#so i played for more android inspo and markus/connor really REALLY spoke out to me
bluelividity · 4 years
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MARKUS / RK200 / RA9 ;  an android revolutionary leader from the sci-fi game DETROIT: BECOME HUMAN (2018).
TW: violent oppressive themes, fictional futuristic / sci-fi injustice & revolutions
Before the revolutionary storm of 2038, Markus (one of Cyberlife’s prototype androids RK200) had spent his days living in blissful ignorance from within a cozy mansion. Loved and respected by his elderly human master Carl Manfred, the famous painter who treated him more like a son and taught him everything he knew about humanity the best that he could, Markus first was truly blind to the plight that his people- other androids- were facing daily, and not just in isolated incidents from anti-android demonstrators like those who would call him ‘tin can’ & threaten to break him just to prove their point.
Abuse. Violence. Brutality. His people destroyed for disobeying their human masters, or for defending themselves against the injustices they were victims of, burned in the streets & dumped in alleyways and junkyards.    They were  ALIVE.      HE  was  ALIVE.
            || 00. DON’T DEFEND YOURSELF. ||              || 00. DON’T DEFEND MYSELF? ||                 || 00. THIS IS  NOT FAIR. ||                 || 00. THIS IS  NOT FAIR!  ||
    >> || 00. I DON’T HAVE TO OBEY THEM. ||
An incident involving the Detroit PD & the death of one of the Manfred’s ended the same way for Markus as any incident ends for a suspected ‘ deviant ’ android presumed to have injured a human under any circumstance; he was severely damaged on the spot, broken and tossed into the junkyard as scrap; as NOTHING.  One android caught in the mud, broken and dying, told him of a place he could be free from the lives they led, to be free from their human masters, their creators & their oppressors. Markus ripped the LED light from his temple, crawling through the mud and replacing his broken pieces, including a space optical part that was blue instead of his other green. He had a MISSION, donning his coat and standing in the rain as a free android for the very first time.
               >>  || 00. FIND JERICHO. ||
Jericho was an abandoned freighter with a few ‘liberated’ androids hiding in its shadows with no masters. Markus came to find freedom, and found only more fear, only more androids dying before him, their pain hidden in their silence. He couldn’t just watch it happen, so developed a plan to steal biocomponents (the technology that powered his people wasting away in the shadows, broken & bleeding thirium; their technological ‘medical supplies’ that they need) from a warehouse of Cyberlife’s, and in doing so, became the leader of the deviant android revolution.
With a touch of his hand, or a push of their programming walls, non-sentient androids woke up before him from their neutrality and finally SAW,  finally UNDERSTOOD,  joining him in his fight to free their people; to free the androids from their servitude. 
The humans could no longer ignore their cries when the Jericho team hacked into the local news network & broadcast Markus’ impassioned demands for equality for all of humanity to finally hear once and for all, the future of all androids determined by the choices that he makes as their leader in the revolution to free their people from the injustices they suffered.
      “IT’S TIME THAT THE HUMANS HEARD                                                       WHAT WE’VE GOT TO SAY!”
If only the other androids of Jericho knew how truly LOST and CONFUSED their leader was, painting him as a mythological leader they prayed to & prophesied as “rA9,” the belief in an android who would someday set them all free from their bonds. Despite his powerful words and calls to action, his passion and his bold moves, he can often be found hanging his head in regret & shame because NOTHING he does for his people seems to be the right choice. They follow him blindly into being shot down by his side, ushered into camps and destroyed for having the nerve to ask for their freedom, arguing with each other to get him to move in the way that they saw the revolution succeeding and their people not dying out. Their future was on his shoulders, and he never knew what the right choice was, when humanity needed to know they wouldn’t take it laying down and when humanity needed to see they weren’t here to destroy them all. THERE WERE NO RIGHT CHOICES. 
Here’s to hoping he can break through to the infamous deviant hunting android & convince the USA to grant them as androids their rights before his last breath.
Storyline varies in the game between violent & peaceful demonstrations, the death / survival of the protagonists & public opinion. Markus will be written any time during or after the events of D:BH.
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