#so i like the charlotte in my head mostly? the charlotte that could've been
the-oc-lass · 11 months
Nimona OC - Charlotte Swiftheart/Corova
Hey, hi, didn't go to my musical because my mom felt like shit, but it's okay because I prioritize her health and comfort over the musical I only kind of wanted to see.
Anyway, let's go meet Norshe, shall we?
First, Previous, Next
"After you."
Almost as soon as she pushes the tent flap open and steps out, her name is hissed out. She looks over and her beautiful, lovely girlfriend, Norshe, is marching toward her. Except that beautiful, lovely face doesn't exactly look happy with her.
"Uh, hi babe," Charlotte says, smiling awkwardly. Norshe's frown deepens into something of a scowl.
"Oh, don't you 'hi babe' me. We need to talk, right now," she says. Charlotte tilts her head and gives her girlfriend a confused look, but nods and allows herself to be led off to the side, leaving Ballister and Ambrosius to look after her in confusion. Once she's put them out of earshot, Norshe turns toward Charlotte and crosses her arms. "What the hell were you thinking, bringing them here? Ballister, I might be able to understand, but Ambrosius Goldenloin? The golden boy? Why would you risk bringing him here?" Charlotte holds out placating hands.
"Norshe, it's fine, I swear. They were my friends when I was at the Institute. I trust them," she says. Norshe sighs heavily.
"You shouldn't!" she hisses. "It's been six years, Charlotte! They abandoned you! They could expose our entire operation and destroy everything that we, you, built. Even if we can trust Ballister, what could've possibly possessed you to trust Goldenloin?" Charlotte purses her lips. She supposes it's time for this to come out. She's planning on proposing to this woman soon, after all.
"Do you remember the scandal that got me blackmailed out of the Institute?" she asks. Norshe's scowl lessens, turning into surprise.
"Of course. Someone found out that you're of half noble blood and leaked it to the public. What does that have to do with-" She cuts herself off, eyes widening as she understands. She glances over at Ambrosius and Ballister for a moment, then looks at Charlotte again. "No."
"I'm half Goldenloin, Norshe. I trust Ambrosius because he's my brother," she says.
So after some discussion with Norshe, Charlotte convinces her that Ballister and Ambrosius (particularly Ambrosius) are perfectly safe guests. Charlotte introduces them to Norshe and they're all very pleasant with each other
Ambrosius and Ballister spend a little bit of time in the sanctuary, and eventually are given little gifts from several of the children (including Rosie). Mostly drawings, but Rosie makes these surprisingly nice looking bracelets with some colorful string. Blue and black for Ballister, gold and white for Ambrosius. Ambrosius almost cries, while Ballister thanks the kids profusely and makes sure to get all of the artwork signed (helping the kids if they need it)
Ambrosius and Ballister hand out lots of signatures to the kids, and get the chance to interact with some of the KB members. After a little bit of time, everyone warms up to each other, and it's all very nice and civil. Ambrosius and Ballister are still amazed by this operation that Charlotte is running
There will be one more drabble in this little saga before I continue with a list, and then I believe we'll get into the movie stuff!
Lovely tagged people:
@ammonitetheseaserpent @perfectkittystranger @derellenbogen
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nyrasbloodyclover · 9 months
watchful eyes (will herondale x reader)
cw: THE ONLY MAN EVER. and jem keeping will on a leash, as always
a/n: eating chocolate cake, thinking about him, listening to taylor swift.
Ever since I stepped into the London Institute, everyone had been treating me nicely, as if I was one of them. Charlotte was the kindest woman I've ever met and letting me spend those couple of weeks at their Institute was the most thoughtful thing she could've done for me.
Tessa and Jem were so easy to talk to and I loved spending time with them, reading or just listening to Jem's violin. And as for William...I tried to keep my distance, not because he was rude or anything similar, but because I had a secret. A shameful secret.
The first time I laid my eyes upon the blue-eyed gentleman, I knew that my heart wouldn't stop beating so fast anytime soon. He barely payed attention to me, busy with his Shadowhunter life, but that gave me enough time to observe him and imagine all kinds of different scenarios my mind could come up with. From the romantic ones, like dancing or talking or maybe even reading together, to more sinful ones that made my skin crawl and breath quicken.
Of course, I never made my intentions clear, as that would be inappropriate, but I was pretty content with my fantasies.
Until, one time, I was in my bed, reading, resting, not bothering anyone, when a giant hole appeared out of thin air, in the middle of my room. I threw my book closed and jumped up when a tall figure stepped out of that said hole.
"Mr. Herondale?!"
"Oh, I am so sorry about that..." He shook his head, "No, actually I am not, I came here on purpose."
My eyes went wide and I just stood there, looking for an explanation. "Why didn't you use the door?"
"Henry is making this new portal thing, so I volunteered to experiment with it. What are you reading?"
"Frankenstein," I said wearily because I knew he was easy to get into literary arguments with.
"I haven't read it yet. How do you like it so far?"
"It's pretty slow, but heartbreaking, actually. When you start reading it, do it with an open mind."
"You consider me a closed minded person? Do you not recognise a liberal when you see one!?" He really acted like a book character. He even looked like one!
I frowned at him, confused and annoyed. I really liked this gentleman, but sometimes it was too much, even for me.
"Mr. Herondale, would you be so kind and leave my room, please? Or explain what are you doing here?"
"Oh, but I just got here! I really wanted a chance to talk to you, since we haven't exchanged more than a few words."
".We could've talked at the library. Here? It's just inappropriate."
"Says who?" He stepped closer and started looking around. I didn't have many personal things around the room, mostly books, but I guessed it was enough for William.
"The society."
"Well, thank the Angel that the society isn't here with us!" He spread his arms and took big two steps towards me.
"Why would you—" And then he pulled me in and kissed me like a starving man. He cupped my face with both hands, not letting me pull away. Not that I wanted to. I almost had a heart attack but managed to calm myself down.
I inhaled when we finally separated. Will's lips were red.
"How am I supposed to know?!!" And then he kissed me once more, leaving no room for anything appropriate.
My head was spinning, I felt like I was in a dream, in one of my forbidden scenarios. Will's hands touched everything they could. I knew I had to stop this before we got too far, but I really didn't want to.
His mout was on me again when a sharp knock interrupted us. "William, get out of there!" It was Jem. "Leave the poor lady alone!"
I looked at Will, mouth agape, and I laughed as he tried to fix his hair and shirt that was out of the place.
"Don't you think I don't know what are you doing in there!"
"Alright, James, I am coming!"
Then he turned and kissed me once more before exiting my room as if had never been there.
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simptasia · 3 years
the old lost fandom fucking loathed charlotte so i really really like how the new lost fandom likes her and respects her way more than the writers did and we’ve like really made her our own, ya know?
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