#so i've just been imagining the nest connected to all campus buildings thru an underground tunnel system
whatmack · 4 years
do u have any thoughts abt kandreil & rain?? do u think they like it, hate it, feel meah abt it??
for a moment anon I was like who the fuck is rain have I missed an entire character this is what I get for opening tumblr before my brain comes online
ANDREW grew up mostly in California. He can appreciate the emo aesthetic of the rain but he does NOT like this endless fucking deluge. This state is already as damp and humid as the armpit of a garbage can why the fuck must it also rain all the time. only thing worse than arm bands is sweaty armbands but the air is too full of water for the sweat to evaporate and then it’s raining on top of that and Andrew is in Hell (In the summer he will lie in the middle of the floor with slightly fewer clothes on than normal and Neil and Kevin are like ! we are looking! respectfully and andrew is like. i hate you both i hate this this is NOT because of you this is because this state is the WORST. ugh. fine. come down here) NEIL mainly thinks of rain in practical terms: good for washing away scent if you’re being chased with dogs, makes mud which makes movement difficult, miserable if you get wet with no way to dry, good if you’re low on water and have a way to collect the rainwater, etc. etc. etc. Nicky convinces him to go outside and dance in the rain once and Neil is like ??? what? but then he finds out it’s actually kinda....fun, when you have safety waiting for you, to get all muddy and rained on. he comes back inside with his hair streaming water down his face and absolutely covered in grass and mud and bits of whatever else gets brought up to the surface from the rains and andrew and kevin conspire to bundle him into the shower and wrap him in towels and scrub his hair dry. he’s trapped in wondrous glowing happiness the whole time. andrew is too pissed off (overwhelmed) to kiss him properly at first, so kevin does it for him KEVIN spent most of their life underground, in a climate-controlled indoors environment. Rain makes them a mix of “happy they’re out,” “is-this-allowed,” and general practical annoyance (ew. mud). When they’re inside and it’s raining outside, they tend to get wistful. Rain reminds them of their mother. On those days, Andrew and Neil know to leave Kevin alone for a while, and then bring them back out of their head with coffee and petty concerns and dragging them down to the couch  
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