#so doing this even tho im late and don't want to cause otherwise i just won't
hyperbolicgrinch · 2 months
✨ weekend wip exposure club ✨
rules: post 7 sentences or a snippet of an unfinished work
@theotherwhybietoldmeso & @killerandhealerqueen .... I return (but at what cost) <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠>
I aggressively scrolled down and picked the part it randomly stopped at so ,,,,
Law found himself far too focused on that last part. He hid it away, nodding.
Dammit. The less he talked about or to Eustass Kid, the faster and cleaner this would go.
They reached another door, this one cut into the length of the hall, and Heat pulled up.
"Give me a second to give Boss a head's up." He stopped with his hand on the handle and glanced at Law. “Dont need to tell me. I'll make it quick.”
Law didn't argue. There was no use rushing in if he was going to hit the roadblock that was Eustass Kid's idiocy. Faster to let his crew get it by him. They seemed to have a system for worming things into his thick head.
Bepo gave a nod of acknowledgement on Law's behalf, and Heat headed in, slipping through the door and leaving it open a slither.
“Oi, Boss.”
"There you are, Heat.” Eustass' voice was pitched far flatter than usual. Less grating screech and more deep tremors below the earth. Lower than Law had heard it all night but close to how he'd spoken when they had been, if he was generous, strategising to use their awakened powers to finally take down Big Mom. “Did ya track down a quack yet? He keeps drifting off."
"We’ve got one,” Heat said, “but you're not gonna like it."
Blushing slightly, Bepo glanced at Law. As though they were eavesdropping instead of waiting like they'd been instructed to.
Law zipped his jacket up further, bringing it to his chin. “You don't have to stay.”
Bepo’s face set, becoming painfully determined. “I’m not leaving you here alone, Captain.”
Law hid his smile on the opposite side of his mouth to what Bepo was standing on, letting the corner twitch up.
"I don't care who it is,” Eustass said on the other side of the door. “Get them in here. Killer's—"
"It's Trafalgar Law."
The silence was stark. A shockwave climbing out of an impact crater, or the remnants of a bare seabed after the waves had been dragged out by the hand of mother nature. Promising ruptured ear drums or terminal drowning if you didn't get far enough away.
Bepo turned his determination on the gap between the door and its frame. Apparently trying to scare off the tension leaking out.
Ignoring the urgency growing in his hands and the impatience in his sternum, Law tapped the toe of his boot on the floor.
“Trafalgar?” As always, Eustass pulled Law’s name apart with his teeth as he said it. The meat of it coming off the bone like something slow cooked.
Law ignored the usual spark it ignited in his gut and tapped his boot again. Getting worked up wouldn't get him through this without a bigger headache.
“Wire figured he was closest,” Heat offered.
Gonna tag @schwazombie and @lolacouldnotcareless incase they've got anything they feel like sharing (but no pressure, of course) (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆
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cl00udyyanan · 2 years
heyy!!! i honestly dunno how to write requests if im suppose to be really indepth or just give u a prompt or smth but if u could i would really like some roommates au kazuha and the antics that come with it
this was a very nice prompt lol thank you for sending it in! i think having kazu as a roommate would be such a fun experience i hope you like it
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synopsis: kazuha is your college roommate and he likes to bake really really late at night
warnings: none really i mean a little fire maybe
characters: kazuha
notes: this can be taken as platonic or romantic don't matter uh this was nice to write and i like the idea of kazuha having a little bit of adhd symptoms bc i can say myself i have baked cupcakes at 2 am and almost caused a fire....
⊱ ───── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.}───── ⊰
•you weren't too excited to have a college roommate, but when kazuha had introduced himself upon entering your small shared apartment, you assumed he was the quiet type so he wouldnt be a bother, boy you were wrong
•kazuha was definitely the quiet type, most of the time you couldn't even tell he was home until he crept up behind you tryna talk to you but instead just scares the mess out of you
•he always had little knick knacks sprinkled around the apartment, one time you found a wooden squirrel with a beanie on the counter
•he was practically the perfect roomie, he'd make breakfast in the mornings often and would clean up (of course you'd offer to help) buys you dinner and stuff , so sweet
•he luckily was not one of those roommates who had people running in and out, but he did have this little green haired guy come over every now and then. you tried to introduce yourself but he kinda ignored you lol
•you also found out he played guitar! he even pops into your room to just strum some songs for you or recite his little lyrics
•it can get kinda annoying when he's playing his instrument in the middle of the night tho :/
•he often asks if you want to go hang out with him like taking walks or going to coffee shops
•he tried to convince you to get a cat for the apartment, when you finally agreed, he instantly had to get rid of the cat bc the landlord saw you tryna bring cat litter into the room lol (we miss you coco)
•in all he is a great roommate
there was one time though...
you knew kazuha was an eccentric person and that sometimes he would have little phases where he'd hype fixate on new hobbies, but baking an entire two tier cake at 2 am had to be a stretch. you were cuddled in your soft blankets in your room, sleeping away from the rest of the world uninterrupted. yet, when a a foul energy entered your lungs and awoke you with a coughing fit.
you threw your comforter off and ran out of your room following the path of black smoke to the kitchen. you mouth flew open with hands on your hips, you found the culprit of the fire, ther was kazuha hardly dressed with just a red shirt on with an underground band on it and a pair of grey basketball shorts. his snow unruly hair held back with a hair tie like he had been working on something. he was hissing through his teeth while carrying a gray steel pan with pink mitts on, he placed the pan on the counter then closed the oven. kazuha's eyes were squint, he hunched over and let out a mess of coughs. the gray smoke accumulating in the air made your eyes stung.
"kazuha what the hell." you coughed out. he peered up at you with his strawberry eyes, a small smile grew on him happy to greet you. you scowled at him. "come on man what are you doing, its two am..." he shrugged and waved the smoke from his face. "making you a birthday cake? he quiped. you walked past him to the window and lifted it up. "dude, my birthday isn't for three more months." you heard kazu chuckle. he took the pan and began to work on his cake again, as if he didnt almost cause a fire. "oh good, it not burnt." you purvhased yourself against the wall, staring at him bewilderingly, he truly was a free thinker. "wow! that smoke you made could have told me otherwise." kazuha let out a bark of laughter, he turned to you with the brightest look on his face. "oh hush, i'll let you have first bit if you stop complaing." he sung. you couldn't say no to that, if the cake comes out right. kazuha definitely wasn't roommate of the year, but he was an amazing person to have by your side, you could never admit that to him though.
⊱ ───── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.}───── ⊰
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i-am-beckyu · 1 year
How is you? :] I is tired, it’s night time, tho I don’t feel like sleeping yet-
Your birthday fic is coming along, I will probably have it done by your birthday, if I balance homework and life right… Let’s have a snippet!
The borrower heard an irritated sigh, and, sure enough, when he looked up there was his escort and best friend, ———.
…who, as he looked closer, seemed ready to murder him. ——— gulped, and tried to play it off casually.
I hope you’re excited! And I also have actually started, and have a decent idea for my 100 followers fic (THANK YOU 3D)
I maaay have taken some inspiration from your 100 followers fic, even most of its original, if you see somethings that seems like MMTS, then I hope you don’t mind :]
Also, randomly, I don’t think anyone’s seen this, but I’ve actually been going around becoming peoples evil, shadow clone counter part (I have way too many side blogs at this point) *cough* anybodywritingao3 *cough* Rose if you see this no you didn’t
So… On a completely unrelated note, what would your evil shadow self be? What would their pfp and username be? :D
also can I ask why everyone’s putting their pfp underwater and how do I join the trend I have no idea how to do that qwq
This ask is getting pretty long, uh, I hope you don’t mind….
I’d like to talk to you more, but I don’t want to bother you :]
(and in an earlier ask you said that I can just message hi in the family discord but that’s basically not possible for me cause I have something called being social anxious around people I find amazing and cool :P)
Okay okay I’ll stop the ask now-
Have a nice day/night if you’d like too!
Cookies? 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
All good all good! I was pretty flat out as it was yesterday and on the weekend. Pretty much played power wash simulator irl cleaning lol.
And I'm good! I hope you slept well (because you should def be asleep right now as of posting this) I'm a bit tired just cause of all the work I did but otherwise feeling good. ❤️
*eats snippet and gets the happy chemicals* oOooOo am so EXCITED FOR THIS FIC!!! BORROWER FIC! BORROWER FIC! LETS GOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! Bu tbut but but as I know everyone is telling you, make sure to not over work yourself and take breaks. You don't have to force yourself to finish any of these fics on time if it means you get some extra sleep or finish the homework you have to do. Sleep being the most important of all things. Not saying you can't do things, just keep a healthy balance <3
and awwwwwww. My MMTS fic has inspired you're own 100 follower special? 🥹🥹🥹🥹 I don't mind at all!!! If anything it makes me extra excited cause it gives me a very vague idea of what the special fic could be centering on (putting bets on a monster meets found family times lol)
@nobodywritingao3 can you please drown @munchkin1156 next? They wanna be part of drowned squad :3
And this ask isn't long at all! You're more than welcome to come chat anytime and as long as you like. You're not bothering me at all <3 Also I get the discord feeling a bit daunting, but I promise everyone is really nice and we're all just a bunch of weird anxious beans that vibe lol.
You're more than welcome to just chat in private dms tho too. Whether it's on discord or tumblr dms, if you'd like to just chat rather than through asks, you're more than welcome to message me. I respond as quick as I can but life and lifing sometimes and can make response time slow lol.
Thank you for the kind wishes, I'm having a lovely morning so far and I hope you have a lovely day too.
Thanks for the cookies! Lollipops? :3 🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭
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noturaverageceleste · 11 months
Writing Class Thoughts
Really had to listen to poems about sports. This class is too long. I want food. I've been so mindlessly hungry lately. I think I'm just bored. I need to channel this energy into getting job interviews. The scheduling has me fucked up though. I'm going home in less than a week. But just to visit. I do have my class schedule planned out for next semester so I guess I could apply for that scedule and wait for a job next semester. I think that would do. I gotta ask my parents about it. I'm out of money now. I only have a month and a half left for this semester but I have no income and my bank acounts are pretty much dry. I need to find another way to make it through this next month and a half before going home for the holidays and working for 3 weeks. So much on my mind. I'm having issues being present recently. It's just not fun right now. I'm glad I got everything out of the way and don't have much work left here. But damn, I just eating my boredom away and just playing sims. I am acting like I'm on break but i'm not. I need to get back to reality.
My god this class is bleak. These poems are so boring. sorry to the class but these poems don't make sense. So far, only one was great but I couldn't say anything cause I would just be repeating everyone else. It was that good!
This bitch is such an INCEL! Asexual queen I guess. This school need more expereince. How did I end up n a school full of socially awkward horny nerds? Was this my energy in high school? the way i was out here hooking up with dudes in the basement of the school says otherwise. wtf?
I LOVE THIS KID! HE'S SO THEATRICAL! Go off king! read ya own poem to the class! I know he knows he ate! He should voice the new hunger games film good lord! Voice acting skills on point! Read me to sleep on audible king! Only nerdy kid at this school i respect! not true. I respect them all. But still! Go off king!
The way my professor didn't know what his poem was about bahahahahaha. Man poured his heart out in this damn poem and he says "yea i had to google that" bahahahahahaha I love this class.
I can't focus on this shit. Like I really can't. I think this class is just not working for me. These people annoy me. Not even everyone just a select view. Their energy is so low vibrational. These people need healing.
Interesting how asexual people exist. But there is a difference etween asexual and a-romantic. It's funny how people tend to put the two together. I think that asexual people can have romantic love but just don't know how to have that because society makes us think that all romance is sexual. It's not. Love is love and can be expressed in so many ways. I hope that girl in my class finds that. Someone she can love romantically but not have to be sexual with. That's almost every girls dream I feel. Not mine though. Give me the sexual experience!
"Sexual heallinnggg"
Is this about someone on their period??
Bitch you are a body huh? I bet a man wrote this.
This actually a good poem. damn. I spoke too soon. That's the thing with poetry. I need to read it multiple times in a row in order to get it.
I think I know who's poem this is. She over there smiling and twirling her hair. She's nice. Despite how annoying she is, she's very smart and bright and has a sharp mind. She notices more than she says too. I just know it. Very introspective. But damn she can talk ya ear off and be hella annoying. Oversharing queen.
wow! leaving class early once again. This class chill. I take back all my negative thoughts. Sike! All feelings are valid!
I fucking knew it was her!
Damn did this asexual bitch take a nap somewhere? good lord! these kids just out here sleeping in the library. Ghetto! go shower queen.
Wow I need to chill. Bout to get my free bread tho heheheheh
yea, this poem was cool. She should do more art. She's way better at it than she thinks. She said she get's told she's a great writer and then she says 'yea i know" go off bitch! Excited to see her presentation tomorrow in our other class.
I always gotta pee the most in these bodycon dresses. Gotta get naked just to pee like why?
0 notes
puphee · 2 years
Hi ceb, well idk how to start but...i don't know do u even relize that u as a writer are already make a ton of people happy and forgot about their life problem, idk about anyone else but for me, u did. I have a lot of life problem and im pretty sure a lot of people has it too, but lately my problem just getting more shitty, i got deppresed b'cause i got rejected from university that im applying to, my mom always talk shit about me, the pressure that my dad put on my shoulder for beeing the 1st child in the family and need to be succes, so when he's die i can take care of my brother and sister, lonely feeling that kills me slowly b'cause i dont really have a friend, my bestfriend move to another land the one who really care about me just gone, even tho we still interact through chatting but it feels different. Ifeel so tired for all of that, sometimes i just want to gave up and just die, sinking into my pain, nothing really convience me to stay breathing untill this day except the work that u did, when im read ur masterpiece i feel healed, im happy, it feels like im living a new life inside ur story, so i hope u proud about ur self, and keep ur spirit for writing bcause of that without u even relize u already keep one body still breathing untill today, u keep one soul happy, u make someone stand strong. Sometimes i feel so sad when one of my favorite writer closed their blog 'cause i'll think "Where i can find another happines again?" So i hope u will always be here, and please be proud about ur self, i love you from the deepest side of my heart ♡
I have two responses I'd like to give to you, and I hope they are still nice and light-hearted enough to convey how I feel in depth about your words.
Response one:
Omg I literally as I was reading I could feel my expression changing, like my smile was slowly growing throughout reading this and I'm really honoured that you think of me and my work so highly. I'm glad I can bring you happiness while everything else is stressful for you. I understand where you are, I'm also the oldest in my family, however I get the feeling out family situations are drastically different. Despite that, I totally understand the pressure you feel as the oldest. Being the one who has to ALWAYS set the good example for the younger ones and it feels like you're literally not allowed to mess up once, like everyone you love will be disappointed in you if you do. It's a really stressful position to be in, when you're the Oldest sibling. I understand the tension between you and your mother, as well. Although, again, I think like our family dynamics are widely different, I can understand the pain she causes you by being (for lack of a better word) a total bitch to you. My mom and I have had our fair share of fights, I even stopped calling her mom at one point. She said some very nasty things about me that, although we've made up, still hurt to this day. In a typical family, at least what you see portrayed in most movies and cartoons, your mother is supposed to be nurturing, guiding and, if you're a daughter, your best friend. I couldn't have that relationship with my mother, either, and I still don't have that kind of relationship with my own. I understand how upsetting that can be, and I really feel for you. I want you to know how proud I am of you, despite technically being a complete stranger to you. I want you to know that you are so loved and cherished, despite your brain probably telling you otherwise. I believe in you, I do. If you ever feel the need to rant or vent about your day or if you just want someone to give you some probably-not-comepletely-realistic-advice, feel free to come to me. I know it's not my responsibility, but I want you to know my intentions of being a safe person for you are still there.
Response two:
As I said in response one, I totally get where you're coming from, and I really appreciate that you enjoy my content and feel safe enough with me to talk about these things with me. I'm really honored to receive such praise. However, it is a little uncomfortable. I feel like you're placing me on a pedestal, deeming me of greater quality that I actually am. From the way you worded that you are so sad when your fave writers close their blogs and you feel you have to search for happiness again, it sounds like you are very dependent on constant content and consistency. I think I worded that incorrectly, but again, it's 1am, and I have yet to take my medication lol. I don't mean to say this in a way that sounds rude or mean or anything, I promise you that, but one day, I'm going to close my blog, too. Of course I have no intention of doing so any time soon, but it's a likely outcome. Most tumblr writers I've been friends with or have followed had gotten tired of their work or things outside of tumblr happening that made them close their blogs or leave for a really really long time. There are a lot of things us writers have to deal with just like you do. We could be in the same stressful positions, which could lead us to feeling so stressed or unmotivated or unhappy that our hobby, that sometimes seems like a job, no longer brings us satisfaction or joy. Sometimes things like that happen. It happens to all of us. Even our idols, our friends, our family, our acquaintances. It happens. It's not something we can control. The way you have worded this makes me feel an uncomfortable sense of responsibility that I shouldn't have to feel. I think you should search for more than just my fanfiction to bring you happiness. Maybe pick up a new hobby, find a program or community you feel welcomed enough to meet new people and make new friends. Maybe reach out to old friends to see if you can spark those friendships back up again. Maybe just take a few days to relax and take care of yourself. Find something, anything, other than me and my work to find you happiness. Of course, I would still love to be a source of happiness and comfort to you, it's really what I strive to do with my online presence. But I don't want to do that all on my own. I don't want to be exclusively the only person who can make you happy. Maybe it's my commitment issues talking, but that just makes me really uncomfortable. And again, I mean this to sound as light-hearted and friendly as possible while also letting you know seriously how I feel. I want my responses to feel really genuine, because I promise, I mean all of this genuinely and truly. I'll still be here, but I'd like you to find another thing that makes you happy, so I'm not all alone in being your favourite. I really appreciate you telling me all of this and how you felt. I genuinely and truly am grateful for your praise and good thoughts, however undeserving I may be at times. I care for you just as much as I do my other followers, and I always want to be some sort of a safe haven for you.
I hope what I said was understandable and didnt come off as bratty/rude/or insensitive. I mean all of this from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for supporting me the way you do. Your love means a lot to me.
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Are you going to finish the Tiny Virgil AU? Cause the last chapter ended on a cliffhanger. If you don't feel like finishing the whole thing, you could maybe give us bullet points of what was supposed to happen?
Ahaha whoops, I kinda forgot that fic. at the rate I'm going, it'll take like ten years for that or any of my other fics to get finished. Tbh, I actually have a whole outline for that one? Acantha (@theeternalspace) and I brainstormed the rest ages ago and then I took our thoughts and bullet-outlined it out.
The thing is? Like, emotionally I want to hold onto my thoughts and finish it, but if I am to be completely honest, realistically it probably won't happen. Because I wanna prioritize Gibbous over it and all.
so tldr: I'd like to write more installments, but in the case I never finish it and/or you don't care about spoilers, check the read more for what happens.
warnings: hurt/comfort, crying, morally grey sides (all sides are present so beware idk its been awhile im not up to date with how the fandom handles this sorta thing)
Chapter 5
Anx cant believe he forgot about Thomas!
He was so caught up in Creativity wanting to play with him, he's forgotten about his whole purpose
He goes to the real world, worried about all the things that could've befallen his host without his guidance
Anx is confused to be faced with adult Morality and another...side?
Thomas is big, Anx is not
This can't be real, can it? How can he protect Thomas like this?
Roman shows up, but the damage is dealt (Ro and Pat converse a bit)
Virge starts panicking and panics even more when he sees Thomas affected by it
Ro & Pat try to comfort Virge but no use
It's Thomas who gets to him. Who is...helping? Why?
"Wh-why are you so nice? I'm bad, I hurt you--I do bad things."
Thomas looks sad at that. He tries to explaining that he doesnt think Virge is bad, he can be good
Virge doesnt really understand but at the same time...Thomas loves him??
Thomas offers him a hug and he accepts it. Still so confused but at least his host loves him.
Chapter 6
Virgil ends up tuckered up in Thomas' arms
"Crying is exhausting, don't like it" He complains to Roman.
"I know. You've been very brave, little prince."
It's not that late but Thomas seems nervous. "I should go to bed." (Basically feels like if he doesnt adhere to his childhood bedtime, he'll get in trouble aka lil Virgil's influence)
Patton asks if he'd like for him to accompany him and Thomas nods
Roman and Virgil end up back in the mindscape with Patton promising to follow soon after
Roman tucks him into bed
Patton comes back, looking tired, and both Roman and Patton agree to talk with Logan in the morning about things
in the morning with Virgil still asleep, Lo, Pat and Ro talk briefly
Logan shares some theories (Age regression maybe?)
Patton tells them what's up with Thomas
Roman decides to bother the Dark Sides. "If this happened before in the past, they would know, wouldn't they? And if they're behind it this time then I can get them to stop it"
They decide to have Patton look out for Thomas again and for Logan to watch over Virgil while Roman ventures out to the Dark Sides
Chapter 7
Logan mulls over what is happening
Grateful that Thomas is going to bed early at least
He is not worried, he is Logic
Tries focusing hard on his book
Virgil wakes up, disappointed to see Logan and not Roman
Roman ventures through the dark mindscape
infodump detail on how it differs vs. the regular mindscape, quiet, silence nobody is around
"HELLO" Roman screams as his brother pops up
"What do I owe brother dear for this visit?"
Virgil is worried about Roman, but Logan placates him a bit
The two end up doing a puzzle
During which Virgil randomly hugs Logan
When Logan asks why, Virgil explains "You're scared. Hugs make me feel less scared"
Logan thanks him for the sentiment but insists he is not scared
"You're scared, I can feel it. It's okay, I get scared lots of times so you don't have to." Virgil says
And then Logan's fear dissipates
He stares at Virgil, shocked, because did tiny virge take his fear away??
And if so, if tiny virge knows how to do this, has adult Virgil been doing it without them knowing??
Chapter 8
"I know you did it" Roman growls. It makes sense really. Remus did random things for sh*t and giggles
Remus blinked "Oh! You found out about ____, didn't you?"
"What no!" Roman says, disgusted. "I'm talking about Virgil."
"Wait, you think I did it with Virgil? Mr. Emo?"
"NO!" Roman snaps. "Stop playing dumb!"
The two have a scuffle, ending up with Remus having a sword at Ro's throat (who is stuck in green goop)
"I really don't know what you mean." Remus says, "What is it exactly do you think I did again?"
Logic must hate him, Anx thinks, otherwise why would he be looking strangely at him?
but its okay, even if it really really really hurts, Anx has done it before and would do it again to keep from any of them feeling pain
He asks if Anx took his fear away and he nods
surely this must be a happy thing but Logic seems even more upset
the fear grappling tiny virge is foreign. It's so different than fears he's taken before. He finds himself drowning in it. he doesnt quite understand most of it. But there's fears about himself, Logic being scared for him, not of him. (basically oh boy adult fears are much harder to process for a child Anxiety)
Logic grips his hand and asks for his fears back
"I can't" Tiny Virge says, shaking like a leaf
Logan asks it again. Virge shakes his head "I can't, I--I don't know how!"
He really doesnt know how. Usually he just holds it all in until it explodes.
Logic echoes some of what the fear is telling him, that Logic cares for him. And weirdly, it means a lot for him to hear that Logic actually cares.
But noooo he must only care because of Thomas, right?
Anyways this is resolved somehow idk lmao and then Logan is called to help with Thomas
Virgil promises Lo he'll be okay, not wanting to stop him from being able to help their host
Logan promises he'll back momentarily
Virgil squeezes Zola and tries his best to stay calm
Previously on Rem and Ro
Roman spills the beans on whats up
Deadbeat silence
Remus then babbles about how he has no clue what Roman is talking about, but is super intrigued and wants to check this out for himself
He sinks out as Roman grabs onto his ankle, but isn't enough to stop him from sinking out.
Chapter 9
Little Anx squeaks, shadows gathering at his feet, ready to strike at....
A Green-Dressed Creativity? He dresses fancily like him.
Green laughs. "No, I'm The Duke! Princey's my brother!"
And Lil Virge is kinda confused but rolls with it because Creativity pretending to be someone else/splitting himself into two is a very Creativity thing to do and isn't too worried about it.
Roman shows up, fuming
However, because of Virgil, he has to play nice
They end up having a pretend tea party
Roman finds himself shocked that Remus is decent with kids? Or at least a Kid Anxiety??
He still says outrageous things but Virge giggles at them (Basically kids really have no baseline for moral right-or-wrong, they find talk of murder funny)
Roman feels a bit guilty/regretful realizing he never played much with Remus growing up
Eventually, Logan pops up slightly frazzled
He's relieved to see the twins there looking after Virgil
Explains the situation w/ Thomas to Roman while Remus and Virgil play
Patton pops up, looking slightly weary, leading Roman and Logan to insist he take a day off from watching Thomas
Upon seeing Logan & Patton, Virgil runs up to hug Logan, but shies away from Patton
Patton tries to hide his disappointment about this
Remus tries to leave upon seeing Lo and Pat are here
but Virge clings to him, insisting he stays
The Others agree, and Remus perks up a bit.
Somewhere, there's a discussion about Virge again, late at night?
Logan reveals Virgil taking fears from him
At some point it's decided to leave Janus out of it as it's unknown how little Virge would react to him and the fact that Janus most likely knows what's up and has chosen to stay out of it
It's decided that Remus and Roman will traverse the Imagination to see if there's a solution there
Logan will be with Thomas
Meanwhile Patton will look after Virgil
Chapter 10
Patton's POV
Little Virge is upset about both Remus and Roman leaving
they try to placate him but it does little. (Telling him how they'll stay safe and they don't want him going because they want to keep him safe)
Patton's heart breaks but he has to holds back Virge.
Eventually the two have heart-to-heart
Apparently the two had a classic childhood spat, that means a lot to Virge even tho poor Pat doesnt remember the spat at all.
Pat tells them they're the best of friends now, even shows him evidence
Virge feels a little better
Sees a snake stuffy in Pat's room, asks about Dee
Patton deflects
The two end up making cookies together
The Imagination is a bust, although the twins return squabbling in a good mood
And Remus has a "present" for Virgil, who delights in it.
They chat, when suddenly Virgil screams
Chapter 11
Virgil's POV
He's been trying his best to stay calm, to hold back the anxiety gained from Logan and also the other fears swelling inside of him
But it's too much, and push comes to shove. A burning sensation occurs
And it explodes
He has a panic attack and realizes it extends into the real world
Overwhelmed and upset, he runs off.
He runs off to his hideaway and sits there
Getting bombarded with fears
He's there for what feels like hours when--
"Oh my dear Anxiety" A crooning, unfamiliar yet familiar voice says
Virgil looks, surprised, to see Deceit!! There's a lot more scales and he's wearing a funny outfit but it's him
He is happy to see him albeit sobbing into his capelet because of what happened.
Dee holds onto him going, “Shhhh everything’s alright. Shhh it’s not your fault. It’s my fault, I’m sorry—“ and Virgil interrupts shrieking it can’t be his fault, because in his mind Dee would never do anything bad and it hurts Dee to know that young Virge has so much faith in him.
"You'll hate me" But Little Virge refuses to accept that. "You're lying, you don't mean that"
"Okay, you caught me. "We stay best friends forever" OR something along those lines
Dee convinces him to bring back to the others, that they don't hate him
When they return, the others "freaking out" is a mild understatement.
Dee slowly produces tiny Virge out of his capelet.
Hisses at them to keep their distance because crowding Virge will only freak him out
Apologies and misunderstandings are made clear
Thomas summons all of them and they all have a sleepover
Virgil falls asleep snuggled between Remus and Dee
Chapter 12
Maybe Roman's POV?
Along with Thomas, they have a discussion
Dee waits a bit, before revealing that he's behind the reason for Virge's current state.
As his role Deceit, he has access to both truth and lies. One lie is that Virgil believes his kid self died and is no longer a part of him--attempting to actively repress those memories
He then points out the childish aspects of each side's function. (Maybe Logan input something about growing up and stuff)
P: "But why would Virgil think this?" J: "oh gee, I wonder why. It isn't like he was made to feel like an outcast from a very young age or anything"
Instant Guilt for all
Anyways Dee explains some mishap occurred, thus reverting Virgil back to this state
You get the sense Janus isn't telling the whole truth.
Janus says he has a way to fix things, and that's when there's a noise
Virge is there, standing incredibly still, slightly heavy breathing
"Anx, it's okay, we're not upset"
Little Virge heard everything and is upset but he understands
He knows Thomas needs big him, and the others reassure him that they'll be there for him, each having a small moment with him
Then he starts glowing brightly, causing them all to be alarmed, Janus included
Chapter 13
Virgil is back and boiiiiiii is he freaked the heck out
The Others including Thomas are all there, F*CK how can he ever recover after they saw him like that?
He's both embarrassed and mortified
Not to mention it hurts to have two sets of childhood memories rattling inside his head. One that was lonely and painful, and the other that was happy but fake
He snaps at Janus and ends up fleeing in his room
He doesn't duck out
He cant do that
He just doesnt....go out. He doesn't want to hear the jokes start. He doesnt want the babying or the pitying to start.
He does his job and that is that.
(inwardly he knew this would happen, but not like this)
They try summoning him (Thomas included) but he wont come out. His door is locked.
Patton slips a note under the door but Virge refuses to look at it.
Blares MCR
Somehow Zola appears in his room, and he'd like to tear it apart or something, but he can't help but squeeze the stuffed bat tight and cry for the childhood that never was.
A week passes, and there's a very sad prince at his door
Virgil ends up letting him in because look, he's not a monster
it's very...awkward at first
but they eventually have a heart-to-heart and some snarky banter
and Virgil is very confused when Princey feels the need to apologize to him
They also discuss Janus and Virgil very reluctantly agrees to talk to him
Virgil ends up talking with Janus over tea
Janus doesn't really look at him, staring at his teacup as he explains himself
and dammit, Janus has hurt him (but then again so has Virgil hurt Janus)
But a part of him really misses him. A part of him that has always missed him.
Janus explains he just wanted to know where he went wrong in their friendship, that he went the round-about way because knew Virgil wouldn't talk to him but messed with things he shouldnt and accidentally caused Virgil to revert to the age before their friendship started fraying by accident.
He admits that he almost wanted to leave Virgil that age, to take advantage of it as a way to start again, but ultimately couldnt let himself take advantage of virgil in that way
He also apologizes, telling Virgil "Showing weakness isn't bad. I told you once that you had to stay strong and not let anyone see it, but I was wrong" and that he understands if Virgil doesnt accept his apology right away or if ever
And Virgil doesnt completely accept, not yet, but he's willing to try
It ends happily with them going down to dinner with the others. (possibly Virgil having moments with the others??)
the end
BONUS, Written Scene from Chapter 11 w/ Virge's and Janus's reunion because I was self-indulgent and wrote ahead
“Oh my dear Anxiety,” A silky voice croons, so achingly familiar.
He sniffles, raising his head to meet eyes with the much older face of his best friend; Deceit. It has to be, there is no other side whose left side of face is reptilian in nature. He’s crouching beside Virgil, only one set of arms present at the moment. He’s wearing a funny outfit, but then Deceit has always dressed funny, just like Creativity. Neither of them have ever been worried about standing out.
“Dee!” Anxiety cries out, all but flinging himself onto the older side. The velocity of it flattens the two onto the ground, with Deceit letting a small grunt from the impact. He’d be more worried about possibly hurting Deceit if he wasn’t too busy bawling his eyes out into the strange cape Deceit is wearing.
Deceit strokes his hair, so soft and gentle. Then two sets of arms hoist Anxiety upwards, settling him onto Deceit’s lap. Deceit hugs Anxiety, cocooning him in a warm embrace. For a moment, everything feels normal again. As if they’re all kids still and Anxiety had sought Deceit for comfort after a bad nightmare.
Then Deceit speaks, saying words meant to be comforting. They are comforting at first, until Deceit says things that don’t make sense. And Anxiety knows Deceit is a liar, that he says things that aren’t true. But he knows when Deceit isn’t lying. They’re best friends after all.
“Shhh, it’ll be alright. Shhh, it’s okay. You didn’t do anything wrong, it’s not your fault. It’s mine. I hurt you and I’m--”
“No?” Deceit repeats.
“No, it--it--you didn’t do anything bad, you wouldn’t!” Anxiety says, nearly shrieking, “You’d never, ever, hurt me. We’re best friends and best friends don’t do that.”
A strange, choking noise erupts from Deceit. Anxiety looks to see Deceit’s human eye glistening. His best friend’s lips quiver, like Anxiety gets when he gets too scared to speak. Except Deceit is never scared. He always knows what to say in a situation, confident in ways Anxiety could never be.
“Oh, I’ve forgotten what you were like at this age,” Deceit whispers, so low that Anxiety thinks he wasn’t meant to hear it. Then Deceit shakes his head, a weird laugh escaping him. “You’re going to hate me, Anx. Or rather, you’re going to hate me more after this is all over.”
“You’re lying,” Anxiety accuses, his fingers tightening around the fabric of Deceit’s cloak, “You don’t mean that. I love you, Dee, you’re my best friend and--and...Big Me is still best friends with you, right?!”
Deceit inhales sharply, as if there’s something stuck in his throat. Before Anxiety can even grow concerned for his well being, he breaths out a long dramatic sigh.
He rolls his eyes, smirking, “Alright, you caught me.”
“I did?”
“Yes. I was only lying to scare you out of crying,” Deceit assures him, “I didn’t mean to scare you into thinking we weren’t best friends still. Of course we are.”
“G-good,” Anxiety huffs, “don’t scare me like that, Dee, I don’t like it!”
“I won’t do it again, I promise,” Deceit says, his smirk fading a bit as he takes on a somber expression, “it still isn’t your fault for what happened, Virg--Anxiety. Neither I or any of the others think it is. They certainly despise you for it.”
“Despise?” Anxiety’s heart jumps a bit, “Oh! You mean...you’re saying...they don’t despise me?”
“I don’t know,” Deceit raises an eyebrow, “Why don’t you try reaching out? See what their fears tell you.”
Anxiety closes his eyes, sticking his tongue out in concentration. If he thinks super hard, he can envision everyone's fears like spider webs, branching all over the mindscape, interconnected in some ways and in others, completely disconnected in each side's little corner.
And he is the itsy bitsy spider, that scuttles about and maintains the webs to some degree. Because a little bit of fear is good, it helps keep Thomas alive. So he traces the webs and searching for what Dee suggested. There is one thread present, in every nook and cranny of the web, he searches, even in the splinter-offs. One fear that repeats and loops through the whole network that he has never seen before.
"Oh." Anxiety breathes, eyes widening. They're not afraid of him. They're afraid for him, worried about his safety and wellbeing. Anxiety doesn't know what to think of that.
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agstud-archive-blog · 7 years
I don't think they're the most underrated ship, but they definitely deserve more love, cause you know, daegu line! That's all that matters. I think that people don't see chemistry, like, tae and yoongs don't seem too close, at least in front of cameras, and the fandom has this image of yoongi been mean to tae :/ I just think that they're more reserved with each other (?) Idk why tho, it's just the way their relationship is I guess. But when they do interact they bless us with beautiful moments.
i agree with you, anon!! the few moments we see them interact are worth a thousand!! theyre so lovable jhfsdfgyds i wish they could interact more :(((( i lov them so so so so much!!
but they’re still the most underrated ship and i can even explain why!! but it’s gonna be a long post so ill put a read more thingy at some point haha
well let’s take it like thisss (it’s gonna be a wild ride so fasten your seat belts)…….we’ve got: 
suga+jin: roomies, ‘how do we put the youngsters to sleep’ duo, ‘i don’t want any other roommate’, jin the only member than can shut yoongi up, the shy skinship yoongi initiates shdgsydgku jin saying he almost fell for a man bc yoongi is so manly!!
jin+jhope: 2seok aka the saviours of ahl, the ‘laugh until you cry or go home’ team, the happy clouds of bangtan, jhope aka jin’s personal dance instructor, always extra, so much Skinship!!
rapmon+jin: ????? do i need words for this?? the married couple of bangtan according to our reliable source park jimin??? the ‘we say we can’t dance but we dance better than 80% of our fans’ duo?? namjoon winking at jin like they were the only ones in the room?? yeah
jimin+jin: kings of vlive??? providing us with such good (?) vlive content or anyway inside jokes that we dont get yet we still laugh with them bc theyre such sweethearts, literally the definition of sweethearts, jimin or widely known as jin’s dad jokes’ biggest enthusiast, jin’s fav baby
v+jin: december babies, indirect kiSS plus bonus: the disrespectful 18+ moment they’ve had on stage at mama 2k16, tae looks up to jin so much!!! he’s always so heart eyes for him, yet this goes unnoticed most of the time, skinship skinship so much skinship (tae licking his finger after wiping some cake off jin’s lips???? eXPLAIN), they took a shower together, let that sink in,,,
jin+kook: the oldest meets the youngest…but…who is rlly the youngest??? jin literally raised kookie, can we all rmbr how jin used to drive kook to school everyday?? inside jokes, meme generators, extra extra, jungkook annoying jin 24/7 but we all know the only reason he’s still alive is bc he’s the apple of jin’s eye 
jhope+suga: sope, literally, bighit ships them what else do you want??? yoongi or hobi’s biggest fan?? yeah not much to say about them since this ship is EVERYWHERE i lov 
rapmon+suga: aka the ship that brings the most feels as in theyre gonna make you cry, literally, theyre the definition of ride or die together, together since the start, wrote songs about their story, the Emo duo, genuine and hardworking, went through the most sh*t but stuck together till the end bc they lov each other, lit af, yoongi bought namjoon a new wallet
jimin+suga: *cough* if i start talking about it i cant stop *cough* soft soft soft, another one of bighit’s official ships ‘mini mini cupid duo’, small and adorable, grump and not so grump, ‘jimin is mine cant give to anyone’, TONY MONTANA FT JIMIN SAVED THE WORLD, clingy yoongi, yoongi aka jimin’s fav hyung, love hate but we all know that even the hate is just disguised love, jhope calling them suji when they were late for the rehearsal, rlly ill stop now bc otherwise ill go on forever
suga+kook: sugakookieee, lamb skewers, overwatch +other video games, nerdy duo, yoongi always pats jungkook on the back of his neck like the Proud Brother he is, jungkook loves yoongi sm like he respects him a lot and he’s always so happy to be with him sjdgsdyg
rapmon+hobi: ‘94 liners, the pervs, they’re the pervs of bangtan and expose each other on this (never forget), namjoon: *talks about deep stuff, is emo* hobi: *breathes near joon* namjoon: *still deep, but more positive about the world* hOBI HAS THAT POWER, they called themselves rice cakes bc they’re sticky to each other, always together, probably hobi opens up in front of joon the most and we all know that hobi is also lowkey emo so im pretty sure namjoon knows hobi’s emo side the best :’(
jimin+hobi: two words: skinship and rainbows. they lov each other sm and the pda is all over the place!! supportive and lovable, two angels!!!! ‘jimin is my present’, jhope always kissing jimin on the head :’( rlly weird, they do silly things 24/7 and no one can complain bc we all love them, soft spots in everyone’s hearts
v+hobi: loud, happy, love, too much energy, pda, love, they’ve shared a kiss, fashion icons, weird, love, tae loves hobi so so so so much he bought him those ugly but expensive gucci slippers, hobi takes care of him so much dudousdud, probably one of the first bangtan ships that conquered the world
hobi+kook: kook said it!!! jhope is an angel!!! he confirmed our theories!!! hobi always playing with kookie’s hair and caressing him!! kook always reassuring hobi that he’s handsome!!! supportive older brother!! hugs hugs hugs
jimin+monie: namjoon always dies bc of jimin, his heart melts instantly when it comes to jimin!!! he’s sooo weak for jiminnnn, small and tall, clingy jimin always hugging namjoon and being there for him when he’s sad :( they’re so supportive i cant believe!!! they’re so dvsfdfys two cuties in different sizes
v+monie: roomies, photoshoot besties, museum dates, art hoes, namjoon always believes in him and sees through his silly antics, he knows how smart tae rlly is and how talented and strong he is, they call each other ‘cute’ sooo often they’re so heart eyes for each other!!
rapmon+kook: virgo duo, namjoon loves kook so much and he always compliments him, the golden maknae supporter!! musiciansss making covers and songs together!! jungkook joining bighit bc of namjoon?? nut
v+jimin: FRIENDSHIP GOALS!!! they lov each other to the moon and back!!! soulmates!!! i dont even need to explain!!!
jimin+kook: busan duo, so. much. teasing!! jimin is the type to shower kook in glitter and lov whereas kook is what you would call a tsundere, but he started fanboying over jimin more lately so yeah bless them, jimin the most reliable kook fansite, feeding us when jungkook goes into his hole to play overwatch
v+kook: probably the biggest ship, maknaes, sO CLOSE to each other, like…way too close, have you guys heard of personal space?? again, not much to say about this ship bc taekook speaks for itself lmao
and last but not least…TAEGI: daegu duo, ???, tae called yoongi cool, ???, booty slaps from time to time, tae trying to compliment yoongi but yoongi being too shy to accept them jdhfufs, ???, rare skinship, ???, yoongi being shook when tae started singing like same!! their date in hawaii!!!
and that’s kinda about it…….no interactions…..no content…..underrated…..sadness engulfing me………:’(
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omglr · 5 years
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like socialism, feminism, and feminist.
You: hi
Stranger: Abortion is the literal definition of the slippery slope. First they say aborting a fetus is okay and them they move onto late term abortions and everyone is accepting it! Soon they’ll say aborting babies is okay and then say that a mother has the right to abort her teenage sons. Soon, they’ll be aborting all adult men because the end goal of feminism is genocide. That’s why I call them feminazis, because they literally advocate for eugenics and the murder of an oppressed group that gets blamed for everything (men)
You: ha
You: hey dude
Stranger: feminazis are cancer
Stranger: hi
Stranger: the war on masculinity is also a slippery slope
You: ha
Stranger: first destroy gender norms and patriarchy
Stranger: then they want to destroy men
You: dang you need some better boots boy
Stranger: feminists are our oppressors
You: like, these ideas aren't getting much traction with me
Stranger: are you a feminazi?
You: maybe you just live in a rainy hilly area
Stranger: shut up bitch
Stranger: im a man
You: yeah dude, it seems like you've got it rough
Stranger: why are feminists so mean?
Stranger: what did i ever do to them?
You: like, those are some wacky problems that aren't really hurting you
Stranger: yeah they are its a slippery slope
Stranger: they’re going to kill all of us
You: sliperry slopes are logical falacies boy
Stranger: no
Stranger: its the truth
Stranger: birth control is a gateway drug to murdering all men
You: dude, the world is collapsing cause of capitalism
You: not ladies
Stranger: lol are you a commie
You: yeah dude
You: and i hate nazis
Stranger: good for you. you should hate feminists
Stranger: they are literally fascists
You: ha
You: na dude, i'm like more into hating actual facists
Stranger: they are fascist, they want to take away our free speech
You: lol
Stranger: and they dont want our men to just be men
Stranger: feminazis are misandrists
You: you must be trollin boy
You: you sound histarical
Stranger: im not a troll
You: well that's just sad then
Stranger: and lol im hysterical?
Stranger: well you’re a woman
Stranger: so you’re even more hysterical
Stranger: are you on your period?
You: lol
You: yeah bro
Stranger: lol!
You: and you're the one raggin' on me
Stranger: you’re a man hater, all feminazis are
You: lol
Stranger: im just defending masculinity
You: its pretty offputing look honestly
You: you ever get head?
Stranger: no because i am a mgtow who doesnt need females in my life!
You: have you considered going your way into oncoming traffic?
Stranger: lol real men commit suicide the right way only girls attention whore like that
You: or joining the navy ?
Stranger: i once shot myself in the head
Stranger: twice
Stranger: didnt even die
You: tyler durden was gay
Stranger: lol @ all the girls who overdose or walk into traffic
Stranger: just looking for attention
Stranger: whos tyler durden?
You: yeah attentions seakers are pathetic
You: you're tyler durden
Stranger: no?
Stranger: im a real man
You: fight me then
Stranger: lol i dont hit women
Stranger: despite me being a mgtow i still care about chivalry
You: i'm not a woman
You: i'm you
Stranger: the f??
You: yeah b
You: i'm just a projection
You: of your inner desires
You: baby fight me
You: fight me
Stranger: no dude thats pretty gay
You: c'mon
You: just suck my tit then
You: c'mon baby
Stranger: wtf i thought you were a dude??
Stranger: are you a trap?
You: no b
You: i'm your mom
Stranger: because sometimes i want a trap to go my own way with
Stranger: just two bros except she looks kinda femme
You: be the trap you want to see in the world
Stranger: but she wont divorce rape me or get pregnant
You: i'll accept you my child
Stranger: no, im a masculine manly alpha as fuck dude!
You: yeah
You: bet you couldn't drink rubbing alcohol
You: you sound like a pussy my child
Stranger: bet you i can
Stranger: i’ll drink a bunch of rubbing alcohol right now
Stranger: prove it to you that im a real man
You: ok baby
You: then you'll fuck me?
Stranger: no, thats gay
You: its not gay i'm you mom
Stranger: you sound like a pussy fag
You: you speak to your mom with those fingers?
Stranger: beta white knight
Stranger: i fucked your mom
You: you finger bang your mom with that mouth?
You: c'mon girl
Stranger: shut up bitch
Stranger: i am not a girl!
You: do you believe in love?
Stranger: love is for incels, im a chad
You: cause i got something to say about it
Stranger: i pump and dump traps everyday
You: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GsVcUzP_O_8
Stranger: whats that
You: its a hot song
You: to fuck too
You: yeah
Stranger: i heard that song before
You: yeah
You: on the radio?
Stranger: idk where
You: when you were a baby?
Stranger: maybe
You: maybe baby
Stranger: i have a fucking awesome manly memory
You: but you were a kid once
Stranger: nah i was a man when i was 6
Stranger: alpha as fuckkk
You: and isn't that where it all started?
You: where did they touch you?
Stranger: i fucked my teacher when i was 11 lol
You: oh boy
Stranger: yeahhh
You: that was rape
Stranger: no
Stranger: she let me
You: yeah, no
You: she raped you
Stranger: lol a woman cant rape a man
You: that's rape of a minor
Stranger: and besides i liked it xd
You: stilll... she should go to jail
Stranger: men always love sex
You: and you should go to therapy
Stranger: lol its every dudes fantasy bro
You: you sound all fucked up my dude
Stranger: dude wtf??
You: yeah man
Stranger: im not fucked up you are
You: i'm not your mom
Stranger: why tf you support feminism?
You: i'm your friend
You: and i think you need helpo
You: like
You: professional help
You: this is serious
Stranger: i think we chatted before
You: oh probably
Stranger: you’re the really gullible guy who believed everything i said
You: oh totally
You: i must be
You: i believe it
You: i am just real gullable
Stranger: yes totally
You: cool
Stranger: so bro
Stranger: wanna have a barbecue
You: yeah boy
Stranger: hang out, do some bro stuff
You: i'll bring a six pack
Stranger: thanks bro
You: and give you the number of a therapist
Stranger: lol dudes dont need therapists
Stranger: we dont talk about our emotions like girls do!
You: we gotta work on your approach with the ladies man
Stranger: naaah im mgtow now
You: like, that was rough
You: dude, if this is your way
You: its not a good way
Stranger: yeah its a good way
You: it's not to late to deescelate
Stranger: independent free of women
Stranger: m g t o w
You: no man, you are a slave to women
You: you've given them all the power
Stranger: lol says the beta cuck on the plantation
Stranger: no bitch i dont give them power
You: man, you have
Stranger: i just ignore them bitches and gold diggers
Stranger: i fuck traps instead haha xd
You: to come off so hostile at every moment of your life
You: to deny yourself love
Stranger: im a fucking dude bro
Stranger: i aint denying myself love
Stranger: love is for pussy beta fags
You: its cause you dont wanna get hurt
Stranger: real men pump and dump
Stranger: redpilled as fuckkk
Stranger: men dont get hurt
Stranger: men dont cry
You: yeah dude
Stranger: we’re fucking amazing
You: i'm glad you are just trolling bro
Stranger: not a troll bro
You: cause this otherwise would be unhealthy
You: no you must be
You: cause otherwise it would be so so so sad
Stranger: but really its so fun to pretend to be a sensitive fragile dude
You: like what a sad creature
Stranger: i know right!
You: like god-damn gollem
You: with no ring
Stranger: i love doing this its like literally they get offended by everything
You: yeah
Stranger: men are really dumb
You: i'm surprised you didnt mention venezula
Stranger: oh righttt
Stranger: well the character im playing isnt a capitalist anyways
You: oh yeah?
You: what is he?
Stranger: feudalist :p
You: ha ha
Stranger: anyways i think im manlier than you and i finished my rubbing alcohol
You: that legit made me laugh
You: ok dude
Stranger: well you think im kidding
You: the feudalist part
Stranger: oh
You: ok, maybe call 911?
Stranger: well i wasnt going to admit to being a fascist after i told you feminazis are the real fascists
You: yeah, i mean, it wouldn't stop a nazi
You: probalby
You: "like, feminists are nazis, but also like... i support the kkk"
You: anyway, you ever listen to riot girl music?
Stranger: no not really
You: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKAtmRhsF30
You: oh wait
You: this isn't it
You: ....
Stranger: true tho
Stranger: what even??
You: https://krecs.bandcamp.com/track/all-women-are-bitches
You: there we are
You: i don't know what was up with that first one
You: anyway, Fifth Column was pretty cool
Stranger: oh
Stranger: not really my type of music tbh
You: fair enough
You: what kind of music you like?
Stranger: idk honestly
You: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3V1SKM0uVo
You: here's a weird scifi mashup album
You: with a robot socialist agenda i think
Stranger: im not a socialist haha
Stranger: or even anti-capitalist at all
You: i mean, its hard not to buy in
You: in for a penny, in for a pound
Stranger: nice try but im not going to become a commie
You: idk, i mean you say that now
You: but someday you might have to renounce your ways
Stranger: im pretty content being a class traitor, thanks tho
You: lol
Stranger: i love licking the boots of female ceos just as much as male ones :)
You: good for you
You: i mean, after the revolution we'll all have boots
You: and we can take turns
Stranger: no thx boots are oppressive
You: no dude they got good grips
You: to prevent slippery slopes
Stranger: literally foot binding and patriarchy in disguise
Stranger: lol
You: oh, i see what your into now
Stranger: boots are just heels under a different name
You: bondage and heals
Stranger: ?
You: they'll have bdsm after the revolution
Stranger: im not into bdsm haha
You: why not?
Stranger: because bdsm is inherently oppressive to women
You: you're so normy
Stranger: reinforces misogynistic stereotypes
Stranger: ikr
Stranger: patriarchy literally
You: women on top
Stranger: no, thats still misogyny
You: matriarchy
Stranger: but honestly
Stranger: men who have that fetish are honestly sooo misogynistic
You: yeah
Stranger: puttig women on a pedestal isnt any better
Stranger: bdsm is misogynistic
You: and like often into cops and normy shit
Stranger: no revolution
Stranger: i love cops
You: ha
Stranger: they protect and serve us 💕
Stranger: buuuutt
Stranger: 50% of cops should be female
You: thats what your sub should be doing
Stranger: sub?
You: your submissive man servant
Stranger: i dont have one
You: never too late
Stranger: thats pretty gay tbh
You: he give good head
You: and does the dishes
You: and he's there by choice
Stranger: lol matriarchy and gynocentricity
Stranger: feminazis r oppressin men
You: in your case its a gaytriarchy
Stranger: im a girl
You: oh yeah?
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: im not like other girls
You: you a swerf?
Stranger: yeah i think sex workers rights are dumb
You: gross
Stranger: they should be sex slaves
You: double gross
Stranger: swerf and terf
You: gross x infinity
Stranger: grossssss
You: so what brought you to these terrible opinions?
Stranger: well i watch fox news
You: no further info required
Stranger: :)
You: you watch the OA?
Stranger: whats that
You: netflix show
Stranger: nope
You: its pretty good
Stranger: ehhh not my type of show
You: there are men in it
Stranger: gross
You: they go there own way
Stranger: that sounds nice actually
You: yeah
Stranger: i wish all men would go their own way
You: wish they would leave faster
Stranger: is it wrong to want all men dead?
You: if you are pulling the trigger probably
You: but if its like an accident
Stranger: no, i mean like i want them to just conveniently disappear
You: yeah
You: that sounds normal
You: but also, don't we all have little secret prayers
You: for a goddess to strike our enemies down
Stranger: its pretty late
Stranger: i should probably get going
You: yeah
You: ok, have a good sleep
Stranger: good night!
You: :)
Stranger has disconnected.
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