#so apparently i do commissions now but only if its funny
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a-lonely-tatertot · 5 months ago
I havent really been drawing a lot except for very random commissions from my friends so here you go
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This is the one serious one stupids under the cut ->
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34 notes · View notes
prael · 5 months ago
The Hardest Question Ever ASSked
Le Sserafim Chaewon, Kazuha and Yunjin x male reader smut
Masterlist word count: 5,851 Kofi(donations/commissions)
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"So, which one of these two do you think has the best ass?"
Yunjin has this penchant for asking the most inappropriate questions at the most random of times. The conversation was in a whole different place; Chaewon was explaining why the second Harry Potter film is by far the best one when suddenly...
"Oh my god," Kazuha immediately covers her eyes, sinking her head into her hands.
"What?" Yunjin blinks with innocence.
Chaewon can only groan in response. She sometimes wonders what goes on inside the minds of her group members, especially after that time Yunjin casually asked to compare their favourite toys (and now she is struggling to get the mental image of Yunjin slipping in a butt plug each morning out of her head. Apparently she has a whole range of sizes) but still, it feels like their constant effort to test how far they can go with each other has no end in sight.
"We all have pretty nice butts," Chaewon adds, the need to fill the awkward silence quickly becoming dire.
"Boring answer," Yunjin turns up her nose and pouts. Then her eyes fall on you. "Come on, you spend more than enough time staring, which is it?" she teases.
And look, you have thoughts, of course you do, but you're too coy to spill them out into the open for these three to scrutinize. So you joke, "We all know it's me." Only Kazuha laughs—that girl laughs at your every word.
Yunjin narrows her eyes, her attention like a hungry lion's before its prey. She asks in a challenging tone, "Why are you avoiding the question?"
You have learned very quickly that a game you can never win is against Yunjin, that woman is relentless with her prodding, so you change strategies. "What does it matter who has the nicest ass? Asses are so subjective."
"Stop being so political."
Chaewon senses blood in the water and joins in on pushing you for an answer, "Okay, so, subjectively, which one do you like the most?"
You slump back into your chair as the three girls sit forward expectantly. Yunjin is directly across from you, wrapping her lips around the straw for her coffee as she stares through you, practically daring you to bullshit her with a non-answer. Chaewon is wide-eyed on your right, and Kazuha still has her hand nervously over her mouth.
You have an answer, you know which one you like the most. But you also know that as soon as you say it, the other might kill you.
So, you pick the one that will give the best reaction. See, Chaewon is competitive, right down to the bone. Meaning that when you answer, "Kazuha," she looks about ready to burst a blood vessel.
"What!" she spits, the other two girls bursting into laughter. "I'm the one with the best ass!"
Kazuha has this whole smug look going on, it's not one she uses often, but to tease Chaewon? You don't blame her.
"Oh yeah, you think that's funny? I'll show you whose ass is the best," Chaewon threatens.
"It must be all the squats," Yunjin chimes in.
"Shut up," Chaewon growls at her.
Kazuha leans back in her chair and shrugs, "No need to be jealous. Yours is great too, Chaewon. You work really hard, and it shows."
"Don't try to suck up now, Kazuha."
You watch the whole exchange in silence. This is what happens almost every time Yunjin calls you over to have lunch, and it is always an entertaining time.
"Alright, so what about thighs? Which ones are the best?" Yunjin continues.
"Kazuha," you answer, and Kazuha is practically glowing, "I mean, have you seen how toned her thighs are?"
You turn to Chaewon, a smirk on your face so evil, "Sorry, Chae."
"Alright! That's it!" Chaewon shouts, jumping up from her chair, her eyes burning with determination. Her hands are at the waist of her jeans, popping open the button. "If you won't admit mine are the best, I'll have to prove it to you."
Yunjin sighs, her hand on her chin, and she shakes her head. "Here we go again."
You can feel yourself blush a bit, the way you always do when this happens, even though the four of you have had these lunches dozens of times, and Chaewon has always tried to show off her body at some point. She wiggles her jeans off her hips, sliding them down to reveal her black, lacy thong.
"Well?" she poses, turning to the side to show off her ass, "What about now?"
You are certain the three of you are all thinking the same thing—her body is unbelievable—but nobody is going to stroke her ego like that.
"Oh yeah, definitely Kazuha's," you shrug, trying not to let your gaze linger.
It draws a loud laugh from Yunjin, who's hitting the palm of her hand against her thigh as she wheezes. Kazuha, who is usually the shy one of the bunch, can't help but join in on the laughter.
"Fuck you," Chaewon snaps at you, "And fuck you too!" She turns on her heel and points at Kazuha.
Kazuha is still laughing, and she has her head turned away from Chaewon, but you can see her smile grow wider. She's teasing, "Oh come on, Chaewon, it's okay. You look cute."
"I'll show you cute," Chaewon growls, her hand coming down hard on the table. It makes the cutlery rattle, and the three of you glance between yourselves before a shared giggle bubbles up again.
You look up at Chaewon, who has a scowl on her face. Her eyebrows are furrowed, and her jaw is tense. She has one hand on her hip, her fingers digging into her skin, and the other is gripping the table so hard that her knuckles have gone white. Her body is stiff, the only movement being the rise and fall of her chest. Her face is flushed, either with embarrassment or frustration or both, and her lips are parted, letting her breaths pass through.
Her skin is smooth and soft, and when she moves, you can see the muscles ripple under it. She's so lean, so slender, but there's an undeniable strength behind her.
"What, got something to say?" Chaewon bites, noticing your stare.
"Uh," you fumble, your eyes flitting down her body before shooting up to her face again. "Just, um," you clear your throat, trying to shake yourself out of this trance, "Are you gonna leave your jeans off?"
"Until you realise how wrong you are, yes."
"Okay," you chuckle, then return to sipping on your drink.
"So, are we going to go through the rest of the list? Boobs? Which one's the best?" Yunjin can barely speak for her stifled laughter.
Chaewon huffs, then folds her arms across her chest. She pushes her tits together, the low-cut t-shirt working wonders to showcase her cleavage. "Mine," she states proudly.
"I can't with you two," Chaewon whines. "What the fuck?"
"You can't win against me," Kazuha says simply.
Chaewon's glare switches between the three of you. She looks like a wild animal ready to pounce. A dangerous, sexy, wild animal.
"You're all fucking useless," she mutters under her breath, turning on her heel. "I'll be right back."
You watch as she stomps off in her underwear and boots, leaving the three of you alone.
"That was fun," Yunjin smirks, sitting back in her chair and crossing her legs. She looks at you and says, "You've got a mean streak. I love it."
"I just like riling her up," you smirk.
"I noticed."
Kazuha giggles, then takes another sip from her cup. You can't help but watch her. Her dark hair is tied up in a messy bun, and even without makeup, she is beautiful. There is a softness to her, an air of innocence, that you can't quite place.
"What are you looking at?" Kazuha asks, raising an eyebrow.
"Nothing," you shrug.
"I see the way you look at her," Yunjin says with a wink. "Got you thinking about something, huh?"
"Yeah," you say, not knowing how else to respond.
"I bet it's filthy," Yunjin continues. "How long has it been since you two hooked up, again?"
"Too long," Kazuha answers.
"Oh yeah," Yunjin smiles. "Guess I've been a little greedy recently."
"Just a little," Kazuha giggles, her cheeks dusted with red.
"Stop being so shy and ask him then," Yunjin nods in your direction.
"I'm back!" Chaewon announces, turning heads.
"What the fuck are you wearing?" Yunjin asks.
It's nothing but skimpy lingerie. It's black and lacy, hugging her curves perfectly, and leaving absolutely nothing to the imagination. Her thong cuts deep between her ass cheeks, and the bra pushes her tits up, not that much is needed. The fabric is sheer, and you can see the dark peaks of her nipples through it.
She's leaning on the doorway as she speaks, "I wasn't going to half-ass it, was I?" Oh, Chaewon, even as you stand there, looking like a whole meal, you still can't resist a good pun. "So," she continues, sauntering over and leaning down, placing her hands on the table and getting in your face. "Have you come to your senses yet?"
You glance away, to look across the table at Yunjin, who's got her eyes fixed on Chaewon's ass and is telling her, "Yeah, no doubt I'm definitely kinda gay. Your butt looks amazing."
"Need more convincing?" Chaewon is looking down her nose at you, a devilish grin spreading across her face.
"More convincing," you repeat.
Chaewon steps between you and the table, pushing the arms of your chair and struggling to move it back.
"W-what are you doing?"
"Convincing." Chaewon turns to the table, puts her chest flat against it and arches her back, giving you the most brazen display. "Is it working?"
"Working," Yunjin finishes for you as she stands up to admire the view.
You take a moment to appreciate her, the way she's bent over the table, the way her ass looks so round and perfect. The way her thighs are toned and muscular, and the way they press together, gives her just a little more shape. You want to touch her, to reach out and run your hands along her smooth skin.
"I'd let her sit on my face," Yunjin whispers as if she could read your mind.
"Oh yeah, for sure," Kazuha adds.
"Would you two shut up? I'm trying to get my point across."
"Don't let us stop you."
Chaewon lets out an irritated sigh, then gets up and sits herself down in your lap. Her hips roll forward, and you can feel her warmth. You can't help yourself, you slip a hand around her waist and rest it on her stomach.
"Do you like this?" Chaewon asks, her voice low and seductive. She leans back, letting her head rest against your shoulder, her breath hot on your ear. "How about this?" She shifts her hips, grinding her ass against your crotch. You bite back a moan, your fingers digging into her flesh.
"You know," Yunjin says, watching as Chaewon continues to rub her ass against you, "We could have a lot more fun with this."
"What do you mean?" Kazuha asks, a hint of nervousness in her voice.
"Well," Yunjin's eyes flick over to meet yours. "If you're not gonna fight for your spot, our friend here might change his mind. How about a competition?"
"Competition?" Chaewon repeats.
"I'm talking a showdown," Yunjin explains, a wide grin on her face. Chaewon is staring blankly at her, and Yunjin rolls her eyes. "Ass vs ass. Who's got the better booty?"
"I'm in," Chaewon immediately agrees.
"What?" Kazuha squeaks.
"Oh, come on. You're not going to back down, are you?"
"No, I'm not," Kazuha states, standing up.
"You don't have to do this," you tell them.
"Shut up," Chaewon shoots back, a smirk on her face.
"Let's settle this once and for all," Yunjin declares. She pulls the table away, leaving you in the middle of the dining room with Chaewon on your knee. She pulls Kazuha to her feet and stands in front of her. Their eyes are locked on each other, both looking nervous. You can't take your eyes off them, especially when Yunjin slides her hands down Kazuha's abs. "First, let's catch you up, get you out of these clothes.
Yunjin hooks her fingers into the waistband of Kazuha's jeans and starts to pull them down, revealing the soft, creamy skin of her thighs. Kazuha lifts her feet out of her shoes and pants, leaving her standing in a pair of white panties.
"Damn, girl, you look good," Yunjin purrs, running her hands along Kazuha's thighs, squeezing the soft flesh.
Meanwhile, Chaewon turns her attention to you, first by pulling your shirt over your head and tossing it aside, then moving on to undoing the buttons on your pants. You're already achingly hard, from having her ass grinding against you, her hands on you, and her scent filling your nostrils. She stands up and steps back, allowing you to stand and drop your pants, then step out of them, leaving you only in your boxers.
"Looks like someone is ready," she teases, looking at the bulge.
You blush, embarrassed, but you can't help the way your cock twitches at her words.
"Alright," Yunjin calls.
The two girls are standing side by side now. Yunjin has sat you down and is standing behind you, her hands on your shoulders, her breath hot on the back of your neck. She's looking between the two girls, taking in their bodies, her eyes filled with lust. Kazuha is biting her lip, her hands clasped together in front of her, her body stiff.
"First, let's see who can move their ass better. Show off what you've got," Yunjin commands.
Chaewon is the first to act, bending over and shaking her hips. Her ass is swaying from side to side, her hips moving in circles, and her ass jiggling with every motion. Her back is arched, her legs straight, and her thighs pressed together, giving her ass the perfect shape.
"Nice," Yunjin whistles.
Kazuha takes a deep breath. She turns to show you her ass, putting her arms above her head and swaying her hips. She doesn't have the same confidence as Chaewon, but her ass still looks great.
"Fuck yeah," Yunjin says, her hand trailing down your chest and stomach.
"You think that's good?" Chaewon huffs. "Watch this."
She backs up towards you, stopping when her ass is almost touching your crotch, and leans back, arching her back. Her ass is pushed out, the curves and lines of her body on display. She places her hands on her ass cheeks and then starts to squeeze and knead her flesh, moaning softly as she does so.
"Fuck, that's hot," Yunjin breathes.
"Don't stop," you gasp.
Kazuha has renewed fight, stepping and dropping her ass against your lap. It's all in the hips, the way she moves, and how her body rolls. It's different from Chaewon, there's a grace to it and a fluidity. She turns, looking back at you, her eyes full of fire, her lips curled into a sly smile. You know that look. It's like a switch is flicked inside her.
"Fuck," you groan, reaching out to grab her, to pull her closer.
Kazuha leans forward, her back arched, and you draw her thick ass towards your cock. Soon enough, Chaewon follows, and you become the filling of an ass sandwich.
"Oh fuck, that looks good," Yunjin says, her hand sliding beneath your waistband and grabbing your cock. She starts to stroke it, slow and steady, teasing the tip with her thumb. But, as their assets draw closer, Yunjin is forced to relinquish, the girls taking hold of your cock between their asses, and rubbing their cheeks against you.
"Ahh, fuck, that's so fucking hot," you moan.
"Yeah, baby, you like that?" Yunjin purrs in your ear.
"God yes," you breathe, your head falling back against her chest.
Chaewon laughs, a smug sound, "He's definitely loving mine."
"In your dreams," Kazuha hisses.
"What was that?"
"I said," Kazuha pushes her ass, to slide your length between her cheeks, rubbing along the fabric of her thong, "He likes my ass more."
"I don't think so," Chaewon shoots back, fighting for position. The girls are ass to ass, cheeks squishing against each other. Your cock is caught between them, and they both start to rock their hips, the friction making you hiss.
"You're both driving me crazy," you moan.
"Yeah?" Chaewon smirks.
"How about this," Kazuha adds, her hips moving faster, and her ass squeezing tighter. It's all matched and challenged by Chaewon, who's moving her hips, and rocking her ass, and doing everything she can to keep up.
This whole thing is fucking ludicrous, don't get it twisted. This is the most insane thing you have ever seen, or done. Two gorgeous women, two insanely sexy asses, both fighting for a chance to prove that theirs is the best. And you're right there, between them, your cock assaulted by the most amazing sensation.
"How are we going to settle this?" Chaewon growls, her ass grinding hard against your cock.
"I'm not stopping until he cums," Kazuha shoots back, her ass moving even faster.
"Me either," Chaewon huffs.
"Wait, wait, stop," you gasp, to no avail. The girls just keep on grinding, keep on rocking, keep on fighting.
"Shh," Yunjin purrs, her hands roaming your chest, and her lips ghosting across the back of your neck. "Let them have their fun."
You moan, your body tense, your cock throbbing between their asses. The girls are panting, their breath heavy, and their bodies slick with sweat. Their skin is hot, their bodies flushed, and their hearts pounding.
"He's getting close," Chaewon smirks, "I can feel it."
"For me," Kazuha insists.
"I'm doing all the work," Chaewon snaps back, her hips rolling faster, and her ass pressing harder.
"Stop, fuck," you hiss, feeling your cock throb, feeling that familiar sensation rising in the pit of your stomach.
"Tell me it's for me. Cum for me, baby."
"No, for me. He's cumming for me," Kazuha shoots back.
And then, it hits. It's an explosion, your body jerking, your muscles spasming. Your head is thrown back, a groan ripped from your throat, and your hips bucking wildly.
"That's it," Chaewon smirks, looking over her shoulder. "I did it. He's cumming because of me."
"No, me," Kazuha pouts, turning her head.
You spill over them, thick, hot cum spraying all over their asses and backs, leaving sticky ropes of white across their smooth, flawless skin.
"F-fuck," you gasp, trying to catch your breath.
"Holy shit," Yunjin murmurs, "That was... fuck.
"It's mine," Chaewon says, her tone cocky and arrogant.
"No, it's mine," Kazuha growls.
The two of them continue their argument, but you can barely hear them. Your body is still recovering, your mind reeling, and your heart racing. What a fucking rush.
"Who's got the best ass? Well," Yunjin chuckles, "It's a tie if you ask me."
"A tie?" Chaewon repeats.
"Yeah, a tie."
"Well, I'm not calling it a tie," Kazuha says.
"Me either," Chaewon huffs, standing upright and glaring at the other woman.
"You're both pretty great," Yunjin states, her hand on your shoulder.
"Kazuha is great, me? I'm perfect."
"Okay," Yunjin sighs. "There's still something he needs to test. You can't decide on the best ass without fucking them both."
"What?" Chaewon and Kazuha gasp at the same time.
"You get five minutes each, then swap. First to make him cum is the winner."
"Deal," Chaewon and Kazuha say simultaneously, their gazes burning into each other.
"Well then," Yunjin says, standing up. "Over the table girls."
You're still fucking out of it. Slumped in the chair while Yunjin guides them over the table, bent at the waist and presenting their asses to you. The girls are draped in your cum, and Yunjin has the task of plucking off their underwear, leaving them bare and naked. Then she comes and pulls you to your feet, positioning you behind Chaewon.
"Cum in whichever feels the best, okay? Wait here a minute." Yunjin runs off to the bedroom, giving Chaewon a chance to bargain with you.
"Come on, you know I've got the better ass. And you know what it can do for you. Just think of all the other times you've fucked my ass. Don't tell me you want Kazuha's ass instead?"
"Uh," you mumble.
"Oh come on," she wiggles her ass, "Look at this."
"Sorry," Yunjin says, reappearing with a bottle in her hand. "Gotta do this right." Yunjin takes a blob of lube in her hand and rubs it onto your cock. It's cold, and it makes you shudder. Then she takes some and rubs it onto Chaewon's ass.
"Fuck," she squeaks, her body trembling.
"Ready?" Yunjin asks.
"Five minutes, go!"
Yunjin pushes you by the hips toward Chaewon, not that you need any encouragement to slip your length between her cheeks.
"That's it, fuck me. Come on, baby. Let's see whose ass feels better."
It's slow to begin, pushing your way into her little asshole. She's still so tight, and even with the added slick, it takes a bit of effort. But she's warm and snug around your cock, and her ass is perfect.
"Fuck, I forgot how big you were," she moans, her voice strained.
"She can't even take it," mocks Kazuha.
"Shut up, I can," Chaewon bites back. "Go on, deeper."
Yunjin has her hand on your hip, guiding you deeper and deeper until you bottom out. Her ass is pressed right against your hips, and she's whimpering. You give her a few moments to adjust before starting to move, pulling out slowly, then pushing back in. You're stretching her out, forcing her to accommodate your length, and her hole is clenching around you.
"Fuck, I love the feeling of your cock," she gasps.
"We all do," Kazuha says flatly.
"Not as much as I do," Chaewon pants.
"Come on, you can fuck her faster," Yunjin whispers in your ear.
So you pick up the pace, your hips moving, and your cock thrusting deep into her. She's moaning and writhing beneath you, her ass shaking with every impact, her body trembling. You can't stop yourself, you're pounding her hard, slamming your cock deep inside her. The cum on her cheeks is smeared, making the sight even more filthy.
"Shit," she groans, her ass bouncing back against your hips.
You're lost in her, fucking her hard and fast, making her take every inch of you. You're grunting, your balls slapping against her skin, and your cock stretching her hole. You're losing control, the sounds of your fucking filling the room.
"Fuck, you're gonna make me cum," she moans.
"You're such a slut," Kazuha hisses.
"Oh fuck," Chaewon cries, her ass clenching around your cock, her body convulsing, and her pussy dripping. "Oh my god, fuck," she screams, her whole body tensing, and her eyes rolling back.
"Holy shit," you gasp, your cock throbbing and twitching.
"Alright, time's up," Yunjin says, grabbing you and pulling you away from her.
"What the fuck, no, don't stop," Chaewon pleads.
"Swap," Yunjin demands, shoving you towards Kazuha.
You stumble forward, your cock aching and throbbing. You're still sensitive, and the sudden change has your head spinning. Yunjin covers you again with more lube and slaps your ass to let you know to begin.
Kazuha's chest is flat on the table, her cheek pressed against the wood, and her hands gripping the edge. She turns to look at you, her eyes full of silent desire. There's an arch to her back, and her ass is perfectly presented, just waiting for you to enter her.
"Take her," Yunjin whispers and her hand pushes down on your hip.
You step forward, the tip of your cock pressing against her asshole. You can see her muscles tensing, and she lets out a soft moan as you push into her. She's even tighter than Chaewon, her body squeezing and gripping your cock. She's not nearly as experienced, her reactions are more innocent.
"Oh," she gasps, her body shivering, "That's... that's really good."
You grab her hips, your fingers digging into her flesh, and you push deeper, feeling her asshole stretch and open up for you. She lets out a sharp cry, and you pause, giving her a moment to relax.
"Keep going," she pleads, her voice thick with lust.
You start to move, sliding out of her and then pushing back in. She's hot and tight around you, and her muscles are contracting, squeezing and clenching, pulling you deeper into her.
"Oh my god, it's so good," she moans.
Her eyes are closed, and her mouth is open, and her body is quivering. You keep going, thrusting harder and deeper, until you're buried in her ass. She lets out a long, low moan, and you can feel her trembling.
"She can barely take it," Chaewon laughs.
"Don't listen to her," Kazuha pleads, looking over her shoulder at you. "Just keep going, please."
You groan a response and start to pound her harder. Sticky flesh slapping together, your hands holding her steady, and her cries filling the room. You're fucking her rough, and she's taking every inch of you. It feels incredible, and the pleasure builds, your cock throbbing and aching.
"Come on, cum for me," she whines.
"Fuck, you're so sexy," you gasp, your hips bucking. Just one slap of her ass and it's marked already, red and pink from the impact.
"You're close," she whimpers.
"Keep going," Yunjin encourages. "Two minutes or they both lose."
Your whole body is trembling, and your head is spinning. Your cock is so hard and aching, and your balls are tight. Your hips are bucking, and you're fucking her with abandon, her ass taking every inch.
"Come on," she begs.
You groan, and then you're there, your whole body shuddering, and your cock pulsing and throbbing, emptying your cum into her ass. As soon as Chaewon sees that look on your face, she knows she's lost. She whines a defeated sound and slumps against the table.
Kazuha is the one smiling though, and as she stands, you notice her knees are a bit weak. "I win," she announces, a little triumphant.
"You cheated," Chaewon pouts.
"How the hell did I cheat?"
"I don't know, you just did." Chaewon's got that little pouty expression stuck to her face, and she swears her revenge. "Next time, I'll beat you. You'll see."
"If you say so," Kazuha smiles, looking at the mess leaking from her ass. You're stumbling back and Yunjin is your support, keeping you steady.
Yunjin is in your ear, "You've still got another round in you, right?"
"I don't know," you pant.
"You, me and the shower. Think about it."
"Yeah," you manage, and then her hand is on your arm, leading you to the bathroom.
"Where the fuck are you going?" Chaewon demands, her hands on her hips.
"Shower," Yunjin calls, dragging you along. "You girls caused this mess, you can clean up. Maybe even lick his cum off each other's asses."
"No, don't leave," Chaewon whines.
But, it's too late, the door is closing, and Yunjin is pushing you up against the wall. "You know," she whispers, her hands on your chest and her body pressed against yours, "I'm kinda turned on."
"Watching them fight over you was so hot."
"Yeah, it was," you admit.
"So," she presses her lips to yours, kissing you hungrily, and slipping her tongue into your mouth.
You return her passion, your hands running up her body, and down her back. She breaks the kiss, and looks up at you, a coy smile on her lips.
"Let's have a little fun," she murmurs, reaching behind her and turning on the shower. The water flows, steam fills the air, and Yunjin steps under the stream, letting it cascade over her naked body.
"Fuck," you gasp.
"What's the matter?" she teases, grabbing the bottle of soap and squirting it onto her chest. She lathers up her chest, spreading the foamy liquid over her smooth skin, her nipples hardening as the suds run down her body.
"You're gorgeous," you say, stepping towards her.
She grabs you by the hips, pulling you close, her hands roaming your body. Her skin is slick with soap, her touch gentle and teasing. She's looking up at you, her eyes filled with desire.
"Are you ready?" she whispers, her voice husky.
"Always," you grin, cupping her breasts and kneading them in your hands.
"Fuck," she sighs, leaning into you, her eyes closed, and her body relaxed.
You kiss her, tasting her lips, your tongue sliding against hers. She moans, her hands trailing down your back, and her nails digging into your skin.
"Mmm, so good," she murmurs, breaking the kiss and looking up at you. "All this anal stuff has got me thinking, maybe it's time we tried something new."
"Really?" you ask, raising an eyebrow. "I didn't think it was ever really your thing? You always said a butt plug was enough."
"I've been practising," she winks.
"What do you mean by that?"
"Maybe it's best if I show you."
"Oh," you grin.
"So," she purrs, wrapping her arms around your neck and pressing her body against yours. "You want to see what I can do?"
"Fuck yes," you breathe, a rush of excitement running through your body.
She smiles, biting her lip and pulling away from you. She turns her back to you, facing the wall, and places her hands flat on the tile. She arches her back, and you watch as she spreads her legs and bends further and further over. Her ass is sticking out, her perfect, plump cheeks inviting you in.
You can't help yourself. You kneel behind her, grab her cheeks and spread them wide. She lets out a soft moan, and you press your face into her ass, inhaling her sweet scent.
"Fuck," you groan, kissing her puckered hole.
"Mmm," she moans, pushing her ass back into your face.
"That feels good, doesn't it?"
"Yes," she whispers, her breath hitching in her throat.
You tease her with your tongue, licking her asshole, and swirling the tip around the rim. She shivers, and you push a finger into her, probing her, exploring her. She's so tight, and the sounds she's making are driving you wild.
"Please," she begs, her voice a desperate whisper. "Please fuck me."
"Are you sure?" you ask, a hint of surprise in your voice.
"Yes," she says, looking back at you. "I've been thinking about this for a long time, and I'm finally ready."
"You don't have to, we can just have a regular fuck."
"No," she insists, her eyes blazing. "I want to try it, and I want you to be the one to do it."
"Fuck," you growl, pulling your finger out of her ass and standing up. You press the tip of your cock against her, and she whimpers. A shiver runs through her, and her hands ball into fists. There's this tension in the air, and her breathing is shallow and fast. Utterly shameless, she reaches back and pulls her asscheeks apart, opening herself up for you.
"Come on," she whimpers. "Do it. Put it in."
You press against her, your cock throbbing, and her asshole quivering. You push, and she gasps, her muscles tightening, her body tensing. But she doesn't pull away. You push again, harder, and her asshole starts to give way, stretching and opening for you. She lets out a strangled cry, her ass clenching around your cock, as the first few inches slip into her. You can go no further. No amount of practice could prepare her for this.
"You're so tight," you groan.
"It hurts," she whines, her body trembling.
"Just relax, okay?"
"I can't," she moans, her muscles straining.
"Just breathe," you say, stroking her back and ass.
She takes a deep breath, and then another, and then a third. You can feel her body relaxing, her muscles loosening, her asshole stretching.
"That's it," you encourage, pushing deeper into her. "How's that? Better?"
"Yes," she whispers, her eyes rolling back in her head.
You slowly start to move, thrusting in and out of her ass. She's so tight, her body gripping your cock like a clenched fist. Her moans fill the room, echoing off the tiles.
"Fuck," she hisses, her head hanging low, her shoulders hunched. Yunjin has always been the hold-out. Her anal virginity has eluded you, but not any more. Finally, all the best asses in K-pop are willing to take you. There's nothing better.
"Fuck," she groans, her nails scraping against the tiles. "Harder."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes," she pants.
You grab her hips and start fucking her harder, it's still tough to get more than half of your length inside her, but what she's taking is driving her crazy.
You hook a hand underneath her, past her toned stomach to play with her pussy. She's soaked, dripping with lust, her clit hard and swollen. You tease her, stroking and rubbing her, and she cries out, her whole body tensing.
"You're gonna make me cum," she gasps, her hips bucking against your hand.
"Not until I say so," you growl. She whimpers, her ass tightening around your cock, her legs trembling. You lean forward, grabbing a fistful of her hair and yanking her head back. "Who am I?" you snarl, fucking her ass harder.
"Ah," she whines, her voice strained. "You're...you're my daddy."
"That's right," you growl, your cock throbbing. "Now cum for me."
You rub her clit, and she cums, her whole body convulsing, and her pussy gushing. It's a powerful orgasm, and she's shaking and crying out, her ass squeezing your cock like crazy. She grows weak, barely able to stand and take it. You pull out, let her fall to her knees, and then take hold of her hair to face you.
She's looking up at you with this expression like she's drunk, or high. A good ass fucking and she is a mess. A happy mess. One that's perfect to be coated in your load.
You stroke yourself, staring down at her, and her eyes widen, her lips parted and waiting. You grunt a shudder runs through you, and your cock erupts. Thick ropes of cum splatter across her face, covering her cheeks, her lips, and her nose. She's whimpering, stroking her tits and moaning out words of pure filth for you. "So much cum for your favourite girl. We both know those two don't stand a chance against me."
She's a mess. She's a hot, filthy mess. You step back, admiring her, a smug satisfaction filling your mind while she licks your cum from around her mouth. "Don't get complacent," you tease.
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ghostbsuter · 2 years ago
The house of Nightingale & Constantine ( P. 1 )
> next part
.・゜-: ✧ :-
You know, when Batman reassured him (was it tho? His way of using words is a bit... confusing.) of bringing in a third person for their common problem, Phantom, Danny, didn't press nor worry.
He regrets it now, just a little bit.
Dick liked Danny.
The small guy has been an absolute delight!
(He isn't grinning when he and Damian duke it out, doesnt watch fondly when Danny and Jason exchange the most weirdest ways of insulting someone or when He and Steph gossip, Cass sitting behind him with her hands in his hair.)
(He can see from the corner of his eye the way Tim hides a grin behind his hand, texting Danny someone rapidly and their Guest laughing at random times, the way even Duke, despite wearing the sunglasses, seems to warm up pretty quickly to their new brother friend.)
(It's doesn't help that he has black hair and blue eyes either.)
Danny has been living with them for some time now, temporarily as it may be, and grew on them all pretty quickly.
Bruce told them when Constantine arrived at the cave, seemingly irritated for unknown reasons, and they all were ushered to the elevator.
There is no noise as they arrive, Danny few feet off the ground and engaged on a hot topic with Steph as they go down the stairs.
The moment Constantine is in sight however, has their resident ghost snapping out of the conversation and zooming in on the man from afar.
It's kind of funny? The way his black hair fluffs up like in a Ghibli Movie, the way his eyes narrow to slits, glowing a faint green.
Many shout in alarm at the sight of agitation (?), Dick sees Constantines own eyes glow a eery gold??
It's like two cats staring down one another, a showdown.
(Someone should record this.)
The two meet down in the middle of the cave, Danny is bristling and John scowling.
"Really Bats? A Nightingale?" The blond man scoffs, pushing his hands into the pockets of his coat, hands roaming for cigarettes probably.
"Excuse me? I thought the line of Constantine died out back then, with the way you handle your stuff." The teen hisses back, a hand running through his poofed up hair.
"Hah!" The Hellblazer gives a mocking laugh, cigar already in hand and lit. "'With the way we handle our stuff'? Weren't the Nightingales out of commission not so long ago?"
The glow might have died out, but the tension only rose higher.
Danny turns to Batman, glowering.
"Asking for the help of the house of Constantine? Are you crazy? Those nutjobs have no self-preservation!"
John's eye twitches at the remark.
"No self-preservation, my ass. Nightingales do nothing but mess with stuff they shouldn't, talk about self-preservation when you have it yourself, pipsqueak."
And Danny? Danny growls.
"All you do is trick every being to do your bidding! One day all of this will catch up to your house and me? I will watch as it burns."
The blonds cigarette snaps in his grip.
"Burn? Me? Doesn't the house if Nightingales hunt the beings we 'trick'? It seems to me that your lineage is already going down as we speak."
The argument (?) continues and the batclan does nothing but watch as if its a particularly interesting tennis match.
(John looks like he's about 5 seconds away from strangling Danny and the teen about to bite off John's head.)
"What's going on?" Finally, Batman steps in.
"What's going on? What's going on?? You said you'd bring in a third person! Not a constantine!"
The bat shows no signs of anything really, when both teen and man whip around to face him.
"I thought you'd know better than to involve yourself with the house of Nightingales."
"I was here first! No take backs!"
"And yet I know bats longer, don't I, pipsqueak?"
"Foolish trickster!"
"Imprudent necromancer!"
(Apparently, beef between two houses of dark exists and they had the chance to experience it first hand.)
(This is one of the many occurrences.)
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kalims · 2 years ago
⊹ THOSE EYES | malleus draconia
premise. perhaps the universe really wants to keep him in the dark, unintentionally or not being forgotten yet again seems to be a frequent event in his life. parties aren’t for malleus anyways, nor are people.
but when he’s right next to you, a witness to your shine perhaps you’re the one for him.
content. gender neutral reader, fluff
wc. 4k
note. commissioned by faru who wanted to stay anonymous but wanted a nickname instead <3
sorry for being offline for a few. I was working on this hehe
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lately, the skies seem gloomy, most people would think that it’s perfectly normal but there’s something oddly familiar about the hue of green beyond the dark, rainy clouds. besides the fact that the rain seems to fall on everyone else but you? your mind can’t help but drift to a certain horned man.
the timing seems appropriate. the weather has been like this plenty of times whenever malleus was in a particular, dejected mood. (you’d know because he’d have that certain tone. quiet and slow. If it wasn’t already obvious you can tell from the exaggerated huffs he emits, which you are starting to get suspicious of that he’s actually making it to get your attention.) speaking of malleus, you haven’t seen him around. not even a glimpse, which is surprising because he’s always trailing after you.
to the dismay of sebek who tried to tell malleus that sticking around a human like you, in his opinion: who apparently didn’t live up to the ‘young masters’ glory would lead to no good.
though you don't know what happened or why, you caught a moment of malleus staring in sebek's direction for a second and the latter immediately shut up and looked away. (presumably in shame? but you can't say.) you never really pondered on it seeing as malleus had whisked you away and distracted you with an easy smile.
you do agree with sebek. malleus' glory is unmatched, even if no one bothers to befriend him everyone notices. his mere presence is so strong that everyone can feel him coming, and when he does they stop and stare. even the gods agree! they seem to want everyone to know that malleus is favored.
amongst.. other means besides social.
he's destined. you don't know why he's referring to you as a ray of light in his darkness when he's practically binding everyone. at some point, his power had reached such a level that his emotions can affect the weather.
it's funny. you think, with such a poker face malleus is really expressive.
the sun seems to illuminate its rays brighter when he's happy, you can see its light even from beyond the clouds covering it. it dims in comparison when he's sad, and right after it loses its color it rains for long periods that the weather forecast was being canceled for not being able to predict it.
you've seen lots of people be a victim of this. be it a student grumbling away, soaking wet from the unexpected pour, or the other crying about their now-wet project.
when he's angry the clouds are darker, and the amount of lightning striking depends on the level of his rage. even you can say that being caught in the middle of it is no good when you're trying to predict where the next one will hit.
but it was strange. this week was chaotic, on monday the sun was blaring all the way to tuesday. you were just glad he seemed to be in a good mood until it started raining around the afternoon of wednesday. it just started pouring so fast out of nowhere that the lightning had actually frightened you because the rain was never accompanied by it.
you've only been in diasomnia a few times.
but.. this time you're quite surprised and it's not because of the beauty of the dorm.
the weather was so stormy that you were afraid you were gonna start flying away. there weren't any students stationed before the bridge. you don't question it because how were they even gonna guard the gates when the wind is gonna be the one breaking it open?
it only meant one thing.
malleus was in the dorm, seeing as the dorm seems to be the core of the storm.
even when you're a little way over the dorm you could still hear sebek's yells. it wasn't like the trudge to the dorm was hard, contrary to your belief the wind only whipped your clothes around like crazy. so you weren't going to get flung anytime soon, your struggle though. was the question of whether you'd be able to hang onto your gift all the way there or not.
because you were holding onto that plastic bag with ice cream in it for dear life—praying that the dessert is the right kind of softness he liked.
the time you found out he liked the dessert was by pure coincidence. you had brought a whole cake in to eat whilst celebrating your birthday together with your friends. you were too distracted talking with one of them to notice the grimace on malleus' face once he took a bite.
you were shocked when he confessed after a while.
… no, not the kind of confession you're thinking about. (even though you'd admit you'd like it to be.)
"why didn't you tell me? ahh... I should have bought another dessert, I knew it. I'm so sorry they already ate the ice cream—"
he cuts you off. "there's no need. it won't hurt." he had said, pausing to add: "if it's for you I can do it."
that night you stayed up late staring off into your ceiling before burying your head in a pillow with a warm face. you didn't have a nightmare or a dream. but his face practically engraved it in your mind till all you could think of was malleus all day.
it was driving you insane!
even when you've reached the front door, sopping wet and dripping all over the front porch all you could think of was the fact that you haven't seen malleus all week. which you didn't really think would bother you if not for the fact that you were wrong in assuming how close you thought both of you were.
again, it was driving you insane as you could tell from the amount of thoughts you have of him.
you'd have to apologize to lilia. you know all about how the man hates getting his porch wet.
"oh my."
 oh well. looking like this was definitely not how you wanted to arrive at diasomnia. 
lilia casts a curious gaze at you, ears twitching when he takes in your appearance before his lips curve into an easy smirk. you're suspicious that he knows the reason for your sudden arrival. "If I'd known you were coming, I would have sent sebek for you." lilia sighs like a disappointed mother. he gives you a quick smile before looking back and yelling:
"sebek, be a dear and fetch me a towel would you?" 
you could vaguely hear a rush of heavy footsteps and you awkwardly just stare until sebek appears carrying a folded towel in his arms. you could emit a sigh if it wasn’t so freezing when sebek's face contorted to that of distaste when he saw you.
lilia with a knowing look merely shook his head. "don't just stand there, will you? we have a guest." he chimes and probably had enough cause he ended up snatching the towel right off the boy's arms.
who actually looked like he felt bad for a second.
lilia ushers you in after drying most of the droplets of water away, so you enter without much complaint. a towel wrapped around your body, over your shoulders. you clutch it like a blanket. looking around trying to look subtle.
this one is looking for him. lilia muses with an amused chuckle. you'd be surprised at how gloomy malleus' mood actually is, that boy had practically washed up the dorm with how long the rainy weather had kept going. lilia knew cater forgetting to invite malleus would have some damper to his mood.
but of course not to the extent.
you have perfect timing. lilia knows malleus considers you dear, perhaps even dearer than him and if lilia can't resolve his mood then you definitely can.
"ah that's right. what brings you to our humble abode?" lilia leads through the halls that lead directly to the main area. you clutch the towel a little tighter. feeling the embarrassment seep through your mind. were you gonna tell him that you all but ran to the nearest convenience store and bought a tub of ice cream for malleus because you figured he was upset?
talk about a test of courage.
you grimace. "I-uhm.. haven't heard from malleus so I got worried." 
lilia's face doesn't change from its laid-back nature.
"is he alright, by the way?"
the flicker of surprise in his eyes doesn't go unnoticed by you. "were you at all asim's party, prefect?" he asks, already drawing an answer from your confused face alone. it's not like he already doesn't know, you were nowhere seen at the party after all.
".. no?"
kalim in fact did invite you. but you weren't too fond of the idea when there was a pile of homework from the professors and another one from crowley sitting in ramshackle all alone with no one to do them. so you chose the option that would save you later, and make you suffer currently. 
(plus, you did promise to join malleus for a walk since he asked you earlier. but kalim doesn't need to know that, right?)
frankly, you're starting to get concerned with how many times malleus occupies your thoughts.
lilia places his chin in between his fingers with a hum. you listen to him keenly even when he sits you on the couch of the living room. "malleus got invited you see." that was a surprise to you. you smile from ear to ear. that's great for him! but you're expecting a 'but'.
and boy was there one. "but it was rescheduled earlier, you see." he closes his eyes and casts you a closed-eyed smile. for someone whose 'son' had been forgotten, he seems oddly relaxed about it.. and.. wasn't lilia part of the group inviting everyone else?
as if he reads your mind lilia makes sure to say, "cater was the one who said he's got informing malleus all covered. I'm afraid he had forgotten and the party had already finished." 
that's pretty.. sad.. no wonder the weather was more extreme than usual. malleus was probably feeling a mixture of sadness and anger. 
lilia's eyes drift downwards. and you curse when you realize where he's looking. "what's that you've got there?" somehow every word that comes out of lilia comes out jokingly like he's teasing you. 
there was no point in hiding it was there? you sigh and hand over the plastic to lilia who graciously takes it, spares one glance at it, and casts it aside to the table. probably planning to put it in the freezer for later.
it looks like he knows already but you still answer blankly. "ice cream for malleus."
he seems to brighten up after your clear display of intention. good thing sebek had ran back to his room after you stepped foot in the dorm because if he were here right now he probably would have been suspicious and assumed that you'd somehow put something in the ice cream.
"to cheer him up?"
".. yes."
"ah. how sweet. young love never fails to entertain me."
you sputter. "i—that's not.."
a look for lilia is all it takes for you to shut up. he shakes his head with a laugh. "as the youngsters say, 'denial is a river in egypt' do you get it? fufu.. quite funny." he giggles continuously but you can't help but think that he's trying to make a joke. you deadpan. "I do but that's not the point!" 
an unfunny joke clearly.
point is your practical son needs some severe cheering up if you just witnessed a tree get struck by lightning a while ago.
from your experience, the tea parties held by heartslabyul is a pretty nice way to unwind.
"does malleus like tea?"
he pauses. "why, yes. he's been raised as a noble after all."
never in your life have you been so stressed. you have to give props for riddle, cause you just found out how hard it is to actually organize a tea party. you don’t even wanna think about what jamil does, you swear he grows a white hair every time kalim throws a party.
nearly all desserts had some kind of association with ice cream, you made sure of it. though you do have to give credit to lilia since the man had graciously let you make use of his fridge to place them there until your scheduled tea party had arrived (honestly saving a bunch of residents from his.. ‘special’ meat.)
you had left sebek the job of informing malleus since you were sure that he was the only person that wouldn’t forget about him. the boy actually approved your choice of who you gave the job to and commended you.
but hey at least he liked it, right?
the guests were.. yet to arrive which is making you anxious because malleus himself was about 1 hour early to his own party.
when he approaches you there’s a clear look of joy. you’d fall over from the small, genuine smile of pureness on his face. you almost forgot to question yourself why in the hell he’s here when the party is scheduled to start in.. one hour.
you sweat. few of the desserts haven’t been taken out of the fridge yet to preserve them! "what.. are you doing here?" you nervously ask but malleus thankfully doesn't seem to mind.
"ah, lilia informed me." his eyes crinkled. "I am very happy to be here."
lilia that bastard.. but wasn't sebek supposed to inform him.. but even if sebek did you're sure that this man would have still shown up early.
now you're wondering what happened to poor sebek. that boy is either angry or devastated.
you find malleus' pure and innocent intentions a little endearing.
lilia stands in front of the door that malleus never really opened. ah that child, even in his absence for dorm leader meetings didn't upset him this much. lilia presumes that he must have looked forward to an invitation he hasn't had in.. a long time.
he raises a hand to knock. once, nothing. twice, nothing. lilia guesses he'll have to use that card.
"malleus dear, the prefect was just by here."
almost immediately there's shuffling behind the door and not a second later it creaks open to show the horned man's curious face. lilia smiles. one mention of you and he already responded.
this is is his non-verbal way of saying: 'where.'
malleus tilts his head and looks past lilia's shoulders, who then shakes his head and gains the former's attention back. "they are not here anymore if it is them who you're looking for." 
almost immediately he comically deflates, and lilia resists holding a chuckle. 
"but they did leave something for you." the shorter male adds.
as if the energy in malleus comes back, he immediately brightens. the child of man left something? for him? oh.. malleus releases a long sigh. his heart could leap out of its chest and start dancing if it could.
although it pains him to leave your side malleus did just that. you could say that he was.. feeling under the weather and he doesn't want to face you in a state where his anger could possibly take over.
he does not know what he'll do if he hurts you.
people like you are a luxury that malleus doesn't often come across. it's not every day that he meets someone who doesn't falter at the sight of him or one whose eyes don't fly to his horns but to his eyes instead.
he wonders if you knew who he was at that time. would it be different? would you have turned and left him in the dust? malleus supposes there's no point in wondering about what could have been when all he wants is right here. 
lilia smiles fondly at him. "your favorite. they've left ice cream and an invitation for you."
just like that, all the sadness in malleus pours out like a continuous river never stopping. something warm thumps in his chest and it's all he can hear. it blooms until he can feel it crawl up to his hands and on the tips of his ears. something warm and worthwhile. 
then malleus realizes right then and there. why did he spend so much time worrying about it, since when did he care about the view of others? it's not his fault if they forgot. they should have been grateful that they had the privilege to talk so freely with him.
simple things should not strike such a nerve within malleus.
who needs the other people anyways when he's got everything in his hand? it's not like they have someone their entire being beats for.
but you. weren't you just perfect? malleus had never felt happier. "when and where is this invitation of theirs?" 
you deadpan. you should have never assumed that lilia wouldn't have heard your words to sebek. the walls of diasomnia have ears of their own after all.
you shake your head. "oh uh.. there's a few people that came early—" for once you're appreciative, cause god it would be awkward if it's only the two of you. you're not sure if it's because you'll be having an inner crisis during it or the lack of guests. 
as you can see you definitely weren't all that prepared. you see malleus smile at you from the corner of your eye when you lead him to a table and sit him down, the man doing so without many complaints. 
jamil knows when someone is looking at him. he knew he should have ran back into the kitchen when he saw you staring at him intensely. but before he could even escape you already— "jamil." you say, loudly and he winces.
"why don't you get the others to join us?" you smile at him thinly and jamil understood. there was no room for arguments. he sighs. for a person mysterious to the entirety of NRC you are pretty scary.
oh, fuck did you even look okay? because next to a quite literally sparking, shining man like malleus you feel like you're a bag of trash.
eventually, you find yourself with a strange group, an unlikely group. very weird group. despite malleus being the obvious exception (dare you say he's the most happiest.) there are looks across the table with varying degrees of disturbed, irritation, or just plain fear.
okay, so the fear is mainly from idia who you're surprised even showed up. scratch that. maybe it was just him being nervous?
malleus doesn't look bothered at all.
you laugh awkwardly. "uh.. fine weather we're having?" but two out of five react positively to your words. rook cracks a bright smile while malleus nods slowly.
"indeed! it has been a while since the skies have cleared up." rook chirps, and you sweatdrop. you and a few other people cast a glance at malleus who doesn't seem to be concerned, nor care about the second of attention.
oh god. how awkward, everyone here knows that he's the reason why the weather was so bad.
"I'm just glad it stopped raining." jamil comments, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair. he's met with several mumbles of agreement. all you could say was, same. no more struggling to keep your school works under the umbrella.
malleus hums. "I must thank you for the invitation, child of man." he smiles at you and you have to bite the inside of your cheek to not let the similar face break out so obviously in yours. "you're welcome." 
jamil side eyes the two of you just staring at each other. if he'd known he'd end up being a witness to this.. subtle lovey-dovey stuff he would have never helped you and trey bake the few treats you asked them to in the first place.
plus rook absolutely eating up whatever you two were doing? yikes. god can kill him now.
speaking of trey he should be here suffering. he narrows his eyes.
.. right. "what are you doing here so early? hasn't lilia told you it starts later?" you inquire. it would also have saved you the trouble of creating a group to surround just one table for malleus. 
shortly, he replies. "I did not want to be late." malleus blinks at you and almost everything he does makes you swoon, you get to see a clear view of his crystal green eyes. "I also wanted to talk with you," he admits.
and.. essentially have you all to himself before everyone starts to hog you like moths to a flame. maybe that's how malleus got attracted to you as well.
should you be embarrassed that he just said that in front of jamil, rook, and 3 other people, or should you be rolling all over the ground out of joy?
"oh jeune amour!"
"malleus-chi at it again earning love points.
your lips wobble as you attempt to hold in the wide smile. you feel like the sun just flashed you in the face from the amount of heat you're feeling right now
"wh… do… uh.." 
you don't usually describe yourself as someone who freezes up like this but clearly, you're proving yourself wrong to assume so. "oh haha.." your finger flies to point at the newcomer to direct attention. "would you look at that? the desserts are ready." 
saved by trey who enters with a handsome smile. how in the hell is he balancing all those dishes with one arm? you have no idea. one step from you and all of those would have crashed down onto the ground.
then you'll blame gravity.
before you know it the tense atmosphere had melted into something warm. even jamil seems to have eased up, idia isn't hiding in the depths of his hoodie anymore, and rook is rook.
and malleus, despite his usual blank look has a faint lining of peace in his expression. it's rare to see it in a place so.. crowded? his lips quirk up further once he spots the dessert on the plate.
"ah, my favorite, tea and.. ice cream?" 
"and crackers." you make sure to add.
he chuckles. "and crackers."
everyone digs into their respective plates. besides malleus' favorite, you made sure to ask what kind of food they'd like to have at the party. it would be rather boring if it were just ice cream, wouldn't it?
well. the ice cream was for malleus only so.
you can't help but sneak glances every now and then. thoroughly enjoying the delighted look on his face when he eats another spoonful. you're suspecting that he might even ask if there's another batch.
coincidentally malleus looks at you the moment you look away. it's a repeating thing. you look, he's looking away. you look away and he looks at you. a never-ending cycle that just results in unsaid feelings.
but everyone knows that if there was ever a god that exists he always has a plan for it.
perhaps once the feelings you bore have bloomed into something mature and people would be the time when you could hold malleus in your arms and worry not about every single thing. it's not always you get to pine for someone.
so I will always love you until you're mine. he thinks. you will be.
malleus casts you a small smirk. "I am hoping you'll spare me that talk later."
"later, please. for now let me finish this." 
seriously. the food trey and jamil cooks are scrumptious. 
he watches you eat, chat with rook and idia with a smile. he can't seem to invite jealousy in his heart because of them when you've so clearly put in the effort to clear the troubles in his.
next time I shall prepare a feast and festival for you. he thinks seriously. 
but that's a plan for another day! one.. you're not exactly aware of.. yet...
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mariacallous · 6 months ago
Shortly following reports of an apparent second assassination attempt against former US president and 2024 Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, Elon Musk decided to speak up.
“And no one is even trying to assassinate Biden/Kamala 🤔,” Musk, X’s owner, wrote in a now deleted post, in response to another person asking, “Why they want to kill Donald Trump?”
After deleting the post—which could be interpreted as a call to murder President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, Trump’s Democratic opponent in the US presidential election—Musk indicated that it was merely a joke that fell flat given the context. “Well, one lesson I’ve learned is that just because I say something to a group and they laugh doesn’t mean it’s going to be all that hilarious as a post on 𝕏,” he wrote, adding, “Turns out that jokes are WAY less funny if people don’t know the context and the delivery is plain text.”
The incident was the latest in a long line of increasingly incendiary political posts from Musk, whose substantial defense contracts with the US government may give him access to highly sensitive information even while he makes potential threats against the sitting commander in chief. And they point to the more pressing risk that Musk’s recent rhetoric has posed: the potential to inspire further political violence.
While Sunday night’s post is gone, it appears likely that Musk could receive some attention from federal law enforcement, if he hasn’t already.
The United States Secret Service declined WIRED’s request to comment on Musk’s post. “We can say, however, that the Secret Service investigates all threats related to our protectees,” USSS spokesperson Nate Herring tells WIRED.
“In my experience, the Secret Service would take such a comment very seriously,” says Michael German, a former FBI special agent and a liberty and national security fellow at NYU School of Law’s Brennan Center for Justice. “Typically, agents would go out and interview the subject to ensure that there wasn't an existing threat, and to make the subject aware that the agency takes such statements seriously.”
German notes that it’s possible the FBI could also launch an investigation. However, it’s unlikely that Musk would face any charges for his post. “On its face, the tweet would not meet the ‘true threat’ test, in that it wasn't a direct threat to do harm to the vice president, so it wouldn't likely proceed to prosecution,” German says. Still, “it would create a record of the investigations.”
The FBI declined WIRED’s request to comment on Musk’s post. X did not immediately respond to WIRED’s request for comment.
Both Biden and Harris have released statements condemning the apparent attempt on Trump’s life and political violence more broadly. In a statement to ABC News, the White House condemned Musk’s post. "Violence should only be condemned, never encouraged or joked about,” the statement says. “This rhetoric is irresponsible."
Where things get dicier for Musk is his role as a major contractor for the US Department of Defense and NASA. According to Reuters, SpaceX signed a $1.8 billion contract in 2021 with the National Reconnaissance Office, which oversees US spy satellites. The US Space Force also signed a $70 million contract late last year with SpaceX to build out military-grade low-earth-orbit satellite capabilities. Starlink, SpaceX’s commercial satellite internet wing, is providing connectivity to the US Navy.
NASA, meanwhile, has increasingly outsourced its spaceflight projects to SpaceX, including billions of dollars in contracts for multiple trips to the moon and an $843 million contract to build the vehicle that will take the International Space Station out of commission.
The US government’s heavy reliance on companies controlled by Musk has repeatedly raised the hackles of national security experts. Concerns at the Pentagon came into stark relief last September after Musk denied Ukraine’s request to enable Starlink in Crimea, a disputed territory bordering Russia, so it could launch an attack on Russian troops. (Starlink was not under a military contract when he denied the request.) In response to previous WIRED reporting, Musk asserted that “Starlink was barred from turning on satellite beams in Crimea at the time, because doing so would violate US sanctions against Russia!”
Neither the Defense Department nor NASA have responded to WIRED’s request for comment.
Even Musk’s October 2022 acquisition of Twitter (now X) had some experts worried about the national security risks it could pose to the US, given his business relationship and communications with the Chinese government, his alleged outreach to Russian president Vladimir Putin (which Musk has denied), and Saudi Arabia’s continued investment in Twitter following Musk’s buyout. Others raised concerns that China may have leverage over Musk, due to his relationships with Beijing related to Tesla, his electric car company that has a factory in Shanghai. And all that was before Musk—a citizen of South Africa, Canada, and the US—reactivated the accounts of conspiracy theorists and white nationalists, and began heavily pushing his own right-wing political narrative. Immediately following the first attempted assassination of Trump in mid-July, Musk endorsed Trump and reportedly pledged $45 million per month to support a pro-Trump PAC, a funding vow he said he did not make.
Musk’s deleted Sunday night post further complicates matters. The CEO reportedly has security clearance given his companies’ work on classified US government projects. While there are many rules around who gets security clearance, such as abstaining from cannabis use, the designation is awarded and maintained on a risk-vs-reward basis for the US government. Given that Musk is perhaps the world’s richest man and most famous chief executive, it may be tricky to pull his security clearance regardless of his flippant discussions of political assassinations.
“This is where Musk's status might have a greater effect,” says the Brennan Center’s German. “It would be hard for managers to revoke the security clearance of someone in a position of power, whereas they could be expected to take quick action against a regular employee who engaged in similar conduct.”
The most concerning aspect of Musk’s post is its potential to further inflame extremist threats in the US, says Jon Lewis, a research fellow at George Washington University’s Program on Extremism, who calls the post “merely the latest example of right-wing incitement that has become concerningly mainstream in recent years.”
“That the owner of a major social media platform—and US government contractor—is opining on the assassination of political opponents should be alarming for Americans across the political spectrum,” Lewis says. He warns that “culture war narratives and thinly veiled racism” have already had effects on the real world, which could be exacerbated by the far-right’s willingness to answer calls to arms.
“These extremists are waiting for the justification to engage in violence,” he says, “and rhetoric like this provides the perfect excuse.”
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almightyrayzilla · 1 year ago
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I promise you, this is the only time I will ever willingly post AI generated imagery on any of my pages...but G-Fest is DEAD to me. I first attended in 2006, then again in 2009. I got my start doing artist alley tables at this show in 2010, then branched out to other shows. I even did the promo art for the 2019 show. I cannot tell you how much of my life was shaped from meeting the folks I have met because of this convention.
I'm not even mad. I'm sitting here along with my fellow artists, laughing our asses off. Not because it's funny, but because NONE of us are deeply surprised.
Let's go back a bit.
In 2018, the artist alley (AA) was moved to the lower floor of the hotel. Now I let this slide - the Crowne Plaza had just replaced the area that was used previously with the Caddyshack restaurant. Duh, we couldn't use that area anymore. There was some pushback, that maybe something else could be moved downstairs, but there was refusal to budge. Whatever, us artists actually did pretty good that year, despite a rather sequestered and tight space.
Then for 2019 - we were told a Toho rep was coming, and we were hit with a 30% limitation, which essentially meant that for every ten pieces of art we had, only three of them were allowed to be Toho related. Gamera, Ultraman, Kamen Rider - fair game. I mean, let's put aside that no one could enforce that (and no one tried) - the person in question wasn't even tied to Toho. And even if they were...they'd be more concerned about, say, bootleg DVDs and such.
Personally speaking, my sales were even better, so even with the limitation, people still did alright. Gee, it's almost as if AA is a big attraction at a convention, especially one as niche as this.
Then 2020, when our good friend COVID-19 came about. Someone decided it'd be a good idea to spread misinformation about the pandemic with G-Fest's Twitter page. Among those who spoke up were the artists who regularly attended through its artist alley. A Facebook page that was specifically set up for AA members to share info and whatnot was then told to no longer associate with G-Fest.
And for the record, G-Fest didn't happen that year because of a statewide mandate. No no, the con wasn't canceled it because they recognized the severity of things, it's because Illinois shut everything down.
Well, here comes prep for 2021 (which ultimately became the 2022 show, since it was pushed back again). That's when G-Fest hit us with the AA contract. It forbade artists from selling prints of Toho fan art (originals/commissions were okay, but not reproductions), unless we held a license to sell prints of that work. We could not sell Godzilla fan art prints at this Godzilla convention. We tried to speak with them, to see if there could be some compromise...which there wasn't. They kept saying that the reason for it was to stay on good terms with Toho, even citing a big C&D sweep Toho was doing (they were after bootleggers, not fan artists). Heck, even one of my good friends actually did get a C&D (prior to said sweep), and they have legal word that they were allowed to sell prints of Godzilla art. But apparently, that wasn't good enough for G-Fest. HMMMMM...
I was actually willing to abide by these tighter rules, even planning on trolling them with a few pieces of Jirahs and Gomess (though Jirahs without the frill might have been a bit too risky, lol). We were trying to talk with the head of the vendor room, who was not exactly being clear and timely with responses. Well, someone went to the head of the show to ask if they were being compliant with the rules - I guess they gave a different answer, because that's when the showrunners started bickering about not seeing eye-to-eye on some things, ultimately telling the artist it's best they not come.
That's when I backed out. A few of us had paid for our table/badge for the 2020 show, which was rolled over; with the option available, I asked for the refund. The head of the vendor room said the request was put in. Almost two weeks go by. I go to the showrunner, and within 20 minutes, I get the refund. Look, I know G-Fest isn't a big corporate show, and I try not to be a snob, but I expect SOME professionalism. that's why I've backed out and refuse to ever attend G-Fest ever again. But that's not where things stopped.
During the 2022 show, I was told an artist said screw it and put Godzilla prints out on their table to sell. I laughed and said, "Yeah, and how much of that was playing favorites?" I mean, G-Fest kicking this person out? That would be glorious. But someone like me? I'm pretty sure they'd have banned me on the spot. And I'm not even going to get into the vendor who was selling bootleg DVDs, so...yeah. And from what I hear, the 2023 show forbade ALL fan art prints, not just Toho IPs. I can't imagine how hard they're gritting their teeth trying not tell artists to get lost outright.
*deep breath* And that brings us to today's nonsense. After all that, they pull this. And of course they've turned off comments on the Facebook posts for these...pictures. I mean, after my turn in 2019, we had the idea of giving each AA artist a shot to do the promo art each year before all this crap reared its ugly head.
Like I said, I'm not even mad, I'm actually having a good laugh over all this. If I'm shocked by anything, it's how quickly this convention pulled its 180. The point of this post is to just be informative of what has been going on the past couple years, and why the artists who usually go haven't come back.
But most of all, if/when people ask if I'm going to G-Fest next year, here's the TL;DR version: NO.
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nightpool · 1 year ago
> "A highly anticipated decision by the US Securities and Exchange Commission on whether to approve a spot-Bitcoin exchange-traded fund quickly morphed into a major cybersecurity incident on Tuesday.
> "The SEC’s X account was compromised and a fake post claiming that the agency had green lit plans for the products fueled a brief surge in the price of the world’s biggest cryptocurrency. It also has sparked an investigation by US authorities into how a social media account at Wall Street’s main regulator was compromised. …"
Look, I have no inside information, but most of the reporting I have read about spot Bitcoin ETFs has said that 1. the SEC is going to approve them, 2. by the end of today, and 3. this is public knowledge that everyone believes.
So you would think it would be pretty priced in? It just does not seem to me like there would be a ton of alpha in (1) constantly refreshing the SEC’s Twitter account, (2) looking for a tweet saying “okay spot Bitcoin ETFs are cool now,” and (3) buying Bitcoin on the news. Which implies there would not be a ton of alpha in (1) buying a bunch of Bitcoin, (2) hacking the SEC’s Twitter account, (3) tweeting “okay spot Bitcoin ETFs are cool now” and (4) selling your Bitcoin into the resulting enthusiasm.
Doesn’t it seem at least possible that this hack was just trolling? It didn’t move Bitcoin prices that much, and it shouldn’t have: The fake announcement was something that everyone expects to actually be true today. But it is very funny? The key element of online trolling is irony, and there is plenty of irony here. Like:
1. The crypto community and the SEC do not particularly like each other: Gensler’s SEC has launched a broad and aggressive crackdown on crypto, and it is only going to (probably!) approve spot Bitcoin ETFs today because a court forced it to. If you’re a Bitcoin enthusiast with the skills to hack the SEC’s Twitter, you might want to manipulate the price of Bitcoin, but you might also just want to make the SEC look bad.
2. Having the SEC (1) announce that Bitcoin ETFS are approved, (2) walk back that announcement, and then (3) announce it again, for real this time, the next day, really is quite embarrassing. Like if the hacker made the SEC say something outlandish and false, that would be a little funny. But making the SEC say something true a day early is extremely funny.
3. In addition to cracking down on crypto, one of the SEC’s big regulatory priorities under Gensler has been punishing companies for cybersecurity incidents.[2] The SEC once sued a company for using weak passwords, and its enforcement director said that the case “underscores our message to issuers: implement strong controls calibrated to your risk environments.” But apparently the SEC’s Twitter was compromised because it didn’t turn on two-factor authentication. Nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah!
Anyway, the great counter-troll here would be for the SEC to announce today “you know what, all the Bitcoin ETF applications are rejected, we’ll see you in court again. We were going to approve them, but it turns out that the Bitcoin market is still too vulnerable to manipulation, as you can tell by the fact that someone hacked our Twitter to manipulate Bitcoin.”
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pbandjesse · 6 months ago
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We just watched three episodes of Interview with the Vampire. And it is ridiculously good. Like when I was a kid Queen of the Damned was everything to me. And I loved the original movie. But this is a different animal. The costumes are incredible. It's sad and funny and infuriating. It's so good. Highly highly recommend. But I am now very tired. I knit basically the whole time and got 7 squares done. Felt nice to be productive.
It was a pretty productive day overall. I really appreciated getting to sleep a little bit later. I did sleep a little better last night but it did feel really hot in here at time. Its probably just from the sun beating on us for a lot of the day but the temperature is supposed to lower again tomorrow so I have hopes of it being cool in here again.
When I woke up I would lay in bed for a bit. Getting up at 845. I took a shower and made sure my tablet was charged. I would have to leave here at about 940. The museum is only 10 minutes away but I was worried about parking. Thankfully I didn't need to be in the end.
Once I got dressed I actually felt pretty good. I had a little breakfast. Well I had a glass of a milk and a cookie. That's basically a breakfast. And I laid on the couch with sweetp until it was time to go. I would end up sitting on the stairs for the last few minutes because I was anxious about leaving. But in the end it was totally fine.
I got over to Little Italy and got an excellent parking space literally three cars from the front door of the place. I was really lucky. Also very nervous because the signs were all bent so I was only mostly sure I was parking in a legal space. And thankfully I was.
I wandered the wrong way for a second but turned around and found the house. I liked that you could see where the next row house clearly has been, but is now a courtyard. I took pictures of all the signs. I particularly loved their ground map of the United States with each state being represented by the state stone, donated by that state. It was really cool to see.
Chris would come outside to the courtyard to get me. He was a really nice guy. He is the second replacement for the woman I was originally in contact with last December. The person who replaced her apparently only stayed for two months and he's the replacement of the replacement. He knows a ton about the civil war and we had lots to talk about.
I was really blessed. I not only got a private tour of the house, I got a behind the scenes look at spaces they don't currently have open to the public, he moved ropes so I could see artifacts and spaces close up, and I got to go into the archives. It really truly felt like I was living the dream today. And I had so much fun.
I got to learn how to flag, the actual star spangled banner that Mary Pickersgill made, was constructed. With 15 fussy cut stars and special seams for each of the 15 stripes. I got to see paintings of Mary and her family. I learned a lot!
And the house was really neat as well. I loved seeing the artifacts and especially her bedroom, where the flag was most likely sewn. It wasn't just her. Her daughter, her servant, her sister, and two slave girls, all helped. But she was the business woman commissioned. And because of the enslaved girls, she didn't have to do any of the other house things and was then able to just focus on the flag. Which I think gets lost in the conversation a lot about the time (very quick) she was able to finish the flag. Chris is really interested in putting that story more forward, I appreciated that.
We talked about aesthetics. What he was hoping for for the colors of the bear and the dress she would wear. Accessories she may have, tools and such. We landed on a yellow body and a blue dress, but pink and peach were also thrown around. I would take lots of reference pictures and felt really excited for the project.
Before I left we discussed cost and he seemed really cool about it. I'll get everything in writing. And then I wished him a great rest of the day and headed out. I was in an excellent mood.
I thought the excellent mood would carry me through going to run some errands. But the heat got to me and I started feeling really woozy. I would change my GPS half way to the store, and went straight home.
When I got back here I parked and went inside and was sad about how hot it was outside. But inside was a lot better. I would put the oven on to make cream cheese wontons. I put together a bowl for my pasta salad. And went to work on stuffing some of my quilt squares for my puff quilt in the studio while my lunch cooked.
And lunch was very good. I had strawberry ice tea. I tried very hard to be hydrated. It was tough.
While I ate my lunch I tried the new video game James got me. Frog detective. It wasn't a long game, only about an hour. But it was fun. A simple little puzzle where I had to give different characters objects to get other objects to solve a mystery. Very low stakes. Cute art. It was funny and it was fun. There are two more games in the series. I may play them tomorrow. It was a good time.
I would lay down for a little. But soon I went upstairs to work on my commission.
I was a little stuck at first. But once I got going I felt really inspired and good. I got the bear itself done fairly fast. The accessories always take the longest. I would trace the table and chair from her room. Cleaned that up. Worked on a draping flag. Some little sewing tools. I have more plans but I just think it's the cutest thing. She came out so sweet. I really hope they like her. I quoted him about 5 hours of drawing, and were about 2 hours in. I may make her an actual background, but we will see. I don't want it to be to busy!
Around 4 I moved downstairs. I asked James to bring me French fries home. I didn't realize they were having such a tough day today. A flat tire. Hurt their leg. Internet went down. More and more things just weighing on my poor husband. But they would still get me fries. Even if they were in hold for 7 minutes! I love them so much.
I heated up nacho cheese for the fries when they got home with them. We shared them and James told me about their day while they started making crepe batter. I was very happy to have them home.
They went upstairs to record something for their podcast. And when they were done we would have crepes and watch interview with the vampire. And it was just a really nice night. I got really woozy at times. And my stomach hurts a little. But overall I was good. It was probably the best I've felt for the longest periods. It wasn't perfect. But I was happy.
And now I am tired. I am going to shower soon. And get ready for bed. And hopefully tomorrow is good too.
We were supposed to get our washer and dryer delivered tomorrow but now we think it was canceled because it's backordered? But we are very confused because the number in the email said we still have a delivery so I will stay home to wait just in case. Celia may come over after lunch. I just hope it's not as hot and I feel okay.
I hope you all have a good day tomorrow. I hope you sleep well. Be safe everyone. Until next time. Goodnight!
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purpleandstarlight · 1 year ago
@hateweasel I'm back with more past DLTD reactions!
-Me: Okay so apparently it was a year since Alois was last put in detention and he lost his 'fame' as a delinquent?? Character development. I mean, he's in detention right now, but still-
-Me and my best friend being Travis stans is a costant. We were hype about him FINALLY having a Travis PoV chapter.
-Travis, in that chapter, says that if Cielois ever got engaged, he would be sure to give them a discount, wich i found really sweet. Now I'm wondering, in the future... were the rings made by Travis' mother or did Ciel commission them from someone else? I don't remember...its been too long..please tell me if you're reading this, Hate.
-Me losing it from how funny it is that everything happens at Warwick (despite knowing that it's bc it's the MCs' school) upon starting the Black Annis case and musing about how the other students should have just gone to Weston or some other less chaotic school.
-So, during the whole Ciel-Fights-Alois-While-Under-The-Effects-Of-The-Fear-Poison, Ciel says "Your blood tastes just as good as the rest of you" and I was like "I really didn't want to know that"
-After hurting Alois and coming back to his senses, Ciel is scared and feels guilty so he keeps avoiding him, wich hurts Alois as well as himself, so the whole household is upset about the situation in return. When I told my friend about it, she went "Nooo they're in their divorce arc!" and it killed me 💀
-I was talking about how Cielois & Co were scared of the council kicking up a fit and killing them bc of the drug controlling Ciel, but I was calm bc I trust Integra, and tbh that was my modus operandi about most if not every interaction the demons ever had with HELLSING...and I'm not even a HELLSING watcher/reader...
-Btw i also stanned Oliver's dad EXTREMELY. He's a good man and a good father.
-I was really sad about Alois not wearing the short shorts anymore bc they were funny to me. Now I'm not anymore, tho I gotta say I always missed his crossdressing? Like although he did it so often mostly for attention (as he himself says in the sequel) I gotta say I miss the "So what's wrong if I'm a man and like to crossdress?" thing he did. Luckly Kris picked up the slack and crossdressed in that Pride chapter. U GO KRIS.
- So Integra goes into the specific of the experiment to Humanize Ciel and then asks everyone if they're okay with saying he's innocent in the attack to Alois and everyone but one gets his hand up and I was really mad abt that one but then I found out that it's just that the guy was asleep bc he was extremely old and it was really funny to me.
-About the paintball fight the 7 did where (I think) the others put Alois and Ciel alone in two different teams thinking it would put them at a disadvantage, my friend was like "I love how they did that bc if Cielois was together the others would be defeated in half a second (Bathroom Break included in that time)"
- Me: I still don't understand why the rest of the Seven is like "You guys never do anything chill and normal!!" like...The fashion show?? The summer vacations?? The host club???
My friend: Exactly, c'mon! The fact that like half of those ends in chaos anyway is not their fault...
Me: LMAO. I mean, though, most of those went normally? The only chaotic time I can think of is when they found out about Luka's soul being back and had to make a whole ass ritual in the basement to give him a body.
My friend: Still normal enough if you ask me.
Me: Yeah, normal teenager behavior 💀
My friend: Everyone does that!
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inscryptions · 1 year ago
there are three constants: the sun, the moon, and alhaitham’s ability to grind kaveh's gears. an unfortunate reality in its own right, though the architect ought to be grateful for any semblance of stability and reliability in his life, considering how often things (and people) seem to slip through his fingers.
the past is complicated, and relationships even more so. a stranger turns into a best friend, and a best friend to…well. whatever this is now. in an odd way, it reminds kaveh of the thesis he once ripped up and pieced back together all those years ago — still comprehensible, though far removed from its original state. 
but even in the face of never-ending arguments and bickering, there is an indisputable truth to contend with: alhaitham has done for him what others have not. and though kaveh is loathe to admit it, he finds that the most unshakeable part of his life is a friend that will never change — for better or for worst. 
he waits for alhaitham to step out before sneaking into the other's bedroom. it’s there that kaveh places a bottle of wine on the nightstand, along with a book titled, “In Other Words — A Unique Collection of “Untranslatable,” Culturally-Bound Words Across Teyvat.” 
A note is stuck to its cover: 
“I skimmed through this and thought you'd find it interesting. ”
With a P.S at the bottom:
“In the spirit of the New Year, drink to whatever it is that makes you happy in your own time. Just make sure you wash your glass after. I've already done the dishes.”
Signed with a flourish,  - Kaveh 
I shouldn't be so surprised, considering how sentimental the man is, but finding that Kaveh has obtained gifts for me still takes me off-balance a bit. Perhaps I have only my history with him to blame for my lack of expectation, in which case he has succeeded at springing this gift on me. And how thoughtful it is, as befitting the man: a copy of In Other Words, which despite the resources at my disposable I had had yet to get my hands on the most recent version; and a rather delectable-looking vintage that based on its appearance will do well for welcoming the beginning of the new year. Despite the words on the note, he must've spent some time finding and procuring these items, and for a moment I wonder how much he spent on them. If he hadn't saved up beforehand... well, it makes me curious, and hopeful that he was able to get a good commission preceding their acquisition. And that, of course, he didn't spend all of said commission on these gifts.
I like to think that after so long I have become well-versed in the particular language that is Kaveh, and for all that we (more often than not) rile each other up after our fall-out, we still have at least a shadow of the friendship we once shared. This present wishing me a cordial New Year's is evidence of that on his end. After everything, he still cares in some way, shape, or form. It's... kind of nice, these little moments in which I realize all over again that our brotherhood, though tattered and torn to shreds, was not irreparably burned to ashes.
And now I don't feel as nervous or silly about the new foreign toolset I snuck in his nightstand. If he hadn't gifted me anything, he would've most likely felt embarrassment at having nothing with which to reciprocate as well as believed he'd incurred a debt and attempted to pay it back and, well, that's one headache I definitely don't need. Apparently our timing lined up well in the end, and how funny is that? (I don't think I'll be able to keep a straight face however if that Fontainian curve ruler makes its way into his hair with the rest of his architectural accountrements. No doubt it works well for him, and it still gets me every time that it does so well. It's very Kaveh, now that I think about it.)
I chuckle as I take both presents and hunt down a clean goblet before pouring myself a glass and sitting down to crack open the book. Now I want to see his reaction to the toolset if only for the look on his face.
"Mm, happy New Year indeed."
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wisteriasakana · 1 year ago
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After a few weeks of silence, I have two pieces of news!
The first is that the blog's problems have been fixed: now my posts appear in tags and it's possible to name me without bringing some curse upon yourself.
The second is that (even I find it hard to believe), apparently, I completed an RPG Maker game!
I said I’ve decided to join some jams, right?
I was able to participate in two jams with one game: Three Yellow Quartzes!
«It is said that the Golden Apples of Villa Lixa, three yellow quartzes, are cursed and are at the root of the misfortunes that have befallen the family. Not that Clea cares. She just wants to get them, even if it means going to a crumbling parallel dimension of the Villa and probably unleashing the wrath of its previous inhabitants. The only thing Clea is afraid of is that there are humans and that their blood tastes so much better than the blood in her flask.»
The funny thing is that I wanted to participate in the 19th RPG Maker Horror Game Jam, themed Cursed Jewel, and I thought about this story. From the story, I have planned one of the game mechanics for which you have to monitor the “thirst” of Clea, the protagonist, and choose whether to refresh it with her flask (From which you can drink only 10 times) or with the unarmed humans walking around unaware. Obviously, the different endings depend on this.
But then Themed Horror Game Jam #14 revealed its themes, and both the general one and the three optional ones were exactly what I had in mind for this game. I couldn’t not participate!
I wanted to do a dev diary, but nothing, so I plan to do some posts about the game in the next few days. And, perhaps, make the obligatory update that it deserves, because the English version has been translated and inserted into the game in the space of 12 hours of suffering. [Done!]
In this regard, I want to thank Tailu for the thousands of things she did: sound design, betatesting, moral and physical support and for convincing me to participate anyway despite the fact that, at the end, I had abandoned hope but also faith and charity. Thank you so much! 
Extra: By the way, Clea and Aurel’s sprites are Looseleaf-style, so I can happily add them to my portfolio for commissions (Self-spam!)~
You can find Three Yellow Quartzes at these coordinates:
🦇 Available on Itch.io (Click me! Click me!) 🦇 In English and Italian 🦇 3 endings 🦇 About 40 minutes up to 1 hour of gameplay 🦇 Features a vrykolakas, an incubus and Greek mythology references 🦇 Major warnings are death-related stuff, abusive relationship and implied suicidal thoughts and depression. A very edgy list, I realize-
I hope you like it!
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gnotknormal · 6 months ago
Spotting art scam accounts- people who are pretending to be artists edition.
My GOD I am getting so tired of these fuckers. They annoy me to no end but I'm so sad and concerned about how many people they might trick. I'm even more concerned about the art they steal from other artists in order to pretend they are who they are saying they are.
My guess is they take your money and run, or they just AI some shit and then disappear. So here's some tips on how to find them.
I recently got followed by a "rabeccartist" (clearly Rebecca was taken) This is your first clue. They almost always just use a normal western sounding forename. Never an artist nickname or anything. While its true a lot of legitimate artists use their name, its very rarely just their first name - how would you ever be searchable by potential clients?!
Let's see what's on Rebecca's profile!
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Could seem innocuous enough, but the hints are here.
Really, first and foremost pushing their commissions without even explaining who they are or what their vibe is.
Almost always say or imply they can do nsfw commissions
No links to a portfolio or mentions of other sites they're on (yes I know not everybody goes everywhere but tumblr isn't exactly the place you get exposure - and how would these artists have got commissions already if not posting on other sites?)
Claims that aren't backed up by posts on their pages
E.g. "creating a world of unique characters" is huge bs. This profile only features "client work" and reblogs of other artists.
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This is the pinned post. Showing some other red flags.
Incorrect/unreasonable tags (some real artists do mess with tags to get some exposure, so this isn't always a red flag on its own)
"Client work done"/"commission completed" - with no indication of how they even know the client or got the commsion from. No mention even of what is included in the picture or what the request was for?
Next image
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Apparently another commission! But this one is a totally different style "furry oc"?? Really? Whose OC? Tag them! Link to their website!
Also I only just notice they just straight up tagged this as AI art so...
And this page leads me to another blog by someone called Helen. (Again, another name- and they pretty much are always womens names).
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It was the only picture liked by Rabecca. Rabecca's page doesn't show any of her original characters or artwork for fun or any sort of world building despite her profile offering a "world of unique characters".
So over on Helen's page
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Same vibe. Nsfw commissions mentioned, all it says is they love to draw. They usually also offer 3D and 2D commissions. Profile image is clearly not the same artist that drew that lion.
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Now I don't watch this show, but someone in the comments helpfully noted this was just a screenshot from the show. Also, this profile doesn't even mention Helluva Boss on it like the other one does (don't come at me if this isn't Helluva Boss I just said I don't watch it). "Client work done" again with no name, no specifications, nothing.
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There's the lion. Fan art? Of who? Why? It's lovely art but clearly different from the only other thing on the profile that claims to be done by this artist.
And looking at Helen's likes...
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Ah! What a surprise!!!
These are both scam accounts. Most likely by the same person. And honestly? I see these on Instagram all the time so I was kind of surprised to see them here. They all have the same or similar MO.
It's kind of funny, although I'm concerned people COULD, I'm so confident that people don't fall for this. I don't know why you would. After all, I am a legitimate artist @gnot-art with years of art under my belt, who sells commissions and showcases my own work on multiple platforms and people rarely commission me XD people don't generally just commission random artists they find on the Internet!!! It's so absurd.
What's even funnier to me is the other main art scam- where someone pretends to be a paying client and rips you off. (I can make another post about how to spot those, too, if anyone wants it). I just find it hilarious to think these 2 types of scam accounts are constantly only ever interacting with each other because they haven't even worked out how unlike actual art profiles what they've made is.
Anyway, I recommend that if you want to commission an artist, you follow them for a bit and get to know them and their style to see if it fits with what you want.
And no legitimate commissioning artist will EVER DM you begging for you to buy something from them.
Have a great day ya little frogs ✌️
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dzthenerd490 · 10 months ago
Personal Log: Dr. Zeek #666
"... The Reset... Everyone knows about it; well, they know the bloody name but not a damn thin' about what it really is. I do though, I existed before it 'happened, how the bloody root do I know? Because I'm Dr. Clef. 
Now i know wat yah thinking, dr. Zeek yah a stubby shawrt of a sixpack. You're not Dr. Clef, you don't look like him, you don't sound like him, you were born in Australia and never had anything to do with the GOC. Most importantly, you don't even act like the super intelligent, brave, handsome... slightly sexist... but legendary Dr. Clef. Your bloody right I don't act nothing like Dr. Clef... because that's not who I am anymore. 
Since the Reset happened, I was reborn as an entirely different person, just like everyone else in The Reset. I lived a different life, had different motives, and thus became completely different. I remember being such a gun nut and loved to play on my ukulele but now, I actually really hate violence... also I'm more of a painter now. I mean I'm not against violence, but I only enjoy watching it happen to buggers who deserve it, like a bloody fucking predators. I guess reincarnation really changes a person. Though somethings don't really change, my daughter was still born, she had the same name and everything despite me never meeting her old lady in this life. I don't know how that's possible, but it is somehow. 
Thats the first thing that doesn't make sense about The Reset, so many things changed yet so many things remained consistent. For example, in the prime universe the Foundation was created in 1918 after World War 1 ended. Which was also the time SCP-106 was born in case anyone was curious. Anyways in this reality the Foundation was actually founded in 1788 when members of the Commission of Unusual Cargo met with the Illuminati.
Now mind ya, the Commission of Unusual Cargo is SUPPOSED to be one of the founder organizations but not the Illuminati. Which is weird because there were people on both side who were both immortal and knew the Foundation would eventually exist. Though regardless, because they knew they decided to get a head start and form it earlier than any of the other major Groups of Interest. Don't really know where those guys are now maybe their dead or maybe they're the current O5 and Ethics Commitee don't know and if I tried to find out the Red Right Hand would surely kill me.
But anyways because they knew so much, they managed to anticipate a majority of the anomalies and contain them before they would activate or cause serious damage. They even found better ways to contain some like SCP-106 and SCP-096. For SCP-096 they made sure the pictures were never taken and got some blind hunters to find it and contain it. For SCP-106 he was captured before he wiped out that city... you know the one. Though SCP-682 was unfortunately still able to eat the fetus of SCP-231-4 and thus gained its power of immortality before we could kill it. Can't get them all, I guess. 
Though as time went on things were getting weird as there were new anomalies that weren't supposed to exist. The first one that raised red flags was SCP-AFD though at the time of discovery, it was called SCP-001. Apparently, the founders figured it was more deserving of the title though The Reset was still placed as another candidate for SCP-001. However, as time went on more and more like them were getting discovered. These things, these new anomalies... I mean regular anomalies aren't supposed to exist, but these ones REALLY weren't supposed to exist. Some were cool, some were scary, some were funny... Then we found the few that were absolute bloody nightmares.
Thats when it became clear that numbers weren't enough anymore, we had to separate the ones that we knew everything about form the ones we knew nothing. Hence why some are labeled by numbers and others are labeled by letters. Those that are labeled by letters are the ones that existed after the Reset and those with numbers existed before.
Hm... I think that's all there is to know about The Reset... Oh, wait there's the one thing that's the biggest mystery of the Reset. No one knows when it started. Like I said I was Dr. Clef before The Reset and I remember everything that happened but... I don't know when it all ends, and the Reset starts. I just can't remember it for some reason, like I got all the pieces, and I SHOULD be able to see it but... I can't, my mind literally can't comprehend when the Reset happened or what even caused it. In fact, the more I think about it the more everything leading to it makes no sense, so The Reset ends up making no sense. Blech! Bloody hell... Fucking bollocks.
Though if there's anything good about the Reset it's that the Foundation and by extension the O5 could learn from their mistakes. Especially with the SCP-3002 disaster, Iris that poor Shelia, she didn't deserve that shit, nor does she deserve to remember every horrible thing the O5 did to her... what I did to her and her friends. Though I am glad she's doing better, her and Meri are even going out and planning on getting married soon. Good for them, after all the hell they went through both those Shelia's deserve all the happiness in the world after going through such hell.
Well, I don't really have anything else to say except... Welcome to the Family... if you know that that means then sorry, if you don't then... still sorry. But now you know why there was no warning when you opened this file. 
Personal Log, Doctor Harvey Zeek. Signing out."
SCP: HMF Tales Hub
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kalims · 2 years ago
‎˃ ᵕ ˂ . . "I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this."
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paper rings,
premise. there's nothing more memorable with a paper ring and a promise.
characters. all dorms.
includes. gn!reader
cw. topic of marriage.
note. you know those ring pops? yeah, those but paper rings.. I am listening to taylor swift right now so basically mc is proposing
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in a very flabbergasted way he's less than proud to admit. riddle isn't able to do anything other than stare dumbly at the item you're offering so casually, awfully aware of the steaming warmth on his cheeks and frantic beating of his heart. his throat feels awfully empty from the way he can't even say a thing from how shocked he was. there's practically steam flushing out of his ears when he looks away and scolds you for being way too early. (maybe he's implying that it might be better for a later occasion.)
trey hasn't exactly pondered on the topic of marriage a lot. why would he? he's living a pretty good life. surrounded by his close circle, being able to excel and enjoy the thing he loves, having a decent academic standing. what more could he wish for? apparently marriage. just the notion had him whipping up deserts in his head, specifically for a wedding and he's suprised at how serious he's being at it. even his parents are getting a shock from how he insists to do the wedding cake commissions himself for some 'practice' he says.
receiving the shock of the year certainly doesn't come by a lot but cater supposes he can't exactly avoid the thing forever. consider this the most shocking he's ever gotten because you'd know from his frozen face and the smile that dropped into an open gape. right after he breaks into this goofy grin before giggling somehow ominously. you should expect cater to basically advertise your proposal, posting it all around social media with barely container excitement. you'd think he'd throw it away after he's done taking pictures but he's hidden it deeply in his closet.
ace trapolla ponders on whether he should just slap your hand away like when he'd probably do but for once he's silent. staring at the ring with such intensity that you took the initiative to joke about his out of character face. so, ace huffs and playfully rolls his eyes at you. to be honest, his usual self would definitely push your hand away because he thinks it's a joke and it's funny but the thing is. it's not. oddly enough, it's somehow serious to him and he literally hates it! stop making it serious to him he's gonna contradict himself after making disgusted faces to couples.
he had never felt such honor before. sure, deuce is pretty flustered. face tinted in pink but he's feeling like he just recieved a medal right now.. so proud would be a better word to describe his feelings. deuce just watches you slip the ring into his finger after he had nodded slowly. you don't know if you should be concerned or laugh at the way he never took his eyes off it. speaking of his eyes, they could be comically quiet sparkles in it from how amazed and proud he seemed.
compared to leona, ace's stares is like a cat to a well.. lion. leona just stares at you pointedly, glancing at the ring once and you swear something strange flashed in his eyes for a moment. you aren't given the time to venture too deeply into it as leona had already retreated back to his previous position and seemingly going back to sleep. you just shrug and decide to leave him to it. leona's ears twitch, picking up a rustle of paper in the grass. right behind him then your retreating footsteps. he just lays there, staring at nothing then turning to his back. the ring is over there. and he's currently fighting his inner self whether or not he'll test if you got his finger size right.
ruggie doesn't skip a beat and immediately leans in closer without warning, only to take a real good look at the ring you've made. he whistles and makes a cheeky comment about its just how he liked it. actually, it's true. as much as ruggie liked shiny things this is the little things he prefers and he lowkey just fell in love a little more. so, if you don't mind at all! he'll take the ring to keep to himself. since you did make it for him there shouldn't be any problem. don't worry, if you guys do actually end up getting married there's a chance he'll do it with paper rings. strange as it is.
his face holds a contortion of seriousness and 'seriously?' don't get him wrong. jack is quite stupefied by your gesture, don't you know that rings are often associated with the topic of marriage? you're literally proposing to him and you're doing it so casually?! oh please. in all seriousness actually he'd actually like that but he fears he might accidentally tear the whole thing into shred by accident. it's funny on how such a big, muscular man could treat something like paper so fragile. done like a true tsudere he turns pink, furrows his brows and loud away.
with the growing silence that azul thought of as awkward, he quickly clears his throat in hopes of clearing the.. atmosphere. if it weren't to the wake up call he snapped into, he definitely would've dropped the cup he was holding by his faltered grip. he puts on a smile that was more wobbly than he preferred but he can't really comment on it since it was currently his best. anyhow, he flicks his gaze down the ring and gestures for you to place the ring in his palm. he won't accept it, atleast not now but he will. when he would be able to provide for the two of you for a better life. until then he'd keep it in his safe when he's ready.
there's nothing more in-character for jade than a wide, kind of ominous grin. it's like he's teasing you non-verbally just from his face expressions itself. raising a brow and nudging you, with that grin still present on his face. jade says something about you being too impatient for marriage but he'll gladly adjust to your,,, preference. should he call you his fiance now? yes, the whole time he's been teasing you. not at all phased by your bold proposal. if not, he seems a little too pleased about it.
fully intent on glomping you. floyd wastes no time lurching forward and basically glomping you with a flurry of giggles, looking like he's high on cloud 9. 75% of the time he was just full of giggles as he continuesly stays clingy to you for the past time, and the rest muttering about getting married. don't be suprised if the whole school knew at this point because he kept saying "shrimpy and I are getting married. hehe." a lot and he doesn't even know how loud he actually is being.
being the sunshine he is everyone would expect kalim to be the happiest. and he is, you can tell from the brightest perk up he does and the bright, happy grin-smile he does right after. he looks like he can barely contain the happiness from bursting out. unlike any other of the guys, kalim probably thinks of this as a serious thing and doesn't think it's a joke at all. he doesn't even hesitate with accepting the ring and promises he'll make you one himself too. why would he buy you a different, expensive one when you gave him something so priceless?
jamil can't help the furrow on his brows. he probably looks disgruntled and bothered by you right now but it's quite the opposite. him, you're giving him paper rings? to him? it's not that he hates the notion, he thinks it's secretly cute but why him? there's probably a thousand other people wanting to receive one from you but yet you're here offering him a fragment on your love and you already stole his heart. he guesses no amount of ordinary can make you ignore him. it feels like a crushing responsibility to be the one chosen by you but he doesn't feel pressured at all.
in hindsight vil should be offended by your audacity to give him a paper ring out of all things! most people would probably sell their souls to purchase one imbedded with the most expensive kinds of crystals and gems. but he can't help but feel.. he isn't sure, pleasantly suprised? you never fail to dazzle him even if your ring isn't sparkly to compare to him but he does remember his dad speaking about how not everything should be all about the price. sometimes, it's the thought that matters and if your thought was to marry him he'd gladly do.
besides everyone else. rook is the most appreciative by your gesture, he doesn't have a problem practically singing how much enchanted you've made him by this alone. go on prefect, shall you do a play? he'd absolutely rejoice if you went along with him, going on your knees to recreate a real proposal and he'd say it was the most magnifique performance he's proud to ever taken apart of! by morning and day everyone notices how much more joyous he's been, sparing the ring made of paper in his finger that he wears literally every day. but they don't wonder too much, strange and rook in the same sentence fits quite well.
between the entirety of pomefiore, epel certainly has the least graceful reaction, with the loud scream, mind boggled eyes and all. if not for the etiquette lessons rook had drilled into his memories, epel would have taken you for the shoulders and started shaking you frantically, wriggling your brain cells into oblivion. but he just resorted by sparing you his mercy and just keeping his hand curled into a fist by his chest. epel is torn between 'what do you mean by this?!' and a firm 'I do'.
my boy idia's reaction is the most predictable and prominent. when I say predictable, most of the time he's just on the verge of a breakdown at unexceptable things and prominent by the increasingly passionate flame that his now pink (previously blue) has. I mean when is it not pink when mc is involved really? idia is of course, having a crisis because WTF?! that was literally so cute that he's gonna have a cardiac arrest. someone please sedate him... consider idia a fan of paper craft because you started receiving a bunch of origami stuff, ranging from paper flowers to cranes. even ortho is suprised at the sudden motivation to pick up a hobby.
when you told ortho to wait when you forgot something he definitely didn't expect you to come back with a bunch of flowers made out of paper for him! the boy is singing praises for you as he clutches the batch happily. almost like he's cradling a child. you bet ortho is gonna make some sort of artificial liquid to drown the flowers into so that the paper doesn't get worn out or crumpled. he will certainly keep it safe for years!
akin to childish joy. malleus hums pleasantly. he doesn't think that this is a fake or anything at all, though he was sure that he'd be the one to propose first.. oh well, it's a nice thing. you never fail to suprise him child of man. he stares at you with a smile playing upon his lips and crinkled eyes, almost like he is in a trance. do you think he'll tell you that he quite literally just fantasized your future in front of you. (💀) goodluck cause man's obsessed and he's definitely not letting you take anything back. it's final. (no take backs 😡 <- like that)
giggles but atleast it's more mischievous and less ominous than jade's. lilia likes to see what kind of look you'd have on your face if he reacts differently. he's kicking his feet up, giggling and shi'. he acts like he just got serenaded by a high school crush, and you are technically his high school crush. might tease you into fluster instead but it all depends on his mood. it's pretty hard to fluster him you know and before you can do it it'll be the end of the world. (promises you that he'll be the househusband if you do get married and doesn't pay mind to your sweatdropping and horrified look.)
screeching like it's the end of the world. sebek probably woke up the world next to this one from how much bullshit he just started spouting, loudly if i may add. bullshit because everyone knows whatever he's spouting isn't even true and he's just saying it to convince himself.. sebek what do you mean the idea is preposterous? didn't you have a crisis last night because you couldn't sleep with a certain somebody in mind? silver is literally exposing him and sebek is calling him a traitor. he's never gonna vent to silver ever again, period.
to be honest maybe silver actually has the most normal reaction. he's just; oh wow, that's beautiful thanks. then goes back to sleep but this time he's been blessed with a dream of a future with you. he just doesn't spare an over the top reaction and prefers to cherish what he has now. which is what he's currently doing, he loves you and he doesn't want to wish for anything more until you're fully ready.. we love a respectful, consentual man. of course he keeps the ring but so that it won't get in the way of his work
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ramzawrites · 4 years ago
can i request an angsty sbi fic where sibling reader lost two lives saving others (maybe tubbo at the festival?) and they see everything falling apart (techno and phil destroying everything, wilbur dead and tommy focused on the disks) and they pretend to be ok while their mental health gets worse and worse until they decide to end it, and people only realise they weren't okay after the death message pops up and their reactions to seeing it? if not thats completely fine, ik its pretty heavy
Pairings: none
Characters included: Wilbur, Tommy, Philza, Tubbo, Technoblade
Warnings: depression, suicide (falling, non descriptive), angst
Series: a request!
Summary: Y/N just wanted their home back. They just wanted to live a peaceful life but instead all their hopes and dreams got ripped apart by the people they loved the most.
Words count: 3647
Authors Note: Honestly I could have shortened it quite a bit but here we are, it’s way longer than I wanted but I hope you guys enjoy this. I’m sorry if this went kind off of rails to what you might have envisioned. Also I hope that you guys know that you are loved and appreciated. I appreciate you for taking the time to read my stuff :] Here is m favorite video to cheer me up some times, hope it can cheer you up as well!
I’m also curious what your guys thoughts and opinion are on this or my writing in general! Can’t get better without feedback :]
Y/N loved their family.
They were all pretty chaotic but so was Y/N, following their siblings into trouble ignoring any possible consequences.
So when Wilbur proclaimed he would create an independent Nation inside the SMP that was owned by Dream himself, you bet that Y/N was standing right beside him.
When Wilbur would struggle with his tasks or was weighed down by doubts they would swoop right in and do their best to support him. Every time Wilbur would say “I don’t know what I would do without you sometimes.” While Y/N didn’t do it for praise but out of love for him it was still nice knowing that he appreciated them and that he took note of their work.
Tommy wasn’t really for heartfelt words but he too expressed in his own way how much he appreciated them being around. Most of his schemes wouldn’t have even happened without Y/N’s help after all. As a way to say thanks he would let them just take stuff fout his chets or when he heard they needed a specific resource he would wander out and get it for them. Of course saying something on the lines of “I was out there anyhow, so I brought some with me. It was on the way.” Y/N could read between the lines though. They grew up with him after all.
Y/N put so much energy into L’Manberg they couldn’t help but be in love with this little nation. They would do everything to protect their home.
When Y/N lost their first life it was together with their siblings protecting their nephew Fundy.
The Dream Team suddenly retreated after another battle against L’Manberg. While the group was celebrating what they thought was their first victory in ages, Eret appeared. She told the group of a small bunker with more resources.
Still celebrating Wilbur, Y/N, Tommy, Tubbo and Fundy made their way towards the bunker. The bunker that would later go down into history as “The Final Control Room.”
Inside they all looked at the labeled chests only to notice that they were empty. Eret then pressed a button which opened up secret walls with the Dream Team standing behind. She herself got into safety as Dream and his friends merciless attacked the L’Manberg faction.
As soon as Y/N understood what was happening they did their best to form a wall between the attackers and Fundy. Slowly pushing him out of the room while they made sure to block the exit, giving the Fox Hybrid enough time to run away.
When they woke up again it was inside their home. In L’Manberg. Sore from the respawning.
Once they did respawn though it didn’t take long for Fundy to barge into their room and throw himself against them, thanking them. Wilbur was close by, looking worse for wear as well but incredible thankful nonetheless.
After that and a few battles more Tommy challenged Dream to a duel in order to secure independence. He lost so instead he bartered his music discs for freedom.
After Tommy respawned a second time Y/N made sure to spent most of their time hovering around him. Making sure he was doing alright.
But with that L’Manberg was independent and it was Y/N’s time to shine. Sure, they worked hard on strengthening the infrastructure of the nation but now, maybe even because of that, they basically coordinated all the new builds.
Shops, homes and other things were being build with them overseeing it. Meanwhile Wilbur and Tommy took care of the political part only to come to the conclusion that they had to have a proper election.
At first it started innocently enough as well. New political parties were made that begun advertising themselves. Funny enough they would always come to Y/N asking them where they could hang up their posters. It was then that Y/N realized that the people saw them as some sort of authority, even asking them if they wanted to start their own campaign. They politely declined, saying they worked best as a support role.
Then Schlatt entered the stage and everything got thrown upside down.
In the end he managed to become the next president via a coalition and his first declaration as the president, or emperor as he called himself, was to exile Tommy and Wilbur.
As they ran for their life Y/N didn’t hesitate to follow. It hurt them so much to leave L’Manberg, their fruit and labor, behind. This only got worse once they realized that Tubbo was basically left alone back at the city under Schlatt’s rule.
Then Pogtopia got established.
Tommy, Wilbur and Y/N did their best to get a proper foothold again. Gathering resources and planning for ways to get their home back. And to accomplish this they soon called in the oldest sibling of the group, Technoblade.
Techno has been away for the longest time now. He moved out early to travel the world and apparently train himself. Somehow Tommy found a way to get a message to him, so he made his way towards Pogtopia.
He wasn’t big on words or emotions but as soon as he arrived he let Y/N hug him.
“This is a onetime deal, Y/N.”
With Techno they finally felt like they had a chance. Y/N could maybe return home someday. Back when they were children Techno always looked out for them so to have him back Y/N felt infinitely safer.
All the while Wilbur showed more and more signs that his mental health was rapidly declining. Y/N did their best trying to cheer him up but there was only so much they could do. Especially since they themself were struggling.
L’Manberg was their everything and now it was under the iron rule of Schlatt. They had to watch as Schlatt walked through the nation, ripping apart builds that they commissioned or even built themself. Every time he did something like that it felt like another stab wound directly into their heart.
Then the festival happened where Y/N lost their second life protecting Tubbo.
Schlatt wanted to apparently celebrate democracy and his amazing rule. Tommy and Wilbur weren’t allowed to join while Techno and Y/N received an invitation.
Y/N was very wary of that. They learned from Tubbo that Schlatt apparently was pretty interested in bringing them over to Manberg since a lot of the residents trusted them and saw them more as an authority than Schlatt himself, so bringing them over would probably also bring a lot of the residents around to his rule.
On the day of the festival Y/N made sure to stay close to Techno. Holding on to his arm and basically hiding behind him, not feeling up to talk with all the people in Manberg.
The people were happy to see them but Y/N was tired. They haven’t slept properly ever since the exile, too many thoughts that kept them awake.
Then the speeches started.
Honestly Y/N wasn’t really listening, their attention purely on a broken old building. It used to be the place where Y/N and the other residents would meet up and map out their plans for new builds. Discussing and even sometimes arguing on what materials should be used and where to get them. Now it was empty.
Their attention got pulled back towards what was actually happening once Tubbo begun speaking. It was a nice little speech Y/N had to admit.
Just as Tubbo was about to leave, Schlatt moved back in. Holding him in place and pushing him in something that Y/N had to describe as a cage with the help of Quackity.
“Techno, buddy. Come up here for a sec.”
Technoblade tensed up but still moved towards the stage. There Schlatt uttered the words that pulled the rug out from beneath Y/N once again.
“Kill him Techno. He is a traitor.”
“Don’t you dare!” Y/N yelled out, making their way towards the stage as well.
Y/N knew Techno couldn’t deal well with social pressure, especially when there were about ten people or more behind him that could attack him at any point.
Tubbo looked so scared as he pressed himself against the wall. There was no escape for him.
When Techno moved his crossbow up, aiming directly at Tubbo, Y/N let out another scream. Urging him to stop.
Explosions. Colorful explosions filled the place.
“Y/N!” it was Tubbo screaming their name out.
Just as Techno pressed the trigger Y/N managed to jump in front, the rockets hitting them instead of Tubbo.
Their older brother looked absolutely mortified “Y/N? Wha- What? Why? How?” staring at Y/N’s lifeless body that slowly dissolved. They were slowly respawning but seeing his siblings body was enough to send him in some sort of frenzy.
Filled with bloodlust he aimed his crossbow towards Schlatt and Quackity. Killing them with one press of the trigger only to turn around and aim his crossbow towards the people.
As this happened Tommy enderpearled over, screaming at Techno.
He helped Tubbo out of the cage who was still in a state of shock. He only saw Y/N for a second and the next they were laying on the ground in their own blood.
Y/N heard the details later after they respawned. Tommy had apparently been incredibly angry at Techno, even attacking him. Wilbur then offered that the two deal with their argument via a fistfight inside a pit.
Normally Y/N would have yelled at Wilbur for that. Would have told him that this was his dumbest idea yet but they were too shook from what had happened to them.
Technoblade always spelled safety to them but he killed them. Sure, he meant to kill Tubbo but that didn’t really make it any better. They gave him an out, they would have helped fighting off all these people so they could flee.
The next time they saw Techno they flinched every time he got too close to them and yet they still put on a smile “Never, do this again.”
Techno only nodded.
After this downward slope the momentum didn’t seem to stop for them. Wilbur dropped even more and more off. Falling victim to his paranoia. Y/N tried their best convincing him to not blow up Manberg, that they will fight to gain it back. At this point trying to gain back their L’Manberg was the only thing they could hold on to.
Though all that work was for nothing.
The war to take back L’Manberg went way differently than they all had imagined. Y/N fought with a viciousness most didn’t think they had it in them. This was the day for them to finally regain what they had wished for, for the longest time now.
Everything came to a halt once Dream surrendered. He showed them Schlatt who was sitting in the Carmavan. Drunk off his mind he yelled and screamed at people only to die of a heart attack which meant that the Pogtopia faction won.
The people begun cheering, they had their home back! They were free! Y/N was probably the loudest by far. It felt like a huge weight was lifted from their shoulders. All this hardship and they could finally return to working with the others and rebuild L’Manberg. Return it to its former glory.
Tubbo got appointed President and Y/N was happy with it. Tubbo had an eye for building and was a good person, with him they were sure they could do some amazing things.
Apparently Techno thought otherwise. Instead he pulled Soulsand out, holding onto the Wither skulls as a visible threat.
Y/N had somewhat forgiven Techno for what had happened. It was a stressful situation and they acknowledged it but seeing him there, threatening to kill all of them? That they knew they couldn’t forgive quite so easy. Especially since he made some sound points but it was their L’Manberg. The people didn’t like living under Schlatt’s rule, this wasn’t something that could be described simply as a coup. Technically he was right but only technically. There were so many things that came into play that could let you argue over that but Techno would have none of it. Yelling something about Tommy only wanting to be a hero.
When the first explosions rang Y/N thought it came from a Wither but Techno was still in the middle of putting the heads onto the structure.
When more explosions rang and the ground beneath their feet broke away, Y/N understood what had happened.
At some point Wilbur ran off and must have pressed the button. The button that set the TNT beneath the city ablaze, effectively destroying everything.
Y/N was too busy with finding hard ground again and then dealing with the Withers and Techno that they only noticed after the fighting ended, how broken the nation was now.
They had won. Why would Wilbur do this? He knew how much the nation meant to them and again, they had won, so there was no reason for blowing the place up!
And if that wasn’t enough to see how both their older brothers destroyed everything Y/N worked for, they also had to see how Philza, their father, stood next to the corpse of Wilbur. It felt like they lost everything.
They lost their trust in Technoblade.
They lost their hopes and dreams via Wilbur blowing up the freshly liberated L’Manberg.
They lost their trust in their own father who had slain his own son.
Y/N felt absolutely crushed. Family was so important to them and it was their own family that destroyed their hopes and dreams. They did everything for them and this is how they repaid them?
Once everything calmed down and Tubbo begun making plans on how to rebuild the nation, he immediately came to Y/N for help but they hesitated which worried him.
“Is everything okay? Usually you would have jumped on that offer, Y/N.”
Y/N put on a smile that didn’t seem to reach their eyes “Don’t worry Tubbo, of course I’ll help you. I’m just tired from what we have been through. I finally have time to take a breather and I think it all just crashed down on me.”
“Well if you ever need help you can talk to me.” It was an earnest offer that Y/N would never take advantage of.
Y/N mostly ignored Philza. He talked with them a few times and even explained what has happened but Y/N still made a wide berth around him. Seeing him just hammered back down the feeling of distrust and hurt. Their familial relationship took a hard hit from that point on.
With Ghostbur it was a weird situation as well. They enjoyed spending time with him but were also always incredibly sad around him. Ghostbur took notice of this and would always offer them to take some of his blue but Y/N declined every time.
“Don’t worry Ghostbur. Everything is still just fresh in my mind. I’ll be back to my old self in no time. You take care of yourself, you hear?”
“Of course Y/N! You have always looked out for me, thank you.”
L’Manberg slowly took on a proper form again but it wasn’t the L’Manberg Y/N knew. It felt to them like they were standing on top of a grave. A grave for their dreams and it was getting hard, real hard, to walk through it every day seeing places where they know specific buildings should be standing. Buildings they build on their own only to be destroyed by their brothers doing.
Then Tubbo exiled Tommy and Y/N felt conflicted. They felt obligated to stay in L’Manberg since they were the main person people came to for builds but that was their brother. Their only brother they still trusted and felt a need to protect.
Instead of following him into exile they stayed in the city. Visiting Tommy whenever they could, noticing pretty fast that he was struggling hard with his situation and for once they didn’t feel strong enough to properly support him. Y/N tried their best but once they noticed they couldn’t reach him completely they gave up a tiny bit.
It reminded them too much of Wilbur.
So while they visited him and helped them where they could, they spent more and more time alone in their home only coming out for work and other necessary things like food. Soon it was normal to see them with ever present dark circles beneath their eyes.
Before Philza disappeared to join Techno, he would stop by Y/N’s home all the time.
“Have you eaten, yet?”
“Yes, dad. I’m an adult. I can take care of myself.”
“I just haven’t seen you much lately and I got worried.”
“Don’t worry. I’m fine. Hey, if you go out, please, can you tell Ghostbur to stop coming around to throw Blue inside my mailbox? He won’t listen to me but perhaps he will to you.” And they would always carry the same big smile on their face accompanied by empty eyes.
The only time their happiness reached their eyes again was when Tommy returned from his exile. They crashed into their younger sibling holding him close to them and muttering apologies. He pried them off, embarrassed by all of this.
This short bout of happiness was destroyed by Doomsday. Dream, Technoblade and Philza once again made sure to set L’Manberg ablaze.
The second time Y/N’s fruits and labor got completely annihilated by their family but still they had some hopes this time. They still had Tommy on their side they could just finally build a home somewhere else and live in peace but Tommy had other ideas. He had it in his mind to get his discs back and he would do anything for it.
So while Y/N tried to ground themself with new hopes and ideas, holding onto the only constant of what was important to them, that being Tommy, Tommy ignored them. He was too busy with his own things and the worst part was that Y/N couldn’t even fault him for it.
They understood how much these discs meant to him and that this was something that had to come to an end but with this they lost another, and possibly their last, anchor point.
Yet you could still see them running around with a smile, tending to every one and trying to help out the best they could.
Then suddenly they were gone. They just disappeared one day. The few people who took note of that took some time to look around but there was no sign as to where they left. Y/N didn’t take their armor with them nor any weapons or food.
< Y/N succumbed to despair and fell of a high place>
When every ones communicators rung out with this message the SMP fell quiet.
Tommy couldn’t believe what he was reading. This didn’t make any sense. Y/N was fine! They would talk with them and everything looked fine! This must have been a cruel joke from Dream somehow, right? This couldn’t be real. Why would Dream do this? This didn’t seem to make sense.
Exactly there was no sense in Dream doing this.
While Tommy was battling with his thoughts Tubbo came running over to him. Tears streamed down his face.
“What happened? Why did this happen? Where are they?”
Tommy was visibly shaking “I- I have no idea. I don’t know. They looked fine. I’m- I’m not sure. Tubbo-“
Tubbo just slammed into him, giving him a proper hug, trying his best to help Tommy through his rising panic. He lost another sibling and by Ender that hurt.
Meanwhile in the snowy Tundra both Philza and Techno were staring at their communicators as well.
Philza was pale. So pale it almost rivaled the snow around him.
Techno had his brows furrowed. For anyone who didn’t know him well enough he looked at best displeased with this situation but Philza could see the small details that told a different story. Him sucking his breath in as he read the message, hiding his quivering lip in his cloak. He was heartbroken.
Sure the two weren’t on good speaking terms but Y/N was still his younger sibling. He still loved them.
Philza felt similar. He acknowledged that he screwed up and honored their wish to be left alone by him but he never imagined this could lead to their death. His knees buckled and he sank to the ground. Two of his children died, one directly by his hand and the other due to his inaction.
His eyes glossed over, the world became a blur and yet he continued rereading this message over and over. Y/N just lost their last life.
Philza could hear Techno walk closer to him and sat down on the ground as well.
“Y/N is-“ Philza begun but he didn’t know what he wanted to say. State the obvious to his eldest son?
“I have more fault in this than you, dad. Don’t feel guilty.” His voice was uncharacteristically weak. Wavering as he spoke. He wanted to cheer Philza up but it was a weak attempt.
“What have we done.”
Ghostbur was at first confused when he read the message. It was like he couldn’t connect the dots but it slowly dawned on him what this meant.
“Oh my.” His usual happy demeanor was suddenly gone.
He touched his face and as he put his hands back down he saw how they were smeared with blue.
“Y/N is dead?”
His usual ghost behavior seemed to break a bit. It was like through the warped version of Wilbur that was called Ghostbur for a moment the true version of him came through again. And he was hurt. Devastated.
“I think I need to find the others.” He mumbled to himself, making his way towards his family. All the while he held onto the blue wool of Friend like a lifeline. Combing through it nervously. Blue continuing to spill from his eyes.
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rcksmith · 4 years ago
Heaven — Five Hargreeves
Request: “Can I get 53, 31, 48 from fluff and 28 and 29 and 68 with heavy smut? Where Five is an emotionless Assassin from the commission and does his job without remorse or mercy until he meets the reader and he will do anything to make her his? And will kill anyone who gets in his way between him and the reader? If your okay with this!”
Fluff prompts:
31. “I wasn’t lying when I said that I loved you.”
48. “nothing else matters except for you.”
53. “There are no limits when it comes to you. I’ll do anything to keep you safe.”
Smut prompts:
28. “Such a needy little thing, aren’t you?”
29. “I didn’t know you were so sensitive.”
68. “Say my name over and over again and, once you think you’ve said it loud enough, scream it. I want the whole neighborhood to know who’s making you feel good.“
A/N: We not tolerate any pedophilia here !!
I write about Five with their 20s. I write the same about the characters of Harry Potter.
My God, I loved it so much!! Thank you so much for request, I loved writing it!💖💖 I hope you like!
Guys, I really understand who doesn’t feel comfortable reading or writing Five’s smut. But I always say that I only write with him (any genre: romance, fluff or angst) with the notion that Five is 20 years old here. All of my fanfics mention swearing or sex, even if it is a memory or something shallow, but as I am writing with Five as an adult, it is consistent that the fic has aspects of an adult life.//
English is not my first language, so I so sorry if have a mistake.
Requests are open. Love you ❤️
Couple: Five Hargreeves / Fem! Reader.
Warnings: SMUT, SMUT, bad words, blood, murder, mention of death (and sooo explicit heavy smut), fluff too.
— — — — —
He was not a saint.
The trail of blood, bodies and the smell of death he had left behind could terrify even the strongest mind. He could get the devil to run.
He has already broken many bones, but none of them were his own. Once, there was an army, he was alone, and he broke many bones.
He was not a saint.
If there was a note for death and danger, it would be his symphony of life. Echoing and constant whenever the viscous and metallic liquid stained him white shirt.
Five Hargreeves did not consider himself a good person. But he didn't think he was bad too. He was just minding his own business. Even if it meant killing the innocent people that the Commission was ordering.
It was ironic. Five had been raised by Reginald to be a hero, to save people, and what he was doing was just the opposite. Was Needed cold blood, a focused mind, an objective.
Five had a closed and serious countenance. And in his case, the book could very well be judged by the cover, because Five it was also closed and serious inside. He It had the typical soul of a storm and a rough sea, where the wind blew with fury and the rain punished, while the sea was brutal and with aggressive waves capable of swallowing up a city in its entirety.
Anyone could see the warning sign hanging from his chest: "GIVE UP ALL THE HOPE IF YOU ENTER HERE." He was advancing with heavy artillery. Five was heavy artillery. The Commission considered he best of the best.
Five Hargreeves could get the devil to run. Nobody couldn't fool him, hook him, he wasn't a trout. He was a shark, dangerous and big. With a sharp and cruelly intelligent mind. Working in an equally sharp and cruelly intelligent environment.
But none of that bothered him. Five did not fear the fury of the Commission or its representatives. Machiavelli said that: you can only insult the other if you are not afraid of his retaliation. And Five feared no one. When angry, he had the same caustic look that Lucifer threw around shortly after The Fall. And it was a surprise that that look did not leave a trail of rubble wherever it passed.
Five did not liked what he job did, but it did not affect that he was very good at it. He had been anesthetized for years. Submerged in an inertia of emotions that not even the largest number of victims could tremble. He was already convinced that his furthermore emotions were buried as deep as possible in his soul of the troubled sea, lost. Such as Atlantida. Perhaps, like Atlandida, his emotions were a myth.
And Five had already accepted that. Even he sets eyes on you.
It was another routine day of that profane work: finding the target, shooting down, not leaving witnesses and leaving. And that was exactly what would be done. If it was not you.
Five was seated at one of the tables at a local Irish bar, the glass filled with cold beer set in front of him. The rays of the sun, from a year that he did not even care to know more about, were entering inside the large windows that overlooked the busy streets. People's humorous conversations filled that place with bright, welcoming walls, but Five felt none of it. Anesthetized.
But for some reason, when the door bell rang when someone came in, he raised his face towards the door and... his breath was gone.
The moment you walked through that door, Five knew it was hopeless for him. Your beauty was blinding. Sublime. Impressive. He felt as if his whole life had been wandering in the desert and finally found his oasis. Lepid, fierce heat swept Five's body from the top of his head with night-black hair to the tip of his feet.
You wandered your eyes around the place, and you seemed to find what you wanted because your eyes softened and you went towards your goal.
But just as Five was oblivious to the world because of you, so were you oblivious to the world, but for something else. And it was like this, oblivious, that you hit your waist on the front end of Five's table, causing his glass to swing and fall on the table, pouring all the beer on the floor. Five stood up quickly to keep from getting wet, but a few splashes of the cold drink had hit his suit.
“Oh my God, I'm so sorry!”
You said promptly, trembling hands quickly lifting the glass from the table, your voice nervous and embarrassed. You righted his table while the waitress came to clean up the spilled liquid.
“I wet your suit, god, I'm so sorry.” And when Five noticed,your hands were drying the beer droplets with a napkin.
That was when the two of you looked at each other for the first time. The heat immediately gave way to a cold sweat.
Something inside him stirred and woke up, something that had been dormant for years. Sensations that had never before appeared now snaked through his body, waiting for the best time to hang him. Even with a layer of clothing and a napkin, Five felt the warmth of you touch, and he wondered if you had been forged in the sun.
Dangerous. The sensations you aroused in him were dangerous. And therefore, you were dangerous.
“It's all right.”
If it had been anyone else, Five would have burst. His moods were not one of the best and he felt that anything could set him on fire.
But apparently, not for you.
That afternoon, Five convinced you to join him, saying, whit charming, he would forget about the incident if you sat with him.
He tried to convince himself not to do that, that he should just give a mocking smile and leave. He had done this millions of times, and he knew it was one of the best ways to avoid headaches. Even so, the smile didn't come and he couldn't turn his back on you.
The sensations you stirred up in him were addictive, and Five was lost in a hurricane, trying to understand what was happening to him. But he couldn't let you go. Not without knowing his name.
But it took on proportions that he never considered. You were funny, witty, with an intelligent, warm gleam in your eyes. At that moment, while Five found himself really enjoying someone's company instead of just tolerating it, he felt out of his own body.
God, he was losing track of reality.
He had a job to do, a person to finish. The list was full but... but his body didn't order any muscles to move. It was like... while you were talking to him, with an extraordinary friendliness and ease of making friends, he felt alive for the first time.
Five had been alive for 25 years. But only now did he feel his own heart beat.
But when your time inevitably came, and you said goodbye and thanked you for the lunch that Five and you had — he didn't even remember how the situation got there. Since when did he have lunch with someone? — As soon as you left for that door, it took with you all the new feelings that were aroused within him.
Executing the target that day was weird, going to Motel's room was weird, and cleaning the blood was weird. There was something different, a shortness of breath, an itch in the palm of his hand, his body desperate for something he didn't know what it was.
Five Hargreeves stayed in that martyrdom for days, weeks. He was trying to understand his own body, his own mind. He felt he was losing his sanity and that the body, now that he experienced what it was like to be alive, repudiated the feeling of feeling dead.
He was trapped in some damn spell that you had cast on him. If Five looked in the mirror at the place of the chest you touched over his shirt, he could feel his skin tingle.
Fuck, he was losing his sanity!
The situation was stupid, he didn't need anyone, he didn't depend on anyone. But after the second week Five found himself returning to that bar again, feeling completely stupid to be looking for someone he barely knew.
What a stupid thing. He said to himself as soon as entered that place.
But that's when he saw you. With the bar uniform on, you hair tied up in a ponytail with a few strands dangling from your face, your chest slightly heaving, a pad of paper with a pen in hands. His heart skipped a beat, as if he found something he didn't even know was lost.
Five felt lost amidst a jumble of thoughts and reactions. But as soon as you saw him, with a smile was purely sincere and happy appearing on you lips and went towards him, the answers to all the questions that plagued him for weeks flashed in his mind like neon lights:
I want her.
He wanted you since the day he saw you. You were beautiful, with a maddening body, a sublime smile and the heat of a thousand suns. Now Five realized that had never wanted anything so desperately in his life.
Five thought he understood the desire: an attraction, a magnetic current between two people. He thought he knew what lust was: an intense hunger, a strong yearning. And he found out that he didn't understand anything.
For when you embraced him and greeted him with a kiss on the cheek, the desire was a hot, black whirlwind that ripped you from end to end, with dizzying speed, and dragged you towards perdition, below any intellect. Five thought he was going crazy when he felt your heart beat next to his, in the same frantic rhythm. The same compass needed.
But Five was not going crazy. He wasn’t crazy when he saw your cheeks flush when he looked at you more carefully, he wasn’t crazy when he noticed your hands trembling slightly with his presence.
Were you feeling the same things?
Yes. And he found that out when first kissed you. It had been a few weeks since he had used, for himself, the excuse that he was going to that bar just to drink something and not to see you again.
But that was not how you two met that day
Five had just finished a job that did not end soo much great. A fight had taken place, and a bullet had grazed his left shoulder, tearing through the flesh. His clothes were flooded with red, thick, metallic liquid. His muscles ached and the wound stung like hell.
He was on his way back when the car popped loudly, the car stalled in place and smoke began to rise from the bikes.
“You gotta be fucking kidding me!” Five punched the steering wheel, cursed the Commission for making such a damn fuck thing available.
He had just gotten out of the car when a car passed by and stopped.
“Five?” This time, his body throbbed for something else instead of pain.
He saw you get out of the car, your eyes shocked, the livid concern on your face, your hands shaking.
“My god, are you okay?!”
Five hated to appear that he was not able to deal with anything, but there was no plausible and peaceful lie to what you were seeing. You didn't let him make any decisions at that moment, you just stuck him in you own car, and when the chance of taking Five to the hospital had been vehemently denied by him, you ran the car to you own apartment.
“Oh my god, oh my god.”
You whispered to yourself, now at in your bed, closing the cut on Five's shoulder after he took a shower.
“I can do this.” He repeated it for the ninth time, but you shook your head.
But, while for you the situation was only for first aid, for Five it was torture in a very different sense.
Your touch was addictive, hot and fiery. Five didn't want to want you, but he did. He wanted you to beg for it too, so that Five could pretend to be in control. He wanted you to burn for him, just as he always burned when he was near you.
Under a light gauze, you covered the bruise on his shoulder, letting out a loud sigh that went to another very specific spot on Five's body. You asked for an explanation and he said that he had been mugged and reacted, but that the bandits had received what they deserved. He had to lie. At least for now. At least while he wanted you so much to touch him.
Perhaps this madness would pass.
But it didn't pass, your hands were still on Five's warm skin and he felt his heart pounding in his chest.
He wanted you. Holy Mother of God, he wanted you so fuck much! The knuckles of his fingers were whitened, the strength with which he clenched his fists.
But you whispered his name under your breath, as if you too were trapped in that cloud of lust and passion. So it was the end. Five kissed you, hungry, desperate, as if he wasn't going to have a tomorrow. He pulled you around the waist so you could sit on his lap, his hands roaming your body, squeezing all the flesh he could touch.
“I was asking how much more time was take to you to kiss me.”
You whispered against his lips, with a mischievous smile on your face, your hands roaming through his hair as you held a sigh when he adjusted your hips under you. God only knows how long you've been dreaming about this guy.
“Such a needy little thing, aren't you?” Five barely recognized his own voice.
This time, you who kissed him, your body burning in suppressed passion and desire, burning under the intense touch of Five. You hardly saw it when your shirt left, nor when you skirt went up until it was exposed to him. You whimpered, your lips going down to his neck and hiding your face there, squirming when his hand went up from your thigh to its pulsating center.
“Your skin is so hot. You were wishing for that, weren't you?” Five whispered, his voice hoarse.
You heart was beating fast in chest, cheeks were flushed, and Five brought your face up to look at him, lust bubbling in her eyes. You frantically agreed, rummaging you hips in him when you gasped. He curled his mouth over your left breast, groaning against your skin as you tightened your fingers on the back of his neck.
“F-five!” The liquid dripped from inside you to your thighs, and Five let out a loud moan of satisfaction when he saw it.
He raised his mouth to you, and, without kissing you, he sighed maliciously on yours lips: “I didn’t know you were so sensitive.”
After that point, everything became more crude. Five's touch on your waist gained pressure, marking your skin with purple marks on his fingers, his mouth bit and sucked on your breast, like a hungry man, and you were being driven crazy.
That's when two of his fingers entered you, deep, strong, opening your walls.
"Five!" You moaned loudly, your body hot under his lap, at the mercy of lustful desires.
“Shit! You are so tight!” His moan transcended between painful and angry, as if you were pushing him to the limit. “How are you going to put up with my dick, doll? You almost can't take my fingers!”
Five jerked his fingers inside you and hit rock bottom. You screamed, tears welling up in your eyes, the walls throbbing on his dick.
“Answer me!” His free hand came down on your thigh, and you bit your lip to keep from moaning loudly again.
“II am going to put up with you-everything.” You whined.
“How much?!” Five pulled your chin up to look at him, the hunger overwhelming his eyes, he's holding on as much as possible so he doesn't deal too badly with you.
Not yet.
“An-Anything as you give it to me.” You purred like a kitten "Fuck me hard, Five."
Oh you didn't say that.
His hand came down on your left cheek, letting out a soft slap and pulled your chin back at him, he jaw clenched by the effort he made to keep from fucking and hitting you so hard.
“Do you want it hard?! I will leave you without walking for days!” Five got up with you on his lap, threw you on the bed and slapped your thigh.
“Turn around!” He ordered in a snarl, removing his own pants, and as soon as you positioned yourself with your hips up and your face on the mattress, a hard, brutal slap made you moan loudly, squeezing your hands on the pillow.
The right hand wrapped around your hair, pulling your face off the pillow as Five positioned itself behind you.
“What you want?” He growled.
“I whant You fuck me hard!” God, you were begging, you needed him so much, you wanted him so much.
“How much hard?”
“Much! I want you to fuck me until I can't stay…”
Five came inside you brutally, pushing your body onto the mattress, making you moan loudly. He didn't let you finish, it barely gave you time to moan. As soon as he started to move, his rhythm became relentless, coarse, rude, forcing himself deeper inside you with each thrust.
Tears stung your face, you pussy throbbed in excitement, so fucking good that you felt like you were in heaven.
“What is it, lillet slut?” He pushed deeper, his voice arrogant and condescending, “Am I too big for you? For that tight pussy?” A slap went down your ass again, the other hand never coming out of your hair.
“F-fi-five! Please, I need this so much!”
The desperation in your voice did things to him, further igniting Five's desire to fuck you until he broke you.
“You were so tight! So. fucking. tight!” And you moaned and pushed him hips at him like you couldn't live without what he gave you. “Fuck, this is what you wanted, isn't it? You wanted me to broke you!”
“Yes!” You screamed as he keeping fuck you deeper and deeper “Pl-please!”
Your voice was too much for him! Five's hunger snarled and roared like a beast, increasing the desire to get you so badly. He hit your ass hard, letting go of your hair and sticking both hands on your waist, pulling you violently to his dick.
“Say my name over and over again! And, once you think you’ve said it loud enough, scream it. I want the whole neighborhood to know who’s making you feel good! ” Five combined a deep thrust with the tug on his waist, making his dick reach your unimaginable corners.
“Higher!” A slap.
“Five!” One more slap.
“Higher!” Another slap.
His mouth went to your shoulder, his lips tightening there as he pushed himself deep inside you. You were very close, super stimulated, your legs were shaking, your heart was pounding.
Five was fucking you so hard that you could barely groan, giving you sensations that you never felt before. You came with a loud groan, trembling on his dick, losing your breath when Five sank to the bottom of the well and came there, filling you with his hot cum.
Five Hargreeves thought that after that he would be free of your effects, freed from that desperation that was always wanting to be with you.
But then again, he was deeply mistaken.
Everything only increased in unimaginable proportions. Jealousy came, the overwhelming sense of protection, the need to be with you. Now he not only fucked you hard, but he made a point of leaving you at work and picking you up at night.
And that's when you said you loved him. And his world has turned inside out once again. Five didn't respond right away, he was dumbfounded and bewildered, and you said he only had to speak when he was ready.
He love you? That question hung around his mind for days.
Five felt at peace with you company, relaxed with your touch, happy whenever he heard your voice. You were the only place he thought about going back after a hard job, after the day had gotten the best of him.
He love you?
That was when The Handler told him, in one day, that it was good that his new “pet” did not make him deviate from the Commission's objectives.
Five has never felt so furious in his life. He came as close to her as possible, making her look death in the eye, and said that if any hair disappeared from your pretty head, he would stop everything and kill everyone on that commission. And The Handler knew that Five was not bluffing.
That's when he found out that he loved you. That the idea of ​​seeing you hurt, even if it was a scratch, was unacceptable. And that's when Five realized that his world only revolved when you were with him.
“I love you.” He released that night, you were lying on his chest, watching some series on TV when Five cut off the characters' lines.
You looked at him in bewilderment, propping yourself up on your elbow to see him better.
Five looked him in the eye, and in the most sincere and truthful way, he said: "nothing else matters except for you."
Your eyes filled with tears, and you kissed him as if Five were your whole world. In fact, he certainly were your world. But it was at that moment that he said he had to talk to you, and that's when he told you the whole truth.
Shocked would be an understatement to say what you felt at that moment.
It took a few days for you to digest the whole truth and several conversations with Five to understand what was really going on. You saw his powers, his briefcase, his life story. And Five knew, when the dust settled and you said that none of that mattered, that you really loved him.
“I just can't have anything with someone who hides things from me.” You said “ I understand the reasons why you didn't tell me before, but now I don't want any more lies between us.”
“None.” He smiled, and looked at you as if he finally understood that you loved him.
And it is logical that you noticed.
“ I wasn’t lying when I said that I loved you." You laughed.
And in that moment, in that fraction of a second, Five realized that he would never be able to live without you.
“I'm just afraid of your job. Whether you get hurt or they want to hurt you coming after me and…”
Five didn't let you finish. He held you in his hands, your cheeks in his palms, and whispered, “There are no limits when it comes to you. I'll do anything to keep you safe. ”
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