#so gay that he proposes to him after getting Oak's permission
dingalingalingis · 5 years
(Because the 27th is INTERNATIONAL GAY BOYS GET MARRIED AND GO TO TROPICAL ISLAND FOR THEIR HONEYMOON day and I'm all over Witch! Green from @imperial-palace I had a small idea)
Red was an enigma, something taunt and close to the surface but still too deep to touch and sometimes Green would joke to him that Red fit the definition of the bermuda triangle by Alola, an ocean of shades darker than the eye can see and able to pull things in. And also for some god damn stupid reason that ran through the whole family, he was way to gay for his own good.
Green looked down at his ring finger and flushed.
"I can't believe you've done this." Green griped before looking out to the ocean enriched Alola from the plane window, Red made a small affirmative noise and cocked a brow from his journal with a crooked lip “Like… Cmon its… it's too sweet…" 
He made a motion, a short cleaning spell to remove the fog from his breath from the window.
Red leaned back and seemed to contemplate with himself, tapping his fingers away on the bind of the journal in his hands. He put it down, slipping over to look at Green 'you sound so idiotic'. Green gasped, a harsh sound as the witch flicked the air in a spell to pull Red's ear.
How he spoke though, with mirth and joy, was how Green blinked, backmasking to their childhood where Red's face was one of a scuffed up child with grass-stained knees and a mouth that spoke none but signed foul words that giggled while being a guinea pig for Green's old tests.
"Red just try this!"
'Whats in it now?'
"Well I dunno just drink it."
He remembers when he would show Red some of the spells he could do in secret, then he'd spent the night and taught a smaller, more susceptible, Green to speak the same way which always led to Oak’s anger and Daisy's horribly hidden glee at hearing the eleven year old yell ‘fuck’ at the top of his lungs at the most minor inconvenience.
He could remember them hiding away while there were Champion meetings, wallowing with their Pokemon as their brains patted away at its emotional pockets as it searched around their peripheral vision for each other. Because Green was alone with him, Red said in a tone too high for an teen, he'd tell jokes that he overheard the adults say until the steps came close and they feared being caught skipping out. And so they were quiet, hearing the elite four speak words they knew and yet never spoke of again. He was cold then too, he agreed to stay beside Red even with the flush on his cheeks.
"Why did I even agree to do this with you?"
'Cause you like me?'
"Dont put words in my mouth Red."
He remembers snapping his fingers in the silence and a blanket appeared, Red didn't say anything but he could feel him press his side against Green's more after that.
Zenosyne enraptured them and right then and there Green realized how much of their lives were gone to time, he leaned back and sunk into the seat with a frown “You're a big dumb idiot you know that right?”
Red laughed, shaking his head semi-affectionately as Green moped in his spot, messing with the ring on his finger affectionately. Red locked the journal and set it on the arm of his chair, raising his arms with fingers spread wide “C'mere.”. Green eyed him weirdly, squinting heavily through his shaded glasses before relenting, sliding over to plaster his head on Red's shoulder.
He was a lot warmer, a literal heater compared to the chilly airplane and Green nearly melted at the comfort of it. Red let out a chuckle, a soft little thing and easily leaned back against Green like it was the most normal thing in the world. It was, Green supposes, that he likes this more than riding his broom. Green's brain oh so helpfully pointed out that it was even better. They sat there for a while in silent comfort, only making gentle motions to each other to replace their words.
Green waved his hand, and Red could feel the most gentle caresses on his cheek.
Mew cooed, invisible to anyone but Red and Green, in Red's lap.
Red easily draped his arm over Green's shoulder and squeezed, he took a breath, a short laugh, and knocked their rings together.
And all felt right to them.
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