#so he was the one who ghosted george instead LOL but still- it all became a reason why dream learned coding in the first place :D
vicea · 3 years
thinking anon is very busy with school with only 6 days left and she is screaming of frustration at her science teacher but thinking anon also has too much dnf brainrot to go on with her projects successfully
NO FUCKING THOUGHTS JUST DNF'S DYNAMIC. (i may be a bit biased but we don't talk about that) so basically these two idiots were brought together by the universe, i don't make the rules. they met each other when they were 16-18 and their first time meeting, george fucking ghosted dream but time went by and guess what, they became best friends. dream saying "george i'm gonna blow up, come with me!" and george, ever skeptical and very much not impulsive georgenotfound went, hey why not? AND HERE WE FUCKING ARE BITCHES!!!! dream constantly vying for george's attention and getting jealous whenever he talks to other people and george being fully aware of this fact and doing nothing about it because he's george and he's dream. george having it so that dream's calls go through do not disturb mode and in the wise words of the man himself: "dream needs me sometimes." *cue quackity's maniacal laughter* and them sleep calling as much as possible and those times during bad's late night streams on the smp where the two join and dream starts complaining about him disturbing their call. also note when dream went to go shower on call and george thought he forgot about him </3 both of them joining streams when their counterpart is there then immediately leaving if they're not anymore and dream doing lore with george in a fun and new way that just completely captures george as a cc and his character but also having dark details that tie in with the rest of the storyline. them having flawless teamwork during games and it's like they share a mind and they know each other so well and george knowing when dream's lying in manhunt and vice versa. ("george knows me.") dream saying george's laugh is his favorite and he's the first person he would go to for anything and george looking like that when he heard dream's wheeze. dream never failing to mention george in conversations that has absolutely nothing to do with him and george just perking up whenever someone says the word dream and him getting way more excited when dreams joins calls on stream than he did with others. dream saying he believes in soulmates and i'm sure dnf are each other's soulmate. whether romantic or platonic, you can not tell me they were meant to meet.
and i can't get into all of the details that i adore about their friendship (which is everything) because there's so much there and it's all so wonderful and beautiful and they are the reason i believe in real and unconditional love. their birth charts prove the stars planned for them to be whatever they are and dream is the sun and george is the moon and their relationship is this one massive breathtaking eclipse and it's amazing to witness. dream is open and warm and he loves so much it burns and george is cool and serene and he loves with actions not words and you can just feel something that can and is beautiful between them. i don't know what the fuck is happening them and i don't pretend to know because i don't but all i know is that they have something truly unique and one of a kind, one in a fucking billion and i hope they don't lose that.
- thinking anon
thinking anon! you got this!! those six days will fly by EZ Clap 
i think it’s really funny how George praises Dream a lot but he disguises it with sarcastic tones more often than not. and also how both of them are very much better than the other in their own games such as George is great in chess/csgo and Dream is great in minecraft/among us but they still play those games together and have fun :D and that just makes me very happy because they’re happy ! also they both equally enjoy each other’s companies a lot (dream is just more verbal and honest about it) and spend an absurd amount of time together on VCs from time to time which is really nice because man I personally cannot spend that much time with Anyone on Any day.
unfortunately i don’t have much dnf brainrot as of late so i asked @/dreamnapfound but she said that you basically said everything so :D thank you again thinking anon you worded it all beautifully
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vivianweasley · 4 years
Winking and Rolling Eyes (Fred Weasley X Reader)
Summary: You and the Weasley twins are best friends but you and Fred just couldn’t stop bickering. It’s all fun and games until you see him flirting with other girls. Why can’t he just stop being so mean to you and maybe finally see you as a potential girlfriend? Friends to lover
Pairing: Fred Weasley X Fem!Reader
Warnings: Fred being mean? a little bit of angst, blood (Umbridge’s quill), mention of food
Word count: 3.5k
A/N: For some reasons, I always pictured Fred to be the kind of guy who would be mean to the girl he likes just to get her attention lol. Tell me what you guys think about this!
Please do NOT repost my work or translate it on another site without permission! Thank you! Reblogs and comments are always welcome:)
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Your head was always filled with weird random questions. For example right now, you were sitting in the Great Hall contemplating over why do some people tease and taunt the person they love, instead of actually showing their affection like a normal human being. What’s the reason behind this kind of action? And more importantly, why are you guilty of this too?
But what made you more confused was, when exactly did Fred and George become so bloody popular??
They were walking pass a group of Gryffindor girls now. The girls were blushing and some were even fixing their hair. “Hi Fred! Hi George!” 
“Hi girls!” George replied with a cheeky grin and Fred even winked at them.
You couldn’t help but rolled your eyes. You and the Weasley twins were best friends since the first year, but this year they became so popular, attracting many girls’ attention. You weren’t surprised. They were great beaters and their pranks were epic. Not to mention how bloody attractive they were. Of course they were going to attract people’s attention. Unlike you, who were just an ordinary girl, sitting in the corner and always daydreaming.
“What are you thinking about?” George’s voice pulled you back to reality.
“Y/N you know, if you keep rolling your eyes like that, one day they might never roll back.” Fred opened his eyes wide, looking like he was trying to scare a kid with a ghost story.
Yet you rolled your eyes again, “if you keep winking, one day your eyelids might fall off.”
“Y/N that doesn’t make any sense.”
“Like you ever made any sense!”
“We’re going to Hogsmeade. Do you wanna come?” George broke off your childish bickering.
“Sure!” You just ran out of chocolate so it was a perfect chance for you to go to Honeydukes and restock.
“Ugh I don’t wanna go with this woman. She rolls her eyes way too much.”
“Just shut up!”
You have no idea what Honeydukes was thinking. Why would they put their products on such a high shelf. Apparently, the girl next to you were having the same concerns. She was standing on tip-toe, struggling to reach high, but she failed to even touch that bag of sugar quills.
But someone next to her reached out and grabbed that bag of sugar quills for her.
“Your sugar quill.” Fred bent over a little and handed that girl her sugar quills in a really dramatic way.
That girl was blushing now, “Thanks!”
“Oi Fred, while you’re at it, I want one too.” you asked. It should be easy, since he was still standing beside it.
“Help yourself, shorty.” But he smiled at you mischievously and just walked away.
Watching him disappearing in the crowd, you rolled your eyes and reached for your wand, “Accio!”
And things like that kept on happening.
Fred and George were banned from partnering in potion class, since students’ cauldrons tend to explode mysteriously whenever the twins were partners. You and Fred were also banned from partnering, because your cauldron also tend to explode whenever the two of you were partners.
So today, Fred was partnering with a Hufflepuff girl in potion class and you were sitting behind them. You swore to Merlin that Fred was flirting with that girl the entire class period. 
That you endured, but what really got on your nerves was when you heard him saying, “Don’t worry, I’ll keep an eye on the fire, or else the cauldron will explode just like Y/N’s.”
You felt like all the blood in your body has suddenly rushed into your head due to anger. Last time when you asked him to keep an eye on the fire so you could read the instructions, he replied, “Can’t you do it yourself?” You got mad at him and didn’t pay attention when the fire was growing tall, causing your cauldron to explode.
Now you felt like your temper has exploded, and unfortunately, your cauldron exploded with it.
“Miss (Y/L/N), does your cauldron have a problem or do you have a problem?” you heard Snape’s cold monotone.
“I’m sorry professor.”
You glared at Fred. He was trying so hard to hold back his laughter that his face was flushed. You looked at him and you looked at your now messy table, you couldn’t help but rolled your eyes. Merlin, maybe he was right. Maybe you did roll your eyes way too often.
Then strange things started to happen. Many girls started to wave at you too. And you soon realized the reason behind this.
One day, a Ravenclaw girl came to you. It looked like she was hesitant but she still managed to get the question out, “Are you...are you Fred or George’s girlfriend?
“What? No!” You were just confused. Why would she assume that? Has she seen how Fred treated you? Who would treat their girlfriend like that?
“Great!” She let out a sigh of relief and then handed you a small box, “Could you please give this to Fred for me? Thanks!”
“Sure?” She ran away after you took the box, leaving you there with your feet glued to the floor and having no idea how to feel about this.
Curiosity was urging you to open that box and see what’s inside, but your conscience stopped you. Judging by her blush and the pink wrapping, it was probably a love letter or chocolate or something of that sort.
You didn’t know why, but you suddenly didn’t want to help her anymore. A part of you even urged you to throw the box away, but at the end you still delivered the box to Fred.
“Blimey Y/N, didn’t know you fancy me!” He took the box and gasped dramatically.
“No idiot, this is from another girl.” You slapped him on his arm, “I sort of just became her wing-woman.” 
“Aww Y/N, don’t feel discouraged. If you ever need a wingman, George can help you with that!”
“What about you?”
He opened his mouth but no words came out yet. You were sure that he was probably going to tease you again, but you just didn’t have the energy to do this with him today. So before he could say anything, you spoke first, “Never mind, George is probably more reliable anyways.” And you left.
“Where are you going?” You heard him yelling from behind.
“My bed! It’s tired being a wing-woman.”
Then life went back to normal. You would still hangout with the twins and help them with new prank ideas. You and Fred were still constantly bickering whenever you two have the chance. It was just that more and more girls came to you asking for help to deliver gifts to the twins. Even a Beauxbatons girl came to you once. Guess everyone was just trying to find a perfect date for the upcoming dance.
After deciding to stay as far away as possible from Fred during potion class, you actually became friends with a Gryffindor boy. His name was Finley Laurent. He was tall and you could always see a smirk on his lips. He was also really funny and you two hit it off right away.
You two went from studying in the library together, to going on Hogsmeade dates. Before the Yule ball, he asked you to be his date and you agreed to it happily.
The Yule ball soon arrived. You did your makeup and hair and you put on the dress your mother sent you. You were so excited about this, in fact you even went downstairs early to wait for your date.
But instead of Finley, you ran into the twins first.
“Blimey Y/N, I should’ve asked you to the dance! Didn’t know you could look this...tolerable!” Fred exclaimed teasingly.
You rolled your eyes, “Thank you for your ‘kind compliment’, but I already have a date!”
“Y/N! Are you coming with us?” You heard Angelina’s voice.
“No, Y/N already has a date. She doesn’t want to hangout with us anymore.” Fred said bitterly, didn’t give you the chance to talk, “Let’s go!”
The twins walked away with Angelina and Lee was waiting for them at the entrance. You realized that they were going as a group. You were suddenly regretting your choice now. It would be so fun going with them. 
Wait, what were you thinking? Did you want to hear Fred making fun of your dress or the way you dance for the entire night? You were sure that going with Finley would be just as fun.
You waited at the entrance for at least twenty minutes. It looked like everyone who was attending the ball has already entered the ball room. You finally decided to walk into the ball room alone. Did Finley bail on you? Was he sick? You had to admit that you were slightly annoyed but you were still worried about him.
But as soon as you saw the truth, you’d rather know that he was sick.
He was dancing with another girl. They were dancing and laughing together and the picture looked so great. So great that it suddenly seemed like you were the one who’s barging in now.
You could feel all of the blood in your body boiling as you walked over to him. “Care to explain?” You asked as politely as you could.
“Y/N...” He was surprised to see you suddenly appearing in front of him, but the words he was about to say sounded pretty well-prepared, “I’m sorry, Y/N. This is my girlfriend. We were in a fight before, but we got back together right before the Yule ball. I didn’t know things would turn out this way...”
“So am I just a backup plan?” Your brain still wasn’t fully able to process the situation right now that you felt almost like a bystander. You didn’t know what to think and you didn’t know what to do.
It was clear that he didn’t know how to face this situation either. Even the girl next to him was feeling ashamed of him. She just lowered her head and didn’t look at any of you.
“Oh baby you are here!” Suddenly, you heard a familiar voice. You turned your head stiffly to look at the source of the voice. Tall, redheaded, freckles, deep brown eyes. Your brain slowly began to piece together the name of this person, Fred Weasley.
He held your hand and he looked like he was sorry, in his own dramatic way. “Baby, I’m so sorry! It’s all my fault! I should’ve never argued with you! Will you please forgive me?”
You squinted your eyes and stared at Fred all confused. 
He squeezed your hand lightly, hinting you to just follow his lead.
“What’s going on here?” Finley finally managed to say something.
Fred suddenly let go of your hand and his left hand snaked around your waist to pull you closer to him, “It’s my fault to even let you have the chance to invite my girlfriend to the dance, but mate, haven’t you realized yet?”
“Realized what?”
“No offense, but can’t you see that you’re just a less-handsome substitute for me?”
Now it was Finley’s turn to be so angry that he couldn’t speak anymore, but Fred was right about one thing. You finally realized why Finley felt familiar to you. 
Maybe he was indeed a less-handsome version of Fred. They were both tall. They both have freckles. Merlin, even both of their names start with the letter “F”. But Finley’s smile was nothing compared to Fred’s. Fred’s smile was always so confident and cheerful. Even though you probably would never tell him, but his smile would always light up your day and make you feel just a little bit more hopeful on a bad day. 
“Let’s go!” Fred grabbed your hand and you two ran away before Finley exploded.
You two eventually went to the Gryffindor common room because Fred had a bucket of ice cream hidden in his dorm. The sweetness of ice cream healed your wounded pride and calmed your temper.
“Thanks, for having my back today.”
“Merlin, Y/N! Didn’t know you knew the word ‘thanks’.”
You slapped him on his arm and he acted like he was suffering a mortal wound.
“It was nothing. Anything for my best mate!”
“Best mate my arse!”
You couldn’t sleep that night. What was keeping you awake wasn’t the wrong you’ve suffered tonight, but the sound of Fred calling you his girlfriend.
You knew he was just saying that to get on Finley’s nerves and you felt ridiculous that this scene was playing on repeat in your mind. You just couldn’t ignore the butterflies in your stomach and the warm fuzzy feeling rising up in your heart, spreading through your whole body.
It was terrible, but you found yourself becoming the girls that you would usually roll your eyes at. You were falling for Fred Weasley. Or you’ve already fell for him a long time ago, but you’ve only realized it today.
But what’s even worse was that you knew you would never have a chance with him. Merlin! Just think about how he treated you. He was always so mean to you and he was treating you like you were just one of his friends, not a potential girlfriend. You just felt hopeless.
So you’ve decided. You have to kill your feelings for him before it grows.
Or at least, before he found out.
Under Umbridge’s control, everyone’s life was just miserable. Especially the twins who were natural trouble makers. You have tried to persuade them to lay low during a time like this, but they thought a time like this was exactly when people needed their products and laughters in their lives.
You joined Dumbledore’s Army with Fred and George. In Dumbledore’s Army, you met Ernest Macmillan, a Hufflepuff boy. He was a nice guy and you two became friends immediately. Blonde hair, blue eyes, and a soft personality, nothing like Fred Weasley. Great, you thought that was a good sign.
Fred was still the same. He would still tease you when he saw you hanging out with Ernie.
“Y/N, what are you trying to do to that poor boy!” or “Ernie, you gotta be careful. This woman’s cauldron would always explode mysteriously. Maybe one day you will explode too!”
You would always roll your eyes at him when you heard him saying something like that. You were both graduating this year. How could he still be this immature?
Unfortunately, Umbridge still found out about Dumbledore’s Army and everyone in the army suffered from that torturing quill.
After finally leaving her office, you sat on the bench in the hallway. You stared at your bloodied hand that read “I must not disobey”, tears started to well up in your eyes.
Ernie was sitting next to you, “Are you alright?”
You saw the same scar on his hand and you just couldn’t hold your tears anymore. You started crying. When will days like this finally end?
He wrapped his arms around your shoulders and held up your wounded hand. He tried to alleviate your pain by gently blowing air on it. “The pain will stop in a minute. I promise you.”
You closed your eyes and rested your head on Ernie’s shoulder without realizing that not far from here, Fred was staring at your direction.
So you didn’t need him right now. That’s perfectly fine, he thought. He just turned around and left, with his right hand covering up his wounded left hand. But what if he needed you?
A few days later before curfew, Fred came to you and brought you to a deserted hallway. You were still wondering what he was trying to do, but he waved his wand and a few fireflies appeared and started flying around you.
The light in the hallway was dim, but the fireflies were lighting up your face. It felt like the stars have suddenly came down from the starry night sky to dance around you. It was cliche to say, but you felt like you were in a fairy tale.
“When did you learn to do this? It’s brilliant!” It was rare that you wanted to compliment him without making fun of him first.
“Y/N, I fancy you.”
Your heart probably skipped a beat, maybe more than one beat. Was this what you were always dreaming of?
But your smile soon froze on your face. He’s Fred Weasley for Merlin’s sake! The guy who was probably joking about 80% of everything he ever said.
So was this just another prank? You were pretty sure you saw him flirting with another girl yesterday and how can you forget the way he always treated you! You thought the answer was pretty clear.
“Hahaha,” you laughed sarcastically, “Very funny Fred, but I’m not that stupid. I know you too well.”
“What?” He was still trying to pretend like he was confused.
“I bet George is hiding somewhere now, waiting to see my reaction. Where is he?” You walked pass Fred and began to search for George.
But you heard him said, “So am I only a joke to you?”
“What?” Now you were confused.
“Never mind, just forget I said anything tonight.” And he just walked away.
Not long after Fred’s gone, George showed up just as you expected. But he looked so disappointed with his brows furrowed.
The air between you two were making you panic, but you still managed to sound indifferent, “What’s wrong with Fred? So his prank didn’t work. What’s the big deal?”
“Y/N, he wasn’t joking.”
“So you are also part of this prank? Please, I saw him flirting with some other girl yesterday. I’m not that stupid.”
“He only did that because you were around. He just thought that you look cute when you are mad at him. It’s childish I know. I told him that you might misunderstand it, but you know him, he’s just like that. The more he likes you, the more he’s gonna make fun of you.” George sounded so serious, “You should know. You two are just the same.”
“I...” you were speechless, George’s words blew up in your mind like someone has casted reducto there.
“Don’t try to deny it. You are too obvious. You are both too obvious.” George continued, “I don’t know why he’s only telling you this now. Maybe because he panicked after seeing you with Ernie. Maybe because we are going to leave Hogwarts soon.”
“What?? What do you mean by you are leaving Hogwarts???” You couldn’t keep your cool anymore. You were all already graduating this year. What were they thinking?
“Fred was going to tell you tonight. We both thought our future lay outside the world of academic achievement. And now with Umbridge in charge, we just can’t stay here anymore. Not even for a few months.”
You immediately grabbed him by his arm and pulled him to run towards the Gryffindor common room. You still couldn’t quite process what was going on. Your head was a mess and your heart was beating like crazy, but there was only one thing you were clear about.
“Where are you going!”
“I need to find him!”
You two managed to get into the Gryffindor common room before curfew. Fred was standing there, looking surprised that you showed up with George.
You weren’t someone who liked to share too much about your private life, but you just couldn’t see anyone else in the room anymore now. There was only one person in your eyes and one person on your mind. You walked straight to Fred and just blurted out, “I fancy you!”
You rolled your eyes. And now he’s playing dumb? You grabbed his collar and  pulled him down, smashing your lips together. Everyone in the common room was cheering now.
You finally let go of him and he grinned, “Are you trying to prank me?”
“Sure, if you say so.”
“Alright,” he smirked, “I dare you to prank me everyday.”
“Challenge accepted.” You smiled, as he pulled you into another breathless kiss.
“FRED WEASLEY!” You knew shouting wasn’t right, the entire Diagon Alley probably heard you now. But your brain went blank when you saw the empty cake box.
You spent the entire afternoon yesterday trying to bake a cake for Molly’s birthday today, but the cake disappeared now. There was only an empty cake box with some cake crumbs left, telling you that the cake wasn’t just a product of your imagination. You knew George would probably ask you about it when he saw a random cake. But Fred’s different, so you could easily pinpoint the suspect now.
You didn’t have the time to bake another cake. You were leaving in five minutes and you’ve already changed into your dress.
“What happened!” Fred walked out of the room, still fixing his tie and looking all innocent.
You waved the empty cake box at him.
“Oh...” he laughed awkwardly, possibly trying to act all cute to make you forgive him.
“FRED WEASLEY, what is you problem!”
“Merlin, we are gonna be so late!” He grabbed your hand and apparated you two into the Burrows before you could say anything else.
“Oh dear, you two are here!” Molly jumped when you two suddenly appeared, but she was also very happy to see you. “Y/N dear, what’s that in your hand?” She pointed at the empty cake box that was still in your hand.
“Oh...I baked you a cake yesterday for your birthday, but Fred ate it all.”
Fred grinned at Molly, “But I can assure you that the cake was delicious! This woman’s cauldron may explode, but her cake was brilliant!”
You couldn’t help but rolled your eyes.
He pulled you closer by your waist and winked at you, “Love, if you keep rolling your eyes this often, maybe one day they might never roll back.”
“If you keep winking this often, maybe one day your eyelids might fall off.”
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jjadegreen · 4 years
And that means making spooky aus for no reason other than fun<3
In summary- jjba part 1-6 but there’s no stands/Hamon and they all exist at the same time AND everyone is a spooky monster!!! I included as many characters as I could but it’s quite easy to run out of creatures, so bear with me on a few of them. Also the joestar bloodline is just gonna all be George Joestars kids because I said so!
Also, this is all really dumb but it’s just for fun so it’s ok💕
*minor TW for mentions of death!!! Nothing graphic but I’d rather be safe
Jonathan: Frankenstein
Not exactly like the traditional Frankenstein’s monster but whatever!!
Used to be a regular kid until he died in his 20s along with Erina :(
His father, who is still alive here, doctors the hell out of his dead son and boom. Franken-son.
Most body parts are his but he lost some in his death... so like, one of his legs is just some random guys.
He is still very Jonathan... a sweet boy... beloved.
He loves flowers and plants and such!
Married to Erina!!!
Joseph: werewolf
Tbh I just feel like werewolves give off himbo energy
Ran into some spooky woods next to the Joestar mansion as a kid and came home with a wolf bite and a cool new form
The exact same as regular Joseph but with more dog attributes
Our boy will chew on a bone if he finds one. He will chase tennis balls like his life depends on it.
Him and Caesar are rivals but the kind of rivals who fight on the weekdays and watch shitty romcoms together on weekends
Jotaro: merman
Ocean man....... take me by the hand...... lead me to the land.......
Ok but in all seriousness. You know why Jotaro is a merman. Silly little ocean man.
Edgy bastard but he will go entirely soft if you bring out a sea creature
I have 0 idea how he became this. He probably pissed off an ocean witch or something and she made him a merman
H20: just add water type transformation. If he touches water, BOOM now he has a tail
He does not let that stop him
Kakyoin is his best buddy!! He also hangs out w/ Polneraff and Avdol
Jolyne: witch
Jolyne is just a lesbian witch. Is that too much to want
Idk anything about witches so I dunno!!! Maybe she just like. Decided to be a witch. I think there are real witches and I don’t want to disrespect anyone
Although she is the Halloween-y, pointy hat, black robe witch. She makes potions and stuff.
She has diverted her potion experience into cooking
She makes THE BEST fucking pastries
Josuke: werewolf (like father like son)
Even tho Joseph is not his dad here they give off similar energies
Joseph bit him while they were arguing and boom boom werewolf
In a band!!! With oku, koichi and yukako!!
Rohan is their manager
Best friends with Okuyasu and Koichi
He will cry if he doesn’t eat for 4 hours
Giorno: vampire
Vampire for obvious reasons
He’s technically everyone’s nephew because he’s DIOs son (who is biologically a joestar here)
He’s not in the mafia! He just hangs out with the bucci gang!
Despite having the ability to make it seem like he knows what’s going on, he never does
Pudding cups are banned from the mansion because he will devour them in just a few seconds
Vegan, but will never pass up drinking the blood from someone he hates
You guys know I’d never stop at just the jojos
Erina: Frankensteins bride!
Died with Jonathan and was brought back the same way as him
Very close with Speedwagon
Speedwagon: former ghost hunter
Our man was a ghost hunter until actually meeting a ghost (probably Reimi) and deciding that maybe he could just be a normal man instead
He lives with the joestars because he’s really close with Jonathan and Erina
He and Will were a ghost/vampire hunting duo
Will Zeppeli: former vampire hunter (who is now a vampire lol)
Once Speedwagon decided to just be friends with all the monsters he followed
Caesar: vampire
Don’t ask why caesar is a vampire even though that’s DIOs thing. Caesar gives off vampire energy.
He acts like he hates Joseph but believe me they are in love
Him and Suzie Q are the most powerful friendship you could imagine
Suzie Q: fairy!
Just a little fairy girl! That is it!
Badass bitch. Probably uses her tiny size to steal from everyone
Smokey: literally a normal dude
Caesar was going to suck his blood but decided that Smokey was too nice for that date
The joestars of course got attached to him immediately
Kakyoin: Tree Nymph
His hair noodle is a branch that grows a cherry
Iggy: Cerberus type dog
Jotaros pet dog!!!
Absolute bastard
Avdol: Phoenix
Fire bird. Self explanatory.
Polnareff: centaur
Yes he still has the stupid hair. Would he be polnareff without it?
Avdol simp
Koichi: shapeshifter
He’s a shapeshifter because I said so even tho it makes no sense!!!
He does so many favours for everyone
In a band w/ oku, Josuke + yukako
Okuyasu: zombie
Why a zombie? Because Okuyasu has no brain
He’s a simple man. You put food in front of him and he eats it on sight
In a band w/ koichi, Josuke + yukako
Yukako: siren
I just feel like a long haired pretty woman gives off siren vibes
In a band!!! You have heard it three times you know the drill
Rohan: can transform into a dragon??? I guess???
I’m gonna be honest I’m just running out of ideas
Band manager
Tonio: can transform into a caladrius
@c-c-cherry told me this is some kinda healing bird??? I’m choosing to trust her don’t betray me Cherry
Reimi: ghost, obviously
No notes needed you get it. She’s a ghost
Mista: gargoyle
Stinky man!!! Stinky stone man!!! Never showers because he’s a stone man!!!
Bruno: angel<3
He’s already a perfect angel in the show why would I need to change that!!
Bruabba is canon He is married to Abbacchio
Abbacchio: demon
Goth demon man to contrast Bruno’s infinite light
He is married to Bruno because bruabba is real
Narancia: ghost
I’m literally just imagining narancia pulling so many stupid pranks as a ghost which is the whole reason I chose this for him
Fugo: reaper
Imagine like. Edgy son of the grim reaper who doesn’t want to be a reaper so he runs off and becomes friends with a wacky group of creatures. That’s fugo baby!
Trish: imp
Im almost out of ideas
Probably half human? Diavolo would definitely be an imp as well
This was very bad but fun
Thank u Cherry for being my emotional support while I tried to come up with so many different monsters
Also yes!! Some of them aren’t exactly monsters but I am just a little creature who doesn’t want to spent a week looking for the perfect monsters for every character
Love you all mwah mwah
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85 Thoughts while watching Return of the Jedi
2. I still love the idea that Stormtroopers fucking loved Vader, and all of the commanders were terrified of him. 
3. Vader helmet so shiny.
4. Back on Tatooine. It always comes back to Tatooine, doesn’t it? 
5. 3P0 was so hoping that the door wouldn’t open. He just wanted to go home. 
6. Everyone in Jabba’s palace looks really...gross. I guess that fits, right? Jabba’s palace is super gross, so.
7. I never understood as a child the slavery - and the sex slavery - aspect of Jabba’s palace. Only as an adult have I fully understood just how fucked up this is.
8. Remember kids, Luke has NO IDEA that Anakin was a Hutt slave as a child. Is there any canon stuff where he finds out about that? I’d be interested. 
9. Han’s carbonite face is so fucking dumb. 
10. Man droid torture is no joke. If that’s what they do to droids, think about what they do to people...
11. Oh god, the musical number. Like I thought it was funny when I saw it for the first time when they did the re-releases, but also, it’s this weird dissonance between that and Oola’s death. 
12. Jabba is so much creepier here than in New Hope. 
13. I love all the disguises and subterfuge in the opening storyline. And I love that they took the time to deal with Jabba and the bounty on Han’s head. It’s a nice break from the Galactic War. 
14. I remember watching this for the first time, and when Leia pulls the helmet off and is like “Someone who loves you” I was like OMG! And my shipper heart grew ten times as large.
15. Han is so...moist. Here. Blugh.
16. Ugh. God. Poor Leia. They do a good job of illustrating just how fucking terrible Jabba is, but...god dammit. 
17. Han and Chewie reunion! <3 <3 <3 
18. Luke Skywalker - Jedi Knight. Somewhere Mace Windu is looking at all of Luke’s attachments and impulsive behaviors and dry heaving. 
19. THE BIKINI IS GROSS! The only thing good about it is that Leia will eventually strangle Jabba to death while wearing it. Otherwise? Ugh.
20. Luke Skywalker. Jedi Knight. Fashion icon.
21. I always felt bad for the Rancor’s master. He loved his Rancor. And the Rancor was just as much a slave as any of the people in Jabba’s palace. It was probably only fed when there was a person Jabba wanted to kill so it would be as vicious as possible.
22. This trio is so bad-ass. 
23. Luke knows what the Sarlacc is. 
25. Ugh. The Dune Sea is really fake-looking here.
26. R2 as waiter makes me so happy. It’s so ridiculous. 
27. “Convenient.” 
28. Anakin Skywalker would be so fucking proud of his daughter strangling Jabba the Hutt to death. It’s everything he ever wanted to do to fucking slavemasters on Tatooine. 
29. “Boba Fett. Boba Fett. WHERE?!” 
30. Per Dettiot: Luke went to Obi-Wan’s old hut on Tatooine and found the handbook to make his lighsaber, as well as some kyber crystals. What else he was up to between Empire and Jedi, I’m not sure.
31. Knee. High. Chanel. Boots. 
32. The sheer utter chaos and destruction would make Anakin Skywalker kvell*. 
33. I don’t know if Yoda considers Luke his friend. More like just another snot-nosed apprentice who will eventually disappoint him. 
34. Leave us alone, Palpatine. What a fucking pruny piece of shit. 
35. Yoda’s death is so bitter-sweet for me. I love Yoda. But he made so many mistakes in his life that he never really owned up to. I suppose he felt that his exile was his penance. But I don’t know if I agree. He could have come out of hiding to aid the Rebellion. 
36. Also, he was planning to die without coming clean to Luke about Vader. And that is some horse shit.
37. “Suffer your father’s fate.” At least he’s admitting that Anakin wasn’t solely to blame. That there was manipulation there. 
38. “I can’t go on alone.” Go find Ahsoka and Ezra! You’re not alone!! 
39. The fact that Obi-Wan truly believed that that Anakin had died and Vader took his place. 
40. Yoda and Obi-Wan never moved on from their trauma. They keep reliving their trauma and so they cannot move forward, and so they keep making the same mistakes over and over. Asking Luke to kill Vader is proof of that. 
41. And it really shows that Obi-Wan, even after his attachments to Satine and Akakin and Ahsoka - does not understand family. Luke saying “I can’t kill my father,” and Obi-Wan being like “Whelp. There’s no other way so the Emperor wins.” 
42. There being no mention of Luke and Leia’s mother ANYWHERE except for the one moment later on, drives me CRAZY. Obi-Wan could have told Luke about Padme then.
43. I love that Han and Leia can sit next to each other in a meeting and not have to have arms wrapped around each other. Just being next to each other is enough.
44. GENERAL SOLO! Leia’s face. “Excuse you, how did you suddenly get hotter?” 
45. The painted backgrounds are so beautiful. 
46. Poncho game is strong in this movie. 
47. FLY CASUAL is such a stupid line. I love it.
48. Skywalker twin exasperation is the best. Padme would be proud. 
49. Leia just going for it is so so good. 
50. I know Ewoks catch a lot of shit for...well..being Ewoks. But I love them. They’re adorable! And they have no qualms about eating humans! 
51. “My Son.” I think this is the first time Vader has referred to Luke as his son to someone who isn’t Luke, instead of the “Son of Skywalker.” 
52.  Watch as we realize that Leia has been holding the one brain cell this entire time, and Han, Luke and Chewie get totally clueless. 
53. PROPER. 
54. I love Ewok tree houses. 
55. Remember kids. They were planning to eat Han, Luke and Chewie. 
56. Where the hell did that dress even come from that Leia is wearing??? They just had that lying around? 
57.  I guess they ate the last woman who wore it.
58. I love that 3P0 in New Hope, claims he’s not much of a storyteller, and then in the Jedi like is like a master storyteller lol. 
59. And here, we get the only mention of Padme. And it wasn’t even Padme. It was a handmaiden. I will forever be salty that Padme isn’t mentioned at all because George didn’t think of her until the prequels. Argh.
60. Luke’s unwavering belief in Anakin is so amazing. The sequels did that part of his character so dirty. This version of Luke would never have tried to kill his nephew. 
61. “It is too late for me.”  God dammit, Anakin. The thing is that if he goes with Luke, he is admitting that everything he has done for the last twenty years is all for nothing, and he just fucking can’t do it. So much denial .So much pain. Fuck you, Vaderkin.
64. Y’all remember that Ewok movie with the blonde child? “Star cruiser crash!!” 
65. Padme would be so proud of Luke’s fashion.
66. Wedge got promoted! Yay! 
67. I love the old Hollywood trick of shadowing the Emperor’s face except for his eyes. 
68. I just. I love that the Empire is defeated by fucking teddy bears. I know a lot of people hate it, but it’s just- it feels so karmic.  They’ve done such terrible things. And to be taken down by these fuzzy, little bastards. *chef’s kiss* 
69. Palpatine hitting in that nerve that Luke has about his attachments. About his hope. Oof.
70. The entire Vader fight is just him trying not to see how much like Padme Luke is. That’s gotta hurt. 
71. Bro. Vader. You do not want to try shit with Leia. Like. No. Fuck’s sake. Don’t try it. She’ll have all of you arrested and then executed. 
72.  Yes Luke. Thow away that lightsaber. Show that wrinky fuck who’s boss. 
73. I love that Anakin gets to make the right choice here. He does what he didn’t do with Mace. He finally realizes all the lies...all the manipulation...that he can make things different. And he does. And it rightfully costs him his life.
74. Vader couldn’t survive. Vader would have been tried for his crimes and either executed or jailed for the rest of his life. The same thing happened to Ben Solo in the sequels. He had to die. Otherwise he’d have to have a real-world ending: Prison or execution.
75. I feel so sad that Anakin became this fucking horror show of a person. It didn’t have to be this way. Fuck. 
76. “Tell your sister...you were right.” 
77. Oh Han no. No no no. 
78. No Han.
79. HAN. 
80. Han’s face when he finds out Luke is Leia’s brother is hilarious. 
81. I wish that Rex and Ahsoka had been there when Luke burned Anakin’s body. I feel like they needed to, for their own closure. And Luke would have felt like he had people who understood. Who loved and knew Anakin before all of this. 
83. Let’s eat Stormtrooper! 
84. I am SO MAD that all of this will be undone by the sequel trilogy. Ugh.
85. I want them to refilm Hayden now that he’s just about the age Anakin would have been when he died as a Force ghost. I feel like that would be really nice. 
*Kvell -  Yiddish - to be bursting with pride 
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beelas-bees · 3 years
This is the sign to ramble uwu
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This is gonna be me and you if you keep this up /j
Okay my mom asked me about what's happened on the dream smp last since I updated her but im gonna start back at the beginning of new lmanburg instead of doomsday (also my mom is thankful to you since shes the one who got me riled up in the first place hdsjfkhdsjkhgkdslghk)
(This is gonna be long, some info may be incorrect due to me being ranboo in disguise and also I'm biased to love tommy so this will follow his story mostly)
After Wilbur blew up lmanburg, it's second death, and after the withers techno spawned were slained, the lmanburgians were left with destruction. A hole where a country once stood, tubbo was president of nothing
The citizens felt lost and confused, but tubbo was confident, he turned to his people and said the most eloquent words “its just a hole, we can build over it” and build over it they did
tubbo unofficially made tommy his vice president and the lmanburgians set to work building over the hole. making beautiful houses out of dark wood and cobble, lmanburg looked more put together than it ever had. as they were repairing the country a new but familiar figure showed up, a ghost wilbur, or ghostbur. he was much more friendly than wilbur ever was, he did not seem to remember much about the bad things his alive things he did so it was hard to try and pin the blame on the guy. tubbo allowed ghostbur to live in new lmanburg and the ghost set off to build his own house.
a newer resident and wilbur’s father, philza didnt like ghostbur much, it wasnt wilbur and it never would be. philza was still so torn and confused about what had drove his son to such insanity that he would blow up his own country and ask to be killed. tubbo offered to let phil stay in lmanburg, he was uneasy about it as they didnt seem very friendly to his old friend, technoblade, but he accepted the temporary home and became assimilated into new lmanburg
phil was one of the newcomers to the dream smp land but he wasnt the only one, there was also captain puffy and ranboo. captain puffy was a pirate sheep, she was very friendly and made quick friends with niki, she didnt stay in lmanburg however, opting to stay in the greater dream smp and regularly visited both lmanburg and the badlands to see friends. puffy was a force of good, repairing broken structures, wanting to learn more about the culture and striving to cultivate new life.
the other newcomer, was ranboo. ranboo was mostly a mystery, even to himself. he was half enderman and half something else “i dont know” he would say when prompted about his other species. “i dont know” was something that came out of ranboos mouth alot, as he claimed he suffered from severe memory issues. tubbo and tommy took a shine to ranboo and offered to let him stay in lmanburg, he uneasily agreed.
new lmanburg was becoming something great, it was all cleaned up and had new culture and life. its like you would never know something bad happened here unless you looked down. even dream and techno, the biggest enemies lmanburg had ever faced, hadnt shown any signs of coming back to get at them.
lmanburg was able to relax in this time of peace, instead of preparing for war, the citizens played pranks on each other, they socialized with others, they took up new hobbies, even jobs. lmanburgs future had never looked brighter under president tubbos reign.
tommy wanted to bond with the new ranboo, so he decided to take him out for some stealing, which was a common thing to do on the smp. during the last war, one member of the greater dream smp’s army was missing, georgenotfound. apparently he had been building a new house when the war was going on, unaware that it was even happening, tommy assured ranboo that george usually missed big events anyway. and that house he built stood before them now, gorgeous and ready for the pilfering. they broke in and started taking valuables, once they took everything they wanted they thought they should leave some funny graffiti for george to find when he came back next. long story short, they somehow came to playing with fire and accidently set part of georges house on fire, they put it out!!! but the damage was still noticeable, they decided to leave before they caused more unnecessary damage. avoiding puffy and niki on the way back, they were able to escape with their loot in excitement. in a show of good faith, ranboo gave tommy a allium flower, tommy grew disgusted at the action but took the flower anyways, throwing it in with his treasures. they both went home, not know what their actions that day just caused.
okay okay wow that took so long to type out lol, the writer in me starting inserting flowery language while doing it lol. its just a recap!!! its not that deep beela!! i cant believe i was planning to go past doomsday, i couldnt even get to exile djkfhsdjkfhksdg i guess saying it out loud is easier. thank you for letting me ramble!!!! next time ill go longer <3
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muthaz-rapapa · 6 years
Embrace Your Shining Future~
Boy, I hope 10 years from now we’ll be lucky to have a future that’s even a quarter this great as Hugtto’s.
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But first, it looks like George returned to his time, no longer a villain (and I guess he wasn’t a ghost, after all) but now an ordinary man again.
And while it doesn’t seem like they really applied the Walking the Earth trope here, his surroundings doesn’t suggest that humanity instantly recovered once time started again either (this all the more supports my theory that it’s a separate timeline from Hugtto’s timeline, where humanity didn’t fall to ruin).
However, maybe it’s just because of his location and they’re all somewhere else.
Whatever the case, the flowers indicate that life will start over once more and perhaps, humanity will reborn, so to speak. 
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As for him, he doesn’t look as depressed as he was previously which is good because hopefully, he can work his way towards redemption by helping to nurture this newly sprung future instead of setting out to destroy it like he originally did.
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Alright, back to you Hugtto, looking quite marvelous and sunny ten years later.
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These two became a manzai duo.
Didn’t expect that but hooray, hooray for them.
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Shoulda known, since they came from the future, that they would still be kids (or at least around the same age as the Cures in present time) when the girls’ time finally catches up to future.
But nobody could’ve really predicted at what age exactly anyway so it’s no big deal.
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Oh, and it’s nice to see that some old classmates still kept in touch long after they graduated middle school.
Nice. Very nice. *nod nod*
It’s especially funny when you don’t find it surprising that Fumito ended up working for….
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…this president of what is possibly Japan’s biggest and most prosperous design company (Hana always liked to draw so not surprised about this either).
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And what a president she is!
Twirling around in her office just radiating POSITIVITY even though she’s HEAVILY PREGNANT AND SHOULD BE ON MATERNITY LEAVE!
Oyvey…that’s our Hana, alright, lol
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Daigan working in the same pediatric ward as Saaya doesn’t surprise me either since we’ve seen him getting along with kids very well.
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And wooot~,  Saaya with short hair looks so pretty (she’s always pretty but now she’s grown-up and living her dream pretty!).
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Then Homare bumped into Papple at the airport (pretty sure Homare recognized her but didn’t have time to chat since she’s in a hurry and all).
We don’t know what Papple’s doing nowadays but it looks like life is treating her well so yay~
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Then there’s this.
I suppose Emiru met up with young Traum sometime ago and agreed to fund his research and development (the Aisaki family is loaded, remember, so again, NOT SURPRISED THERE) all for the purpose of seeing her best friend again…
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…which resulted in the birth of Lulu, the first robot of her kind to have not only a human heart (which we’ve already seen happen) but also the capability to grow just like a normal human does.
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And the reunion is just as you would expect. Tears of joy because hell yea, baby!Lulu may not recognize Emiru since she’s just been born but HELL YEA, they kept their promise to each other!
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And of course, the first thing they do together is sing.
Ugh! So beautiful~! <3
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By the way, I’m declaring it canon that Traum’s first daughter is alive and she probably did contribute some way into the project to create Lulu and the reason we don’t see her here is likely because she’s at school or something.
The Traum family consists of three members and they’re all alive and well and most of all, happy together.
You can’t convince me otherwise! xP
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Homare made it in time and what’s more, SHE BROUGHT A GOLD MEDAL!
What a great auntie/godmother!
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Kotori guiding the next generation of cheerleaders.
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Henri made a musical on ice.
He did THAT!
And who was the producer of this theatrical success?
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The one and only Aisaki Group, DUH!
I mean, what you’d expect from having in-laws (I dare the fool who tries to tell me Masato and Henri are not married, I DARE YOU!) who are such opera/theater fanatics that they LIVE the stage in their daily lives?
So glad the grandfather finally came around as well. Awesome.
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Ranka became the next Best Actress. Congrats.
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100 is the new 20! xDD
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New grandparents rushing to the hospital and they hardly look a day over the last time we saw them from 10 years ago.
*whispers* The secret must be a healthy, happy marriage.
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And this is, without a doubt, Hana’s (wavy, dark-haired) husband (she is wearing her wedding band, go back and check) who’s just heard the news but still made sure to pick up a bouquet along the way to see his wife.
A bouquet of craspedias, the same flower villain!George tried to give to Hana years ago.
Except this person is obviously not the same George.
Again, it’s strongly implied the foremost reason why George spiraled into depression and started doing evil things was because he lost Hana in the future.
But since Hana doesn’t die this time, villain!George never comes into existence and therefore, George is just a normal guy who’s, hopefully, grateful that life has given him such happiness and meaning and is very much anticipating meeting his baby daughter.
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Yea, they deliberately did not show his face to continue to cast doubt on who Hugtan’s father is but I’m certain it’s gotta be him.
Knowing the type of person Hana is, there’s no way she wouldn’t be concerned about the man George was before he became President Kurai when she meets (again) in present day. And she likely would’ve stuck by him to make sure he didn’t go down the same disastrous path. As a result, they got close, fell in love, married and are now having a baby together.
It’s still squicky because of the age difference so I hope they got together when Hana was at legal age (and by that, I mean by my standard of 21 years, not Japan’s 13). At least, it’ll make me feel slightly better about them being a couple that way.
Also, it looks like what people have been telling me about genetic traits possibly jumping a generation or two (thanks for further confirming this, btw!) are correct so Hugtan/Hagumi can have blonde hair even if neither of her parents do. The fact that George’s name is written in katakana instead of hiragana (which probably would translate closer to “Jouji”) suggests George himself is partially foreign so perhaps Hugtan got the blonde hair from his side (??). 
To be honest, I was aware of this fact already (really, I’m not lying here). I just didn’t believe that the staff behind Hugtto knew about it and because of that, I didn’t think they would apply it here since it’s more common to see animators make almost all girls take after their moms and almost all boys take after their dads. I especially can’t trust Toei after that whole skin color incident with Towa from Go!Pri but it seems like the writers of this season learned from their mistakes and even did some extra research this time.
Who knows?
Anyways, all evidence points to this person as George and I have nothing more to add.
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Moving along, d’aww, whaddya know?
Mogumogu and the cat he admired got together and adopted Hariham village!
How sweet~! <33
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Finally, they don’t tell how much further off in the future it is when Tomorrow turns up again but can I just say, it’s such a RELIEF that she doesn’t have to suffer through a despairing future like she did in the original timeline.
And that was all thanks to her mom and her friends.
Plus, when the focus turns to her at the precise moment Hagumi is born in Hana’s present time and she softly says “Mama”?
Yea...who else felt that?
*turns into a sobbing mess*
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And that’s it.
Congratulations, Hana. Congratulations, Hagumi. May you have many, many blessed and blissful days ahead of you and may you always be together.
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Thank you, Hugtto, for giving everybody such a huggy, huggy year! ^^
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the-potter-analyst · 5 years
Chapter 16 - The Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter and the Sacred Text word of the day: Grace
Another word with multiple meanings oof. The hosts took a more spiritual approach to the theme, looking at how grace is given to characters mostly as something that’s outside of their power. But I read it as more of an act or state of being? Like grace can be dignity, elegance, or beauty, but it can also be acts of love, compassion, and generosity. I’ll just list the definitions of grace before my head hurts: elegance or beauty of form, manner, motion, or action; a pleasing or attractive quality or endowment; favor or goodwill; mercy or clemency; the freely given, unmerited favor and love of God; the influence or spirit of God operating in humans to regenerate or strengthen them; a virtue or excellence of divine origin.
I guess one way to compare this difference in interpretation is in McGonagall. The hosts saw her as maintaining or protecting the grace that is Hogwarts by keeping it open and continuing the term like normal, because the school itself is a gift that allows the children of today with magical abilities to learn how to use magic. This privilege may have not been available to people before Hogwarts opened. And I saw McGonagall as embodying grace and dignity in running the school like always. Like handling the situation with grace.
I was going to talk about the whole “unmerited” thing, but that’s too much theological discussion than I want to get into lol. Instead I’ll talk about Lockhart. With my interpretation of grace, Lockhart throughout this chapter embodies gracelessness when he usually tries his best to be charming and look elegant. If McGonagall handles everything with grace, Lockhart is the exact opposite. He tries to look like he does, but in reality he’s basically a shit show. As soon as things don’t go right for him he just falls apart. The hosts talked about how receiving grace leads to gratitude which then becomes responsibility to honor that gift received and McGonagall embodies this. She has talent, which she uses to be the best teacher she can be. Lockhart on the other hand doesn’t honor his own grace: he’s handsome, has a big personality, has a talent in memory charms, but instead of using those gifts responsibly, he chooses to become famous off the backs of those who do the real work. I can’t believe he tried to give a spiel to Harry about how fame is hard work,,, when really all that effort is going into creating a fallacy for himself.
I think what sucked about being so young when the books and movies were coming out is that I didn’t get to appreciate B2 as being a mystery book. I watched the movie at the ripe age of 7 and later read the book, so I don’t remember what it was like to go through the story for the first time and try to piece together the clues before the final revelation. Thinking about it, the only clues that really could be pieced together is figuring out that the monster is a snake lol. Like that would be galaxy brain to realize Moaning Myrtle was the girl who died when the Chamber was last opened before Aragog mentioned she died in a bathroom, or to guess that Tom Riddle was Voldemort before meeting him in the Chamber.
Ok, big question time. If Myrtle immediately became a ghost and haunted Olive Hornby, why hadn’t anyone asked about how she died right after her death?? Like from her reaction to Harry asking (she was excited someone wanted to know something about her!) it seems like no one else took the time to do the same. And her death gives so many clues like that the entrance to the Chamber is probably in her bathroom. Also acromantulas don’t have large yellow eyes. Nor can they kill by sight only. And I don’t think Hagrid knows another language. Just,,, ugh. It shows how much both the Hogwarts administration and the Ministry didn’t care about the facts, only that it looked like they were doing something about it.
Speaking of the Chamber’s monster, I said that I’d talk more about basilisks in this chapter analysis lol. First of all, it’s interesting how a basilisk is born from a chicken egg (in some older stories, a basilisk has the front of a cockerel and the back of a reptile), yet a rooster’s crow is fatal to it. Like the very thing that helped create it is its undoing. The hosts had also suggested that it has something to do with the rooster’s crow being a sign of a new day and change, like the basilisk is the darkness and the rooster is the light. Which makes sense if the basilisk is compared to the conservative idea of blood purity, which pure-blood Slytherins tend to have and also Salazar Slytherin himself. The rooster would then be the progressive idea that all those with magical abilities are equal wizards. I’m still not sure why a basilisk would be a spider’s mortal enemy though. Maybe something happened in ancient times between the two that made the spider pass down this fear lol.
How rude is it that Percy made Ginny move so he could have her seat?? Like I understand he’s tired but there has to be a ton of other seats open at that huge table. And she finally built up the courage to tell someone about her experiences that year! It was her last desperate attempt to find help. I wonder if Ginny approached Ron bc she felt most comfortable confiding in him or if it just so happened that there was an open seat next to Ron. Maybe because they’re closest in age? Does she often confide in him? I can understand if Ginny and Ron are close since they’re only a year apart, Fred and George have each other to hang out with, Percy is Percy, and Charlie and Bill are so much older that they wouldn’t have been able to spend much time together.
It’s funny how certain things end up coming together in the book. Like if Dobby never tried to stop Harry from getting to Hogwarts by blocking the barrier to Platform 9 3/4, Ron would never have gotten the idea to take the flying car to Hogwarts. Then Ron would never have broken his wand and Lockhart would’ve Obliviated his and Harry’s memories. Though I guess they would’ve never have made it that far bc they would’ve died in the Forbidden Forest since the car was what rescued them. Sometimes things go wrong so something can go right for you :)
A long list of small things:
I can’t believe Hermione out of all people defiled a book by ripping a page off and writing in it. I guess it shows how important this was
Harry frantically trying to remember what he learned that year is such a mood lol
Again, how has Ron survived the entire year with a broken wand??
rip to Collin and Justin who’ve missed the majority of the school year, they have so much to catch up on
Is Harry able to make a greater story than “we wanted to see Hermione and tell her the Mandrakes are almost ready” or is this when he peaks
Kudos to Ron for figuring out that the Chamber entrance is in Myrtle’s bathroom. The movies really did him dirty 👏🏾Ron👏🏾is👏🏾smart👏🏾
The movies also take so much of his agency away ugh
How did McGonagall realize Ginny was taken
The teachers are so savage omg even Sprout and Flitwick joined in the roast Lockhart party
Ron really went this bitch empty. yeet. to Lockhart’s wand
Previous: Chapter 15 - Aragog
Next: Chapter 17 - The Heir of Slytherin
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maybemermaidmika · 7 years
2017 My Personal Hermit Jesus Year in Review
2017 was my numerical 9/Hermit year. There are a few schools of thought on getting this number. But I find the simplest and easiest one to be the best. So I always reduce to the smallest single digit. You can do this too by taking your birth date (month + day) add them together with the year prior. You then reduce it to its smallest single digit and that will tell you what lessons you are meant to learn during this current year (the reason why you do the year prior, is because that is the amount of years you have lived. For example: My Birthday 12+15 = 27. I add 27+2016 (to get 2017s year ahead for me) and 27+2016=2043. Then 2+0+4+3 = 9.
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With my staff, see, 9 correlates to the Hermit card in tarot and in numerology the 9 and Hermit are hilariously comparable. If you don’t have a background in this, really looking at even just WIKI or a Google search pulls up so many resources. BUT if you want someone to do the work FOR you you can always book a session with me. ;) But self promotion lols aside, I know 2017 wasn’t kind to most folk I know. It did have a lot of challenges, set backs, big lessons - while also having a few victories, gifts, and even joy between those hardships and pain. This year had so much death in my inner circle, and outer. And even deaths that had happened years ago, seemed to be coming back - like ghosts to remind me of things lost. It was also my 33rd year, known to some as a Jesus Year (the age Jesus was when he was left on his own). It combined with my numerical 9/Hermit year  - it was indeed to be a year where I had to face a lot on my own. But as much as I wanted to hide in the caves and darkness of my own mind, there was a light that just kept shinning. Some how. I started my Hermit Year with my beloved community giving me a literal Lightbulb Award, that I took with me into the darkness, and dang was the metaphor not lost on me this year.
I enjoy New Years (even if I don’t fully celebrate it until February). But I enjoy the chance to pause and reflect......and compile LISTS!! Please share your own as well! Here’s mine for this year:
Movie: I had three: The Shape of Water, The Big Sick, and Get Out
Album: DAMN. Kendrick Lamar, and here’s a great review of it. Green Twins by Nick Hakim was a VERY close second.
Song(s): I made you a mix of the songs that made 2017 for me. But if I had to narrow it down to FIVE songs that came out this year it’s: 5) Kendrick Lamar “DNA” and “GOD” which go really well together, so they count as one. 4) Gorillaz “We Got the Power”. 3) Curtis Harding “Face Your Fear” 2) “Needy Bees” Nick Hakim. 1) Lizzo “Truth Hurts” which got so much play I feel like an addict. The mix has more from this year and others and I hope you enjoy it.
Concert: George Clinton. Holeeeey cats was this show amazzzzing. Might be one of my top shows of all time. He had such great energy and for it to be at the State Fair of all places. WHAT?! <3
TV: Riverdale, Dirk Gently, Black Mirror and Easy. But Dirk Gently is now one of my favorites of all time ever, right next to Pushing Daisies.
Book: Paper Girls, graphic novel that is like Stranger Things....but BETTTTTER!!! HAHAHAH!!!
Hope for the next year: MANIFEST!!! COMMUNITY!!!
Clothing item or outfit of the year: My style was extreme sweatpantsing, like whoa. 
Color of the year: Orange and Turquoise Food of the year: Tofu
Drink of the year: White Stag and Spindrift Means of Communication of the year: Smoke signals, prayers, and Facebook Messenger
Gift of the year: An ionic sunlamp for all that D.
Achievement(s) of the year: Surviving and stabilizing. 1. What did you do in 2017 that you'd never done before? Met people IRL, who’ve I’ve known for 16+ years but not really and learned the uke...also sang and played it in front of people. And I was in the hospital for the 1st time as a patient instead of a visitor/caretaker. I also went to a cabin for the first time ever and it was SO amazing!! (which is so Minnesotan, I think I’m official now). And I held a baby goat.
2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year? My New Year's resolution was to learn an instrument and get a zero inbox.......and I DID!!! And for next year I want to manifest more goals - friends and family time, art, tarot. ALL THE THINGS!!
3. Did anyone close to you give birth? My close circle started having all the babies and some are currently preggers. I’m so excited for them all!
4. Did anyone close to you die? Yes 5. What would you like to have in 2018 that you lacked in 2017? More community
6. What date from 2017 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? Friday October 13th - I got the lovely black kitten Boo Friday face pants and fell in love over and over and over again.
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7. Did you suffer illness or injury? I was actually healthier than I’d been in awhile...until the hospital.
8. Where did most of your money go? Vet, credit cards, and car
9. What did you get really, really, really excited about? TCTC teaching, kittens, family, friends and Del Torro!!!
10. What political issue stirred you the most? Net Neutrality, all the Elections, BLM, Black Snake/Water/Pipeline......I could keep going FOREVER, but these were the constants. 
11. Who did you miss? Everyone.
12. Who was the best new person you met? I didn’t meet as many new peeps this year as others, but I got to solidify some old relationships and that was wonderful. I want more of this.
13. Lowlights/hardships: So much death, hospitals, shootings, fires, vets, breakups, mechanics, loss of all kinds etc. while my mental health really put the hurt on in Feb and Dec in particular. Let alone the total blast of political, economic, world woes. It was a slog.
14. Highlights/good times: Family, friends, music, ALL the Del Toro, became titled by beloved peers as a “Tarot Master” with 21 years of reading under my belt,  built a cat cabinet, learned the uke, zero inbox, mended broken relationships,  road trips, cabins, holding goats, getting a kitten, and falling in love again and again despite all the broken hearts.
15. Lesson you've learned from 2017: No matter how alone you feel, someone is there....even if that someone is YOU (cheesey, I know, but man it saved my butt)....and that the heart is tenacious.
So that’s MY list of 2017. What’s yours?! I still plan on making a tarot spread post and valentines for you all. Be sure to shoot me a message with your address if you would like one.
And here’s my mix again for good measure ;)
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With both gratitude and good riddance.....GOODBYE 2017.......
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Welcome 2018! And my Magician Year! MANIFEST!!! COMMUNITY!!!
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buddyrabrahams · 8 years
10 biggest NBA trade deadline takeaways
[clears throat and does best ancient Roman accent]
After countless visits to the Woj bomb shelter and copious mashing of the F5 button, this year’s NBA trade deadline is now in the rearview mirror — but not before New Orleans became a Boogie Wonderland, Jeanie Buss executed Order 66, and Danny Ainge slept through all of his alarms yet again. As the salary cap dust finally begins to settle, let’s go for a deep dive into the 10 biggest takeaways from Trade SZN 2K17.
1. The Southwest Division has become a meat grinder
In their shocking acquisition of three-time All-Star center DeMarcus Cousins from the SacrHAHAHAHAmento Kings, the New Orleans Pelicans managed to melt our faces off and give the ultimate middle finger to small-ball all at once. Cousins will join forces with Anthony Davis to form what is easily the NBA’s most fearsome frontcourt duo since Tim Duncan and David Robinson, and he very well could lift the team to a Godzilla vs. King Kong-esque clash of styles against the Golden State Warriors in the first round of the playoffs.
But while the Cousins bombshell dominated all of the headlines, the Houston Rockets upgraded their own weapon system by trading for former Sixth Man of the Year Lou Williams, a top-tier bench scorer and yet another threes-and-free-throws enthusiast to toss into Daryl Morey’s cauldron. And with the omnipresent San Antonio Spurs again cruising to a 60-plus win season, the Memphis Grizzlies modernizing nicely, and the Dallas Mavericks somehow still kicking, we may officially have a new Division of Death in the Association.
2. The East is now as wide open as it’s been in years
A faint glimmer of hope shines intermittently in the distance to signal the possible end of LeBron James’ reign of terror over the Eastern Kingdom. That glimmer may actually be the Ibaka Flocka Flame that the Toronto Raptors lit this trade deadline, a get that should improve their spacing and help remedy their chronic problem of bleeding easy buckets at the rim in crunchtime. Their late addition of P.J. Tucker as a LeBron-stopper of sorts has the potential to be huge as well, especially he was had for the price of a negative asset in Jared Sullinger and a pair of inconsequential second-rounders.
But don’t sleep on the Washington Wizards either now that they no longer have a cardboard cutout of a second unit thanks to the acquisition of Bojan Bogndanovic from Brooklyn. Bogdanovic’s friskiness off the bounce and his 36.6 percent career mark from deep give the Wiz a legitimate sixth man instead having to trot out The Ghosts of Power Conference Studs Past in Trey Burke and Kelly Oubre Jr. Now as long their starting five continues to swipe lunch money, Washington is set up to a be yuge headache come playoff time.
And to think that we haven’t even gotten to the team that’s mathematically closest to the Cavaliers yet…
3. The Boston Celtics are still waiting for the right time to pounce
“This will be the year that Danny Ainge finally awakens from his trade deadline slumber,” we repeated to ourselves as we slowly rocked back and forth in the fetal position. But alas, Ainge has once again taken the advice of the Magic Conch Shell and done nothing.
Paul George? Sike. Andre Drummond? Ask again later. Jimmy Butler? LOL.
In fairness, there’s not as much urgency to deal for a superstar when the Celtics have already witnessed one emerge in-house this season in Mighty Mouse Isaiah Thomas. Ainge may also want to see a healthy Avery Bradley get more reps with this current core and wait to see where that much-ballyhooed Brooklyn pick will actually fall so as to make a more well-informed decision about the future of his team. But time is of the essence with the Cavaliers, who are just three games ahead of Boston entering the second half of the season, beginning to show signs of mortality, so it’s still tough to justify the Celtics sitting on their hands instead of throwing them.
And since we keep mentioning those pesky Clevelanders…
4. The Cavaliers are walking a dangerous tightrope
LeBron James just hit all of his prospective playmakers with a resounding “It’s not you, it’s me.” Granted, a pre-deadline move was a longshot with the capped-out, asset-deficient reality the Cavs were forced to work with, especially since they gave up what little they had left to acquire sharpshooter Kyle Korver. But it’s still a highway to the danger zone to maintain status quo when the roster only runs six or seven deep right now thanks to the respective injury absences of J.R. Smith and Kevin Love.
Fortunately though, deadline inaction is far from nuclear Armageddon for the Cavs. The buyout market is still a viable place to acquire cheap, albeit exiled, talent in order to retool for a playoff run. Ditto for the often-overlooked 10-day contract cycle, which they recently took advantage of with the signing of ex-No. 2 overall pick Derrick Williams. So while time is very much ticking on Cleveland, there’s still an ample amount of sand in their hourglass, and hopefully that means their title defense doesn’t fall flat (no pun intended).
5. Several more months of Carmelo Anthony rumors await us
#StayMe7o he did indeed, much to the chagrin of those of us who felt compelled to bang our heads repeatedly against our keyboards thanks to the constant bombardment of Carmelo chatter and the gross societal overuse of the phrase “no-trade clause.” Well, those therapy sessions now look like a pretty darn good investment with Anthony surviving the trade deadline and ensuring that many more months of Melo-brand Instagram shade, indecipherable Phil Jackson subtweets, and Spike Lee sideline struggle faces are looming on the horizon to assault the senses of the NBA fandom.
Where do the Knicks go from here? At 23-34, they’ve all but clinched another season of futility. Meanwhile, Derrick Rose will likely be gonzo after the year, but Joakim Noah will still be around to clog cap, and Kristaps Porzingis will continue to have his development stunted by the team’s Melo-centric offense. Then draft season arrives followed shortly after by the 2017-18 campaign, and we fire up the Anthony hot stove all over again. Are we having fun yet?!?
6. The Lakers are done playing games
Jeanie Buss means business if you didn’t gather from the Red Wedding she stunningly pulled on her brother Jim and Mitch Kupchak just 48 hours before the deadline. The same goes for Magic Johnson, who, upon ascending to his new perch as Lakers president of basketball operations, traded away Lou Williams, got the team involved on the Paul George front, and took calls on Nick Young, all faster than you could say “Abdul-Jabbar.”
Now none of those moves were game-changers in and of themselves, but they affirmed one message to Laker Nation: our long national nightmare is over. Johnson is already working to rebuild the franchise’s reputation in the eyes of marquee talents and scheming with new GM Rob Pelinka and the rest of the front office to put the Lakers in a position to realistically and financially be able to acquire that talent. So rival executives best be vigilant of no-look passes zipping by their ears, because it’s Showtime in Los Angeles again.
7. Doc Rivers is perfectly content to run it back again
Another team somewhat surprising in their silence this year was the Los Angeles Clippers, who took a pie to the face last deadline by swinging an eleventh-hour deal for Jeff Green, who played for the team for all of two months, in exchange for Lance Stephenson and a future first-rounder. Welp.
Perhaps the sting of that belly flop of a trade necessitated the exercise of more prudence this time around, but the Clips are in a good spot regardless. Merciful point god Chris Paul is on the verge of an early return from injury, and Blake Griffin has been Hellboy in basketball form since his own return.
While the temptation to gauge themselves against Golden State and panic into a Carmelo Anthony-type deal must have been enormous, there’s intrinsic value in the 2011 Dallas Mavericks model of keeping a nucleus intact for several seasons in the hope that they can eventually break through the glass ceiling. Though the Dubs have all but assured that the ceiling [commander-in-chief voice] just got ten feet higher, it sounds like that’s the conventional wisdom Doc Rivers is going for here.
8. The cavalry is coming behind Russell Westbrook
Those 10,000 “Save The Brodie” shirts I ordered off eBay were not purchased in vain.
Though the loss of Westbrook’s blood sworn dance partner, Cameron Payne, is absolutely devastating (not really), the reinforcements have arrived for our beloved triple-double addict. Doug McDermott will offer Billy Donovan a versatile offensive threat to close games with in those situations where the foul stench of Andre Roberson’s jumper is too much to bear. The addition of veteran forward Taj Gibson should also unlock a number of juicy tall-ball lineups next to Steven Adams in case rookie Domantas Sabonis isn’t ready for the bright lights of the postseason or if Enes Kanter isn’t the same upon returning from his upholstery-related injury.
All things considered, the cost is quite minimal for the Thunder. Joffrey Lauvergne proved to be little more than a 6-foot-11 whoopee cushion in the increased opportunity presented by Kanter’s absence, and Payne is a low-upside option at a position of abundance who simply hasn’t looked serviceable since undergoing foot surgery. With the Thunder only 3.5 games out of a top-four seed in the West, let Westbrook’s piercing battle cry shepherd the weak through the valley of darkness.
9. Is The Process still being trusted?
The trade of Nerlens Noel to Dallas was a bolt from the blue, especially since he had finally appeared to find his calling as a defensive dynamo sixth man for the Sixers. In selling off Noel, a Day One Process OG, is Jerry Colangelo beginning to trample all over the carefully-crafted sandcastle that his predecessor, the Honorable Sam Hinkie, built?
In conjunction with their earlier trade of Ersan Ilyasova to the Atlanta Hawks in exchange for the injured Tiago Splitter and two future second-rounders, Colangelo seems to be presiding over a radical shift in team-building strategy by the Philly front office. Gone are the days of building exclusively through the draft in favor of clearing out roster space and cap room, perhaps to work more closely with the free agency pool in future years.
With that in mind, dealing Noel, who is due for restricted free agency after the season, makes at least a remote inkling of sense, even if it’s still difficult to justify the late 180 of choosing to keep Jahlil Okafor over Noel. So while I can at least somewhat understand why Colangelo pulled the trigger, as a fanatical disciple of the Holy Gospel according to Hinkie, I can never forgive him.
10. Paul George survives the deadline
As it turns out, Larry Bird was just teasing us all along. Though the PG-13 fever dreams abounded from Boston to Los Angeles, George remains with the Pacers through the deadline. It’s an interesting way for Indy to maintain the outward appearance of long-term commitment to the four-time All-Star while also gathering intel as to what his trade value might be over the summer and come next season.
In the end, it stands to reason that the time wasn’t ripe for the picking to move George. The Pacers are still a playoff team and George is under contract through 2018. But as Carmelos and Butlers before us can attest, this by no means symbolizes the death of the rumor mill, for George or other potentially-available stars. So as winter gives way to spring gives way to the playoffs gives way to the summer, there shall be no rest for the weary. Long live the National Basketball Association.
from Larry Brown Sports http://ift.tt/2lvZhIM
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winds--of--change · 8 years
Wanderer: Why?
Actor: Because people don't get out of their habitus
Wanderer: ...
Actor: You understand right, "birds with same feather flock together", that's very true, you tend attract like-minded things/people, creating a zone, your comfy place, one that is where you belong. There are different zones, all kinds of habitus, but think about it, even if you leave one and enter something new, you enter that particular new one because it conjures up something similar to the old one, "you can never get away from your habitus" and once you go somewhere else you will choose to be where familiar/or actually recreate a version of your habitus.
Wanderer: You mean, after all experiences and all changes, doing all different things or being in different places and all you actually just always live in your own habitus?
Actor: Admit it, we live off from habitual socialization, even if you travel somewhere completely far away from your own home, it doesn't mean you are now a completely new person living in a completely 'new' environment different from your old one, actually you just carry the habitus with you and make your new place similar to what you have already had. That's you, Wanderer.
Wanderer: ...
Actor: Don't you see we are different, I am an Actor, you are an Individual, if you go somewhere you bring your own identity into that place, negotiation, readjustment, but you always retain something that is yours. By contrast, Actor has no personality, simply we are just no one, we are just nothing, we are whoever we become as part of the habitus we have to enter. Don't you see, I entered that drama group then I became the mean girl like the other, now I entered Yoshinoya and I became like other Vietnamese young students who came here for language schools, I acted like one and got treated like one by the Japanese. I just take in whatever there from the habitus I enter as I enter different habitus, usually people would not enter a completely different habitus from the one they used to live in, they would be prone to go somewhere familiar no matter how different and far-away the new habitus is from the previous one, as interesting and surprisingly true as it is, you would always find something similar even if you go for the most bizarre different, because you automatically subconsciously search for the familiar. Trust me. Just like how all of my friends from MA or Undergrad, they would never become one of those workers in such a place as a fast-food chain-restaurant.
Wanderer: Yeah right. Don't you think the fact that draws you to start your life in that habitus, it's actually because there's something in you familiar to that one, your old habitus for example, or certain kind of mentality from what you used to live with, the Vietnamese habitus for example.
Actor: Yes you are right, after all I am not in the same habitus with my MA friends I guess, we are still different from each other even though we are drawn to each other into same 'habitus' called MA GPGS.
Wanderer: ...okay so what's your point of talking here lol you are not an actor a real actor like those movie stars or something because after all even you play the Actor in your life by entering somewhere something, it is still because you are drawn to it for a certain familiarity in habitus that you have lived through.
Actor: I guess I am fake actor in that sense.
Wanderer: .... That's it?! To support your argument? Man you defend your statement pretty weakly I think, already gave in?!
Actor: I just had an urge to write down something about habitus, that's why, not exactly mean to defend anything...
Wanderer: ... ...
Actor: But the fact that one who is an actor takes in colors of someone who is supposed to must act so in the habitus they enter, is precise.
Wanderer: But different from real movies, in reality actors are still those prone to enter where they are somewhat familiar with, be it subconsciously or automatically, they still 'choose' the habitus they enter. I think.
Actor: But who actually has no personality, then become actors more easily than wanderers then, because they don't have strong individuality and egos to retain what is theirs in new habitus.
Wanderer: Those who are prone to become actors are just due to the fact they are kinda weak-minded and colorless and so easy to become someone else's colors or be influenced by other minds then. Wait actually unless you act knowing very well you are acting, then you are called an actor, if not, if you just act out unconsciously due to social inducement, can you call yourself 'actor'? Or just...hmm...'follower', 'shadower'?
Actor: Yeah but you could one day 'snap' out of it and leave the habitus, so does it just mean the actor was just so into the play he forgot himself an actor and instead, he played himself as if he was one of the 'real' habitus resident? Because seriously, I knew in the beginning what I was aware, I already got...hmm 'an opinion' but somehow along the line, I just went with the flow acting the way I did, forgetting my beginning standpoint. That means a real actor, not fake one no?
Wanderer: I mean, in reality everyone, no matter what idea they have from the beginning before entering a habitus, I think along the way they always get influenced somehow and really 'become' part of the habitus somehow, after all that is what socialization is all about, and you can never get away from socialization as a human being for we are all born from it, into it, and 'for' it. Think about it, and take the movie 'Closer' as example, when she is Alice, she really 'is' Alice no? Only till she gets OUT of the habitus does she go back to Jane Johns again? Before that she stays true to herself as an 'Alice'.
Actor: Depending on the level of how much we are "aware" of what we act I guess, that it measures what degree to which we involve ourselves to the new habitus. But as said, in reality we would be prone to the familiar habitus, not a completely distinguished one from what we usually have... ... Man so that is true, as my advisor who is Professor in Sociology said, 'you could never get away from your habitus', never. Just like how Murakami once said you could never get away from yourself. I could never get away from my 'Vietnamese-ness' then also the theories on 'actor' would be very questionable then, who proposed it again, I think George Simmel on 'four types of characters' the wanderer, actor, player and whatever yeah? In society there is in fact no actor then, people act for certain extent yet, not to a completely different thing from they used to be. In 'Breakfast at Tiffany's Holly Golightly would not weep in devastation for Fred, her brother because as a 'Holly Golightly' presumably she would not know anyone who is Fred, a brother from the army for it then means it is connected to her old identity yeah? As she received the letter of Fred's death from her old husband with whom she married as ... damn what was her name again before she left the husband to New York City and built herself as a 'Holly Golightly' T_T
Wanderer: Man if this continues on, I feel like my mind is gonna blown up lol can we go back to finish 'Ghost Protocol' T_T and then start making schedule for next week, and you need start working on your RA tasks asap, replying to your professor's email too...
Actor: Damn don't get me thinking about it now >_
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