#so i Want to hope but. hate to generalize gmmtv shows most of which i have never watched and never will but. Smth Abt Their Writing
cubedmango · 2 years
Even if they go off the manga i’m so. why just why like I genuinely don’t get who asked for this GMMTV??? of all people to remake it and the worst thing is their fans who are already trying to slander the jdrama saying that the other one will be better just because they’ll kiss like whatever happened to being critical thinkers . And also oh god no thai dramas are so long how far are they going like 1-5 like the drama or are the gmm heathens touching The Movie content cause… also it’s annoying cause they’re already treating it as just another taynew series ntm the first pic I COULDN’T EVEN TELL YOU WHO’S SUPPOSED TO BE ADACHI OR KUROSAWA WHERE IS ADACHI’S BOWLCUT!!!
im still willing to give the show itself the benefit of the doubt for now since i personally dont rlly know much abt the cast/crew and from what i know abt gmmtv shows the pilot announcement/trailers can be p different from the end product (? correct me if im wrong) and theres time until filming starts in march (by the time maybe the mixed reactions will get them at least listening to the serious criticism) so Maybe. Maybe If We're Lucky The Show Might Be Ok. Decent. Good, Even? at least i hope so
but the fans. oh god the fans dont get me started. going on twt is rotting my brain i cant even look for regular manga/jdrama content like i always do without seeing them everywhere now. saw one tweet calling krdc brothers bc the show was 'dry' and i. What???????????? Im So Fucking Baffled. do these ppl know kissing and their oh-so-beloved 'spicy' scenes isnt going to make a possibly-badly-written show any better???? guys. Guys. its supposed to be a piece of media. with a whole plot. u know like. A Storyline? Themes? Several Things That Kind Of Matter A Lot More Than Just 'Hehe Characters Go Muah Muah'? also not even manga krdc have a kiss until vol 5 which is probs the length they'll adapt til so like what?? are they expecting?????? to say i am genuinely afraid of these ppl would not be an understatement ngl i wish there was a way i could mute all of them i dont want to see these takes anymore i want peace. its been One day and i want Peace
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sherrymagic · 2 months
Lana, do you have any wishes for GMMTV part 2 tomorrow 🫰🏻???
hi there anon!!
to be honest, most of what i was wishing for for Part 2 has already been confirmed to not be happening, and the rest of my top wishes is likely not going to happen as well (not this time at least) since most of the actors involved are not even attending the event.
so in the end this is all i have left on my wishlist:
rumors about the PerthChimon series being a mafia story being true and the budget to be decent, if not super high at least higher than last time. i'm also praying the gods for a director that hates rallenty takes of the same scene from 17 different angles + repeated flashbacks of stuff that happened 3 minutes ago just as much as i do, i don't deserve to go through those things ever again
a FirstKhao/EarthMix mess. and i mean a really messy plot, which for knowledge is 10 times messier than whatever Only Friends was trying to do. FK can have their romcom too i just crave this one imaginary series more than anything ever since i watched Moonlight Chicken, it doesn't need to be done now, i don't even need it before 2025 but if the universe wants to make up for all the stuff i wanted that i'm not getting this is the way to go (unrealistic i know, but a girl can dream)
this is mostly based on a tumblr post i read a while ago but vampire!JoongDunk sounds good. or anything fantasy/supernatural, i feel like Dunk would pull of that sort of character really well with his looks and general aurea
Louis Thanawin back in action with a bl pairing, preferably with a chance of displaying his true potential with something different since i feel like it hasn't happened with the bl characters he's played in the past. give him the thai adaptation of La La Land he was born to play with the most perfect partner assigned to him by my delusion
more gl shows, and apparently it's pretty much confirmed we're getting at least another one although i'm rooting for more. if i could chose i'd especially love to see Earn, Lookjun and Jan getting their own pairings and i think it's about time for Lookjun to get a lead role in a gl, but as long as the plot feels solid i'm not that picky on the pairing combinations & actually ready to be surprised!!
this is it, pretty basic and mostly non-specific i know, but it's all i have to say for this round. hope some pleasant surprise is coming my way though, perhaps something i didn't even think of!
this was fun to write, thank you very much for asking ♡♡♡♡
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My GMMTV 2023 predictions
First I'm going to list the things I would like to happen, and then the ones I think are likely to happen.
This is for fun, to have a bingo card on the 22nd and see how many predictions I got right (probably not many). Speculating is entertaining, at least until the day comes and I realize none of the things I want will be happening.
My wishes
MilkLove gl
Gls in general. GMM needs to get on with it and quickly. The bare minimum would be two gls and more gl side couples.
TayNew series. My head knows it's a bad idea, but my heart wants it. For whatever reason I just like them, individually and together
More adult series. I still really like university settings and they are much better than high school ones, but I crave characters in their late 20s/30s trying to get their shit together and navigate falling in love. I would also love stories about people in their 40s, 50s, etc, especially queer ones, but I know GMM it's not going to do it.
Gun as a lead. I really hope we get another Gun series, he's probably my favourite actor from the company. I would also like to see him with another partner, man or woman, it could be interesting. But I wouldn't mind if it is with Off either. Also more diverse roles for him, like Black in Not me, I feel like he has a wide acting range that he rarely gets to show.
Same with Nanon. One of my favourite actors too.
JoongDunk series. As I said in my favourite bls list they have a lot of chemistry and it would be great to see them in a 12 episodes series.
More main roles for women, gl or not. GMM has some amazing actresses and they deserve big roles too, P.S. I Hate You style
Some actresses that are great and I would like to see are Jennie, Mook, Jan, Tu, Film
Not me season 2 (yes I know it's not going to happen)
Series directed by Aof, Golf and Nuchy, even though I don't know if I entirely trust Golf after what they let them do to the last episodes of The eclipse
My predictions
First, the actual 2023 series to not start airing for a while because I counted and we have at least 10 series from this year which haven't started to air yet
Main roles for the usual 'big' actors, Bright, Win, Nanon, Ohm, Luke, Joss, Krist
A Gun series, he was being cryptic earlier on Instagram, practically confirming he has a series with someone, we don't know if it's Off yet. I don't feel like GMM is brave enough to give Gun a different couple but we'll see
TayNew series: if I'm correctly informed this is the most probable one. Safe house together, a lot of events and fan meets and a couple of slip ups from them. I never thought this would happen again but here we are, all the evidence points to it. It's possible it's not even a bl but a series where they are main protagonists but not a couple, like BrightWin on Boys over flowers
I was going to write about Dew and Tu as a pair but I just read she's going on a break in 2023 so that's dismissed. I still think he's going to have a series though, he became very popular this year and has had a lot of events
PerthChimon series, they were together in Safe house
MilkLove gl series, also many events together and still branded as a pair a year after Bad buddy. They have to be a side couple on a series at least
No EarthMix series, they had so many series in so little time, and one of them hasn't even aired yet
OhmNanon, JimmySea, FirstKhao and JoongDunk: possibly one or two of these pairs are going to have a series but I have no idea who. The four of them are branded as a pair and still do events together but all of them had recent series
Bl series with rookies no one knows yet. I feel like every year they tried to replicate the 2gether formula, and will do the same next year
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gaiaxygang · 2 months
im not really pc obsessed anymore but my strong feelings about gmmtv stuff are still there 😢 negativity under the cut sorry
OK LIKE i know i give new siwaj a lot of shit because, i don't really like his shows, but theres usually SOME good in them if the source material is decent. more often than not i come out of his shows finding Something endearing
HAVING SAID THAT...... i do not have faith in him adapting a JITTIRAIN NOVEL........... less to do with new himself and more to do with jittitain novels being Like That
the jittirain adaptations that are actually good would be be my favourite (deviates so far from the novel its not even truly an adaptation) and vice versa (the show being written kind of alongside the novel iirc?)
i do not know how much new wants to change from the novel (if anything!) the only adaptation of his ive kept up with is my gear and your gown (soft spot in my heart despite everything that went down with, you know,) and i heard that he made several major changes for the worse. I Do Not Trust This Man!
(i have also followed some of the lbc novels but the one im most familiar with is lbc 2 which had very unique behind the scenes circumstances so not comparable, though there is actually a major unnecessary change i HATED)
also the quality of the show just feels..... extremely low.......... i know its just the pilot but good god. i have low expectations considering new and jittirain but this goes lower than that somehow
and its just so... generic........ if pc didnt get promising individual projects (though i have my own feelings about the director of perth's) id be saying gmmtv is wasting their skill. with pc being some of the strongest bl actors in their age group its. hm
ANYWAYS COMPLAINING OVER. i hope 2025 has something good for them at least because if they keep getting mid i think im actually going to lose it.
i also hope chimon gets some non gmmtv projects again because i have adored every single one. i AM happy he's getting jobs in gmmtv i just wish they were, yknow, GOOD. complain session over
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ryansjane · 3 years
I watched your video on BL burn out but after today I think I'm having general Thai drama burn out. In past years I've been able to give series I was unsure about a chance, but when they're making this many at once I'm going to have to pick and choose and that feels so stressful because I am in uni and don't have time for that much. Do you have any theories about why there's so many series? Are you overwhelmed too?
awww, I'm sad to hear that! hope you'll be able to get over that burnout soon! so about why they're making so many series, I think you must talk about gmmtv, bc actually if you go on a site like mydramalist that allows you to see which shows are currently airing, you will see that there's less than 10 thai shows currently airing, while there is sometimes 100 korean shows airing at the very same time. when I looked that up I was also very surprised actually, bc I thought thai dramas were very prolific, but in comparison to other bigger industries they're actually really not. THAT BEING SAID, just bc there's "only" 10 thai dramas airing doesn't mean it can't be exhausting to try to be aware of & pick up every show, which was the cause for my own bl burn out. I haven't had a thai dramas burn out though, bc frankly I know what I like so I know how to choose which shows I'm gonna watch & which shows I won't. but also I'm not currently in university & I'm not super duper busy, so I entirely understand why you're stressed out anon. honestly, if you want to stop watching series for a couple of months bc it stresses you out too much, do that. let's not forget that tv shows exist for our enjoyment, our free time, and not to feel like a second job. and yes I realize that I'm saying that as someone who NEEDS to watch shows both for this blog & for my youtube channel lmao :') so anyways, there's so many series bc gmmtv are constantly trying to expand & they're playing in the consumeristic game of quantity over quality, throw anything at the wall to see if it'll stick. honestly though, I was actually positively surprised at the new lineup, there's shows that are EXTREMELY mature for thai dramas (the warp effect & ps: I hate you), there are weird kinda out of the box shows (umg, the eclipse, home school, you're my favorite) & very cinematic ones (midnight series, never let me go.) like ngl, this is the most diverse lineup gmmtv has ever had, & the more time I spend with it, the more excited I am :) but to answer you, that doesn't mean I don't get overwhelmed somtimes. it's true that yesterday, seeing the amount of shows I was interested in for next year felt like a lot, especially since I'm certainly gonna be busier than rn. but once again, this is not a race. if me or you are not having fun, we should just take a break or slow down. in any case, good luck anon, I hope you'll be able to enjoy thai dramas again very soon <3
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