#so im not sure what to tag these as bc its not really a dodgers lb like im just here for joe
retiredthotporcello · 5 years
Oh my god kiké forgetting how many outs there are in the inning... I love that dumb bitch
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pagesofkenna · 7 years
i got tagged by @islandoforder AND @mooitstimdrake and im not waiting for the last groupchatperson to tag me as well so lets go
11 asks, 11 answers, 11 questions, 11 people (better than the video game) (under a readmore bc theres a lot)
I’m double jointed in my shoulders
which means I can lick my elbows
I have 1 cat and his name is Sherlock and he’s the handsomest boy in the world
I’m currently writing a text game which I think is fairly decent for a first attempt at a game
I have a BA in English, Technical Writing
I bought my first car this month AND got my first credit card AND made my first appointment with a therapist i’m moving up in the world
I’ve read like 70 books this year so far, but that includes most of the Animorphs series so I’m not including that on my goodreads
I listen to a bunch of random podcasts but not the ones people who talk about podcasts a lot on tumblr listen to
I don’t/can’t follow youtube series, or video game journalism, or other internet subscriptions people my age with my interests should be following
I’m a Mormon? that’s a p important fact i always forget people don’t know
I’ve lived my whole life in the SoCal desert (except for going to school in Idaho) and desperately want to not live here anymore
Calyx’ questions
What’s your favourite tv show? i dont know my dude. i think parks and rec is my stock answer bc its one of the few shows i can go back and rewatch over and over randomly (and have) but also i try not to just because ive seen it so many times. 
How many languages can you speak? English and Cat
Where would you most like to visit? Antarctica
Who’s your favourite artist? like music or visual art? i don’t really know, i don’t follow specific artists for anything, except clark powell is a music composer i really like
Do you support any sports teams? i dont follow any of the teams but if the tvs on and its baseball: the dodgers if theyre playing, the angels if theyre not, any team with a bird name otherwise; basketball: the lakers if theyre playing, any team with a bird name otherwise; football: i dont know who any of the teams are so i literally just look for bird names
Favourite food? chocolate
What’s the last song you had stuck in your head? i literally just started thinking about Someday by Clark Powell because of that other question
What should you be doing right now? something productive so i dont feel like i wasted the day when i have to leave for work in four hours. reading probably
What’s your fave big franchise? Legend of Zelda i guess
Any tattoos (currently or planned)? nope (the aforementioned Mormon thing) but there was a Sawbones episode where they talked about how their daughter loved glitter temporary tattoos and its had me thinking...
What three things would you want with you on a deserted island? the Count of Monte Cristo, a month supply of MREs, and a reliable working communication device to call for help
Moo’s questions
If you were to make a new blog dedicated to one single thing (fandom, hobby/activity, etc) what would it be? lol you mean another one. i was considering making a blog of funny product photos at my store, but i realized i’d be WAY too busy this fall for that, so... that? otherwise i’d want to get more serious about my video game blog
If you could have any kind of animal as a pet, what would you have? either a bird of some kind or a snake of some kind but i’m not sure which. a duck maybe?? i’d like to live in a place i could have a duck
Who was your favorite teacher and why were they your favorite? my 4th grade teacher was HUGE on growing at your own pace, introduced us to new funny ‘trivia’ to help us learn that learning could be fun, stressed and heavily rewarded reading skills
What’s your guilty pleasure (and I’m challenging you not to say some kind of food)? right now its listening to podcasts when i should be doing other things. or just the entirety of tumblr.
Favorite pizza topping? anything meat. put half as much cheese on as you thought it needed then cover it with pepperoni and sausage crumbles and bacon bits just to counteract that gross cheese texture
What’s the last thing you bought (that wasn’t food)? uuhh and not gas? i think it was gas. or those jeans i ordered last week that finally arrived? or the last Inside Out cup we were selling at my store that no one was buying and we just needed to get rid of so i bought it since i like that movie
What upcoming movies/tv shows are you looking forward to? The Defenders is coming out THIS FRIDAY! and Runaways in October!! then Star Wars in December!!!
Any recommendations (this could be anything just throw your best pitch at me)? I have SO many recommendations but i feel like you, specifically, have heard most of them, so I’m going to throw in a curveball and talk about The Last Guardian, which is the third game in a loosely-connected series of games about people who are alone, and hurting, and trapped in worlds that do not make sense and are actively trying to push them down, finding and connecting with other people or beings in their same situations, who don’t let their pain stop them from loving and understanding, and working with that they have to escape and make things better
What’s your favorite thing to wear that you own? probably my Ace Pride socks
What was your first pet? I can never remember the story right, but I think when i was young my grandmother died so we inherited her cat, a fluffy grumpy old thing named Lucky who did not want to cuddle or be with us (she was probably sad her human was gone, but also my grandmother wasnt really a cat person anyways so. probably just a sad cat). since Lucky wouldn’t play with me my mom got a kitten from a friend, who we named Megabyte, who we had until she died just after I graduated high school
If you could learn any language, what would it be? Korean
My questions
If you could live in any fictional world, where would it be?
What’s the last song that you listened to that you felt very emotional about (positive or negative)?
What’s a book or movie you love that you feel not enough people know about?
What’s the last movie you saw in theaters?
What pokemon would you include in your real life pokemon team?
Where are you in your sibling rank?
If you could interview any one person who is now deceased, who would you interview?
What would you ask them?
When you’re out in public ordering food, what’s your preferred drink?
Where do you put the ketchup (in the fridge or in the cupboard)?
If you could work with a programming team to design an app for your phone, what would the app do?
I’m tagging @bi-dominusrex (*fingerguns*), @hiboudeluxe, @irlhannah, @chrosty, @latiburona, @natcat5, @zoook39, @nelmathyria, @hedgiwithapen, @j-the-latter-gay-saint, @everylastbird (note that you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to! also if i didnt tag you but you want to answer the questions please feel free there were so many people i wanted to tag!)
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