#so i dont even get why defend somebody talking about it the wrong way. obvs there are young girls and also stupid adults on radblr
2024skin · 9 months
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Except she literally said "91% of women are murdered by men they know" you and I both know what she was talking about, which is why you Changed Your Wording to tell me the accurate statistic. The problem is, it's only obvious to Us because we already knew that.
This is a public space; people with no feminist insight are looking at our posts. If you know the correct statistics about male violence, you need to share those instead of playing a game of telephone with facts and then expecting people to understand your point at the end.
Most people don't know that men commit murder way more often than women. The average women I meet only know that men are murdered more often than women are, with no idea Who is committing those murders. If this was someone's First introduction to the 91% stat, they would think it's fear mongering. Minus credibility points for the whole feminist movement because some girl on Twitter couldn't be bothered to get her facts straight, and hundreds of other people agreed with her uncritically.
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aanlaiias-s · 4 years
as we were walking out from under the passage under lakeshore where two men were fishing six or so feet apart with the water high enough to ebb thru the fence and wet the sidewalk - as we were walking out
these other two guys were on the path drinking and when we were walking by they said hello girls do you drink vodka and we only noticed a second afterward and i guess i said in that ruptured way where you’re caught off guard i guess a weak trailing off sound saying hi / no thanks
and that was it but it was i guess bc of a number of things at once : her and i, bare legs, a longish jacket down lower than the shorts, long hair, a silly mask, sandals maybe and most likely just all that passing silhouetted against the night which had just fallen maybe half an hour before
yet what i was thinking in the reflex moment was not fear or lightness so much as a double-take on my own voice through an estranged third person for whom it would have been incongruous and i was hoping they hadn’t felt mistaken. it routes through all this bullshit we’ve all seen on like comedy central or whatever and the deception-frame cuts across the scene which is more like barely a moment, barely a relation— ( i am trying to omit some violence here so that’s part of why this is vague - but to be clear im talking abt the antitrans trope of voice/body incongruity; the other part is that what i’m talking about was itself vague, not even violent, not even tense, just a mild offer we walked past bc we couldn’t take it or if we had we wouldn’t necessarily have been the ones they thought they were offering it to, and that felt not dangerous but like it wasn’t inconceivable that it could be if things had gone by slower or been extended enough to ) - so i am almost certainly making more of it than they did, and i couldn’t hear anything they may’ve said after. and anyway the vulnerability of that non-scene didn’t catch up with either of us and i hope they were ok out there drinking after curfew. it was not a problem for me maybe it was for them and i hope not
on my way back a guy was pinning his boyfriend up against the plywood sheeting covering a bar that got in trouble months ago for an internal memo saying they had to stop playing rap and hip hop bc it brought the wrong ppl in. a lot of ppl were mad abt that so no wonder they boarded up. the guy and his boyfriend were exhilarated to be outside tho and one was just slapping the other’s ass a lot. some other ppl across the street were dancing or something around one of the metal poles for a street sign. later a man on the corner was fully prostrated almost devotionally but almost as if to become a statue of abjection, holding a big gulp cup for change. i searched my jacket pockets for that quarter i had and couldnt find any and he didn’t ask but it maybe i should’ve given him my green tea. i’m always realizing things like that too late and that’s a symptom of self-absorption probably. like j online saying they were looking for a cat leash? and i don’t have one i dont think but i could’ve said oh there’s a pet smart down here. anyway. all these r small points of awareness and maybe they cover up larger incoherences and failures.
i’m incapacitated for long periods of time by the newsfeeds and so is everyone else and i’d like to stop internally defending myself and just do something, be with ppl, but it’s impossible to meet anyone right now. i’d like to stretch and relearn the affective range i live in, the spectrum, like this was getting off it, and i want whatever i get on or whatever opens up to be less defensive. like falling into somebody’s arms you know. not shutting your response down into a preset thought. and not thinking obvs that thinking is ever necessarily or even possibly a cut with feeling and maybe that’s why it’s attractive to not shut it down but to make the toxic defense into a moment that will dissolve into another moment — i’m just hoping that now that i realize affective changes are happening i can turn that into a way of undoing a lot of the habits of response that make me want to suffer in isolation
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