#so alot of my stuff is simple one shots or drabbles
sqwormywormy · 2 years
8, 17, and 24 for the Weird Writers Questions!
Weird Questions for Writers
Thank you for the ask! I talked... Alot more than I thought I would seeing as my writing process is kinda me just tossing ideas at the wall and seeing what sticks
8. If you had to write an entire story without either action or dialogue, which would you choose and how would it go?
Oh, I would ABSOLUTELY choose to write an action only story. (Dialogue my dearly beloathed) Honestly I would likely end up focusing on descriptions of the environment, when I'm in the right writing mood I sometimes get carried away with describing small things like the sound of a cup being put down already LMAO. I personally struggle a lot with scene changes, like moving on to more interesting bits of the story (I'm working on this, it's just. Really hard) so if I needed characters to communicate somehow, I'd end up having them communicate through those good ole furtive glances, scoffs, and huffs.
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
So. So... my biggest WIP currently is an addition to the beloved Ben collection. Since my writing style is a little impulsive, my additions haven't really had much of an underlying plot other than snapshots, buuut I've been getting invested and hrggh that may change. But anywayssss. So, this fic is mainly focused on the fated Big Ben first meeting and reveal, but I got hugely carried away and now there's a whole ass investigation tacked on. Cults pulling human transmogrification feats in elementary school basements, though we will only be getting part of that story from Ben n Parkers pov. I was initially going to have Arthur and John be there from the get go, but writing Kayne is soooo fun and these two being confused as hell until it clicks is much more appealing to me. But John and Arthur are getting their own action too, Kayne left them a breadcrumb trail so they wouldn't miss out on the fun altogether. One big thing I'm sad that I had to change was the perspectives in this work. It's real hard writing a conversation when two of the characters can't even hear the other half of the conversation. Add in having to rely on Johns narration for Arthur to *see* anything? Yeah it's difficult as hell but it reads awkwardly if I keep the third person omniscient reader pov soooo, what can you do.
24. How much prep work do you put into your stories? What does that look like for you? Do you enjoy this part or do you just want to get on with it?
I'm kidding. Kinda. But!! Recently I started actually taking writer advice and collecting my thoughts and concepts in actual documentation rather than relying on my (shit) memory. Most of my "prepwork" is actually me just bouncing ideas back and forth with friends, it helps me get into an actual good flow to serve as a sort of kicking off point for plotting. I do Not use rough drafts or outlines, and I Really Should, but usually I just end up being at work or something, getting a scene idea, and quickly writing it down on my break. Then I go back later to see how well it fits and to add to it. I don't really like prepwork, but I know it's extremely useful, and now that I'm starting to get more interested in working on some multi chap stories I'm probably gonna actually take up drafting out this stuff.
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inviouswriting · 1 year
Hello Invi!
I am a fan of your works and I do enjoy reading them and keep up, I actually watch your streams whenever I can! I believe I come and stay all stream at least half time I am a medic student and you understand how busy it can be!
I am big supporter and Hopefully when I graduate next year I will Be able to tend your whole stream and can interact in chat I personally Avoid creating any accounts now so I focus on my studies, reading your work’s really makes me happy And I do not regret spending my free time reading your works! ( I am a ghost and I apologize for that :( I don’t want to create any more distractions for sake of my study)
You consider who have triggers and traumatized individuals as you have experienced, I do in fact had such but glad I left it at first signs so I avoided early before any big damage and family helped me thankfully! But still there fear lingering but I am overcoming it ^^~
Also I noticed in your latest works they became more bold and honestly exciting! ( I personally enjoy free writings of yours ( true only few 2-4 but still good ones ) my favorite is pheonix simple yet powerful )
I do have suggestion based on last fics and I hope it spark something for you haha~
I will sent in another ask since I don’t want to make it longer and this is a heart ask!
I understand you don’t accept requests and I personally would love to commission you in future, hopefully when I graduate I hope by the time you are still into Obey me franchise haha~
and…I wish in future streams consider play hogwarts legacy? I want to watch you play it I didn’t watch anyone playing it because I hoped you play it hehe~
Thank you for reading my ask and wish my words made your day and the best for you!
I've read both of your submissions here, and holy, these are the kinds of comments and words that keeps me writing. I do take suggestions and requests btw~ but I operate on a "if it sparks a story, it sparks, but also don't get disappointed if I never get to it" basis since when I do write... it's alot. I often start thinking of writing a week leading up to those really long ones. I start to visualize what I want to write and just gotta set time from the games I play and friends to devote to this hobby of mine. It means alot that my original writings are also being read and are giving people more than just my one-shots and drabbles. Phoenix was written out of a spot in my heart from pain from everything I've overcome, so hearing someone likes that one personally just sends me to a whole other level.
My free writes, the small prose/poems that I do toss out there, are kind of a placement for producing something so I don't get rusty in my writing, and also to break from what I normally do. I am also happy you catch my streams, as chaotic my timing can be in them. I spend alot of time in a friend's discord server, and am slowly getting mine more active.
I try to consider people who have been through alot in my stories. There are almost too many triggering stories with not enough warnings posted, or just one side of some of the characters. Alot being portrayed as this dominant and "master" element. (I love my fellow writers who write beautifully btw!) But sometimes when you read the same personality over and over. It gets boring, and you're like.. "okay.. I have an ability to create, what can I do for people who may not like this stuff?" You create the missing content.
I love my Obey Me's Angel. Kindness so up there I can't help loving that one. I have two commissioned pieces of that angel I absolutely adore. (one of a very pointed self-insert, and sheep version) Just Simeon~
But when it comes to like Genshin... (I'm pretty focused on the main one I love. I just love our Geo Archon so much!!! Really wish I can get more stuff drawn with him.) I love the way he's written by quite a few, but there is almost a major missing element of consent. I've read so many times where he's gone into these feral frenzies and is intense rough to the point it has triggered me on some writings.
So I try my best to write him with love, and remember he would be the gentelman of many dreams. He'd treat his beloved with the upmost respect, (I've also got something in the works of a longer based story soon. I think alot of people will enjoy it.) This is someone who gave up his gnosis for his land. He's entirely selfless and it hurts my heart when people take that part of him away.
I'm actually considering what you sent me btw! It sounds like a fun write. Thank you so much for sending me your thoughts and trusting me with an idea.
To everyone who has sent me ideas. I do get them. I've just been very lethargic lately in terms of creating, stuck between needing to stream, and also stuck with needing to make money. x.x
I write when I feel the want to do so. I still try hard not to want to do commissions since writing is my most freeing hobby I possess and turning it into a job would hurt me.
Thank you alot!
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