#so either she has no idea there is a bear downstairs in the dungeons
trappedinafantasy37 · 2 months
Getting Minthara to talk about mass executing goblins.
In reference to this post at the request of @tim1234
Sorry for the video being a bit long as I wanted to display the entire dialogue tree. You can also select the Deception check option when she asks you what you know about the druid, but all other options must remain the same. Those are the only two dialogue trees that I discovered will trigger Minthara talking about executing goblins, but there could be more.
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emiwrites3reads · 5 years
His mate PT.1
Summary: Klaus never believed he would have a mate, like all werewolves do. He thought if he did have one, they were either dead or long gone. Until he runs into a friend of the Salvatore brothers.
Warning: none
Pairing: Klaus x reader, some Damon X reader.
Part two: https://emiwrites3reads.tumblr.com/post/189765059236/his-mate-pt2
His mate masterlist: https://emiwrites3reads.tumblr.com/post/190164847716/his-mate-masterlist
The crisp autum enters the nose of y/n as she steps onto the driveway of the boarding house. The scent of the two brothers fills her senses. Another scent is there, the human. Elena.
The young werewolf climbs up the steps and knocks on the doors. Damon answers and immediately invites her in. “Glad you could make it” he says, eyeing you oddly.
Walking into the main room, Stephen drinking some alcohol on the couch with Elena carefully wrapped around him. Y/n decides to stand with Damon, after a long day of sitting from college exams. Damon stands near you, almost a little too close.
“So, what’s going on? You said you need help?”
“Klaus is back, we don’t know why” Stephen explains, “we were wondering if you could track him down, you know...werewolf to half werewolf”
“You want to talk to a sociopathic murderous insane vile hybrid who doesn’t care who he kills or hurts?” Y/n responds. She likes Stephen but there was always something her wolf didn’t like. Similar to Damon. Her wolf instincts always go off around him, like warning flags. It could also just be that there vampires. But taking to Klaus, that sends goosebumps down her spine. It unsettles her all the way to her soul.
“I take that as a no” Damon says, not sounding thrilled with Stephen’s idea. Y/n can guess what Stephen will say next.
“He could be here to hurt Elena” yep. Her wolf laughs at the back of gerbmind. She knows it’s stupid for even coming here. Y/n internally sighs, regretting her life descions.
“You want me to talk to him not knowing why he is here? How do you know if he doesn’t want to, I don’t know, kill all the werewolves or witches, or even vampires? He’s crazy, I’m not going to go talk to him” y/n says and goes to storm out when there’s a knock at the door. She freezes in her steps, tasting the air with her nose. It’s him. The hybrid. Her wolf calls to the scent. She annoying mentally snake at her wolf.
“It’s him and I’m not answering that door only to be strapped” she says and walks back into the main room with Damon. Stephen gets up and walks to the door. He opens it and Klaus tries to walk in, only to be hit with an imaginary wall.
“I’m here to talk” the hybrid says. Behind him is another being. Elijah. Y/n walks around the corner and stands my Damon. The sight of Klaus causes her wolf to scream at her, intelligibly words. Something too seems to be effecting the hybrid. He watches the young werewolf in front of him, not like a piece of steak but with an emotion not often seen on the face of the hybrid.
“Depends what you want to talk about” Damon says.
“My brother needs a place to hide out, let’s just say, someone is hunting him” Elijah says from behind.
“That’s new, Klaus Mikaelson, afraid” y/n finally speaks. Damon stands halfway in front of her, as if he could protect her from the hybrid.
“MMMmm a werewolf, never thought Damon Salvatore would team up with one, nonetheless protect one from me” Damon roles his eyes as Y/N sighs. Y/n simply walks away. She can feel klaus’s eyes following her.
“Look, I don’t care if you keep me prisoner in your little stupid dungeon cellar” Klaus says.
“You guys have a dungeon?” Y/N turns around to Damon.
“Yeah, in the basement and fine, but what do we get out of it” Damon says. Y/n blinks. She’s been in this house many times and didn’t know about that.
“I’ll protect your little human and the little wolf” Damon nods. He holds his hand out and they shake on it. He turns to Elena.Elena gets up and invites Klaus in. Within seconds he has Damon pinned on the wall with his fangs beared.
Elijah pins Stephen to the other wall.
“Listen, we now have full control of this house, we control who enters and leaves, starting with having Damon in the cellar. Still haven’t gotten my revenge during the sacrifice” Klaus says. Y/N looks to Damon, worry and dread in her eyes.
“Klaus let him go! Why are you dojng this?” Elena screams across the room, also directing her words to Elijah, the faithful vampire.
Y/n’a wolf prickles at the scene. Her eyes flash yellow and she runs at the hybrid. He slams her to the floor, but she gets up in a flash, her eyes turn yellow, supernatural strength flowing through her. Krause forgets Damon, slamming him hard to the floor. He runs at Y/n, vampire speed. In the last second, she moves out of her original position, causing him to crash into Elijah, He stumbles up, shocked from his own strength. “Smart little wolf, bet you have one of those moon rings?”
“I don’t do jewelry” She snaps back, eyes remaining yellow. Instead waiting for him, she runs at him but throws Elijah off of Stephen instead. With both of the Salvatore brothers back in action, they go to her side to help.
“It appears they forgotten we are the oldest living vampires” Elijah’s accent rolls sweetly off of his tongue. Elijah runs at Y/n and throws her against the wall, a hidden sign of worry flashes in Klaus’s eyes, but disappears just as fast. She hits the wall and slowly gets to her feet as Klaus breaks off a wooden stake from a side table. In a flash he stabs Stephen and then Damon. Elena attempts to stab the hybrid with a stake of her own, only to get thrown across the room.
“I won’t say it again, we control this house and those in it, wether that means i have to turn you or compell, or even force it, you don’t mind missing a kidney or two, do you?” Klaus’ voice echoes through the house.
“Fine, just let Elena go” Stephen says.
“And Y/n”
“Oh well I’ve grown quiete fond of them both, choose only one to leave, that is all” Y/N wolf growls at her to run but at the same time let Elena go. She the human. Her wolf seems to want to tell her something about the hybrid but seems hesitant.
“Hurry or I’ll choose”
“Elena” The brothers respond at one. Stephen didn’t seem to like Y/n, they never really talked much. She found it easier to talk to Damon, as he is more of a fun person to talk to while Stephen is more of a serious character, never really having fun unless that is with Elena during the night time.
“Elena it is” Klaus picks up the human and throws her out the door, slamming it in her face. Her demands for Stephen muffled by the thick wood. The young werewolf looks to the door, thinking of escaping, until Elijah caught her.
“No one must no we are here, and we know how talkative you can be to you friends” Elijah instructs.
“If you lets us come and go, we won’t tell anyone” Y/N speaks up.
“Hmmmm, and how will we know when you do?” Klaus replies.
“There are people that will notice my absence, and saying I’m going away is a little out of character and will set off more alarms, the same can be said for the Salvatore brothers, at least with Stephen” Y/n says. A pack. Not a pack that’s known like the crescent, not as big either as all that’s left are the kids of the pack. The others have been killed off by hunters or vampires. While small, they are close enough to be friends.
“What do you think brother?” If she is unable to return to her normal duties of an alpha, they will know there’s something odd. Except no one knows she’s an alpha, or even has a pack for that matter. Never seemed like important information and she didn’t want to get them hurt. Less people that know, the better.
“Fine, but we must know when you’re going to be back, leaving, and where you are at all times” Elijah says. “And Damon will stay in a cell, he’s known to go rouge” Klaus picks up the vampire and carries him downstairs.
“But you are to stay here until the morning, to make sure we can trust your loyalty and word” All night and day, with the originals, one being a hybrid. She’s doomed.
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