#but he realized Kouji was too tired to hear him :P
windfighter · 2 years
Out like a light
Prompt: "It's too late"
Kouji was staring at the papers infront of him. The letters were floating together, dancing, and he rubbed his eyes. Yawned. Kouichi poked his side.
”Come on, we’re almost done.”
”It’s too late”, Kouji said and leaned against the table. ”I literally can’t think straight.”
”Me neither”, Kouichi said with a snort.
Kouji yawned again and Kouichi sighed.
”Yeah, okay”, he said. ”If you didn’t catch that one you’re probably right.”
Kouji blinked and looked at Kouichi. His eyes hurt and he rubbed them again. Kouichi closed his books and gathered up the papers.
”We’ll continue in the morning, you clearly need sleep.”
”I do”, Kouji admitted. ”Sorry? I thought I could keep going, but…”
He put his hand against his mouth, tried to supress another yawn. His eyes teared up instead.
”Light goes out and Kouji goes out like a light”, Kouichi laughed.
Kouji sat up, leaned back. Stared at the ceiling, his arms hung limp at his sides.
”Oh”, the elevator finally reached the top floor and Kouji caught up, ”because you’re not straight.”
Kouichi blinked, stared at Kouji.
”You can’t think straight”, Kouji couldn’t surpress the yawn any longer, ”because you’re not.”
Kouichi facepalmed and shook his head.
”Go to bed, Kouji.”
Kouji stood up, stretched and scratched his back.
”Not like anyone can afford being straight in this economy”, he mumbled.
He fell into the bed and curled up on top of the cover. It still felt weird to sleep under it. Kouichi grabbed a blanket and put it over Kouji.
”Don’t wake me up too early, though.”
”Wake you, got it”, Kouji agreed and pressed his face into the pillow. ”Night, ’niisan.”
”Good night, Kouji.”
Kouichi turned the lights off and Kouji was out like a light.
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