#so excruciating pain decided my grandma was gonna get me and take me to the ER instead
thegenderfluidace · 2 months
Guess who just got back from the ER??
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onigirishawn · 5 years
before I go (part II)
summary : your time was running out [dad! shawn] , [super sad]
word count : 3.5k
read part 1 here
You sat silently on my bed, pen in one hand, a half written letter on the other. You spent the last hour writing , ensuring the you use the write words to whatever you were writing.
This week you wanted to make sure you get out of this hell hole to spend time with Shawn and Beth at home. To your surprise, the doctors gladly agreed to the idea.
You looked over to your packed bags and smiled, in a few more hours you were gonna come back home. The only place that could make you feel better.
Finishing up on a paragraph, you stop there and reach for your diary where you slip the paper in.
The door creaked open and revealed a smiling Shawn, “Hey babe, ready to go?” He asked. You smiled and nodded excitedly.
The trip home was long but you were just glad to finally be out of the hospital. You take in the scent of the car that you haven’t been in for a while. Shawn’s hand reached for yours, and he brought it up to kiss it, his eyes still focused on the road. You smiled and stretched your body to his to kiss him on the cheek.
“I’m so excited to come home.” You whisper into his ear. His grip on your hand tightens, “Home is excited for you too dear.”
After a while, you fall asleep , Shawn looks over to your deep slumber. You and Shawn’s hands were still interlocked but as you slept he felt your grip weaken and slowly release. He sighed, taking in his devastation he’s been hiding inside about everything. He couldn’t help but to let a tear drop, not so long afterwards he started to silently sob. His hand reached over to his mouth where he bit on his knuckles to control himself , making sure he doesn’t wake you up.
Shawn accepted your fate.
As Shawn parks in the driveway, you wake and you finally see your home. You take in the view, it felt like it’s been forever since you’ve last seen it. The best part was that you finally get to see Beth! You looked over to Shawn and gave a big smile. You unbuckled your seat belt and exited the car.
When you went to grab your bags, Shawn hurried to you, “Babe I got it.. okay?” He said and immediately carried the bags.
You nodded, “Thanks babe.”
“Mummy!!” You heard a familiar cheer. Looking behind, you see your daughter running towards you. You got to one knee and embraced her.
“Oh darling, I missed you. How are you? Who’s home?” You ask.
“Aunt Aaliyah, grandma and grandpa.” Beth smiled. You smiled. You’ve been wanting to see Shawn’s parents and Aaliyah while you were away.
You walk into the house and you’re greeted with warm hugs by Aaliyah, Karen and Manny. All of them understood your state.
“Darling how are you?” Karen asks you.
“I’m good... just happy to be back home.” You smile.
“We are so glad to have you back Y/N. House sitting was hard! You know this place too well. There were things going out of control-“ Manny was cut off by Aaliyah, “Haha what he meant to say was that, we are so glad to finally have you back Y/N. Let’s have some tea in the living room.” Aaliyah smiles, inviting everyone into the living room.
“Aha! Pay up.” I say with my hand out to Aaliyah. Aaliyah groans and starts to take out some of her fake cash. 6 of us have been playing Monopoly for the past hour now.
“Mummy! Why does Aunt Aaliyah have to pay?” Beth asks innocently. Beth was in your team as always.
You kiss Beth’s forehead and Aaliyah responds for you with frustration “Well I’m just unlucky today. But this doesn’t happen all the time!! You’re lucky this week.” Aaliyah defends. Everyone laughs.
Every weekend Shawn’s family would come over to play Monopoly and other board games. It’s just been a routine and today was just another one of them.
“Oh darling you’re going bankrupt!” Karen laughs at Aaliyah. Aaliyah shakes her head in disapproval and Manny jokingly pats her back to cheer her up.
“Hey guys excuse me for a bit, I’m gonna get a drink.” Shawn says and walks into the kitchen. Karen follows a few seconds later.
Shawn opens the fridge, hoping to find a drink. But really he just needed to calm himself down. The whole family gathering situation was a lot to take in, he wasn’t sure why, maybe because he just couldn’t stand to think that this was probably the last game they were gonna play with you. He didn’t want to get his feelings in too much this week but it just came to him. He hated himself for it.
“Shawn..” he hears his mom call. She knew exactly why he was in there.
“Yeah mom?” Shawn sniffs, still focusing his gaze in the fridge, tightening his grip on the fridge door handle.
“Darling look at me.” Karen says worryingly. Shawn gives in to his mom as always and closes the door. He looks over to his mom , revealing his distress.
“Oh Shawn..” Karen says and cups his face. “I know it’s a lot to take in.” She says. “I love her so much too, we all do. But she just really needs all the love and support now. She doesn’t want to see you like this.” Karen says.
Shawn just looks down to the floor. Shawn nods, taking in his mother’s advice. “Let’s continue playing yeah? Just like every other weekend.” she suggests.
The two walk in back to the living room to continue another round.
The game had wrapped up hours ago, and everyone had went back home. Beth was fast asleep in her room and Shawn was fast asleep beside you. It was currently midnight and you couldn’t sleep. You were in excruciating pain, but it didn’t feel new. You had to withstand the pain and you would occasionally walking over to the bathroom to take big breaths to overcome the pain. You’ve taken your meds already but it didn’t seem to help.
Slipping out of the sheets, you step out of the bed and walked out of the room quietly. You weren’t quite sure why you decided to get out but it felt right. You walked into your hallway, where you admired all the decorations that you had collected in the house. You and Shawn have been living in the house for almost 10 years now. You guys moved in while you were dating and practically shared everything in this house. You admired the photo frames that decorated your walk down the stairs. You took the time to look back at every single one of them.
From the days you and Shawn were still dating, to your wedding photos, to Aaliyah’s graduation from uni, to Shawn’s big win at the Grammys and finally to your family photos with Beth. Everything were hung perfectly, and you remembered vividly at the time Shawn accidentally hammered his hand to get a nail into the wall to hang up the photos.
“Shawn are you sure?” You ask while putting down a box and wiping a sweat from your forehead. You put your hands on your hips and observed Shawn balancing himself on a stool with a hammer and a nail in his hands. “Yeah of course babe just shhhhh.” He answered. You rolled your eyes.
The house phone rings loudly which immediately sent Shawn screaming, “FUCK!” He drops the hammer and you rush to him. “Oh no!” You look over to his thumb. He had accidentally hammered himself. Shawn winces in pain and you couldn’t help but to laugh. He looks over to you, “Y/N I’m in pain over here while trying to put up our wedding photo. Why are you laughing?”
“I’m sorry babe..I can’t help it.” You laugh. You slowly take his bruised finger and pepper it with kisses. “You’re a brave man, these kisses should heal.” You say confidently. Shawn relaxes.
“I was thinking of an ice bag or something but hey this would do.” He smirks.
“Any other reward for my bravery?” He asks.
“I’m saving it for the bedroom.” You wink.
You laughed after recalling it, you remembered everything so vividly. There were so many memories just coming back.
You continued to walk down the stairs where you decided to walk into Shawn’s lil office aka his mini studio room.
You walk over to his vintage turntable you got him as a gift years ago. You choose a record, ultimately ending with you and Shawn’s favourite, (which is your choice ) You start to play it on the turntable, humming to the music and slowly swaying your hips.
“Y/N?” You heard a voice enter. You look over to the doorframe and find Shawn, leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed. He was probably watching you for a while. You blush to his sudden appearance, feeling slighty embarrassed.
He walks over to you and takes your hands. He brings you closer. He places one arm around your waist, “Why are you up so late?” He says
You both automatically start to slow dance to the music. You rest your head on his chest, still moving to the music.
“Couldn’t sleep.” You murmur into his chest.
“I see you chose our wedding song?” Shawn asks.
You look up to him, “Yeah.. felt like it you know.”
Shawn nods, “Do you still remember our dance?” He asks. You nod.
“Alright then.” He backs away from you.
He was replaying the exact choreography you guys had,
He takes his hand out , “Y/N Mendes, will you care to take this dance?” You smile and happily take his hand. He twirls you in his arms as you both start singing to the lyrics. The both of you danced so smoothly, not forgetting or missing out a single step. Everything came so naturally and it almost felt as if you were reliving that wedding night again.
An hour later, you’re still in Shawn’s arms with your head resting on his chest, he’s still rocking you. The music was left at its last track and you heard the music slowly die down.
“Promise me you’ll be there for Beth at all times.” You say. “Like at all times .” You added. You feel Shawn nod.
“Of course. I’ll always be there for my two girls.” He reassures.
“Promise me that you’ll be there during her first day in school.. middle school, high school, college... graduation, her wedding, everything!” You ramble.
Shawn slowly rubs your back and reassures you again, “I wouldn’t want to miss it for the world.”
“Good.” You murmur.
“I love you so much Shawn. Like so much.. you have no idea..” you start to ramble out of the blue. You feel Shawn chuckle, “I know you do. I do too.” He answers.
“I’m not sure what I did to deserve you Y/N.. you are literally the best thing that’s ever been given in this world. I can’t thank you enough for everything. For being my wife, my best friend a mother of out daughter— you’re just incredible.” Shawn confesses.
“You’re an angel Y/N. You’re my angel. Always will and always will be.”
You wake up at around 5 o’clock in the morning, you wake up in Shawn’s arms. Today felt different.
And for some reason, you knew what today was.
“Mummy!” You hear Beth barge in. “Darling..” you call. Beth hugs you in bed. And although it was far too early in the morning, this was all you could’ve ever wanted. You, Beth and Shawn on the bed.
Shawn awakens to Beth’s cheerful demeanour. “Hey darling,” he calls groggily. “What are you doing up so early?” He asks. Beth answers, “I wanted to rest with mummy and daddy for a few hours.” Shawn smiles, “Of course darling, come here.”
Beth snuggles between you and Shawn. You and Shawn just smile to how cute your daughter was being.
“So Beth, tell me, what do you want to be when you grow up?” You ask.
“I don’t know mummy. Maybe like the guy we met at the hospital.” She answers. You chuckle, “A doctor?” She nods. “Because they always help out mummy and help other people who are sick.” She answers innocently. You look over to Shawn, clearly impressed. “Well whatever you wish to become darling, make sure you work hard for it okay? Make mummy proud.” You say as you caress your daughter. She nods, “Of course mummy.” You start peppering your daughter kisses, “I love you so so so much baby.” Beth laughs because your kisses felt like tickles. Shawn joins in and peppers Beth with more kisses, adding more to her laughter. It was a perfect moment.
After sometime, she slowly drifts to sleep. And you made sure you watched her drift to sleep, taking in the view of your child sleeping peacefully. You wrap your arms around her. Shawn, still awake, looks to you, he gives you a kiss on your pale lips.
He wraps his arms around the both of you. All 3 of you slowly drift to sleep, you whisper to Shawn before drifting to sleep, “This was the best life I could’ve ever asked for.”
Beth steps on the school stage with Shawn guiding her from the back.
“Daddy I can’t..” she whispers. She was clearly nervous. “I know you can Beth, I’ll be with you yeah?” Shawn reassures. “But today is Mother’s Day, not Father’s Day, why are you with me? All my friends have their moms on stage.. and I don’t.” Beth whines, almost in tears.
Shawn kneels down to look into Beth’s eyes, “Hey.. mummy is in here okay. She’s with us. She always will. Remember what I taught you? Mummy’s an angel. She’ll always be here.” Beth nods.
Shawn and Beth walk to the centre of the stage. Where the event was starting to take place. Beth was meant to present her mom for Mother’s Day celebration today, but Shawn had to take your place.
The event was starting soon, everyone was taking their seats, leaving only Shawn and Beth on stage. Beth looks over to Shawn for a final reassurance, and Shawn nods at her to take her place.
“Hi guys! My name is Beth Mendes and today is Mother’s Day.” Beth speaks through the mic,
“Here I have my mummy.” Beth points to Shawn. The crowd murmurs in confusion. Beth starts to get nervous and holds onto Shawn’s hand tighter. She speaks again, “S-Sorry I mean daddy.” The crowd is clearly confused. Shawn could see people whispering, some have understood what had happened which provided sympathetic looks.
“You can do this!” Shawn mouths to his daughter. She simply nods and speaks again, “My mummy wasn’t able to attend today’s event. But she told me that she’ll always be with me in heart. So she’s somewhere in here.” Beth says joyfully, trying to ignite positivity in everyone.
Beth opens a handwritten letter in her pocket, which surprises Shawn. It was long and he didn’t recall seeing Beth write it before.
“Dear mummy, today is Mother’s Day. Thank you for giving me all the love in the world. For taking care of me since I was inside you, to delivering me healthily, teaching me how to walk, talk and about all the amazing things in this world. I remember how you ran back to the store to buy me my favourite teddy bear when you forgot which I still sleep with every night. Thank you for caring for me when I was sick and thank you for caring for daddy when he was sick too.” Beth adds, smiling at Shawn. She continues, “I’m so grateful for the years I had with you. I could’ve never met you... or lost you when I was younger.. but mummy you stayed until I was this old! I’m very grateful for that. You’ll always be my mummy, forever and ever.” After Beth recites her long speech, she looks over to the crowd, “I hope everyone has a great Mother’s Day.” Beth ends the speech. The crowd gives a large applause. Shawn was basically in tears. Beth says to her father, “I’m sorry daddy I didn’t mean to make you cry.” Shawn shakes his head and hugs Beth tightly.
Shawn walks over to the dresser. He looks over at all Y/N’s stuff still left. She organised all her makeup very nicely and had family photos all over the sides of her mirror. It’s been almost two months since you left.
Shawn opens the drawer, and finds a white envelope. It looked somewhat new. He slowly ripped the envelope open and it revealed a long written message in your beautiful handwriting. His hands started to shake nervously but he had to read it.
To my darling,
I know you hate it when I leave letters like these. But you know how I am... I love to play tricks on you and give you surprises.
Shawn, I want you to wake up everyday and think about how blessed you are to have Beth in your life. She’s an angel. Our angel. I can’t imagine a world if anything happens to you or her, so please give her all the love and raise her right. I trust you, with all my heart. That’s why I married you.
I want to thank you for everything you’ve given me. Since the day we met, since the day we started dating, to when we got engaged, married and had Beth. You’ve been my pillar of support all this time. I’ve been yours too. Thank you for dealing with my antics, reminding me to do what’s right, comforting me when I’m down, dealing with me when I’m hormonal and stressed... just everything. I love you with all my heart.
Your happiness means the world to me, so don’t stop doing what makes you happy. Keep writing and doing music okay baby? You are a talented soul. Music is your passion and I’m so happy to be a part of it for all these years. I will never forget the time you won your first Grammy.... and then the many other Grammys the following years. Remember all the awards you won just off the songs you wrote about me? I’m so proud of you and I always will be.
Please take care of yourself. I can’t stand seeing you sick or depressed. It hurts and worries me so much.
Life has been so amazing with you and Beth and I’m eternally grateful for it. Thank you so much darling.
Yours, Y/N
Shawn was already in tears, sobbing loudly. His sobs echoed in the empty home.
Shawn’s absence from the media made headlines. He haven’t been on social media for almost a year since your passing and not a single work on music. His fans understood at first but it started to worry them.
What Shawn was really doing was trying to be the best father for your daughter. He made sure he had all the time with your daughter. He would occasionally sob on his own when he realised he needed your support and help in certain things but he did everything he can to be a better dad and to raise Beth right.
He didn’t give up music instead, he was doing everything at home. His close friends knew and supported him. Even though he thought he wasn’t doing well, you were proud of him, he was actually doing really well.
Shawn was sitting in front of Teddy and Andrew. The three of them were focusing on some lyrics.
“Shawn, it’s amazing.” Teddy says.
“No no no! Something is missing.” Shawn says in frustration.
“Shawn, we’ve been through this many times. It’s perfect. Everything about it.” Andrew says reassuringly.
Shawn bites on his fingers, worried. Teddy and Brian pat his back, giving him a reassuring look.
“She will love it Shawn.” Teddy says,
“Shawn Mendes releases a surprise album entitled, (Your choice!! Drop me a few suggestions and I might edit it w your name suggestion), in memory to his late wife Y/F/N and dedication for his daughter, Beth.”
“It’s perfect, the lyrics, the vocals, everything about it. It’s truly a beautiful album.”
“You could feel the passion.”
Shawn’s latest album dedicated to you was a success and received positive response. Even though it was a great victory for Shawn, he was just more than happy to release an album dedicated to you. His album cover? It was a beautiful black & white and slightly grainy photo of you taken from far. His entire theme for the album was candids of you. He didn’t care what people had to say, the album was for you.
You will, and forever will be his angel.
I’m so sorry it took me forever to update. I’ve been thinking this whole thing through for the whole week. Hope you guys liked it ♥️
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godlydolans · 5 years
Concept: gray meeting his soulmate in his late 20s and she’s from somewhere like Europe or Asia and she’s just moved to LA after getting her master’s degree in the UK
That is the age when people get the first words that their soulmate will ever say to them, etched into their skin. Ever since he found out about soulmates through his grandma, Grayson Dolan just could not wait to turn 12 so he could know what those first words would be.
But the day he did turn 12 years old along with his brother, the poor boy's excited smile upon looking at the new ink that now resided on his arm, turned into a confused frown when he didn't understand what the words meant.
Pazi gdje ideš, idiote!
Hell, he couldn't even pronounce them. The only word he did know the meaning of was 'idiote' because that word had to have something to do with 'idiot', a word his big sister often used for him and his twin.
He showed the tattoo to Ethan first, seeing the words that were written on Ethan's skin too. His twin had 'Um, excuse me-you're blocking the door.' inked on his arm. None of that foreign shit.
"Whoa bro, you're getting yourself a foreigner chic!" Ethan had clpped Grayson on the back, grinning from ear to ear as he examined his own arm. "Mine seems to be wanting to run away from me before even meeting me."
Grayson had spent the whole day either staring at the unfamiliar words on his arm or running around and asking every family member if they could translate the words to him.
"I don't know what this says, sweetheart." His aunt had ruffled his hair, her heart melting at his sad pout as he hung his head at the unfortunate news.
"At least tell me which language it is?" He sounded so hopeful when he lifted his head and looked at his uncle's wife again.
"I don't think I know, Gray."
Grayson is the romantic, an avid believer in love and soulmates so it's a no brainer that he's been waiting for the day someone would yell at him in Bosnian about 'watching where he's going'. Its been years and years and years, but the day has unfortunately never come.
Cameron already found her soulmate and the woman is smitten, so in love, its sickening. Thank God, Ethan still hasn't found his girl because if he would have, Grayson would have gone mad. He wants to feel that love too, he's been waiting for so long.
The twins love to talk about the possible ways they could meet their soulmates. It only makes him want her more. He doesn't even know her name, doesn't even know what she looks like. He wishes she would hurry.
"Cam is so fucking lucky she found Jack in uni, bro." Ethan runs his hands through his hair, looking at the words on his arm. "I wonder what's written on her arm."
Grayson just shrugs, laying down on the couch opposite Ethan. "You'll find out when she decides to walk into your life, bro. It's all upto them now, we tried all we could to find them. Traveled the world at just 16 just so we could find my foreigner."
Ethan watches his brother starts to pout like he usually does when he talks about his foreigner. That's what they call her, Grayson's foreigner.
"Aww Gray, don't worry! Your foreigner chick is out there somewhere. At least you know you'll meet her. Some people don't even get anything inked on their skin."
Grayson nods. Ethan is right. At least he is sure he will meet his girl, unlike some people who never meet their other half. Bringing his arm infront of him, he traces the words with his finger. "We are going to be 27 this year. She better hurry or I'm gonna go to Bosnia and hunt her down."
His brother sighs, "If she even is in Bosnia."
Hey foreigner, I've been waiting for you longer than I've ever waited for anything. Please come to me soon, I really wanna know you. He speaks to her in his head, like he usually does when he is feeling particularly lonely.
His foreigner chick finally listened.
Y/N wasn't having the best day. Her first week in LA and it was already going horribly bad. The poor girl fell ill on the day she landed three days ago. She had just started to feel better yesterday and today, mother nature slapped her in the face again with her period.
Today also happened to be the day she needed to go grocery shopping because the food supplies were quickly disappearing. The grocery store was quite close to her house but the freaking traffic made her sit in her car for an additional 20 minutes before she reached her destination.
In the grocery store, the line in front of the cash register was endless and she was starting to feel her cramps getting worse and worse to the point where she just wanted to curl up in a ball in bed with a heating pad pressed to her stomach. Not to mention, the woman right behind her kept bickering with her little son to 'keep the toy back, Noah! Go keep it back where you got it from, I'm not buying you anymore-I'm calling your dad if you don't keep it back right now, young man!"
And then, just to make her day even more amazing, note the sarcasm, the poor girl got toppled over by what felt like a bulldozer on her way to her car that was parked down the street. She had her shopping bags in one hand and her keys in the other and she had just rounded a corner when one hulk of a man ran into her, literally, sending her falling on the ground, right on her butt.
She didn't even get to see the face or hear the voice, she just saw red as her eyes teared up at the excruciating pain the fall gave her already aching abdomen and she just shouted the first thing that came to mind.
"Pazi gdje ideš, idiote!" She yelled, picking up the key ring that fell beside her with the deadliest frown on her face. "Couldn't have gotten a better welcome to America."
Grayson stood still in front of her, not being able to believe that this girl just said the exact words he's been dying to hear since the age of 12. The same words he'd memorized by heart.
"Holy fuck, it's you."
And now it was her turn to stop collecting all the items that fell out of her shopping bag and turn to look up at the man who uttered the words that have been etched into her skin since the age of 12.
The man she sees is Grayson freaking Dolan. The guy she had a massive crush on when she was young, the guy whose videos she used to watch every Tuesday without fail few years back. She never thought she would meet the man, yet here he is.
Her soulmate.
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry!" He finally snaps out of his surprised state and sees that she is on the floor, her stuff lying around her because he slammed into her. "This-I didn't-I'm so-"
"Its okay," she can't keep her eyes off his face. He is so much more beautiful up close, the cameras don't do him justice. Grayson squats down and finally came face to face with her, seeing her up close without the glare of the sun making him blind.
And it feels like the world stops and starts spinning around her. Here she is, the woman he has been dying to meet all his life, the girl he's been waiting for all these years.
His foreigner chick. She is right in front of him and he can't look away. It's not like he hasn't seen beautiful girls before, but for some reason, this girl's beauty makes him forget the basic need to breath. Her eyes are not the rarest colour, yet he can't seem to look away from them. His heart feels like its finally beating right after all these years that he's been alive. The whole world seems brighter and more lively now that she is in front of him and now he knows how Cameron is so in love with her soulmate.
It's crazy. He thought love at first sight didn't happen in real life!
"Hi, I'm Grayson."
Ethan, who just arrived at the scene watching how his brother and this mystery girl are looking at each other and it does not take long for him to put two and two together. This is how his dad used to look at his mom, how his sister looks at her man.
"Oh great, he's found his foreigner." He says to himself, feeling happy for his brother but sad for himself. Looking down at his arm, he sighs, "Foreigner is here too. When are you planning on paying me a visit?"
To an outsider, it would look like the guy is crazy, talking to his own arm. But the guy is desperate! Now that Grayson has his girl, Ethan wants his own too!
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Broken Bones And Porcelain Dolls
This one is for Jesse, @spaztronautwriter. I have always loved your stories and I am so grateful that you share them with us. This is no way as good as your original fic Broken Bones Lead Me to You but I hope you’ll have fun reading it all the same.
From: @tangled23works
Rating : Teen
Archive Warnings : No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationship : Oliver Queen/Felicity Smoak, Mia Smoak/Connor Hawke
Characters : Oliver Queen, Felicity Smoak, Mia Smoak, Connor Hawke,                                  William Clayton
Additional Tags : Future Fic
Words : 3896
Sick people made a lot of noise.
As someone who had been blessed with excellent health, Mia had never noticed it before. The last time she had visited Starling Memorial she had been too young to pay attention to the smell of disinfectant and constant groaning around her.
A man in a red hoodie that reminded her of an old photo of her Uncle Roy was brooding in the corner while a young girl with spiky black hair wearing a leather jacket was threatening the nurse with bodily harm if they didn’t treat his injuries soon. Mia couldn’t actually see an injury but she supposed that people got hurt in amentionable locations all the time. An older guy - she had made sure to stay far away from that one because she could feel his creepy eyes following her - was complaining constantly about inefficient nurses and female doctors. If Mia’s Mom was there she would have donated this slimy dude’s money to Greenpeace in a heartbeat.
She looked up to find her older brother with a sad look on his face that could only be described as contrition.
“I’m sorry but the nurse said this is gonna take a while.”
“It’s fine, Will.”
Her brother sighed as if he knew she was lying and sat next to her. The plastic chairs weren’t exactly comfortable but the place had been so crowded that Will had been forced to stand at least for an hour while they were waiting.
Mia turned towards him. In all the years she had known Will, she had never seen him look like that. She had been about five years old when a trip to Central City had revealed that her father had another kid. Things had never been the same after that. But despite all the sibling rivalry, Mia wouldn’t trade her older brother for the world.
She leaned on him. “Remember the last time we were here?”
Will closed his eyes. “Yes.”
She could hear the smile in his voice. “Lucas was screaming the place down. Our parents were afraid that the nurses would kick us out.”
Will chuckled. “Felicity always said that you were so quiet. It was so easy to keep you happy. You were fine as long as your belly was full. I think Lucas surprised them. They hadn’t expected a baby to be so loud and demanding.”
“And now, he’s the best of us. Always zen and shit.”
The old lady in the next seat shoot her a reproving glance.
“Mia Smoak Queen. Don’t make me call your mom.”
Mia stuck her tongue out. “You wouldn’t dare. Because then I would have to tell her we’re in the emergency room. And she would want to know why,” she threatened in a singsong voice.
Will blanched at the reminder. “Shit, Mia. I’m so sorry.”
“Really, young man!” the old lady chided.
“Sorry, Ma’am. I’m so worried for my sister. She’s in excruciating pain.”
He grabbed Mia’s hand and pointed to her dislocated thumb. The sight made the old lady shudder. She nodded accepting Will’s apology and promptly turned the other way.
Mia tried to suppress a laugh and failed. “Aren’t you laying it on a bit thick? I have dislocated my thumb plenty of times before.”
“First of all, shush. And second, we all know you’re a badass,” he whispered the word, afraid that the lady was still listening to their conversation, “but you can’t know for sure it’s dislocated. It looks broken to me.”
Mia rolled her eyes. “So dramatic.”
“Shut up. It’s all my fault.”
“It’s not your fault, Will. And it’s not Addie’s fault either.”
Will rubbed his thumb and forefinger in a nervous gesture that reminded Mia of their father. She had told him plenty of times that the whole thing was a stupid accident but her stubborn brother refused to believe her.
It had all started with a text message. Mia had been hanging with Will at Queen Inc. when her brother’s husband had to leave for Central City in a hurry. Josh was a reporter and he had been following a story about some guy who kept running around dressed in a red suit pretending to be a superhero. What the police hadn’t anticipated was that the guy had unknowingly stumbled onto a human trafficking cartel and had even managed to get photos of their operation. Josh had sources all over the country so when one of them called and said that the CCPD was about to make an arrest, he had been forced to leave Addie in a hurry and catch the first train to Central City.
“Wanna hang out with me and Addie tonight?” Will had asked her. “I’ll even let you guys play that ancient video game that Felicity loves so much.”
They had left QI and after picking up four different kinds of ice-cream (in order to appease Addie), they rushed to Will and Josh’s home to spend a quiet night in with her niece. Josh warned them that Addie was in a bad mood because her Daddy was leaving but they didn’t listen. After all, they were both grown ups, perfectly capable of taking care of a grumpy four-year-old, right?
Little did they know how wrong they were…
At first Addie had been pleased to see them but that had quickly changed when she realized that she still had to say goodbye to one of her parents. She had stomped her foot and refused to eat her dinner. Will had to ply her with ice-cream even though Josh had told Mia repeatedly that giving sugar to Addie when she was having a temper tantrum was a recipe for disaster.
Addie on a sugar high was not a pretty sight. She had climbed every possible surface, she had stormed the bedroom and pretended to be a pirate called Slade Wilson, she had opened every single cupboard and thrown pots, pans and other kitchen utensils on the floor. Then she had decided to jump down from the oak China cabinet yelling “You have failed this city!” at the top of her lungs; which of course was the moment when Mia decided it was time to intervene. She tried to catch her niece mid-air but instead Addie’s little foot managed to kick her right hand at a weird angle dislocating her thumb. It hurt like a bitch despite what she had told Will but she had reigned it in so as not to scare the baby.
“How’s the munchkin?” she asked as she remembered Addie’s inconsolable cries when she had noticed her favorite aunt’s injury.
“She’s fine. You know she loves spending time with Josh’s parents.” Will’s leg jumped restlessly. “I really hate it that you got hurt, Mimi.”
Mia scoffed. She had never liked that nickname but the more she protested against it, the more Will used it. Plus, she couldn’t stand her brother’s guilt-ridden face any longer. “You know what I would like to have?”
“What?” Will asked, willing to help in any way he could.
“Can you get me some ice? It’ll help with the swelling.”
Will jumped up from his seat before she could finish her sentence. Mia leaned back and closed her eyes trying to relax. It had been a really long day and she couldn’t wait to go home. She didn’t open them again until she felt someone take the seat beside her. A glance to her right told her that it was not her brother.
A guy was now sitting next to her. She supposed he was what her grandma Donna would call “Hot with a capital H” if not for the fact that his nose was broken. Chocolate skin, tall, athletic wearing a pair of jeans and a dark green t-shirt. He was trying to fill in a hospital form but it was obvious from the way he was squinting that he couldn’t see very well.
“Excuse me,” she said after a minute of watching him struggle, “do you need some help?”
The hot guy dismissed her offer without even looking up. “It’s fine. Thank you, though.”
Mia shrugged and was about to turn away when he raised his head and noticed her. He scrutinized her from the top of her blonde hair to the bottom of her shoes. Mia decided it would be a good idea to try again. “Are you sure you don’t need my help?”
He went on the defensive. “And how would you help? Your thumb’s broken.”
“For your information, it’s not broken. Just dislocated. And I could read the questions for you so that you don’t have to squint like a knitting grandma but whatever.”
Hot guy sighed in defeat. “If you’re sure you don’t mind?”
“I don’t,” she said and looked at the form. He had filled in his name and phone number in neat handwriting. “Okay, so next question is the reason why you’re here.”
“Apart from the broken nose? My pride has taken a hit but this is not something the doctors can fix.” He wrote down the medically relevant answer.
Mia examined him closely. She didn’t understand what he meant with that comment about his pride. Unless he had gotten into a brawl and lost. “What happened? Did you get into a fistfight?”
“I wish.”
“You wish you were in a fistfight?”
“Being injured in a fight would be more manly,” he grumbled.
Mia couldn’t help but smile at the admission.
After much internal debate, he said quietly, “Actually, something fell on my face.”
She moved closer. “What was it?”
“I’d prefer not to say.”
“You have to! I have to know. Mysteries bug me, hot guy.”
He quirked an eyebrow.
“Well, I don’t know your name so I call you ‘hot guy’ in my head. At least, I’m guessing you’re hot beneath all the bruising and swelling.”
He almost laughed before he winced and took a deep breath through the mouth.
“I’m sorry,” Mia said. “It’s probably not a good idea to laugh with a broken nose.”
“I’m Connor, by the way. I would shake your hand but your thumb’s-”
“Dislocated,” Mia supplied before he could say that her thumb was broken. “So Connor, what was it that fell on your head and broke your nose?”
He mumbled something she couldn’t hear. “A what?”
“One of my Grandma’s vintage porcelain dolls.” He spoke so fast that the whole sentence sounded like one long mumbled word.
Mia blinked for a second before she started laughing so hard she nearly fell off her chair. She couldn’t help it. He was such a macho guy that the image of him being defeated by a doll was ridiculous.
“Was the doll dressed as a sheep herder?”
Connor didn’t appreciate her teasing. “I’m sorry,” she said even though it was obvious her apology was not sincere, “but it sounds like you were in an MMA fight with the doll and lost.”
He seemed exasperated for a second before a self-deprecating smile appeared on his face. Ugh, the smile made her pay attention to his lips. Biteable, pretty lips, like fluffy pillows… Mia was struck again by his hotness. She had forgotten about it in the midst of the doll fiasco.
“How did you break your thumb?” he asked.
She was about to explain for the umpteenth time that her thumb was dislocated not broken when she saw Will return holding out an ice pack.
“Thanks, Will.”
“Sorry I’m late. I had to check on Addie.”
Connor’s eyes darted to her brother, then fixed on Mia again. It was obvious that he was wondering if he was about to meet Mia’s significant other.
“Will, this is Connor. He has a broken nose. Connor this is Will, my older brother.”
Her brother threw her a questioning glance. “Nice to meet you.”
Will’s reserved greeting wasn’t lost on her new friend. Mia narrowed her eyes at her brother’s overprotectiveness. Sure, she had been approached by creeps all of her life just because her last name was Queen but she didn’t get that vibe from Connor. In fact she was pretty sure that he had no idea who she was.
“Miss Queen?”
“Dammit,” Mia growled.
“I’m so sorry for the delay, Miss Queen,” the nurse said. “If we knew you were here-”
“You would have done the exact same thing, I hope,” an authoritative voice said.
Mia shook her head in denial. She knew that voice. But it couldn’t be. Her father could not be here in the hospital when she had just met Connor, the hot guy who up until a moment ago was blissfully unaware of her last name.
“Of course, Mr. Mayor,” the nurse lied.
Mia could feel her father’s stare boring into her back. Before she could face him, another voice rose above the hospital noise.
“Mia Smoak Queen who did you punch and why?”
Mia turned towards her mother. She felt like a ten-year-old kid again insisting that she didn’t eat the last piece of her father’s birthday cake.
“I didn’t punch anyone.”
Felicity Smoak-Queen did not look convinced. “Really?”
Her father looked amused. “She’s telling the truth, honey. Her thumb’s broken. Mia knows better than to punch people with her thumb inside her closed fist.”
Felicity frowned, considering this information.
“It was my fault, Dad,” Will admitted.
“Don’t be absurd,” her mother said, dismissing Will’s confession. After all these years, Mia couldn’t help but feel a little jealous. Her mother had loved Will from the moment they had found out about him. It didn’t matter to her that he was not her biological child. It also helped that her brother was a certified genius and computer geek so alike Felicity it was scary. Even Samantha, Will’s actual Mom, said that Will was like a mini-Felicity. Mia didn’t begrudge her brother his relationship with her Mom. She only wished it were that easy for her.
“Actually, it was both our faults. We gave Addie ice-cream after Josh left for CC.”
Her father chuckled. “Hurricane Addie strikes again.”
“I’m sorry to interrupt,” the nurse said reluctantly, “but we need to examine Miss Queen’s hand.”
“Right,” Mia said.
She looked at Connor who had been quiet through the whole Queen family drama.
“I’m Mia.”
“I know.”
“Anyway,” she offered him the ice pack, “this might help.”
“Thanks.” He took it but averted his gaze.
She hated asking but she had to. If he said no, then he said no. Her pride would take a hit - worse than any porcelain doll accident - but it was important that she try.
“See you later?”
“Bye, Mia.”
That went well, Mia thought and followed the nurse, feeling like she was shot through the heart with an arrow.
Connor Hawke was not having a good day. Sure the porcelain doll incident was somewhat responsible for that but mainly it was because of a beautiful, sassy, intelligent woman and her ridiculously wealthy, overwhelmingly famous family. No one went to the hospital expecting to meet the Mayor’s fascinating daughter. No one. These things didn’t happen. Specifically, these things didn’t happen to poor kids, born in the Glades.
Will Queen sat down next to him. The family bodyguards stood close by, not intervening but noticing everything and everyone. The old lady next to him got called by the nurse and the Mayor showed his wife to the seat. She smiled at him and he softened. Mayor Queen was notoriously in love with his wife. And incredibly overprotective of his only daughter.
“So, how is it you know my daughter?”
Connor looked at the Mayor’s wife. She was a really beautiful woman. Age had honed her features and if rumours were to be believed, her professional skills as well. But her beauty was not skin deep. He had seen her in numerous press conferences and heard so many stories about her from his mentor that he knew not to underestimate her. Felicity Queen was special.
“Hello,” she said when he didn’t respond. “I’m Felicity and I will be your interrogator for the night.”
Connor snorted and immediately regretted it. “Pleased to meet you, Ma’am. I’m Connor Hawke.”
She took her husband’s hand in hers, pulling him close and smiled at Connor. “Did you know that I met my husband in this very room Mr. Hawke? It was two days before Christmas and…”
“Umm, Felicity,” Mia’s brother interrupted, “I’m sure this guy doesn’t care where you met Dad.”
“Will,” his father chastised. Oliver Queen had a way with words. He didn’t speak a lot, not like his loquacious wife but when he did you couldn’t help but listen.
“As I was saying,” she went on as if the young man hadn’t even spoken, “we met in this room. Believe it or not, I had a broken thumb much like my stubborn daughter and he had a broken nose. Despite our broken bones, he didn’t hesitate to ask me out on a date-”
“Which you declined at first because you said that people would think you punched me.”
Felicity Queen’s eyes crinkled and a smile played at the corners of her mouth. “I was right, wasn’t I? The paparazzi got a photo of our dinner at Big Belly and had a field day thanks to our injuries.”
Oliver Queen smirked. “I always wanted to be an MMA fighter.”
“Dreamed of dating another fighter?”
“Nope. Dreamed of dating a cute IT girl.”
She blushed at his retort and he smiled cheekily. The older couple shared such an intimate look that Connor felt really uncomfortable.
“They’re always like that. After the first twenty-five years, you get used to it,” Mia’s brother murmured.
The Mayor winked at his wife. Connor had to give it to the Mayor. He was really good at flirting with his own wife. It kind of reminded him of John and Lyla.
“So, Connor Hawke are you planning to ask my daughter out on a date?”
“What?” he asked, startled. “Mrs Queen, I-”
“It’s Smoak-Queen.”
“Mrs Smoak-Queen, I just met Mia and I don’t think that-”
“Listen, Connor. You seem like a nice boy. I hope you’re smart as well.”
Connor couldn’t help but think of his upbringing. He supposed he was smart. Once he had applied himself to his studies, he had managed to make something of himself. He definitely wasn’t nice, though.
He was the son of an ex-convict and a kindergarten teacher, not the son of the Mayor and a CEO. He had grown up dirt poor in the worst part of the Glades, bullying smaller kids for their money, candy and books. The only reason why he wasn’t a gangbanger now was because of a man called John Diggle who was like a second father to him. When Dig had opened a youth center in their neighborhood people had laughed and scoffed at the soldier’s naivete. He had agreed with those people at first. The irony was staggering because Dig’s decision had saved Connor’s life. And the fact that Dig had used Oliver Queen’s money to make it happen was part of the reason why Connor could not ask the Mayor’s daughter on a date.
“Mia is out of my league.”
The Mayor scoffed. “Of course, she is. Like my wife is way out of my league.”
“You don’t understand. You were a Queen. I’m a nobody.”
Connor looked down. This was so awkward for him.
Felicity Smoak-Queen grabbed his hand. “Never say that about yourself. Never.”
She sounded fierce, like a small, protective Valkyrie. Sweet and sunny on the outside, badass on the inside. He nodded and she got up, satisfied with his acquiescence.
“Come on, Will. Let’s call your inlaws. I wanna make sure Addie’s fine.”
“I just called ten minutes ago.”
Felicity gave him a little push. “Let’s go, Will. I wanna talk to my favorite granddaughter.”
The two of them moved away, bickering. “She’s your only granddaughter, Felicity.”
One of the bodyguards followed them quietly, shaking his head.
Oliver Queen approached Connor taking the empty seat. He sat down gingerly.
“The chairs haven’t improved over the years.”
Connor tried to think of something clever to say. What did one say to the man who had changed the fate of an entire city? His mind drew a blank.
“You’re one of Dig’s kids,” Oliver Queen announced suddenly.
“What? How…?”
The Mayor leaned back in his chair, closing his eyes. “There’s no point in denying it. I know all of John’s kids. He is so damn proud of each and every one of you. He sends me cards at Christmas updating me on your lives.” There was a wistful tone in his voice.
“So you know who I am.”
Oliver Queen didn’t even open his eyes. “Yes.”
“You know where I come from.”
“You know who my father is,” he pressed.
“Yes. Ben Turner, mercenary, assassin and former member of the Triad.”
Connor threw his hands in the air. “And you still don’t mind if I ask your daughter out on a date?”
That seemed to wake the Mayor up. He stared intently at Connor, taking his measure.
“You hurt my daughter’s pride today. What makes you think she’ll agree to go out with you even if you do ask?”
Mia was beyond ready to leave this hellish place. Her parents had asked her repeatedly if she needed help and she had repeatedly declined. Will had left a while back when his mother-in-law had called to say Addie was getting restless again and that Josh was on his way back from Central City. The little munchkin needed to sleep in her own bed where she could have her parents close and forget about her aunt’s accident.
The vultures had been alerted about the Mayor’s presence in Starling Memorial and a flock of paparazzi was waiting for her outside the front entrance. Mia of course was about to exit through the back when she noticed him standing alone in the corner. Her blue-green eyes widened in surprise.
“Your face isn’t messed up anymore. Not that it was messed up before. Your face is fine. Very attractive,” she paused and cursed her Smoak genes for a moment, “what I meant was, before my brain and mouth disconnected, they fixed your nose.”
“They did,” he said, amused. His voice sounded like one of those old Smurf cartoons that Lucas liked to watch when he was little.
They stood, facing each other quietly. Connor was looking a bit uncomfortable but not distant like before.
“Mia would you like to grab a burger with me? Like a date?”
“I bet you ask all the girls you end up in the ER with.”
“Please, don’t make me laugh. It’s still painful.”
She shot him an amused grin. “But…” She took stock of the situation. “It might be better if we wait until your nose is healed a little.”
“What?” he asked alarmed. “Why?”
“Because with my busted hand and your busted nose, the reporters will think I punched you.”
He beamed at her as if she had said something funny. Suddenly, she realized they were standing so close that she had to lean her head back to be able to look him in the eye.
“Let them think what they want. Getting beat up by the Mayor’s daughter is still a better story than getting knocked down by a vintage sheep herder porcelain doll.”
“I knew it!”
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ayma-nidiot · 4 years
“Don’t Speak Their Names” - Shrimpshipping fic Chapter 10
This fic on AO3 can be found here.
Author’s Note: I think I did soooo much of a better job expanding upon Rex’s and Weevil’s reaction to Rex’s pregnancy, and at the idea of becoming parents!
Chapter 10 - For Real?
~06 June 2005, mid-morning~ 
“Goddammit, Wheeler, Red-Eyes is mine!” Rex spoke in his sleep. He had no idea where he actually was; for all he knew, he was in San Francisco again, dueling Joey Wheeler in a battle for their souls. He vigorously swiped at the air, hoping that his former ace card would somehow come back to him. 
The next voice he heard would erase all of his doubts. “What gives, dino brain?” spoke Weevil. “We’re in a hospital - and no, that doesn’t mean we’re at a taco stand.”
“What are you on about, Weevil?” That voice sounded like Amber’s. “Is that supposed to be an inside joke?”
At last, Rex decided he had enough of the annoying squabbling, and fully awakened. “All right, guys. If you want my attention, well now you have it. Hmm?” Rex looked to his right, and noticed that a giant I.V. line flowed into his right arm. Right next to it were several vital monitors, and the sound of his EKG lingered awkwardly in the air before he said anything. “Whoa! What happened to me? Does it have anything to do with the nausea?”
“Y-Yeah…” Rex could tell from Weevil’s voice that he knew the full story - and already, it didn’t sound good. “After you passed out on the graduation stage, you got this really awful fever, and the principal called for an ambulance. Not only did you throw up multiple times on the ambulance ride, but also while the doctors were treating you.”
“All while you were unconscious, if I might add,” Amber added. “You got so dehydrated that the doctors had to give you fluids, nutrients, and strong antiemetics through I.V.”
“Oh, shit… Well, someone’s gotta let Mom and Mama know! You did call them too, right?”
“...” Weevil and Amber both said nothing as the doctor and a few nurses came in.
“Hey, Doc! What happened? Am… Am I gonna die?”
“Mr. Raptor…”
“I am gonna die, aren’t I?” Rex shrieked as the nurses tried to calm him down. “Aaaaah! Tell Mom and Mama that I love them very much! A-And Weeves, you get my deck-”
“Mr. Raptor, please calm down. You’re going to be fine.” These words from the doctor finally got Rex to calm down. “However, you will need to spend about two months in this hospital because of… what happened.”
“And what is this ‘thing’ that happened? Do tell.”
As professional as this doctor was, he found it hard to break the news of Rex’s condition to him. “You don’t seem to have a medical history, so we did find it odd that you developed a severe illness out of nowhere. We performed an ultrasound and a few blood tests on you, and we can conclude that you don’t have a stomach virus or other pathogen in you. But… uh...”
“Aww, come on!” Rex’s mood lightened significantly when he found out he would live. Still, he didn’t like how the doctor seemed hesitant to tell him what was going on. “You’re acting like a doctor about to tell a woman she’s pregnant! Haha, you really had me there for a…”
Rex stopped laughing when he noticed the serious look on the doctor’s face. “No… No way… For real? Are you trying to tell me that I’m actually pregnant? Me, a dude?! ”
“Yes, Mr. Raptor. The ultrasound not only revealed that you have both reproductive systems, but also that you are carrying a child. You’re ten weeks along, to be precise.” 
The doctor gave Rex a few black-and-white photos. Sure enough, when Rex squinted at them, he could see what looked to be a form of life, complete with tiny little limbs and a head. “Are… you… serious…” Rex looked to the man who was obviously the father of his child. “Did you know about this, Weeves?”
“No, I swear I didn’t!”
“I just hope Mom and Mama never find out.”
“Funny you say that, because I called your parents as soon as I called the ambulance,” Amber cut in. “You can guess at how panicky they were.”
“This… can’t be happening…” Rex receded even further into his hospital bed. He cursed Mai to hell and back again for being indirectly responsible for his unnecessary suffering the past couple of weeks. And he had just graduated high school; he knew he didn’t have the financial nor emotional means to go through a pregnancy and raise a child. No way would Ptera and Tricera agree to having yet another mouth to feed. Not to mention the excruciating process of childbirth itself… Being slashed to ribbons by Joey’s Red-Eyes Black Dragon Sword would definitely pale in comparison.
Weevil allowed a few more seconds of silence to pass before interrupting Rex’s whirlwind of thoughts with, “...You’re mad, aren’t you?”
Weevil sounded so pathetic that any frustration Rex had faded almost instantly. “Why would I be mad at something that isn’t your fault? I mean, even though it technically is… Ah, forget it.”
“So does that mean you want to keep the baby?”
Rex took a deep breath and stared at Weevil sincerely. He figured that as long as he had his boyfriend by his side, he could endure anything, and wanted to give the life growing inside him a chance. “Yes.”
“In that case, you’re going to need intensive care,” spoke the doctor. “You are suffering hyperemesis gravidarum, an extreme form of morning sickness that causes severe dehydration and weight loss. That’s why we need you to stay hospitalized until about the start of your second trimester, which is when morning sickness normally stops on its own. However, since you do not have a vulva, it cannot be determined at this time how labour will happen. If push comes to shove, you may need a C-section.”
“A C-section, eh? Then I guess I’ll be fine. Sounds much less painful than squeezing out a tiny human being through an even tinier hole, that’s for sure.”
“Then… by your leave.”
And with that, the doctors and nurses left the room, leaving Amber, Rex, and Weevil by themselves.
“So the takoyaki cravings weren’t for nothing…” Rex slowly lifted his free arm.
“I… I…” Weevil had no words as he approached his boyfriend. It still hadn’t sunk in that he was going to be a father - at his age! He stared at Rex’s belly as he reached out with a shaky hand to touch it.
“Weeves…” Rex laced his fingers with Weevil’s and placed their hands on his belly. “I can’t believe it either. I’m carrying our child.”
“I’m… going to be a dad…” Weevil spoke to the unborn child underneath. “ Your dad. I hope you don’t mind having a well-hated duelist as your father.”
“Our kid’s going to have me as a mom! That’s more than enough to compensate for certain bug boys that shall remain nameless.”
“Oh, can it, dino brain.” Weevil would have given Rex a traditional head-bop if the dinosaur duelist wasn’t currently hospital-bound.
All of a sudden, Amber began to feel sad. “That’s… That’s cute. Congratulations.”
“Thanks.” Rex’s smile faded when he noticed Amber’s sorrowful expression. “Amber? Are you okay?”
“I… think I should leave you two lovebirds alone.” With that, Amber made way for the door, and left boyfriends alone. 
“Is she… okay?” Rex blinked at the door. “She sounded jealous, if you ask me.”
“You’re reading too much into it.”
Rex and Weevil wouldn’t stay alone for much longer, because nearly as soon as Amber left the hospital room, Ptera and Tricera came in.
“Oh… Hi, Mom.”
“How many times do I have to tell you to stop with the ‘Hi, Mom?’” Ptera didn’t even sound angry, just worried, as she and Tricera hugged their son while crying. “Oh, my sweet, sweet child…”
When his parents finally stopped crying, Rex spoke, “Speaking of children, there’s something I have to tell you guys. Mom… Mama… I’m pregnant, and Weevil is the father.”
“You… are?” Ptera sounded surprised, which Rex expected.
“Yup. Apparently, I’ve got a womb I didn’t even know about. In fewer than 7 months, you’re going to be a grandma.”
“Oh, I knew that you have both reproductive systems… I’m just surprised you can actually get pregnant.”
“What? What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You see, I remember my 20-week ultrasound very well. The doctor told me back then, but assured me that you would only be capable of producing sperm. ...What a quack he was.”
Tricera already knew what Rex wanted to say, and stopped him. “No, Rex, we’re not mad at you. We’re going to help you raise that baby, just like your mom and I started raising you almost 19 years ago.”
“I’m actually really excited that I’m going to be a grandma,” Ptera cooed. “And to think, you’ll be drinking the same tea that helped me through my own morning sickness.”
Before Rex could make a comment on how adorable he thought that was, he noticed a weird man with shaggy brown hair and beard staring at them through the crack in the door. “Huh? What do you want, you creep?”
Ptera immediately shut and locked the door without getting a good look at the mystery man. “Pardon me, I forgot to lock the door. And don’t worry about that guy; I’m sure security will drag his sorry ass out of here.”
“We’ve got more important things to worry about,” Weevil spoke up while holding both of Rex’s hands. “Rex, honey, I’m going to help take care of the both of you, no matter what my father says.”
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im-abanana · 7 years
“Caged Hearts” ch.5
Hey people, guess what? I am not dead! Sorry for the LONG wait, school intership and tests killed me without any mercy... but ehy, I’m back now and stronger than before (I guess?). In the next days I will post the third chapter of “The Forbidden Fruit”, don’t worry about it. Enjoy this chapter!
This AU belong to @king-branch, credits to them.
“Branch...? It was really you, you are the guy who sang with me for all this time!? No way!” Poppy literally jumped on the grey Troll after just a moment of thinking, almost not believing it, holding him tight and hugging him with all her strength. That male, that grumpy and aloof creature right in front of her, was the reason she held up to her bright colors: for all her life she had always been living in that nasty shop with her kind, everyday; even if Poppy was in a small cage, she felt happy enough to have faith and to eventually plan their escape, and she had someone to talk or have fun with. But when the Bergens took her away from her father, her subjects, her friends, her class... the Princess' whole world just fell apart in a single blink, nothing mattered anymore, she was done. For a single instant, she almost gave up and decided to stop fighting once and for all. What was the point, by the way? She was alone in a cold and isolated room. All by herself. Who would have listened to her songs, her happy shouts or cries? “You helped me, Branch! You helped me getting my hope and my happiness back!”.
But when Poppy almost felt the greyness curling up around her shaky limbs as a venomous snake would with a defenseless mouse, Branch's beautiful voice echoed in the room and gave her hope back, along with her happiness and determination to escape from that captivity. She was surprised to see that the guy in front of her, which seemed to be the saddest and angriest Troll ever, was capable to share and spread positivity, even if not on purpose.
Branch immediately shook the pink Troll off, discreetly pushing her away from his chubby form, not really wanting that kind of touch from another one, not even from the Princess. “Get off, Princess. I didn't help you at all. Someone who has no happiness or hope in his heart can't help someone else finding them.” the grey male grumpily explained, crossing his strong arms and looking around with the corners of his light blue eyes: finally the Trollstice came, and now families, friends and lovers were reunited for one single day. Parents were hugging their beloved kids, who were very small... after all, Branch himself was bought (all alone) when he was just six years old, after his grandma's death and after becoming grey and paranoid: yup, his price literally dropped because of that detail, just 50 fucking golden coins. Who would want a sad and aggressiveTroll, after all?
Kids just had to grow up faster tha normal, and take care of themselves completely. No alternative, no other choice.
But the Trollstice meant something else too, something really bad but inevitable; visitors: all the Bergens in town would watch them from outside the big cage and choose the smaller ones, buying them for their own children or for themselves, just to find happiness from their singing. The truth was hard to accept but Branch, who wasn't a deluded, did: the Trolls had no truce, no a truly calm moment in their miserable pet-life. The grey male hated that, he hated that so much, more than the electric collar he had around his abused and bruised neck.
In that exact moment, a huge and pimply hand opened the cage and went straight for one of the baby Trolls, still in her parents' protective arms, grabbing the little girl for the short hair and trying to separate her from her mum and dad. The baby screamed desperatedly and tried to break free, reaching for her broken mother and father with her tiny arms. Her loud cries caught the attention of everyone, who just watched the scene with sad and sorry eyes. But not Branch, he literally snapped. Those ugly and stupid monsters had no right to tear families apart even during that thay, it was so unfair and selfish!
“We aren't pets. We aren't pets. WE AREN'T PETS!” the grey Troll repeated and screamed with rage, running towards the intruder and showing his sharp teeth, jumping up and sinking his fangs into the flesh of the Bergen soldier, shaking his head fiercely, trying to hurt that disgusting beast as much as he could and tasting the gross blood in his mouth.
The ogre-like creature let out a painful yelp and immediately dropped the poor and scared kid, that landed safely into her mother's hair, and violently threw Branch against the metallic bars of the birdcage. Then, after grabbing a strange remote control from a nearby table, he pressed a black button with a green finger. “This was the last time, filthy grey Troll!” the guard screamed, enraged and vengeful, shocking the black haired guy and raising the voltage consistently.
The shock was immediate and ruthless, but for the first time in his life Branch let out a piercing scream, collapsing on the hard ground once again while the electric waves were still torturing and burning his tense limbs. They wanted to kill him this time? Had he gone too far that time? He tried to pull the collar with both hands, but in vain: it was safely tied around his neck, it couldn't be removed.
Ten seconds, fifteen seconds, twenty seconds, and the pain still wouldn't stop and leave him alone; on the contrary, it increased exponentially. The grey Troll's owners punished him pretty often, it was true, he was a rebel after all and needed to be tamed. But the punishments lasted three or two seconds maximum, he couldn't even breathe right now!
“Stop! You are killing him!” Poppy angrily shouted, breaking the thick silence, her pink eyes incredulous and her form almost paralized. How... how could they do something like that!? Of course, she knew the Bergens were heartless monsters who used them as mere pets... but murdering another creature like that? No, she couldn't let them, not under her watch, not under the Princess' watch! “Dad, we must do something to help Branch! He is gonna die if we just stand here!”.
Before Peppy could even speak or think about a reasonable solution, another female and pretty creepy voice yelled a furious order to the insubordinate guard: “You, soldier! Stop what you are doing to that male Troll right now, in the name of King Gristle Jr.! That sample is our sovereign's personal property and part of a new breeding program, drop the remote control immediately, it's the royal vet who commands you!”.
Something happened, and the excruciating pain vanished. Branch gasped for air, coughing out and trembling a little, pretty terrified about what just happened, his heart racing as a galopping horse and almost jumping out his aching chest. He felt a rather gentle hand picking him up from the ground and checking him, and the survivalist used his own black hair to protect himself and curl in a little ball, also trying to see who was holding him with such a cold and professional touch. It was Chef, his old nemesis.
“Mh, everything seems quite fine. Time for you to change the diet, little Troll.” Chef declared after a few minutes of observation, touching Branch's belly and evaluating his tough body structure. The survivalist just let her do her job, too traumatized to react or trying to bite. “More meat and fruit for the male, he needs proteins and vitamines. No sweets, he's fat enough already. And for the female...” the vet said, pointing at Poppy and looking at her with severe eyes. “More fruit and cereals, she needs a lot of carbohydrates. And a few sweets and chocolate won't hurt, she needs energy to form pods. Take her right now, we'll put them both in the same cage for the next weeks, and we'll see if they'll make pods.”.
“Making pods with...!? Dad, what does that mean? What are we supposed to do? What happens if we don't make pods?” the pink Troll asked, very agitated at the moment, tensing up slightly when another hand grabbed her and lifted her from the cage. That was new for the Princess, she heard about it of course, but didn't know what to do. “Dad! Guys! What's gonna happen to us?”.
“Poppy! It's gonna be ok, sweetie! Don't do anything you don't want to do, we'll see each other soon!” Peppy tried to say and comfort, running with difficulty towards his poor daughter, before the prison was abruptly shut once again in front of his old and worried eyes.
Poppy found herself in a bigger cage full of good food, fresh water and even some dumb toys to play with (a little shiny ball, a rope and a sqeaky toy, nothing interesting really), the sweaty hand squeezing her finally letting go and putting her down. Next to her, hidden in the nearby corner, there was Branch, who looked at her with an enigmatic and scared expression.
“We'll escape from here. They can't control us forever.” their eyes seemed to shout as they looked at each othere. “We are going to be free. Two minds work better than one.”.
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