#so deep in artblock rn
soularsss · 2 days
today i offer.. foot smooch for the sleeby
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thankyou and goodnite
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Hiii ❤️ Hope you are doing good! I was thinking last week about Felix reading me a book before sleeping. I feel like he would love to read his mate a book until they are asleep in his arms. I am not sure if you do headcanons rn but if you do, do you have any thoughts about this? I always love your stories for Felix 🫶🏻
This is a really sweet request, and it did help me a little to get out of my artblock, so thank you!  Since you liked tear you apart, I’m gonna write with this Felix… Hopefully you’ll like it. (and yes, my requests for Felix and Demetri are still open, for stories or hcs, I’m just very stressed out by an important event at work planned for the 27th that I hate - and if you see this anon do not worry i am still working on bookseller reader) (also i still don't understand how choosing gif works)
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Felix may not have slept for two millennia, he knows that something’s up when you seem to fall asleep at random times, no evening the same.
When he asked, you just said you had trouble falling asleep at times, and he thought that yes, as a human in a castle full of vampires that made sense. Even if he was there to keep you safe, your body could still be a bit anxious.
So he tried to set rituals for you, to buy you a new blanket, trying different pyjamas.
But then one day you mentioned that you liked his voice, and he has a revelation: he had not tried bedtime stories!
At first, you are a bit unsure: what if you focus too much on the book and it prevent you from falling asleep? But you have to try it once, he said, and you agreed.
So the next night, he is laying on the bed with you, with comfortable clothes so you can cuddle him, with a book in his hands.
You get under the covers with him, and he wrap his strong arm around you, holding you close to his chest, safely tucked and warm against him.
He then starts to read. At first, you focus on the story, but soon the lulling sound of his gorgeous rich velvety voice is all you can focus on.
He carries on, reading until he see you close your eyes, until your breathing evens, and you are asleep. He read a little more, to be sure you are in a deep sleep before setting the book aside, and holding you close all night.
The next morning, when you both agree how successful this is, you start to make it a recurrent event, as often as he can according to his duties.
Once, he tries to read to you in Italian, and (if you do not speak it) you discover that you particularly enjoy it, because his voice sounds different, more… sexy. He will definitely use this against you though.
When he is away for a mission, he will do his best to call you around your bedtime to read to you, and if he isn’t available, he will prepare in advance a recording so you can still have him reading you to sleep.  
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peppa-minto · 2 years
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im in deep artblock rn so honami headshot 🫰🏼
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coffinwoodd · 4 months
5, 8 and 18 for the General Selfship ask game!
- @aro-simp
HII ty for the ask !!!!!!
5. Do you create for your selfships? If yes, what do you create?
i draw !!!!!!! i draw SO MUCH when i selfship lmao its dragged me out of the artblock i had going on for nearly 2 yrs
8. How closely do you identify with/as your s/i's, if you have any?
some closer than others but theyre all facets of myself tbh >_< zombee in particular since i originally made her when i was 12 !! deep deep piece of my soul
18. Do you talk about your selfships irl? Do you know any other selfshippers irl?
sometimes w my bf + my bestie [whos fav insult for me rn is Go fuck yourself bc 2d never will [SAID JOKINGLY. WE LOVE EACH OTHER I PROMMY] not to the extent i do myself but i have a few irl friends w f/os!!
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ecstasydemon · 5 years
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im neck deep in an artblock rn but!wanted to make u something lmao. i hope you like it haha
:OOOO oh my gosh thank you so much!!!!!!! i love it!!!
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