#so here i rely entiraly on like newspaper articles and other info i can google forward
norsesuggestions · 7 years
tophatandboots replied to your post “voldemar0336 replied to your post “i am not joking about the baltic...”
Was it the baltic that also had a problem with invasive jellyfish?
i do not think so. if i it have, i have not heard of it anyway. the baltic sea have, to my knowledge, just 1 jellyfish the moon jellyfish (Aurelia aurita). sometimes they are very many, both like, they are soppused to be in the ecosystem. also in the north sea, which is a the part of the atlantic that borders the baltic sea, there lives lion's mane jellyfish (Cyanea capillata). they sometimes appear in border zone of the two seas, but they are not invasive there, as much as just, having become confused and on accident ended up in brackish water lol.
something that HAVE been a massive problem in the baltic is invasive crayfish though. we swedes eat crayfish. and at some point, SOMEONE got the bright idea to plant in a crayfish spacies that is not native to the baltic sea, to get be able to fish up more crayfish!
that was a mistake. big mistake.
the species native to the baltic sea is named European crayfish (Astacus astacus), and the species that have been planted in is signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus), which belong in the american ecosystem.
anyway, in the baltic sea, the signal crayfish spreads a disease which has almost wiped out the entire european crayfish species from the baltic sea, because our crayfish had no immunity against the disease.
and ANYWAY, this keeps being a thing, becuase people illegally plant out the signal crayfish, in the belief that is will survive better, which just weakens the european crayfish, which belong to the baltic sea ecosystem. and as mentioned, the baltic sea ecosystem is very sensitive to changes. and well.
Crayfishing FIshing Politics is a thing in sweden, and like Crayfish Fishing Crimes, haha.
so, that is the invavsive species in the baltic sea i spountansly think off! because it has been a massive problem in swedish waters of baltic sea. i am sure there are more invavsive species over here tho. just, that is the Famous Example in sweden.
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