#so just one perfect score on this will defo get me out of the red
oh btw I’m fairly sure I have a chance to retake my one test that I got a 5 out of 17 on and can you guess what I’m gonna do? CAN YOU GUESS WHAT I’M GONNA DO? CAN YOU GUESS WHAT I’M GONNA DO? CAN YOU GUESS WHAT I’M GONNA DO? CAN YOU FUCKING GUESS WHAT I’M GONNA DO?
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Garcia Flynn’s Outfits, Ranked
Here is a totally unbiased ranking of Garcia Flynn’s various outfits through the series.
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Pilot Flynn: Hot mess, looks like a longshoreman. He just started his angst filled journey so we’ll give him a pass.
Score: 5/10
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Lincoln Flynn: First full vest & tie suit of many. Simple, but perfect for flinging his overly dramatic ass over the balcony later.
Score: 7/10
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Atomic Flynn: Is this a turtleneck or a dickie? I honestly have no idea at this point.
Score: 4/10, unless you’re really into arms, then 8/10
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Varlar Flynn: Yes, please slowly pan the camera up. The real crime of this show wasn’t Christmas but the serious lack of use of pinstripes on Flynn. Real effing tragedy.
Score: 9/10
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Alamo Flynn: Casually deadly, a bit of a swagger, but also looks like he rolled through the dirt on the way in.
Score: 6/10 (8/10 for fans of scruff)
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Watergate Flynn: Eh, maybe if you’re hot for teacher.
Score: 6/10 (9/10 for the teacher kink group)
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Husband and Father Flynn: Rough, modern, kinda chic, but he’s standing at his wife and child’s grave so…
Score: 1/10 (refuse to pro-rate this one for anyone, even you, you know who you are)
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Stranded Flynn: Sir Not Appearing in this Episode
Score: 0/10
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Space Flynn: Vertical stripes? Open collar? Casually crossed arms while talking to someone you’re about to murder? Two out of three ain’t bad. I’ll let you guess the odd one out.
Score: 9/10
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Good Boy Flynn: Very clean and appropriate for visiting his mama. You know you got a good man when he respects his mama. But this really isn’t a good time to talk sexy.
Score: 7/10
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Bonnie & Flynn: The sass on this one, with bonus hat. Flynn does give good head… for hats. Get your mind out the gutter.
Score: 8/10
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Benedict Flynn: Too many buttons.
Score: 4/10 (okay, fine, 9/10 for the angst kink crowd, 10/10 for the button kink crowd, you know who you are)
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THE HOTTEST FLYNN: This is it, this is the benchmark of all Flynn looks. Sassy, swagger, gun, hat. Downright sexy and armed. Nothing can top this.
Score: 10/10
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Columbian Flynn: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand we’re back to hobo Flynn.
Score: 4/10 (9/10 for you know who you are and I’m sorry but this really is a hobo look, please don’t hate me, I <3 you)
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Jesse Flynn: Sassy, got a gun and a hat… that tongue... thing...
Score: 8/10 (10/10 for tongue kink crowd)
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Snowy Flynn: Okay, now he’s just leveled up into the fantasy of every girl (or boy/other) who grew up watching Man from Snowy River.
Score: 9/10
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Karma Flynn: Flynn at possibly his most emo. All black and everything.
Score: 6/10 (9/10 for the emo kink group)
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Lost BamBam: Oh, hey, how did you get in here you tall glass of water you.
Score: 9/10 (BamBamLives)
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Lost Flynn: So. Much. Sass. Too much sass. We can't repel sass of that magnitude!
Score: 8/10
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Public Flynn: The shear audacity of this man and his light-up Apple watch.
Score: 8/10
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Flashback Flynn: Adorable, but also looking at his five year old daughter.
Score: 4/10, unless you have serious daddy issues, and then, eh, 7/10
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Red Flynn: Vulnerable and still dangerous. But loses points for improper use of C4 in demolitions.
Score: 6/10 (fine, 9/10 for those who don’t know how to properly demolish a building)
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Date Flynn: A little formal for a first date, especially when it’s not even a dinner date. Eh, he’s out of practice.
Score: 8/10
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War Flynn/Darlington Flynn: This gif is actually from Hollywoodland but can you tell, no, cause it’s the same unflattering orange jumpsuit. Ugh. Did he piss off the wardrobe department this season?
Score: 2/10 (point for the dramatic eyeliner)
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Armed Flynn: This is basically just arm p0rn but the hand cuffs really elevate it.
Score: 5/10 (9/10 for the arm kink group)
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Escaping Flynn: Menacing. A little disturbing.
Score: 1/10 (8/10 for you know who you are)
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Hollywoodland Flynn: Look at the swagger on this one, with a little bit of a popped collar to show he’s just that cool... and deadly.
Score: 9/10
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Salem Flynn: Bitch please (wash your hair).
Score: 6/10
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Kennedy Flynn: Okay, you defo pissed someone off in the wardrobe department? Nothing fits!
Score: 1/10
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Beer Flynn: Comfy, but if I have to hear about “the wiggle” one more time I’m gonna cut a bitch.
Score: 4/10 (9/10 for wiggle fans)
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Winky Flynn: I dare you tell me this man is heterosexual.
Score: 8/10 (10/10 for the Flogans)
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King Flynn: Pretty much same ol’ reliable vest and tie, but the mix/matching of stripes with Lucy’s outfit is a nice touch.
Score: 8/10 (10/10 for you know who you are)
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Deleted Flynn: So soft, like a human puppy.
Score: 5/10 What? I’m a cat person. Fine, 9/10 for dog people.
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Sherlock Flynn: One of the best uses of the vest & tie… the man knows how to dress for a little Bromance.
Score: 9/10 (cause we all Flufus)
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Reagan Flynn: See, that’s a proper turtleneck. Great Arm definition.
Score: 8/10
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Cereal Flynn: Confirmed, this man is a cereal killer. And we love him for it.
Score: 9/10
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General Flynn: So drab. Like, was he even trying? Or did he mean for all the focus to slip down to his hands?
Score: 5/10 (8/10 for the hand kink crowd)
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Horse Flynn: Admit it, it’s the horse that makes him sexy here, cause it sure as hell ain’t the outfit.
Score: 7/10 (10/10 if you’re Loki, or named Kate)
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Scaredy Flynn: Sassy, but like, your dad’s sass.
Score: 5/10 (8/10 pro-rated for the daddy issues crowd)
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Chinatown Flynn: Gun, check. Sexy table flip, check. Sexy sidekick… g-damnit Wyatt!
Score: 8/10 (10/10 for the Flogan’s)
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Future Flynn: Why don’t you just wear every emotion at once, why don’t you?
Score: 6/10 (9/10 for those who revel in their own emotional pain)
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2012 Flynn: Perfectly soft for a dad playing with his daughter. But hella sad cause, well, you know... they all gonna be dead soon.
Score: 4/10 (8/10 pro-rated for those with daddy issues, or just like to emotionally hurt themselves)
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São Paulo Flynn: Oh baby, who hurt you? (Don’t answer that, we know.)
Score: 2/10 (9/10 for the hurt/comfort crowd)
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Christmas Flynn: He is literally committing suicide, so how about no?
Score: 0/10 (10/10 for you know who you are)
Don’t @ me. This is science.
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