#so i had some great shots 😁✨
jaarijani · 2 months
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Yayy!! Requests!! Okay I don’t know if you’ve seen Stranger Things or not, so I’ll just rapid explain what I’m thinking of.
Deadpool x reader where it’s enemies to lovers. They are in the car (I see Wade being a passenger princess, so I like to imagine the reader is the one driving… your choice obvi), and they are in a full-fledged argument. Just completely bashing one another, insane insults… stuff like that. And then, Logan in the back seat is slowly losing his mind over the idiocy of these two (I like to imagine Peter sitting next to him too like in his own little world, drinking a juice box or something) before he just snaps and basically tells them what that bartender said when Wade went to recruit him earlier.
Hopefully this sparks some inspo 😁✨ if not that’s totally okay!!
(If you haven’t seen the show or the scene I’m talking about… I do highly recommend at least watching the clip. It’s actually very entertaining)
Insults on Wheels
The roar of the engine was loud enough to wake the dead, but it was nothing compared to the verbal onslaught happening in the front seat.
“You seriously think you’re the brains of this operation?” you snapped, eyes flicking between the road and the insufferable man beside you. “Your idea of strategy is just shooting everyone and hoping one of them was the bad guy!”
“Oh please,” Wade shot back, adjusting his seat like the passenger princess he was. “At least I do something! What’s your grand plan? Give the bad guys a stern talking-to? Maybe knit them a cozy sweater to show you mean business?”
You tightened your grip on the steering wheel, resisting the urge to swerve into oncoming traffic. “You know what, Wade? Maybe if you spent half as much time actually fighting as you do running your mouth, we wouldn’t be in this mess!”
“Right, because your brilliant move of not hitting the gas when we had the chance really paid off, huh?” Wade said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “Next time, how about you just let me drive? You can stick to doing what you do best—nothing.”
“Oh, you think you could drive this car better?” you scoffed. “Last time you tried, you almost got us both killed because you were too busy checking yourself out in the rearview mirror!”
“That was one time!” Wade defended himself, slapping his hand on the dashboard. “And I looked great!”
Meanwhile, in the backseat, Logan sat with his arms crossed, a permanent scowl etched on his face. His knuckles were turning white as he clutched the seat, every muscle in his body tense. Next to him, Peter was entirely oblivious, sipping on a juice box, staring out the window as if this was the most normal day in the world.
“You’re impossible, you know that?” you snapped, shooting Wade a death glare.
“Impossible? Sweetheart, I’m the full package—brains, brawn, and a sense of humor. It’s not my fault you’re too dense to appreciate it.”
Before you could fire back, Logan let out a low growl, a warning sign that he was about to lose it.
But Wade, being Wade, just kept pushing. “You should be thanking me. Without me, you’d be—”
“DEAD! We know! You never shut up about it!” you interrupted, your patience wearing thin.
“Oh, and you’re so modest, aren’t you? Let me guess, it was your plan that got us into this mess?”
“That’s because someone had to think things through!”
“Yeah, well maybe if you weren’t so—”
Logan finally snapped. “ENOUGH!” he roared, making both you and Wade jump in your seats.
Dead silence filled the car. Even Peter stopped sipping his juice box, eyes wide as he turned to look at Logan.
“I swear to God,” Logan growled, leaning forward between the seats. “If I have to listen to one more second of this bullshit, I’m gonna pop my claws and end this car ride for good. You two wanna keep arguing, be my guest. But I’ll tell you what Weasel said when Wade tried recruiting me: ‘You two are so full of crap, you’re practically fertilizer. Now either kiss and make up or get the hell out of my bar!’”
You blinked, stunned into silence. Wade, for once, had nothing to say.
“And for the record,” Logan added, his voice a low rumble, “You both suck at driving.”
The car was quiet after that, the tension still thick but muted by Logan’s outburst. You and Wade exchanged glances, both of you too stubborn to apologize but too shocked to continue the fight.
Peter went back to his juice box, the sound of his slurping the only noise in the now eerily silent vehicle.
Finally, Wade broke the silence. “So… does this mean we’re not stopping for chimichangas?”
“Shut up, Wade,” you both said in unison, and for the first time, there was a hint of a smile tugging at your lips.
Maybe Logan was right. Maybe you were both full of crap. But you had to admit, the arguing was kind of fun.
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turtletaubwrites · 6 months
hey, hey :))
would love to ask: 🍓 and ❄️
love ya lynna <3!!
Hi Madd! Thank you for the questions! 🖤🖤
🍓 ⇢ How did you get into writing fanfiction?
Lol, this story is fun. I only read fanfiction occasionally over the years, just a couple here and there when I was hyperfixated on something. Then last year, OPLA took over my brain. I binged an insane amount of Buggy fics over on Ao3. Then I had my first manic episode in years since I've been diagnosed and medicated. I started writing my Buggy fic (then paused to write the Sanji fic about a reader with vaginismus that I posted first.) I hadn't written in years, but then I wrote and posted a 12,000+ word one shot with Sanji, and a 52,000+ word dark romance Buggy fic in less than a month (as well as 10,000+ words in other one shots, and started We've All Got Needs). I thought it was just the adhd at first, but nope, that was definitely the mania 😅 Then I got put on 3 months of medical leave, and wrote nonstop. Now that I'm back to work, I'm still writing. I was afraid that once the manic episode ended, I would lose the momentum to write. So far I'm still writing, and I hope I never stop! 😁✨ So we can thank mental illness for all these fics, lol
❄️ ⇢ What's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
One type of fic that I haven't really tried my hand at are AU's. I've only done 2 modern AU one shots for requests, but I'd love to shove some of these lil guys into a sci fi or fantasy realm at some point. I know who'd do a great job at adapting some of my favorite stories into One Piece AU's. I fucking loved The Sand Dragon and I by @discordantwritings that was inspired by one of my favorite books growing up. If we have any more favorite sci fi or fantasy stories in common, I'd love to see you throw one of our blorbos into some other world and make it delicious 🥰🖤
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monsterfan20 · 10 months
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Virgo (Virgin): ❤️ Jan ❤️
(He’s never done “IT” before 😉😱 IFYKYK)
He’s never afraid to put his heart into a project, no matter how difficult. God rest his soul.
He’s really enthusiastic
And he’s curtis and earger to assist others because he was excited to do his job.
And then, he’s lofty, (???) Devoted, attentive and devoted to romantic partners (like the pretty girl at the bar )
And he’s understanding 🧠
He needs a filter because he can’t take back Jeppoty chances
He’s really delicate and little
And he wants to enhance his job (in monster )
and he needs to rememebr to take a break from work and appreciate the small pleasures in life
Libra ♎️ (Lunge)
It’s an air sign. Represented by a scale and they’re ruled by VENUS which rhymes with PENIS 😁
He’s obsessed with symmetry and he moves his hands up and down like a scale, he’s an intellectual, he would make a really good decorator if he had a house but he doesn’t rn. A cardinal sign which means libra’s are great at launching new initiatives, struggles with indecision. Trust own initiation like when he ws trying to get TENMA ARRESTED😡😡😡😡😡😡Can resolve conflict with charm ✨
That’s all i got for libra ♎️
Scorpio ♏️ (DR. GILLEN)
Passionate and assertive
He kind of looks like aBUG AND A SCORPION IS A BUG A BUG A BUG HE LOOKS LIKE A BUG and he’s passionate and um he has a really good level of determination when talking to Criminals
He has experience that could get him destroyed 👀
Enemy: pieces
Weakness: Be manipulative but i don’t think he would do that because he’s sweet and gentle
Lustful? NO! Powerful? NO! Mysterious? Yes!
Reserved and takes some time to open up to people, observant and prone to staring (not starring)
Gatherings are lowkey but friendly at the same time
He was so lowkey he gave that guy a pen and the guy killed himself with a pen but he didn’t let it get to his head and he stayed focused and on task
Scorpio is like Leonardo decaprio, hillary clinton, SCROPIO BACKWARDS IS OIPROCS
he is charming with the ladies he captures my heart and he’s a water sign 🪧
Sagging tarius (Sagittarius (♐︎) (Greek: Τοξότης, romanized: Toxótēs, Latin for "archer"))
They have curiously and humor and a sense for adventure
Sagittarius is a tea pot. HOTTTT! (grimmer) mH
He’s moral like moral orel and lazy and gluttonous but i, i think he’s open minded and versatile and his element is FIRE 🔥
adventurous lke when grimmer is running around homeless talking to people
Good natured, optimistic like how he looks at life, Good humor, but he eats a. lot so he’s gluttonous
Hes modest
His home planet is JUPITER TO GET MORE STUPITER ew this girl has her boobs out oop-
And he’s really enthusiastic! 🌹🌸💐🌺🌷🌻🥀🌼🪷🪻
“It’s impossible for humans to forget their emotions”
he said that
Aquarius (Christoph )
He’s really eccentric because i get scared when he’s on screen
hes unpredictable and reminds me of my abusive home life, and like when he almost shot someone
hes rebellious i guess and too hot to handle and hes artistic and good at art!
Not really open minded so i don’t think it’s accurat when they say that
Because hes a Nazi
And hes and air sign and is
Approachable because he shakes hands at parties
And he alwyas acts like there’s something wrong with him so hes charming and unconventional and charming
The dates are january 21-feb 19
Last but not least
Pieces (Fat prostitute)
She is a pieces because she’s fat
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winterecho-archive · 3 years
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Hello frens! I’ve finally finished TAFE for the year, and you know what that means? I’m on my summer break until February next year! so I finally have time for tumblr and sims again! 💃🥳🍹✨ I’ve missed so many peoples here and I’m so glad to finally be back~ 🥰 I’ve missed a LOT so I might not be able to catch up on everything, but I’ll be back in your notes soon! 😁💗
Working on Winter Echo made it difficult for me to keep up with TAFE as well as I wanted to in first semester this year, so after I finished the story I decided to take a break from both tumblr and sims and throw myself entirely into my studies. I had some great results from this and learned a ton, and I’m excited to use my new skills to make stuff for sims! xD
Under the cut ~ my major project works for this semester 😊
Rendering & Lighting
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For this final assessment, we had to light and texture a fruit bowl matching a photo reference we were given. I find lighting relaxing but it takes a very long time to get right (especially trying to match a reference). I’m pretty happy with how these textures turned out, they also took a really really long time to perfect. The apple and bananas were textured in Substance Painter and the grapes, orange and basket were procedurally textured in Maya. I think those grapes took me two full days to get right 😅 (the pear and table aren’t textured, we weren’t actually supposed to texture this many fruits, which I found out far too late lol)
Our last animation assessment for the year was to animate a character jumping. A lot harder than it appears 😅 I also modelled, textured and lit this scene for it and I think it might be my favourite thing I’ve modelled/textured so far 😄 I’m very excited with how much my skills with 3D animation have improved over this semester! definitely an elective I’ll be taking for 3rd year 😊
So I really think compositing is super fun, as you might have guessed by the amount of compositing I do for my sims shots xD For our final assessment for this class, we were given an animated spaceship (modelled and textured in Maya by our teacher) and had to composite it into an animated background scene of our choice using Nuke. Nuke is a very complex program, kinda like uber-Photoshop 😅 This very short shot took a ridiculous amount of time to create and I’m still not 100% happy with it but at some point you just gotta submit the thing, lol 😆
Production Studio
My major major project of this semester 😆 This was a group project that challenged us to use all our skills from our other classes. The brief was to model cars of the future, based on cars from the 50s, and they had to light up, talk, and fly 👀😬 I did have a lot of fun with this over the semester and I’m really happy with the final result, although there was quite a lot of drama with one member of our group who caused us a lot of troubles. 😅 The final renders for the film took such a long time that we had to get a full on render farm going over a weekend with multiple people rendering out different shots, and even then we had to render at fairly low quality to get it done. Very eye opening for the amount of time it must take to render out a full 3D animated film 👀
Thanks for taking a look at my work if you’ve gotten this far! 💗 I’m super excited to use all these new skills to create some cool stuff over my break for sims! Starting with a proper airport set... I got big plans 😁
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kooks-cookie · 2 years
BTS song fic games!!
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Hii!! I've been inactive for quitee a while now!! And i have had no inspiration to write, whatsoever. I also had my college sem finals as I finally have gotten very close to finally graduating!!
Soo to get out of this hiatus, I decided... Why not take a few ✨requests!✨
So this is a song fic request game?? Sorry I am horrible at coming up with names😂😅.
I figured I am great at coming up with short one shots and drabbles based on the theme of a song.
Rules for the game:
1. Send me the song you want the theme of the fic to be on. It can be amy song. Obviously if I don't know it I'll listen to the song and then come up with the fic! Great way to get some new song recs as well!
I have been so inactive for a while, thought this would be a great way to interact with you guys too!
2. Send in the bts member name you want the fic to be about.
Ps. Kind of excited for all your requests! 😁😁
Note: I only wrote bts member x reader fics. I can add in a named oc if you want to but to generalize and make it more personal to each reader I usually add in an unnamed oc.
Sooo let the games begin!! 🔥🎆🎊🎉🎁
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