#so even if they get deleted from the official channels they wouldnt be lost and unusable
fluxedbuds · 4 years
oh thank god I found a fan archive channel for davechaos’ videos, this motherfucker is the real mvp
it doesnt appear to be every chaosville relevant video but its still an impressive amount, and includes some key series that i wouldn’t be able to get another perspective of otherwise
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mistymark · 5 years
nct dream as college kids
works on campus til late
always asleep
likes to study in the library because its the only place he can get some bloody peace
texts jaemin to bring him food
went to the on-campus gym once and never went back
complains about parking on campus
complains about his friends on campus
but he loves them and always organises activities and catch ups
the glue that keeps everyone in touch despite their different degrees and campuses
laughs too loud and always gets stared at for doing it in class
once got kicked out of the library for his loudness
to be fair, he did accidentally fall out of his chair... and pull the table down with him
his id actually looks good
does half the pre-reading then just listens to lectures to understand the rest
o ve. r whe l me d
still maintains a brilliant GPA
his project group members always love him
wears hoodies and sweats to every class
still looks really good though
and distracts everyone in his classes
lives off free food at parties and tight-ass tuesdays specials
is in advanced classes bc he had the grades for them but doesnt understand shit
still manages to look bored in class even when hes confused and/or focused
sits in the back and then squints at the board bc mans cant see
carries like three things with him to every class
owns one (1) pen
he doesnt even write anything with it he just chews on it during class
everyone thinks its hot but the guy sitting beside him (jaemin) looks disgusted the entire time
has received many anonymous love letters on facebook but hasn't read any of them
not to be mean - he just doesnt find it interesting
drafted a love letter to someone in one of his lectures and then deleted it
hasn't looked at the page since
actually does the pre-reading
then gets bored in lectures when they just go over what he read about
smiles 24/7 even when hes stressed
supportive af tho
always sporting the Cozy aesthetic
wears sweaters and vests in temperatures you'd think wouldnt be suitable but the boy doesnt appear to sweat???
wears rly cute glasses sometimes and !!!!!!!!
waves at people he knows
does not hesitate to run up to people and start conversations with them out of nowhere
attends Donghyuck’s parties to SpEnD TimE WiTh HiS fRieNdS
has never lost a game of beer pong
girls say he gets 10x hotter when hes drunk because hes way more flirtatious and fun
but he probably just flirts w Jeno the whole time
walks into lectures with sunglasses on and everyone knows what happened the night before
never leaves the house without food
his backpack is 30% necessities like laptop, books, phone, keys etc.
and 70% granola bars and fruit
doesnt want to spend money on food on campus
drinks way too much boba tho
is in Disney society and probably becomes co-president after a year
throws parties for every no reason
wears the same outfit every day bc he knows he looks good
youngest kid in his frat
talks a lot of shit about how hes a player and can get any girl he wants but the second a girl looks at him hes a blubbering mess
in fact, hes probably got a huge crush on someone in his lecture that hes never talked to
attends online lectures so he can play video games at the same time
has to be told to turn his mic off during group discussions because hes eating really loudly
isn't afraid to talk in class
sometimes rocks up wearing something outside of his normal dress code because hes still discovering his style
but everything he tries suits him
basically started the bucket hat trend - he claims so anyway
won't let anybody touch his student id
no one has seen the photo but many speculations have been made over how bad it is
the only person who has seen it is one of the librarians
Chenle and Jisung made it their mission to see it but to this day they havent been able to get it
its a series on Chenle’s tiktok bET
became famous on tiktok over the summer so now everyone knows who he is ??
does wild shit bro
does vlogs with his friends
‘I joined the kpop dance club at my college and it went like this”
lots of videos of him and his friends going batshit crazy at night
wears expensive yet extremely tasteful clothing
catch him walking around campus in pressed shirts
never looks tired ??????? how does he cope ??????
tags jisung in love letters that are definitely not for him
tags jisung in love letters that are definitely for him
probably wants to start a youtube channel when he graduates
girls want to date him but more often guys want to be him
is super nice but
glares at anyone who says he doesnt need a degree to take over daddy’s business
did a kiss or slap challenge once and everyone kissed him and its very pure
maintains solid grades
everyone knows who he is whether they know him from tiktok or not
probably on really good terms with his professors
loves to send emails ?
that one kid in high school that became super hot over the summer
people from his school dont even recognise him
makes the older kids feel gross when they realise hes younger than they are and they've been thirsting over him for ages
people who wouldnt even glance in his direction in high school now want to be his friend
mostly keeps to himself and his studies
joins a few clubs and societies
got roped into Disney society by jaemin
had to attend the ball and wanted to die when he got crowned as the official prince
I dont think he did Disney society the year after
though he did think the dancing at the ball was fun and joined a dance troupe
gives his number to people in his project group then forgets to respond when they text him
does his work tho so who can complain
dies of embarrassment whenever he sees chenle has tagged him in love letters on facebook
at some point chenle has downloaded tinder onto his phone and tried to match him with people
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Terra has a Chat with a REAL Moderator this Time
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In lieu of my original post that gained a lot of traction, and me talking about being “contacted” by someone claiming to be a mod.
An ACTUAL mod from the Official Cookie Run discord managed to contact me and  set the record straight on a few things, as well as discuss a few things regarding what happened. So it seems that this whole situation has indeed caught the attention of the mods of the Cookie Run Official Discord, and even MicMac himself. So what’s been done?
I do wanna talk about it in greater detail, so I’m gonna put everything in a cut, starting now. If you want the TL;DR version, skip to the second picture of Chestnut with Walnut at the end.
First things First, the person who I talked on the moderation team was someone by the name of Zayder, who contacted me on anon with their details. Using some help from friends We were able to background check and confirm, yes this person is actually legit. So I was reassured I wasn’t walking into some kind of trap.
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(The photo given to me to prove authenticity by a friend. I blurred out their Discord number myself just for the courtesy of privacy)
What’s Being Done to Protect Artists on the Discord, Moving Forward?
I think this is the big question on everyone’s mind since I made my original post and all eyes are on the moderators and MicMac to make the change.
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There seems to be a genuine admittance to the fact that the previous way fanart was moderated was ineffective and caused issues such as the theft and reposting to happen. 
So they’ve gone ahead and added stricter measures to prevent this from happening again. Including preventing new members from posting until they get the “Cookie” role, a cooldown on the channel to allow for easier moderation and viewing of said artwork, and heavier infractions laid down for art theft. 
I mentioned that the cooldown also allows for time for people to appreciate genuine artwork posted. So considering the magnitude of its members I���d say that’s a great first step in moving forward towards protecting community fanartists. I got confirmation from members in my own discord that the cooldown IS indeed already enacted and even increased from 10 to 30 minutes, so I have reassurance that what’s being told to me is true. 
They DO have a report system on their bot, but it seems most people prefer just messaging mods so that system in itself is rather flawed, but only so much you can do there. 
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(^ This one’s my own artwork, btw!! ^) Zayder also asked me for my own feedback on what could be done to help protect artists, since I am an artist myself. It seems most of the moderation team are not artists and this probably lent itself to making moderation there so weak. 
In summary my main suggestions that were noticed were being mindful of traced art, and a dedicated section or post explaining art theft and how it harms artists and the importance of crediting artists. As not everyone understands how it hurts us, some people genuinely are uninformed. Which Zayder stated he would forward to Mic Mac. (Not sure how I feel about my own suggestions going directly to MicMac himself, but you know!!)
Fawn’s Situation happened so Long Ago that most of it is Lost (or worst case scenario, was deleted by a member of the moderation team) 
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While the general consensus now is indeed “Yes, Fawn created Nutmeg Cookie,” there doesn’t seem to be much in the way of evidence towards who the perpetrator was (We had their username, hazbinalastor666, but not their ID and they’ve since changed it to cover their tracks) and the moderators involved with Fawn’s “Ban” to be found on the Official Cookie Run Discord. At least not anymore.
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Zayder has confirmed that Fawn “left” the server in December of 2019, which lines up with Fawn’s own statements on the situation. However Zayder stated that whoever kicked her didn’t actually put her on the banlist. So either they kicked her manually, or they used the bot and then used it to erase all evidence of it and pretend nothing happened (which he certainly HOPES is not the case, and I do as well). It did not help that Trial Mods were not a thing yet by this time (They were not introduced until February of 2020), according to what Zayder told me. So things on that Discord were essentially pretty gun-ho. It’s not as simple as looking up a term and going to “Oldest” to track down stuff from the time.  Plus a good chunk of it seemed to have happened through DMs so... Good Luck getting that evidence.
Zayder informed me that Fawn is welcome to come back at any time. Though speaking with her she’s chosen not to, and considering her situation I don’t think anyone can blame her. I would like to believe that the version of the Discord that Fawn had to go through is not the same as the one we have now but something like isn’t essentially going to wash away what happened.
As for evidence that Fawn created Nutmeg first? Yes I do have it. The original incident,  hazbinalastor666 claimed that they created Nutmeg in November of 2019, However there’s evidence in our own discord showing Fawn creating Nutmeg as early as September of 2019.
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As well as the day Fawn came forward on our discord about the situation after keeping quiet out of fear of backlash, ignited by seeing the thief get a commission of Nutmeg. However, I don’t plan to post that publicly unless I have Fawn’s okay. 
Yes. The First “Mod” That tried to Contact Me was Pretty Undeniably Someone Posing as a Mod From the Official Discord
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“I'm also really curious on what you found false on what the "moderator" said to you. Nobody on the mod team ever told us they were gonna contact you, so I wouldnt know who that is.”
So that was my first sign that clearly the original person who contacted me at least wasn’t doing so without the consensus of the other mods, and neither did they consult the mods afterwards... So very, very likely they were a fake from the start. Some of the things that were off that I told to Zayder, and that we found through conversation were as follows:
The first person contacted me on a throwaway and refused to disclose who they were. Zayder gave me the ID of his personal discord and we could verify who they were easily.
The first person blew off my own suggestions for helping improve the fanart channels with statements like “We’re already cracking down on it.” Zayder asked me for my own suggestions as an artist without even being asked.
The first person kept trying to get me to get Fawn to use a VPN in order to get back into the Official Cookie Run Discord. Despite being told repeatedly that’s not how a VPN works. That’s just fucking weird. 
The first person couldn’t track anything down regarding Fawn’s situation years ago, Zayder was at least able to actually pinpoint the date in which Fawn was kicked, and rather quickly too I might add.
Zayder had pretty proficient knowledge on the bot the Discord uses for moderation and how it works. Which he explained to me a few times. The first person said to me at one point, and I quote, “For all I know the bot gives messages when infractions are laid.”
So seeing how talking with a real Moderator like Zayder was, I can say without a shadow of a doubt that someone was trying to dupe me here for some reason. Was it revenge? Did they want some sort of blackmail? Did they want me to proverbially “back off?” And if they ARE a mod why wouldn’t they give the info and such that I gave them to the other mods? Who knows. 
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Long Story short, it does appear as if the Moderation Team and Mic Mac have heard the artists of the fandom and are going to be working hard to lay down stricture rules regarding posting and doing their best to make sure credit goes where credit is due.
Fawn’s incident happened so long ago there’s not much evidence to be found on the Official discord, but we DO have proof that Nutmeg Cookie belongs to UpsetFawn!
The First Person who claimed to be a Mod was a fake and talking with Zayder proved it.
Overall, my talk with Zayder was very pleasant and enlightening and I believe Zayder would say about the same! I never meant to cause such an uproar, but I’d like to think things will change for the better now that we’ve all spoken up on behalf of our fellow artist. 
What we need to do now is watch how the Cookie Run Official Discord moves forward and if they’ll stick to their word towards protecting fandom content creators from theft and uncredited reposts. Though after my talk I’m certainly optimistic they will.
Always have your back for your fellow fandom artist, TerraTerraCotta
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chats class 1a is in
Class 1A
all of class 1a
part of an Official School Groupchat. their entire year is in it, there’s a general chat (which everyone had and has muted) and then locked chats for each class and for each course.
used to be real big when it was first created, everyone blocked mineta and someone figured out how to add shinsou to the class 1a chatroom
but then the staff cracked down on it and made it no-swearing-or-inappropriate-humor, and you could only block someone for half an hour at a time, and removed shinsou, and now it’s only used by teachers to remind ppl of hw and stuff.
oh and whenever 1a fucks up monoma @1A in #hero_course. which they can’t mute. the only channel they can mute is #general. ugh.
class 1(screams)/class 1gay/fellas is it gay to wear brightly colored spandex and run around saving the day?/froppy fan club
all of class 1a, plus aizawa, plus shinsou
they wouldn’t have added mineta but aizawa said it would be bullying if he was the only member of the class not in the chat. so everyone just blocked him
aizawa says thats fine because the blocking was provoked and you have the right to block people to protect yourself and if it just so happens that everyone’s doing that then that’s just how it is i guess
youve read chat fics. you know what its like
aizawa, in response to the third gc name: am i still gay if i dont wear brightly colored spandex
sato only ever uses it to post pics of his beautiful baked goods
bakusquad/kirishima defense squad/kirishima fan club/kaminari stop electrocuting yourself 2k19 (briefly)/bakugou fan club
bakugou kirishima kaminari sero ashido jiro
i mean its a squad chat. most of these have a p similar mo
chat meme: creeper photos of kaminari next to electrical appliances
chat meme: why is jiro here
chat meme: pics of tape dispensers with seros hair drawn on shittily captioned H3Y COOLK1D 1S TH1S YOU
chat meme: ashido is the only one who hasnt read homestuck and no one will tell her what it is (but they will reference it, so much, whenever she makes an accidental homestuck reference)
unusually high percentage of shopping trip convos
friends!/conspiracy theorists/friends!!!
midoriya iida uraraka tsuyu todoroki momo shinsou aoyama kirishima
midoriya made it
just a lot of wholesome friendlyness plus shinsou being tired all of the time
chat meme: photos of midoriya drinking anything, labeled “bone hurting juice”
chat meme: tsu’s removable stomach
it got named conspiracy theorists during one night when todoroki and shinsou stayed up until like 5 swapping theories
Chat with Iida, Uraraka, and Midoriya/bastards
midoriya iida uraraka
no one will admit to naming it bastards
also no one remembers when it was changed to bastards
could have been any of the new arrivals, except shinsou, because it was definitely before him
there is a long drawn-out debate before adding anyone. it’s required. it’s in the bylaws. they draw lots to see who will be for against and mediating. it’s ridiculous.
tsuyu is added (iida for, uraraka against, midoriya mediating)
todoroki is added (uraraka for, midoriya against, iida mediating)
shinsou is added (iida for, midoriya against, uraraka mediating)
chat meme: out of context quotes from the debates (specifically absolutely ridiculous incendiary remarks)
chat meme: iida pretending to not understand memes in class 1gay
chat meme: who changed the chat name to the bastard jar (to the tune of “who stole the cookies from the cookie jar”)
chat meme: shinsou (the only innocent)
and swearing. all of them swear. iida midoriya and tsuyu have a pact to never swear in the other chats, or admit to swearing in this chat, and the others have a secondary pact to keep the secret. it’s in the bylaws
chat meme: the friends!!! chat is only for vetting potential bastard chat members
i mean the convos are basically the same in the two chats bastard just has more swearing
baked goods chat
sato tokoyami ojiro koda shoji hagakure jiro iida
when sato posts baked goods pics in class 1gay, it’s immediately followed by a series of blurry pics of his room being broken into and the goods being demolished by his dormmates in this chat
but i mean they also talk about other stuff in here
jiro and tokoyami talk, completely earnestly and with no judgement, about emo/goth stuff in here (in any other chat they make fun of each other)
iida is there because he asked why sato kept posting pics of his recently baked goods in the chat when he knew it would result in break-ins
chat meme: the time iida said damn and immediately deleted it and apologized 7 times and made everyone swear not to tell
chat meme: tokoyami’s teeth
chat meme: using sato’s baked good break in photos as reaction pics
chat meme: photos of hagakure with a where’s waldo hat photoshopped either way above the top of her head, way below, or quite a bit to the left
chat meme: koda, release the bees (koda: 🐝🐝🐝)
mineta hate club
ashido tsuyu uraraka jiro hagakure momo
ie dick jokes
chat meme: post tsuyu with her hair up whenever you want to show appreciation for something
chat meme: momo end capitalism
chat meme: hagakure posting selfie-angle pics of empty rooms “lookin cute today!”
chat meme: ashido has read homestuck (screenshots of bakusquad not realizing that she has obviously read homestuck thats such a niche reference)
chat meme: taking zoomed-in pics of floating things and labeling them “uraraka or hagakure”
chat meme: can jiro play the [obscure instrument]
later, chat meme: can jiro play the [thing that is not an instrument]
hair squad
kirishima todoroki and shoji
kirishima made the chat as a joke and now it’s where todoroki has his existential crises
and also if any of them are going out and want company but like quiet company they pop into this chat and so frequently you see these three doing bakusquad grocery shopping together while not talking to each other at all
i think it’s common convention to make it you-need-three-to-go-out-of-the-dorms so yeah
this chat has the highest concentration of pure shopping lists. just a shopping list. in the chat.
remember when i said high concetration of shopping convos in bakusquad? kirishima is the one who goes shopping most of the time and this is where he puts the list
prov license redo chat/failure chat/endeavor hate club/endeavore hate club
todoroki bakugou and windy dude (yoarashi?)
originally made to coordinate with fellow failed examinees by the person running the redo program
then todoroki and windy dude had a huge blow-out yellabout regarding Their Shit and the guy running the program was like “fuck this” and left and made a new chat which is STRICTLY FOR COORDINATING
then the other three just. didnt delete the chat. todo and wind got over their shit and then the three mostly used it to complain about the course/yell at each other for complaining because it’s your own damn fault for getting distracted while taking the test, at least i lost doing what i do best, you lost because you both couldnt get over your own issues with fucking endeavore
windy dude: *endeavor
bakugou: i said what i said
and for hating endeavor. that they all hate endeavor gets established
the end
ua teacher chat/its not a teacher chat anymore its been contaminated/who are you people
all the teachers plus both iida brothers
chat meme: aizawa sleeping in weird places
chat meme: midnight’s friend duster
chat meme: all might fucks
chat meme: aizawa and mic’s divorce
chat meme: cementoss doesnt even toss cement
aizawa complains about his children here
vlad king complains about how much monoma complains about aizawa’s children
chat meme: nedzu isn’t here for some reason and no one is mentioning it
chat meme: mentioning it, but vaguely
nedzu isnt even not in the chat but he only shows up when he’s mentioned
chat meme: aizawa posting out of context quotes (no names; he follows ao3tags rules) from class 1gay
chat meme: no one will admit to being the one to crack down on Class 1A. but no one’s fixing it
chat meme: iida tenya is definitely not  here, and if he was, it wouldnt be in his capacity as a student
this is the only chat where iida tenya is allowed to swear
(or admit he knows memes)
iidas tensei and tenya are running in the 90s and 2000s respectively.
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