#so it's really obvious that he talked about Saeyoung in that chat above
hi kait, this request is kinda specific so all good if u don’t want to do it, but how do you think zen, saeyoung and saeran would react to an MC who’s really upset because she just had a big fight with her dad over video chat over his alcoholism and the way he treats her mother ?? and MC is just feeling horrible after seeing her mother cry and can’t stop crying herself?? again literally zero pressure to write this if you don’t want to i totally understand 💞
TW: Achololism, abuse
Clearly, you didn’t tell him about your family for a reason and he understood real fast why that was. It takes him nearly an hour and a half to coax you out of your sobs and help you compose yourself before you’re ready to explain what had happened and why you were so upset. It burns him to no end to think that you’ve got a shitty parent like that, and not to mention the fact that your mother is in obvious danger there, be it physically or verbally. It takes a lot of convincing to get him to not solve the problem the old fashioned way with his bare hands. 
He knows that it took a lot for you to stand up for your loved ones and yourself but he wants you to know that it’s okay to feel unsure or scared, or upset about all of this. It’s not easy and it’s not something you should have to deal with. Zen will offer to do what he can to help and don’t think that he’s above asking the others for help as well if it comes to that. 
He wants you to feel safe and he wants the people that you love to feel the same way. Whatever that means, he’ll stand by you and help you get through it as much as he can. 
You don’t have to tell Saeyoung what’s wrong. He knows what it feels like to have a shitty pair of parents or just a shitty parent in general. He knew from loo well what that was like and he didn’t want to go through that again. He knew that you didn’t like to talk about it, but seeing you this distraught after he had gone on another tangent was enough to break the camel’s back with him. He takes the time to ensure that you’re feeling safe and okay before he does anything though, it’s important to him that you don’t feel like you’ll get hurt or beaten for caring about your mother’s safety. 
He’s proud you stood up for yourself, something that kids from homes like that hardly ever get the chance to do. But, he hates that it came to that and you felt like you couldn’t do anything to help the situation. Saeyoung will help you do whatever you feel like you want to do to make things better, he’s going to have an internal struggle if you want to help your dad get over his alcoholism if you care about him, but it won’t be hard for him to help your mom out there if that is what you want. 
Saeyoung stands by you, no matter what, so whatever you want and whatever you need is crucial to him. 
It pains him to see you look so distraught and miserable. The last thing that he wants is to see you look this way. He does what he can to help you cool off but it’s not easy for him to talk you down. He does remember what his mother did to him and this subject has to be talked about with gentleness for you and himself for the sake of the both of your health. He does let you cling onto him until you feel you’ve cried your tears away. 
Oh, Saeran knows about your family and he hates it. He hates that you’ve had to deal with what he’s dealt with in any capacity and honestly? He’s got no time or patience for people who choose the bottle over their family. So, he’s got no love or sympathy for your dad. The man just makes him seethe. He will still comfort you if you’re worried about him or don’t hate him, but just know that his dry feelings will stay that way. He will do whatever you want him to do if you ask for his help. It’s not out of his reach to ensure that the man is busted for something and your mom protected. 
What’s important to him is that you’re happy, so whatever it takes to make you happy is what he’s going to do. 
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sweet-nebulae · 5 years
Hiiiii ^^ Could I request sub!RFA (+ Saeran and V) being tied up by MC? I'm in love with your headcanons, you're always making my day better 😚
♡ Yesss you sure as heck can! Let’s goooo this wasn’t proof read, so if there are mistakes I’m very sorry TT
♡ TT Thank you so much - you all make my day better when you drop into my inbox 💕
✿ Zen ✿
It didn’t even start out as proper bondage at first
He’d just gotten cocky, and you’d handcuffed him to the bed
And it had been hot, how frustrated and flustered he got when he couldn’t set the pace, couldn’t touch you, couldn’t do anything he was used to
And it was fucking exhilirating
It may be a bit embarrassing to admit this to Zen later, and he’ll tease you a liiittle bit about it, but ultimately he agrees to try it again, properly this time
He’ll tease you more than he usually does - it’s because that’s all he can do when in this position
He can’t fall back on any of the things he’s used to doing in these situations
If you really wanna keep him silent, just gag him with something
He’s surprisingly or not hot with something in his mouth
He also looks insanely good with the rope marks on his skin, and he wears them with pride
The RFA chat is immensely tired of seeing them
✿ Yoosung ✿
Probably a natural progression of things
He liked it when you pinned his wrists above his head whether he was strong enough to break your grip or not was irrelevant, he wouldn’t do that anyway
So tying him up so both of your hands could be free to do more things to him is just.. obvious
It doesn’t even take much talk to get to that point
It’s all rushed and not planned at all
The first time you use one of his ties, sloppily looped around his wrists
It comes undone but he just whines and keeps his hands above his head anyway, your lips on his
Eventually you invest in some rope specifically made for bondage - rope that won’t fray or cause too many friction burns
Yoosung looks so pretty, rope around his arms and wrists, his chest and down across his pelvis, his thighs and calves
Tied up completely, his violet gaze watches you, heavy with lust, anticipating whatever you do to him
✿ Jaehee ✿
It’s lighter stuff than with some of the boys
Rope tied across her torso and on the outside of her clothes to accentuate her chest, fur-linned cuffs around her wrists, things like that
She doesn’t get super turned on by it, but it does add that little bit of risque to things that make the both of you a bit hotter under the collar
Probably the hottest thing - to you and her - is the way she writhes under your touch, not able to go anywhere or do anything about it
It’s more about being able to pleasure her over and over again and seeing the way she jerks and can’t escape your fingers and mouth than it is her actually being immobilized
✿ Jumin ✿
Crimson silken bonds paired with an equally red blindfold, Jumin Han is beautiful in bondage
Naturally photogenic, will turn his head away and give you a nice view of his jawline and profile
He’s really doing it so he can hear you and where you are in the room better, but –
Tying him up is pretty par for the course
He’s just too naturally inclined to be dominant otherwise
Naked, with just his forearms, wrists, and legs bound, and he is the perfect present for anyone ^^
Perfection is seeing his muscles tense when you take him into your mouth, watching his head fall back in orgasmic anguish because he can’t do anything, can’t touch you, can’t make you speed up -
✿ Saeyoung ✿
Arms tied behind his back, face pushed into the pillow, and you fucking him from behind
He’s basically in heaven
Being tied up usually makes him a bit skittish - he doesn’t mind being submissive at all, but having all of his control ripped away from him like that is.. jarring
Sometimes though, that’s what he needs
For someone else to have all the responsibility
For someone else to have to make the all decisions and movements
When he comes to you with that rope (rope of all things, smh Saeyoung) he’s placing more of his heart into your hands
He trusts and knows you’ll treat it well
✿ Jihyun ✿
A work of art, he’s so beautiful at your mercy
He likes how powerful it makes you
How you seem to draw strength from his submission, how confident and self-assured you become as his own movement is restrained
You’ve always been like a goddess to Jihyun, but you never seem to know it
In these moments, it’s like you get a glimpse of the true power you hold
He loves how stern, strong, and in control you are
Wondering why this is all about you and not at all about how tied up he is??
He kind of forgets he’s even restrained at all - he’s got eyes solely for you, would do anything for you
He is the most beautiful man in the world, with sky blue silk tied tight around his limbs and over his skin
And totally at your mercy
✿ Saeran ✿
Watches you with sharp teal eyes at all times, and never truly relaxes until he really gets into it
He trusts you, it’s just.. being so vulnerable is difficult
Truthfully, he’ll probably safeword the first time because he gets too in his head about the whole thing, and then feels too ashamed to try it again
Needs a lot of love and reassurance - of course safewording is okay!
Of course it’s okay if you don’t like bondage!
The truth is, it’s not the bindings he has a problem with, he just can’t escape from the phantom chains he wears from his time with Mint Eye, and combined the two are just too heavy
…that makes sense right? right
In the end, he winds up kind of liking the shift in power it brings
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sage-nebula · 6 years
Regarding what you'd said about Seven regarding Yoosung as a younger brother...what are your opinions about Seven sending him love-letters and pretty girl cosplay pictures of himself? Do you see a possible chemistry based on this precious nugget of information we'd obtained in the Christmas DLC?
Absolutely not. In fact, Saeyoung/Yoosung is the only ship (outside of the obvious incest / abusive ones) in the game I’d call a NOTP, to the point where I have it blacklisted six ways from Sunday because no one in this fandom knows how to tag anything coherently.
First of all, what people need to understand is this: When Saeyoung sends “love letters” and cosplay photos of himself to Yoosung, he’s doing that to troll. He’s trolling Yoosung. Teasing him. Trying to get a rise out of him. Agitating him because it’s funny. Low-key bullying him. Whatever you want to call it, he’s not doing it because he’s serious. He’s not doing it because he has any actual interest in or attraction to Yoosung. We know this because of how Yoosung reacts; I’m not going to play through the Christmas DLC right now to get the receipts (though if I really have to I will), but in the text messages where Yoosung tells MC that Saeyoung does this, he expresses annoyance over it. Whenever Saeyoung doing things like this is brought up in chat rooms, Yoosung gets aggravated. And Saeyoung knows this. Saeyoung knows that it bothers Yoosung. He knows that sending Yoosung fake confessions for the express purpose of getting Yoosung’s hopes up for a minute before they come crashing down is upsetting (because Yoosung desperately wants a girlfriend, he really wants a girl to be interested in him, so he’d get excited about that happening for a split second before he realizes it’s just Saeyoung trolling him again). And Yoosung growing upset and snapping back is funny to Saeyoung. So he does it on purpose, to get a laugh, particularly since it fits with the 707 persona that he wears for the RFA members. It’s not serious, and it’s not romantic; it’s antagonistic.
Moreover, we know it’s not serious because we know how Saeyoung acts when he’s actually, seriously interested in someone. To begin with, he doesn’t rile them up for fun; when he develops feelings for MC, he tries to make her laugh with jokes that they both share, rather than ones that are at her expense. Any time she expresses disapproval over something he has done (such as when he calls Jaehee a spinster in one chat, and MC tells him that it’s not nice to talk to women like that), he acts chastised for a moment before he backs down and gets serious. He makes gifts for the person he’s interested in, and what’s notable about his gifts is that they’re always as functional as they are aesthetically pleasing. The dog robot was for protection. The cat robot was for emotional support. The mouse clock is, well, an alarm clock. The taser is … a taser. And the Saeyoung Doll was, again, for emotional support and comfort. These are thoughtful, personal gifts, and while it’s not out of the question for Saeyoung to make a thoughtful that for someone he’s not interested in (see: the Tripter bot he made for Zen, which he himself brings up when confronted about the puppy robot), these are gifts that he actually gives to the intended, and moreover, they’re more proactive than something like the Tripter bot. The Tripter bot can run without Zen ever knowing it exists. All of the other gifts, if they’re to actually be used, would have to be given to the recipient. Those are the kinds of gifts that Saeyoung makes and gives to someone he has feelings for, not photos of himself cosplaying that he knows will aggravate and annoy the recipient.
Moreover, we know that Saeyoung is not one to actually pursue a romantic interest without an extremely specific set of circumstances (read: the events that lead to him having hope about actually being able to leave the agency and potentially, possibly lead a better life) occurring. This is because he feels (with good reason) that his life is too dangerous, and that anyone who gets involved with him is inevitably going to end up hurt or killed. As a result, even if Saeyoung develops romantic feelings for someone, he denies them and pushes the person away. We see this happen on his route; he develops feelings for MC by Day 5, yet when it’s brought up (by Yoosung, no less!), Saeyoung denies it and insists that he and MC were just playing around. When he arrives at the apartment, he tells her immediately that he has no interest in pursuing any kind of relationship with her. With that in mind, it’s absurd to think that any love letters that Saeyoung sends to Yoosung are genuine. Saeyoung would never do that. If he did have feelings for Yoosung (which he does not), he would actively stomp on any suggestion of romance between them, just as he does when Yoosung suggests there’s romance between himself and MC. He would put intentional distance between them. He would deny and, if need-be, act extremely cold toward Yoosung for a while to make sure that possibility was well and truly dead. Believing that the love letters and cosplay photos are meant to be genuine symbols of interest and attraction from Saeyoung is ignoring this aspect of his character in favor of a ship (as well as, again, ignoring how it genuinely irritates and aggravates Yoosung).
Anyway, all that aside, I honestly don’t feel that Saeyoung could or would ever be attracted to someone like Yoosung. It is possible to get a bit of dialogue from him on his route (during the apartment days) wherein he compares MC to Yoosung, but he does so as an insult:
MC: “Why are you protecting me if you’re going to leave soon … ? You can just leave right now.”
SAEYOUNG: “How are you going to stay safe on your own? Are you even thinking right now? It’s all my fault that you’re in this situation. Don’t think about me, just think about protecting yourself!”
MC: “I can protect myself, so don’t worry~ I’m pretty strong.”
SAEYOUNG: “You’re underestimating your opponents. You’ll really be in danger with that attitude. You’re so similar with Yoosung. You don’t have a care in the world regardless of what’s going on.”
This isn’t a situation of, “oh, MC is similar to Yoosung, therefore if Saeyoung likes MC, he likes Yoosung!” This is a situation of, “MC is behaving similarly to Yoosung in a way that is pissing Saeyoung off because she’s being naive, ignorant, and foolhardy, just like Yoosung. Saeyoung has never had the luxury of a carefree life. He has pretended that he has had that luxury, when putting up the facade of 707, but in actuality he never has. He never had a childhood. He didn’t really have an adolescence. While Yoosung was worrying over acne and getting a girlfriend, Saeyoung was running life-threatening missions for the agency. While Yoosung was loudly complaining and grousing because his mother wanted him to make soap, or his father wanted him to put more effort into his college applications, Saeyoung was waking from nightmares about his mother beating the shit out of him and Saeran and starving them both, and remembering how his father kept sending men after them to kidnap and murder them. And that’s not Yoosung’s fault, Yoosung can’t help that, but the two have led such different lives and are on such different levels of maturity as a result of it that I just can’t see Saeyoung ever seeing Yoosung as someone he’s romantically interested in. He wants to protect Yoosung, in the sense that Yoosung has innocence and naivete and that’s something that Saeyoung thinks that he deserves to have (mostly—there are times when it does get on Saeyoung’s nerves, see above), and he likes him as a friend; but Yoosung’s tendency to whine, his ungrateful attitude toward his loving family, his tendency to act like the entire world is ending over minor inconveniences … these are things that annoy Saeyoung, and things that he looks down upon, which we see in the way he condescends toward Yoosung on more than one occasion. Saeyoung would do anything to have parents that would love and look after him (and Saeran) the way that Yoosung’s parents have loved and looked after him. Yet all Yoosung can do is bitch and moan about them because they don’t hate the same people he does, or because they make him stop playing LOLOL for a few hours. Saeyoung doesn’t express it, because he’s one to keep more negative thoughts to himself, but having been in his shoes, yeah, that has got to piss him off.
And while I’m sure there are some who would point out the fact that Saeyoung trusts Yoosung enough to bring him along to Magenta in Jumin’s Route, consider the fact that Cheritz was—for whatever godforsaken reason—clearly wanting to hide Vanderwood’s true identity until Saeyoung’s Route, thus, from a writing standpoint, Saeyoung couldn’t ask Vanderwood even though it would have made vastly more sense. Consider the fact that he didn’t tell Yoosung all the details, that he deliberately kept Yoosung in the dark, that he was very clearly only bringing Yoosung along as an extra pair of eyes. He doesn’t treat Yoosung like an equal in that sequence; he treats him like someone he’s using because he can’t really ask this of anyone else because no one else is available. Consider how Saeyoung never brings Yoosung along in other situations. In Saeyoung’s Route, Yoosung not-so-sneakily tells Saeyoung to leave Magenta’s address in the chat, and Saeyoung refuses because he knows what Yoosung is up to. In V’s Route, Yoosung demands to go along, and Saeyoung lies about having a car that only has two seats, and so on and so forth. He’s not really treating Yoosung like a capable equal in these instances even though they’re only a year apart in age. He’s treating him like a kid brother. He wants to keep him out of danger, but he knows that he has to use him at times, and still at other times he tells an obvious lie to get the kid to stop whining and go somewhere else. None of this is very romantic, but it makes sense considering the fact that, again, they’ve lived different lives and Saeyoung is quite a bit more mature than Yoosung is. Yoosung still acts like a child, whereas Saeyoung acts like an adult. A young adult, sure, when he’s masquerading as 707, but an adult all the same.
And honestly, it’s a two-way street. Yoosung wouldn’t be into this relationship, either. Yoosung is constantly complaining about people treating him with kid gloves (in other words: he’s mad about being treated like a child and so he throws a tantrum about it … like a child), and that’s precisely what Saeyoung does. Saeyoung doesn’t even do it on purpose, necessarily; it’s just that the maturity gap is there and Saeyoung responds accordingly. This would wear on Yoosung’s nerves. This isn’t even getting into how Saeyoung, due to a lifetime of having to rely mostly on himself, tends to make decisions and do things that he thinks are best without necessarily consulting others. This, too, would piss Yoosung off, particularly since Saeyoung would be making a lot of independent decisions because he sees Yoosung as someone less adept at handling serious situations than he is. Even if they fought about it, with the way Saeyoung is, his answer would be, “I know more than you, so this is how we’re doing things,” and it’s not something that either of them would likely budge on, which would lead to the relationship falling apart. This isn’t even getting into how Yoosung feels that he’s closest to Saeyoung based on Saeyoung’s 707 persona that he wears for the RFA, rather than because of who Saeyoung actually is deep down (which isn’t the angry and cold person that we see during the apartment days, no, but is still more serious, contemplative, and vigilant, among other qualities). Yoosung doesn’t actually know Saeyoung, and I don’t think he’d be well-equipped to deal with the more … difficult parts of who Saeyoung is (namely, his various mental illnesses). We see this by how poorly he handles Rika.
And to that end, pretty much all of the fan content I’ve unfortunately stumbled across for this ship portrays Saeyoung as 707 rather than as, you know, Saeyoung. Granted, most of the fan content for Saeyoung period portrays him as 707 rather than as Saeyoung, but that’s a different discussion. The point is, the only way you can make this ship work, imo, is if you water Saeyoung down into just his 707 persona, and then fool yourself into believing that he wasn’t deliberately antagonizing Yoosung to get a hilarious rise out of him with things like the love letters and cosplay (and if you then fool yourself into believing Yoosung actually liked receiving those things, when he didn’t). Otherwise, it doesn’t work. And given how much I hate it when Saeyoung is reduced to being nothing more than 707, yeah, I’m really not a fan of anything I’ve ever seen for this ship.
So all in all, I can’t ever see it working, and I really, really don’t like it. (Especially because, as I mentioned in that other post, Yoosung is so self-centered and, truthfully, doesn’t even really seem to care about Saeyoung as much as he cares about Saeyoung in relation to himself. He was willing to lose their friendship so long as Saeyoung let him blame V for it, and he made sure Saeyoung was still mad at V when he forgave him, and in Another Story he was fully willing to cut ties with and toss Saeyoung under the bus if it meant siding with Rika, so on and so forth. They’re friends, sure, but that friendship comes with conditionals, and Yoosung is too self-centered for me to ever want him anywhere near a romantic relationship with Saeyoung. Saeyoung is selfless; he deserves someone who is just as selfless as he is, and Yoosung is not that person.) I don’t see any chemistry there at all, and tbh the fact that this is a juggernaut ship in the fandom is just … unfortunate, imo.
(And as a final note, no, this isn’t just because I ship Saeyoung with MC, particularly since I don’t even ship him with canon MC so much as I ship him with an MC that I characterize far, far differently. This is because I legitimately just do not like this relationship, and in all honesty … people are blind, because if there is any member of the RFA apart from MC that Saeyoung feasibly could have a crush on, it’s Jumin, not Yoosung. He antagonizes Jumin at times as well, but:
At least in Deep Story, he antagonizes Jumin less than he does the others.
He actively shows interest in Jumin’s ideas and wants to help with the cat businesses.
They have similar interest (cats and video games; Saeyoung mentions that Jumin has both a GrayStation (Playstation) and a ZetBox (Xbox) at his penthouse meaning that, yes, he plays video games, why is this never talked about).
They’re on about equal levels of maturity despite their age difference due to their shared experiences.
He actually actively goes to Jumin for advice when things are difficult for him during his route (before the apartment days), whereas he doesn’t do that with the others.
He always immediately calls on Jumin for aid and trusts him to be able to help.
In the April Fool’s Day DLC, Jumin is the one he’s actively and almost aggressively flirting with / shooting innuendos at. The April Fool’s Day DLC is a just for funsies one that isn’t meant to be taken seriously, so it could be said that perhaps this is Saeyoung flirting without any of the baggage that normally comes associated with it. (Since after all, he’s … he’s cardboard in that DLC.)
He knows that Jumin would never, ever return his interest, therefore it’s safe for him to think about any potential crush he has on Jumin / safe for him to flirt. He’d actually allow himself those feelings because he knows there’s no danger in it.
I’m not saying that he does have a crush on Jumin, but I am saying that it makes far more sense for him to—that there’s more there—than there is with him and Yoosung. It’s entirely one-sided and I can’t see Jumin ever reciprocating, but Saeyoung having a crush on Jumin feels way more real to me than him having a crush on Yoosung, no matter which way you slice it. So no, it’s not a ~oh no I don’t want him shipped with others~ situation, it’s a “I specifically do not like pairing him with Yoosung” situation. Just so we’re clear on that.)
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rfa-constellations · 7 years
Seven cannot be reached.
Tap Tap Tap Saeyoung's fingers glided over his laptop keyboard, typing commands into the keyboard. His desk cluttered with empty Honey Buddha chips bags and half-empty PhD Pepper cans to sugar rush him into work. "I need a break," the hacker sighed and fished out his phone from his pocket, pausing his music for a little while as he logged into the RFA chatroom. "Let's see what Yoosung's up to." The redheaded hacker then pressed on his boyfriend's friend's icon at the top of the screen and smiled as he read the status update he had. Ahhh, Yoosung and his love for LOLOL. One day, Saeyoung should ask which he loved more, him or LOLOL. He already knew the answer. But, he didn't want to ruin his already fragile confidence. Still worth a shot though!  He had like, a fifty percent chance of him being the more higher ranked in Yoosung's heart then LOLOL. After awhile of staring glancing at Yoosung's profile, the elite hacker clicked on the chat button and watched as his screen flooded with messages. "I must have missed alot." The boy whispered as people continued to talk without realizing he's there.
Jaehee: So you guys went out?
Out? Saeyoung wondered as he read Jaehee's text? Who went out with who? Ooh! Are there more ships to start shipping? Well, guess it's time to start making another otp blog sending out tweets on his MOD twitter account and start spying on them through the interwebs. 
Zen: Yeah! We did, didn't we jagiya! Yoosung⭐: Stop calling me that!
Hey, wait, woah. Hold the phone. Zen and Yoosung went out? Since when? Saeyoung tilted his head as he thought back through his day. "I don't remember Yoosungie sending me a text about them going out," He mumbled as he zoned out, not focusing on the chat. "Then again, I didn't get a usual 'Good morning, Sev!' text today." Did he miss something? Wait, even worse. Jagiya was his thing to call Yoosung. Since when did Zen of all people steal that from him? That was his thing and his alone. Not that Zen meant it in that way that he normally does, it's probably just because they're close friends. Yeah, probably that.
Zen: I took him out because he's been playing LOLOL too much and plus Seven's been busy hacking, so we went to the mall and I got him ice cream! Yoosung⭐: Btw, how much do I owe you for the ice cream? Zen: Why would you pay me back? It was my treat~❤️
Why a heart? Why did Zen send Yoosung a heart?
Doesn't he normally save those for MC? Saeyoung stayed quiet as he waited for Yoosung's reply. Please, please, please let it be something that sounded stupidly oblivious like how he normally replies to the hacker’s lovey dovey things. Please.
Yoosung⭐: >///< thanks Zen, I'll make it up to you! Zen: Then, to make it up to me, how about another date? Yoosung⭐: Date?
Saeyoung, at this point almost dropped his phone on the hardwood floor. Date. They went on a date. A date. A date was supposed to be between couples, not friends - those would be called friend dates, and Zen literally called it an actual fucking date. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. "I thought I made it obvious that I liked Yoosung," The hacker quietly said to himself, in a angry tone of voice. If calling him names of endearment, teasing Yoosung, pranking him from time to time, quickly replying to all of his texts as much as he could, dropped everything and anything to hang out with him (even though he acts all tsundere and says that he might be busy but he'll double check and end up going anyways), buying him treats for the days he has tests or exams in University and mails them to him, buys him flowers, texts him goodmorning and night, updates him on everything--- Geeze. Can the boy be anymore oblivious? "I guess not."
Zen: Yeah, how about it? Busy next Saturday?
Saturday! Of all days to choose, he chooses the days Saeyoung spends with Yoosung. Those are their days! Theirs! (Unless, Saeyoung has a field mission on that day or y'know, Yoosung decides that playing LOLOL is more important than him). Oh, please, Yoosung, don't say anything, just ignore---
Yoosung⭐: No, not really. Zen: Then, I'll pick you up at around lunch? O3O Yoosung⭐: Sure!! That sounds cool!! Zen: Great, so what do you--
Saeyoung couldn't bare reading it anymore, logging off he threw his phone across the room where it landed on his bed. The redhead started to feel his chest tighten as he took off his glasses and placed them on his desk. Clenching his fists, he rubbed his eyes and huffed. This was not the type of break he intended from his job. Maybe going back to work would clear his mind up once again. Opening up his laptop once again, a notification, from his and Yoosung's shared Tumblr account - why did he even agree to do this? He could have ignored it, but no, Yoosung just had to beg him and act cute?! - and immediately decided to click on it. It was probably one of the girls on the site saying how great of a boyfriend he was. Getting Yoosung flowers - which, he believes were Yoosung's favorite?? Does Yoosung even like flowers - was something he learned from MC that that was one of many ways to show affection to someone discreetly. The redheaded hacker double clicked on his browser, typed in the url for tumblr and went on their shared account, spotting the newest post, made by Yoosungie himself about the thing he literally left the chatroom for, Zen's and His outing. Okay, to be fair, he did post about his outing with MC, but at least he talked about Yoosung in his post! This one had no mention of him. "'He called me jagiya and threw his arm around me,'" Saeyoung read off the post, feeling his chest tighten even further with every word that he read. "'When he dropped me off, he also gave me this weird letter--'" Slowly shutting off his laptop, not having any motivation or energy to even continue working, the boy walked over to the other half of his room, picked up his phone and plugged in his headphones. Great. Zen's doing exactly what he wanted Yoosung to do to him for once - write him letters. Great. As if he already didn't hurt enough. "Thanks, life. Totally needed you to kick me in the gut right as I'm still on the ground." He muttered as he made his way over to his penthouse garage, grabbing a random set of keys from the key hanger next to the garage door and got into his car, driving into the night. He ended up getting lost - well, he knew where he was and how to get back, he just didn't want to head back - music blaring into his ears as he looked up at the stars. Space always seemed to make him feel a little better. Stars were always there to protect you and accompany you no matter where you are or who you are. They were always there. Even when life decided to be a bitch. Saeyoung took his glasses off of his face and folded them, placing them on the dashboard of his car and turned his music up as loud as he could and just cried. Screamed. Yelled at nothing. Spoke his thoughts as loud as he could. Broke his vocal chords. Anything to stop the throbbing pain, his heavy head, and his mind from speaking maliciously about Yoosung, his precious Yoosung and Zen.
Then again, if he was happy, who was he to intrude? Fuck his feelings, Yoosung’s mattered more to him. No one could hear him as he was this far out. It was only him. No one to save him from his pain. No one to fix him. No one to tell him it’s okay. No one to bandage his heart.  No one. Just him, the music blaring into his ears, his car and the stars up above.
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Can I request MC calling the RFA "master"? Nsfw if possible ;)
Hello there anon, thanks for requesting! I’m sorry if this took too long rip :// I hope this is to your liking, I must say this request is right up my alley ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
This one’s nsfw, obviously (and really long oops)
Yoosung- Let’s be honest here, he’s usually the one to call you Master- He’s not super into being the dom in everyday situations - However, jealousy changes everything- Jealous Yoosung is hella hot- One night, you had one of your male friends over for dinner and to meet Yoosung - He was feeling a little left out when you and your friend would tell inside jokes- He was also feeling like you were paying more attention to your friend than to him - The last straw was when your friend left and gave you a hug, but held on a little too long - As soon as the door closed behind your friend, you two went straight into the bedroom- Yoosung fucked you roughly, his hands running down your body and gripping your waist- You were so turned on by his dominant side that the word “Master” slipped from your mouth as he quickened his pace - His hands flew to your neck, tightening around it hard enough to bruise as he breathed “say that again”
Zen- You two had been fairly vanilla in the bedroom - But one time, he was portraying a villain in a musical- The darkness and power of the character were intoxicating - So he was a bit bolder than usual - He came home from a long rehearsal, still partially in the mindset of his character - He kissed you passionately, pushing you down onto the bed- He had your clothes off in an inhuman speed - His hair was wrapped around your hand, his mouth on your neck - Then bit down. Hard- It was unexpected, and oh boY did it feel good - You moaned out “Master” - He paused, staring at you with hunger in his eyes, before pounding into you- He didn’t need to tell you to say it again, you were practically screaming it by the end of the night
Jaehee (I was unsure about her but I’d feel bad leaving her out)- Even more vanilla than Zen - She’s still coming to terms with her sexuality so she’s really shy about intimacy- You two never really talk about anything beforehand, you just let it happen- You wanted to spice things up a little, however, so you went out and got a vibrator- She was so flustered when you showed her, even more so when you asked her to use it on you- Do not be fooled by her reaction though, she gets a lot more confident when you start to make noise - And turns out she’s excellent at using that vibrator - You were on the edge of orgasm, saying her name again and again - You reached your climax and without thinking, blurted “Mistress !”- She was really shocked for a moment- You blushed, feeling embarrassed - But she smiled and kissed you- And told you she wouldn’t mind if you called her that again~
Jumin- Tbh I think he’d prefer “Daddy”- But this is Jumin, he’s open to anything if it means he’s the dominant one- Definitely the type to have you sign some sort of contract - He actually brings up the topic to you- Over dinner one night, he tells you how he’s gotten an idea for you to wear a collar+leash- You nearly choke on your wine, you hadn’t expected him to be so nonchalant - But you readily agree to the idea~- Just a little while later, you’re lying on the bed with your wrists tied above your head - You’re wearing a black, belt-like collar - The thick leash is wrapped around Jumin’s hand- He stands above you, running a black riding crop down your body- He’s talking to you in a low voice, making you soaking wet with ideas of what he’s going to do to you- Suddenly, he smacks the crop against your skin- The delightful sting was too much to handle, you quietly call out “Master!”- A lustful smirk crosses his face- “Master? I quite like that”, he says, tugging on the leash to pull you into a passionate kiss - He’d probably get some of those frilly pastel collars with bows for you to just wear casually
Saeyoung - This boy is a confirmed sadist- I see him as a switch, but he loves being dominant - He would certainly be open with you about his kinks, same goes for you- Like Jumin, he brings up the topic of pet play very casually- But you can tell he’s hella excited- One night, he tells you he has a surprise- He orders you to sit on the bed, wearing only some lacy black lingerie- He ties your hands behind your back with red rope and slips a silk blindfold over your eyes- You’re already aroused at the possibilities- You feel something smooth and slightly cool tighten around your neck- You know immediately what it is !- He removes the blindfold, letting you look into the mirror in front of you - It’s a red leather collar, a long black chain clipped to the O ring dangling off the front- He asks you if you like it- Smiling coyly you reply “I love it, Master”, putting emphasis on the last word- His eyes darken, and he smiles as he wraps the leash around his hand and pushes you down onto the bed- He wastes no time getting those long fingers into you - He’s a lot rougher than usual, and constantly orders you to call him Master again - Looks like your sex life just got a lot more interesting - Good luck walking tomorrow~
V - He’s also a switch, but prefers being sub- Your relationship is pretty vanilla, tying up your hands is about as far as things go- He’s just so gentle, he doesn’t ever want to hurt you - However, he’s great at pleasing you, since without good vision he relies heavily on touch - One time, you were baking a cake, and things started to get heated - Clothes were coming off, and his hands wandered your body- Your lips tastes like sugar and vanilla, and it turned him on like crazy - He pushed you up against the table and started kissing your neck and chest- You moaned, surprised at his dominance but definitely not complaining - Loving the vocal feedback, he ran his tongue down your neck before biting softly - Before you could stop yourself, you breathed out “Master….”- He stopped, and it was his turn to be surprised - Your face burned in shame as you apologized - But he said “That was really hot” before giving you a passionate kiss- It must’ve given him a lot of confidence, because he fucked you right on that table - He soon discovers that collars can be very aesthetically pleasing on you~
Saeran- Ok this edgelord is kinky as fuck we all know it - One day he was helping Saeyoung (!) with hacking stuff - You walked over to him, and he pulled you into his lap- You two starting kissing, which quickly turned to grinding against each other- Placing his hands under your butt, he stood up, lifting you - He pushed you against the wall, pinning your wrists above your head with one hand- His other hand grasped your neck as he nibbled at your jawline - Saeran, like Yoosung, was a little embarrassed about his kinks, but they were quite obvious - So you were pretty surprised when he said “princess, I thought it was time to get some proper toys for us” - The only “props” you two had ever used were red rope and a blindfold- You were really excited, and had a little idea to really get things started- “Punish me, Master”- The look on his face was one of pure hunger and lust - You were so tired when he was done fucking you that you fell asleep with the collar on - The next morning, when Saeran got out of bed, he left you sleeping while he and Saeyoung made breakfast- Saeyoung came to wake you up, and did a double take when he saw a.) the collar and b.) the hickeys, bruises, and various other marks - You blush redder than his hair - Cue relentless teasing in the chat rooms
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Im sorry, angel demon au??? And high school hijinks??????
Who doesn’t love a good Angel/Demon AU? There’s a lot of weight to that symbolism and it’s always fun to give those types of stories a read through because I am a sucker for niche cliche tropes, I love good/evil, light/dark, etc. 
It’s hard to try and survive when you’re the son of the Devil and he doesn’t consider you and your brother to be worth anything. It’s even harder when the man wants to be rid of you before you can try and usurp the throne from him. at any moment. 
All both Saeran and Saeyoung can do is try and find spaces on Earth where they can live and hide from that man’s wrath. There’s always a lingering concern that he’s going to come and get rid of both of them at any moment. For the most part, they are able to survive thanks to the kindness of other demons. A couple of centuries would pass by, and things seemed like they would be alright. 
Of course, that would be if it not for the fact that Saeran encounters a very enchanting woman one evening in the gardens. At first, he thought that she was just a human. He thought that somebody had just come to appreciate things, and he strikes up a conversation with her... and they continue to meet like that for some time. 
She’s very intriguing. 
She’s very naive and doesn’t seem to know all that much about the world, it’s like she’s been sheltered or something, Saeran thinks. It’s actually kind of cute, as she’s always asking him about this and that, how things work, and about anything that he’s willing to tell her about. He knows that he really shouldn’t be spending so much time out in the open, but he’s never had some new to talk to. 
It isn’t until something happens that he realizes who she really is. There was a close call with one of his father’s goons, and he gets injured in the process of fighting back. When he comes to meet with Lila the next time, she sees his wound wrapped up and asks to take a look. She frowns when she sees the depth of it, and without thinking, she presses her hand to the lingering wound and it is healed in a matter of seconds. 
It’s warm. Her touch is warm. It’s like the sun is kissing his face on a warm summer day underneath the glimmering star. It’s so white-hot, pure, and light that it feels like she’s breathing life into him. That’s when it hits him. Everything that she’s done and said now makes sense to him. She wasn’t just some sheltered human. She was an angel. 
And she now knows what he is as well because the glow from her power was almost immediately rejected by his body and the wound went back to the way it was before she touched it. They’re both left to sit there and stare at each other in shock. She can’t heal him. Her powers only work on other angels and humans, not demons, not devils. 
They mean so much to each other but they’re from two different worlds and those worlds were never meant to meet in this way. If she continues to seek out the human world and his grasp, her wings will be taken from her. If he continues to meet with her then he knows that he will taint her holy wonder, and put her in mortal danger. 
And yet, there’s no denying that they both have feelings for one another... so, what is an angel and demon to do? 
Okay, so Highschool AU is actually kind of kooky. It’s one of my sillier AUs that doesn’t have a lot of imposing drama in the background. It’s a slice of life adventure with romance! Hilarity will ensure, so hold your horses, kids. 
Lila is an exchange student that came from abroad. She’s determined to try out something new and experience something new, and she’s got the good fortune of coming to the same school as the rest of the RFA. Which is just a club at their school in this AU, they do a lot of good for it by throwing dances and all sorts of events. 
The first person that she meets is a member of the student council, and his name is Ray. He’s a real sweetheart and does his best to show her around and help her with anything she needs. He goes above and beyond what’s expected of him, as usual. He just doesn’t want to mess things up. After all, he’s the one that suggested that they open their school up to the program, so she’s kind of his responsibility in a way, you know? 
He can’t help how strongly he feels for others. 
It’s obvious that he’s got a crush on her after the first couple of days that she’s there. It’s written all over his face with that goofy and clumsy smile of his that he just can’t seem to hide. He’s probably going to get teased over it by Seven and the others when Lila isn’t looking. 
Lila may feel the same way, but Ray isn’t sure. She’s always smiling and chatting with him amicably. It seems like they’re getting closer and that she likes him more than some of the people he knows but... 
Of course, this isn’t smooth sailing. 
After all, Saeran is just lingering underneath the surface, and he’s far different from Ray when he comes out. It happens more often when Ray is overwhelmed with his emotions, no matter what they may be, good or bad. You know when Saeran is directly speaking to you, he’s much blunter and frankly, a big old delinquent. He’s always getting into trouble and getting into spats with people over the smallest things. 
He can’t help his hairpin trigger. 
Unfortunately, Lila has a penchant for finding herself in danger, it seems like she’s just a sitting duck for anyone who wants to lash out at the pretty foreign girl. Because of that, Saeran begrudgingly (gladly) has to save her from a sticky situation. Much to his surprise, she had been more than ready to tell off the guys that dared to bother her in the first place and had been in the process of that by the time he decided to show up and scared them off. And oh fuck, what’s this feeling in his chest?
He thought that he was just going to have to save some stupid girl for Ray’s sake, but as it turns out, he realizes that he’s got a thing for her as well. This is where the hijinks ensue, kids. Both Ray and Saeran have feelings for the same girl and neither of them realizes that there are more reasonable ways to handle this; Because now, they’re both trying to win her affection before the other does like a couple of blind-sided idiots. 
So, here’s to Lila, flabbergasted by both parties and their actions. She’s caught in the middle of them and it’s like being stuck between a wall and a hard place as they both take their shot! 
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sage-nebula · 6 years
I’d just noticed that you’d reblogged my post, so I couldn’t help but binge read as many of your MM posts and analysis as possible. And I must say that I absolutely loved the thought and detail put into every one of them! Now if you don’t mind me asking, may I know what how you would review another story on completion? Also may I ask about your honest opinion on Saeran (as character and in general)?
First—thank you very much! That’s a very sweet compliment to receive, and I appreciate it. :)
Second … ahaha … I really did not like Another Story, pretty much at all.
I mean, don’t get me wrong—it had its moments. For instance, I loved the SEVENSTAR DRINK running gag that was perpetuated throughout; every time that came up I laughed, particularly since it tended to come up in moments that really needed some levity. I really liked the one chat we got to have with Vanderwood as well, since I’ve really become endeared to Vanderwood over time (and in particular his relationship with Saeyoung, though Another Story ruined that by screwing up their backstory), and he was so awkward in his chat that it was honestly adorable. It makes me hopeful that we’ll someday receive a Vanderwood Route (even though I think we’re more likely to get a Rika Route before the idea of a Vanderwood Route even crosses Cheritz’s minds). In addition to all of that, I loved having new phone calls for Saeyoung. I actually have his calling card, so I was able to call him after every single chat, and I loved all the new calls I got to listen to. My only regret is that I can’t remember him genuinely laughing in any of them, which is a shame because he has the most heartwarming laugh … but nonetheless, it was very nice to finally have new calls with him. I’ve heard all of his other ones, so having new calls to listen to was definitely a bonus.
But those little perks couldn’t save Another Story as a whole. Although they aren’t the only characters I care about, the Choi twins are the characters I care about the most (to the point where, when Rika asked if I was on her side or V’s side at one point, I wanted to reply that I was on Saeyoung’s side, because honestly, I was / am), and they were treated so abysmally in Another Story that I really couldn’t enjoy it. I was so angry and upset on their behalf. I wanted to tell Saeyoung the truth, I wanted to help him rescue Saeran—and yet, I could do none of that. Instead, I had to continue to stand by V, even though I thought that what he was doing with regards to the twins was wrong, and that just … it made the experience nigh unbearable.
I’m sure you read my “review” post that I wrote when I had played up to Day 4, and I still pretty much agree with everything I wrote there. Of course, I do have thoughts on things that happened after Day 4, such as how I’m furious with V for lying to Saeyoung’s face about Saeran, but you know that already. There’s also the fact that Another Story gave Saeran DID, and I talk about that (and how much I hate it) in this post here … which I suppose brings me to your other question, haha.
First, just to get it out of the way, my honest opinion on Choi Saeran is that I love him. I love him dearly. Like I said above, the Choi twins are the characters that I care about the most. Yes, there are other characters in the narrative that I really like and care about as well, but the Choi twins are my priority. My stance on the Choi twins is literally:
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That’s how much I care for and love them. But that said, I love them in both in different ways, at least in regards to how I view their relationship with MC.
With Saeyoung, yeah, I do view his relationship with MC as being a romantic one, albeit I heavily dislike how the apartment days were handled in his route (in that I hate that MC kept pushing the “wahh pay attention to me” entitlement onto him, when she really should have just tried to be supportive and helpful instead, given all he was going through). I think that Saeyoung and MC work very well together as a romantic pair, in that MC can stand beside him and give him the little push of support that he needs to not fall victim to his own self-doubt / self-loathing when it comes to doing what he needs to do. Saeyoung is incredible; he is a literal genius, he is capable of so many things, but he’s still only one person. It would still benefit him to have a hand to hold, to have someone capable of standing by his side (which is another issue I take with how Cheritz characterized MC, but whatever, I can fix that), and I think that MC could give that to him. Moreover, while Saeyoung is a trauma survivor as well (childhood abuse, + what he went through in the agency), and while he has chronic severe depression and possible anxiety, he’s still at a level of emotional maturity and mental wellness (despite his mental illness) that he would be able to have a healthy romantic relationship, so long as he has a partner who is willing to understand him, and willing to work with him, even when it gets hard. So in that sense, yes, I do see Saeyoung as a potential romantic interest.
However, the love I feel for Saeran is completely platonic. I see MC as Saeran’s sister-in-law, and that’s how I would want to be there for him as well—as a sister, as family, and I honestly think that’s what Saeran needs right now. The thing is, Saeran does not have a frame of reference for what a healthy relationship looks like, in any sense of the word. The closest he ever had was his relationship with Saeyoung when they were children, but even that was heavily skewed because they were in such a hellish abusive environment, and he was so reliant on Saeyoung in pretty much every sense of the word (Saeyoung fed him, tended to his injuries, gave him emotional support, et cetera). Unlike Saeyoung, who was able to have friendships within the RFA (and with Vanderwood!), Saeran never had that. He doesn’t know what a healthy relationship looks like, and as much as I hate that Cheritz gave him DID in Another Story because of the messages it sends, we even see this in Another Story with the way that “Ray” says that he wants to be used, because that means people will want to keep him around, as well as how he gaslights MC in an effort to get her to stay with him. Saeran doesn’t realize that what he’s doing is gaslighting when he insists to MC that the RFA are simply A.I.s and that her perception that they could be real people is false—he’s not trying to be malicious—but that doesn’t mean that he isn’t carrying out abusive behaviors all the same. Saeran also doesn’t realize how messed up it is that he says he wants to be used and abused so long as it means he isn’t abandoned, but again, it is messed up, and it shows that he’s really not in a position for a healthy relationship right now. Sure, hopefully MC wouldn’t abuse him, but with the way he is even in Another Story, he’s a prime target for it. Hell, he even asks for it, not because he’s a masochist, but because since he has never experienced a healthy relationship, he’s willing to believe that abuse (and therefore attention) is love.
All of this is to say that since Saeran has never once had a truly healthy relationship, and since he has no frame of reference for what a healthy relationship looks like, and since he has been severely abused for pretty much his entire life, his emotional development has been severely arrested. In my opinion, we actually see this manifest in Another Story, in that his “Ray” personality seems a lot less like a boy trying to court a love interest, and a lot more like a boy desperately trying to find a mother-figure replacement. Saeran has never known a mother’s love; his mother was severely abusive to him, and while Rika is “an important person” to him now (and someone that he cherishes), she also drugs and punishes him harshly when he does something she doesn’t like. Saeran has never truly been nurtured, and as a result of that, he’s desperately seeking that sort of nurturing now, from any source he can get it … which, honestly, felt a whole lot like MC, given how he wanted her to take care of him when he felt ill, kept crying for her to come back for him, et cetera. It makes sense, given that survivors of childhood abuse often do grow up to seek out the parental relationships they never had in childhood, but it doesn’t make a potential romantic relationship for him any less unhealthy.
So with all of that said, no, I don’t at all want a Saeran Route, or at least not the one that we’re getting. I’m going to play it just to see what happens (even though I’m pretty convinced that Saeyoung is going to be killed, and I’m going to have a conniption), but I don’t think it’s what’s best for Saeran. I actually think the Secret Endings are what’s best for Saeran, for while I wish that V had survived and that Rika had gone the fuck to jail, Saeran is able to finally start healing, finally rekindle his relationship with his brother, and he gets a supportive sister-in-law on top of it. No, he’s not sunshine and rainbows in the final Secret Endings yet, but he’s a trauma survivor who is recovering from years, and years, and years of abuse and torture. It’s going to take a very long time for him to recover (and for him to be able to trust others again—I honestly don’t think he would want to date in the Secret Endings, because after being betrayed by Rika, he’d be so terrified of that happening again with someone else), but he’ll get there. The Secret Endings give us hope for that.
And so with all of that said, though I’m sure it’s probably obvious (particularly if you read the other post I linked) … yeah, I vastly prefer Original Story Saeran to Another Story Saeran. I really, really dislike the fact that they gave Saeran DID in Another Story (when there is absolutely no hint of that in Original Story), because I feel that they did it just to make him “romanceable,” because let’s be honest, despite the abusive nonsense “Ray” pulls, it’s still far easier to want to romance him than it is “Unknown.” But in that, I feel that they not only distilled Saeran’s honestly complex character from Original Story into two very flat halves, but they also played into the Good Victim vs. Bad Victim dichotomy that I see so often perpetuated in media, and … well, I talked about it in the other post. My point is, I really prefer Saeran in the Original Story, especially since the story of his recovery in the Secret Endings (slow though it is, and though we don’t see the end result) is so powerful and well done. He still could have a story of recovery in Another Story (he likely will), but it’ll also be different since, instead of focusing on his C-PTSD as was done in Original Story, it’ll be focused on his DID instead … if they even choose to go that route, instead of just pretending that his romance with MC has magically cured him.
I feel like this post is all over the place, but tl;dr: I don’t like Another Story, but I love Saeran, and I want him to have a happy ending with his family (brother, sister-in-law, and tbh guardian figure Vanderwood, because Vanderwood was basically Saeyoung’s guardian, and you know he’s part of the family now, too). The Secret Endings are my preferred ending for him, along with all the recovery that comes with them.
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