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A Madwoman with a dream and a pen...
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gettingknowledge · 2 years ago
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gettingknowledge · 3 years ago
Lets Goooooooo Shoutout to @leanmeantrashmachine and @dingdongyouarewrong
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gettingknowledge · 4 years ago
花布爱上鸟_ on weibo
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gettingknowledge · 4 years ago
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For dragoncon day 2 we did the aquarium night and I brought my Ariel gown! To get to be in her around all the fish was a dream come true. The aquarium was absolutely magical✨
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gettingknowledge · 4 years ago
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gettingknowledge · 4 years ago
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URGENT!! THIS IS MY LAST CHANCE!!!! (This is the post to boost!!)
My health is actually failing. I’m not being dramatic when I say I could die If I don’t get the medical help I need.
I suffer from chronic illnesses (a rare version of MTHFR HOMOZYGOUS, HIT, DEEP VEIN THROMBOSIS, AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE + more)
and I am disabled and trans. I am jobless due to my illnesses and I am currently without any necessary resources to survive, be healthy, stable, or safe..
I have a rare blood clotting disease that causes me to be at the HIGHEST RISK possible to have a heart attack, aneurysm, or stroke. This disease has also resulted in multiple major surgeries, and countless other major procedures that have left me with debilitating chronic pain and other disabilities (limited use of my dominate arm, and even tasks like sweeping leave my arms in immense pain). I have two stints in my chest keeping my main vein open to my right arm so the blood can flow to it. And it still has trouble flowing back which causes swelling and excruciating pain in my arm. The main vein in my chest has been patched and dissected from a vein from my thigh because the veins in my right arm and chest are so damaged they weren’t able to save much. I had to get a rib removed because it was pinching my vein and causing clotting during which damaged a lot of muscles in my chest and shoulder causing even more chronic pain. They also wired my chest shut.
So I NEED to have access to good health care. I’m chronically ill with horrible and scary diseases. I’ve already almost died three times, and have been on my death bed twice.. I’m in and out of hospitals constantly, they don’t have the resources to help.
I NEED HELP. I NEED TO LEAVE AND MOVE IN ORDER TO SURVIVE!!! Please fucking help me!! Boost my links, donate whatever! I’m grateful for anything !!
I don’t want to DIE I’ve been fighting for my life since I was 16. I’m taking my health seriously and using the little bit of energy that I have to get shit done.
I’m honestly only asking for the bare minimum of what I need to move, for Rent, & basic necessities.
I’m trying to move to Colorado to escape (my abuser and stalker that I have a really traumatic history with. Violence and including assaults) I’m stuck in my hometown right now in northern MN. Where I’m at right now IS NOT safe for me and I NEED to leave..
My friend in Colorado has a place that I can move into ASAP, I just need first and last months rent. I have to move this month or she has to find a different roommate because of her own financial situation, so this is my ONE and only lucky chance!!
I NEED to move to Colorado for access to better health care (to keep me alive), and for my own safety.. This is VITAL for my health (mentally and physically).
ALSO PLEASE READ AND SHARE MY STORY/LINKS!! REPOST, & REBLOG!! Copy and paste my links & story & share on ALL your social media’s (twitter, Facebook, tumblr and Instagram!!!!) it helps me so much !
If you donate, message me so I can thank you personally !!! Thank you ♥️
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gettingknowledge · 4 years ago
I love talking about this so here's another instance of me talking about it: during the 504 Sit-Ins, wherein disabled activists occupied federal buildings in 1977 demanding better protections from the US government as they delayed enacting the regulations set forth in 1973's Rehabilitation Act, specifically the section entitled 504, which was supposed to provide better access to education and employment for disabled people, and the accommodations needed for such.
The activists, disabled or sick in a variety of ways, occupied multiple federal buildings across the the USA. The occupation of 50 United Nations Plaza Federal Office Building in San Francisco lasted 26 days, the longest of the protests, and I believe the longest occupation of a federal building in the USA's history.
The protest was spear-headed and led mostly by disabled women, many of them queer disabled women.
The length of the occupation was only made possible by the support of the Black Panthers, who brought food to the activists daily and stood their ground against the FBI when the feds tried to stop them from entering the plaza in an attempt to starve the protesters out. The Black Panthers then proceeded to bring hot meals every day for the rest of the protest, which ended with the enactment of the 504 regulation
Moral of the story: mass movements and protests work better when you have solidarity among various movements who, while initially fighting for different people, are all fighting for a common goal--rights, safety, empowerment, etc--and the Black Panther Party was demonized by the federal government and individual authorities not only because they were they fighting for the rights, safety, and empowerment of Black people, but because they were fully capable of and did bring unity among the many civil rights groups fighting for the individual causes, in a way that would have enacted great change in this country had they not been infiltrated and destroyed from within, arrested on bs charges, or flat out murdered by the federal government.
Anyway the history of disabled rights are unknown even among the modern disabled, the involvement of the Black Panther Party is even less known, and without the 504 regulation laying down the base foundation we probably wouldn't have the ADA so here's your history lesson informing you about all this. And thank you Black Panthers ✊🏿♿✊
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gettingknowledge · 4 years ago
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Utroba Cave, Bulgaria, a Thracian shrine carved around the 9th or 10th century BCE, depicts the vagina of the Goddess.
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gettingknowledge · 4 years ago
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Ebb and Flow
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gettingknowledge · 5 years ago
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gettingknowledge · 5 years ago
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gettingknowledge · 5 years ago
hey girl you single? no? would you like to be?
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gettingknowledge · 5 years ago
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gettingknowledge · 5 years ago
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follow @the-future-now
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gettingknowledge · 5 years ago
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gettingknowledge · 5 years ago
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Adut Akech at Valentino spring/summer 2020
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gettingknowledge · 5 years ago
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