#so i must make it a primary part of their characterization in this AU bcs its my world and i do what i can
skitskatdacat63 · 1 month
misc lore drop day 28/?
Gah this has been the focus of my last two posts so this will probably end up being me just rehashing the same things BUT. I don't care, it's my post. I'm just so endeared to the idea of intense arguing being vettonso's special thing(irl, but specifically in this au.) Again, to anyone else, it comes off as very aggressive and worrying. Like wow they really aren't getting along well, is this marriage gonna crash and burn before it even really begins? Whenever they start up, people worry they're gonna have to pull them apart like fighting dogs. But, no. It's their thing! They don't get at all why everyone around them gets nervous. You call it arguing, they call it a passionate debate , a conversation even. I would use the word “friendly," but they would probably get annoyed at that. The ladies doth protest too much, methinks…
It's very interesting too how they personally view it though. Clearly it's a point of familiarity, and something they can bond over. They also fiercely defend their right to argue, I mean debate, and absolutely HATE when anyone tells them to lay off the other, like "Hey woah we're having a debate here, if you can't handle the heat, get out of the hearth." If anyone tried to get involved and defend one of them or something, said person would get annoyed at the intrusion. Imagine someone butting in and being like, “hey stop being so rude to the Emperor, this is so disrespectful!” Seb in return would yell at them, “HEY DID I SAY YOU COULD SPEAK!? WE’RE HAVING A PRIVATE CONVO RN!” Ignoring the fact they’re talking so loud that people across the continent could hear it. But, at the same time, as I said, they would deny it to an insane decree if anyone, god forbid, accused them of actually getting along.  
They're both very argumentative, demanding, opinionated people. This is obviously very hard for most people to deal with. Like, oh my god, stop turning everything into an argument, I’m just trying to make polite conversation! They've spent a lot of their lives leading up to their courtship sulking because no one will fully engage them in the way they desperately want to. Even when people do, it’s way too passive, and just ends up getting uncomfortable. Also, they hang around a bunch of yes-men most of the time so it makes sense why they aren’t getting too challenged, because it would be extremely discourteous. But then they majorly enter each other’s lives. I like to imagine it begins with one of them making an innocuous statement like "I prefer blue to red." The other can't help himself from saying "um actually red is superior bcs of xyz." And he's smacking themselves in the head internally, like oh god, he's gonna start bitching, isn’t he? Not that either of them really care deeply about offending other people, but rather it's such a hassle when the other person isn't willing to debate, and goes on and on about how irritating it is. Like damn okay, coward, I don't need your whole spiel about it. But then the other man gets a glimmer in his eye, and goes along with it. Boom. Fireworks.
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