#so i just get to sit here and hope they’ll be ok. and that i’m not making it worse in some way i can’t see
transmechanicus · 8 months
Brb crying on this friday night
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randomsufff · 1 year
You know what I really need in fanfics? More confession scenes where one person drops the confessions then runs, fast as fuck, in the other direction.
Like, obviously they’ll meet back up eventually and talk about it (which is hilarious in itself that they would have to sprint to catch up while yelling why they’re like this) , BUT THINK ABOUT IT!!! It 1) give the other person a chance to gather their thoughts so the person confessing doesn’t have to sit in anxious silence and 2) allows the confessor to get it over with quick and overcomes that anxiety over confessing. Also it’s just fucking hilarious.
Like imagine your fav paring or whatever, they get to that part where one (or both idk) realizes their feelings for the other but they’re just anxious to be vulnerable like that or they fear rejection, whatever. One of them suddenly goes, fuck it, and they turn to the other. (Maybe they’re on a sidewalk, maybe they’re in a park IDK endless possibilities here) and they go:
“ok I’m about to say something, it’s nothing bad (I hope) and I’m willing to talk about it after I say it. I’m 100% serious, this is really not a joke. But I’m going to say this and run to (relevant location). Ok? Ok…. Don’t freak out… iminlovewithyou” *Cue maniac SPRINTING as fast as humanly possible in the other direction* (Bro I’m cracking up just typing about this)
AND THEN!!! You get to chose how they react after a few stunned seconds. Do they sprint after them? Do they shout to bring their ass back over to them? Do they race like hell to beat the other at the determined location??? I don’t know, but it’s hilarious as fuck and can transition seamlessly into heartfelt feeling talk.
(Thinking about this with specific ships is funny as hell too)
Idk I think of more fics had this trope we could all have a grand ol silly time instead of accidentally speed reading through confession schemes because the stress is too much then having to go back and re-read it to fully process it, as one does. You know?
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writingduhh · 14 days
listen im lowkey obsessed w the idea of schlatt x reader who doesnt stream or anything but is a guest on chuckle sandwich
Ok I LOVE THIS! My mind immediately went to when Charlie was still on the pod so hope that’s ok! (You can just pretend it’s tucker for all the tucker lovers)
Also, this is Fem reader!
Jschlatt || Podcast Cameo
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You’ve always been a little outside the world of streaming and content creation. While your boyfriend, Schlatt, was making waves online, you preferred to stay in the background, supporting him quietly. You loved the privacy, the comfort of your normal life, and the knowledge that while he entertained millions, he came home to you.
But one day, that quiet routine was interrupted when Schlatt casually mentioned, “Hey, how would you feel about being on Chuckle Sandwich?”
You looked up from your book, eyebrows shooting up in surprise. “Me? On the podcast? Schlatt, I don’t even use social media. No one knows me. What would I even talk about?”
He grinned, leaning against the doorframe with that mischievous look you knew all too well. “That’s the point. You’re not like anyone else we’ve had on, and I think it’d be fun. Plus, it’s a chance for the world to see why I’m so obsessed with you.”
You rolled your eyes, your heart fluttering despite yourself. “Obsessed, huh? You’re laying it on thick today.”
“Can’t help it,” he shrugged, walking over to sit you, pulling you into his arms. “I just think you’d be great. Besides, you already know and like the guys. They’ll make it easy on you.”
You hesitated for a moment, then sighed, resting your head on his chest. “I don’t know, Schlatt. I’m not used to being in the spotlight like you are.”
He tilted your chin up, his gaze softening as he looked into your eyes. “You’ll be fine. I’ll be right there with you the whole time. And if you don’t like it, we never have to do it again. But I really think you’ll surprise yourself.”
With his arms around you and that earnest look in his eyes, it was hard to say no. “Alright, fine. I’ll do it. But only because you asked.”
“Good choice,” he murmured, leaning down to press a slow, lingering kiss to your lips. “I can’t wait to show you off.”
The day of the recording arrived faster than you expected. You felt a mix of nerves and excitement as you walked into the recording studio with Schlatt by your side. Charlie and Ted greeted you warmly, as they always did, immediately making you feel at ease. They were as goofy and charming in person as they were on camera, and it wasn’t long before you were laughing along with them.
“So, what made you decide to put up with Schlatt here?” Charlie teased, leaning back in his chair as the recording began.
You shot Schlatt a playful glance, “Honestly? I think it’s his weird mix of sarcasm and sweetness. It keeps me on my toes.”
Schlatt grinned, resting his hand on your thigh under the table.
Ted jumped in, his voice full of curiosity. “So, how do you handle the whole ‘dating a youtuber’ thing? It’s gotta be pretty different from a regular relationship.”
You thought about it for a moment, feeling Schlatt’s thumb gently stroking your leg. “It is different, but it’s also kind of nice. I love that he has something he’s passionate about, and it makes the time we spend together even more special. Plus, I get to see a side of him that the audience doesn’t. A side that’s softer, sweeter… maybe even a little bit shy.”
Schlatt laughed, his hand giving your leg a light squeeze. “ Me!? Come on, you’re making me sound soft.”
You turned to him, your eyes sparkling with affection. “You are soft, sometimes. Especially when we’re alone.”
The guys erupted in playful jeers and teasing comments, but Schlatt just leaned in closer, his lips brushing against your ear. “Keep talking like that, and I might just have to show you how rough I can be.”
Your breath hitched slightly, your cheeks flushing at his words. You shot him a look that was both amused and flustered, and he chuckled lowly, clearly enjoying your reaction.
The conversation continued, flowing effortlessly from topic to topic, with Charlie and Ted keeping the mood light and fun. They asked you questions about how you and Schlatt met, your life as someone without social media, and what it was like dating someone with such a large online presence. You answered honestly, with Schlatt chiming in every so often with a sarcastic quip or a teasing remark that had you all laughing.
At one point, the conversation turned to pet peeves, and you couldn’t resist poking fun at Schlatt. “He leaves his clothes everywhere. I swear, it’s like a trail of evidence from the front door to wherever he is.”
Schlatt groaned, but there was a playful look in his eyes. “And you’re perfect, huh?”
You shrugged, giving him an innocent smile. “Pretty much.”
The banter flowed naturally, and before you knew it, the recording was wrapping up. Ted turned to you with a grin. “You did great. You’re super entertaining. Ever thought about starting your own channel?”
You shook your head, laughing. “Oh, no. I think I’ll leave that to you guys. I’m happy just being the supportive girlfriend.”
Schlatt wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close. “And I’m more than happy to keep you all to myself.”
As the recording ended and the mics were turned off, you felt a wave of relief mixed with a sense of accomplishment. You’d done it. You’d stepped out of your comfort zone and had actually enjoyed yourself.
Charlie and Ted both gave you hugs, thanking you for being a guest. “You’ve got to come back sometime,” Charlie said with a wink. “We’ll make a regular out of you.”
“We’ll see,” you replied, smiling. “Maybe I’ll make a cameo every now and then.”
As you and Schlatt left the studio, he slipped his hand into yours, giving it a gentle squeeze. “See? Told you you’d be great.”
You leaned into him, feeling the warmth of his body against yours. “You were right. I actually had fun.”
“I’m glad,” he murmured, his voice softer now that you were alone. “And just so you know, I wasn’t kidding when I said I wanted to show you off. I love that you’re mine, and I wanted everyone to see how amazing you are.”
Your heart swelled at his words, and you stopped walking, turning to face him. “You know, for someone who tries to act tough all the time, you can be really sweet.”
Schlatt grinned, his hands finding your waist and pulling you closer. “Only for you. Don’t go spreading that around.”
You laughed, wrapping your arms around his neck as he leaned in, his lips touching yours. “Your secret’s safe with me.”
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momoswifee · 1 month
A Quiet Life
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Pairing: Mina x reader
Synopsis: After some years of being together, some problems start to arise.
Warnings: The reader has abandonment issues, Mina is mean in the beginning, they love each other though. Dinking, curse words, motor accidents. They go camping.
w/c: 6003
a/n: It took so long to write this out since I didn’t really know how to do it? Idrk how to explain it but it was a bit harder than I expected. There’s more chapters coming so I hope you guys like it :)Also sorry if there are any grammar mistakes or misspelled words, English is not my first language.
Pt1- Pt2 - Pt3
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Two years after you started dating you started to notice more and more Mina’s unhealthy commitment to her job. Of course you were amazed by her skill and how deeply connected she was to her job, but at a certain point it started to be something that had started to impact your relationship negatively. She would no longer stay at your now shared home, instead staying at her apartment even during her breaks, she would answer your texts with short “ok’s” and promises to call you later. 
Now, you sat next to her, the beeping of the machine next to you starting to give you a headache. You hadn’t been able to sleep since you had got to the hospital after Sana had called you, saying that she had found Mina fainted in her apartment. After talking to the doctors, they told you that she was severely dehydrated, underfed and probably running on caffeine. It seemed that she had been intentionally sleep-deprived so that she could do a better job with her part in the upcoming movie. 
“She is taking fluids, she will be okay.” The doctor briefly said in a comforting manner before leaving the room.
You sat right beside her bed, beating yourself up for not seeing the signs. The dodging calls, the short messages. You only thought it was due to increasing stress, you could’ve never guessed that it would’ve come to this. You were aware that Mina tended to overwork herself, but never to this extent. 
“Hmm” you hear from besides you and see Mina slowly open her eyes, a lazy smile forming on her lips as she notices you besides her. “Hi baby” she slurs out. As soon as she opens her eyes, you’re on your feet and already calling for the nurse, just hoping for someone to come and see if Mina is actually fine. “Hey, I’m fine,” she laughs out with a slight rasp, as if your actions are too much. 
“I just want to see if you’re actually fine.” You curtly say, not letting your worry lace itself into your voice. 
“I’m totally fine, they’ll probably tell you that I’m good to go.” She tells you with a smile, trying to sit up, but wincing as she sees that she doesn’t really have the strength to do it properly. 
“Don’t get up, you’re too weak for that.” You tell her sternly as you go to gently push her down so that she is laying down. 
After the nurse had come and had reassured you that everything seemed to be alright for now, you were told that a doctor would come later on to explain what to do next. 
The beeping of the machine is again the only noise in the room, as you can’t bring yourself to speak about what had happened. 
“Sana probably overreacted. I’m totally fine.” Mina says, already going through her bag to get her phone, probably to go back to work as soon as possible. 
“Give me that” You say, snatching the phone from her hands and putting it inside your pocket so that she wouldn’t be able to get her hands on it. “Do not say that Sana overreacted. You fainted. She found you on the floor, she was terrified.” You tell her as you pace around the room, already feeling agitated. 
“It was not that bad…” She tries to say. 
“Not that bad?! Mina!” You stop at her words. “The doctors said you were not eating, not drinking any water. It was something that had been going on for a while! What were you thinking!” You finally say, not even noticing you had raised your voice. “I was worried sick when I got here! Sana was frantic at the door, completely terrified for you, and you were so pale, you look sick.” You spit out.
“Oh yeah poor Sana.” She scoffs. “This is how it is. It’s what it is to work in the industry!” she lets out, letting her frustration come out as well. 
“Don’t use that as an excuse. You have tendencies of overworking yourself. Everyone knows that. I just didn’t think it would get this bad.” You say, frustrated by her attitude, turning your back to her, not wanting to escalate the situation, knowing it wouldn’t be completely fair to her.  You were just so worried about her. 
“Well, it’s my job, it’s how it works whether you like it or not!” She exclaims, getting riled up. “I’m living my dream. I got here on my own, and I worked damn hard to get here.” She continues, forcing herself up to stress her point. “I feel sorry for you. You lost the opportunity of completing your dream. You got hurt and were put off, but guess what! We can’t all spend our days at the shop doing arts and crafts on old furniture or just picking up fruit.” She says rolling her eyes, finding your mini outburst almost ridiculous, mind still clouded with her want to go back to work. “I’m sorry your dream of becoming a famous player didn’t work out,” she continues, not showing signs of stopping. “But I have worked hard to get here, and I’m not going to let a failed hockey player turned arts and crafts kid dictate how I live my life.” 
Every single word she spits out feel like a punch to the gut. You don’t even realize tear had fallen until you feel the salty water slip through your parted lips. “You didn’t sleep for days.” You sigh, closing your eyes, trying to not let her words cloud your judgement. “I hope you’re saying all of this because of this high you’re running on and not because these are thoughts you actually believe in.” You say, now looking her straight in the eye, clenching your fists, hurting your finger from pressing on the promise ring mina had given you on your 2nd year anniversary. “I’m worried about you, and I am asking you to please stop this.” You say, hurt still clear on your face from her previous hurtful words, as you get closer to her bed, taking her hand in yours. 
“Leave then.” Mina says, almost snarling, anger clearly etched on her features as she rips her hand angrily from your gentle ones,  
“Mina…” You say, voice cracking, your hand gaining a mind of its own as it tries to hold hers again. 
“No! Leave. If I’m such a nuisance, if my work habits are too much for you, there’s the door.”
“I-.” You sigh, not finding strength to go on again. “Ok.” You get up, take the phone from your pocket and let it fall on her side, and her hand instead of going to yours, as it was still stubbornly waiting for hers, takes her phone quickly. 
You can only look at her with something alike to disdain. The more you look at her, the more weight you feel on your right hand, the ring looking misplaced. With a final sigh, you take it off and gently place it on the table. As you leave her room, you quickly send a message to Sana to let her know that Mina had woken up and that you would leave for a little while.
Once inside your car, you couldn’t bring yourself to actually turn it on, keys still clenched in your hands. After finally gaining the courage to start the car, you start driving aimlessly and suddenly find yourself in front of Jihyo’s apartment complex. You get out of the car and fight yourself on whether you should ring her door or not, not feeling like you should bother her. As you internally fight yourself on that, you suddenly feel a hand on your shoulder, making you jump. 
“Yn hey, it’s fine” Jihyo says, after seeing you almost jump away from her when she touches you. “Did we have plans?” 
“Uh no- I- I’m sorry no, I just-” You start, stumbling over your words, not knowing what to say exactly. 
“Hey, it’s fine,” she quickly says, grabbing your shoulders, seeing your distressed state. “Let’s go upstairs, we can talk there, yeah?” she asks, guiding you to her flat. 
After you finally tell her all about what had happened, you finally feel comfortable enough to let out a broken sigh, triggering your tears. 
“I’m sure she didn’t mean it, but I-” you gasp in between. “I was so worried when Sana called. When I got there, she looked so pale, so unlike herself.” You say while trying to calm yourself, hastily trying to wipe off your tears. 
“Look,” Jihyo starts, sighing, not knowing exactly what to say. “I’m calling Jeongyeon, see if she can get here. You’re sleeping here, I’m not letting you go back home in this state.” she says, getting up from the couch. “I’m getting you some clothes, you go take a shower because you reek of hospital.” she continues, trying to lighten up the mood with her final statement, successfully drawing a small smile from you. 
As soon as you felt the warm water hit your skin, the tension from the fight started to dissolve, but you still couldn’t stop thinking about Mina’s words. Did she actually see you as a joke? As, as she put it, a child? You felt sick. 
Once out of the shower and into Jihyo’s old clothes, you start going towards her kitchen and suddenly hear Jihyo discussing something over the phone.  
“I don’t care if she’s worried sick! Do you know what she told Yn?” Jihyo angrily whispers, trying to speak as quietly as she can so that you would not hear it. “She was awful to her, and I understand that she’s in a vulnerable place, but she does not have the right to say that to Yn.” 
“Hey, Jihyo called. I got food.” Jeongyeon says from behind you, startling you again. 
“Gosh, you really didn’t have to,” You turn to her, half forgetting about Jihyo’s discussion. “You really didn’t have to come.” 
“Of course I did, she understands.” She says, rolling her eyes playfully at your behaviour. “Come” she says, gently grabbing your arm, guiding you to a table. 
As she makes a plate for you, after much resistance from you, you feel Jihyo come to sit next to you. 
“Sana called.” she sighs. “Mina is worried about you.” she continues, attentive to your reaction, which turns out to only be a low hm, which shocks both your friends. Not wanting to bring you any kind of discomfort, they decide to leave it behind and just try and have an enjoyable dinner. Once you were done, you shooed them away so you could put the dishes away. 
“I’ll go there tomorrow. Maybe she’ll have a clearer head.” You whisper, head comfortably laid on the oldest shoulder, as you three watch a passing movie on the TV. 
“I have a free day tomorrow; I’ll drive you there.” Jihyo tells you, not leaving any room for discussion. 
As soon as you hear their deep breaths and light snores signalling their sleeping state, you turn your phone back on. Once it’s up and running, you see all the messages sent to you, most of them being apologies from Mina. As you read them you debate if you should answer her, if you should give her the comfort of knowing that you’re ok and have read her messages. You decide not to. 
“We’re going to be there, if anything happens, we can just leave.” Jihyo says as you both walk the hospital corridors towards Mina’s room. 
“I just have to talk to her, nothing is going to happen,” you tell them, laughing at their overprotective expressions. 
When you see the door of her room, you feel all the confidence you had been building throughout the morning vanish instantly, and all the words said to you previously come rushing back as soon as you’re inside the room and eye to eye with Mina.
“Yn” Mina gasps out, immediately trying to get up from the bed. 
“No, keep down, you still look weak.” You rush out to her side, not wanting her to get up so quickly. 
“The doctors said I can go home today, I look worse than I actually am” she says with a little laugh, trying to get you to laugh as well but only receiving a nod from you. 
“We’ll leave you to it.” Sana says, breaking the silence, dragging Jihyo with her. 
“I’m staying here with Yn”
“They need to talk, let's go”
“I-” Mina starts after you were left alone. “I’m sorry.”
“Did you mean it?” You ask her, still not looking at her, choosing to stare out of the window instead. 
“No!” she quickly says. “I- I don’t know why I said those things,” she continues with a pained expression. “I’m sorry, Yn, I don’t know what I was thinking.”
“Mina I-” you sigh, going to sit next to her, noticing her state of distress. “I’m sure you meant some of it-
“I didn’t!” she cuts you off, grabbing your hands, desperate to make you understand. "I don't think any of those things. Those are some of the parts of you that I love the most." She continues, tucking a stray hair behind your ear. "The way you so carefully pick the fruit, the way you tend so caringly to your garden is just amazing to me, every time I go back home and see you do those things I feel filled with so much love for you, you don't understand..." She trails off. "I adore the way you, with your masterful hands, craft beautiful pieces for our and others home. I can't even look away when I see you so tenderly restore some pieces that were thrown away by others." She says, stressing her words by bringing your hands to her lips and gently placing small kisses on your knuckles.
“I don’t know why I said those things. I was stressed, I was anxious with all of it and I redirected that to you because I know deep down those are things about yourself that you sometimes doubt are even useful. I shouldn’t have done it, it’s no excuse.” 
“I-” you start at a loss for words after her small confession. “Mina…” you say, looking at your intertwined hands. “I think I understand, but it still hurt.” you continue. “And I need you to try and take a break from all of it. I need you to rest.”
“You can’t just ask me that.” She frowns.
“Mina you-” you say, taking in a breath not wanting to get frustrated with her, knowing this is just how her mind has been wired for a while. “You were sent to the hospital. Can’t you see that you need a break?”
“Can’t you see that you’re asking me to take a break from something that I love? I just told you how good you are at doing things that you love, how can you ask me to stop doing the same?” she weakly asks, taking slowly her hand away from yours. 
“The doctor said you were okay to go home, that you’re good to enough to leave the hospital, not to go back to work.” You try, as gently as possible. “You have to take a break, I’m not asking you to leave your work behind, I know that it’s what makes you, you. I’m just asking you to take a breath at home, regain your energy, maybe in the meantime you’ll understand that what you’re doing isn’t exactly healthy.”
“I’ll follow the doctors’ orders for now, we can work on the other part later, ok?” she asks, making you almost instantly give in, although you weren’t at all satisfied with the suggested compromise, thinking to yourself that you would just keep an eye on her and then start working on her overworking tendencies.
Mina hadn't been able to see you in a while since she had been abroad filming her final scenes in an upcoming movie and the distance had taken a toll on both of you. She missed you, she missed her house. When she was finally done with filming her final scenes, she booked the ticket as soon as possible to go home to you. 
As soon as she pulls up in the driveway, she is faced with something she had missed: you running around the garden chasing a very wet Otis with a hose in his mouth. 
"You come here!" You say as you chase Otis around the backyard, trying to stop him from going inside. 
"What is going on?" Mina asks, unable to contain her laughter, as she gets out of the car and runs to the porch, out of the war zone. 
"I-" you stop for a minute to regain your breath. "Mina" you say smiling at her, starting to walk up to her and engulfing her in a hug. "I missed you" you whisper, voice muffled by her shoulder. “You should’ve told me you were coming back! I thought it was only by the end of the week!”
She laughs and hugs you just as tight, kissing your head. "I missed you too, just wanted to surprise you."
Suddenly you both hear a bark, making you quickly pull away to see what had happened, only to see Otis completely covered in mud. 
"You know, that had to be replaced anyway..." Mina says laughing as she watches you chase around your dog. 
"Didn't have to be replaced because of this" you say, out of breath, already with the hose in hand, looking down to your clothes now as dirty as him. 
After finally being able to catch him and bringing him for a long bath, he has returned to his previous white fur and was sprawled on top of Mina as they watched the news, and you cooked dinner.
"Is he interested on the rise of the prices of housing in central Europe?" You ask, watching over both of them attentively. 
"Oh yeah, he had plans of getting a house there and maybe settling down, but I guess he'll have to look elsewhere." She says, caressing behind Otis's ears. 
"Oh yeah definitely, after the stunt he pulled today, he's going to have to compensate the damage with a week of his pay cheque"
"A week?!" She exclaims in mock offence, twisting her neck to be able to look at you. "He's such a hard worker, and you just take all of that from him?" 
"Shouldn't have flooded the garden." You say shrugging. 
"Oh bud, she doesn't deserve your love." Mina says pushing her face into his fur, kissing him to comfort him over his salary being reduced, making you laugh at the sight. 
As you were dicing some of the vegetables you see Mina's hands sneak around your waist and feel her face behind pressed against your back. 
"I missed this," she says, voice muffled. "You being a complete asshole to our son, watching you cook us dinner"
"You ass" you say laughing turning around in her arms after her comment. "I was not an asshole to Otis"
She only laughs, head slightly tilted, giving you her best smile. "Tomato, Tomato"
"There is no Tomato or Tomato in this situation" you chuckle, resting your head on her shoulder. 
"Eh there is" she continues, not willing to 'let you win'. "What are your plans for tomorrow?" she finally asks, stepping a little away from you so that you can tend to the food. 
"Hmm" you say as you move to look over the sizzling fish, still feeling her hand softly on your hip. "I was thinking we could stay in?" you suggest, to which she quickly agrees, eager to spend some quality time with you. 
Once you're in bed waiting for Mina to join you after she finishes her night routine, you decide to read one last chapter. Since you were too engrossed into the book, you didn't even feel the bed dip beside you and Mina's presence until she adjusts your falling glasses. 
"You need to get them adjusted," she whispers curling up next to your sitting frame, making you immediately drop the book and take off your glasses to join her. 
"They're perfectly fine." You assure her, bringing her closer to you and nuzzling your face into her neck, feeling her hair tickling your face. Not feeling energized to answer, she only hums appreciating the warmth of your skin against hers.
Mina took every opportunity to be with you, not taking any moment for granted, just wanting to be near you. Once you noticed she was spending more and more time with you, even at work (not that you were at all complaining) you eventually asked if she'd like to help in the shop. You had to admit that it was nice to have her around you almost all the time. The time she had spent abroad filming her movie had been hard on both of you. 
After finally finding a day that worked for everyone, you all organized a camping outing between friends by the lake nearby. The difficult part wasn’t making time and finding free time in between schedules, the difficult time was Mina finding the courage to wake you up, so now there she laid you on top of her, head snuggled into the crock of her neck, letting out soft snores.  Even though she had already been home for some time now, Mina still took a deep breath after she woke up every day. The little lavender accents that she had added when she moved in with you, your citrus fragrance lingering in the air, it was all everything she could ask for. After completely waking up, she noticed you were still asleep, and she couldn't bear to wake you up.
She gently moved you so that you wouldn't wake up and quietly went to the kitchen to prepare you both breakfast and everything to take for the picnic. 
“I don’t think I like this new habit of yours where you just don’t wake me up and do everything yourself.” You slur out as you lazily walk into the kitchen straight towards her.
“You look too peaceful to wake up, I always hate doing that.” 
You hum against her back before letting go, groaning as you stretch your arms out, exposing some of your skin as your shirt rides up. 
“You know…” you hear from behind, feeling her hands already sneaking up your shirt, tickling your skin. “We can just say we caught the flu and stay in?” She says, kissing up your jaw. 
“They’ll kill us.” You try, but not making any attempt to move away from her. 
She only non-committally nods in response to your reasoning, leaning in to brush her lips against yours. “I’m sure we’ll be just fine”. She pulls you in by the waist, her hands creeping up your back as she finally leans in to kiss you. 
As you’re getting busy, not even thinking about the outing that had been planned with your friends, your phone starts to ring. 
“I’m killing whoever is calling you,” Mina whispers against your lips, hands secure on your waist, not wanting to let you go. 
“I swear to everything holy, if you’re not ready to go I’m coming over and putting you inside the trunk of my car”
“I’ve always loved your good mornings, so supportive, so wholesome.” you say rolling your eyes as you pick up the phone, looking over to a questioning Mina on your side. “It’s Jihyo.” you whisper to her. 
“I would be nice if you had a record of being on time you know?”
“I’m always on time!”
Since you seemed to be too occupied with the call and no longer focusing on her, Mina decided to finish packing the fruits before letting you know she would be going to get ready, 
“We’ll be there on time, but you do realize it’s just a picnic, right?” you ask her, half amused, as you put the drinks inside the cooler. 
“I’m well aware, I just wanted to make sure.”
“Sure, I’m still in my pjs but we’ll be there on time”
“You’re still on your-”
“Bye!” you say, cutting her off, happy with yourself for riling her up a little.
“I told you to get those tightened,” Mina says as she watches your glasses slide off your face as you lean down to pick up the cooler. “Last week they almost fell into the dishwasher.” 
“I know…” You say, adjusting said glasses. “I planned on going yesterday, but then I had to stay at the shop, so I didn’t really get a chance.”
“She could’ve just got them tightened when we went to pick them out, but she didn’t want to say anything.” Jihyo shrugs, coming up from behind you to help take off more of the food from the car.
“They were good at the time, they were not as loose, shut up.” You say, walking towards the pebbles near the lake. 
“They were, you just avoid talking to other people when it comes to things like this, so now you have extra loose glasses,” Jeongyeon adds as she follows the two of you. 
“I’ll go right after the weekend.” You groan, rolling your eyes playfully at their insistence. 
“Don’t roll your eyes at me, I’m older than you” Jihyo says, pinching your arm playfully
“By two months??” you exclaim, rubbing your arm
“Still older” she shrugs
After setting up the tents at the camping park, you take a walk down to the lake. Once you arrive, you are met with a beautiful body of water in yellow and greenish shades, surrounded by big trees with branches so big they were almost covering the sky. There were little frogs leaping through the little pebbles and fish swimming through the algae. You decide to sit up on the grass near the rocks, seeming like a good place to stay to enjoy the quiet. 
“This deck will need fixing soon…” Jeongyeon says as she picks up a loose wooden part at the beginning of it. Her concerns fall on deaf hears as she sees you running past her with a very competitive Jihyo right behind you towards the water.
Mina had decided to just sit at the edge of it, happy to just watch you all swim around, it not being her favourite activity. She was satisfied with just watching you have fun. Her eyes were stuck on you when suddenly you decided to dive and didn’t come right up. As she goes to get up, worry already starting to spread to her, you come up for air, right next to where she stood, giving her a silly smile, making her heart melt and worry disappear.
"Thought I lost you there," she says, returning your smile, tracing little stars on your wet shoulders. 
"Were you worried?” you ask laughing. “You know you can’t get rid of me that easily". 
“I’m glad.” She says, looking down at you lovingly. If she weren’t in public with all your friends watching, she would’ve probably let herself fall into the water to kiss all over your face. Instead, you both just stayed there for a while, simply basking in each other’s presence, not seeing any need in getting out. 
“Mina?” Sana called out. “Your agent is calling you!”
“On a Sunday of all days.” Mina grumbles as she gets up quickly, annoyed for having her quiet time interrupted.  
You only chuckle, continuing to swim through the warm water. 
“I thought she was on holiday?” Jihyo asks, swimming towards you, flicking water from her fingers to your face. 
“Yup, must be something to do with the press tour? ‘m not sure though…” 
After a while of mindless talking, Mina comes back with a small smile on her face. 
“I just have to go to the office next week, have some papers to sign because of a deal.” she happily says, sitting again on the deck.
“That’s really good!” You say as you swim towards her, kissing the hand dangling into the water. “If you want, I can drive you there.” You suggest, gaining the immediate approval of your friend. 
“Yes, please, I have been trying to get her to come try the new ice rink that just opened up.”  She says, shaking you by the shoulders. 
“Why are you shaking me, you turd?” You say, shaking her hands away from you, spitting out the water you almost swallowed.  
“ ‘Cuz I want you to come play with me” She retorts. 
“Sana?” Mina calls. “Want to arrange a play date? These two want to hang out.”
“Aw yeah, of course, here’s my phone.” She says, handing her phone to Mina and getting in on the little joke. “Put your number in, and we’ll arrange it!”
They only laugh more when they see you both staring at them with no reaction. 
“Do they think they’re funny?” Jihyo asks, looking at you, still with no expression on her face.
 “I think they think they’re hilarious.”
After deciding that you were taking Mina to the agency and later going to play with Jihyo, you let yourself be swallowed by the water, still hearing Mina’s melodious laugh through the water surrounding you. Out of nowhere, a crashing sound is heard, right to your left, making you look right away. There is Mina, smiling at you with the thin sun rays illuminating her face, wiggling towards you to bring you closer to her. Once close enough, she softly plants her lips on yours in a brief kiss, before grabbing your hand and swimming up to get you both to the surface. 
“...no I don’t think you understand,” Jeongyeon laughs. “Those two during Halloween were just not the little saints everyone thought they were.” she continues as she points to you and Jihyo, both annoyed by her idea of sharing childhood stories. 
“Whatever she says is going to be greatly exaggerated, just so you know.” Jihyo cuts in, as she prepares the meat. 
“Agreed, what we did was perfectly reasonable”
“Anyway, during Halloween,” she continues, ignoring your objections. “Those two loved to dress up in the most elaborate costumes to get as much candy as possible. So, one year they devised a plan. They canvassed the houses in town to see where they handed most of the candy. A week before Halloween they arranged a little stand on the playground and lured kids in, saying they had a map of the best places to get candy. They told them that to get the map, they had to pay 1 dollar, and since a lot of kids thought this was a great idea, almost everyone gave them the money. Yn to rile them in even gave a speech about how people were starting to care less about actually giving out candy, that children no longer need that much sugar in their tiny bodies.” By that point, you get up and go to Jihyo’s side. 
“Think Mina will ever let me near her nephew again?” 
“I mean it’s not like we actually did something bad,” she says, and even if you’re not directly facing her, you know she has a big smile on her face. 
“...turns out, that was a map of the health brigade parents, that at the time were just giving out fruit and stuff like trail mix. Those two went to all the right houses and since no kid had shown up all night, they got all the candy from these oh so innocent kind-hearted people. They were thrilled and ran home as soon as possible with all the candy they got their tiny hands on.” By then Mina has her head thrown back, laughing at your idiotic plans from when you were ten, and for once you thanked Jeongyeon for airing your stories out. 
“I had to be their bodyguard for like a week since there were a lot of angry kids after them,” Jeongyeon says in between laughs. “They were lucky they had a friend in a higher grade to ‘protect’ them.” She proudly ends. 
“You took 30 percent of our candies, you didn’t do it for free.” You grumble as you sit in your previous spot. “So please get out of your high horse.”
“Well,” she starts grinning at your annoyed face. “My services aren’t for free-”
“You also ratted us out to our parents,” Jihyo says cutting her off. 
“You got grounded?” Mina asks, laughing at you both. 
“I did, had to give out half of the candy to the other kids…” Jihyo complains, letting her head fall on Sana’s shoulder. 
“My dad just took half my sweets, he said it wasn’t that bad of an idea, just poorly executed.” You shrug with a smile on your face. 
“Yeah, you’re not going to be allowed to be alone with my nephew again, you’ll corrupt him.” Mina teasingly says.
The night goes on, and more stories are shared until Mina and Sana are saying their good nights and going to their tents, leaving you and your friends behind. 
“It’s a shame Nayeon couldn’t come.” Jihyo says after a moment of silence, gaining hums of agreement. 
“Yeah, but she couldn’t just fly in, she had the business trip planned for a while.”
“Speaking off…” Jihyo starts, wiggling her eyebrows at you. “Have you picked it up?”
“How was that even related?”
“I- uh yeah” you say, picking up your phone to show them a picture of it. 
“Hm, you picked well.” Jeongyeon tells you, her hand squeezing your shoulder. 
You could only smile at them, happy to have their support through all of this. From the moment you called them in a state akin to panic to this very moment. You couldn’t wait for the perfect moment to finally ask Mina. 
“Ok so, I’ll call you but I’m probably going to be done by 7, and we can grab dinner.” Mina offers through the window of your car. 
“We’re probably done by 7-7:30? She said it was right by her house but it’s 30 minutes out.”
“I’ll wait at Sana’s then. The agency is not too far from her house, I can catch an Uber or something.”
Once you’re done with the little drills in the new rink, you wait for Jihyo to finish up hers. 
“So, have you given it more thought? Do you know when you’ll be popping the question?” Jihyo says, skating to you after putting in some pucks. 
“I’m not sure? She’s going on her press tour soon, so I think I’ll wait for a bit,” you say getting up to help her with her gear.  “I have all the time in the world.” You add with a lovesick smile. 
“You’re insufferable I hate it.” She says jokingly, taking off her helmet. “Help me carry these out, the kids didn’t storage them.” She points to the cones next to the wall. 
Once out of the rink and ready to pick Mina up after a short shower, you’re both inside the car and Jihyo is deep in her feels, blasting “Casual” by Chappell Roan. 
“You are in a stable relationship, why are you screaming like someone took your heart out and stomped on it?” you question laughing at her behavior. 
“I just imagined a scenario so that I could sing it with passion, obviously” she simply answers, not caring about your teasing comment. “No way!” She suddenly says. 
“What?” You quickly answer, alert to whatever danger she might me pointing out.
“Look over there,” she says, pointing at the tree you were about to pass. “There are owls here too!” she excitedly tells you. 
You laugh at that but do take your eyes off the road for a second to look at them. If you hadn’t, you would have noticed that the driver didn’t see his stop sign and was heading straight to you.
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violet-fluff · 9 months
💙 Levi x !Pregnant Reader
Late Arrival
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Thanks @roseofdarknessblog for the suggestion! I want to make a Dadvi series now. Hope you all enjoy!
You look out the window and gloomily stare around at the empty training field.
The Survey Corp had set out on an emergency mission to patch up a wall within Wall Maria. Levi was forced to go as well, leaving you, his pregnant wife, behind for a week.
You weren’t left completely alone though. Hanji ordered Moblit to stay behind as well to watch over you. Your baby isn’t due for another two weeks, so Moblit was here to help you get around as your giant belly made it difficult.
Heavens help him if you were to go into labor because this man wouldn’t know what to do.
“Are you ok, Y/N?” Moblit asks, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“They’re half a week late.” You remind him anxiously as you sit on your bed.
He gives you a sympathetic smile. “And I doubt they will be any later. Especially with Levi wanting to be here with you. I bet they’ll be here when you wake up in the morning.”
You laugh softly as you took notice of how your nervous friend was trying to tip-toe around your pregnancy hormones. “Thanks, Moblit. You’ve been nothing but helpful for me. I guess I’ll go to bed now. I’m really tired.”
He nods and walks back out to Levi’s office. He’s been sleeping on Levi’s couch so he can be close by if you need anything. Levi’s orders.
Throughout the night, you could only toss and turn as it seems your baby wants to roll around and kick you every minute. Groaning in annoyance, you sit up and rub your stomach.
“Can you calm down for me please?” You beg.
Your baby replies with another hard kick, so you shake your head in defeat as you stand up to grab a book to read. Except when you stand up, a sharp cramp ripples in your stomach and a heavy flow of liquid falls from under your dress.
You stand in shock as you pray that it’s not what you think it is, until another sharp cramp makes you sit back down onto the bed and hold your stomach in pain.
“Moblit!!” You scream for your friend and you cry in pain.
A few moments go by and the door swings open. “What’s wrong?!” Moblit asks while trying to rub sleep from his eyes.
“I’m-I’m in labor!”
“Oh shit!” He runs up to you. “What do we do?!”
You hold your stomach and cry. “I don’t know! But I think they’re coming out!”
“Ok ok! Um… let’s lay you down!?” Moblit helps you swing your legs back onto the bed and props you up with another pillow.
You instinctively bend your legs up as you feel the baby push down.
“Wait wait! I’m not ready for you to push!” Moblit says in desperation.
“I am!!” You scream and lean forward as you push.
Moblit gives his own little yell of panic and goes to the foot of the bed. “I’m sorry but I have to look!” He tells you as he lifts up your sleep dress. He nearly faints as he sees the head of the baby start to crown out.
“Is the baby coming out?!” You ask breathlessly.
“Y-yes! Just keep pushing! And remember to breathe please!” He orders.
You nod and keep pushing.
After what seems like another thirty minutes of pushing and nervous encouragement from Moblit, you feel all the pain and pressure release from you.
A piercing cry fills the room and you lay back on the pillows to try and control your breathing. You feel a light weight on your chest and you look down to see a reddish dirty baby moving their arms and legs around while crying.
“You have a daughter.” Moblit announces while trying not to cry.
Suddenly reality hits as you look down and hug the baby closer to you…your baby. You cry as you gently rock her, trying to calm her down.
A snipping sound hits your ears and you look down to see Moblit cutting the umbilical cord.
“I’m not sure if I cut the right spot, I just know I have to cut it.” He says.
You smile at him. “Thank you for everything, Moblit.”
A few more days pass and you are sitting in bed reading, looking over every once in a while to make sure your baby girl was sleeping ok.
Suddenly the bedroom door opens and you look up expecting to see Moblit, but instead see Levi.
You both look at each other with wide eyes and he hurries over to you, pulling you forward into a tight hug.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry I wasn’t here.” He whispers in your ear.
You pull away and look at his face, tears threaten to leave his eyes.
“It’s ok, Levi. I’m just glad you’re back.” You smile shyly at him and grab his face . “We have a daughter now. Go see her.”
Levi looks back at you with furrowed brows. “I’m…I’m scared.”
A small cooing came from the basinet and you giggle. “But I think she wants to meet you.”
You watch as Levi walks over to the basinet and peers inside. A tiny baby girl who mirrors his own looks stares back at him with wide, grey eyes as she chews on her hand.
“Crazy how the mother carries the child, but they always come out looking like father.” You joke, trying to lighten the tension.
Levi gives a small smile as he touches his daughter’s smooth hair. It’s so black that light itself may have trouble penetrating it.
He carefully picks up the baby girl and lifts her closer to his face. She coos and reaches out to grab his nose. You watch from the bed and quickly wipe the tears flowing from your eyes as you take in the sight of the love of your life holding your child.
“I’m so sorry, my baby. I should have been here.” He says while kissing her cheek.
“Levi, we still need to name her.”
Levi looks at his baby for a moment before turning to you . “Isabel.”
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griffintail2 · 5 months
Wolf in Duck's Clothing (Part 4)
Summary: A small child sinner tries to navigate her way through Hell.
Pairings: Lucifer x Child!GN!Reader
Warnings: Cursing, Implied Trauma, Implied Past Bad Caretaker
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A/N: Omg there's so many of you enjoying-- Thank you for the love and I hope you keep enjoying!
And-And he tried to work on his project while his mind was still muddled. But he realized he was still focused on the child when he noticed his duck had wolf ears now.
“Fuck.” He put his head in his hands.
Why did he care? Why were they stuck in his head? He’s never cared about a sinner before! He even knew there were children sinners! But this one…this one was stuck in his head. And fuck! He cared…he cared if the kid was ok.
It was messing with his head! He’d asked them for their name, he comforted them, and he even gave them his place to stay even if it was temporary! He shouldn’t care, they’re just another sinner…
But that felt wrong to think. He cursed to himself as he paced in his workshop. It was another day, he had little sleep (which was normal but it felt distressing right now) and he couldn’t understand his own mind.
He took a deep breath, running his hands through his hair.
Fine, ok. He’ll just show himself! He’ll show himself what he’ll get if he shows the sinner kindness. Remind himself what sinners were all about. You give them an inch, they’ll take the mile.
So, he put his care forward and was ready to let it be shattered, just like every other time…
The child came to the kitchen to get food in the morning, frowning in confusion when they saw Lucifer in there, humming to himself as he was cooking.
“…Good morning.” They muttered.
He looked over, smiling at them. “Hey, I hope you like pancakes.”
They watched him carefully, shifting nervously. It was his home so of course he could come out. They just weren’t ready for this.
“I think so.” They nodded.
Lucifer noticed their ears pointing back as their tail wrapped close to them, and he frowned softly at their response.
“Well, come sit down they’re almost done.”
They hesitated for a moment before coming to sit in the chair at the dining table. Lucifer nodded before he went back to the food in front of him.
“Did you get some more sleep?”
“Good, good.” He nodded as he put a pancake on top of a small stack, bringing it over to them. “I figured after last night you should get a good breakfast.”
“Thank you…” They tilted their head as they looked at the food as he went to grab his own food. “Do you need something?”
Lucifer frowned as he looked back at the sinner. “No?”
They simply watched him for a moment before humming and turning back to the food, picking up a fork. “Ok.”
…What? He watched the sinner confused. They were a bit of an odd one for sure.
“OK then.” He muttered before grabbing his plate and sitting at the table with them.
It was silent besides the scraping of forks and knives on plates. He was always terrible at small talk. He could put on a big show sure! But he wasn’t very good at simple socializing, especially after being a shut-in for the past few years. It didn’t really help the inability to small talk with that.
He looked around the kitchen, trying to think of anything to say. It was spotless in here other than the small mess he’d just made. Pausing, he thought of something to say.
“What have you been doing around here?” He asked.
They looked up, putting an arm over their mouth as they swallowed. So, they had pretty decent manners for a child.
“Cleaning.” They answered.
He waited for more but they just sat there, tail slowly swishing behind them.
“Wait, wait. You’ve only been cleaning since you’ve been here?”
They nodded snout scrunching up slightly. “The dust kept making me sneeze. And it needed to be cleaned.”
“So, you haven’t been…playing or reading? Anything like that?”
“…I’m not supposed to touch anything I don’t need to.” They shifted in their seat. “And I only need to when I clean.”
Damn it Lucifer.
He hung his head for a moment forming words before he looked up and put his hands on the table.
“You don’t have to clean. That’s not your job, this isn’t even your house.” He told them. “I appreciate it, but you don’t need to do that. Look, let’s change that rule. You can touch things when you want, you just can’t take it from the house. Ok?”
They sat there, taking it in before nodding. “Ok.”
“Great.” He took a breath. “You know, I say what have you been doing, I guess I don’t have much for you to do other than read. You can read right?” They nodded and he nodded as well. “While that’s good, it wouldn’t be fun all the time…hm…Alright. Finish your breakfast then I’m going to show you something.”
They continued eating with that and he watched them carefully. He should have been clearer about his rule, but he didn’t think they’d take it that way. Strange kid.
The pair of them finished their food and he put the plates in the sinks. He’ll…probably come back to clean them later. He led the child down the halls, their ears pointed back and their arms behind them as they followed behind him. With a grand bow, he opened the door to his workshop, grinning as the little one giggled.
“This is where I do my work.” He motioned for them to come in. “And…my more personal projects. But, the reason we’re here. You can take one duck from any pile, except that one.” He pointed to one closer to his desk. “Those ones are more dangerous.”
The child came in, their eyes lighting up at all the colorful little things. They came in such a variety. They’d never seen so many colors in one room either, especially such beautiful bright ones. Their ears perked up in delight as their tail started to wag. Going towards one of the safe piles, they went to touch but stopped, hesitating as they looked at him.
Lucifer, himself, wasn’t able to help the soft smile as he watched the wonder and joy in the child’s eyes. No one had been so excited to see his ducks in years. Charlie used to love them when she was younger, but she’d grown. Not as enthused. But the little one was enthralled by them all.
“You can look through them.” He encouraged.
“…they’re all yours?” They asked him.
“Yes, but like I said. You can choose one for yourself.”
They retracted their hand though. “I can’t take your things. That’s wrong.”
“What have you been doing around here?” He asked.
They looked up, putting an arm over their mouth as they swallowed. So, they had pretty decent manners for a child.
“Cleaning.” They answered.
He waited for more but they just sat there, tail slowly swishing behind them.
“Wait, wait. You’ve only been cleaning since you’ve been here?”
They nodded snout scrunching up slightly. “The dust kept making me sneeze. And it needed to be cleaned.”
“So, you haven’t been…playing or reading? Anything like that?”
“…I’m not supposed to touch anything I don’t need to.” They shifted in their seat. “And I only need to when I clean.”
Damn it Lucifer.
He hung his head for a moment forming words before he looked up and put his hands on the table.
“You don’t have to clean. That’s not your job, this isn’t even your house.” He told them. “I appreciate it, but you don’t need to do that. Look, let’s change that rule. You can touch things when you want, you just can’t take it from the house. Ok?”
They sat there, taking it in before nodding. “Ok.”
“Great.” He took a breath. “You know, I say what have you been doing, I guess I don’t have much for you to do other than read. You can read right?” They nodded and he nodded as well. “While that’s good, it wouldn’t be fun all the time…hm…Alright. Finish your breakfast then I’m going to show you something.”
They continued eating with that and he watched them carefully. He should have been clearer about his rule, but he didn’t think they’d take it that way. Strange kid.
The pair of them finished their food and he put the plates in the sinks. He’ll…probably come back to clean them later. He led the child down the halls, their ears pointed back and their arms behind them as they followed behind him. With a grand bow, he opened the door to his workshop, grinning as the little one giggled.
“This is where I do my work.” He motioned for them to come in. “And…my more personal projects. But, the reason we’re here. You can take one duck from any pile, except that one.” He pointed to one closer to his desk. “Those ones are more dangerous.”
The child came in, their eyes lighting up at all the colorful little things. They came in such a variety. They’d never seen so many colors in one room either, especially such beautiful bright ones. Their ears perked up in delight as their tail started to wag. Going towards one of the safe piles, they went to touch but stopped, hesitating as they looked at him.
Lucifer, himself, wasn’t able to help the soft smile as he watched the wonder and joy in the child’s eyes. No one had been so excited to see his ducks in years. Charlie used to love them when she was younger, but she’d grown. Not as enthused. But the little one was enthralled by them all.
“You can look through them.” He encouraged.
“…they’re all yours?” They asked him.
“Yes, but like I said. You can choose one for yourself.”
They retracted their hand though. “I can’t take your things. That’s wrong.
He laughed softly. “It’s not, I’m giving you one. You need something to play with. These are perfect.”
They looked at the pile, shifting slightly, clearly wanting to just go in. He couldn’t understand why they weren’t though.
“What do I give?” They asked, looking away from the temptation and back to him.
He frowned. “Nothing?”
“But you’re giving. I need to give back. That’s how it works.”
He still held his frown as he came over crouching in front of them. “No, this is a gift. You don’t give anything for a gift.”
He chuckled quietly thinking it a joke…but the child tilted their head in confusion. He stood in his crouched position for a moment before sitting cross-legged in front of them.
“Yeah, a gift. Things you get on birthdays and holidays. You know?” He waved his hand, but their ears went flat as they looked frustrated by their own confusion. “…Has no one ever given you a gift?”
“…no, I don’t think so.”
He let out a humorless laugh of disbelief. “Who was taking care of you before?”
That question got him closed out as they wrapped their tail close and clasped their hands together as they looked down. He sighed deeply as he tapped his hands against his legs.
Ok. Ok. A lot of things were starting to make sense.
“Ok, let me see your hand little one.” He held his hand out to them palm out.
They hesitated as they stared at his hand. Cautiously, they put their hand in his.
“Palm up.” He told them gently as he looked over to the pile of ducks, looking over it carefully.
They silently followed his instructions as he saw a cute little duck wearing a little fishing hat and holding a fishing hook (That actually reeled in! But that’s not what matters right now.). He took it into his free hand before he put the little duck in their hand. Carefully, he had them close their hand around it gently.
“This is yours. It’s a gift from me to you. A gift means you don’t give me anything. It’s yours to enjoy and do whatever you like with it. It’s yours.” He emphasized as he put one hand carefully on their shoulder.
His hand let go of theirs and their hand shook slightly.
“And, I want to gift you a few more, make up for all the gifts everyone should have been giving you.” He smiled gently. “But I want you to pick the ones you like instead. Sound good?”
“You promise?” They muttered instead.
“Promise what?” He asked.
“It’s mine?” They looked up at him with misty eyes.
He smiled sadly as he gently put a hand on their cheek. “I promise. I won’t let anyone take them away from you.”
They let out a quiet whimper and he sighed as he gently pulled them forward and into a hug. He gently pet the top of their head and instead of hugging him, they hugged their gift close.
“You’ll be alright now little one.”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Taglist! (Comment or message me to be included) - @m-m-e-d-u-s-a - @legostars - @sarah-dreemurr-magne - @ringsofpersonti - @kisskisskys - @mysterypotatoink - @amberforest08 - @type-ink - @nagi3seastorm - @sunmizuiro - @lonelysimp18
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joocomics · 4 months
Dinna, I'm here presenting to you preppy!jiseok, who's very cocky and has a corruption kink🤭 He absolutely loves it when you wear a short tennis skirt and a tight top, he looks at your ass when you walk by him after practice or something. You give him a look, and he knows what you want. All his friends want you, and they all want to take your virginity; they even made bets with each other. Jiseok took part in the bet too, but no one knew you were already dating him and you told him to take the bet so you both can rob his rich, posh friends from their money🤭 I say you'll fuck at his family beach house or something like that😌
money on my mind
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pairing: preppy!jiseok x preppy fem!reader
genre: smut wc: 3.3k
contains: sub!reader, established (secret) relationship, enemies to lovers trope, forbidden romance trope? (nothing serious), light corruption kink, mentions of virginity, semi? public sex, pet names, (+ slut used once), fingering, oral sex (m!rec), multiple orgasms, overstimulation (f!rec), creampie, squirting, dirty talk, filming, jungsu cameo
a/n: you didn’t ask for this many words ok i’m sorry >< but no matter what i tried it just kept getting longer, because your idea IS SO GOOD. there’s no way i could just answer it with three sentences… no way. it’s jiseok, and the idea is genius. hope you enjoy it and sorry for the wait <3
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Jiseok was your secret for a while.
He didn’t care about you being the daughter of the people his parents are rivals with, but you were hesitant about showing up in public as his girlfriend until wanting to be with him everywhere, all the time, clinging onto his arm, was the only thing you could think about.
And you found the perfect way to make it official in front of your friend group. None of them would’ve ever thought they’ll see the two of you together as something more than the two brats who always make faces of disgust when they are forced to sit next to each other.
“You should participate in the bet.”
“The bet,” you repeat as your voice shakes. A moan slips from your tongue before you try continuing your thought with a distracted glance at Jiseok’s face. “Take it and win the money.”
He looks directly into your hazed eyes as his hips move against you slowly. The gentle gliding through your walls barely keep them open, and he sees the pretty fluttering of your curled lashes. Being in each other’s arms with bodies connected into one always makes the two of you look high; like you’re slowly losing grip on reality.
“Faster,” you plead in one quick breath before pressing your head back against the pillow.
“You’re cruel.” He grins before burying his mouth into your neck. “I like it… so hot, baby.” His speech turns more tense as you pulse with stronger vibrations around him. He doesn’t speed up though; he enjoys having you melt down underneath him. “I’m so fuckin’ in love with you, you know that, right?”
Your right hand gets lost in his blond hair, looking to tug on his dark roots so you don’t completely lose control over yourself.
“Make it worth it.”
Jiseok peers at you with a mischievous smirk that makes it clear he’s already looking forward to seeing his friends’ expressions after he claims his reward.
“Let’s pick up the pace, pretty girl,” he says, grabbing your wrists and pinning them above your head.
“When did you get so big?” You lay eyes on the exposed bicep. “Are you working out, Jungsu?”You feel the firm muscles against your palm as you squeeze it gently.
His arms have earned a nice golden tan from the summer sun and the white fitted shirt looks really good on him; complimenting his broad figure even more.
“Yeah,” he smiles flustered so quickly that you almost missed the reaction. “I’ve been going to the gym more often these days.”
You notice the way his cheeks instantly earn a pinkish color from the unexpected attention, causing him to avoid your stare. He’s definitely going to bet double after this. That’s what you want after all, and you’re going to put in the work.
“I’ve been thinking of going too, but I can’t seem to motivate myself enough to do it.” You sigh with a fake pout, running your hand along his broad shoulders before positioning yourself in front of him with the goal to show off your legs. “Maybe we can go together? Some company will be nice, I don’t wanna be just by myself there.”
You can feel Jiseok lifting his gaze up from the ground. He’s behind you, sitting on the chair across from Jungsu with his tenis racket in hands, but the intensity of his stare is warm on your skin like the sun. His eyes skim your figure up and down, stopping right where your short pleated skirt ends as he concentrates on your conversation.
He’s determined to not miss a word.
“I’d like that.” Jungsu blinks up at you with a genuine curl of his lips and eyes partly closed from the bright sunlight.
“Cool.” You smile back, tilting your head in a flirtatious manner. “Gym buddies?”
“Gym buddies.” Jungsu gives you a high five, and you’re just about to add something when you hear the deep voice coming from behind your shoulder.
“I thought you shouldn’t put pressure on your ankle for at least a month or two more,” Jiseok calls out.
“Oh, it’s fine.” You lie nonchalantly after turning around. He fixates his gaze on your chest, dressed in a tight cropped top with no straps, and you know it’s because if he looks into your eyes the real emotions may slip out from his face. However, he seems just as tense while staring at your boobs. “The doctor said I can start working out again, I just need to be careful not to overdo it.”
Jiseok responds with a crooked smile watching you take a seat on the table. As you take out the novel you’re reading for your english class, Jungsu stands up, stretching his arms for the next round.
Jiseok grabs the tennis ball, and a sigh of relief calms his frustration, when he walks pass you and feels your fingers discreetly brushing his as he heads towards the tennis court of his parents house.
“Will this book ever get interesting?” Jiseok scoffs. “Jesus, I’m so bored…”
“Will you stop interrupting me only to complain?”
Not only are you doing him the favour of telling him all the important things he needs to know about the novel, and helping him out with the assignment, more than you should, but you also have to bare listening to him complain like he doesn’t have someone else doing his work for him.
“If you read to me naked, I will.”
You roll your eyes at the comment, but you don’t succeed at fighting back the urge to grin, as you bring back your attention on the open book in your hands. He’s blessed with the most enticing smile in the word, and it never fails to make your stomach swirl. It’s boyish, smug, but so attractive.
“If we weren’t dating…” Jiseok rests his head in his palm after turning on his side, “who else would have a real chance except me?”
“Jungsu is cute.” You reply calmly without looking away from the page.
“Cute?” Jiseok blinks confused. His face scrunches from your quick answer. “Since when do you like cute guys?”
“Why did you ask if you’re just gonna get jealous of my answer?”
“Is this why you’re gym buddies all of a sudden? Cause he’s cute?”
You close the book and put it aside with a deep sigh.
“It’s like you missed the whole point of this bet. I have to get their hopes up a little bit so they can bet more money, baby.”
“I know, I know…” Jiseok whines, turning on his back. His eyes gaze up at the tree which leaves move discreetly from the light breeze. “It’s just annoying having to listen to them talk about you… they really think they have a chance.”
You move closer to him, putting a hand over his chest.
“This means we’re winning.”
Jiseok takes your wrist and guides your hand to his lips, pressing them against your knuckles. A moment later, you sit on his lap and his palms go underneath your skirt; it’s like an automatic reaction and it makes you chuckle.
“I can be cute too.” He says.
“I don’t want that.” You reply quietly before leaning down. The minty scent of the gum he had in his mouth earlier invades your senses as you stare at his plump lips. “You didn’t win me over with a cute attitude.”
You both smile at each other, because it’s true. He’s always been a gentleman, but he never tried to impress you with cute compliments, princess treatment or anything like that… The way you challenged yourselves in class, the games of cat and mouse and the bickering in between pulled you closer till he couldn’t handle it anymore. After realising the hatred you feel towards each other, or more specifically the hatred you’re supposed to feel towards each other was actually lust, attraction, desperation to know each other in more ways than one, Jiseok came up to you and straight up told you he wants you. “Right here, right now,” he said. No pick up lines, nothing.
“But we hate each other,” you stated even though it didn’t sound believable, because it wasn’t true at all. You said it just because you couldn’t think of anything else that wouldn’t make you sound easy.
“I don’t believe it, do you?”
“I don’t think so.”
“I actually think you’re good for me, Y/N.”
He fingered you in the library that day. It felt so inappropriate, so… filthy; but most importantly - exciting. Jiseok saw something shifting in you that day, and it made him realise that he was right about you. You had a secret filthy side that’s hiding behind that pure obedient smile of yours, and it was waiting for him to discover it; to make it his.
Two days later he fingered you in the restrooms, that’s when you returned the favour although he said you didn’t need to.
He ate you out in the dressing rooms before his basketball game, and days later he asked to sit next to you for your English lecture so he can sneak his hand under your skirt. He likes doing that to this day - sitting next to you when you’re out with friends and touching you under the table. He enjoys it, because nobody has to know you’re in a relationship especially your parents. Another thing he likes about this is how you let him do it despite this well known fact.
He took your virginity at his house when his parents were out of the country and you got the chance to wake up next to him for the first time.
“What do you want then?” Jiseok keeps shifting his gaze from your eyes to your lips. His hands, hidden from your skirt, are gripping your ass cheeks beneath it. “Tell me, doll.”
He presses his lips against yours into a soft kiss. Once, twice… You remain silent while the contact from his mouth floods your body with adrenaline. The only sound around you is from the nature of the park where you found yourselves a nice secluded spot.
“Why are you suddenly shy, baby?” He smirks after you break the kiss. “I already know how filthy you can be for me.”
As he speaks Jiseok’s one hand moves your panties to the side while the other pushes a finger inside your welcoming arousal. You moan into his mouth as he glides it through your tight walls.
“It’s why you wear these little skirts and tops, right? You let me get what I want whenever I want to…” His finger speeds up, and you hide your face into the crook of his neck. “You don’t really care who sees. You never did.”
“I think it’s time to end the bet.” Jiseok tosses his phone on the table between you and glances in your direction. “It’s been over two weeks now.”
“Hmm..” You’re lounging on the sunbed enjoying the sight of the calm beach as the sun is almost about to set meanwhile Jiseok is sitting on his, hunched over with a certain tense expression.
“It’s perfect.” He exclaims. “Not too late, not too early either.”
“Wouldn’t it look like I’m easy?”
“No, baby.” He disagrees immediately as he walks up to you. “It would look like I’m just too damn good at flirting which I am.” He sits on the edge, stroking your bare leg up and down. “I’m too hard to resist.”
“You’re getting all cocky, Kwak Jiseok.” You tease him with your foot ghosting over his crotch. His hand catches your ankle gently. “Not cute.”
“What do you say?” His eyes fixate on your contemplative expression. What’s there to think about so much? As you stay silent, just maintaining the eye contact with him, Jiseok feels his heartbeat quickening.
“If you insist.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He blurts right away.
You cannot help but laugh while peeling your back off the lounge.
“I’m just messing with you! God, your cheeks got all red.”
You cup his face, smiling at his cute frustrations, but he grips your wrists, speaking out in an even more serious voice.
“I’m putting an end to this, you hear me?”
You pull back to drag down the straps of your light summer dress which is enough of an answer to his words. Jiseok watches you with half parted lips, finally laying eyes on the new pair of Victoria’s Secret lingerie you got.
You’ve talked about this - that you’re going to film just a few minutes as a proof, - but you’ve never discussed how, when, where or which minutes exactly - the beginning, the middle or the end. You completely let Jiseok guide you, but he seems too excited right now. He moves quickly, and kisses you roughly as if he hasn’t done it in weeks. You try to catch up with his speed, but all you can do is gasp and moan at every next touch.
“You can’t stop me, doll.” His tone comes out more intense and raspy. “I’m done listening to them thirsting over your ass, goddamn it. It’s driving me crazy.”
His fingers are already pumping against your g-spot, spreading your wetness and causing even more.
“J-Ji… Jiseok, fuck—“
Your legs dangle in the air as his arm flexes, moving steadily in order to make you cum as soon as possible.
“Slow down,” you whisper in a rush, squeezing your eyes, but Jiseok is too immersed into the fact you’re becoming even tighter than a moment ago.
“C’mon, baby, when have you liked it slow?” He smirks and a second later he feels you clench intensely around his fingers. “Yeah, there you go.”
Your jaw drops in a silent scream as Jiseok thrusts few more times till your climax fades down. Your chest drops heavily as you pant from the overwhelming feeling, it came so quickly and suddenly.
You’ve never cummed so fast before.
Jiseok pulls out his fingers slowly, all coated with your essence and drags them up to your clit. It causes your flushed face to scrunch up again which makes your boyfriend smile. He gives you a light smack.
“You needed this, huh?”
“I did,” you say already feeling relaxed and slightly lightheaded. Jiseok sneaks his fingers through your lips, doubling the pressure in his shorts by making you clean them up with your tongue. “Don’t you need something too?” You ask when you’re done sucking his digits.
Jiseok stands up, getting rid of his clothes. His tanned fit figure positions itself in front of you after you get comfortable with knees planted on the lounge. He looks stunning in this setting with the beautiful sea behind him.
“You can film me.” You say before you lick the side of his cock.
“Not yet.”
That’s all he says, as he stays with eyes shut due to the pleasant rush that's spreading wildly in his veins from your lips wrapped around his tip. You twirl your tongue around his oozing shape, but a moment later Jiseok gets impatient and slides himself all the way in, holding your head steady.
“Fuck, baby…” He groans with his deep voice. He commands his hips to move back and forth a few times, pushing as further as possible into your throat before emptying your mouth. “Give me your wet pussy now.” His soaked cock smacks your cheek lightly as a sign to turn around.
You feel him entering with ease. The pleasure is familiar, but it never feels exactly the same as other times. Every time your bodies connect you get dizzy with even more intense delight; with even stronger lust that only grows your addiction to Jiseok.
His fingertips dig into your hips, threatening to leave marks as the pace of his thrusts increases. He found your sweet spot and he doesn’t plan on slowing down until the knot in your tummy snaps.
“Fuck, b-baby—“ you call out with your weak voice; it keeps shaking from the immense pleasure and Jiseok’s rough pounding. “… gonna c-cum…”
Here at his parents' empty beach house, you can scream as loud as you want, so you don’t force yourself to be quiet nor discreet. You let out a deep wail of emotion that towards the end becomes just a shaky whimper as Jiseok fucks you through your second orgasm. He groans at the same time as you while doing his best to endure the pressure in his cock.
You collapse on your back, squeezing your trembling thighs together, but your boyfriend quickly separates them.
“I want to fuck you all night long,” he utters before his mouth sucks on your neck that’s sticky from sweat and the breeze around you. His body weight settles on top of your chest as his cock shoves into you again, making you whine beneath him. “You feel so fuckin’ good…”
The soothing sound of the waves clashing together blends with your moans as the rush starts doubling inside your core again. You feel how all the energy you had disappears from your body leaving only the overwhelming thrill from his cock turning you more and more sensitive.
“C’mon, my pretty girl, give me more.” Jiseok grunts. “I know you can.”
“Jiseok—“ you begin to say something, but he rises up, placing his thumb on your clit.
“I’m not gonna film shit until you start squirting, baby.”
He reaches for his phone, but the device stays locked in his free hand as the other stimulates your bundle of nerves causing you to squirm with each rub.
“You can do this, doll, look how needy you are.” Jiseok’s voice sounds lower than before as your clenching grows stronger.
His hips are not moving at all. He’s standing steady on his knees, feeling his cock being gripped tightly by your warm walls. He’s trying so hard not to keep his focus on this, but it’s impossible. His fingers speed up on your clit, and he pants heavily while you on the other hand cry out desperately with your silhouette convulsing in front of him. However, Jiseok doesn’t see a flinch of yours, because he cums inside you, and his eyes close shut.
Your clenching during your climax was enough to get him off.
“Shit,” he sighs, meeting your hazy gaze. You look completely washed off, but you still manage to smile after feeling how he spilled all that he had.
Jiseok unlocks his phone and guides the camera at your cunt so he can film the way he pulls out of you. His white cum starts seeping out in a slow thick trail and he makes sure to catch that too.
He keeps the video going as he pushes two fingers inside your hole tempted to fuck his essence back into you. His cock is still too sensitive, and he wants to get one more orgasm out of you.
“One more, pretty doll,” he whispers while pumping his digits, “this pussy is doing so well for me, keep it up.”
The camera memorises all the lewd squelching you do; all the messy juices emerging out of you as Jiseok’s fingers furiously bump against your deepest spot. Each and every whimper that slips from your lips in addition to your boyfriend’s praises.
“… can’t—“ you choke in the middle of your hitched breaths. “J-Jiseok, I can’t.. can’t…”
“Don’t say that, baby,” Jiseok fakes a disappointing look while keeping up the pace. “C’mon, you’ve been acting like a slut so many times for me, don’t get shy now. Show them what I thought you.”
You don’t realise when it happens; you feel too high to recognise anything else except your own crazy heartbeat and the burning in your core that makes you feel like you’re going to explode any second.
Jiseok’s phone gets sprayed when you succumb to the pressure and let go. You don’t even have the energy to let out a proper moan, you just gasp as the juices make Jiseok’s arm wet along with the lounge chair and the camera that catches everything.
Now, all that’s left to do is to send the video to the group chat, and get your money.
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! please do not repost, copy or translate my works
! please keep in mind that english is not my first language. i apologise in advance for any mistakes i’ve might missed
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aflame4goinghome · 6 months
Just A Kiss
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Pairings: Jake Kiszka x bisexual!reader, Jake Kiszka x female OC, reader x female OC
Word Count: 8.9k
Warnings: THIS STORY CONTAINS SMUT, MINORS DNI!! swearing, flirting, unfaithfulness (kinda), possessiveness, jealousy, some arguing, mentions of drinking, LGBTQ topics SMUT: kissing, touching, dirty talk, sexually implicit language, fingering (f. receiving), oral sex (f. & m. receiving), unprotected sex, biting, slight dom/sub dynamic, dominance switching, threesome, slight breeding kink, hint of a praise kink
A/N: Well… I guess you can say that I was inspired by certain recent events. This is all a work of fiction, of course! I took inspiration and ran with it from there… The title is inspired by A Kiss by The Driver Era :) This fic is in collaboration with my good friend @dancingcarbon! We hope you enjoy it ;) *it’s only lightly edited ok so sorry for any typos*
“Ten minutes ‘til we hit the stage– places in five!” you hear echo through the hallway beyond the dressing room door. You’re lounging comfortably on the sofa, legs hanging off the armrest as you scroll through your social media and wait for the show to start. When you hear the call for places, you flip your phone over and place it on your lap to look over at Jake, who’s finishing getting ready in the mirror across the room from you. You watch as he takes one last look in the mirror, then turns and strides toward you with a smug smile. 
“How do I look?” he asks, smirking as he places his hands on either side of the couch and hovers over you, bending slightly to allow his face to be level with yours. You smile wide as you look up at him, brushing your hands softly on the expensive, beautiful material of his jacket. Your eyes meet his, tightly lined with eyeliner and half-lidded from the two glasses of whiskey he already had.
“You look sexy as always, my love…” you answer, leaning your lips upward to catch his, kissing him quickly before the two of you get up and walk toward the door. His arm snakes around your waist as he opens the door for you, smacking your ass playfully as you walk out the door in front of him. Entering the hallway, you see the other guys not too far ahead of you, heading toward the stage. You intended to watch the show from the wings tonight rather than sitting in seats, since you were here alone and figured you’d get the best view there.
This wasn’t your first rodeo. You and Jake have been dating since all the way back when they used to play in bars, and you’ve been by him every step of the way. You’ve been his biggest fan and supporter, coming to as many shows of each tour as the paid time off at your job would allow. Luckily for you, dating the lead guitarist of a famous rock band was a pretty good excuse to miss work. 
Your job gives you a lot of leeway in terms of submitting assignments, since it’s more on the freelancer side of things, so you always have plenty of opportunities to join him and the band on tour. You’ve already been to plenty of shows on this leg of the tour, but Jake insisted on you coming along to all of them once again.
“Cone on, you’re my lucky charm, baby,” he said, wrapping his arms tightly around your waist as he pulled you into him. It was the day before they were meant to leave for the next branch of the tour, and he was desperately trying to get you to come along.
“Jake, I can’t this time. I have a huge project due next week, I can’t just go halfway across the country with you,” you said, groaning frustratedly as you tried to escape his hold on you, but failing miserably. His right hand came up to brush your hair behind your ear, stroking your cheek softly as he pled with you.
“You can do it remotely, I’m sure they’ll understand,” he said, using his pointer finger to lift your chin and look you in the eye. “I need you there.” As his eyes bore into yours intensely, you caved in. 
“Fine…” you groaned as he captured you in a kiss, smiling against your lips. 
“You won’t regret this,” he said.
As you approach the wings of the stage, Jake turns around one more time before walking up to the catwalk, cupping your cheeks to kiss your lips softly.
“This is all for you, my love,” he whispers against your lips. You smirk as your arms wrap around his waist, your hands squeezing his hips tightly. 
“Considering how hot and bothered you get on that stage sometimes, I would hope it’s all for me…” you whisper against his ear. Your fingers ghost over the bare skin of his abdomen and a shiver runs through him as you feel his cock grow hard against you through his pants. 
“Careful, sweetheart… How am I supposed to play a show when you start saying things like that,” he says, kissing down your jaw.
“I suppose you’ll just have to wait,” you say with a smug smile as a stage manager calls him over to him. He shoots you a quick wink, then walks over to the stage and slides his guitar on over his head. You watch as the overture starts to approach the end and he walks up the stairs to wait along the back catwalk for the curtain to drop. 
You decide to move closer to the front of the wings, standing far enough back to not be seen by the crowd, but close enough to be able to see both the band and the fans in the pit below. You see all of their excited faces as they scream for the guys, the anticipation building slowly. 
The curtain finally falls and the crowd loses their minds watching them open the show. You look out into the pit to watch their reactions one by one– people-watching is one of your favorite pastimes, especially when it comes to the fans and seeing their excitement. It’s something that always thrilled you from the start. 
As your eyes pan to each fan on the barricade, they’re immediately halted on one individual in the center. God, she was beautiful. All of Greta Van Fleet’s fans are beautiful– it’s just a consistent factor when they make sure beautiful music— but this girl genuinely stopped you in your tracks. 
Her long dirty blonde hair sat on her shoulder in a loose wave, with a few pieces pinned back in the front with barretts shaped like stars. Her makeup was gorgeous, with several small rhinestones sitting delicately underneath her eyes, lighting up her face even more. Her top was tight and had a deep neckline, which made it impossible for you to look away. 
You’ve always known you were bisexual from a young age, this isn’t new. You’ve been with plenty of girls before, even before Jake came along. It’s something you were completely open about with Jake and it added for some spicy dynamics, whether it be talking about a girl you both found attractive, hitting on girls in front of him, or sometimes even engaging in a harmless make-out at a bar while locking eyes with him over her shoulder. Taking it a step further and bringing someone into the bedroom had been something both of you were interested in– you’ve discussed different boundaries and comfort levels but when it came to the reality of organizing one, you both agreed that it occurring organically felt better. 
As your eyes continue to explore her, they land on her hands that sit atop the barricade and you notice the small sign that she’s holding. You can’t make out exactly what it says from this far away, but you’re certain that it has Jake’s name on it.
Of course– all of the sexiest girls are Jake fans. How could you blame them? He’s ungodly talented, sexy, confident, and more. At times it’s been hard to keep the slight twinge of jealousy at bay. As Jake struts down the upper catwalk toward the front of the stage, her eyes are glued to him. You can’t help but wish that she’d look at you that way, with lust, admiration, and desire. 
As you continue to steal glances throughout the set, you notice that she’s starting to return your eye contact. To your surprise, this time she looked past Jake and directly at you, breaking eye contact to look down blushing to herself, before pushing her hair behind her ear, meeting your eyes once again with her bottom lip between her teeth. It felt good to get a little bit of what Jake gets each night, a harmless flirtatious from afar. Or from afar you thought.
As the show went on, you tried your best to keep your mind off of her. You chose to watch Jake instead, which certainly did the trick. Watching as he rutted his hips against his guitar always made your legs clench shut with want for him, and he knew it too. You knew he did it more often when he knew you were watching, making it feel like a dirty little secret between you two. 
When Jake began thrusting against his guitar and throwing his head back as he began his solo for The Archer, instead of staying on him, your eyes shot to the girl in the crowd. You stifle a quiet moan from leaving your mouth as you see the expression on her face as she watches your boyfriend play. It’s lustful and full of need, sending shockwaves right to your core.
You look back at Jake and see his eyes are on you, which makes your desire so much deeper.  You can’t decipher the look on his face, but it’s passionate and so hot. Suddenly, almost out of nowhere, he starts to approach the steps toward the floor. What the fuck is he doing?
You watch as he makes his way to the pit, his solo still raging on. He approaches the barricade, playing out a long, whiny note as his eyes find a girl in the crowd– your girl. You finally have a good view of the sign she’s holding: “I’m a Jake Girl”.
You almost can’t believe your eyes as Jake looks down at the sign with a smirk then looks back up at the girl, leaning up and kissing her on the cheek. Her face lights up, her cheeks turning pink as he smiles at her. As Jake returns to strutting down the barricade, you catch her glimpsing back up at you with a look that only spurred your lust. Not in a combative challenge, but as almost a nod to what you’ve managed to lock down. There was something about it that only spurred your nefarious thoughts. 
You just stand there in the wings slackjacked as he walks toward his usual spot on the stage, finishing up his solo and waiting for Josh to come back out on stage. What the hell just happened? And why did you feel more turned on than jealous? 
You manage to channel the multitude of emotions from Jake’s little stunt and enjoy the rest of the show. Jake avoided your attention entirely, exiting on the other side of the stage before the encore. Soon enough, the encore ends and the band says their goodbyes, exiting the stage. He finally walks off to the side of the stage, handing off his guitar to a tech while looking for you but you are nowhere to be found. You had told his tech to tell him you’d see him in his dressing room. 
Over the years, you both have your moments of being the one in control during sex, but more often than not, he ends up being the dominant one. If this was any other night, you would know that you would pay for your attitude later tonight. This time, however, you have much different plans. 
After a short detour, you stroll into his dressing room to find Jake unwinding, taking off his jacket and kicking off his boots. “There you are, where were you?” he asks, somewhat annoyed.
“Nowhere important, don’t worry about it” you respond nonchalantly as you proceed further into the room. 
“Enjoy the show?” he cheekily asks. 
“Not as much as you apparently” you return his tone with a look over your shoulder. A smug grin crosses his face as he runs his fingers over his mustache. You continue to the vanity, picking up a towel sitting there and throwing it towards him. He chooses to ignore your passive-aggressive comment for now and proceeds with his post-show routine, removing his stage makeup.
“The crowd went crazy tonight during my solo during Lover, Leaver,” he says proudly as he wipes the towel across his face. A sly smile crosses your face, still turned away, as the game and your strategy perfectly revealed itself, this was going to be fun, two can play this game but you’d be the winner. 
“Oh, did they? I’m sorry babe, I must have missed that,” you answer coldly, focusing on your phone with your back still to him. In the mirror, you saw him stop and lower the towel from his face to reveal a confused look. You have him exactly where you want him. You look up from your phone and catch his eyes in the reflection, his puzzled look begging you to elaborate. 
“I’m sure it was great, love,” you continue while finishing up on your phone, “I just wasn’t really paying attention to you.” You slip your phone into your pocket and turn around, leaning against the vanity with your hands placed on it behind you. 
“My eyes were drawn elsewhere tonight… distracted, if you will, by someone else,” you continue, looking across at him to gauge his reaction. His confused look quickly turned into a sour one. You could see his mind churning, searching for what you meant or who you meant, recounting instances of his brothers’ antics to determine what could have pulled your eyes. You pressed off the vanity, slowly walking over towards him.
“Am I confusing you? I thought I might,” you say smugly. His brows furrow as you continue. “Sorry about that. I’m just still feeling a bit hot and bothered thinking about this girl who caught my eye during your show… God, she was just stunning…”
You saw it in his eyes that he’s connected the dots before they slightly roll back and he quickly bit his lip to contain himself. The game was afoot. You place your hands on his shoulders, continuing to back him up onto the couch. With him seated, you climb on top of him, leaning down to his ear.
“Seems like you thought so too,” you whisper as you place a light peck below his ear. You feel his vocal cords vibrate against your lips on his neck as he finally mutters out an answer.
“Did I turn you on baby?” he asks, his arms wrapping around your waist. How arrogant. You pulled your lips off his neck just enough to respond to his inquiry. 
“She did,” you breathe out, hot against his ear, hearing a soft whimper tumble from his lips as you move to his other ear. “All you did was make me competitive, so now I unfortunately have to get a taste for myself.” You feel his dick harden in his pants below you as his hands tighten around your hips.
“Fuck,” he shuttered out, looking at you with darkened eyes. 
“If you want to have your cake and eat it too, then so can I,” you say smartly, looking down at him, half-lidded with desire. His hands on your hips pushed you down into his lap, grinding his throbbing, hard cock against your clothed core.
“Y/N, don’t start something you can’t finish,” he spoke out in an attempt to gain back some control. 
“You’re more than welcome to call my bluff,” you chuckled before your phone pinged with a notification. You pulled back from Jake and retrieved your phone from your back pocket, still straddling him as you read the notification. 
“Ah, have to go,” you spoke as you stood up off of him with no further explanation.
 “Where could you possibly be going?” he smugly spit out as he sat there confidently thinking that he was about to win this round of your little game, getting you as the reward. God, this was going to be good. 
“To have my cake and eat her too,” you answer convincingly, holding up your phone to show a selfie of the girl from the show, sitting at the bar of your hotel. At that, you grab your bag and head for the door. 
Jake had no less sprinted out after you the second you left his dressing room, clad only in his black pants. As he attempted to adjust himself to conceal his obvious erection, you dropped the game momentarily to discuss the prospect of a threesome finally becoming a reality. 
You told Jake about how you grabbed a copy of the setlist, scribbled a message asking her to meet you both for a drink, and convinced a security guard to run it out to her. You had lingered for a moment to ensure she got it and immediately felt your phone buzz with a message. 
“What did she say?” Jake quickly asked, pulling you back into the present moment and turning his head around to ensure no one was privy to the conversation. 
“That she would love to buy me a drink,” you smirked out. His face sank a bit as you teased him, “Oh, and she said you were welcome too, of course.” The reality of the situation seemed to hit Jake as he once again nervously ran his hand over this mustache. 
“Now hurry up, rinse off, and get changed, the Uber is 11 minutes away and I think we’d both prefer that you buy us those drinks,” you say casually, walking toward the exit. When he didn’t move, you started to wonder if you had pushed him too far. But the second you turn back around and open your mouth to speak, Jake’s lips crash against yours as he grips your face between his hands.
 “I want this, don’t worry, I do. But fuck Y/N, seeing you like this and how much you want it… this side of you is so hot, I almost came in my pants just from you talking like that in my dressing room,” he admits, looking down at you with a smile. You laugh and felt the game pick up again as you swatted his ass.
“It’s just a drink, let’s just feel it out, okay?” you say, backing out of his grip to turn back toward the door. “Now, get a move on!”
The ride back to the hotel had been unremarkable, given the back of an Uber didn’t seem the best place to speak freely about a threesome. But words weren’t needed right now. You exchanged some knowing glances and squeezes and those non-verbal interactions did all the talking. You felt incredibly lucky to be with a man who let an essential part of you, your sexuality, exist freely. 
He’d done that the entire time you’ve been together of course, but he never once fetishized your sexuality and that’s why it was important to you that you were the one to orchestrate this adventure. You were at a point in your relationship that never existed in priors where you felt nothing but excitement to share this with him. As you returned to the hotel, hand in hand, you exchanged one last look before entering the bar. 
“We can stop at any time, okay? Whether that’s after a drink, a kiss, or whenever. There are zero expectations,” you assure him quietly. He quickly kisses your cheek and whispers, “I love you.” 
You smile and squeeze his hand, “Shall we?” you ask. “After you, my love.”
As you turn to the darkly lit bar, you spot her tucked away in a back corner booth, the sultriness of the ambiance only spurring you on more. She notices you enter, her face lighting up as she waves to acknowledge you. You wave back with one hand, Jake’s in your other as you weave through the room toward the booth. 
“I hope you don’t mind I started without you,” she says, nodding toward her nearly empty drink. 
“Not at all,” you quickly smiled back, sliding into the booth next to her. “I know Jake would personally love to get you another, if you’d like,” you continue, breaking your eye contact with her to look at Jake as her own eyes follow. 
“Would be my pleasure,” Jake replies with a shy smile. God, he looked even sexier under the dim candlelight. Her eyes darted back to you, almost nervously. 
“I’m a tequila girl so I’m getting a tequila soda, what are you drinking?” you ask reassuringly. “I’d love a rum and coke,” she replies.
“Coming right up,” Jake says with a smile before retreating to the bar as you turn back to her.
“Hi,” you say cheerfully. “I guess we haven’t actually introduced ourselves… I’m Y/N.” 
“I’m Sadie,” she says with a smile. Almost out of instinct, you held out your hand to shake hers.
“It’s nice to–” Before you can finish, she ignores both your hand and response, leaning in to plant a light kiss on your cheek… and just like that, the fire inside you is reignited. At the same moment, Jake returned with your drinks.
“Ah, getting acquainted I see,” he says as he sets the drinks down before sliding in next to you. 
“Just playing catch up,” you return with a wink, getting a chuckle out of them both. “Jake, this is Sadie,” you introduce. “Nice to meet you, Sadie,” Jake says with a smile.
All three of you chuckle, given the circumstances, then you continue to strike up the conversation to get to know each other better. The conversation flows comparable to the drinks in front of you, as if you were old friends but with so much to explore with each other. Jake eventually retreated for another round of drinks for the table. As Sadie puts down her empty glass, she leans onto the table toward you.
“I just have to say, you have the most stunning eyes,” she whispers, her eyes glossy as she looks at you with desire. She was close enough for you to smell the rum on her breath, turning you on even more. 
“I could say the same about you,” you retort with your glass in hand, chewing on the straw. Sadie leans in and pushes a fallen piece of hair back behind your ear then replaces her hand with her lips, leaning in to place a soft kiss on your earlobe. A shiver shoots down your spine and you know that the spark has definitely been lit.
Jake returns silently, admiring the moment as he quietly slides himself back into the booth. You look back at him with a look of lust and admiration and he returns your prideful look with a slight nod as you turn back to face Sadie. 
“Hey, if it’s something you might be interested in…” you began to blurt out, without any idea of what you were going to say next. Jake almost sensing it, jumping in to finish the question for you, taking the weight off of your shoulders.
“I sent our drinks up to our room, if you would like to join us upstairs for a nightcap,” he says, a hint of seductiveness coating his voice. “Or, we are also more than happy to just have one more down here and call it a night. It’s entirely your choice, of course.”
You looked back at Jake, he somehow managed to perfectly capture your thoughts and sentiments in the gentle manner you were seeking. Oh, how you loved this man. You both watch a slight blush populate Sadie’s face as she looks up at you.
“I am definitely interested in the nightcap option,” she says with a shy smile, placing her hand on your thigh with ardor in her eyes. 
The late hour had afforded a quiet hallway to which you did your best to stifle your conversation and laughter, arriving at your hotel room door. Jake quickly flashes the keycard and holds the door for you both to enter. Your nightcap round has already arrived and was sitting on the coffee table where you all gathered around. Jake had opted for tequila on the rocks and given the time that had span, the rocks were no more. 
“I am going to grab some ice, hang tight,” he announced before grabbing the ice bucket and exiting the room. You turned back to Sadie, whose eyes were already locked on you. 
“I hope you know how badly I want you,” Sadie said, closing the space between you two on the couch. You felt your body start to warm from her proximity, growing wetter by the minute from her tits on full display as she leans forward toward you. 
“I think I have an idea,” you respond playfully, reaching for the back of her neck. You pull her into you, your lips finally meeting after you’d been craving it all night. In one fluid motion, you lean her back against the couch and straddle her– the second time you’ve been in this position tonight. You return your lips to her mouth and continue, hearing the keycard unlock the door. You smirk to yourself, feeling ready for the games to begin. After a moment, you manage to pull your lips away and look over to see Jake standing at the end of the couch, his cock hardening at the sight.
“I’m sorry baby,” you say in your best sultry voice. “I couldn’t wait to get a taste of her, since you’ve already gotten one tonight.” You grab Sadie’s chin, turning her face towards Jake, and lick a long strip up her exposed neck, from her collarbone to ear, before taking her earlobe into your mouth, finishing with it between your teeth, locking eyes again with Jake in the process. “She tastes so sweet.”
Sadie whimpers softly as you feel her clench her thighs below you. You watch a soft yet pronounced “Fuck” fall from Jake's lips as he began to palm himself over his pants. The feeling of getting both Sadie and Jake off with your action alone has your head spinning and your heat dripping. You pull off of Sadie’s ear with a pop, leaning back up. 
“Join us, baby,” you say in Jake’s direction. Jake hurriedly slams the ice bucket down on the coffee table before taking a seat next to Sadie. 
“Can I take this off?” Sadie inquires with her hands on the bottom of your shirt as she sits up slightly. 
“By all means,” you shoot back playfully. With your shirt off, you reposition yourself with one knee in between Sadie’s legs and one in between Jake’s, straddling their two thighs. You lean into Jake, meeting his mouth and licking into it while Sadie works to open the couple of buttons left on Jake’s shirt. 
Your hand meets Jake’s on your cheek and you take his in yours, guiding it to curl around Sadie’s shoulder. They both blush shyly at first before you place a hand on the back of Sadie’s neck. Slowly, you lean back and guide their mouths together, nodding for them to kiss. Once their lips meet, you move towards Jake’s now exposed neck, planting sloppy, open-mouth kisses all over. You feel him moan into Sadie’s mouth and your core begins to drip, picturing how his brows were probably furrowing. 
You take the opportunity with them both engaged to remove your bra as you sit on top of them. As if sensing it, they both come up for air and appraise your bare chest, sending an intoxicating high throughout your body. To your surprise, Sadie leans in first, going straight for your tit and taking it into your mouth. Fuck, her mouth feels good. As she swirls her tongue around your hardened nipple, Jake places sloppy kisses down your neck until he reaches your other nipple, mimicking Sadie and taking it into his mouth. The gasp that escapes your mouth startles even yourself, and their collective moans against your skin suggest that they were satisfied with your reaction.
“Holy fuck,” you shutter out as you mindlessly, in search of relief, grind against where their two thighs met below you. You can feel Sadie growing wet against your knee and your wandering hand finds Jake’s dick, hard and throbbing against his pants. He moans again slightly as you palm his length, releasing your nipple from his mouth as his hand comes up to your cheek. 
“Fuck Y/N, you’re a goddess,” he whispers, loud enough for Sadie to hear, moaning against your nipple in agreement. You bite your lip and whimper slightly before breaking free of Jake’s grip and lifting Sadie’s head off your chest to connect with her mouth briefly. 
“Jakey, those pants look so tight and constricting, why don’t you get more comfortable?” you say before taking Sadie back in your mouth. As Jake stands up to shed layers, you slowly undress Sadie to match your current topless state and return the favor to her chest. 
“Oh god, Y/N, your mouth feels so good,” she sighs out. You looked up at her, taking in her blissed-out state and you can’t help but grind down on her. You both let out a breathy moan at the sensation and you hear Jake groan quietly behind you as he continues to palm himself over his briefs, watching you ride her. 
You sit back up, one arm resting on the back of the couch while the other sits on Sadie’s knee as you continue to grind against her slowly, relieving you both. Her hands meet your hips and guide you, the friction being exactly what she needs. You catch Jake’s eyes, seemingly thankful to even be witnessing such erotica. You call him over and tilt your head all the way back to look directly up while he stands over you and leans down to meet your lips. Pulling away, you lock eyes with Sadie, exchanging a shared look. 
“I think it’s time we give our Jakey boy here some attention, what do you think Sadie?” you schemed with a smirk. 
“Only if you think he deserves it,” Sadie replies, running her hands over your body and taking your tit into her mouth once more. Her jumping in playfully only spurs your arousal and you watch Jake’s eyes practically roll to the back of his head as he stands over you both. You chuckle before standing up off Sadie and walking behind Jake, resting your hands on his shoulders softly. 
“Do you want that Jake?” you tease, your breath ghosting against the shell of his ear. “Your cock must be practically dripping, do want us to give you some relief, baby?” You feel his entire body shutter against you as he licks his lips and nods his head furiously. 
“Fuck, yeah baby…” he answers breathlessly. “Want your mouth on my cock so bad.” His admission only strokes your dominant front even more as you lick up his neck to his ear and reach around to palm him over his briefs. 
“I was actually hoping I could see Sadie’s mouth on your cock…” you whisper against his ear. Unable to contain the guttural moan that escaped his chest, he leans his head back against you, your words and touch hardening his cock even more. “Is that okay, baby?” you ask, egging him on. You feel him nod against you and you look over at Sadie, giving her a wink as she rises off the couch to approach you both, dropping to her knees.
“I am going to slide these off,” you whisper into Jake’s ear, lowering his briefs and freeing his leaking cock, before Sadie pulls them down the rest of the way. 
“Something to get you started,” you say teasingly as you run your hand through your own dripping core before reaching back around and pumping Jake’s throbbing cock with your arousal. Jake gasps at the contact as you both look down to watch your hand pump him, coating him with yourself. Looking down, you see Sadie bite her lip at your action, making you moan into Jake’s ear. You give Jake one last stroke before letting go. 
“May I?” you hear Sadie squeak out innocently. You smile down at her as Jake stays silent, almost as if he’s deferring the decision to you. 
“Jake, be polite and ask her nicely if she will please put your cock in her pretty mouth” you command, placing a soft kiss on his shoulder. You hear his breath catch before he looks down at her and breathily moans out, “Sadie, will you please put my cock in your pretty mouth?” Sadie smiles and nods before opening her mouth. 
“Good boy,” you whisper against his skin as you lick at his ear from behind him, sliding your arms around his waist and placing them on his chest, holding him tight. You were in this together and wanted to be as close to him as possible. As Sadie takes Jake into her mouth, Jake lets out a deep groan and drops one of his arms back to grip your thigh, as if searching for something to sturdy him. 
“You doing okay, baby?” you ask. As Jake starts to answer, your hand shoots up from his chest to his mouth to cover it. “I was asking Sadie,” you continue. “You okay, Sadie baby? You’re treating Jake’s cock so nicely.” Sadie simply hums her affirmative, not even bothering to take Jake’s cock out of her mouth and you feel Jake moan against your hand at the vibration. You withdraw from behind him and press against his side as he quickly pulls you in, squeezing your hips so hard, you’re sure they’d bruise.  
“Sadie looks so sexy with your cock in her pretty mouth, doesn’t she Jakey?” Numb from the pleasure, Jake simply hums out the affirmative, just as Sadie did, only to be met with you twisting his nipple. “Nah-uh, baby, manners,” you scold him. “Say thank you to Sadie for treating your cock so nicely.” Jake winced in pleasure before managing to get out, “Thank you for sucking my cock so nicely Sadie.” 
You turn your attention to look at Sadie now– god, she did look fucking incredible with Jake’s beautiful cock in her mouth. You can’t help but get turned on just by the sight of it. You lower yourself down to kneel beside her as you press kisses up her shoulder, clearing her hair away from her neck. “You are being so good to Jake, let me be good for you,” you whisper as you lick up her neck. 
She sighs so softly as your hand rakes over her chest and slowly finds its way to her heat. You stop at the hem of her thong before continuing further down. 
“Is this alright, baby?” you watch as she pulls off of Jake for air, using it to beg you to continue before taking Jake back in her mouth. You dip your hand into her heat as you smirk up at Jake. You immediately made contact with her swollen, sensitive bud as she yelps out against Jake’s dick from the relief. 
“Fuuuuuck, baby, it feels so fucking good when you make her whine like that around my cock,” Jake groans, throwing his head back. You chuckle as you continue to work Sadie’s clit, running your fingers through her folds.
“God, you are so fucking wet” you mutter as she moans lightly at your touch. You slip your fingers into her, eliciting a strong and loud moan that makes Jake quiver. As you work your fingers into her, rubbing her clit with your thumb, you reached the spot that made her push off Jake, gasping for air. 
“Oh fuck, Y/N, fuck– your fingers feel incredible,” she spits out. 
“Yeah? Right there, baby? God you’ve been so good to Jake, let me thank you properly” you answer, quickening your pace inside her. 
“Holy shit, Y/N,”  you heard Jake mutter while he lazily strokes himself as he watches you make Sadie unravel at your touch.
“Yes, YES! Fuck, oh my god, right there Y/N, please don’t stop,” Sadie screams out so needily that you can feel yourself dripping. “Let go, Sadie, we’ve got you, let me have it.” you chirp, bringing your other hand to work her clit and allow your other to reach up even further to her special spot and pump at a brutal pace. 
“OH, fuck, Y/N, I’m gon- I’m gon-” Sadie yelped. “Cum? Baby, here’s hoping, come on,” you encourage. 
You notice Jake has now lowered himself to your ear whispering “I’m not even touching myself and  fuck– I could fucking cum Y/N, goddamn.” 
You smirk back as you feel her squeeze around your fingers, right on the edge, so you lean in, placing your mouth around her nipple, pushing her into orgasmic ecstasy with your mouth as she screams out and rides your hand through her high, feeling her drip down your hand. After a moment, you slowly withdraw your soaked hand.
“Jesus Christ, Y/N, that was amazing,” she says breathlessly as she comes down. “You’re amazing.” 
“She sure fucking is, isn’t she?” Jake chimes in from behind you.
You lean into Sadie and plant a long kiss on her lips. You exchange a smile before starting to rise when she grabs your hand, looking up at you from her knees. 
“Now let me show you how good you made me feel,” she seductively breathes out. You can feel your core dripping as you bite your lip. Nodding, she pulls herself up with your help, backing you both towards the bed. When the backs of her legs reach the bed, she drops to the floor, on her knees and you give her a confused look. 
“I want to taste and please you the same way I did Jake, on my knees for you,” she says, looking up at you through her eyelashes. You feel your eyes roll to the back of your head as you run your hand through her hair and nod. Fuck, she keeps getting sexier, so eager to please you and Jake. You feel Jake’s breath on your neck as he stands behind you. “Fuck baby,” he mutters “You sure know how to pick ‘em…” he says, smirking into your skin as he presses his lips to your shoulder. 
Without a second thought, Sadie buries her face into you, knocking the air right out of you with the way her tongue pierces your dripping cunt. “Oh fuck, Sadie,” you shutter out and you can feel her hum against your clit. You reach for her head for stability, when Jake chimes in from behind. 
“Hold onto me, baby, I’ve got you,” he whispers, moving both of your arms to hold the back of his neck, essentially hanging onto him. He snakes his hands over your body, finally reaching your chest, as he buries his face into your neck the same way Sadie is currently doing so in your heat. You let out the most stinging moan as Sadie’s fingers slide inside you while Jake plays with your nipples, running his mouth all over your neck. 
“That’s it, baby, just relax and enjoy. Let us worship you,” Jake says against your skin as Sadie concurs with a long hum over your clit, her fingers working you perfectly. Your chest continues to heave as Sadie shakes her head side to side through your heat, Jake peering down to watch, his cock hard against your ass. 
“Mmmm, doesn’t she taste amazing, Sadie? The sweetest pussy I’ve ever tasted,” Jake rasps out. Sadie begins a nodding action, the feeling amazing, as her tongue laps at you in that motion and you can’t help but grind down onto Sadie’s face and she continues to work you with her fingers. 
You are in a state of suspending euphoria you have never experienced before. The way Jake is leading you through it,  pushing you further and further to the edge.
“Do you trust me?” you hear Jake say, ripping you out of your euphoric state. “What?” you ask, quickly turning your head to get a glimpse of him. “Of course,” you answer. Jake meets your lips and continues, “Go with me on this.” You nod, confused but willing. 
He takes his left hand, wraps it around your front, pulling you back harshly, pressing you completely up against him, his cock painfully hard against your back. He peers over your shoulder, down at Sadie, snaking his right arm around your side before grabbing a handful of her hair. 
“Sadie, I am going to try something, just stay still and if you want us to stop, double tap my leg.” She begins to nod but Jake pulls her off of you to get a verbal confirmation. “Got it,” she says, looking up at you, wiping her dripping chin with the back of her hand, eagerly returning her mouth to you as you shutter against her. 
Jake tightens his grip around you and widens his stance, situating you two perfectly, almost fused together as one, with his cheek nuzzled up against yours. With a handful of Sadie’s hair, he begins to rock his hips. “Come on baby, rock with me,” he says. You begin to move with the rhythm of his hips, a loud drawn-out moan fills the heated air, your clit perfectly grinding against Sadie’s tongue. 
“That’s it, love, let me grind you onto Sadie’s face.” His words alone send your mind reeling and you completely surrender to him. Your hands leave the back of his neck, falling to steady yourself on the bed behind Sadie, Jake following you to this new angle. He takes advantage of the increased mobility to press you hard against him, holding Sadie’s head steady for you, as he quickens his pace and begins to fuck you onto Sadie’s face faster.  Jake’s own moans start to permeate the air as he humps his dick against your backside in search of desperate relief. 
“Fuck, Y/N,” he spits out, licking at your ear. You can’t tell if it’s the actual pleasure or how fucking depraved this act is that has you chasing your high. Sadie continues her devastating pace with her tongue and fingers, only to reach around  Jake and push you both hard into her mouth. 
“Ah, fuck!” you yelp out and hear her moan against your clit. Jake’s own breathing is hot and heavy in your ear. “Fuck yes baby, that’s it.” He continues working you both into Sadie’s mouth as they get you close and starting to see stars. 
“Oh fuck, you both feel so good” you breathe out. 
“Is our pretty girl going to cum for us?” Jake says. “You going to finish all over Sadie’s pretty face?” Sadie pulls away for a moment, still working her fingers at a punishing pace. “Please Y/N, I want it, just like this” she spits out before returning her mouth to you. 
You begin to white knuckle the sheets, “Fuck fuck fuck FUCK” you scream, “Cum for us baby, do it, do it Y/N,” Jake authoritatively breathes out.
With Sadie reaching deeper inside you, pointedly flicking at your clit, and Jake fucking you against her mouth with his dick hard and leaking against your back, you’re nearly catapulted into another dimension. Your body is almost weightless as Jake holds you and Sadie steadies you with her hands, now resting firmly on your hips. Your moans come out as screams as Sadie works your wet release out of you before you hear the sound of it hitting the marble tile below, the filthy sounds echoing throughout the room. 
“Holy fucking shit, Y/N,” Jake breathes out as he peers further over you after feeling your orgasm on his bare feet. “That’s my good girl, that’s it, baby, fucking soak us.” 
You are completely fucked out, Sadie’s lapping at your clit makes you spasm as the rest of your release gushes out and drips down her face. You stay hunched over, heaving, arms barely holding you up against the bed, as Sadie gently runs her hands up and down your thighs reassuringly and Jake peppers kisses on your back. 
“Relax, Y/N. Just breathe baby, that’s it,” he speaks softly against your skin. After a moment, you catch your breath and find the strength to move one hand to Sadie’s face as she stays kneeling in front of you. You run your hand over her soaked face, letting out a breathy laugh that you two shared. 
“Fuck Sadie, you are a marvel,” you breathe out. 
“Y/N that has got to be one of the hottest things I’ve ever seen, you two are so fucking sexy,” she replies, placing a soft kiss on your inner thigh. You chuckle again at her words before reaching down to help her stand up before motioning to Jake. 
“Come on baby, help me get her cleaned up,” you say, raising your eyebrow at him and he nods, getting the message loud and clear. You lead the charge, taking to one side of her face and Jake takes the other, cleaning your release right off of her face. 
“Mmmmm” Jake hums. “You taste even better like this, if that’s even possible.” And just like that, you can feel your core dripping again. A devilish grin falls over your face. 
“Speaking of taste, Sadie, I haven’t tasted you in the way I want to yet.” You watch Sadie’s eyes darken as you back her to the bed. You slowly lower you both onto the bed, as you crawl up to Sadie’s face, sucking kisses all over her neck, running your teeth over her collarbone as she melts into your touch. As you continue to trace your teeth over Sadie’s chest, you reflexively sink your teeth in and yelp out in response to feeling Jake’s warm mouth against your cunt. 
“Sorry baby” you whisper up to Sadie before placing a gentle kiss on the bite. She smiles and takes your hair back behind your ear. 
“Fuck, baby” you hear Jake moan against you. “I can still taste the fruits of Sadie’s labor and damn is it fucking sweet, mhmmm.” The sound of him slurping you only makes you drip more into his mouth before he pulls off and begins to stroke himself at the sight before him. 
“I bet you taste just as sweet” you mumble over Sadie’s stomach, your mouth making its way down to her heat. You hear Sadie moan softly, placing kisses on her mound. “Sadie, baby…” you call out. She sits up on her elbows and looks at you. 
“Do you think we should let Jake fuck me while I eat you out all nice and pretty?” You can almost hear Jake’s eyes roll back at your remark. Sadie flashes a devilish grin, looking back at him stroking himself behind your raised ass. 
“He’s has been so good for us, hasn’t he?” she says smugly. The way she jumped right into your game without a word had you lustful once again. “But only if you think it’s okay,” she continued. You smiled back at her, before turning to Jake. 
“Jakey, say thank you to Sadie for letting you fuck me.” Jake’s entire body shuttered as his hand quickened for a few more strokes along his dick before stopping. “Thank you, Sadie, for letting me fuck Y/N,” he moaned without a second thought, absolutely desperate to finally feel you around him. He crawled onto the bed, kneeling behind you as you resumed your work on Sadie’s waiting heat. 
As your tongue found her clit, Jake seamlessly pushed right into you, still wet with your last orgasm. “And thank you, Sadie, for eating this pussy so good, Y/N feels so fucking incredible,” Jake stuttered out. Not missing a beat, he leans down to your ear, and whispers, “How’s your cake taste baby?” You groan against Sadie’s clit at Jake’s comment, your mind racing from the feeling of him inside you and her quivering underneath you.
“Fucking hell,” Sadie breathed out, throwing her head back at the sensation of the vibrations of your moan against her core. “You two are intoxicati- oh, fuck Y/N.” As Sadie moaned out, you felt Jake’s dick twitch inside you. 
“Jesus Christ,'' he groaned, continuing to pound into you. Sadie lifted your head from her core as she watched your face contort with pleasure as Jake’s dick brushed your cervix. You breathe out a shaky moan, louder than you anticipated. Sadie’s hand snaked under your chin as she beckoned you up on top of her. 
“God, I could cum just from watching your pretty face as he fucks you. Let me.” Fuck, if she didn’t know all the right things to say. You slowly moved up on Sadie, as Jake followed, and you laid on top of her. She licks at your neck while Jake continues to work you from behind, leaning down to lick up your spine. 
“Fuck Jake, your cock feels so fucking good,” you whine out. 
“Yeah baby?” he asks smugly and you nod feverishly. An idea sparked as Jake reminded you just how powerful his thrusts can be. You raised your fingers to Sadie’s mouth and she immediately sealed her mouth around them. With your coated fingers, you reached between you two and slid them into Sadie’s warmth. Her hands flew up to push against the headboard.
“Fuck, Y/N” she whined as her eyes rolled back. 
“That’s it, baby, let Jakey fuck my fingers into you,” you mutter, looking down at her with deep lust in your eyes. Jake let out a loud groan as he watched you both. As Jake’s hips slammed into you, you moaned into Sadie’s mouth, your fingers pumping her with the same force and pace, only to find her moaning right back into yours, it made your pussy quiver. 
“Jesus, fuck, Y/N, don’t do that, I can’t hold it if you do” Jake begs.
“So then don’t” you whimpered back through your own moans. You turned back to Sadie. 
“Sadie” you sigh out. “I need you to —oh fuck— I need you to cum for me,” you paused to let out a loud groan as Jake’s dick perfectly brushed your cervix. The force mirrored in the way your fingers were working Sadie. 
“Fuck fuck fuck” Sadie hollered out, “I’m close Y/N.” You curled your finger ever so slightly, “OH god, yeah.” She huffed out. 
“God, you’re fucking that pussy so well Y/N… fuck that’s so sexy,” Jake groans, slamming his hips into you. You try to answer but Jake’s cock has left your head completely empty of any conceivable thoughts. You reach back your free hand to intertwine with his on your hip as you lock eyes with Jake. 
“Make me cum baby, make us cum, pound into me, I can take it.” An animalistic growl bolstered out of Jake as his hips punished you, his balls violently slapping against you and your fingers sending Sadie over the edge.
“Fuuuuuuuuck,” she sang out as she started to release on your hand. “That’s it, baby,” you whispered against her as you moved your hand to hang off the back of Jake’s neck right as he lifted one of his knees so his foot was flat on the bed, the added leverage delicious, your vision going white.
“Baby I’m there,” you cry out as tears threaten to leave the corners of your eyes, squeezing them shut. 
“Oh fuck Y/N, Jesus, I’m going to cum–fuck, fuuuck,” Jake groaned, thrusting deep into you.
“Fuck me full, Jake. Please, I’m cum-“You didn’t even get the words out before you were collapsing into Sadie as your orgasm takes hold. 
“God, baby, I can feel you squirting out around my cock. Holy shit, don’t stop,” and with that, Jake rocketed into his own orgasm as you gushed around him. The three of your moans coat the walls as you come down from your highs. You all collapsed in a dog pile taking a few minutes to catch your breath, before you all began to laugh.  
You eventually manage to untangle from each other, falling back into the effortless banter you experienced with each other in the hotel bar hours ago. The late hour has your eyelids feeling heavy as you all fight off much-needed sleep. 
“Wow, it’s later than I thought,” Sadie spoke out, turning on her side to look at you both.
“You’re welcome to stay if you like, the bed is big enough. Or Jake and I can take the pull out,” you suggest as Jake nods in confirmation. 
“That’s very kind, but I better be getting home” Sadie answers. “Besides, my car will get towed if it’s still there when rush hour starts in– god, a few hours.” Sadie’s remark had you all notice the time and groan. 
“I had a lot of fun,” she says with a genuine smile. She departed shortly after as you and Jake lay in bed curled up in each other. 
“God Y/N, that was beyond my wildest dreams,” Jake says as you nuzzle into his chest. 
“I’m glad you enjoyed it, baby. You fulfilled my dreams too, you know,” you answer with a smile. A wicked smile grows across his face.
“You’re so hot, get over here,” he says, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into a passionate kiss before turning off the lamp, allowing you both to drift off to sleep happily and dream about the unbelievable events that just transpired.
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morgana-larkin · 5 months
Haii okay here’s my angst request! I love a good regretful jealous Mel hehehe. I was thinking you’re both teachers and she likes u but is like “I’m too cool for pining” so she does the extreme opposite and is kinda standoff-ish or blunt w u at school. When you’re alone she’s a little better but still not super lovey dovey. You “take the hint” and move on, and someone new comes into ur life (can you PLEASE for the LOVE OF GOD name this rando new person joy??). And then one day Mel’s like “let’s be official” And you’re like what? Why? I thought u didn’t like me also I have Joy now. And then Mel’s like wtf and she gets rlly jealous when she sees u w her now and then she tries to sabotage y’all’s blooming relationship. In the end maybe no happy ending pls?? If ur comfortable writing that :)
Hehe I LOVE a good heartbreak. Also I’m obsessed w joy Huerta (hence my username) and have been asking everyone to use it in fics AND PPL DONT ALFJKS. lmao anyways. I hope this is sumn ur comfortable writing!
OMG! you’re really testing me here! If I’m honest, it was hard to write. I rewrote it a few times, it hurt a little, might make a part 2. Honestly if even one person requests a part 2 with a happy ending then I will write one. As always, not edited in the slightest, I hope you like it!
On another note: keep sending prompts for one shots! I decided to write one shots about Chessy from parent trap played by our favourite redhead, Lisa Ann Walter, so you can send prompts for her too!
Part 2
Green Isn’t Your Colour
Warnings: (where do I start lol) Jealous Mel, upset Mel, a bit of toxic Mel, angst and no comfort, no happy ending , good luck lol
Words: 3.2k
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You walk in through the entrance of Abbott Elementary. You’ve been here for a year already and you’re finally feeling like you’re settling in. You’re a third grade teacher, you helped Melissa out as she wouldn’t have another split class again and that made her happy from the day you got there and hearing the news.
You walk into the break room, hot chocolate in hand, you don’t like coffee that much, but nothing could beat a good hot chocolate. You go and sit on an empty table, taking some tests out and start marking them. Melissa looks over at you from her table. She looks at the way you’re flawlessly marking, glasses on and concentrating on what you’re doing.
You glance up as you feel like you’re being watched and see Melissa looking at you, but then she quickly looks away when you notice and you smile. You liked her since you first set eyes on her and it only grew from there. But lately it seems like she’s off and you’re unsure why. She was nice to you when you started but now it’s like she’s the opposite and you don’t know why. You asked everyone else if they could answer why she’s different but no one noticed the change.
You got up and picked up the tests and decided to just carry them to your classroom. You passed by Melissa on the way out. “See you later Melissa.” You told her with a smile. She just nodded her head at you and went back to her phone. You looked at Barb and she just shrugged, not noticing a difference.
During your second period prep you finished marking the tests with a breath of relief. Just then Melissa knocks on your door and you look at her and smile. “Hey Melissa.” You tell her and she just has a neutral face and you drop your smile.
“I found the book you were asking for. The little eagles liked it last year and I’m sure they’ll like it again.” She said and handed you the book.
“Oh perfect, thank you.” You told her and smiled at the book. Melissa looked at you and couldn’t help the small smile forming at your excitement of the book. And you looked up at her to see the small smile on her face. “Hey Melissa, can I ask you something?” You asked and she looked at you confused.
“You can but it doesn’t mean I’ll answer.” Melissa said.
“Um ok. Well I was just wondering why you’re acting differently around me?” You ask and she looks at you with a neutral face again.
“I don’t know what you mean?”
“Well you were nice to me last year but now you’re acting distant and I don’t know why.” You asked her. “Did I do something wrong?” You added and that took her by surprise. She doesn’t want you to think you did anything wrong because you didn’t. Melissa has a crush on you and she doesn’t want to show it or let anyone know, and her acting nicely to you last year definitely raised suspicions, so she went back to how she acts with everyone else.
“You didn’t do anything kid. This is just how I am with people.” She said.
“You’re not like that with Barb.” You said.
“Barb is my best friend, so of course I’m nice to her.”
“What about Janine? Jacob? Gregory? Or when Ava at times? You’re nice to them.” You told her, getting a little frustrated.
“That’s because they’re my friends.” She said and you were taken back by that and it definitely stung. Melissa looks at your expression and knew she shouldn’t have said that. She does think of you as a friend but it just slipped out.
“Oh ok, well glad to know where we stand then, just co workers. Thank you for the book Ms. Schemmenti, I’ll return it tomorrow.” You tell her and go back to your desk. “If that was all then if you don’t mind, I have a lesson plan to do.” You told her and she nodded her head.
“See ya around kid.” She said and left. She knew she fucked up there. She’ll have to start being a bit nicer to you to get back in your good graces.
Back in your classroom you took a big breath. You thought you and Melissa were friends but I guess you were wrong. No wonder she’s always short and blunt with you.
The next day you were at the coffee shop, receiving your hot chocolate like always, turning around to leave and bumped into someone, spilling your hot chocolate all over them and a bit on yourself.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry! I just wanted to talk to you and didn’t expect you to turn around.” The person said.
“Oh well I feel like I should be apologising, my hot chocolate mostly went on you. Wait, you wanted to talk to me? Why?”
“Because I see you in here everyday and I think you’re pretty.” She said with a blush and you blushed at her compliment.
“Oh uh th-thank you.” You stuttered a bit, not used to compliments.
“Can I buy you another hot chocolate? As an apology?” She said and you looked at her.
“Oh you don’t have too.”
“I want to though. Please, I insist.” She said and you smiled at her. She bought you another hot chocolate and handed it to you with a smile. “And there we go.” She said.
“Thank you.” You told her and saw the time. “Oh I gotta get to work.” You told her.
“Oh that’s alright I understand. I’ll see you again tomorrow?” She asked.
“Ya, I come here, same time every day.” You said with a smile and began to leave but turned around to her. “I never got your name btw.”
“It’s Joy.” She told you.
“I’m y/n.” You tell her and she smiles.
“You have a lovely name, it suits you.” She tells you. You blush and leave the coffee shop. You get to the school and immediately go to your classroom instead of the break room. You put your stuff done and see the book that Melissa gave you yesterday sitting on your desk. You might as well return it now, you got a few minutes before the students get here. You picked up the book and walked to the classroom next to yours and knocked on the open door. Melissa was stapling something and looked up at you and gave you a little smile.
Your heart fluttered a little at the smile and you remembered what she said yesterday. “Hi Ms Schemmenti, I came to return the book.” You told her, and held the book up.
She looked at you and remembered what happened yesterday and sighed. “Thanks y/n” she said and got up and walked over to you to take the book. “Did the little eagles like it?” She asked.
“Ya they did.” You said confused at her using your actual name
“I knew they would. You can borrow it whenever you want.” She told you and you offered her a small smile and nodded your head.
“Thanks Ms Schemmenti, I’ll keep that in mind.” You told her and left. She stared at you as you walked back to your own classroom and did a huge sigh and leaned back against her door.
A month goes by and you run into Joy everyday at the coffee shop. She took it upon herself to order you a hot chocolate and have it ready by the time you get there. You kept offering her the money for it but she always refuses, saying your company was payment enough. You exchanged numbers after a couple days and started texting for hours on end. By the second week she asked you out on a date and you said yes. By the third week she asked you to be her girlfriend to which you agreed excitedly.
At school, you noticed that Melissa has been a bit friendlier with you. You took her sudden change with caution though, you don’t want to get hurt again.
For Melissa, she wants to ask you out but she keeps getting scared. But after a month of being friendly with you, she decides to bite the bullet and just do it. She went to go see you at your classroom after the students left on Monday.
“Hey y/n, can I ask you something?” She asked you as she stepped in your classroom.
“Sure Melissa, what’s up?” You said and she smiled. You’ve been calling her by her first name again for about a week, and after you calling her Ms Schemmenti for 3 weeks, well she still smiles when you call her Melissa now.
“I wanted to ask you on a date.” She says and you look at her and freeze.
“What?” You ask, confused as hell.
“I wanted to officially ask you on a date.” She says and you look at her confused.
“What do you mean why?”
“I thought you didn’t like me.” You tell her and she looks a bit guilty.
“I never not liked you, when I realised I liked you near the end of the last year, I didn’t want to give away my feelings so I started acting distant towards you.” She says and looks down for a second then back up at you. “So will you go on a date with me?” She asks again.
“No.” You told her and she looked upset. “I did like you but I have a girlfriend.”
“Girlfriend? I thought you were single.” She says confused and still hurt.
“I was, until 2 weeks ago, her name is Joy.” You said with a smile. And Melissa looks at you with a bit of fire in her eyes. “If she’s real then I would like to meet her.” She tells you, crossing her arms,
“Oh ok, ya sure. I can ask if she can come meet everyone tomorrow morning if you want.” You tell her.
“Ok, I look forward to meeting her then.” Melissa says and leaves disappointed.
You asked Joy if she wanted to meet your coworkers tomorrow morning and she excitedly agreed immediately.
So the next morning, you meet Joy at the coffee shop as usual and she hands you your hot chocolate then you drive over to the school and walk in with her. You head to the break room with her and enter and all eyes look up at you and her.
“Everyone, I would like you to meet Joy, my girlfriend. Joy, this is Janine, Jacob, Gregory, Barb, Ava.” You said, pointing to everyone as you said their name. “And this is Melissa, the one who asked to meet you.”
“Hi everyone! And hi Melissa, I’m very much real as you can see.” Joy says and Melissa doesn’t look happy, she crosses her arms and the fire in her eyes come back. She thought you were lying and would have to keep being nicer to you before you agree to go on a date with her. Barb notices Melissa getting angry and puts a hand on her arm and that startles her and then just sits there, staring at you. She sees you being all happy as Jacob and Janine got up to come say hi to your girlfriend.
She wanted to be that person, be your girlfriend and she blew it. But then remembered that you said yesterday that you did have feelings for her, so maybe you still do. Then she smiles at that thought and thinks of different ways to play it. Joy would have to go of course, she ain’t gonna put a hit on her but instead she’ll try to sabotage it, and to do that, she’ll have to be nice first and get information.
So she gets up and goes over to you two. “Hi, nice to meet you. Ya I didn’t think you were real when y/n here as been single since I’ve known her.” She says to your girlfriend then proceeds to put an arm around your back as she mentions you being single and your eyes widen a bit.
“Oh that’s alright, it was a shock to y/n too when I asked her.” Joy says, and Melissa thinks it’s a shame she’ll have to sabotage it as she seems nice. But this person is getting in the way of her happiness so she gots to go.
“If you don’t mind me asking, how did you two meet?” Melissa asks.
“Oh we met at the coffee shop down the street, the one you told me about and I get a hot chocolate there every morning. And then I bumped into Joy about a month ago, like physically bumped into her and spilled my drink all over her.” You say with a chuckle.
“Ya she did but it was my fault, I saw her there every morning and after a couple weeks I decided to go talk to her and didn’t expect her to turn around at that very moment. So I offered to get her a replacement one and then we started talking.” Joy said with a smile.
And you noticed how Melissa’s hand got a bit lower on your back and you subtly get out of her grip and say an excuse. “Joy, do you want to go see my classroom?” You ask her and she immediately said yes. Joy waves bye to everyone and they all tell her it was nice to meet her and hope to see her again. And Melissa thinks that if it goes according to plan then she won’t be back to see them again.
At the end of the day, Melissa visits your classroom. “Hey y/n.” She says as you’re packing your things up.
“Oh hey Melissa. What’s up?” You ask her and sling your bag over your shoulders.
“Well I was wondering if I could go with you to the coffee shop tomorrow? I haven’t been there in awhile and wouldn’t mind a good store bought coffee once in awhile instead of one from the break room.” She says and you look at her confused.
“Oh I always meet Joy at the coffee shop in the morning.” You say and Melissa smiles, she knew it.
“Well that’s alright, maybe I could get to know her better then.” She says and you agree and tell her the time that you meet up with Joy.
The next morning, Melissa gets to the coffee shop first and orders a coffee for her and a hot chocolate for you. You and Joy come in a couple minutes later and see Melissa near a table with 2 drinks. “Hey Melissa.” You say and she looks over at you and smiles.
“Hey y/n and Joy. Here y/n, I got you a hot chocolate.” She says and sees the frown on Joy’s face before smiling again. Melissa smiles at that, she knew that Joy was still getting you a hot chocolate every morning. You said it yesterday to Janine and Jacob. “I would have gotten something for you but I forgot to ask y/n here what you like.” Melissa says and puts a hand on your shoulder.
Joy looks at the interaction and gives a confused look. “That’s alright, I’ll just go get a drink for myself. I’ll be right back.” She says and you and Melissa nod.
You look at Melissa a little confused. “Why are you being so much nicer all of a sudden?” You say to her and she just shrugs, feigning innocence.
“I don’t know what you mean y/n? I’m just getting to know your little girlfriend over there.” She says and hits you, Melissa is jealous.
“Melissa, are you jealous?” You asked and she scoffs. “I’m being serious, yesterday you asked me out saying you liked me. And now you’re at the coffee shop that I meet Joy at every morning and meeting nicer to me in front of her.”
“I’m just trying to make sure that she’s right for you, is all.” Trying to cover up the fact that you were right.
Before either of you can say anything else, Joy comes back with her drink. “Hey y/n, I would like to stay longer but worked called and asked if I could come in earlier. Like right now earlier. And I wouldn’t mind the extra cash.” She says and you nod.
“That’s alright, I understand, have a good day at work.” You tell her and she gives you a goodbye kiss on the lips and the fire in Melissa’s eyes return.
“Alright thanks for understanding, it was nice seeing you again Melissa.”
“Ya you too.” Melissa says back to her. Melissa didn’t like that kiss, and worse is that the only issue she has with Joy is that she’s with you. Other than that, Joy seems like a nice person, and she hates that fact.
At the end of the day Melissa stops by your classroom again. “Hey y/n.”
“Should I expect this to be a daily occurrence? You stopping by my classroom at the end of the day?” You say with a laugh and she gives a small laugh at that.
“Maybe.” She says and closes your door and walks up to you. You look at her confused for closing the door, but then think she probably wants to talk to you privately. “I don’t like her. Your girlfriend.” She says and you frown.
“I don't know, there’s just something about her that I don’t like.”
“Well you’ve only just met her. If you see her more then you might grow to like her.” You tell her with a smile.
“No I won’t actually.” She says and you’re confused.
“And how do you know you won’t?”
She looks you dead in the eyes and walks closer to you. “Because as long as she’s with you, then I won’t like her.” She says and she got very close to you and you had to walk back and you end up backing into your desk and she puts her hands on the desk on both sides of you, effectively trapping you. You look at her with wide eyes.
“Melissa, I-” and you don’t get to say what you were about to as her lips are on yours. You begin to kiss her back and then push her off. “Melissa what the fuck? You know I’m with Joy.” You tell her and she smirks.
“Then why did you kiss me back? And don’t deny it. I know you did before you pushed me off.” And you look at her speechless since she’s right. Melissa smiles at you and goes to kiss you again but you stop her.
“No Melissa, I’m with Joy now.” You tell her and she frowns.
“You wouldn’t rather be with me?” She asks and you shake your head.
“I’m happy with who I’m with. I’m sorry.” You tell her and walk out of your classroom, leaving behind a hurt Melissa who has a tear rolling down her cheek.
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta
If you want to be added then let me know!
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hangeslovers-world · 1 year
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A/n: i love thé idea of a nerdy loser hange so here are some thoughts and hc’s about em!!! And I hope you don’t mind if I tag you in this @abbyslev and @hangespublicist since I feel as though this is right up your ally!!! Not proof read..I’m lazy leave me BE.
Warnings! NSFW on the second half minors be warned
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-hanges favorite things to do with you is attempt to make you play dnd (with moblit and Erwin) they’re the dm EVERY TIME.
-if date nights are left up to hange it will without a doubt be watching documentary’s or a museum
-hange is a loser like they have friends but they would rather read books in their boxers and info dump on discord so you force them into the shower…a lot..
-hange has the cutest wide eye puppy look as they info dump to you about something “marsupials are so cool!!!” “Babe? What’s a marsupial…”
-they wear a visor and the nose sunscreen with a full on wet suit when you head to the beach and they snort and giggling making jokes about spf
-SPEAKING OF SNORTING hange snorts when they laugh not even just that but they slap their knee
- they have a flip phone you have to convince them to buy ANYTHING ELSE and even then they’ll be like “let’s compromise on a Nokia ok☹️”
-they walk around the house in stripped boxers and cringe tee-shirts like “nothing scares me but my wife”
-hange will take off their glasses wiggle and their eyebrows at you whenever you say something vaguely lewd…
-hange takes EVERY single ap not for college reason but because their bored…
-the only class hange has ever almost failed was art because hange cannot for the life of them draw
- get ready to ask yourself where the loser in them went…
-they eat pussy like crazy until you can’t speak they absolutely love it
-remember when I said they almost didn’t pass art? Yea that was a strap on day for sure your legs were aching
-UN TUCKING THEIR SHIRT TO FUCK YOU OMGGG (I’m so close to writing a whole fic about this alone)
-hange knows when they pick date nights it isn’t super exciting for you so they make it up by letting you sit on their face :)
-hange will wear glasses look up from between your legs while your panting and go “am I still a nerd?” Smirking then going right back.
-if hanges a little horny while tutoring they will have you sit and ride their thigh forcing you to answer questions
-the first time your nerdy partner and you had sex during aftercare you couldn’t muttering anything but “wow…” and hange went right back to being a goofy loser wiggling their eyebrows going “oooh la la”
-it’s like two different people the same person who snorts and slaps their knee is the same person denying you a orgasm like WHAT!?!
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God I’ve gotta write a one shot for this cutie!!!
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lolitakirstein · 10 days
A/N: Quick little thing I wrote that'll have a part 2. C/W: Nothing yet, suggestiveness and bad grammar as usual. Synopsis: You're sore from working out and gym owner Toji offers some additional services.
I roll my shoulders, feeling the persistent ache flare up. Going to the gym was great and all, but the constant muscle pain was becoming a problem. I decided to join to strengthen my body and relieve stress. But I’d be lying if I wasn’t easily hooked into coming by the gym's owner, Toji. 
Aside from signing up with him and seeing him around the weight room and casual hellos, I haven’t had anything other than casual conversations. But damn is he fun to look at—tall, buff, brooding. I can’t say I don’t push my ass out more when I see he’s in the gym.
But today I didn’t have the strength to hoochie-up, my neck, back, and hips were all so tense. I head to the mats at the corner of the gym in hopes of stretching out these knots.I use the foam roller and massage my back, wincing at the pain. It gets so intense that I have to close my eyes to focus on my breathing. 
In, out, relax, in, out, re-
The gruff voice snaps me out of my moment. I look up, seeing Toji sauntering by, carrying a 30-pound weight to re-rack in one hand like it was a baby bird. 
I sit up, slowly and watch as he organizes the free weights. “Yeah a little bit, but…” I wince as I try to stretch forward across my outstretched legs, “I don’t know… it's not just muscle soreness. I think I’m sleeping wrong.”
He grunts. “Ever had an adjustment…seen a chiro?”
“No, I’m too scared they’ll snap my neck.” 
He booms a laugh, throwing his head back. His strong neck on display. “Takes a lot more than a little twist to snap a neck, dear.”
“And how would you know,” i tease. 
“I don’t just own a gym, hon. I actually studied the body and all its intricacies. Gotta know the body before you can be training people you know. Got my massage and physical therapy certificate before I said fuck it and decided to open this place” He says proudly. 
“Awh, so you aren’t just a meathead?” I coo.
“Psh, far from it,” he says with a smile. “But you know, if you ever want me to look at ya, check out you muscles and alignment, let me know ok?
Check me out? Look at me? My mouth dries at the thought of being in such an intimate setting with Toji. Me, laying there, him over top of me, his hands rubbing the sore spots on my body…—
“Up to you,” He throws his hands up defensively, “Sorry, I know that’s kinda a weird thing to ask a lady.”
I laugh, “No, sorry. Yeah, I’d like that.”
He nods, but I clock the way his jaw ticks and he quickly glances up and down my frame as I stand. 
“Well, I’m getting ready to lock up for the night. If you’re through here, I’ll walk you out to your car.”
After packing my gym bag while Toji finishes up closing, we exit the gym together. Toji walked in front of me, and he was quite an intimidating character in the dark. I’d rather be escorted by him than confronted by him. 
“Thanks,” I say when we get to my car and unlock it. 
“No problem,” he opens the door for me, “Offer still stands if you ever want a little TLC on them muscles.”
“Ok, I will.”
“I’ll be gentle” He leans forward, a smug look on his face, “But we can work up to some more intense work.”
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writingduhh · 11 months
Drunk Jschlatt HC’s
I hope this is ok 😭😭
▷ Confident Flirt. Tipsy Schlatt oozes confidence and isn't shy about being a shameless flirt to you. He'll use pick-up lines and cheesy compliments, all while maintaining unwavering eye contact.
▷ Public Affection. Tipsy Schlatt is unapologetic about public displays of affection. He's all about passionate kisses and wrapping his arms around you tightly.
You and your friends stood gathered around the snack ridden table, laughing as you all held a drink in your hand. Contently taking a sip of your drink you heard your name being called.
Looking up your eyes met schlatt’s from across the table where he sat on a barstool.
“Come sit down.” He says, patting his thigh with his free hand.
Playfully rolling your eyes you gave In. Once in arms reach he rested his hand on the small of your back, leading you onto his lap. He had one arm wrapped tightly around your waist as the other one trailing up and down your thigh, occasionally stopping on your knee.
“There. Happy?” You tease placing a small kiss on his cheek.
“Very.” He grins resting his face in the crook of your neck.
▷ Loud Laughter. His laughter is infectious when he's tipsy. He'll often throw his head back, laugh heartily, drawing everyone’s attention and second hand smiles.
▷ Sweet Gestures. He often surprises his you with spontaneous, sweet gestures, like buying you a random roses from a street vendor.
“Hey y/n, sorry I’m late. I just walked through the door.” Schlatt apologized over the phone, finding his way through the crowd of people littering the house.
Looking around the house of familiar faces you finally saw your favorite face, his. As he approached you could notice something tucked in his arms. It was a bunch of beautiful red roses.
“Jay, what’s that?” You ask, walking into his extended arms.
“I passed this guy on the way here who was selling some flowers. I just had to get some for ya.” He explains, handing you the roses.
“You’re so sweet, I love them.” You gasp, observing the beautiful flowers.
“Good. I know they’re not as pretty as you but they’ll have to do.” He smirks, wrapping an arm around your waist.
▷ Lingering Touches. His touches become more deliberate and lingering, whether it's tracing his fingers across your thighs, or brushing loose strands away from your face.
▷ Suggestive Jokes. Schlatt peppers the conversation with cheeky, suggestive jokes that keep the atmosphere charged with playful flirtation.
“Hey y/n, did you know that you’re cute.”
“Awh, thanks Jay.” You grin, leaning into his side as you sat beside one another.
“But did you know that quickie has ‘U’ and ‘I’ together?”
Completely unprepared for his joke you gagged on your drink, spilling some all over your shirt.
“Oh no, now look what you did sweets. We have to go find you a new shirt.” He playfully teases, leaving you a blushing mess.
▷ Intimate Gazes. His tipsy state makes him more daring with his gazes, locking eyes with you in the off chance you were ever separated from each-other.
▷ Sweet Nicknames. He'll shower you with affectionate nicknames that range from “toots,” and “sweetheart,” to “pet,” and “sexy.” It all depends on the mood.
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icycoldninja · 4 months
Can you write a reader with the DMC boys who’s mostly very chill but she actually have repressed anger issues built up due to past traumas of not being able to express her emotions properly without being “lectured” and overall, she’s been neglected almost her entire life without her actually realizing it. She thought that her parents giving her money to spend is enough love but throughout the process of loving the boys, she found out that love can be more than that and her parents may not have properly loved her the way she thought. It’s only when she’s in a relationship with them does she realize how neglected she was,
as early in the relationship, she’s pretty withdrawal from affection, flinching when they gave her physical affection, finding herself hard to set boundaries and voice out her thoughts and refusing to let them do things for her as she believes that if she let them do it, they’ll find her bothersome. On top of that, she kinda has a mindset of not being too attached to them as she thinks that if they ever cheat on her or broke her heart, she wouldn’t be too heartbroken abt it. Now with the relationship progressing, she’s starting to become better but it’s still there somehow
They found out when they saw the reader, who was very fearful of demons (think of her fearfulness similar to that of Kobeni in Chainsaw man) but can get extremely violent moments later when the demon she was avoiding suddenly got beaten into a bloody pulp with her baseball bat
Basically going from “I’m sorry mother, I have failed you as your daughter and you have failed me as my mother. I hope you’ll never forgive me” to “Fucking die! You shitheads, no one shall ever leave this room alive!!”
P/S: Her parents are not abusive, it’s just that her father was barely available throughout her childhood and her mother do not know how to love her properly and is not aware that the reason her daughter barely wants to keep contact with her is due to her past trauma
OK, got it! Here ya go and enioy!
Sparda boys + V x Reader with repressed anger issues headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-Dante found you to be a pleasant challenge. You were uptight, physically and emotionally distant, cold, mean, and extremely reluctant to open your heart to anyone.
-He didn't mind though; Dante was certain that with time, he'd manage to worm his way into your heart and get you to accept your relationship for what it was: true love.
-Upon learning of how you were forced to bottle up your emotions, Dante was outraged. Not at you, at your parents. Why would they deny your the right to express yourself fully? No wonder you were like this. From that point on, Dante made sure to encourage you to say what was on your mind, regardless of whether it was positive or not.
-Dante is always showering you with attention and kind words, making sure you're doing alright every other hour. It really made you think about how you were raised, and how your childhood seemed so deprived of love compared to now.
-You started opening up more to Dante, as a result, sharing your true thoughts and allowing yourself to feel more emotions.
-When Dante took you with him on a mission for the first time, he was shocked to see how you reacted to seeing a real life demon. At first you were crying, laughing, mumbling to yourself like an insane person, the next, you'd pulled out a baseball bat and bashed the thing into a bloody pulp.
-Dante's respect for you rocketed into the stars after that incident, but he makes sure to keep you away from demons unless it's absolutely necessary.
■ Vergil ■
-Vergil didn't mind your physical and emotional distance, as well as your stubbornness to remain independent. He reasoned all this stemmed from trauma, and as someone with these exact same issues, he understood.
-He would never pressure you into revealing things about yourself; all would come in due time. He would simply sit there and read quietly. If you wanted to talk, he would listen. If not, then he would mind his own business.
-He was still very protective of you when you were in public, as prying eyes and gawking strangers never did sit right with him.
-At some point you chose to tell him about how you'd always been told to disguise your emotions and keep them bottled up inside. Vergil found it odd that your own parents would tell you to do this, but since he himself did the very same thing, he didn't say much about it.
-He does want you to know you can express yourself however you feel around him--within reason, of course.
-He was understandably surprised when he witnessed the way you freaked out over demons. First you're cowering, crying and muttering gibberish to yourself, the next, you're screaming and terrifyingly violent as you bash the demon's skull in.
-Vergil realized that if you could actively control this reaction, you'd do very well in battle. Still, he should keep you away from any and all hellish threats from now on.
□ Nero □
-Nero found you rather difficult to get along with since you rejected any and all help from him and was always cold and mean.
-Still, he loved you and tried his best to keep you happy. Since you preferred to do everything yourself, he'd let you do everything yourself.
-He attempted to initiate conversation with you at every chance he got, even if you rudely brushed him off. As long as he kept trying, he was sure you'd let him in eventually.
-Your reluctance to get attached to him was more than obvious; it made Nero sad to think you believed he'd so much as consider abandoning you. He made sure to tell you that he loves you and that he'll stay with you forever, every single day.
-Thanks to his constant reminders, you've let yourself relax around him, and even though you're still somewhat tense, you don't flinch when he hugs you and don't reject him when he tries to kiss you.
-Watching you freak out over demons was no pleasant experience either. He'd never seen someone have such a complete mood switch in such a short amount of time. One moment you look like you're on the verge of a breakdown and the next, you're violent enough to become a demon yourself.
-Your anger issues are scary, but not nearly as bad as Nero's, so the plus side is you two can lash out at the world together.
● V ●
-V (being part of Vergil) understands that trauma makes one extremely distant, both physically and emotionally, so he tries to not let that get to him.
-He wants you to understand that he will never leave you, cheat on you, or hurt you in anyway. He loves you and only you, and it's gonna be that way forever.
-Even though you're audibly against it, V will come up and hold you whenever he feels like it, burying his face into your shoulder, pressing kisses to your neck, wrapping his lanky arms around your waist, the lot.
-You might groan and complain, but eventually you get used to it, and then you just kinda melt into his touch. This is good. It means his plan to coax you out of your shell is working.
-He does let you do what you want on your own, but makes sure to remind you that you are not a burden, especially when he can barely walk around on his own two feet.
-When you guys went on a mission together and he got to see you having what looked like a full on breakdown because of one demon, V grew very worried. Had a hidden phobia just been triggered?
-Then he saw you whack the sorry creature with a baseball bat you apparently conjured into existence and was reassured that all this was just a productive of your supressed anger issues--which was fine. He could work with that.
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caramelcleopatraa · 8 months
iv. SUIT & TIE
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word count : 1,400
x : hey y'all, its the owner of The Bank speaking! Finally got this shit finished, and I'm halfway into part 5 already 💋 Here are the playlists loves! I will actively be adding to these as the story progresses. We got ms. plot in the building as well xo
content : Mafia!Roman Reigns x Designer!Reader, suggestive
Playlists 💋 Spotify Apple Music
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“Rommannn! Are you done yet baby?” A high pitched yell on the other side of the door startles you. Roman’s grip on you tightens and you give him a confused look. He plants a tender kiss on your cheek, leaving you a little bit flustered, and he smiles at your flustered expression. His hand pushes your head down on his shoulder and you take a deep breath. 
“Yeah. Just be patient, ok?” Roman says sternly. “But Baaeee! You’ve been in there too lon-” “I’m not finna tell you again. Wait,” Roman says, rubbing the back of his neck. Annoyance was written all over his face. De’arra groans in defeat and the comfortable silence settles back into the atmosphere
‘Pleeaase! Please! Pleeaassee! Don’t let this turn into some drama…’
You let your nails drag across his chest. “Am i gon’ have to worry about her fucking up my shop?” 
“Nah, she all bark no bite,” Roman says, looking down at your hands. “She’s not that petty or jealous.” You look at him with your eyebrow raised. ‘For him to be a ladies man, he should know how petty bitches are. ESPECIALLY when it comes to a man.’ “I hope so. I don’t wanna deal with yo’ loose ends,” You say, getting off of him and standing up to pick your bottoms off of the floor. 
“I got my shit together girl. I already told you i’m not fucking with her. She’s only around me cause her daddy likes my money.” ‘Money? Who’s her dad?’
“The couples are finished.” Aahkilah yells at you from the otherside of the door. Both of you get dressed and clean up the dressing room. You were about to walk out of the room until Roman grabbed your hand and pulled you closer to him. You were going to question why he pulled you away before his hands rose above your head. His hands firmly smooth down your hair and fixed some stray hairs. You couldn’t take your eyes off of him. He handled you with such care and delicacy. You tell him thank you and he responds with a short hum.
 You open the door to greet your clients. Gio and Madison are working as cashiers, ringing both of them up for their suits and dresses. Jey and Jimmy are putting in their payments while Talia and Trinity are talking. “Girl come over here real quick!” You hear Talia yelling at you to come over. From the tone in her voice, you couldn’t tell what this conversation was going to be about. However, you wouldn’t be in the dark for much longer. “Wassup?”
“Girl you ain’t hear?” Trinity says looking at you with a confused face. You shrug your shoulders and replied, “I be busy. Enlighten me.” “There’s a new family trying to replace the Anoa’i family.” Talia crosses her arms and sits into her hip. The blank expression on your face says everything. The Anoa’i family has been managing Florida for decades. To challenge them would be like walking straight into a turf war. Apparently, someone wanted that war. “They’re offering hella bank tryna take their spot too. I wonder if that shit’s fake… or a bluff maybe.” 
“They’ll take that offer back when they realize who they’re messing with,” You mutter to your friends.  Even your family didn’t dare challenge them, because they’re smart enough to know it’ll go every other way but good. Your family, the Semele’s and the Anoa’i family have always been on good terms. The Semele’s don’t own turf however, they are known for having access to a lot of things most mafia’s don't. Your family is known for being suppliers of information, stolen goods, weapons, you name it. So if Reigns is being threatened, that means you could be in trouble too, since everyone knows these two families are tightly tied together. A power duo, if you will. 
“You’re not worried about this?” Trinity’s face is laced with concern for you. You shrugged your shoulders and rolled your eyes. “This could just be a scare tactic, and those don’t work on me,” You said confidently as you gave them a reassuring smile. 
“That’s not something for a pretty lady to worry about. I’ll handle it,” Roman says, looking straight into your eyes. Goddamnit, those eyes. Somehow they made you so flustered. His presence was enough on its own, but his stare was so damn powerful. You were ashamed that someone you had only met an hour ago was making you so giddy and out of character. The tension between you two was thick, and everyone was starting to see it. “You gon’ let me handle it?”
“Well you're not gonna let me handle it?”
“It’s not your problem,” Roman says sternly, deading the conversation then and there. You walk closer to the cashier desk to talk to him directly. “Is this your way of caring for me?” Roman smirks at your comment. “When I said I'd take care of you, I wasn't just talking about that pussy.” Gio and Madison’s jaws drop at his comment. You could see them looking at you through the corner of your eye and you knew you would have to explain what he meant by that. You couldn't hide the smile forming on your face. “You like that?” You didn’t even have to look at him to know that he was smiling. You could hear it all in his tone. “Boy, I’m not playing with you,” you say, walking away, still wearing an existing smile. Roman laughs to himself and hands Gio a stack of cash.
“Neither am I.”
You finished another successful busy day. A shit load of fittings and pickups. Roman had someone pick up all of their suits and dresses, which completed all of your custom orders for the day. Finally, a chance to get off of your feet.
“Ummm what the hell was that this morning?” ‘Ahh shit’. You internally roll your eyes. Eventually, they were gonna bring it up to you. Maybe trying to play dumb was not the best decision on your part.
“What was what?” You innocently bat your eyes at the two ladies. “The smile off you had with your private client. Don’t tell me something went down after I dropped off your drink,” Madison says, sitting down in the swivel chair next to you. You almost muttered a snarky comeback when you were hit with flashbacks from this morning. How he spoke to you and how he touched you kept replaying in your mind. A pool between your legs was forming just from the thought of him. 
“Oh he definitely put it down.” You are quick to defend yourself just as Gio says, “You’re over here in lala land! And at your job too!” Gio acts shocked and puts her hand over her heart and lets out an exaggerated gasp. You hit her in the side and shy away from their investigating eyes. The deafening silence was telling the truth for you. 
“Well we didn’t fuck.. But he did eat my pussy,” you shyly said, still looking away from them. You didn’t have to look at them to know that their mouths were wide open again. What you didn’t know was those open mouths turned into wide smiles. “Ok! Ms. CEO gettin some head! Was it good?”
Before you finished your sentence, Madison interjects with, “Musta been, you looked like you were in a good mood today too. Especially after Roman’s fitting” You regrettably looked back in their direction and saw Madison wiggling her eyebrows. You lightly shove her away from you and stand up. “No, the fitting went well with no complications. That's what I was happy about.” You attempt to defend yourself, but you should’ve known that it was falling on deaf ears. Madison and Gio help you close down and lock up the shop. Of course, Madison had to tell you her two cents before going your separate ways. 
“Look at you smilin-”
“Shut up.”
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Welcome to your new addiction
Hi guys, back with part 4 and the playlist that you guys wanted. As always comment and tell me what you think <3
🏷️ tags :) @2-muchsauce @theninthwonder @harmshake @alichesmi @thesamoanqueen @alyyaanna @empressdede @badbitchcentralinc @christinabae @fame-ass-ers @southerngirl41
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sentientgolfball · 1 month
How about “I’m bad at texting first, so I always end up hoping you will.” with Swiss and Dew!
ok this was actually so cute ough this is like EARLY prequelle so Swiss is referred to as Multi :3
Send a prompt and a pair!
“He hates me,” Dew groans, bursting into Mountain’s room. 
“Hello to you too Dewdrop,” Mountain laughs, turning the page of his book. 
“You’re laughing? The new summon hates me and you’re laughing?” He flops onto his bed with a dramatic sigh. 
“Dewbug. My love. Who hates you?” 
“Multi? What do you mean he hates you? I can literally see the hearts in his eyes when he stares at you.” 
Dew groans again. He reaches into his pocket, silently tossing it at Mountain while he keeps his face firmly planted into the mattress. Mountain rolls his eyes, picking up the phone and unlocking it with practiced ease. It immediately opens to a text thread with Multi. He scrolls through, skimming over the messages to find what Dew is talking about. All he finds are Dew answering questions about life Topside, Dew telling him where he is, a few sexts which Mountain makes a mental note of, and a question about Mountain’s favorite flower which he pretends not to see. 
“I’m confused,” he tosses the phone back at Dew, “what’s the problem here?” 
“He doesn’t wanna talk to me.” He rolls over so he’s laying on his back. 
“Did you go see Chain? I told you to stop smoking with him, you know he gets his stuff from Pebble.” 
“I’m not high you bastard.” 
“Then I have no idea what’s wrong with you.” 
“I already told you!” 
“Okay,” he sighs, “walk me through what’s going on in that little head of yours.” 
“Fine. But don’t laugh at me.” 
“I would never.”
“Aether said the same thing and now I’m here so…” 
“…yeah okay. So you looked at all the messages?” 
Mountain nods, humming in response. 
“Right yeah so did you notice anything?” 
“Besides you begging to suck his dick? No nothing.” 
Dew sighs, “He never texts me first.” 
Mountain has to bite his tongue to stop himself from laughing. He clears his throat, “Come again?” 
“Seriously you too?” 
“No, I'm sorry. Continue.” He smiles. 
Dew glares, “am I being too forward? I don’t exactly know what element he was raised in so I can’t do this the normal way.” 
“Do what?” Mountain tilts his head. 
“I don’t know! Show him that he's cool…I guess?” 
“So it wasn’t just Aether. You’re just bad at this in general huh.” 
“Fuck is that supposed to mean?” 
“I’ll tell you when you’re older.” 
“I’ve been here longer than you!” 
Dew grumbles, standing off the bed and stomping to the door, “Thank you for nothing dirt boy.” 
He slams the door when he leaves. Mountain shakes his head with a smile before grabbing his own phone from his nightstand. He opens his thread with Aether. 
So I hear your mate has a crush on the new guy? 
Dew decides to spend the rest of the day in the practice room. They’re still a ways away from tour so he shouldn’t be bothered. All the new summons are still in their learning phase so if anyone does come in they’ll more than likely head to one of the smaller, private rooms on the side. He figures trying to learn one of the stupid solos the stupid Cardinal wrote for him will take his mind off of his weird feelings. If not, he’ll go to Mist and have her smack some sense into him. He’d rather not have to go that far though. 
He loses track of time as he plays, fingers flying over the fretboard as he works on Faith. He may not be a fire ghoul yet, but his deadline is quickly approaching. He might as well know at least a little before he changes. He pushes himself until his body hurts, fingers sore from the repetition and shoulders aching from the weight of the fantomen. He plays as far into the song as he can one last time before calling it quits, putting the guitar back in its rack and sitting on the amp. He stretches his hand, wincing at how stiff it feels. 
“You alright?” 
Dew yelps at the voice that rumbles out so close to his ear. He nearly falls off the amp, but two large hands grab him. 
“Sorry,” Multi laughs, “didn’t mean to scare ya.” 
“When did you get in here?” 
“A while ago,” he shrugs, “you sounded really good.” 
Dew blinks a few times. He hadn’t noticed anyone around him. Hadn’t even seen the door open. 
“How did you?” 
“A magician never reveals his secrets,” Multi laughs. 
Dew pockets that for later, bound and determined to figure out what the fuck he could possibly mean. Instead he focuses on what’s in front of him. Multi. His amber and incense scent is so strong when he’s so close. It makes Dew’s stomach knot, tail flicking behind him. 
“Was there,” Dew pauses to clear his throat, “was there something you needed?” 
“Oh! Yeah uh I was looking for you and Mountain said you’d probably be here. Hadn’t heard from you all day and I was worried.” 
Dew furrows his brow, “You could’ve texted me.” 
Multi looks away, uncharacteristically sheepish, “I uh…I don’t know how.” 
Dew blinks slowly, “huh?” 
“I don’t know how. To text.” 
“Bullshit we do it all the time!” 
“Yeah! That’s because I click on the thing whenever I see your name! I don’t know how to do it any other way! So I always wait for you.” 
Dew stares at him for a moment before bursting out laughing. 
“What? What’s so funny?” Multi furrows his brow. 
“Nothing nothing,” Dew shakes his head, “just…here give me your phone.” 
He still looks confused, but he hands it over to Dew. 
“Damn default lockscreen. Let’s change that.” He opens the camera app and hooks and arm around Multi’s neck, bringing him into frame. 
“Smile,” Dew says, looking at their image in the camera. 
Multi shrugs, bewilderment momentarily dropping off of his face as he flashes his fangs. Dew takes the picture, humming approval as he sets it as his lockscreen. 
“That’s not gonna steal my soul is it?” 
“No it won’t steal your soul. It’s just for fun, here look.” Dew holds it up so he can see their picture. 
Multi smiles at the sight of them together, a moment captured in time. 
“Now whenever you open your phone you’ll get to see this lovely face.” 
“Now,” Dew continues, “this is how you can text me.” 
He makes sure Multi is watching before he taps on the icon. Their thread is already pulled up when he opens it. 
“Oh,” he says flatly, a hint of embarrassment tinging his word. 
“Yeah oh. Don’t worry about it, it took Mountain ages to even learn how to unlock his phone.” 
“Really?” He laughs. 
“Yes really. I’m surprised he even knows how to use it. Don’t tell him I said that.” 
The two spend a bit more time in the practice, squished close together while Dew shows him all the things his phone can do. They take a lot more pictures, download a few apps, and change everyone’s contact names. They had back to the den hand in hand when they’re done. Dew can feel Multi’s hand warm, fire soothing the ache in his fingers from earlier. He doesn’t acknowledge it, instead, he twines their tails together, keeping him close while they walk. 
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base0h · 2 years
maybe romantic drabble 2 (giving you their jacket) with katakuri and/or mihawks? (separate)
i think it would be cute to see it reversed (bc they both have exposed clothing) and to just see you try and pile on all your winter clothes onto them; trying to wrap them up in your much smaller clothes bc you’re worried they’ll catch a cold. (and sitting very proudly afterwards in your tshirt while they drown in the excess fabric you dolled them up in)
you totally don’t have to follow that if you don’t want to though! do whatever your genius writer brain desires! hope your winter is well and you’re staying warm <3 love your work
a/n - no wait this is adorable 😭 imagine katakuri just proudly sitting with the tiniest jacket on 🥺🥺 tysm for requesting!!
drabbles prompt 2
Warnings ⚠️ - absolute fluff, g/n reader, smaller reader
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It was snowing, softly, but you could still feel the little twinkle of cold on the tip of your nose when a snowflake fell onto it. It was a silent and peaceful bliss, you, and Katakuri, sitting together near a dimly lit lamppost. You couldn’t help but wonder if your lover was cold… He always wore such open clothes, even in the winter. The last thing you wanted was for him to get sick. You didn’t say a word, you simply took one of your puffy jackets and stood up, starting to put it around his shoulders. He was surprised, maybe shocked, just how much kinder could you get? You wrapped his scarf around his neck, making sure he was now a bit warmer. Sadly you were quite a bit smaller than him, so your coat didn’t fit him right. Katakuri didn’t seem to mind it, in fact, he carried himself differently. Wearing your coat was like a badge of honor to him, something that reminds him of how much you care about him. Just thinking about it made his cheeks turn pink. You saw his face turning pink, you knew it, he must’ve caught a cold from not wearing a jacket! “Kuri- you ok? Are you cold? Here I’ll give you another jacket-“ You started to say, already in the middle of taking off yours. Katakuri shook his head, making you put your jacket back on, “No, I’m not cold y/n.. Thank you for your jacket.” He said softly, wrapping his arm around you, letting you lean close to him. Even in this cold weather, his body was warm, comforting in the snow. You wrapped your arms around his torso, leaning on his chest which was now barely covered with your jacket. Yes, it did look kind of silly, but Katakuri would most likely kill someone if they said that. “You’re too kind to me y/n- I love you.”
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Mihawk was one to like peaceful outdoor time with you. Of all seasons, winter was the one he most enjoyed spending with you. Seeing the trees painted white, the ground covered with fluffy snow, snowflakes floating in the air, landing in the middle of his palm, seconds before they melt. You both were sitting in front of your home, drinking hot tea to make sure you didn’t get too cold. The mug warmed your hands, a comforting warmth that you always loved. Mihawk was reading a book just beside you, wearing his usual open white dresshirt, it seemed as though even if the seasons change, his clothes do not. He coughed once which was extremely odd, was he catching a cold from this weather? You took off your scarf and started wrapping it around him, slightly spooking him. You put your jacket over his shoulders and sat back down, “I don’t want you to catch a cold.” You said with a smile. Your face brightened his days without fail, warming his heart from the inside out. Your thoughtfulness touched him in a way only you could. Your jacket was too small for him obviously, but mihawk didn’t care. The tiny jacket you gave him worked better than any other jacket in the world. He’s never felt so warm in his life until now. He had a soft smile on his face, your soft scarf wrapping around his neck comfortingly. He leaned down and kissed the top of your head, fixing the mittens on your hands so they weren’t cold. He gave you the cup of hot tea as well. All of his actions held so much love and care, nothing but compassion. “Thank you, love. I’ve never been warmer.”
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a/n - im going to cry. this is so cute 😭
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