd places – like the time I had a new ute on test and ended up with a stick about 40mm diameter through the front underbody next to the fog light. And that was on a dirt road at night, not even a 4×4 track. Or the time when I was a passenger in a Pajero, and noticed a large log jutting out from the side of the road, pointing straight at us. Unfortunately, the driver didn’t notice the problem and impaled the car on the log, with the end of the log about three-quarters of the way into the engine bay. That was the end of our journey and nearly the end of the car. As part of the repair the driver bought a bullbar, and while we will never know for sure if the bar would have saved us, the fact is that steel or alloy is a lot harder to pierce than plastic.
 3. Winch mounting point
There are ways to mount winches without bull bars, but a bar is the easiest. A tip; even if you don’t plan on buying a winch, spend the extra for a winch-capable bar anyway just in case, and it’ll also help a bit with resale.
 4. Accessory mount point
If you do any serious dune sand driving in the deserts or otherwise you’ll need a sand flag, and the very best place is as far forwards as you can manage, which means a bullbar. Without a bar it’s hard to create a strong enough mount. And then there’s driving light installation too, which also needs a much stiffer base than many nudge bars can provide. The bullbar is also a good place to mount UHF antennas too.
 5. Approach angle improvement
Always good to improve your approach angle so you don’t touch the terrain as much in hard going, and if you do, then you won’t damage a bar as much as the original plastic. Bars scuff, plastic breaks.
 6. Potential for recovery points
The days of vehicles with simple chassis rails extending out front are long gone, yet recovery loads are increasing. Some bullbars have recovery points built in, others as an option, and others help expose the chassis so points can be added. Without a bar it may be difficult to fit recovery points.
 4 reasons why bull-bars should be avoided in vehicles
The reasons for the ban are:
●      Bull-bars make crumple zones ineffective by transmitting crash energy directly to the body structure, thus causing injuries and death to the occupants.
●      Bull-bars may interfere with airbags from opening during accidents by upsetting the sensors during a crash.
●      Bull-bars are dangerous for pedestrians, cyclists and two wheeler riders. Especially when cars are being designed to reduce the impact of a crash on pedestrians, bull-bars cause serious injuries and death to other road users as they often jut out of a car during a crash.
●      Bull-bars damage the chassis of a car during a big accident, as because of its rigidity, the impact is disproportionately distributed, resulting in the crash energy being forced onto the body structure.
 Bull Bar Installation
 Bull Bar Installation Service near Albuquerque NM:A Bull Bar Installation doesn’t take long and these useful truck accessories go by many names. In American common names include bull bars, brush guards, deer pushers and cow bumpers.
Conversely, in Canada they are called moose bumpers, and in Australia, they are appropriately called Kangaroo bars.
If you’re hesitant about upgrading to an off-road bumper or bull bar then a grille guard might be right for you.
So what exactly is a grill guard? A grill guard is a protective steel framework that extends out in front of your vehicle. Grille guards are available in either a one-piece all welded design or a three-piece bolt together design.
●      As you can imagine the one-piece welded designs are much stronger structurally than the three-piece bolt together designs. The three-piece designs are less expensive. But for the best protections we recommend the one-piece welded design for rural drivers and off-roading.
●      On the other hand the three-piece designs for aesthetics or city drivers only.
 How To Decide Which One?
 Some of our customers question if adding a grille guard to their truck makes it more dangerous for pedestrians or even passengers in other vehicles if involved in an accident.
Unfortunately, studies have shown that using a bull bar increases the risk of death or serious injury to pedestrians because bull bars are rigid and when in an accident the bull bar will transmit all the force to the pedestrian, unlike a stock bumper, which will absorb some force and crumple.
We recommend using less rigid bull bars if you live in the city and more rugged grill guards if you live in the country where pedestrian’s collisions are less of a concern.
Bull bars usually come in three models, black powder coated, chrome plated steel, or stainless steel.
Stainless steel is probably the most resilient material used for grille guard, especially stainless steel that has been highly polished to a chrome finish.
The powder coated and chrome plated steel versions are more susceptible to flaking and chipping, therefore, allowing rust and corrosion.
While the name grille guard suggests that these accessories will protect your vehicle’s grille from damage and they will, there are some other benefits too.
Unfortunately, with so many assorted brands and models of grille guards on the market from the extravagant pure accessory type bars, to the mostly practical it may be hard to narrow down your options.
 Selecting A Grille Guard Or Bull Bar
●      Look for a bull bar that has pre-drilled holes that allow for easy installation of auxiliary led lighting like fog lights or a bull bar with a light bar already included.
●      Look for a grill guard with removable cage tubing that covers the center section of the headlights. This will allow for servicing your truck easier.
●      Look for a bar that has quick release latches. Having this feature will allow you to tilt the grille guard forward to open the engine hood for service.
●      Look for a bull bar with a built-in skid plate if you like off-roading. This added benefit will help reduce damage to your front end while you’re out wheeling.
Grille guards are some of the most practical and trendiest truck accessory upgrades you can choose. Your truck will take a beating when off-roading. Adding a grill guard will give your rig an extra layer of protection when it’s needed most.
 Installing Bull Bars
Bull Bar Installation Service near Albuquerque NM:Depending on your vehicle, and the type of body armor and protection you need, bull bar installation can range from a super-easy, Saturday afternoon love fest to a driveway-hosted blood match between you, the bull bar and every tool in your garage. A lot depends on the vehicle and your level of expertise, but it’s mostly dependent on the bull bar itself.
Now that you’ve got your hands on the bull bar of your choice, here are some general installation steps. We’d tell you exactly how to do it, but we don’t know what you drive or which bar you’re getting.
●      Open the packaging of your bull bar and read the installation instructions.
●      Check to make sure you have all the necessary tools and that no parts are missing.
●      Crawl under the front of your rig and locate the factory-drilled holes.
●      Bolt the bull bar brackets into the holes and torque them down.
●      Connect the bull bar to the mounting brackets, ensuring that everything is even and level.
●      Double-check that all the bolts are tight.
How much does it cost to install a bull bar?
 Bull Bar Installation Service near Albuquerque NM:It usually costs anywhere from $1000-2500 installed. You can also find cheap bull bars on gumtree (usually OEM bars). Installation costs about $300-400.
Consequently, why install a bull bar?
A bullbar or push bumper is a device installed on the front of a vehicle to protect its front from collisions, whether an accidental collision with a large animal in rural roads, or an intentional collision with another vehicle in police usage.
Similarly, how much does a bull bar weigh? The average weight of an East Coast Bullbar is approximately 35kg (a steel bar is approximately 80kg).
Simply so, do bull bars help in an accident?
Like grille guards, bull bars bolt to the front of a vehicle and serve to block crash energy from reaching softer front body panels - channeling it directly to the vehicle's structure instead.
How do you remove Mobile Mechanics of AlbuquerqueBullbar?
Removing the Mobile Mechanics of AlbuquerqueBullbar Not sure how much bigger a 9, 9.5 or 10 is?? Disconnect all electrical cables from the battery and the winch make sure you know where they go, remove the solenoid pack from the winch,take all the cable off the winch drum, remove the grille, unbolt the winch from the bar.
 Black Rear Bumper Guard Installation - $250.00
Stainless Steel Rear Bumper Guard Installation - $275.00
Black Rear Bumper Guard Installation - $250.00
Stainless Steel Rear Bumper Guard Installation - $275.00
 Is a bull bar worth it?
 Without a bar it's hard to create a strong enough mount. And then there's driving light installation too, which also needs a much stiffer base than many nudge bars can provide. The bullbar is also a good place to mount UHF antennas too.
 Will a bull bar stop a deer?
 The Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque bull bar is sure to serve as a durable shield between you and an animal that jumps out of nowhere. One testimony shows virtually no damage to their bumper after colliding at 60 mph with a deer. No damage to the bumper also means no damage to the rest of the truck.
 Do bull bars make cars safer?
 Often bought in the name of safety, it is a fact that crash bars or bull bars can actually create greater danger not only for pedestrians, bicyclists and other vulnerable road users who get hit, but also for people traveling in the vehicles to which the bars are fitted.
 Are bull bars dangerous?
 Bull bars are more dangerous than conventional bumpers and radiator grilles as these are built to crumple on impact while bull bars do not, transmitting the full force to the pedestrian.
 Is it legal to have a push bar on your car?
 Registered. They are perfectly legal AS LONG AS you don't have lights on it like strobe flashing red, blue or white. And if you're looking to purchase, look up dodge charger push bars.
 Are bull bars legal in the Albuquerque NM?
 Some states require license plate relocation from the body to the bull bar. However, all states allow installation of aftermarket bull bars as of 2018. In recent times bullbars have become popular also as a cosmetic accessory, particularly on the larger four wheel drive and Sports Utility Vehicles (SUVs).
 Are Full Metal Bull Bars legal?
 Vehicles fitted with bars before this date are not affected. The directive insists on a minimum level of protection for pedestrians and that the bars are type-approved for the cars they are intended to fit. Steel bull bars don't meet these standards and are therefore effectively illegal.
 Do bull bars affect mpg?
 yes. Anything that adds weight and wind-resistance will have some sort of effect on your mpg. How much it affects it will depend on other mods and which bull bar you choose.
 Does a bull bar affect airbags?
 Toyota approves some bull bars that can work with its vehicles while other aftermarket bumper makers such as Mobile Mechanics of Albuquerque certify that their steel bumpers will not impact airbag deployment. So, buying an airbag friendly bull bar/steel bumper is very important if you value your safety.
 What is the law on bull bars?
 While you wouldn't get away with one like that, it is not illegal for vehicles to be fitted with bull bars in the Albuquerque NM. As long as the bull bars do not cause an increased risk to passengers, pedestrians and other road users, they are allowed.
●      Bull Bar Installation Service Near Albuquerque NM
●      Bull Bar Installation
●      Bull Bar Installation Cost
●      Bull Bar Installation Instructions
●      Stehlen Bull Bar Installation
●      Armordillo Bull Bar Installation
●      Topline Bull Bar Installation
●      Universal Bull Bar Mounting Brackets
●      Stehlen Bull Bar Installation Instructions Near Albuquerque NM
●      Bull Bar Installation
●      Bull Bar Installers
●      Tuff Bar Prices
●      Color Coded Bull Bar Price
●      Ecb Bull Bar Price List
●      Bull Bar Fitters
●      Bull Bar Price
●      Bullbar Fitting Cost Near Albuquerque NM
0 notes
mobilemechanicsomaha · 4 years ago
Best Bull Bar Installation Service and Cost in Omaha NE |Mobile Mechanics of Omaha
 More information is at: http://mobilemechaniclasvegas.org/bull-bar-installation-near-me/
 Bull Bar Installation Service near Omaha NE: Are you looking for the Best Bull Bar Installation Service near Omaha NE ? Mobile Mechanics of Omaha, Bull Bars are engineered to factor in vehicle design, air-bag deployment, crush-rate, accessory fitting availability, approach angles, weight, strength, and more. Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Bull Bar Installation Service around Omaha NE. We serve Omaha NE and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
 Bull Bar Installation in Omaha NE
Bull Bar Installation Service near Omaha NE:  Bull Bars are essential for the safety of you and your 4wd in highway, rural and remote-area travel, even more so when you take your 4wd off-road. Bull Bars offer by far the best form of vehicle protection against animal strikes and other collision types. Here we explore the basics you need to know when it comes to Bull Bars.
 What is a Bull Bar?
 A Bull Bar is a simple but extremely effective addition to the front of a 4WD vehicle. Available in a variety of shapes, sizes, and materials including steel, alloy, and even plastic, a Bull Bar will also provide protection when driving off-road, against logs, banks, scrub, and similar obstacles.
 Why Do You Need a Bull Bar?
 There’s no doubt a 4WD with a Bull Bar looks great, but the primary reasons for installing a Bull Bar are functional. You need a Bull Bar on your 4WD for:
●      Human Safety – with a Bull Bar, the high energy of an impact with an animal is prevented from dissipating throughout the entire vehicle. This reduces damage to your 4WD, even more importantly, it protects the people travelling inside of the vehicle. A quality bull bar is a potentially lifesaving addition to your 4WD, Ute or SUV.
●      General Protection – a Bull Bar offers general protection to your vehicle both off-road and also on tarred or paved roads. This includes protection from rocks, sticks, ruts, logs, and also in minor accidents where a front-on collision with another vehicle or object takes place.
●      Animal Collision – if you hit an animal such as a kangaroo, especially at speed and without a Bull Bar, your vehicle will in all likelihood be damaged severely and even potentially be written off. A Bull Bar greatly mitigates this risk and protects your investment.
●      Mounting Point: a Bull Bar provides a perfect mounting point for winches and other accessories such as UHF antennas, driving lights, and sand-flags.
 Why Choose Mobile Mechanics of Omaha?
 Bull Bar Installation Service near Omaha NE:
Mobile Mechanics of Omaha Bull Bars are engineered to factor in vehicle design, air-bag deployment, crush-rate, accessory fitting availability, approach angles, weight, strength, and more. Airbag-compatible Bull Bars from Mobile Mechanics of Omaha are assessed for performance and compliance for functionality and safety.
 Mobile Mechanics of Omaha Bull Bars are premium products that are engineered and manufactured to superior standards to not only be optimally functional but also to complement your 4WD’s aesthetics. We also offer Commercial Bull Bars, Under-Vehicle Protection, and Smart Bars.
 At Mobile Mechanics of Omaha, we stock and sell a range of Bull Bars to suit your needs, from nudge bars for smaller Utes and SUVs to our sleek and appealing Summit, Sahara and Deluxe styles for 4WD vehicles. Each and every steel Bull Bar we sell is designed to complement individual vehicle models perfectly, and each is finished in a durable powder coat with optional paint color coding for a perfectly integrated result.
 Contact Mobile Mechanics of Omaha
 Mobile Mechanics of Omaha is very proud to be the largest supplier of 4WD parts and accessories on the Sunshine Coast. The team are delighted to offer personalized, expert advice and service in all aspects of 4WD and outdoor adventuring within Omaha NE.
 Please give us a call or come to visit us at our Maroochydore store to discover our full range of 4WD parts and accessories as well as our range of camping and touring accessories. We’re very happy to offer guidance and advice! Contact us today via phone or online enquiry form.
 Six Reasons Why You Need A Bullbar
Bull Bar Installation Service near Omaha NE:
1. Animal collisions
If you hit an animal like a kangaroo then the impact can easily disable your car, leaving you stranded, or at least cause some major damage. A bullbar protects the front of the car so if you do collide with an animal then you’ve got a fair chance of driving on. I’ve hit roos at 100km/h but only on cars with bars and aside from the odd broken driving light the car was fine. Ideally, you don’t want to hit anything, but if you do then it’s a bullbar you need. Remember, minimise the chances of animal strikes by trying to travel at times other than dawn and dusk.
 2. General protection
Driving off-road is a bit of a misnomer, as no driving is actually done off a road. Instead, what we refer to as ‘offroad’ is really very rough roads. These have all sorts of hazards such as rocks, ruts and sticks, and the latter in particular are a real problem. They can get caught up and jammed into odd places – like the time I had a new ute on test and ended up with a stick about 40mm diameter through the front underbody next to the fog light. And that was on a dirt road at night, not even a 4×4 track. Or the time when I was a passenger in a Pajero, and noticed a large log jutting out from the side of the road, pointing straight at us. Unfortunately, the driver didn’t notice the problem and impaled the car on the log, with the end of the log about three-quarters of the way into the engine bay. That was the end of our journey and nearly the end of the car. As part of the repair the driver bought a bullbar, and while we will never know for sure if the bar would have saved us, the fact is that steel or alloy is a lot harder to pierce than plastic.
 3. Winch mounting point
There are ways to mount winches without bull bars, but a bar is the easiest. A tip; even if you don’t plan on buying a winch, spend the extra for a winch-capable bar anyway just in case, and it’ll also help a bit with resale.
 4. Accessory mount point
If you do any serious dune sand driving in the deserts or otherwise you’ll need a sand flag, and the very best place is as far forwards as you can manage, which means a bullbar. Without a bar it’s hard to create a strong enough mount. And then there’s driving light installation too, which also needs a much stiffer base than many nudge bars can provide. The bullbar is also a good place to mount UHF antennas too.
 5. Approach angle improvement
Always good to improve your approach angle so you don’t touch the terrain as much in hard going, and if you do, then you won’t damage a bar as much as the original plastic. Bars scuff, plastic breaks.
 6. Potential for recovery points
The days of vehicles with simple chassis rails extending out front are long gone, yet recovery loads are increasing. Some bullbars have recovery points built in, others as an option, and others help expose the chassis so points can be added. Without a bar it may be difficult to fit recovery points.
 4 reasons why bull-bars should be avoided in vehicles
The reasons for the ban are:
●      Bull-bars make crumple zones ineffective by transmitting crash energy directly to the body structure, thus causing injuries and death to the occupants.
●      Bull-bars may interfere with airbags from opening during accidents by upsetting the sensors during a crash.
●      Bull-bars are dangerous for pedestrians, cyclists and two wheeler riders. Especially when cars are being designed to reduce the impact of a crash on pedestrians, bull-bars cause serious injuries and death to other road users as they often jut out of a car during a crash.
●      Bull-bars damage the chassis of a car during a big accident, as because of its rigidity, the impact is disproportionately distributed, resulting in the crash energy being forced onto the body structure.
 Bull Bar Installation
 Bull Bar Installation Service near Omaha NE:A Bull Bar Installation doesn’t take long and these useful truck accessories go by many names. In American common names include bull bars, brush guards, deer pushers and cow bumpers.
Conversely, in Canada they are called moose bumpers, and in Australia, they are appropriately called Kangaroo bars.
If you’re hesitant about upgrading to an off-road bumper or bull bar then a grille guard might be right for you.
So what exactly is a grill guard? A grill guard is a protective steel framework that extends out in front of your vehicle. Grille guards are available in either a one-piece all welded design or a three-piece bolt together design.
●      As you can imagine the one-piece welded designs are much stronger structurally than the three-piece bolt together designs. The three-piece designs are less expensive. But for the best protections we recommend the one-piece welded design for rural drivers and off-roading.
●      On the other hand the three-piece designs for aesthetics or city drivers only.
 How To Decide Which One?
 Some of our customers question if adding a grille guard to their truck makes it more dangerous for pedestrians or even passengers in other vehicles if involved in an accident.
Unfortunately, studies have shown that using a bull bar increases the risk of death or serious injury to pedestrians because bull bars are rigid and when in an accident the bull bar will transmit all the force to the pedestrian, unlike a stock bumper, which will absorb some force and crumple.
We recommend using less rigid bull bars if you live in the city and more rugged grill guards if you live in the country where pedestrian’s collisions are less of a concern.
Bull bars usually come in three models, black powder coated, chrome plated steel, or stainless steel.
Stainless steel is probably the most resilient material used for grille guard, especially stainless steel that has been highly polished to a chrome finish.
The powder coated and chrome plated steel versions are more susceptible to flaking and chipping, therefore, allowing rust and corrosion.
While the name grille guard suggests that these accessories will protect your vehicle’s grille from damage and they will, there are some other benefits too.  
Unfortunately, with so many assorted brands and models of grille guards on the market from the extravagant pure accessory type bars, to the mostly practical it may be hard to narrow down your options.
 Selecting A Grille Guard Or Bull Bar
●      Look for a bull bar that has pre-drilled holes that allow for easy installation of auxiliary led lighting like fog lights or a bull bar with a light bar already included.
●      Look for a grill guard with removable cage tubing that covers the center section of the headlights. This will allow for servicing your truck easier.
●      Look for a bar that has quick release latches. Having this feature will allow you to tilt the grille guard forward to open the engine hood for service.
●      Look for a bull bar with a built-in skid plate if you like off-roading. This added benefit will help reduce damage to your front end while you’re out wheeling.
Grille guards are some of the most practical and trendiest truck accessory upgrades you can choose. Your truck will take a beating when off-roading. Adding a grill guard will give your rig an extra layer of protection when it’s needed most.
 Installing Bull Bars
Bull Bar Installation Service near Omaha NE: Depending on your vehicle, and the type of body armor and protection you need, bull bar installation can range from a super-easy, Saturday afternoon love fest to a driveway-hosted blood match between you, the bull bar and every tool in your garage. A lot depends on the vehicle and your level of expertise, but it’s mostly dependent on the bull bar itself.
Now that you’ve got your hands on the bull bar of your choice, here are some general installation steps. We’d tell you exactly how to do it, but we don’t know what you drive or which bar you’re getting.
●      Open the packaging of your bull bar and read the installation instructions.
●      Check to make sure you have all the necessary tools and that no parts are missing.
●      Crawl under the front of your rig and locate the factory-drilled holes.
●      Bolt the bull bar brackets into the holes and torque them down.
●      Connect the bull bar to the mounting brackets, ensuring that everything is even and level.
●      Double-check that all the bolts are tight.
How much does it cost to install a bull bar?
 Bull Bar Installation Service near Omaha NE: It usually costs anywhere from $1000-2500 installed. You can also find cheap bull bars on gumtree (usually OEM bars). Installation costs about $300-400.
Consequently, why install a bull bar?
A bullbar or push bumper is a device installed on the front of a vehicle to protect its front from collisions, whether an accidental collision with a large animal in rural roads, or an intentional collision with another vehicle in police usage.
Similarly, how much does a bull bar weigh? The average weight of an East Coast Bullbar is approximately 35kg (a steel bar is approximately 80kg).
Simply so, do bull bars help in an accident?
Like grille guards, bull bars bolt to the front of a vehicle and serve to block crash energy from reaching softer front body panels - channeling it directly to the vehicle's structure instead.
How do you remove Mobile Mechanics of Omaha Bullbar?
Removing the Mobile Mechanics of Omaha Bullbar Not sure how much bigger a 9, 9.5 or 10 is?? Disconnect all electrical cables from the battery and the winch make sure you know where they go, remove the solenoid pack from the winch, take all the cable off the winch drum, remove the grille, unbolt the winch from the bar.
 Black Rear Bumper Guard Installation - $250.00
Stainless Steel Rear Bumper Guard Installation - $275.00
Black Rear Bumper Guard Installation - $250.00
Stainless Steel Rear Bumper Guard Installation - $275.00
 Is a bull bar worth it?
 Without a bar it's hard to create a strong enough mount. And then there's driving light installation too, which also needs a much stiffer base than many nudge bars can provide. The bullbar is also a good place to mount UHF antennas too.
Will a bull bar stop a deer?
 The Mobile Mechanics of Omaha bull bar is sure to serve as a durable shield between you and an animal that jumps out of nowhere. One testimony shows virtually no damage to their bumper after colliding at 60 mph with a deer. No damage to the bumper also means no damage to the rest of the truck.
Do bull bars make cars safer?
 Often bought in the name of safety, it is a fact that crash bars or bull bars can actually create greater danger not only for pedestrians, bicyclists and other vulnerable road users who get hit, but also for people traveling in the vehicles to which the bars are fitted.
Are bull bars dangerous?
 Bull bars are more dangerous than conventional bumpers and radiator grilles as these are built to crumple on impact while bull bars do not, transmitting the full force to the pedestrian.
Is it legal to have a push bar on your car?
 Registered. They are perfectly legal AS LONG AS you don't have lights on it like strobe flashing red, blue or white. And if you're looking to purchase, look up dodge charger push bars.
Are bull bars legal in the Omaha NE?
 Some states require license plate relocation from the body to the bull bar. However, all states allow installation of aftermarket bull bars as of 2018. In recent times bullbars have become popular also as a cosmetic accessory, particularly on the larger four wheel drive and Sports Utility Vehicles (SUVs).
Are Full Metal Bull Bars legal?
 Vehicles fitted with bars before this date are not affected. The directive insists on a minimum level of protection for pedestrians and that the bars are type-approved for the cars they are intended to fit. Steel bull bars don't meet these standards and are therefore effectively illegal.
Do bull bars affect mpg?
 yes. Anything that adds weight and wind-resistance will have some sort of effect on your mpg. How much it affects it will depend on other mods and which bull bar you choose.
Does a bull bar affect airbags?
 Toyota approves some bull bars that can work with its vehicles while other aftermarket bumper makers such as Mobile Mechanics of Omaha certify that their steel bumpers will not impact airbag deployment. So, buying an airbag friendly bull bar/steel bumper is very important if you value your safety.
What is the law on bull bars?
 While you wouldn't get away with one like that, it is not illegal for vehicles to be fitted with bull bars in the Omaha NE. As long as the bull bars do not cause an increased risk to passengers, pedestrians and other road users, they are allowed.
●      Bull Bar Installation Service Near Omaha NE
●      Bull Bar Installation
●      Bull Bar Installation Cost
●      Bull Bar Installation Instructions
●      Stehlen Bull Bar Installation
●      Armordillo Bull Bar Installation
●      Topline Bull Bar Installation
●      Universal Bull Bar Mounting Brackets
●      Stehlen Bull Bar Installation Instructions Near Omaha NE
●      Bull Bar Installation
●      Bull Bar Installers
●      Tuff Bar Prices
●      Color Coded Bull Bar Price
●      Ecb Bull Bar Price List
●      Bull Bar Fitters
●      Bull Bar Price
●      Bullbar Fitting Cost Near Omaha NE
Mobile Mechanics of Omaha
Mobile Mechanics of Omaha
24-hour mobile mechanic roadside assistance services in Omaha NE!
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hermessale · 4 years ago
Belt Buckle Styles You find Online
A western belt buckle is a very talked-about style item among the individuals. It is actually a very good match for the denim trousers as well as other cowboy outfits and equipment. Hence, buckles do not just keep your pants from sliding off your waistline or hips. In addition they participate in a major manner and glamour role with your lifestyle. They allow you to definitely swap your appearances as you wish. These western belt clasps have are usually not new. They may have existed considering the fact that twentieth century. The main improve on belt-buckles now is the craftsmanship approaches, targeted at keeping them on the lookout contemporary and stylish. Considering that these clasps can be found for men and women, picking the most ideal merchandise online is not hard. Some world-wide-web stores provide exclusive products for a single gender and many others protect things for equally genders. In case you browse these websites' types, you would probably realize that western belt buckle equipment have many designs. The first add-ons highlighted particular images, like the confederate or patriotic flag. Other examples contain a flying eagle or an eagle head. Now, makers of buckles are delivering extra attractive symbols versus etched backgrounds. You may get clips with indicators and styles, which include an octagon, a peace signal, different countries' flags, a star and the like. On top of that, one can come across some clips that includes animals, for instance a horse, a chicken or even a bull. Even now, one can get other unique fasteners with custom made names including pimp, mirrored letters, white LED light etc. You can find a lot of possibilities available today, and the only detail remaining is selecting your favorite merchandise. You may want to aim on the condition of your belt-buckles. They occur in lots of designs, including spherical, oval, rectangular, sq. and so forth. Think about the décor information close to a buckle's edge. Some fasteners have straightforward wavy edges and some others have intricate detailing. Target a lot more on the character plus the tiny trend particulars that would please you. In mcm accessories the event you are a female, you may want to choose an merchandise with ornamental rhinestones and good quality gems. Some girls really like flashy objects which make them stand out very easily. Thankfully, when it comes to western buckles girls have abundant selections. Measurement is yet another aspect that each women and men consider as they decide on their beloved fasteners. Frequently, females pick out buckles which are about 3 inches across whilst mcm small wallet men select larger models. Choose between the favored trophy and rodeo clasps to experience like a actual cowboy or cowgirl. Despite the fact that size is a crucial issue, some of them comply with the trend at any presented time. For those who are normally trendy, chances are you'll desire to abide by their instance too. Merely look for celebrity alternatives, since they will be the trendsetters. You are able to easily glimpse as pretty because the superstars do, by deciding upon your belt accessories properly. It is crucial to replicate around the outfits you have now or even the kinds you would like to get soon. Though there are a number of clips right cheap mcm now, not all of these would complement your clothes nicely. Contemplate your clothes' models and colours and acquire a matching western belt buckle. On top of that, you may get new belts or invest in matching components for existing belts.
0 notes
yuki-d-raizel-blog · 7 years ago
Number 1333
Chapter 4/??
Summit: What happens if a mysterious prisoner joins the chaotic Cell 13? He is perfect for the Nanba Prison, his name is synonym of terror and cruelty; each time he was sent to a new prison, he broke out in less than an hour. Will the Nanba Prison succeed to keep him jailed or not…?
Since the teams are chosen, the others go back to the bleachers and sit, meanwhile, Ayu successfully escaped from that hell for a few minutes. He just needs silence, too much sounds and loud people, that's not the right place for him.
"I need something to drink and some silence. My head hurts, I was never used to noisy places, not even when I went in missions." he walks calmly down the corridors looking for a store or something where he can have some water, "I'm getting used to my cell mates, but a crowd of people so huge so suddenly, it's too much for me."
<<Number 33, you punk!!>> Hajime's voice rings inside the corridors, <<Stop sneaking away, you bastard!>> when he tries to grab his cloak, the prisoner dodges it easily.
<<First of all, there's no need to scream like that.>> says Ayu annoyed, <<Second of all, I just want some cold water, I would be back as always, you know?>>
<<Yeah, yeah, sure.>>
"Eh?!" Number 33 finds himself handcuffed in a mere second, <<Then can you escort me to take a bottle of water or something? I'm thirsty and my head hurts.>>
<<Let's go back->> the supervisor feels the chain too loosen, so he looks behind and sees Ayu waving his hands to him, <<You’re even worse than Number 15!>>
<<I want water, first.>> says Ayu, <<You can't catch a shadow.>> he adds with a grin.
When they come back, Yamato and Rock won and everyone is cheering for them. Maybe Ayu should’ve walk slower...
[The Building 13 has taken the lead by winning two events so far!] Mitsuru is loud as always, [You guys better turn up the heat in the next event!]
"Ugh, I want to kill him, give me at least a pair of headphones!" that place is really the hell for Number 33.
[Let's get going on the third event! Next is.... Hyakunin Isshu!]
Staring at the flag with the name of the event, the Cell 13 is deciding who's gonna participate. Everyone moves their gaze to Hajime, who annoyed sends Seitarou. The poor guard is bullied again from the members of the Cell 13, and he starts to cry because of them.
"This is easy, maybe I participate too. The fastest we finish, the fastest we can go back." thinks Ayu drinking from his bottle, "But if I go alone, I will attire too many attentions, and my friends might be in danger, so... I need to do a support work, just to distract the opponent, and win easily."
[The rules of Hyakunin Isshu, also known as competitive karuta, are very easy! This match requires mental strength and concentration! Three members are allowed to participate, including one guard!]
<<Why three?>> questions Rock to Hajime.
<<The third member is a replacement.>> replies the officer, <<This game consumes a great deal of mental power, to the point that participants will collapse. This is the countermeasure.>>
<<Is that extreme?>> Rock chats with Sugoroku and Seitaro, while Jyugo hopes that they wouldn't choose him just because he is Japanese. Number 1333 sees that insecurity, so he steps forward.
<<I have a plan, can I participate?>> he says, <<I and Uno will play.>>
<<Why Number 11-kun too?>> asks Seitarou confused.
<<Hyakunin Isshu is basically a card game, and he’s very good at them.>> Ayu grabs Uno's shirt and pulls him nearer, <<However, I’ll be a decoy to distract the opponents. I trust Uno and his skills, he will not need my help anyway, it's just strategy.>>
<<He, I like how you think. I'm in!>> the blondie shouts excited, <<Let's go pal!>>
[Yo @#*!s! The next match is Building 3 supervising officer, Kiji Mitsuba, versus Building 13 guard, Seitaro Tanabata!] while the guards complement each other, Mitsuru continues his speech, [And Building 3, Cell 6, inmates Number 3 and 82! A very colorful duo!]
The entire arena is blinded by Trois and Honey, their handsome aura is just too bright, making Uno jealous. He doesn't have any aura, why?!
[From Building 13, Cell 13, inmates Number 11 and 33! The opposite combo!]
<<I can produce that aura too! Watch me!>>
"Good grief, why I accepted this stupid challenge?" Ayu just crosses his arms and waits that his teammate gives up on that handsomeness thing. "How old is he? 4?"
Since his handsomeness level isn't high enough, Uno collapses on the ground tired already. He’s blinded by that group that is chatting so happily... In front of him there are those sparkling idiots who compliments and laughs with each other and...
<<C'mon Uno, get yourself together.>> sighs Ayu.
Behind him there's someone that doesn't look attractive now, but he saw how handsome he is...
<<Fucking die, pretty boys!>> he roars frustrated, making his teammate sighs again.
[Die! All right, let's begin this third event! Ready...?]
<<No way I'm gonna lose.>> roars whispering Number 11, <<Hell no.>>
[First poem! While autumn leaves-]
The arena falls silent and everyone stares shocked at the light blue hair little guy. He picked the right card in a second... Even Ayu wasn't expecting it. Well, he scolds himself saying that Seitarou is a Nanba Prison's guard after all, he must excel in something, right?
[As friends and- Fell sorrow- Impass- A-] Mitsuru can't even finish the poem that Seitarou smashes the card out of the square and collects it, [Guest- Let me say at least half of this crap!]
"He excels in memory, huh?" Number 33 starts to study each person on the field, "Overwhelming victory for the guards' side, now... Let's see how this ridiculous combo can entertain me. Would you be able to mislead the eyes of an expert assassin?"
After a while, Uno hasn't picked a single card. Ayu doesn't seem worried, he doesn't say a word to Uno or ask him to change position.
<<I'll take your place, Honey-kun.>> Trois pats the shoulder of his teammate and smiles amused, <<They might be making their move soon.>> once he sits and looks at the cards, he talks with a very annoyed Uno, <<I can read you like a book. You're looking for your opportunity to cheat.>>
[For you, I-]
<<Got it!>> Number 11 smashed his hand on the tatami confidently, but the card is already gone, <<What?>>
"That's interesting, but his techniques are so loutish and uncompleted." after that move, Ayu lays down and pulls his hood forward to cover the light of the sun, "These people are full of vices, like planned, he doesn't need my help."
<<Close, but no cigar.>> Trois holds the card with a satisfied expression.
"There was... no sound or anything..." thinks Uno frustrated, "Is he like Ayu? Freaking pretty boy, I'm going to punch your face!"
<<Mph, your little boy has no chance against mine.>> says Kiji approaching Hajime, <<The famous killer gave up too, fufufu, we're are gonna win!>>
<<You surely talk much when a few moments ago, my subordinate crushed you completely.>> talks back the supervisor, <<And aren't you underestimate my prisoners too much?>>
<<If Number 11 can't cheat, he can't win anyway.>> comments amused Mitsuba, <<And Number 33 played just to scare my inmates.>>
<<Hahaha.>> Jyugo's laugh irritated the superior of the Building 3, <<If you believe that cheating is the only thing that Uno can do, you're gonna be floored really bad. Beating him isn't that easy.>>
Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
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williamexchange · 5 years ago
Guidelines for Developing Great Business Website Content
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For many business owners, writing website content is a sticking point in the website project. Sometimes a beautiful new responsive website will sit dormant for months (or more) waiting for content so it can be launched for potential customers to see.
There is no doubt that for many, writing content ranks right along with doing taxes or having a root canal. After all, you are a business owner, not a writer. And you have a business to run and not enough hours in the day to get it all done.
But the one advantage you have is that you know your products/services better than anyone else, and you can leverage your knowledge to create great written content that your website visitors will benefit from.
To help expedite the website content writing process, we thought it would be helpful to provide some tips and best practices to help you streamline the process and write great content that future customers will love.
How to Write for the Web
Writing for the web is nothing like writing a book or magazine article. Think of it as an online brochure, but with more space. When you grab a brochure for a product or service you are interested in, you notice that it has a clean design with lots of white space, relevant high-quality images, and chunks of text.
You expect it to tell you the highlights of the product or service and why it might benefit you, but not to be so text-heavy that you lose interest. It is easy to digest the information and make a decision on whether you want to move forward to the next step of the sales funnel or not.
In addition to providing visually appealing text and images, you want your content to be search engine friendly to help your website rank higher in search results. With these things in mind, here are some tips to help you provide amazing, optimized content for your business website.
Content Writing Tips for Business Owners
1. Perform Basic Keyword Research
Before you begin tapping away on that keyboard, spend some time searching out great keyword phrases to infuse into your headings, paragraphs, title tags, and image tags. Rather than focusing on one keyword (which is a no-no by search engine standards), come up with a keyword list for each page.
Once you have your list, spread your keywords out within your content headings and paragraph text. Add them to metadata, URLs, image alt text, and other areas of the website where relevant.
2. Check Out the Competition for Ideas
When searching the websites of your competitors, which ones show up on the first page of Google search results? Take note of the keywords they may be using and how they present their content. Get a feel for the type of writing and presentation you like by searching their content.
One easy way to check out the keywords your competitors are using is by using SEMrush. Simply click this link, then in the search box type in the website address of the company whose keywords you are interested in. You will see a list of results, which can be a great starting point when determining which keywords you might target on your website pages.
3. Write Casually
Write as though you are having a face-to-face conversation with a customer or client. Avoid dry business content, jargon, or overly "heady" language. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, the reading level for the average American is at the 7th-8th-grade level, so keep that in mind when crafting your content. Let your personality come through and appeal to your audience in a way that tells what you have to offer and helps solve a common problem or alleviate a pain point.
Helpful Tools:
Automatic Readability Checker - This tool allows you to paste in your text which is then scanned across seven different readability formulas to help you determine the reading level and grade level of your text.
4. Write Clearly and Concisely
Avoid "filler" text or excessive use of the same keyword phrase for SEO. Search engines don't like it and humans like it even less. Just write enough to get your message across clearly and concisely. To make your content even easier to digest, use shorter paragraphs with ample white space between them and bulleted or numbered lists when you have the opportunity.
5. Include Enough Content to Make the Page Valuable and Search Engine Friendly
As mentioned earlier, clear and concise writing is key to the stickiness of your web pages. An overwhelming amount of text, especially if it is irrelevant, repetitive,  or "filler," will turn off readers. That said, shoot for at least 300 words or so for a content page. If you are blogging, aim for at least 500-600 words minimum. This is not a hard-and-fast rule-- just a guideline. Always choose quality over quantity. You want to give humans enough information on a page to answer their questions and guide them in the right direction while giving search engines enough content to index.
6. Include Citations
Do you have sources that you are citing? Great! Adding credible statistics or facts solidifies your point and shows that you know your stuff. When you include citations, make sure that: a) the statistics or data cited are accurate, and b) you mention and link to the source cited
7. Check for Grammar and Spelling Errors
It happens to all of us from time to time. You work on a piece of content for so long that you gloss over errors. Or maybe the spell checker missed something glaring. Whatever the case, readers will quickly bolt from your website if it is full of errors.
One way to avoid this is to walk away from your content when you have finished writing it and come back to review it the next day with fresh eyes. Or, if you have a trusty friend or co-worker handy, have them take a look at the text to make sure it is error-free.
Helpful Tools:
Grammarly - Grammarly has a free option that catches many spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors. The paid plan is much more robust, catching more advanced errors and even flagging plagiarism.
8. Add High-Quality Images
Yes, a picture really is worth a thousand words when it comes to web content. And no, that doesn't give you the green light to skip the text and front-load your site with images. Great, high-quality images of your products, services, team, facility, events and other relevant images can greatly complement your message, balance out page content, and add visual appeal to your page.
Hopefully the tips above will help you develop amazing content for your business website.
Don't feel like writing your own website content? We get it. If your company is looking for Web designer in Frisco CO with experience and know-how, Advanced Digital Media Services can provide the SEO JavaScript solutions your company needs to grow a sustainable online presence.
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dnowit41 · 5 years ago
Meet the Gen Z Dallas Mavericks
Dallas is pairing Kristaps Porzingis with the reigning Rookie of the Year, Luka Doncic, in hopes that a young core will return the Mavericks to the glory days of Dirk Nowitzki and NBA title contention
By Kevin O'Connor
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“Drinking early this weekend?” That’s what my Uber driver asked as she dropped me off at Community Beer Company in Dallas on a Friday morning in October. I had to explain myself: No beer would be consumed by me. It just so happens that you have to walk through a brewery entrance to get to the Dallas Mavericks practice facility, where I had some meetings that day. She laughed and said, “The Mavs? Oh. My son loves Luka.” As I would soon find out, so does everyone in Dallas, from the fans drinking beer inside the taproom to the employees working down the hallway at the Mavericks headquarters.
“We are as excited as we were 20 years ago. The hope is that over time this builds into a 2011-type run,” Mavericks president of basketball operations Donnie Nelson said from his office. A big American flag hangs behind his desk, but when it comes to looking for good players in far-off places, the Mavericks are well traveled. Today, it’s Luka Doncic and Kristaps Porzingis; 20 years ago, it was Dirk Nowitzki, then a 21-year-old German entering his second NBA season. Dirk’s emergence in the 1999-00 season injected hope into a franchise with the NBA’s second-worst record in the 1990s. Since that year, the Mavs have the second-best record, have made many deep playoff runs, and in 2011, finally won a title.
Now, Dallas is following a blueprint similar to the one it followed with Dirk and Steve Nash at the turn of the century, or Dirk and Jason Kidd from 2007 through 2012. Doncic and Porzingis alone give the Mavs a shot to be good now, and someday, a chance to be special. If you’re looking for the next young team to enter the championship chase, look no further than the Mavericks.
Dirk’s jersey no longer hangs in the locker room, but soon it will hang in the rafters. Throughout his influential 21-year career, Nowitzki helped shape the league by making it cool for tall guys to shoot 3s, and changed the perception that international players would wilt in the face of the NBA’s physicality. It’s appropriate the baton was handed to a pair of European stars in Doncic, born in Slovenia, and Porzingis, who hails from Latvia.
Expectations are high in Dallas, but before Nowitzki won a championship, the Mavs went through heartbreaker after heartbreaker. Doncic and Porzingis “haven’t been through that, yet the light shines white-hot on the both of them,” Mavericks head coach Rick Carlisle said at the team’s 2019-20 media day. “We got to help them navigate through all that. It’s a challenging thing. It takes love. It takes understanding. It takes empathy.”
No, Carlisle has not been body-snatched by a self-care guru, he’s just adapting to a new generation of players. “Rick is a lot more touchy-feely … just a lot lower key,” Mavericks owner Mark Cuban told me. “He’s always demanding and detail oriented, but Rick is smart. He recognizes where the Mavs are in our life cycle. We’re the Gen Z Mavs.”
Dallas’s core is young, so patience is required. Doncic is only 20 and entering his second season. Porzingis is 24 and the last time he played competitive basketball, LeBron James was a Cavalier and Kawhi Leonard was a Spur. Porzingis returns to the court this season following time away from the game. Porzingis was traded from the Knicks to the Mavericks in January. In March, a woman reported to the New York Police Department that Porzingis raped her in February 2018. The department’s Special Victims Division is investigating the case, and Porzingis has not been charged with a crime. The player’s legal representative has said the account is untrue and is part of an extortion attempt that, according to the lawyer, was being investigated by the FBI. In late March, Cuban told the New York Post, “We have been instructed by federal authorities not to comment.” Since then there has been no public comment by Porzingis or Mavericks officials on the matter.
The Mavs aren’t ready to compete against the pair of teams in Los Angeles (headlined, respectively, by LeBron and Kawhi), but they feel they’re at least ready to speak up in the Western Conference playoff conversation. Dallas has paired a 6-foot-7 playmaking savant who averaged 21-8-6 as a rookie with a 7-foot-3 shot blocker who can launch 3s from anywhere and averaged 23 points when he was last healthy. And the roster is deep and full of versatile bigs who can shoot 3s, switchable wings, and guards of different styles. “It’s a step-by-step process,” Nelson said. “We know what we’re up against in the West, but we’re all internally hoping for the playoffs.”
A collegiate vibe surrounds the Mavs. You can feel it after practices when Luka and Porzingis compete in laughter-filled shoot-outs against Dwight Powell and Justin Jackson. You can feel it with every word Boban Marjanovic speaks. It’s on sports radio and message boards. It’s on billboards plastered to the sides of freeways and high on buildings. In downtown Dallas, there’s a massive image of Doncic with spotlights shining from the top and bottom that keep him visible at all hours. At the top, it reads “HALLELUKA!” The Mavs themselves have a heartwarming affection for Doncic, too. After all, he’s been their basketball crush for many years now.
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Nelson described scouting Luka as “love at first sight,” just like when he first saw Dirk at the Nike Hoop Summit in 1998. Cuban said the Mavericks knew two years before picking Doncic that they wanted him, but the only question was whether they’d ever be in a position to get him. So the Mavs tanked the 2017-18 season and Cuban got fined $600,000 after publicly admitting losing was their best option. “We worked hard to try and put ourselves in position,” Cuban said. “It was expensive for me.” After the lottery, Dallas was left with the fifth pick. They were crushed. Nelson never thought there’d be a way to trade up for Doncic. But they eventually did, by sending the fifth pick (Trae Young) and a future first (which would eventually become Duke forward Cam Reddish) to Atlanta. “When we were knocked down a couple spots in the lottery, I was absolutely sick,” Nelson said. “No disrespect to anyone else, it’s not that we wouldn’t have been happy, but guys that are 6-foot-7 with those skills are special.”
The Mavericks sacrificed to land Doncic because of the player he can become. “What’s Luka’s gift?” Nelson asked me. I said playmaking. “That’s why we’re so excited about him,” he continued. “The ability to make his teammates better is not only his greatest strength but also where he gets his greatest joy.” Nelson said Doncic has DNA like Kidd or Magic Johnson because of his blend of vision and mind-set. Doncic is a transcendent playmaker who manipulates defenders with his eyes and body, and then delivers passes in every direction all over the court with precision. There’s a Larry Bird–like quality to him: He’s not overly athletic, but his passing skills and instincts are already elite and could someday reach an all-time level.
Having a target like Porzingis can help Doncic reach his potential. Doncic will serve as the primary shot creator, and Porzingis as the finisher who stabilizes the defense. “They complement each other,” Carlisle said at media day. “Both of these guys can create problems on their own. When you get them together, we feel like they can create even bigger problems for opponents.”
Those problems will be created using the pick-and-roll: Carlisle’s offenses regularly rank near the top of the league in pick-and-roll frequency. Last season, Doncic was throwing lobs to Dwight Powell and Maxi Kleber—both high-level finishers on the roll—and now KP can join in. Porzingis will be a major alley-oop threat whether he’s finishing with loud slams or with volleyball touch tap-ins.
Doncic puts passes where only his intended target can get it. Notice above how Doncic floats the ball, giving Porzingis time to elevate for the finish. In the past, Porzingis might not finish here. But during his time away he added 16 pounds of muscle, according to Mavs director of athletic performance Jeremy Holsopple, which should help him absorb bumps like the one here to score through contact.
Of course, Porzingis’s bread and butter is, and will always be, his jumper. Ever since he was a teenager playing for Sevilla, he’s been an effective shooter off movement, not just from a standstill. In the NBA, he’s hit a career 37.2 percent on catch-and-shoot 3s, and his 80.4 percent from the line is a positive indicator for his jumper. So far in the preseason, KP is clearly shaking off nearly two years of rust, but at least he’s receiving open looks.
All three of Porzingis’s 3s clank off the rim in the clips above, but who cares? He’s open, and Doncic’s passes are mouthwatering. There’s a behind-the-back pass, an over-the-head pass, and a leaning dart pass, all straight into Porzingis’s shot pocket. If there’s any doubt about KP’s shooting ability, watch this after-timeout play that Carlisle called:
Porzingis has notoriously gotten off to fast starts, and then seen his production fade fast through his first three NBA seasons because of fatigue and nagging injuries, particularly to his left leg. Playing with Doncic should help maintain his scoring efficiency with easier looks and simply less responsibility. “No disrespect to the Knicks, but KP hasn’t had a real point guard,” Cuban said. Porzingis’s three best point guards in New York were arguably Jose Calderon, Jarrett Jack, and Derrick Rose. Oof. What an upgrade in Dallas.
Doncic’s rookie year in Dallas was smoother than Porzingis’s time in New York. Porzingis got booed on draft night as an unknown to many Knicks fans fed up with a franchise that hadn’t won for decades. While with the Knicks, he had to deal with James Dolan, Phil Jackson, four different head coaches, and a deteriorating hero-ball aficionado in Carmelo Anthony. Meanwhile, Doncic has been the golden boy ever since he signed his first professional contract with Real Madrid at just 13 years old. He had the benefit of being drafted to an organization with stability and continuity, and a living legend in Dirk ready to teach him the Force.
Doncic has long been the knight in shining armor. The comparisons to Bird or Magic or Kidd don’t really affect him. “I had pressure since I was 15, so I don’t care about pressure,” he told me after a practice. It shows on the court: Doncic posted an effective field goal percentage of 56 percent in clutch situations, which ranks seventh best in the NBA for players to attempt at least 25 shots in the final three minutes. Doncic makes his team better not just with his passing, but his timely scoring.
He can attack the rim and unleash nifty floaters and layups, or pull up or step back like in the clips above. Doncic shot 31.3 percent on 380 dribble-jumper 3s last season—only James Harden, Kemba Walker, and Damian Lillard attempted more—but should develop into a better shooter. Carlisle said that Doncic worked hard on his shot this summer. When I asked Doncic about what he did, he said it was mostly about consistency, though one tweak was made to his form: Last season, he flared his right hand away from his body as he’d release the ball. So he worked on having his fingers follow through and down to create a straighter release that led to even better results. Doncic shot 37.4 percent on catch-and-shoot 3s and a surprisingly low 71.3 percent from the line.
Better mechanics should help, too. So should improved conditioning. This summer he got a dietician and a chef, and according to Cuban, “his girlfriend was on him about it.” Doncic has more muscle definition now; cutting pasta from his diet every day seemed to have helped. In the same way that Doncic’s presence will take pressure off KP, the inverse is true. Luka won’t need to always create shots now that he has Porzingis.
Shot creation wasn’t KP’s forte before entering the league, but he’s gotten much better. In the clip above, he used a tight crossover to create space against Andre Drummond. Porzingis says he works to perfect one- and two-dribble pull-ups, and any improvement since the last time we saw him would raise his ceiling. Porzingis was once dubbed a “unicorn,” but bigs with perimeter skills are common today; the differentiator at the position is the ability to generate shots off the dribble.
The post still has value though, especially as a playmaking hub. The Mavs will run a lot of pick-and-roll, which will naturally lead to a lot of defenses switching screens. Mismatches will occur when putting a bigger, slower dude on Luka. There’s no question Luka can roast them, but Kristaps will need to beat the smaller guys, too. For years, Nowitzki made defenses pay with moves to the rim or shots over the top with his one-legged fadeaway.
KP has gotten better on the post, but opponents still succeeded when putting smaller players on him to start possessions. I asked Porzingis whether he’s dedicated time to improving the post. “Earlier in my career, smaller guys like Marcus Smart would get me off balance,” Porzingis said. “But now I feel comfortable playing against a smaller guy. A lot of times what works is a quick move with one bump or just turn into his face and shoot over him. I’ve gotten a lot better at reading those situations. It’s a lot of film study, but also just playing, knowing how to play against a smaller guy instead of a bigger guy.”
Porzingis hasn’t had a possession on a smaller player yet, but the importance of his post potency was on display against Blake Griffin.
It’s late in the clock, so the Pistons doubled but Porzingis immediately recognized there was enough time to kick the ball out to Doncic. If KP is a post threat worthy of attention, the Mavs will be significantly more difficult to defend in the half court since they’ll be able to pick the best matchup available to attack.
Doncic spots up from outer space in the last clip, just like Porzingis was in prior attempts above. That’s all by design, as Cuban explained to me. “See these blue lines?” Cuban asked. He was pointing at the two lines behind the traditional 23.75-foot 3-point arc: one 28 feet from the rim, and another two feet further back. Here’s what they look like:
There are also four blue squares, two at the wings and two in the corners. These are meant to signify where they want their players spacing the floor as part of their five-out offensive lineups. “Seven years ago, we tried to show Dirk and Vince [Carter] that they shot better two feet behind the line than they did on the line because nobody was guarding them,” Cuban said. “Now we’re forcing guys to do it. And we actually track all of it, both guarded and unguarded. If you’re shooting back at 30 feet, all the space that’s created, you can’t guard all the way out there. Even if it’s Boban.”
Yes. Even Boban Marjanovic, the star of John Wick 3, will shoot 3s. At media day, Boban was asked about the idea of him launching from downtown and said, “When I hear that news, I was like ‘Yeahhhhhhhh.’ Maybe I’m the best shooter. You never know.” The Mavs tried the second-highest share of 3s last season with 42.2 percent of their shots coming from beyond the arc. The number should rise for a seventh consecutive year. “We’ll be a better shooting team. We’ll be a better spacing team,” Cuban said. “While some people were asking, ‘Can they compete for playoffs?” I’m like, ‘If we stay healthy, we’ll do more than just compete for a playoff spot.’”
Cuban might be too high on his own team, but Dallas has two rising stars, plays an analytics-happy style, and one of the absolute best Xs and Os coaches in the league. They also have the personnel to play different styles. They can utilize jumbo-sized lineups with a KP–Kleber frontcourt, Dorian Finney-Smith at wing, and two jumbo guards in Delon Wright and Luka. Or they can go small with Powell at the 5, Finney-Smith, Doncic, and two guards in Seth Curry and Jalen Brunson. Dallas can match up against any team, and maybe even dictate matchups.
Maybe Dallas doesn’t have the role players of a Raptors or Clippers, but if the Mavs can improve this season, don’t be surprised if “Brunson” or “Kleber” gain some notoriety around the league. Nelson went as far to say he would “love for this to be the core moving forward,” which is exactly what he should say to a media member. But the Mavs did sign most of these players to contracts through the 2022-23 season. They are enamored of their current group.
One obvious thing these players share: the ability to shoot. “In the old days, if a big couldn’t shoot it, it was like, ‘Okay, at least he’s a great defender, and this and that,’” Nelson said. “Now you have to look real hard at guys that can’t shoot, and it’s almost to the point where those guys are almost not draftable.”
Dallas’s roster largely reflects Nelson’s comment. Gone are the days of Tyson Chandler throwing down lobs but unable to space the floor. Now, Powell and Kleber are emblematic of the changing nature of the position. “We have a great mix. Luka and KP are two amazing talents that can create different scenarios for us on offense,” Kleber said. “But obviously we can help them.” How exactly? Kleber can shoot 3s and roll to the rim, and on defense, he’s both an excellent shot blocker and perimeter defender. Defensive versatility is vital since Porzingis will stay closer to the rim, and Doncic is best served hiding against inferior threats.
Kleber will share minutes with Powell, who Porzingis told me is “an animal.” Powell isn’t as productive as a shooter or defender but he is one of the league’s best lob threats: He made 78.6 percent of his shots on rolls to the rim, per Synergy. If Powell and Kleber could do a fusion dance to combine their best traits, Dallas would have the perfect frontcourt partner for Porzingis. Both players are signed through 2022-23 for a combined $19.4 million annually. What a bargain.
Dallas could do better at wing. Dorian Finney-Smith and Justin Jackson are versatile, switchable defenders, but they aren’t consistent shooters. They will have to have hot shooting seasons for the Mavs to excel against top defenses, otherwise opponents will help off of the both of them. Dallas acquired shooting elsewhere though. Tim Hardaway Jr. is the inverse of Finney-Smith and Jackson as a limited defender but a microwave scorer. If he buys into his complementary role, he could end up being another player who takes shot creation pressure off of Doncic. Dallas actually has plenty of options in that department, though.
“When you have a 6-foot-7 ball handler, you can mix and match,” Nelson said. “You can go switchable or stretchable, so it depends on the emphasis, it depends on the opponent, it depends on how Rick wants to attack.” Last year, the Mavs drafted Brunson, a gritty, unselfish guard with savvy playmaking skill. This summer, Delon Wright and Seth Curry were added. Wright will start next to Doncic; he said after a practice that Carlisle wants him defending the opposing guards, but at 6-foot-5 and 183 pounds with long arms, he’s one of the most versatile defenders in the league. Then there’s Curry, an elite shooter who can serve as a spark plug off the bench.
“We have an opportunity to be very good. We have a lot of great talent,” Brunson said. “Luka and KP have a lot on their shoulders, but everyone else will have to step up and help those guys out.” For all he can do, it’s not ideal for Doncic to be the team’s sole source of shot creation. After the trade deadline, Doncic averaged 97.1 touches per game. That’s more than Russell Westbrook, Nikola Jokic, and LeBron James. It was more than everyone—as a rookie! Many primary ball handlers, such as Westbrook, aren’t as effective off the ball. So it becomes necessary to keep the ball in their hands. That’s not the case with Doncic, so Nelson constructed a roster with multiple ball handlers to take the burden off Doncic, minimize any wear and tear, and allow Carlisle to get creative.
Doncic could be used as a screener, he could take pick-and-pop for 3s and attack off the dribble, or he could even roll to the rim to make use of his greatest gift: playmaking. Nelson said in the long term, he sees a world in which Doncic is used more like the Warriors use Draymond Green. Makes sense. Luka is large, smart, and can pick apart defenses with the pass. I asked Doncic about whether this role would work for him and he smiled as he said, “You gotta ask coach. He makes decisions.” The better person to ask is Nelson since he configures the roster, and the proper personnel is required to make that vision a reality.
What Dallas needs is the Splash Brothers—just one would suffice. Maybe even a distant cousin. But Dallas doesn’t have anyone who can even approach the floor-stretching brilliance of Steph Curry or Klay Thompson. Maybe Carlisle will experiment by utilizing Steph’s brother. Dallas’s next big acquisition should be a perimeter-oriented player who can unlock a new dimension of Doncic.
Nelson said the goal this year is to make the playoffs, then draft a player in 2020 and take the next step on the court, and then add more talent in 2021 when they could create tens of millions of cap space. “It’s a good draft in 2020, and then we have [free agency] the following year, so I think you can see a nice little … ” Nelson said as his voice trailed off and he gestured with his hands as if he were building steps.
The Mavericks sent their 2021 and 2023 firsts to the Knicks for Porzingis, but they still own their firsts in every other year. The 2020 draft is rich with talent, and then they could create max cap space in 2021 to pursue a player like Bradley Beal or Giannis Antetokounmpo. Even if the cap drops, they’ll still have enough to splurge on second-tier or third-tier free agents to build around their Big Two—that’s one of the big benefits of having your best player still on his rookie contract.
For now, the Mavericks are focused on their present. “You go through this transition and guys are excited for that to happen,” Cuban said. “The rise, right? The growth into becoming a winning team that can compete for a championship, that’s fun.” In the next two years, Doncic and Porzingis need to grow as leaders much like Nowitzki did many years ago. Dallas has organizational goals, and they aren’t shy about sharing them. “We liked the parade we had here in 2011,” Nelson said. “We want another one—well, everything but Dirk’s rendition of ‘We Are The Champions.’”
0 notes
tenebrisxarmatus · 6 years ago
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UNSC Gettysburg Technical Layout UNSC Gettysburg gathered with elements of Task Force Waterloo before ambushing a Storm Covenant raiding force near the former colony of Arcadia. - July 9th, 2560.
Class: Prototype Marathon-class Heavy Cruiser
Role: Deep Strikes into enemy territory, surveillance, ground-combat support.
Length: 1,192 meters (3,910ft.)
Width: 293 meters (960ft.)
Height: 375 meters (1,230ft.)
Tonnage: 100,000 tons
Propulsion: 2 Primary, 4 Secondary
Power plant: Mk IV Hanley-Messer Pillar of Autumn-class reactor, an improved and perfected model of the reactor used aboard the famed ship.
FTL Capability: Series VII Prototype Shaw-Fujikawa Slipspace Drive
Armor: 150cm of Titanium-A plating
Shields: Mk. II Adjustment-class (named for the Huragok that first trialed shielding aboard UNSC ships) Energy Shielding projector.
Armament: One Mark IV, Light Coil - 56A2D4/MAC
                    1,500 Archer Missiles
                    50 M910 Point Defense Cannons
                    3 Shiva-class nuclear warheads
                    1 NOVA-class bomb
Crew: 3200 crew, officers, pilots, security personnel and flight staff.
           1300 Marines
           500 ODSTs
           5 Spartans (CMDR. J. Cain included)
Complement: 6 Modified YSS-1000 Sabre starfighters
                        6 B-70 Shortsword Bombers
                        8 M808C/EX Scorpion Tanks
                        24 M12 Warthogs with modular armament support
                        2 Mark IX Mantis mech suits
                        8 D79-TC Pelican Dropships with modular armament support
                        4 Owl-class covert insertion craft
                        10 Service/Repair Drones
                        20 Traxus Mining Drones
Stealth Capabilities: Prototype Mk. III Sahara-class Active Camouflage System
                                   Stealth Ablative plating
 The UNSC Gettysburg was one of the last Marathon-class cruisers ever built. Her hull was left unfinished and surprisingly unnoticed during the Battle of Earth as she sat in drydock at the Reyes-McLees Shipyards orbiting Mars. When the Human-Covenant War ended and the Marathon-class saw itself steadily replaced by the new Autumn-class cruiser, the hull almost ended up scrapped. ONI however, having seen the effectiveness of the UNSC Midsummer Night, acquired the incomplete vessel. With more room to maneuver after the War, ONI felt that with doctrine changing, another experiment was in order. Naval engagements with the Covenant Remnant were more of a nuisance now, and the few worlds that the UNSC had to defend were more than capable of fighting off anything the shattered remains of the Covenant fleet on their own, or at least holding the line until help arrived. With the orbital playing field working in favor of the UNSC, ground supremacy was now a necessity in order to advance human interests, especially during conflicts involving Forerunner sites.
This led to Project: MIDSUMMER NIGHT, named after the frigate who pioneered the initial attempts by ONI to make stealth-capable ships meant for combat strikes deep behind enemy lines back in 2535. The idea, to see if a refit Marathon-class could be re-purposed from combat specialization to ground combat support much like the refit Phoenix-class ships in the early years of the War. With space in her two hangars reduced from the stock version of the cruiser to afford more room for crew space and a small S-Deck for Spartan armament and deployment, the standard Broadsword and Longsword fighters were replaced by Sabre fighters to save space. One of her MAC guns was also pulled out, with the remaining one getting an updated variant of the weapon the Pillar of Autumn used during her short service time after the refit for Operation: RED FLAG. These modifications made space for not only crew and complement, but internal structural support and heat shielding. 
 Her most notable feature, however, was an internal factory in the engineering section of the ship. This foundry could produce ammunition, arms, personal armor, and replacement parts so long as the ship could find a source of materials for the mining drones aboard to bring back. With access to the right materials, usually harvested from asteroids or glassed planets, the Gettysburg’s only restriction to her operational range was how many rations she could carry for her crew before needing resupply. Luckily, Prowlers could provide resupply with impunity.
 With her construction and refit being kept in the open as a sign of good will to the UNSC Navy, she was ready for service by late 2555 with her shakedown cruise happening a few months later. Mere weeks after being cleared for full service with ONI, she was slotted to support counter-Insurrection operations and acted as the command center for Vice Admiral Carson, whose daughter was killed during one of the initial terror bombing. After the campaign came to a close in mid-2557, Carson retired and the Gettysburg’s captain was promoted Rear Admiral. Gettysburg was put in for a long refit and repair cycle as well as another set of experimental trials. The shielding and stealth tech during her initial run required the crew to have Huragok among their numbers, with plenty of advancements being made in UNSC tech since her launch, ONI wanted to see how the ship would operate without any alien crew members. After her final refit, she was put under command of Captain Yousef Almasi where she served two tours creating trouble in Storm Covenant territory before his retirement in 2561. The XO, Commander Joshua-077, was given command and was to be promoted to Captain after the ship returned to Earth after the annual Reach Memorial. When jumping back from Epsilon Eridani to Sol, the Gettysburg suffered a Slipspace Drive malfunction and has been assumed lost with all hands.
0 notes
mobilemechanicsomaha · 4 years ago
Best Bull Bar Installation Service and Cost in Omaha NE |Mobile Mechanics of Omaha
 More information is at: http://24hourautotruckrepairomaha.org/bull-bar-installation-near-me/
  Bull Bar Installation Service near Omaha NE: Are you looking for the Best Bull Bar Installation Service near Omaha NE ? Mobile Mechanics of Omaha, Bull Bars are engineered to factor in vehicle design, air-bag deployment, crush-rate, accessory fitting availability, approach angles, weight, strength, and more. Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Bull Bar Installation Service around Omaha NE. We serve Omaha NE and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
 Bull Bar Installation in Omaha NE
Bull Bar Installation Service near Omaha NE:  Bull Bars are essential for the safety of you and your 4wd in highway, rural and remote-area travel, even more so when you take your 4wd off-road. Bull Bars offer by far the best form of vehicle protection against animal strikes and other collision types. Here we explore the basics you need to know when it comes to Bull Bars.
 What is a Bull Bar?
 A Bull Bar is a simple but extremely effective addition to the front of a 4WD vehicle. Available in a variety of shapes, sizes, and materials including steel, alloy, and even plastic, a Bull Bar will also provide protection when driving off-road, against logs, banks, scrub, and similar obstacles.
 Why Do You Need a Bull Bar?
 There’s no doubt a 4WD with a Bull Bar looks great, but the primary reasons for installing a Bull Bar are functional. You need a Bull Bar on your 4WD for:
●      Human Safety – with a Bull Bar, the high energy of an impact with an animal is prevented from dissipating throughout the entire vehicle. This reduces damage to your 4WD, even more importantly, it protects the people travelling inside of the vehicle. A quality bull bar is a potentially lifesaving addition to your 4WD, Ute or SUV.
●      General Protection – a Bull Bar offers general protection to your vehicle both off-road and also on tarred or paved roads. This includes protection from rocks, sticks, ruts, logs, and also in minor accidents where a front-on collision with another vehicle or object takes place.
●      Animal Collision – if you hit an animal such as a kangaroo, especially at speed and without a Bull Bar, your vehicle will in all likelihood be damaged severely and even potentially be written off. A Bull Bar greatly mitigates this risk and protects your investment.
●      Mounting Point: a Bull Bar provides a perfect mounting point for winches and other accessories such as UHF antennas, driving lights, and sand-flags.
 Why Choose Mobile Mechanics of Omaha?
 Bull Bar Installation Service near Omaha NE:
Mobile Mechanics of Omaha Bull Bars are engineered to factor in vehicle design, air-bag deployment, crush-rate, accessory fitting availability, approach angles, weight, strength, and more. Airbag-compatible Bull Bars from Mobile Mechanics of Omaha are assessed for performance and compliance for functionality and safety.
 Mobile Mechanics of Omaha Bull Bars are premium products that are engineered and manufactured to superior standards to not only be optimally functional but also to complement your 4WD’s aesthetics. We also offer Commercial Bull Bars, Under-Vehicle Protection, and Smart Bars.
 At Mobile Mechanics of Omaha, we stock and sell a range of Bull Bars to suit your needs, from nudge bars for smaller Utes and SUVs to our sleek and appealing Summit, Sahara and Deluxe styles for 4WD vehicles. Each and every steel Bull Bar we sell is designed to complement individual vehicle models perfectly, and each is finished in a durable powder coat with optional paint color coding for a perfectly integrated result.
 Contact Mobile Mechanics of Omaha
 Mobile Mechanics of Omaha is very proud to be the largest supplier of 4WD parts and accessories on the Sunshine Coast. The team are delighted to offer personalized, expert advice and service in all aspects of 4WD and outdoor adventuring within Omaha NE.
 Please give us a call or come to visit us at our Maroochydore store to discover our full range of 4WD parts and accessories as well as our range of camping and touring accessories. We’re very happy to offer guidance and advice! Contact us today via phone or online enquiry form.
 Six Reasons Why You Need A Bullbar
Bull Bar Installation Service near Omaha NE:
1. Animal collisions
If you hit an animal like a kangaroo then the impact can easily disable your car, leaving you stranded, or at least cause some major damage. A bullbar protects the front of the car so if you do collide with an animal then you’ve got a fair chance of driving on. I’ve hit roos at 100km/h but only on cars with bars and aside from the odd broken driving light the car was fine. Ideally, you don’t want to hit anything, but if you do then it’s a bullbar you need. Remember, minimise the chances of animal strikes by trying to travel at times other than dawn and dusk.
 2. General protection
Driving off-road is a bit of a misnomer, as no driving is actually done off a road. Instead, what we refer to as ‘offroad’ is really very rough roads. These have all sorts of hazards such as rocks, ruts and sticks, and the latter in particular are a real problem. They can get caught up and jammed into odd places – like the time I had a new ute on test and ended up with a stick about 40mm diameter through the front underbody next to the fog light. And that was on a dirt road at night, not even a 4×4 track. Or the time when I was a passenger in a Pajero, and noticed a large log jutting out from the side of the road, pointing straight at us. Unfortunately, the driver didn’t notice the problem and impaled the car on the log, with the end of the log about three-quarters of the way into the engine bay. That was the end of our journey and nearly the end of the car. As part of the repair the driver bought a bullbar, and while we will never know for sure if the bar would have saved us, the fact is that steel or alloy is a lot harder to pierce than plastic.
 3. Winch mounting point
There are ways to mount winches without bull bars, but a bar is the easiest. A tip; even if you don’t plan on buying a winch, spend the extra for a winch-capable bar anyway just in case, and it’ll also help a bit with resale.
 4. Accessory mount point
If you do any serious dune sand driving in the deserts or otherwise you’ll need a sand flag, and the very best place is as far forwards as you can manage, which means a bullbar. Without a bar it’s hard to create a strong enough mount. And then there’s driving light installation too, which also needs a much stiffer base than many nudge bars can provide. The bullbar is also a good place to mount UHF antennas too.
 5. Approach angle improvement
Always good to improve your approach angle so you don’t touch the terrain as much in hard going, and if you do, then you won’t damage a bar as much as the original plastic. Bars scuff, plastic breaks.
 6. Potential for recovery points
The days of vehicles with simple chassis rails extending out front are long gone, yet recovery loads are increasing. Some bullbars have recovery points built in, others as an option, and others help expose the chassis so points can be added. Without a bar it may be difficult to fit recovery points.
 4 reasons why bull-bars should be avoided in vehicles
The reasons for the ban are:
●      Bull-bars make crumple zones ineffective by transmitting crash energy directly to the body structure, thus causing injuries and death to the occupants.
●      Bull-bars may interfere with airbags from opening during accidents by upsetting the sensors during a crash.
●      Bull-bars are dangerous for pedestrians, cyclists and two wheeler riders. Especially when cars are being designed to reduce the impact of a crash on pedestrians, bull-bars cause serious injuries and death to other road users as they often jut out of a car during a crash.
●      Bull-bars damage the chassis of a car during a big accident, as because of its rigidity, the impact is disproportionately distributed, resulting in the crash energy being forced onto the body structure.
 Bull Bar Installation
 Bull Bar Installation Service near Omaha NE:A Bull Bar Installation doesn’t take long and these useful truck accessories go by many names. In American common names include bull bars, brush guards, deer pushers and cow bumpers.
Conversely, in Canada they are called moose bumpers, and in Australia, they are appropriately called Kangaroo bars.
If you’re hesitant about upgrading to an off-road bumper or bull bar then a grille guard might be right for you.
So what exactly is a grill guard? A grill guard is a protective steel framework that extends out in front of your vehicle. Grille guards are available in either a one-piece all welded design or a three-piece bolt together design.
●      As you can imagine the one-piece welded designs are much stronger structurally than the three-piece bolt together designs. The three-piece designs are less expensive. But for the best protections we recommend the one-piece welded design for rural drivers and off-roading.
●      On the other hand the three-piece designs for aesthetics or city drivers only.
 How To Decide Which One?
 Some of our customers question if adding a grille guard to their truck makes it more dangerous for pedestrians or even passengers in other vehicles if involved in an accident.
Unfortunately, studies have shown that using a bull bar increases the risk of death or serious injury to pedestrians because bull bars are rigid and when in an accident the bull bar will transmit all the force to the pedestrian, unlike a stock bumper, which will absorb some force and crumple.
We recommend using less rigid bull bars if you live in the city and more rugged grill guards if you live in the country where pedestrian’s collisions are less of a concern.
Bull bars usually come in three models, black powder coated, chrome plated steel, or stainless steel.
Stainless steel is probably the most resilient material used for grille guard, especially stainless steel that has been highly polished to a chrome finish.
The powder coated and chrome plated steel versions are more susceptible to flaking and chipping, therefore, allowing rust and corrosion.
While the name grille guard suggests that these accessories will protect your vehicle’s grille from damage and they will, there are some other benefits too.  
Unfortunately, with so many assorted brands and models of grille guards on the market from the extravagant pure accessory type bars, to the mostly practical it may be hard to narrow down your options.
 Selecting A Grille Guard Or Bull Bar
●      Look for a bull bar that has pre-drilled holes that allow for easy installation of auxiliary led lighting like fog lights or a bull bar with a light bar already included.
●      Look for a grill guard with removable cage tubing that covers the center section of the headlights. This will allow for servicing your truck easier.
●      Look for a bar that has quick release latches. Having this feature will allow you to tilt the grille guard forward to open the engine hood for service.
●      Look for a bull bar with a built-in skid plate if you like off-roading. This added benefit will help reduce damage to your front end while you’re out wheeling.
Grille guards are some of the most practical and trendiest truck accessory upgrades you can choose. Your truck will take a beating when off-roading. Adding a grill guard will give your rig an extra layer of protection when it’s needed most.
 Installing Bull Bars
Bull Bar Installation Service near Omaha NE: Depending on your vehicle, and the type of body armor and protection you need, bull bar installation can range from a super-easy, Saturday afternoon love fest to a driveway-hosted blood match between you, the bull bar and every tool in your garage. A lot depends on the vehicle and your level of expertise, but it’s mostly dependent on the bull bar itself.
Now that you’ve got your hands on the bull bar of your choice, here are some general installation steps. We’d tell you exactly how to do it, but we don’t know what you drive or which bar you’re getting.
●      Open the packaging of your bull bar and read the installation instructions.
●      Check to make sure you have all the necessary tools and that no parts are missing.
●      Crawl under the front of your rig and locate the factory-drilled holes.
●      Bolt the bull bar brackets into the holes and torque them down.
●      Connect the bull bar to the mounting brackets, ensuring that everything is even and level.
●      Double-check that all the bolts are tight.
How much does it cost to install a bull bar?
 Bull Bar Installation Service near Omaha NE: It usually costs anywhere from $1000-2500 installed. You can also find cheap bull bars on gumtree (usually OEM bars). Installation costs about $300-400.
Consequently, why install a bull bar?
A bullbar or push bumper is a device installed on the front of a vehicle to protect its front from collisions, whether an accidental collision with a large animal in rural roads, or an intentional collision with another vehicle in police usage.
Similarly, how much does a bull bar weigh? The average weight of an East Coast Bullbar is approximately 35kg (a steel bar is approximately 80kg).
Simply so, do bull bars help in an accident?
Like grille guards, bull bars bolt to the front of a vehicle and serve to block crash energy from reaching softer front body panels - channeling it directly to the vehicle's structure instead.
How do you remove Mobile Mechanics of Omaha Bullbar?
Removing the Mobile Mechanics of Omaha Bullbar Not sure how much bigger a 9, 9.5 or 10 is?? Disconnect all electrical cables from the battery and the winch make sure you know where they go, remove the solenoid pack from the winch, take all the cable off the winch drum, remove the grille, unbolt the winch from the bar.
 Black Rear Bumper Guard Installation - $250.00
Stainless Steel Rear Bumper Guard Installation - $275.00
Black Rear Bumper Guard Installation - $250.00
Stainless Steel Rear Bumper Guard Installation - $275.00
 Is a bull bar worth it?
 Without a bar it's hard to create a strong enough mount. And then there's driving light installation too, which also needs a much stiffer base than many nudge bars can provide. The bullbar is also a good place to mount UHF antennas too.
Will a bull bar stop a deer?
 The Mobile Mechanics of Omaha bull bar is sure to serve as a durable shield between you and an animal that jumps out of nowhere. One testimony shows virtually no damage to their bumper after colliding at 60 mph with a deer. No damage to the bumper also means no damage to the rest of the truck.
Do bull bars make cars safer?
 Often bought in the name of safety, it is a fact that crash bars or bull bars can actually create greater danger not only for pedestrians, bicyclists and other vulnerable road users who get hit, but also for people traveling in the vehicles to which the bars are fitted.
Are bull bars dangerous?
 Bull bars are more dangerous than conventional bumpers and radiator grilles as these are built to crumple on impact while bull bars do not, transmitting the full force to the pedestrian.
Is it legal to have a push bar on your car?
 Registered. They are perfectly legal AS LONG AS you don't have lights on it like strobe flashing red, blue or white. And if you're looking to purchase, look up dodge charger push bars.
Are bull bars legal in the Omaha NE?
 Some states require license plate relocation from the body to the bull bar. However, all states allow installation of aftermarket bull bars as of 2018. In recent times bullbars have become popular also as a cosmetic accessory, particularly on the larger four wheel drive and Sports Utility Vehicles (SUVs).
Are Full Metal Bull Bars legal?
 Vehicles fitted with bars before this date are not affected. The directive insists on a minimum level of protection for pedestrians and that the bars are type-approved for the cars they are intended to fit. Steel bull bars don't meet these standards and are therefore effectively illegal.
Do bull bars affect mpg?
 yes. Anything that adds weight and wind-resistance will have some sort of effect on your mpg. How much it affects it will depend on other mods and which bull bar you choose.
Does a bull bar affect airbags?
 Toyota approves some bull bars that can work with its vehicles while other aftermarket bumper makers such as Mobile Mechanics of Omaha certify that their steel bumpers will not impact airbag deployment. So, buying an airbag friendly bull bar/steel bumper is very important if you value your safety.
What is the law on bull bars?
 While you wouldn't get away with one like that, it is not illegal for vehicles to be fitted with bull bars in the Omaha NE. As long as the bull bars do not cause an increased risk to passengers, pedestrians and other road users, they are allowed.
●      Bull Bar Installation Service Near Omaha NE
●      Bull Bar Installation
●      Bull Bar Installation Cost
●      Bull Bar Installation Instructions
●      Stehlen Bull Bar Installation
●      Armordillo Bull Bar Installation
●      Topline Bull Bar Installation
●      Universal Bull Bar Mounting Brackets
●      Stehlen Bull Bar Installation Instructions Near Omaha NE
●      Bull Bar Installation
●      Bull Bar Installers
●      Tuff Bar Prices
●      Color Coded Bull Bar Price
●      Ecb Bull Bar Price List
●      Bull Bar Fitters
●      Bull Bar Price
●      Bullbar Fitting Cost Near Omaha NE
Mobile Mechanics of Omaha
24-hour mobile mechanic roadside assistance services in Omaha NE!
Communities we serve: Omaha, Carter Lake, Council Bluffs, Crescent, Bellevue, Boys Town, La Vista, Papillion, Honey Creek, Offutt A F B, Bennington, Fort Calhoun, Washington, Elkhorn, St Columbans, Underwood, Kennard, Mc Clelland, Mineola, Waterloo, Springfield, Missouri Valley, Treynor, Cedar Creek, Gretna, Blair, Valley, Neola, Pacific Junction, Plattsmouth, Silver City, Glenwood, Louisville, Yutan, Arlington, Minden, Modale, South Bend, Logan, Murray, Ashland, Mead, Persia, Memphis, Manley, Magnolia, Macedonia, Malvern, Fremont, Carson, Oakland, Herman, Murdock, Nickerson, Shelby, Weeping Water, Hastings, Mondamin, Henderson, Ithaca, Hancock, Nehawka, Tabor, Union, Greenwood, Thurman, Portsmouth, Woodbine, Colon, Wahoo, Avoca, Emerson, Winslow, Avoca, Elmwood, Little Sioux, Cedar Bluffs, Pisgah, Tekamah, Alvo, Randolph, Ames, Hooper, Panama, Craig, Waverly, Ceresco, Percival, Otoe, Imogene, Malmo, Sidney, Uehling, Walnut, Harlan, Westphalia, Eagle, Lincoln, Dunlap, Moorhead, Red Oak, Morse Bluff, Weston, Griswold, Blencoe, Earling, Davey, Dunbar, Nebraska City, North Bend, Unadilla, Elliott, Lewis, Prague, Syracuse, Marne, Scribner, Oakland, Palmyra, Pilot Grove, Walton, Riverton, Farragut, Shenandoah, Valparaiso, Lorton, Essex, Soldier, Hamburg, Defiance, Kirkman, Raymond, Dow City, Stanton, Atlantic, Decatur, Bennet, Elk Horn, Snyder, Lyons, Kimballton, Irwin, Arion, Malcolm, West Point, Panama, Roca, Dodge, Manilla, Yorktown, Northboro, Coin, Hickman, Denton, Bancroft, Aspinwall, Sprague, Clarinda, Martell, Blanchard, Manning, Beemer, College Springs, Shambaugh, Braddyville, 50022, 51432, 51446, 51447, 51454, 51455, 51501, 51502, 51503, 51510, 51520, 51521, 51523, 51525, 51526, 51527, 51528, 51529, 51530, 51531, 51532, 51533, 51534, 51535, 51536, 51537, 51540, 51541, 51542, 51543, 51544, 51545, 51546, 51548, 51549, 51550, 51551, 51552, 51553, 51554, 51555, 51556, 51557, 51558, 51559, 51560, 51561, 51562, 51563, 51564, 51565, 51566, 51570, 51571, 51572, 51573, 51575, 51576, 51577, 51578, 51579, 51591, 51593, 51601, 51602, 51603, 51630, 51631, 51632, 51636, 51637, 51638, 51639, 51640, 51645, 51647, 51648, 51649, 51650, 51651, 51652, 51653, 51654, 51656, 52648, 68002, 68003, 68004, 68005, 68007, 68008, 68009, 68010, 68015, 68016, 68017, 68018, 68019, 68020, 68022, 68023, 68025, 68026, 68028, 68029, 68031, 68033, 68034, 68037, 68038, 68040, 68041, 68042, 68044, 68045, 68046, 68048, 68050, 68056, 68057, 68058, 68059, 68061, 68063, 68064, 68065, 68066, 68068, 68069, 68070, 68072, 68073, 68101, 68102, 68103, 68104, 68105, 68106, 68107, 68108, 68109, 68110, 68111, 68112, 68113, 68114, 68116, 68117, 68118, 68119, 68120, 68122, 68123, 68124, 68127, 68128, 68130, 68131, 68132, 68133, 68134, 68135, 68136, 68137, 68138, 68139, 68142, 68144, 68145, 68147, 68152, 68154, 68155, 68157, 68164, 68172, 68175, 68176, 68178, 68179, 68180, 68181, 68182, 68183, 68197, 68198, 68304, 68307, 68317, 68336, 68339, 68346, 68347, 68349, 68366, 68372, 68382, 68402, 68403, 68404, 68407, 68409, 68410, 68413, 68417, 68418, 68419, 68428, 68430, 68438, 68446, 68454, 68455, 68461, 68462, 68463, 68501, 68502, 68503, 68504, 68505, 68506, 68507, 68508, 68509, 68510, 68512, 68514, 68516, 68517, 68520, 68521, 68522, 68523, 68524, 68526, 68527, 68528, 68529, 68531, 68532, 68542, 68583, 68588, 68621, 68633, 68648, 68649, 68664, 68716, 68788
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mobilemechanics45 · 4 years ago
Best Bull Bar Installation Service and Cost in McAllen TX |Mobile Mechanics Of McAllen More information is at: http://24hourmobileautorepairmcallen.org/bull-bar-installation-near-me/ Are you looking for the BestBull Bar Installation Service near McAllen TX ?Mobile Mechanics Of McAllen,Bull Bars are engineered to factor in vehicle design, air-bag deployment, crush-rate, accessory fitting availability, approach angles, weight, strength, and more.Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Bull Bar Installation Service around McAllen TX. We serve McAllen TXand other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
Bull Bar Installation in McAllen TX Bull Bar Installation Service near McAllen TX:Bull Bars are essential for the safety of you and your 4wd in highway, rural and remote-area travel, even more so when you take your 4wd off-road. Bull Bars offer by far the best form of vehicle protection against animal strikes and other collision types. Here we explore the basics you need to know when it comes to Bull Bars.
What is a Bull Bar?
A Bull Bar is a simple but extremely effective addition to the front of a 4WD vehicle. Available in a variety of shapes, sizes, and materials including steel, alloy, and even plastic, a Bull Bar will also provide protection when driving off-road, against logs, banks, scrub, and similar obstacles.
Why Do You Need a Bull Bar?
There’s no doubt a 4WD with a Bull Bar looks great, but the primary reasons for installing a Bull Bar are functional. You need a Bull Bar on your 4WD for: ● Human Safety – with a Bull Bar, the high energy of an impact with an animal is prevented from dissipating throughout the entire vehicle. This reduces damage to your 4WD, even more importantly, it protects the people travelling inside of the vehicle. A quality bull bar is a potentially lifesaving addition to your 4WD, Ute or SUV. ● General Protection – a Bull Bar offers general protection to your vehicle both off-road and also on tarred or paved roads. This includes protection from rocks, sticks, ruts, logs, and also in minor accidents where a front-on collision with another vehicle or object takes place. ● Animal Collision – if you hit an animal such as a kangaroo, especially at speed and without a Bull Bar, your vehicle will in all likelihood be damaged severely and even potentially be written off. A Bull Bar greatly mitigates this risk and protects your investment. ● Mounting Point:a Bull Bar provides a perfect mounting point for winches and other accessories such as UHF antennas, driving lights, and sand-flags.
Why Choose Mobile Mechanics Of McAllen?
Bull Bar Installation Service near McAllen TX: Mobile Mechanics Of McAllen Bull Bars are engineered to factor in vehicle design, air-bag deployment, crush-rate, accessory fitting availability, approach angles, weight, strength, and more. Airbag-compatible Bull Bars from Mobile Mechanics Of McAllen are assessed for performance and compliance for functionality and safety.
Mobile Mechanics Of McAllen Bull Bars are premium products that are engineered and manufactured to superior standards to not only be optimally functional but also to complement your 4WD’s aesthetics. We also offer Commercial Bull Bars, Under-Vehicle Protection, and Smart Bars.
At Mobile Mechanics Of McAllen, we stock and sell a range of Bull Bars to suit your needs, from nudge bars for smaller Utes and SUVs to our sleek and appealing Summit, Sahara and Deluxe styles for 4WD vehicles. Each and every steel Bull Bar we sell is designed to complement individual vehicle models perfectly, and each is finished in a durable powder coat with optional paint color coding for a perfectly integrated result.
Contact Mobile Mechanics Of McAllen
Mobile Mechanics Of McAllen is very proud to be the largest supplier of 4WD parts and accessories on the Sunshine Coast. The team are delighted to offer personalized, expert advice and service in all aspects of 4WD and outdoor adventuring within McAllen TX.
Please give us a call or come to visit us at our Maroochydore store to discover our full range of 4WD parts and accessories as well as our range of camping and touring accessories. We’re very happy to offer guidance and advice! Contact us today via phone or online enquiry form.
Six Reasons Why You Need ABullbar Bull Bar Installation Service near McAllen TX: 1. Animal collisions If you hit an animal like a kangaroo then the impact can easily disable your car, leaving you stranded, or at least cause some major damage. A bullbar protects the front of the car so if you do collide with an animal then you’ve got a fair chance of driving on. I’ve hit roos at 100km/h but only on cars with bars and aside from the odd broken driving light the car was fine. Ideally, you don’t want to hit anything, but if you do then it’s a bullbar you need. Remember, minimise the chances of animal strikes by trying to travel at times other than dawn and dusk.
2. General protection Driving off-road is a bit of a misnomer, as no driving is actually done off a road. Instead, what we refer to as ‘offroad’ is really very rough roads. These have all sorts of hazards such as rocks, ruts and sticks, and the latter in particular are a real problem. They can get caught up and jammed into odd places – like the time I had a new ute on test and ended up with a stick about 40mm diameter through the front underbody next to the fog light. And that was on a dirt road at night, not even a 4×4 track. Or the time when I was a passenger in a Pajero, and noticed a large log jutting out from the side of the road, pointing straight at us. Unfortunately, the driver didn’t notice the problem and impaled the car on the log, with the end of the log about three-quarters of the way into the engine bay. That was the end of our journey and nearly the end of the car. As part of the repair the driver bought a bullbar, and while we will never know for sure if the bar would have saved us, the fact is that steel or alloy is a lot harder to pierce than plastic.
3. Winch mounting point There are ways to mount winches without bull bars, but a bar is the easiest. A tip; even if you don’t plan on buying a winch, spend the extra for a winch-capable bar anyway just in case, and it’ll also help a bit with resale.
4. Accessory mount point If you do any serious dune sand driving in the deserts or otherwise you’ll need a sand flag, and the very best place is as far forwards as you can manage, which means a bullbar. Without a bar it’s hard to create a strong enough mount. And then there’s driving light installation too, which also needs a much stiffer base than many nudge bars can provide. The bullbar is also a good place to mount UHF antennas too.
5. Approach angle improvement Always good to improve your approach angle so you don’t touch the terrain as much in hard going, and if you do, then you won’t damage a bar as much as the original plastic. Bars scuff, plastic breaks.
6. Potential for recovery points The days of vehicles with simple chassis rails extending out front are long gone, yet recovery loads are increasing. Some bullbars have recovery points built in, others as an option, and others help expose the chassis so points can be added. Without a bar it may be difficult to fit recovery points.
4 reasons why bull-bars should be avoided in vehicles The reasons for the ban are: ● Bull-bars make crumple zones ineffective by transmitting crash energy directly to the body structure, thus causing injuries and death to the occupants. ● Bull-bars may interfere with airbags from opening during accidents by upsetting the sensors during a crash. ● Bull-bars are dangerous for pedestrians, cyclists and two wheeler riders. Especially when cars are being designed to reduce the impact of a crash on pedestrians, bull-bars cause serious injuries and death to other road users as they often jut out of a car during a crash. ● Bull-bars damage the chassis of a car during a big accident, as because of its rigidity, the impact is disproportionately distributed, resulting in the crash energy being forced onto the body structure.
Bull Bar Installation
Bull Bar Installation Service near McAllen TX:A Bull Bar Installation doesn’t take long and these useful truck accessories go by many names. In American common names include bull bars, brush guards, deer pushers and cow bumpers. Conversely, in Canada they are called moose bumpers, and in Australia, they are appropriately called Kangaroo bars. If you’re hesitant about upgrading to an off-road bumper or bull bar then a grille guard might be right for you. So what exactly is a grill guard? A grill guard is a protective steel framework that extends out in front of your vehicle. Grille guards are available in either a one-piece all welded design or a three-piece bolt together design. ● As you can imagine the one-piece welded designs are much stronger structurally than the three-piece bolt together designs. The three-piece designs are less expensive. But for the best protections we recommend the one-piece welded design for rural drivers and off-roading. ● On the other hand the three-piece designs for aesthetics or city drivers only.
How To Decide Which One?
Some of our customers question if adding a grille guard to their truck makes it more dangerous for pedestrians or even passengers in other vehicles if involved in an accident. Unfortunately, studies have shown that using a bull bar increases the risk of death or serious injury to pedestrians because bull bars are rigid and when in an accident the bull bar will transmit all the force to the pedestrian, unlike a stock bumper, which will absorb some force and crumple. We recommend using less rigid bull bars if you live in the city and more rugged grill guards if you live in the country where pedestrian’s collisions are less of a concern. Bull bars usually come in three models, black powder coated, chrome plated steel, or stainless steel. Stainless steel is probably the most resilient material used for grille guard, especially stainless steel that has been highly polished to a chrome finish. The powder coated and chrome plated steel versions are more susceptible to flaking and chipping, therefore, allowing rust and corrosion. While the name grille guard suggests that these accessories will protect your vehicle’s grille from damage and they will, there are some other benefits too.   Unfortunately, with so many assorted brands and models of grille guards on the market from the extravagant pure accessory type bars, to the mostly practical it may be hard to narrow down your options.
Selecting A Grille Guard Or Bull Bar ● Look for a bull bar that has pre-drilled holes that allow for easy installation of auxiliary led lighting like fog lights or a bull bar with a light bar already included. ● Look for a grill guard with removable cage tubing that covers the center section of the headlights. This will allow for servicing your truck easier. ● Look for a bar that has quick release latches. Having this feature will allow you to tilt the grille guard forward to open the engine hood for service. ● Look for a bull bar with a built-in skid plate if you like off-roading. This added benefit will help reduce damage to your front end while you’re out wheeling. Grille guards are some of the most practical and trendiest truck accessory upgrades you can choose. Your truck will take a beating when off-roading. Adding a grill guard will give your rig an extra layer of protection when it’s needed most.
Installing Bull Bars Bull Bar Installation Service near McAllen TX:Depending on your vehicle, and the type of body armor and protection you need, bull bar installation can range from a super-easy, Saturday afternoon love fest to a driveway-hosted blood match between you, the bull bar and every tool in your garage. A lot depends on the vehicle and your level of expertise, but it’s mostly dependent on the bull bar itself. Now that you’ve got your hands on the bull bar of your choice, here are some general installation steps. We’d tell you exactly how to do it, but we don’t know what you drive or which bar you’re getting. ● Open the packaging of your bull bar and read the installation instructions. ● Check to make sure you have all the necessary tools and that no parts are missing. ● Crawl under the front of your rig and locate the factory-drilled holes. ● Bolt the bull bar brackets into the holes and torque them down. ● Connect the bull bar to the mounting brackets, ensuring that everything is even and level. ● Double-check that all the bolts are tight.
COST How much does it cost to install a bull bar?
Bull Bar Installation Service near McAllen TX:It usually costs anywhere from $1000-2500 installed. You can also find cheap bull bars on gumtree (usually OEM bars). Installation costs about $300-400. Consequently, why install a bull bar? A bullbar or push bumper is a device installed on the front of a vehicle to protect its front from collisions, whether an accidental collision with a large animal in rural roads, or an intentional collision with another vehicle in police usage. Similarly, how much does a bull bar weigh? The average weight of an East Coast Bullbar is approximately 35kg (a steel bar is approximately 80kg). Simply so, do bull bars help in an accident? Like grille guards, bull bars bolt to the front of a vehicle and serve to block crash energy from reaching softer front body panels - channeling it directly to the vehicle's structure instead. How do you remove Mobile Mechanics Of McAllenBullbar? Removing the Mobile Mechanics Of McAllenBullbar Not sure how much bigger a 9, 9.5 or 10 is?? Disconnect all electrical cables from the battery and the winch make sure you know where they go, remove the solenoid pack from the winch,take all the cable off the winch drum, remove the grille, unbolt the winch from the bar.
Black Rear Bumper Guard Installation - $250.00 Stainless Steel Rear Bumper Guard Installation - $275.00 Black Rear Bumper Guard Installation - $250.00 Stainless Steel Rear Bumper Guard Installation - $275.00
Is a bull bar worth it?
Without a bar it's hard to create a strong enough mount. And then there's driving light installation too, which also needs a much stiffer base than many nudge bars can provide. The bullbar is also a good place to mount UHF antennas too.
Will a bull bar stop a deer?
The Mobile Mechanics Of McAllen bull bar is sure to serve as a durable shield between you and an animal that jumps out of nowhere. One testimony shows virtually no damage to their bumper after colliding at 60 mph with a deer. No damage to the bumper also means no damage to the rest of the truck.
Do bull bars make cars safer?
Often bought in the name of safety, it is a fact that crash bars or bull bars can actually create greater danger not only for pedestrians, bicyclists and other vulnerable road users who get hit, but also for people traveling in the vehicles to which the bars are fitted.
Are bull bars dangerous?
Bull bars are more dangerous than conventional bumpers and radiator grilles as these are built to crumple on impact while bull bars do not, transmitting the full force to the pedestrian.
Is it legal to have a push bar on your car?
Registered. They are perfectly legal AS LONG AS you don't have lights on it like strobe flashing red, blue or white. And if you're looking to purchase, look up dodge charger push bars.
Are bull bars legal in the McAllen TX?
Some states require license plate relocation from the body to the bull bar. However, all states allow installation of aftermarket bull bars as of 2018. In recent times bullbars have become popular also as a cosmetic accessory, particularly on the larger four wheel drive and Sports Utility Vehicles (SUVs).
Are Full Metal Bull Bars legal?
Vehicles fitted with bars before this date are not affected. The directive insists on a minimum level of protection for pedestrians and that the bars are type-approved for the cars they are intended to fit. Steel bull bars don't meet these standards and are therefore effectively illegal.
Do bull bars affect mpg?
yes. Anything that adds weight and wind-resistance will have some sort of effect on your mpg. How much it affects it will depend on other mods and which bull bar you choose.
Does a bull bar affect airbags?
Toyota approves some bull bars that can work with its vehicles while other aftermarket bumper makers such as Mobile Mechanics Of McAllen certify that their steel bumpers will not impact airbag deployment. So, buying an airbag friendly bull bar/steel bumper is very important if you value your safety.
What is the law on bull bars?
While you wouldn't get away with one like that, it is not illegal for vehicles to be fitted with bull bars in the McAllen TX. As long as the bull bars do not cause an increased risk to passengers, pedestrians and other road users, they are allowed.
CALL FOR US: ● Bull Bar Installation Service Near McAllen TX ● Bull Bar Installation ● Bull Bar Installation Cost ● Bull Bar Installation Instructions ● Stehlen Bull Bar Installation ● Armordillo Bull Bar Installation ● Topline Bull Bar Installation ● Universal Bull Bar Mounting Brackets ● Stehlen Bull Bar Installation Instructions Near McAllen TX ● Bull Bar Installation ● Bull Bar Installers ● Tuff Bar Prices ● Color Coded Bull Bar Price ● Ecb Bull Bar Price List ● Bull Bar Fitters ● Bull Bar Price ● Bullbar Fitting Cost Near McAllen TX
BEST BULL BAR INSTALLATION SERVICE IN MCALLEN TX MOBILE MECHANICS OF MCALLEN REQUEST MORE INFORMATION. CONTACT US NOW! CONTACT US: Mobile Mechanics of McAllen 24-hour mobile mechanic roadside assistance services in McAllen, TX! CALL (956) 278-8017 MOBILE MECHANIC CALL (956) 278-8258 MOBILE AUTO MECHANIC CALL (956) 278-8619 MOBILE TRUCK MECHANIC CALL (956) 587-3435 TOWING & RAODSIDE ASSISTANCE WEBISTE: www.24hourmobileautorepairmcallen.org http://www.mobilemechanicmcallentx.com/ SERVICE AREA: 33 Cities within 30 miles of McAllen, TX Alamo, TX | Combes, TX | Delmita, TX | Donna, TX | Edcouch, TX | Edinburg, TX | Elsa, TX | Garciasville, TX | Grulla, TX | Hargill, TX | Harlingen, TX | Hidalgo, TX | La Blanca, TX | La Feria, TX | La Joya, TX | La Villa, TX | Lasara, TX | Linn, TX | Los Ebanos, TX | Los Indios, TX | Lyford, TX | Mercedes, TX | Mission, TX | Penitas, TX | Pharr, TX | Progreso, TX | Raymondville, TX | Rio Grande City, TX | San Juan, TX | Santa Maria, TX | Santa Rosa, TX | Sullivan City, TX | Weslaco, TX Starr County | Hidalgo County | Willacy County | Cameron County | 78504 | 78539 | 78540 | 78541 | 78542 | 78501 | 78503| 78505 | 78557 | 88540 |78502 | 78504 | 78539 | 78572
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