#so i thought id share cuz this suuuuucks
cyphyree · 1 year
"wow wildfire air in my house sucks to breathe" -so true bestie.
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This is a diy air purifier, haven't tried this myself so i can't speak for its effectiveness, but a quick Google search told me that diy corsi-rosenthal boxes are a thing.
Alternatively, if it's affordable and accessible, this is the air purifier model I got (using amazon link just cuz that's the easiest for me to pinpoint which model it was). It's good for allergens and dust too.
If you're shopping for an air purifier, or any filters, I heard to make sure you get the TRUE HEPA filters, not just HEPA. My teacher suffered from intense allergies and lung sensitivities so they had to get the right air purifier for him, and he let me know that there's a difference between HEPA and True HEPA -- he recommends True HEPA. But after doing a bit more digging, there's some discussion whether "True" HEPA is an actual improvement or just a marketing gimmick. So researching what works and is accessible for you is the way to go.
When circulating the air, make sure your windows are closed so that you don't draw more smokey air from outside.
From my experience, air purifiers tend to make the air very dry. If you have a humidifier, don't use it and the purifier at the same time, which makes both of them less effective. Instead, rotate their usage so that they run one at a time.
At the end of the day, do make sure you do your own research, but I hope this at least helps a bit
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