#so Zote's astonishing will to live is actually weirdly inspiring
ganymedesclock · 4 years
Ah. My social ineptitude strikes again^^; sorry sorry
It is okay! I would just like to answer questions about / discuss my own headcanons, or, if you personally have a headcanon you want to discuss.
Here are some of my own Hornet headcanons!
She’s actually kinda terrible about getting a reliable amount of sleep, considering she’s one of the few people in the kingdom who knew about the Radiance and thus the actual vector of infection being dreams- so she pushed herself really hard to sleep as little as possible and even now has kind of a reflexive distrust about getting too comfortable. If she’s ever caught napping (which is hard, as she’s a very light sleeper in the first place) she tends to be propped up or otherwise ready to go at any moment. More rarely, she’ll sleep curled up but clutching her needle.
Having spent part of her upbringing in the hive she actually has a sweet tooth that she rarely gets to cut on things and doesn’t want to admit to. Honey makes her homesick.
Uses natural stoicism and impatience/diligence to mask that she’s actually bad at holding conversations or expressing feelings in general. Like Disney-Mulan-Trying-To-Bond-With-Men levels of awkward. Hornet will just say shit and have to deal with the consequences. She is a slave to the part of her brain that translates everything into the rudest possible way to say it and her resting serious face makes it hard to tell the times she regrets it from the times she doesn’t
Between Hornet and Ghost, Hornet has the zoomies actually way more often than Ghost does. That is not to say Ghost will never chaotically yeet themselves or enjoy it, but that their thought process is more the equivalent of ‘oh this is going to be so efficient here I go’ cue something improbable and potentially unsafe, while Hornet will sometimes chaotically yeet herself simply because she has been sitting quietly for way too long and if she doesn’t move she’s gonna flip her shit so There She Goes
Sometimes Hornet Goes Fishing. The blue lake yields weird copepod-type things. Hornet has detailed opinions about how almost all of them taste.
I think Hornet would actually find Zote sort of funny like the first time she meets him she thinks he’s a liability and tries to kill him but he just falls off a ledge or something and then later shows up, again?? and just keeps showing up, and Hornet has no idea how to parse it but it slowly tickles her undernourished sense of humor until eventually it’s just sort of a strange cosmic reassurance. They get hit by a catastrophic storm, and she slogs through it trying to prevent it from tearing down buildings, and distantly hears the sound of grumbling. Ah. There’s Zote. Right on schedule.
Modern fantastic AU Hornet would be the equivalent of a feral teen with a magic sword strapped to her back living out of a treehouse in the woods that she built herself known only to the local convenience store that she occasionally crashes at odd hours of the night to buy supplies, which she pays for exclusively with extremely fishy but in fact legal tinder.
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