#so i will politely decline to discuss it here hehe
wintaerbaer · 6 months
twds taehyung when was the first time you realised you like y/n
"That I liked her?" He smirks, scheming. "The day we met in the third grade. She was so excited to show me her pencil case, and seeing that energy come off of her, I knew I had to become her friend." A wide smile breaks out across his face, stretching from ear to ear. "The rest is history."
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crankityart · 3 years
More random Viktor headcanons because I’m like that
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Viktor loves eating thick soups and stews. They are very comforting to him.
He can crack his joints on command. Sometimes after sitting at his desk for hours he will stretch and it’s just a cascade of cracking sounds.
Jayce actually tried to teach him to play guitar at some point. (or some sort of string instrument, I’m not really sure what it is. But in ep 1 you can see some kind of guitar in Jayce's room beside his bed, which means that our golden boy is musically talented in some way)
They never got too far, because both of them are so busy with hex tech.
Viktor really loves cats. As a child, he would build little gadgets on his own outside. The stray cats would often watch him and sometimes play around with some screws and such he had laying around.
He would love to own a cat but knows too well that he doesn’t have the time or the accommodation for it. So he just admires them from afar.
Viktor doesn’t really drink alcohol and can’t hold his liquor that well. The first and last time he got completely hammered, he threw up inside a bush and had a very bad hangover for the rest of the week, which prevented him from working. It was the worst for him.
But WHEN he’s drunk, he is definitely a very wholesome drunk. He becomes really chatty with everyone and can’t stop admiring every silly little detail about life. Will hold passionate discussions about leaves and bread with no crust or some shit. With people, he trusts he becomes quite touchy and cuddly and will lay his head on your shoulder when he feels tired.
Okay, and when he’s attracted to you then booooy, get ready for something because loverboy-Viktor will make a pass on you and say bold things like “Let’s make out! Here and now! >:)” 
... before falling asleep on the counter right afterward.
Won’t remember any of this the next day though.
Viktor is really good at whistling. He doesn’t do it too often, but if a catchy tune gets stuck inside his head he will whistle it while working.
He enjoys bad puns and when you make one he will chuckle silently like “Hehe, that’s a good one!” ( All I can say is his “You’ve got to ... crank it! >:3” give off this energy)
Despite his frail looks, he is a quite confident person. He knows his strengths and ambitions. Viktor is really good at talking to people about science. Because of Heimerdinger, he got into a lot of conversations with other professors and honored scientists. But he gets a bit shy when it comes to talking to his peers about anything that doesn’t involve academics. 
He had never made any connections with kids his age when he was younger and this fear, that people won’t like him still remains deep inside of him. He is quite good at pretending to be busy so he doesn’t have to be social with his fellow students. 
There was one time when Viktor was having lunch in the cafeteria and reading a book when suddenly a few fellow classmates approached and asked him if he wanted to sit with them together. He declined politely, saying he had tons of work to do, but secretly he was just insecure at that moment.
Viktor is very observant and can assess the relationships between different people quite well. For example; he is very aware of Jayce’s and Mel’s subtle flirting. But he is super oblivious when it comes to someone flirting with him. He doesn’t really believe that anyone would be romantically interested in him anyways.
When someone flirts with him very obviously and gives him compliments, he will definitely get really shy and flustered.  
Viktor is kinda known to be a gentleman, he is outwardly very polite and considerate and calls students “Miss” and “Mister” followed by their last names. Jayce on the other hand is way more nonchalant with others, he also forms friendships way quicker and tends to get teasy with others easier.
But Viktor can be just as teasy as Jayce just perhaps more verbally since he isn’t the person to get physical with others very quickly. 
He will sneakily poke your sides with his cane handle if you’re being too cheeky. (He knows the weak spots, believe me >:) Or to prevent you from walking away from him, when he’s sitting at his desk he will hook you in with his cane and pull you back with a “No, no, no, not so fast!”       
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eleanorbloom · 4 years
When You’re Ready Ch. 13
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Pairing: Bryce Lahela x f! MC (Eleanor Bloom) x Ethan Ramsey.
Word Count: 3.6k
Warning: Bit of angst and cursing.
A/N: Hello! This chapter is shorter than usual because I decided last minute that the last third fitted better in next chapter. Eleanor went really deep today trying to figure out her feelings, so, even if could seem a bit boring, it’s really important for the next two chapters.
I also wanna give a special thanks for all the support I’ve recieved from all my works! I can’t believe we are on chapter 13 already! When I updated my masterlist today I realized that this will be my 20th work publised here! 20 work in two and a half months. That’s a looooot 😲😲 So, thank all of you for your constant support and patience with my mistakes and my experimental writing. Currently this is not as difficult as it was in the first chapter, when I had no experience writing fiction in english, but now that I have more confidence, I’ve been experimenting with style and more elaborated words, metaphors  and situations, so thank you for your patience in this matter, I hope I find my voice and stick to a more stable style soon hehe.
BIG HUGS to all of you!! ❤❤
I hope you enjoy this new chapter!
Taglist @utterlyinevitable @binny1985 @shanzay44 @choicesficwriterscreations @laiba-the-person @starrystarrytrouble @lahellacute @lucy-268  @cinnamonspongecake @romewritingshop @bratzlahela​ @mckenzie-bae​ @mercury84choices​
Chapter 13. Million Reasons.
I’ve got a hundred million reasons to walk away
But baby, I just need one good one to stay.
 Tchaikovsky was almost inaudible among the horns and cars passing by the streets of Boston. It was hot for midday, and as much as the AC was the best way to mitigate the heat, Eleanor would always prefer the Bostonian wind percolating through the window at her side of the car.
She was lost in the people walking hurriedly through the sidewalks with who knows how many concerns, joys, and miseries, in a quick game of people-watching to shut her mind for a second. To forget she was alone with Ethan in his car on their way to the Harbor Marina. To ease the pit that she feels in her stomach every time she expects something from someone. A sign of useless hope, disappointment guaranteed. A pain of hope that would always turn into deception.  
And now, even with all past experiences, with all the painful conversations in mind and the heartbreaking goodbyes playing in her mind like a broken record, there she was, waiting for something from him again. Her biggest flaw always manifesting.
She could’ve avoided the trip, make an excuse, politely decline, but it would’ve been evidently unprofessional refusing to go with Ethan just after what had happened the day before. He would have known. He knew her enough to notice it. And if she wanted their working relationship back, she had to act professionally. Set an example. And the simpler way to go with it was asking Esme to check on her patients while she was away and then joining him in the parking lot at the agreed time.
She didn’t know what to expect, though. She didn’t even know if she should expect something from him at this point. Worry, apologies, more arguing, more recriminations.  
What she actually wanted was to confirm he wasn’t the asshole he was yesterday, that he didn’t mean what he said. That the man she still loved wasn’t this selfish and hurtful. But of course, she had to have in mind that the apologies may not come as she expected, or that they may never come.
But her desire wasn’t created out of nowhere. The moment she saw him this morning, she knew something was different. The cold glare, the conscious ignoring, the distance. There was none of that. Somehow, she felt like the wall between them had fallen. His eyes were looking at her differently, his demeanor towards her was soft, and even his voice wasn’t grave as it used to. But maybe it didn’t mean anything. He had just understood he couldn’t keep being this cold and unprofessional, and he was ending all that and now they would act as nothing happened. Like this almost two months didn’t happen, and they are two friendly colleagues.
“May I ask how are you doing? I’ve been worried about you after what happened yesterday.”—Ethan asked giving a quick glance at her.
Eleanor was taken aback. Although she was daydreaming with the best possibilities, she didn’t expect his words all of a sudden and decidedly mentioning the discussion they had yesterday.
 She turned her head to her left and stared at him defiantly, determined to not give in so easily, even if that conversation was all what she wanted.
“You were worried, really? Yesterday it didn’t seem.”
His shoulder slumped imperceptibly at her response, though he tried to remain imperturbable.
“I know. I know it looked like I didn’t care about what you were feeling, but at that moment, I felt… overwhelmed with everything.”
As Ethan didn’t continue, Eleanor turned her head forward, fixating her eyes on the car that was upfront them. After a few moments, she felt how Ethan glanced at her every few seconds.
“What’s wrong? Aren’t you gonna say anything?”—Ethan said after a minute of silence and no reply to his first question.
“Like what?”
“Like how are you doing? I told you I was overwhelmed at that moment, that’s why I reacted that way. But I am genuinely worried about you.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, I just had the stupid hope that you would explain why it was so overwhelming to you to the point of not giving a fuck about the mess I was. My bad.”
“And what should I say?”
“For god’s sake, Ethan.”—She snapped in a jaded tone.—That’s something you should know considering what happened yesterday. If you think you did something wrong, of course, ‘cause if you think that you were all good all the time, there’s nothing left to talk”
 “I…”—He stopped as the words couldn’t come out of his mouth.
A brief moment later Ethan parked in the Harbor Marina, and Eleanor didn’t even wait a second after Ethan turned the engine off, to get out the car and walk to the spot where Caroline Bloom indicated the yacht would be parked. After a minute, Ethan appeared behind her with the ultrasound in tow, just as she found Leland and Caroline talking with a group of people on the deck of the yacht.
“Ah, Doctors! Just in time! We’re about to set sail.”—Leland greeted as Eleanor and Ethan stepped in the boat.
“Where can we set up. Mr. Bloom? Somewhere private is best”—Eleanor asked motioning her head to the machine.
“Later, later, I was in the middle of an important discussion and I’d like to finish it before you resume your poking and prodding.”—He chuckled at the incredulity on Ethan’s face, and then added: —“Relax, make yourself at home. I’ll be with you as soon as I can”
Ethan tried to stop him, but Eleanor spoke before he could say anything.
“We're on a boat, Ethan.”—She pointed with obviousness.—“He’s not going anywhere, and it’s not like Tobias can sneak ahead of us while we’re here.”
And without expecting a word from him, Eleanor turned around and walked to the opposite side of the boat looking for a quiet spot to sit in and take in the stunning view that was forming as the yacht navigated across the sea.  
Soon she got absorbed by the deep blue ocean in front of her, the saline smell, the brisk air, and the luxury of the quietness, feeling free from all the noises, smog, and the suffocating heat of that summer afternoon.
Those involving feelings made her wonder how different it felt from the fragment of the sea she was swimming yesterday evening. It was the same sea, the Atlantic Ocean, boarding the same city, Boston, with only a dozen miles away, but still, it made her feel so different.
How the depth could add so much beauty, when it is so terrifying and risky the farthest you are from the shore, from the safety zone? Because the farthest it is, the more mysteries and dangers can be found inside.  
How much you can find if you jump and dive into the immensity of the ocean, with equal parts of wonders and terrors waiting for you at the bottom of the sea? Is it worth the risk?  Or it’s better contemplating from above or just from the safety zone?
Soon she realized that the same question applies to people. The deepest connections come with baggage, unknown baggage. Equal parts of wonders and terrors, or maybe more terrors than wonders or the other way around. It’s unknown, but most of the time, jumping and diving into the depth of a person, between their fears, traumas, manias, dreams, feelings, could worth any risk, even if it’s a pure gamble.
Did that apply to what made her love Ethan? She had been looking for the answer for months, even in the oddest and more impossible places and situations, and today it wasn’t any different. Maybe the water had the answer. 
Was it the sense of deepness?  Since the beginning, they had a deep connection, even if it wasn’t romantic at first. Ethan understood her way to see life, her passion for medicine, and to help as many people as she could. And she, in return, could understand that he drives his life by a series of principles, that the medicine and the people come always first. But how deep she knew him actually? It was inches from the shore? Feet? Miles? Was she willing to go for miles away from the shore and jump in? Take the risk of getting to know the deepness of his heart, with hall his pains, frustrations, limits, and flaws?
And what about Bryce? She couldn’t help but think about how poorly she knew him on the inside at first, even when they began dating. She knew his charms, his strengths, his qualities, his capacity, but never knew his fears, his flaws, his failures, his deepest regrets. And now she knew him. Since she met Keiki, everything changed, and the missing part that stopped her from loving Bryce on another lever was filled like a jigsaw. He used to show her exactly how he felt. Tired, scared, angry, sad, jealous, all of it. And that was an important component to love a person unconditionally, fully. To fall in love. Something that she had found difficult before Bryce let her in. And now she could say with all honestly that there wasn’t a single part of him that she didn’t like.
The deepness… Something she had always been craving but maybe never knew what it meant. Past friends and lovers made her believe she found it. But it wasn’t. She thought she found it with Ethan. Hard not to. It was a grown-up man, smart and curious. He always had a way to push her and understand all her motives and what drove her in life, so it gave her the sense that that was the deepness she had always been looking for. But now that she has met a new kind of deepness with Bryce she had to wonder: Was it what she was looking for? That’s what she wanted in love? Or Bryce had had the answer all along?
She was so immersed in the profundity of her thoughts that didn’t hear the steps approaching her until Ethan stood by her side and offered her a lemonade.
“Oh. Thank you”—She said startled, looking at him for a brief moment before turning her eyes to the front again.
Ethan cleared his throat and imitated her, fixating his eyes on the water swiveling in front of them.
“I knew there was something between Lahela and you.”—He said after a few minutes of silence.—“I heard rumors, and even Naveen told me he had seen you with him, but I couldn’t believe it, I didn’t want to believe they were true. I thought you were having a fling with him and nothing more than that. He does seem like the guy with whom you just… sleep with and have nothing serious.”
“Wow, even you get carry away with reputations, looks, and prejudices? You of all people, Ethan?”
She turned to face him, changing the cobalt of the sea for the sky blue of his orbs. It was an act of bravery. His eyes still managed to make her feel weak. There were too many memories linked to those beautiful sky eyes.  
“I have to admit that I did. That’s why I couldn’t believe it, and that’s why yesterday I reacted that way. I couldn’t understand that you were so naïve to be with a man that was just using you. I could have never imagined that he…  that he could be serious about you and be deserving of you.”
“The number of sexual partners of a person doesn’t say anything about them. You can’t judge a person by that.”
“It’s not the number, or what does he do with his life, it’s just that he seemed to be a person who can’t commit and respect you, so I was worried he might be fooling you.”
Eleanor snorted.
“You talking about commitment? Oh, god, you cannot be serious.”
“Why not?”
“You have no idea what commitment is. You always ran at the slightest idea of commitment when I mentioned it.”
“That’s because I know my faults. I took a step back because I know what I could and couldn’t give you, and I thought he couldn’t give you enough.”
Eleanor looked around, checking if there were people near that could hear their agitated conversation, even if she was trying to be as discreet as she could be.
“You thought, you thought.”—She repeated, irritated—“You just assumed things, but never cared to ask. If you were so worried about me, why the fuck you never asked me what was going on?”
“Because it wasn’t my place to do it.”
“Oh, but yesterday you did seem to have a place to say all that crap about Bryce.”
“I know. That was very disrespectful. I shouldn’t have interfered in your private life like this”
“Disrespectful?! Really, Ethan? You insulted my boyfriend in my face. You told lies about him in front of me when you didn’t even dare to confirm your suppositions. That wasn’t unrespectful, it was hurtful, selfish, and cruel because you didn’t do it just once, you did it twice.”
He sighed and his shoulder slumped as if he felt defeated at the mention of the word boyfriend coming out of her mouth. As if he had been still in denial, but there was nothing left to deny now.
“I know, it would have been better if I asked you, but… We were nothing to ask you something so personal. I was just your boss and your colleague.”
“Are you sure about that, Ethan? Because let me remind you that aside from all the Gwyneth thing, you ignored me from the moment you started suspecting I was dating Bryce, because yeah, I always knew you were suspecting. So, you weren’t acting just like my boss, you were my jealous ex-something who ruined my first months in the Diagnostics Team just because you were a coward that didn’t have the balls to face the truth, as always.”
Ethan stared at her ruefully. He wasn’t capable of saying anything, but the least he could do was nod and accept her accusations.
The uncomfortable look lingered only a couple of seconds before they were interrupted by Leland Bloom announcing that he was ready to let them examine him.
An hour later, after spending the rest of the trip chatting with Caroline about her husband and the possible missing information about his symptoms, and socializing with the rest of the guests, Ethan and Eleanor got in the car as soon as they put a foot in the Harbor Marina.
A few minutes after Ethan drove onto the main highway, he broke the silence between them for the third time.
“I’ve been thinking about why I never asked you about Lahela.”—He started— “And the truth is that I didn’t know how to deal with the fact that you could love someone else.”
She felt a lump inside her stomach as she noticed how painful those words were for him. How much he didn’t want to say them. How much he hated to be in that position. 
“Ethan…”—She whispered, completely moved by his vulnerability. –“But why? Why you let me go if you weren’t sure you wanted that in the first place?”
“It was the only thing that I could do, Eleanor. I wasn’t ready, and I think I’ll never be ready to let you go, but I had to do it for your own good.”—He scratched the back of his head— “I could’ve never imagined that it would hurt so much seeing you moving on so easily.”
She gave him a humorless smile even when he wasn’t looking at her.
“It hasn’t been easy, Ethan. I have a constant fight inside my head, every day. You have no idea how scared I am at the possibility of breaking the heart of the only person that has given me everything, and the constant guilt of not being able to love him the way he deserves. It’s a nightmare, and has been hell after you indirectly started blaming me for doing something I only did for me, because I needed to heal after you left."
“You’re right. I’m sorry, Eleanor. I know I shouldn’t have made it more difficult than already was. I was so selfish.”
Eleanor shook her head, incredulous.
When Ethan parked outside Edenbrook, Eleanor turned to him.
“Why, Ethan? Why you always have to get to the point where all that’s left is your apologies? I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, it’s all you know. I’m always forgiving you, and I’m tired of that. When will be the time when you won’t get to the point of hurting me, of avoiding say you’re sorry and just… do the right thing?”
He couldn’t say anything. 
His posture stiffened as he closed both hands on the steering wheel until his knuckles went white. She was right and he couldn’t hold how angry he was at himself anymore.
“Listen.”—She said in a conciliatory tone. —“This hasn’t been easy for any of us, that’s a fact. We both have our ways to deal with the pain. I chose to do it by giving myself the chance to love again, because someone offered me a way out, knowing perfectly well what I had been through and respecting my boundaries and my fears. You chose to do it the worst way. With denial, jealousy, and selfishness. It was wrong but now is your chance to make it up by leaving us in the past and by being the boss, the colleague I need, but no more than that.”
He nodded.
“Eleanor…”—He took her hand before she could get out of the car.—“I understand what you’re asking me, is what you truly deserve but… I need to know if... that’s really what you want?”
She faced him again
“Why is it important now? You never cared about what I wanted, only what was ‘good’ for me.”
“I know, but maybe I’ve realized that I was wrong. That there are more important things that what I consider good for you.”
“I think is too late for that.”
“Is it really too late? Even if you’re still in love with me?”
Her eyes widened for a second when she felt a shiver down her spine. She never thought he would react that fast. Maybe he knew he was racing against time. He wasted so much time these months and he had to act quickly.
What was happening, was something she had dreamed for weeks since he left, and maybe a couple of times since he was back; but now she didn’t know how to react. What to feel. What to expect. It was confusing. Bittersweet. Because it felt wrong. He couldn’t open the door to Ethan just like that, even if Bryce had ‘allowed’ her to, because those weren’t the circumstances she had imagined. However, that’s what she got, and she had to take charge of her choice.
What she was about to say had a mixture of feelings. She couldn't deny that there was hope, but it wasn’t the same as the hope she had four months ago when he left.  It was clouded with fear, the fear of making the same mistake again, and it was tinted with the feeling that she was doing something wrong. Maybe, deep inside, she didn't want to do it, but she felt like it was her last resource.
And the other feeling was… Bravery, she knew opening the door would help her to put in order her feelings, just as Bryce told her the day before. If she let Ethan be the man she loved, maybe there was a chance to know if she was willing to jump the ship and dive into the deepness of his wonders and terrors. She sensed that only getting to know him as he really was, would, at last, find out if she still loved him or she was just trapped to a part of Ethan that only existed in her memory.
It was risky, it would be hard, but that was what she probably needed to end all this tiring process. In any case, it was just open the door to possibility, but not to let him in.
“Maybe not.”
He couldn’t help but smile with relief.
“Don’t get your hopes too high, though”—She added—“I’m still with Bryce and I won’t break up with him just because maybe you gonna try to make things work out between us.”
She was opening the door, but she wouldn’t make things easy for him. Bryce hadn’t had things easy with her and took a big risk. She wouldn’t let that Ethan think he had some sort of advantage just because she was in love with him. If he wanted her, he’ll have to strive.
“I understand.”
“Okay, anything else? Because I’m done with this situation.”
“Just one more thing.”
He stared at her for a few seconds, trying to transmit sincerity and regret.
“I’m really sorry about what happened yesterday, Eleanor. For how I made you feel and what I said about Lahela. That was totally out of line and wrong. I shouldn’t have let it affect me this bad, but it did, and I hurt you on the way. I am sorry. I know you don’t want to hear any more apologies, but you deserved a better apology than what I gave you earlier. I hope this is the last time.”
Eleanor remained silent for a few seconds, thinking. She was done with grudges and fights. She got what she wanted and had no intention to prolong the bad relationship between them. After all, she always knew Ethan wasn’t bad on the inside. But he made mistakes and he’ll have to live with them, at least until he proved with facts that he was really sorry, and those weren’t empty words as usual.
“I accept them, but don’t expect things to go back like they were before.”
He nodded with somber eyes.
 A moment later, she got out of the car without looking back. 
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vilcade · 5 years
Personal Case.2 highlights
putting it under read more because as it can be expected, it’s lengthy~ (also ofc contains spoilers)
exercising and slightly messed up haired Sugo~
finally seeing Sugo’s quarters (HE HAS A HYDROPONIC GARDEN WHAT EVEN, amazing)
“senpai :D ^^”
Sugo’s absolutely soft faces during Rin’s speech HOW WERE THEY ALLOWED
Otomo being an absolute charmer when it comes to his dear wife :3
Rin looking absolutely adorable after Yoshida teased her. she had no right to be so cute!
Otomo using Sugo’s first name when sparring :’))
“SHIMASEN YO! >.<”</li>
Sugo and Otomo whispering about Fukita during BRIEFING, like yo you are in the very first row, lol
Sugo biting his lip while Otomo saying his goodbyes then his shocked reaction when being told about Rin’s pregnancy
Mr. “DON’T BE ANGRY CAPTAIN IT’S NOT MY DECISION D:” Mechanic and Sugo’s “mattaku”, like okay, we do know he can be scary when angry so i guess the mechanic(s) can’t be blamed lol
“why are you following me?” baby YOU ARE A SUSPECT, think. i love your illogical head when in distress okay
Sugo being like “do not touch! >.> D:” but not pulling away from Masaoka’s touch in the end bless
Sugo turning his eyes away as a reaction to Masaoka’s “Your Hue is getting worse and worse day after day” note and Masaoka looking concerned and Risa saying “This is for your own good” in a gentle voice i’m :’)) he doesn’t bite he’s just sad and in distress and i’m glad they saw through this
Rin voicing her doubts about Sugo being fit to be a soldier. same, girl, same
intensely protective Sugo raising his voice at Masaoka when said person was implying some suspicion towards Rin, wonderful close-ups on his face + bonus: Risa not being phased by it at all despite sitting next to him haha
Sugo acting like a sad scolded puppy when Masaoka saying he couldn’t gather anything from the talk at Rin’s place because of a certain stubborn person flaring up at him, i LOVE 
Sugo’s “:o” faces in the car starting from the moment Masaoka says he’s sure Sugo isn’t a suspect until they reach Sae’s house, he’s so confused, bless
Risa stretching and smiling beautifully in the car when talking about Masaoka with Sugo, she is just gorgeous D:
Sugo’s faces while Gino was yelling at Masaoka and Risa was trying to protect Masaoka, wonderful first impression of Gino for Sugo lmao
Gino: “what is a soldier doing here? >.>” Sugo: “D: I’m…” #mustprotecc
Sugo rushing off to his own doom BUT POLITELY 
Sugo raising his voice again but now at someone who freaking deserves it, too bad he ends up in a torture seat after, oops
poor Sarutobi getting the Hasuike treatment of looking like a decent lively guy and dying horribly, why (still a highlight for pain purposes tho hehe)
Masaoka: “How’s your eye?” Sugo: “It’s fine… ” T_T
Sugo’s slight voice wavering when asking if Otomo is really alive :’))
Risa smiling shortly at Masaoka telling Sugo about his personal safe house unknown to the CID, lmao. she’s absolutely chill. i love her so much
Sugo checking on the dead soldier like the good boi he is
Sugo working with Masaoka and Risa perfectly after giving hand signals, i love a good team~
Otomo: “you still don’t know anything.” Sugo would have been better off not knowing anything tbh oof but do I always love lines like this, YES
Sugo deciding that Otomo really crossed the line with hurting his new teammates and absolutely not holding back both in his expression and punches UH-HUH good stuff
Sugo defeating AI!Otomo with a headlock, just like Otomo defeated him in the beginning of movie, NICE
“you killed lots of people at once” robot!Otomo did you really have to go this hard yo 
the freaking hand grab, now that was painful to see also the falling to his knees part? eep PAINFUL BUT SO GOOD
rogue Rin looking absolutely gorgeous D: when she started crying, thinking she finally fulfilled her mission tho - ow and then ofc her death WHY
… but i always wanted to see Sugo cry tho so there’s that at least 😭 
“Rin…!” 😭
Sugo giving a little laugh of disbelief when Masaoka saying he’d be a good detective then going back to serious when hearing today’s detectives and their dependency on machines and their decisions. (gulp, Risa. :( ) 
Sugo acting like he’s okay but his sad faces giving his true state away 💔
naturally, Sugo and Masaoka sharing the brandy :’) now i just need a short scene with Sugo and Gino doing the same while discussing the old man or living with regrets and moving on, pls staff i’m begging you
Sugo “my face can’t hide my distrust but I’m still polite at least” Teppei when declining Frederica’s offer
Sugo echoing Masaoka’s words about feeling the justice and conviction in the detective job :’)
Frederica’s “But I expect you to change your mind” line to Sugo, like mm, maybe leave my son where he is, mind you, he’s just fine under Akane finally doing what he feels is right~! too bad Akane is locked up now or something what is happening and what Sugo is doing now oh no
lastly: Sugo’s antennae blowing in the wind x’D
100/10 movie BYE
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misadventureswitht · 7 years
Something smells fishy here....
Well guys, it finally happened.  
After 3 years of online dating, I was finally *gulps* CATFISHED!!!!  Grab a seat and lemme tell you what happened…
So Friday evening a guy sends me a message.  Very sweet and kind of original, so I responded.  No, I did not find him super attractive, but I was at home bored… so why not?  We messaged back and forth over the weekend.  He made me laugh and seemed to get my sense of humor.  The conversation was flowing smoothly, so on Sunday afternoon when he wrote:
“Hey, I like you. Would you like to meet up for a movie tonight?”
I thought to myself again, sure! Why not?  Yes, it was pretty fast and I didn’t know much about him, but I liked that he was direct.  After messaging some guys for 2 weeks who never make a plan, this was a welcomed change.
From here, things took an immediate turn for the worse…
We exchange numbers and he starts texting me.  I said something silly and he responded “hehe”… Ummmmmmmm eww!  I was annoyed.  A man saying “hehe”?!  Gross. Now I’m having a battle in my mind like *Am I overreacting?  Maybe I’m overreacting…  Everyone has different sayings they like.  Hehe isn’t far from haha Tiara, it’s okay!* I convinced myself that I was easily annoyed because Aunt Flo was on her way to town, so I brushed it off. But really….. ewwwww….
We confirm the venue, movie, and time we’ll be meeting up (Fate of the Furious, West Hell, TX, and 5:45).  I dozed off since I had an hour to spare (my version of Sunday Funday) and wake up to 3 messages.  From him.  But, whatevs.  No biggie.  First message: screenshot confirming ticket purchase.  Cool.  Second message (15 mins later): “U coming?”  Sir.  We already discussed this.  Chill.  Third Message (another 15 mins later): “Sooooo…”  Listen pal.  RELAX.  I responded that I’d meet him there and received the reply “U sure?”.
Annoyance.  I’ve told you twice.  I wanted to cancel right then, but… *insert bleeding heart Tiara* I thought about him already purchasing the tickets… He’s just nervous.  Or is it insecurity?  Never going out with him if he’s insecure.  Been there, done that, no can fix!  I ask why he asked if I’m sure and says “Haha, No reason.  Are you hungry?”.  Smart move fella.  Smart move.
He already knows that food can fix almost any of my problems
He distracted me from questioning him about whether he had insecurity issues
He offered to feed me, which I learned on my last date with a guy from the same site, isn’t always guaranteed… but that’s a story for another time
Fast forward through several more messages, him calling to see where I was wayyyyyy before I needed to leave the house (dude, I’m really coming), and me getting ready, to me in the car.  I’m speeding because I’m me, which means I’m late.  I pull up at the theater and let him know I’m parking.  He tells me what he’s wearing and I do the same so that we can identify one another.  He’s wearing a Texans shirt and blue jeans.  Me?  Glad ya asked  :)  I’m wearing cute semi-torn jeans, a cute top with big gold elephant earrings and Foxy (my fro) is looking as healthy and big as she ever has.  I even painted each of my 5 eyelashes, so I looked like somebody.  Somebody gawgeous and sexy!  First impressions, right??  
This should have been super easy.  Buuuuuuuuuuuut I stood in the lobby, scanning and scanning and I couldn't find him.  I felt like I could feel someone staring at me, so turned to look in that direction.  I scanned again and again, and I finally saw him.  Alllllllll of him.  Well, let’s just say that someone forgot to mention that they’d gained a bit of weight since their last photo update.   He stood there and waved in his well- worn Texans t-shirt and dingy, baggy, floor-dragging jeans.  Really sir???  Who are you and the 3 friends you consumed???  This is all the effort you put into meeting me???  Friends say I should have left right then, or told him off about not using a current photo of himself, but *inserts bleeding heart Tiara* I couldn’t bring myself to make an already awkward situation any worse.  So I smiled:
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He gave me a half hug and turned to hand me the food and drinks he bought for me.  Mind racing, I numbly followed him to the theater and to our seats and sat down.  Thankfully, the previews were already on, so no talking!  We watched the movie, and it was a pretty good, action packed one.  He offered to share his food and M&Ms with me a few times, but I politely declined.  When the movie finally ended, he walked me out to my car and we had a few seconds of small talk until I reminded him that I needed to get home and wash my hair.  (I’d already told him about washing my hair earlier that day before he asked to take me out)  He half hugged me again and thanked me for coming.   He was very sweet through the entire thing.  Sweet or not, I was pissed that the person I’d been talking to online was not who showed up.  
I couldn’t even make it out of the parking lot before calling my bestie to vent!  She and her boyfriend shared a few tips to help me prevent being catfished again, but nothing can really stop someone who is determined  (as we’ve seen on the TV show).  At least I can laugh about it now!  Moral of the story: ahhhh forget it.  I’m not gonna learn much from this.  Just gonna let the tragedies occur so I can keep telling yall about it.  
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