#so look out for more jerma dollhouse posts to come
foxonfier · 2 years
actually so sad that there are no analyses on jerma dollhouse …. aside from the 2 on youtube i saw but they talk more about the general themes of the story / bringing theater to twitch in a creative and successful way. haven’t seen anything on the characters and i’m kinda starved for that rn! i think i’m too stupid to try my hand at an analysis, but a character study on jerma or emilia or even someone like jebediah would be so fun methinks. whether that would be ignoring chat’s involvement in the whole thing or making it a part of the analysis … would be fun to throw that out the window though and treat the characters ( mainly jerma ) as their own people who act on things themselves rather than being told or forced to. like why is jerma so flirty. is this learned behavior? a defense mechanism?? why is he like that??? it puts him in the most awkward, uncomfortable situations and i wanna know WHY !! again shoving chat to the back of my mind here, just pretending jerma has complete self-control and acts on his own whims … why does he act like that.
obviously i’m taking this stream / story way too seriously but i don’t care it’s what i do!! treating comedy and crack as seriously as possible is what i find the most fun in life. and jerma’s story here is a mixture of hilarious and tragic, something i desperately want to analyze, but again, not sure if i necessarily have the capabilities to. though there would be certain things i’d want to comment on, such as : jerma and emilia’s relationship, dying and escaping death ( then ruining your life by adding on some extra years ), jerma’s friendships and interactions with others, and the crushing weight jerma always seems to carry on his shoulders while hiding it all from the world at the very same time. just a few things i really enjoyed during the stream and would love to talk about if possible. hell, maybe i will sometime, if i can actually get my act together and analyze these characters, plots, and themes. not saying it’ll all be correct or canon, but it would be fun! bringing a bit of reality in.
anyway there’s some of my thoughts on jerma dollhouse and how much it already means to me …
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