#so i was just kinda confused at why me saying im gonna wear a corset and go to the gym was like... an issue? i guess???
drivemysoul · 2 years
Okay going to the gym is healthy I didn’t know that’s what you were doing I’m sorry
it's fine
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phlox238 · 3 years
here, take my lake and jesse (also sometimes nate) headcanons
this is just me putting down whatever comes to mind when i think of these 3 idiots, it doesn't really tie together at all
it's mostly of lake sjfjskfk, and im probably gonna keep adding onto this as stuff comes to mind
lake is nonbinary, no questions asked. i hc her as a she/they nonbinary because y'all don't get enough rep akfndkfm
i like to think jesse is pansexual and lake is bisexual
in school, lake is the quiet kid that you're very intimidated of, but when you get to know her she's like the best friend ever. they'll beat your ass if you so much as touch one of her friends
lake almost exclusively wears cargo pants and ripped t-shirts/hoodies with boots. but one time, they wore a corset and jesse almost fucking died
jesse usually tries to get them to hang out with his friends, and at first she wasn't too into it, but eventually they've just become part of the group and they all hang out a lot (NOT jesse's shitty friends though)
i saw someone else say this and i had to include it: lake can eat almost anything, so jesse dares her to eat various not-food things. one time they ate a glass bottle
whenever she wants a haircut, lake steals (borrow) jesse's dad's sander and go to town, usually jesse helps style her hair. more often than not it's short. her hair is kinda like rlly thin wires, so it's easy to style, but brushes don't rlly work
for a while after getting off the train she still has a fear of reflective surfaces, they try to hide it but ofc jesse notices and he helps her through it
lake, jesse and nate LOVE minecraft, they play it together often and watch a lot of minecraft videos
lake really likes going out at night, and sometimes they wake up in the middle of the night and gets jesse to sneak out to take a walk or whatever other trouble they could get up to. jesse never really wants to bc sleep is good but he enjoys spending time with lake so he goes anyway
a couple years after the train nate comes out as gay and they're so fucking supportive of him :))
every time someone asks why lake is made of metal, they give a different explanation. ("i was grown in a lab" "why are you not made of metal?" "its uhh...LARPing..." "i'm not made of metal, what do you mean?")
lake likes to draw and paint sometimes !! and she always gets jesse to do it with them, they like to paint landscapes
jesse tried to help them swim one time by attaching as many floaty things as he could to her, and it kinda worked, but it takes so much work that they don't to it much
since jesse had actual proof of the train (lake and the pictures he took in the train) it was MUCH easier to explain it to his parents, although it took him ages to explain it because his parents were very confused
in that moment where they both got off the train finally and when lake chooses her name, them and jesse hug :)
when jesse gets a car, he buys a deer hood ornament bc of alan dracula
lake and jesse are like. really dumb. and when they're together (which is most of the time) their dumbness combines
im pretty sure owen said that lake doesn't grow as she ages but !! in my brain they do >:(
at some point they meet tulip, not sure why or how but they do and they basically become siblings
there wasn't really a big moment where lake and jesse confessed their crushes on each other, it was just kinda just gradual as they got older. they slowly started being more and more affectionate with each other as the years passed, and one night on one of their little escapades lake decided to kiss jesse out of nowhere. from then on, they were partners (in crime)
this won't leave my brain...jesse is a bottom,,
take one good look at lake and tell me they don't exude MAJOR top energy
i don't know how that ^ would work and im not gonna think about it
lake comes to all of jesse's swim meets where he does the things HE enjoys and shes just like *proud partner noises*
they cuddle w/ each other at night but lake has a tendency to spread out all over the bed and like. jesse gets trapped under her heavy ass limbs sometimes
that's all for now
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matoitech · 4 years
is there anything about the character designs you would make? like changes to their outfits build etc? (not including aina's whole outfit i think most of us wanna change it)
ohh good question.. i don’t think or know a whole lot abt character design (tho i’d love to see other ppl who r smarter abt it talk abt it 👀) but hmm.. lets think abt this.. im prob gonna miss some things ive thought of in the past buut heres a few
id change varys and vulcans designs for obvious reasons. esp vulcan god. i guess i get what they were going for w varys trying to go w ‘american cartoon’ style thats a common character design but that doesnt make it NOT racist, esp when both main Black chars look similar like that.
i’d decide on like heights and builds to Stick With and draw them looking the same way mostly lol. galo as relatively muscular like hes drawn in official art but like 5′8 maybe (thats what he is in my head) compared to lios canon 5′2 (short kings need rep <3). and aina is taller than galo in my head at like 5′10 to 6 ft smth so i think thats a good idea :) the women r typically drawn w less extreme shoulder to waist ratios than galo and lio which i find funny and kinda transgender so id keep that in lol
and give them organs. like i know its stylization but can we get some fat on these people
top surgery scars for galo (and lio if u wanna have some explanation for how he got top surgery on the run lmao? fire surgery? or he just has tiddies) bc theyre a rly obvious easy way to make a character trans. just like, stuff like that for various characters whatever way the gender transes. if /i/ was making promare anyway. if trigger was then i dont trust like that beyond post op scars tho
i think some of the outfits aren’t rly cohesive but that’s kinda part of the charm. especially for lucias since she looks like she stole from a hot topic which fits her character. id give her baggy pants though, like, if u keep her running around in a sports bra at work, big baggy pants would b a fun contrast, like winry fma style. also why is she wearing goggles and a gas mask. im like, okay with it, you do you lucia, im just confused <3
yes galo runs around half naked but its not treated the same way aina is treated w her outfit so yeah like. outfit changes w that. if the women all wear like crop tops then so should the men. equality.
actually thats a good idea. consider galo and lios shirts (lios under the jacket) but theyre like crop tops. genius. maybe if men showed a little more skin (i say as galo dresses like That)
but yeah can we like talk about how ainas outfit makes no practical sense. neither does galos but again, difference in treatment. i like her leather jacket though!
galo would have a prosthetic arm instead of a sleeve just cuz it would b better imo <3 also other ppl have mentioned this but he would prob realistically lose his arm after getting shot w the ice gun on it
if galo has a prosthetic arm i dont mind kray having one too honestly since both the hero and villain do, BUT i still think making kray b a disabled villain was shitty so
heris and remi have kind of boring basic designs to me but since i think thats like.. intentional maybe? its like. Fine. neither of them deserve cool designs.
there was one version of lios design where he had an off the shoulder shirt and a corset and im not like saying he should wear that bc it isnt rly practical but at the same time. what a look
honestly idk i mostly like the character designs beyond just some things to change up a bit! i like what they did with like the mix of anime and the american cartoon palettes they were going for. theres probably some things im forgetting, but just in general i dont RLY want to change anything, bc i think the designs of galo and lio in particular are pretty good and they look good together. one time i saw someone say they were gonna redesign galo to make him look not boring and then he looked like an asshole and i was upset -_- he is perfect leave my man alone
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