#so lakestar if you’re out there—
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Online friends give you the unintended consequence of being unable to think about lakes normally because ten years ago Lakestar2002 from a now defunct game disappeared and you hope they are okay. You can’t hear a doorbell without thinking about DingusLickisDongus. You see a bird and go “wow just like Xx_Sparrow_xX”. I hope I’ve burned my image into someone when they hear something as simple as a finger snap.
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thunder-the-ranger-wolf · 6 years ago
Back to the Future- Apprentice Days: Firestar and Yellowfang
He had gotten used to his new name and mentor. He had found other cats from the past as well, his time or otherwise. He found  Bluestar.  His mentor was still one of the best cats he knew, even out of her depth as she was here. And she wasn’t his mentor this time. She was a cat named Robinflight with a sister named Frostheart. That seemed strange, at first, because Frostheart was the sweetest cat in the world, as far as he knew. 
Sandstorm and Dustpelt were, once again, named apprentices. As was he. As were Greystripe and Ravenpaw. Frostfur’s litter was back in the nursery, scattered to different parents, and Yellowfang was a medicine cat apprentice called Ambersong. 
Flamepaw’s mentor was not Robinflight. Flamepaw’s mentor was a rogue of a she-cat. The leader’s mate was a golden molly called Birchclaw, and she expected her two kittens, Cinderpaw and Darkpaw, to be absolutely perfect, no questions asked. Nevermind the fact that Cinderpaw and Darkpaw were cats from the past who, honestly, had no concept of what was going on. 
Cinderpaw was previously Cinderpelt. When she got her bearings about her three moons after she was born, the first thing she did was run as far away from the nursery as possible. She ended up in the leader’s den. When Lakestar found her after coming back from a patrol, she dashed out of the enclosed space as soon as possible. With no thought to which way she was going, Cinderpaw had tumbled over the Highledge and crashed to the ground. 
Flamepaw had been two moons into his training when that happened. Now Cinderpaw was two moons into hers, and Flamepaw was getting sick of his mentor. Granted, so were the other apprentices. 
“Your crouch is crooked, Cinderpaw! You have four working legs! Use them, instead of lumbering about like a lopsided dog! Honestly, you'll never-.”
"I’ll be the judge of what she can and cannot do.” Frostheart hissed icily, glaring at Birchclaw. “That is my right as her mentor.” 
“I have the same right as her mother.” Birchclaw growled. 
“You really don’t.” Flamepaw found himself saying. 
“Excuse me?” 
“You’re not excused. You’re the furthest thing from it. What you are is a fox-hearted fool who doesn’t know a good thing when she sees one!” 
“I don’t have to take this!” Birchclaw sneered, leaping to her paws. “Sit down and listen or I’ll make you wish you’d never been kitted, let alone had kits yourself.”
Birchclaw was stunned, fur bushed up, claws unsheathed, and eyes wide. She stared at her usually mild-mannered apprentice like he was someone she’d never seen before.
“Flamepaw, that’s enough.” Frostheart murmured uneasily, sensing that the younger tom was ready to howl his rage to the sky. “We’ll deal with how Birchclaw manages her kits back at camp. For now, I’ll see if Robinflight wouldn’t mind spending the day with you.” 
“He just threatened me and you’re favoring him?!” Birchclaw scowled, eyes blazing. 
“He needs to cool off and your treatment of your kits is unacceptable. It’s not my fault you see this as favoritism when there clearly is none.” Frostheart drawled.
“Surely you see Cinderpaw was meant to be something! All she’s been so far is a mouse with a broken leg!” 
“Take that back, you wretched piece of fox-dung!” Lightpaw roared, lunging for the older she-cat. “She fell off a cliff!” 
“Oh for StarClan’s sake…” Frostheart sighed, flicking her tail irritably. “Everyone back to camp!” She ordered. 
The other apprentices watched warily as Lightpaw took her time releasing Birchclaw from a firm grip. When nobody moved even after that, Flamepaw lashed his tail and smoothed his fur. 
Everyone shuffled to their paws. Barkpaw, Spotpaw, Stripepaw, and Darkpaw raced away as soon as they saw Flamepaw get up with a tensed frame.
“Some kind of leader, now, are you?” Frostheart drawled knowingly.
“StarClan willing, I never become deputy.” Flamepaw insisted.
“We’ll see about that, Flamepaw.” Frostheart muttered as she bundled Lightpaw away and marched an angry Birchclaw back to camp. “We shall see.” 
Robinflight burst into laughter when she heard why she’d be needed. Ambersong heard it from where she sat in front of the medicine den, bandaging the shallow wounds left by an angry Lightpaw. 
“Beaten by an apprentice?” Ambersong smirked. “And not even your own… what must the great Lionblaze think of you?” 
“Don’t you dare speak his name!” Birchclaw grumbled. “You know nothing of being a warrior. You couldn’t possibly handle his legacy.” 
“Can you?” Ambersong challenged. “Because from where I sit, you can’t even handle your own daughter.” 
“That’s enough, Ambersong.” Her mentor ordered. “And ease up on the bandages. You’re patching her up, not making her worse.” 
Ambersong dipped her head respectfully enough but she knows that Shallowfern saw the gleam in her eyes. Birchclaw would not get away with harming her daughter so easily. 
“Funny thing about being a medicine cat.” Ambersong drawled. “I’m the one who walks with StarClan. You don’t know what they think of you, and there’s only one way to find out.” 
“Ambersong!” Shallowfern croaked sharply, horrified. “You can’t… Birchclaw, just go. I’ll check on you later.” 
The ginger she-cat limped out of the medicine den and Ambersong turned to face her mentor. 
“I know my duties, Shallowfern. I won’t lay a claw on anyone regardless of how I feel.” 
“Your words run deeper than any mark you could possibly leave. I beg of you to remember that.” Shallowfern insisted. 
“Of course,” Ambersong purred, green eyes bright. “I was called Yellowfang once. Any cat could tell you that the name was earned for her words.”
“StarClan’s kits, Flamepaw, you can’t just-!” 
The apprentices were having a grand old time when Ambersong saw them next. Flamepaw was embarrassed now that it had sunk in just what he’d done, but Lightpaw held no such shame. In fact, she’d do it again in a heartbeat. So would Ambersong. So would any of the cats from the past, especially since an accident almost crippled her a second time.
“I thought I could actually do it.” Cinderpaw scowled. “I thought I could be a warrior.” 
“What makes you think you can’t?” Her brother prompted. “That old harpy getting on you about your stance doesn’t mean you can’t hunt or fight.” 
“But I… I’m not sure I can hunt or fight. Everytime I try, I mess something up.” 
“So ask Frostheart to practice more.” Her brother meowed easily. “Without Mother Dearest snapping at your heels, you’ll be the best warrior in no time.” 
“Thanks, Blackie.” Cinderpaw exhaled roughly. “I’d just hoped this would be easier. 
“Easy is for mice and Twolegs, since neither of them have much in the way of brains.” Ambersong informed the apprentice group. 
“You’re cats, and forest cats at that. If you want to learn something, you’ll find a way, but if it’s easy then you’ve done something wrong.” 
Cinderpaw glared at the medicine cat apprentice. 
“I call foxdung.” 
“I said you’re wrong, Ambersong. Life shouldn’t be too easy, sure, because that’s what kittypets have, but it shouldn’t be hard for no reason. You’re right about one thing, though.” Cinderpaw scowled. “I will be a warrior.” 
“Sounds more like you, Cinderpaw.” Ambersong offered glibly. “Keep that spirit. You will need it if you want to get anywhere, much less to the warriors’ den.” 
“Shallowfern, Ambersong, thank you for coming.”
Ambersong wasn’t exactly surprised to find that Lakestar called a meeting in her den, but she was stunned at the number of cats there. All of the apprentices as well as their mentors, and Cinderpaw sat beside Lakestar, Birchclaw lounged on the other side of the den. 
“We can’t possibly need all these cats for a family matter.” Birchclaw grumbled. Lakestar didn’t even spare her a glance before addressing the group at large.
“As we all know, an incident took place. I must know the nature of this incident in order to judge you fairly. Flamepaw, Lightpaw, did you attack Birchclaw?” 
“Yes.” Lightpaw declared instantly. “No.” Flamepaw informed them. “I settled for yelling at her.” 
“Why did you yell at her?” 
“She called Cinderpaw useless.” 
“She did what?!” Lakestar’s voice was devoid of all emotions but there was fury in her eyes. 
“‘Your crouch is crooked, Cinderpaw! You have four working legs! Use them, instead of lumbering about like a lopsided dog! Honestly, you'll never-.’” Darkpaw mimicked in a high-pitched tone. “And then Frostheart was like ‘I’m her mentor and I get to decide what she can do.’ 
But Birchclaw was all ‘I’m her mother so I can do that too!’ And Flamepaw jumped in like ‘no you can’t.’ which of course got Birchclaw mad but then Flamepaw called her a ‘foxhearted fool who didn’t know a good thing when she saw one.’ and she tried to leave but he was all ‘sit down and shut up.’ 
Frostheart broke up the argument and tried sending him to Robinflight but Birchclaw said he was being favored. Frostheart was chiller than the lake in leafbare, Mom, she was all ‘it’s not my fault you’re a crappy mother.’ and Birchclaw tried to say that Cinderpaw was supposed to be special but she wasn’t.”
“She called me a mouse with a broken leg.” Cinderpaw mumbled, now curled up at Lakestar’s paws. 
“And that’s when Lightpaw jumped on her.” Darkpaw finished excitedly. “She was all ‘take that back, you wretched piece of foxdung! She fell off a cliff!’ And I don’t think I’ve ever seen a cat move that fast!”
Lakestar plucked Cinderpaw up with a snarl and lunged across the den, sailing over at least three cats before she landed right in front of Birchclaw. She placed Cinderpaw between them and leaned forward so that her whiskers brushed the sides of Birchclaw’s face. 
“This is our kit. You gave birth to her, we’re supposed to be raising her. She is not a prey animal that you can rip apart with your claws, she is a cat! She is supposed to be your daughter, and you are supposed to love her! How dare you break her spirit like this?!” 
“That miserable scrap of fur can’t even walk right! How is she supposed to uphold our legacy?! Neither of them are fit to be leader and neither of them can carry on Lionblaze’s good name! We need to have another litter.” 
Gasps raced throughout the den and everyone was stunned into stillness. 
“I knew it.” Darkpaw snorted, scuffing a paw against the forest floor. “I knew-.” 
He was cut off by Lakestar’s paw striking Birchclaw across the face and coming away with drops of blood. 
“I despise you.” The lilac tabby leader spat through gritted teeth. “You’re lucky I’m letting you keep your place as a warrior, but you don’t deserve these kits. You don’t deserve the attention you’ve been given. You talk about Lionblaze’s legacy but what have you done to uphold it? These kits are supposed to be your pride and joy, just as his kits were to him. You should think about that since you’ll have so much free time now.” 
“What are you on about?” 
“I’m the leader, remember?” Lakestar sneered. “I could send you on every hunting and border patrol I think of. But no, not yet. I think you should spend some more time in the nursery. See how real mothers care for their kits. After a few moons, I’ll reconsider.”
Birchclaw went to protest, but the gleam of Lakestar’s teeth and the lash of her tail told the grey warrior to remain silent. 
“Report to the nursery and get settled in.” Lakestar ordered. 
Birchclaw slunk out of the leader’s den, several pairs of eyes following her with open animosity. 
“StarClan hates ugly.” Ambersong hissed as the grey she-cat padded off. 
Birchclaw flicked her tail and rolled her eyes. 
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lonelypond · 7 years ago
Casual Lunacy, Ch. 40
Love live, NicoMaki, 2.7K, 40/?
Rin stays in, Maki goes for a walk.
Monday Werewolf Blues, Part II
The smell of rice hit Hanayo when she opened the door. Rin was curled up in their bed, in Hanayo’s fuzzy yellow robe, bright eyes watching for Hanayo’s reaction. Rin shifted and Hanayo thought she saw a flash of lace when the robe fell open. She closed the door, heart beating an excited rhythm, and smiled to herself.
“I’m home, Rin.”
Rin exploded from the top bunk, knocking her back into the door, arms grabbing her so tight that breathing became impossible, “I’m sorry, Kayo-chin. I won’t let them catch me. I won’t let you worry. I’m sorry I…”
Hanayo shushed Rin, hugging her back, “We’re okay, Rin. You know that, right?”
Rin put her head on Hanayo’s shoulder, “I bought your favorites from Kamakura. And ‘Who’s That Girl’ is cued up.”
Hanayo snuck a hand under the robe to confirm that Rin was wearing the lacy chemise that had been her Christmas present. Hanayo was willing to forgive many things for that. Rin blushed as Hanayo kissed her cheek. Adorably shy Rin always made Hanayo a little bolder.
“I love you, Rin.”
Not a large audience, but Nico still felt like she could take on 5 teams of villains when she came offstage after the curtain call. Applause. FINALLY. The night was approaching. Not that Nico was JUST interested in applause, but when you have cake, don’t you want icing too? Nico did. It was elixir, ambrosia, blood, she thought with a giggle, thinking of Dracula as Kashima approached, gray from makeup, shirt buttons popped open, underwear tank plastered to her chest, “Hey, Nico! That was amazing! You…” Kashima, seemingly at a loss for words, grabbed Nico and spun her in, as if they were dancing, “We are going to rock this.”
There went Nico’s makeup, all over Kashima’s tank. Ah well, she’d be removing it before too long anyway.
Micah joined in the hug. “We are going to ROCK it. WIth our fangs out.” He winked as Nico frowned, ducking under Kashima’s arm. Too much sweat, very unpopular with Nico, potentially even more unpopular with Nico’s very hot, very nosy girlfriend. “Hey, I know a couple of girls in the intro class and they want to meet you, get some drinks and karaoke. You in, Nico? Kash?”
Nico considered, running through her checklist. Fastest run through yet and notes tomorrow so it was early-ish, Maki had still looked wrecked at breakfast and was probably tired and needing to rest after last night’s fight, Nico had Sergeant Alvarez working on the stop the baddies angle, and Nico hadn’t flubbed any lines. And she was fizzing like champagne, sleep hours off yet. A friendly drink and karaoke with her adoring audience and co stars sounded perfect. She’d just text Maki not to wait up if Maki decided to come over. Good decision giving her the key. Made things easier.
“Nico can always make time for new fans.”
Micah slung an arm around Nico, “Great! Let’s party!”
Kashima cheered and shoved them toward the green room.
Umi had put away the night’s studying. She had midterms under control. Honoka was even ahead of schedule on their joint project. All good. Now her only problem was actually Nico’s. To be more precise, Nico’s restless, wandering, knocking into every little thing girlfriend. Umi extrapolated the damage Maki could wreak on the carefully maintained orderliness of the Sonoda-Yazawa apartment if she transformed based on the havoc she was wreaking on only two legs. If Nico actually had a dog, Umi assumed she would have asked Umi to take her out for a walk before boredom turned into a mess so Umi checked her phone and cleared her throat.
Maki stopped, and flopped on the couch. Umi could almost see the slow sad tail wag that would have accompanied that movement. Disconcerting. “I’m distracting you, aren’t I? Sorry.”
“No, you’re fine.” It wasn’t a lie, Umi had completed her tasks with no interference and worrying was not a direct synonym for distracting. “Kotori says the karaoke is wrapping up. Do you want to head down and walk them home?”
Maki bounded up, grinning. “Sure.”
This had gone better in Umi’s head. She feared she owed Nico an apology. They had reached LakeStar just as the theatre crowd was spilling into the street. Nico was in the center, still singing, surrounded by a crowd, suddenly jumping on Kashima’s back with a loose chokehold. That’s when Umi heard the growl next to her. Nico did as well, her eyes immediately going to where Maki stood as she slid down from Kashima with a beaming smile. Umii assumed there would be an alcohol smell. Tipsy Nico was friendly and huggy. Maki was probably unaware of this tendency. Umi used Honoka as a human shield on those nights.
“Pretty girl!” Nico rushed Maki, threw her arms around her neck and smacked a kiss on her lips. Maki whimpered and stepped back, her nose twitching wildly as Nico hung on, Maki’s lavender eyes charging with neon as all the singing, jostling crowd clamored around them, the voices mingling, off key, dissonant, Kashima galumphing after Nico, Maki registering too many familiar scents from Nico.
And then it happened. Maki caught a scent, one that that she recognized, one that was part of the group that was threatening Rin. Sandalwood, bergamot, copper and too calm. Maki’s sudden snarl was vicious and Nico stepped back, shocked. She had no idea what triggered Maki’s reaction but as she watched Maki’s ears start to slide back, Nico realized an intervention was urgently needed and stepped in front of the werewolf, pulling her head down, meeting a furious glare with no fear. “Don’t. Not here”
Maki’s lips twisted with the start of a low, coarse howl.
“Maki.” Nico spun her around, pushing her down the sidewalk, as Honoka strolled up.
“You should have come earlier, Maki. We could have sung together. You have a great voice. Hay, Nico, make sure you text her next time.” Honoka stared, realizing Nico’s mood had changed, “Is Maki okay?”
Oh, Honoka, Umi thought. Now, what would Nico do? And was she too drunk for this?
“Everything’s fine, Honoka, Maki’s just not used to Nico having so many fans.” Nico’s grin was forced and she twisted Maki’s arm is an effort to control the werewolf’s direction, “But Nico always has time for her best fan.”
Nico would do fine, Umi realized as she hurried to the other side of the problem, giving Honoka a brief hand squeeze.
Maki tried to turn, but Nico and Umi between them had her movements restricted, dragging her quickly down the street, while a confused but energetic Honoka had turned around and started singing “What Makes You Beautiful” to the cheers of the following crowd. Kotori was giggling in Anju’s ear, Honoka broadly waving her arms to distract, encouraging more people to join in while Umi and Nico wrangled Maki into an alley as everyone else followed Honoka like she was the One Direction Piper.
“Calm down, Maki.” Nico moved in front of her girlfriend, taking both hands as Umi blocked the alley, “Is this about Kashima or Tsubasa?”
“Yes,” Maki growled and Nico swore the nose started to elongate as Maki tried to dodge around Nico.
Nico kissed her, desperately trying to get the taking-a-corner-on-two -wheels-and-out-of-control redhead to focus on her. That was a mistake. Tension had locked both of them out of sympathy and sandpaper slid against steel wool. But it did get Maki’s attention on Nico.
Maki closed her eyes, chest heaving from the effort of calming her breathing and arresting the transformation. Nico could hear their two hammering hearts echoing in the narrow alley, bouncing between the walls while the rest of the world was full of swift winds and slow cars, sliding through the shivers of night.
Maki’s eyes opened, still pulsing with neon, “You smell like” pause, reluctance, Maki’s face contorted with confusion and indignation as she whispered, ”us…”
Nico froze as Maki refused to look at her, racing desperately to figure out what Maki meant. She couldn’t be upset about Kashima if what she said was “us,” surely then she would have said “someone else…” So what did she mean?
“I don’t understand, Maki.” Nico forced the exasperation out of her voice.
“You smell…” There were Maki’s eyes, glowing, the shadows nervous, wounded, “happy…” the next syllables were ground out over a shattered glass field of reluctance, “sexy…”
Ah, Nico didn’t let the words fade before she pulled Maki in, brushing hair away from her forehead, “Of course, Nico is sexy...Nico had an audience for the first time and it was great, no lines dropped, people on the edge of their seats….APPLAUSE” Nico’s grin would have been irresistible on any other night, “Nico lives for those nights.” She let Maki register that, saw neon green fade, saw brightness flicker, “But I love you, Maki. That’s a separate sexy” Nico slid a hand behind Maki’s neck, letting her fingertips barely sweep up the hairline, “Only for you.”
Maki huffed. Nico’s hand dropped to her shoulder. Maki stiffened.
Umi stomped back to them. “It’s too cold to be out much longer. Let’s head home.”
Nico rested her head on Maki’s chest while Maki stood solid, no give. Then the future star of stage and screen took a deliberate step back, voice determined, “Umi’s going to walk me home, pretty girl. I’ve had a long day and need some Nico time. I’m going to have an exciting week and I want you to be there.” Nico made sure Maki was looking directly at her. “But you can’t do this…”
There was too long a pause as both of them reviewed the last ten minutes. Then Maki nodded, biting the inside of her lip, “No. I can’t.”
“Walk me home from work tomorrow, if you don’t have class, okay, pretty girl?” Nico’s kiss on Maki’s cheek was soft and too short. Maki shook herself, trying to move away before the tears started.
Watching Maki just barely not sprint off, Umi offered Nico her arm, “Are you all right, Nico?”
“Yeah, Nico had a pretty good life before gorgeous and bitey wandered in. Dreams and plans and talent and looks and friends and charm. It’s what makes Nico such a catch.” Nico blew out a puff of white breath, “She just has to realize that.”
Umi thought about all the misunderstandings of the first few months of trying to date Honoka and Kotori, balancing the attraction and the uncertainty. The way things once familiar would snap and be NEW and sharp and dangerous. Maki had never really seen Nico in what was definitely her native environment, lapping up praise, flirting, thriving on everyone’s attention like a tiny, bright snow buttercup in the sun. Umi was very glad neither Honoka or Kotori had much urge to perform. The urge to meet them there, on even ground, would have split Umi. It really was surprising Maki and Nico hadn’t come to this corner before, but the buzzing high of attraction was both addicting and isolating. And there had been other things.
“She’ll be fine.” Nico said, mostly to herself, over the sound of their synched, solid steps striking the cold ground.
Umi knew her friend had done a hard thing. “I’m proud of you, Nico. Boundaries are brave.”
Nico pulled herself closer, the wool of Umi’s coat rough against her face, there might have been a sniffle, but then Nico’s cheekiest tone boomed, ‘Yeah, yeah, Nico is the best. Sucking up won’t save you the next time Honoka steals my lunch leftovers.’
Maki hadn’t transformed, she was proud of that. Nope, still on two legs, a shaky two legs from rage and fear and want, Nico had smelled so enticing, that particular swirl of everything that had always drawn Maki Nico-ward, intensified somehow and now that Maki had it in her nose, it was everywhere. And she wanted Nico to be everywhere, hands, lips, hair, soft, sliding, overtaking every sense, pushing her...away, Nico had pushed her away, by stepping back. And it scared her, Nico closing down, and the tears and Umi there for Nico, and all the other people surging around Nico, wanting Nico near….a howl, tearing out of her, tears lashing behind her, mispunching the code in the gate, slamming the door, her mother worried on the stairs, Maki shaking her off, into her room, slamming another door, music blasting, some music, random music, wait that was it, the crescendo, the crash, Maki rolling back and forth on her bed, tears and skin crying out for sable and softness.
The warm waters rose around Maki as she lowered herself in the tub. Lavender, huge inhale, calm, hints of Nico, but not enough to...Maki clutched the sides of the tub, fighting the urge to slide her hand down her leg...not enough to overwhelm her….
She had checked Nico’s TWIG feed, wanting to see a picture of cheerful, twinkling rubies and that dazzling smile, she hadn’t taken any herself and Nico had only sent her one so far, a bored in class pic that was mostly eye roll. There were so many faces of Nico, with so many people, people Maki didn’t know and she found herself going further and further back in Nico’s history, seeing Nico with all these people, happy people, smiling people, hugging people, dancing people...tonight, there had been a post curtain selfie of Micah, Kashima, and Nico with the caption “Dracula is rising from the grave to go party.” It was one of the few recent ones. After the selfie Nico had taken of her “super cute little black dress” the night of Umi, Honoka, and Kotori’s party, there had been fewer pictures. And none of Maki, either in girlfriend or wolf form. That was obviously not the standard for Nico. There were no sibling pictures either, though, so maybe Nico was private about some parts of her life, she’d said that one night, hadn’t she, but still…Maki was obviously impacting Nico’s habits...or, Maki sighed, and slid into the water, Maki was monopolizing the formerly very social Nico’s time...which Nico didn’t seem to mind. And Maki definitely wanted to keep doing. But not at the cost of a Nico who smiled less, who was Nico less...Maki slid even lower, finally letting her hand drop under the water, a cold tingle against warmed skin, Nico’s smirk in her mind, Nico’s voice tantalizing, sensuously slow, sexy and low, teasing Maki, as Maki let the memory of the night in the music room push away worries and pull Nico back to her...inhale...another night...lavender....hints of Nico’s bed...pushing down into pillows... and….stroking...and shivering….and...thruuummmmm…..
Nico picked up her phone. She and Honoka had eaten their way through all the ice cream in the freezer while sitting between Umi and Kotori and watching the latest episode of M Countdown. Now Nico was ready for bed. There were several messages from Maki.
M: Sorry, I snapped <(._.)>. Not the best at surprises. Please let me meet your friends next time.
The next was a picture of Maki, wet hair hanging down, flannel shirt a little too short and open for her to send as a picture, Nico thought, but there it was, all those curves as evidence it had been sent, followed by:
M: I miss you, Nico (‘-’*)
That was cheating, definitely cheating, Nico thought, suddenly more awake. Maki was never meeting her friends looking like that. And Nico’s head would not be meeting her pillow yet. Nearly naked girlfriend pics after an ice cream sugar binge was a jolting combo. Nico would be setting sexy selfie boundaries the next time she talked to distracting in dishabille.
A fourth text buzzed in.
M: I’ll see you tomorrow. You can tell me show stories. I want to know more about everyone in Fangs. I love you, Nico. (´⌣`ʃƪ) Sleep well.
Sleep. Nico snorted. Like anyone could sleep with that picture in the room with them.
N: I love you too, Maki. See you tomorrow. Wear more clothes ( ̄︶ ̄;)
A/N: TWIG is my standard Twitter/Instagram mashup for the purposes of fanfic so I don't have to worry about using anyone's actual handle. Taking suggestions for Nico's in this universe as No1Nico doesn't seem theatre enough.Update a little quick, but I wanted to keep the Mondays together.
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