#so i hope you'll cry a lot and laugh a lot too
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Written in the stars (forever on loop) Chapter two - Catch my breath (what else can I do?)
Pairing: eventual Poly! Chain x reader, platonic Wind & reader
Series Rating: T
Summary: Day two with the chain has its challenges. Thankfully, Epona and Wind are there to make things better. Four and Sky have a heart to heart while a late night talk with Warriors leaves you with some questions and thoughts.
Warnings: grief, cursing
Other: If I missed anything, please let me know
Previous masterlist. Next
Breakfast is your saving grace in the morning, especially because you need something to do that isn't focusing on everything that happened yesterday.
You sit by Sky again, though Wind sits on your other side.
Sky looks exhuasted, blinking blearily and having to stifle a yawn every so often. He's got puffy eyes... has he been crying? Maybe it was just a bad day...
No one else speaks to you or sits near you, though. There's a tense atmosphere you could cut with a very dull butter knife.
"So, what do you do back home?" Wind asks before stuffing a bite of his food in his mouth.
You smile politely, "I work, I listen to music, I talk to my friends and family. Nothing exciting. What about you?"
"I like to sail a lot." Wind says.
This isn't a surprise. He gives off pirate gremlin energy anyhow. It's good to know it is from a hobby and not just your own interpretation of what is apparently more than a video game.
You smile a little more real this time. "That's good, it's important to have hobbies. Do you live near the sea?"
"You know about the sea!" Wind declares excitedly.
You laugh a little, "Of course I do."
You can feel the way all the others look at you with strange gazes and furrowing brows or outright glares.
You focus your gaze on Wind, blocking out the others.
Wind looks absolutely delighted, though, his grin wide and bright. "No one else but Wild knows. You do, though!"
"I do." You agree easily.
The young teen is adoreable in the excitement that causes his ears to twitch a little.
Sky smiles too, "He's a fan of the sea."
"Maybe we can visit it." You offer.
Wind cheers, beaming at you. "I hope so!"
Time clears his throat to get everyone's attention. The air goes thick again around you.
You turn your gaze to the oldest, wondering yet again why he has the fierce diety marking on only half his face if he has them at all.
"We're going to keep looking for a town today, we need to get our new friends some supplies since they were caught unawares." Time says.
He hasn't looked at you. Most of them haven't looked at you. Not really.
You feel your face heat up a little. Embarrassment floods your being.
If you had known you were going to end up here, you would have prepared more!
"We should also probably see about finding a river or something soon." Warriors adds firmly.
The others agree with both sentiments.
Wind elbows you playfully, "Don't worry, we all got caught unawares at least once. I started my adventure by hitting things with sticks."
The teen gives a wink at the end, like he's telling you a secret.
You laugh, recalling that sequence in Wind Waker. Immediately, you feel guilty simply for having loved and played the games.
Apparently, the world of Hyrule is real.
This is all so bizarre.
You played through what were probably horrible quests and memories for fun. (You didn't know! If you had known - breathe. You remind yourself to breathe.)
Last night's dreams were weird.
Everything is so different
"Don't overthink." Sky chides lightly although, it sounds like it's something he says on autopilot, his face twisting with an unreadable emotion.
Grief, maybe? But worry, too.
"Okay." You manage.
"Twilight, Wild, Wind, Legend, and Sky, you'll all look for a river. Warriors, Four, Hyrule, and I will take (Y/n) and look for a town." Time says.
You don't want to leave Sky and Wind. They are the least tense!
At least you'll be with Four and Hyrule. They are far less intimidating than Time and Warriors.
"Don't worry," Wind whispers to you as he nudges your side lightly. "They're all big softies."
He gives you a dramatic wink.
You crack a weak smile. "Really??"
"Really." Wind assures.
"Thanks." You say softer.
The teen grins at you. He looks pretty eleated in general.
"Alright, when you are ready, we'll head out." Time says to you. He's finally looking at you, but his face is stony.
You acknowledge his words and work on finishing your food.
After you've eaten and everything has been packed up, the groups split up.
You are flanked by four men as you walk. Warriors and Four on either side of you with Time in the back and Hyrule beside him.
None of them talk except to tell you if you're turning. Their eyes never seem to be on you, but you swear they're watching.
The silence is strange. (Some strange subconscious part of you rails against the tense air around you. This is wrong!)
"So... uhm... what's with the portals?" You ask after a good twenty minutes of walking.
This seems like a solid start point. The silence is too much anyway.
The others seem to share a silent conversation around you. None of them look at you.
Warriors looks at you as he answers. "There is a Sahdow opening them and letting lose monsters of different eras."
You nod. That sounds like some Legend of Zelda stuff right there... You should probably stop thinking of this as a video game world.
Four sighs. "Of course we're all here because we're heroes."
"That makes sense... why am I here?" You ask, feeling as if you're in free fall without a parachute as far as information goes.
There's a beat of silence.
The men exchange glances around you, yet another silent converstion exchanging in seconds.
"We don't know." Time says evenly, a measured tone flowing in his voice. His gaze is still too heavy on you, as if he's daring you to do something.
"Okay." You manage.
Four offers you a slightly strained smile. "We'll figure it out."
His smile is wrong. His eyes are wrong. He dosen’t believe in what he says, does he?
"I hope so."
Hyrule hums once. "Are you a hero where you're from? That might make it make sense if you are."
You laugh a little, startled at the notion. "No. No, my life back home is... boring enough."
Four and Warriors both look spooked by your laugh, looking at you with frowns. The latter looks a little angry, too, with pinched brows.
Okay. Maybe it was rude to laugh?
"Oh." Hyrule says.
"Boring can be good." Warriors offers after a moment, face fixing itself into an overly polite mask.
You smile weakly. "I guess so."
"Are you a royal then?" Hyrule asks.
You laugh again. "No. I'm definitely not."
The silence comes back, heavy and awkward. You don't bother trying to break it again.
There's something wrong in the air. You just can't place it. You have barely interacted with any of them!
At least Hyrule and Four just seem to avoid watching you. Or maybe it just feels that way because Warriors and Time won't stop - even if you don't catch them, you can feel it.
What is it with these heroes and the staring problem?
Hopefully, when you see Wind again, He can lighten the mood.
The trip to town was awkward, stilted, and almost painful. When you're dropped off at an inn to what for the boys to get the others, you are relieved.
You've gotten a travel pack with a place for your bed roll. You've also been given a few spare clothes, which is nice.
You are apparently to share an inn room with someone tonight.
Hopefully, it's Wind or Sky. They haven't glared at you or made you feel unwanted.
You settle on one of two beds, wondering what you have done to earn their cold shoulders. Did you... over step somehow?
Maybe they know about the video games? They aren't self-aware in the game, hopefully?
Nothing makes sense anyway.
There's a knock at the door before someone calls. "Hey, it's just me! We're roommates!"
Thank goodness.
The door opens to reveal a grinning Wind.
"Did you have fun?" You ask.
The teen is practically bouncing. "I did! It was great, oh my goodness! Wild and Sky got tangled up in some roots, and we had to finish a mini dungeon!"
"That sounds... busy?"
"It was fun! We got some rupees, too."
"That's good!" You say a bit more cheerily.
The boy grins.
He asks you about your trip, and you just say it was okay, a little awkward, but not horrible.
Dinner is quick, and every time you try to make conversation with anyone but Wind they look pained by the attempt, and it peeters out.
Even Sky seems a little skittish about you during dinner, although his eyes look puffy again. Maybe he's going through something?
You sigh, deciding to go see Epona. Maybe she'll let you pet her?
Epona is at least less scared of you. She just sniffs your hand curiously.
As soon as she sniffs you, she's pressing her face into your hand insistently, as if asking for attention. Who are you to deny her?
She's sweet, at least.
"Such a good girl you are." You coo to Epona sweetly.
She isn't at fault for the tense atmosphere of the boys.
Petting her mane gently is relaxing in ways you hadn't quite expected. She's all but leaning into it, a few soft snorts here and there but otherwise seemingly content to be near you.
"Aw, I wish I had something to give you, sweetheart."
Epona just leans a little more into your touch.
"I'll just keep an eye out. Maybe we can find an apple or something for you."
You can feel a few others watching you, but you don't turn. It's much nicer here with Epona than with the heavy silence and strained attempts at conversation provided by the boys.
Although Wind is certainly picking up some slack there, he deserves some cookies or something.
"How'd you get to be so sweet, pretty girl?" You muse.
It's a nice break from havin to be around anyone. Epona is so gentle and sweet, at least with you. She's happy to let you pet her man and sctach behind her ears gently.
Animals are amazing.
Sky and Four take to their room, both looking forward to getting away from the painful reminder you are. They know it's not your fault, you seem nice, but still...
Grief is funny sometimes.
The moment the door closes, Sky's carefully polite face is falling into twisting grief.
Four just flops himself onto his bed. His head hurts, pounding like a horribly novice out of step marching band is playing their show inside his skull.
It's too much.
Sky just leans against the door, sinking to the floor with his head leaning back.
"Why couldn't they look different?" Sky asks in a shaking whisper.
The question escapes his mouth on accident.
Four turns over, so he's staring up at the ceiling. "I don't know."
Sky dosen’t turn. Instead, he just closes his eyes.
"It's not their fault." Four says, staring at the ceiling.
"No." Sky agrees. "It's not."
"I feel so bad for them." Four manages.
He does.
Against the grief and the anger and the stupid hope that twirl around his lost love, there's sympathy. Sympathy for the unexpected start of an adventure.
Sympathy for the lost look in their eyes at unfamiliarity scripts of hylian writing.
"Goddess... They looked terrified when they first saw me." Sky whispers into the room.
He uses that expression of terror to ground himself. It sounds bad. He knows it sounds bad.
But your terror is proof that you aren't his beloved sunshine.
His sunshine... never looked at him like that. They were never scared of him. Not when they saw him seal the imprisoned. Not when they saw him fight Demise.
They were never scared.
The expression of terror on your face chafes at his soul, but it helps him remember you aren't anyone else but a stranger in a scary situation.
"I think they're scared of Time." Four says.
Sky laughs weakly. "He is intimidating..."
"It's uncanny... They're identical in looks and personality."
"I know."
"How do you do it? I can barely look at them."
"I - can barely look away." Sky laughs, though it almost sounds like crying.
Four hums once, thoughtful mostly. His entire being, all of his colors, struggle under the grief you've stirred up. His empathize for his soul brothers is endless.
His grief is even more vast.
"Goddess. They'd be ashamed of me." Sky admits, "Dancing around a stranger trying to keep everything under wraps and falling apart as soon as the door shuts."
Four narrows his eyes, pushing up to lean on his elbows. His glare is trained on Sky. "Don't sully thier memory by assigning your shame to them."
"What?" Sky swallows, looking at Four with wide eyes.
The hero of skies looks like a kicked puppy, glassy eyes, and shaking form.
Four dosen’t care. Not now. Not when the memory of their soulmate's memory is being treated so poorly.
"They wouldn't be ashamed of you for doing your best in a hard situation. They wouldn't blame you for having complex feelings. Your own guilt shouldn't be projected onto their memory." Four says, or maybe that's Blue and Vio in control for now. Who can tell?
They all miss you. Every piece of him misses you.
"How could they not be?" Sky asks. "I'm messing everything up!"
"Legend hasn't stopped glaring at them, Time just stares silently, I can barely look at them. Sky, you're being more normal about this than anyone!"
"Wind is doing much better."
"Wind hasn't lost them yet. Of course, he's doing better." Four rolls his eyes, pushing down the envy.
"I know. I... Why does he still have them when no one else does?"
"He's fourteen. There's plenty of time for him to get fucked over like the rest of us." Four snaps.
"I didn't mean- I just miss them."
"I know." Four sighs, closing his eyes. "I know... I think we all do."
Silence falls over the room, heavy but not uncomfortable. It's the silence that falls over loved ones when they've had a hard conversation and need to think but still feel safe together.
Four falls back against the bed, trying to remember the way his lover once held him. Perhaps it's self destructive, but when it helps him cope, he dosen’t care.
He can feel the colors, his head is still pounding.
Blue is restless as ever, a rage at the reminder that you're gone. Anger that Sky could speak of your memory so poorly.
Green and Red are trying to calm it all down. They're trying to focus on the better times they had with thier lover.
Vio... is Vio. He's focusing on the facts again.
Like always.
Four focuses on his breathing, pretending that it's them here counting it instead of him.
Who knew trying to keep himself together would be so hard?
You're outside trying to get some air after having the same dream from last night. The argument and lead up to something horrible in the dream is - draining.
The night air is chilly, but it's a nice relief from the stifling feeling of the bed.
Stars above you make out patterns you shouldn't be able to recognize, but you swear you see a set of stars that's supposed to be a harp. It isn't the harp constellation from your world, though. It's different.
You sit on the steps that lead up to the inn porch, leaning against the banister.
There's some sort of spinning string instrument tune stuck in your head, unplayable as the origin of the second and strange harp constellation.
There's the sound of the door opening and closing behind you. Probably another person in search of some air.
"What... are you doing our here?" Asks a man.
You turn, looking over your shoulder to see Warriors, still in his entire outfit, chain mail, and all.
His gaze is heavy, not as bad as Time's but strange as ever.
You sigh, trying to avoid tensing up at the sight of him. "I needed some air... I guess you do, too."
Warriors sighs, "You could say that."
"Don't let me stop you." You say, turning your head back to facing forwards and gazing out at the small town before you.
A lazy night breeze blows across you, ruffling your hair a little.
Warriors is silent behind you, a large presence. He's unmoving.
You're left wondering if he's still there for a moment.
It seems rude to check, though.
How he can be so still is beyond you, but you suppose that's probably a skill he picked up from the war. (A war you're not meant to know about.)
Warriors moves finally, walking until he's beside you. He stands there, unmoving again as he stares up at the stars.
"You shouldn't be out here without a weapon." He says finally.
You glance up at him. "Why? It's a small town."
"Ambushes can happen anytime anywhere."
"I can't say that's something I've had to worry about much." You admit. Which is true, for all the creeps and killers of your world... none of them are literal monsters.
Besides, you don't have a weapon right now. Why would you need one while traveling with the group?
"Count yourself lucky." Warriors tells you, "You should start worrying about it, though. Our group gets ambushed often."
You take a slow breath, trying to decide if you're supposed to respond or not. What do you even say to that?
He looks at you, face carefully neutral in a way that feels vaugley threatened. "You... aren't a fighter, are you?"
"Not the way you guys seem to be."
"You've never fought a war... have you?" Warriors asks in a soft voice.
He sounds- he sounds like your answer is important to this question. He sounds like you have some huge sway over what happens with this answer.
His face is still carefully blank.
"No. I've never fought in a war." You say slowly, trying to make sense of whatever this is.
Warriors let's out a slow, heavy sigh. "I hope it stays that way."
"Me too." You say.
You mean it, too. How could you not? Who hopes to get pulled into a war? Not you.
Moments pass, and thick silence seems to press in on you.
"I'm sorry." You say finally.
Warriors looks at you, face still unnervingly calm.
What life has he led that he's so good at neutral poker faces?
"Why?" He asks you.
That's a great question. Why are you sorry?
There's so many reasons.
You're sorry you played their games and enjoyed them.
You're sorry that you're here and slowing them down.
You're sorry that you came unprepared, and they had to step up.
You're sorry he's lost so much.
"I'm sorry I've been such a pain." You settle on. "I know I slowed you guys down and that you stepped up yesterday to help make sure I'm set up for whatever it is we've all been dragged into."
Warriors sighs while something heavy flashes through his eyes before it disappears. "You don't need to apologize. We weren't going to kick you aside."
"I guess. I'm still sorry."
"Do you know how many times I've heard these kinds of apologies?" He asks.
You shake your head. "No."
He looks up to the sky again. "Too many times. Too many people have told me they're sorry for things they can't control. That they're sorry for me doing something simple."
"Don't waste time or words on things like that." Warriors tells you with a stern look.
You would imagine it's a look he picked up as a captain.
"Okay." You breathe out softly.
"I mean it, (Y/n)." He says, though he sounds far away. It's like he's actually speaking to someone else.
Someone he lost.
"Okay." You say again softer.
#misty writes#linked universe x reader#lu written in the stars au#lu written in the stars (forever on loop) au#written in the stars au
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(Smut/ NSFW +18 - minors DNI !)
𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝟐 ── lover boy! Yuuta
Beach Boy! Yuuta who's playing handball with his friends. His soft dark locks and slender body caught your eye; running around shirtless as his tall frame prances around left and right. with his shiny lips curled up in a smile and his bubbly laughs resonating through the breeze.
Beach Boy! Yuuta who gets so shy when he sees that his ball landed next to you; the cute girl he's been eyeing up throughout the whole game. your sparkly asscheeks barely covered in your bikini strings and your breasts flushed against the warm sand really sent his brain spiralling.
He shyly grabs the ball as he approaches you, asks you if you'd care to join in. Then he furiously blushes when you redirect the question at him "Why don't you come chill under my parasol instead?"
Beach Boy! Yuuta who's hoping your parasol is large enough to cover up on both of you. you're straddeling his lap, messing up his hair and telling him that "he's the cutest boy you saw in the whole beach" as you plant kisses everywhere on his cheeks, chest, neck and lips. You giggle at every flustered whine he lets, until he grabs your hand, asking you to follow him...
Beach Boy! Yuuta who's eating your ass in his little cabin, smothering his face in your tender skin and drowning himself in the milky scent of your pussy. his blushy cheeks, cute eyebags and adorable noises make your pussy wetter for him.
Beach Boy! Yuuta who (un)surprisingly under his cute aura and puppy eyes hides the thickest cock that dangles alongside his left thigh..
"Oh, sorry...is it too b-big?" he mumbles when you tug down on his boxers, his veiny length springs free, almost slaps your cheek as it stands proud against his stomach.
Beach Boy! Yuuta who's now humping you like a bunny in heat. heavy breathes and frustrated sighs escape his pretty lips. face is still soaked in your sweet juices but he could care less..
"You sure you can take me?...don't wanna see you in pain".
"I'd die for your big cock, handsome angel." you whisper, grabbing his mushroon tip and smearing it across your pussy lips.
Beach Boy! Yuuta who's now into demon mode, the sweetness and shyness are long gone with his schlong bullying your pussy senseless. He groans over and over in your ear "you'll be my cute girlfriend...we'll feel good together..every day..."
Beach Boy! Yuuta who watches you with blown dark pupils as you squirt all over his stomach, fevereshly crying out a "Yess daddy.. I'm all yours! Make me yours!.."
Beach Boy! Yuuta who's so embarassed to see his thick cum spurt uncontrollably out his tip because of how hard you squirted on him.
"Sorry, I cum a lot...I'll bring a-"
He stares at you as you collect the ropes of seed he freshly spurted on your breasts, slowly lift your fingers then smear them on your tongue as you lock eyes with him.
"Come kiss me, Yuuta..."
Beach Boy! Yuuta who's shamelessly snowballing with you, making the loudest sloppiest sounds with his own cum bubbling on both your lips and dribbling down your chins. "One more round, angel boy?" You smirk as he struggles to hide his cute boner again...
#yuuta okkotsu#yuuta x you#yuuta x reader#yuuta smut#yuta okkotsu x reader#yuuta okkotsu smut#yuuta okkotsu x you#yuuta okkotsu x reader#jjk x you#jjk x reader#jjk smut#jujutsu kaisen smut#jujutsu kaisen x reader#jjk imagines#yuuta fic#toji x reader#toji x you#toji smut#jjk x y/n#jjk headcanons#toji fushiguro#jujutsu kaisen x you#jujutsu kaisen toji#toji fushiguro x you#toji fushiguro x reader#okkotsu yuuta#okkotsu yuta
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⌕ where you cry in their arms
pairing. bf!enhypen x f!reader w.c. 1.05k tw/cw. none really genre. fluff sru's note. requested! help i don't think i did a good job with this one ( CATALOGUE?! )
¤ feedbacks and reblogs are always appreciated, PLS REBLOG if u like the fic !
LEE HEESEUNG can feel his heart breaking at the sight, his one and only love, his pretty girl sobbing into her hands in front of him, the cause still unknown. but he doesn't waste any time and pulls you into his embrace, your soft plump cheeks strained with tears pressed to his broad and snug chest, salty tears dampening his beige sweatshirt but that's the last thing that he cares about right now. he shushes you, one hand wrapped around your waist and the other softly stroking your back, in the utmost hope that you'll eventually stop crying. cause every tear that spills out of those pretty eyes of yours, it hammers lee heeseung's heart. would press soft kisses on top of your head until you calm down, along with his hug around you closing in tighter. when you calm down, he'll wipe away all the tears and make you a comforting hot bowl of ramen <3
PARK JONGSEONG drops whatever task he's doing, no matter how trivial or significant, and rushes to you the second he hears something as slight as a sniffle from you. and even when he's not close enough to be seen or called for, jay is one call away. has the biggest “and i crumble completely when you cry” energy. literally pulls you into his lap the second he sees the smallest drop of tears on your face. rocks both your bodies back and forth while whispering sweet nothings into your ear, his hand simultaneously working and massaging your scalp. he literally doesn't even stop for a second until your sobs have completely died down, and even then he rocks you both back and forth while whispering about your problems, while you rest in his lap with your hands and cheeks pressed against his warm chest. jay still doesn't return to his aborted work and don't you dare ask him about it, cause you're way more important.
SIM JAEYUN puts on the saddest face with the biggest pout, literally becoming a puppy face. caresses your face and cradles it between his hands, eventually wrapping his arms around your waist. gets so worried when he sees you sobbing, at one point he gets insecure of being a bad boyfriend, always thinks he did something wrong. jake would press soft feathery kisses all over your face and right when you give the smallest upward twitch of lips, he'll literally attack you with tickles! jake just wants to hear you laugh and wants joy to stick to you forever. brings layla to you too <//3 so that all three of you can cuddle together while he just rambles random things to your now sleeping figure.
PARK SUNGHOON takes a bit of time to process the scene in front of him when you break into sobs, don't get him wrong but he's just disheartened at the sight of your tear stricken cheeks and red puffy eyes. if he's still foreign to it, it would take him some time to approach you in your sobbing fit but if not he's quick to act. but eventually picks you up and makes you sit in front of him at the edge of the bed. if you don't want to talk it out then he'll pull you closer until your heads’ on his shoulders, his hands creeping up beneath your shirt to draw random doodles on your back while you calm down in his embrace <3 sunghoon definitely kisses your cheeks a lot, until you're giggling from his kisses, and then and only then is he relieved. makes sure to ask what was wrong after.
KIM SEONWOO almost cries along with you, the soft and choked sounds of your sobs and your salty damp cheeks overwhelms him. immediately wraps you in his embrace, practically burying you in it. with glossy eyes, he tries to shush you up with an accompanied series of kisses to your cheeks, forehead and lips. when you're crying away in his arms, he'll play with your hair, braiding them only to untangle them and braid them again. gives you all the comfort in the world; he even brings your favourite plushies— that he won for you at the arcade— to you and wraps you in the warm, thick duvet. he giggles at the cute scenario in front of him, before tackling you in his arms and bombarding your face with soft kisses. definitely eats mint choco with you later.
YANG JUNGWON being the reserved and calm man(leader too) he is, he would hand you a glass of water immediately when he sees streams of tears flow down your cheeks. doesn't waste a second after that, wiping away your tears from your cheeks and pulling you into his embrace, stroking your back in a soft rhythm which makes your eyes flutter close. the smell of his cologne is mellow, which drives your nerves slowly and calms you down in his embrace. jungwon hugs you tighter and presses occasional kisses to your shoulders and forehead, just to let you know he's still here, all ears to listen to whatever's wrong. lays down with you, his head resting still upon his chest, listening to the soft thumps of his heartbeat through his grey sweatshirt while he asks you what's wrong. his caresses don't stop even for a second while he lays with you, listening to your heart.
NISHIKURA RIKI ‘s heart melts when you break down like that, #2 at the “and I crumble completely when you cry” energy, don't ask me why. but our boys’ not nervous at all! he loves his girlfriend dearly and always has a trick up his sleeve whenever the smallest inconvenience comes across. rushes to you and hugs you so tight that at one point you swore you couldn't breathe. that is when riki thankfully lets you off his grip and pulls you closer, until your back is pressed to his chest. now it's time for nishimura riki to pull his trick out! girlfriend 101: when y/n's crying, show her cute cat videos. your have died down soon enough after riki holds his phone before your eyes, a random cat compilation video playing. he doesn't forget his cuddles though, literally becomes plush to you while you both stream cat videos that whole day.
© bywons, 2024. do not copy, translate or upload any of my works without my permission.
(📌) :: TAGLIST IS OPEN! @euncsace @fleumiu @leaderwon @dimplewonie @yrhome @heartswonn @jwonistic @aaa-sia @ashtxrie @kgneptun @lilacnini nets! @/k-labels

# o𝑓 — e𝑙oque𝑛ce 🥂 #k-labels#enhypen x reader#divider cr plutism#enha fluff#enhypen imagines#enhypen soft hours#enhypen scenarios#enhypen soft thoughts#jungwon x reader#enhypen headcannons#enhypen smau#enha scenarios#enha imagines#enha x reader#enhypen angst#enhypen fluff#jay smau#jake fluff#sunghoon fluff#jungwon fluff#niki fluff#jay fluff#jungwon headcanons#jay x reader#sunghoon x reader#heeseung angst#heeseung x reader#heeseung fluff#heeseung smau
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Spring of Canathus (AKA: They're Babies)
SUMMARY: They drank water that ended up turning them into babies. You were in charge of taking care of them while the rest of the students go looking for the antidote. What will they be like as babies?
CHARACTERS: Overblot Students (Riddle, Leona, Azul, Jamil, Vil, Idia & Malleus)
TAGS: Bullet Points, GN Reader, Fluff, Cute
WORD COUNT: An average of 350 words per character. More or less. This is distributed in a different way than I usually do.
COMMENTS: Yes, a post about what it would be like if they were babies. But I have a good excuse for this: It is canon in the Hercules TV show and I even remember watching this episode when I was younger. Episode 50 of the first season: Hercules and the Spring of Canathus. The Spring of Canathus is a pool which reverses age. Pain and Panic use it on Hercules and other character in the episode, turning them into babies.
I hope you enjoy 🧸🍼
CONTEXT: Seven bottles of a supposedly new water were delivered to NRC Housewardens. A small sample. But when they drink it they turn into babies. Sam doesn't have the antidote, but he have the information of where the spring is that they need to get the babies back to normal. The other students you know from the dorm went to get the water and you were in charge of taking care of the babies. Grim went to look for the spring with the others because he didn't want to deal with babies.
You take care of them in Ramshackle Dorm.
Riddle drank the water because it would be bad manners to refuse it. Or because of some strange rule from the Queen of Hearts.
Tantrums, a lot of tantrums.
He is an "independent" baby. You will probably lose sight of him sometimes because he started walking/crawling around to explore the house.
He always wants to eat sweets. You'll find him from time to time sneaking into the kitchen looking for cookies or something like that.
He bites anyone who irritates him. Maybe even you. But in your case, if you pretend that he hurt you a lot, he will start crying with regret and hug you.
If he gets mad at someone and you show up, he'll point to the person who annoyed him as if he's complain to you. Kind of like the "I'm gonna tell mom" thing.
When you hold him up and give him affection, he will respond with a lot of affection too and laugh a lot. But after that he will always want to be with you and be jealous of the other babies.
When you scold him and tell him not to do something again he will start crying and hug you as an apology, but he will never disobey you.
Leona drank the water, because why not?
Half the time he is sleeping which makes him peaceful. But the other half when he's awake, he's a little terror.
Like a baby lion, he wants to play, which means play fighting with other babies, so you are always separating him from the others.
He will bite and scratch you, without leaving very deep marks, because he wants to play. And you decide that it's preferable for him to bite and scratch you than the other babies.
He won't leave your side because he is lazy and you are the one who entertains him the most and gives him food. And he will always want to sleep either on your lap or on your chest.
He'll complain with those baby lion roars that sound more like grumpy meows.
If you hug him or give him too much affection, he will push you away with his little hands. But if you're not too clingy he'll headbutt your cheeks lovingly.
When he's calmer, he'll lick any small wounds he may have inflicted on you while he was playing.
If you buy toys for him, buy toys for him to bite.
There is a high chance of him attacking your cushions, sofas, curtains, etc. He will probably break things like a cat throwing a glass off the table on the floor.
When you seriously scold him that's the only time he'll cry.
Azul drank the water because he thought that if it was good he could make a deal to sell it at Mostro Lounge.
Cry baby!
He will be crying constantly at first. Until you realize he wants to go into the water.
You fill a bathtub, take his clothes off and put him in it. He turns into a little octopus merbaby.
But he is still not satisfied. After analysing the water for a second he started crying again. You then assume that he wants sea water, so you go get a bunch of salt from the kitchen and pour it all in there. Now he laughs happily.
You go to Sam's to buy some toys for Azul to play in the bathtub.
Problem: He will cry whenever you are not with him.
When you are with him in the bathroom and with one arm in the bathtub, if you get ready to get up, he will grab your arm with his little tentacles so you don't leave.
Maybe you buy Sam an aquarium to put Azul in so he can be in the room with you and the other babies.
He will cry whenever he sees you cuddling another baby. He also wants your affection!
He absolutely loves it when you pick him up.
You will end up with a lot of suction cup marks on your arms.
He's the type of baby that puts everything in his mouth and you have to be careful.
Jamil was the one who drank the water because whenever Kalim receives food he has to make sure it isn't poisoned.
He is one of the least problematic babies. He's a very quiet baby, which worries you a little.
He doesn't throw tantrums, but he doesn't seem to laugh much either. He also seems undecided whether he stays near you or not.
At first this ends up making you forget about him a little while dealing with the others. But when you realize it, you'll immediately pay attention to him.
When you pick him up for the first time, he doesn't know how to react. But as soon as you start giving him affection, he will laugh and return the affection. The others will be jealous because you're paying so much attention to him.
He can't sleep unless you rock him. Do you know about that thing that babies feel safer when they are close to their mother's heart? He only feels rested enough if he is lying on your chest and listening to your heart beating.
Since he's the one who laughs the least, you might end up paying more attention to him to make him happy, which will make others jealous, but him very happy.
Vil drank the water because he thought it was the product of an advertisement that he and his manager talked about once.
He's a grumpy baby.
He's the type to throw things when he's upset.
His tantrums may be quieter than Riddle's, but they are just as intense.
He likes to do little things like stack cubes or doodle on paper and show it to you with pride. The more you congratulate him on these little things, the more things he will do just to show them to you.
Maybe you'll end the day with a sketchbook of his drawings. (Rook will be so jealous of you)
When you pick him up and give him affection, it's the moment when he smiles and laughs more. And of course he will return the affection.
He's also the type of baby who likes to walk or crawl around, so you might lose sight of him if you're distracted.
He is fascinated by beautiful things so every now and then you can see him staring at some cute object.
If you put a video on your cell phone, or PC if you have one, he will be hypnotized watching it. And if it's something, or someone he really likes, he'll clap and get your attention so you can look at it too. If he sees Neige, he'll throw a tantrum.
Idia drank the water a little with the same thought as Leona: Why not? Somehow, Ortho found no abnormalities when it scanned the bottle.
Cry baby #2
He will never ever EVER leave your side. He's the type to hold on to your leg and never let go.
He will hide behind you, or your legs.
He will cry for you to hold him. Especially if he feels threatened by Leona or Riddle for example.
Even when you hold him to your chest, you'll feel his little hands gripping your shirt, as if he's afraid to let go.
He will also cry whenever he doesn't see you around.
He loves stuffed animals and other plushies.
He will hide a lot, which can make you lose sight of him. But as soon as he sees you looking for him, he goes straight to you for you to pick him up.
He loves learning toys, but can get tired of them quickly.
He can only sleep if you are close to him.
Of all the babies, he is the one who most reciprocates the affection you give him. He is a very enthusiastic little boy.
He also likes to draw and in the middle of the doodles you will be able to see a drawing of him, eighteen years old, with you and hearts around.
Malleus thought it was some kind of gift. The biggest surprise was that it was strong enough to affect even Malleus Draconia.
Unlike the others, only Silver and Sebek went looking for the antidote. Lilia stayed to take care of Malleus, so they stayed in Diasomnia.
Until you receive a call from Lilia because Malleus really wants to see you. AKA: he won't stop crying and throwing tantrums because he wants to be with you and the lightning strikes are getting worse and worse.
Given the circumstances of you also taking care of the other babies, you decide that it is best for Lilia and Malleus to go to Ramshackle Dorm.
When you open the door and baby Malleus sees you his curious face turns into a huge smile and he stretches his arms out to you. Lilia looks slightly apprehensive, but hands you the baby to hold. He was worried that Malleus could hurt you with his strength.
But that doesn't happen. The first moment you show discomfort, he will stop hugging you and look worried and afraid that he has hurt you. You’ll need to reassure him so he doesn't start crying.
Lillia and he stay in a separate room to avoid the risk of Malleus losing control of his powers. But, almost every 5 minutes, Lilia will call you because Malleus misses you.
He loves your cuddles and give him affection! He's the happiest baby when you're with him.
Whenever you kiss his cheeks he will laugh very loudly and happily. And he will kiss your cheeks back.
When you take too long to show up, you'll start to hear lightning outside and a storm brewing.
He will inevitably burn you by accident. With a simple sneeze. And the burns won't be worse because Lilia will protect you.
Whenever he realizes he hurt you, he will start crying and a torrential rain will start outside. You will have to reassure him, saying that everything is fine and that you will not leave him because of that.
He is very curious. Anything you do he will look closely at you.
You and Lilia will end up taking turns. while one of you is with Malleus, the other was with the rest of the babies.
Whenever you return to the other babies after Lilia's shift, they will attack you with hugs as if they miss you terribly.
YOU WILL COOK! Baby Malleus, keep Lilia busy!
Leona will want to play fight with everyone, so you will always be keeping him away from others. He will annoy Riddle and Vil and make Azul and Idia cry. Jamil is the only one who might retaliate in kind, which is not a good thing. Idia will cling to you so you can protect him from Leona.
Riddle gets along well with everyone else, but can get irritated with Vil and vice versa. They both like things to be done their way and can throw tantrums to have a toy or do something a certain way.
Azul can be clingy. And the ones most likely for him to be very attached to and want to be close to them are Jamil and Idia. These three are the least aggressive so the three of them would get along very well.
Jamil prefers to be close to Idia because he is calm and not very clingy.
If you feel sorry for Malleus for not being able to be with the other babies, you ask Lilia if any of them could be with Malleus for a little while.
You both agree that the best candidate for this would be Idia. He is calm and Lilia knows that he and Malleus get along very well. Plus, Idia is the least likely to get scared if he sees a bit of green fire.
At first Idia will be a little afraid, but then he will recognize Malleus. Idia will show toys and how to play with them while Malleus looks on attentively.
They only returned to normal when they were in their respective dorms, so they hadn't seen you since they were still babies.
Riddle will come to Ramshackle Dorm with your favourite cake or pie made by Trey.
He tries to hide his embarrassment the whole time.
He wanted to thank you for what you did, apologize for any inconvenience and ask you to please not tell anyone any details of what happened.
If you tell him how cute he was, he'll blush a lot and ask you to stop saying those things.
Leona will enter Ramshackle Dorm without knocking or anything. He'll just open the door, walk in, close the door behind him and walk right up to you.
“Listen up, herbivore! No talking about what happened! Understood?”
If you comment about him being as grumpy now as he was as a baby he'll reply with "I told you: no talking about it!"
If he sees the scratch marks on your arms, his tone will drop a little. And you'll see his ears lowered back. “Those were mine, weren't they?” and he will look a little embarrassed.
He will curse under his breath and calm down completely. Sit next to you on the couch and take one of your arms "Sorry" and give light kisses to the scratches.
Someone knocks on the door of Ramshackle Dorm and when you open it you see Azul carrying a large gift and a wide charismatic smile on his face.
The gift was something big and expensive that he knew you really wanted.
Asking him what he wanted in return for that: “Your silence. I want you to never tell anyone, much less the twins, what happened, especially the parts that concern me.”
You can tell him that he could also pay for the toys, aquarium, salt and the rest of the things you paid for him. If he complains and asks why you bought all that, you tell him he wouldn't stop crying and he will immediately agree to pay you back for all that stuff.
If he sees the cupping marks on your arms he will blush with embarrassment. “I-I'm sorry. Did I hurt you?”
You say he didn't hurt you, but the tentacles were pretty strong. He will take your hands and lightly kiss the marks.
Jamil shows up at Ramshackle Dorm with your favourite dish, freshly made by him, in a Tupperware container.
He greets you, asks how you are and then asks if he can come in. It's only after you're both in the common room that you ask if that's for him to ask you not to tell anyone about what happened.
And he will answer yes, embarrassed. And above all, you can't tell Kalim, or Azul, anything. (they don't remember what happened)
If you say there weren't many things to tell even if you wanted to and that was what worried you, he won't even know how to respond to that.
And if you start telling him how you spent time with him and played with him just to make him smile, he'll be so flattered he'll pull his hood over his face. And you'll only make it worse if you say his laugh was so cute.
He will apologize to you and say that even though he doesn't remember exactly what happened, he remembers feeling really happy whenever he was with you.
Vil trusts you enough to know that you wouldn't tell anyone anything that could harm him or his career, so he just went to the Ramshackle Dorm to thank you.
In addition to a few kisses on your cheek, he also offers you something from his cosmetics line.
If you mention the drawings he made for you, he'll brag about being an artist since he was little.
But if you start talking about the tantrums, he'll be embarrassed, and he will defend himself between laughs that, apparently, he has always been a demanding person.
Idia doesn't want to see you face to face because he is extremely embarrassed. But he also needs to make sure that you don't tell anyone what happened.
His tablet shows up at Ramshackle Dorm door.
So, you know that cell phone game you love? What if he buys you those 1230 Gems? You wouldn't say anything too detailed about what happened to anyone, right?
If you start talking about how cute he was, he'll beg you to stop. You can't see him on the tablet, but the more you talk about it, the pinker his hair gets.
He'll bounce as soon as he is sure that you've made a deal and you'll not tell anyone about what happened.
Lilia told Malleus about having to take him to you because he was throwing a tantrum about not being close to you. He even mentioned (dramatically) that he was hurt that he was no longer enough to take care of Malleus.
And because of this, when Malleus appeared at the door of Ramshackle Dorm to thank you, he was also partially embarrassed.
He thanks you for being so brave to agree to help Lilia take care of him. And he asks if he caused many problems, and that, in advance, he's sorry for all of them.
You can try to say he didn't cause any major problems, but somehow he'll be able to see the little burn marks on your arms. The kind of burns he knows only his flames can cause.
He will politely interrupt you and ask you to show him your arms.
The burns aren't many, nor are they very serious, but either way he widens his eyes in worry and regret. “You lied to me. After all, I caused a serious problem. I hurt you.” He also seems a little sulky that you tried to hide it from him.
He asks if he can touch your arms. After you give him permission, he kneels in front of you, gently grabs your arms and kisses the burns, all of them.
If you would like to read more from me, you can find it in my pinned post: INDEX
#Twisted Wonderland#twst#twisted wonderland x reader#twst x reader#disney twisted wonderland#twst imagines#twst wonderland#twst fluff#Twisted Wonderland Fluff#Riddle Rosehearts#Riddle Rosehearts x Reader#Riddle x Reader#Leona Kingscholar#Leona Kingscholar x Reader#Leona x Reader#Azul Ashengrotto#Azul Ashengrotto x Reader#Azul x Reader#Jamil Viper#Jamil Viper x Reader#Jamil x Reader#Vil Schoenheit#Vil Schoenheit x Reader#Vil x Reader#Idia Shroud#Idia Shroud x Reader#Idia x Reader#Malleus Draconia#Malleus Draconia x Reader#Malleus x Reader
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Keep This Low Key
💜 Pairings: Choso x F!reader Rating: Explicit- MDNI
💜 Contents/Warnings: Very emotional at first, but then it lightens up and gets sweet. Light angst, heavy at the beginning, forgiveness and trying for each other, a little jealousy and hurt, lots of kissing, fingering, oral (f recieving), lots of sexual tension and feelings
💜 Word Count: this chap - 10k (long one)
💜 Summary: You have been Choso's best friend for years, and one night he has a date with Yuki, his girlfriend, while you have a date with Ino, your boyfriend, only for them both to break up with you at the same time! You all think of calling each other, but run right into each other. Choso brings you home since you didn't even have your car, and you two are crying over a couple beers and a silly movie, only to have a sudden idea. Why not say fuck dating, fuck heartbreak, and just fuck each other?
No drama, no mess, no upset, and you two are such good friends, nothing can go wrong, right? The only agreement is no feelings, and if you all find a s/o, you'll end things. But the moment Choso opens his heart to you, and the moment you start falling, things get messy, as you realize he's the best you've had, and you're falling hard. Will you all stay friends, become more, or will everything blow up?
✨️Comments and reblogs appreciated if you enjoy- A/N- I attempt to write a song, I am sure I failed be nice abt it lol! ✨️
Chapter Four 💜 Masterlist 💜 Playlist 💜
Chapter Five
It has been two weeks since you spoke or saw Choso. He finally stopped texting and calling a few days ago, finally stopped showing up at your work every morning with that cup of coffee that you asked your coworkers to take instead. You don't even look or respond to him, it's too far gone, it's too much.
You don't respond to Satoru either, he was clearly there for fun, which is fine but you can't believe what you've done. After being so set on sex being this end all be all, Ino’s dumping you so soon after clearly fucked you up, and hopping in bed with Choso had been the biggest mistake.
You are out with Utahime at the club, dancing together and giggling, enjoying her so much, even as you miss Choso like you live and breathe. It's all too much, and you don't know if you can ever repair what has happened, to undo the tangled mess you both had become.
You're not putting fault all on him, but you're still hurt by him. You didn't go to his concert, you hate yourself for that, but it would hurt too much to see. You sent good luck necklaces to the three of them with a note saying you were sick (you especially hate to let the boys down too) but there's not much hope for it, not when you can't stomach facing him.
If you never kissed him, you maybe could have lived your life just fine, if you never had him look at you that way, if you never slept in his arms, you could have said it was friendship. But now, even your strong, fourteen year friendship is hopelessly gone.
Take a shot.
Take a shot.
Take a selfie with Utahime.
Dance more.
Hollow laughter, laughter that rings just wrong, your eyes aren't as bright when you look in the mirror, but you think you can puzzle together the pieces.
Men flirt.
You ignore it.
Have a drink now.
Dance under the strobe lights.
You're almost human, or at least you're pretending to be, and it almost works, buzzed off your ass and dancing with her helps, giggling as you all walk out in your heels to your ride helps. Taking more selfies and giggling at the reacting on Insta helps, you feel good…
Well, almost.
Choso haunts all of your damn thoughts, it’s like you can’t even imagine things before him, like this gaping hole in your chest. You are tipsy when you get home, images flash as you walk through the door, Choso holding you against it, him on his knees in front of you. Then more images of Satoru, which make you sick.
You never thought actually doing something with the guy you had it bad for since forever would bring you down so badly, it made everything snap into place, things that didn’t make any sense in your mind. It was never just sex with Choso, not from the moment he kissed you and called you beautiful, because you know what ‘just sex’ is, Choso was beyond it.
Now there was nothing left between you.
Choso hearts your pictures, and something shifts, something almost makes you sick about it, not talking to him. You crave to just forgive and forget, to act like this friendship is fixable, to act unbothered, but you can’t just go back now. The decision was made when he first kissed you on that couch, when his tongue ring clicked on your teeth, when his big hands brushed against your waist.
You see his IG is Amber free, and hers is Choso free. You don't know what that means but you can't bring yourself to care anymore, you'd tried to make any sense of any of this and have failed. When you think too much about it, about your decisions, you sob so hard your eyes burn, your cheeks sticky.
You wash your face, put your hair up into a bun, you go back to all of your routines, without Cho Bear things don't really bring you the same joy, but finally you think you can let some of the heartache mend. Snatching up a book and your favorite plush, you snuggle on the couch, buzzed and dizzy. Luckily Satoru doesn't bother you, just a dick pic here and there, you roll your eyes at him.
He was good at what he did, fuck he was real good, but it was not what you wanted, it was what you thought you had to do, to prove something to yourself, that you were inexperienced and overthinking it. But, you were wrong. Choso pushes you to your worst, and you just can't let it continue, you can’t be that girl.
Choso calls, you go to hang up and accidentally hit answer, cursing quietly, hearing the hope in his voice as he says your name.
“What is it?” You ask, tone soft but cold, you haven't talked and don't want to.
“I know you hate me, and I don't blame you. You should.” You tear up as you hear his voice breaking.
“I don't hate you, I just can't be in your life. I'm sorry.” You sniffle, hiccuping on a cry when you set your book down.
“Will we ever be friends again?”
“I don't think so, but it's not all your fault. We both fucked up.” Choso sighs over the phone, you imagine him in your mind's eye. Sexy and shirtless maybe? Low hanging sweats? Is his hair loose and long?
“I haven't talked to Amber. I never will again.” You blink now.
“It doesn't matter.”
“It does! It does. What I did was horrible to you.”
“It's over now. Don't dwell on this. I have to go.”
“Please, please… anything I could do to make you smile again. I hate that I caused this.” You sigh shakily as you hear his crying over the phone. It almost gets to you.
“I'm okay, I promise. Choso I'll always care, I'll always be rooting for you-”
“Please, please… please forgive me.”
“I do. I'm not angry. I'm sad.” You cover your face, choking on your sobs as he does. “I don't hate you not one bit.”
“I hate myself.” You shake your head and can't stop the sobs from wracking your body.
“I know that feeling well.” You both take a breath, both hating what you've lost. “But I promise I don’t hate you, I couldn’t. Take care, please.” Your voice is just a whisper, but he hears you.
“Please, anything, I will do anything, let me make it up. Let me fix it!? I know I'm stupid, I know I was wrong. Please.” His heartbreak in his voice makes it crack over the phone, you’re devastated then.
“Just let it go, okay? Let it go.”
“I don’t want to let you go. I-”
“Good night.” You hang up quickly, cutting off whatever words could wreck your resolve, your hands violently shaking, you press them between your thighs, staring as the phone rings.
Cho Bear.
Will you miss him forever?
It’s been three weeks since you last spoke to Choso now, he quit calling finally, it’s sort of like it was when you were with Ino, when you two couldn’t keep your friendship, but it’s worse because you know what you could have. God, to have even been able to go on a date with him? To imagine building something so beautiful, but instead you’ve ruined it all.
You’re shocked when Megumi and Yuuji are knocking on your door, you stand there still when Yuuji barrels you with a big hug. You sigh, hugging him back, Megumi snakes an arm around you after as well, you almost tear up a bit, thinking of how close all four of you have been so long.
“I missed you two.” You say softly, shutting the door then. “What brings you all over here?”
Yuuji swipes a hand through his pastel locks. “What did Cho do so bad that it’s been three weeks of you ignoring him?”
“Yuuji…” Megumi says with a sigh, dark eyes looking at you seriously. “What he means to say is Choso misses you, bad.”
“He’s so depressed he won’t even play.” You blink at that, looking away then.
“Won’t play? When has Choso not played?”
“He won’t even leave his room aside from work.” Megumi says, your heart breaks further and further.
“I… we can’t be friends. I’m sorry, you two.”
“What, why!? You’ve been friends almost my entire life? As long as I can remember.”
“Did you two…” Megumi trails off, you blush furiously then. “Oh.”
“Oh what? Did what?” Yuuji’s voice annoys Megumi clearly then.
“Tch, just stop.” He looks at you now, seriously. “Is it that bad?”
You nod quietly, sighing and shutting your eyes. “He wouldn’t wanna see me anyway.”
“That’s not true, not at all. Please, just come over, you don’t even have to hang out with him, just let him see you.” Yuuji begs, yanking on her hand now, pulling you towards him so his hands can rest on your shoulders. “You’re his best friend in the world, you can’t just not be one anymore.”
“You wouldn’t understand.” Your tears start running before you can stop them, Yuuji frowns, Megumi brushes a hand up and down your back. “I don’t think me and Cho can fix it.”
“So start new.” Megumi’s voice stuns you. “Start fresh, whatever happened you two can get over it. Have you never had problems, fights?”
“Of course we have. I… I’m scared to even face him.” You cover your face and start crying then, letting the weeks of despair fall out with tears as they comfort you. “Guys I can’t.”
“Just spend time with all of us. I know it would brighten his day, you don’t know how bad it is.” Yuuji’s voice breaks just a bit, and then you realize, Choso must be hurting as much as you are.
“Let me get myself together and I’ll head over.” You say with a small smile, emotional as you think of seeing him again.
Could you all ever go back to being friends, when you are so in love with him… love, yes.
You’re hopelessly in love with your former best friend, how would you play it casual, how could you even face him?
Choso can’t stand not seeing you, not hearing your voice or your little laugh, god he misses your scent, your presence, your everything. Even if he couldn’t see you, he used to swing by and give you that coffee, and you turned every cup down, not even acknowledging him. The heartbreaking call last week had him finally giving up, realizing he had done too much damage.
How could he hurt you like this?
He thinks back now, to all the signals you gave, to all the clues where he has been so clueless. Choso never got attention from girls, a shy guy, a nerdy guy, it’s been the past couple of years he’s gotten popular with his band. He didn’t realize Amber was that insane over him so quickly, and even so, he saw that hurt on your face before the incident in the car.
He told you one thing but did another, and of course you’re done with him, of course you probably went home with Gojo that night, how could he blame you? There you were, painting things clearly, and here he was, not understanding a thing you meant, like the words couldn’t compute, he couldn’t fathom you felt that way.
Choso has barely left his home for the past three weeks, but for the past week he has barely left his room, guitars unplayed, notebooks left unwritten and sprawled all around his room. He can barely eat or think of anything but you, aching to call you, to see you, but he knows he can’t anymore, he knows he’d just be doing more damage, how could he be so foolish?
The doors open of his room and he grimaces then, as his little brother keeps trying to energetically get him out of the house, to give him all this hope that you two could make up, as if it’s even possible. He blinks and covers his face with his plaid blanket.
“Go away.”
“Cho?” He hears your voice then, making him jump up out of bed, sheets all rumpled and a mess, thinking he’s dreaming.
But you’re there.
You’re here.
Your eyes look just a little puffy, your lips trembling as you see him, he tries to smooth his hair, knowing he probably looks terrible, he hasn’t even showered in days he’s just rotted away. Choso struggles to pull himself together, walking towards you then, and he sees it, you’re trembling, as if you can’t even handle this, seeing him again.
But he was wrong.
When you see him like this, a whole mess and so depressed, it destroys your heart, you can’t take it, even as much as you both had messed up here, he was your closest friend in the world. He was always by your side through your heartbreaks, and you were by his side, and now? You were both suffering alone, and for what, for the fear of not forgiving each other?
Choso doesn’t even know what you’ve done, he doesn’t know you were just as bad as him, maybe worse. No, you two don’t date, but it felt wrong, what both of you did, especially in your heart, you didn’t do it for fun, you did it for some petty sense of revenge, and now it’s hard to face him, but you do. You face your best friend who looks like a mess, with his eyes glimmering with tears.
It’s quiet then, Megumi clears his throat. “Let’s give you both a minute, maybe you can make him shower?”
Yuuji nods. “Please do.”
They leave, shutting the door to Choso’s room, a room the last time you were in that he had sex with you, but was it sex? Or did he make love to you?
How he’d stared into your eyes, cupped your face so gently, how he’d asked every moment if things felt good, if you were okay. The memories make you ache, and not just physically, they make you ache for all of him, for his sweet smile again, for him to just hold you in his arms. You’re just standing there, and so is he, you both open your mouths, then shut them.
He’s clenching his fists, stepping closer now, terrified you’ll just run away, but you don’t. You stay there, looking at him, as he feels emotions in his throat, as the tears begin to fall. He steps a little closer, and you let him, giving him the silent go ahead to approach you further, your chest rising and falling with your breaths as they come faster and faster.
Another step, and your boots are toe to toe with his bare feet, and Choso is looking down at you, his hands hovering just above your shoulders, as if he’s scared to touch you. You feel the sobs building in your chest now, not a word is spoken, but seeing your best friend who you love in tears, along with your own regrets makes you break apart.
“You’re here.” He says your name then, and you break into tears when he pulls you against him for a hug, those tight ones in his strong arms you’ve loved forever, you feel so safe, so right. He’s stroking your hair, pressing you against his chest as your arms wrap his chest. “I didn’t know if I’d… if I’d… see you…”
He’s sobbing out his words, you look up through your tears, seeing him, his stubble, his dark circles as you sniffle. “I’m here, Cho.”
“Feel like I’m dreaming of you.” He squeezes you so tightly, but you crave it, you love it, against him finally.
The room is quiet, aside from both of you quietly crying, sniffling and laughing softly when you look at each other. “You do need a bath, gosh.”
“Hush.” He’s smiling, that heartbreakingly sweet smile you’ve come to love, but you have to pull back a bit, taking a breath, eyes fluttering shut when he cups your face, like you’re precious. “I missed your pretty face.”
“Did you?” You tease softly, opening your eyes, burning from tears.
“I’m so sorry for everything, I am sorry I didn’t listen, that I hurt you.” You feel almost sick now, shaking your head. “I fucked it all up, I did-”
“We both did. I have to tell you something.” He nods then, shoving aside a bunch of things to clear you a seat in his gaming chair, pulling you by it, arms on either side of you as he sits on the bed.
You take a breath, hoping it will help you, but you feel sick thinking of it. “I was intimate with Gojo.”
Choso blinks long lashes, frowning before nodding. “I figured, that night maybe you slept with him?” He tries to hide the hurt in his voice, but fails.
“I didn’t have sex but… um… oral.” You feel like sinking into the goddamn carpet below you, Choso clears his throat, looking away for a moment.
“I figured so, but was it because you wanted to? Was it because he’s Gojo, an old fling? Was it… for fun? Or… was it because I pushed you there?” His heartbreak is so clear it affects you physically, you’re shifting in the seat, fiddling with your hair, sighing nervously.
“It was my decision, but it was based on seeing her with you, it hurt so bad, but it’s no excuse. I acted on impulse and felt awful.”
He shakes his head. “Don’t feel bad, please.”
“Cho I… we…”
“It’s because of me.”
“It’s not!”
“You always try to defend me, even when I’m wrong, and I was so wrong here. You tried to tell me.”
You’re nodding through more tears, he rests his forehead on yours, as you both take shaky breaths. “I did try to tell you, but now I don’t know what to do, how can we go back to how it was?”
“I don’t know but I’ll do anything, be anything for you.” Your eyes lock, his a glittering violet, dark sooty lashes wet and spiky over them.
“Maybe we should start new?” You ask softly.
“As friends?”
“I don’t know, maybe something else.” Your brace yourself for impact, but his next words fill you with so much hope.
“How about… we go on a date.”
“A date?” You blink in confusion.
“A date, me and you, I am asking you on a date. A real one, a proper one, and we get to know each other as… maybe more.” Your heart races then, you feel it, the giddiness at the thought, but then the guilt.
“You wanna date me? After what I did?” Your voice is breaking, you’re no better than him really, maybe you’re worse? What he did casually, you did in retaliation.
“Oh, sweetie…” He brushes your hair back gently, it feels so good, so perfect then, in his room, with his touch. “You did nothing wrong to me, I think it felt wrong for you though?”
“It felt wrong, so wrong. I hate myself for it.” You’re just a breath away from his lips, but both of you hold that inch apart, you bite your lower lip, his eyes dart to it, but he stays that distance.
“What you did makes sense, I’m just sorry I made you feel you had to. I don’t want games, or hurting each other anymore, please. Let’s just have a date, and if you like me, we’ll do another.” You giggle then, the sound makes his heart swell, it makes him so fucking happy, to see how it lights up your face, even as he brushes tears away, thumbs with faded black polish barely on.
“So we’re going to take things slow?” You whisper, hands gliding up his chest, making him tense then.
“Yes, you deserve slow, you deserve to be treated right, and to choose what you want. If it’s me or not, I think we should try, what’s here, this connection? It’s…”
“Epic.” He smiles then, nodding, thumb brushing against your jaw now.
“I’d die to kiss you but I’d like to earn it, please.”
“It better be something nice, now. And you’re paying.” He grins, you’re wiping his tears now, running your hand through his dark messy locks.
“I’ll pay, don’t worry. Will you wear something that shows off that perfect body of yours?”
“I could be persuaded to. But you’ll be a gentleman.”
He nods, holding your little hand over his chest. “I will be.”
You feel it, the flutters in your tummy, at the thought of something like this, it seems so silly, but you’re giddy, hopeful. “So we’re… gonna go on a date.”
“You absolutely need to shower then, I can’t with all this.” You tease, he pulls you against him tightly, kissing your cheek, your temple, hugging you just so, you feel his heartbeat on your cheek.
“I wish you could get in there, fuck I miss every bit of you.” He exhales, you feel his words hit your core, you’re aching now, clinging to him.
“I miss it too.” You look back up now at him, smiling as you both just sit there, quietly. “I’m sorry Choso.”
“I’m sorry, angel. So sorry.” You nod, trying to pull yourself together then, brushing your cheeks with shaky hands. “I will not ever let you down again, even if you hate this date, even if you decide we should be acquaintances, just any part of your life you have me in, I’ll follow.”
“Shh.” You kiss his cheek now, cheeks that tinge pink under the light brush of your lips. “You text the time, and I’ll be ready. Oh, and you better shave.”
“I will.” You smile so pretty at him, as Choso’s mind whirls once you leave. A date with you, he needs it to be perfect.
You came to him, you were real.
Yuuji and Megumi burst in now, and Choso has this silly grin on his face, much to their relief. “You better not fuck this date up.”
“You all were listening!?”
“Just to some of it! Choso!”
Megumi snorts. “He’s gonna kill you, Yuuji.”
Choso pulls up in his little Mustang, you stand there so nervous in the night, having gone over twenty outfits before landing on a little black dress, you figure you can’t go wrong with that. It’s lacy on the chest, it cinches just so in the waist and flares out flirtatious, along with a black jacket since the night has a chill. You see his mouth drop when he gets out of the car, making you flush.
“You’re so beautiful.” He says softly, like he’s in awe, it makes you feel beautiful then, Choso makes you feel so much, like you are so special.
“You look handsome, Cho.” You smile up at him, taking in his black dress shirt and slacks, fitting his muscled frame so sexy. “I’ve never seen you dressed up like this? Where’d you get these?”
“Put away from a wedding.” He admits, you giggle then, the sound brightening his world, as he takes in your gorgeous face. “Your makeup is beautiful too.”
“Oh thank you! Youtube tutorial.” He grins, brushing his fingers along the backs of your cheek then.
“You nailed that shit.”
“I missed the fuck out of you.” He nods, leaning so close, dying to kiss you, but you deserve the night, a night all about you, to take it slow, so he pecks a kiss on your hand, taking it in his. “Gentleman Cho?”
“Mmhmm. My lady.” He teases, your pulse flutters in your throat as he opens the car door for you now, making a show of dramatically bowing. His hand is on your thigh when he’s driving, yours brushes the backs of his knuckles, so much still left unsaid between you, but the comfort of each other overpowers it.
“Where are we going, Sir?” He exhales, not able to handle you calling him Sir because fuck the thoughts going through his head are insane now.
“We’ll be there soon, I think you’ll like it though?”
“I’m nervous.”
“Me too.” He admits, looking at you as the lights of cars drive by, reflecting against your pretty face as he drives you through the night, catching each one of your features just so every time. “Breathtaking.”
“Oh stop.” He hums a bit, big hands squeezing your thigh gently, thumb brushing along your inner thigh now, you shift just a bit. “Thank you.”
“Thank you for being so pretty.”
“Whatever, you’re too much.” You roll your eyes and his laugh fills the car. “I hated it, Cho, being apart.”
He exhales now, grip tightening. “God, me too. I couldn’t bear it, not at least seeing you for that one minute in the morning, it hurt.”
You feel the pain in his voice, no matter how much he tries to hide it from you. “I couldn’t…”
“It’s okay, angel. I understand. You’re probably still hurting, but you’re here.”
“I am here. Terrified.”
“Me too.” Choso pulls up now, and you see it, a beautiful boat in the night, making you gasp at it.
“What!? Oh gosh, I expected a movie?”
“I thought we could have dinner here and just… talk? Relax together? Enjoy the view.” You nod excitedly, and soon you’re walking along the planks, alongside couples strolling arm and arm, Choso watches you carefully, as the breeze blows your hair around your face.
You look like art to him.
You are art to him.
“It’s gorgeous here my god!” Your hands are on the railing, looking up at the clear night sky, the gentle waves of the ocean rolling. Choso can’t keep his eyes off of you, when he agrees.
“Gorgeous.” You look to him then, heating up at his insinuation, at the way he’s looking at you so sweetly, so enamored. “I never meant to make you…”
“It’s fine, Cho.”
“No.” He tilts your chin up, with two long fingers, making you look up at him now. “I never meant to make you feel less than. Not good enough, or worthy enough, you’re worth everything.”
“Gonna make me cry right now?” You whisper, lips trembling, he aches to brush them against his, aches to make every part of you covered in his kisses.
“Just know I appreciate this night, even if it's only once.”
“Hush, Cho bear.” The nickname, so silly and cute, hits him with the nostalgia, of all the years you both were the best of friends, giggling and spending every moment together.
“I’ll hush then, let’s go eat.”
You find yourself across the table from him, you’re nervously eyeing the menu, eyes bulging out. “This is too much.”
“Stop it, please? I did really well for myself with the last show.” You hate that mention then, that you didn’t go. “Don’t be upset about it, I get it. We got your gifts which were very sweet you know.”
“I wanted to go so badly.” You look away, taking a breath, then he’s yanked his seat, dragging it across the floor with a screech, next to you, and you love it, his thigh brushing against yours, his sweet smile.
“It’s okay, I understand. I do. I know you have supported me always, I don’t know if I let you realize how much I appreciated it.”
“I can’t cry, I have on eyelashes, stop.” Choso laughs softly, leaning close and pulling up your menus.
“I’ve never gone on any kind of date to a fancy place, I wanted this to be with you, okay? It’s nothing. But…” He whispers then. “I have no clue what any of this stuff is?”
“Me either! No pictures!?” You lean over then to a couple near you, they smile at you both. “Any advice?”
“I picked the filet mignon, at least I knew the word.” She says, you giggle, nodding then and peeking at Cho.
“That one?” Soon you’re giving the waitress your order, and you can’t help but notice that she’s flirting with him, but instead of how he’d usually be sweet and hopelessly clueless, he wraps an arm around your waist, as if showing that he’s here with you.
It’s everything you’ve ever wanted in one gesture.
Ino picking his ex over you, Satoru having picked random girls over you, and a serious lack of dating has made your shitty limited experience have you extra insecure, something you realized this past month. Choso even just calling you his friend, though it was true, had hurt deeply once you were intimate.
You’re trying to take it slow, one moment at a time, but god he feels so good, against you, with you. He’s cutting at your steak and feeding you little bites, you both sip wine and just enjoy each other as the boat sways through the water. It’s unlike any date you’ve had, you don’t have to get to know him, don’t have to impress him. He’s Choso Kamo, the man you’ve adored forever.
“So it’s a date, what’s your favorite color?” He teases, you snort in laughter, rolling your eyes.
“Oh stop like you haven’t known since middle school, it’s blue. What’s your favorite color, emo boy, black?”
“Emo boy!?” You are both losing it with laughter, with his every little touch, his sweet smile, he carves his damn place further in your heart.
The dessert comes, a chocolate lava cake with a scoop of ice cream, and you laugh at his messy eating, the way he gets chocolate on the corner of his mouth. “You’re so messy.”
“So were you, I remember.” His husky tone makes your mouth drop open, desire clutching you tightly, especially when he licks it off, you can’t help but remember the taste of him, the feeling of his body against yours, the way that tongue just fucking did things.
You clear your throat, trying to shake the thoughts away. “Not gentlemanly, now is it?”
“It’s not, I’m sowwy.” He gives you puppy dog eyes, and you can’t take how cute he is then. You laugh softly, wiping a smudge of chocolate from his face with your thumb. “What’s so funny?” He asks, licking his lips.
“You are.” You reply, unable to stop smiling.
“Am I?” You nod, he’s so close then, his hand on your thigh under the table cloth, you have insane thoughts, what would it be like for him to play with you, right here?
“Shit what?”
“Nothing.” You sigh, running fingers through your locks now.
“Open up.” Why does everything sound so attractive!? You do as he commands, opening your mouth for him to fork a piece of the chocolate cake, you chew thoughtfully as he watches you with avid attention.
“Food on my face?”
“N-no. Just so pretty.” He’s blushing now, it takes everything not to completely melt, but you’re still a little scared, a little hurt.
When he’s driving you back and you’re in the car, it also takes everything not to jump him then and there, not to let everything overwhelm you. His hand rests on your knee, smiling over at you when you pull up, the tension is still there, the words so unspoken, you want to say more, do more, but you know you shouldn’t yet.
“Would you like to go to our concert this weekend? I would really love it if you came… I may have a surprise I’m working on.”
“I’d love to, Cho. I miss seeing you guys.”
“Megumi and Yuuji really miss you too.” The guilt eats at you, Choso notices, frowning, dark brows drawn together. “I don’t say that to make you feel bad, they understand somewhat.”
“We fucked up so bad.” You blink rapidly, suddenly the car is too small, your hand going to the handle. “I should say good night.”
“Let me.” Choso is opening your door then, taking your hand in his, and you feel it, those butterflies swirling in your tummy, the desire for him in every way possible, as you give him a little tremulous smile. “Can I walk you to your door?”
“You can indeed, Sir.” You’re smiling so big you can’t stand it, you both are on your porch now, your hand still in his, which he brings to his lips, planting a kiss on your knuckles. “You’re like an Emo Disney Prince, Cho.”
“A what!?” You’re giggling again and he snorts in laughter, covering his face. He laughs so hard, and soon you’re just both laughing, looking at each other. He cups your face then, making your pulse race, your laughter easing now, as you stare at him. “You look so beautiful like this.”
“Snorting in laughter?” You ask with a quirk to your lips, he nods then, brushing his thumb on the apple of your cheek.
“Much better than tears.” There is so much between you both, a part of you wants to run inside and hide, another part wants to drag him in and kiss every part of him, but your hand goes to his chest, feeling his heart racing just like yours, just feeling him, being with him.
“I love seeing you smile. I can’t believe we ruined it.” Your whisper breaks him, he shakes his head then, leaning even lower.
“We didn’t ruin anything, maybe we… changed things?”
“You think? Can you… forgive me too?”
“Oh angel, there’s nothing to forgive. We both made a mess of this and hurt each other, but I never once was mad at you.” You step even closer now, swallowing nervously, your hands sliding up to wrap around his neck now, one of his arms wraps your waist.
“Thank you for a beautiful evening, Choso Kamo.” You murmur, a little smile on your lips.
“Thank you for being you.” He whispers, the warmth of his palm seeping through your dress, making you gasp at it, just the brush of his fingers down your back ends you damn near. Your eyes flutter shut, feeling his breath against your skin, waiting for it, waiting for his kiss.
But he just watches you, with your lips pursed, and your eyes shut, his heart fucking stopped now. He knew it, that he loved you, he had suspected it for so long, but then and there he knew he was madly in love with you. Part of him wants to give you a sweet kiss, the other wants to fuck you so good you forget Gojo ever touched you, warring parts in his mind.
His thumb tilts your chin up, and he pauses. “May I kiss you?”
Your eyes open in surprise. “You may.”
As his lips brush against yours, it’s at first sweet and lingering, but then it is like a spark ignites a flame, a passionate desperate kiss that you both crave forms, tongues dancing together, tasting the sweetness of the desert on both of your lips, the tart of the wine, and tasting each other.
Your hands are in his hair, his arms around your waist as he bends over you, you’re both lost in it, lost in each other. His thumbs trace little circles on the small of your back, making you arch into him, his kisses becoming more insistent, more needy. You feel it, the desire coiling in your tummy as he presses you even closer against his hard body, as one of his hands entangles in your hair.
You break apart for a moment, both of you panting, staring at each other, his eyes are full of desire, his pupils blown wide, and you see in his own eyes your face, lips parted, your own eyes lidded with desire. You both ease back, he rests his forehead on yours, desire coursing through his veins.
“It’s taking everything in me not to go inside, to have your taste all over me.” His words end you almost, you’re panting softly, nodding then.
“I know, I want it too.” He kisses you again, softer and easier, taking a deep breath and stepping back, leaving just a couple of inches between you now.
“I want to do things right this time. I want you to feel you’re put first. Please, don’t cry, angel.” You can’t help it, it’s everything you’ve wanted and needed to hear from him, tears streaming silently.
“They’re happy tears this time.” You manage to whisper, he exhales then, brushing them gently, kissing your cheeks.
“I hope soon I can ask you to be my girlfriend.” Your heart stutters then, he tenses as if he’s said something wrong. “Not yet I mean… if…”
“N-no, I’d like it soon. I agree we shouldn’t go further tonight though.” He nods quickly, kissing you once more and standing straight, clearing his throat, he’s rubbing the back of his neck all awkward and cute, the Choso you’ve known forever. “You’re still you, hmm?”
His lips turn up a bit. “I’m still me. You’re still you.”
“I am still me. Text me the details of the concert? I’ll be there.” He beams brightly at that.
“Yeah. Good night, Choso. Thank you.”
“Good night.” After he’s watched you go inside, Choso is covering his face, breath coming so quick, he’s kissed you, and not just as some prelude to sex, no he kissed you after a date.
Everything in him is melting, things aren’t completely lost like he thought, it’s like this beautiful rainbow has entered his world again, illuminating the darkness that losing you had left behind. He’s not even sure he deserves your forgiveness, but he knows he will make sure he earns it properly. He stares at your shut door for some time before he leaves, the longing making him ache.
You’re covering your face, a huge fucking smile on it, as your back is against the door, then you have a hand on your heart, feeling it beat again, for the first time in weeks. You take off your heels, unzipping your dress then, heading to the bathroom to start taking off your makeup, mind whirling. Choso wasn’t lost, and maybe you weren’t lost either.
You try not to get your hopes too high, to not be too quick to think everything will be fine, you both hurt each other deeply, and you have a lot to go, but tonight made the dark bright again, made you realize Choso was your brightness. When you’re in bed, snuggled under the blankets, your phone buzzes and you look quickly to see it, a text from Choso.
Cho Bear: I hope you have a good night, but I have to admit… I’d die to have you in my arms.
His text hits hard, it hits brutal, it was only one night he’d held you like that, but you can’t get it out of your head, how it felt perfect. Like you were supposed to be there, safe and protected, cherished. Even now to think of him holding you brings emotions forwards, the longing in his words matching yours.
You: That would be lovely, I enjoyed that night.
Cho Bear: I enjoyed it too much, especially watching you sleep.
You: Creepy sleep stalker!
Cho Bear: A little bit.
You’re giggling again, eyes heavy now, and he sends the details of the concert coming up while you yawn.
You: I can’t wait, good night Cho.
Cho Bear: Good night, pretty.
You also see a text from Utahime, asking for details, you’re half asleep with one eye open as you text her back that it was so fun. She had encouraged you to go and give it a try, and you’re so happy you did. She gives you a million heart emojis then, making you smile sleepily.
To be in Choso’s arms, you don’t know if you’ll get there any time soon, but in your dreams, there you are.
“She came!” Yuuji exclaims that weekend, you and Choso were back to him bringing you that coffee at work, in fact it came along with a little peck on your cheek every morning. It would make you think of him all day, it would put this goofy smile on your face, but aside from that, you haven’t seen him.
The concert is at a very popular club in the city, and it’s packed, there is Choso’s band and a couple others there, when you walk in and you see them. Yuuji waves excitedly, Megumi gives a little nod, and Choso brightens up, calling your name and waving you up to the stage then.
“You came!” He picks you up in his arms then, a giant bear hug that makes you feel so small as he lifts you up, you hug him around the neck as your feet dangle off the ground, smiling against his cheek.
“Of course I did, I couldn't miss it.” He eases you down as some onlookers come, one including Amber, who makes Choso tense as she strides up.
“Choso, I haven’t talked to you! In forever…”
“Is that your girl?” Another girl asks, Amber laughs then.
“They’re friends.”
You gulp now, panicking as several people come around curiously, and you want to fall into a fucking hole, terrified of what his answer will be, you’re not together yet, so whatever he says…
“No, she’s my girl.” You blink up at him, gasping, he eases you down and wraps an arm around your waist as the whispers start.
“Your girl?” Amber asks, arms crossed with a scowl.
“She’s pretty!” Someone else says, making you flush, snuggling up to Choso, leaning up to whisper in his ear.
“You don’t have to do this.”
He looks at you then, shaking his head. “I want to.” He murmurs, pressing a little kiss on your lips in front of everyone, Megumi and Yuuji are grinning as the girls are babbling, and people from the crowd ooh and ahh. But Amber?
“Really? Her?” Choso tenses then, glaring over at her.
“Yeah, her, what’s that mean?”
“Cho, it’s okay…”
Amber stomps up to him then, leaning close. “You forgot the last time we hung out?”
“I’d love to forget. You can go on if you mean to insult her, because damned if she’s not perfect.”
“Why don’t you go on?” Megumi says then, eyeing a bouncer. “Or we could have you escorted?”
“Whatever.” She grumbles, dragging her friends out with her, and suddenly you can breathe just a bit, looking up at him.
“You didn’t have to say all that, it’s okay really.”
“It’s not okay for her to talk that way. She’s nothing.” He cups your face, forgetting the audience right along with you, until Yuuji clears his throat, and you smile at them, tummy doing fucking flips at how good you feel.
“Thanks Megumi.” You say softly, he shrugs.
“She’s a bitch.” You snort a bit, covering your mouth, looking up at Choso again, who has a more serious expression.
“Is it fine I called you my girl?” He asks, you feel it, his nerves then, you nod with the biggest smile, and he exhales. “Okay, good, because I want it to be true.”
“Maybe it will be, let’s see this surprise.” You tease, pecking a kiss on his lips softly again. “I can’t wait.”
As you’re sipping on a drink you watch them start their set, you’re right up front and center, watching Choso’s finger strum the guitar like they’re made to do it, he leans close to the mic and starts singing. His voice resonates through the entire room, earning everyone’s avid attention, including of course, yours.
You watch him intently, as he performs songs you’ve known forever, you’re cheering and dancing and he keeps smiling at you, keeps looking at you. You feel so special then, more than you can ever remember feeling, the fear dissipating with every honeyed flick of his fingers on the guitar, at moments you shut your eyes and just let it wash through you.
You head to get another drink as they prep for the next song, when suddenly there’s a hushed quiet when Choso speaks, making you turn back around and stare at him.
“This song was written in a rush, these two had to learn it so fast, they probably wanna kick my ass.” He says, the crowd laughs a bit, you’re headed back through them with your drink, smiling up at Choso curiously. “But it’s dedicated to someone special, someone I’ve known forever, but who has become very special to me.”
He says your name then.
You can hardly remember your name before he spoke it, before he looked at you like that, and he’s pointing at you, earning the crowd parting just a bit for you. You feel the heat of everyone’s gaze, hear their murmurs, but you’re too entranced and in shock to really see anything but violet eyes across from you on the stage.
“I hope you… I know you’ll get it.” He says then, hoping the lights on the stage didn’t make his blush show too much, then he begins playing, as do Megumi and Yuuji, a melodic tune that sounds nothing like you’ve heard from them.
A/N: *disclaimer I am no songwriter, be easy on me lol*
When the world fades to gray and all I can see is you,
When the nights blend to days and all I feel is you.
The smile on your face it dances across all my dreams,
Feelings so raw it’s like I’m bursting at the seams.
The melody is soft, it’s not their usual rock music, it’s a ballad so beautiful it brings tears to your eyes, hearing the hoarseness of Choso’s voice as he pours his heart into every word. You sniffle and take a shaky sip, trembling as everyone watches you both in wonder, but it is just you two, isn’t it? Hasn’t it always been?
I’d die to have you in my arms every night,
Oh what I’d do to hold you so tight.
To press kisses along your lips,
To touch you with fingertips.
You’re heating up now, breathless as you continue to watch, utterly enamored, it’s as if you feel these words like a physical touch, overheating your body. You break apart that last barrier of fear, piece by piece, because you can’t just make this up, you can feel it, all of him, in all his sincerity.
In a crowded room all I see is you,
Praying at night for all my dreams to come true.
A girl with a smile that can brighten my heart,
A girl with eyes that tear me apart.
Your eyes are a mess, you’re absolutely sure that there is makeup running down your face, as he melody continues, as he starts pouring his heart to you, as he makes you smile, as he makes you melt. You’re trembling so hard your knees nearly knock, aching to be held by him, for him to never let go. You know you have to take things slow, but at this moment it feels impossible.
Feelings I’ve always known,
Feelings I’ve never shown.
She’s the girl that you write songs for,
She’s the girl that I’ve longed for.
By my side through it all,
Never knew we could fall.
The realization that I have come to,
That there’s nobody but you
At that moment you’re a mess, he ends the song but before he can finish you’ve jumped on the stage, he swings his guitar behind him, and you kiss him, pulling him down to you as everyone claps for him. It’s thunderous, but you don’t hear shit, just your pulse racing, just Choso’s heart thudding, he pulls back with tears in his eyes, breaths coming so quick.
“Choso, I hear you. I feel you.” You whisper, brokenly then, and he kisses you deeply, arms wrapping around you.
“I do mean it, I mean it all angel.” You nod, swiping at your tears and smiling so brightly, he leans close, cupping your face, smiling.
“Finish the set.” You whisper, giggling then as you hop off the stage, everyone is enamored as Choso clears his throat, and they start their usual fare. You head to the bathroom, slamming into Amber then, who scoffs at you.
“You, hmm?” She demands, earning your glare.
“What’s your problem with me? It’s not like you and Choso dated.”
“No? Well he sure had his cock in my mouth.”
You tense now. “And? We weren’t together.”
“Don’t you think…” She leans close. “That if he really wanted you, he’d have been with you this entire time?”
“I…” Your mind whirls with doubt, she smiles all nasty at you.
“No worries, I got Gojo’s number, maybe I’ll take your other guy?”
“Psh, like I care about Gojo. Please do, maybe he’ll quit sending me his dick pics.” You say, smirking at her then, she is furious at you.
“He said you’re just friends, you know.”
“Yeah well, I don’t care what he said. It doesn’t matter. We’re not ‘just friends’ any longer, so I expect you to back the fuck off hmm?” You step right to her, damn near nose to nose, and she backs up just a step.
“We’ll see about all that.” She walks off now, leaving you shaky as you peer into the mirror, you feel sick at thinking of them together, once you pull yourself together somewhat you step out, seeing her all clinging to his arm.
Choso shrugs her off though, glaring, and when he sees you he starts walking your way, filling you with so much relief, it’s like you can breathe again. “Was she a bitch to you?”
“Yeah, she’s really salty.” Choso snorts then, kissing you gently for everyone to see. “I hate that you were with her.”
“I hate you were with him.” He murmurs, leaning close to your ear. “How slow are we taking this?”
“Mmm…” You trail your hands down his strong arms. “We said slow…”
“I could eat you out really slow?” Your eyes shoot up to his, god you haven’t been touched that way in so long, and by him especially, you feel his words shoot between your thighs. “I want to feel you cum so badly, watch your pretty face, your last time cumming was…”
“Thinking of you.” You cut him off, surprising him then. “It was playing with myself, thinking of you.”
“Fuck…” Choso kisses you deeper, pressing you against the wall right by the bathroom, his hands on your waist, pressing in. “I’ll take it slow, whatever it is you want to do, I will.”
“You wanna lick me slow huh?” You’re giggling at the thought. “Lick me where, Choso?”
“You know where, you’re so bratty right now.” You can’t stop your giggles, making him desire you even more. “Don’t I owe you a couple orgasms?”
“Maybe you do. Two I think.”
“So I’ll give you two, and we won’t go further… yet.”
“Where?” He exhales now.
“I want you home… I mean… my home.”
“Staying the night is a lot really quick, this is like our second date?” You tease, he smiles shyly then.
“We can just cuddle, we can do anything. Please just come home… over to my home…”
“You’ve said that twice.” He is a blushing mess, it melts you. “I’ll come over for a night cap then.”
You laugh, nodding. Soon you’re pulling into Choso’s home, and it’s a little nerve wracking. Then you remember the last time you were in his bed, you don’t know how you hold back. Choso’s bending down, slipping off your heels, pecking kisses up your thighs then, earning your gasp as you’re dripping wet in your panties.
“Wanna get more comfy?” He asks softly, you nod shyly then, and soon you’re only wearing one of his soft band tees, coming out to see Choso has made you a drink, he hands it to you as you walk in the kitchen, leaning on the counter then. “You’re so beautiful.” He says, brushing your hair back.
“You’re beautiful, Cho bear.” He shakes his head with a little eye roll.
“You always sucked at taking compliments.”
“I know, ugh.” You sip on the drink in the quiet kitchen then, he bends over you, arms on either side of the counter.
“Do you know how badly I wanna fuck any memory out of your head of him?” His words hit you violently, your pussy throbs around nothing. “I won’t yet, but if you think I don’t you’re insane.”
“I… you…”
“I’ll settle for licking the memories out of your pretty head.” You can’t stop the whine from the back of your throat then, only urging him on, he’s got you lifted on his counter then, shocking you. “Let me take care of you, angel, yeah? Just like that first night, when I first tasted you.”
“Please.” Is all you manage, and Choso’s slipping up your shirt, moaning when he finds you bare, sinking to his knees then, he’s so tall it puts him right at face height with your pussy, which his breath alone makes you jerk. “Cho…”
“So fucking perfect.” He swipes a tongue up your slit, your hands enwrap in his dark silky locks, as he shoves your thighs apart, tongue ring hitting your clit. “Mmm… so yummy, fuck.” He huffs now, black blunt nails pressing into the plush of your thighs as he slips his tongue up again.
“Cho!” You whimper, already pathetic, he watches the arousal pool from your little hole, making him throb, cock so hard he can’t take it. He starts drinking you up, the slurping sounds in the kitchen erotic, as his barbell keeps flicking over and over. “Oh my god…”
You’re already close, it’s so quick but he knows you, he knows your pussy, where you like it, what pressure, and when he’s sucking your clit in his mouth, humming on it and watching you, you fall apart. You can’t hold back at all, cumming so much it’s a mess, all over his face, which he eagerly drinks while you’re yanking his hair so hard it hurts, but it makes him harder.
“Good girl, that’s it.” Choso murmurs when he pulls back, you’re blinking vision back, blinded then, taking several breaths as he leans up, slipping a finger in your slick walls, which clench him. “So tight, fuck… soaking me, huh angel?”
“Mnh…” You can’t manage a word, hearing your greedy pussy sucking his fingers so deep. He’s curling it up, leaning to you, lips brushing yours, you lick yourself right off him, hands shaking as you clutch his shirt. “M-missed it… f-fuck…”
“I missed you, missed feeling you.” Choso’s words, his finger curling sends you back over that edge, your eyes roll back, head falling, he kisses down your throat then, slipping another finger. “Feel that stretch, huh baby?”
“Ngh!” You nod, gasping when he’s back down, using his fingers and his mouth at the same time, bringing you higher and higher, all while violet, dilated eyes watch your every expression. Choso’s pulsing himself then, as your walls flutter around him, as your slick pools down his wrist, so slippery now, all while he drinks you, watching you fall apart.
You’re shaking violently, thighs closing around his head as the orgasm washes over you, as the coil in your tummy releases, your scream is so loud your voice breaks in the middle. You’re sobbing when he’s done, it’s so fucking good, gasping for breath, he places a kiss on your pussy then, groaning at it, and you desperately yank him to you, kissing him.
He moans, deepening the kiss, and he feels it then, the sticky hot cum from eating you out start pouring in his sweats, he panics at it, pulling back, and looking at your cock drunk face, eyes dilated so much he can barely see the iris. Your cunt is drooling, he leans down to lap it up again, whimpering as his cock pushes out more cum, picturing it in you.
“Cho, lemme take care of-”
“Ah, no… I already…”
He leans up now, blushing furiously, and your eyes dart down, seeing it now, soaking wet spot on his sweats, sticky white pooling through the material. “I didn’t touch you?”
“You didn’t have to.” He smiles nervously, exhaling. “I’m sorry-”
“No! No… it means you really love it.” You whisper, biting your lip as he eases you off the counter. Choso cups your face carefully, words of love threatening to spill, but he doesn’t know if you’re ready yet.
“Loving it is an understatement, watching you cum? Your pretty face? The way your body shakes? I can’t explain it. And your taste, how wet you get… I couldn’t take it, it just… happened.” You giggle now, earning his glare. “Are you laughing at me? That cruel, hmm?”
“No, I’m just… it’s so cute!”
“Cute? Ugh.”
“I’m sorry it is sweet, and cute… and flattering.” You kiss him over and over, uncaring as his sticky lap presses against your tummy. “I can clean you up?’
“Oh god, I won’t make that right now. No, I want it for you, tonight.”
“Like the first night?”
“Mhmm.” He kisses your forehead now, exhaling. “Let me clean up and we can cuddle, if you want?”
“I want.”
Soon you’re back somewhere you never thought you’d be again, Choso Kamo’s strong arms, he’s got one wrapped around you as you lay on his chest, trailing little circles mindlessly against his bare skin, over his tattoos. You know the story behind them all, you went to him with most of them, but you can’t help but find them incredibly sexy.
His other hand brushes up and down your spine, making you shiver and hum just a bit, you lean your chin up, looking at him then, feeling the words threatening to spill, but not just yet. “I’m still scared, Cho bear.”
He frowns at that, sighing. “I know, angel. I know.”
“I want to say more, but…”
“You can wait, we have all the time, yeah?”
“Yeah.” You kiss him and smile, blissed out from his presence, from the pleasure he brings you.
“How about another date?” You nod eagerly, smiling against his neck as you snuggle up to him.
“I’d love that. I’ll pick it?”
“You’ll pick it.”
“I hope Amber will fuck off by the way?”
“You can beat her up?”
“I could.” He moans at that, yanking you closer.
“Hot.” You both giggle. “I didn’t enjoy it with her. Physical and nothing else? It felt so…”
“Yeah, empty. But fuck I can’t forget the hurt on your face, and I hate it still, that it made you…”
“I hate him, I’m sorry. It’s like he knew you were upset and thrived off it.” You wince now, shaking your head.
“He just wanted fun, I doubt it.”
“You’re too sweet sometimes. If I see him? I can’t make promises.”
“You’ll kick his ass for my honor huh?” He chuckles.
“For lots of reasons, starting with high school. Even then, I wish…”
“It’s okay, we have now. Let’s not focus on back then.” He wishes he could change it all though, take away your pain, but he’s so thankful, he nods now, kissing your head and continuing his gentle touches. “This feels so perfect. It’s scary how perfect.”
“It is perfect. Good night, angel.” You yawn, smiling and shutting your eyes, snuggling deeper as you fall into a slumber, the tentative happiness making you sleep quickly, though there’s fear in both your hearts, of what could come between you.
“I… love you. I’m in love with you.” Choso whispers, as he hears you lightly snore, making his heart swell in his chest, hoping one day soon he can tell you.
Final part- Chapter Six Here
#choso kamo#jjk choso#choso x reader#choso smut#jujutsu kaisen choso#choso jjk#choso x you#choso x y/n#jjk smut#jjk angst#choso angst#choso fluff#jjk x reader#jujustu kaisen
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what a bland goodbye - spencer reid x fem!reader





reader goes to spencer's apartment for a needed breakup. no matter how much they love each other.
genre: angst wc: 935 warnings: breakup, reader wears heels, crying (duh), no happy ending, right person wrong time???, mentioned emotionally unavailable spencer
based off loml by ts!!! (im sorry), also this is much shorter than i intended!!!
The hallway is colder and your heels are louder than you remember. Snowflakes cover your head, your nose freezing from the cool, winter air. The familiar building somehow pains your heart with how much you'll miss it. You're not sure how long it'll take for the route here to be wiped from your body's autopilot. Even the door marked "23" is comforting. Something you'll have to get over soon.
His unsuspecting and far too joyful form when he opens the door makes you immediately want to rethink your intentions. Spencer's arms wrap around you as inviting as they've always been, the smell of coffee and laundry detergent unwelcome for the first time.
"You said you wanted to talk, what's going on?" he murmurs almost mindlessly into your shoulder.
Already, your eyes burn. You pull back and look up at him with an apologetic smile that hurts.
Chapped lips part as his eyebrows furrow. It's like he can feel how torn you are. But he doesn't get it. "Morgan says that when a girl says 'we need to talk,' it means that you're in trouble. I told him that's ridiculous but then I started to overthink and thought that maybe I did do something so I went through the last couple weeks but... I don't know what I did."
He nervously laughs, "he's ridiculous, right?"
Well, not exactly. It wasn't an easy decision to come to. It took a lot of convincing from your smarter side. You just couldn't put up with it anymore. The long hours were bad enough, but he'd never open up, despite eyebags showing just how much he needed to. Long hours were spent wondering if he'd be coming home unharmed or with an extra scar that's yet to be healed. As much as you want to, you can't stay. He's tortured. He needs someone with more to offer. More to give. You're not what he needs.
Glossy eyes find his hopeful ones and you feel despicable. "Spence..."
"What?" he whispers shakily.
It's now or never, you figure, inhaling an unsteady breath. No going back. Like a bandaid, right? If bandaids caused more tears, maybe.
"I want to break up." You attempt to sound firm, decisive, valiant but your voice wobbles and you sound nothing short of pathetic.
Beautiful, delicate features you've spent so long memorizing distort into a mixture of pain and confusion. The same features you've kissed and ran your fingers over every chance you got. You mourn those moments silently as he tries to understand. You know he won't. In only seconds, his eyes match yours in terms of despair, like he's already picturing the moment you walk out and leave him behind like a bad memory.
"Why? Is it... something I did?" he asks, voice so soft and breakable it makes everything ache.
"No. It's-it's me. I just can't... I can't." Tears gather on your lashes before spilling over onto cold cheeks.
The way he's trying so hard to get it is what makes the moment last forever. What could you possibly say to explain yourself? It all feels so insignificant right now.
In his suit and tie, so pretty, he exhales sharply in frustration, a shot to your softened soul. He waits for your answer but you're not sure you have one to smooth the crease between his eyebrows.
You sigh and mutter, "I can't be in this. We don't work, Spencer. You don't talk to me, I-" you sniffle, sobbing hard, "I can't do a relationship where you're never here and, even when you are, you're- I don't know..."
He shakes his head and breathes out as his lip trembles. "You're the love of my life," he whispers, saline rolling down.
"I know." A particularly loud sob leaves you and you nod. "I just can't."
"Can't or won't?" he asks bitterly.
You shake your head, "don't do that."
Somber eyes you love look down at you, begging you wordlessly. In a simple glance, small moments that shaped how you saw and felt about him, it was truly legendary. But you couldn't deal with just those flickers of forever. They were momentary. They're not enough.
He pleads, "we can work it out. We can-"
"Stop. Please."
"So that's it? You're just leaving? I can't say anything?" he breathes desperately, crying in a way you've never seen.
You hate how your mind shows you only the things you wish you could unrecall. All the soft pants, gentle kisses, coffee dates, library trips, interlocked fingers and goodnight texts. Every memory that's only making this harder. "I'm sorry." Small sobs shake your body as each breath seems more difficult.
Spencer shakes his head, pretty curls falling in front of his face. "That's it?" he says in fear.
Sadly, you nod, wishing things could be different. Maybe they could be. One day.
"Goodbye," you whisper through a low sob.
He looks at you with a love that you know will never quite be buried. Not for years, at least. Part of you wants that love to come back to you. When he can be what you need and you can be what he needs.
He mutters, "bye," and you leave, for the first time with a heavy heart. You've never loved someone as much as you've loved Spencer. The breakup was needed but how long will the ache last? How long will you hide away in your room? How long will you dream of a reunion?
How long will it take for the thought of Spencer Reid to not leave you feeling homesick over something you're never sure you had?

tags: @1mnshw @sweetestthingonthissideofhell @punkndisorderrly
#criminal minds#spencer reid#spencer reid x reader#spencer reid fanfiction#spencer reid one shot#spencer reid x you#spencer reid imagine#spencer reid x self insert#spencer reid angst#spencer reid smut#spencer reid fluff
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NCT Dream when they found you after losing you in a crowd.
Mark Lee
Once Mark finds you on a corner after searching for almost ten minutes in a music festival. He swears to God that his heart stopped. He would probably ask you where have you been and how you ended up there, the signal was bad and in the middle of fun, Mark just realized that you're not by his side. He would probably ask you if you want to go back to the crowd or not, and if you do, he'll be the type to be not letting go of you anymore. Would backhug you or place his arms around your shoulder so that you won't be separated.
Huang Renjun
Renjun would let his anger senses heightened up because you got lost again. It was a busy market and you were always the type to stray away, so when you did it in a foreign market, Renjun just couldn't help but to be a bit mad at you, he'll probably nag you because he found you almost far inside the market. But !! He gives in because you'll give him your puppy eyes, telling him that you found these cute accessories and it reminds you of him. He'll give in for you but won't let go of you after that incident!
Lee Jeno
"There you are," I feel like Jeno will be super rational if ever you get lost in a crowd. He'll try to contact you immediately, and if he couldn't reach you. Then he'll just turn the place upside down lol. Once he finds you standing like a sad puppy on a side, he'll be relief, probably will ask you if you're okay and how did it happened that you got lost. You just excused yourself that you need to go the restroom but forgot your way. He was glad nothing happened to you but wouldn't let you out of his sight ever again.
Lee Donghyuck
Oh just like Renjun, Haechan will be angry if you got lost. He already told you that it'll be busy streets with lots and lots of people!! He told you to hold his hands but when he turned around and saw that you're not there anymore, he'll be so worried sick! Haechan found you not far away, almost on the verge of crying making him worry more !! Would stop nagging because he doesn't want to make you feel bad and will probably bribe you food so that you can be okay again lol.
Na Jaemin
You and Jaemin are struggling to find your way out of a crowded venue, that your hand slipped out of his. Jaemin would sense it immediately but when he turned around, you're just not there anymore! He'll be so worried, trying to find the path you two walked through but the crowd just hinders him more. He found you a few minutes later and asks you if you're okay because the crowd was pretty rough too. Would probably cling to you more, like wrap his arms around your waist type of skinship so that you wouldn't be lost again.
Zhong Chenle
Probably lost you at a busy and crowded mall that's too complicated for your brain. Would be the type to call you and if you didn't answer him, he'll try to search for the place you two went. His worries will be all gone when you sent him a message, telling him about your whereabouts. Once you two met, he'll casually tell you to tell him where are you going next time but will never let you leave his sight. You want to go this shop ? Okay, let's go there. You needed to go the restroom? Yeah, he's waiting outside so that you won't get lost again.
Park Jisung
This poor baby will panic once you two got separated at a concert ground where the signal is so shitty !! Probably will try to cling on his one-bar signal, hoping that it can send you a message. Also the type of losing you in the crowd because he goes everywhere to look for you, and seeing that he's not there, you'll go to search for him because you're worried about your boyfriend getting lost too. Will probably find you first and you two will laugh at how you two are trying to look for each other. Won't let go of your hand anymore and would accompany you wherever you go!
#nct dream#nct imagines#nct dream fic#nct fic#nct x reader#nct#nct dream imagine#nct scenarios#nct fluff#nct dream reactions#nct drabbles#nct dream imagines#nct mark#nct jeno#nct renjun#nct haechan#nct jaemin#nct chenle#nct jisung
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fjhkvdhfvd I LOVE YOUR BF THOUGHTS SO MUCH!!! you write them so well 😭😭😭 can we please get a vernon one!!! ahhh
thank youuu so much ! i'm really glad this concept gets attention because i really like doing this, hope you'll like it !
BF!VERNON who's maybe not the most expressive but who knows how to show you that he loves you through many other ways.
vernon says "i love you" without any words, and actually, you love it that way a lot. for example, whenever you recommend a song to him or when he sees you listening to something he doesn't know, he's gonna go listen to it too. you have a shared playlist and he also made you a playlist filled with songs that reminded him of you, and the lyrics or vibes sometimes hit so deep it makes you tear up how much he gets you. this is something recurring between you and vernon - the non-verbal communication. you can literally spend hours and hours with each other without even speaking because you don't need words to understand each other. that's something vernon loves a lot because sometimes he just wants to hold you in his arms, scroll on his phone and not talk at all. both of you often have stay at home dates rather than going out, but vernon always makes sure to plan a fun activity - like building legos, trying to learn how to paint or doing scrapbooking with pics of the two of you. it allows you to test some activities you wouldn't usually have and it's fun when it's with him.
"what are we doing tonight baby ?" - "it's a secret, but i know you're gonna love it."
he stares at you a lot whenever you're doing mundane things - washing the dishes, simply reading or when you're putting on makeup. it's so domestic, it makes his heart beat faster and think about marrying you soon. vernon also does this when you're talking with someone else, staring at you because he just loves to see you live and shine. he always has a faint smile on his lips when he's watching you, and generally, he smiles a lot around you. that's something his members quickly noticed, even before the two of you got together. and you never fail to tell him that you love his smile, and that flusters him every time. actually, every one of your compliments makes him shy. however, he often flusters you very easily with some random words or gestures and gifts that make you fall in love with him even more. vernon is the type to just look you in the eyes and bluntly tell you that you're gorgeous just because it crossed his mind suddenly how pretty you are.
"why are you looking at me like that ? is there something wrong with my makeup ?" - "you're so pretty, i don't understand how it's possible."
if sometimes vernon just wants to stay quiet and not say a word, there are other times where the two of you end up talking for hours, jumping from subject to subject because one of you always has something to tell, something to debate about. when you are talking together, it's like you're inside of a little bubble where only you and vernon exist and you love it. that leads to the both of you having so many inside jokes that nobody gets - you're laughing like maniacs when everyone else around you is just confused and doesn't understand anything. honestly, sometimes your couple looks a little awkward from the outside, but it all fits perfectly and the way you're just so right for him is something vernon still has trouble understanding. sometimes, when he thinks that he doesn't deserve you, that he thinks he doesn't do enough to make you happy, you need to remind him that he's been perfect from the start. you can count the times you saw vernon crying with your fingers, but he knows that every time he's down, he can just let go in your embrace and let himself be vulnerable.
"i feel so safe when you're here, i don't ever want you to leave."
BF!VERNON who's just going with the flow because as long as he's inside of you, it doesn't matter if he's in control or not.
he's much more talkative when it comes to sex because he just cannot shut up when you're doing so good for him. whether it's praises, just some random thoughts, babbling or degrading words, he needs to speak to you through it. when he wants to tease you, he whispers his dirty words directly in your ears, knowing how much it turns you on. when he's just so lost in how good you feel, he just says whatever is on his mind - mostly compliments and swear words. when he's in a more romantic mood, he's constantly praising you, telling you again and again that you're perfect and gorgeous. and vernon also likes it when you're talking to him too, loves to hear you say how good he's making you feel, that you're close or that you want more. generally, the noises you make are really appreciated, even going as far as stopping you from putting your hand over your mouth when you think you're too loud because vernon wants to hear it all.
"shit… you're taking me so well, baby, i don't think i'm going to last if you keep squeezing around my cock like that."
just like vernon loves doing new activities with you, he also loves to experiment in the bedroom. you want to test something ? he's down. you have an unusual fantasy that you want to try ? no problem. after all, there's no harm in doing something out of the ordinary - if you both like it, it's good, and if you don't in the end, then it's okay too, you just won't do it again. that's how he discovered some things he didn't think he would like but that slowly became his favorites, like hair pulling for example. you ask him to pull on your hair all the time when he's taking you from behind, and he loves to do it to punish you too, but he came to wonder how it would feel if you pulled on his instead. so he asked, you did it, and he never wanted you to stop. no matter if he's eating you out or fucking you, vernon wants your fingers tugging on his strands hard enough to make it hurt a little. sometimes, you're pulling at each other's hair, moaning together at the feeling.
"want me to pull on your cute ponytail ? then pull on my hair too, yeah ? fuck, just like that…"
as stated before, he loves to watch you do almost anything, but he loves to watch you get off even more. when you're fucking, he cannot detach his eyes from your glistening folds, from his cock thrusting inside of you or from your face contorting in pleasure. so sometimes, he just leans back and asks you to touch yourself for him. he knows you're frustrated because he's just one feet away and he won't touch you, but he can't help it, he loves to see you masturbate. the fact that you whine about how your fingers cannot reach as deep as his, and that it's not fair gets him so hard. if vernon is in a teasing mood, he will even jerk off in front of you, just to make it "even". the feeling of cumming together, eyes in eyes, while you're both touching yourselves is unmatched for him. also a lot of phone sex is involved, whenever he's away, he calls you at night and asks you to facetime him and show him your cunt, to touch yourself in front of the camera for him. sometimes, he's jerking off too, but sometimes he only watches you reach your orgasm while biting his lips.
"show me your pretty cunt, baby. you're needy ? then put one finger in for me."
#eli answering your questions#eli's anonie#seventeen x reader#seventeen#seventeen smut#seventeen hard hours#seventeen hard thoughts#vernon#vernon x reader#vernon smut#vernon hard hours#vernon hard thoughts#chwe hansol#hansol x reader#hansol smut#hansol hard hours#hansol hard thoughts
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Virilite 1.1:
Boys will be boys

Training Liam to be the perfect manly dude he was meant to be was more fun than i thought, i kept trying a lil more commands on him, some even to humble him a bit making him do embarrasing stuff he'd NEVER do and he'd just obey without hesitation.
This was just getting better, and better, and again i thought of what Noah would think of this when he'd see Liam being no more than a puppet for the amusement of the commander.
After making him burp out the entire national anthem and laughing my ass off at him, i heard some steps from upstairs coming, Noah came at our weekly gathering to watch the game together while having some beers, i had to think of a good excuse for Liam, or maybe should i just tell him it was the best?
"Dave, where did ya put-... Oh, you're with... Liam?" he said scratching his neck, confused, Liam and i rarely interactued, let alone just the two of us, but this was going to be different from now on.
"Uh, yeah, we were just waiting for you here" i lie returning to the couch hoping he'd buy it .
"Sure, ok then" he simply shrugs it up "i was looking for him upstairs too, Liam, can you help me bring all the food and drinks?" he asks his son, and as he gets no response he raises an eyebrow "Son?"
I quickly intervene "Leave him, i can help you with that" i say but he ingnores it "No, i want him to do it besides... Why is he so, vacant?" He notices Liam is just sitting in a static position, no movement from him, and also his empty look "Liam you alright?" he asks again, and as expected, no response.
"What's with him all of a sudden?" he suddenly asks me, and i gasp a bit. He looks at him again, and then notices the bottle of Virilite pills that were still at the table "Virilite? What's that?" he says now focusing on them taking the container.
"Noah, i can explain this, those are some pills i bought, for Liam, you see?" i admit "They are meant to turn him into a real man, just as you and me always wanted, look, just let me show you" i try to explain him.
"Pills?! But, Dave- what the hell? What do you even mean?" he asks starting to frown a bit, i quickly take the container and show him the instructions.
"See? These have effects on the behavior and even actions of whoever that takes them, and even affects the increase of testosterone on him! He'll be in a trance-like state and you'll just need to command him do anything you want" i say, he still giving me a killer look.
"Noah, this can help you to finally lead him the right way and turn him into a good straight man, dont tell me you didn't seek for a miracle to change him so he'd finally like to bond with you" i say, and he just stays silent, proving my point.
"Even so, what can i "command" him to do?" he asks shrugging, and i smirk "anything brother, i already had a lot of fun at him, just watch this" i say and look at Liam, who letted out a goofy laugh again oblivious we were talking about him "Liam, i want you to make a cup fart with your own hand, and then you'll smell it" i smirk waiting for it.
We see Liam reaching his hand to his butt, and after some seconds, he grunted squinting an eye and dropping out a huge bomb of a bassy fart on hid own hand palm.
I burst into laughter while Noah still reacts to what just happened, dumbfounded "did he... did he just fart?" he asks, and to top things up, we then saw how Liam with that now eternal dumb expression in his face took his hand to his nose, and sniffed deeply, before laughing again, making me almost cry of how amusing this was for me.
"And that's not all, Liam, show Noah that trick i trained you to do" i command and Liam gets in action for his thing, first, i trained him to let out a loud burp with his hands cupped in his mouth, then he'd play as if he was juggling with it, he'd swallow the belch again, and when his stomach recieved the burped out gas again in his stomach...
I chuckle and go to him to give him some well-deserved pats in the back "good boy, very funny Liam" i praise him with a huge smile.
"Bro, what are you waiting for? Just try and make him do something you always wanted him to, any manly stuff works" i say again and he looks at his son, reflecting.
"I admit i always wanted a son i could call a real man... Ok, but just for a bit! I dont want my son to always be this...somehow extremely gassy zombie thing" he says waving his hand, the gas must have hitted him by now "Goddamn, did you fed him something to make him this gassy or what?" he asks coughing.
"Nothing, just pure pill effect, and I know right, its so potent, i even had to open a window earlier, but we'll get used" i joke "also i wouldn't worry, i readed in the website the trance state isn't permanent, they give you a certain amount of time so you can "program the person" as your like, then they'll come back to normal again, just with the new antics and persona you implanted on him, Liam will now love to join us in our belch offs or our protein farts competitions in our boys nights during the matches huh?" i giggle
"Guess this can work" Noah said, finally putting just a small, very slighty smirk on his lips, while patting his son's back, eager to finally enjoy the company of a son that could make guy stuff with him.
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Hearts That Beat In Time - Arcane
The saloon sits unchanged, a relic of time frozen. The warm lights cast a golden glow upon your face, highlighting every contour and crinkle as you let out a laugh. The thick straps of your blouse hug your shoulders, framing the smooth expanse of bare skin on your collarbone. Your skirt flows gracefully around you as you perch on a worn stool at the bar.
A woman quickly follows, taking a seat to your right.
Sevika's pale, ashen eyes narrow with suspicion as the woman's hand glides over your arm, a sly smile playing at her lips. You laugh at something the woman says and Sevika's gaze follows the stranger’s every move, her expression growing more wary.
Her sharp eyes never leave you as you turn to Vander in confusion, shrugging and shaking your head at whatever he says.
She tenses as your eyes flicker back to her with a bewildered expression. Your face brightens as you see her standing there. The woman’s hand falls from your arm, as you spin in your chair and wave her over.
content: Sevika x fem reader, errors/mistakes, wild west au, outlaw/cowboy sevika, maybe slight ooc Sevika, prob lots of loose ends, name calling/nicknames, light angst for like a second, more crying, domestic Sevika, awkward Sevika, wlw smut, cunnilingus (r! giving), fingering, strap-on (r! receiving), calls strap her cock, soft sex, praise kink, found family stuff, cheesy shit ahead
wc: ~13.5k
a/n: Howdy sinners! I give you soft and loving sex as well as awkward and domestic Sevika! Mayhaps not my best work but I had a lot of fun writing this part!! Hope y'all like the end and thank you so much for reading this series. I'm genuinely so touched by the love and support!! 💕 Taglist open for arcane fics!! Just lmk or interact with the taglist post!
Masterlist Previous Part
Sevika slowly approaches, smoke escaping from her flared nostrils.
“Why were you lingerin’ like some creep?” You tease with an alluring grin and motion for her to sit in the empty chair to your left.
Sevika simply shrugs, her eyes flickering to the other woman before sitting down in the chair next to you. She can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction as you turn your back to the woman to give her your full attention.
"Was just admirin’ a pretty face from across the bar." She replies casually, glancing at the other woman before focusing on you. Or more specifically, the brown strip of worn leather around your neck.
Amused, you nod at Vander before twisting in your chair to lean against the counter. “I’m sorry to ruin your stranger roleplay, cowboy, but I’m not sendin’ you a drink from across the bar to fulfill that fantasy. You'll have to chat me up a little first.”
A soft scoff escapes from Sevika's lips before she stifles a laugh. Her boots shift against the floor, the leather creaking softly. “You tellin’ me I have to work for that free drink you owe me, angel?”
Your head bobs slowly as you nod and you click your tongue, stealing a glance at Vander as he pours a generous amount of bourbon into your glass. “I am, cowboy. I wanna see you work for it.” You mumble with a sly grin.
“Ridin’ for you wasn’t enough, angel?” She chuckles, her eyes following your every move as you nod gratefully to Vander.
You raise the glass towards her with a smirk in silent response. She watches intently as the smooth amber liquid disappears between your parted lips.
Her silver eyes grow hooded and her voice drops into a sultry tone. “That’s too bad about that fantasy. I was gettin’ all kinds of hot and bothered thinkin’ about talkin’ to you like it’s the first time, angel.”
You send her a flirty wink. “Well, we can put a pin in that idea for later.”
She lifts a brow, raising her eyes to yours. “Later? That sou-“
You startle slightly as the woman behind you clears her throat, momentarily forgetting about her presence. Sevika's smirk falters and she rolls her eyes, clearly annoyed by the interruption.
Feeling slightly guilty for neglecting her, you straighten up in your chair and offer an apologetic smile. “Jules, this is Sevika.” You introduce with an amused glance towards Vander, who silently hovers nearby. “Sevika. Jules.”
Jules extends her hand to Sevika with a tense smile. "Nice to meet you, Sevika."
Sevika eyes Jules's outstretched hand for a moment before shaking it, her grip perhaps a bit firmer than necessary. "Likewise." She says, her tone neutral.
You clear your throat awkwardly and their hands fall to their sides. "Jules is new in town." You explain. "She's started at that boxin’ ring I told you about."
"That so?" Sevika replies, her silver eyes never leaving Jules's face. "Welcome to town."
Jules nods, her smile faltering slightly. "Thank you. It's been quite an adjustment, but everyone's been so welcomin’." Her eyes flick to you briefly. "Especially you."
You feel your eyes widen sightly at Jules's words and the implications behind them. “Of course. It’s my pleasure welcomin’ anyone new to town.”
Jules turns to face you, reaching out to give your hand a brief squeeze. "I should get going. It was great catchin’ up with you.” She says, glancing briefly at Sevika. A tense look flashes across her features before she sends you another charming smile. “Can’t wait to do it again."
You nod. "Take care, Jules."
As Jules walks away, you turn back to Sevika, noticing the tightness in her jaw. "You alright there, cowboy?" You ask, a hint of amusement in your voice as you take another sip from your glass. “I already told you, Sev, there’s no need to be jealous.” You tease lightly.
Sevika scoffs, her eyes barely flickering back to the retreating woman. The corners of her lips curl into a smirk as her eyes return to the necklace around your throat. “I’m not jealous. She’s just a girl and I know that’s not what you want. What you need.”
Leaning in close to your ear, she brushes her nose against your hair and whispers, her voice husky and alluring. “You need a woman who will worship you and put you in your place when you need it.”
“Oh.” You lift your brow, with a smirk. “And you think that’s you?” You sound amused but there's a hint of breathiness in your voice.
Sevika chuckles lowly, her voice dripping with confidence. “I know that’s me, angel.” She corrects. “Of course…” Leaning back in her chair, she drapes her arm casually over the back of yours.
“If there’s someone else you have in mind, then by all means, angel.” She challenges, waving her left hand in invitation.
Shaking your head with a smirk, you glance down as she casually spreads her legs in front of her. Licking your lips, you rest your hand on her thigh with a wicked grin. “You’re right, cowboy. You ain’t got any competition. I was just wonderin’ why you thought you fit the role.” You tease, trailing your fingers up and down her inner thigh.
Sevika’s eyes dilate as she stills your hand with hers. “You’re flyin’ a little too close to the sun, angel.” She murmurs huskily.
Undeterred by her warning, you lower your voice even more and lean in closer. “So, why don't you bring me back down, cowboy?” You challenge.
Sevika's grip on your hand tightens slightly. "Careful what you wish for, darlin'." Her voice is low and gravelly, sending shivers down your spine. "I might just take you up on that offer."
You feel your breath catch in your throat, heat rising to your cheeks. "You’d put out for me this fast? I haven’t even bought you that drink yet, cowboy." You manage to whisper back, your voice slightly shaky.
Vander lets out a deep sigh as he comes to a stop in front of both of you, shaking his head disapprovingly. “You two are gettin’ awfully comfy. And as much as I like seein’ you happy, kid, I don’t wanna see you gettin’ too happy in my bar.”
Clearing your throat, you shrug at Vander with a grin and lower your hand to rest comfortably on Sevika’s knee. “Apologies, Van.”
Vander sighs, giving Sevika a look. “Don’t matter how long it’s been, seein’ her back is still jarrin’.”
You stifle a laugh and roll your eyes at him. “Well, it only took her almost dyin’ and losin’ an arm but she’s back for good.”
Sevika chuckles, though there's a hint of tension in her shoulders. "Better late than never, right?" She says, her tone light but her eyes searching yours.
You squeeze her knee gently, offering a sincere smile. "Of course, cowboy." You agree softly.
Vander grunts again, his eyes moving between the two of you. "Need another drink, kid?" He says, his tone gruff.
Humming, you nod. “Yeah. Two please.”
The sound of ice clinking in glasses fills the air as he pours two drinks, the amber liquid swirling together lazily. Nodding at you with a stern look, Vander leaves you both to enjoy your drinks.
Sevika's hand comes to rest over yours on her knee. "Finally earned my keep, angel?"
Swirling the glasses around in your hands, you offer her one with a charming smile. “No. But I’m sure you will soon.”
She raises her eyebrows in amusement as she accepts the glass. A familiar warmth spreads through her body as she takes a sip, her gaze locked onto yours.
You follow the movement of her throat as she swallows the amber liquid, transfixed. Lightly drumming your fingers on her thigh, you bite your lip. “You said this is at my pace, right? So I need to be the one who makes the first move?” You mumble, almost absentmindedly as your eyes trail over her.
A slow grin spreads across Sevika's face. “That’s right.”
You lean in close, your lips almost brushing Sevika's ear as you whisper. "Good. Because I think I'm ready to make that move."
Sevika's breath hitches audibly, her grip on the glass tightening and body tensing with anticipation. "Is that so, angel?" She murmurs, her voice husky.
You pull back just enough to meet her gaze, a hungry glint in your eye. You let your fingers curve further up the inside of her thigh. "Mhmm." You hum, the sound vibrating through your chest. "I’m free until tomorrow evening. So… what d’you say we go to your room at the Inn?"
Sevika's silver eyes darken with desire, mirroring the intensity in yours. She downs the rest of her drink in one swift motion, never breaking eye contact. "Lead the way." She growls, her voice rough with want.
Leaning in closer, you tilt your head at her and brush the pad of your thumb over her lip slowly, wiping away a bead of alcohol. Sevika sits stiffly, dilated eyes locked on yours as she watches you lick the droplet from your thumb. You graze your nose along hers and ghost a kiss over her lips before slowly drawing back.
Standing up, you toss a handful of coins on the counter and take Sevika's hand in yours, pulling her up with you. With a casual wave to Vander, who nods knowingly, you lead Sevika towards the door and out into the night air.
With a click of the lock, she tugs you inside with a sense of urgency.
The skin on her lips is soft and plump as they consume yours. You trace her bottom lip with your tongue, mirroring the path your thumb had taken minutes before. A moan escapes your throat as you finally taste her- a hint of bourbon mixed with something wholly her. Your tongue eagerly explores her mouth, chasing after the taste of her.
Breaking away from the heated kiss, your breaths come out in ragged gasps and you force yourself to slow down. Swallowing hard, you press your forehead against hers and caress her flushed cheeks.
With a gentle stroke, you tuck a stray strand of her hair behind her ear before leaning in to capture her soft lips again. "Lay down for me, Sev." You whisper huskily, your warm breath fanning over her skin like a tender caress.
She hesitates, her head shaking slightly as she protests. "It’s been too long. I wanna taste you, angel. " She voices, her tone filled with need.
"Of course you do, cowboy.” You smile at her, your fingers slowly unbuttoning her shirt. "And there’s time for that later. But right now, I want to worship you and maybe knock you down a peg or two." Your words are filled with an equal mix of adoration and playfulness.
With careful movements, you slide her shirt off her shoulders and then remove her tank top without any resistance from her. “And you gotta do what I want cause you still feel really, really bad for leavin’ me.” You add, pulling her closer to you.
"How long do you plan on milkin’ that, angel?" She asks with a hint of amusement, watching you undo her pants.
Chuckling, you look up at her. "As long as you'll let me get away with it."
Sevika smirks back at you, her fingers tracing along the curve of your hip. “Then enjoy it while it lasts, angel.” Without warning, her fingers pinch the skin of your hip and a sharp yelp escapes your lips as you jolt towards her.
"Hey!” You protest, giving her a mock glare before stepping back from her touch. “You can finish undressin’ by yourself.”
“I’m sorry, darlin’.” She apologizes as she strips off her clothes, clearly amused by your reaction.
Pursing your lips, you cross your arms over your chest and watch as she undresses.
Your teeth sink into your bottom lip as you raise your gaze to meet her eyes. They then trail down to the gentle curve of her breasts, where her perky nipples stand at attention. You let out a mumbled remark, barely audible over the sound of your heart thumping in your chest. "You're lucky you're hot."
She lets out a soft snort in response, her own lips curving into a smirk that matches yours.
You lean in, your hand reaching out to gently cup her cheek as your gaze shifts to her arm. The darkened, scarred skin contrasts sharply with the gleaming metal of her prosthetic limb. “If you ever get uncomfortable or you wanna stop, just tell me. Okay?” You say softly, your voice filled with tenderness.
Her piercing silver eyes harden and her body tenses under your touch, sensing your eyes on the scars that adorn her skin. "Does it bother you?" Her voice is guarded, but there is a hint of vulnerability in her question.
Without hesitation, you shake your head, your eyes never leaving her face. "No, Sev. Never." You assure her firmly.
Your fingertips, light and gentle, trace over the faint trails of lightning that are etched into her skin. Nails gently graze down her cheek, trailing along the soft curve of her neck and finally coming to rest on the skin of her shoulder.
"Maybe it's stupid." You begin, vulnerability creeping into your voice. "But I wanna show you, give you, the love that I couldn't when you got hurt." You say, almost pleadingly.
As your words wash over her, Sev's guarded expression softens like melting snow. Her pearly eyes glisten with emotion, reflecting the devotion in your voice. She catches your hand, bringing it to her lips and pressing a gentle kiss to your palm.
"You've always given me more love than I deserve, angel." She murmurs against your hand, her voice filled with raw emotion.
You shake your head, cupping her face with both hands. "That is not true." You whisper fiercely. "You deserve everything, Sev. Everything and more."
She leans into your touch, her eyes fluttering closed. When she opens them again, they are filled with a love that takes your breath away. "Show me." She breathes, her voice barely audible but filled with longing and desire.
You trace your fingers along the contours of her face, memorizing every inch as if it were a delicate work of art.
"Relax for me, Sev. Lay down." You urge again, your voice a soft whisper in the dimly lit room.
This time she complies, her muscles loosening at your command.
She slowly backs up toward the bed, the back of her knees brushing against the edge of the mattress. She sinks into it gracefully, her gaze never wavering from yours. The dim light from the lamp casts soft shadows on her sharp features, making her look like the goddess she is. She waits for your next move with bated breath, her body trembling with excitement.
The sight of her lying on the bed, body splayed open and eyes filled with raw desire and affection, shoots a surge of ecstasy through your veins. Each step you take towards her feels charged as you shed your clothes, leaving you in nothing but the necklace she left you.
Climbing onto the soft mattress, you settle yourself over Sevika's stomach. Your palms find purchase on her shoulders as you lean down, hovering just inches above her parted lips.
"Is this okay?" Your whispered question hangs in the air, mingling with the soft sounds of your breath and hers.
Sevika nods as her hands rest on your hips, pulling you closer. "More than okay, angel." She murmured, her voice laced with admiration.
You kiss her slowly, lovingly.
The warmth of your skin bleeds into hers as your bodies meld together, your weight resting on her in a comforting embrace. Your breasts brush against hers as you consume each other, skin sliding against skin. You hope she can feel, taste, the love dripping from your tongue, like you can hers.
With gentle caresses, your fingers trace a path along her jawline, down her neck, and across her collarbone. Sevika's breathing quickens and she arches towards you, her hands gripping you tighter. The sharp metal in her hand pierces your hip, but you pay no mind to the pain as you part from her lips.
Your heart fills with an overwhelming tenderness as you take her in. "You are absolutely stunning." You breathe out. You fully intend to savor every moment by mapping every inch of her body with reverent touches and soft kisses.
You start with her forehead, tracing the delicate curve of her brow before moving to her eyelids, gently pressing your lips against them. Your lips then trail down to her nose, planting tiny kisses along its bridge before resting on her full, inviting lips.
With a low, soothing hum, you trail your lips further down the hard contours of her body. She quivers beneath your eager tongue as you pepper her throat with wet, fervent kisses and you pause to suck gently at her pulse point. She lets out a soft gasp, her fingers tangling in your hair.
Sevika’s scars tingle with each gentle caress of your lips and she releases a deep groan as you tease her erect nipple with the pad of your thumb.
Your lips trail lower, savoring the taste of her skin as you move down her body. You lavish attention on her neglected breasts, swirling your tongue around each nipple before gently sucking. Sevika’s back rises from the soft bed, a soft moan escaping her lips.
"Angel." She breathes, her voice husky with desire.
You look up at her through your lashes, releasing her nipple with a soft pop. "Yes, cowboy?"
Her silver eyes, filled with a fiery desire, lock onto yours as she whispers in a low, demanding voice. "Stop teasin', angel." Her hips lift off the bed as she tightens her grip on your hair.
You smile against her skin, following her command. Your hands caress her sides as you kiss along her toned stomach, feeling the muscles quiver beneath your touch.
With a soft hum of approval, you settle between her legs, hooking them over your shoulders. Your eyes roll into the back of your head as you inhale the scent of her. You pause, looking up at her with hooded eyes.
“You’re perfect, Sev.” You say softly, your breath ghosting over her heated flesh.
Whatever response she had is cut short by a loud moan.
Your eyes flutter with relief and you whimper as you dive into her wet, warm pussy. The dark, coarse hair on her core tickles your nose as you circle your tongue around her pretty clit. The musky scent of her desire and pleasure surrounds you.
Sevika's hips buck against your face as you lick a broad stripe up her slit. You hold her thighs firmly, trying to keep her in place as you continue your ministrations.
"Fuck, angel." Sevika gasps, her metal hand gripping the sheets while her other hand tangles tighter in your hair. “You’re fucking perfect and so good for me, angel. To me.”
You moan in response, your tongue exploring every fold and crevice, savoring her taste. You lap at her entrance before focusing your attention back on her swollen clit.
Your tongue circles her clit before sucking it gently between your lips. Sevika's back arches off the bed, a string of curses falling from her lips.
Alternating between quick flicks and slow, firm strokes, you slide two fingers inside her. Your mouth never leaves her clit as you pump your fingers in and out, feeling her walls clench around them.
You maintain a steady rhythm, humming against the sensitive flesh of her core. Each quiet moan and hoarse groan that she releases encourages you.
Sevika's voice is strained as she warns you. "I'm close."
Your heart races as she nears climax, her body trembling beneath your touch. With one final push, you bring her to the peak of ecstasy, your name falling from her lips in a choked groan, her breath coming in ragged gasps.
Licking your glistening lips, you gradually slow your fingers before curling them out of her.
Resting your cheek against her thigh, you feel a sense of blissfulness wash over you. Your eyes glisten with salty tears of adoration as you whisper. “I love you.” Nuzzling into her skin, you breathe her in. “I love you so much, Sevika. More than words can express, Sev.”
Sevika's chest heaves as she comes down from her high, her body still trembling with aftershocks. She looks down at you, her silver eyes filled with an intensity that takes your breath away.
"Come here." She whispers, her voice hoarse.
You comply, pressing a quick kiss to her hipbone before crawling up her body until you're face to face. Sevika cups your cheek with her flesh hand, her thumb gently wiping away a stray tear.
"I love you too, angel. I am in love with you." She murmurs, her voice thick with emotion. "More than before. More than I ever thought possible, angel."
She pulls you down for a kiss, slow and deep, her lips molding perfectly to yours as she tastes herself on your lips. Tears escape the corners of your eyes, wetting her cheeks as you lose yourself in her. When you finally part, she rests her forehead against yours. As both of you catch your breath, her eyes close in blissful surrender.
"You’ve got my infernal soul in your hands, angel." She whispers, her voice trembling with emotion as if giving herself completely to you.
Swallowing, she brushes your hair back. “Will you let me show you how much I love you now?” She whispers against your skin, peppering your nose with light kisses. “How much I missed you?”
You struggle to hold back a sob as you shakily nod, your emotions threatening to overflow.
With a gentle touch, she helps you roll onto your back. Her lips linger on yours for a moment before she slips away into the bathroom, the sound of her movements echoing through the room. You wipe at your tear-stained cheeks and watch as she reappears.
A purple member bobs between her legs as she walks toward you. Her hips sway with each step, two sets of straps adorning her body. One set hangs low on her hips, the other crossing over her waist. But it's the delicate curls of her core that truly captivate you, peeking over the top of the centerpiece.
Your mouth goes dry as she approaches the bed with a predatory grace, her eyes dark as they roam over your body. You gasp in excitement and anticipation as she settles between your spread thighs.
She captures your lips in a searing kiss, her body pressing against yours. You moan into her mouth as you feel the toy brush against your core. Sevika breaks the kiss to trail her lips along your jaw and down your neck, nipping and sucking at your sensitive skin.
"I've dreamt of this." She murmurs against your collarbone as she thrusts her fingers into you. You gasp in pleasure, your nails curling into the soft flesh of her shoulders as she continues. "Of comin’ back and showin’ you how much I love you.”
She eagerly explores every inch inside of you, scissoring her fingers apart to stretch you open. “Dreamt of lovin’ you with my cock, angel.” She confessed, harshly biting at the skin of your shoulder. “Stretchin’ you open as I make you mine.”
You moan at her words, each wet thrust of her fingers pushing you closer to the edge. “An’ you’re mine.” You mumble back possessively.
You can feel her desire radiating from her fingertips and it only intensifies yours. The rough pad of her thumb flicks at your throbbing clit and you cry out your release.
Sevika's soft chuckle fills the air as she revels in your response. “Course, I’m yours. All…” She pauses, lifting her glistening fingers to her mouth, her eyes never leaving yours. With a groan of pleasure, she sucks on her digits before slowly releasing them. “Yours.” She finishes with a sultry smirk.
You feel a lump in your throat and inhale sharply, shifting your thighs higher on her hips as you pull her closer. The weight of her member rests on your core and she grinds it into you. Her breath is hot against your neck as she whispers. “You ready for me, angel?”
Your whole body trembles in response and you nod eagerly, your hands sliding down to grip Sevika's hips. "Yes." You breathe. "Please, Sev. I need you inside me."
Sevika positions herself at your entrance, leaning down to capture your lips in a deep kiss. She teases you for a moment, sliding the length of the toy through your folds, coating it in your arousal. You whimper, your hips shallowly thrusting up.
“I see you still haven’t learned patience, angel.” She murmurs against your lips with humor. But you can see the hunger in her eyes, the way her muscles tense with restraint.
Finally, mercifully, she slowly pushes inside you. You gasp against her mouth, your body stretching to accommodate her size. Sevika groans, her forehead pressing against yours as she bottoms out.
"Fuck, angel." The expletive slips from her lips in a breathless groan. Sevika can almost feel how tight and perfect you feel.
With one arm folded beneath your back and the other supporting your head, Sevika's weight presses down on you, almost suffocating. But you welcome it, returning her embrace and intertwining your arms around her back, feeling every curve and inch of her against you.
You pull her in deeper. "Move." You plead. "Please, I need you to move."
Sevika obliges, her hips barely leave yours as she starts with slow, grinding thrusts. “I love you, angel. You look so pretty with my necklace on.” She praises.
The symphony of your shared passion fills the room, each moan and sigh a perfect harmony to the other's. Every caress is met with equal tenderness, as if your bodies were made to fit together. With each shallow thrust of her hips, Sevika's body melds into yours.
Your heart swells with adoration and tears of overwhelming love gather at the corners of your eyes.
Your nails lightly rake over Sevika's back as she moves inside you. The toy slides in and out of you with delicious friction. You press your lips to her shoulder, tasting the salt of her skin as your lips explore the texture of her scars.
"I love you." You whisper against her flesh. "So much, Sevika."
Sevika's thrusts grow deeper, more forceful, as if she's trying to push away the years of separation between you. "I love you, angel."
You moan loudly, your nails curling into her skin as pleasure builds within you.
"Sev." You gasp, your voice breathy and desperate. "Please, don’t stop."
Lifting one of your legs higher on her waist, she changes the angle of her thrusts. The new position allows her to penetrate you even deeper, and you cry out in ecstasy. The room fills with the sounds of her hips slamming into yours.
"Like this?" Sevika growls, her voice husky. "This what you need, darlin’?"
Sevika's lips find your neck, sucking and biting at the skin just above your necklace and your legs spasm closed around her as you cum.
"Yes!" You moan, your head thrown back in pleasure. "Oh fuck, Sevika!"
Pressing wet kisses to your skin, her hips slow and she gradually stills in you. Sevika's lips trail up your neck, placing gentle kisses along your jaw before capturing your lips in a tender kiss. Her hips remain still, the toy buried deep inside you.
"You okay, angel?" She murmurs against your lips, her silver eyes searching yours with concern.
"Check back, in about 5 minutes, cowboy." You whisper back, a smile spreading across your face as you run your fingers through her hair.
Sevika chuckles softly, nuzzling her nose against yours. Her hand moves up to caress your cheek, her thumb tracing the curve of your cheekbone as she studies your face intently, her eyes flickering with a mischievous glint. "You exceeded even my wildest dreams, darlin’."
You nod your head in mock appreciation, tightening your legs around her waist. "I'm flattered. Who knew I could surpass your steamy fantasies, cowboy?" You quip back, the words rolling off your tongue playfully.
Sevika's eyes twinkle with amusement as she gazes down at you. "Oh, angel." She purrs, her voice low and husky. "You have no idea just how wild those fantasies can get."
She punctuates her words with a slow, deliberate roll of her hips, causing the toy still buried inside you to shift. You gasp, your oversensitive body trembling at the sensation as your walls flutter around her.
"Sev." You whimper in complaint. "Gimme a minute, would you?"
She chuckles, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. "Of course, darlin'. We've got all night, so what’s the rush? Ain’t that right, angel?"
With gentle movements, she eases out of you and you groan at the loss. She settles beside you, pulling you close against her chest. You curl into her, your fingers tracing patterns over her skin as you bask in the afterglow.
Your breathing steadies, the rhythmic rise and fall of your chest accompanied by the soft whooshing sound of air passing through your nose. Your hand, heavy with sleep, searches blindly for hers.
The copper appendages curl over yours and you fall asleep, in her arms, hand in hand.
“What’re you lookin’ at?” Sevika questions with a smirk, drying her wet hair as stray droplets of water cascade down her neck.
A few stray drops fall between her breasts and vanish beneath the fabric of her buttoned shirt. Lifting your eyes to hers, you meet her gaze. "Your face." You reply with an innocent shrug.
She scoffs, but there's a hint of amusement in her voice as she rolls her eyes. "Sure you were, angel." She mumbles sarcastically, sitting on the edge of the bed and leans over to slip on her boots.
You follow closely behind, wrapping your arms around her waist and sliding your hands under her shirt. Your fingers trace teasing patterns over her stomach, feeling the softness of her skin and the tensing of her abdominal muscles. The trail of hair below her navel tickles your fingertips as you playfully drag your nails along its path, pressing soft kisses to her neck. She wraps her arms around yours with a shiver.
Sevika's eyes glint with unbridled desire as she turns to look at you. A slow smile spreads across her lips, revealing her sharp canines. "Careful now. Don’t start somethin’ you can’t finish, angel." She murmurs, her voice husky.
You let your fingers dance along the curves of her stomach. "Feelin’ hungry, Sev?" With a wicked smile, you rise up on your knees and lean over her shoulder, puckering your lips playfully.
A small scoff escapes her lips as she turns in your arms. “I could eat.” She stares at you in amusement and you hum, smacking your lips together in silent demand. Chuckling, she presses a rough peck to your lips.
Satisfied, you fall back to your heels and chuckle as you quickly scan her figure with a smirk. “I’m sure you could eat.” You clear your throat and cough into your shoulder, an exaggerated motion that only adds to the teasing tone of your words. “Munch.”
Amusement lights up her silver eyes as she raises a thick brow. “What was that, angel?”
“I said, ‘I’m sure you could eat’.” You shake your head, feigning confusion. “Gyah-lee, your old age finally catchin’ up to you, Sev?”
Sevika pinches your side and you laugh, wrapping your arms around her shoulders as you twist into her lap. “I can grab somethin’ to-go from the Inn or Jericho’s and bring it back.”
“I’ll go with you.” She offers, loosely resting her hands on your hips.
“You can. But I like takin’ care of you. It’s my love language. I know you wouldn’t understand, cause yours is bein’ a grabby horn-dog.” You tease, squeezing your arms around her.
Sevika scoffs, letting you slide off her lap. “Right, I’m the one who can’t keep my hands to myself.” She retorts, standing.
“Mhmm.” You hum in agreement, with a smirk. Biting your lip cheekily, you twirl around her and smack her perfectly toned ass with a wink. “C’mon. If you’re gonna join me, make haste. Mama’s hungry.”
As you smoothly glide towards the door, your fingers entwined with hers, you feel weightless.
Approaching the front desk, Felicia's face comes into view. Her deep purple brows are furrowed in worry and her lips are pressed into a thin line as she engages in conversation with the person standing before her. She looks up at you briefly, concern evident in her eyes, before turning back to attend to the patron.
The corners of your mouth drop as the patron slowly turns around, revealing herself to be Elora. Letting go of Sevika’s hand, you feel a surge of panic grip your chest as you dash towards her. Your heart pounds in your ears as you reach out to grab her arm.
"What are you doin’ here?" You demand, fear and worry evident in your voice. You frantically search for any sign of Bo, but Elora is alone. "Where's Bo? What happened?” Your words spill out in a rush, each one filled with desperate urgency.
She swallows down the tight lump that forms in her throat. Tears of guilt fill her hazel eyes and spill over onto her cheeks. "I'm so sorry." She manages to choke out between sobs. "She...she tried to ride one of the horses by herself. And she fell. She’s at the clinic. I am so-"
"Why the fuck weren't you with her?" You demand, your voice choked with tears and rage. "Y’know what? I'll deal with you later." You grit out through clenched teeth, trying to hold back your emotions as your tears fall freely down your cheeks.
Turning, you stumble into Sevika.
Sevika catches you, her strong arms steadying you. Her silver eyes flash with concern as her gaze flicks to Elora, who is still sobbing. "You okay to walk, angel?" Her voice is low and urgent.
You nod your head, unable to form words through the panic gripping your chest.
"She’ll be okay, angel." She murmurs, wrapping an arm around your waist to support you.
You don’t answer as you rush out of the inn.
Bursting through the doors of the clinic, your body is consumed by an uncontrollable tremble of adrenaline. Sevika follows closely behind, her hand a reassuring weight on your back as you frantically approach Lest.
"Where's Bo? Is she okay?" You blurt out, your eyes scanning the empty waiting room with growing panic. The smell of antiseptic and fear lingers in the air, adding to your sense of urgency and unease. Your heart hammers in your chest, matching the pace of your quickened breaths.
“Bo’s going to be okay. She's got a few bruises and scrapes, but nothing too serious. She was lucky.” Lest's calm demeanor slightly eases the panic in your chest. You ball your hands into fists, squeezing tightly at the fabric of your clothes, trying to steady your trembling fingers.
Lest's voice is soft, laced with sympathy as her eyes cast downward. "She should be up if you're ready to see her." She says gently.
You nod, your voice cracking as you reply. "Okay. Just... gimme a second." Seeking comfort, you turn into Sevika and feel her hands rub soothing circles on your back. As you draw in Sevika's familiar scent, a sense of comfort washes over you and the trembling in your body begins to subside. Relief floods through you as Lest's words slowly sink in.
With a deep breath, you pull away from her, rubbing your hands harshly over your face to try and regain control. A forced smile tugs at the corners of your mouth as you tensely ask. “I look okay? I don’t wanna scare her.”
Your forced smile falters as Sevika gently cups your face, her silver eyes filled with concern. "You look fine, angel." She murmurs softly, her thumb brushing away a stray tear. "But Bo just wants you with her. Doesn’t matter what you look like, angel."
You nod, taking a shaky breath. "You're right. Would you- I think it’d be better if you go." You whisper, leaning into her touch.
Sevika’s eyes fill with understanding and she presses a gentle kiss to your lips. "I love you, angel." She whispers, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear with tender fingers. “If you need me, I’ll be close by.”
You nod in response, feeling grateful for her. “I love you. Thank you, Sev.” You say, cupping your hand over her for a brief moment before straightening up and turning to face Lest. "Okay, I'm ready."
Lest leads you down a short hallway to a small examination room. You take a deep breath, steeling yourself as you enter Bo's room. Your heart clenches at the sight of her small, bruised form in the bed. Her eyes light up when she sees you, though there's a hint of guilt in her expression.
"Mo!" She calls out, her voice relieved as she reaches out towards you.
You rush to her side, carefully gathering her into a gentle hug. "Oh, bug. I was so worried. You scared the shit out of me, kid." You murmur, pecking her forehead and pressing your nose to the crown of her head.
Bo sniffles against your shoulder. "I just wanted to show that I could ride." She grumbles.
You pull back slightly, cupping her cheek. "I know, baby." You say with a mix of concern and reprimand. "But you know better than to try ridin’ alone. You were lucky you weren't hurt worse." Your voice softens as you brush away a stray tear from her cheek. "What were you thinkin', bug?"
She pushes you away with a surprising force, causing you to jolt back in shock. Her eyes are blazing with anger and fear, her small body trembling. "You weren't there." She cries out, her voice cracking. "You’re gone every Friday, but you come back. Why didn’t you come back? Where were you? Saturday’s are our days!" She sobs, a desperation in her tone.
Your heart shatters at Bo's words, guilt and pain washing over you. You reach out to her again, but she flinches away. "I am so sorry, bug." You whisper. "I thought you understood when I told you I’d be back late."
Tears well up in your eyes as you slowly take her hand in yours and she hesitantly lets you. Gently brushing her disheveled hair back from her face, you meet Bo's gaze with a heavy heart. “I need to have a serious conversation with you, Bo.” Your lips fall into a deep frown as you try to suppress a sob that threatens to escape.
Bo's lower lip trembles as she looks at you, her anger giving way to hurt. “Am I in trouble? I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell at you, Mo.” She rushes, her voice filled with anguish and regret. “And I won’t ride on my own again. I promise.” She warbles out, her hands clawing into your wrist as if afraid you’ll leave.
You shake your head in reassurance. “No, of course you’re not in trouble, bug.” Your voice is gentle as you continue. “I’ve been... seein’ someone. Goin’ on dates, Bo.”
Bo's emerald green eyes drop to the ground and she curls into herself, her body language suddenly guarded. Her voice comes out in a small, hesitant mumble as she asks. "Like as a couple?"
You sadly smile and wrap your arm around her. “Like as a couple.” Squeezing her hand, you pause. “Can you look at me, Bo?”
Bo hesitates for a moment before slowly lifting her gaze to meet yours. Her green eyes are filled with a mix of emotions - confusion, insecurity, and a hint of fear.
"I love you more than anything in this world, bug. Nothing and no one will ever change that." You say firmly, your voice filled with sincerity.
Bo's lower lip trembles slightly as she listens, her eyes searching your face. "But what if… what if they try to take you away? What if you don't wanna come back?" She whispers, her voice small and vulnerable.
You pull her closer, being careful of her injuries. "Oh, baby." You murmur, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "That's not possible. Nothing will come between you and me. I love you, Bo, and I'll always come back to you, baby. And you are my first priority.”
With trembling fingers, you cup her tear-stained cheeks and gently wipe away the drops that fall from her emerald eyes. “She knows that. And if she ever tries to come between us, then she’s gone. Okay?”
She nods, flinging herself across your lap, her body wracked with sobs. “M’ sorry, Mo. I love you.”
You wrap your arms around her and gently rock her back and forth. "You have nothin’ to be sorry for, sweet girl. It’s my fault for not makin’ makin’ you feel safer, baby. More loved. That's on me, not you." Your voice quivers with emotion as you speak, struggling to keep yourself together and you rest your cheek on her head. "I love you so much, bug."
She slowly calms, her sobs turning into sniffles as she loosens her tight hold on you. She looks up at you with red, puffy eyes and rests her head on your shoulder. "You look pretty." She says softly.
A small smile tugs at the corners of your mouth as you run a hand through her hair. “Thank you, bug.” A fond chuckle escapes your lips as you gaze down at her with affection.
“What’s…” Bo trails off, her words barely audible as her fingers fiddle anxiously in her lap. You wait patiently for her to find the right words, studying the way her fingers twist and turn. “What’s her name?” She finally asks.
"Sevika.” You say softly.
Bo is quiet for a moment, deep in thought as she processes this new information. Her green eyes meet yours, and they are filled with a seriousness beyond her years. "Does she make you happy, Mo?" She asks, her voice barely above a whisper.
"Yes, she does." You answer honestly. "But you make me happiest, bug."
Bo's expression brightens at your answer. "Is she nice?" She asks, her eyebrows dipping in a small frown of concern.
You chuckle softly at the question. "She can be a bit rough around the edges sometimes, but yes, she's very nice. And she's strong, and brave, and protective." Your eyes soften as you think about Sevika. "I think you'd like her, bug."
Bo seems to consider this, her fingers still fidgeting. “Can I meet her?”
Bo studies Sevika intently, her green eyes scanning the tall woman from head to toe. Sevika shifts awkwardly under the child's scrutiny, clearly unsure of how to interact with the young girl.
Sevika clears her throat, her usual confidence seeming to falter under Bo's unwavering gaze. "It's nice to meet you, Bo." She says, her voice softer than usual. "I've heard a lot about you."
Bo's eyes narrow slightly, her small hand tightening its grip on yours. "Are you gonna take Mo away?" She asks, her voice filled with apprehension.
Sevika's eyes widen slightly, but she quickly composes herself. “No… And if I tried, ‘Mo’ would kick my ass.”
Bo’s chest puffs up. “I would too.” She declares with a pinched glare. You both glance at each other over Bo’s head with amusement.
“Of course.” Sevika responds in a serious tone, barely managing to suppress a small smirk.
Bo's gaze lingers on Sevika's metal arm, her eyes widening slightly. "What happened to your arm?" She asks bluntly, in the way only children can.
You tense slightly and move to interject, but Sevika merely shrugs. "I lost it in an accident." She explains simply, her tone neutral.
Bo nods, seemingly satisfied with this answer. She looks up at you, searching your face. "Is she always this awkward?" She whispers loudly out of the corner of her mouth.
Turning your head away quickly, you cough into your shoulder to hide your grin. Bending to her height, you stage a whisper staring at Sevika with humor twinkling in your eyes. “No. She’s just a little shy, bug.”
Sevika rolls her eyes with a huff, but Bo takes your statement very seriously and tries to make conversation. “Do you like to paint? I like to paint. If you don’t like to paint, then I dunno if we can get along but if Mo likes you, I guess I can try.” With a soft smile, she releases your hand and bounds towards Sevika, grabbing her hand excitedly and leading her towards the towering oak tree.
Sevika's expression shifts into one of slight panic as she glances back at you. “I don’t know. I’ve never painted before.”
Bo's features scrunch up in sympathy as she shakes her head. “Oh. That’s sad.”
You silently trail behind them with a gentle smile. Bo's hand gestures towards rocks around the base of the tree, some painted and some bare. "Pick any empty one." She urges, her eyes scanning the options before her with careful scrutiny. "But make sure it's a good one."
A smirk dances across your lips at the lost look in Sevika's cloudy eyes. You playfully nudge her arm and lean down. "Looks like you've got a tough decision ahead of you, cowboy. Just make sure you don't pick a shitty one." You tease quietly, quickly finding a rock and rolling it in your palm.
Sevika's eyes narrow at your teasing. “You tryna say I have shit taste, angel? I’d advise you to remember that I picked you, angel.” She mumbles, carefully surveying each rock.
Glancing over at Bo, you see that her eyes are trained on the pile of stones in front of her. Giving Sevika a quick peck on the lips, you smirk at her. “False, cowboy. I picked you. You just got lucky.”
With a narrowing of her piercing eyes, she smirks at you, a coy expression playing across her lips. "Damn right I did." She says with a hint of satisfaction in her voice.
Selecting a smooth, oval-shaped stone, Sevika presents it to Bo. “How’s this one?" She asks.
Bo examines the rock critically before nodding. "That's a good one." She says seriously. "Now we need to wash them." She leads the way to a nearby water pump, her small hand curling over Sevika's metal one.
You follow behind, grinning at the sight of the tall, imposing woman being led around by a bossy little girl.
Cleaning the dust from the rocks, Bo shows them to Sevika. “You wash all the dust off so the paint doesn’t get all goopy and gross.” Rushing over to the old, paint-stained blanket spread on the ground, she wipes the rocks dry.
"Now we paint!" Bo declares excitedly, thrusting a paintbrush into Sevika's hand.
Sevika looks at the paintbrush uncertainly, her brow furrowing as she glances between it and the rock in her other hand. You can't help but chuckle at her obvious discomfort.
"C'mon cowboy, it's not that hard." You tease gently, nudging her with your elbow. "Just pick a color and go for it."
Bo nods enthusiastically, already dabbing her brush into a vibrant blue. "Yeah! You can paint anythin’ you want. Like a flower, or a horse, or a big scary monster!"
Sevika's lips quirk into a small smile at Bo's enthusiasm. "A big scary monster, huh? I think I can manage that."
Bo falls silent, her brow furrowed in concentration. Her tongue poking out of her mouth as she covers her rock in colors.
"Can Sevika come over for some of our Saturdays?” She asks hesitantly, still focused on her painting. “Mo said I’m not allowed to practice ridin’ for a while, so we’ve been doin’ tons of crafts and bakin’." She says, addressing Sevika.
You pause in surprise. “That’s real kind of you, Bo.” You glance at Sevika, unsure how she'll react to the invitation. “But why don’t you ask her, bug?”
“Well, would you?” Bo’s green eyes sparkle with expectancy as she stares at Sevika.
"I’d love to." Sevika says, her voice gentle. "I appreciate you sharin'' your day with me, Bo." She adds.
You smile, feeling a warmth spread through your chest at the interaction between the two most important people in your life.
Bo's face lights up with a tentative smile. "Course! Can’t wait!" She says enthusiastically.
“Bite me asshole.”
As you enter the greenhouse, you adjust your hat with an amused smile. Bo stands with an annoyed glare, while Sevika kneels on the ground returning her glare with an annoyed huff. Both of them are covered in dirt, smudged on their cheeks and caked onto their hands.
Wiping her cheek and spreading the dirt on her face, Sevika glances at you. “Wanna help me out, angel?” She asks exasperatedly.
Lifting your eyes in mock consideration, you suck your teeth and shake your head sarcastically. “Nah. I think you’re on your own, cowboy.” You say crossing your arms.
Sevika rolls her shoulder in irritation and opens her mouth to retort, but Bo beats her to it. Turning to you with pleading eyes, she exclaims. “Mo! She’s a brute! Tell her she’s gotta be more gentle with the strawberries!” With a hand on her hip, Bo shakes a stern finger up at Sevika. “Those are Mo’s favorite, you can’t ruin them!“
Sevika scowls, knee-deep in soil as Bo stands over her, scolding her. Trying to hold back your laughter, you bite down hard on your lip, but it's no use. Your body shakes with mirth and you throw your head back with a loud cackle, covering your mouth.
“I’m glad to see you two bondin'.” You manage to say through bursts of laughter.
Bo and Sevika watch you calm yourself with soft smiles, their eyes filled with affection.
You clear your throat as you move between them, still grinning. "Alright." You say, amused. "Let's see what the damage is."
You kneel down beside Sevika with a groan. As you examine the strawberry plants, you can feel the heat radiating from Sevika's body, so close to yours. You resist the urge to lean into her.
"Well." You say after a moment. "They don't look too bad. You’re a good teacher, Bo.” You smile grows as her chest puffs up at your praise.
“Just needs a gentler touch, Sev." You demonstrate, gently lifting the leaves and examining a strawberry. "Hand me the shears, bug."
Bo quickly hands you the tool and Sevika watches you intently. “The trick’s not squeezin’ too hard, cowboy, or you’ll bruise ‘em.” You tease lightly. Snapping the blades around the vine, you place the berry in the basket and stand.
Dusting yourself off, you look down at the half full basket. Snatching it from the ground, you wave both of them to follow as you move towards the door. “Well come on, ya’ll need to clean up if you’re gonna help me use these. They look perfect, so we'll use ‘em to make strawberry tarts.” You say, glancing back at them.
Bo scrambles after you, her green eyes bright in excitement. “Well, we picked a whole bunch so how many are we makin’? Some for the whole town? What about everybody at the Inn? Can we? They’re my favorite anyway, so I think it’d be okay if we just make enough for us and them.” She rushes out without taking any breaths.
Chuckling, you pat her back. “Breathe Bo. There’s enough for us and everybody at the Inn.” Glancing down at the basket, you smirk at Sevika. “There may even be enough for some marmalade and strawberry croissants in the mornin’.”
Gasping with wide eyes, she starts running ahead to the house. “I call the shower first! Suck an egg, asshole!”
“Take your boots off on the porch! Don’t rush it!” You call out after her. “And wash your hair!” You add.
Pointlessly, Sevika tries to wipe the dirt from her hands on her jeans next to you. “You plannin’ on pickin’ the rest tomorrow?”
Sending her a grin, you nod emphatically. “Oh, absolutely.” Giving her an amused smile, you nudge her arm. “Is that nickname just gonna stick now?”
Sevika glances at you, frowning with a sigh. “I didn’t break it on purpose.”
“Oh! I know you didn’t, but a friendship bracelet is a friendship bracelet and you broke it, cowboy.” Chuckling loudly, you shake your head in disbelief. “You broke it fucking immediately. How the hell did you manage that? Who knew you were so fucking clumsy, Sev?”
She rolls her eyes at you, not bothering to respond.
"You're good with her." You tell her, sincerity evident in your voice. "She likes you."
Sevika raises a skeptical brow and you laugh, giving her a gentle push. “I’m serious.” You insist, your voice quiet and earnest. “If she didn’t like you, you’d know.”
A small smile of gratitude spreads across Sevika's face in response to your words. She looks relieved, her tension melting away with your reassurance.
Walking up the steps, you glance at the muddied shoes haphazardly thrown on the porch. Flashing a stern look at Sevika, you nod at her shoes while sliding off your own. “Porch.”
She scoffs and grumbles behind you, but fumbles with her boots.
Setting the basket on the kitchen counter, you grab a cloth from the cabinet and wet it under the sink. Sevika clears her throat behind you.
Squeezing out the water, you tilt your head at Sevika. “Wash your hands and I’ll help you with your face, cowboy.”
Snorting, she follows your directions. Hopping onto a bar stool, you silently wait for her to finish.
Drying her hands, she inserts herself between your legs and her palms fall onto the tops of your thighs.
You gently wipe the dirt from Sevika's face, your touch careful. You can feel the heat of her body between your legs, your breath catching in your throat as you brush a stray lock of hair from her forehead.
"There." You murmur softly, lowering the cloth and pecking her lips. "All clean."
Neither of you move.
"Angel." Sevika breathes, her voice low and husky. She leans in and your eyes flutter closed as you close the distance.
You gasp against her lips and resist the urge to pull her into you. The kiss is slow and Sevika’s hand falls to your cheek. She hums against your mouth, before parting. Pressing her forehead to yours, you both pant. “Love you, angel.”
“Love you too, cowboy.” You respond, pecking her lips again.
Hearing light footsteps race around upstairs, you press one last light peck to her lips before pushing her back and hopping down.
Swallowing, you turn to the doorway and wait for Bo to come drifting into the kitchen.
Sure enough, she almost runs into the island as she skids to a stop. “I’m ready! Let’s get started!”
Putting your hand on your hip, you lift a skeptical brow at her. “Did you wash your hair?”
Sniffing haughtily, Bo stands taller. “How dare you doubt me? I am an hon-”
“If I smell your hair, will it smell like soap?” Smirking, you grab the basket and move towards the sink.
Sighing, she glares at your back before turning. “You are a cruel, cruel person.”
You chuckle under your breath as you clean the strawberries in the sink. Flicking off the beads of water from your hands, you move to Sevika and raise a strawberry to her lips.
Her eyes darken on you and you watch her lips envelop the fruit. Flicking your tongue out to collect a drop of juice, you suck it from her lip before stepping away with an innocent look.
With a groan, Sevika shifts her gaze to the ceiling, her hands tightly clenched by her sides. "The shit-bird's right." She mutters, her voice filled with pain and frustration. "You're a cruel, cruel person."
Giggling softly, you turn back to the sink.
Humming a tune under your breath, you nudge Sevika away as she tries to wrap her arms around you. "Quit, asshat." You scold, trying to maintain your balance while fending her off. "You're gonna get me all dirty." Despite your words, a smile tugs at the corners of your mouth.
You feel Sevika's warm breath on your neck as she leans in close, her voice low and husky in your ear. "Maybe I want you dirty, angel."
"I’m sure you do, but behave yourself, cowboy." You murmur, though there's no real admonishment in your tone.
As if on cue, the sound of footsteps thundering down the stairs echoes through the house.
"Okay, I'm back!" Bo announces, bursting into the kitchen with damp hair. "And yes, I actually washed it this time." She adds, seeing your raised eyebrow.
You nod approvingly. "Good girl. Thank you, bug.”
"I'm ready now!" She says, bouncing on her toes with excitement. "Can we start?"
You chuckle, turning away from the sink to face her and glancing at Sevika. "As soon as Sevika finishes cleanin’ up, bug. Why don't you grab the flour and sugar from the pantry, for now?"
With a grumbling sigh, Bo begrudgingly shuffles towards the pantry, leaving you alone with Sevika in the kitchen, who presses a soft kiss to your lips. “I’ll be quick, angel.” She promises.
You hum, moving the bowl of strawberries onto the counter and taking a bite of one.
You gasp in surprise, your eyes widening as you instinctively cup your ass in pain. You spin around to see Sevika's retreating figure disappear around the corner.
“You’re such an asshole!” You yell after her. The low rumble of her chuckle trails behind her.
Coming out of the pantry, Bo nods knowingly at you. “Told yah so, Mo.”
Bo clutches the bags of flour and sugar tightly to her chest as she climbs up her step stool. She gingerly slides the bags onto the counter, then snatches a handful of strawberries and quickly hops up onto the countertop. Swinging her legs back and forth, she whines through a mouthful of juice. "Can we start without her, pleease?" She pleads. “S’ not like we need her." She complains.
Rolling your eyes, you lean against the counter next to her. "First of all, you shouldn’t be on the counter. Second, don't talk with your mouth full. And third… Sevika helped pick ‘em. We’re waitin’." You say firmly.
Groaning, Bo flops onto your shoulder. "But I picked most of 'em." She pouts.
You wrap your arm around her. "I'm sure, bug, but we need to wait anyway."
Bo reluctantly nods. "Fine." She lets out a defeated sigh.
Clearing your throat to hide a laugh, you nod. "How’s school been? Sky finally get that hole covered?" You ask.
“Yes, she did.” She mumbles disappointedly before perking up.
"Everyone played tag outside today though! Even Ms. Young!” Gasping in excitement, she shakes your arm. “Tag would be more fun here. We could play on the horses!"
Pursing your lips, you narrow your eyes in disappointment. "The animals aren't toys, Bo. Do you not remember what happened the last time you fooled around on a horse when you weren’t ‘sposed to?" You scold gently while tapping Bo's nose.
She scrunches it up in response. “Yeah, I know. Sorry.” Bo huffs, crossing her arms with a guilty frown.
“Once the new batch of strawberries grows, and everyone else gets their part of the harvest first, we can make more treats for your class with whatever’s left. How’s that sound, Bo?” You offer instead.
Bo nods eagerly, her frown forgotten at the promise of treats for her class. "Can we make somethin’ else with the strawberries? Like cupcakes? Or Ice cream? Ice cream and cupcakes." She says excitedly.
You smile warmly at her enthusiasm, cleaning the island counter just as Sevika's heavy footsteps echo down the stairs. "Sure thing, bug. We'll make a whole assortment."
Sevika enters the kitchen, she silently quirks an eyebrow at Bo as she moves to stand beside you.
"Alright." You say, rub your hands together. "Let's get started on these tarts."
The three of you fall into a rhythm as you work. You guide Bo through measuring ingredients and mixing the dough, while Sevika slices the strawberries.
While Bo talks about anything that crosses her mind, you and Sevika send each other amused glances over her head.
You hand Bo and Sevika rolling pins and sprinkle flour on the counter. “Just roll the dough out till it’s about the size of the pan.”
Nodding, Bo’s green eyes fill with determination as she rolls out the dough. Sevika follows suit slowly. A breath of amusement leaves your nose and you keep a close eye on Bo as you wash the used dishes and utensils.
Smiling in satisfaction, Bo looks up at you. “All done.” She announces before turning to Sevika with a smug look. “Bet it’s better than you could ever do, asshole.”
Sevika glances at you with a sigh, arms flexing as she rolls. “You ever gonna get onto her, angel?”
Bo quickly retorts. “Where do you think I learned it from, asshole?” She sticks her tongue out at the expressionless woman.
Lifting the unevenly rolled dough into the pan and cutting the excess, you interrupt with a chuckle. “Enough, Bo. Set the timer for 10 minutes.” Doing the same with Sevika’s dough, you open the oven door and carefully place the pans on the middle oven rack.
The timer clicks as Bo turns the knob and she slams it on the counter with a groan. “10 minutes is forever.”
As Sevika raises an eyebrow and glances at you, she wipes down the counter with a clean cloth. "Looks like she got her dramatics and impatience from you too." She smirks.
You chuckle, shaking your head. "I have no idea what you're talkin’ about, cowboy." You reply, affectionately tousling Bo's hair as you walk by.
Bo playfully dodges your touch, giving you a mock scowl. "Hey! I just washed it!"
"And it looks lovely." You tease, earning an eye roll from the girl.
Sevika finishes wiping the counter and leans against the counter with a soft smile. Her silver eyes follow you as you move around the kitchen, tidying up.
"Sooo." Bo pipes up, swinging her arms as she stares up at Sevika. "When’re you movin’ in?"
You nearly drop the bowl you're holding, caught off guard by her question. Sevika straightens up, her eyes darting between you and Bo.
"Uh." You stammer, feeling heat fill your face. “W-what?”
Frowning, she crosses her arms and shakes her head at you. “Well, Ren told me that couples, like her parents, live together. So when is she movin’ in?” Twisting to glare at Sevika, she points at her. “I’m not giving up my room.”
You blink, momentarily speechless. Sevika clears her throat, clearly trying to hide her amusement.
"Bo, honey." You start, setting the bowl down and approaching her. "I’m sure Sev appreciates your concern about her livin’ situation, but I’m not sure we’re ready for that quite yet… And don't worry, no one's takin’ your room." You say, trying to keep a straight face.
Bo nods, satisfied with your answer. "That’s fine. I was here first anyway."
Sevika scoffs, shaking her head. "Well that’s not true, but I’m not gonna argue with you, kid."
Tapping her chin, her green eyes fill with some sort of realization. “Wait. But she’s here all the time anyway. What’s the difference?” She asks, confused.
With a deep sigh, you lift your eyes to the ceiling in exasperation. Wincing, you shift your gaze between green and silver. “Well-”
The timer screeches, buzzing on the counter. With a sense of relief, you stop it and release a deep breath. “Crust is done.”
Donning a pair of oven mitts, you carefully remove both pans from the oven and set them aside to cool. Turning to Bo, you tilt your head and flash her a smile. “Crust needs to cool so we’ll get started on the filling.”
Narrowing her eyes at you, Bo nods. “Ren also told me that her parents kiss in front of her…” She pauses to hyperbolically gag. “Please, don’t do that in front of me.”
You chuckle softly, shaking your head at Bo's dramatic reaction. "Don't worry, bug. We'll keep the kissin' to a minimum around you."
Bo nods in solemn approval. "Good. 'Cause that'd be gross."
Sevika clears her throat, a hint of amusement in her voice. "Noted, kid."
You catch Sevika's eye and share a small smile. "Alright, let's get started on that filling."
Guiding Bo through the rest of the recipe steps, you sneak warm glances at Sevika, who stands back and watches with keen interest.
Finally, as the tarts are finished and placed into the fridge - one adorned with a neat spiral of sliced strawberries and the other equally lovingly but recklessly arranged - Bo lets out an exhausted huff. Placing her hands on her hips she declares. "Well, I'm tired."
Shaking your head, you start putting away the rest of the ingredients. “Hey, cowboy? Mind doin’ me a favor and washin’ the rest of the dishes for me?” You ask, voice muffled from the pantry.
Collecting the dishes, Sevika responds. “Course not, angel.”
Your “thank you” is drowned out by a loud noise of disgust from Bo.
The girl disappears into the pantry with you and Sevika disregards your muffled voices as she fills the sink. She scrubs at a particularly stubborn stain, but tenses as a cloud of white explodes around her. In her hesitation, another handful of flour hits her back.
Switching off the tap, she turns. Both you and Bo stand there with innocent looks on your faces, hands hidden behind your backs.
With a raised eyebrow, Sevika silently looks between the two of you.
Frowning with amusement dancing in your eyes, you point an accusing finger at Bo, flour dusting your skin. “It was her idea.”
Bo's mouth drops open in shock and she lets out a shocked screech. “You rat!”
Laughing uncontrollably, you dart out of the kitchen. Sevika deftly grabs Bo and hoists her onto her back as she passes by, effortlessly slinging the smaller girl onto her back in one swift motion. Bo lets out a surprised squeal, her arms instinctively wrapping around Sevika's neck.
"Hey! Get back here traitor!" Bo points with laughter in her voice.
You can hear Sevika’s footsteps thundering behind you as you race through the house, your heart pounding with exhilaration. She quickly closes the distance between you with her long strides.
You glance back, your eyes widening as you see Sevika gaining on you with Bo clinging to her back. Your giggles bounce around the house as you dart around furniture, trying to evade their grasp.
"Bo! You’re the traitor! Workin’ with the enemy!" You call out between chuckles.
"Thy enemy of my enemy is... Whatever! You snitched!" She accuses as Sevika corners you.
You back up against the wall, chest heaving as you try to catch your breath, laughter still bubbling up from your throat. Sevika approaches slowly, a predatory glint in her silver eyes. Bo is still perched on her back, grinning triumphantly.
"Nowhere to run now, angel." Sevika says, her voice low and playful.
"Alright! Alright!" You hold up your hands in mock surrender. "I yield!"
Sevika smirks, her silver eyes twinkling with amusement. "What do you think, Bo? Mercy?"
Bo pretends to consider it, tapping her chin thoughtfully from her perch on Sevika's back. "Hmm… I don't know. She did snitch on me."
"That I did." You agree, nodding solemnly. "And I'd do it again."
Bo gasps in mock outrage. "In that case… no mercy!"
Before you can react, Sevika lunges forward. In one smooth motion, she scoops you up, effortlessly carrying both of you and dropping you on the couch.
Your high-pitched scream echoes through the room as Sevika's hands descend upon your sides. You writhe and squirm against her, erupting into a fit of laughter. You try to break free from Sevika's grasp, but she holds tight.
Bo slides off of Sevika’s back and lands with a soft thud on the floor. Giggling, she waves Sevika away with a joyful twinkle in her emerald green eyes. “Alright, I think Mo’s had enough.”
You struggle to catch your breath as you sit up, mock glaring at Sevika. A playful smirk tugs at the corner of her mouth as she looks down at you. “I’ll remember this.” You say, chest heaving.
With a heavy thud, they both plop down on either side of you. The old, worn couch groans at Sevika’s their weight.
Bo's body molds into your side and she groans. “Mayyybe. I forgive you.” She admits begrudgingly with a deep sigh.
Bo sets her fork down with a loud clink and bounces in her seat, the wooden chair creaking under her weight.
“I’m done.” She announces eagerly, her eyes wide with excitement and anticipation.
You finish your bite and nod, wiping your mouth with a napkin. “Alright, go rinse your plate. We’ll get out dessert as soon as Sev and I are finished.”
Bo's hair bounces as she nods enthusiastically before quickly scurrying off to the kitchen.
As you and Sevika continue to eat, the soft, melodic strum of guitar strings crackle through the speakers, accompanied by the soothing voice of a singer crooning the opening lines of "I’ll Be Here In The Morning".
Sevika's chair scrapes against the worn wooden floor as she stands from her seat. She slowly walks around to your side, a soft smirk on her lips as she extends a hand towards you with an exaggerated bow. “Would you be so kind as to dance with me, angel?”
Your cheeks flush at her words and you try to hide your growing smile, setting aside your fork as you accept her offer. “I would love to dance with you, cowboy.”
With a soft yet confident tug, Sev leads you to the heart of the room where she envelops you in her arms, her metal arm encircling your body and her other hand clasping yours. You gently rest your head on her shoulder as she softly hums the words in your ear.
Out of the corner of your eye, you see Bo pause in the doorway, a hesitant crease forming between her brows. With a gentle hand outstretched towards her, you watch as a sweet smile spreads across her face and she skips over to join you.
Bending, you scoop the six year old up.
Bo wraps her arms around your neck, snuggling close as you hold her securely against your hip. Sevika adjusts her stance, keeping one arm around your waist while her other hand comes to rest gently on Bo's back.
The three of you sway together to the gentle melody, Bo's small form nestled between you and Sevika. You can feel the warmth of both their bodies, the steady rise and fall of their breathing in sync with the music.
Bo's eyes are heavy-lidded, her earlier excitement giving way to sleepiness as she rests her head on your shoulder. Her small fingers play idly with the collar of your shirt as she mumbles. "This is nice.”
You hum, smiling against her hair. "It is, isn't it?" You murmur back.
Sevika's eyes meet yours over Bo's head, filled with warmth and tenderness. Her metal fingers gently brush against your lower back, a silent question in the gesture.
You give her a small nod, your own eyes softening as you lean in closer, listening to her steady heartbeat. The three of you continue to sway gently, the music washing over you in soothing waves. Bo's breathing slows, her body growing heavier against yours.
Sevika's hand moves to gently stroke Bo's hair. "Looks like someone's ready for bed." She whispers, her voice low and gentle.
Bo stirs slightly in your arms. "Nuh-uh. We haven’t had dessert yet." She mumbles sleepily against your neck.
You chuckle softly. "Course, bug. How could we forget?"
Sevika reluctantly loosens her hold on you, but keeps one hand resting lightly on the small of your back as you carry Bo to the kitchen.
You settle Bo onto a stool, gently shaking her. “If you’re gonna eat, bug, you gotta show me you’re awake.”
She slowly leans back, letting go of you to rub her eyes. “M’ wake.”
Sevika huffs an amused breath and affectionately squeezes your arm as she goes to clean up your cold food.
As you move to get dessert, Bo rubs her hands over her face in an attempt to wake herself. Sevika crosses behind you, washing your plates, as you set a cake on the counter.
You carefully slice three pieces, placing them on small plates. The rich aroma of chocolate fills the air as you slide a plate in front of Bo. Her eyes light up despite her sleepiness.
"Thank you." Bo mumbles, picking up her fork.
You hand Sevika her plate with a soft smile before settling onto the stool next to Bo with your own slice. The three of you eat in comfortable silence, broken only by the occasional clink of forks against plates and Bo's contented hums.
Her feet sway underneath her stool as she gets a large bite of her dessert. “Can we dance some more?” She muffles through a mouthful of cake.
“You not tired anymore?” Sevika drones.
Bo points her fork at Sevika and narrows her green eyes. "You fed me sugar, now you have to deal with the consequences."
You chuckle at Bo, shaking your head fondly. Sevika raises an eyebrow, clearly amused.
"Alright, alright." You say, ruffling her hair. "We can dance a little more, but then it's bedtime. Deal?"
Bo grins triumphantly, shoveling another large bite of cake into her mouth.
Sevika glances at you, a mix of amusement and concern in her eyes. "You sure that's wise, angel?"
You shrug, a mischievous glint in your eye. "Like the kid said, we fed her sugar. Might as well enjoy the consequences."
“Yeah, you’ll get Mo to yourself later.” Bo taunts, shoveling the last bite of cake into her mouth.
She hops down from the stool and grabs both your and Sevika's hands, practically dragging you back to the living room.
The music has shifted to a more upbeat country tune. Bo starts bouncing and twirling immediately, her earlier sleepiness seemingly forgotten. You and Sevika share a knowing look - you both know the sugar high will be closely followed by a crash.
Grinning, you pinch Sevika’s side before darting over to Bo. Scooping her up in your arms, you toss her playfully into the air. Her laughter rings out as you catch her mid-air and spin around with her in a dizzying dance.
Bo's laughter fills the room as you spin her around, her small arms wrapped tightly around your neck. You can feel the vibration of her giggles against your chest, her joy infectious.
Sevika watches from the sidelines, adoration softening her face.
"Again!" Bo squeals as you set her down, her cheeks flushed with excitement.
You chuckle, slightly out of breath. "One more time, bug. Then it's Sevika's turn."
Bo nods eagerly, already reaching up for you. You lift her again, spinning her around as she laughs delightedly.
When you set her down again, she turns to Sevika with bright green eyes. "Your turn!"
Sevika's eyes widen slightly, a hint of panic crossing her features as the girl bounds towards her. "Come on, Vika!" Bo demands, Sevika's expression softens as Bo tugs at her hand. "Dance with me!"
Sevika hesitates for a moment, her eyes darting to you uncertainly. You give her an encouraging nod, your eyes twinkling with amusement. With a small sigh of resignation, Sevika allows Bo to pull her into the center of the room.
"Alright, kid. How do you wanna do this?" She asks, her voice gruff but gentle.
"Spin me!" She demands, holding out her arms.
Sevika glances at you again, and you nod reassuringly. "Go on, cowboy. Show us what you've got. Just don’t barf on my floors."
Bo lets out a noise of disgust. “Or me.” She adds in protest.
With a slight roll of her eyes, Sevika carefully lifts Bo, her strong arms secure around the girl's small frame. At first, her movements are stiff and awkward, but as Bo's laughter fills the air, Sevika begins to relax.
Leaning against the sturdy porch post, you cross your arms and survey the sprawling ranch.
Suddenly, a blood-curdling scream pierces through the air and your heart skips a beat as fear grips you. In a split second, you bolt towards the noise. You burst into the stable in panic, only to find yourself exhaling in relief.
Sevika sits on a bench with Bo beside her, intently examining something in her palm. Catching your gaze, Sevika nudges Bo and whispers something to her. Bo's face lights up with excitement as she turns to you with a wide grin.
She rushes towards you with her arms outstretched, drying tears crusting on her cheeks. Your brow furrows in concern as you shoot Sevika a questioning look.
Bo wraps her tiny arms around your waist and giggles, holding up a small tooth in her outstretched palm. "Look mama! I lost my first tooth!" Her eyes sparkle with excitement as she bounces on her toes. “I thought I was dyin', so I hid in Honey’s stable and Vika found me and she told me that it’s normal and that I get stuff if I put it under my pillow but she told me it was only money which eugh-” She groans, rolling her eyes. “Bor-ring, like why couldn’t-”
You struggle to focus on Bo's words as tears well up in your eyes. You try to hide them, but a small sob escapes your lips. Bo's head snaps up and she sees the tears, her own eyes beginning to glisten. Her lip wobbles and she speaks in a small voice. “I’m okay, I promise. I’m sorry for scarin’ you, I just-”
Falling to your knees, you wrap your arms tightly around Bo's small frame. Your fingers run through her wild brown hair as you hold her close. Your tears falling freely now as you press a kiss to the top of her head. "Oh bug, I'm not upset. I'm so happy, baby." Your voice quivers as you pull back to cup Bo's cheek in your hand.
Bo's brow furrows in confusion. "Happy? But you're crying."
You laugh softly. "Sometimes people cry when they're really happy, darlin'. And I'm so, so happy."
Bo's face lights up with understanding, and she smiles at you, displaying the gummy gap between her teeth. "Ohh! Like when you cry during the happy parts in those boring books you read!"
You chuckle, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Exactly like that."
Chewing on your lip, you smooth a hand over her hair. "You called me mama." You say softly, your eyes shining.
Bo's eyes widen in realization, and for a moment she looks unsure, scared. "Is… is that okay?" She asks hesitantly.
You nod vigorously, a watery smile spreading across your face. "It's more than okay, bug… I’m honored, Bo."
Bo's face breaks into a beaming smile, and she throws her arms around your neck, hugging you fiercely. You hold her close, savoring the moment, feeling as though your heart might burst with happiness.
Bo pulls back slightly, her green eyes sparkling with excitement. "So… does this mean I can call you mama all the time now?" She asks, a hint of nervousness in her voice.
You cup her face gently in your hands. "Of course you can, bug. I'd love nothin’ more."
Bo's face lights up with joy, and she falls into your arms. "I love you, mama." She whispers against your neck.
"I love you too, baby girl. So, so much." You murmur back, pressing a kiss to her hair.
As you hold Bo close, you feel a gentle hand on your shoulder. Looking up, you see Sevika standing beside you, her silver eyes soft with affection.
With a firm grasp on her hand, you gently guide her down to join you on the ground. As she settles onto her knees, you and Bo encircle her with your arms.
Sevika stiffens slightly at the unexpected embrace, but quickly relaxes into it. Her metal arm wraps around your waist while her other hand rests gently on Bo's back.
As you hold each other close, a warm sense of contentment washes over you. The three of you stay like that, basking in the comfort and love of your little family.
Sneak Peak/ Teaser:
The cable car hums and vibrates beneath your feet, the rhythmic clanking echoing through the metal box. Frigid air whips through the thin windows, and the skin of your bare arms prickles with goosebumps.
The sharp edges of your restraints bite into your skin of your wrists with every sway of the car. Shifting, you roll your shoulders, trying to rid yourself of the soreness in your muscles. You grimace and clench your numb hands behind your back, the heavy chains rattling against each other.
Sighing loudly, you shake your restrained arms awkwardly and complain. “Can you, maybe, take these things off? A girl can only entertain the handcuff thing for so long. Said my safe word a long time ago. I mean-”
A guard grabs your arm and pulls you toward them, their words a hiss. “Shut up. You’re not in the position to be asking for any accommodations."
Groaning, you wince as your elbow bends uncomfortably under their grip. The pulsing in your arms and wrists worsens as your arms are pushed tighter against your back. “Okay. First of all, oww. Second of all, you could’ve just said no.”
You can feel the heat of the enforcer’s glare on the back of your neck but you sigh, ignoring it. Bending your neck, you squint as you observe the approaching island through the rectangular window. With a snort of amusement, you straighten.
Stillwater. Dark. Ominous. And consumed by spooky fog… Wonderful.
Taglist: @lez-zuha @jinxjinxjinx12 @asvtrials @rikkivelvet @cupids-dreamland @hwasddeongbyeoli @eroticcaa @urlocalgovexperiment @bubbl3-b4t @balbinoraptor @sleepo-beepo @marn13s-vilewhispers @skaireso
#18+ mdni#western outlaw au#wild west au#outlaw/cowboy sevika#sevika x reader#sevika x you#domestic sevika eventually#sevika#sevika arcane#arcane#league of legends#arcane fanfic#league of legends fanfic#sevika league of legends#wlw#sapphic#lesbian#wlw smut#arcane smut#arcane x you#arcane x female reader#arcane x reader#arcane fluff
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i love you, i'm sorry
pairing: idol!jeno x idol!reader c/w: light physical abuse (reader falls on the floor) a/n: you ask and you shall receive! i got a lot of requests for a part 2, so here it is :3 read part 1 here!! but this can be read on its own :)
I push my luck, it shows Thankful you don't send someone to kill me
"why??" you cried tears streaming down your face, "just tell me why, and i'll go."
jeno could only look down at his feet as you asked him for a real reason why he was breaking up with you.
you were fully aware how pathetic this looks from an outsiders perspective, crying and begging for an explanation from a man. but it wasn't any man. it was jeno. your jeno.
"is it something i did? tell me, i'm sorry! let me fix it and make it up to you" your knees stung from crouching on the couch and your eyes and throat hurt from the tears you're shedding.
"i don't see a future with you, y/n" jeno whispered.
you looked up quickly, your eyes opened wide in shock. your voice is so small, you weren't sure if he heard you when you said, "what?"
you always talked about your future. in all honesty, jeno would talk about it more than you. how he'd buy a house for the both of you to start a family and a place comfortable enough to stay home and never have to leave. you loved talking about your future with jeno. it brought you so much joy and comfort. so him using this as a reason to break up didn't make sense but it also hit you where it hurt. how could it bring you comfort when it was the same reason jeno was leaving you?
"look at us now!" jeno was frustrated now, "we barely do anything together, we can't even go outside without being scared. you barely have time for me. how would we ever last?"
you sat there stunned. you were at a lost for words. you thought your love for each other rose above all those problems. you talked about them at length with each other, and you would always assure each other that it was no problem. even last week, you had reassured each other. but now, jeno's coming back and saying it was all a lie? and he's not happy?
jeno shakes his head as he gets up off the couch, "i'm going out, when i come back, have your stuffed packed up and go"
you chase after him and grab his hand. "please baby no. i'll tell my company, i'll find a way to make it work please just don't leave right now. let's talk." you were back to begging.
jeno tried to shake your hand off his. overcome with emotion, jeno used too much strength, and when he tried to shake you off, his force caused you to fall on the floor.
you cried out when you landed on your hands and knees. jeno was so shocked and confused. it was an accident, he never meant to hurt you.
you started sobbing but jeno couldn't comfort you, so he left. he left you crying and bruised on the floor of his apartment.
jeno winces at the memory. he couldn't believe he hurt you, both emotionally and physically, at the same time. what possessed him to do that? he was raised to be a gentleman, but in that moment, he was everything but.
he's surprised he's even alive right now. he knows you told all your closest friends, including his best friend, jisung who you were closest to. he knows the only reason his life wasn't threatened was because you told your friends not to come for him.
and now he's at your door. he knows there's a high chance you'll slam the door in his face, but he needed to see you and speak to you to ease the pain in his chest. he hopes with his whole heart and soul that you'll let him in, because if you don't, he doesn't know if he'll ever be able to recover.
jeno takes a deep breath before knocking on your door.
I tend to laugh whenever I'm sad I stare at the crash, it actually works
you open the door only to pause in shock to see your ex-boyfriend at your door with take out from your favorite restaurant.
"hi?" jeno meant to say but it comes out as a question, a scratch of nervousness and sadness in his voice. "did you eat yet?" he raises the takeout to his chest.
your heart throbs at the question. he would ask you that all the time when you were together and would always nag you to eat something. in the end, he would always order the perfect thing for you, exactly what you wanted even if you didn't know yourself.
"no.." you whisper.
"can i come in?"
ashamedly, you open the door further to let him in without any hesitation. relief floods through jeno's veins.
jeno moves through your apartment with ease, knowing where all your utensils and plates are, knowing which drawers have soft close and which don't, it's like he never left. your heart splints down the middle once again remembering that your relationship isn't what it once was. despite that, you let out a small laugh.
"why are you laughing?" he faces you, eyes curious.
"i don't know," you reply, "i guess i'm sad."
now it's jeno's turn for his heart to split, since when do you laugh when you're sad? is he the reason why? he hopes not, he wants you to remain the girl whose laughter is full of joy, not a girl who laughs to cover for her sadness.
jeno doesn't know what to say, so instead he asks, "how have you been?"
you think it's ironic that he's asking you that knowing full well that he saw you cry during your performance last week. your performance dedicated to him. that night brought up a lot of memories for you, happy memories and seeing jeno on the verge of tears there made you think he missed you too.
but then you remember how it ended. how he left you broken on his apartment floor and then told you to stop reaching out to him. looking back at the mess that was the end of your relationship, you found yourself pushing the memories towards the back of your mind yet again as a feeble attempt to move on.
"fine," you lie. jeno only nods in response.
I wanna speak in code Hope that I don't, won't make it about me
jeno pulls out a chair for you and gestured for you to sit down, then takes the seat closest to you. he begins plating the take out food for you. you want to stop him and tell him you can do it yourself, but its been so long since someone's taken care of you that you can't help but just let it happen. jeno's glad you're not retaliating since he wants to take care of you. it's like second nature to him. he wants to take care of you for the rest of his days. but he doesn't want to scare you off. especially after what he did.
"i saw a smiski at a cafe the other day," jeno says before digging into his food, "i thought of you."
you loved smiskis. they were scattered all around your house, with one sitting with you at the dinner table now. you loved how they were little companions representing a silly, comfortable home life. it reminded you of your own life, and your life with jeno as homebodies.
you smiled at jeno before taking a bite as well. it was cute that he saw those figurines and thought of you. "my friend went to watch the f1 race in the UK and I thought of you when McLaren didn't win," you tease.
jeno chuckles, flashing his signature smile making your heart throb, in agony or love? you're not sure.
you fall into a comfortable silence as you share your meal together. it was alarmingly easy to act like this was just another day after work with your boyfriend.
"how have you been?" you finally ask in return. it was only right.
"busy," he admits. he doesn't want to say there was a reason he purposely tried to keep busy. he didn't want to burden you. and he definitely didn't want you to think you were the problem because he knows it's all him.
"are you taking care of yourself?" you ask him.
"not as well as i was when i had you," he looks into your eyes.
you're stunned into silence, yet again, but with hope and not dread like the last time he spoke to you.
he sets down his chopsticks before folding his hands and facing you, "i came here to tell you i'm sorry. i'm sorry for how we ended and how i left you. it was a shitty thing to do and it haunts me every time i close my eyes to sleep. i don't expect you to forgive me, i wouldn't forgive me. but i know i hurt you with the way i treated you, you didn't deserve that. and i just want to say i'm sorry and you didn't do anything wrong. i was out of my mind. please don't blame yourself."
the wind is knocked out of your lungs at his confession. you were overwhelmed by him admitting his wrongs and calling you out to tell you not to blame yourself, because you were. he apologized but didn't do it to make you forgive him, he wanted to help take the burden of wondering what you did wrong off your own shoulders. it was the closure you needed.
the back of your eyes tingle with tears.
"don't cry," he says wrapping his warm hand over yours on the dining table, "i'll go. i don't want to bother you any longer."
he grabs his plate and rinses it quickly in the sink before heading towards the door.
much like the last time, you quickly get up and grab his hand, "don't go."
jeno turns around, eyes wide and looking into your soul.
"don't go. stay. it's late. you can sleep on the couch." you say still grasping his hand with tears in your eyes.
"okay," he whispers slowly. how could he leave when you ask him to stay?
you grab an extra pillow and blanket from your bedroom and bring it to the couch. as much as you wanted jeno to sleep in bed with you tonight, you needed space to think about what he said and sort out your own thoughts. but you wanted the comfort of knowing he was at home. with you.
you and jeno work together to set up the couch, working in silent synchrony and harmony. the domesticity of it all makes you both emotional.
as you stand back up after tucking a sheet into the couch, jeno wraps you in his arms and says what he came here to say all along,
i love you, i'm sorry
#jeno#nct dream jeno#jeno imagines#jeno angst#nct dream imagines#nct jeno#nct dream#jeno lee#nct#nct jeno imagines#jeno fic#jeno x reader#lee jeno#jeno nct
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Had a dream today and I'm evolving it as I go here
The main idea that Rin didn't die when she tried to unalive herself by Kakashi's hand, but Obito was already traumatized and got in with Madara's Moon Eye plan. So yada-yada, she's the jinchuriki of Sanbi. BUT the difference was that she decided to come out of the closet (a real tight one cuz of her clan but she almost just DIED what to regret now) that she's actually a guy. So FTM Rin guys. Rin is he/him from now on.
He wouldn't change his personality and crush on Kakashi much. Dude is a medic, have you met medics? My extended family has a lot of medics in ER and other and let me tell you, they're ruthless and give 0 fucks.
Oh and since he's a medic he has top notch access to remove his own boobs and change his hormones fucking manually.
I think he would rethink his crush on Kakashi, like, man, he's a loser, plus it's hard to crush on someone who you thought killed you (even tho you made him) AND Kakashi has doomed love with 'dead' Obito and it's a bummer.
Idk about his name tho, he probably would change it just to, unknowingly, create more confusion for poor Obito, who is SURE that Rin is dead-dead and fucking Konoha didn't even made a grave for her and Kakashi doesn't even VISIT.
Madara and Zetsu obviously don't tell him about his development. They don't need him to have a hope in this world again.
Kakashi is just glad that he didn't kill his teammate and maybe they connect better since "Rin" (listen i NEED a name for him, but i have 0 ideas about meaning or what ever. maybe he'd take something to honor Obito's memory?) doesn't crush on him anymore and maybe he's trans too?? idk about it yet but he might act warmer to "Rin" now.
So Obito is just confused, like WHO is this dude from Nohara clan who is now with Kakashi ALL the time (they're still best friends). He doesn't connect that this brown haired (!) medic (!!) from Nohara clan (!!!) with the same marks (!!!) same age as them (!!!!!) might be Rin. like no, nope, Rin a nice gentle lady, not this smoking dude who yells at Kakashi and curses at him cuz he run away from hospital again.
So yeah Obito is just not impressed. But intrigued. And jealous. He stalks Kakashi AND this guy all the time. May develop a crush on both, cuz "Rin" is still the same at his core.
Kakashi would still go in ANBU cuz Minato asked him (still not sure about it, like yeah lets put deeply traumatized 13 yo in assasin squad good job) and stuff.
So idk how canon would go from there, like i doubt that Minato would let 14 yo jinchuriki near another one at this tense situation, even tho "Rin" could've help.
So yeah Kushiha and Minato die, "Rin" barely holds onto the Sanbi but Obito finds out that the guy is holding them. He doesn't connects the dots. Or he does? His mind just CAN'T hold on to the fact that his Rin MIGHT survived.
But maybe "Rin" was closer to the place where they sealed Kuubi in Naruto (maybe he ran there cuz there's Kuubi rampaging and he HAS to help) so Minato entrusted Naruto to him, not to fucking Sandaime.
So yeah, now "Rin" is Naruto's legal dad at the age of 14 and no one can fucking take him away cuz a) it was Minato's dying wish; and b) just fucking TRY to peer "Rin" away from Naruto, you'll get your hand bitten off and NO arguments work, cuz "Rin", who was trained by Kushina in jinchuriki stuff, can make some sort of turtle shield and he hides in it with his new baby and no one can do anything.
And no one can protect baby jinchuriki better than the other jinchuriki so it's fine. Everyone just accepts it.
(Isobu laughs at Kurama cuz haha im the older sibling now :))
Naruto is bullied less but I think no one can tell him about his parents cuz Sandaime sucks ass. But "Rin" drops HUGE hints cuz he hates Sandaime now too. Like no shit Tsunade left.
Idk what would happen with Obito if he finds out about "Rin's" identity. he'd come back crawling and crying probably. Maybe try to kidnap him and cry more in Kamui.

update: added sketch
#ftm rin#save me ftm rin#rin nohara#kakshi hatake#obito uchiha#kkob#kakaobi#obkk#obikaka#maybe#obrn#obirin#kakarin#???#kkobrin#i like them in poly#listen if anyone wants to make it a fic pls DO i need it#i won't cuz my hands are tried by timetravel tobirama#my art
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hi! i was wondering if i can request lads boys comforting their s/o bc their cat has passed. my baby passed today and i’m grieving really hard. thank you and have an amazing day🫶🏻
Moving this one up immediately in my box just to express my condolences. Your baby was very loved, I'm sure, and I hope you get through this tough time with care <3 I'm sorry for your loss. It's a tough time, regardless of who you're losing. My partner's grandpa passed a couple years back and I remember us crying, laughing and bowling, crying again, and talking a lot. Heck, I went to a craft store right after I heard the news and wandered around for two hours without any goal. I think I bought lolipop sticks. Take care love <3 You'll get through this. I know it's hard.
LaDS men when your pet cat has passed away
Xavier -
Since he lives so close by, your baby was his baby too, so he's devastated. Not equally so, he knows you spent more time with them, and you had them long before you had met him, but still- the pain exists.
The both of you are a bundle of blankets for a long while, just lying in the comfort and going through the both of your phones as you look for every single photo or video that has your cat in it, even just a little bit.
Lots of tears, but lots of laughs as well.
Everything is clear and apparent with every single memory the two of you go through- every little quirk your cat had, every little habit they had-
You both have a really nice time just talking about your cat, and any of the goofy mischief they used to get up to.
Of course you cry, and of course Xavier holds you through it. He knows how hard this is for you, and he knows it'll pass.
But until then, he's got you.
He's always got you.
Zayne -
He may be pragmatic to an extreme sometimes, but when it comes to grieving, he knows how hard it can be on the human psychic.
Not to mention on someone like you, who's already been through enough.
He'll definitely ask you if you want a hug, and if the answer is yes, he'll hold you, squeezing you so snugly and for so long that surely his muscle memory doesn't know a different position anymore.
Warm tea or cocoa, his old cardigan on your shoulders, pillows and blankets surrounding you on the couch, and just…
A lot of care.
If you ask him for any opinions or advice, he probably won't be able to give it to you. He doesn't want to risk anything coming out abrasive when you're still so tender, so he'll settle for condolences and anything comforting he can think of.
"I know it hurts. And you can try as you might, but the hole they left won't ever manage to be blocked out. All you can do is keep going, and hold their memory close."
Sylus -
Deep breath, it's going to be alright.
Loss is definitely something he's familiar with- and it's partially why he doesn't have anyone of his own. Mephisto may have a personality, but he's also mechanical. There's no way for him to disappear, because every bit of data in him gets saved, just in case.
But there's also no way your cat will disappear either, because Sylus has saved every memory of her, to make sure you will always have something should this day arrived.
He just didn't expect it to come so soon.
Doesn't matter what job he has, it's left to Luke and Kieran. He's by your side to care for you in whatever capacity you may need. He takes a lot of initiative, but he also asks you a lot of questions too. He doesn't want to risk making you uncomfortable, and he knows you're extra tender right now.
A lot of physical affection if that's what you need, and a lot of ideas to help you through it- whether he takes you out somewhere to help distract you from the pain, or goes through old memories with you to help you grieve through it, he'll do anything.
For as long as you may need.
Rafayel -
He hated cats.
Except for this one.
That was partially your fault, but also partially the darned cat's fault for being such a love.
He's devastated, both for you, and for himself.
He'll hug you- kiss you. Anything he can think of that usually cheers you up, even though he knows there's really nothing that's going to help right now.
He's been there, he's experienced loss. He knows what you're going through, and unfortunately- he knows that also means there's not really any helping it.
Someday when you're ready- could be in a month, could be three years from now, it doesn't matter at all him- he'll make you probably one of the favorite gifts you'll ever receive from him.
It's a portrait of your past baby, flowing full of life and color with eyes that sparkle almost as well as theirs did back when they were still around.
And sometimes, 'almost' is more than enough to help ease the pain.
#.writey#love and deepspace#lads#lds#x reader#sylus x reader#rafayel x reader#zayne x reader#xavier x reader#<3
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Do it for them- Co-captain reader x Curly
Previous - Part 15 - Next
The day of the rescue was getting closer and closer, with only a week left.
And it was that day when you woke up in the middle of the night hearing Anya's whimper.
Those last few weeks, you had settled in the nursery, just in case something unexpected happened with her pregnancy, so they would have everything on hand for her labor.
Anya: "It hurts!! It hurts a lot-!"
"You're doing well, Anya, hang in there a bit longer."
You said calmly with a smile on your lips, quickly giving her some painkillers, hoping that would relieve her.
Soon Swansea and Daisuke were there to help her.
Daisuke brought hot water and some towels.
Swansea brought all the possible pillows to make Anya comfortable, and stayed by her side holding her hand so she could hold onto something during the process.
Curly could only witness the moment and how everyone was helping; he would have loved to be able to do something in a situation like that, but he was just a burden.
"I can see the head, Anya, you're doing well, keep it up!"
Everyone fell silent when a loud cry was heard in the room, you breathed a sigh of relief knowing that the worst was over.
You heard a loud thud, realizing that Daisuke had fainted.
You couldn't help but stare at him for a few seconds; you were the one covered in blood with a baby in your arms, and he fainted. You still had to cut the cord and make sure the placenta had come out completely.
Swansea: "If you allow me to ask... What is it??"
With a cloth, you were wiping the baby's blood.
"She is a girl"
You looked at Anya, waiting for some kind of response from her, watching as she started making sounds, a mix between laughter and crying.
Anya: "I can't... I can't see her... Please don't bring it closer to me... I don't want to hear it anymore..."
She covered her eyes with her arms.
Swansea: "Give it to me"
The man extended his hands towards you and you looked at him curiously, handing over the girl who was still crying loudly, and upon feeling the contact with the man's chest, the warmth of human kindness, she gradually calmed down.
Swansea stood up to leave the room, with the baby in her arms, she wanted Anya to have a moment of peace.
You helped her clean herself first, find a more comfortable place to rest, change her clothes, and make sure her signs were okay, that she wasn't losing more blood than she should.
"How did it feel?"
Anya: "...The head was the worst... But... Then I felt an enormous relief..."
"Do you think you'll be able to breastfeed her? We don't have anything to give him milk otherwise."
Anya: "...I would prefer... Not seeing her nor touching her..."
"Then we will find a way"
You were extremely focused on her well-being, touching her forehead and noticing she had a slight fever, you let her rest on a stretcher with a cold cloth on her forehead.
You sat on Curly's cot, both of you watching her sleep.
"...They say the moment a mother gives birth is beautiful, but... It's not true, it's exhausting, it's painful, it leaves you with scars, your body won't be the same. The only thing that makes it beautiful is... That you gave life to a child you actually wanted... That... It would mean that Anya only went through horrible pain... As if it were a surgery, removing a tumor that only harms you."
You murmured and looked at your husband, slowly lying down beside him, surprising him, you planned to sleep there with him, as you used to.
"You still want children, right?"
He didn't say anything, he just looked at your face.
"...Me too"
You answered him to turn your back and try to sleep.
The next day, you and Daisuke couldn't help but burst out laughing when you saw the solution Swansea had given Anya so she wouldn't have to breastfeed the baby.
Swansea: "Laugh as much as you want! But this was the only way I had to feed my eldest son when his mother couldn't!"
Swansea had a latex glove with Anya's milk stuck to his shirt, with a small hole in one of the fingers through which Polly was suckling, nestled against the man's chest.
#do it for them mouthwashing#mouthwashing#mouthwash#mouthwashing game#mouthwashing x reader#curly mouthwashing#jimmy mouthwashing#anya mouthwashing#captain curly#daisuke mouthwashing#swansea mouthwashing#captain curly x reader#mouthwashing curly
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vampire!matt with a sweet girly girl
u have. an amazing brain did u know that 💓
he LOVES his girly girl so damn much, loves how accepting you are of him being a vampire and how you didn't start crying bloody murder the second you found out. he also wonders whether your blood tastes as sweet as you are, but he tries to keep that thought in the back of his head as much as he can ...... maybe one day you'd let him try, just a little. that he thinks about a lot. and your blood does taste sweet to him, due to all of those sweet smoothies and milkshakes you drink.
matt thinks you're a little too sweet sometimes, he thinks your pretty face and lacy outfits, lips smothered in gloss could give people the wrong idea. you're naive at times, very much so, so he has to step in at times. first off, you'd literally let him into your home after he'd stumbled in your yard—what was stopping you from doing it again? when you'd left your back door open one time, he'd told you, "gotta be more careful, sweetheart, you let me, a whole ass vampire in one time, next thing i know a fuckin' werewolf is gonna be walkin' in through that door,"
"...werewolves are real?" you stare at him, blinking for a moment. of course that's what you focused on.
"just—just lock the door, will you?"
you're sweet to the point of literally fucking up your sleep schedule and sleeping during the day just so you can go out with matt at night. it concerns him so bad but also makes his heart race at the fact you'd do that for him. the first few times you did it, you were practically falling asleep where you stood.
"we can go back if you want—" "no." your voice are the tiniest bit delayed and slurred from how tired you are but insistent nonetheless, and he simply eyes you for a minute before a fond smile adorns his lips, and he continues walking around the park with you with your fingers interlaced with his.
he gets a little self conscious over being a vampire sometimes, and feels like he doesn't deserve to be with someone as sweet as you, so he starts pulling away and being around you less in the hopes that you'll finally realise that you deserve something better. "i'm a vampire, a monster, you shouldn't even want to look at me, let alone date me."
"i've had exes bigger monsters than you, y'know that? you're far from it, dummy." and that gets him thinking two things: you're a fucking angel, and where the fuck were those exes, because he'd have to sort them out for you if they were that bad to you. he still doesn't think he deserves you, at all, but he starts thinking it less and less with how many times you tell him that he does.
you're super warm blooded, but especially compared to him. he's always so cold, due to being a vampire, and you hate it. not for yourself, you love cuddling up with him and clinging to him with no remorse. but for him, since you feel like it could get pretty annoying being freezing all the damn time. "you're literally shivering." you are, you're shaking the faintest bit against him. it's not obvious, but he completely notices with how attuned his senses are. "m'literally fine, matt. close your eyes, you're supposed to be sleeping," your eyes are squeezed shut, trying to sleep. though you're practically clinging to him to try get warmth, which you won't find but do so anyway, in your cute little pajamas.
or he's doing your makeup for you, as you'd requested, and his cold hand is grasping your face gently to steady you. "sit still, y'keep fidgetin', baby." you whine in return, pouting as you try to keep yourself still. he tries to hold off a laugh at the way you react, "we need to get you gloves," at that, he chuckles quietly, brows raising instinctively. as much as he loves you, he doesn't think so. "you're not makin' me wear gloves, no way in hell. gotta suck it up, i guess."
#𐙚˙ talkies ⋆.˚#𐙚˙ ana writes ⋆.˚#𐙚˙ mattsdolll 🩰 ⋆.˚#matt sturniolo fluff#matt sturniolo x you#matt sturniolo x reader#matt sturniolo#vampire!matt#sturniolo triplets
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a second chance for life


pairing: luka couffaine / viperion x gn!reader
summary: you take a hit that was meant for viperion and bleed to death in his arms. but he's not giving up on you, even when things seem impossible…
tags: a lot of implied stuff, angst with a happy ending, reader dies, viperion rewinds time, mentions of blood, reader & luka know each other's identities, (best) friend!luka, reader crying

“l-luka…?” tears were rolling down your cheeks, as viperion cradled you in his arms. you were bleeding heavily and despite trying to stop the bleeding, nothing seemed to work. “it hurts… so bad.”
luka's heart broke seeing you like this.
“i wish i knew how to make it stop…” he whispered, gently wiping the tears off your cheek. “just hold on… please, keep fighting a little longer.”
“i'm so…” your eyelids began to flutter, your breathing getting more hectic. “…t-tired.”
“no, stay awake! don’t close your–” but it was already too late. you never heard the end of luka's words, as your eyes fell shut before he could finish and you stopped breathing.
luka softly held you in his arms, simply staring at your lifeless body. this didn't feel real yet. just an hour ago, the two of you were laughing together at his place, talking about what you'd do on the weekends. then suddenly, an akumatized villain showed up and when you shielded an attack meant for luka, you ended up getting killed.
“this isn't fair…” luka whispered, his grip around you tightening. “it should've been me. if i could rewind time, i'd–”
but he had already used his miraculous. he could only rewind time once, those were the rules. yet despite knowing better, luka's hand found its way to the bracelet, praying that if miracles truly existed, that he'd be blessed with one. just rewinding time once, to make sure you'd make it. with a trembling hand, he twisted the bracelet…
before he knew it, he stood right where the battle had begun moments earlier. and by his side were you, nervously smiling at him, as you noticed that your partner had been lost in thoughts.
“you–” luka didn't find the right words, simply wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into a hug so tight that it almost squeezed the life out of you. “you're… alive.”
“of course i am ali–” you laughed confused, before the weight of his words suddenly sunk in. “wait… did i…?”
luka pulled away from you, trying to avoid telling you about what he'd seen before he rewind time. but it was clear that the mere thought of it terrified you deeply.
“you'll be alright. i've seen the future and i know what i'll have to do to protect you.” luka stated firmly, gently squeezing your hand, in hopes to reassure you of his words. “i won't lose you another time, i promise.”

#luka couffaine x reader#luka x reader#couffaine x reader#viperion x reader#luka#couffaine#viperion#luka couffaine#x reader#x you#x y/n#x gn reader#angst#oneshot#hurt/comfort#miraculous x reader#miraculous ladybug#miraculous#mlb#ml#mlb x reader
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