#so i mostly just avoided emailing him
tkbrokkoli · 2 months
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doitforbangchan · 7 months
All Bark and No Bite 11
Masterlist /Series masterlist
Chan x reader (y/n) x ot8
ABO!Nonidol!SKZ Alternate Universe
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Series Warnings: Fem reader, Smut, verryyyy nsfw, chan x reader, OT8 x reader, A/B/O, m/m/f smut, possessive! SKZ, possessive! Reader, anxiety and depression, reader is a CRYBABY, fluff, angst, virgin!reader,  cursing, violence, pet names, dom/sub dynamics, Sub reader x mostly dom SKZ, misogyny and sexism, Ateez are depicted as terrible people (sorry Atiny!) 
Chapter warnings: Smut, unprotected sex (p in v), kissing, suggestive, crying, cursing, fingering, biting, hair pulling, dubcon?, subspace, HardDom!Chan, SoftDom!Felix, fluff, angst, anxiety, manipulation, unbalanced power dynamics, and probably more but idk let me know This one ain't as sweet as the last few
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In a strange turn of events, it seems Chan woke up before you did this time. Not that you were complaining; especially when you awoke to him running his warm fingers over your mating mark absentmindedly, feeling the indented skin. Every little touch felt like electricity coursing through you, as if the zaps were bringing you back to life. Overall it was a very pleasant way to wake up. 
His hand that wasn’t touching your neck had his phone and he was listening to music with one ear bud in his ear on a low volume. You let out a low ‘hm’ letting him know you were awake now. 
“Good morning, my omega.” Chans voice was raspy from sleep. He must have only just woken up not long ago himself. He didn’t say anything else, just held you tighter.
Moments like this were Chan's favorite. Being able to wake up to you; his mate, his omega, the love of his life - there was nothing better. He hadn’t realized how lonely he had been before having you here. He never felt as complete as he did right in this moment. 
“Can I listen with you?” You mumbled sleepily. You wanted to hear what your alpha listened to. Wordlessly he took his other earbud and slipped it into your own ear. ‘Give me love’ By Ed sheeran was playing through the bud, the sweet melodies flooding your senses. 
‘Give a little time to me or burn this out
We'll play hide and seek to turn this around
All I want is the taste that your lips allow
My, my, my, my, oh give me love’
It had been so long since you had heard this song, you used to sing this all the time in your room when you were younger and waiting to fall hopelessly in love. It felt fitting that now you were here laying in bed with your soulmate, who you had fallen hopelessly in love with. 
Chan began to sing along softly to the music playing, serenading you quietly.
‘Maybe I should let you go
You know I'll fight my corner
And that tonight I'll call ya
After my blood is drowning in alcohol
No I just wanna hold ya’
The alpha squeezed you a little tighter after he sang those words, pressing a kiss to the side of your head. Your heart fluttered at the action. The two of you laid there together for probably an hour, just enjoying each other's company while he sang each song that played.
Eventually though, you both had to get up as there was work to be done. For Chan anyways. You had to make breakfast and get ready to leave with Jisung and Felix. Chan had a lot to do today himself. He had been neglecting his actual job in his family business and if he was going to take another day off tomorrow to go camping then he definitely needed to make all his calls and emails today. 
“Are you excited to do more shopping with the betas today?” the alpha asked as you were both getting out of bed. 
“Yes. I am.” You seemed apprehensive. 
“Buuuuut?” He pressed, knowing something was troubling you. 
“I just.. Feel bad.. About spending more of your money. I didn’t do anything to deserve you guys spending all this money on me.”  You were avoiding eye contact with him as you went to brush your teeth. 
Chan stopped you before you could enter his bathroom, arm out to block you. “Baby.” you kept your head down not wanting to look at him, now that you had embarrassed yourself again. When you didn’t acknowledge him he let out a frustrated growl, “Omega, look at me now.” you had no choice but to look at him, he used a command on you.
 You were lucky that was all he did, he had wanted to grip your hair and make you look at him forcefully. Chan had a problem when people didn’t listen to him, especially his omega.  Some would say he thrives off of non-sexual dominance. They would be correct. The alpha was used to getting his way practically his whole life. He would forgive you now, you were still learning. 
Instead of yanking your hair he settled for petting it softly. “I’m sorry my love, I didn’t intend to be mean to you.” At his gentle words and even gentler touch you forgot about the command being used on you, leaning into his hand. “You need to understand that my money is your money. In fact this whole packs money is yours to spend as you please. The other boys would agree with me. Ok?”  He waited for your words of agreement and when they didn’t come he egged them on. “You wanna be good for us right? Good omegas listen to their alphas.” 
You wanted to be good for him so badly, really it’s all you wanted. There was a glimpse of panic on your face at the prospect of upsetting your mate. “ I’ll be good! I promise!” You nodded rapidly. 
He gave you his signature boyish grin, dimples on display, then leaned in and gave you a kiss, nipping your lip as he pulled back. “I know you will, Baby. You’re the best Omega I know.” You purred at his praise, finding it addicting. “We gotta get a move on, lots to do today if we’re going camping tomorrow.” He let you go into the bathroom to do your business and such. 
You went to pick out an outfit for today, deciding to sport some jean shorts and a basic black tank top. After that you had a quick shower and did light makeup. Simple but you felt cute nonetheless. 
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When you both finally made your way down to the main floor you found Minho and Changbin sat at the kitchen island making a list of what you would need for camping tomorrow. More like Minho had roped Changbin into helping him because the beta was a planner and liked to have things ready. 
“Finally! Hyung needs help deciding what to do for food  tomorrow and Saturday morning. Any suggestions?” Changbin exclaimed as he saw Chan, giving the older alpha pleading eyes. 
“Good morning to you too Changbin. Oh I slept great, thanks for asking.” Chan quipped sarcastically, and Changbin rolled his eyes with a groan of annoyance. 
“Good morning, baby. How did you sleep?” The younger alpha asked you, trying to get on his Hyungs nerves. He cackled when it worked, Chan letting out a huff. 
You giggled, “Morning, Binnie. I slept wonderfully. Thank you for asking.” 
“Yeah yeah good morning whatever, can we get back to this now?” Minho was getting frustrated, “We literally only have right now to think about this.” 
“Fine.” Changbin reached forward and grabbed you by the hips, laughing when you squealed, and setting you on his lap. “What do you think, baby? Any suggestions?” 
You leaned back against Changbins chest,  feeling the muscles behind you, head on his shoulder while you pondered. “Do you think we should do easy things? Like maybe bring a bunch of premade stuff like sandwiches and maybe breakfast burritos for the morning we can just wrap in foil and throw on the grill?” 
“That sounds like a great idea, omega.” Chan replied, leaning on the counter opposite you. 
“Yeah! To make it even easier we can place an order for them and pick them up from the diner in town before we leave tomorrow morning.” Changbin agreed, tickling your sides mercifully. He kissed the side of your head when you giggled at him, ignoring the throbbing in his pants caused by your squirming. “Smarty pants.” 
Minho nodded in agreement, writing down how many of each he approximated you would all need. “Ok so twenty of each.” 
“Twenty?! Why twenty of each, there are only nine of us!” You objected confused, looking at Minho as if he had grown a second head.
“Have you not seen how much these guys eat? Changbin himself could probably put away half of them if you’d let him.” He was looking back at you as if you were the crazy one. 
“Hey!” Changbin protested but didn’t fight too hard, knowing Minho was right. 
“Yeah Bin, you’ll probably end up eating both of yours and the rest of Felix’s like you always do.” Chan poked fun at the younger alpha. 
“What are we talking about? I heard my name.” right on queue Felix walked into the room you were all in. 
“We’re talking about the plans for tomorrow, trying to get things taken care of.” Minho sighed, standing from his seat. “Speaking of which, I need to make calls for these orders to be picked up in the morning and then get the other stuff together.” He seemed stressed as he walked away. 
“Is he ok?” You asked, worried for the beta. 
“Oh yeah he's fine, Min is a planner and likes to get things done in advance. He’s probably going to find Innie to make him help get all the camping stuff out of the garage.” Chan answered, taking an apple off the counter and taking a bite. 
At the sight of his apple you remembered your task, “ Do you guys want breakfast?” You went to hop down from Changbins lap but he only held you tighter against him, refusing to let you go. 
“Ji should be back any second with pasties and coffee. He wanted to surprise you baby. Annnnd now i’ve ruined it, fuck.” Felix cursed, looking remorseful at having spoiled the fun. 
Chan clicked his tongue in mock disappointment, shaking his head. “Way to go, Felix.” 
“Hey leave him alone, he's just a boy!” Changbin defended the beta playfully, you leaning into him and huffing in agreement. 
“Did somebody say Jisung?!?” A loud voice came from the front door, almost an announcement of his presence. A moment later the boy in question came sauntering in, sunglasses still over his eyes and holding a tray of coffee and a bag of pastries. 
“No.” Changbin laments, “Go away.” 
“Fine I guess you don’t want the cherry tart I got especially for you, Binnie.” Jisung made a show of wafting the bag up to his nose, “Mmmmm all for me then. Here is yours, my baby. A sweet treat for an even sweeter girl.” He handed you a chocolate croissant and a coffee. 
You felt your face heat up as you accepted the pastry. “Thank you Ji.” When Binnie was distracted making grabby hands at the bag that jisung had set down, you took the opportunity to slip off his lap. 
“Anything for you.” He grabbed your hand and yanked you closer to him. “Anyways, let's get this show on the road!” with his coffee in one hand and you in the other he set off towards the door. Chan held out a credit card for Jisung who happily snatched it. “Make sure she gets something nice. Our girl seems to have a problem with spending my money.” He winked at you as you passed. 
“Oh you know I have no problem spending daddy's money.” The beta cackled. 
“Wait for me!” Felix called, scooping his own items and following you out. 
“Bye baby!” Changbin yelled, crumbs flying out of his mouth. 
“Have a good time, omega.” 
“Bye Channie bye Binnie!” You called as you were going out the door.
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To say Eun was happy to see you again was an understatement. The second you walked into her shop she had a tight grip on you, hugging the life outta you. The older woman was unable to hold back tears at the sight of the bite mark on your neck, wailing about how happy she was for you and Chan and that the alpha couldn’t be luckier to have landed such a fantastic omega. You had reassured her you were in fact the lucky one. 
It took another half an hour of chatting with her before she finally brought you out some swimsuits to try on. You had picked out a few modest one pieces for yourself but her and the boys suggested (demanded) you try on their picks first, an array of bikinis. You had never worn a bikini before so trying them on and modeling them was making you nervous. 
You had chosen a basic white one to start. You figured you would start plain and work up to getting more comfortable. You thought it was cute but knew it wouldn't be the one.  Thus began you trying a few different ones until you found one you liked. It had been almost 20 minutes since you had gone into the dressing room and the beta boys were getting antsy waiting for you to come out. 
“Everything alright in there, baby?” The deep honey tones of Felix's voice called out to you. 
“Y-yeah.” you stuttered, debating whether or not to come out. “I’ve never- never worn a bikini before and I’m a little nervous.” you admitted. 
“If you’re really not comfortable you can try something else, we won’t be mad or disappointed.” He reassured you. 
You felt better at his words, taking a deep breath before pulling back the curtain and revealing yourself. 
Both Jisung and Felix felt their eyes widen and hearts stop at the sight of you. You had decided on a little purple bikini with stars on it. It was so you. The swimsuit fits you like a glove and goes perfectly with your skin tone. 
They both had been too busy admiring you to say anything and in turn their silence made you self conscious. “I knew this was a bad idea.” You mumbled, covering yourself with your arms and going to shuffle back into the fitting room.
“NO!” they yelled in unison looking at you in panic now. Felix tried to compose himself but Jisung did not, falling to the floor at your feet. 
“I’m sorry baby! You look so, so good we couldn’t help but stare!” He pleaded, his heart thumping wildly. 
Felix nodded in agreement, now more embarrassed than anything at his fellow betas' antics. 
“ Please don’t turn away from us. We didn’t mean to make you feel any negativity. We love the suit. It fits you so well!” 
“Really? You’re not just saying that to make me feel better?” You asked skeptically, still covering yourself. 
“Baby, my baby, omega, believe me when I say this, if you don’t get that swimsuit I will literally drop dead.” Jisung was so serious from his place on the floor, not one hint of deception on his face. “I simply cannot go on living any longer knowing I will never again get to see your beauty in this bikini - which was made for you by the way- and soon I'll die. In fact even hearing you say it was a bad idea almost killed me on the spot.”
“Oh don’t be so damn dramatic!” Eun called out walking up to the three of you. “But you do look fantastic in that one, Y/n. It would be a real crime if you didn’t get it.” She winked. 
It seemed all three betas were rooting for this one so it seemed your fate was sealed. 
“I-if you’re all sure…” You trailed off, letting your arms fall to your sides now. 
“Never been more sure about anything, sweetheart.” Felix gave you his charming smile. 
You hummed, “Fine. I’ll get this one.” There was a round of cheers then Eun went to ring you up, adding a few more pieces she thought would suit you. 
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Felixs’ big errand was buying blue hair dye. Apparently he used to have blue hair but it's been a while and he’s ready to feel like himself again. He was too precious. You wondered if Chan would be ok with you dying your hair, figuring it wouldn't hurt to ask. Jisung tried to convince you to get some purple dye anyway and not tell him but you were too chicken shit to do something like that. 
“Do you wanna help me dye mine, baby? I would love your company.” Felix asked you, crinkling his eyes at you. 
Pulling back up to the house you found Jeongin, Minho and Seungmin outside putting some large camping items in the back of a truck. By the looks of it they had already loaded a grill and a few tents. Minho sure didn’t waste time. “There you are, now you can help too.” He eyed the younger boys. 
“Actually y/n and I have a few things to do.” Felix grabbed your hand as you got out of the car, his other hand holding your bags. “Sungie would love to help you tho, i'm sure.”
“What?! Traitor!” Jisung complained but was quick to change his tune when Min gave him the evil eye. “I mean, yay packing.” 
“We all have to do our part. You included.” Jeongin snickered, handing the beta a bag to put in the car. “At least you didn’t have to make a store run like Hyun and Bin hyung.” 
“This was your idea! You should be doing all the work!” 
Felix pulled you along into the house, quickly to go undetected “come on before they rope us into helping.” he whispered. 
Both of you went up the stairs into Felix's bathroom after you dropped your bags off in your room. Passing Chan's office you could faintly hear the alpha in there on the phone, probably talking with a client. The fact that he works so hard so his pack could have the life they live was astounding. Chan really was a great alpha. 
Entering the bathroom Felix reached under the sink for plastic gloves for you to use, and set up the dye. You had helped your old best friend dye her hair a few times so the process was familiar to you. Thankfully his hair was already bleach blonde so you didn’t have to worry about trying to bleach it.  
You loved spending time with Felix. Really you loved any one on one time with the boys but you and Felix hadn’t spent time like this since your first day. That felt like so long ago when in reality had only been over a week. They say time flies when you're spending it with your loved ones. 
You were discussing what you wanted to plant in the greenhouse when you came back from camping. Cucumbers, pumpkins and peppers were at the top of your list, while Felix requested some carrots and spinach if you could find the room. In only a few hours you had finished dying his hair and had just helped him wash out the dye. He had chosen a beautiful blue for his hair. It seemed to compliment him perfectly. Now it seemed like he was representing who he truly was, with his hair being a clear sky and he himself was the sun. 
“You’re all finished! It looks so good on you Lix!” You were enthused, pleased with the finished product. 
“All thanks to you baby.” He pulled a blow dryer from under the sink and plugged it in. “Now I'm gonna dry it. Do you wanna help me style it?” Felix really just wanted to be around you more, he wanted to be selfish if only for a while. 
“Sure Lixie.” you beamed, reaching for the dryer. You were sitting on the bathroom counter while Felix stood directly in front of you. You turned it on a low setting and grabbed a brush in your other hand,  he leaned closer to you and came to stand between your legs.
 You began to dry and style his hair, neither of you saying anything now but it not being uncomfortable. In fact it was pleasant. Being close with him reminded you of the kiss he shared with you last night.  Not you nor he had brought up the kiss, and he also hadn’t kissed you since. ‘Maybe he regretted kissing me’ the thought weighed heavy on your mind. 
Little did you know it was the exact opposite. The only thing on Felix's mind right now was kissing you. He was just worried you hadn’t liked it since you didn’t say anything about it, but you also weren’t acting any different. He was so close to you he could almost taste you, remembering the way your lips did even for that brief moment. 
You finished with his hair and set down the tools on the countertop beside you. You were still facing him, afraid to break the silence or to move from your place in front of him. All you could do was focus on each other. 
Slowly and timidly, Felix leaned closer to you. You could feel his breath on your face and his scent get even stronger, and Felix gingerly let his lips find yours. Your eyes closed on instinct as you pressed yours to his in return. 
‘Finally’ your inner voice said. 
When Felix felt you reciprocate his kiss he let out a small whimper, you wouldn’t have even heard it if you weren’t so close to him. His hands fell to your waist and he shuffled even closer to you when you parted your legs further to allow him to make the connection between you. Your own hands were on his shoulders. 
The beta didn’t go any further and settled for what you were giving him. He wanted to go at your pace, afraid he would do something to scare you off. While you did enjoy his kiss it suddenly was not enough for you so you took the initiative to gently run your tongue along his lip. When he felt your tongue he whimpered again this time a little louder. His sounds were doing something to you and without thinking you rolled your hips against his. 
When your pelvis made contact with his it’s like the damn broke for him and he let the niceties fall. Felix started to ravage your mouth now with his own tongue, his hands gripping you tighter and his own hips doing a roll. Your breath caught in your throat as a quiet moan escaped your lungs. 
He held you like that for a while, you both basically dry humping on the counter and tasting each other's mouths. Eventually it was becoming too much for the beta, he knew he would cum in his pants soon and he did not want to do that in front of you. He pulled back from your lips , only a few inches apart. 
“Do you want to go further with me, baby?” He prayed you said yes. You had him so worked up he didn’t think jerking off would suffice anymore. 
“Please, Lixie. Wanna feel you.” 
That was all he needed to lift you from the counter onto your feet, then he grabbed the bottom of your tank top and pulled it off of you. He groaned at the sight of your lace bra. You made grabby hands at his own shirt and pulled it over his head. 
Felix was so defined. He was so tiny the thought had never even crossed your mind that he could also be ripped. You didn’t have much time to stare before he was turning you around to face the mirror with his hands on your hips and lips on your neck as he locked eyes with you in the mirror. “Can I take you like this, Baby? Let me see all of you?” He let a hand creep up your back to the clasp on your bra, but not yet taking it off. 
You nodded, and answered “Uh huh. Yes lixie.” You were so ready for him. Honestly you had been wet since before you styled his hair. You would be surprised if Felix somehow didn't notice the sickly sweet pheromones that were draining out of you.
Felix unclasped your bra  with nimble fingers and let it fall away from you. “Oh my god you're so beautiful.” He groaned out when he saw your bare chest. That same hand came to the front of your body and found your right breast, his thumb coming up to rub over your nipple. Now it was your turn to moan out, leaning closer to his chest. “Put your hands on the counter in front of you, baby.” 
You did so without complaint and put your palms flat on the surface. He fondled your chest for a few minutes, taking in all the little sighs and moans you would let out as he watched your expressions in the mirror, finding it addicting. When you pushed your ass back into his crotch he let out an almost silent growl, nipping into the skin on your neck that he had been kissing. Suddenly he released you and went to the waistband of your pants, yanking them down your legs with no warning taking your underwear with them. 
Felix didn’t know what was overtaking him but he didn’t mind it. He was never this assertive when having sex but something about you made him want to take control. Whether it was your omega status or just your submissive nature in general he couldn’t be sure. Probably a combination of both. You certainly were not complaining, liking this sudden dominant side of the man. 
The beta pulled down his own pants and underwear next, eager to have the constricting material off. There you both were, naked and breathing heavy in anticipation. Your eyes were locked in the mirror as Felix reached under both of you and his fingers found your bundle of nerves. You gasped when he touched the sensitive area, eyes closing only for a second. He could feel just how drenched you were for him. 
It was at this point that Felix realized he did not have a condom in here.’ Are you fucking kidding me?’ he momentarily chastises himself. “Ummm baby?” you hummed in response, waiting in anticipation. “I sorta don’t have a condom…” 
“Oh.” you froze. “Th-then we can, umm, maybe we should stop.” 
“Do you want to stop?” He desperately did not want to, he literally didn’t know if he could at this point. 
“N-no but Chan and the doctor said-” 
“But I can pull out.” He eagerly proposed, he had never been a rule breaker but right now he really did not give a shit. Consequences be damned. “Come on omega, it’ll feel so good.”
“I don’t know, lix…” You trailed off, unsure. "Channie wouldn't like it.." You didn’t want to disobey but one look at his pleading face behind you and you gave in. “If you promise to pull out…” 
“I promise,” he said immediately. You nodded hesitantly giving him the go ahead as you readied yourself against the counter once more. "God, you are so hot."
The beta placed a kiss to your neck before taking his member in his hand and lining up with your entrance. He hadn’t prepped you like he should have but honestly when you were both that desperate that was the farthest thing from his mind. He let the tip run through your slick that had accumulated to make it an easier entry. Felix slowly pushed into you from behind, the stretch of him leaving a slight burn and you lightly hissed at the intrusion. 
Felix on the other hand was in heaven. He had never felt so incredible from one push but fuck you were so tight.  “Fuck omega, your pussy is so tight, nnggg oh my god I don’t know how I'll be able to move, fuck baby.” Felix couldn’t shut up as he filled you. His words were helping you though, as he stopped moving to let you adjust while he mumbled. 
Between his jumbled (what you assumed were) praising words he laid sloppy kisses to your bare shoulders, his saliva leaving wetness along your skin. You were absolutely reeling; between feeling him within you and his total personality flip that left you with whiplash, your brain was turning into a muddled mess. It got even worse when he started rutting into you from behind, his hips grinding harshly against your ass.
His chest pushed you further into the counter and with the new angle his cock hit something deep inside you. Your back arched as you moaned aloud, your head falling forward in your ecstasy. 
“F-fuuckk baby, you are so good f’ me. So so good, oh my god.” his deep voice was getting raspier by the second. Felix reached his hand around, his small fingers finding your clit again and rubbing sloppy circles.  His other hand went to your breast and massaged your sensitive skin. “Look at me, baby, please look at me.” 
You mustered all your willpower to bring your head up as much as you could, looking through your wet lashes to his gaze in the mirror. He looked absolutely wrecked, his eyes glossed over as he drooled on you. At the sight of him, fucked out because of you, you felt your orgasm approaching and approaching fast. “F-felix ‘m gonna- gonna cum.” 
“Please cum for me. I need you to cum for me.” He sped up his thrusts, humping into you desperately. He was close to. The pulsing of his dick within you sent you over the edge, and you came with a loud cry of his name. 
The squeezing of your heat on his member was enough for him. The beta knew he wouldn’t be able to pull out in time but he still tried, cumming half inside and the rest on your ass. The second he came his urges took over completely and without a warning, his teeth embedded themselves in your shoulder blade. When his teeth made contact in your skin you moaned as another orgasm washed over you. 
You both were panting hard, you with tears cascading down your cheeks and Felix with your blood on his lips. It took you a moment to catch both of your breaths, the severity of what had happened finally registering in both of your minds. 
“You came in me.”
“Do you think Chan will be mad?”
“Oh. Did you mean to bite me?” 
“Um, n-no.” He stammered, “ It had been on my mind since a few days ago when Chan said we could.” 
‘Chan had said that?’ 
“But I didn't really expect to.” He grabbed a towel and began to wipe up the dripping mess he made on your skin.  “I guess now is a good time to tell you that I'm kinda in love with you.” he chuckled nervously. 
You spun around at his confession, not really shocked. You were able to feel his emotions when he bit down on you. It wasn’t as intense as when Chan bit into you - given he is an alpha and he bit your mating gland - but you could still sense the betas to an extent. “Felix…” you let more salty tears trail down your face. “I…I kinda love you too.” 
Now he was crying, unable to contain his emotions and he fell into your embrace. Both of you were just little crybabies. Maybe that is why you got on so well together. It was easy to be vulnerable with him. 
It was easy with Felix. So you both just hugged, and whispered to each other there in the bathroom.  Both dreading the storm that was your alpha. 
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Sometime later after you had both redressed and Felix cleaned the wound on your shoulder, you both exited the bathroom. You shared a final kiss before parting ways. Felix going down the stairs and you going into Chan's office. The guilt was going to eat you alive if you didn’t tell him (assuming he couldn’t smell it on you when you came in). 
You heard more faint talking so you knocked and waited. You heard him thank whoever he was talking to and hang up. “Come on in,  baby.” He called out to you. You opened his door slowly and saw him sitting at his desk. His nostrils flared when you entered his office. 
Chan obviously knew what you were doing with Felix, but he didn’t know the dirty secret you were keeping. Upon your entry into his office you were emitting a scent you hadn’t produced in a few days; intense guilt. 
“What’s wrong, omega?” He immediately questioned you, reaching his hands out for you. When he noticed your hesitancy to grab his hand he stood from his seat and rested his hands on your shoulders, bending to be eye level with you. “Did something happen? Did Felix do something to you?” 
“No!” you answered quickly. “I mean, not really.” 
“Then what's wrong? You can't keep secrets from me, I can smell it on you.” 
You looked down to the floor shamefully before giving him an answer. “When Felix and I were..intimate, he sorta.. He didn’t wear anything… and he umm he kinda came in me a little bit..” Your heart was pounding out of your chest when you saw the hardened look in the alphas face, his eyes darkening at your admittance. 
“Is that so?” He seemed eerily calm, if you knew anything about alphas it’s that they are prone to rage so the fact that he didn’t immediately lash out was kind of scary to you. Little did you know he was furious. 
“I’m really sorry, Channie. I-i know i wasn’t supposed to but-” 
“Go to our room.” He interrupted you, removing his hands from you. 
He let out a low growl, “Go. to. Our. room. Omega, now.” 
You gave him a look of alarm at his menacing tone, but still scurried out of his office and to his room. You shut the door softly and then sat on the bed, awaiting your fate. You hadn’t seen Chan angry yet, you didn’t know what to expect. He didn’t strike you as the type to scream and throw things like your father had been, but to be fair you had only known him for just over a week. 
After about ten minutes Chan walked through the door into the space you occupied. He still had that intimidating demeanor but he seemed to be keeping his cool. He skipped the formalities as he spoke to you though, “ Take off your clothes and get in the shower.” 
You stood from your seated position and started to strip, gently placing your clothes down in the hamper before slowly making your way to the bathroom. The whole time he just watched you as if you were a prey animal, and he was the big bad wolf.  
Once you turned on the water to his shower it only took a moment for it to get hot and you entered the shower. It was a spacious area, with sliding glass and a shower head that rained down from the ceiling. Any other time you would have found solace in the luxurious bathroom, but right now all you felt was anxious. 
Chan didn’t say anything as he slipped into the shower with you a few moments later. In fact he hadn’t said anything at all as he helped you wash your hair, he only shushed you when you went to speak. It wasn’t until he grabbed a loofa and began rubbing down your body from behind with it that he spoke. “ This is a nice bite mark here on your shoulder. Did Felix do that to you?” You went to nod in response but that wasn’t what the alpha was looking for, and he used one hand to reach onto the base of your head and gripped your hair tightly, causing you to let out a squeak. “I asked you a question, omega, and I expect an answer.” 
“Yes, yes Alpha he did.” You gasped out, falling quickly into an uncharted subspace. Your inner omega only wanted to please your alpha now. His actions and words were shocking to you, he wasn’t being the Chan you knew him to be. You had seen small glimpses here and there but never to this extent.
“Did he bite you while he was cumming inside of you?” His grip on your hair tightened in one hand while his other brought the loofa down between your legs. 
“Yes alpha.” You tilted your head back trying to get some slack but it proved pointless. 
“Do you remember the conversation we had with the doctor yesterday, omega?” He knew you did, or else you wouldn’t have come to him so guiltily. 
“Yes I re-remember” You stuttered, your insides fluttering with both excitement and anxiety. 
“What did he say to us about when having sex?” His lips were kissing your injured skin on your shoulder where your new bite mark resided. 
“To-to use protection until my results come in and I can go on-on birth control.” your panting was getting stronger as you tried to forget about the pain on your scalp. 
“Mm that is right, baby.” chans tongue dug into your injured skin, causing you to let out a quiet cry. “Ya know what the rule was and still deliberately did otherwise. What am I going to do with you?”  It was a rhetorical question meant to tease you. You started to cry at his words. 
“ m’ so sorry Alpha. Please don’t be angry. M’ sorry.” He leaned over to lick up the salty tears that were coming down steadily now. 
“Oh baby, I know you're sorry. Alpha knows.” you perked up slightly but it all came crashing down when he said his next words, “But just because you're sorry doesn’t mean there are no consequences.” 
He dropped the sponge to the ground and that hand grabbed both of your wrists holding them together behind your back and pushing you against the cold tile, your chest smushing against the wall. “Ahh Chan!”
“Spread your legs. Let me in there, omega.” you did as he said, and he wasted no time in rubbing the tip of his cock along your sensitive folds. “Funny enough, I had just talked to the doctor on the phone before you came into my office, stinking like guilt and cum.” The alpha pressed you harder against the tile. “And it turns out you wouldn’t even be able to get pregnant right now, those suppressants  are running crazy all over your body and hormones.”
 Without warning he pushed into your heat, your sore walls engulfing him completely. He was so big. Even though you had been prepped by Felix so recently, taking the alpha was a whole other ball game. The only time he had really fucked you was on your heat, where your body was ready to accommodate his length.
“R-really?” you asked in a moan, both in pleasure and pain. 
“Uh huh. How lucky is that?” He started at a brutal pace, the skin of his pelvis slapping against your ass noisily. “Still doesn’t excuse your actions. The both of you have to make it up somehow.” 
“Please, m’ sorry.” you pleaded between moans and squeaks. His cock always filled you so well.
“This bite mark he left you sure is deep. You know Felix would only bite someone he loves.” Your heart fluttered at his remark, and it seemed your pussy did too. “Fuck so tight. Did you know that, omega? Your pussy tightened on me so you must know. Felix loves you, and now I'm sure you love him too huh?” 
“Yes alpha!” you cried louder as his wet heaving chest was pressed against your back.
“Maybe that should be your punishment. Yeah that's it, since both of you want to disobey me then that's the consequence.’ your eyes widened, having an inkling of what he would say next. 
“You aren’t allowed to touch him, at all, until I say so. No kissing, no fucking, no so much as brushing fucking fingers with him until I've deemed it acceptable. Fuck maybe I won’t even let him speak to you from now on.” 
“Alpha no!” You tried to protest but he only sped up his thrusts, making you only be able to moan and cry. Fuck he was fucking you so good. Better than anything you have ever felt. He had you so deep in space you could barely focus on anything than that thin line between pain and pleasure.
“Too fucking late. You stay the fuck away from him, do you hear me, omega? Damn, I'm gonna cum. He won’t so much as breathe in your direction until I say so.” The alpha let go of your hair and you sucked in a large breath at the release. He opted for gripping your hips roughly, his fingers surely to leave bruises. 
Your arms were free now so with one hand you braced yourself against the cold surface, the other was reaching behind you to grab at your mate, craving even an ounce of comfort as you were nearing your high. You made contact with the skin on his waist and dug your fingers into him. 
When you grabbed him the alpha let go and released inside of you with a loud growl, the copious amount overflowing against his length. His knot inflated within you, locking you into place with him. His growl set something inside of you aflame and without warning you came too, a loud wail leaving your lips and your eyes rolling into the back of your head. You wretch your head to the side bearing your neck for your alpha, giving him your complete submission. He almost took the opportunity to reclaim you, but knew you had enough biting for one day.
Chan stilled his hips, breathing heavy in your ears as he let you come down. He watched the cum fall down from where you were joined and be washed away with the water. After a moment when his knot had deflated, he slowly pulled out of you, kissing the back of your neck and whispering praises. He knew it would be a long night of aftercare. 
A/n: True colors are starting to come out a lil more, not everything is all sunshine and rainbows
Comments and reblogs are very much appreciated!
Also if any one wants to chat about the story or share predictions please send me an ask!!
Beta read by my wonderful bumble bee @ayejaii
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bobgasm · 8 months
good girl | b.f
pairing: robert “bob” floyd x f!reader word count: 3978 warnings: mild idiots to lovers, smut, nsfw [18+ only], unprotected sex, semi-public sex, dirty talk,
summary: in which you have a chat with bob that doesn’t go the way you intended it to, but he more than makes up for it
author’s note: happy birthday to my bby lewis! 🥳♥️ best to read the snappening first 🤭 if you want to be notified when i post, follow and turn on post notifications for @bobgasm-library 😁
the snappening | masterlist | awards season
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You hate that your alarm is waking you at 5 am. You hate that you got super drunk last night. Mostly, you hate that you crossed a line with Bob. You didn’t know what the day held in store for you, but a chat about what happened was inevitable.
You groaned as you slid into the shower and tried to wash the disgusting feeling from your body.
The plan was simple. You’d arrive at work early and get settled for the day, then disappear to grab coffee once everyone had arrived. It meant that you could delay the chat with Bob temporarily, giving you time to stew over the situation instead of tackling it head on.
Yeah, this grown-up shit was so easy.
You got settled at your desk and grinned at the email that had been flagged. It was a mission briefing for Bob and Phoenix, so you stopped into your boss’ office to let him know. Haywire was a hard man to work for, but as his assistant, you made it work. 
Haywire appreciated the information – he hadn’t yet checked his computer, but he knew about the mission. As his assistant, you had a high security clearance, but more importantly, his trust. He relied on you to ask the questions a lot of people wouldn’t typically ask a superior, either out of nerves or fear. It was expected of you to sit in on mission briefings for that exact reason – Haywire liked his pilots to be well informed of any and all risks. 
This mission briefing wouldn’t be any different. As you left, he made the call to Phoenix and Bob, so you headed down the hall to prepare some coffee and try to gather your bearings. He wasn’t even here yet, but the memories of last night had your toes curling and heat warming your cheeks. 
Your heart roared in your ears as you looked up and saw Bob walking in through the doors. He gave you a polite nod and smile, but you weren’t even expecting that. You gave him a small smile back, taking in his appearance.
He wore his flight suit, and Phoenix fell into step beside him. You knew they likely had an early morning training scheduled, which had now been delayed by this new mission briefing. You stopped yourself before you got caught staring, but he smirked at you like he knew. Like he knew where your mind had drifted to, even if it was for a fleeting moment.
You held his gaze, refusing to back down, and watched them disappear into Haywire’s office. You collected a few mugs from the cupboard in anticipation of Haywire calling out for two more, already one step ahead of him. He caught sight of the four mugs lined up, met your eye, and quickly provided his help to carry them all back to the office before starting the briefing. 
You sat beside Haywire’s desk, legs crossed as you sipped your coffee and tried to avoid looking at Bob. It was inevitable though. By the time your eyes settled on his face, he was already looking at you. 
Your head was swimming as you replayed the videos from last night in your head. The sounds he made.
Good girl.
Fuck. You squeezed your legs together at the thought. The thought that he actually wanted you the way you wanted him, and that it wasn’t just the alcohol talking. That you hadn’t just risked your livelihood for the sake of an orgasm.
You tried to focus on the mission briefing as Haywire talked, handing out folders to both Bob and Phoenix. They both wore stoic expressions, listening intently to what was needed of them. Haywire outlined the importance of their mission – recon only. They were going in with no backup which was risky, but the images they had of the site were dated. 
“Our next move will be to send a SEAL team in once we’ve got a better visual of the site,” Haywire proceeded. “Those men will be your backup.”
“But no air support,” you countered. “What if the site has grown and they’ve got an updated defense system? It’s a suicide mission.”
“It’s the mission,” Haywire replied.
“Would you take the same risk if you’d been given the mission instead?” You asked him. “Are you really willing to let two people be shot out of the sky and killed, or taken hostage? The SEAL team is only good if there’s hostages to rescue, but how long until they get the green light to move in? Assuming they’re still alive, of course, or would that be another recon mission determining that?”
Phoenix and Bob both shifted uncomfortably. You could only assume they’d been thinking along the same lines. 
The choice was simple, and Haywire made the correct one. He called his superior, Admiral Shaw, who’d sent down the mission briefing. Why he wasn’t present for it was a mystery, but Phoenix and Bob seemed a little less tense after hearing your words being repeated to someone who would actually go to bat for them. 
When Haywire ended the call by promptly slamming the phone home, you jumped a little. Startled by the dramatics. 
“They’ll get back to us with updates,” Haywire said. “You’re dismissed, Lieutenants.”
You stuck around in the office for a minute once Bob and Phoenix left, letting Haywire debrief you on what the plan was. Your questioning had brought up some very good points that needed addressing, and his superiors would figure it out. He thanked you and dismissed you, hoping it didn’t take them long to figure out the semantics of the briefing. 
“Why are you so jumpy today?” Phoenix asked you. You shot her a cautiative look as you waited for Bob to get far enough away. “Does it have something to do with Bob?”
You huffed. “You’re too observant for your own good,” you stated, dragging her down the hallway and pushing her inside an empty office. “I’m only telling you this because you have a secret of your own that you don’t want to get out.”
You paused as you watched her try to swallow the lump in her throat. Yeah, you knew she had a thing going on with Coyote. How you’d found that out was need to know. 
“I accidentally sent him a video of me masturbating last night. I was hoping to try and avoid him, but that’s not going so well,” you explained, pressing your hands into your eyes to try and quell the headache you were starting to develop. 
“Did he watch it?”
“Yes, and sent his own back,” you said, blowing out a deep breath. “I’m freaking out. I can’t avoid this conversation forever. I just…I don’t think it’s a conversation to be had before your mission, you know?”
You didn’t hold your breath. Even your own words sounded like lies to your ears. 
By the time lunch came around, you were anxious. Heading to the dining hall on base to meet with Phoenix like usual, hoping she wouldn’t ask for any further information about the Bob situation. You planned on keeping it to the more important shit, like the mission they were going on. You even anticipated a question or two thrown your way, so prepared a couple to ask her instead. 
Thankfully, lunch was a standard affair. Phoenix sat with another couple of pilots who you knew and greeted warmly, making yourself comfortable at the table and engaging in friendly conversation.
Bob lingered off to the side of the cafeteria. You caught his eye and he nodded his head slightly, gesturing for you to follow him.
Your breath caught in your throat as you stood up and followed him without a glance back at Phoenix or the other pilots. Trailing behind Bob with as much dignity as you could muster before steeling yourselves away in the privacy of an empty office.
“Hi,” he said sweetly. You couldn’t resist rolling your eyes, making him laugh. “Yeah, I know, but I never actually said it this morning and, truthfully, I’ve been trying to figure out what to say to you all day.”
“Hi,” you replied, giving him a small smile. You couldn’t help it. Whenever he smiled you felt the need to reciprocate, even if it wasn’t aimed at you, but it was amazing when it was. “I’ve been doing the same, honestly. I don’t even know where to start.”
He nodded in understanding, resting back against the desk. Not quite sitting, but not quite standing either. Hands resting in his lap, with one ankle crossed over the other.
“I need you to hear what I’m not saying,” he told you. You nodded slowly in understanding. “I can’t do anything while we work together. I know how much you like your job here, just like I like mine. While there’s nothing to say that interpersonal relationships aren’t allowed, they’re not exactly welcomed unless you’re married.”
You hummed, once again nodding slowly. “So it’s business as normal, right?” You asked, following his train of thought.
“As normal as it gets around here,” he said.
You nodded. “Do you regret that it happened?”
“No, not at all. Do you?” You shook your head. “I’m not trying to make this awkward.”
“Don’t worry, I’m doing a good job of that myself,” you replied, earning a small chuckle. “I should…go. Lots to do today.”
“It doesn’t need to be like this.”
“It does, Bob,” you stated. “At least for now, anyway, because this isn’t exactly welcomed.”
He sighed as you slipped out of the office. You hadn’t meant to throw his words back at him, you knew his heart was in the right place, but he was only delaying the conversation further. Who knows what this week would have in store for you, but you just hoped that their mission went off without a hitch.
After lunch you went straight back to work, responding to some emails before you were dragged into a meeting with Haywire. You kept minutes while the men talked about other classified missions. You did your best to keep up with the chatter, but the conversation was hectic. Everyone spoke overtop of one another and you could barely register who said what. 
And then you started thinking about the situation with Bob.
Had you blown it, with your actions of the previous night and your passive aggressiveness towards him earlier? You knew he was only thinking of your job, and you did appreciate that. But you’d gotten yourself into this situation, too. You could decide how to play this out, you didn’t need to rely on him.
Yet you hadn’t said that to him when you had the chance. You hid behind your cowardice and let him decide how it was going to work. Let him call the shots, and for what? Because you were too scared to lose your job, or too scared to lose him?
The meeting dragged on, but you slipped out when a few of the men did the same, essentially ending the meeting. Lou kept you company as you typed up the minutes before disappearing into Haywire’s office. He’d apparently gotten a call about the new mission briefing that enlisted extra air support and a few extra contingency plans. In not so many words, all the Daggers were now being sent on this mission, which filled you with a lot more confidence. And, no doubt, did the same for Phoenix and Bob. 
You tried to finish up the email you’d been working on for Lou, but you had to ask him a question about it before you sent it. Sighing, you reached for your bottle of water and took a few sips, allowing yourself a moment to relax. 
It wasn’t long before all of the Daggers showed up and headed into Haywire’ office. He hadn’t asked you to sit in, so you stayed put until he called for you. 
You exhaled heavily and slumped back in your seat, wishing the day would just end already. When Haywire eventually called for you, you stood in the doorway since there were already six extra bodies in the room.
“The reason you’re all here is because of that woman there,” Haywire said. “She pointed out flaws in Bob and Phoenix’s mission, which has caused me more work today trying to get approval to send air support. This is where the rest of you come in.”
Haywire spent the next twenty minutes outlining the new mission parameters, as well as answering any questions the aviators had. 
“So we get to work with SEAL’s?” Hangman asked. 
You rolled your eyes at his enthusiasm, noting how Bob stifled a laugh. 
“Not directly. The SEAL team is four days from the location. You’ll be moving out in two days at 1600 hours in order for them to be in position when you do your flyby.”
He continued to bring the rest of the team up to speed. Detailing exactly how this mission would be flown and everything they’d be needing to do. This was still very much Phoenix and Bob’s mission, but now they had support. They weren’t as nervous to fly this mission knowing they had immediate backup. 
You excused yourself before the meeting was over to take a phone call at your desk, explaining that you’d get Haywire to call them back when he was free. 
When Lou came back out, you picked his brain to finalise the email before sending it, then made a beeline to the bathroom. You didn’t need to go, not really, but you locked yourself in a stall and sat on the closed lid of the toilet. Hoping that by the time you made it back to your desk, the Daggers wouldn’t be in Haywire’s office anymore and you didn’t have to see Bob. 
You felt so frustrated by the situation you’d made for yourself. Frustrated that you’d let this happen. You took a few deep breaths before emerging, washing your hands just for a reason to stay in there a little bit longer. 
By the time you made it back to your desk, a few people had started to leave. They’d be back in the early hours of the morning, ready to make a start on whatever was needed before the carrier took off in the next few days.  
When the clock hit 5, you took Phoenix up on her offer of dinner and waited for her outside the barracks. Barely five minutes had passed before Bob was hollering your name down the hallway. 
You slowly turned around and saw him beckon you towards Coyote’s room. With a sigh, you walked down the hallway with as much confidence as you could muster.
“You told Phoenix?” He asked you. 
“Like she’s a saint here,” you replied, staring between her and Coyote.
“You told her?” Coyote asked in horror.
You were all in similar stages of distress and you felt backed into a corner. So you laughed. You laughed because how the hell had you all found yourself in similar situations? Bob soon joined in, and before you knew it, Phoenix and Coyote had too.
It was ridiculous. Of course it was. And it was awkward as hell, so you laughed your way out of it. Swiping at your eyes as the laughter died down and you were soon pinned beneath Bob’s gaze.
“Dinner tonight?” He asked. “Please say ‘yes.’”
“Yeah,” you agreed stupidly. “I’ve got a couple things to finish up but it shouldn’t take too long.”
“I’ll keep you company.” He grabbed his coffee before you both left, leaving Coyote and Phoenix to deal with their own mess. “Do you actually have much to do or was that just an excuse to get out of there?”
“I have shit to do but it can wait until tomorrow,” you told him, packing up your things you’d left outside Phoenix’s room. “Where do you want to go?”
“There’s a hole-in-the-wall Italian place not too far away,” he replied, digging his hand into his pocket. His keys jingled, and you gave a nod. “I’ll drive.”
You followed him outside, watching your feet rather than staring at his back like you wanted to. When you reached his car, you slid into the passenger seat. Swiftly buckling your seat belt as he did the same and turned the engine over.
“I’m sorry about earlier,” he apologised. “About how I chose to handle things.”
“By passing the blame onto the fraternisation policy?” You asked, just to clarify. You turned your head enough to look at him, glad he at least looked ashamed about it.
“Yeah,” he agreed. “The truth is that I was trying to buy more time to figure out what I really wanted to say.”
“Have you figured that out now?”
“Yes,” he replied, letting silence wash over you.
“Okay? Are you going to share with the class or make me guess?”
He chuckled softly. “I thought it was obvious.”
“I want to hear you say it, Bob.”
Your heart thundered in your ears as he spoke, “I want you. I have for…god, too long now. I don’t even care if that initial video wasn’t intended for me, because you moaned my name as you came and it was the hottest fucking thing I’ve ever heard.”
The car was parked in the back of a parking lot, away from the strip of restaurants to your left. You’d been too busy watching him, staring at him. Admiring the way his arms flexed as he rolled the steering wheel between his hands. The way his mouth moved as he talked…telling you everything you wanted to hear.
“It’s not the first time,” you confessed, voice low. So low he turned to look at you and you could see the lust clouding his vision. The way his eyelids drooped slightly as he took in your heady expression. “I imagine you every time.”
“Get in the back,” he told you, and you were quick to scramble into the back seat, over the centre console. He followed behind you, lifting you up with little effort and settling you down in his lap.
His hands gripped your hips firmly, and you placed your own on his chest. Feeling his heart racing beneath your touch. Because of your touch. Because of the implications of what was to come.
“Kiss me, Bob,” you requested, running your hands through his short hair. He leant forward and closed the gap, lips pressed firmly against yours.
You melted into his touch, kissing him back without hesitation. His fingers lifted your shirt, skimming up along your sides. You moaned at his light touch, goosebumps raising on your flesh. He bit down on your lip in response, feeling you shift against him.
He groaned as you tugged his hair. “You gonna be a good girl and ride me?”
You rolled your hips against him one more time, feeling his growing erection pressed against your core. 
“Fuck you for calling me ‘good girl,’” you said.
He chuckled, brushing some hair back from your face. “But you are,” he said softly, breathily. “And I want you to ride me.”
There was something about the way he looked at you so carnally, like an animal staring down its prey, that had you removing your shirt without a second thought. You wanted him so badly, in any way you could get him. You didn’t care you were currently both trying to undress in the back of his car, or that anyone could walk by at any time. 
Both of you in varying states of undress, Bob stroking his cock as you straddled his lap once again. Sliding his hand between your thighs, a breathy moan falling past your lips.
“So fucking wet for me, baby,” he said, pressing two thick fingers inside your heat. You groaned at the intrusion, hands gripping his shoulders as he worked you over. Making sure his fingers were nice and slick before wrapping them around his cock again and positioning his tip at your entrance.
He gripped your hips as you slowly lowered yourself onto him. He bit his lip, eyes glued to where the two of you were connected. You whimpered at the angle, at the feeling of him finally inside you after years of fantasising.
“So deep,” you panted. “Fuck, Bob.”
He groaned as you rolled your hips, cunt clenching around him. “Knew you’d be so tight…so fucking wet. Feels like heaven, baby.”
You gasped as he wrapped his mouth around your nipple, over the top of your bra. Hands wound into his hair as you rocked your hips, lifting and sinking rhythmically.
His teeth grazed against the taut nub he was suckling on before paying the same attention to your other breast. You gasped and threw your head back, scratching your nails against his scalp.
He moaned, the vibrations coursing through your body. Your hips rocked a little harder against him, gasping at the tightness in your lower abdomen. He watched you lower your hand between your bodies, two fingers circling your clit and bringing you that much closer to your high.
“I didn’t say you could cum, baby girl,” he warned you.
“Please, Bob!” You whined. He gripped your ass, holding you up and refusing to let you keep going. “Fuck, please.”
“Please what?” He asked you. You pressed your forehead to his, a whimper falling past your lips.
“Please…wanna cum on your cock,” you begged. “Thought you wanted to feel me come undone around your cock, Bobby?”
“Fuck,” he groaned. “I do. But if you cum like this I’m not gonna be able to pull out.”
“So don’t,” you told him, taking his face between your hands. “Wanna feel you finish inside me, Bob.”
He kissed you roughly, teeth clashing as his tongue invaded your mouth. You moaned as his fingertips dug into your hips, his own snapping up as he fucked you.
You tugged at his hair, or pawed at his chest. So close to your orgasm, wanting to touch yourself. Wanting to tease your clit until you came all over his cock. Until he had you chanting his name and memorising the way he felt inside you. The way he made you feel. 
The way you wanted him to continue making you feel, even when things went back to normal. Especially then. 
“Fuck yes, squeeze my cock just like that,” he goaded, head thrown back as your cunt tightened and your body started quivering. “Feels so fucking good, baby. So fucking tight.”
“I wanna cum, Bob,” you pleaded. “Wanna cum all over your cock. Wanna feel you filling me up.”
He grunted, thrusts becoming harsher. His hand smacking your ass roughly as you matched his pace. You slipped your hand between your bodies once again, toying with your clit. Winding that coil so tight within your abdomen that you didn’t realise you were cumming until you collapsed into him. His hips thrusting upwards, grunting once, twice, three times before he stilled. Holding you close as he came undone inside you.
You wanted to stay wrapped in him forever, but your body felt like jelly and he was still talking to you.
“Such a good girl riding me, baby,” he said, lightly stroking your back. “Knew you’d feel so good wrapped around my cock. Such a pretty little thing, fucking hell.”
You hummed, lips pressed against his neck. Feeling his pulse beating rapidly against your mouth, chests flush together and bodies still connected.
“You feel so good, Bob, so right,” you told him, drunk off the post-coital euphoria. “Don’t want this to end. Don’t want you to go.”
“I’m not going anywhere,” he promised you. You lifted your head to look at him and he smoothed your hair back from your face. “I wanna take you home. Can I take you home?”
“Yeah, take me home.”
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unreliablesnake · 11 months
König couldn't help but smile while he watched you standing in the middle of the square, looking back and forth between the screen of your phone and the nearby streets with a confused look on your gorgeous face. You were lost, he could easily see that.
It was one of those rare occasions when he was off-duty, visiting his family in Austria without having to protect his identity with the usual veil. Yes, he felt naked, almost anxious again, but he reminded himself that everything was okay. He was alone. No one was following him. No one recognized him. It was all good.
So he laughed to himself quietly before walking over to you. "Excuse me," he began, already raising his hands in defense since he knew you would freak out because of his size alone. When you gulped and locked the screen of your phone, he went on. "You seem to be lost. Can I help?"
You hesitated, but your eyes never left his face. Were you just cautious and kept an eye on him to make sure he behaved? Or was there another reason? Maybe something was on his face? When he cocked an eyebrow at you, you cleared your throat and kicked the cobblestone sidewalk.
"I have the goddamn GPS in my phone and I'm still lost," you murmured angrily with an adorable nose scrunch. "I'm looking for this address," you told him once you found the email it was in.
He took a good look at the screen, and he couldn't help but smile. "I'm going right across the street, I can show you the way if you'd like," he offered.
Nodding, you put the device back to your pocket. "That would be great, thank you."
The two of you walked in silence for a while. König had a series of questions on his mind, starting with one about your name and one about whether or not you were a local. Even he got lost sometimes after being away for too long, so he wouldn't be that surprised to find out you were living in this city.
But he remained silent, and instead of opening his mouth, he silently observed your features, taking in the details as if he was trying to remember his girlfriend's looks. But you weren't his girlfriend, although a part of him desperately wanted to ask you out before you parted at your destination.
The great Colonel König was back to his anxious self because of you. His mind was in overdrive, one moment he was just about to open his mouth, the next he wanted to run away and hide from you. It was a terrible feeling, one he didn't have to face on the battlefield. Oh, how he wished he was back there.
"You're tall. And big," you suddenly mused as you turned to him with a smile. "I'm sure a lot of people tell you that, sorry."
He couldn't help but laugh at this. "Yeah, I get that a lot. And you're cute," he added without even thinking.
You came to a sudden halt and turned to him with your hands folded behind your back. "You think I'm cute?"
Damn it. Where the hell did that filter between his mouth and brain go? "I–I... It's not... Yes," he eventually admitted guiltily.
With a laugh, you moved closer to him and playfully nudged his arm with your shoulder. "You don't look bad either. Maybe we could meet later."
"As in going on a date?" You nodded with a smile. "I'd love that."
König knew you were close to your destination, so he pulled out his phone and gave it to you. "Can I get your number to discuss the details?" he asked.
Without answering, you took the device and typed your number along with your name before giving it back to him. "Give me a call or send me a text."
He looked at the new contact and couldn't hold back a smile. "I like your name."
"Speaking of names, you never told me yours," you noted with a pout.
"It's König."
"That's all? Hmm... mysterious. I like it."
The rest of the trip passed in silence, mostly because you wanted to avoid spoilers. We'll have time to talk on our date, you said. He was okay with that. But when he stopped in front of the building where you were heading, his heart sank. He didn't want to say goodbye yet, but there was nothing he could do.
Before he could register what was happening, you stood on your toes and gently pulled down his head to place a soft kiss on his cheek. "Thanks for showing me the way," you whispered to him.
"Anytime," König told you.
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sensei-venus · 10 months
Mama’s Boy, Stress Relief (Robby Keene x Chubby!Reader)
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(Unedited) (Mommy Kink, Tit Sucking, Cumming In Pants, Stress Relief, Reader taking care of her boyfriend)
The pout on Robby's lips was very telling of how he was feeling. It wasn't often that the dirty blond wear a genuine pout. It was something that only ever occurred on a blue moon. It was common to see him scowl or grimace at something. Not getting his way was something that happened a lot but nothing caused him enough pain to pout.
So when Robby walked into his and Reader’s shared apartment after a long day of work, she knew something was really wrong.
Her eyes glanced over at his from the corner of her eye. Watching as he put his bag down by the door and kicked his shoes off. Huffing as he slid them off his feet and tossed them to the floor. He slowly made his way into the kitchen, head hung just a little lower than what Reader would have liked from him. Robby tried to keep his spirits up no matter what so this was a big change from his usual vibe.
“Hey babe, you doing okay? How was work?” she questioned as he fully entered the room. She was busy doing the last of her daily work on the computer. Quickly shooting off one last email before closing her laptop and giving Robby her full attention. She cocked her head as she watched him open the fridge and pull out a cold bottle of water. Taking a few sips he hummed at her, eyes downcast as he finished a long sip from his drink. She didn't really like that look at all. She gave him a moment to speak but nothing ever came out leaving the room silent.
“It was okay I guess…”his reply was short and bitter sounding as he looked at the floor.
This definitely didn't sit right with Reader which is why she quickly stood up and walked past Robby. This left him in the kitchen alone as she walked to the living room. Sitting down on the couch she threw a “Robby please come in here.” in the air. The soft sound of feet shuffling filled the air as he followed her voice into the other room. He sat his water bottle on the coffee table before walking over to her. He stood quietly in front of her for a good long moment before the silence was broken.
“Come here Robby, sit on my lap.” Robby's face slowly turned a light shade of pink. Color dusted his cheeks as he obeyed his girlfriend's words. Robby had always been a bit more resistant to some of Reader's approaches on some things. He was good at taking orders but he still had a bit of how you say, fright. Secretly he was scared he would mess up and cause the girl to become upset at him for not doing as she asked of him. Sitting on her soft lap was something he enjoyed but was also sacred of. Feeling her thick thighs under him was nice but also scared him. Mostly the idea of accidentally hurting her always came to mind more than he would have liked.
Once he was fully on her lap she gave him a small peak to the cheeks. He slightly relaxed at the small kiss. His body slowly going lax under her eyes and body slumping just a little. It made her smile as she held him close.
She gave him a small smile while giving his hand a squeeze while saying “I don't think that was a very good answer. Did something bad happen at work today?” Robby gave a small nod.
“Do you want to talk about it, Sometimes that tends to help.” She gave him another kiss on the cheek as she finished her statement. He shook his head with a deep sigh. His eyes wandered to the other side of the room, avoiding her gaze altogether. With that she gave him a grin.
She pulled at the bottom of her shirt, lifting it up and tucking it under her chin. Licking her lips she said “If that’s the case…maybe mama can make you feel better in another way then.” she grinned at his flushed face. His eyes slowly crept over to look back at her. Eyes darting to her exposed cleavage, bra doing just enough to hide her heavy tits. His eyes locked on the tiny metal clasp in the middle of the fabric. It sat right between her breasts snug against her skin.
With a flick of the wrist the little metal clasp was split open letting her heavy tits fall free. They spilled out hanging heavy on her chest. Her soft nipples sitting pretty all for him. Robby could feel his mouth watering just by looking at them. His eyes widen as he looks at her for some kind of confirmation on what she was hinting at. She gave him a small nod.
“Let Mama take care of you baby, let me make you feel better after such a hard day.” she pulls him down into her warm breasts. Robby moans as he snuggled into her soft flesh. His hands gently worked at her sides. Moving up from her chubby belly to cup her underboob. He did his best to hold each one in his palms but they easily spilled over in his hands.
He insticfuly licks his lips before bending down and sucking on a nipple. It hardens against his flat tongue. His eyes flutter shut at the new feeling. He relaxes as he uses her breasts as stress toys. 
“There you go, just relax for me. Such a good boy aren't you Robby. Your be so good for me right now.” She softly smiled down at him while he suckled at her. He moaned lightly as he drew closer to her. Her arms wrapped around him and rocked him a little.
One of her hands found yet back of his head, fingers laced through his brownish golden locks. Her fingertips scratched against his scalp just right to have him shivering. Her other hand rubbed at his back. Making circles over the fabric of the dress shirt he wears. It's just enough to have him completely zone out.
Reader stops herself from giggling when she feels something poking her belly. It's hard and warm through his pants. She can already guess what it is by the way his hips try to jerk. Over time the jerking starts to become despret rutting. Brushing against the underside of her soft belly. His breathing starts to become more heavy as the minutes. His suckling starts to get harder and harder, his grip on her other tit getting stronger as well.
When his legs jerk and his hips snap she knows.
The wet stain that starts to bloom at the front of his pants speaks volumes.
With a loud pop, he detaches from Reader’s overly sensitive nipple. It's hard and engorged, dripping with Robby’s spit. Robby looks at her with a dopey look. His eyes hazed over as he still clung to her waist. Lips were plump and red from his earlier actions.
With a smile Reader says “You feeling any better now that Mama helped you get some stress out?”
“Umm good, next time you need to let some stress out you just come to me. You know I'm always here for you.” she gets closer to his ear.
“Mama always knows how to make you feel good, just remember that.”
Robby’s feels himself flush over her words and ducks into her neck.
Sometimes his girlfriend knows just the way to keep him on his toes at all times.
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chipified · 6 days
Avatar hcs
Spoilers for the reckoning of Roku, the kyoshi novels and the yangchen novels. Note I still need to finish Rokus and kyoshi's books
• Korra has broken her fingers many, many times
• Her eyes are so bright and eye-catching. People stare at them a lot.
• She could pull so easily. She's great at flirting (usually) But she doesn't because she's loyal to asami
• Sure she was showing growth when she spared kuvira but she does NOT like her. Kuvira pisses her off
• Luckily she's able to make up for her lack of experience in the real world with how social she is but she is clueless about slang and she never understands references
• Jokes fly right over her head
• All of the krew has such a shitty sense of humour they laugh at the dumbest things
• Goes through like 12 hairstyle phases. She loves mixing it up
• Stubborn as hell she stood by the spirit portal decision for he entire life and death
• A really talented bender. In her spare time she attempts to recreate the feats of her past lives
• Bias towards kuruk. She thinks he looked very cool and admired his skills
• Being vegetarian spared him from the knowledge that he is allergic to shellfish
• Sokka and toph teased him about his first flirting attempts on katara until the day he died
• His death was really unexpected. He was mostly fine leading up to it. Noone could really figure out what killed him at first, it was ultimately just him overworking himself too much
• Not a fan of the spirit world. He avoids it where he can
• Koh the face stealer scared him senseless actually no matter what he says
• He was always really busy with his duties but he did try to spend as much time with his children as he could
• Was super doting on katara while she was pregnant
• Tried a long bearded look for a while. It looked awful and toph clowned on him so hard. So did his kids
• Admired Yangchen and Roku so much. Kyoshi freaked him out as a kid
• Those first few months of travelling with the air nomads sucked ass. He was constantly covered in mud, his hair was knotted and he STANK oh my god he missed home so bad
• Actually pretty clumsy. Even when he was old he would trip over his own feet all the time. Dislocated his hip once
• A pushover. Sozin would take his snacks and drag him places as small children and he'd just take it
• Sozin had no faith in his avatarhood
• Politics were a nightmare for him in his late teens and twenties because of how awkward he was. He grew into his own though and ended up decently good at negotiating.
• Has freckles, but they only show up at the height of summer
• He doesn't tan he goes red
• Low self esteem, he thinks everything he does is embarrassing
• Collected seashells. Both because he wanted to try and get reacquainted with the ocean and because he thought they were pretty
• Shortly after Yasu died, he was so petrified of water he could barely bathe. He was very traumatised for a long while
• His own safety wasn't much of a priority. Guilt consumed him, so he didn't care what happened to him, as long as the people he was close to were safe
• Thank god for airbending because she is intensely affected by the cold
• Her Hands are always slightly shaky, so applying her makeup can be so annoying sometimes
• Politics bored her to death
• Queen of “this could've been an email”
Uses her height to her advantage as much as she can. It's just easier and leads to less violence
• Very kind to young children
• She doesn't mean to be harsh or rude, she's just very blunt and has a flat tone
• She got very sick very easily as a kid. If kelsang hadn't found her she probably wouldn't have lived much longer
• Insecure about her appearance. Rangi spent years convincing her she wasn't ugly
• She saw a lot of her younger self in Roku. It made her uncomfortable
• Hopeless romantic. Loves poetry, songwriting and those partner dances. You know damn well he took ummi on as many dates as he possibly could
• Self reliant. Asking for help with anything becomes harder and harder as he grows older (“older”). Even basic stuff like asking someone to help him carry stuff
• His parents were disappointed in him. In their eyes they raised the only avatar in recent history who just didn't do his job
• They both outlived him
• He was fantastic at bending though, he could pull of some tricks that not even his teachers could
• He should've been at the club bro!! House parties would've been his shit!! He would've eaten at karaoke
• As much as he drank he still despised the taste of vodka
• Wanted to be a father. But that didn't work out
• Trust issues
• Her hair started going grey pretty early into her life. She was crazy stressed
• Rip yangchen you would've loved weed
• She did not celebrate the day Chaisee died because that would be disrespectful. So kavik did it for her amen
• Really enjoyed sports. Would've killed it at baseball
• She doesn't like watching the lives of the future avatars until they hit like 25 they stress her out so hard when they're young
• One of the few team avatars to stick together for life and not retire at any point. All of them worked until they were forced to stop
• Infertile
• Tries to visit her sister in the spirit fog sometimes but can't bring herself to go in again. She stops doing this eventually
• Kavik cuts her hair. He's weirdly good at it. In return she brings him trinkets she finds in all the places she visits
• Yingsu and her have spa days together
• Her sanity was hanging on by a thread during Legacy. She was so close to crashing out
• The past lives “possessing” her was an issue her whole life, exacerbated in times of stress. Neither she or her past lives could control it. It just happened when it happened
• Realistically he knew that he couldn't just fix all the world's problems in his lifetime alone, but god he did not want to die the way he did. He really wanted a peaceful death
• The armour he was wearing when he died was slowly gathered up over the years from battlefields and things he just found on the ground
• His avatar state was slightly different from his incarnations. Since it wasn't something he was born with, it caused some issues. For example, his vision was very poor when he died
• Felt really bad about the impact he had on the other avatars lives.
• Super bored all the time. He's seen everything there is to see at this point
• Wan and raava are super comfortable they know literally everything about each other
• Never had a lover. It just didn't interest him at all. The following avatar just ended up looking similarly to him (Alternatively- he had a bad breakup with a guy and that is why none of the future avatars date men/j)
• Wan and Jaya (his friend that died fighting spirits) built the treehouse they lived in together. Yao (tree-sprit guy) met them a little later. They formed their own little family after being shunned by everyone else
• Yangchens life was his favourite to watch. Aang's life was his least favourite.
• Korra was the only one he went out of his way to speak to. He hasn't been summoned for at least a few thousand years and he just prefers to let them make their own decisions
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lizzy-luvbot · 1 month
Could you do headcanons on how would the marble hornet characters be with their s/o who’s just as involved in the situation as they are? Your other headcanons were really well done btw!!
Characters: Tim Wright, Brian Thomas, Jay Merrick and Alex Kralie.
Tw: small VERY tiny amount of angst.
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Tim Wright:
Would be so protective over you, your safety comes before his every time.
I feel like he would blame himself for you being involved, you’ve told him so many times that it wasn’t his fault but he just doesn’t listen☹️.
You can NEVER go anywhere alone(he holds your hand while you pee(just kidding…maybe…🫣))
Has to always have some part of his body touching yours(like foot touching yours, hand holding yours or on your shoulders, thigh, arm or even a belt loop or hem of your shirt.)or he will get so paranoid.
Brian Thomas:
You would barely see him(mostly because of hoodie and all the shit he does)
He loves so much that he would stay away to try and get the operator to leave you alone(doesn’t work☹️).
When you do see him, you guys always avoid talking about the operator, trying to forget all that’s happening and just enjoy eachothers company.
When he’s gone for a while he always comes back with a small gift.
Jay Merrick:
He’d love to leave you safe at home while he goes and investigates but he’s scared something will happen while he’s gone so he has no choice but to take you.
Probably get you a necklace with a tracker in it, just incase he loses you in the woods running from the operator.
Holds your hand all day everyday. I feel like he’d be stressed if he’s either not holding your and or your not in his line of sight.
He holds the camera while you carry a backpack with all the essentials.
Alex Kralie:
You have no idea what he does when he randomly leaves for like a week at a time(he wants to keep it that way)
He doesn’t want to involve you anymore then you already are, so he ignores you whenever you ask questions about where he’s been(you thought he was cheating on you then you remembered you guys aren’t in a normal situation)
Y’all like to pretend the operator doesn’t exist when you guys get to just hang out like normal people.(aka you NEVER take about it)
He can kill them fine(Tim,Brian and jay) but he would never even think about killing you.
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MEME FOR READING THIS (not mine..I wish I was funny.. ANYWAY I found it on Pinterest a while back..) I HOPE YOU LIKED IT😁
I check my email and my Jay plushie is gonna be delivered Saturday🔥🔥 I’m so excited two months and $40 later I’m finally getting him💯
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dravenscroft · 1 month
So my wife and I are working on a long fic that's a Terror modern AU set in a secondary school. My wife is a teacher and has experienced The Horrors of crappy schools being taken over by academy trusts and becoming weirdly corporate firsthand. We're like 50k into it and it'll probably be like 60k? I think? Anyway we're uploading it on my Ao3 soon but here's a brief rundown of some of the highlights:
Crozier is the new joint head of school, he's been moved there against his will to work alongside Fitzjames, the 'Head of Data', which Crozier thinks isn't a real job.
Franklin is the Executive Head but he's NEVER at the school, he's always busy at head office and has no idea what chaos goes down.
Fitzjames used to be a drama teacher until he got promoted up. He hasn't taught in years and so Crozier has zero respect for him...at first.
Little is the exhausted head of English and he is regularly being verbally abused by the children. He is having a Bad Time.
Hodgson is the music teacher. Irving is the art teacher.
Collins is the maths teacher...he has had a sniffle since the start of the year...he is maybe over medicating with Lemsip and cough medicine in an effort to keep coming to work.
Goodsir is the bright-eyed NQT biology teacher. He is still full of wonder and hope. Oh, to see the UK education system 'with eyes as an NQT...'
Stanley is the head of science. He is not full of wonder and hope. Obviously.
Blanky is the geography teacher who has been there since forever and doesn't take any shit. He's beloved by the kids but they also rightly fear him because he will tell them what for if they misbehave. He also has NO concept of professional corporate speak in emails. He will tell it like it is.
...Oh yeah, there's emails in there too. It's partly epistolary.
Jopson is the highly competent office worker for the school reception. He WILL find a way to schedule the unscheduleable, he WILL handle any difficult parent that comes his way, and he WILL answer every email in a timely fashion.
He works alongside Billy of course, who doesn't want to be there, except maybe for the gossip.
Bridgens takes on the work of several as is normal in a terrible school...he's librarian, and the first-aider, and a TA, along with his husband Peglar who is also a TA.
Tozer is the disillusioned P.E teacher who USED to enjoy his job until Heather left and took another job on the other side of the country and the Academy (Admiralty Trust) took over...now he hates his job and is totally checked out.
And then of course there's Hickey...a problematic parent who has made bringing down Crozier and the school his primary goal. It was very hard to imagine Hickey with a kid but we came to the decision that his daughter was born when he and the girl's mother were like 15, a one-time fling before he figured out his sexuality, and he has Regretted It Ever Since because good GOD this man doesn't want to be a father. He only has her on weekends and isn't in contact with her mother at all. He WANTED to run off to Hawaii like in canon but then his kid's mother said she'd chase him to the ends of the earth for child maintenance if he did. He is NOT a good father, this troubled, angry teenage girl lives off takeaway and pot noodles and they mostly just try to avoid each other when she's at his scummy little flat. HOWEVER, because Hickey is all about his ego, when there are Issues with his daughter at school Hickey takes it as a slight against HIM, and makes revenge his goal.
His daughter also features, she's a 'managed move' student who was nearly expelled from her last school for bringing in a knife. She's very troubled and terrorises the teachers (she's referred to as 'a little terror' in one of the emails...) but she also ends up bonding a little with Crozier, who tries his hardest to turn things around for her. It's just too bad her father wants to cause Problems rather than do anything to ACTUALLY help her.
Anyway yeah. It's mostly comedic but with a few serious issues tackled (like the obvious neglect this girl experiences, for one) - it's mostly been a way for my teacher wife to rant about Academy schools and just the general failings of the UK school system lmao. There is Social Commentary involved.
Anyway it's Coming Soon.
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penfz · 10 months
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A Face to the Name
Sukuna x FemReader (Modern AU)
Summary: After a long a** break of settling in, getting Aika settled in, finding a babysitter, and overall just avoiding going into work physically… Y/N now has to physically go into work Lol
A/N: I’m currently making a Master List of this series. There, I will attempt to put it in an actual timeline. No promises though.
This story part does take place after The Beginning though.
Warning: mild swearing, mention of choking (in a non physical sense)
Sukuna x FemReader Master List
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Welp. Y/N hated this. You were perfectly fine working from home. You enjoyed not having to actually pick an appropriate outfit for work. Cause if you could go to work in your track-pants, you most certainly would. You also enjoyed just casually sitting in on meetings through video call, making yourself a sandwich as you did. Now you guarantee during those meetings, you would be expected to at least say something, and you most definitely would not be allowed to make a sandwich during it.
With one more sigh, you left the house and drove to work. But not before grabbing your lunch bag, which Yuuji and Aika had left a sweet note about enjoying your first day at work. Such darlings.
On the other side of the street, Sukuna was already grumbling in annoyance. The sections manager was finally making an appearance at work, and he wasn’t sure what to make of them. Mostly cause they actually never said sh*t during the meeting. They muted their microphone and blocked their camera during meetings, stating that it gets extremely loud and distracting in her house.
Now Sukuna knew for sure it was a female because she often sent emails to him regarding certain deadlines and projects. And she always signed it off with her name and position. Now Sukuna should have probably done the same back, since it’s appropriate to sign off your name and position when writing emails within a company. But yeah… he never did that Lol So she always called him “Mr.Sukuna” since his email had his first name in it. That low key made him laugh, only cause he knew it probably annoyed her. She was a stickler for “proper” and “appropriate” when it came to work, Sukuna couldn’t help himself in wanting to annoy her just a little.
The house was already empty, with Yuuji leaving early to drop off Aika to school. The same Aika who had insisted on her and Yuuji leaving a sweet note in his lunch… addressed to “Suki”. Brats.
“I hate this.” You mumbled under your breath. And you weren’t lying. Physically being at work was weird. You were a section manager for a large project firm. You had moved cities with Aika after being promoted to a higher position, but it required you to move to a different city. No complaint on your part though, you were moving back to the city you called home, where family was. Being away from them was hard enough.
You were getting a tour of the office, being introduced to coworkers, putting faces to the names that you’ve read through your computer screen from time. In fact, you were looking for a certain person, a Mr. Sukuna. The guy, you assumed it’s a male anyways, just did little things to irk your soul. Why couldn’t he just send the documents to you if he was already done? Why wait till the deadline to do so? Why couldn’t he just answer you in a timely manner? Especially when the indicator says that the guy read your message. And why couldn’t he just sign off his name properly in emails?! So you wouldn’t have to use his first name, which you got from his work email address!
“Oh, this is Mr. Itadori.” Your colleague introduced. And instantly, your head shot up. Someone with the same last name as your child’s babysitter? Possibly a coincidence in last names.
It most certainly was not a coincidence. The man before you looked exactly like Yuuji, his pink fluffy hair a dead give away to that. But the tattoos, the large body structure, the intimidating look he gave you, this was probably Yuuji’s older brother. And he was right, he is scary looking. But scary good… cause for some reason you couldn’t take your eyes off him. Took everything in you not to laugh as youu remembered Yuuji’s words.
As if Sukuna thoughts differed from your own. He took one look at you, and he already had one word to describe you. Cute. Your body language gave off a timid vibe. Understandable, he is a pretty big guy. But this was his new manager? On screen you gave a very demanding and confident presence, but that’s probably because you were behind a screen. That was what he liked. As much as he could describe you as cute, you weren’t necessarily his type. He liked confident and bold women, not to much the shy type. There was something about a woman who could take the lead with no hesitation, that made Sukuna melt.
“Hi, Mr. Itadori. Nice to meet you, I’m Y/N L/N.” You introduced with a deep bow. Sukuna could only smirk, definitely a timid one.
“Nice to meet you. Look forward to working with you.” Sukuna replied, he definitely was going to enjoy teasing you in the future.
Now this time, Sukuna was baffled. Trying to keep the impressed smile off his face. He was definitely wrong in his original thoughts of you just being “cute”, and he was definitely wrong on you not being his type. Cause you most definitely were.
There was a meeting today, with your boss wanting to formally introduce you to everyone, as well as a meeting about the current projects and its timelines. There was some overlaps in the projects, resulting in slight disorganization among workers, all of them trying to figure out which part should be done first. Which resulted in missed deadlines, all of which you felt could have been avoided.
When you were called upon to address the matter with your own thoughts, Sukuna couldn’t wait to see how your timid self would respond. But in your own head, you could only sigh as you feared you’ll be looked at as a tyrant in the workplace. Oh well.
“I disagree.” You spoke up when it was your turn to speak. All eyes were on you now, with your answer defying all previous agreements. “This will certainly lead to sloppy results. The deadline is soon approaching, let’s fix the timeline of things. Have the bigger details handled by senior staff, and smaller ones handled by the interns. They’ll have to learn eventually anyways how things work in an actual work setting.”
“Giving those kind of tasks to the interns is what could result in sloppy results.” Someone else argued.
“No. Those interns worked hard to be exactly where they are now.” You explained. “Give them the chance to prove themselves and to succeed. They’re in this position cause this where they went to be, so give them that chance.”
“That’s still risky.” Another fought.
“What’s risky is this that you actually think that your current plan is working, when it's clearly not.”
Welp, you just dropped a truth bomb there, and Sukuna couldn’t help but smirk. He almost barked out a laugh. Almost.
“I agree with Y/N.” Sukuna declared. “This debate is honestly a waste of time. We either continue with what we're doing, or we follow the princess' lead and listen to her."
"Sukuna." The boss had lightly reprimanded him with using such an inappropriate to describe you. He always feared Sukuna would catch an HR complaint with the way he spoke. But it's not like you complained.
Nope, you definitely didn't complain. Instead you slightly blushed at the sound of the nickname coming from such a deep voice such as Sukuna's. You had to remind yourself that you were at work and to relax.
Once the meeting had ended, in your favour actually, you had either been applauded for your decision to change things. Or you were looked down upon for it, especially cause you were technically new to the your current position. But you had not let any of the whispers around you, stop you. And Sukuna noticed that. Just like a predator eyeing it's prey, Sukuna was now eyeing you.
"Hi Suku- nii, how was work?" Yuji asked, seeing his brother already in the kitchen cooking dinner.
"It was fine brat. Where are you coming from anyways?" Sukuna asked, no pleasantries what so ever. But that never bothered Yuji.
"Oh, Aika's house. I was helping her with her homework before her mom came home." Yuji explained. "Aika said she wants to come here for dinner tomorrow. Is that ok?"
"Yeah it's fine." Sukuna answered back, not really paying much attention to things as he did the task at hand. No, his thoughts were still on you. The way you dominated your colleagues, the way you spoke to those higher then you with no remorse in your comments. That kind of personality had Sukuna in a choke hold, and his thoughts were strictly on you.
"Did... something good happen today?"
"What the fcuk?" Sukuna questioned as he turned to face his younger brother. "What are you on brat?"
"Cause you're burning dinner." Yuji answered innocently. He didn't want to admit that his brother got absent minded whenever his thoughts were on a girl, or he had a good date.
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t3a-tan · 6 months
Number 37 for any oc/ ocs??
37) “Oh God, I almost crushed you!”
A little out of nowhere, but here it is ^^ Human Oliver finds borrower Tanner. Both of them are confused about why their cousin is so big/small. Enjoy!
Time had passed since Oliver's experiences with the borrowers, and although he was still following his usual routine he had started leaving out little bits of food every morning just to help out. The borrower, James, seemed capable of looking after himself, but he could help himself to whatever Oliver left out too.
Although he was intrigued by the man and oddly drawn to him, he also knew that the borrower was still quite uncomfortable around him due to the size difference and general rules of his culture. Oliver wasn't offended by that at all; whatever made his housemate the most comfortable was fine with him.
He found his eyes instinctively drawn to the floor more than they had been before— checking to ensure the man wasn't within his path. It had taken some correcting to remind himself that James was not foolish enough to move within his path without speaking up… now he was able to keep that urge mostly contained.
This backfired immediately, though not in the way he expected.
This time Oliver had been in deep thought about an email he needed to write, already pre-preparing it in his head as he made his way towards his office with a fresh cup of tea. Because he was so focused he didn't even notice that something had suddenly entered his path until he heard a cry.
Oliver froze when he heard the sound from below, bristling in surprise and all of his thoughts coming to a standstill. It took him a few moments to get his thoughts back in order to realise the cry came from…directly below. Oliver took a step back the moment he realised that, dropping to a crouch as his expression took on an edge of concern and guilt.
“Oh God, I almost crushed you! Are you alright, James?” He fretted, placing the cup of tea down on the floor beside the tiny man only to notice… It wasn't James at all. So many borrowers… how have I never met one until recently? “You’re not James…”
Upon making that observation, the figure looked up and Oliver blanched at the odd sight. He had thought it was just black clothing, but the boy was completely void of colour; his only distinguishable features being tear-filled eyes and a parted mouth. They had little wisps of black coming from them… like a living shadow.
Still, they were in distress because of him. Whether they were a borrower or something else, he still almost stepped on them…
“I apologise. It must have been very startling to see someone like me get so close… Take some deep breaths, alright? You're safe.” Oliver moved from a crouch to a kneel and rested his hands on his lap as he leaned down to be closer to eye-level with the tiny shadow. Once the echoey sniffles had stopped and they seemed to be calming down, Oliver opened his mouth to speak again only to be interrupted by the shadowy figure suddenly running towards his face and hugging his nose.
Oliver blinked in bewilderment at the gesture. Are they that thankful that I avoided stepping on them..? Or perhaps… The noises coming from the tiny shadow were very child-like. Another child? Poor thing… I wonder why they were out in the open. Did James know about them?
He moved his hands slowly to cradle the tiny figure, who quickly latched onto a finger instead once they were available, nuzzling their face into his fingertip in such a way that even a composed man like Oliver almost cooed. He cleared his throat instead though, averting his gaze awkwardly. It’s not a good sign for a child to attach to strangers this easily… abandonment? Or perhaps—
“O-Ollie…” The tiny child’s voice was unstable like a radio that kept losing signal, warbling and wavering unnaturally. Even so, Oliver heard very clearly what they said…he even recognized their manner of saying it. He stared down at the tiny child for a few more moments only for his eyes to widen as he realised that he could recognize them.
That's impossible… But it sounds just like him.
The child was trembling, shuddering and scared; as if they had just come from seeing something traumatising. They buried their face into his thumb as they continued to grasp onto it with fingers that seemed impossibly minuscule.
Oliver felt a heavy feeling settle in his stomach the more he wondered how his little cousin had ended up like this. Three years ago he was a happy and normal sized child; now he was tiny and…. different. His brows furrowed and he leaned in closer to the tiny boy, unsure whether to cry or cheer or anything at all.
The boy nodded slowly as he continued to keep his face hidden in Oliver's thumb. The confirmation made tears appear in Oliver's eyes before he could do much to compose himself, and before he knew it he was picking the boy up and cradling him to his chest in a makeshift hug.
“Hey hey hey…. You're alright. You're.. you're alive. I— Don't worry, I'll protect you. I'm sorry…” Oliver wasn't considering his words before speaking like he usually would; causing him to sound disjointed and anxious. That wasn't far from the truth though… thinking about what might have happened to his cousins whilst they were missing was painful enough, but seeing the effects firsthand?
It was soul shattering.
“S-so…big…” The boy murmured shakily, the shadows beginning to disappear and his normal features returning. He was wearing a hospital gown or sorts, and his hair was now blonde instead of the dark brown it used to be. Oliver was so preoccupied in watching the change that he almost missed the meek voice.
“Yes. Yes… I'm big. But that's alright, it doesn't mean I'll hurt you. I promise that you're safe in my hands…” The man was quick to reassure, recognising the fear present in his cousin's stammers. It was understandable. A kidnapping victim was bound to be shaken up after escaping. That did make him wonder though… “How did you get here, Tanner..?”
The tiny boy finally pulled his face away from his thumb, lip trembling. He looked up at Oliver and the man was struck by the fact that Tanner’s eyes were just pools of black. It was wrong. Something was very wrong. Who did this? He couldn't ask the boy such a question so suddenly, so he took a deep breath to contain his anger.
“I…I d-don’t know… In the dark. Very dark… Scary… A-alone…” Tanner began to explain, the echoes in his voice still there but much less than when he had been surrounded by shadow. The boy began to shake more as he recounted his experience and so Oliver began to carefully stroke his head with his thumb. Tanner had always liked having his hair stroked when he was younger, and as the boy leaned into it Oliver knew he must still enjoy that touch now.
Taking a moment to gather himself again, Tanner took a deep breath and wiped at the black tears that had spilled over.
“Don't know.. don't know how long I-I was… there… A-and then I was here…” He stammered, fidgeting with the hem of the hospital gown he was dressed in. Oliver's brows furrowed in confusion. He just…appeared?
“Did you fall asleep?” He asked, receiving a shake of the head in response. Oliver let out a small hum of contemplation. That was odd… But also, whatever happened to Tanner was clearly supernatural in some sense anyway because of his eyes and changing forms. Oliver wasn't qualified to know these things…in fact, he was feeling quite shaken about his knowledge of the world already and now that had only increased.
“Why….why are you a-a human…?”
Oliver bristled at that question. Why would Tanner ask a question like that? He had always been human… Tanner had been too up until he was taken. Unless…
“What else would I be?” He asked, still gentle and reassuring with all of his movements and his tone of voice. It didn't matter what Tanner ended up responding with, Oliver would keep him safe regardless. Whatever the situation was, it might be confusing, but it was clear that this was his cousin in some capacity.
“B…borrower…” The boy responded, voice meeker as he seemed to recognize that Oliver was actually a human and not a borrower. That gave him some pause again… was Tanner a borrower? Was he shrunk and now called himself that? But then why would he think Oliver would also be one?
Oliver shook his head softly, but continued to pet the boy’s head soothingly.
“I’m afraid not. But I am Oliver Oakwood. And you're Tanner Brighton?” He was curious to see if that was still the case, should Tanner be a borrower. A borrower version of his cousins… did that mean there was a borrower version of himself? How odd. Maybe there’s a human James somewhere…
The tiny boy shook his head again, wiping at his eyes. He hesitated briefly before responding.
“I-I’m Tanner Button. My cousin is also O-Oliver Oakwood though… but he's… a-a borrower.” Tanner explained squeakily, and Oliver had to take a moment to think over what that could mean. Was this Tanner from an alternate universe or was he from this universe? As unlikely as it seemed, the first idea was also the most plausible…
Oliver's thoughts were interrupted by a small whine.
“Are…you going to h-hurt me…?” Tanner asked, trembling again as he spoke, his security shaken as he realised that Oliver was not a borrower like him. Oliver's expression softened and he raised his hands slightly just so he could be at eye level with the young boy.
“There's nothing in the world that could make me hurt you. Whether you're my Tanner or not, I wouldn't harm even a single hair on your head…” He assured before kissing his pinkie and gently pressing it against Tanner's forehead. The boy bristled slightly at the gesture and brushed his own tiny hand against the area, clearly touch-starved. Oliver smiled reassuringly. “I'm sure your Oliver is worried sick about you. Until I can get you to him, I'll keep you safe…”
Lowering his hand back down to chest level, Oliver picked up his cup of tea in his free hand before standing back up, email forgotten.
“If it helps at all, I've met other borrowers before. There was a boy named Marcus who got separated from his parents so I returned him to his home, and there's a man named James who lives here in our walls.” Oliver could recognize that Tanner was still worried, so hopefully listening to him talk would give him time to sort his nerves out. He began to walk back towards the kitchen, setting his cup down on the island before walking up to the fridge.
“Are blackberries your favourite too, Button?” He asked with a smile, the name slipping out without much thought. Tanner's face lit up, eyes widening a fraction before he tilted his head.
“Think of it as a nickname… To differentiate you and the version of you that is from this world. Is that…alright? Or would you rather I just call you Tanner..?” Oliver took the blackberries out from the fridge, brows furrowing with concern over whether he might have made his tiny cousin feel uncomfortable without thinking. He approached the island again, starting to lower his hand.
“You can…you can c-call me Button…!” The boy warbled with an edge of enthusiasm that was very thinly veiling desperation. For approval, for attention. Oliver let his hand rest on the island, opening his mouth to speak only for Tanner to speak first in a begging tone. “P-please don't put me down… I don't want to be alone. I don't want to go back… no no no…”
Oliver's fingers twitched and his concern grew as he saw the panic suddenly entering the boy’s body language. He was hugging himself, trembling again and black tendrils began to form over his skin once more.
“Okay. I won't put you down until you're ready… You're not alone. I'm here, alright? You're not going anywhere you don't want to…” Oliver cupped his hands together, rubbing Tanner's back and bringing him up to his chest again. He hugged him close once more, gently shushing the trembling boy. “Deep breaths… You’re safe here with me…”
Slowly but surely the borrower began to calm down, the shadows disappearing once more. Oliver made a note to himself that Tanner was touch-starved more than he had initially realized and to communicate his intentions fully and directly before attempting to lessen contact again. He also wasn't going to use the nickname again until he was certain that Tanner was actually okay with it and not agreeing to it out of fear.
What happened? What sort of torture has this poor kid been through..? What are my cousins going through…?
Once the tears had stopped Tanner sniffled and wiped at his eyes with the edges of his now black-stained hospital gown. Oliver's expression softened and his eyes held a subdued sadness in them.
“If…if you're gonna give m-me a nickname… what should your one be..? Since u-um… since your name's the same. A-as my cousin, I mean…” The boy stuttered, and Oliver took the change of subject as a sign that he wasn't as on edge as before. Hopefully… He hummed in thought.
“Well… maybe Doctor? It's my title. I'm not sure if borrowers have the same titles as humans do.” He offered, only to pause when he recognized that Tanner had suddenly gone very still. He brushed the kid’s hair from his face with his pinkie, attempting to coax a response from him. “Are you feeling quite alright?”
“D-doctor… doctors are bad… they— they hurt borrowers, they take us apart a-and they— no… you're not a doctor. O-Ollie wouldn't do that…” The shadows returned almost immediately, consuming the boy and leaving him as an indistinguishable dark figure once again. The colours of his eyes and mouth flipped to white once more as frightened tears streamed down. “Y-you promised… You said you wouldn't h-hurt me… You promised..!”
Before Oliver could even begin to process what was being said, Tanner attempted and failed to jump from his hands. He swiftly brought his hands up to eye level, concern now very clear in his expression, distressed by the outburst and by the implications of the boy’s words.
“I do promise. I'm— I have a doctorate in psychology. Either way, I wouldn't hurt you…” It took a lot to maintain a gentle and reassuring tone and Oliver tried his best to ensure his own worry didn't cause him to raise his voice at all. He felt his heart break again as he saw how panicked and helpless Tanner looked from within his cupped hands. “What…happened to you…?”
Alarmingly, Tanner's form suddenly began to distort before disappearing entirely, causing Oliver to panic for a brief moment until he saw the boy was on the island. It didn't seem like he knew what had happened either as the moment he realised he was no longer being held by anyone he began to wail— not with despair though… he was terrified. Oliver felt tears prick the corners of his vision but he had to keep calm.
It was hard. This situation wasn't normal and as much as psychology was his strong suit it was so much harder to keep himself in check when his family was involved. He didn't know what to do.
“I-I'm sorry— I-I'm sorry, you can hurt me..!” Oliver's face fell.
“I..I don't want to—”
He was interrupted immediately; Tanner wasn't really listening…
“Please don't go— I-I don't want to be alone!”
“You're not alone, Tanner, I—” Oliver spoke with more urgency this time, but Tanner continued to spiral.
“Y-you can hurt me! I-I won't move so please—”
“Tanner!” Oliver couldn't help but raise his voice slightly then, desperate for the boy to stop. It hurt to hear. It hurt to know.
The boy finally snapped out of it, though he was startled by the sudden loudness of Oliver's voice to the point that his tears started immediately after processing it. He curled up, burying his blackened face in his shadowy arms. Oliver was hesitant, but soon ran a finger up and down the kid’s back again. He didn't know what to say… so he didn't speak.
There was a tune that had been stuck in his mind since he was young. He couldn't remember where he heard it, only knowing that it was some sort of lullaby. He remembered it so clearly and yet he knew none of the words and had no vivid memories that featured it. Even so, his cousins had always been receptive towards the song and so he started to hum it.
He leaned in close, cupping his hands behind Tanner as he continued to stroke his back. After the shadows over his form began to fade and his tears slowed again, Oliver still found it a little difficult to speak. He couldn't afford to go nonverbal though, and so as much as he was struggling to form a sentence he kept trying.
“No nicknames… You're Tanner and I'm Oliver, okay?” Oliver forced it out before letting out a small sigh after, finding that his mind was still racing enough to make the room spin. He had to keep his composure… for Tanner's sake. Oliver shakily wiped a tear from his eye again before speaking. “I should have been there to help you. Maybe if I had been there you wouldn't have been taken…”
It was then that Tanner actually noticed how emotional Oliver was over the situation. It was startling; his Oliver had never been very expressive. He had never seen him cry— though he didn't see him that much anyway since he was moving out just as Tanner was turning 5 years old. He sniffled, still looking up at the giant man with a sense of guilt and awe.
“The thought of you and Sammy suffering all alone… I… It's awful. You shouldn't have had to suffer.” Oliver shook his head solemnly before meeting his gaze. “I’m sorry. There are some truly evil people in this world— but I will not let them so much as think of you again.”
Even if this was not the Tanner from his universe, Oliver's compassion wouldn't allow him to see this Tanner in any other way besides family. This was different to finding James or Marcus. This was his cousin. This was someone who had been forced to endure things no human or borrower should. He was still a child.
And still alive.
Oliver's eyes widened and he bristled, sitting up before glancing around the room as if he might spot something out of the ordinary. “Is.. is Sammy with you? Is she okay?” He needed to assure her of her own safety immediately— Tanner was the most trusting of the two which meant there was no doubt she would be terrified of him.
It hurt to imagine; Oliver would never hurt his cousins, whether they were from this universe or another. But they didn't know that… maybe Tanner was starting to understand.
Oliver focused on the boy again when he felt a minute touch against one of his fingers. He relaxed, realising how tense he was and not wanting to accidentally frighten anyone further. He almost forgot that he had asked a question, but was stricken when Tanner shook his head.
“S-she… I don't know how long… they— they injected me with something a-and then it went dark… but I wasn't asleep. I don't know…” He trailed off, still meek and unsure of himself in the situation, but also trying to give Oliver some trust. “I-I saw her before. She was…alive.. u-um. In the cage…”
Despite his efforts, some of Oliver's fury managed to seep through into his gaze at the mention of a cage. He averted his eyes momentarily, brows furrowing with upset.
“A cage. How barbaric…” He murmured, before taking a deep breath and calming himself back down. He looked at Tanner once more, and despite all the rage and despair buzzing under his skin he managed to offer a smile, petting the boy’s head.
“Okay. You should eat and drink something… I'll wash up these blackberries, alright?” He gathered Tanner up into one hand, cupping it and continuing to stroke his hair with his index finger. Simultaneously he poured some blueberries into a colander, carrying it to the sink and washing the blackberries off in the sink. Once they were clean he poured them into a bowl and set the bowl down on the island.
Oliver sat down at the island counter, continuing to cradle Tanner in his palm as he worked as he knew that the boy wouldn't take well to being put down. He picked up a blackberry and brought it over to the little borrower, offering it to him with a soothing smile.
“Go ahead. Eat your fill. I'll focus on finding your sister…” He could sense the hesitation in Tanner's movements but was relieved to see him take the berry despite that. I'll keep you safe. I'm sorry I didn't do a good enough job at that before.
As the boy ate it became clear how tired he was. After the third berry along with Oliver's gentle touch, Tanner fell into a deep sleep curled up in Oliver's warm palms. Oliver didn't move for a while after, just watching; scared that if he did anything his cousin would disappear.
I should probably talk to James...
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sumaneun-stars · 9 months
'Four Seven Two Eight'
chapter 04 — 'Under the same stars'
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previous | masterlist
Pairing. Jay x reader
Genre. Mostly angst, fluff
Warnings. Swearing, mentions of making out
Sypnosis. You didn't know why your heart shattered, when your one sided love, Park Jongseong, left you in the dark- because he was never yours to begin with. You didn't expect what 2 years could do to a person, especially to him, now a completely different person. Not the little boy he used to be.
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‘Knew I was falling when I looked inside your eyes’
You walked through the crowded corridor, occasionally dodging people who blocked your way. You didn't have a class in the morning, giving you free time. Once you reached your locker, your OCD got the best of you, making you randomly start organizing your locker.
It was… a disaster. There were advantages out of it, though. One- you found your missing airpod, two- your locker was clean. And three- you caught a glimpse of your constant concern of these four days- by the now clean mirror on the door of your locker. Park Jongseong- and he was not holding a girl. In fact, he hasn't been keeping up his nasty, arrogant, fuckboy personality ever since the tutoring session you had with him.
Your eyes met his, and the gaze was held until he walked past you. You didn't remember what happened on that day- but you were sure curious about it. You noticed his behavior, and the way he avoided you since then. You'd be lying if you said you weren't concerned. 
‘What the fuck did you do, y/n?’
As you leaned your chin on your palm, you looked down at Jay who sat two rows ahead of you. He drank water and kept the bottle hanging on his hand- writing something with the other, as if he was holding a glass of wine.
Your mind reeled to a clip of a neon room filled with insane people. Jay, a girl in his hand and a drink in his other. It wasn't only the picture of it in your mind, but the rage you felt at that moment was as plain as day, the way his hand explored her curves, the look on his face. You felt the urge to  throw your bag across the lecture room hoping to knock some sense into him, but chose the better of it. You came back to reality at the snap in your hand. Your pencil fell out of your hand, broken in half at the sudden memory you got of four days ago.
Your rage never decreased as the days went on. Every time you saw Jay and his nervous eyes, you felt like slapping him across the face. Why was he avoiding you? If anything, you were the one who had to avoid him. Fuck it, you didn't even like him. In fact, you hated him. And the second make out session in the bathroom in which you witnessed was just fuel to the fire. Even then he ignored your presence, but the burn in his eyes on your back still haunted you.
It was about time Jay and his parents visited again. I mean, your parents shared a bond like siblings with Mr And Mrs. Park. You used to love that bond to bits, but not anymore. You glared at the boy sitting across from you as your parents laughed at some inside joke.
“Jay, why don't you have another study session with y/n like last time?” Mrs. Park suggested.
“Ah yes, Jay honey, how was it? I forgot to ask you” your mother’s eyes fell on his.
“Uh- it was- effective” he replied, his eyes down before meeting your eyes at his mother's suggestion.
“Son, we’ll be going in a while, so why don't you come back when you're done?”
Great. Just great.
“Okay. Bye mom, dad”
You found yourself in your room with Jay, again. You brought your books to your hand, although you knew you'd do anything but study. You needed answers. Nevertheless, you started.
“I hope you read through those notes I emailed you, it's simplified and this part links with th-” you halted to the sound of his footsteps towards your window. 
“Where do you think you're going?” 
No response.
“Park Jongseong” you spoke a little louder.
“What?” He turned, his eyes narrowed in frustration.
“Where are you going?” You asked, your voice sharper.
“Anywhere but here” his reply was cold, hiding whatever emotion he felt. You walked towards him, your every step increasing your heart beat, forcing him to look at you.
“Why? Do I make you uncomfortable?” the thought bothered you.
He sighed, his frustration clearly visible. “No, I'm done with you, y/n. I have nothing to do with you, so leave me alone”
Your eyes turned glassy. Not out of sadness, but rage, if anyone was done it was you. That was it. You said that line a million times but it never really applied.
“No, I'm fucking done with you!” You pushed his chest, the force taking him by surprise. 
“What has happened to you, Jay? Chains? Alcohol? Girls? Who… who are you?” You asked, each word louder and more threatening than the previous one. You sighed and calmed yourself down, starting again with a calmer tone.
“I remember everything from that night. How you were fucking grinding with that girl in the club like a corrupted, useless, filthy, fuckboy who's world revolves around nothing but sex” you said, lowering your gaze as each word was like pepper to your eyes.
“And guess what? I tried so hard to avoid the conclusion, but you are exactly that. A good-for-nothing, idiotic, playboy. I'm so fucking dissapointed in you, Jay. You're not the person I miss. Not the person I… loved” the words stung your own heart. Spitting them out hurt more.
“And I was stupid enough to be excited when you came back. I'd rather you just stay out of my life now” your eyes focused on the windowsill, not wanting to meet his eyes as more unnoticed tears flowed down your drenched cheeks.
“That's all you remember?” he spoke. His voice was low and raspy as he swallowed away the urge of spilling tears. He didn't want to meet your gaze as you turned to face him, and he didn't have to look at you to know you were confused. In fact, he didn't want to look at you, knowing he'd crumble to pieces if he saw you once again. Vulnerable. For once in his life, he was vulnerable. And only you could do this to him.
“What do you mean?”
“Nevermind” he choked out, walked to your window and crawled out of it, afraid that you'd see through the mask he wore with the greatest difficulty. He was weak… only for you.
‘Fucking hell, y/n’ you said to yourself.
After a solid two minutes, you became restless.
What did he mean? 
You couldn't help but follow him. You didn't know what one, but you knew he was in one of those small alleyways you used to go together. As you took fast steps, not realizing you were running, you poked your head in every narrow street. Your feet stopped to the empty, abandoned one in front of you. You were long gone from your neighborhood, but the familiarity of the path ahead, you knew like the back of your hand.
You walked along the pathway, your mind reeling back to the past with every step. You doubted Jay was here, but for old times sake, you couldn't help but go out of track. There it was. The algae-covered building which would break any second, but it still stood mighty. You walked up the stairs two at a time with ease, before you met the rooftop of your childhood. And the boy of your childhood.
There he was, back facing you as he stared blankly down at the street. He was deep in thought, but the sound of his silent sniffing triggered something in you. You took soft footsteps closer, but stopped to admire the view ahead. The pink-orange tint to the sky made the empty fields of grass beneath it even more beautiful. Nostalgia hit you like the wind blowing across your face when he turned to look at you.
It was him. The boy you thought you lost. The boy you missed.
You didn't miss the faint evidence of tears on his cheeks, and almost broke to the sight. He didn't have the strength to wear the mask back on, not when you stared at him so deeply like that.
“Tell me what happened, Jay” your voice came out a whisper. “I won't accuse you, just- why are you like this? I miss the old y-” you stopped midway.
Your words got cut off at the feel of his soft lips on yours. He kissed you desperately through the tears, like he would lose you if he let you out of his hold. It all came back to you. There was a faint voice in your head, your mind dazed at the night of the study session.
‘If all it is is eight letters…
Why is it so hard to say?’
He leaned his forehead on yours, chest heaving up and down steadily as he caught his breath. A shiver ran down your spine at the breath fanning across your face, moving your eyelashes with the rhythm of his exhales.
“Jay…” you looked up at him, a hand on his chest and the other meddling with the ends of his hair on his neck. It all came spilling out with that one look in his eyes. The denied love you kept locked in was plain as day. The love you didn't want to admit. You fell. And you fell hard.
“Y/n, I'm sorry it has to be me” he said, breaking eye contact and looking at the floor beneath you.
“What do you mean?” Your voice was hoarse as you held his jaw and made him look up once again.
“I knew I was falling when I looked into your eyes, y/n, I love you. But you deserve the world. Not me. Not a good-for-nothing, idiotic playboy” his eyes failed him at his own words. His lips trembled until his words faded into mumbles in between soft sniffles. 
‘But you are my world. No one can tell me otherwise. Not even you, Jongseong”
It was your turn to catch him off guard. You pressed your lips onto his without warning. It wasn't long until he gave into the kiss, dangling a hand on your shoulder and the other on your upper neck, your lips molding perfectly into his. How much your past self must hate you for this. 
He broke the kiss, leaning onto the nape of your neck as he embraced you into his warmth. His lips gently grazed over your skin, sending chills all around your body.
“You drive me insane, y/n” he whispered, his breath like a soft breeze- enough to send you off the edge. His natural scent filled your nostrils, making you smile at the fond memories. And also excited to make more.
You bit your lip in joy, looking up at the view once again. The afterglow of the unnoticed sunset lingered in the sky, and in Jay's view was the newly risen moon.
You would watch the sunset turn into a sunrise with Jay by your side, under thunderstorms and whirlwinds. You love him. You tried to hate him so much. Who were you trying to convince all this time?
“Y/n” You heard him whisper to your ear as your head lay on his stretched out arm, eyes still plastered on the stars.
“Do you know how much courage it took to say those words?” his words vibrated against your body.
“What? The ‘l’ word?” you smirked.
“But look where your courage brought us”
With that, he was on top of you, lightly laying himself on your body, and gentle with every move. You looked above at the stars scattered across the sky, but soon enough got distracted by the stars in his eyes. It was a relief that the both of you were on the same boat, under the same sky- after an eternity of waiting. You smiled, connecting your fingers with his. His even breaths were comforting in every way. He sighed into your neck, butterflies fluttering inside of you.
“I love you”
a/n: what do yall think? ITS OVER GUYS
tags: @yohanabanana @nikihita
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theterrorreversebang · 5 months
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Presenting, for your viewing and reading pleasure: the final collection of this year's Terror Reverse Bang, a feast of gorgeous artwork, beautiful fic, friendship, laughter, tears, …some horny. OK, a lot of horny.
You can find the AO3 collection for the event here. Summaries and links to the artwork below the cut.   
Thank you all for going on this fantastic journey with us.
Eat well and enjoy.
- ❤️, Charlie and Vio 
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amateur operator (T, hickey/irving tozer/irving, 10.5k)
artwork and concept by entangled_system
fic by pointyshades
At an isolated research station at the top of a warming world, in the most inhospitable place on Earth for communications, John Irving studies signal propagation - and studiously avoids the obvious metaphor. John’s had a lot of practice at ignoring the obvious, but when an improbable random contact with an amateur radio operator calling himself "EC" leads to even more improbable regular contact with the same operator, not even John can ignore the ridiculous reality: a growing relationship with someone he knows only by their call sign; a relationship conducted half in Morse code.
John's real-life connections aren't going half so well, and neither is his research: his radio equipment keeps suffering accidents, and he can't stop getting into arguments with Sergeant Tozer, the man assigned to help him fix it. Frustrated, he turns even further toward his relationship with EC - and finds himself being urged down a path of paranoia as to who is actually damaging his equipment.
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an arcane kind of murder (M, fitzier, 7.5k)
artwork and concept by pretendingday
fic by shakespeares_girl
At the Baronet Franklin's annual tourney, a series of murders begins. Francis is pressed into investigating, with the help of James Fitzjames. But Lord Franklin won't cancel the tournament, and the murders are getting more and more violent.
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as per my last email (E, joplittle, 67.2k)
artwork and concept by mitarashi8
fic by manicpixiedreamjop
Edward Little has lived his life the way he thought he was supposed to. He went to a good university, got a good job as the head of PR at Erebus men’s magazine, and bought a home. He blames the fact that he hans’t dated since university on the fact that he doesn’t have time and not the fact that it terrifies him, and spends what little free time he has trying to pretend he isn’t miserable.
His neighbour Thomas Jopson has lived his life the only way he knows how. He fought his way from a childhood in foster care into a degree and a career that he loves, spending his days doing social work and his evenings volunteering with a local nonprofit supporting queer youth in the foster system. He plans his days down to the second, hardly allowing himself time for anything outside of work and sleep, but he is, at least mostly, satisfied.
When Edward’s boss is quoted saying something homophobic, it’s Edward’s job to clean up the mess, which leads him to the nonprofit that Thomas volunteers with. This new connection has the potential to turn both Edward and Thomas’ lives upside down. If only the two of them actually liked each other.
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barghest. (T, joplittle, 10.3k)
artwork and concept by oughtnots
fic by derry_rain
Edward Little is a humble accountant in the late 1920s, but he has lately become haunted by visions of death: his own death, in the form of a great black dog not unlike one that bit him as a child. When his endless visions of ice and snow and the black dog won't end, he finds himself turning to a paranormal private eye: Thomas Jopson.
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be that my cue to crave you (E, little/le vesconte, 9.6k)
artwork and concept by bilgewater01
fic by orchis
“If I could eat anything right now—”
“Anything at all, from all the dishes and delicacies I've ever stuffed my face with—”
“I think I'd go for an apple,” he finishes. “How awfully pedestrian of me. Nothing fancy, just an apple, and I don't even have the strong teeth for it anymore.”
He huffs. “I hear you,” he says, and Edward can imagine him frowning, lips pursed. He wishes he could see him in the dark. “Tell me what you'd have, then, and I'll shut up about it.”
As the dark winters of the Arctic stretch before him, Edward yearns and craves and waits.
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dear john (T, hodgson/irving/little, 16.6k)
artwork and concept by turnofthesentry
fic by mxjopsonfan
When John receives an anonymous love letter he resolves immediately to find the culprit. Little does he know that he is about to go on a voyage of self-discovery, realisations of deep affection, and three of her Majesty's naval Lieutenants showing how incapable they are of being Normal About Feelings.
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ice wine (M, fitzier, 19.9k)
artwork and concept by o-rchidae
fic by melismata
Sir John, English wine pioneer, has survived every crisis since the 70s. Surely three bad harvests and a global pandemic aren't such a big deal? Fortunately, everyone else at Parable Wines agrees the business urgently needs saving. Unfortunately, no-one agrees how.
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iceblink luck (M, fitzier, 30.4k)
artwork and concept by marella-moon - x
fic by perenial
October, 1987. With the Thatcher government entering its third term, Defence minister Sir John Franklin looks to offload two of his dockside London properties: one, a successful dance school directed by celebrated principal danseur James Fitzjames, and the other, a century-old boxing gym helmed by former middleweight Olympic hopeful turned disgraced misanthrope Francis Crozier.
In a show of generosity, Franklin offers Crozier the chance to buy out the gym he's poured over a decade of work into. It should be the opportunity he's been waiting for – except Crozier's barely keeping the gym afloat as it is, and Franklin's asking price far exceeds his means. With only one month to cough up the funds or forfeit the gym, Crozier finds himself backed into a corner, fighting for a piece of history he refuses to let go and against a past that's just waiting for him to give in.
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matching such unlikes (G, fitzier, 7.5k)
artwork and concept by asparklethatisblue
fic by acephalous
In which Sir John tries his hand at matchmaking: after all who could be a more perfect match for his dear niece than James Fitzjames?
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our flag means mutiny (T, hickey/gibson, 8.5k)
artwork and concept by o-rchidae
fic by borderparasol
Cornelius Hickey, William Gibson, and Solomon Tozer have successfully pulled off a grand mutiny, stealing HMS Terror to sail on the open seas and live their life free from the shackles of the Empire, plundering and making their living as pirates!
So...now what? And does anybody know how to fish?
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provenance (M, jopzier fitzier silna/goodsir, 7.7k)
artwork and concept by kaupaint
fic by hangingfire
Three relics of the lost Franklin Expedition.
“Don't you get it yet? It must act like a recording, fixed in the floor and the walls. Right in the substance of them, a trace of what happened in there. And we pick it up. We act as detectors, decoders, amplifiers … It would have to be in the stone.”
—The Stone Tape, Nigel Kneale, 1972
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reform your behaviour (E, irving/jopson, 9.4k)
artwork and concept by royaielfroot
fic by somelikeitred (ringofboubt)
After finding Hickey and Gibson in a compromising position, Lieutenant Irving intends to inform the Captain immediately. But when he finds Jopson first the Captain's steward persuades him to be lenient.
“Is it necessary to condemn the men -," Jopson considered his words, searching for the phrasing least likely to spook the lieutenant, "-over a desire for companionship? Is it so unforgivable for a man to be lonely?”
John studied him carefully; unable to formulate any response. Surely, Jopson could not be arguing that such vices were acceptable.
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sent to the sea (E, annfitzrossier, 10.4k)
artwork and concept by brainyraccoons
fic by swanfloatieknight
After James Ross rescued them, Francis and James return to London in 1848. Francis lives with the Rosses in married bliss.
If only he could stop thinking about James Fitzjames, the bond they shared in the Arctic, and the last letter he sent that Fitzjames never replied to.
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sweet to tongue, sound to eye (T, hodgson/irving/little, 10.1k)
artwork and concept by brimstone-cowboy
fic by unnecessary
After an Admiralty party bidding them farewell, the lieutenants get lost in Hampstead Heath. But not all is as it seems...
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those wretched beings (M, multiple characters, 7.8k)
artwork and concept by melisusthewee
fic by notinmylab
A very literal take on the idea that colonialism is an infectious disease and that English ships are the carriers. Or, a zombie AU where Something Else is on the ice with them.
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unerring devotion (T, jopzier, 7.5k)
artwork and concept by awhbeans
fic by yellow
Everyone else called Francis Frank, but in the quiet of their tent Thomas called him Francis.
Francis wore his two identities awkwardly, like an ill-fitting suit he couldn’t take off. He slipped into old fashioned speech and complained that people thought it affected. But Thomas liked it, just like he liked that Francis still let him call him Francis, and didn’t insist they were different people now. Quite the opposite.
If anything, Thomas was the one who had taken his two lives and separated them neatly, folded them and put them away. With Francis he could take out Thomas and put it on, like crawling into another skin. It was worn and battered but Francis seemed to like it best, and Thomas was glad of it.
Thomas Jopson and Francis Crozier are reincarnated. They find each other, and then they set out to find their missing men.
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unknown by name or rank (E, joplittle, 17.1k)
artwork and concept by mitarashi8
fic by hypallepse
Years after the Great War, in a tiny illegal pub in the British countryside, Thomas met an awkward veteran and Edward a mysterious war nurse. They almost crashed in their desire to get to know each other, they shared an evening like no other, before having their night cut short by a police raid. How to find the other back with no memory of each other’s name or address? Why even try?
Both of them will stumble in the dark, battling the remnants of the war, unaware of the secret they will unearth in their effort to get that new chance at life.
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I keep seeing posts about how snakes have bad vision and Crowley probably can't see the stars and that made me so sad. So instead of answering emails at work this morning, I looked up videos about snakes to figure out how they see stuff and I learned so much and the implications of these facts are ABSOLUTELY DELIGHTFUL:
(I'm putting it all under the cut because the post got long lol)
1. Snakes with vertical slits in their eyes are nocturnal.
2. Research suggests that snakes have the necessary receptors in their eyes to see mostly blues and greens (and any colors that are made up of those two) in the daytime and monochromatic (gray-scale essentially) in the night time. For reference, human color receptors in the daytime are red, green, and blue. For night it's monochromatic as well.
3. Some snakes have 'heat pits' along their pretty (pretty is subjective not a fact sorry) mouths that help them sense infrared light. The visual and infrared cues are overlaid in the optic parts of the brain. (Truly this is the coolest thing I've learned about snakes and I highly recommend reading the Wikipedia page about it, it is SO COOL). The heat pits work in such a way that if they don't cool down the receptors back to a 'thermal neutral' state (usually by providing extra oxygen to them) the snake will see afterimages even if whatever was giving off the infrared is removed.
4. Snakes smell with their tongues by picking up odor particles and then putting their tongue into little holes along the roof of their mouth where they have this thing called the "Jacobson's organ" that has receptors that can register the smells. To give you a sense of how sophisticated this sense of smell is, apparently snakes can tell which eggs have developing embryos in them in order to avoid them because it's easier to eat undeveloped eggs. (ISNT THAT INCREDIBLE?!?!)
1. Crowley can see at night because he's got them nocturnal snake eyes.
3. (Part 1) Nothing pisses me off more than that they didn't give Crowley's snake design heat pits along the lips because that would be so freaking cool to see in fanart of Crowley in like 'true form' or whatever cuz it would make him seem more "otherworldly" or "monstrous" but whatever. I'll forgive the designers because the heat pits he does have imply that he's a pit viper and also they're not visible on his human form (unless they're inside his nostrils?). Which means they're probably covered and don't cool back to 'thermal-neutral' properly so Crowley probably sees after images all the goddamn time (I'm gonna fucking write the saddest angstiest post season 2 fanfic for good omens called Afterimage BASED ON THIS FACT ALONE).
3. (part 2) because of how the regular vision and infrared vision are overlaid, anything that's warm/hot in temperature, like let's say an angel, probably looks like it's glowing. HELLO FANFIC AUTHORS WHERE ARE YOU?!? BLUSHING/FLUSHED AZIRAPHALE GLOWS BRIGHTER THAN NORMAL TO CROWLEY HELLO?!?!
4. When Aziraphale and Crowley kiss with tongue IF we give Crowley a Jacobson's organ, he would be OVERWHELMED WITH AZIRAPHALE. Imagine in every regular human sense, plus snake senses all of it is jUST AZIRAPHALE. Holy CRAP GUYS PLEASE (also like monsterfuckers/true form enthusiasts, the Jacobson's organ is just another fun snake feature you can include for funsies in your fanworks).
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security-chief-odo · 11 months
To Love and Be Loved in Return - Chapter Two
Roy Kent x Reader
Read chapter 1 here
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Description: The awkwardness from yesterday still lingers between you and Roy. Jamie, Rebecca and Keeley all try to make you feel better in their own ways.
Word Count: ~1.4k
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Chapter 2 - Pep Talk
Coming into work Friday morning is a monumental task in and of itself. You spent most of the night before overthinking every moment with Roy that day.
You had spiraled through every possible analysis of your conversation, but as of this morning you’ve stopped worrying as much about that interaction and more about how any interaction you have today will go. He was still acting awkward about it at the end of the day, so he probably won’t be much better today.
Either way, you have work to get done before your lunch “meeting” with Rebecca and Keeley at noon. This “meeting” had become somewhat of a weekly routine for the three of you. It didn’t take long after you were hired for you to become fast friends with Rebecca, and Keeley was pretty much fast friends with everyone she’s ever met.
You watch the time tick by as you finish up your reports and interview prep for Roy. You consider just emailing them to him to avoid any awkwardness, but you know that he always works better with hard copies to review and mark up as needed. As much as seeing him today has made you nervous, you couldn’t let your feelings for Roy get in the way of doing your job well.
With this new found resolve and the best poker face you are capable of, you head downstairs and through the mostly empty locker room. You find yourself stopped at the door to the office, skimming over the report in your hands, anxiously looking for any errors or really any excuse to run back upstairs and redo it all. Maybe you could push off seeing him again until Monday.
“He’s not that scary,” Jamie chimes in behind you.
You tilt your head to look at him and raise a brow in question. He continues “Roy, ya know, he’s all grumpy with the scary eyebrows” he tries to mimic Roy’s face “and well just his general vibe, I suppose.” He trails off at the end of the last sentence.
You look at him, dumbfounded. “Was that supposed to reassure me?”
“Oh, uh, no. What I was tryin’ to say was that he’s just grumpy but he’s not really that mean. He likes ya well enough, so just go in there. Stop worryin’ so much.”
If only mean was what worried you about Roy, but of course you couldn’t say that to Jamie. The moment that man figured out how you felt about a certain coach, the entire team would know within minutes.
“Thank you Jamie. I appreciate the pep talk,” and it was true. You did appreciate the pep talk even if it was terribly misguided. Though it may be for the best that your coworkers don't all know how you really feel about your boss, and if Jamie knew, he'd give it away before long.
With a deep breath you open the door to the office with a smile plastered across your face.
Coach Beard was the first to acknowledge you. He offered a friendly smile and polite nod which you returned with a small wave. Walking past him, you stood by Roy’s desk and held the papers out to him. “Overview is on top, followed by the analytical reports, then the raw data and the last page is talking points for any press interviews.”
“Oh, I didn’t need this until Monday. You didn’t have to get it done so fast.”
“I like to stay on top of things, coach.”
“Have I ever told you that you’re my favorite assistant?”
“I’m your only assistant.” Conversation is flowing naturally between you and much of the tension from yesterday seems to have dissipated.
“Makes it easy to rank then, but I really do appreciate you getting this done y/n”
“That’s what I’m here for.” There’s a moment of comfortable silence that you relish in before turning to leave.
“Wait,” you stop in your tracks, “Do you want to go grab lunch?” He stands up and gathers his things. “It’s about that time anyway.”
“Can’t today, I’m sorry. I’ve got lunch plans with Rebecca and Keeley today.”
“Fuck, right, I forgot all about that.” he waves you off “No worries, go have fun, do “girl talk” or whatever. Let me know how it goes.”
“Of course.” You pause before adding, “Maybe we can figure out lunch together on Monday?” He nods in response and your phone buzzes in your hand. “And that would be Rebecca, see you later!”
You rush out the door before he has a moment to respond.
You arrive at the restaurant with Rebecca first. Keeley texted that she’s running a few minutes late.
You had told Rebecca about your feelings for Roy a couple weeks back and you needed to get the past couple days off your chest as he had consumed most of your waking thoughts for the past 24 hours.
“So, Roy asked me to be his plus one for the gala next weekend.”
“Oh?” Rebecca looked hopeful albeit rather confused, “And why are you saying that like it’s a bad thing?”
“Well, when he slipped up and referred to me as his date, he panicked at the idea and made it beyond clear he isn’t into me. Of course I knew he didn’t like me, I mean he’s Roy fucking Kent, he dates gorgeous models, not regular office workers, but it still hurt that i didn’t get the chance to ask him out before getting brutally rejected.”
“That’s stupid.”
“Roy would be fucking lucky to have you. Just because he’s too stupid to see it, doesn’t make you worth less just because you aren't some model.”
“It just sucks. I can’t stand being alone with him. I think I’m falling in love and he will never see me as more than just an assistant.”
“Who are we talking about?” Keeley walks up in time to hear your last remark. You were waiting to tell her until you were finally ready to deal with her teasing. She had moved on and you knew she would have no problem with you liking Roy, but she would be almost relentlessly supportive, which might just be worse.
At the same time you say “No one.” and Rebecca says “Roy”
“Ooh, falling for the boss?” Keeley adds as she sits next to you.
The waiter comes by and takes your food order. After he leaves your table Rebecca fills Keeley in on the situation. When she finishes you add, “So I’m falling for a guy who finds the idea of even a single date with me so repulsive he panicked at the suggestion.”
“I don’t think that’s it, babes. Roy is always a little panicked, he just usually gets mad about it instead. If he’s willing to show that he’s worried, then he’s dropping that facade a bit. I say you should ask him out.”
“And get turned down again?”
“I don’t know about that y/n. He seemed pretty nervous when he texted me about taking you out dress shopping.”
At that moment, the waiter brings your food, putting an end to that conversation before you got the chance to ask Keeley what she meant by that.
She asks the waiter to bring you a round of drinks. After the waiter leaves you lightly elbow Keeley. “I’ve got to go back to work after this. I can’t be drinking.”
Rebecca scoffs “Well, I’m your boss and I say you need a drink. I’m giving you the rest of the day off.”
Keeley adds, “It’s not like you’d get much done anyways. You’ll be too busy daydreaming about a certain coach.
“Fuck off” you laugh. You don’t really mean it and you all know it. You pull out your phone to text Roy.
Y/N: Hey, I won’t be back after lunch. Everything is caught up. Let me know if you need anything. I’ll see you on Monday!
You see the bubbles appear and disappear for a couple of minutes as you try to subtly keep an eye on your phone. Finally your torture ends as your phone vibrates in your hand.
ROY: Ok.
Those three characters should not be enough to stress you out. There’s hardly anything there to overanalyze, but that won't stop you. You take a long swig of your drink hoping that maybe the burning feeling as it slides down your throat will provide enough of a distraction.
• • •
Read Chapter 3
Series Taglist: @infinetlyforgotten @taytaylala12 @siriuslyreads
Let me know what you thought of this chapter and if you want to be added to the taglist for this series. 🖤
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sourbinnie · 1 year
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☆ open wounds ☆
♡ genre ¿? ♡ -> hurt/comfort ♡ pair ¿? ♡ -> jongho x gn!reader ♡ plot ¿? ♡ -> hateful comments are taking a toll on him but you're there through thick and thin. ♡ warnings ¿? ♡ -> none ♡ request ¿? ♡ -> yes!
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you noticed how jongho was changing before your eyes, slowly becoming a sadder version of himself. it hurt to think that your baby was going through something and because of his busy schedule he couldn't really contact you a whole lot. you saw him during the day when he would leave and then during the night when he buried himself in your embrace and fell asleep. 
you wished you could have a moment where you two would sit down and just talk like you used to when he was feeling troubled. it was one of those occasions where you had a free day from work and you were browsing your phone to see how the boys did on their performance today. scrolling through the comments was never something that was interesting to you, other people's opinions could be very hurtful towards the boys disguised as "constructive criticism" or just straight up be hateful. 
this time though you read them, a lot of love from atinys and from people who got into ateez through their latest comeback. but then you got to the nasty ones, a large majority being directed towards jongho and everything started clicking on it's right place. the times he would spend in his vocal lessons, plus the ones where he would practice choreos till late at night and burying himself even more in work than he could handle. the way he avoided you sometimes because he needed to perfect his skills. he was getting hate and he was trying to be what the "fans" wanted him to be.
it hurts knowing he didn't feel enough. he wasn't only one of the best vocalists and most talented people you knew but he had a big heart. one that unfortunately tends to try to please everyone and leaves him unsatisfied every single time. it was a constant battle between trying to improve what is already the best and losing your mind a little bit every time. you knew you needed to talk to him when he got home, no matter how late it was going to be.
and late it got indeed as you tried to keep yourself occupied doing chores, checking your email to see if you had work or listening to music (mostly your boyfriend's heavenly vocals) but then he appeared at your door. he dropped his things at the door and you got up from the couch as you looked at him. a mix of being in shock because you were still awake and being exhausted from practice invaded his face.
"why are you still up, baby? don't you have work tomorrow?" he asked and you nodded but suddenly got close to him, giving him a little peck that made him blush. you couldn't recall when was the last time that you two had kissed but this was just right, you had missed him to the moon and back.
"yeah but i needed to talk to you before we went to sleep baby." you simply said and looked him in the eye. you could sense him being worried but he just nodded as you two sat down, your hands meeting his. 
"did something happen?" he asked, not being able to look at you anymore. for some reason that hurt because you knew he was going through a lot and you didn't want to add up to that list. you sighed and shook your head and chose the words correctly to tell him what was going on.
"baby you know you can be honest with me right? we haven't talked in a while but i'm always here for you." you said and then he knew you found out what was going on. he couldn't help but feel the sensitive side of him take over and the tears form in his eyes.
"i'm sorry for not coming to you with this, i thought i could deal with it on my own." he said through tears as you wrapped your arms around him and held him close. he wasn't one that expressed emotions like this a lot but you could tell that this got out of control a long time ago. "it's just a lot right now to handle between promotions and i didn't expect to be invaded with so many comments. it's hard to not believe them when there's so many and i really wanna be the best for atiny, for my bandmates, my family and for you."
"the thing is jongho, atiny wouldn't want you to go through this. if they were true fans they would want you to take care of yourself and for you to be you, which is not only an incredible singer but an amazing person." you said as he nodded and the tears kept spilling under his eyes but you wiped them off with your thumb. "i am not ashamed of you, i am so proud every time i see you and what you do. i'm sure the boys are too and your family just adores you darling."
"i've never been the best performer and sometimes i miss a note, everything just seems to fall down when i do." he says and you listen to him closely. he had a hard time taking compliments or accepting that he was talented but luckily you were there to cheer him up, put him back on his feet. "i wish i could be perfect at the things i do even if it seems impossible."
"perfection is not something you should strike for because you're never gonna be satisfied at the end of the day. i think you have an amazing voice, missing a note doesn't change that your voice is heavenly." you said with a little smile as you look at him and see the blush on his face through the sobs. "jongho you're much more than your voice, your dancing or your stage presence."
"i wish i could believe that baby. it's just so much right now and i don't know what to do but i'm glad i have you." he said and gave you a weak smile as you pulled him closer. maybe it won't be okay right now but you knew he would eventually grow to love himself, to accept that this is what he was and it was more than enough.
"i will always be here whenever you need me, please don't stay silent and ask for my help when you need it." you whispered to his ears and he nodded as he buried himself in you. no more words being spoken but you could still hear his breath and heartbeat. 
eventually as he fell asleep on you, too tired to keep on crying, you sighed. you were so in love with this man and nothing would change that, not a single trace of a hateful comment could make you believe what they saw because at the end of the day you got to see the real him every day and it was more than they could ever imagine.
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foreverautumn89 · 2 months
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Exactly. @miwiromantics
If someone says they're a fan of Steve and they're not its not a big deal. Steve is the most popular character, they'll be fine, but Jonathan has such a small number of people that like him/people that people like us can bond with and talk about him with and then it turns out that the majority of Jonathan's fans hate him too. And it makes sense like why Steve is more of loved character than Jonathan.
Not a lot of people defend Jonathan and the ppl that are supposed to be defending him the Jonathan fans which there are so little of them already, don't defend him. They are usually the ones I find bashing him all the time and pointing out how Steve is superior in every way and Jonathan is actually worse than the main villain of the show. It's crazy. 'I like Jonathan but I hate 99 percent of his character' and claiming he's worse than Vecna a serial killer/child abuser. It's like ok I don't get it but ok.
I don't know. That's one of the main reasons why I've been off tumblr for so long because I came here to talk with other Jonathan fans about Jonathan and ships that I liked but I can't because this site is 99 percent Jonathan bashing and 1 percent ppl that claim to like him that actually hate him.
That's why I mostly just stick to talking to rainingongallifrey on here because they are the only Jonathan fan I've found in the past two years who actually seems to like him. Besides lovipop but they left because of all the Jonathan bashing.
And the constantly calling him ugly and useless and stuff thats something Jonathan 'fans' do too that I noticed. Not saying that the Anti-Jonathan Steve and Nancy fans don't do it too, but I noticed that like its one thing for them to do it that makes sense, but Jonathan fans are also saying stuff like that about him?
Idk. Sorry for the long post they just always make me rant. But yeah thats why I usually avoid coming on here because I came here to talk about happy stuff about my fav character and no one really feels the same way its always about dragging Jonathan's name through the mud on here-the opposite of what I came here to see. So its just easier to talk to rainingongallifrey through email or chat or something than it is to come back on here all the time.
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