#so dont get too mad at webtoon over it
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neveromininart · 7 months ago
Webtoon actually made me reduce the amount of blood in the first few episodes of Sunset Phoenix. Emilia and the crime scene were supposed to be about 2x as bloody.
In episode 4, Heliodora explained that Sloane died from 1 singular wound, which was inconsistent with the blood found, proving Emilia was framed. The current blood's inconsistent now, too, but it's not the ludicrous amounts it used to be, so it doesn't read as intentional. But it was!
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morphogenetic · 11 months ago
god I remembered this extremely weird localization choice and it made me so mad all over again. so there's a manhua that I like that recently started getting (re-) published on webtoon, official *english* release. now. the original language is (as is probably obvious from 'manhua') mandarin. but. for some fucking reason. they changed the names of both all the characters and all the locations to be...korean??? its literally a slice of life romance thing with no fantasy elements at all????
what makes this incredibly baffling is that the manhua is getting an english physical release too (through kickstarter, which im getting in tbe mail soon) and they VERY MUCH KEPT THE ORIGINAL CN NAMES??? I DONT UNDERSTAAAAND
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beesmygod · 1 year ago
i used to post this and then delete it bc i would be like oh but what about my relationships with other artists~ but i dont care any more lol. these people dont like me and i dont have any reason to protect them. also just reading it back made me sooooo mad lol. this is from july 2022. so 1 year ago.
beesmygod: i have 0 sympathy for people who willingly add their work to this overtly and obviously putrid monetization of entertainment. everyone who went to the mat for webtoons bc they saw stars in their eyes gets what they deserve at this point
everything is wrong with this website and they dont even hide it.
people keep acting surprised that webtoon only has profit in mind. now they're somehow surprised to find out they're just data to the parent company
t…..webtoon is their host. not their boss
their brains are so fucking scrambled they forgot who owns the means of what production.
AlliDrawsComics: Webtoon buys the episodes, Bea. They ARE in charge here. They ARE the boss. These creators could just walk away and start over from scratch, screwing themselves over just to give webtoon the finger or they can tell the audience what's going on to amass public outcry
beesmygod: the audience will of webtoons has already made it obvious they dont care about the well being of the creators on it bc they also buy into the fucked up system
AlliDrawsComics: They're kids, they literally don't know better until artists tell them
[some pointless shit about webtoons signing terms]
beesmygod: ill begrudge them. im evil and have a lot of hate in my heart these days people who keep propping up these systems are driving me insane
AlliDrawsComics: We don't need hate for other artists just trying to make a career
beesmygod: thats too bad, because they are going to get it for their actions and deeds the illusion that theres no other possible option is obnoxious and insulting. people keep treating entertainment like it's a job you enter and then by virtue of existing are entitled to a career in it people have options, they just opt not to use them bc they're not percieved easy money
AlliDrawsComics: Your expectation for all artists to do everything themselves isn't insulting or obnoxious?
beesmygod: i expect artists to care about whats good for their community over securing their bag, badly
i no longer [make enough to live on] bc of america being extremely horrible rn lol but i used to! and i have no talent and no abilities!!
AlliDrawsComics: So you're basically telling all these people they suck because they got a contract instead of working an unpaid job for years on end on top of a day job just to build an audience
beesmygod: yes im saying "get rich quick" schemes are always at the detriment of the community they exploit and the people who sign on for them do us all a disservice
eyu: To say these artists are deserving of the treatment they're getting because of a shitty deal they agreed to is equally insulting because heck maybe they come from a country where they literally can earn more money from possibly building an audience on webtoon because it's a fucking living and they have to support themselves or people they care about.
Catcoconut: For a lot of ppl getting paid by WT is their best option to make money especially if they’re new to the scene or if their own self promo is lacking
beesmygod: why would they make more money on webtoon than patreon or some other direct payment method
eyu: Webtoon (build audience) > Bring Audience to Patreon by linking it.
beesmygod: eyes arent money……………if the audience is primarily children theres no money in it unless the parents say so
AlliDrawsComics: You don't get money without eyes
Catcoconut: Don’t dump on ppl just trying to pay bills tho
beesmygod: i will. they upset me with how they choose to make their money.
AlliDrawsComics: Then be upset at webtoon for hiring people on at an unsustainable rate! Don't take it out on the artists!
beesmygod: i dont really want to sit here and perpetually just annoy people so ill leave it here.
beesmygod: but i cant claim solidarity with people whose financial self-interests come first. in the end thats where im coming from.
Anni K.: that's kinda privileged way of thinking tbh
beesmygod: i make 14k a year. im on food stamps
AlliDrawsComics: Then why do you expect other artist to do it the way you are
beesmygod: because its the right thing to do.
then i had to physically get up and walk away from my computer bc i could not believe the conversation i just had with a group of adults lol
im ok with being seen as a huge asshole. but the insinuation that i dont practice what i preach really pisses me off. the fact that i view what im saying as basic moral tenets of reality makes this more frustrating
its going to take me longer than a few months to process all the shit from hive lol. i really should go back to therapy instead of doing diary entries in public; i just straight up dont have time any more. and 90% of the problem is that i have walter sobchak disorder. im not wrong im just an asshole
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antiloreolympus · 3 years ago
10 Anti LO Asks
1. lo hades def looks like he's into crypto, you know what I mean? especially bc you cant be taxed on it, the richer the better!
2. This isnt even just LO but why do so many of the romance comics have such a desire to sexualize barly legal young women who are of COURSE naive virgins (but also super sexy and horny and know how to flirt out of the blue!) and try and make us root for them to get into relationships with their Christian Grey knock-off bosses?? like Let's Play (spoilers I guess) thought it'd be funny to have the MC be in physical PAIN after having sex, like why are you showing your teen audience this???
3. Nah I feel the same way as other anon. LO is way too confused on whether it's a light hearted YA story or a serious drama for Mature™️ readers. Like the SA and (one) therapy session was more or less handled perfectly fine, but everything from the AOW to the Trial is either incredible goofy or tries way too hard to be "serious" with RS and her team both not putting the writing nor art skill into it to hold any weight. It just comes across as melodramatic and try-hard over genuine and well planned
4. There's so many "quirks" in LO's art that are bad but WHY is it a thing where when a character is just standing there their arms and legs are just glued to the side of their bodies like🧍‍♂️🧍‍♀️🧍? that's not how even soliders at attention stand, there's still bones and muscles to account for but they end up with that end product? I just do not get how her and her team have probably 50+ years of art education and practice between them and yet they fail on such basic concepts every time.
5. I for one think that the differences between how characters slapping each other is depicted as either good or bad depending on who’s doing the slapping isn't hypocritical of RS: Hecate slaps Hades because she thinks he’s being predatory towards Persephone, this is a well-intentioned slap. Minthe’s slap on the other hand, is not justifiable because she was in the wrong in the context of that conflict: you don’t get to just stand your boyfriend up and hit him when he’s hurt by it.
6. it's just funny WT itself has a posting rule that your comic "cant show topics like incest or grooming" as if thats not the majority of the romance genre itself. yall ever read eggnoid? cmon now.
7. punderworld made a myth rec list and go figure some lo fans were in the comments saying "LO was all [they] needed" and its like how would you even know this episode happened unless you were subbed to punderworld, therefore proving they keep up with other myth comics? also the creator got upset at the lo fans being mad she didnt also rec LO as if its not the most advertised series on that whole site and she was promoting smaller creators. LO fans are so entitled even to other creators it's crazy.
8. I think the issue with the “let people like things” argument (and the fans do this so much) is that I’m All for that, I and every other critic isnt saying you can’t like, hell there’s parts of it I do like and wish there was more of! But if you go “just let people enjoy things!!” when it comes to legitimate criticism (ie misogyny, racism, classism, mishandling of trauma and assault to push a romance along, etc) you don’t care about others opinions, you just want them to like YOUR thing.
9. we already know rachel is a weeb but it's most obvious when it's a kissing scene because she does NOT draw lips but all of a sudden they get huge and glossy when theyre about to smooch but nothing else about the face adjusts with it and it's like what the hell is that 😭
10. i honestly dont blame lo fans for buying books of it even if the quality of it degrades rapidly after vol 1, once it ends (maybe in five years at this rate) webtoons will right away put it on daily pass which is notoriously a bad venue for rereads/new readers who missed when it was originally published and given how rachel has no sense of less is more, itll cost hundreds of dollars just to read the current 190+ episodes, much the many more shell milk out of it. might as well avoid that now 😵‍💫
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alatismeni-theitsa · 4 years ago
16 anti LO anon opinions
All under the cut
(1) Fastpassers are also probably mad bc when smythe post fastpass title on twitter(which was heathers musical song ripoff) everyone was so hyped up and excided, they thought this gonna be about "Underqold badass queen Persephone " or something with her trail or something big with her, but no, they got Minthe flashback that didnt change anything in the story
(2) Fastpassers are annoyed bc this episode was flashback of Minthe. Two previous fastpasses got pretty big(and stupid) revals(leto is bad guy,apollo and artemis may be zeus child and last but not least Cronus awakening) so they were hopping for something more not a filler wpisode that changes nothing in to the story bc there were wpisodes that make Minthe more "symphatetic" than this one.
(3) Am i the only one a bit concerned that a Minthe episode made LO fans demand their money back but apparently episodes and a planned redemption over Apollo, who R*PED the main character, was met with fans sympathizing with him and feeling bad for judging him "too soon"?  They can accept a sexual assaulter having mommy issues to excuse his bad actions, but a boring filter episode about Minthe, who we know will be killed by the end anyway, gets outrage? That doesn't sit well with me.
(4) oh my god the LO fans hated the minthe fast pass so much they actually made LO's rating start to go down 😭 most of us here dont even like the comic but none of us would purposely review bomb it over a boring episode over a character we didnt like, thats so entitled!
(5) Adding on to the recent fastpass, it was extremely boring. I get that you can't please everyone but the fact that Minthe is having a backstory now just feels like filler.
This is the main issue I have with Rachel's story, she has so many characters but chooses to develop them at the worst times. If we got this backstory earlier in season 2, this would make sense. However, the fp before this one ended on a cliffhanger. You'd think it'd continue but no, we just get Minthe backstory.
I'd rather see an Apollo backstory, he's an active villain and would be interesting to see his motive.
Minthe doesn't have a compelling motive other than jealousy.
(6) I can't be the only one who thinks the new hairstyle updates for characters like Apollo or Eros look weird right? Eros literally looks like an adult version of one of his siblings Storge (who has curly permed hair and was holding a hamster)
(7) That Lo eros panel ... oof. Wheres his hairline going? He had a damn 7 head. Also at least for awhile the men had a different face from the women, but I guess they’re also women now, facial features wise?
(8) On a side note: why the fuck is Eros so ugly in this episode😭
(10) This is something i see so much but LO especially but why do all of them have boring ancient clothes? It's always white or tan sheets or maybe black if it's someone in the Underworld. I'm going more off ancient images but shouldn't the gods especially have more grand and detailed clothing options? i get it's probably harder to design based off colorful skin tones but it's not impossible. it just seems so much of the comic design feels very flat, so if the story can't hold up then the art should.
(11)  The main problem I had before with lore olympus was its cliffhanger syndrome. Like, why do some many chapters leave on a cliffhanger and for no reason at all? Like when Hera got hit and nothing happened. When I was experiencing the episodes coming out in real time, it drove me mad.
It's gotten better recently but that's probably because the three recent episodes (fastpass) felt more like filler.
That's the main reason why I feel like the plot is being dragged out. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for cute character moments and creators getting money but, LO is slowly becoming less and less interesting. I literally skipped around in most of the fasspasses because it really wasn't interesting. The only thing memorable about all of the fp episodes is the beginning and end, the middle is just kinda there.
(12) Ampelus (psyche)'s eyes used to be golden/yellow but now its coloured purple lmao
(13) Wtf is happening in lore olympus?! Now they want to bring cronus back and do another war?!? Are they crazy nothing like this didnt happen in mythology and obviously not bc of persephone(in comic her pink tree in underwold will give crounus power and life). It supposed to be romance not whatever fuck this is now.
(14) I feel like if I was at Henson Co. or Webtoons with a tv deal on the line, I would make Smythe to hand writing duties to a pro or take a hiatus seriously plan everything out, because all these new plots are distracting from what people signed up for, which is to see HxP get together and the myth. It seems like filter seeing as any TV adaption wouldn't cover most of it anyway, so why even include it? If RS wants it over sooner than later, this isn't how you do it, she's just procrastinating now.
(15) I find Demeter in LO just confusing. If she’s so overbearing and controlling, why would she ever allow Persephone out of their domain to live with Artemis in the city? Even the most liberally easy going parents don’t let their naive children out into the world like that with people they barely know, yet the supposed helicopter parent does. Why not literally literally lock her up? Especially when Persephone can’t control her powers and is desperate to hide that she killed a village of people? Demeter knows she’s a danger to others yet let her out anyway? That doesn’t sounding overbearing to me. It sounds like she’s right to want to hide her away. Persephone is a bigger threat to everyone else than they are to her. More so, actual controlling parents do give their children phones to keep easy tabs on them, yet LO Demeter doesn’t? She could constantly call Persephone or check up on her without physically needing to be there, yet they don’t do that. What modern parent would let their child leave home without a way to contact them? If anything, she’s extremely loose on parenting her and lets Persephone do/have whatever she wants. The controlling helicopter parent premise too is undercut by the fact LO Demeter ends up being right in wanting to hide her daughter away because within a month of leaving home Persephone is drugged, kidnapped, threatened by several people, r*ped, blackmailed, is close to dropping out of school, attacked by shades, and had a mental/emotional breakdown, many of those things being linked to her future “caring” husband. I just don’t buy it. Demeter ends up looking correct by anyone who isn’t blinded by the rose colored glasses of HxP.
(16) If I'll ever bother to read LO I'll do so only to see how horrible exactly it is.
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galaxy-shapeshifter · 4 years ago
I am so mad right now
I have been reading this one webtoon called "boyfriends" I'm sure alot heard of it already, if you didn't it's a lovestory about four boys called goth, nerd, prep and jock who are all in a polyamorous relationship
As a polyamorous person myself I LOVED it, I was happy to find some poly representation that isnt "oh I'm in love with two people and I cant choose who to date, what do I do?? >///<"
So naturally I wanted to see what other fans' reactions to it, and I went on tiktok hoping to find some cute cosplays but instead I found tons and tons of hate for it, and the reasons for such thing was absolutely ridiculous.
Now I get if it's not your cup of tea, the comic isnt perfect. But when you go out of your way shaming people for liking it and as far as blocking them and breaking friendships THAT becomes a problem.
Now, I'm gonna name every reason I found for said hate and break it down one by one. Starting from the dumbest ones
"It's stupid bl/its fetishization" now, let's get one thing clear. SHIPPING GAY RELATIONSHIPS IS NOT FETISHIZATION as far as I know the creator of the webtoon could be queer themselves, yes the comic DOES have some sexual themes to it BUT THATS NOT THE SAME. Gay men in fiction are allowed to be sexual, gay men in fiction are allowed to be polyamorous, you can enjoy fiction containing gay people it's not the same as fetishization!
"It's filled with stereotypes" ... duh? The characters are literally named "nerd goth prep & jock" stereotypes are the theme of the comic. And personally I think it's handled well to the point it's not too repetitive as they do put a spin on some of the characters, nerd being the secret pervert instead of the uwu innocent bean for example
"The relationship happened so fast" now I do understand this one and i do agree to some level, but you gotta keep in mind that the whole point of the webtoon was for simple wholesome moments between the boyfriends, and I get why the creator would want to skip through some of the unimportant details before the confession, furthermore you can't simply count each page as 1 day passing as some of the pages imply that some time has already past from the last one
"The creator drew porn of irl people" again, this one is kind of a valid point, and I will not excuse the creator's actions. But you gotta learn to sometimes separate the media from the creator, if we worried all the time about creators being bad people we wont have any media left to consume. And judging the fans for something the creator did that they might've not even known about, or shitting over someone's comfort media like that because you think the creator deserves it is kind of shitty.
Now, why am I acting so angry at this? Are people not allowed to have different opinions then mine? no, that's not my point. I'm only mad because of this new trend of calling anything lgbtq+ related in media is immediately called a "fetish" and seeing people shit all over something that brought me such joy just for the polyamorous representation being insulted like that, and insulting fans for liking something just got on my nerve. You are allowed to dislike boyfriend, you ARE allowed to criticize it, just dont be a dick about it. Thank you for reading over my rant.
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maariarogers · 4 years ago
flash review for episode 15 cause ur girl managed to catch it a bit early than the usual, and im still re-watching it tonight to soak all the heartache again, but for now, lets just get into some instant review cause i wanna know where y’all stand
so first of all, HAN SEOJUN IS SO FINE????????
that long coat, dat lean leg in black pants, dat leather boot like....... honey im playing ABBA whenever u walk in from now on mr. han seojun SIRRR
sua is a queen as always, she’s there at her ex’s party like its nothing and we respect that
also moon gayoung and that guy she accidentally mistaken as suho,,,,, yo,,,, is it just me or they look good on-screen together like.....,,,,, where’s the tv show with them as main leads i’m waiting @ korean-drama network
i feel,,, super, SUPER bad for seojun to be honest
i’ve been in the position where i pined over someone for YEARS and it’s really like you’re just left there, hanging, and i know jugyeong doesn’t mean to and she, by all means, do not owe him anything, but the pain i can feel he’s going through... that hits me
like,,, the whole time i was just really like??? “baby, move on, u deserve so much better” but feelings aren’t that easy i know!!!!!!!! there’s a reason he can’t move on!!!!! and i just feel so bad :(((
he’s been put in that delicate position where he’s taking care of jugyeong because she’s his friend, and because he knows jugyeong has gone through so much from suho’s departure, but u can tell it’s hurting him as much as he tries to pretend it isn’t
and the way the drama portrays jugyeong’s feeling vs. how she was in the webtoon is so, so, so good
in the webtoon, there wasn’t really much at stake i could say? suho and her never really went on a date. there was once, and they were almost almost together, and while they confessed at the airport, thats??? just it???
when suho stopped responding to the texts, it must’ve been easier for jugyeong to cast suho aside, even though it must’ve hurt her deeply that he’s become unresponsive
she decides that he mustn’t cared much, or he was just too busy, and she puts him behind. she was angry, but she wasn’t - really hung up on it, if that makes sense?
but in the k-drama, they already have this history with each other. more than being one another’s first love, they’ve both become a prominent figure of strength in each other’s life; suho was jugyeong’s anchor, as much as jugyeong became suho’s. they established it, they made it known, they showed it. (in the webtoon - it was more subtle. you can’t really see it unless you look for it.)
which was why it’s so believable to see how jugyeong couldn’t really - move past what she’s shared with suho, even if she was mad with how they ended their relationship.
in the webtoon, jugyeong considers and sees seojun as a romantic partner fairly quickly. once seojun’s made his feelings known, it wasn’t long that jugyeong realises, oh, i could like this guy, i could fall for him, and they dated, but in the k-drama, she considers him - but she’s still so unsure. she’s still so hesitant.
and that is SUCH!!!!!! good writing??? because i get the vibe that, it wasn’t like jugyeong’s still in love with suho, per se - because he dumped her. he hurt her. and she is furious over it. but she still - think of him in every aspect of her romantic life. and it’s so ..... delicate, this line between “still being in love” and “not being able to get over someone” that the k-drama, i believe, portrays well??
it’s almost like, suho’s haunting jugyeong. she’s accepted he’s gone, he’s not there anymore, but his ghost follows in nearly all her decision, in all her steps - if that makes sense? yeah. idk i just think the portrayal of this ambiguous state is neat, and i give kudos to the director and writers
i’m lowkey pissed at suho because he just seems???? so careless??? with jugyeong’s feelings????? but then like .......... i kind of get too, why he acted the way he acted???
i’m not saying i agree with his actions cause nah bitch needs to STEP UP TO MY GIRL IF HE WANTS A PLACE IN HER LIFE, but the idea that he could just,,,, “continue where he left off” seems logical coming from suho. i assume he doesn’t realise that there’s this chance that jugyeong might’ve moved on, might’ve even been seeing someone new; because he hasn’t.
i like that in the next episode’s preview we see him apologising, presumedly for dealing with their relationship the way he did (and hopefully for how he acted after) and he sounds soft, sincere, when he’s at it. i want the show to pull the rug on suho. he can’t just hurt someone, and not deal with the aftermath of what he’s done. this isn’t how this works.
yo..... selena was a bitch skdkshfekgf but like??? i like it???? the whole lee family’s just a bunch of assholes on different levels, and i feel like it’s so appropriate for some reason, and selena rlly be out there building her career while she leaves suho to care for their dad huh
(im kidding my headcanon is that selena flies back to care for suho too ok but she still gets shit done she’s just that badass)
kang sujin........... i love u madam, take all my money
SHE’S SO PRETTY???!?!?!??!?!?? and with her volunteer vest and her pamphlet and she’s out there in the cold doing what she does and im 😭😭😭
heegyeong and mr. han are cute ig.... heegyeong is so pretty tho??? omg???
the lim family once again takes the medal for being the best family
also can we appreciate that jugyeong’s family knows suho and jugyeong are romantically together cause in the beginning jugyeong’s mother immediately knows ‘BOYFRIEND’ call ID is suho? UGH love that detail
convinced 23843947% that kim chorong has feelings for han seojun WHAT HAVE I BEEN TELLING Y’ALL?????!?!?
overall score: 7/10 because while the angst is Up There, it’s still so??? unpredictable???? i kinda dont want suho and jugyeong to end up immediately together in the last episode, cause i feel like suho needs to really build back that trust that he broke, and i really want seojun to be able to finally move on or have a peace of mind, or like??? idk, a chance??? like, if u wanna follow the webtoon for their storyline, its just much better if u do it right??? but ofc we can’t have that cause everything’s wrapping up but yeah!!! its ok, its just i wish not everything is rushed?
OK IM DONE RAMBLING good luck @ episode 16 y’all, see u on the other side!!!!!!!!!!!
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celestitedreams · 4 years ago
HIIIIIII I LNOW THIS IS KIND OF RANDOM CAUSE I DONT KNOW HOW OLD YOUR POST WAS BUT YOU SAID THAT YOU WANTED TO TALK ABOUT WEBTOONS!?!??? I heard you mention The Remarried Empress and *sips tea in fangirl* rushed right over. You also mentioned that you read Let’s Play and Lore Olympus? I love those too!!! Honestly we finally got somewhere in LO with Hades and Persephone(screw you apollo go throw yourself into traffic) and I don’t know why but I just.....dislike Eva from LP...? Like, girl get yo hands of Charles!! But honestly the Remarried Empress is my favourite and I ship Navier x Heinry like my life depends on it. I don’t know if you’ve read the latest chapter but Kaufman had me DEAD! Also ik people call him sovieshit but I was kinda an og so me and my best friend call him soosoobitch curtesy of me not being able to pronounce that pathetic excuse of shit’s name. And I was extremely excited that Navier finally started noticing Heinry a little bit! Cannot wait for Trashta and Soosoobitch to go choke and for Navier to marry Heinry CAUSE HONESTLY HE WOULD TREAT HER LIKE THE QUEEN SHE IS!!! Like they are so good for each other JUST GET MARRIED ALREADY-
If you want to talk more, you can just chat with me lol. Sorry if this was random
Hello @zutarian85 !! Welcome!!
Please idc how old that post is y'all can message me about webtoons whenever because I will screech to anyone and everyone whether they are willing to listen or not 😂
Lore Olympus is like the best. Ever. And I have an ever growing list of what Asspollo can do to himself 😡 Hades is such a cinnamon roll and he and Persephone are just so 😍 I cannot WAIT to see how their relationship develops!! Also (as I've probably previously screeched somewhere on my tumblr) how AMAZING IS HECATE??!!?! #girlcrush
Ahhh I feel like its been an age since Let's Play 😔 but yknow there's gonna be a reason why the gap has been so long so I'm not gonna complain 🤷🏻‍♀️ tbh I'm not sure who I ship with who in Let's Play currently? Everyone seems to love Charles x Sam but I'm just meh about them atm. Charles has good qualities but there's parts that I don't like. But then again they're all flawed so 🤷🏻‍♀️ suppose I'll just have to wait and see what happens to see if my opinion changes. (Although, does shipping Bowser and those squirrels count?? Because that whole episode was golden 😂)
I will also accept soosoobitch as an alternative to Sovietshit. He is both a bitch and a shit so both fit perfectly 😂 idk where you've read to in TRE (I read on webtoon and an online translation because I'm impatient and NEED TO KNOW) but Kaufman is just 🥺 so soft ❤ and our Prince Heinry is just ❤❤ double soft. And you are TOTALLY RIGHT Heinry would treat Navier exactly as she deserves (and if he yknow like beheads the bitch and the trash whilst he's at it I wouldn't be mad 🤷🏻‍♀️). Tbh at this point idc whether Navier ends up with Kaufman or Heinry as long as she ends up far away from soosoobitch and his trash I will be happy.
And don't apologise! Spam my inbox! Talk about webtoons with me!! Please!! I'll literally talk about any whether I've read it yet or not 😂😂😂
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southerncrossthewebcomic · 5 years ago
Tumblr media
So Southern Cross went on an unannounced hiatus earlier this year, and I also quit tumblr and accidentally forgot to say so on this blog. But the comic is returning now and on the off chance any of the followers here have tried to access it since yesterday and are wondering why none of the links here work anymore...
Smackjeeves basically decided to completely redo its entire website into a tapas/webtoon clone, standardise everyones templates and get rid of custom URLs, with basically no warning (it was a month or less, giving most people no time to prepare - especially when most people had no idea the changes would be THIS bad), screwing over the majority of people who use the site for comic hosting and have done so for years and years. If I wrote every single thing wrong with the new smackjeeves, it would take WAY too long, but basically it sucks, it ruined mine and many other peoples comics and worst of all - every single link we’ve ever posted for our comics - which existed on companion blogs like this, on our business cards, on so many peoples internet bookmarks... are now functionally useless. They dont even redirect to our new extremely long, clunky and ugly URLs, just the smackjeeves homepage.  
Therefore, Southern Cross is going to move to ComicFury - something I’d been planning a while. It sucks that the people who checked for comic updates by looking at their bookmarks will now no longer be able to find it, but there’s not much I can do. I will share the Comic Fury link here when it happens.
At the same time, the 2019 Christmas Special has started, and the updates will continue to be uploaded to Smackjeeves.
Part one is here: https://www.smackjeeves.com/discover/detail?titleNo=94541&articleNo=246
Yes, that’s the new URL. That’s what I now have to use instead of the now useless ‘southerncross.thewebcomic.com’. I pasted it as is so you can all marvel at how ugly it is. No there is no way to change this. I am very mad but the move will at least give me the opportunity to restructure the comic when I rebuild it, and get rid of the really old crappy ones I dont like anymore (they will stay up on Smackjeeves, which I will probably keep up as a mirror anyway, but ComicFury will be the ‘main’ one soon.)
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angeltonic · 7 years ago
<3 Soft Bias Tag <3
I was tagged by @neorithic aka Rose (thanks bub <3)
I don't know the rules and which bias you’re supposed to talk about but my first ever bias out of everyone was Vernon! So I thought I'd talk about him, my #1, the love of my life.
Here we goooooo 🍃
Who is your bias: Vernon 💕
What made you notice them: Svt was the first group I've really been a fan of, kpop wise. My friend showed me Adore U and Mansae back in 2015 and she pointed out Vernon to me first. I remember seeing him in his long brown hair and bandana and I said: "heck, he's adorable and now Im trapped."
what's your favorite thing about them: My go-to answer would be all of him, as he's quite literally one of my favorite people to ever exist (🙁💕) But the one thing that sticks out is his open-mindedness and perspective on the world. I feel like he's aware of society's faults and where people could improve. To me, he would also be very willing to learn more about the plights of people with different experiences from the ones he's had. I think he would be like that when it comes to anything, really, which is why I think he's very open-minded. He's up for new experiences and challenges, and would be down to learn about anything and everything.
who would initiate skinship more:   (Oh boy, I'm getting soft) I think it would definitely be me, Vernon doesn't strike me as a very physically affectionate person. But I ❤love❤ physical contact, hand holding, hugging, etc. So I feel like I'd be the one leading that department.
who would hog the blankets more:   I know for a fact that I am the most lifeless sleeper in the world. I dont move at all or make any noise what so ever BUT I do love sleeping all cosy and stuff so I just might take a little bit extra from his side.
who would be more clingy:    Im not a clingy person, I do like affection but I wouldnt describe it as clinginess. But I feel like I would miss being around him easier than he would miss being around me, if that makes sense? I'd probably start feeling it in like a week of not seeing him but he probably wont until a little afterwards.
who would say I love you first:     I think I have a lot of love and affection to give, so maybe me? BUT relationships also scare the living fuck out of me, so I'd very much be terrified, which would lead me to possibly not saying anything for a long time. I also think that he's the kind of person where saying I love you is a really big deal, like he really really needs to build that relationship and trust first before anything, so that would delay it for a while too. But I'd probably crack first to be very honest.
who would be more easily flustered:    Oh Christ, I feel like the both of us?? Vernon's ridiculously awkward and so am I. So I think we would make each other flustered and probably joke about it afterwards 😌
What cuddling position would you two have:   You can never go wrong with a good ol' spooning. Im super willing to be either big or little spoon so I dont mind, though I think he might prefer big spoon. I would also not mind him laying on me to be honest? Like on my chest, while I play with his hair. Also, technically not a cuddling position, but I love when people put their head on my lap! Like aw :( thank you for trusting me with your noggin.
which colors remind you of them and why:   One of the things that attract me the most about Vernon is his seemingly calm energy. Simply put, he seems like a super chill guy and I, the Queen of overthinking/anxiety, really need that opposite in my life. This makes me associate him with colors that are calming to me such as: light blue, white, forest green, soft grey, etc.
which season would you like to spend with them:   Literally all of them, my whole life’s worth of seasons. Heck, even my afterlife. But I feel like my favorite would be summer. To me, Vernon feels like the best friend you'd fall in love with and what better season to spend with your best friend than summer, where you're free to make all the memories you want? I think we would do a lot of hanging out in backyards, going to arcades, catching up on some webtoons in the middle of the day while eating some ice cream, or movie nights where we spend time in a fort that took us like 2 hours to make because my perfectionist Virgo mind couldn't get over the pillows being positioned a certain way or something, exploring the city or going to a completely different place we've never been to, outside of the city. I would also take him to all of my family bbqs in Connecticut, where I can teach him how to dance bachata as my mom and tias marvel at the fact that he's at least trying.
who would bake cookies and who would steal the batter:  I think it would be something we do together after spending a few hours at one of our houses. Eventually, it's gonna be baking time. I would mix everything, while he takes little bits out of the bowl cause we know he's usually the type to eat ANYTHING first and then when I try to scold him about salmonella he giggles and offers me some. I, weak and fragile for the boy, accept his offer and pretend to be mad about it.
which one of you would make bad puns and how would the other react: LISTEN, half of my humor is made of puns. Now, Vernon is either the King of Reactions or the King of Barely Having a Reaction. I feel like if it was a good one he'd laugh with that silly ass laugh of his and high five me but if it kinda sucked he'd probs chuckle at me with a disapproving look on his face tbh.
which one of you would nearly burn down the kitchen trying to microwave a poptart and who come to the rescue:    V E R N O N. Definitely, Vernon. And then I would run in there, with my heart beating out of my chest because for fuck'sake Vernon, our lease isn't even up yet and you almost burned the place to ashes.
who likes to lean over tall railings and who pulls them back:   I love, love, LOVE high places, so I would lean first. He'd then come over and lean with me but he'd pull away first and would have to drag me away too ://
what would you watching a horror film with them be like:   I love watching horror movies for the simple fact that I find them hilarious and usually laugh throughout the entire thing. At first, I think he'd be like?? why are you laughing?? someone's literally being dragged down to hell in front of us and you're giggling about it? But after he gets used to it, I feel like we'd make really good commentary that leaves us in giggle fits most of the time. Unless he's really really immersed, I wouldnt wanna disrupt something he really likes.
who would be the cheesy flirt and who would be the smooth flirt:   I cant flirt for the life of me, I literally dont know, I cant function. I feel like if I tried I'd definitely be cheesy though. As for Vernon, he's also super awkward as I said, so he'd jokingly try to be smooth but it just ends up being cheesy and really funny.
who is more competitive:    I dont associate Vernon with competitiveness at all, he seems like he's just in it to have a good time, with good people. I'm like that too for the most part. But if we're talking Uno, Scrabble, Jeopardy, or Kahoot, Im tearing him a new one.
who would have to be given constant reminders:   I feel like we'd remind each other of things but I would remind him to do simpler things like tidy up the room, or that it's his turn to do the dishes and where the keys are. Whereas, I think he'd have to remind me of things that I forget when I get too caught up in my head like eating properly, sleeping well, and knowing when to stop and enjoy my life.
who sends memes and who sends cute Im miss you text at 3 am:   We both send memes, are you kidding. That'll be most of our chat history, I'd have a whole folder just dedicated to ones I can use in conversation with him. I feel like I'd send the 3 am I miss you texts a lot more often, cause not only am I a super emo cancer moon but I get extra affectionate after like 1 am for WHATEVER reason. Though, I think he'd surprise me with one out of blue because I sure as hell wasnt expecting that from him. But I also think he'd find other ways of showing you he misses you without saying it. He seems like the type where you need to learn how he shows his love through his actions because he wont really do it with words.
And that's the end of that! I rambled so much I'm so so so sorry but I love Vernon with my whole heart and could ramble about him for hours.
Thanks again to Rose for tagging me!! I had a lot of fun.
Im tagging my mother dearest @bright-hao , @tuanm , @jonisuh , @agustminpd  
and anyone else who sees this and wants to give it a go <3
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unordinary-comic · 7 years ago
So a lot of things happened.
Elaine said everything was still perfectly normal meaning, the next time we see Unordinary everything will be fucked up.
Also her saying this means the invisible kid still hasn't announced to the whole school about Arlo getting his ass handed to him so that's a plus.
The principal probably now knows more about Ember than the police do.
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Let's get into what the happened in the mini authors note 🙃
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(Literally the rest isn't really important so I'm not gonna include it here. You can read it on Webtoon. Make sure you drop a like on the recent episode too!)
But seriously,Uru Chan deserves more. She mentions her long nights and how she had to deal with some personal things.
Yet she still made a episode for us each week. By the way she drew herself as she said that last, it makes me feel like this year she probably wasn't the most joyful person (maybe she lost someone or just generally felt awful)
So please, Dont get mad or upset on her break. She never took a break before to actually relax. Instead head over to her Insta and spam her with love. Tell her how happy the webtoon made you, how amazing she is,or literally anything else!
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sweet-dreaming-girl · 4 years ago
maple and harvest!
maple - is there a hobby / skill that you’ve always wanted to try but never did?
I have so many things I want to do! I want to learn how to play an instrument which I may get to learn how to play the ukulele next semester for a music class I will be taking!
harvest - what fictional character do you most identify with? Why?
Persephone from the webtoon Lore Olympus. She is just soft spoken, means well, but is still gullible. Also if you mess with her too much or the ones she loves you will know. I feel like I am like this. I tend to be more quiet and nice and since I'm nice I let people step over me sometimes and I believe in people to do the same and they dont so hence the gulliblness. Also when I am mad it is kinda scary bc I am ready to fight and since I am a very a quiet person who dislikes conflict it is a shocker to those who may see me mad. But I am rarely mad.
Thank you for these! It was fun even though I responded so late :")
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moonlitstories · 7 years ago
tagged by @fourseasonsofastro
answer 11 questions, tag 11 people then set 11 questions of your own!
What are some things that make you really happy?
Puppies, Astro having fun and smiling, Jinjin, ice cream, my cousins (when they aren’t being annoying), ill stop there lol
2. Are you a multifandom type person?
I’m baby to kpop! i know of a lot of groups but stan 5 (Astro, SVT, Honeyst, SF9, B1A4) so i guess multi
3. What other social media platforms do you use?
facebook, instagram, twitter, snapchat(?), linkedin.. I have them but im not active on them. I’m mainly active here on tumblr oops haha
4. Are academics easy for you?
math was but i dont have anymore math classes :( sometimes it can and sometimes not. I think it depends on the content
5. What’s your favorite hobbies?
reading mangas/webtoons~, games (very random games), and working on my fics and thinking of new ones~
6. Have you ever learned a kpop dance before?
no… i want to but… im very uncoordinated person and told to be very stiff😅
7. Talk about someone you love (can be a bias, irl person, family, etc.)
dang… I can’t choose haha! I’ll go less personal route: Jin Jin is so sweet and caring not just to arohas but especially with his members. He puts up with a lot just from them messing with him but he never gets mad at them. Even the little things that often go unnoticed by the members shows how much he cares for them. He’s so playful and such a dork at times. OMGosh i love his smile and his laugh! and how he has such high self-esteem even though the members always say he’s the least best looking of them (which i think with or without makeup he is handsome)! More than his looks tho, his personality shines so much! I could keep going but ill stop there 😅
8. Fav content creator?
like fics wise? then FORSURE @vonseal I love her fics! I won’t even list cuz I honestly love them all!
9. Can you do a handstand?
I can barely stand straight without somehow toppling over 😂 so no
10. Something you like about yourself♥
I dont have much self-confidence but when it comes to what I wear I stay with my style no matter what? People always tell me i should wear this and that but I like just being simple so it doesn’t bother me when they complain im too simple? Idk how to explain this haha
11. Do you have any funny habits?
sometimes when i’m bored and im wearing something flowy and im alone/no ones look i randomly twirl 😂 or when i get really happy/excited or hyper i either start jumping up and down in place or if im close with someone id start hitting them
tagging: @min-syubi @mysticalheartnerd @astros-turf @b-ace not 11 but whoever else wants to do it can!
What are you like when you get hyper or excited?
Only child or have siblings?
What is something you “oddly” get excited over or obsess about? (for me its snowflakes or a full moon)
How long have you been an aroha?
Who is your ultimate bias and when/how did you realize they were?
Do you have a collection of anything?
What is something you have on your bucket list (or would add if you dont have a bucket list)
What song got you into kpop (and/or group)
Multilingual or just one?
Do you like your birth stone?
Favorite food?
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antiloreolympus · 4 years ago
10 Anti LO Asks
1. ok but thats also i think i dont get? because without the series or character names, what of any of the promo images or banner or anything else give away it's supposed to be a greek mythology story? they just look like people with weird anatomy who are colored like highlighters. at the very least some iconography should be on them, but there's not? like even percy jackson stuff makes sure to give him a trident and have water flowing around him.
2. rachel made three times where persephone could have made the choice to be with hades willingly and didnt do it each time. first time she was drugged and put into his car, where he phsyically handles her unconscious body and puts her in his bed (ew). second is her working for him, which was hera forcing it. third was her going to the underworld not because she wanted to, but because she was hiding from the law/apollo and he found her. where exactly is her agency in all of this?
3. LO seems like the fast food of webtoons. because there's no room to speculate or theorize, you just read an episode and move on, the bright colors distract that it's a rushed and lazy product over something with high quality and effort, the characters are flat and boring, and the plot has no substance. it's meant to be consumed in a rapid binge, because if not you realize what low-effort and what little you're actually getting from it when you slow down and actually think about it.
4. i mean rachel does have some logic to her fancasting, the problem is it seems the only people of color are either demonized for being hypersexual (aphrodite, eros until he's with psyche) or are literally r//pists who are out to harm her white-fa casted persephone (apollo), so yeah, there is logic there, it's just pointing to rachel being (hopefully unintentionally) racist
5. It pisses me so much that I work over time  (using references and looking at paintings and reading history for ideas for interesting character motifs) so that any of the ancient greek characters I draw look cool and authentically greek, and yet fucking Rachel Smythe, who can't even be bothered to do more than 5 seconds of research to learn that not all ancient greek outfits were shitty, minimalist off white and eggshell, gets to be revered as an artistic revolutionary. It pisses me off so. Fucking. Much. Not just for me, but for everyone else like me who absolutely ADORES greek mythology and wants to draw accurate portrayals of these characters! To whoever is reading this, stop. Stop rn and go read Sleep and His Brother Death (a comic on webtoons), go play Hades (the video game), go read The Song of Achilles (a book by Madeline Miller). Those are beautiful pieces of fiction about Greek mythology that deserve your attention more then Rachel and her shitty pink highlighter self inserts.
And a sidenote, I know that this is kinda like a modern AU for the gods. I am aware. Does not change that fact that anytime any character is drawn in ancient greek fashion it's always the SAME. SHITTY. CHITON. Maybe with a.cape or a scarf, but for the most part? It's just the same stupid, off white chiton.
6. oh, i thought you guys were joking persephone is now stuck with red eyes. is that seriously what look we're stuck with now? does rachel know it looks really ugly?
7. i feel like the lineart less style actually hurts LO in a way. way too often you can look at a panel and it becomes really murky where something starts and ends, and it looks even worse on a phone screen, because on an even smaller screen the images look even more compressed, making it even harder to tell stuff apart. this wouldnt be as bad if the comic took back up its more high contrast look from the begging, but now it's all one flat shade and im not sure why.
8. im really confused over the marketing of LO, tbh. like the ads are all hxp focused, but the series name implies its not about them, but focusing on the 12 olympians, but then the synopsis is general mythology and at the very end randomly mentions its about persephone? but then you read it and nots sure whether its a teen romance, a comedy, a serious drama, and can't stay straight with its messaging and timeline? and persephone is not there for a chunk of time. like whats actually going on?? 😭
9. Chapter 173 is like 50% filler. It gives more questions that answers, and not just from the reporters. Like the reporter stuff was mostly filler, and the Persphone and Hades stuff was like yeah we know dont need to drag this on.
My questions are WHAT ARE THE RED EYES? Is it when she’s mad? Horny? Sad? Happy? I feel like the red eyes just show up whenever RS wants to draw them
Flying? I feel like Persphone has always been flying like it wasn’t a bug moment at all. She flew home when Minthe and Hades kissed. But apperently Demeter didn’t know? I guess I don’t remember her flying in the mortal realm but her flying didn’t seem like a big moment, none of the other characters seemed surprised by it.
“Answer mine first!” When i got to that line I reread some of it just to find where the question was. That line normally matters when you’ve already asked the question not if you haven’t gotten there yet. Like of course Demeter is gonna be worried and ask a million questions.
I know the pomegranate pin is gonna be important but I felt the focus on it was a little too much, like an excuse not to cover more this chapter. Because honestly it felt like 5 minutes of the plot was covered in this chapter. 
10. So uh, whats up with Hades weird ass comments... Like "Persephone you look beautiful and if someone says otherwise they can go play on the highway" ???
Because Persephone looking good during a murder trial is clearly the most important thing here.
Also, Perse's response to the reporter who asked her about her friendship with Hades. I mean, on one hand Persephone is right, her "friendship" (or whatever it is they have going on) is nobodies business but her own - but at the same time, its kinda also the underworld denizens right to know in the sense that their future leadership could be affected so they might want to know whats going on if their getting a new co-ruler / Queen that they will be subjects of. They probably will want to know who Persephone is, should she and Hades get married because it's very likely that when (cause lets be real its a 'when' not 'if' they get married) they do get married that Persephone will inherit half the title.
So, eh?
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theoutcastsjournal-blog · 7 years ago
1000 words a day 3
1000 words a day 3
Section 1
So today is the day my mom has to drive my brother to school/college/whatever.
24 years old and he finally decided to learn how to drive because had a mini seizure episode because of severe stress.
My mom has severe stress everyday. She worries about EVERYTHING!!! I feel bad sometimes.
I always think to myself “I have to do something to make her stress free. Maybe help with dept.” but because I have LD it is hard to do any of those things.
I won’t be able to get a job or learn how to drive.
I try really hard to learn the drivers manual, but it is so confusing.
That is one of my goals in life.
If I ever get rich I would hire a driver. Someone I trust. I don’t like uber. So much bad history with them.
Section 2
I use to want to be a game developer, but it finally hit me. Coding is a pain in the neck.
I know so much yet so little about it. I will understand it then I would forget everything I learned.
So I would go back to square one. That is how bad my LD is.
So instead I got fascinated with Picture Books. I like to draw and write which is why I am doing this.
I would like to make an adult picture book like “A Die Hard Christmas” book.
Animating is fun too, but lately I have been feeling nothing for it. Just like being a video game developer.
My feelings have changed a lot throughout the years.
Section 3
I use get offended a lot, but then the day Trump became president and everyone was having a tantrum, that was the day I realized “People need to chill.” I don’t like him either, but come on. really?
You don’t need to throw stuff at windows and break stuff over it. Seriously.
I became more calm after that and now when someone says something stupid. I am just like
“Ok. Whatever you say bruh.” People need to just grow up. Jeez.
Don’t get me wrong I do get mad. Just not over stupid things.
Section 4
My Life is pretty boring, but I am ok with that. All I do all day is chill on my bed and learn stuff.
Look at “how to”s and stuff. Maybe read comics on the internet. Hopefully I have enough knowllege to help my mom.
I use to wanna make stuff and sell it on etsy, but that is not what I wanna do my whole life.
I would rather write a book and publish it. Or a comic.
Have you heard of webtoons they are korean webcomics.
When you read them it keeps going when you scroll down on the internet. It is mobile friendly too.
Section 5
It is almost valentines day and I don’t have a boyfriend. That holiday shouldn’t be a thing.
For the couples it should be just anniversury and cherish there loved ones everyday.
Not make us singles feel like crap every once a year.
No man is gonna want me anyway. I have the shortest hair. Like buzzed cut. My boobs sag because they are so big. I am chubby too. Oh well. Whatever.
Section 6
I am out right now and getting tired and I am only half done.
I am gonna have coffee and a coffee roll.
So there was no more coffee and now I’m sad. But I had my coffee roll so that was good.
I love coffee. It is good and yes it does actually wake you up. I don’t believe them when they say it doesn’t. I always feel dead before I drink it then after I drink it I feel refreshed.
Section 7
I like food. FOOD!!! Yeah. doesn’t matter what food. I like food. I even like selery and my mom gags every time I tell her that.
Section 8
My dad is a hard working man. He is good at what he does and no it is not because he is my dad.
I am serious. I mean he is not the perfect dad. He can be selfish at times. Not only that he doesn’t listen and has selective hearing. Now he is getting senile. Which is super annoying, but there are times where he is funny.
He always has the funniest stories to tell. My dad keeps calm when he needs to. Smart.
I love him because he is my dad.
My mom is the complete opposite of my dad.
She is not calm at all. There is always something she is yelling about. Even things that didn’t even happen. TRUE STORY!!! I love my mom, but she is going nuts. My mom will be mad for me posting this.
But she knows what is right for us even though she overreacts about it.
And She seriously cares and worries about us and makes sure that we are okay and I appreciate that.
She is puerto rican so that will explain a lot.
There are moms who don’t even want there kids around and like it when they are at school.
My mom homeschooled me and my brother most of our lives. I am ok with that. So is my brother.
We had horrible lives outside of the house so that was fine.
Going to church was a mess. My depression started with a stupid church. I always got to take medication for it or I will cry and cry and cry.  It doesn’t make me groggy at all because I found the right meds.
I would go on forever about my parents because they have told stories throughout the years.
Section 9
I dont want kids. Ever. I will die from heart attack if I found out I was pregnant.
Especially since I never had sex.
Being a virgin makes me feel good about myself. I am waiting till after I am married too.
Shut up. I know what your thinking.
That went over a thousand.
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antiloreolympus · 4 years ago
5 Anti LO Asks
1. i dont even think lo persephone is particularly a bad character, i think the issue is rachel has no idea what to do with her. she wants her to be native and innocent but also deadly and confident, but that'd require persephone to have some flaws/complexities, so she just makes up vague "feelings" and the underworld making her smell bad. rachel herself cant commit to actually letting persephone be a real character with weaknesses and flaws.  which just ends up making persephone boring and flat. 
(same anon abt persephone's lack of flaws) the issue too is that because rachel made persephone the most powerful goddess and has hades as the most powerful king with all the resources, all sense of stakes and tension is just not there. they dont even have actual antagonists because apollo, demeter, and leto are jokes, minthe had no power, and everyone falls over backwards to defend hxp, and we already know the ending. the plot and conflict are as shallow as the characters themselves.
2. its honestly kinda ??? that there is art of lo demeter and persephone and how loving of a relationship they are (were?) and yet thats not in the actual comic? like demeter's love for persephone is framed as abusive and cruel and the actual reason for persephone's problems yet everything demeter said would happen did?? and those werent her fault? like its one thing if demeter had all these fears but were proven wrong, but she's time and time again proven right? and is still framed badly for it???
3. i think part of the reason the art of lo doesnt hold up is bc the world is very flat. like the characters are already boring enough in their colors being the only actual character design, but the world around them is very lacking. theres no distinct buildings, no distinct flowers or trees, and the backgrounds all just flat voids of a single color with some sketchup lines slapped on top. now, other webtoons do this too, but its so the panel doesnt become overwhelmed, LO does it to be lazy.
4. the webtoons app updated to where now the main page banners change every time you open the app to let more series get ad space so OF COURS LO has a banner on it and?? its confusing?? like it has persephone being ~sexy in a bathtub~ and the tagline is "no service in the underworld" and its like what does that even mean?? also the ads love to pretend shes this confident, sexual woman when shes literally everything but in the actual comic. its kinda shocking how often the LO ads just lie like that.
5. Comparing LO to some other WEBTOON I would say that LO is too ambitious for its writer. For “Forever After” you normally just have the current issue and the overall issue with the story, so just because we go through characters in that story their characters complete their arcs. True Beauty is drawn out BUT arcs are still tied up abs even tho it’s not as interesting as it was it still holds my attention positively. “The first night with the duke” kinda got past the point I care about but still again has me drawn in. Suitor of Armor’s story is expanding greatly but I feel the writer already has plans for that
BUT LO is another story. The cast seems bloated for the plots going on and I’m losing track. Like Eros got to explain his little story, and then we forgot about it for a bit with Hades and Aphrodite talking about it for a split second and then way later Eros says “I’m gonna find Pyche” but is he looking? No he just asks his mom for more hints we don’t see him try to do anything clever. He doesn’t even find her on his own merit. And after two years we don’t even get a full conclusion how that went. They shot arrows at Apollo and then what? They were high up in the air, was Eros able to break their fall (probably) What about the whole falling for Ampleutus stuff? We probably won’t see anything for another couple months regrading those two.
ARTEMIS! She’s Persphone’s roommate, we know she’s lying about never having a crush but who is it? RS stated Artemis is gay. Does it matter? Does it influence the plot at all? Is it gonna be a big reveal that Zeus is her father? Why does she hate the three kings so much? Does Zeus know he’s her father? Or was Apollo abs Artemis “created” like Persphone and Hera? (Probably not but still)
HESTIA and ATHENA! When did they start TGOEM? Why did they? Hestia isn’t Athena’s aunt right? Was Athena “created” by Zeus? How does Hera feel about that? What was Hestia like before the war and now? Is Hestia close with the other six traitors?
Hera and her kids! We know Hera has more than Hephaestus Ares and Hebe but like what’s the story man? Hera is closer to all three of these children (Zeus seems to discourage Hephaestus presence, Ares defends his mom, and Hebes mad at Zeus for banishing Ares from the house) but these weren’t snap things that happened, it seems like the kids bond to their mother way more than their father just in general before the story, but why? I feel like Hera’s stuff is used as filler but I’m still more interested rather than HXP all the time. Whose the sister? Why is Hera closer to P rather than her own kids it seems. And echo!? Why did Zeus hire her and what’s the agreement?
That ghost that keeps showing up?
Whatever the Kronos revival plot is?
What happened to rhea?
So the Trojan war already happened?
What’s the deal with Demigods?
Nymphs can have parents but sometimes don’t? (Daphne was crested by Demeter, but Thetis has a mom?)
Is Megara and P now just friends? Or did we miss her character where she either gets over hades or plots revenge?
I just feel like with everything LO isn’t planned this far out and it’s just worrying for what she’s in the mood for not tying plots together and getting much figured out. Like the plot just Keep not moving forward because there’s just too much to cover. 
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