#so if it IS a concussion it's minor/healed enough to not show in the results
icedteaandoldlace · 1 year
So the smell of food just triggered my lightheadedness. It didn't make me nauseous, just lightheaded. And earlier today when the doctor was shining a light in my eyes, that did make me nauseous. I feel like I've got wires plugged into the wrong sockets right now. If I didn't know for damn certain that I'm not pregnant or going through menopause, I would be seriously suspecting it right now.
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On Death's Doorstep (pt 28/?)
[<<First],,,,[<Prev],[Next>] [ODD Masterlist]
Word count: 1609
Rating: Teen
Pairings: Anxceit, familial Moxiety
Warnings: Past character death, minor gore, Victor Frankenstein typical antics, medical procedures (non-graphic), Virgil Learn Self-Preservation Challenge: Failed
The first thing Logan had learned from Emile’s death was that he had the power to stuff someone’s life back into their body. The second thing he learned was that just because he put them back did not mean they hadn’t suffered life-ending injuries.
He hadn’t been as strong back then — and he had just been in a car accident — so he was only really able to bring Emile back for five minutes at a time. Each time Logan brought his brother back, Emile would spend the whole time in agony. He lost track of how many times he brought Emile back — he had a concussion at the time — and when the paramedics finally reached the scene, they were astounded that Emile was still alive.
They lost him on the way to hospital once Logan’s powers had worn out, and that had been it.
Logan had had to accept Emile’s death, but he’d started planning. He had not had the proper resources to keep Emile alive long enough to heal, so he started his research in order to be prepared the next time someone he cared about died.
The number one problem in Logan’s mind was that even if he had managed to keep Emile alive long enough for his body to start healing, he still would have been in an incredible amount of pain. It would have been torture, and Logan would expect some long-term, serious mental health issues to crop up as a result. So, Logan’s first goal had been to find a way to anesthetize someone whose circulatory system wasn’t even functioning.
He’d managed to circumvent this problem by experimenting with brainwave inhibitors — there might still be a brief second of pain, but targeting the brain was much swifter and more effective than waiting for the circulatory system to boot up enough for traditional sedatives.
The number two problem was that it would take a long time for the body to heal naturally, especially for injuries one wouldn’t naturally survive. For the longest time, Logan’s plan had been to fix as much of the body as possible himself before starting on resurrections, and then just be patient.
Of course, circumstances changed when a superhero with healing powers and almost zero self-preservation instincts that weren’t tied to his son’s well-being showed up on his doorstep — the hero’s usefulness hadn’t occurred to Logan at the time, but then, he had been expecting to be rid of the hero well before he’d need to implement his research.
The third problem of course was that living as a sociology professor afforded him neither the time nor the means to conduct his research. His side business of selling his gadgets could get him the money, but there were certain things money couldn’t buy. Resigning from his job and throwing his metaphorical hat in with his prized pupil had been the obvious choice. Supervillains could take whatever they wanted as long as they didn’t get caught.
All these years, all his experimentation, all his effort, all of it had led to this, the culmination of his research: bringing his daughter back. He was going to succeed if it killed him.
That being said, Logan was not the one in potential danger of dying.
Logan watched dispassionately as Virgil crumpled to the floor for the second time that day. Virgil’s inability to either recognize or acknowledge his limits had led him to use his energy healing Remy until he inevitably passed out — Logan had to assume that this was the norm for the hero as the only other two examples he had of Virgil using his healing powers had also ended up with the hero losing consciousness.
On the first day, Logan could barely tell that Virgil was even using his powers until the younger man passed out on the cold tile floor of Logan’s lab. He had expected to see visible evidence of this healing, but as Virgil explained later, his powers usually directed themselves to the areas most in need of attention, and Remy had suffered so many critical injuries that anything he had done had hardly started to scratch the surface.
After Virgil had passed out, Logan carried him back to the hospital bed in the corner of his lab that the hero had first woken up in and attached an IV and a heart monitor to him. Then he’d gone back to watch vigil over his daughter.
Remy had died barely half an hour after Logan brought her back, hopefully completely unaware that she had been revived at all.
Once Virgil had regained consciousness the first time — and calmed down enough to not distress his empathic son too much — he’d gone to relieve Roman of child duty; they would resume the healing process the next day. In Logan’s ideal scenario, they would have been able to pick up immediately after Virgil regained his health; but they were not living in Logan’s ideal scenario, Virgil had a son to take care of, and Logan had a vested interest in keeping Janus from figuring out what he was doing until it was too late — an interest that doubled when one considered that Logan was abusing their romantic partner’s powers for his own gain.
Luckily for Logan, Janus needed his assistance in order to infiltrate a high security government facility. If he played his cards correctly, they would be too distracted with reconnaissance to notice how much time their boyfriend was spending in Logan’s laboratory.
It was working so far; Janus was currently out monitoring the comings and goings of the facility personnel, the twins were watching Patton, and despite Virgil passing out again, Remy’s injuries were noticeably better than before.
He’d had to resurrect her multiple times over the past three days, but everything seemed to be going smoothly — the brainwave inhibitor was functioning properly, Remy’s vitals (while she was alive) were improving with time, and the transplants Logan had acquired to replace organs and other body parts that were damaged too badly in the explosion and resulting building collapse to be salvaged were incorporating well. The only issue really was that Remy’s body had yet to sustain life past the expiration of Logan’s animation power’s influence, but it was only a matter of time before Virgil healed her enough.
Like every other time Virgil passed out, Logan carried him to the hospital bed, attached an IV, then returned to his daughter’s side. An hour later, Remy’s heart was still beating steadily.
By the time Virgil returned to Remy’s sick-room — approximately two hours after passing out — Logan had turned the heat up to an appropriate temperature for human habitation, set up Remy’s IV with sedatives, and disabled the brainwave inhibitor.
“Good news?” Virgil asked as he scanned the changes to the room. He had been growing less and less apprehensive of Logan and his actions throughout the past few days, it had now gotten to the point where Logan could not detect any suspicion in his gaze now, only curiosity.
“Remy’s body has healed enough to sustain life without my intervention,” Logan reported succinctly. “As such, I have changed the environment of the room appropriately and placed her into a more standard medically induced coma. She should be well enough to awaken within the week. We have succeeded.”
Janus or the twins would have recognized this as the dismissal that it was. Virgil did not.
“Cool, should I get back to it, then?”
Logan blinked in surprise. “She is alive,” he stated simply.
“Yeah,” Virgil agreed.
Logan blinked. Virgil blinked back. This was… not something Logan had expected.
“You… still wish to help?”
“‘Course I do,” Virgil said, as if Logan were the one being obtuse.
“…you are an odd one, Virgil Sanders,” Logan mused, mostly to himself.
Virgil just shrugged and took his usual position at Remy’s side. This time, Logan could actually see Remy healing as he worked — the skin of her arm was knitting together with the skin graft Logan had stitched in place, the burns on her face faded from a deep red to a mild pink, then back to her usual light brown, her lungs expanded a little more fully as the bones of her ribs welded back together.
He was almost too mesmerized by the process to notice his phone notifying him of an unauthorized person using the parking garage. Almost.
“Virgil stop,” Logan ordered and for once, Virgil’s healing light faded away without the man in question falling over.
“What’s up?”
“Something very urgent has come up that needs my attention,” Logan informed him, somewhat distracted. “It should not need more than a few minutes of my time, but if you could please sit with Remy while I’m gone, I would greatly appreciate it.”
“Yeah sure,” Virgil answered slowly, his suspicions returning. “How urgent?”
“Incredibly. It is personal in nature, and is neither illegal, nor threatening to anyone. I will be back shortly.” And with that, Logan strode from the room. He only made it a few steps, however, before he was turning back. “You are a very decent person, and self-sacrificing in the extreme; I likely should have done this a long time ago, but I am slow to trust.”
Virgil just stared at him as he fully removed both power-canceling cuffs from the hero’s wrists. The cuffs fell to the ground with a clink as Logan was too distracted and in much too much of a hurry to care about either the cuffs, or Virgil’s reaction to having them removed.
He had to go see why, after all these years of living in this building, his mother chose now to come visit.
You can tell that I got a little too lost in the sauce by the way there’s no dialogue til almost the end of the chapter lol
Originally Janus was going to realize what Logan was doing and confront him before Barbra showed up, but I needed to end with Virgil alone in the room with Remy and that was hard to do with Janus being protective
There should be about 4 chapters left in section 3, would love to finish the section by the end of June, but I probably won’t :/
ODD taglist:
@royalty-of-all-things-snuggly @pixelated-pineapple @arsonic-knight @misunderstood-shadowling @lost-in-thought-20 @remy-the-lemon-berry @jinxcrafter @apinkline2715 @gothfoxx @donutsarepartybagels @xoaningout @meganmoneky14
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Car accidents can result in serious injuries, even if the accident wasn’t a high speed crash. The sudden impact of a minor crash can be enough to cause a painful injury. When this happens, you’re probably wondering how long it will take to heal because your injuries may prevent you from working or performing daily activities. You may also be concerned about the medical costs of the accident. To get fair compensation for the accident, you need a lawyer from Mike Breen’s Office. We’ll do everything to show how the negligent party hurt you and recover the damages you need to move on.
If you have any questions about your case, get in touch with us today and schedule a free consultation.
While you may be focused on getting better as soon as possible, you should have realistic expectations about your injuries and the recovery process. You may not feel that you’re injured after a car accident, or not have obvious serious injuries, but this doesn’t mean that you’re injury-free. The shock of a car accident can mask the symptoms of certain car accident injuries and others can take hours or weeks to present symptoms.
Common hidden car accident injuries can include:
Traumatic Brain Injury and Head Injuries. A car accident could make you hit your head against the window or steering wheel and cause a concussion. Symptoms include headaches, dizziness, confusion, blurry vision, and issues with balance.
Whiplash. The sudden movement of a car accident can make your neck jerk back and forth, putting a considerable amount of strain on your neck. You may try to fight through the pain, but this injury needs medical attention because of how it can affect you.
Sore or Tender Feeling in Shoulders, Elbows, or Knees. You may feel a general soreness in a few areas of your body. You may not remember how they were hurt in the crash but living with the pain is not a viable option.
Psychological Injuries. It’s also possible to develop depression, anxiety, or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) after a car accident. Seeing a professional to help deal with these issues may not have an exact recovery date.
But how do you know if you have these injuries? The best way is to get a medical checkup after the crash.
No matter how you feel, you need to see a doctor immediately after a car crash. They’ll evaluate your health and find the injuries from the accident. You can also start treatment as soon as possible.
Waiting for the doctor is a risk. Your injuries may cause you to live in a considerable amount of pain when the doctor could have helped mitigate it and treat it. Going too long without treatment could make your injuries worsen, which means healing will be more difficult and you have elongated your recovery time. This could also affect your compensation, because waiting to see the doctor could be viewed as evidence of your injuries not being that bad. If you have pain, don’t try to fight through it. Go to the doctor so you can work toward a pain-free life.
The most important thing to remember about car accident injuries is that you need to give yourself plenty of time to heal. You may be feeling better, but this doesn’t mean you’re completely healed. The first step is listening to the doctor’s treatment plan. If they say to rest, then you need to rest. If you do start to feel better, check in again with your doctor. They may give you a follow up evaluation to see if you’re ready to return to work or resume physical activity.
One of the biggest mistakes people make is returning to work too quickly. There are a few factors that make people go back to work before they’re healed. They may think that their boss or coworkers are judging them for taking time away from work to heal, even though this probably isn’t the case at all. They may also worry about the amount of work that they’re missing. You need to remember that your health and well-being comes first. Returning to work too early could prevent the progress you’ve made and make the injuries worse.
When you’re healthy again, you’ll be glad that you listened to your doctor and allowed yourself the time to heal. It may be difficult at first, but when you’re able to get back to work and live pain-free, you’ll know that you did the right thing by prioritizing your health.
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“Under the Knife” - Part 10 (Finale)
“Under the Knife” - Part 10 (Finale)
My Masterlist - Here
Story Masterlist - Here
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Hannibal Lecter x Reader, Will Graham x Sister!Reader
Word Count: 3,800-ish
Key: Chunks of text in italics are (Y/N)’s thoughts. Y/N = Your Name, H/C = Your Hair Color, E/C = Your Eye Color
Warnings: Cursing, talk of violence, talk of death
Summary: You are Will Graham’s sister who works with him at the FBI. When you get offered a job promotion, life starts to change. Some changes for the better; Some for the worst.
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Author’s Note: Well, we are finally at the final chapter. This has been such an incredibly challenging story to work on, but I have learned so much from this process that will no doubt help shape my future stories.
Thank you to all of the readers who have liked, reblogged, commented, messaged, and reached out to me. This has been the best response I’ve gotten on a story and it has filled me with a level of appreciation that I wasn’t expecting. <3 
With the sappy stuff out of the way, please enjoy the final chapter of “Under the Knife.”
This is beta-read by @theeactress​, but please let me know if there is something that we missed or that we should look at again! 
- DreaSaurusREX
Tag List: @fruitloopzzz @theeactress @melconnor2007 @ashenfallsof @geeksareunique @all-by-myself98 @sj-thefan​ @fuck-your-bad-vibes-dude​ @ntlmundy​ @a-person-unlabled​ @germansarechill​ @rentheanonymous​ @liadamerondjarin
“Taking into account that Henry Urik was left-handed, I was able to throw my head back, causing him to falter, and then lean to my right in order to escape his grasp and not have my throat sliced open. This gave me enough time to get back to the table and get my hands on the gun.” 
“Unfortunately, the gun was empty. It’s common for killers to use unloaded or fake guns as intimidation techniques with their victims. My mistake gave Henry enough time to stabilize himself and grab hold of me again, resulting in a mild concussion and being knocked unconscious until a few hours later. Luckily Dr.Lecter was able to fight, thus saving me until Special Agent Crawford and his team could come.” You looked around and saw a few people taking notes while others just nodded their heads. Checking your watch, you saw that you had a few more minutes left to fill up. “And with that, I have time for one or two questions before we leave.”
The lights faded up a little bit, nothing too harsh for you. You quickly scanned over the larger than the normal crowd in your lecture hall. 
The fact that you, a survivor of the Virginia Scalpel, were giving a lecture on the case had attracted the minds of not only your normal trainees but the higher-ups as well. 
It was a slightly dizzying feeling to see the faces of management in your lecture hall, but that could also be the still healing minor concussion from a serial killer slamming you into a table a little less than a week ago. Either way, you took this time to sit on your desk and drink some water as you pointed to one of the trainees in the first row.
“I don’t want to bring up anything too triggering, ma’am, but I--”
“Kid, if I wasn’t okay enough to jump back into the shitstorm named Henry Urik, I wouldn’t have agreed to be here today.” A scattering of chuckles echoed through the hall. You were glad to hear that your lighthearted comment helped ease the tension in the room. “Please, continue. I’ll be okay, I promise.” The agent nodded and took a breath, whatever they were going to ask must have been weighing on their mind enough to scare them. You could tell that they were trying to hide it, but your ability to read people's subtleties was strong.
“Thank you, ma’am. I wanted to ask for your advice. What should we be aware of if we’re ever in a similar situation with an unstable or unpredictable suspect? What do we do?” 
You nodded and thought for a moment before you responded. You had a feeling that this type of question would come up now or through an email later on. Fiddling with your ring, you spoke.
“To be honest, you have to be able to assess everything at the moment. I may have seemed to have a handle on the situation externally, but internally? I was a quivering, frantic, and terrified mess. With Henry’s focus being solely on me, I knew I couldn’t just sit there. I knew that if I froze, it could have cost not only my life but also Hannibal’s.” You took a deep inhale through your nose before continuing. The thought of losing Hannibal hurt your heart. “My advice: really focus on the suspect. What are they saying? How are they saying it? What are they doing? Are there any mannerisms o-or phrases that hint at any sort of soft spot?” 
You held up a finger and turned to your computer, scrolling back through your presentation until you found the slide you were looking for. It was a diagram showing how all of the victims tied to Henry as well as Henry’s symptoms. You turned back towards your class.
“While I knew a majority of this information before my encounter with Dr.Urik, I only knew the facts at face value. When he and I talked about his experiences with all of these doctors, Henry let his anger and annoyance towards these men out. His voice changed from the seemingly calm and confident man that had just had a gun pointed at me, to a frustrated patient who just wanted answers that he believed in.”
“Now if we want to talk about more physical tells, that is the premise for another lecture entirely. You can tell a lot about a person without either of you having to utter a word.”
You looked at the trainee, they were watching you, truly listening to everything you had to say. From the almost unnoticeably tensed jaw to the stiff posture, this future agent was using all of their power not to tremble in fear at the thought of being in a scenario like this. You saw the fear in their eyes.
“As long as you breathe, remember your training, and let yourself fully assess the situation at hand, you’ll do the best you can do. Trust me, there were two very distinct moments that night where I thought and accepted the possibility that I was going to die. That’s a risk we all take with this job. But I focused on what I could do next and kept going. And that’s what you’ll learn throughout your time in training and in the field. You cannot stop, you have to keep going.”
You ended with a smile directly to the trainee to try to calm their nerves even a little bit. They visibly took a deep breath and nodded, giving you a quiet “thank you” before writing something in their notebook. Your saw movement out of the corner of your eye. Will and Hannibal were now standing off to the side, letting you know that you were almost done. Will was more rigid than usual. You assumed he heard the part about accepting death and he did not like that thought. 
Hannibal caught your eye as he tapped his watch. Nodding, you looked back to the class, prepared to dismiss them. That was until you saw a hand near the back. Before you could say or do anything, the man with the raised hand spoke. 
“How were you able to confirm the Scalpel’s motive? What stood out with him that made him suspect number 1?” You took a slightly larger breath as you realized it was one of the assistant directors speaking. Blinking a few times and gathering your thoughts you tried to sound as professional as you could. 
“Well, we originally were looking for an active doctor. Someone who could have access to the equipment and drugs needed for these killings. But then we realized that it could be a former doctor who was now a patient of these doctors.” You gestured to the slide projected behind you. “As for motive, we could only theorize until we talked to Henry himself. And while talking to him face-to-face last week revealed a lot, we cannot actually confirm anything when it comes to his psyche.”
“But you said it yourself, he was frustrated at the answers that these doctors had given him. So wouldn’t the Virginia Scalpel murders be crimes of passion, making his motive emotional overload?” The man spoke. You were thrown off just a bit, but found your way back to correct wording.
“They actually weren’t crimes of passion. Those are usually impulsive and emotionally driven. The Virginia Scalpel crime scenes, especially that of Dr.Pencalt and his wife, showed us that Henry was methodical and purposeful.” 
“Yes, there could have been an emotionally charged aspect to it. He was upset with these men. I theorized with Dr.Lecter and Special Agent Crawford that these killings could have been some sort of pain relief for his headaches. The act of slaying these men took all of his focus, alleviating the pounding in his head.” 
“At one point, he said that killing was a form of mercy and life could be considered torture. So he could very well have just wanted to spare them from this mortal coil. Or maybe Henry saw these murders as a way of honoring them. Maybe there was even a thrill-seeking aspect that he got a kick from.” You stood up from your spot on your desk, feeling yourself getting a bit weary after so much talking over the last hour or so, and tried to politely wrap this all up.
“Where I’m going with this is the fact that we can theorize all we want-- Hell, we can even settle on what we believe his motive was. But that’s all it’ll be: A belief. We will never truly know because Dr. Urik was found dead in the woods behind his former office building, stabbed a handful of times, and had enough of his own paralytic drug in his system to take down an ostrich.”
They were out of your sightline, but Hannibal and Will both smirked at how well you had handled the situation. It wasn’t often that managerial positions were proven wrong in front of a classroom full of people. However, both of their smiles slowly fell as the assistant director continued.
“I guess his death is a breath of fresh air, right? You can sleep at night knowing that the Virginia Scalpel is no longer out there. No more target on your back.” The assistant director tried to say that as a lighthearted joke. Something to lighten the mood. But you forced a pained smile and spoke your mind.
“Yes. I am thankful that I don’t have to worry about a scalpel cutting into my cheek again, or almost slicing my throat, or finding Dr. Lecter chopped into pieces in his bed or maybe even Henry breaking his pattern and going after the last bit of family that I have left. I guess sleeping should be easier, shouldn’t it?” 
You looked directly at the man as you spoke, the gravity of your situation and the insensitivity of his statements hitting him. You shifted your gaze to the trainees that were in the first few rows and continued, straightfaced. 
“But I am curious as to what he would have to say and how that perspective could have helped us catch others like him. I hope that you all can find that same curiosity as I do. If we can catch them and talk to them, we could learn what makes them tick and get information that could help us catch the next one before it's too late.” You let a beat of silence pass, letting your words sink into the minds of the young ones. “Thank you all for your time. For questions regarding the Virginia Scalpel case, please contact Special Agent Crawford and he will see if you are authorized to view the file notes. If you need to reach me for any reason other than the Virginia Scalpel case, you all have my email. Stay safe out there.” 
You turned away from the class and shut down your computer, trying to gather your things as the room applauded. You raised a hand as a way of saying “thank you but please stop” and they all filed out of the room. 
“I think that went well despite Assistant Director Ass-Hat’s commentary at the end there” Will made his way to you, grabbing your jacket from the chair behind you and holding it in his hands, gripping it tighter than normal as if doing so would solidify in his brain that you were here and safe.
“Thanks. For someone with a shaken brain, I think I did pretty good today.” You joked back at your brother. Looking over your shoulder, you saw the beginnings of his brain spiraling with worry. 
If he was being honest, Will still hasn’t fully gotten over the events of last week. It was his exact fear almost coming true. And while he was forever thankful that you were alive today, he was worried that this near-death experience wouldn’t be enough to stop you from continuing to work active cases. The fact that you wanted to give this presentation so soon after you were released from the hospital validated his worry more and more.
“I still think it’s too soon for you to be back here.” 
“If you had your way, I would never step foot near this building again, Will.” You joke over your shoulder as you slide your laptop into your bag. “But I also think that that is just your way of trying to get me to be a 24/7 dog sitter.” Will huffed out a breath that sounded like a dry chuckle.
“I’m not saying that, but if you ask Winston or the others, I’m sure they would be all for that idea.” 
You finally turn fully to Will and lightly smack his arm. His face fades from a small smile to an unmasked face of worry as he looks down at the jacket in his hands that he is still fiddling with.
“I know this isn’t going to change your decision on whether or not you stay with Jack’s team, but I really don’t like that idea.” 
“You said the same thing the first time we had this conversation.”
“Yes, but that was before you got seriously injured while working a case.”
“I wasn’t seriously injured.” Will was going to interject, but you kept talking. “But I understand. What we do is dangerous. But I’m going to say the same thing I said last time: I have the chance to save lives, and that is a good enough reason for me to stay.” 
Before either of you could continue, Hannibal finally made his way over. His hand landed comfortably on your lower back for a long moment to alert you of his presence. 
You and Hannibal had talked about your mutual feelings for one another and agreed to start exploring a romantic relationship. That being said, you haven't told Will yet. Luckily, the gesture from Hannibal was easily passed as friendly to your unknowing brother.
“The assistant director wanted me to pass along his apology, (Y/N). He didn’t mean to insult you with his statements.” You waved your hand dismissively.
“I know he didn’t mean to. But it was a nice excuse to hand a ‘powerful male’ his ass in front of a whole room. I’m sure his ego will bounce back in no time.” You let a devilish smirk grace your features, earning a smile from Hannibal and a chuckle from Will. 
Hannibal looked to Will and saw how he was holding your jacket. Hannibal just offered his hand.
“I can take that, Will. You should go. You don’t want to be late for your own lecture. I will make sure your sister is safe.” 
The hospital discharged you, but you were still healing. The cut on your cheek was almost healed, but you kept a bandage on it to be safe. A scar would surely form, permanently reminding you of your first case. Most people would associate it with the fear of impending doom by the hands of a serial killer. But you were actually okay with it. You saw it as a reminder of what you were able to survive.
The most inconvenient thing was that you weren’t allowed to drive yourself. Between the healing concussion and the medications you were on, driving was not the safest thing. So Hannibal and Will took it upon themselves to compare schedules and be your drivers. 
When Hannibal had afternoon patients or had to work late on something, you would stay with Will. On days where Will was needed at work, you would stay with Hannibal. Sometimes you would stay in their homes, and sometimes they would crash on your couch. Well, Will would crash on your couch. Hannibal would share the bed with you, protecting you from anything that would try to get you physically or mentally. 
Even when you decided to stay at Hannibal’s home, you felt safe. The dining room was a bit haunting. But you knew that no matter what, if something felt off or if you were in any sort of danger, Hannibal would step up and help the best he could. 
Your boys (and the dogs) made sure you were safe no matter where you were.
 If there was anyone Will trusted to watch over you, it was Hannibal. He was the reason you weren’t the Scalpel’s ninth victim.
Will just nodded and struggled to hand over the jacket. Your heart ached because you knew how easily concerned he got when it came to you. But you could also see that he was trying to let go of some of that worry, letting himself see that Hannibal was a safe man to have in your life. You closed the gap between you and Will and wrapped your arms around him, feeling how tense and distraught he was. 
“I will text you as soon as I get home, alright?” Will nodded his head as he squeezed you just a bit tighter. You squeezed back, knowing he needed the reassurance. He pulled away and you patted his shoulder. “Don’t give your kids too much shit today.” 
You both snorted, knowing there was some truth behind the joke. Will said goodbye to Hannibal and left the room, leaving you and Hannibal alone. 
As much as you wanted to hurry up and get out of here, you had to lean against the desk as you zipped up your bag, really feeling your lack of energy now.
“Are you alright?” Nodding, you took a sip from your water bottle before speaking.
“Yes? Did a lot of talking and thinking today. I think I’m starting to get tired.” You let a chuckle-esque exhale come through your nostrils. “Gotta build my energy back up.”
Hannibal stood in front of you, gently placed your jacket down on the desk, and took one on your hands in his. To any normal person, it just looked like he was holding your hand to comfort you. But you knew him. He was gathering data: Pulse, temperature, if your hands were clammy, and whatever else he could find out. But he was also holding your hand to comfort you a little.
After determining your vitals to be manageable, he lifts his hand to brush a few strands of hair from your face, letting his thumb stroke your cheek for a moment.
“I think it's time to go home and rest, don’t you?” Hannibal proposed. You nodded and grabbed your jacket from next to you.
“My place or yours?”
“Your choice, my love.” You couldn’t help but smile at the new and special sobriquet that Hannibal had started using more frequently. Hannibal kissed the back of your hand before helping you stand up, putting your hand on his arm to guide you out.
“I think my place tonight. And maybe we can stop at the store on the way and you can finally show me how to cook something worthy of the esteemed food artist, Hannibal Lecter?” Hannibal smirked at your dramatics.
“Do you think you’ll have the energy for that?” 
“No. But I’d still like to try.” You leaned towards Hannibal and felt a pleading smile make its way across your face, knowing Hannibal was already going to agree to your idea. He still pretended to think it over before nodding. 
“That sounds like a lovely evening.” You felt yourself wiggle just a bit out of happiness, Hannibal smiled at the cuteness of the motion.
Hannibal reached out and touched the doorknob, but before he could open the door, you were distracted by your phone buzzing in your pocket. When you looked at the caller ID, your feet stopped moving and your heart dropped. You couldn’t tell if it was out of fear or excitement. Maybe a weird mix of both.
Hannibal turned to you, watching your face carefully as you answered.
“(Y/N) speaking.” 
“How you feelin’, (Y/N)?” You hadn’t heard Jack’s happy voice in a while. You weren’t sure if this one was real or fake. So you proceeded with caution.
“I’ve been better, but I’m also doing a lot better compared to a few days ago.” 
“Good. Good...” Crawford trailed off, his mind obviously on something else. 
There was an awkward silence. You knew Jack was trying to figure out how to phrase something without stressing you out after the last couple of weeks. You knew what that something was and you appreciated the effort to try and not overwhelm you, but you didn’t like this small talk part. So you took a deep breath before kick-starting the conversation that you knew Jack was trying to ease into.
“I get the feeling that this isn’t a social call, is it, Jack?”
“No. It is not, (Y/N). We have another odd case that we could use your help with.” 
You felt your thumb subconsciously go to wiggle your ring. You knew this conversation was going to happen eventually, but even knowing that didn’t lessen the anxiety you felt. Hannibal stepped closer and took your hand in his, lightly running his thumb across your knuckles. You knew he was trying to ease your mind with the small gesture. You mouthed “Thank you” to him and smiled. 
Jack continued before you could say anything. “You don’t have to give me an answer right now. But the sooner the better.”
“How about I get back to you tomorrow afternoon?” You stated more than asked. Jack agreed to that and hung up. Hannibal could see that you weren’t stressed but you also weren’t excited. 
“I take it Agent Crawford wants to borrow your mind again?” You nod your head, going back and forth in your mind about whether or not to take him up on his offer again or let yourself rest for a bit longer. “What’s stopping you from saying yes?”
“Not much to be honest.” You look at Hannibal and see him watching you, ready to react to anything you say or do. “Can I ask you something?”
“Of course.” 
“Could you be my partner, Hannibal?” You ask and almost fear his response. You didn’t want to be a burden. But very quickly you are met with that lovely rare smile of his. 
“It would be an honor to be your partner, in life and on a case.” You smile as you lean towards him and he meets you halfway, pecking your lips softly, his hand smoothing its way to your back. The two of you pull away and he ushers you out of the room. “After all, someone has to protect that beautiful and reckless mind of yours.” 
You shot Hannibal a look as the two of you walked to his car, ready for one more relaxing night before jumping right back into the chaos.
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creaticare · 4 years
Heroes Rising pt3. (But Analysis)
This was written as I watched the movie, and based off what I remembered from the first time so If stuff seems a bit out of order it’s because I wrote a bit from memory. Also the movie took me like 2x longer than normal to watch because I was writing this as I watched.
What if some of class 1-A hadn’t made it, like I mean died during the final battle. This is also just a analysis of the injuries that everyone should have by the end of the battle. 
Lets starts with these two, logically speaking Momo and Yuga got buried under a giant pile of rocks once their quirks had been majorly depleted. That means they would be way weaker than their normal forms, which contributes to the fact they should be dead after that. 
Now let’s move onto Ashido, it clearly shows that after she got the hair’s into her leg then fell down a couple levels of rocks she was bleeding from the head. I’m not saying this should have killed her but this would definitely leave her with I’m guessing a Major Concussion. 
Then we got Sero, he is first hit straight in the face with a rock that breaks into his helmet and probably makes contact with his face. I’m guessing by the force of the rock being thrown that would probably break a bone in his cheek and/or jaw. Then we see him get thrown probably over 8+ feet tumbling the whole way, which would leave him out of commission as it shows, I also think that would give him a few fractures in his body. 
Next Subject Kirishima, when they go through with Todoroki’s plan he was hit with the full power of Chimera’s blast. This should have caused chipping of his unbreakable form, because you could tell the amount of raw power that blast had by how Chimera took down the forest. So Kirishima logically should have been chipped apart and starting to bleed out as soon as he returned back to his normal form. Also for Tsuyu, Iida, Todoroki, and Kirishima all their eye’s should be a bit worse now because of how bright Chimera’s blast is, that amount of light being shone straight into someone's retina would definitely cause some permanent damage.
Iida and Tsuyu got smacked together and you can watch as they fall, blood falls along with them. This means that something had to have caused blood to come out of them, it could have been a outer injury or internal injury. Internal Injuries is something that probably a lot of the characters would have from the different events in the fights. Those two or I think at least one of them got a Internal injury from that collision, because it might not have seemed like a hard hit, but the power Chimera possesses can make it so you would know that was a hard hit. Then also you will see they are both bleeding from their heads which like I have said multiple times already, probably means they have concussions just like Ashido.
Todoroki, it does not matter that he can regulate his own body temperature for this. When he freezes Chimera from the inside out he gets a lot of major frost bite. People probably over look this fact since ‘Oh he can regulate his temperature’ no it will still leave a lasting effect on the outside of his body. Also you can watch that he passes out before he can Manually warm his body back up, that means his heating up process will take a bit longer. The cold for too long probably messed with some of his internal organs and that is not good for the body. You also should be able to hear when he does his inner monologue of ‘did we do all that we needed to do’ his speech is way slower and his breaths sound more cut off. The exhaustion and frost bite were already taking a tole on his body and brain as soon as the fight was over.
Time for Jirou and Ojiro analysis, they tried to face Nine head on even though they have some of the weaker quirks (not meant to be a jab at them I love them). Ojiro was shown to still be a bit Injured from the first fight, while Jirou did not have any major Injuries to show. Both were taken into the Jaws of what I think is a Blue Dragon skeleton that Nine has direct control of. They are then crashed into the wall of the castle, this definitely would cause something more than a light scratch. This would probably result in multiple broken bones scattered all throughout both of their bodies. No doubt that Ojiro’s tail would be broken in many places, since he was probably slammed into the wall on his back first, which means his tail would actually make contact before anything else.
Shoji, he was carrying Katsuma and Mahoro when Nine had started shooting the lasers at him. Minor cuts are shown to be inflicted on his arms, but they never show what is really happening to his back. His back was what was taking most of the shots, and the first couple that are shown don’t seem to affect him much. His hero costume might be made of special material but at some point it would need to give in. So if you think about it enough his back should be all sliced up and burnt from the lasers. He literally sacrifices himself so that the two of them could get farther ahead and away from Nine. During the Fire Tornado when debris and ruble was about to fall on Katsuma and Mahoro you see him fling his body to cover them. Also right before the screen goes to show the full castle the scene shows a giant rock that looks like it falls straight onto Shoji’s back. If this was incase the fact then his spine would either be fractured badly or broken. Don’t get me started on the amount of nerve damage he would have from a rock falling straight onto his spinal cord.
This is a add on too Jirou, Ojiro, and Shoji. Ojiro and Jirou show up to help Shoji against Nine, and let the kids run. The two of them should have been out of commission but they weren’t because it’s a movie. But all three of them or Just Ojiro and Shoji hit Nine’s force field and then were flung through walls. Even if Jirou wasn’t on the force field it had expanded and probably picked her up also and sent her flying through the wall. But as I have said many times before Bricks and Bones don’t mix, that equals many broken bones.
Kaminari, yes he can take electricity but only so much. I think that when he got struck with the lightning bolt that messed up more bodily functions then they thought it would. His blood stream probably absorbs the electricity or at least some of it. My mind also believes that some blood cells absorb too much and they can burst in a unnatural way.
During the major storm and fire tornado you could see lightning striking all over the place. More than once those strikes probably hit close to some of the others who are already out of commission. If any of them actually got struck which someone probably did (I’m thinking about the four near the water when I say this), that would mess up their brain functionality.
Sato, it isn’t much but when he has to hold up the ruble from falling into the cave that probably causes a good deal of Mental and Physical strain on him.
Tokoyami was litteraly buried under ton’s of rock and ruble, their should have been no way he survived that. Because a human body would not be able to take that amount of strain for as long as he had. It doesn’t matter if it hit dark shadow first in the end all the weight was put onto his body.
Don’t even get me started on Bakugo and Deku, they were tossed around a lot between all the battles. After their first battle they got healed by people with healing quirks and Katsuma cell activation. But I still think they would have some residual fractures and stuff, since the healers said they couldn’t do much about the bones, and I doubt Katsuma is strong enough to heal breaks fully. SO when they get thrown around during the final battle that probably cracks lots of bones, their rib cage’s probably being a big target. If their ribs are broken and they are being thrown around that means the bones shift, it is lucky that it didn’t pierce their lungs, cause if it had they would have been out of commission and killed. Then their is also the fact that they have probably gotten a lot of blunt force trauma to the head, this could cause major concussions that would render movement hard or even impossible. You also have to take into account that Deku breaks his bones just by using his quirk. While Bakugo’s quirk probably leaves some burns of varying degrees depending on how long he over uses it, which in that battle he probably went far past his limit.
Both Deku and Bakugo are taken into the jaws of the Dragon Skeletons as Nine goes over his Monologue about his new world. When they dissed him the were dragged along the ground still in the mouths of the skeletons. That would be a lot of unnatural twisting and turning that gets put upon the body. When the jaw starts to close on their stomach’s that probably puts pressure on Rib’s that were most likely already broken. When Deku proposes his Idea to Bakugo you need to look at his body closely, he is hanging so that his head is upside down. But also his one arm is so unnaturally limp, his shoulder looks like it has been dislocated, that is the only explanation for how far back his arm is in that position. But also like I said Deku breaks his bone’s with his quirk, for a short time Bakugo also had the quirk and used it so he also broke some bones cause of it.
In the Finale Finale battle (I meant to say Finale twice) there was ruble falling everywhere, there was no way in hell that didn’t land on someone. Like the whole part of the island was scattered with Class 1-A rocks needed to have landed on someone during that battle.
Deku and Bakugo literally fall head first towards the ground once the battle is over. you can’t tell me that they somehow landed gracefully on their backs and that was that. They probably hit their heads very hard on the ground which would have them out for I would say at least two days.
Now this one has something to do with all of the kids of class 1-A. All of them had been thrown around in the battles, more than once hitting their backs on something very hard. Depending on the severity of the hit this should have left them Paralyzed. Some if you look close enough have even hit their necks, which is a even stronger case to show that they should have gotten Paralyzed.
So there’s that 1,854 word Spiel, this was actually a lot of fun to write. But this is what I feel everything would have come out as if it was a bit more realistic and that was me going a bit nice.
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damfinofanfiction · 3 years
Chapter 14: Hollywood or Bust...er.
Here’s the full and a update to the latest chapter! Just to let you know, having outlined the story for a while, things will get romantic in chapter 16 and will get naughty in chapter 20!!! I don't know if Chapter 14′s good enough but I did my best. Enjoy!
Another note is at the end of the chapter.
As stated in the article of a Local Paper; Five people hurt in a car crash. Two women and three men were involved in a low-rate car crash when they were driving from the Biltmore Hotel for the party in honor of Mack Sennett. There were no fatalities but there were some minor bruises and concussions. Ralph F. Staub, the driver of a T- Ford who suffered a broken nose, blamed the incident on bit player and former Sennett Bathing Beauty Gayle Anders for distracted driving. As a result of the impact, Miss Anders was reported to have injured her arm. While the others had slightly recovered and have been sent home, Anders will be on the mend for weeks following a release from the Good Samaritan Hospital this morning. Her recent project is Harold Lloyd’s upcoming film, The Freshman, due to be out this September. She remains hopeful to be back in the movies after her arm is fully recovered.
Having read this in his office, Buster shook his head in pity, with a notion that she might be unable to work with him. “Oh, Gail.”
Just as the evening began, Sally ran out of the Bungalow with the burning Trout on the casserole dish. Gail aired out the smoke by opening the windows. As a last resort, she threw the fish from the dish on the ground and used the gravel dug from the area to extinguish the small flames.
“Damn it,” Sally said examining the crisp charred remains after putting it out. She turned to her friend, “Sorry Bae, guess I underestimated the baking time.”
Gail added disappointedly, "And it was a nice fish."
Since Gail came home from the hospital, it wasn’t easy for her to live with a broken humerus. Sally offered to help on the days it doesn’t intervene with her job. Not only the blonde did it out of loyalty but also as a amend to what happened last month.
Upon going inside, Sally threw away the ruined casserole dish and comforted Gail who hunched in despair, “Buck up, We’ll still have dinner. If only Auntie isn’t out playing bridge and Bertha didn’t take a day off.” Bertha, that she referred to was her and Lenore’s Maid.
When the Friends decided on take-out, Sally left to pick up the food while Gail stayed behind because she didn't feel comfortable going out in her state. As the table was already set in advance, the dark-haired woman was left to retreat to her couch and wrapped herself in a blanket because she felt a breeze from the open window.
Gail wasn't feeling herself after the accident in the past week. It was like grief. She barely slept the night, has a small appetite, doesn't smile much, and doesn't say much. Although she has endured a series of unfortunate events for the last few months, breaking her arm was difficult to cope with. Gail tried to sob and cry to let it out of her system, but couldn't do it. That didn't stop her from trying again while she was alone.
Her attempts to release her emotions were interrupted when she noticed a shadow passing by from the front window, "Sal?" she called.
A male baritone voice replied, “Close enough.”
She sat up straight when he swayed to the window, revealing his familiar face, “Buster!”
He chuckled while resting his arms on the windowsill, “Good seeing you too. You seem well.”
Gail would ask him how did he found her site but remembered she had sent him an updated resume with a change of address recently. She nervously said, "I didn't expect you to show up."
He sighed, “I know, I should have told you I was coming, but work was finished early and I thought you could go for a surprise.” Gail found it funny that the last time she had seen him was when he rode with her so she could get home safely and now he was at her window unannounced. He asked, “So are you going to let me in or should I climb through the window?”
“Oh!” She hastily sat up and opened the door and let Keaton in to avoid being mistaken for a break-in if he had entered through the window. After having received flowers and get-well cards from friends and family, she was grateful for a visitor. When she opened the door, he was wearing a hazel suit with a white buttoned shirt underneath and a grey flat cap. He coughed in response to the smoke when he was in a kitchen area.
“Sorry, Sally burnt our dinner.” She explained while closing the door and the window curtains, “She had doused the fire out on the yard.”
“That explains the black mark out on the yard,” he pulled out a handkerchief from his shirt pocket to cover his mouth.
Gail retreated to her bedroom where she traded the blanket for her light blue buttoned sweater while Buster looked around. She called to him, “I guess you must have read about the accident in the papers?”
He responded, “Yes, though they didn’t get your name right.”
Gail intended to write a note to Buster about what happened to her but didn’t have any idea what to say as evidence of the trash bin full of the crumpled-up papers by her bed. “Well, the reporter was in a rush and didn’t have time to correct my name anyhow.”
Then Gail checked herself in the mirror. Her sleeveless day dress was alright. The curls on her locks were uneven, but she didn't mind because he had seen her unkempt hair on the train. Her makeup wasn’t too bad either, grateful that Sally had helped her earlier that day, otherwise, she couldn't do it with one arm. She only reapplied her lipstick before returning to the comedian.
“So this must be your new home,” Buster said as he sat on the armchair while she returned to her couch.
“I came across it in a newspaper. I found the name of the street familiar because I used to go around looking for a part in the pictures.”
“Had the others moved here as well?” he asked.
“No, just me. Sally’s only a helper. She tried her best and I’m grateful for that." Gail turned to the door, “Now I'm worried how she'll react to you once she gets back.”
“Do you want me to leave?”
She leaned towards him, “No no no, unless you have to go home.”
“No, I could stay for a bit at least before your other friend arrives.” it was then Gail noticed that her sling and cast were exposed from her opened sweater and tugged it back in due to her insecurity. From the look on Buster's face, it was obvious he had seen it before, no doubt from peeping at her while she was in the other room, “How long until your arm gets better?”
She was nervous to tell him but does so anyway, “If healed properly, the cast will be removed in a month. I may still wear a sling in addition to physical therapy."
“I’m awfully sorry that happened to you. At least it isn't the ankle.”
“Oh yeah, it happened to you.” Gail had almost forgotten of his injury some years ago before he brought it up.
“How could I forget?” He rested his foot to his knee to massage that very ankle, “There’s a scene from The Electric House where I ran on the moving staircase. That one step caught my slap shoe and before the stagehands could turn off the switch, my foot was dragged to the top, and the next thing I knew, my ankle was fractured.”
“That’s sounded awful,” Her voice was sympathetic.
“Yes, it was. I thought I was going to lose my foot, but thankfully I haven’t. Had to be out of commission for several weeks. They put me on bed rest, at least you can still move around. So anyway, long after my ankle is healed, we threw out the footage and started over.”
“When do you start filming?” What Gail knew from what he wrote to her weeks ago was that the production of Battling Butler was delayed until the end of the year and will be making an original story instead. Also, he’ll be working with a cow to which she thought was too ridiculous, if it wasn't a western.
He explained, “When we find a location for shooting and get everything ready, hopefully in June.”
Gail felt relieved, “Then, do I have a chance to be your co-star?”
He uncrossed his legs, “Well, About that.” Seeing his sullen look, Gail’s heart began to sink as it might be another case of the bad news.
It seemed he couldn’t find the words when he told her, “My boss Joe didn’t want me to hire you.” He sighed, “And he recommended me an actress from Dick Turpin, Kathleen Myers.” He assured her after she turned her face away from him, “It had nothing to do with your injury. It’s just that he preferred someone with experience as a leading lady.”
Gail felt sadness welling up in her throat and clenched her fist, “No, It’s definitely something to do with my arm!” She attempted to retreat to her bedroom, but being blinded by her tears caused her to collapse to her knees, and then she wept heavily. Her sobs made it impossible for her to hear Buster come up to her before he aided her to the dining table. She exclaimed, not making eye contact with the stone face, “I knew it, I knew it! I should’ve left home years ago, but I waited and waited for a chance to take me away like a chump I am!”
“You’re not a chump!”
“You don’t know that! I promised myself I would work with you, but I failed!” There were whimpers in her voice, “I couldn’t get cast in a cast!”
Keaton defended her, “It was only an accident.”
A teardrop ran across her cheek, “Which should I have prevented! This wouldn’t have happened if I was more careful.”
Her body shook as she cried again. Initially, Gail expected Buster to leave her to mourn, then she felt his hand rub on her back, then his arm wrapped around her, enabling her to huddle in for an embrace. With a scent of his cologne coming from between his shoulder and neck, her sobs became softer before they’re diminished. He patted her back a bit. She heard him say, “Gail, I wanted to work with you, I really have. Things aren’t always simple in Hollywood.”
She faced him again. He gave her his handkerchief when she began to rub her eyes. He brought her a glass of water from the dining table which he just filled up.
“Look at me”, he continued, “It took me three years in the film business before I started leading and directing comedies. How long you’ve been working on screen?”
She answered, “A year and a half.”
“That doesn’t seem so bad,” he placed his hand onto her cheek. “I’m sure things will turn out alright as soon as your arm heals. There’s still hope for us to work together once Schenck sees what you can do.”
With a sniff, she added, “And there’s still Battling Butler.”
“Yup that too.” he gave her a slight grin.
As she finished wiping her tears, Gail noticed the black smudges on his handkerchief “Have I messed up my makeup?” He responded with another nod. “Excuse me”, she got up to the countertop and brought out the bottle of olive oil, a remedy for running mascara.
He told her with the cloth in his hand,  “Allow me”
He added a dab of oil to his handkerchief and rubbed it onto her cheeks until they were clear.
“I might have unraveled your hair.” She pointed to the wavy part of his hair “Probably right there” she rose her right hand by his forehead, having her twirl the curl with her finger, “Perfect.” she said after stopping. Their eyes were fixated on each other. It was like that until they heard the key going in followed by the doorknob turning, the two then raced back to their respective seats.
Sally announced while opening the door and holding the big brown bag, “Hey Bae, took me longer to reach that take-out place, better to chow down while the food’s still hot.”
Gail was in her upright posture like nothing had happened, “Sal there’s a visitor.”
The blonde turned to Keaton who had just finished combing his hair, “Oh, shi-” She exclaimed, almost dropping the contents of the bag. Gail stood up to explain that the visit was a surprise to her as well and they were just talking in a professional matter. Buster also got up just to notify them he had to get home since it was almost six o'clock.
he turned to Gail, “One thing before I go, have you seen The Iron Mule?”
“My pal Roscoe actually directed it with a different name. It features someone I worked with back in the day and also watch out for that Indian.” he pointed to her, “You might find him familiar.”
she smiled, “Thank you for the visit.”
When he turned the doorknob and opened the door she just remembered something, "Wait!," She pulled out a notepad from the side table, wrote down her phone number, and tore it out to hand to Keaton. “No surprise visits next time. Okay?”
Buster nodded once, “Take care” he put on his hat and left her home as she waved.
Sally shrugged at her friend, “How the hell did he know where you live?”
She helped her unpack the take-out containers from the bag, “I’ll tell you over dinner and you owe me a dish.”
Gail was herself again, though embarrassed that she vented her emotions to her favorite comedian. What made her feel better wasn't the crying, but finding comfort in the object of her affection.
(sorry, I posted to my other account. I deleted it though.)
Note: I have to thank @trainrideswithbuster for giving me the idea that buster visits Gail while on the mend!
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borathae · 5 years
Hey... about the drabbles? Could you do one where you're supposed to have a first date with one of them but either you or he gets in a minor accident but has to stay at the hospital overnight and the other person is extremely hurt and therefore angry bc their (hard to get) trust was "used to hurt them" but then they find out and it's fluffy? And could you maybe do it with yoongi bc atm I'm so soft for him like 🥺 Thank you, love your work❤ ~procrastinating anon
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff 
Warnings: low self-esteem, self-hatred, heartbreak, descriptions of minor injuries nothing major I promise, so much pain and sadness; but I promise the ending is fluffy and healing
Wordcount: 2k (I’m so bAD AT KEEPING THINGS SHORT jsjsjs)
a/n: I apologize for the total angst fest in the beginning jsjsjsj. This was not how I actually planned it, but I let my feelings flow free soooo I’m sorry? 🤧😂 also lisTEN I relate so muCH I’m so goddamn soft for Yoongi lately, this man owns my heart 🥺😭 I hope you enjoy this cute little drabble and I love youuu!  💜
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Today you were supposed to have your first date with a cute guy, who you had been chatting with for quite some time now. Two months and six days to be exact. Min Yoongi was his name. Min Yoongi was currently working as a music producer, he was the proud father of a brown toy poodle named Holly and had a soft spot for holding hands. His hair was dark, almost black with the ends twisted in soft locks. His eyes, the prettiest eyes you had ever seen, made you giddy just thinking about them. Oh how many hours you have spend getting lost in them when you looked through the many selcas he had sent you.
At first you didn’t even want to accept his chat-request, too scared made you the thought of talking to someone again feel. Quite honestly you had terribly bad luck in your relationships – lovers and friends alike – you got cheated on, got used and abandoned when you were no longer of use, got called ‘not lovable’ and worse things you don’t even want to think about anymore. So downloading “the best dating app on earth” – so your best friend called it – was the scariest thing you had done in forever, followed by pressing “accept” on Yoongi’s request to chat and actually answering his dorky but loveable first message.
Yoongi turned out to be the sweetest and most understanding guy – person actually – you had ever talked to. He listened to your worries and told you without a hint of hesitation that he would love it if things would developat a speed you were comfortable with and that you can take as much as time as you needed.
He agreed on your terms to not rush meeting in person, because god that would make you practically have a full-on panic attack. That was the first time you had honestly smiled in a long time, rereading his message over and over again, you weren’t able to believe your luck.
Time passed and with it your trust grew. You were chatting on a daily basis with him by now, wishing him a good morning and waiting excitedly for his good night phone calls at exactly ten twenty every night. You felt totally comfortable with him. You felt safe to be yourself around him, even if it was just through the phone. You felt sexy when you noticed the way his eyes travelled over your features when phones calls weren’t enough anymore and they turned into video calls. You felt loved and you were pretty sure the warm, fuzzy feeling in your chest every time you thought of him was love too.
So when Yoongi asked you if you wanted to meet up in person soon, your heart practically did somersaults in your chest. You had never typed “Yes!” faster in your life and judging by his quick answer neither had he.
The date was settled, two days from now you will meet each other in a little corner café. You couldn’t sleep in excitement, your mind was practically racing with scenarios of your date.
When the time finally came, you spend the entire day getting ready for your date, washing your hair, moisturizing every inch of your skin, picking out the perfect outfit. You showed up an hour earlier than arranged, just so you could mentally prepare yourself for finally seeing him in person. You were so excited.
One hour passed. Half an hour passed. You sent him a quick text asking if he was running late. He went online, typed and went offline before his message was able to reach you.
Two hours had passed since you came here. You quickly send Yoongi another message, asking him if he forgot about today.
Half an hour passed. No answer, no calls, no nothing.
Another thirty minutes pass and here you are still sitting at the corner café and waiting for him.  
Today should have been epic, exciting, remarkable, unforgettable. You were so sure it would bring a smile to your face every time you think about it. How could you be so wrong about that? You trusted him, you believed him when he told you he wouldn’t use you, you ate up his promises of support and comfort without as much as patting your stupid eyelashes.
You call him. It rings once then his voice mail tells you he isn’t available right now. He really rejected your call just like that.
So he just used you. You should blame him and be angry at him, but truth be told you weren’t. You were just hurt, so deeply hurt you have to look down your chest for a moment to see if you were actually bleeding. You honestly feel like you do.
Without any hesitation you block his number, block his social media profiles and delete all of his pictures. And just like that he is out of your life, your ability to trust is ruined for another year and your heart is broken.
Three days pass where your life consists of nothing more than crying yourself awake, forcing yourself to go to work and then continuing where you had left of in the morning when you go to sleep. You would have probably continued your daily routine if an unknown number hadn’t called you on the morning of your fourth day. The caller turns out to be Kim Seokjin, best friend of Yoongi who had stolen your number out of Yoongi’s notebook and who had made it his plan to explain everything.
Yoongi had gotten into an accident on the day of your date. The “idiot” – so Seokjin called him – walked into the busy street and got hit by a car because he was in the midst of typing out a message. He was lucky, nothing major happened. His right shoulder got dislocated and whilst getting thrown across the street he hit his head, resulting in a slight concussion. The entirety of guardian angels must have been with him on that day, so Seokjin said, the doctors told him such an accident results in death or life-changing injuries most of the times.  
As quickly as possible you are the hospital Yoongi is currently recovering at and find yourself standing in front of his room with shaking hands. Would it be awkward between the two of you after everything that had happened? What if you look at him and won’t feel the same warm love you had felt for him before?
A nurse opens the door before you can even knock, eyeing from head to toe before greeting you with a bright smile. It’s now or never. With held breath you enter the small hospital room.
“Yoongi?”you almost whisper, tiptoeing to his bed.
You have to take a deep breath when you finally take a look at him. All the feelings you wanted to push down and forget come rushing back into your heart, overwhelming you. You stumble back, holding onto the footboard of his bed.
He looks just as beautiful as he did through the phone screen, maybe even prettier if you were being honest. Even in his current asleep state he is able to take your breath away.  His eyes are closed, his lips slightly parted as steady breaths make his chest heave up and down. He looks so peaceful and calm, despite the white bandages covering the entire top part of his head and his right arm resting in a black sling.
Waking him up feels so cruel, but god, leaving him without having said hello feels so much worse. So you call his name loudly and gently tap his foot. He stirs, licking over his lips and swallows. His eyes flutter open. He mumbles your name, totally confused and still half-asleep.
“Hey”, yousay shyly.
“Hey, wow what a nice dream, these pain meds are awesome”, he murmurs, closing his eyes again.
“This isn’t a dream. I’m really here”, you chuckle.
“Seriously?” he gasps, surprisingly high-pitched for his normally deep voice. He sits up abruptly, hissing when hot pain rushes through his shoulder.
“Careful”, you rush to his side and help him sit up with a hand on his upper back, “you are still hurt.”
You sit down at the corner of his bed, careful not to hurt him.
“Yeah, for a second I nearly forgot about that”, he chuckles in pain, “how do you even know I am here? I thought you blocked me.”
You cringe at his words. So he noticed.
“Uhm, yeah I have. I, I mean had. I kind of had a slight mental breakdown when you ditched me at the café and I blocked you everywhere and deleted all of your pictures and basically locked your memory behind a big steel door in my mind and I swore to myself to never trust again.”
“Understandable”, Yoongi says. He takes your hand, squeezing it gently. You don’t even realise his gesture, too lost in rambling your thoughts out loud. It makes Yoongi tighten his hand around yours just all the more as a fond smile hushes over his face. You are so adorable when you rant like this and forget everything around you.
“But then your friend Seokjin called me”, you continue as if nothing happened, “and explained everything and now I feel like a total idiot for ever believing that you used me and at first I didn’t even want to come because I was too embarrassed, but then I started to miss you and-“, you pause to take a look at Yoongi.
A fond smile sits on his face, his eyes sparkle in adoration. Heat washes over your face as you start to blush vividly. You can’t even look into his eyes right now.
“I was rambling again. I’m so sorry. You probably think that I’m crazy right now”, you cringe, “sorry.”
“Actually I was thinking how cute you are right now”, Yoongi says softly, giving your hand another squeeze.
One you finally feel and one that sends in your body into complete overdrive. Your heart starts racing, your whole face becomes as red as a tomato, you stutter an answer but give up when you can’t even get out one basic word.
“I’m glad that you came”, he breathes.
You smile as an answer, squeezing his hand.
“It’s not an outfit I would normally wear nor is the location nice for a first date, but I hope that, I don’t know, it is still enough to give me a second chance?” he asks, almost scared.
“Of course it’s enough, it wasn’t your fault that you missed our date. I know that now”, you reassure him, making him smile, “besides I think you look cute in that hospital gown. I like the little pandas on the fabric”, you giggle, touching one of the dozens of animals on his shirt.
Right above his heart, you can feel it speed up underneath your fingertip at your gesture.
“Just wait until you see the back, because there is basically none.”
“Oh my god Yoongi”, you gasp at the mental picture of Yoongi sitting here with his butt all bared and naked.
“I’m wearing underwear don’t worry”, he laughs.
“What a relief”, you giggle, lowering your head in giddiness.
He pulls you closer to his body, making you scoot up the bed until he can wrap his arm around your middle comfortably and your back is rested against his side. You are careful not to put too much pressure on his body in order not to hurt him, despite your body wanting to basically sink into his arms. God finally being able to feel his touch, his warmth, his heartbeat is even better than you had imagined.
“Please stop me if this is too fast for you. And also I know you don’t really start a first date by kissing the other person, but-“, he inhales shakily, staring at your lips longingly, “-can I kiss you?”
“Yes please”, you whisper, leaning closer to his body.
His hand comes to rest on the back of your neck, your own cups his cheek. You are staring at each other for as long as possible, mesmerized by the other. Only when your lips brush over his and a gentle sigh leaves his throat do your eyes flutter closed and the feeling of his soft lips on yours drowns you in warmth.
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yanderedbh-moved · 5 years
In this scenario, you’ve become fed up with your life as the yandere’s glorified captive. Deciding you can’t take another day of this, you attempt to just get up and walk out. Much to your dissatisfaction, though, you are stopped at the door by the yandere. After a heated confrontation, you make a split-second decision to just try and force your way past them. However, in a blind panic, the yandere grabs you and throws you with full force away from the door, accidentally throwing you up against the wall. The unexpected strength of the attack was faster than your reflexes. After your head collided against the wall, you were unable to catch yourself before landing on your back. Knocking the wind out of your lungs, leaving you stunned and practically immobile.
For a brief moment here, Connor might unintentionally have a bit of a "blackout" moment. On account of all the stress and peril of his current situation, Connor loses full control over himself and his instincts as a hardened police Android take over. Resulting in Connor reacting with such force.
After he's apologized to you and after you've allowed him to scan and assess any possible damage caused, he will do his best to explain the cause of this outburst. Partly for your own sake of understanding and partly so you won't blame him later.
Though he might not want to do this, Connor can't help but notice how he has your full attention and that you undeniably view him as a threat he will use fear to get his point across towards you. He'll explain that he's powerless to stop this shift in his own behavior, and it'd be in your best interest not to test him again if you don't want this to happen.
He knows there's no way to prevent himself from feeling guilty over what he's done; he must admit to himself this choice was made with the both of your well-being in mind. Although this hurt, it really was a necessary evil.
Before he does anything, Markus will allow the silence and fear to fully set in for you to really learn your lesson here before he even does anything. After this, he will give you a choice. Apologize for leaving and swear you'll never do this again and he'll help you out here, or you can try your little escape again and see where that leads you.
After everything, though, you know there's no way you physically have the strength left and you to try and run again. With no choice but to admit defeat, you let Markus carry you back to the bed where you'll have an awfully long time to think about what you've done.
Before now, Kara always saw herself as a protective figure to you; it just didn't make any sense to her why you would try to run from her. What made even less sense to her, however, was how could she let herself bring you harm after she promised so long ago to do nothing but love and protect you.
To make up for doing this to you, Kara swears to look after you with the utmost attention while your injuries repair themselves. No matter how minor any of those injuries might be to her, this is her fault, and she must atone for this.
Kara might really beat herself up over this because, on the one hand, she really does feel guilty over doing this to you. However, this might also be a slight manipulation tactic to convince you to forgive her over all of this.
He's barely even able to fully process what has happened before he's a cursing mess. Not exactly hard to understand why it would cause Hank so much stress to see he directly caused someone he loves so much physical pain. As he's likely become so smothering over you to cope with the way he blames himself for Cole's death. So even a rather minor incident like this has his stress levels at a maximum.
He'll start swearing before doing his best to quickly bend down and get beside you. (As swiftly as he can though unfortunately his knees just aren't what they used to be.) As a lieutenant, he has at least the vaguest of medical knowledge to check to see if you have any significant damage on the back of your head or on your neck.
For a long time, he wouldn't know what to do other than to just hold you in his arms and whispering in your ear to you over and over how sorry he is. Needless to say, this stuck with him, and he actually is more hesitant to strike out in the future or to even so much as raise his voice.
To say he was regretful was an understatement. Honestly, there were no words to describe the shame and regret he felt as he watched your body slumped to the floor, and the way your eyes wide nearly tearing with fear stared up at him. No doubt, fearing that he was about to strike at you again.
It was nothing short of heart-wrenching to watch as all his efforts to convince you he was more than the attack dog he was programmed as were crushed with one regrettable outburst. Unable to stop himself, Luther would fall on his knees at your side, pulling you into his arms, careful not to bring any further strain to your harmed body as he wept and apologized.
It's difficult for Simon to decide what to do here, and seeing the way you're too afraid to move as you look up at him isn't helping. However, considering there's no way you're planning to try and escape from him for the rest of the night, Simon would likely take off to be on his own for a little while.
Simon knows he's a strong guy. However, he knows he's not exactly the toughest around, and any injuries you suffered by his hands will likely need no more than a night to recover from. That's isolation is best for you both.
It wouldn't be until much later into the night when you think you're all alone in bed that you would feel him crawl up beside you. Only after a long time alone to think about his actions, would you get a proper apology. Even here, though, Simon wouldn't waste his breath and promising not to do this again.
Like many yanderes here, it's genuinely tough for North deal with what she's done or by extension to fully comprehend the pain she's caused. Because of that North will try to cover the feelings of guilt and shame with anger.
She'll say things like, "See what you've done! I warned you not to get in my way or to leave me and look at what you've done! How could you do this to us? You must really hate me, even after everything I've done for you!"
Make no mistake though these words of harshness of hers are nothing more than a front North is putting on. There is no one here she's more angry with then herself no matter what she might say. The one thing which would eventually break through to her though it would be the site of you curled up on the floor at her feet and pain.
He was angry at you before for trying to leave him like this but, once he fully realizes what he's done, there is no one Josh is more upset with that himself. Josh wanted to show you there was no reason to fear or hate him, but what did he do instead? Nothing but prove your fears to be true.
Despite the intensity of his own emotions at the moment, Josh wouldn't immediately rush to your side. He knows you're already afraid in the last thing Josh wants is to further scare you or stress you out.
All he wants to do right now is hold his beloved as he brushes away your tears and rocks you gently to calm you down enough to stop crying and to stop fighting his affections.
Despite the situation, there's a chance Kamski might feel a touch of pride in reducing you to such a pitiful fearful, and helpless state. Kamski might fancy himself in intellectual over a fighter any day, but he loves to see your reactions of all kinds. No matter the emotion, he can't get enough.
Because of this, Elijah can't help but chuckle and taunt you here. "My love, you really ought to know better than to try and test me like this, have you really learned so little about me?"
He would leave it up to you to get up by yourself, heal up, and decide where to go from here. After all, if there's anything Kamski finds more interesting than how you react to stimulus, it's watching how you'll decide to counter this and grow. It's all so fascinating, and he can't wait to watch more from you in the future.
To be completely honest, it's tough for Chloe to even understand how she managed to get in this position in the first place; however, but she knows this is all just a big mistake. Just some freak accident, and the sooner you can understand that as well the better.
Even though she wants to make sure you aren't hurt too badly, the shock of realizing she's why you're in so much pain has Chloe immobile with fear, and she's paralyzed with shock for a few moments.
Entirely beside herself, Chloe is all but bawling her eyes out at she's hugging you as tight as she can, exclaiming again and again how sorry she is. As well she begs you for forgiveness chillingly, also asking you never to make her have to do something like that again... Because she can and will at the end of the day do this if it means keeping you by her side forever.
Despite his initial shock over the whole ordeal, Gavin may have a rough temperament. Still, he really didn't mean to do this and is just as surprised as you at the fallout. He would be sure to try and hide his alarm and would try to use his own anger to cover what he's done.
Completely out of his element here when it comes to assessing your injuries even though there's a chance you're concussed, he will drag you back to the house to check your injuries.
Even though he wouldn't say sorry to your face or anything like that, you can tell that deep down, he wishes it didn't have to be this way, and he might even try harder to be more careful in the future.
"You're going to have to be smarter than that if you want to escape me, my sweet." Yeah, don't tell me you thought Zlatko would feel sorry or apologize to you after what he's done. Unfortunately, that's not precisely Zlatko's style. He never used pet names with you and only would really break them out if he was trying to scare you or get under your skin. And now that you're lying helplessly At his feet, your mind can't help but race as you tremble thinking of all the possible ways this man could hurt you punish you for running.
In his mind, this is nothing short of a valuable learning opportunity for you, after all, what fun would you be to keep around if you are a dull, predictable pet. Zlatko has androids he can use, which were programmed to do that for him. What he wants from you is something more interesting.
Since the shock of everything caused the wind to knock from your lungs and you to see stars for a moment, you're actually unable to move. In that time, Ralph's is horrified, wondering if he's actually accidentally killed you.
Ralph would never be able to forgive himself if this were to actually happen, so without missing a beat, he's hands and knees over you begging to wake up and answer him.
Eventually, when you do come to your senses, and you're afraid of him on a whole new level, unsure if you'll ever be able to predict his next mood swing.
Oh boy, the unfortunate overwhelmed android. He thought things were going wrong when you tried to leave, but now that he's done this to you, things are looking all the bleaker for the two of you.
Before now, Daniel felt scared and full of awful impulses, but he knew he could count on you to help him calm down in times of anxiety and not do something stupid. But now that you were the one responsible for these feelings. How could he ever hope to keep his emotions under control? It was a lost battle, to say the least.
A part of him couldn't help but feel genuinely angry with you, though. After all, you knew better than anyone how Daniel had such awful memories of being replaced and abandoned. However, still, you did this to him.
A far cry from the more smothering types of yanderes Nines isn't afraid to show you who's really in charge here; however, just because he's hard on you doesn't mean he's doing this because he wants to see you suffer. Nines might say he's testing you like this as a way to make you stronger like he's helping you here.
Nines wasn't surprised to see he was physically strong enough to do something like this to you. What did alarm him is how he struck out and hurt you at all, considering how he usually has much better control over himself and isn't so prone to outbursts like this.
Nines realizes fairly quickly the notion of you walking out on him or by extension, ever losing you in general causes him great fear and weakness. Something he doesn't want you to see. Nines wouldn't apologize or express how he hates to see you in pain; instead, he would warn you not to test him again and to leave you alone for the rest of the night.
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ducktales-wco-oo · 4 years
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✩ Injuries/Side-Effects ✩
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(Fenton has sustained at least two concussions in the show- that can be deduced by him being knocked out. Twice in ‘Who Is Gizmoduck’— falling from the sky and the explosion at the end: but that could have just been a result of exhaustion, unlike the impact of hitting the ground from such a great height —and once in ‘Astro B.O.Y.D’ after his head was squeezed in the helmet. This doesn’t even take into account concussions he could have sustained from the many, MANY blows and injuries he takes to the head. Based on what we’ve actually seen and the line of how often he is superhero-ing— ‘You’re the third weather-based villain I’ve faced this month’ Just WEATHER-BASED —these instances happen often.)
(Some examples are when he was punched twice by a superstrong MegaBeaks, was kicked in the face by Boyd, as well as hardcore headbutted during their battle. Not to mention, the focus people seem to give his helmet; like when his visor was broken by MegaBeaks and pressure was put on his temples by Boyd, hard enough to crack the metal deeper against his head. Of course, his head isn’t the ONLY part of him that gets injured in the line of duty.)
(He has been roughly thrown to the ground, hurled through buildings, and just- beaten and battered tremendously while in the suit. Thankfully, the armor takes the brunt of the damage, but it still can’t take it all. Fenton specifically mentions he has ‘very bruisable skin’ during ‘Astro B.O.Y.D’. While being hurled around by enemies or haphazardly moving around in the suit, it stands to reason he might get a bit banged up. From the abrupt movements and violent hits he sustains— even when the ‘armor’ is receiving the blow, we can still hear Fenton call out in pain —he sometimes hits against the interior of the armor. In Astro, it was shown that the suit is very much ‘put on’ and loose enough for him to wriggle free from.) 
(This isn’t even touching upon the electrical shocks he’s received while connected to the suit. Shocks that have been shown to be incredibly painful and cause him to lose control over the armor because of the distraction and stress on his mind/body.)
Tally Of Some Injuries I Noticed (there is room for some error):
Passed Out: 3 
Hit In The Face/head (HARD): 4  
Head Injury: 2
Explosion/Focused-Blast: 2
Electrical Shock (MINOR): 1
Electrical Shock (MAJOR): 2 
Smashed Into Ground: 4
Smashed Through Building: 2
Broken Bones: 1 (arms, legs, full-body cast) 
(Frequent concussions/head-injuries and electric shocks are bound to have Side Effects) 
Long-term effects of a concussion are rare. The vast majority of people see symptoms resolve within a few weeks. Only about 20% of people might suffer from post-concussion syndrome, where they continue to experience symptoms after six weeks. However, the more concussions you get, the more likely you are to suffer long term consequences, especially if you don’t give your brain enough time to heal between injuries.
Memory problems- His memory is normally remarkably sharp and for the most part, he can still remember the really important things. Regarding his responsibilities, projects, or those he cares about. But smaller ones easily slip his mind, such as packing himself lunch, little errands he meant to complete, names of the characters in Patos de la Pasión, etc... Things that used to not be an issue become more noticeably difficult for him to keep retained in his mind.
To help with this, he often writes things down on sticky notes and puts alarms/reminders on his phone as well. 
Trouble Concentrating: He was already prone to bouncing from idea to idea, but he was still capable of laser-focusing on a task or project when inspiration REALLY struck. Now, however, he needs to haphazardly juggle different ones at least every few hours or so because his mind becomes befuddled if he remains on a singular one for too long. It becomes difficult for him to properly focus and his work risks becoming sloppy because the littlest things end up distracting him.
Sensitivity To Light: Average lighting doesn’t bother him, and he can even handle bright sunlight, mostly. It’s a sudden change in lighting that gives him trouble. Quickly going from dark to light or just having an intense light abruptly appear gives him a headache- something he is more prone to now for other reasons. They usually just last a few minutes while his senses adjust and aren’t too hard for him to fight through, but there are times when it can ignite a massive migraine. His eyes also start to water a bit, momentarily blinding him as if he was looking at the sun. 
To help prevent headaches and blindness when chasing after criminals, he suggests that his visor be equipped with protective measures for his eyes and automatically adjust any lighting to a comfortable constant, so he doesn’t have to deal with any surprise changes no matter where he is.
A Lack Of Coordination/Loss Of Balance: This is harder to notice since he was already rather clumsy and accident-prone to begin with. It just becomes more apparent and burdensome, with mistakes nearly or actually happening even more frequently than usual. Even Fenton’s top-notch dancing becomes riddled with a few errors here and there, but he recovers from them quickly and well-enough. 
His memory, concentration, and coordination are further exacerbated. 
Chronic Headaches: Occurring at least fifteen days per month— not counting the ones spurred on by Light Sensitivity —they range from dull pain that lasts a brief burst of time to actual migraines that last several minutes. Symptoms of migraines may include- nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound. 
For this and several other reasons, antidepressants combat/prevent the pain, as well as alleviate other symptoms he was already contending with— and felt like he was ‘managing’ well enough —but were HEIGHTENED to more difficult levels thanks to his head injuries. Taking two tablets per day indefinitely, right before bed because they make him sleepy, as a way of helping with his increased anxiety and making it easier to rest. Which is helpful, because he was already plagued by nightmares and had difficulty falling asleep.
Muscle Twitches/Spasms: If he works for hours upon hours without allowing himself at least a small amount of time to stretch and loosen up his body, then he risks brief muscle spasms disrupting him instead. Mainly in his hands since they do the brunt of his work. He also is prone to spasms in his CHEST— since that is where the full force of the shock was administered —if he becomes overly-angry or frightened. But usually, this doesn’t happen unless he is nearing overwhelming levels.
When a chest spam occurs, he can experience: tightness in it, shortness of breath, pain in his chest, and/or intense nausea. Feeling as if he’s going to throw up, even though he never does. The full force of the symptoms usually depends on the intesnity of his emotions. Although, he’s noticed fear tends to bring more issues with breathing and nausea, while anger entices tightness and pain. 
Lichtenberg Scarring: Located on his chest.
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heartlesslywhumping · 5 years
Head injuries: A rundown for whumpers
Part One
I recently got an ask pertaining to certain injures that trauma to the head may cause. I’m working on answering that one in specific details (it’ll go up after this series) but as it was getting quite long, I decided to post this first with more information.
This isn’t necessarily what I could call a “gory” post but it does go into some brief detail around medical things and anatomy. There are no pictures or anything but proceed at your own discretion.
DISCLAIMER: I am not a medical professional, do not look to this post for professional advice or treatment. Occasionally I consult with my EMR certified friends and family but the majority of the information I am sharing has been gathered from going down Google rabbit holes. Most of my research came from authorized medical websites but the internet is the internet. All of this will be lovely for creative purposes but not for real life application
Boredom Disclaimer: This is probably going to be suuuuper dry and boring. I try to keep it short and relevant but who knows how well I actually do there.
First in the series are the big boys, the TBIs everyone!
What is a TBI? A TBI is a Traumatic Brain Injury, which comes from physical trauma to the head. However, not all blows to head produce the same things. Some are minor, some are deadly, and some have long lasting effects.
Types of TBIs and descriptions.
A concussion is the most common type of TBI. It occurs when the impact on the head is severe enough to cause brain injury. It can be caused by direct blows to the head, gunshot wounds, violent shaking of the head, force from a whiplash type injury, etc. It’s thought to be the result of the brain hitting against the hard walls of the skull.
Generally speaking, the loss of function associated with a concussion is temporary. However, repeated concussions can eventually lead to permanent damage that may permanently change mood, behavior, and brain function.
Signs of concussion include the following:
Temporary loss of consciousness
Confusion or feeling as if in a fog
Ringing in the ears
Slurred speech
Sleep disturbances
Concentration or memory problems
Irritability and other personality change
Brain Contusions
A contusion is a bruise under the skin. If a brain contusion does not stop bleeding on its own, or is especially large, it may need to be surgically removed. 
The extent of damage associated with a brain contusion depends on the size of the bleed, the length of time it lasts, the effects of surgery, and the location of the injury.
Generally this shows up after a serious head injury/loss of consciousness. Victims often wake up confused, tired, agitated, or emotional. Severe contusions can lead to brain swelling within 48-72 hours.
Symptoms of brain contusions may include:
Memory loss
Attention problems
Emotional disturbances
Difficulty with motor coordination
Loss of ability to understand or express speech
Diffuse Axonal Injury
A diffuse axonal injury (DAI) is an injury to the brain that doesn’t cause bleeding but does damage the brain cells.  With a DAI, the head jerks about so violently that the brain stem cannot keep up, causing tears in the connections of the brain. A DAI can be caused by shaking or strong rotation of the head, as with Shaken Baby Syndrome, or by rotational forces, such as with a car accident. Extensive tears can cause brain chemicals to be released, causing additional injury. The tearing of the nerve tissue disrupts the brain’s regular communication and chemical processes.
This disturbance in the brain can produce temporary or permanent widespread brain damage, coma, or death.
The damage to the brain cells results in them not being able to function. It can also result in swelling, causing more damage. Though it isn’t as outwardly visible as other forms of brain injury, a DAI is one of the most dangerous types of head injuries. Victims will likely need intensive rehabilitation after receiving this (but what whumpee doesn’t need that?)
Symptoms include 
disorientation or confusion
nausea or vomiting
drowsiness or fatigue
trouble sleeping
sleeping longer than normal
loss of balance or dizziness
Second Impact Syndrome
A second impact before the first is fully healed is more likely to cause severe brain damage than a first, even if the victim does not lose consciousness. However, loss of consciousness after the initial injury followed by secondary brain damage enhances the vulnerability of the brain, greatly increasing the risk of death, even if the second injury was far less intense.
Second impact injury can result within a matter of days or weeks, or it can occur within a few hours if the victim isn’t removed and treated after the first concussion. Neither impact has to be severe for second impact syndrome to occur. Symptoms usually occur immediately following the second impact and progress rapidly.
Common symptoms include:
Dilated pupils
Loss of eye movement
Respiratory failure
Coup-Contrecoup Brain Injury
A "coup" injury is the initial site of impact. For example, if you were in a car accident and struck your head on the steering wheel, you might have a "coup" brain injury near the location of the forehead.
A contrecoup injury happens at the opposite side of the site of injury, so if you struck your forehead, the brain injury would be at the back of the brain. This happens because the brain is the consistency of firm pudding, moves within the skull. The initial impact on the forehead causes the first injury, but the movement of the brain within the skull causes the second impact against the back of the skull.
Together, these injuries are called a coup contrecoup injury, indicating that both injuries are present. There does not have to be an impact to cause either the coup or contrecoup injuries. Shaken babies, for example, can have these injuries even if the head is never struck by another object. The movement of the brain within the skull is enough to cause the injuries.
Symptoms include
Trouble swallowing
Muscle weakness,
Paralysis, and/or sensory changes.
Problems with decision making, speaking, and language comprehension.
Loss of consciousness
A loss of balance and coordination
Nausea or vomiting
Memory problems
Mood issues, including depression, agitation, or anxiety
Blurred vision
A ringing in the ears
Sensitivity to light and noise
Slurred speech
Penetrating Injury
A penetrating injury occurs when an object penetrates the skull and brain - such as the impact of a bullet, knife or other sharp object - that forces hair, skin, bones and fragments from the object into the brain.
These injuries can be fatal if not promptly treated, because they often cause severe bleeding, blood clots, disrupted oxygen supply to various brain regions, and other immediate side effects.
Removing the object that penetrated the skull may worsen the bleeding or further damage the brain, so never remove an object lodged in the skull.
Objects traveling at a low rate of speed through the skull and brain can ricochet within the skull, which widens the area of damage.
A “through-and-through” injury occurs if an object enters the skull, goes through the brain, and exits the skull. Through-and-through traumatic brain injuries include the effects of penetration injuries, plus additional shearing, stretching and rupture of brain tissue.
The devastating traumatic brain injuries caused by bullet wounds result in a 91% firearm-related death rate overall.
People who survive penetrating injuries may need repeated brain surgeries, high doses of antibiotics, and an assortment of therapies designed to restore function. Ultimately, the degree of disability and the prognosis depends on the location of the injury, its severity, whether there was a brain bleed, and similar factors.
I don’t think this one really needs a symptom list 😂
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thatbluegibson · 6 years
CH 67
Liz squeezed her eyes shut and tried to run her tongue across the roof of her impossibly dry mouth.
She tried to swallow, but it felt as if she had a mouth full of sand.
Forcing one eye open, she stared at the water-stained ceiling tile above her head. Her other eye opened and she took a minute to focus her vision before trying to lift her head.
“Oh fuck,” she groaned as pain exploded inside of her skull. There were a few monitors, an IV bag and light blue curtains in her peripheral vision, but she was alone in the space just big enough for a bed.
She held her hands up in front of her face, curiously eyeing the bandages wrapped tightly around each palm and silently thanked every celestial being she could think of that her arms still worked.
“Oh fuck off,” she whispered before ripping off the oxygen monitor taped to her finger. Tossing it aside, she looked back to the screens and watched as a peaked line went flat. She moved to sit up, the pain in her head so intense that she had to shut her eyes and remember to breathe, but it felt like warm, comfy hands were gripped tightly around her neck, preventing her from filling her lungs. She reached up and clawed at the thick foam neck brace, finally finding the little Velcro latches that held it together and tore it loose, letting it fall open on the pillow behind her. As soon as she regulated her breathing, she slowly pushed herself upright, trying to ignore the intense pain as she stared at the blue curtain at the foot of her bed. Taking inventory of her remaining senses, she could hear a television though it was quiet and muffled, and then the sound of footsteps. Again, they were a ways off, but they were quick, a running speed and then they stopped with a squeak, reminding Liz of an NBA game she had been dragged to with McCartney. Then there were clear voices.
“Sir, I can’t let you in here.”
“No, I need to get back there-”
“There are no visitors beyond this…”
The voices faded in and out as Liz tried to focus on them. One was English, the accent northern and the other was American. The latter was so familiar that she was immediately annoyed that she couldn’t place it.
“Look, I know you’re just trying to do your job, but she’s alone back there and-“
Liz was suddenly conscious of the way her body reacted to the voice. She felt her shoulders relax and her breathing calm, she felt a little bit safer than she did a few seconds ago.
“I still can’t let you back-“
Jesus, lady. Just let the guy do what he wants, she thought.
“She’s my girlfriend. Please just let me see her.”
Girlfriend? Once again ignoring the pain, she looked around before throwing the flimsy blanket off her legs and grabbing her IV tower for support. She shakily stood up and, vaguely reminded of her first steps after giving birth to Jack, used the tower as a crutch to shuffle her way past the curtains.
“She’s my girlfriend. Please just let me see her,” Dave pressed his hands together in front of him, begging the nurse to let him by. He was considering just making a break for it, but he had no idea which curtained room Liz was in.
“Sir, I’m very sorry, but I can’t even confirm the name or… names that you’ve given me,” the woman looked exhausted, but she really did seem sorry.
He knew it wasn’t her fault the privacy laws were insane, hell those same laws protected him when he was there just a few years prior and Taylor so many years before that, but he had to get back there. By some miracle, probably in the shape of beloved tour manager Gus, his schedule had cleared for an entire week and he had immediately booked a flight to London before anything else came up. A quick text to Travis put him in contact with Andy, who had sworn not to tell Liz and had also let it slip that she was missing him fiercely. He was just settling into his hotel room when Andy had called in a panic, asking him to meet in the emergency room where he was still trying to get specifics from someone, anyone on the movie set. They had run through a maze of triages and hallways before stopping in a ward ominously marked “Trauma”, where they were intercepted by this nurse. Andy had taken off with the promise that he would get Dave back to Liz, but he hadn’t returned yet. Dave sighed deeply and raked his hair off his face, turning away from the woman to think for a moment. Who could he call? Her parents needed to know, but he didn’t know how to contact them. Krist probably did, he could call him. He scrolled through his phone and found his number just as he heard the nurse gasp sharply. Pressing his phone to his ear, he looked back at the sound of her running footsteps and saw Liz halfway down the long hallway, leaning against an IV tower with a half grin on her face. She was wearing the customary blue hospital gown, her head was wrapped in thick white gauze and she gave him a weak wave with a bandaged hand just as the nurse carefully pulled her back behind the curtains. He let out a shaky breath that sounded a little like a relieved laugh and ended the still ringing call. Only Liz would get out of her own hospital bed after a major injury just to stand in a fucking hallway and wave at him. The nurse appeared again and motioned for him to come back. He didn’t hesitate before sprinting towards them, his worn Vans skidding to a stop as the nurse pulled the curtain aside. She smiled warmly at him and patted his shoulder. “I’ll go find you a chair,” she said, leaving them alone.
He stared at Liz as she sat up against some thin pillows, her half grin still on her face. Her red hair seemed matted, though it was pulled into a knot at the top of her head, surrounded by crisp white gauze and an angry bruise was forming on her left cheekbone. She had gained a massive foam neck brace and she shifted a little, clearly uncomfortable that he was staring at her.
“Guess who’s concussed?” she asked, trying to sound cheerful and pointed to the top of her head, “It’s me!”
He felt a smile pull at his lips before hurrying to her side, reaching out to gently hold her bandaged hands. “What fucking happened?” he asked, looking her over again.
“I… oh,” Liz paused and looked down at her lap, a small laugh escaping her lips. “I actually don’t know.”
Dave felt a bit of panic rise in his chest. Her eyes were darting around like she wanted to say something but couldn’t find the words.
“Blunt trauma to the left side of the skull resulting in a minor skull fracture, concussion and deep laceration to the scalp,” an American man in a crisp white lab coat appeared with a plastic chair, setting it behind Dave before stepping up to the bed and helping Liz lay back onto her pillows. “Hi, Elizabeth,” he called down to her, far too loudly for how close they were, “I’m Dr. Michael. Do you remember what happened?”
“No,” Liz replied, squinting into the penlight he was shining into her eyes.
“Are you nauseous?”
“Um… No?”
“Well, you arrived in an ambulance with a pretty nasty bump on your head,” he walked around the bed checking her reflexes as he moved, “It seems a light fell from quite a high elevation and connected with your poor skull.”
Liz only grumbled and Dave frowned, noticing her words were getting less and less intelligible.
“Not only that,” the doctor went on, pulling a computer screen towards him, “but a piece of the light sliced up your scalp and then busted all over the stage which you promptly fell on, causing glass lacerations to your hands. You, Miss Colbert,” he finished with the computer and turned to her, “are having a bad day.”
“So now what?” Dave asked, tearing his eyes from Liz to sit in the chair.
“Her fracture is linear, which is ideal when it comes to breaking your skull,” Dr. Michael turned the computer screen towards Dave and pointed to an x-ray showing a dark, blurry line on what was apparently Liz’s skull. “It’ll heal on its own in about four or five months. Her MRI looks great, just a minor concussion that would equal a rough football tackle. As for the staples in her hair, those can come out in a couple weeks.”
“And her hands?”
“Superficial, no stitches necessary. We glued one or two cuts, but the bandages can come off tomorrow,” Dr. Michael turned to Liz, leaning over so he could see her face, “We’re going to keep you for a bit, just to make sure you’re tolerating the concussion, okay?”
Dave watched her nod once and squeeze her eyes shut. Recognizing she was in pain, he jumped up from his chair and held her shoulder while the doctor checked a box on her IV tower. “I’ll get her some pain meds,” he said quietly and left them alone.
“I’m having a bad day,” Liz repeated her doctor’s words and slowly opened her eyes again.
“Yeah, babe. You definitely are,” he muttered, trying to hide the horror he felt when he noticed her hair was completely matted with blood.
“You’re here,” she slurred, her words were getting shorter and less Liz-like.
“I came over early to see you,” he said, lightly dragging his fingers across her bruised cheek.
Dr. Michael stepped through the curtains holding a syringe and plugged it into a port on her hand while watching her face. “You don’t happen to know when her last tetanus shot was, do you?”
Dave shook his head. How the hell was he supposed to know that? “She’s not…” he started, looking between Liz and her doctor.
“We can talk out here,” he said, finishing with the IV and leading Dave into the hallway. He snapped off his gloves and leaned into the wall with a heavy sigh. “She’s the luckiest trauma patient I’ve seen in months,” he said. “Had she been a fraction of an inch to the left, we’d be having a very different conversation right now.”
Dave swallowed hard and stole a glance at the curtain Liz was behind. “She’s not herself, though. Her words aren’t…,” he trailed off, not sure how to explain what Liz was normally like.
“It’s a mixture of her pain tolerance and the concussion. It’s new, so new that she won’t remember anything for a few days and then once her brain heals, the memories will probably come back. And if they don’t? Well, who wants to remember a thirty-pound piece of metal falling onto their skull?”
“Can she sleep?” Dave remembered something from his distant past, maybe lacrosse practice, maybe that time Krist smashed himself in the face with his bass at the MTV awards, but someone with a concussion should stay awake.
“She should sleep and the pain meds will force her to do just that,” Dr. Michael paused as Dave looked down at the floor and sighed. “You’re welcome to stay with her as long as she needs. I can put in for an extra bed in her room.”
“Yeah, that would be great,” Dave replied, thankful he didn’t have to leave her alone.
Michael gave him a kind smile and pushed off the wall. “We’ll move her upstairs as soon as we can. Until then, try to relax.”
Dave sat in the darkened hospital room, staring blankly at the pillow under Liz’s head. A soft whirring noise indicated the wraps around her legs were inflating again, trying to prevent a blood clot from killing her while she slept. Andy had undertaken the undesirable job of notifying her parents, then talked them down from dropping everything and making the flight over the Atlantic until they knew more about Liz’ condition. Dave wasn’t thrilled with the idea of meeting her parents in a hospital hallway, but he understood their need to be with their daughter. His phone buzzed in his pocket and he pulled it free, swiping his finger across Taylor’s name to answer.
“What the fuck, dude!” Taylor yelled, causing Dave to pull the phone away from his ear. “Is she okay?”
“They say she’ll be fine, but she’s a fucking wreck right now,” he said softly.
Taylor was quiet for a moment and Dave could hear Ally asking questions in the background. “It’s all over the fucking news here. How did this even happen?” Taylor finally asked, his voice much gentler now.
“I have no idea,” Dave replied, pinching the bridge of his nose. “All I know is that the ambulance fucking dumped her here and she was alone for who knows how long until someone decided they should her management know.”
There was a scuffling sound before Ally’s voice came through the phone, “Dave, sweetie, we’re on our way.”
The line went dead and he stared at the picture of Liz and Paul McCartney arm in arm on the famous zebra crossing outside Apple Studios he had set as his background. She had sent it to him the day before, just as he secretly confirmed his plane ticket to England. She looked so happy that he found himself smiling in spite of the chilly and depressing hospital room they were now in. He shoved his phone into his sweatshirt pocket and leaned forward, resting his head next to Liz’s arm and closed his eyes.
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angst-king · 4 years
The sacrifices we make pt 2
(TW mentions of homophobic behavior against minors. I do not own any canon BNHA characters only the gen 2..no quirk AU)
"Sir are you the owner of this restaurant?" "y-yes, th-this is my son" He says while holding Azori loosely in his arms, the cops called a group of ambulances to come while they cleared the area of non needed people. Amilia being the only victim conscious enough to speak. One cop spoke to Katsuki who was looking wide eyed at the whole situation. "So Mr Katsuki Kirishima what relationship do you have to these kids?" This is my son, the one with the brown and blue hair is his boyfriend, the other two are boyfriend and girlfriend, they're all friends." He answers quickly, the cop shot another question. "Seeing your son's uniform I take it that he works with you?" "Yes sir, he was out chilling with his friends, they usually hang around the alley during that time." 
The scene was soon cleared after the ambulances took the kids, Katsuki couldn't help but feel terrible. Giving Azori to the paramedics and not knowing all of what happened to them. Dropping to his knees, rough hands in his hair he couldn't help but remember what Tetsu had said about letting Azori fight for himself. Just like that Tetsu came over  "I'm so sorry dude, here man I've got your keys and phone." Holding out the items to the blonde they were quickly take as he arose. "Thanks, I-I'll call Eijirou, think you can hold down the fort?" 
"Yeah totally man, now hurry up, they'll need you and the kids will need their parents." Katsuki's voice was shaky and shallow, there was a lump in his throat that he could barely swallow. He goes off to the car to call his husband which anxiety flooding him. 'They're gonna kill me, they're gonna kill me, my son's gonna hate me!' He dialed Eijirou's phone number with shaky fingers, when the phone was answered he locked the doors. "Hey babe what's up you on your break?" Asked an oblivious Eijirou, licking his lips that were unable to take int he moisture and not to be bone dry. "N-no pl-please don't be to angry at me please babe-" "what's going on Kat you're scaring me?" "Our son and his friends were beat up hard by a group of homophobes-" "oh my god are they okay!?" "...." "Kat? Kat babe please tell me they're okay" "Maku was unconscious so was Jasuma, Amiila was the one who came and got me I came to see Azori single handedly fighting he passed out on me when it was all over." "I'll call Denki, I don't have the other parent's numbers." Eijirou tries to keep his voice level and himself calm "Alright can you meet me at Fumukage ER?" "yeah I'm grabbing my keys now"
Their conversation is cut and now its up to call the other parents, calling Izuku or Shoto made the blonde anxious. Even though Katsuki never showed his fear to others and used to be Izuku's old bully and he's still got his pride. This situation was different and he couldn't help but feel the lump in his throat swell. He now scrolled to find their numbers the first one that came up was Izuku, which he hesitantly dialed. Waiting through the rings only made Katsuki sick then hearing a "hello Kaachan?" clearing his throat Katsuki confirmed. "yes, um Izuku what are you doing right now?" "cleaning up around the house why?" Katsuki didn't want to say it, even if the girl seemed to only have minor injuries it still required her to ride int he ambulance. "I-I'm sorry Izuku" This was a rare moment, rare words that Izuku hardly received from his childhood bully and now adult friend. "What are you sorry for Kaachan, you've already apologized about highschool?" A shaky sigh came from his cold dry lips Katsuki harshly swallowed the lump and blurted out "i'm sorry our kids were attacked by homophobes" The other line was eerily silent it scared the blonde then a stuttered. "wh-what did y-you sa-say?" "O-Our kids were attacked by homophobes, I came out to Amilia running in and getting help." "what hospital are they in?" The green haired male's tone turned very strict it sent chills down Katsuki's spine, he told Izuku the name of the hospital and all Izuku said was "I'll see you there" it was cold. 
Now it was time to call Jasuma's parents, who would be the more rational one..who's number-oh god pink cheeks. Pulling into the parking lot of the hospital he called Ochako. When she answered she sounded surprised. "Hi Katsuki what's up you rarely call" "o-ochako I..." woah no 'pink cheeks' or 'round face?' "Katsuki is something wrong?" She could tell just by the straight forward, skip of the nickname answer. "The kids were attacked while hanging out by a group of homophobes." His voice now just as dry as his mouth, Ochako sighed audibly. "what's the hospital?" "Fumukage, I'm in the paring lot right now." "Alright, I'll get there as quickly, try and see if you can check in on the kids, hope things go well." Katsuki unbuckles the seat belt while agreeing "Okay I'll try, see ya soon."
The calls are over and Katsuki's coming out of the car, walking up to the hospital and to the front desk the red eye'd man asked in a somewhat calm voice. "I'm looking for a group of kids anyone of them will do. They were taken by an ambulance from the restaurant 'the dragon'?" the nurse who looked up at him then asked in a protective voice "Do you have any relation to any of the kids?" "Yes actually a boy named Azori is my son, he's got red and black hair, was wearing a similar uniform to mine just smaller? The others are Amilia Midoriya, Jasuma Iida, and Makuyama Kaminari." Katsuki described to her which she seemed to relax her a little, she went through her computer and nods. "They arrived fifteen minutes ago, I'll take you to your son." She comes out from behind the desk to lead Katsuki around. Cooley shoving his hands in his pockets was his way of hiding his anxiety.
The walk wasn't long, they entered a bay with beds only being separated by curtains but most of them were kept open and to the god send luck of the man the kids were in the same area. Seeing them all in hospital beds made Katsuki uneasy, it reminded him of when he was younger. He was jumped bad enough to need to go to the hospital both him and Eijirou escaped with decent injuries. "Uncle Katsu?" It was Amilia, it was a nickname Amilia and Tomiko had given Katsuki, the man instantly turned around and come over. "Oh my god Amilia, thank you for coming to get me I'm so so sorry" The nurse seemed confused and she asked Amilia. "how do you know him?" It was more for the protection of the child's sake to ask this. "He's m-my dads's childhood friend they w-went to high school together." Katsuki looked her up and down noticing her watery green eyes. "A-are you okay?" "H-head just hurts a lot, the b-boys are w-worse off." Katsuki nodded "Izuku is coming he might be picking up Shoto I don't know but he'll be here soon." Katsuki informed to the young girl who agreed,then turning around Katsuki panicked when he noticed that the bed Azori should be in was missing. "Wh-where's Azori?" He was becoming frantic until the nurse tells him "He could be down getting an X-ray or important scans he should be back momentarily."
Momentarily was an understatement, out of the corner of his eyes he could see the teen being wheeled back to the vacant bay. Katsuki rushed over with worry trying not to be written all over his face. "Azori!? Azori!?" "sir please calm down we're hooking him up, what is your relationship to this child?" Getting a little irritated on being asked this question Katsuki sighed and replied "i'm his dad" "Alright then does he have any medical history, allergies, or anything we should know of?" "No he doesn't have anything like allergies or medical defaults" "Do you know what happened?" "No, all I know is that my son went to hang out with my friends, then a little bit later Amilia came in running that they were being attacked by some homophobes. I come out to see that Azori's the only one still fighting them off. Then when its all over he collapsed on me." Katsuki spoke fast but the doctor was able to understand him.
"Okay sir, thank you for your cooperation." When the results pulled up on the screen the doctor had a look of 'oh my'. "It appears your son has taken decent beating, and may have 'taken one for the team' to put it lightly." He starts to explain when Kirishima comes in "Katsuki!" which makes Katsuki jump still he called Kirishima over who rushed over. "I called Denki, him, Aku, and Hitoshi are on their way." "okay that's good" "oh god Azori what did they do to you?" Eijirou says while softly brushing his fingers through Azori's red and black hair that was still half tied up. "He's got broken ribs those can heal relatively well in around six weeks. No internal bleeding but when he was examined a we checked for any potential neck or back injuries we saw and alarming amount of bruising and swelling around his lower and middle back. Other than that he's probably got a concussion or some painful fingers. He most likely fainted out of exhaustion and pain."
Katsuki looked down at Azori, trailing his large hands to his son's limp ones, gently picking it up scared that if he wasn't careful that. He'd die, he'd shatter, or something terrible would happen. Softly tracing the inside of his palm seemed to stir the teen, his fingers moved around. "z-Zor?" "hm?"Eijirou hummed curiously, Katsuki continued the tracing thing, then feeling Azori's hand weakly squeeze his.
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d2kvirus · 5 years
Dickheads of the Month: January 2020
As it seems that there are people who say or do things that are remarkably dickheaded yet somehow people try to make excuses for them or pretend it never happened, here is a collection of some of the dickheaded actions we saw in the month of January 2020 to make sure that they are never forgotten. 
Congratulations to Donald Trump for graduating from the “And finally...” spot by deciding the best course of action available to him was deciding to kill Iranian general Qasem Soleimani  with an air strike without actually bothering to inform any of his supposed allies about his plans first, but of course he did this for perfectly legitimate reasons and not some lies he pulled out of his backside that make a tweet he posted in 2011 incredibly relevant
...and while this was happening proven liar Boris Johnson couldn’t be bothered to cut short his holiday on Mustique, instead preferring to bury his head in the sand of a tropical island...sort of like how he legged it out of the country during the London riots when he was Mayor of London 
...which culminated with Iain Duncan Smith saying that Soleimani deserved to die as he was a nasty man responsible for the deaths and suffering of thousands, inadvertently justifying his own assassination due to causing death and suffering of thousands as a result of being the architect of Universal Credit
Of course the Daily Mail and The Sun went completely mental when Prince Harry and Meghan Markle announced they were stepping back from their duties, because after two years of dogwhistling about Meghan  there was no way they were going to pass up an opportunity to jump on her now
...and of course, it wasn’t long before Piers Moron Morgan relished in being the cheerleader for all the indignant rage being hurled at one half of The Sussexes by the dogwhislting morons, and of course I’m not referring to Prince Harry
...but it's okay, because smirking halfwit Priti Patel says there is nothing racist about the coverage given to Meghan Markle.  It’s a pity she didn’t say she had “niggling doubts” about the racial undertones
...and soon afterwards Laurence Fox was not only saying there was absolutely no racist undertones at all when appearing on Question Time, but also breaking out the favourite chestnut of the harrumphing set by saying he is actually the victim because a non-white woman accused him of having white privilege, somehow failing to notice he was on the panel while the non-white woman was sat in the audience and expected to listen to his tripe
It didn’t take long for proven liar Boris Johnson to get the year’s gaslighting under way when he said in his new year’s message that he wanted to heal divisions in the country...two weeks after saying the terms “Leaver” and “Remainer” should be replaced with “winner” and “loser” 
Sadly nobody explained to the littlest of Little Englanders that the UK did not leave the EU on 31st January, instead they entered a transition period where they remain a part of the EU for the remainder of the year where they have less say about EU policy than at any point since 1975, but that’s not important because they were told that was the date we were leaving so that’s the date they could act like obnoxious morons at best, ignorant twats at worst
As if Sajid Javid looking uncannily like Gollum holding the One Ring whilst holding the Britait 50p piece (that’s the second one, the original was binned off when the UK didn't leave on 31st October 2019 like proven liar Boris Johnson promised we would) wasn’t low enough, he soon followed that up by saying that those election pledges about ending austerity wouldn’t be happening
It’s expected that the British media have become either Orwellian or incredibly childish at this point, best demonstrated by how the Tories stripping Northern Rail of their franchise was called “a bold move” and “long overdue” yet when Jeremy Corbyn stated he would do the exact same thing it was “communism” and “state interference” - and a few days later they called Jeremy Corbyn “weak” for calling for restraint after Trump decided to launch strikes on Iran, yet when Dominic Raab said the same thing it was “statesmanlike” 
As irritating and self-defeating as Extinction Rebellion manage to be, their being listed by smirking halfwit Priti Patel as a terrorist group because they...make people late for work sometimes not only comes across as a ploy to tell the lower orders that protesting is a crime but also like a move engineered to pander to the ignorant foghorns who deny there’s a climate emergency and just so happen to also vote Tory
As if Jess Phillips hadn’t made herself look uncannily like somebody who never speaks to members of the public but is happy to mouth off to journalists during her shambolic performance at the Labour leader hustings, she then went scuttling off to the press to say that all men should drop out of the leadership race...the one which is currently being led by Rebecca Long-Bailey, so even if all the male candidates did drop out she still wouldn't win
Frontline soldier of the war in his own mind Mark Francois continued his bid to be legally classified as a foghorn by continuing his insane demand that Big Ben ring out on January 31st to mark Britait.  The worrying thing is that, when it was pointed out that renovations on the clock tower won’t be completed until several months after that date, this led to The Daily Express howling that we should ignore the experts and it should ring loudly even if it costs an extra £500,000 to get it ready ahead of schedule...and a day later, after being widely lampooned for such blusterific nonsense, they claimed it was some kind of Remainer plot and not, say, them being as unrealistic as they were foolish
It took barely a day before Laurence Fox reinvented himself as someone who complains about anything involving women, ethnic minorities or the left-wing off the back of his Question Time appearance (and I'm sure the timing is purely a coincidence...) and soon he was frothing at the mouth about 1917 depicting Sikh soldiers as a sop of political correctness...which is news to the million Indian troops who fought in the First World War, which contrary to Fox’s opinion wasn’t solely fought by public schoolboys with pipes in their mouths shouting “Tally ho!” when showing the Bosch who was in charge
It should be an easy layup for Keir Starmer to become next Labour leader, but he made one hell of a misstep when bringing in Matt Pound to run his campaign considering Pound’s role as leader of Labour First and the various tweets about him wishing to purge any left wing supporters from the party 
According to the Church of England the only people permitted to have sex are married heterosexual couples, so not only are they sounding like those literal hate preachers from Nigeria who dub homosexuality a sin, but deciding that heterosexuals who have sex before marriage are also going to hell.  So quick question...just how few people are actually in heaven these days?
...yet somehow Paula White managed to top that in terms of religious sociopathy by calling for the miscarriage of all “satanic pregnancies” - which was apparently taken out of context and was actually quoting a Bible verse that makes no mention of miscarriages or “satanic pregnancies” whatsoever
Nobody was surprised that Arsen Ostrovsky and David Collier watched Prince Charles’ trip to Palestine and meeting with Mahmoud Abbas and responded in the exact way that everyone expected, howling that the entire British system is inherently antisemitic and WHY WON’T ANYONE OUTSIDE OF OUR ECHO CHAMBER LISTEN TO US????????????????
...and a week later Arsen Ostrovsky was at it again, jumping on Jeremy Corbyn on Holocaust Memorial Day after Corbyn said that the Holocaust, antisemitism and Nazism should never happen again, which definitely didn’t make him look obsessed or sound demented in doing so...
Not only did Julia Halfwit Hartley-Brewer think that using The Soup Dragons’ I’m Free as a tacky anthem for leaving the EU trolling Remain voters, but when she was refused permission to do so her response was to sic her followers on them like a bunch of moronic bloodhounds
Pillar of journalistic competence Fiona Bruce demonstrated her credentials by referring to Qasem Soleimani as an Iraqi general, meaning that either she or the person operating the autocue are unqualified for the job of informing, educating or entertaining the public - and of course there was no correction as the BBC cannot be questioned, as they never make mistakes...unless they’re doctoring footage so Boris Johnson doesn’t look politically and socially inept, of course
The award for coldest take of the month goes to Jonathan Freedland for his Guardian article saying that, without the BBC, Britain would exist in “a post-truth dystopia.”  You know, the same BBC that doctored footage of proven liar Boris Johnson so that the lower orders wouldn’t think he was politically or socially inept on two occasions last November, and it’s not as if that’s a new tactic given they deliberately misrepresented events at the Battle of Orgreave by switching around the order of footage back in (ironically enough) 1984
The Y2K bug came late for 2K Sports as it emerged that all online modes for the humiliation conga line that is WWE 2K20 was literally unplayable from the second the clocks hit midnight and people were singing Auld Lang Syne
In trying to gain support Tessa Blanchard tweeted out that all female wrestlers should stick together.  A noble sentiment...if the response wasn't numerous female wrestlers responding by highlighting the remarkably shitty behaviour Blanchard has shown backstage for years, which Blanchard responded to by issuing a statement denying she used a racial slur - but made no reference whatsoever to the numerous accusations of bullying
Sticking with wrestling, somebody should have told Charlotte Flair that when talking about her reckless handling of a clearly concussed Kairi Sane that saw her stick to the script and execute spots any sensible person would realise you shouldn’t perform on an obviously concussed opponent, her defence came down to her saying that the match was good so it was all fine so don't complain
So the latest directive from the BBC for their revival of The Jeremy Kyle Show which they insist on calling Question Time is that, in order to reflect the views of Britain, if an episode is recorded in a Labour seat they will bus in an audience of Tory voters to accurately represent the country in a manner that’s telling the people of that non-Tory constituency that they’re wrong, which definitely doesn’t come across as remotely sinister at all...
This month it was Meat Loaf who decided to get insanely triggered by the existence of Greta Thunberg while also pretending that climate change isn’t a thing and it’s a pure coincidence that 2019 was the hottest year in decades for several countries
Oh joy, somebody thought letting Ricky Gervais host the Golden Globes was a bright idea, meaning those watching had to endure him being a sneering cunt who didn't have the balls to be within 20ft of the stage on any occasion where anyone might want to tell him to fuck off back to blocking people on Twitter for the crime of suggesting he isn't a comedic genius
After the Dexit controversy Nintendo and Game Freak came up with the perfect solution for people displeased at countless Pokemon not featuring in Pokemon Sword and Shield - by releasing two DLC packs that, between them, cost more than the base game and just so happen to have all the Pokemon not in the original game.  How convenient...
Of course CD Projekt Red needed to get ahead of the story when announcing that Cyberpunk 2077 would be delayed from its original April release date to September.  What they shouldn't have done is say that those five months will be a perpetual state of Crunch and act as if that was somehow acceptable after well over a year’s worth of horror stories about perpetual Crunch at studios such as Telltale Games, Bioware or Rockstar Games
There was an outbreak of “yikes” at the BBC when their piece about the death of Kobe Bryant featured footage of LeBron James, which was a pretty difficult mistake to make given it said JAMES on the back of the jersey of the player they were showing footage of
Right on cue the professionally triggered were creating en masse because Warburtons had a loaf of bread advertised as being vegan, kosher and halal...or “bread” as sensible people call it
Shovelware jockeys Digital Homicide graced the world with their presence once more by rebranding themselves “Digital Homicide Uncensored”, a rebrand which mainly involves Robert Romine posting blogs whining about how the big, bad Jim Sterling had their spurious lawsuit against him dismissed with prejudice because James & Robert Romine are a bunch of thin-skinned twerps with a persecution complex who thought they could weaponise the law to try and make an example out of him...and tanked their company hard in the process
Can somebody tell Jeremy Paxman that, if he is going to continue presenting University Challenge, he needs to understand that the number 2000 is pronounced “two thousand” as he repeatedly referred to years between 2001-9 as “twenty-oh-six” when hosting, and that level of numerical ignorance takes time and effort
In a bid to revive the phrase “LOLTNA” Impact Wrestling managed to get themselves banned from Twitch by running a segment which essentially violated every last one of Twitch’s policies, which takes either a remarkable amount of stupidity or a somebody having a remarkably high opinion of how clever they are to make happen
Returning to his customary place is Donald Trump for continuing to petulantly scream that there’s no such thing as climate change and everything’s fine, deciding that the phrase “prophets of doom” means the exact same thing as “people who have a better understanding of a subject than I do who don’t agree with me”
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thegloober · 6 years
Best practices in head CT imaging: How are we doing?
Computed tomography, or CT scanning, is one of the most powerful diagnostic tools to emerge during my medical career. Just look at the detail in the brain images above, taken at 90-degree angles through the brain. And I was there at the beginning. I remember well when I was a medical student taking neurology, and the first CT scanner arrived at the Mayo Clinic. By today’s standards, it was incredibly crude. It displayed a tiny image on a cathode ray tube that was then photographed with a Polaroid camera. Preservative lacquer was then smeared on the photograph and it was pasted into the patient’s chart with glue. But the crude photographs were amazingly superior to what physicians had previously, which was nothing. They had skull x-rays to look at the bone and the very painful and very indirect imaging technique called pneumoencephalography. So neurologists and neurosurgeons were ecstatic at the new technology because it allowed them to see the brain directly.
Over the years head CT emerging as pretty much a standard test for evaluating any bonk on the head, particularly if the person clinically had a concussion or especially if they lost consciousness. This is because one of the things a head CT does particularly well is identify brain swelling or bleeding inside the skull. But then some concerns began to arise about the radiation that comes with CT scanning. And CT scans do deliver an order of magnitude at least more radiation than do ordinary x-rays like chest, arm, or leg x-rays. So this raised the concern of all these head CT scans contributing to increased cancer risk, a particular concern in children who have developing brains and their life ahead of them. It turns out there is a measurable increase in lifetime cancer risk from CT scans. It’s tiny, but it’s measurable. How tiny? About 2 in 10,000 head CT scans. The risk is higher for abdominal CT scans, but these deliver much higher radiation doses. Radiologists recognized this issue and a decade or more ago instituted protocols for children that reduced radiation significantly (the Image Gently program). But the risk is still there. For small children, there is often the additional risk of the need for sedation to do the scan because the child cannot hold still enough to get a sharp image. The point is that we should use the same risk/benefit calculation when ordering a head CT that we use when ordering any other test. If the risk, however tiny, exceeds the expected benefit we shouldn’t do the test. So if the benefit of a head CT in minor head trauma in children is essentially zero we shouldn’t get the scan. But how do we determine that? To help us with that question various professional organizations have issued guidelines regarding when a head CT is needed to evaluate pediatric head trauma and when it’s not. An interesting recent study investigated how we are doing in adhering to those guidelines. You can read one commonly used set of guidelines.
The authors studied the years 2007-13. The guidelines had been recently put in place at the beginning of that period. Their goal was to see any effect of this; they hypothesized that, over a decade, implementation of the guidelines should result in a reduction in pediatric head CT scans. They used the enormous National Hospital Ambulatory Care Medical Survey database, a resource that includes information on over 14 million children who visited an emergency department during the nine year study period with a diagnosis of head trauma. Their question was crude but simple: Did rates of CT scan use for pediatric head trauma change over the study period? The simple answer they found was: no change. The below graph shows the proportion of children who got head CTs over the study period. The points of implementation of various guideline initiatives are noted: Image Gently, PECARN Rules (described in the above reference), and Choosing Wisely. But the line is unchanging within the confidence intervals. I suppose we should not be surprised most of this excess CT use occurred at community hospitals rather than academic facilities; up-to-date practice would be more expected to take place at the latter.
So what does this mean? An accompanying editorial to the above study considers the implications.
It is disappointing that U.S. children have generally not benefited from current best practice research and continue to experience unnecessary radiation exposure. This is a reminder that pediatric research and education efforts are frequently not focused where most U.S. children receive their medical care. . . . A recent study of a community ED revealed that a maintenance of certification program sponsored by a children’s hospital was associated with lowered CT scan use from 29% to 17%.
Most discussions of this sort bring up defensive medicine, that is, doing things out of a fear of lawsuits. However, adherence to nationally recognized best practice guidelines is a pretty solid defense against later claims of negligence. In this case, it’s not at all inconceivable that not following best practice guidelines actually puts a physician at risk from being sued.
Christopher Johnson is a pediatric intensive care physician and author of Keeping Your Kids Out of the Emergency Room: A Guide to Childhood Injuries and Illnesses, Your Critically Ill Child: Life and Death Choices Parents Must Face, How to Talk to Your Child’s Doctor: A Handbook for Parents, and How Your Child Heals: An Inside Look At Common Childhood Ailments. He blogs at his self-titled site, Christopher Johnson, MD.
Image credit: Shutterstock.com
Source: https://bloghyped.com/best-practices-in-head-ct-imaging-how-are-we-doing/
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shawnallenblog · 8 years
The Boys of Fall
This could be a bitter pill to swallow, so buckle up.
I want to shake you, I want you to think -- just give me two minutes of your time after this video. This video is going to stir up some tremendously deep and fond memories for many, some old emotions, feelings and memories of youth, yearning of days gone by -- herein lies part of the problem, we want those same things for our kids. We have made this game part of the American way, part of our families and lives --but, is it worth it ? Only you can decide, but, should it really be your decision?
When I feel that chill, smell that fresh cut grass I'm back in my helmet, cleats, and shoulder pads Standing in the huddle, listening to the call Fans going crazy for the boys of fall. They didn't let just anybody in that club Took every ounce of heart and sweat and blood To get to wear those game-day jerseys down the hall The kings of the school, man, we're the boys of fall.    -Kenny Chesney  
Do you like to take risks ? How about high percentage risks ?  What about high percentage risks with a part of your body that you cannot fix ? No, I am not talking about taking up juggling chainsaws or free soloing the 2500 foot shear cliff face of El Sendero Luminoso.  What if I asked you if you are willing to take on those high percentage risks, with a part of the body that one cannot fix, and put that part on your child? 
Here is the problem -- I see things.  On a weekly basis I would bet, I see people come in with actual physical problems that strongly appear to be related to a minimal traumatic brain injury weeks, months, years and sometimes decades ago. This sadly sometimes includes poor kids who clearly had a minor head injury in the past few weeks.  I see things, I see sad things, preventable things.  Mind you, not all things are preventable, we must move on through life and things happen in life that are out of our control, but we can at the very least control these higher percentage risks in our children.  However, the question that haunts me, the one I do not understand is, why are some taking on these known higher percentage risks -- with their kids.  I am not judging, I just do not understand. 
I think some of this story is about denial, a sort of cognitive dissonance. Let me share a story from Jared Diamond's book "Collapse" to explain this phenomenon a bit clearer.
"consider a narrow river valley below a high dam, such that if the dam burst, the resulting flood of water would drown people for a considerable distance downstream. When attitude pollsters ask people downstream of the dam how concerned they are about the dam's bursting, it's not surprising that fear of a dam burst is lowest far downstream, and increases among residents increasingly close to the dam. Surprisingly, though, after you get just a few miles below the dam, where fear of the dam's breaking is found to be highest, concern then falls off to zero as you approach closer to the dam! That is, the people living immediately under the dam, the ones most certain to be drowned in a dam burst, profess unconcern. That's because of psychological denial: the only way of preserving one's sanity while looking up every day at the dam is to deny the possibility that it could burst."
I believe this denial is a little of what is going on today when it comes to head injuries in our children, in a day and age where we know more, we know better, we understand the tremendous risks. This is hard stuff to take in, it somehow rattles and challenges us because it puts cracks in the foundations of our life, in our memories, in our feelings and emotions of our youth -- the same good stuff we want for our children.  Humans make excuses for the choices that serve us best. It's human nature to dodge the hard painful things that once defined us
So lets get down to some facts.
From the Nauman Purdue football study: “The worst hit we’ve seen was almost 300 Gs,” Nauman said in reference to the G- forces of a football tackle. A soccer player “heading” a ball experiences an impact of about 20 Gs.“  So, how many Gs would 20 headers create ? How about 30 sub-maximal football tackles, in a week of game and practice? You can do the math, the numbers are there.  How large do these numbers get through a week of games and practice?  What are they over a whole season? The latest facts of the matter are that it is no longer about a single event, it is about the constantly rising odometer of impacts such as the Purdue Football Study found. And, I will show you information in a moment that reveals that it doesn't even need to be head impacts to up the odometer.
Concussions have been now shown to cause abnormalities in brain and motor functioning. These issues can last long after perceived clinical recovery. "Recent work suggests subtle deficits in neurocognition may impair neuromuscular control and thus potentially increase risk of lower extremity musculoskeletal injury after concussion.”  This is just the tip of the iceberg. How about the more serious stuff, the seizures, inability to sleep, memory loss, difficulty thinking, dizziness, vision problems, vomiting, depression, headaches, anxiety, speech problems, coordination problems, and then what about the big one, CTE.  CTE stands for Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, a progressive degenerative disease that some studies suggest begins ramping up about 10 years down the road if enough cumulative trauma has occurred. The problem lies with our inability to know how much, or how little, one needs to sustain to begin this terrifying brain degenerative disease. 
Some of our current society continues to ignore the immense long lasting effects of head injuries, even minimal ones. We continue to allow young developing brains to partake in football, soccer, and other jarring sports. Yes, we cannot live in a vacuum, but we can live in awareness and wise choices.
Facts:  The 2 year Purdue Study of high school football players suggested that concussions are likely caused by many hits over time and not from a single blow to the head, as previously believed. “Over the two seasons we had six concussed players, but 17 of the players showed brain changes even though they did not have concussions,” Talavage said. “The most important implication of the new findings is the suggestion that a concussion is not just the result of a single blow, but it’s really the totality of blows that took place over the season,” said Eric Nauman. “Most clinicians would say that if you don’t have any concussion symptoms you have no problems,” said Larry Leverenz, an expert in athletic training and a clinical professor of health and kinesiology. “However, we are finding that there is actually a lot of change, even when you don’t have symptoms.”
“New research into the effects of repeated head impacts on high school football players has shown changes in brain chemistry and metabolism even in players who have not been diagnosed with concussions and suggest the brain may not fully heal during the offseason.” stated Emil Venere.  “We are finding that the more hits you take the more you change your brain chemistry, the more you change your brain’s ability to move blood to the right locations,” Nauman said. By now there are those of you reading this with heavily sweating palms. You played football or hockey, soccer or lacrosse, or had a sport-unrelated concussion, maybe several. You remember it, kind of, or the many -- sort of.   You sweat now, wondering what your future will hold for you. Will you be as statistic ? How many more years do you have before that first "apparent senior moment"?  Will everything be alright ? Is it CTE or am I just getting older? One has to wonder, and that is no way to go through life. This is the chainsaw juggling act again, do we need to take on such risks ?   Why do we knowingly welcome our children into this potentially life changing brethren?  Why must we offer them that same wonderment and worry as their years go by ? No longer can we remain in denial and lean on cognitive dissonance as acceptable reasons for our avoidance to act and protect our children.  Our answer to our children cannot be, " sorry son, we didn't know any better" -- because now, we do.
- Shawn
These head injuries are complicated cases which I cannot take on yet, I am not smart enough yet, this is too complicated a problem.  I refer these cases out to my tribe of neuro specialists from The Carrick Institute who specialize in putting these brains back together. Watch this video, my mentors, my teachers. As a parent or patient, you do have options.
Biomechanical Correlates of Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Neurophysiological Impairment in High School Football Evan L. Breedlove, BS1,Thomas M. Talavage, PhD2,3,Meghan Robinson, BS2, Katherine E. Morigaki, MS ATC4,Umit Yoruk, BS3, Larry J. Leverenz, PhD ATC4 , Jeffrey W. Gilger, PhD5, Eric A. Nauman, PhD1,2,6
'Deviant brain metabolism' found in high school football players
Frequent soccer ball 'heading' may lead to brain injury. Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University
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