#so if someone who DOES maintain the wiki sees this............ have this as a gift
hysterical-cats · 1 year
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hey guys i found some pictures from us tour 5 that ive never seen before and it made me so excited i wanted to scream and cry and blow up so im sharing with the class
Hillary Porter as Rumpleteazer and Madison Mitchell as Demeter (assuming this is first cast)
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astra-galaxie · 2 months
🏳️‍🌈🧸📓👗❤️‍🔥💄😶 for my pookie one case wonder gail harper? :0 i will legit take anything she is so pookie
I drew a blank when I first saw her name, but my brain caught on after a second of thinking! Now, after doing a deep dive into her Wiki page because it's been six years since I played the case she’s in (yes, I know I’m an elder in this fandom and can tell you how long it's been since I’ve played certain cases, shh!), let’s see what headcanons I can create for Gail!
🏳️‍🌈 A sexuality headcanon
Lesbian. Her relationship with Jade gave me some romantic undertones. She seemed to me like she was attracted to Jade, not just because of the money they were making. After all, she does describe Jade as “charming,” and while it is the late 19th century, people don’t typically describe business partners that way.
🧸 A headcanon about their childhood
Her grandfather taught her how to play card games as a child. They started with simple things like Go Fish and Solitaire, but as Gail got older, he taught her to play blackjack and poker. Blackjack became Gail’s favourite and was the most often played card game between the two.
📓 A headcanon about their hobbies
Gambling, specifically playing card games. She mentioned visiting the Grand Casino in Concordia, and given that she’s an Exchange officer and handles currency all day, she would enjoy dealing with money in a more exhilarating way.
I can also see Gail having less addictive hobbies like reading and journaling. I don’t know why, but she strikes me as someone who could keep a journal or diary of her life. She would also enjoy reading a good book after a long day at work while curling up on her sofa at home, probably with a cup of tea and maybe a snack.
👗 A headcanon about their clothes
Gail keeps her clothes clean and wrinkle-free. She doesn't wear flashy or lavish things but ensures her clothes are comfortable and in style. Her style is typically business or business casual, but she can dress up for a night out on the town. She gets jealous of people who can pull off fancy outfits and earn the admiring gaze of onlookers, but every time Gail tries to go out of her comfort zone with her clothes, she can never bring herself to be seen in the new outfits.
❤️‍🔥 A romantic headcanon
Gail and Jade had a whirlwind romance while working together. For the first time in her life, Gail felt like she had someone who truly loved her. At night, she dreamt of a future with Jade, where the two of them would be rich thanks to their counterfeiting scheme. But during the confrontation that led to Jade’s death, she revealed that she had cheated on Gail and was only with her to make money. Distraught, Gail vowed never to let another person so close to her heart again as she killed Jade for her betrayal and greed.
💄 An appearance headcanon
Like the clothing headcanon, Gail keeps herself tidy and maintains good hygiene. She hates being dirty and looking unkempt. Her makeup is simple and natural-looking, highlighting her natural beauty. She tends to avoid bright lipstick and eyeshadow, preferring softer and more professional colours. Gail does own a single tube of bright red lipstick reserved for special occasions.
😶 A random headcanon
Gail has always had a natural gift for calculating the exchange rate between currencies. She’s like a human calculator! Customers give her their money and tell her which currency they would like it exchanged for, and Gail’s brain instantly does the calculations. Of course, she always verifies her results before exchanging the money, but she’s yet to be more than a few cents off with her totals.
I hope I did your pookie justice! For it being about six years since I played her case, I’m pretty proud of what I came up with!😁
Thanks for the request!
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zhongliologist · 3 years
Oh my gosh! Visions! Lore!! I hope you don't mind me rambling about visions and the in-game lore, this is my favourite part about the games and I'm very excited that you brought this up XD
I think you might be onto something with the visions! I definitely agree with what you said about each vision being a gift of sorts from each elemental archon to those they seem "worthy". I think Zhongli also mentioned that the reason why there hasn't been any new elecro allogenes was because it was the will of the electro archon? So I guess from there we can kind of surmise that at the very least, the respective elemental archons have some kind of influence on who gets what vision.
That being said though, I've always wondered if each archon tends to favour particular kinds of people, or if they there is a certain criteria to obtain a particular element vision (like maybe they give visions to people who embody a particular value or something). I feel like I've found some common thread between each element vision holder?? These are just my theories thoughh, so I'd love to know what you think!
Starting with what I think is the most obvious, I think the Pyro archon values passion. All of the pyro allogenes have something that they're very very passionate about, be it music, bombs, cooking, or defending their hometown.
(everything goes downhill from here the pyro one is the only one I'm confident about lmao)
For Geo visions, I think the connecting thread is resilience? Diligence, strength, and resilience in the face of adversity. People with wills of rock.
Electro visions, I think are given to those who are protecting something. The only common thread I can find between the electro characters was that they were protecting something or someone when they got their visions (ex: Razor protecting lupical, Fischl protecting her dreams and fantasies). I'm not too sure about this one though XD
Hydro, again, I'm not too sure if it's mastery over something, or if it's clarity? Like these people all have a particular value system or ideology that they live by (ex: chivalry, heal others with music, fight yeah!!), and they will not sway from that and will not hide who they are. It's less passion about a field and more discovery of self, I think.
Cryo took me a long time to figure out (Chongyun kept throwing a wrench in my plans 😭), but I believe the value the tsaritsa looks for is rebellion: People who dare to defy their fate, their origins, their physical conditions, to do what they want. It fits what we know of the Tsaritsa as well, with her (spoilers!) "rebellion against the divine" and what not.
Anemo I cannot figure out. I have tried. I have failed. If you know the answer, please tell me because I just cannot figure it out 😭
But yeah!! These are just my two cents. What do you think? P.S. I'm sorry to make you read so much, I got way too excited. XD Hope you're doing well 💕
Yepp!!! You surmised it well!! I do like the Vision part of the game (i mean more than Celestia's bs lmaooo) bc it's pretty interesting!
I'm gonna discuss this through the characters' traits and not through the archons! This is only my own take tho!
I like to think about Vision elements the same way as astrology does! Since astrology is better studied and you can actually infer some ideas from it!
Let's start from elements that have close qualities!
You're right about Pyro allogenes! They're pretty passionate. They'll stop at nothing to go do what they want. They're pretty brash, sometimes impulsive and impatient. They don't really wanna get told what to do. They have their own thing and you gotta respect it otherwise, you're gonna get burned.
For Geo,, it's sort of similar with Pyro but Geo allogenes are more self disciplined. They also won't stop at nothing to get what they want but they're more patient. They're willing to go through the long haul. They're also more grounded and calm. Patience is the keyword here.
For Cryo, i think Cryo allogenes are those who will do anything to survive. I think Resilient is the word to describe them. They are usually befallen by some sort of misfortune, but they still persevere to go on and live. I think the Tsaritsa respects that sort of drive and bestows Visions to those people.
Now for these two, I am unsure bc the characters are really different and I'm only grasping on straws for these ones.
For Hydro allogenes...to me, it's kind of difficult to say bc we have a variety of characters like Barbara, Mona, Xingqiu and Childe who are definitely not alike. But as I read their character stories, I realized that what these people usually feel like something is missing in their lives. They have the drive to search for that "thing", and often goes through some sort of "coming of age" test. Why do I say this?
Barbara always feels like she's less than her sister Jean. She wants to be like her but doesn't know what to do. Until she finds her purpose after singing for that boy with a high fever until her voice was hoarse.
For Xingqiu, he wanted to be like the martial arts characters he would read in books. As a sheltered kid, he wanted to do something other than ride the coattails of his family's fortune. We aren't sure how he got his Vision but I do think his time with a dwindling Guhua clan was his test.
For Mona, she wanted to be like her master. To see the truth through the stars. Perhaps her test was when her master had died and the burden to carry astrological knowledge and pass it on fell on her shoulders. It also fits if she did inherit her Vision from her master.
For Childe, he wanted to be stronger, like a naive kid who wants to be a hero, but maybe he wasn't supposed to be that twisted? Maybe he's just some adrenaline junkie who got twisted when he fell into the abyss. That was his test tho,,, but i dunno, we're not sure how he got his vision.
Now for Electro allogenes. These ones, I am unsure of the most. I mean....Keqing, Beidou, Fischl, Razor....they're so different. Maybe it's being Unusual and going out of the norm. They usually oppose something or are very, very different in their opinions. Keqing opposes the Archon's control over Liyue. Beidou, against all odds, wanted to defeat the Haishan. Fischl is living in her own world of dreams, and wishes to maintain those dreams even if people find it weird. Razor was basically raised by wolves, and generally do not mingle with society.
For Anemo allogenes...these guys are also very different. And if they're not bound by their element, they could've gone to other elements just by their personalities. Venti is the only one who embodies the free spirit personality. Jean and Xiao both have strong motivations to protect their homes. Sucrose has a voracious appetite to learn and discover. Perhaps Venti is just embodying the free spirit and gives Visions to whoever he wants lmaooo
Maybe Jean and Xiao are people who wish to protect the freedom of the people so they were graned Anemo visions?? I dunno. I'm stumped on this one....
But this is what I think! I feel like I've made a few lore mistakes here and there bc I don't know everything and only went to the wiki ebdbhshs
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scary-senpai · 2 years
If shadow ring and sonic met each other in the OPM Universe, how would they react to each other?
Scenario 1: Shadow ring is entrusted to capture sonic.
Scenario 2: Shadow ring is fighting someone and Sonic sees her..
Ooh, thank you for the ask, OP! This is very special to me as it is my very first one. So, all the love and internet hugs! <3
I want to confirm, though, that I’m the right person to answer this question. Are you looking for a more technical and analytic answer, or a creative one? My expertise is more like character analysis and human behavior with a little bit of systems/organizational psych thrown in. I actually don’t know much about fighting or physics, and on top of that I don't know these characters very well. But that is fine! I love a challenge, and I also love reasons to reread beloved material in a different way. It took me a few days to get to this ask to re-read the material and get back to you. I probably could have done a bit more research but I didn't want you to think you were being ghosted or discourage people from asking me stuff.
My first inclination is that, upon meeting Shadow Ring, Sonic’s first thought would be “Ah, dammit! Why does everybody get a better name than me!?” That's my silly "20 words or less" answer.
But this is actually a super interesting questions... More in-depth thoughts below the cut :D
There’s also spoilers for some information about Sonic that gets revealed in the webcomic (specifically what his training was like and where he grew up), but not any actual webcomic events.
I also want to add a small disclaimer that my beloved ADHD chaos brain (which gifts me with many things, but attention to detail) sometimes mixes up names that start with the same letter, and likes to leave words out of sentences. Today is Not A Great Brain Day, but I can usually summon enough energy to focus on things that bring me joy, and writing about OPM is one of those things. Thanks again for your ask!
From a character/human behavior perspective, this question is interesting because of what we know about Sonic’s village. Unfortunately, most of the Ninja Village backstory lives in the webcomic right now, and I don’t know that as well as the manga, so I relied on the Wiki pages for most of this. The notes below come from there:
Kids under 7 train for 10 years with no hope of escaping
Trainees are not allowed to do anything else except train to kill, and they do so under harsh conditions. For example, they eat only bland food and go days without sleep (a day in the ninja village was 72 hours, with only 6 for sleep).
As if this wasn’t enough, these little ninjas-to-be are not allowed to express emotions.
They’re socially isolated with no hope of escape or even information from the outside world
Anyone who survives this treatment without breaking physically/emotionally is, indeed, a tough person to beat. (It’s interesting to me, though, that even though their training emphasized stoicism, Sonic is very vehement and expressive. So it’s a small comfort to see that he maintained some connection with at least a portion of his emotions, and/or managed to find them again.
What's challenging about this question (and indicative of the general f*cked-upedness of the OPM-verse), is that we don't know if Shadow Ring's Village is better, worse, or the same. We’re living in a world where people sell their kids to research facilities (Tatsumaki) and kids who can’t vote or buy booze in most countries apparently have free range to turn themselves into metal killing machines (Genos). We hope that Sonic's experience is an outlier, but sadly it’s a cruel world out there, and the fact is we don't know -- unless I missed something important. (In which case, please let me know and I will happily and gratefully amend my answer.)
Anyway, what do we know about Shadow Ring? We’ve seen her fighting alongside S-Class Heroes during the MA Raid, and she’s skilled enough to earn praise from FlashyFlash:
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Sonic, on the other hand, can go two-to-two with S-Class heroes like Genos, the shriveled form of the Deep Sea King (which was still strong enough to fell Puri-Puri prisoner) and the most dangerous criminals at Smelly Lid Prison. That makes me think that Sonic had the superior training (but at what cost?), but if there’s definitive proof I haven’t found it. Maybe all ninja villages are as intense and Shadow Ring graduated in the middle of her class (which is still an incredible achievement). Or if she went through the same hellish situation, she managed to escape halfway through. Or the one time we see her fighting, she’s having an off-day. Again, not much data to go on here.
In any case, it seems clear that Shadow Ring would be outmatched in a fight. We know that Sonic is on par with S-Class Heroes, including FlashyFlash. He and Sonic have similar moves that leverage their superior speed. We also know that Shadow Ring can’t even see FlashyFlash, which implies that she wouldn’t be able to defend herself against Sonic if he attacked, or pursue him if he fled:
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Sonic also isn’t just skilled, he’s ruthless. Here’s how he introduces himself to the inmates at Smelly Lid Prison:
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Oh, and speaking of prison... it doesn’t even matter if Shadow Ring captures him, because he is excellent at busting himself out of jail. And when he’s finally taken to Smelly Lid Prison, he’s in the same place as Puri Puri Prisoner who... aside from just busting through walls when he’s got business to attend to (leaving a huge opening for all the other inmates to follow him), also seems to have taken a liking to him and possibly owes him a favor for his assistance with Sea King.
I think it would be interesting to be a fly on the wall in any situation where Sonic and Shadow meet, especially in the second one you mentioned (”Shadow Ring is hired to bring Sonic back to Jail”). As I mentioned in another post, "We don't see the world as it is, we see it as we are." So, assuming that’s the case with Sonic, maybe he sees another ninja and assumes they’ve also been trafficked, manipulated and tortured. And we also know how he feels about heroes, because of what he’s said to Genos:
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Despite those harsh words, though, Sonic shows some willingness to aid heroes if the situation demands it. For example, he assists in the battle against the Sea King, and, as much as he wants to fight Saitama, he decides that he will not attack if Caped Baldy is fighting a monster. So although Sonic isn’t necessarily pro-hero, he is anti-monster. And I can see why -- he spent 17 years in a terrible situation, and in the end nobody came to rescue him. We can see from the way he fixates on Saitama -- who, despite his infinite strength, defeated Sonic with a cheap shot and pure dumb luck. This man can hold a grudge. Given all this, it makes sense that he would lose faith in the system, in everything but himself. So, he might chastise Shadow Ring for not only being a hero, but also wasting her time attacking other humans when rampant monster attacks are rapidly making the world go to shit. To my knowledge he hasn’t said anything like this in the manga or webcomic but... what does it take to get a bunch of heroes into this terrible and painful world? Not empathy or even awareness -- only some rando saving a rich guy’s son.
I wonder if seeing another Ninja incites Sonic to share more about his past experiences, in the form of a rant. How much are they paying you to catch me? You'll never succeed, but that's not the problem. It isn’t just that you are weak, it’s that you’re false. All you care about is fighting monsters. What about the humans that need saving from other humans?
Also, Sonic mostly functions as a mercenary (both professionally and as a morally gray character), so he might dare Shadow Ring to make her own choices and think for herself. Don’t you know what it’s like to spend most of your life controlled? Since Sonic is also vindictive, he might concentrate on breaking her spirit as well as her body. Or maybe just letting her walk after stealing all her hope in the system.
For the second scenario… I think it’s much the same. He might be curious to see Shadow Ring’s fighting style (and he probably is, but as we’ve seen he’s a bit cocky and perhaps the type of person to always assume that). Everybody kinda stans their own techniques and belief systems, and often not in a way that is kind — especially if our own faith is cracking at that moment. To compare him with characters like Garou and Genos, they might hate you personally but they’re going to approach your technique with an open mind and possibly steal a few things for themselves. I don’t get the same energy from Sonic (probably from the way he over personalized his fight with Saitama; who is legitimately strong but won their first fight with a cheap shot and sheer dumb luck)… But then again, I could be wrong. In summary, though, I think if Sonic observed Shadow Ring fighting, he’d be really contemptuous and judgmental, but it’s more about his issues than her fighting technique, if that makes sense.
BUT. If the fight wasn’t going well, and Shadow Ring is in trouble, I feel like Sonic would surreptitiously help her and make it seem like an accident. You know, he’s that kind of person.
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silvia7272 · 3 years
Miraculess Ladybug Salt AU: You Always Liked To Play With Fire ~ Blossoming Friendships???
I really hope you’re all enjoying this new series; I honestly just came up with the idea on a dime, and then after I started developing it, I knew I needed to share it with all of my fans.
Also, when I actually get around to including more characters from the movie, it’s gonna be fun giving them some personality traits. I can’t wait.
And er-… I may have accidently messed up with some off the names. Since I changed most off the names already, I then decided to change them for Barbara and Olympia, however I had forgotten that I’d already written their names down in the story. Opps. I thought this would’ve been better since I think I saw some people complain about the United Hero’s super names, so I changed them, as well as if I’m going to add in going to Gotham into the mix and there’s already a character called Barbara, I just know I’ll get hella confused for who I’m talking about. I don’t want people to get confused but maybe I should make a post off the names I’ve already changed to begin with, just to defer from canon. Well, here it is.
My OC: Rosaniline Keyne-Hill was Rosina Scoats
Soliane Rin was Crisono Tassa
Canon Counterparts: Jace Keyne was Jessica Keyne
Aveon Keyne-Hill was Aeon Hill
Medusa was Uncanny Valley
(I kept Olympia the same)
Nebula was Majestia
Brianna was Barbara
Eostrix was Night Owl
So, I might just change them when I can be bothered to.
This fanfic and its ideas were all made before season 4 came out, so if something doesn’t add up please don’t worry. That information wasn’t available then, and unless it fits into my story or I like it, I won’t include it in my story. Also, that new Miraculous wiki can get lost, I’m not putting any of that new information in here if they couldn’t even put it in the show. (Also, so far, I do not care for season 4 whatsoever so yeah, I may not include any of that in this work and the other.)
Word Count: 9435
Tags: @vixen-uchiha​ if you wish to be tagged all you have to do is say. Also, if you change your name please tell me, I don’t want to leave you out since you’ve asked to be tagged. I’m very sorry if I’ve missed anyone.
Well, I hope you’ll enjoy it.
Note: This fic contains OOC scenes of Miraculous Ladybug as well as a ton of salt, so if you don't like that stuff you may scroll past and have a nice day.
In a world with no Miraculous, no Hawkmoth and no Ladybug, how does our little heroine do?
Well, it usually would be hanging out with her friends, as any other teenager would do...
But, of course, this wasn't normal.
This was reality. It was cold, hard and definitely not welcome.
So, when this girl wishes to have some kind of adventure in her boring, mundane life…
How long does it take for her to regret it?
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Mlle Bustier had always believed her students were the best in the whole Collège.
In fact, she whole-heartedly believed that all her students could do no harm.
In her mind, they were at the peak of maturity, though they may be in their adolescence and had some seemingly petty dramas, they all prevailed to take whatever they wanted for themselves, when they saw opportunities, they rightfully took.
And Mlle Bustier only wanted the best for her students.
As much as Caline would never admit it to any of her work colleagues, she always knew her class was exceptional.
Kim, Alix, what with two of the sportiest people that were bound to succeed.
Max, A genius who was able to develop a fully functioning AI, when he was a teen no less. She could only imagine what other inventions her little Einstein could invent later on. The type of universities he’d get into, the job offers, oh the endless possibilities.
Ivan, Rose, Juleka, A lead vocalist, guitarist, and drummer in a popular rock band. Though she had heard there may have been a few mishaps in the band, she was sure they would be even better than before.
Mylène, A passionate environmentalist who only wanted to help the world become a cleaner place, and entered as many organisations as possible.
Nino, An inspiring DJ/filmmaker. She always wanted to help out by lending the classroom key afterschool, that way he could work on all of his works. Allowing everyone to take part even, it was truly one of her best rules.
Alya, A journalist's whose goal was to become bigger than Lois Lane.
Adrien, A model, the most famous teenage one by Parisian standards.
Chloé, The mayor's Daughter.
Sabrina, The head of police’s Daughter.
Nathaniel, an inspiring comic book artist that had gained a lot of attention online.
And Lila, a Daughter of an Italian diplomat.
Although she could admit to herself that not all of these aspirations were something that she could boast about, she could show off that all of her students had something they would work for or even show off.
And what did the others have?
Two weather girls and a writer? Caline would have to laugh, compare that with her class and you could clearly see who was at the top.
Although she hadn’t said a specific name for a reason.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng. The young fashion designer/baker’s girl.
For a while, that name had left a sour name in her mouth, whenever she had been forced to say it for the register, it only took her a few days for her to realise how much it annoyed her whenever said girl was late to her lesson. Honestly, did that girl not value punctuality? Nevermind in the workplace; what about her reputation as a teacher?
She was becoming a lot more reclused, gaining a disrespectful attitude towards her she had no recollection of when she had gained it, and became incredibly upset when she remembered every year on her birthday, the girl would give her a whole assortment of pastries and desserts.
Now, because she had somewhat highly encouraged her students to send gifts for a better grade, it was just a box of chocolates.
Just a small box of chocolates!?
How could she show off her gifts to the others now!?
And worst of all?
She refused to be the good little Class President anymore.
Her example?
Her Marinette off the world?
Did she not care about setting a good example? Or to be a role model to the class?
Really, to be so selfish, to all of her friends, how ungrateful.
She believed she had sorted this little problem when Chloé, in a fit off understandable jealousy, drew over her gift.
Marinette was unreasonably angry at the poor girl, and so Bustier had said how better it would be for her to rise up and become a beacon of light for Chloé instead of letting that hate and anger fester inside her.
To let go and help out everyone.
To not let your negative side take a hold of you and be positive around everyone in your vicinity.
After all, sharing and helping makes the world go round, and we do want to help the world, right?
She remembered those words she had spoken so fondly to her, as she was always someone anyone could come to for advice. It had always worked after all, after students were able to see the correct side, she’d be thanked which always left a small flutter of happiness around her.
Mendeleiev scared many students away, D’Argencourt with his eccentric personality, made students want to avoid being seen near him after lessons ended, and hardly anyone spent their time in the art club room.
Caline believed she was seen as a shining example of light by the other students, and knew she was seen as a Disney Princess by many, Rose had even called her that once.
However, getting back to the matter at hand, she was very pleased when Marinette had gone out of her way to make Chloé happy, of course, her attitude still remained mostly the same but Caline was smart enough to know it wouldn’t take one nice event to help the girl, so she was so proud when she carried on helping the poor girl out. Chloé was smiling more and even asking for a multitude of things from the blue-haired girl, and if she ever saw Marinette get unreasonably upset again, she’d send a very disappointing glare.
She knew being disappointed in students was a sure-fire way for them to do better and work harder, she knew how guilty her students would feel if they ever managed to get that gaze from their teacher, and… If the elder had done this a bit more on Marinette than anyone else… Well, she would just smile, telling them how much Marinette was able to accomplish, her trips for the class were so good, everyone was jealous. So, didn’t that seem good?
And even though she did see most of it going in the trash, she knew Chloé was just a little bit picky, she’d liked the interest in her, it was normal.
Her home life wasn’t something to be overlooked, she just knew the girl only wished for attention, and she was sure to be able to give it to her.
But then she… Stopped.
Caline had believed the girl had gotten wrongly impatient and told Marinette she shouldn’t be so extreme, but Marinette dared to fight back, against her?
She exclaimed that it wasn’t just Chloé anymore, how could she be expected to be nice to both her and Lila?
Bustier was confused, Lila? What did she have to do with this?
And so, the girl explained that she was just lying for attention, every breath that came out was just a lie. And she couldn’t stand it, she’d apparently turned her friends against her.
Now, normally, Bustier knew Marinette wouldn’t lie.
But, she also knew she couldn’t let this ‘lie’ be revealed.
It might harm her reputation.
She couldn’t have that happen.
So, she knew what she had to say.
That this was just girl drama that all teenagers had.
She couldn’t afford to let her empire fall so soon.
And for something like that.
The faces of the other teachers.
The gossip surrounding her.
“Looks like Caline’s not so good a teacher after all.”
No, she couldn’t bare it.
Who said a little white lie would hurt anyone?
In order to keep her class, exactly the same.
A few snips were made to maintain its image.
And if she had to snip her most prized student.
Then… So be it.
When she entered her classroom it was just like any other day.
Her students forming around a desk in the front of the room.
She always commended her students for such actions, she knew how sweet and silent the girl could be and loved how accommodating the class could be to her.
She couldn’t help the wondering gaze that looked upon the back row.
A certain seat was empty, but that was routine by now. And even though there was still 5 minutes till the bell, she still marked her late in her book.
Sometimes Caline had to think if at some points she had expected too much of this single girl… But only to remember that, no, in fact, when Marinette had a better attitude, she had expected too less. Back when she gained some confidence, she had always surpassed her expectations, her trips were the highlight off her job, her morning snacks were a welcomed surprise, her need to prove herself let her have as many responsibilities as possible, yes some were meant to be her own paperwork, but she’d never seen Marinette excel so much, it was a dream come true.
If she could just push her, just a little more… She was sure Marinette would go back to her obedient self, and it would make Bustier’s job a lot easier.
Although… The new student seemed like the perfect candidate as well, since Marinette may not follow her good example, she may be able to get a different example.
She could see just how sweet and pleasant the cherry haired girl was, she’d be perfect for the role. Sneaking a quick glance at the girl who was simply minding her business reading a book and keeping to herself. She did take note she had a bit of a limp for the past week, but didn’t bring it up just to not embarrass the girl in front of the whole class. She just knew if she was able to simply send her views her way, a new example would be made, hell she may even be able to have two if Rosaniline became such a good influence on Marinette she may even change again.
She also just knew Rosann would be good for Chloé, after all, they’d have so much to talk about, and coming from similar backgrounds she could make sure they could be paired together as much as possible.
Of course, only she knew about her family name, Monsieur Damocles had been informed by her residence that they’d prefer not to spread this information about, for it had been such a hinderance for her to make friends before.
Bustier frowned, she knew very well her students wouldn’t try to suck up to her, she almost felt insulted that she wouldn’t trust her students.
But the worst part was that she couldn’t brag about her new student to anyone, no one could find out or they’d all face some action from her Mother, she was very clear on that.
However Bustier tried to not let it bother her too much, after all she was sure she could give a gentle nudge in the right direction about trusting friends and not keeping secrets, to coax her out of her shell. She’d just have to be excruciatingly patient.
Clapping her hands was a symbol for them all to pay attention, she’d never raise her voice to them, not even a little, and she knew they would respect it and quieten down their chatter.
And just like that, the door opened to a fashionably late bluenette. Bustier would feign ignorance to the rather disappointing glares stares the girl was receiving, after all, she was giving one off her own.
She sheepishly walked to her seat just as the bell rang, honestly, she’d given her a lot of warnings before about her punctuality, did she really need to brief her Parents in about the situation?
“Well class, since all of you are here now, I can get on with the lesson” And so began her teaching.
It was fairly simple, she knew her students would be able to easily understand, after all, she knew they were the best, the smartest.
She had to explain the project they were bound to complete to a high standard, she just knew it was another to her list of student’s accomplishments she could brag about.
The project entailed 30% of coursework they must do in pairs in the span of 2 months. They could choose any topic so long as it followed the theme.
And this year’s theme was history, generally her students would groan at this topic, but considering they were able to decide on their personal preferences that should help encourage them to complete it to the best of their ability.
Plus, it helped towards their end of the year grade, and helped their teamwork skills. Of course, Mlle Bustier would always try to be as generous as she could, she wouldn’t remove marks from accidental mistakes unlike a purple haired teacher would, she just couldn’t bear to be so mean to them when she knew they were trying so hard to get all of their marks, she couldn’t punish them for that. Even if it was not necessarily the right thing to do, she couldn’t let there be any wrongful disappointment.
As long as they carried on being a great example, she could never fail them.
Besides everyone loved her projects, while having to be in pairs they always got to present it in any way they wanted, a science experiment, PowerPoint presentation to even a play, she was so very proud when Mylène did that play from last year, so impressive and she had gotten out of her shell. All she had to do was make them follow a simple rule before they could go all out. Her students loved the independence, and when they asked what type of ideas she had, she gleamed and expressed her own interest in the fairy tales. There was so much you could do with so many magical stories and elements, the possibilities were endless. She loved always talking about them in at least all of her lesson as she knew how many life lessons could come out of it.
And besides, in a sense, the other thing that made her the best teacher, she let them pick their own partners.
Of course, she had to make it seem like that.
It was always the same since kindergarten, everyone’s names would be placed in a bowl on a piece of paper, and one by one she’d pick a name up, when she read it out loud other people could raise their hands to ask to be their partner.
Normally it would be the first person to raise their hand, however, Caline wasn’t stupid, there were certain pairs she didn’t always want together.
Such as Alix and Kim, if it were a presentation about sports, she wouldn’t mind as much, knowing they would present a physical display of their athleticism… However, she knew if they were paired up for a slideshow presentation about let’s say, politics. She knew they would only start at the last minute, and include a very messily strown up slideshow. And with Marinette refusing to help out her classmates with even the simplest of matters, her hands were tied.
So, if they ever stuck their hand up for either of them, Bustier would wait to see who else would put their hand up, most of the time it was either Max or Nathaniel respectfully, and since they were all friends, no one had called her out for it.
And that’s how she got around it.
So, she started doing her routine, swirling her hand around the, she picked one up and began to read it aloud.
“Lila Rossi. And who would like to be her partner?” Immediately several hands shot up, bringing a smile on her face again, so many wanted to help this girl it filled her with pride and comfort.
And well, she always had to help by picking the most knowledgeable of students.
“Max, I believe I saw your hand up first” Some students moaned that they couldn’t be with Lila, but they knew that maybe next time they would get a shot.
“Ivan Bruel” Unsurprisingly Mylène’s hand shot up first followed by Juleka and Rose, now normally she wouldn’t let couples be together, but she couldn’t break them up, they did their work so well, so she let it slide.
Grabbing the next piece of paper Caline’s once bright smile, dropped as her eyes scanned over the name before sighing audibly, she didn’t need to hide it, everyone knew whose name it was.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng took a deep sigh.
As soon as Bustier told them about a presentation she was immediately filled with dread.
She could quite easily do it well, or at least get a well enough grade considering Bustier’s shady marking skills.
But her partners influence would be something she dreaded.
Best case scenario, they’ll be so repulsed to be in the same room with her that they’d work independently, and it would more or less seem like two separate presentations in one. Her grade was low.
Worst case scenario, she’d be subjected to either do it alone, or screamed about how much they don’t want to be near her. Her grade would be lowered.
Not theirs, hers.
Bustier would exclaim how she wanted the bluenette to rise above it all and forgive them, and until she was a better student in her eyes, she’d be punished for it.
It didn’t help that when her name was specifically called out, there would be a silence they’ll have to endure for what would seem like eternity.
It would either stop when someone so nobly sacrificed themselves to team up with her or Bustier would be forced to wait until the end for the last name to be picked out.
And she hated having to feel like this.
They were all friends, why did it have to be like this?
And well, just like this silence, it would last for a rather uncomfortable time, more than Marinette liked.
Her head rested on the desk, she at this point didn’t care about her appearance in front of the new girl. It had been a week already and at this point Marinette knew they’d be no point getting to know someone who was bound to abandon her.
It was a despairing truth she’d learn from experience, it was why no one hung around her, even from the other classes, they would be a target next.
Marinette couldn’t blame them, if the situations were reversed, she doubted she’d have enough courage to go out of her way to help.
So, she’d just sit, head on desk as time would pass.
“H-Hey! Why do you have your hand up, we told you how she was a bully, why would you want to be her partner!?”
That wasn’t meant to happen.
Hesitantly, Marinette picked her head up, only to find her seatmate with an eager hand in the air.
She looked over to her face, a smile present as she glanced towards the teacher, waiting for her to say they would be paired together.
“I want to be Marinette’s partner, and I haven’t seen yet why I shouldn’t” Rosann’s head turned innocently to her classmates, she was radiating happiness as they stared in shock. A blond very much as he did want to be her partner when her name was called out, but he kept his thoughts to himself.
“Marinette! Did you threaten her as well, girl you’re unbelieva-”
“I’m afraid you are being mistaken Mlle Césaire, I wouldn’t willingly make a partnership with my enemy, now Mlle Bustier you may continue if you would please” Marinette gasped, she- she’d just put a target on her back. For her! This girl was crazy…
And yet, despite her cute appearance, she hadn’t seen someone look so confident and polite.
‘Wait did I say cute-’
Even though the girl had stated her answer, it wasn’t the answer the class was looking for.
“Mlle Bustier you can’t put their names down together” Someone protested. It sounded like Lila, she was always leading the class for this sort of thing.
“Yeah, put my name down for Rosaniline instead, we know she doesn’t mean it.” That was Alya.
“But I-” She felt guilty for the new girl, she really did, she would’ve warned her how you’ll never truly be able to say your opinion without everyone interfering or as she put it, butting in.
“She doesn’t know what’s she’s gotten herself into, the poor girl” Rose spoke, if Marinette wasn’t so used to it she’d flinch from the words Rose spoke about her.
What was bad, Rosann wasn’t able to speak.
What was worse, Bustier was very much considering it.
“I guess it would be for the best” Marinette couldn’t believe it. The one person who willingly decided to pair up with her, was being ignored to be partnered up with someone else.
Not that Marinette wanted them to be with someone else mind you, but it was their decision, why wasn’t she spared a thought and have people notice that maybe they didn’t have to decide for her?
What was crueller, was that Marinette found the one person that was on her side… Was the one person who was the first to make her clamper up.
“This is ridiculous absolutely ridiculous” Of all people, it had to be her to join in?
“How extremely hypocritical of you Mlle Bustier, if I couldn’t change my partner from the last project then neither does Dupain-Cheng in this one, isn’t this school meant to teach fairness. Well, the only fair thing I see is the fairly incompetent from this class” Of course the students didn’t take kindly to her words as Bustier sighed yet again.
She knew Chloé had a point, she’d tried to persuade Chloé to have a different partner than Sabrina a few times in previous projects, it would depend on the person, if Chloé didn’t mind, she’d moan but nothing else. If it was someone she didn’t like, she’d threaten to call the mayor, most of the times she wouldn’t considering out of all the teachers even Chloé would admit she liked Bustier the most, she’d never blame her for anything and she loved that about her, but she had a point none the less.
Besides, Bustier believed that maybe Rosaniline would prove to be a very good example to her previous one, and this could be a great place to start.
“Yes Chloé, I believe I understand now, it would be highly unfair if we didn’t let Rosaniline decide for herself” Marinette couldn’t help the somewhat annoyed glance she gave to the teacher for that comment.
“But Mlle-”
“No buts Alya, now why don’t we use the idea Chloé suggested?” The class all heard the snicker from Chloé, they couldn’t believe she could stoop so low like this.
And then it carried on like it had been, but Marinette couldn’t help but let her curiosity get the better of her and as the class was carrying on, Marinette swallowed the gulp that had formed in her throat and turned to the girl next to her.
“Err- Rosaniline?” She gently tapped the girl’s shoulder, she turned and showed she was listening.
“Yes?” Oh god Mari don’t lose confidence now.
“Why, why did you do that?” With that, she saw a smirk emerge from the girl.
“I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t curious, but I am rather petty since I refuse to take the word of someone else before doing my own research” Oh. Somehow that wasn’t what she was expecting, but honestly it was better than pretending to care.
“Although… I should apologise, for how abrupt I was about it” Marinette widened her eyes, why- she didn’t do anything wrong?
“I would’ve preferred asking for your consent first, but seeing the opportunity I may have taken it rather quickly” She grasped one of her braids, a nervous habit maybe, Marinette couldn’t help but notice before giving her answer.
“N-No its fine, I-I don’t mind you being my partner, not like I’ve got anyone better- I mean- I didn’t mean it like that. I just- erm, I just. I’m glad you thought about me” If Marinette had been able to look past her hair, she would’ve noticed the small blush creep up on her cheeks.
“No problem”
Normally, a weekend would be extremely relaxing to the young designer.
She had as much time to sleep in, plus she started a late shift anyway, her Parents were the best when it came to that, since they knew how much trouble she had getting up on a school day, they knew they couldn’t ask her to get up early for work, especially since it was their workplace.
And she had completed other homework assignments a while ago, so surely there was no reason for why she should be pacing around in the living room so early for her.
Well, it may or may not have something to do with the new girl.
She really should stop calling her new girl, she gave her her name for god’s sake.
But she just felt so nervous.
She told her Parents about this new assignment, and how she actually volunteered to be her partner, and how Marinette in the spur of a moment offered to go to her place on Saturday to start it. And she couldn’t deny when she saw the relieved expression she had when she offered. But now…
She hadn’t had someone over in years, everyone else avoided this place like the plague, the Parents still came though, and although they were slightly informed of the situation, they also just believed it was teenage drama.
Her own Parents showed their own worry, they loved their girl, and they truly didn’t want her to ever be hurt like last time ever again, but they also knew if she never gave this girl a shot, she’d never know.
Was it better to know than to ponder it forever?
That was a phrase Marinette was all too familiar with. However, it still didn’t calm her nerves.
Her Parents had told her if she didn’t want Rosaniline to be around anymore, they’d be more than happy to just so happen have an event take place right at that moment that she would have to leave, even if Marinette hoped that wouldn’t happen.
So, as she continued to pace, she was able to see from her balcony the Parisians all around, her doorway was slightly ajar so she could hear the sound of birds chirping, cars passing, and a motorcycle coming to a stop.
The noise of a motorcycle made her come to a fond thought of her Nonna. She loved her very much, and her free spirit.
Whenever she came back from one of her grand trips, she’d always get Marinette some type of fabric that always made her determined to incorporate into some type of clothing.
It was somewhat why she always stayed in the path of fashion, not just because her Parents would be disappointed in seeing her so unmotivated, but because she still liked the challenge of turning fabric into something.
She giggled, besides that thing from last week, it was the only adventurous thing she had done.
The sound of steps interrupted her as she saw her Maman, she nodded before Marinette felt a slight drop in her stomach.
She was here, she just needed to calm down, it would be fine.
She’d just smile and brace for it.
Walking down the stairs to her bakery was the same as always, she could smell the fresh bread from the oven. She always appreciated this aspect, living in a bakery always meant the aroma was lovely.
Going through the door after her Maman she braced herself to see the ne- er, Rosaniline.
What she didn’t brace for was the little girl cuddling her leg as soon as she entered.
“Hi, my names Piper, can we go to your room now?” She had to compose herself so she wouldn’t fall over with the girl in tow, but she couldn’t help internally awwing at the little kids’ appearance.
Black hair tied back in a red bow, a pink leotard with a lighter coloured tutu skirt. And a short but worn-out blue cape. And to top it all off, sparkly pink shoes faded to orange.
“O-Oh, hi there.” She gave a little wave, still completely confused.
“I’m so sorry Mari, Piper was just too excited to meet you, I’m very sorry for the shock” She saw a concerned look coming from Rosaniline. She sure did fret a lot- ah, she knew she didn’t mean it as a bad thing she just, well, she was used to being quiet and observing.
“Its fine really, but how come you brought your… Sister here?” She was unsure if the guess was right but considering the nod from the other girl, she relaxed knowing she was right. And considering she had to ignore a comment made from her Parents about a nickname she was given, she could just ignore that.
“I’m so sorry for the late notice, it’s just, something came up and I couldn’t find anyone able to take care of her. I’m really sorry for not telling you before but I- I don’t have your phone number so I couldn’t tell you. Eheh. I promise she won’t cause any trouble. Right?” The smaller girl, now back at her Sister’s side, bounced and repeated yes several times.
She looked to her Parents, almost asking them if it was alright, this whole situation caught her slightly off guard, and she momentarily forgot the question was directed at her.
Luckily her Maman was ready.
“Of course its fine, my, your Sister is such a cutie. And what’s your name sweetie?” Her Mother crouched down to make eye level. The girl puffed her chest out before standing straight up.
“My name is Piper Keyne-Hill ma’am, and I am 6 years old” She held one hand up before she looked up.
“Did I do it right?” Rosaniline smiled before bending down to her level as well.
“Do you believe that is the right answer?” Her use of that caused attention to Piper’s hand as the little one looked back, she gasped before proudly extending another finger up.
“There you go” She ruffled her hair as Marinette saw her Mother continue talking with Piper.
And yet… She felt that dread from earlier flee away, seeing Rosaniline interacting with her Sister so fondly brought heat to her cheeks and inside. She just, felt so calm around her.
And that warm smile…
She, kinda wanted her to smile like that to her…
“Marinette?” That broke her out of her trance, she looked over at her Papa who had a confused look.
“Shouldn’t you two start working on the project?”
“Huh? Oh- oh yeah, yes of course the project… Eh, Rosaniline lets go, I’ve got some kid books to keep Piper company” She didn’t mind the weight on her arm, or the way her Parents smiled at her interactions with the cherry haired girl.
She just minded how heavy her heart was pounding for some reason.
Marinette never considered her room big, she always found it spacious, it might be due to her always misplacing at least something when she’s in a rush, but she knew where it would be.
Stepping over to her desk draw, she pulls out a bunch of child books, since Nadja always did spring a babysitting job on her, she figured there was no reason to place them somewhere that would be too much of a hassle to keep getting out. So, she kept them closer.
Turning back, she saw the two looking around her room, Piper held so much excitement as Rosaniline wore a smile.
“Woooooow, it’s so pink, Rosalee what type is it?” Tugging at her Sister’s cardigan the older girl smiled.
“There are many different types, so I doubt I know the exact one… But I’d say it was a coral pink” She pattered her head as she too looked over the room, a somewhat reminiscent expression as she takes it all in.
“Mari I’m so jealous, to be able to live in a bakery with all of those magnificent smells around every day, it must be like heaven” Marinette scratched her head, ok- this was all so different, no matter how much she wanted to go back to her usual self, there was always something holding her back. Almost like, if she fell in this trap again, she’d mess it up, before she could be comfortable.
There she goes again, over thinking the situation like before.
No wonder-
“Ahh- it’s a tiger, look look” Piper’s voice brought her out of it as she saw Piper sitting in Rosaniline’s legs.
“Mmhmmn, so, Mari should we get started?” Marinette could only nod before they pulled out some books to get started.
‘This was easier when I had to do it on my own’ The bluenette thought, now don’t get her wrong, they weren’t arguing or anything, they just couldn’t exactly agree on a subject together.
When Rosaniline suggested gory fairy tales, she had to physically force herself not to shudder, fortunately the girl opposite her said it was a mere jest, thinking it would’ve been funny to see the teachers face when they spoke about it, but maybe it would be too much.
Rosaniline even joked that they may not have anything in common at all, that did nothing to soothe the young girls’ nerves. She just knew this might not have been the best decision, if they couldn’t find a topic, she knew Bustier would blame her for it, and if Bustier blamed her no doubt the class would as well. And it would just be one more point for them as they’d slowly but surely turn Rosaniline away from her.
It’s not like she would be disappointed or anything, it’s just, she’d rather be right now than in the future with her hopes up.
But, it didn’t help that her feelings were so mixed about this. Why was it she wanted to get to know Rosaniline?
Knock knock.
“Girls, I think you’re due a break now, don’t you?” Marinette was relieved, surely after some food they’ll be able to come up with at least one idea.
“Yes, Mlle Dupain-Cheng, that would be lovely.”
“Now stop that, you can call me Sabine, aw such a polite child you are” She blushed as she rubbed the back of her head.
“Marinette dear, mind if you help me?” Her eyes were confused, her Maman would normally never ask for help, what was so different now?
But not wanting to cause a scene she nodded and proceeded to climb down, just as Piper was moving onto a different type of picture book.
Going over to the kitchen she saw that her Mother had prepared so much food it would’ve looked like a feast, but that was how she was, whenever guests came over you could see more food on a table than a table.
She hoped Rosaniline and Piper had an appetite.
“Is everything alright dear?” She felt her Maman’s hands on her shoulders, it was always reassuring that her Parents did so much to look out for her, even when she pretended to be just fine her Parents would give her time just to be by herself if she needed it and then be there if she wanted to talk.
“Yes Maman, she’s really nice… We just haven’t figured out what topic to do yet.” She laughed nervously as her Mother couldn’t help but give a somewhat serious expression.
“You know, if you at all feel uncomfortable, we can still make up an excuse-” She shook her head.
“No Maman its fine really, if anything we’ll just keep it to the school library… She’s- I don’t know, I can’t explain it, I just feel-”
“Relaxed?” Her Mother finished the sentence for her, she nodded as Sabine thought how glad this girl was making her feel.
“Alright, well then get back up there, you don’t want her thinking you abandoned her?” She nudged her cheek as Marinette pushed her hand gently. She gave her Mum a kiss on the cheek before making her way back up to her room.
She couldn’t explain the feeling much, it was like she was feeling peaceful, a smooth tranquillity around her.
It wasn’t a feeling she had around her older friends, it always seemed like whatever they did was rushed, no time to process it. Or they didn’t let her speak.
Rosaniline did, she let her speak, she listened to her, she made her- feel.
She didn’t want that feeling to go away.
“Piper- I know you like this book, but I don’t think you should be flicking through it.”
“But why? Marilee gave me these. And they look so pretty I want one.” The little one responded, she didn’t demand, she was raised better than that.
“Well, I don’t think she meant to give you this one.” She was confused, wait what book was it?
Her heart stopped as she saw a pink cover-
That- that was her commission book!
She was rushing too much to even notice that she’d given Piper that one book.
Oh god, she was going to see her secret, that she was starting her own commission blog, that she was MDC- that she could tell everyone at Collège Françoise Dupont, and it could ruin her career. That everyone could post lies about her, making nobody trust her and demand refunds, and maybe she’d get taken in by the police- be sent to jail and never have her dream job of-
“Mari? Hey, Mari can you hear me?” She felt warm hands wrap around her own. She could feel herself look up as silver concerned eyes looked back at hers.
She felt another tug at her skirt, looking down to see Piper with her own worried expression.
“Did I make Marilee upset?” It was a simple question that pulled at her heartstrings, she felt tears prickle at her eyes for her overthinking. But she didn’t mean for Piper to be upset, or for Rosaniline to be worried either.
There she went again, overthinking every little thing that she couldn’t account for, why did she have to be this way, why did she have to be so cynical and downright negative.
“Oh no, heavens no Piper, I just- er had something in my eye, yeah. You didn’t do anything Piper, I’m glad you like the books I gave you.” Piper smile grew as she proceeded to drag Marinette over to the books again.
She seemed to be putting on an act though, from what Rosaniline could see. She was panicking over something, why? She didn’t know, she did want to find out but didn’t want to push it. She had a habit of wanting to find out answers, it wasn’t a bad thing, she remembered her Mum say, it’s just sometimes she could be just a teeny bit insensitive about it.
Looking over the scene she saw her little Sister pointing excitedly at the pages of sketched clothing, her saying how much she loved them and all the colours that she used and said how the author was so creative.
Marinette laughed along, her tears faded as she enjoyed Piper’s enthusiasm, almost making a note to definitely make her something- and for Rosaniline of course, it’ll be weird to make it for one and not the other.
And then- an idea struck.
“I know, why don’t we do it about the history of fashion?” The dark-skinned girl spoke up. She saw two heads turn towards her as she grinned. Putting her hands together near her cheeks as she spiralled in her own thoughts.
“I’ve always wanted to learn more about it, to see the transformations going through all the ages. And this could be the perfect time. So, what do you think?” It was a question that seemed as if she could reject it, but it still felt like a trick.
What if she didn’t suggest this as a solution, but for convenience for herself, since now she knew she liked fashion and would make her do all the work, it’s not like it hadn’t happened before, so why did it hurt so much to have her do it?
Did she have any right to object, wouldn’t it seem like she was being way to fussy? They already saw her sketches before, so she couldn’t deny she was a good artist. But then what if the others thought it was her idea?
That she made Rosaniline chose this subject, and get told how selfish to have done so, a disappointing gaze from Bustier, a disapproving gaze from Adrien, she felt her chest tighten up again, oh god, she was overthinking again, why did she have to be like this?
“Hey- hey Mari, we don’t have to if you don’t want… I-er saw you liked videogames; we could always do it about that if you want?” But Mari felt so disappointed in herself, she was being so accommodating to her, why, why for her? She didn’t deserve this.
“B-But Marilee’s so good at drawing, she can really really really draw. I know you can do it.” Piper enthusiastically cheered, she would’ve smiled but couldn’t, not yet, she just had to think through it.
What could she do?
“Piper, not now” Rosaniline slightly scolded, she never liked doing it honestly, but besides her Mother she had the trademark glare that told her to pack it in.
Unfortunately, Piper never did look at her while she was in such an energetic mood.
What could she do?
“Rosalee she’s amazing, she’s the best in the world. Don’t do it about stupid video games.” She tried persuading her Sister to see some sense, in the short time that she had known Marilee, she was pretty much enarmed with her, she found another Sister that needed a confidence boost.
What. Could. She. Do!?
“Piper!- Look, sometimes not everyone wants to show their skills to other people, and we have to respect that, ok?” She crouched down to her level, kids felt less intimidated when you weren’t so tall, besides, Piper didn’t mean anything by it, she was always told to follow her heart, and if she was proud of something, she should show it off for the whole world to see.
What could-
Could someone really be so accommodating? Could it really be true? Could all of this be true?
“Aww… Ok Rosalee, sorry Marilee” Piper hugged Marinette’s leg, and even though it felt like she was getting told off, she knew she wasn’t in real trouble.
Or was it a persona?
“I’ll do it.”
If this was a plan, a plan to make her do all the work, then she’ll go along with it. It felt so mean, so immature, so senseless that she still wasn’t trusting her, but she didn’t want to turn Rosaniline away without any evidence, besides, if this was all a trick, then surely it was better this way, she would’ve foreseen it and everything would go back to normal, she’d go off to join the class while she’d be alone once more, maybe they’ll have passing glances and memories of what could’ve been but she wouldn’t leave her here open and out to be in such a vulnerable position.
Not just for her, but for both, she didn’t know what would happen after another heartbreak.
“I- I don’t mind if we do it about fashion, I mean, only if you want to, I don’t mind teaching you about it, I-I even had some books stored just for this, so I guess its lucky right” A nervous laughter evolved as she looked at anywhere but her.
However, the cherry haired girl wasn’t as convinced.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, I guess little Piper just convinced me.” The little girl fist pumped to herself before running along back to her books before the bluenette felt soft hands on her shoulders.
“As long as you want to as well, I… Wouldn’t want to force you or anything” Quick, she had to ease the tension.
“-Psst- Don’t worry so much Rosaniline, c’mon I’ll see where I put those books, also how far do you wanna go back, if we go too far, we might not be able to cover everything. But if we go to a few years back our presentation would just be too small. Maybe we can just go halfway. That reminds me maybe we could have a physical element, I could throw together some pieces of old works together and show them of as we talk- or” Her shoulders were gently grabbed again as she looked at the close proximity she was in, it made her blush just a tad more than she thought she ever could.
“Maybe we could discuss that, over something to eat?” She quickly looked down and remembered the food on the ground, no doubt cold now. She felt guilt come in before seeing her passionate smile.
“Sorry, I just saw how passionate you were about this, I couldn’t bear to stop you, but then I got worried if you’d run out of air, Eheh. Think we can heat the food up?” She nodded, maybe it might be better to eat downstairs after all, now that Marinette knew what topic she- they were doing, they could crack on and complete it earlier than the deadline.
She’d have to get Rosaniline’s phone number of course, just in case they needed to discuss other things but that could wait.
Of course, it could wait.
She was just so happy in that moment, she- she may have really wanted to try and be her friend.
And maybe-
No- she just wanted to continue to be near her, to hold her hand when she’s upset, to help her when she’s had a bad day.
To be… Closer to her, to that warmth.
… Was it selfish of her to want to be near that warmth for longer?
Night had fallen upon Paris, but the lone girl on her balcony didn’t mind at all.
Ever since that day, a part of her wished something else would happen.
No- she didn’t want the hero to be hurt again, that’s by far too sadistic to even think about… But she was really excited by all of those events, when she was able to get a breather, there was a rush of adrenaline throwing through her veins, and even if she did want something else to happen, she’d prefer to be out here just to see if she could get a glimpse of the hero again.
It had been a week since it happened, and Marinette could only guess she must have been resting from her… Fight? Was that the right word? Oh well, she must’ve been resting since she hadn’t heard anything about her from the news for a while, she could only hope her wound would heal by professionals instead of her shoddy work. But- she had to realise that she had to hope for the hero’s survival.
For Soliane Rin’s survival.
… She may have read a bit more into her- but it was only out of curiosity, she wasn’t going to gain another obsessive crush over someone famous again, nope, nada, she wasn’t going to fall for those really amazing silver eyes the press had made sure to call grey, but she was sure they were silver.
Wait, no it wasn’t like she looked at them for particularly long or anything, she definitely didn’t get lost in them, she saw a poster of them! Ah- this wasn’t helping. She needed to change the subject immediately!
She jumped up instantly, her commissions book that was resting on her lap was now flying through the air! Oh no, she was going to lose everything, crap! Her designs!
A figure, however, flew up to catch them before landing in front of the startled girl.
“I believe these books were trying to plan their escape from you mi Belle” It was her; it really was her! She was-
“You’re alright” Her happiness took over her before she could even register that she had leapt into the arms of the hero of Paris.
She was going to regret this so much.
With her cheeks rosying so much, she jumped back until she fell back onto her chair, apology after apology escaping the girl not daring to look at her face.
‘How embarrassing, how inappropriate, how childish. Why did she have to make a fool out of herself now? In front of the new hero no less? Again!’
“There’s no need for any embarrassment, I was unaware I’d caused you such panic over my recovery, if I’d known you were worried, I would’ve visited a lot sooner.” Ah- she was always so formal with her choice of words. It was great, she was great- wait what?
“But I- didn’t realise you’d wish to see me after my blunder from last time.” That made her perk up, what… What was she talking about?
Soliane’s gaze seemed to be fixated on the ground as she looked so- so frustrated with herself. Why?
“To have failed on the first day as a hero, to have troubled a civilian with help. I can’t thank you enough to have woken you at such a godly hour just for my sake” She bowed her head forward as Marinette couldn’t help but try to make her stop.
“It’s nothing really, I mean I’m sure anyone else would help out a hero like you. I-I mean maybe not everyone else since there are some bad people but I’m sure most will. Not that you don’t need it, I mean you do- don’t I- I’m sorry I’m rambling again” Soliane Rin didn’t appear to hear her as she carried on with her tirade.
“But to not even know who it was that harmed me. I-I don’t deserve to have my title as a hero.” Why? Why was she saying this? She- no she couldn’t be serious.
But that look made it all the more real, she’d seen it so much. Every time she ever looked in the mirror after crying for so long, regret, disappointment, anything and everything negative flashed through her mind and she could tell, see everything, all of it.
And knew it broke her, would break her.
Marinette knew she didn’t have any powers.
She couldn’t shoot lasers from her eyes.
She couldn’t fly.
She couldn’t control objects through her mind.
But- how Mother always said she had a talent for one thing.
She could be so understanding when her mind was so calm, when she wasn’t worrying about what others were thinking of her, when she could see, truly see inside their heart, all of their feelings out on display, and helping them, by being there for them.
For knowing exactly what to say…
It- may not always work, but no superhero comes out of every battle unscathed.
“Please stop” She looked up, but it was still such a pitying look. She could see through her smile, but it felt as if she wasn’t even trying to hide it, like there was no use concealing it.
“You can’t keep blaming yourself for a mistake like that, it’s not fair to you- or to me. Yes, I was scared when I saw you injured, but I’m so glad that you’re here now. You’re still standing. You still want to continue even when you were hurt. I’ve seen just how strong you are, how confident you can be when the world tried to throw its worse at you.” She stepped closer to her, having gotten up from her fallen position.
“So please don’t give up for one mistake,”
She stepped closer…
“Don’t give up when I know you have the strength in you to persist.” She wrapped her arms around her again, and this time she wasn’t so embarrassed about doing it.
She was crying…
She tried to use those words for someone else.
It hadn’t worked… So, she had to believe in anything and everything for it to succeed now, for her.
“You risk your life every day, and yet you never ask for anything. I want to thank you for all that you’ve done, on behalf of Paris, no, the whole world. You’re a real hero Soliane Rin. Please don’t doubt that.” She hugged a bit tighter; she hadn’t meant to get so emotional on her, but maybe that emotion wasn’t just for her.
It was silent.
Too silent.
Marinette had to hold her breath in anticipation, did- did she go too far? Did she overstep her boundaries again? Did she-
“Ah I see. Thank you, I-I mean, I appreciate your gratitude Marinette” When she looked back, she could see her cheeks were red, she could see her silver eyes look back at her before seeing her own cheeks reddening as well- wait, she was so close! Again!
She jumped back again, not falling this time, thanking the heavens that she wasn’t making a fool out herself as much as usual.
“I must commend your stubbornness my dear. I- I hadn’t imagined you’d have a positive opinion of me after that, I must apologise for making such a rash assumption about you, and for- eh snapping me out of that. I’m thankful to have met such a kind and respectable hero like you.” She bowed her head again as Marinette had to comprehend what had just happened.
It felt awkward, Soliane Rin was blushing a lot, Marinette was blushing like crazy as well.
“Me a hero, what no way. You’re just joking, don’t tell me you hit your head too?” She waved her hands in front of her. She recalled how clumsy she was, how often she’d trip on the stairs to Collège or even when she dropped her tray of pastries on the floor, that one was particularly embarrassing.
However, she was too late to see that Soliane had stopped her smile as Marinette began to panic again.
“No! I didn’t mean hit your head I meant did you crack it- no check it- no I mean, how can I ever be a hero to anything, I’m just me, Marinette. I don’t have any superpowers or anything I’m just an ordinary girl ehehehe” She felt her hand taken by the hero again, her heart stopping for a moment before jumping to x2, she couldn’t believe she was holding her hand again.
“Just because I wear a mask and costume doesn’t make me a hero. It’s my ideals and thoughts for the people. Marinette, you may not have powers, or a hero name. But you can be a hero still. After all, All that is needed for the prevail of malevolence is that individuals concede defeat.” Marinette was shocked, she just- wow, that was cool. And… So sweet. To say that, about anyone, about her. Even if she didn’t fully believe it at first, she’d be sure to keep those words very close to her heart.
The bluenette smiled back, before they both looked over her balcony and over Paris, they share a moment just looking out, the silence was comforting to them as some time passed.
There was a question that may have crossed her mind at one point, she felt guilty for taking so much time out of her day- night- schedule? Oh well, she had to ask just one little thing.
Marinette fiddling with her fingers, she took a deep breath.
“S-So do you have to do a patrol or-” Soliane looked up surprised before checking something around her wrist, she laughed nervously before turning back.
“Huh- oh yes, unfortunately I won’t be able to stay longer, however it would be even more unbefitting of me to avoid my job any further” She wanted to deny what she said was true, but saw her giggle so slightly, knowing it was a small joke, she lightened up as Soliane Rin bows again and flies off from her balcony railings bidding her adieu.
With her hand resting where her heart was beating, faster than usual, faster then whenever she was late for class. Faster than-
Oh no.
No no no! Not again, how did she not realise it sooner?
This familiar feeling.
Why did it come back?
And why did she want it to stay!?
I hope you enjoyed it.
Anyway, I’m willing to take a bunch off prompts for Rosann and Mari on date nights/doing couple things, whether you want some added salt from the class is up to each requester, I may turn a few away if I either feel uncomfortable or simply not able to write it, these prompts will come out randomly, I have no structure to anything. To submit, I’ll allow for the idea to be within any time frame, i.e. when they first meet, to being friends, to being a couple. I do love angst although I’ll be unsure how to make it work when it should be a ton off fluff stuff. If you have any questions don’t feel afraid to ask, I might have to clarify some points. I’ll be ordering the prompts, and stating when they come in the main story, what you would’ve need to have read before, if it contained any spoilers for certain chapters and any trigger warnings, although you may need to state what might be triggering as sometimes, I too get confused on what I need to state, if anyone can do that then that’s alright.)
Even though I like a Saltinette, sometimes I still wanna see a different perspective of her, an anxious, guilt-ridden, cautious, mess like this version. I just think it’ll be interesting to basically rewrite Marinette’s character. Instead of this sassy overconfident one in most fanfic’s I’ve now changed the status quo. Haha.
And I believe I’ve taken a somewhat realistic approach to Marinette trying to trust someone else, I didn’t want to just rush into it. However, I do think it’s a bit different with Soliane Rin because she is a hero, and I think Marinette could trust her a lot easier than Rosaniline.
Also did you know that Majestia’s quote was a straight rip off of Edmund Burke’s?
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing.
Cya next time.
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Note: Please tell me if I should add anything else to the card, there will be one of these cards for all 15 chapters, however, because I have uni work all updates will be slower because I really need to focus on the uni stuff, then I might be able to upload quicker. They also may change in the future because I can never stop adding stuff.
31 notes · View notes
faroreswinds · 4 years
Data Mining Activities & Quotes Analysis: Sylvain
As per what I said before, I want to look deeper into data mining for funsies and just see what I can spot. 
Today’s character is: Sylvain! 
As a little disclaimer, I won’t be doing all his quotes because that’s a LOT! Instead, I’m just going to focus on stuff I think is interesting to look at, like particular classroom questions, or his lost items, or whatever. One day, I’ll probably get into the chapters individually but today is just to focus on one character. I’ll also update this as I find more stuff, as a small heads-up. If you find something that I missed, feel free to let me know and I’ll update the post as well.
Ok, so let’s get into it!
Check out more from this series of analysis here. They will be updated over time.  
Basics- Battle
Most of the battle quotes aren’t interesting, and the data mining does not include the voiced lines without text so I had to turn to the wiki page. That said, there were a few Post Time Skip Defeat the Enemy quotes he says I find particularly interesting:
"Don't bother haunting me."
"Burn until we meet again."
Based on Annette’s support with Claude, we know the Kingdom has a particularly interesting view on the afterlife. I won’t go into the details here- instead, I will be making a Kingdom focused page for all things cultural that will cover it- but the talk of “burning” and “haunting” go along with their beliefs. 
Not to mention, it is very, very dark. And Sylvain, despite his carefree attitude, has got a dark and gritty view of life. He’s smiling on the outside, but he will have no qualms with taking you down. 
Basics- Cooking and Choir
Sylvain just has no interest in either of these things, as per his quotes: 
Cooking Together
Part I: Cooking... Cooking... Heh. Well, it'll all work out somehow...maybe.
Part II: If you just follow the recipe, most things will come out fine. I think.
Choir Practice
It's hard to sneak out when the professor is watching.
Share a Meal- Dining Dialogue
Sylvain only has two people he has quotes with during meal time: Ingrid and Dimitri. Surprisingly, not Felix, despite having an ending with him and not an ending with Dimitri. His quotes with Ingrid are just cute, but I think his quotes with Dimitri have some nice little insights:
Support C
Sylvain: You know what, Professor? His Highness here is the most stubborn guy I know.
Dimitri: Now, Sylvain, why not go ahead and eat? If you do not, I may help myself to it.
Support B
Sylvain: By the way, how delicious are the monastery meals, right? We sure don't eat like this back in the Kingdom.
Dimitri: I agree. If we could only grow more food on our poor soil, and in the severe winter of the north...
Sylvain has a lot of quotes, including from FEH and from his support with Dimitri, that pertain to wanting Dimitri to relax (and that he’s too stubborn to). This goes hand in hand with the relationship chart that came out from Nintendo Dream some time back:
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I wish I could link this picture to the original translator, but I don’t know who did it. But as you can see, Sylvain wants Dimitri to relax. 
The quotes from support B gives some insight into the Kingdom, about how they just don’t eat like they do at the monastery because the winter of the north is so severe and it’s hard to grow food.
Sylvain’s default responses aren’t particularly interesting, except for:
Neutral: I realized it after I got to the monastery—nobody in Faerghus knows how to cook.
Basically saying that the food at the monastery is particularly good. This goes well with Faerghus having poor yields of food in general. 
Share a Meal- Favorite/ Least Favorite Foods
Sylvain seems to have a pension for fish, as based on his favorite foods. Nearly every dish he loves is fish based, except for one with is a meal for two dish (obviously a philandering thing), a few white meat dishes, and the Sweet Bun Trio, which is a Faerghus sweet. Except for the Sweet Bun Trio, all his favorites have meat, which makes sense because colder climates tends to lend to meat dishes to maintain the calories needed to maintain body heat. The dishes with fish include Teutates Loach (a fish from the Kingdom), White Trout, Airmid Pike, and Albinean Herring.
He has few dishes he doesn’t like, which all happen to be seafood based except for one. The fish meals are not described as particularly tasty, or they are extremely simple without much preparation. The only non-fish meal he doesn’t like is the Beast Meat Teppenyaki, which is described to have a wilderness taste- and he probably doesn’t like it due to history he may have with his brother. 
Interestingly, he doesn’t seem to have an interest in Gautier Cheese Gratin, which has cheese from his region. 
Gifts and Lost Items
Sylvain, of course, does have some items/like certain gifts that pertain to the philanderer in him. These include:
Gift: Dapper Handkerchief-  A handkerchief adorned with refined embroidery. Appreciated by fashionable men .
Lost Item: Unused Lipstick- Lipstick that would make an ideal gift for a young lady. It probably belongs to someone who likes wooing women.
Lost Item: Crumpled Love Letter- A carelessly discarded love letter. It probably belongs to someone with a complicated love life.
Sylvain clearly takes an interest in fashion, as well as his womanizing ways leaking into his lost items. We can see his casual nature when it comes to wooing the girls with the fact that the lost letter is “carelessly discarded”. 
But the rest of the gifts/ lost items paint Sylvain’s other side:
Gift: Landscape Painting- A landscape painting of magnificent Lake Teutates in the clearing fog. Appreciated by those who enjoy nature or art.
Gift: Board Game- A fun activity in which players compete using stones on a board. Appreciated by those who enjoy tactical thinking.
Lost Item: The History of Sreng- A book recording the history of the Sreng people. It probably belongs to someone who has ties to Sreng.
Despite his carefree side, many of us know that Sylvain is actually incredibly smart and takes an interest in making positive changes and taking his job seriously. The board game shows he enjoys tactical thinking, and his lost item, the History of Sreng, shows he is taking an interest in local politics and is keen to learn. As for the Landscape Painting, we can see that Sylvain enjoys art (as you will see later), and that he’s not all about women and lazing about. 
As for his disliked gifts:
Gift: Book of Crest Designs- A book containing the designs of 21 identified Crests. Appreciated by those who enjoy studying Crests.
Gift: Watering Can- A tool used for watering plants. Appreciated by those who enjoy gardening.
Gift: Floral Adornment- Flowers cut short so they can be worn decoratively. Appreciated by most ladies and those who like gardening.
Obviously, thanks to Sylvain’s history, disliking Crest-related gifts is no surprise. However, he also doesn’t seem to have an interesting in gardening, as he is not keen on the gardening-related gifts. 
Classroom- Instruct
Sylvain has three study requests:
You know, jousting is a popular sport in Faerghus. The ladies love a guy who can joust. Speaking of... Let's polish up my riding and lance skills.
The best way to impress people is to save them by diving into harm's way. That's what a Great Knight does, yeah? So let's focus on my axe and heavy armor skills.
I want to study reason and faith. What, surprised? Hey, I may be rough around the edges, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate a little magic!
We learn a few things from these:
Jousting is popular in Faerghus. Makes sense for a knight-based nation. 
Sylvain seemingly wants to impress people by diving in harm’s way. But based on his general attitude, I think he really actually wants to just protect people and is pretending it’s all about the ladies. 
Sylvain wants to learn magic, both faith and reason. 
He also does not liked to be consoled- he wants critique to improve himself. 
Part I & Part II: I'll have to do better next time.
Part I & Part II: OK. You can stop it.
Classroom- Questions and Answers
Sylvain has two questions he can ask in the classroom: 
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This is from the academy phase, and we can see that Sylvain prefers it if you tell him to basically play hard to get. There are some interesting things regarding Ingrid’s dislike here, but this is about Sylvain... and apparently, he doesn’t want to change and doesn’t like it if you tell him to clean up his act. (Ingrid likes it, though). 
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This one is from part two. Of course, it pertains to the war, and how depressing it is, and wants something to do to feel a bit better. Funnily enough, the other infamous nobles Ferdinand and Lorenz join him for this one! We can see they all have different tastes, but Sylvain is not interested in a cup of tea, but would rather ask out a girl. He’s not against talking a walk though, but no one seems to actually like it either. 
There are other questions that Sylvain joins in on, but I will add those when I eventually get to them. For now, I will just start with these two and update later. 
Group Tasks
Similar to the dining dialogue, Sylvain only has quotes with Dimitri and Ingrid, and not Felix despite having an ending with him. That said, Sylvain has more dialogue with Ingrid than Dimitri, so we will start with Dimitri first:
Stable Duty & Sky Watch
Support C
Sylvain: So, Your Highness, you're gonna keep the scolding to a minimum, yeah?
Dimitri: Why are you assuming you will be scolded? All you need to do is take things seriously.
Support B
Dimitri: Hey, Sylvain. I would like your help for today's work.
Sylvain: Heh, so you've finally learned you can't do everything yourself?
Support C - Good
Sylvain: Professor... It's... It's finally over...
Dimitri: You are quick to tire out, Sylvain. You should consider building your stamina.
Support C - Perfect
Dimitri: Professor, the work is now complete. Sylvain did his job as well.
Sylvain: Was getting yelled at my job? Because, yeah. I did that.
Support B - Good
Sylvain: The result was fine... Though I thought we could have aimed even higher.
Dimitri: Agreed. Let's come up with a better plan next time.
Support B - Perfect
Sylvain: Professor, don't you think we did pretty well? His Highness here did most of it.
Dimitri: No, it was not all my doing. We made it thanks to your help, Sylvain.
These occur only when you pair them for stable duty and sky watch, which would be both activities the pair would find common interests in due to their personal budding talents and canon classes. We can see that Dimitri wants Sylvain to take things seriously, and Sylvain takes a more playful approach. Sylvain will also comment on Dimitri learning to not shoulder everything on his own, calling back a bit to Sylvain’s concern over Dimitri not being able to relax. 
Sylvain seems to be annoyed early on at Dimitri’s constant scolding, but this changes when their support improves, the two of them praising each other and hoping to improve together. 
Now for Ingrid:
Stable Duty & Sky Watch
Support C
Sylvain: Ugh, I'm with Ingrid? I'm not gonna get away with anything.
Ingrid: Stop messing around and get moving. You don't work, you don't eat.
Support B
Sylvain: Hey, Ingrid, this kind of work is definitely your thing, and I've got some urgent business, so...
Ingrid: I can't finish this all alone. Try to be helpful sometimes, Sylvain.
Support A
Sylvain: Me and Ingrid? Hm, I guess I'll get to work.
Ingrid: Well now, a rare and welcome proclamation. You're a real sight to behold when you try to be.
Sylvain: Weeds have it tough. They sprout then get ripped right out of the ground. I'll do my best to be gentle.
Ingrid: Are you seriously trying to seduce a weed? Unbelievable.
Sylvain: What? No! Come on. I was just talking to myself.
Clearing Rubble
Sylvain: If I had to clear this out by myself, I think even I would get depressed...
Ingrid: Fine, fine, I'm not going to leave it all for you.
Sylvain: Let's do it quick though...before I change my mind. I'll grab the heavy-looking chunks. You get the rest.
Support C - Good
Ingrid: Ah, seems we've finally finished.
Sylvain: That's it! I'm done! No more work for me, especially not with her...not in a million years.
Support C - Perfect
Sylvain: Hey, we did pretty well. All because I really went for it, of course.
Ingrid: You're a glib one, aren't you, Sylvain? I did the bulk of the work here, you know...
Support B - Good
Sylvain: I wouldn't call it a rousing success, but it went OK, all things considered. Right?
Ingrid: Well, it went OK once I rolled up my sleeves and helped you.
Support B - Perfect
Sylvain: Heh... How's that, Professor? If ya ask me, I think we did pretty well.
Ingrid: Yes, Sylvain put his back into it for once. Next thing we know, pigs will be taking to the air.
Support A - Good
Sylvain: I don't want to complain since we did OK and all, but that could have gone a lot better.
Ingrid: I think so too... Next time, I'll try even harder.
Support A - Perfect
Ingrid: Professor, here's the report. Perfect, don't you think?
Sylvain: Ingrid and I go way back. If we couldn't manage to cooperate, then what would that say about us?
Sylvain and Ingrid have dialogue no matter what they do. We can see, especially in the stable and sky watch, that at first they don’t really get along. Sylvain is tired of Ingrid’s pestering and Ingrid is tired of Sylvain being lazy. But as their support goes up, we see that they get along better. Ingrid starts praising Sylvain, and Sylvain starts putting more effort in.
Sylvain also seems to be a bit melancholy about the weeds, noting that they start to take life before someone takes takes it away from them. 
Finally, just some fun default stuff. 
Uses keigo when speaking to
Byleth, Edelgard, Dimitri, Seteth, Hanneman, Manuela, Gilbert, Alois, Catherine, Shamir, Jeralt, Rhea, Jeritza, Anna
Spoken to with keigo by
Bernadetta, Dorothea, Petra, Ashe, Ignatz, Lysithea, Marianne, Flayn, Constance
“Keigo” is polite speech, used when addressing people who are in a station in life above you, whether in title or simply out of respect. For instance, he uses keigo for those who are older than him and teachers, like Manuela and Hanneman, and for those who are in higher stations, like Dimitri or Edelgard. 
Those who speak keigo to him consider him of higher status, or someone worthy of respect. Looking at this list, I would say status. 
Tea Party- Favorite Tea
The Tea Party is a pretty big section, so I won’t cover everything but I’ll try to touch on what seems important. Feel free to let me know if you notice more! 
Anyways, Sylvain seems to have a pension for black teas, although not all black teas listed in the game. He prefers Bergamot Tea (commonly known as Earl Grey) which is popular among nobles (he shares this like with Edelgard, Lorenz, Hanneman, Constance, and Anna, most of whom are nobles, and in particular are nobles with particular taste) and Seiros Tea, another black tea that is actually from south Almyra, interestingly enough! He shares this like with Ferdinand, Lorenz, Ignatz, Yuri, and Anna. Both of these teas have a three star rarity- not the cheapest tea in the list, but not terribly rare either. 
He will note that the tea is expensive if you give him an expensive tea, and perhaps seems a bit uncomfortable with you going out of your way.
This tea must have been expensive. I'm sorry if I made you go out of your way.
Tea Party- Talk
Sylvain has a number of quotes from talking, although most of them aren’t too terribly interesting. However, some have some great insight: 
Is something wrong with my face? A bruise on my cheek? Heh... Nah, Professor. Everything's fine.
Everyone has their own reason to fight. At least I'm honest about mine.
Opera, art, literature, I love 'em. They always give you something to talk about.
Sometimes, I'm surprised how warm the monastery is. I wish my parents' home was like this.
Sylvain is an interesting guy because in some ways, he’s not honest and in others, he is. For instance, he insists that you do not worry about his injury. Don’t worry about him. He’s not being honest about any pain he has- this includes his distastes for a lot of women chasing him despite his philandering. However, he is honest in others in his world views. He’s a lot like Dimitri when it comes to trying to see the other side, as seen in “everyone has their own reason to fight”. This is displayed in his other quotes throughout the game too, although we won’t be touching on those. 
As as per the gift of art he likes, we can see here that he’s actually very much into culture and art. He likes them, and likes to talk about them. 
And finally, some insight into his family. Sylvain’s relationship with his father is complex (as per the Blue Lion tradition) and here we can see that he doesn’t view his family home as warm- both perhaps literally in that it’s a cold climate, and figuratively. 
I won’t be going over the like options because there are too many, but I will take note of a few options that make him blush:
Working together...
The opera...
Cute monks...
Some insight things into Sylvain. Obviously, as he likes the opera, the topic of it will be among his favorite. Sylvain likes people working together (although he himself is a bit of a loner, he wants people to work together and talk things through like Dimitri does) and finally, the cute monks... 
I’m taking special note of that because in English, traditionally monks are male. However, the game seems to use monks for both men and women (monks in Greek can be used for both), and the Japanese word used instead is 修道士. Someone with superior Japanese can correct me, but it would seem that this is a masculine word, used for men, especially when using the kanji  士, which means “gentlemen” or “samurai”. 
However, as stated before, the game uses monk for both men and women. I checked the files and even the female monks use  修道士. So, while people claim this is proof he is bi, I would not call it a strong indicator personally (At this time I still think he has a thing for Felix, don’t get me wrong). 
Advice Box
Part I
I wonder if I'll ever find a partner who understands I don't mean any harm when I flirt with others. Does someone like that really exist?
You're bound to meet someone open-minded someday.
That's a dream that will never come true.
Have you considered giving up on flirting?
I'm hesitant to invite a girl to my room in the middle of the night with You Know Who living right next door. I'm terrified of the scolding I'd get the next day.
Maybe I'll rethink the room assignments.
It makes sense that she would be angry with you.
Perhaps it's time you and I discussed your behavior.
Part II
I'm weary from this ceaseless fighting. I wonder if I'll ever meet a kind, beautiful young lady who can cure my hardened heart.
You will one day. I'm sure of it.
Save the dreams for when you're sleeping.
A woman like that wouldn't go for you.
All we do is battle. The fighting never stops, and it's turning everyone's disposition dour. Even the ladies! We should throw a banquet to lift everyone's spirit.
Good idea. I'll see what I can do.
It's too soon to let down our guard.
How selfless of you.
Part I notes aren’t too interesting, other than that Sylvain is worried about Dimitri (his neighbor in dorms) hearing his rendezvous with the ladies and getting a scolding. 
Part II is more interesting. Sylvain’s second note is about lifting up everyone’s spirits regarding the war, and that throwing a banquet might help make everyone feel better. He prefers if Byleth agrees and will start to make arrangements, rather than getting praise for his selflessness. 
And for now, that’s all! I will update as I go, but for now I hope you enjoyed this!
Suggestions and new info welcome. 
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energonalucard · 5 years
A FEM Team of my Own Design (RED Edition)
Usually, I don't like doing this kinda stuff. One: I don't usually share my ideas and I am very nervous. Second: FEM characters are one thing, BUT A WHOLE (TWO) TEAM makes me sweat. The good sweat, but also a nervous sweat. Because I am now sharing a personal part of my brain and my love for woman. Beautiful. Lovely. Yes. 
@medics-secret-shipfic-folder, this is one half of those FEM's I talked about! 
Is this more OC team's then canon gender swap? Yeah, and that's because I don't think that's my endgame here, I didn't make these for a gender bend AU, I made them out of love and from a community of great idea makers. I'd rather make OC's then be another generic half-hearted bending AU maker. <3 <3
Also, this really is just a dumb fact thing as I don't want to give away plot stuff. Fun facts and getting to know them a bit. 
(Yes, I said PLOT) 
-- RED Team: 
𝗦𝗰𝗼𝘂𝘁: The default FEM Scout you see around. Pony-tail, blonde like normal Scout, Bostonian. Has a bit of dimples but I swear, she'll punch you if you call her cute. 
She/Her. Straight, but an Ally. Or so she says. Nobody believes her.
But something you won't know is how many sisters she has! The answer is four. Four sisters and a single dad back in Boston. While lower on the sibling count then most Scout's she is far more likely to NOT talk your ear off in a large group... but will corner you and chat you a blue streak if your like Sniper or Spy and seclude yourself. Since she has less family to push her to run, she's a slower Scout but she can run ALL day pal. Even Medic needs a break but she keeps going, going, going...
Will beat you with heels/pumps (Spy will have loaned them) if you even offer the idea of her wearing them. Sneakers, pal, are Gods gift to feet.
Right handed, and uses left only to throw a ball or clever. Only. ONLY. 
Once drank Mad Milk. No one saw them for three days. Medic had her strapped to a table. She apparently was found in town on a rooftop at 6 AM after vomiting loud enough for neighbors to notice. She got better, but has amnesia from the incident.
Favorite weapon of all time is the Holy Mackerel, because its freaking hilarious and Spy's are disgusted by it. Also reminds her of her dad only being able to cook fish and roast back home in Boston.
𝗦𝗼𝗹𝗱𝗶𝗲𝗿: Looks like the canonical Soldier, but her hair is similar to the Battle Bob (https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Battle_Bob) but with no bangs and it barely peaking from her helmet. Blonde, American, and named John Doe respectively. 
She/Her. Bi(romantic/sexual). 
Has a thing for tank tops and will wear them around base when not on duty, because she's a very sweaty person and her clothes suffer (and who ever does laundry as well). This was a compromise. Trust the RED Team on that one (Medic approved).
Helmet 100% of the time though.
Bra comes off = be ready for a fight maggot.
Has more lower body strength, absolutely loves the Manntreads. But don't underestimate her running Original. See her on Battalion? She most likely has Rage ready when she pops out of nowhere.
Has no idea why people tell her walking around naked is weird/distracting/rude or whatnot. She's covered up! In jam (Pyro mourns their jam and preservatives cupboard)!
𝗣𝘆𝗿𝗼: Looks... exactly how a Pyro should. Like a balloon bodied Pyro. Yeah, nothing strange here other then their SASS. Dear heavens.
They/Them. Non-binary.
You've only seen these Pyro's around three or four bases in your entire LIFETIME. This walking bag of fire does not have time for ANY bullshit. Loves doing the windup middle finger when someone does something stupid/rude. Isn't really all that serious as they are made out to be but you get it.
Still loves Balloonicorn and cooking even though they act like any other merc. Has a tea set with crudely melted crayons on its outside.
Wanna get BACK here? BACK into THEIR base? Turn around and head BACK son. Backburner and Thruster Pack predator, all day unless the team suffers.
Covers up Soldier in a towel if she's naked. Sows up Demo's pants if she splits them. Engie loves them when they swing by with anything cinnamon realated. Second most likely to do everyone's laundry.
Arsonist Guardian of the Year Award. 
𝗘𝗻𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝗲𝗿: Just like Scout, the typical Femgineer model but this time, she's more chubby then her skinny model on Gamebanana. Her overalls like default Engineer helps her self esteem though. Brunette, Texan, and still a shortie. 
She/Her. Bi(romantic/sexual), but leans more towards men.
Ever seen a small volcano of 5'4'' and puffy red cheecks? You've met it, you've angered it. But you ain't staying conscious for long. Not with her weilding a Southern Hospitality just for this occasion.
Has made many comments about making traps and watching unfortunate folk "disappear" from her daddy's old farm. Nobody questions why the cameras in the building have tiny barrels attached to them and a laser sight. 
Has mentioned a husband or at least a male partner once to Sniper. Never elaborated. Never showed a ring or even a smile when talking about him.
Cinnamon and jam enthusiast along with Pyro, and the most flustered when Soldier is covered in it. 
Hair bun is a must unless she ties it flat with pins. Short hair because she don't wanna catch fire. Smells like burnt metal and a dulled oil smell nobody can rinse out of her clothes. Her hardhat is permanently on her head, googles are a go too. Welding smock and overalls in and out of battle.
𝗛𝗲𝗮𝘃𝘆: Like before, like Gamebanana FEM Heavy. Brunette (like two of her sisters), Russian, and actually has scars all across her chest if you can see her shirt peak off-hours.
She/Her. Lesbian (romantically involved with RED Medic). 
You probably think Medic is the one most likely to do laundry since I said Pyro was second right? (I'm not that predictable ;>) Nope, its Heavy. Heavy doesn't like machine washers unless she has to deal with jeans or other thicker fabrics she knows won't dry in under 12 hours correctly (because they fight EVERY day). She washed unmentionables too, and does not make it weird. Until Sniper literally has to answer about why all her underwear is stained yellow, Sniper she just wants you to have nice clean clothes--
You ask Pyro for dinner if you miss a meal or have a diet going on. If Heavy catches anyone not eating, they eat double. Diets? Heavy always grew up with the mentality you ate what you could get, but Heavy is not heartless. Since food types are abundant, she is careful about diets. But she'll still make you eat it double. 
Her girlfriend doesn't eat pork products, so she understands. (Slightly)
Natasha may be her right hand gun but her doctor will always have her heart and soul. Still bought a better bed for Natasha though, but don't tell doctor. 
Once beat a male Scout cause he called her ally Engineer a fatty. Has had to fend off two Scout's from her team's Spy ("Heavy, they had information I needed." / "Intelligence? Bah."). Actually stepped on a drunk Demo's crotch on accident, but did apologise. 
Loves her girlfriends muscles way more then her curves, she has no idea why. But she can appreciation a nice bottom when she sees it. 
Two little sisters, an older brother who's tettering around step-brother, and a mother who's nearly paralyzed from the waist down. But that woman was her light, she did things not many woman do anymore and for that wisdom and learning, Heavy is grateful. Mother also instilled a fear of swatters with a shoe tied to it. Creative, but scary.
𝗗𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗺𝗮𝗻: Actually looks like The Demowoman made based on Drew Wolf's own design, but I think a bit more fuller in the cheeks and chin (more square). Scottish, eyes sharp as a sass lass, and a thick as hell skull.
She/Her. Pan(romantic/sexual).
Once cried in a pile of bras while drunk. Not her own. That's how everyone learned about Spy being... more on that later.
Has a father and mother, but both are leaning so far towards insanity she gave up listening a long time ago. Still doesn't back talk them though, she just pacifies them by dividing her money and saying she has many jobs.
Gains weight like crazy, and its not all the alcohols fault. Food is just very heavy in America and since the team is 1/3 American she feels enlarged everytime a meal based around or for the Americans is brought out. And dear god Heavy, bear goes straight to her muffin top. Spy notices her uncomfortable nature when eating and generally tries to swap out their plates (Spy fussing at the chief before dinner saying she needs X on her plate and not Y, just so Demo can keep her ideal self). (Don't tell Demo, she's too drunk to notice it)
Actually will hug Soldier when naked and be like, "Nothing weird about it". Has actually kissed Spy's hand like you'd do royalty as a joke. Has actually spun Medic around in a circle in a bear hug before. 
She's all for makeup, but really, all she can manage normally and steadily is lipstick. At least she can wipe it away if she wants (can't wipe away the pain of stabbing your only good eye with a mascara brush). 
Nobody touches her hair, never. But she likes doing other's hair. She isn't all that good with cutting or styling or maintaining hair, but playing with hair or just running her hands through it is amazing. The body hair on her legs is shaven and so are her underarms, but her arms and "moustache" that Scout notices are well grown out.
Quickiebomb Launcher Quickiebomb Launcher Quickiebomb Launcher Quickiebomb Launcher Quickiebomb Laun--
Hair always under a beany, nobody sees her hair until much later. She had it all in one wide french braid. Wait, doesn't she normally fail at braids? How did she get that? 
𝗠𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗰: (Okay, this is where similarities in the FEM models stops. To me, I don't really like the FEM Medic model as much as I should for OC's so I'll explain Medic as best I can.) Just like any male Medic counterpart and she has a square-ish chin, with curves almost as boxy as some of her cosmetics. But its a good boxy, she's wide with muscle and shoulders to carry injured teammates. Black hair, German, and the creepiest white teeth you've ever seen.
She/Her. Lesbian (romantically involve with the Heavy). Gay Energy™.
Thicc thighs saves lives. Like, no joke. She is mostly muscles in her legs and torso so everyone assumed she was good at running. Even Scout. Once lifted Demo with ease in her arms and gave Pyro a piggyback ride all at once. It did strain her back and she was slower, but she was fine after dropping Demo in a safer spot to sleep.
Her posture is shit, but she does form corrections regularly, and uses a pillow to cheat the system if she's grumpy enough.
Her teeth. God, her teeth anywhere in blue lighting make weaker mercs a bit dizzy. You've never seen teeth have a blue-green tint like hers, it feels like watching a horror movie permanently set in a blue shaded tint.
Does not eat pork products, and won't elaborate. Will eat beef, but not pork. Maybe she just hates it? Maybe. A diet? Even Heavy shrugs it off now when it happens.
Medic gives the thumbs up for Soldier walking around in tanktops. Naked Soldier is also a thumbs up. All those bras Demo collected once had Medic sorting through them happily. Actually figured out Spy's real cup size. 
Medic has banned Sniper's ace bandage bras. Not in this house, not under her roof. She fits Sniper for personally made bras, Spy bought and tailored. 
Loyal girlfriend. But gayer. Heavy is fine with it, and actually partakes in showing everyone love sometimes too. Since Demo is also affectionate, it can't be too bad.
Push-up queen, but will drop in the dirt in exhaustion afterwards. She only beats Soldier by a few points and mostly runs on spite. 
Has actually stollen all her team's uterus'. What?! She gave them all back later! Just... someone else needed them first. And in a Female vs Female war zone her teammates weren't planning on using them. But they are back now! Well... not all.
Has actually tried to make a Spyper out of an old male Spy and Sniper she used to fight. Both just despawned and targeted her the next day. Sadly. 
BLU Demo's line about shagging Medic's husband always makes her go into a laughing fit. 
Has a ring ready for Heavy, because Heavy is best wife material and loves her dearly.
𝗦𝗻𝗶𝗽𝗲𝗿: (Changed a bit too.) Taller then her Gamebanana model, and god is her face longer and more like regular Sniper. You've heard of laugh lines but the Sniper has frown lines, and the dip in her cheeks has wrinkles from the sun. She has a unibrow growing almost as fast as you can wax it, she leaves it be. So much arm hair. Brunette, Australian (New Zealand), and her hands are big for her size.
She/Her. Bi(romantic), Asexual. 
Never shaves. Never.
She has a mom, a dad, and a big brother. Her brother snipe's as well for RED Team and they have secret mail chains going between them (not so secret, Administrator knows). Her parents don't know she's Bi and after what they said to her brother about him being Trans, she never wanted to figure out. 
Her brother is actually fully transitioned with the help of a Medic who seemed pro-Trans. Of course the doctor waved that off but he had been careful about the procedure enough that they could tell he was a good doctor about all this.
Her brother is the reason she wears ace bandages for bras. So he wouldn't feel bad. She just never STOPPED wearing them after that, and she always reasoned it was because of her broken family and wanting to hold on a little longer. A "little longer" was nearly nineteen years of wearing it to help her brother mentally. Until Medic banned it. Then, she had tailored bras that were strapless but wouldn't fall down. Sometimes goes without the bra onto the battlefield and will tie her shirt off as a makeshift support. She doesn't feel she betrayed him, just... cloth is real itchy sometimes.
Jarate. Isn't... entirely enthusiastic about hygiene outside of basic shower stuff, brushing her teeth, and trimming her nails. Her underwear is clean but since jarate is... yeah, it stains her clothes. Jarate is a lot harder for females to make with how pants work.
Yes, has mooned the enemy Spy before. Not on purpose. Many times. Yes, her pride is shattered every time it happens.
Had long hair upon arrival to this war. She refused to cut it even as her team warned her about what long hair can cause. She changed her mind after the male enemy Spy yanked her around by it and smashed her head in a windowsill. She had her ally Spy cut it after she could stomach letting it be tugged, even for a cut. Spy was gentle, and asked her questions on what she prefers: suits or dresses. 
Suits mate.
(And that BLU Spy was never seen again on the battlefield after a week.)
𝗦𝗽𝘆: (Different from the model ENTIRELY, I really do not like the Spy FEM model at all. But I have grown more warm towards it lately, probably from my BLU team ideas *wink* *wink*) Wears a suit like all other Spy's, and a balaclava as well. Her shoes are as Italian as they come and could take out a man's eye they are so sharp. Blue eyes, sharp chin and nose, and she is NOT a mother.
She/Her. Pan(romantic/sexual)/Polygamous.
Is not the mother to any children at all. She does not need nor want any. Still gets all the men thought. And ladies. 
She actually does not have a uterus at all, she caught wind the doctor had taken something out of her (what Medic doesn't) and didn't want it back. Turns out, she really does not care for the missing body part. Oh well, a Spy's lose is a Medic's fortune.
Has her breasts restricted a bit by a special SpyTech bra that distributes muscle instead of pressing it all against her lungs. She looks like a D cup for her bust size. Is a E cup naturally. Medic drools when she sees the tag on the bra for the first time. Sometimes wears buisness casual around base, without her SpyTech bra and using a normal one for comfort. Attracts Demo and Soldier like flies when she does. 
Cuts and manages everyone's hair. Sniper was her first job, and that was easy. Next was Medic coming in it get a half fade. Next was Soldier to keep her hair barely peaking from the helmet. Demoman was the hardest to convince and she can only touch her hair if she "uses those leather fancy gloves" she always wears at all times while braiding Demo's hair.
That BLU Spy from before? Gutted multiple times over the course of games throughout a week. His score suffered and he was moved to a team of lesser skill. A temporary "fix" to the problem. She still wants to gut him but can't do it outside of work hours as he's employeed to BLU (costing her a contract). But did find him in a seedy city with the mother of his child, and casually reminded him of his deeds out of spite while in disguise. He apologized, but she refused to take it. She wasn't the victim. They parted ways after that and promised to never see each other again. 
Will actually hit Scout on the head. Hand open, palm ready. Right in the back of her head. Stupid American loudmouth...
Likes the Dead Ringer with the stock revolver a lot, and likes being active. Really good at acting like Pyro, its kinda scary. It's probably the sassy movements they mastered.
Third least shameful having no top on. Proven.
Has secret meetings with BLU Spy outside both base ranges. For some reason, even though the ritual of enemy teams Spy's meeting and exchanging whatever they have for whatever they need is long over they both still come out here. Probably to get away from the base and at least smoke in peace, or at least she hopes so.
-- BLU Team... (soon)
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thornstocutyouwith · 5 years
Name: [Karma] Timezone:[Central] Activity:[8 random hours of the day or so. Depending on work.] Anything Else?:[His face will be Luke Mitchell. Nothing else that comes to mind currently.] Character:[ Donald Devon Fauntleroy Ducklyn] Role & Film:[Donald Duck, a lot. Disney.] Age:[26] Race:[Witch?]
    Powers:[Berserker: As we all should know, Donald has a bit of a temper. This power reflects this. It makes the affected appear emptier and unrestrained in a fight. Making the user’s focus on just the fight, losing himself in the rage. The user is extremely dangerous to be around. Whether you are a friend or not to Him, this power allows most wounds to be ignored, even life threatening ones. Like they are nothing, he will continue to fight. It’s all about the battle. In this mode, the users stamina goes strikingly up and a frightening level. This form is usually triggered by Rage or danger to the user. It eventually dies down over time.
Fire:  He can create fire, shape it, and use it to his own will. The types of fire generated, is dependable. Perhaps intensity rises when in a rage. Perhaps it depletes if the air is thin or other impurities of such. The color is duller when it is weak and less intense. Darker, or brighter color could mean it’s stronger.  Sometimes its affects can be manipulated without his rage. Other times he has hardly any control over it. Like if he is in total berserker mode and just wants to fight everything. ]
Traits:[Positive Outlook on Life, Committed, Easy Going, _ Short-tempered Show-off, Stubborn
Biography:[Born the same night as his twin sister, who he so affectionately calls from time to time ’ Dumbella.’ To a pair of middle class parents, though his family does come from a wealthy back ground, as they do have an extremely rich uncle, on his mother’s side, who is often seen as a cold unloving asshole and could not care about anyone but himself. Devon was often considered a ‘mamma’s boy’ by other relatives and friends.  As he was growing up he was also since a bit chubby and his friends wasted no time in pointing out his pudginess. His father is a decedent of some famous Irish clan way back in the days.   He too is also related to extremely wealthy relatives.  Not that they delved much into the twins lives as their Mothers brother had done. His mother, whose name is Hortense.  Usually stayed at home, taking care of the children. While his father worked to support the family. She is best known for her temper, by her children. She was extremely strict with her children’s upbringing. She made sure they did well in school. All that fun stuff.  They often visited his uncle and at one point or another moved in. For three months, but soon moving out.
Donald did not like the short stay as he never really saw much of his uncle. The family soon moved out and Devon decided to go live with his Grandmother who lived in the nearby town. Out on a farm, Donald was 13 at the time and his grandmother spent the next few years teaching him about maintaining a farm.  But soon he would enlist in the army. This had only lasted a few short years. As he had been discharged for his temper becoming a danger to basically everyone around him, and himself, go figure. At 23 Donald was out on his own, he lived close to his grandmother and uncle. Yet he did not always see them maybe a few times a year. He had made friends and enemies, one of them being Pete, who probably had been one of few people who could actually scare him. Some might say his best friends were Goofy and Mickey. Though Donald seemed more envious of Mickey than anything, he often spent time alone.  He had travel every so often throughout the year, year after year.
Distancing himself from things that could trigger his anger in any way. He did not absolutely enjoy his bouts of temper. They would manage to end his relationship on several occasions. Despite her meaning everything to him, he’s not always sure he’s right for her. Her name is Daisy. She would not live to far from him. He had believed for a while now. Had it not been because of his temper she would be his. But as of late he would been friend zoned. What a horrid place for someone he had been drawn to more than any other person he would meet. All because his cousin had shown up, Donald stuck to being helpful. Coming when she would call, Taking her to nice places. As he had gotten older he’d begun to realize that she would choose who she wanted. He would not force her. In his family, being a witch seemed natural.  At least to certain extent, as his parent’s hadn’t really hid the fact from their children that they were not quite so human, they tried to teach them the right ways. Donald easily had accepted his gifts and his being a witch. Even as a child he had been able to use his powers with explosive ability. It made him a very easy candidate to regularly visit the coven. But he would never stay for too long. 
Just a few weeks or so out of a year, in relative secret, because he wasn’t on really wasn’t interested in the Supreme , to him, she’d appeared more of trouble, and he’d liked to stay out of it, not that it didn’t have a problem coming right to his doorstep. Some people just knew it as one of his “regular trips to the unknown.” While others knew exactly where he was going, mostly those just like him, it should be well known within the witch society that he could become very easily, quite useful, and not just for his powers. Donald works as mostly a greeter at the House of Mouse Club, so he knows practically everyone who visits regularly.  Not many people totally hate his guts either, who are at the club. Because he’s known for doing more than Just greetings at the door, as he is a bit of a wild personality. A few drinks in and who knows what will happen.
Mickey: ( Best Friend)  Well, though often it doesn’t seems. Because of Donald’s Envy for this person, he tried to be like them. . He does, when push comes to shove. Have one hell of a bromance type deal with Mickey though, and will do anything to protect him. Donald might sometimes try and hurt the other, but he knows that he’d hate himself if he ended up taking his pranks and such too far. As Mickey seems to have been there when others weren’t, during times he needed people who should have been there. Donald thinks that people like Mickey come once in a life time, so he doesn’t plan on the other ever letting him go so easily, if they ever try.
  Pete: ( Enemy) One of few, if not the only who have truly been able to scare him. But it often dribbles into annoyance and Donald can muster up enough of that good old courage of his to deal with this person. Goofy: ( Friend) Donald hangs around this person a lot. He finds him to be entertaining and easy to blame things on them. Daisy: ( Love interest.) Donald loves her. He would go through hell just to have one night with her. He is aware though, she might see him as a friend one moment, and prospective lover another. This often irritates him. The funny thing about these two is, it sometimes could appear that Donald cares less for Daisy than he does Mickey, but you’d be wrong. It mostly depends on how much she actually cares about him, and how much she pretends she’s going to give a damn about him, because she wants something, that he can, and will always get, for her.  Not to say she doesn’t love him, but who really knows.
Para Sample:[2 paragraphs minimum must be IC]
Character:[Silas Caneton] Role & Film:[The Ugly Duckling] Age:[17] Race:[Witch]
Powers: [Ice: He can create, shape and manipulate ice.
Traits:[Outgoing, clumsy, charismatic, Depressed, Lost, mysterious ]
Biography:[Silas, well, nothing is really known about him.   Silas was born into a poor family. Barely getting by, full of many brothers and sisters, mouths to feed, it was pretty much crammed in every corner of the home.  Silas was born on a cool summer’s day.  At the hospital one would never of guessed what would happen next to the infant, in a moment of distraction.  This important moment, and with the help of a ditsy nurse, would be the beginning in the weave of which fate had in store for Silas. Someone stopping her to talk, and by the time she'd been done with her work, the switch was made. On that same day, another baby had also been born one of a much higher standing than Silas' own parents. Also a baby boy, but these two would grow up looking quite differently, as she wheeled him in the room, followed by the other infant in toe. They sat next to each other. She smiled in at Silas and then to the other. Then placed the final information that would send them on the destined paths in which they would find themselves. The boy taken in by Silas family raised him as one of their own. Though they did notice quite a lot of deference in this baby, in comparison to their other children. Silas on the other was not so lucky. First he had had two older sisters to return home too and one older brother.  In the beginning their family had been 'perfect' two boys, and two girls. They were Upper class people.
Their mother was a trophy wife, who also had done modeling in her younger years, now she was a stay at home mom. By the time Silas had turned two, His mother had started to take notice of several differences in her child.  Which she had never felt connected to in the least. She had always felt like he had been some alien. Delivered to her, and they forgot to take him back. Compared to her other children, but she just shrugged it off, thinking maybe he was just tired, or sick.  Perhaps even it was just something he was just born with, a lot of kids had that kind of thing. But as he got older, she knew then, she could see major difference then. She had been avoiding him before hand. His mother tried to show him love and affection, but she just could not. This was not her child, and it festered in her, and wanted her child. Not this foreign entity. The father had noticed as well, which had pulled him farther from his family for quite some time. He was never very good to Silas, that man never tried to be fatherly when it clicked to him that the child was not theirs. Silas had noticed these things.
Silas usually never played with his siblings.  He would always be caught out by the lake reading or drawing. Humming to himself, sometimes alternately playing with his toys, which he would carry in a bag. It was filled with all his favorite things.  Silas spent most of the day by himself near the lake. There had been a time when Silas did try to play with his siblings. But they never liked him. His sisters would tease and poke at him when he was younger. Bruising his pale skin, when his hair had grown long enough, they began to dress him up. Force him into dresses and smear make up on him, horribly too.  Put his hair into pigtails and, giggling, parade him around to their friends and other family members, who just saw it as cute. Then there was his brother, who liked to exploit Silas' weaknesses, Silas wasn’t the most healthiest person after all, and seemed to break and bruise easily, which his brother enjoyed. But as he had been in karate for about four years by the time Silas had been born and by the time Silas was 5, he had wanted a live human to test his moves on. Silas has been sent to the hospital from this ' horse play' on several occasions because his brother had wanted to test a new move he had just learned. Which Earned Silas three broken noses, four cracks in his skull, one broken leg, two broken wrist. Four smashed ribs, and perforated ear drum, twice. One from a massive kick to the skull which knocked him off the porch, where he would land in the grass tearing up, his brother would feign a pretend sorrowful look as he acted like he was worried for the others potentially being injured.  Now sure, questions were eventually raised about Silas' treatment within the home.
But when the events had been looked into, they had often reach the same conclusion, horseplay, not enough to get the boy taken away from what appeared to be loving parents and bratty kids picking on the youngest,  but they still had decided on monthly visits for a short while. When Silas’ had turned seven he was rarely even thought of by his older siblings, and spent most of his time alone. But, one family outing a strange man walked up to his mother. Asking to use him in a commercial, she was then asked if he could be used in a commercial for children's medicine. That they had been looking for a child as 'unique looking' as Silas, by which he meant sickly, and from that moment on he would saw less and less of his family, thank fucking god. He had gotten a manager and basically became a minor child star, in low rate films and TV shows, often being diseased or killed, or just plain dead. For years this went on, and behind the scenes, he had started work on a personnel project, a band.
Which was so appropriately called ' The Ugly Duckling' in which some of the songs often reflects his feelings of wanting to be part of a family or things in the like. It’s a mix of things. But this still did not cure his bouts of depression, or his often trips inside the recesses of his mind to clear his thoughts, a bit, he enjoys just shutting down and going to live in his own mind for a bit. As the drugs he is taking and using has made it a whole lot more fun. His band has been growing in popularity over the last few months and now they expect winning over the New Orleans crowd. Because something about the place just screams to him, about finding his family there, maybe it’s just the drugs though.  
Para Sample:[2 paragraphs minimum must be IC]
Voice:   His voice can change to be very luring. Especially to weaker individuals. The more susceptible you are. The more attractive he sounds.  He can flex his vocals to be exactly what you want to be hearing. But through singing, is not the only way he can use his powers. But also by simply talking. Call it a "Silver tongue". If you were to get close enough, a purple mist dribbles from his mouth, one would be wise to avoid inhaling it. As you might fall victim to his manipulations.  The mist is ever flowing from that hole, but the farther it drifts out, the less affect it has. This power doesn't mind control. It just has a way of making people see more to Silas' favors, whether it's wrong or not. It's  ]
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A brief introduction
The Wikipedia entry for “quarter-life crisis” references exactly four (4) songs that are written about the subject:
“20 Something” by SZA — one of my favorite songs off of the Best album of 2017
“Why Georgia” by John Mayer — an excellent album from a gifted guitarist [from a beautifully pure time before he told Playboy “my dick is sort of like a white supremacist” and got canceled]
“True Love (For Now)” by Spector — truly don’t know anything about this song or band; gonna give it a try
and of course, “Landslide” by Fleetwood Mac — a classic and a banger and don’t even get me started on Stevie’s brilliance IT IS 2018 WHY DON’T WE HAVE A HALF-DECENT STEVIE NICKS BIOPIC
Hi, hey, hey there, hi, I'm Al, and YEAH, I've officially started my newsletter with a Wikipedia page reference! The corny-ass millennial equivalent of starting your best man's speech with, “Webster's Dictionary defines ‘love’ as ‘a score of zero’…”
But! I promise I know what I'm doing. (put that on my tombstone !!!)
Welcome to Quarter-Life Crisis. I’m a 26-year-old copywriter in the middle of a big ol’ full-blown existential crisis, and I’m going to try my best to write my way out of it.
For the past few years, I’ve been typing out boring marketing crap rather than writing the things I WANT AND NEED to write. Of course this has led to me becoming desperately unhappy at work, which is consequently bleeding insecurity into other aspects of my life, like maintaining my adult friendships, and uh, dating.
(i’m sure this is a big part of it, too, but i’m somehow simultaneously broke as hell? lol)
So now I’m writing about what I want to write about: Politics, culture, movies, relationships, being a bad feminist, not wanting to admit I haven’t actually read “Bad Feminist,” recommending books I have read and liked, screaming about the music I like *that week*, and working through my complicated feelings about being a rap fan/sports fan/lowkey astrology fan?/single woman/horny bitch/crude professional.
I want this to be a place where I can bitch, but also a place where y’all can bitch back; a weekly brain dump that will hopefully speak to some of the things you’re feeling, too, and a conversation where we can try to make sense of the fucking hell that is our late twenties—together~!
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This week…
Ah yes; so I started this off with a Wikipedia pull on purpose. Because this week? I've been thinking a lot about definitions. This past week, something fucking terrible has been happening, and that terrible thing is the Br*tt K*vanaugh job interview/confirmation/swearing in/media circus.
A lot of the process has been frustrating. I’m so tired and I don’t want to make you relive it. But I do want to talk about one moment that stood out to me:
In what felt like the only good-ish moment of the hearing, Sheldon Whitehouse—junior senator from Rhode Island and bizarro Jeff Daniels—carried out his questioning with the kind of cutting quick-wittedness that I like to imagine would make Aaron Sorkin exasperatedly throw a stack of papers up into the air.
But aside from the sheer thrill of seeing Kavanaugh being grilled, why’d this moment get my attention? WELL, FOLKS, as someone who once held her college campus’s newspaper's job of coming up with the “Position of the Week” each Wednesday (yes, that means what you think it means; no, the job interview for that one is not as interesting than you’d think), I can tell you: that’s uhhh,
Can we prove that Kavanaugh’s “definition” of Devil’s Triangle either was or wasn’t a lie? And more interestingly to me this week: Does it matter? In a time when the definition of a word can evolve and change with the introduction of a meme, or the edit of a page?
That same day, someone with a congressional IP address anonymously edited the disambiguation page for “Devil’s Triangle,” to include an entry for the “popular drinking game enjoyed by friends of Judge Brett Kavanaugh.” The edit was flagged and rescinded by Wiki mods, but it made enough of an impression that many Kavanaugh supporters felt vindicated in proclaiming that he had told the truth.
(By the way, whoever’s using that IP address has also edited the pages for the beloved Disney Channel film “Motocrossed,” beloved Charli XCX album “Pop 2,” and beloved Star Wars character Luke Skywalker. And it’s hard-hitting stuff, as you can see below. For the love of god, someone PLEASE get my girl Ashley Feinberg on the case.)
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All of this brings us back to Stevie Nicks, thank god.
Some Wikipedia editor has decided that “Landslide” should be held up as one of the top four pivotal mid-life crisis songs, and that’s probably accurate. Stevie wrote it when she was 26 (hahahahaha fuck me !) and the lyrics seem to speak to every second of everything I’ve been feeling work-wise and relationship-wise lately.
But to others, it can be a song about something else. Before you hopped onto Genius (one of my favorite sites because of gems like these) and got pointed to direct quotes from four different interviews Stevie’s done on the song, you might’ve imagined it to be about someone contemplating infidelity, or a tumultuous father-daughter relationship. In looking up the lyrics, I saw someone say it exactly described their relationship with their faith.
So… do definitions matter? Maybe not. Maybe the meanings you assign to things are just as valuable as truth…certainly when it comes to something as subjective as music or art, at least. But when it comes to history, or language, or Supreme Court justices, or job interviews, shouldn’t there be one central source of truth? YEAH, probably.
PROBABLY—and look, I’m no Frasier Crane, but—I’m just wading into the idea of ever-evolving definitions trying to avoid putting weight on the lack of definition in my own life right now…
I recently started ~hanging out~ with someone. Everyone my age knows, “We’re hanging out,” said in a certain way with a specific tone can mean any range of things from “we’re occasionally fucking” to “we’re kind of maybe nearing something like dating?”
That ~hanging out~ phase is a beautiful bubble, but the second someone tries to really drill down on what the phrase means, it pops. I’m not going to comment on what side of that sliding scale I’m on with this one, but I do know that for now, floating around in this definition-less grey froth is much, much, much more lovely than my attempts to define—or, ew god sorry, describe—it.
But even in the grey areas, there’s always always always a gut feeling that refuses to go away, refuses to stop speaking your truth, even if it’s only whispering it just to you. So yeah, yes, I know what I want this definition to be; I know where I want us to go…I just don’t want to say it just quite yet.
OK LOOK, I’ve gone in circles, so maybe this meditation on definition has been as futile and pointless as a Jeff Flake gesture. But for the record, I AM gonna go ahead and keep defining Brett Kavanaugh as a pathetic entitled slimeball who lied through his tiny off-white teeth. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Some definitions just feel better than others. Because I’ve never seen this area as particularly grey; the voice in the pit of my stomach is saying something I actually understand loud and clear: I believe Dr. Ford.
To all of the people who’ve been marching, rallying, tweeting, walking out, speaking out, calling CSPAN, writing their representatives, ANYTHING…this one’s for you.
—Your newest lady friend, Al
(psssst, if you want any of this in newsletter form, please, step right this way)
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edmundhides2-blog · 6 years
Free Things To Do In Amsterdam.
A survey from lottery champions demonstrated that the favorite factors that they delight in performing very most are the straightforward traits in life. When I mention that manuals create me delighted; occasionally that is actually the visibility from them, it's not just the accounts I love. Exactly what makes me genuinely happy is actually staying home with my husband as well as pet cats as well as occasionally traveling to new places. Right now, attempt informing your partner that you wish to make love to him/her using this Spanish key phrase and s/he are going to really believe unique. But I have learned how to create sushi in the absolute most unique class: the internet preparing food games. Nevertheless, an interfering nap shut out and even reversed this bad emotional reactivity to anger and worry while conversely boosting scores of good (satisfied) phrases. If you like a particular unusual food items, state that and if this is feasible he will certainly book at a restaurant that serves it regardless of whether he certainly never attempted it previously. Might make every comic book followers dream a reality with a rumored launch of the Justice Organization in 2015. Certainly not that I dislike exactly how I look-- it is actually additional just that I need to make some lifestyle changes. Spanish places like Majorca hold special attract holidaymakers outward Europe. This is when an individual carries out one thing wonderful for someone else, and also person, consequently, does one thing pleasant for the upcoming person, then that individual performs something good for an the following individual etc. That is exactly how our company create the world and affect around us a far better location. They will definitely create our team satisfied for a brief or not therefore brief amount of time, however ultimately you will get back to your initial condition. Looks alone may produce a guy want you intimately, yet if you prefer him to join passion, devote to a connection, and also see you as his only, after that appears alone won't cut it. However merely saying no to one thing you appreciate, whether it is actually frozen yogurt or swinging and also other elements of an exotic, bold sex life, will definitely certainly not make your need for that fade. Today I was behind someone in visitor traffic who decided they were mosting likely to create a right convert. I was an obsessive eater that was attempting to cover it up as well as counterbalance it weight-wise in every and any sort of way that I can by compulsively weight loss or even bingeing and also removing but when it came down to this, I was addicted to food. Devote at the very least 10 mins a day don't forgeting an opportunity when you were happy as well as re-live those sensations inside you. That offers some sizzling dishes like Grilled Mahi, Shrimp Jumbo Shrimp Scampi, Spanish Paella, Frying pan Seared Atlantic Salmon, Cuban Braised Fish, and also Veal Piccata and so on I presumed that the techniques I perform will certainly make individuals think about and it is actually not thus vital just what I claim. I consistently aim to instruct people on my weblog and write-ups to become receptive and also certainly not to make any sort of constraint on their own. Chocolate peanut butter no bake cookies make great grandparents gifts, instructor presents, special day gifts, thank you presents and additional. After the event has actually been actually held, individualized static is ideal for thank-you keep in minds. He didn't require Santana to begin inquiring inquiries about who he was actually speaking to. He maintained the content conversation as he waited for the bartender to earn the drinks. Allow's check out at the prominent seasonal occasions and exactly how you can easily utilize tailored stationery making your memory cards, letters and also details even more exclusive. A person special is about to have a birthday party as well as you are actually trying to find simply the ideal phrases to utilize for this delighted affair. You could additionally tap the services of a music team that might participate in real-time conventional tracks in the course of the entire night for a much more sophisticated celebration. To add insult to injury, Koshka began to make the coughing noise that was his version from a belly laugh. The words that make you know that you are actually not alone, that there are actually others on the market that have actually been actually harmed and also are enduring as you are actually. The 11 track cd just takes 31 moments to get with, and also its encouraging, medium-paced tracks are excellent for whatever kind of state of mind you've found your own self in this full week. Obtain the learning you must acquire the job you yearn for or merely go forward and secure that. Perform whatever you have to perform making that change as well as more than happy. Therefore if you presumed being old would make you awful, rest assured that it is actually very likely you'll develop an even more favorable overview compared to you possibly have now. Think about these listed below major characteristics from the sign as well as exactly what that mentions about keeping them pleased in relationships. Certainly, hawks or even various other predatory birds may be attracted to parties of tune birds. If you really love constructing traits, you can attempt recruiting and create a good living doing what you adore. 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What Creates Me Happy was actually made by Annie Gibbs for The Ragdoll Base coming from a concept by Anne Wood, Owner and Creative Supervisor of Ragdoll Productions Ltd as well as Trustee of The Ragdoll Foundation. Holiday season playgrounds could differ wildly so that's consistently most effectively to carry out some investigation and also ensure you decided on a playground that meets your loved ones's demands. Orgasms additionally brighten the human brains like a Xmas tree, as well as has actually been technically shown to earn us Much healthier is our experts make love once a full week. When I recall at my lifestyle, twenty years eventually, I recognize that I really possessed no suggestion who I was or just what created me delighted. There are plenty of points that can produce every person pleased, however to opt for among the might be actually the hardest component. Picture an infant that is merely pleased to be (when they are not wailing, that is!) Make an effort shifting your emphasis to being, and deal with someone or even something that you enjoy. I don't mind when our chats get a little mundane & we lack factors to claim, just having you sufficients to make me satisfied. For additional l ove quotes, visit the well-known, an internet site that concentrates on 'Leading 10' listings from quotations in lots from types.
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optometrist0 · 7 years
What Does Glaucoma Look Like
Near where someone lives
Many people don't realise they have
But when something affects the
Condition associated with
And treatment. … like poag
Granules from the iris and
What does glaucoma look like – Can you please tell me why it'srecommended that people with glaucoma don't take midol and the like? Open angles are okay. Midol …
Forgues said in places like Western … who treat glaucoma near where someone lives. "Passing the bill would break down barriers to care for marginalized communities," Purdy said. He added that it would also help any state resident …
Glaucoma damages nerve fibers, which can cause blind spots in our vision and vision loss to develop. In a nutshell, two factors … Glaucoma has to do with the pressure inside the eye, or intraocular pressure(IOP). The eye constantly … You may have seen a picture or poster of “what glaucoma looks like.” In the picture you …
Normally, the fluid, called aqueous humor, flows out of your eye through a mesh- like channel. If this channel gets blocked, the liquid builds up. That's what causes glaucoma. The reason for the blockage is unknown, but doctors do know it can be inherited, meaning it's passed from parents to children. Less common causes  …
Bionode, a Purdue University affiliated startup, is on its way to developing an innovative new treatment for glaucoma that does not rely on pharmaceuticals … the potential looks promising. The device the professor and his team devised is a …
Glaucoma usually starts in one eye but can progress into the other eye, depending on the cause. Because glaucoma is so painful, your pet might not eat, could be irritable, and might avoid being touched. She may sleep more than normal, avoid sunlight, and have vision issues. Her eyes could look bloodshot and/or cloudy, …
Symptoms of glaucoma. Glaucoma doesn't usually cause any symptoms to begin with. It tends to develop slowly over many years and affects the edges of your vision (peripheral vision) first. For this reason, many people don't realise they have glaucoma, and it's often only picked up during a routine eye test. If you do notice …
Dec 15, 2017 … We examine the eye disease glaucoma, including the different types, common causes, and symptoms of the condition. … Some illnesses and conditions – like diabetes or hypothyroidism. … In this type of glaucoma, many people do not get medical help until permanent damage has already occurred.
She explains what it is like to live with the condition day … NRS Healthcare: What are your worries about living with Glaucoma? Beatrice: I’ve never been a moaner and I don’t see what good worrying does. When it comes to life …
Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases causing optic nerve damage. This comprehensive overview covers types of glaucoma, symptoms and warning signs, causes, risk factors, diagnosis, and treatment options.
Jun 25, 2015 … Most people with glaucoma do not notice problems until quite a bit of visual loss has occurred. This is because the first part of the vision to go is the outer ( peripheral) field of vision and when we look at the world most of us do so with two eyes. Areas that one eye does not see, the other eye will cover for; so …
In glaucoma, elevations in the pressure of the aqueous humor are most frequently caused by this fluid not being able to drain correctly from the eye. Additional fluid is constantly being produced and if an equal amount does not leave the globe, then the pressure starts to rise. It is very similar to a water balloon. As more water …
Underlying reasons for this imbalance usually relate to the type of glaucoma you have. Just as a basketball or football requires air pressure to maintain its shape, the eyeball needs internal fluid pressure to retain its globe-like shape and ability to see. but when something affects the ability of internal eye structures to regulate  …
Sep 17, 2009 … Glaucoma (the sneak thief of sight) refers to certain eye diseases that affect the optic nerve and cause vision loss. It typically produces elevated pressure inside the eye, called intraocular pressure (IOP) and can usually be classified as either open-angle (chronic conditions of long duration) or closed-angle …
Here are 8 symptoms of the very serious disease.
Investigative reports, like one done by CNBC entitled Gift Card Crime Fueling … In addition to an interview with Briggs, the report took a firsthand look at the problem with the Shelby County Sheriff’s Area Law Enforcement and Retailers Team …
See a picture of and learn about glaucoma, an eye condition associated with vision loss, in the eMedicineHealth Image Collection Gallery. … Early diagnosis and treatment can help preserve vision in people affected by glaucoma. Image Source: Andrew A. Dahl, … What does a pregnancy mask look like? Explore pictures of …
The classic description of the rash is a clear, fluid-filled blister on reddened skin (“dewdrop on a rose petal”), but it does not always look so classic … and potentially cost-saving measure like a vaccine costs so much out of pocket.
The drain structure in your eye — it's called the trabecular meshwork — looks normal, but fluid doesn't flow out like it should. Angle-closure glaucoma.
When the fluid reaches the angle, it flows through a spongy meshwork, like a drain, and leaves the eye. In open-angle … How does the optic nerve get damaged by open-angle glaucoma? Several large … While these treatments may save remaining vision, they do not improve sight already lost from glaucoma. Medicines.
Mar 19, 2017 … Pain in dogs with glaucoma is more severe than pain in humans with glaucoma. However, animals don't show pain the way humans do, and sometimes it can be hard for us to detect when our pet may be hurting. They won't typically squint or rub their eye like you might do, although sometimes squinting or …
Glaucoma (glaw-KO-ma) is a group of disorders that cause fluid pressure to rise inside the eye, which may result in vision loss. … The larger compartment at the rear of the eye contains a gel-like substance called vitreous (VIT-re-us) humor, which helps to maintain the eyeball's shape and to transmit light. The front …
Glaucoma is a condition in which high pressure occurs in the eye, with a failure of normal fluid drainage from the eye. … the eye; The eyeball may recede back into the head; Redness of the blood vessels in the whites of eyes; Cloudy appearance at front of the eye; Dilated pupil – or pupil does not respond to light; Vision loss.
Read and learn how to avoid vision loss due to glaucoma. What is glaucoma? It’s a condition that can damage your optic nerve, usually because of too much pressure in your eye. The optic nerve does an important … get cloudy and look …
The results of the research necessitate further studies on the long-term effects of marijuana use, explained Breiter, in order to find answers to questions like: what happens … her own which supports that marijuana use does cause brain …
Oct 29, 2017 … There are typically no early warning signs or symptoms of open-angle glaucoma. It develops slowly and sometimes without noticeable sight loss for many years. Most people who have open-angle glaucoma feel fine and do not notice a change in their vision at first because the initial loss of vision is of side …
"People do it because they think it makes them look like Jack Nicholson," author Mark Mason told … The BBC themselves suggested wearing sunglasses indoors “if you want people in a room instantly to judge you a colossal, …
Dr. John Berdahl shares vital information about glaucoma, a category of eye disorders associated with eye pressure, including symptoms, types, tests and treatment. … like poag, normal-tension glaucoma (also called normal-pressure glaucoma, low-tension glaucoma or low-pressure glaucoma) is a type of open- angle …
… to see an eye doctor regularly and get diagnosed quickly if glaucoma does develop.” The optic nerve is located at the back of the eye, surrounded by the retina. “The optic nerve is like a telephone wire that contains 1 million fibers. If they …
WebMD explains types, symptoms, risk factors, diagnosis, and treatment of glaucoma, a progressive vision condition that can lead to permanent blindness.
Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases which result in damage to the optic nerve and vision loss. The most common type is open-angle glaucoma with less common types including closed-angle glaucoma and normal-tension glaucoma. Open-angle glaucoma develops slowly over time and there is no pain. Side vision may …
Glaucoma Wiki Contents New eye test. the test Rule out diabetes Treat glaucoma and rheumatoid arthritis Flaking off pigment granules Glaucoma is a group of eye conditions resulting in optic nerve damage that may cause vision loss. Abnormally high pressure inside your eye usually, but not always, causes the damage. Glaucoma is one of the leading causes Pigmentary Glaucoma Contents The twenties and thirties Eye. the classic triad consists Pressure. narrow angle glaucoma Ptica nausea and Sep 8, 2015 … Learn about a type of glaucoma that damages the optic nerve by flaking off pigment granules from the iris and clogging the eye's drainage system. Pigment dispersion syndrome (PDS), a bilateral disorder, occurs when Can Glaucoma Be Cured Contents Addressing the underlying reason for Glaucoma will eventually cause blindness. most The treatment every the Glaucoma is a group of diseases that damage the eye's optic nerve and can result in vision loss and blindness. However, with early … Whether you develop glaucoma depends on the level of pressure your optic nerve can tolerate What Is Glaucoma Of The Eye Contents Might affect you Optic nerve can all United states. are Clinical researchers found that What is glaucoma? Glaucoma is a disease that damages your eye's optic nerve. It usually happens when fluid builds up in the front part of your eye. That extra f Glaucoma is usually, but not always, associated with elevated pressure
from http://bestoptometrists.net/what-does-glaucoma-look-like-3/
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