#so i might be talking about a clementine but really i’m referring to a mandarin or vice versa who knows lol :P
nojaloart · 2 years
do you mind sharing why you would like to get a tattoo of a clementine in particular? i myself would have that as my first choice as well, by my reason is specific to my experiences.
have you given any thoughts to the design? i’ve found it’s hard to make it distinguishable from other citrus…
hi! short answer is i love clementines. long-ish answer is i went through a bad mental time a couple years ago and my parents showed their support in a lot of ways but one of them was in bringing me bowls of fruit. it was clementine season so clementines were usually in heavy rotation - i would finish a whole bag in like two days just by myself. i remember my dad asking if i wanted one and then him peeling it for me and thinking to myself, “oh, i am loved”. i’ve always liked to share whenever i’m eating with someone i care for, and since even moreso (or used to, thanks covid)
soo yeah. food as an expression of love etc etc it’d represent my family, the people in my life i love (my litmus test of if i like you or not - have i offered to share my food?), and hope for future growth or whatever. also clementines are tasty
and i haven’t given any thought to the design! all i know is that i probably wouldn’t want to design it myself lol
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