#so anyway I'm tired today x3
windfighter · 2 years
Out like a light
Prompt: "It's too late"
Kouji was staring at the papers infront of him. The letters were floating together, dancing, and he rubbed his eyes. Yawned. Kouichi poked his side.
”Come on, we’re almost done.”
”It’s too late”, Kouji said and leaned against the table. ”I literally can’t think straight.”
”Me neither”, Kouichi said with a snort.
Kouji yawned again and Kouichi sighed.
”Yeah, okay”, he said. ”If you didn’t catch that one you’re probably right.”
Kouji blinked and looked at Kouichi. His eyes hurt and he rubbed them again. Kouichi closed his books and gathered up the papers.
”We’ll continue in the morning, you clearly need sleep.”
”I do”, Kouji admitted. ”Sorry? I thought I could keep going, but…”
He put his hand against his mouth, tried to supress another yawn. His eyes teared up instead.
”Light goes out and Kouji goes out like a light”, Kouichi laughed.
Kouji sat up, leaned back. Stared at the ceiling, his arms hung limp at his sides.
”Oh”, the elevator finally reached the top floor and Kouji caught up, ”because you’re not straight.”
Kouichi blinked, stared at Kouji.
”You can’t think straight”, Kouji couldn’t surpress the yawn any longer, ”because you’re not.”
Kouichi facepalmed and shook his head.
”Go to bed, Kouji.”
Kouji stood up, stretched and scratched his back.
”Not like anyone can afford being straight in this economy”, he mumbled.
He fell into the bed and curled up on top of the cover. It still felt weird to sleep under it. Kouichi grabbed a blanket and put it over Kouji.
”Don’t wake me up too early, though.”
”Wake you, got it”, Kouji agreed and pressed his face into the pillow. ”Night, ’niisan.”
”Good night, Kouji.”
Kouichi turned the lights off and Kouji was out like a light.
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catchthattherian · 2 months
hey hey baz baz ! ! i feel all jittery for some reason and i don't know why :') i can't even draw because my hands are all shaky and weird ? i'm not sure if i'm stressed or hungry or over-tired or something but it's not very funky fresh bc i want to draw silly things for you but i can't and it's so annoying and frustrating and rahhehjfs >:O /lh, dw anyways since i can't do much i thought i'd come say howdy anyways because talking to you always helps me feel better and i'd love a distraction right now so hii how are you today ? what have you been up to ? :D
well hi hi Jay ! ! <3 Don’t worry about trying to make me art if you arent feeling yourself, just get some water or take a break and relax please ! ! ! :] /lh
Unfortunately I’ve just woken up so sorry if this is kinda short , my brain is foggy and sleepy x3 I do get to go to the lake today but I imagine it won’t be for very long because I’m not good with all the people and it usually just isn’t that fun :,3 but since we’re going so early (and on a Sunday morning) I’m hoping it won’t be very crowded and I can get some yoga in >:33
But how was / is ur day ? ? ? :]
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*takes a deep breath* HE'S SOOOOOO ✨BOYFRIEND✨
Literally my favorite Chris, right there. Absolutely no look of him beats that one for me, all soft and cozy 😭
Anyway 🧍🏻‍♀️ how are you my dear?? I saw you were a lil stressed I hope things are a little better now 💖 I've been fine but omg January has been so slow I mean it always is but oh my god?? Everyday has been okay but mostly 'ughhhh can't wait to finish this so I can lay in bed' kinda thing you know??
But !! My friends and I got tickets today to see Itzy 😭😭😭😭 I'm so excited I'll finally see my girl Ryujin 🥰
- 🍒
HE REALLY ISSSSSSS.... he's so squishy and and i just want to... 🤏🤏🤏🤏
january has also felt suuuper long to me, and i'm honestly kinda glad it's finally february, but at the same time i'm terrified because i just know everything's gonna go at x3 times speed from now on jfnsjkdnfsf
i've been feeling the exact same way. i finish work and the first thing i do is turn around and nose dive into my bed for a nap lol. i started taking iron in hopes of that helping how tired i feel all the time (prescribed)
so so happy you and your friends got your tickets for itzy though!!!! i hope you guys have a fun time~
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lemonflowercat · 7 months
75 soft: day 12
[] morning yoga/walk/run x6/w
study instead. had a v peaceful 60m session.
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morning has been soft and slow.
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i made myself a sinfully delicious breakfast hehe. was kinda skeptical about lettuce in my omelet but the verdict is - it blows :3
[x] meditate x at least 15min every afternoon
[x] study 42h/w: 33h 30m 32h to go today was horrible. i think it was to do with my head being all over the place? i was thinking about a birthday gift for my brother and trying to plan out my own upcoming birthday weekend. it started with shopping online and Airbnb scouting in my study breaks - and this was a bad idea, i think. i got sucked into it, was very hard to get back to focusing. and eventually i gave up and went down the internet hole. it was also a hot day, and i've just been feeling so tired all day. you-should-be-studying gave me tons of shit and i was miserable the entire time. i managed 90m, got halfway through lipid metabolism and ended the day feeling so disappointed and frustrated w myself. i'm trying to tell myself i should chill, the stuff i was doing kinda needed to be done anyway? and the other half of me responds with anxiety and the foreboding reminder of time slipping through my fingers. i have an exam in May, ffs and 18 subjects to go! i'm v sad and full of self-loathe today.
[x] evening wxo x6/w low energy yucky-ness carried on and i only made it through 20 of a 40m pilates wxo.
[x] [x] [] 1 raw veggie or a fruit x3 meals - vanilla Greek yogurt w toasted apples, bananas and coconut sprinkles for breakfast & morning snack
[] 1400cal x6/week i didn't track my food yesterday and accidentally ate 139kcal extra <welp>
[x] progress picture/day x6/w
[x] 3L of water/day
[x] brush before bed
[x] no media consumption (one movie/d allowed) - for freezes and PMS days
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