#so I'm really sorry if I made you think I'm salty about people having their own opinions
n0tamused · 2 months
Sorry if this request is strange but I'm curious as to what you think Jiyan, Jinhsi, Geshulin and Mortefi would look like if they became dragons? What type of dragon would they be, how big and anything interesting!
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Wuthering Waves characters as dragons!
A/n: YESSSSSSSS. Worry not anon, your request is not strange at all! I did give myself go to also visualize what I think they'd look like as dragons, along with some headcanons and a size chart at the end. I do hope you like this :) please enjoy my mind worms talking about the dragon hyperfixation lol All art here was done by me, do not use without permission/credit
Contents: Dragon Wuwa characters, Jiyan, Geshu Lin, Jinhsi and Mortefi x reader (separate), fluff, a bit of angst if you squint really hard, grammar mistakes probably bc I'm like that
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-Jiyan is one of the bigger dragons, but his strength lies more so in endurance and perseverance rather than just brute strength
-His scales are smoother and look softer even, and when light passes over them they look a bit like fish scales with the way they glimmer
-Personality wise, as a dragon he is about the same as his human self, easy going and calm. Unless provoked or called to battle, you will scarcely ever see hostility from him, if ever at all. He does often linger near places where danger would be lurking, earning himself the title of a guardian very easily and early on. He just seems to have the sixth sense for trouble, and he can’t get himself to turn a blind eye to any suffering of his people
-Besides being battle ready and such, it is said his presence does have a calming aura with it, some dare say that it even heals the person to some extent. His scales, when ground up, have healing properties, and Jiyan does not lack generosity for that either.
-He has stepped into service of the territory as a young dragon, and a part of that youthful naivety still lingers in him, although he has grown wiser - he still blindly believes in that good of the world. One day it will all pass, the evil will be no more, and Jiyan will retrieve to some distant corner where, somewhere high up from where he can watch the lands and bask in the sun, all the past troubles now lost to memory
-His fur is really fluffy although a bit coarse to the touch, it protects him as much as it servers a more aesthetic side of his dragon. He takes good care of it, and doesn’t like it getting mangled. He gladly lets you help him with it too, if you have the strength to comb through all of it lol
-He does have a taste for swimming, both to remain clean but also active. He does running enough, and swimming is a fun activity that takes his weight off of his legs. However he does not like the sea, the salty water makes him icky
-The jewelry he wears and the armor was all gifted to him by important people in his life and fellow dragons, he wears them with pride and let’s them give him courage in trying times
-If you are a dragon too, or a human he values a lot and keeps close, he makes for a great cuddle buddy. He is long and when he curls up, it’s as if he made a bed in the middle of this little spiral for you to lay in. He is very peaceful and really likes the time spent with you.
-If you are a human and he is in this giant dragon form, he acts as if you’re an ant underfoot, which honestly you are, seeing how tiny you are compared to his claws alone, and he is quite worried he may hurt you or god forbid step on you
-He steps around you gingerly, always having an eye out for you so he knows where not to step or trudge to close to
-Preferably he’d have you riding on his back or on top of his head, there’s more than enough space there
-Seeing as he is a dragon most of the time, doing his work, it is rare you’ll catch him in his human form a lot, but when you do he relishes in your touch. Nuzzling in your neck and breathing in your scent as if he was starved of it. 
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Geshu Lin:
-A war dragon through and through. Born and bred for battle.
-Although his species is related to Jiyan and Jinhsi's, he does share similar features to the winged dragons of the New Federation. Tough scales and spikes line his entire body, acting as both a weapon and a shield to himself against other enemies. His body is lined with scars and scratches, old and new, displaying his long years of service and experience in battle.
-He has half of a whisker missing on his left side 
-The jewelry he wears is a memorial of people he long lost in battle, although some believe he also looted the pieces of another dragon he triumphed over in war.
-He is a formidable beast and willful, he’s not someone to be trifled with. Some say he has learned to manipulate flames on the battlefield. But whether that is true or not, everyone has grown to fear the pale beast of Jinzhou.
-Due to his long years spent on the battlefield he has become an uneasy individual to be with or hold a conversation with, and his nights are often plagued with unrest or nightmares, he can never seem to rest easy. Only battle can make his mind escape the troubles of his other days, and for a little while it all seems to make the world stop - and he can finally breathe again
-Due to this, the medics that were close enough to realize this, suggested he wears protective amulets and papers with prayer written onto them in hopes that such would ease his mind. Time is yet to tell if these ever worked, or if Geshu Lin was touched by this moment of care from others
-It is said you were the only one that could bring him peace of mind, even if all you did was simply linger in the camp or near him. Geshu Lin did have a knack for always beckoning you close - just sit beside him, it will be enough. Sometimes you two would take to a more secluded place in the mountains, still overlooking the battlefield, but far away so no one could see. And he’d lay down, his body falling and rumbling through the ground while he exhaled heavily. He naps, letting you do as you please. If you wish to sit on his back he is not one to deny it, or if you want to sleep beside him, all the better. He has full confidence he can and will defend you if someone dares to sneak up on you two
-Geshu Lin rarely goes back to his human form. He has grown to dislike how weak that vessel can be, and how little it can do for the war cause, so he has all but abandoned it.
-If he does return back to human form, it would be to pass through some tunnel most likely than not, or to talk to some human captain back in the city on the rare occasions he goes back for meetings or to give his report. He is more grumpy in this form, he doesn’t like it - it makes him feel weak. People have learned to respect this side of him, although some genuinely fear him too and keep their distance away from him at all cost
-During one particular battle where even he was overwhelmed, he disappeared, leaving behind a long, thick trail of blood and fallen enemies to litter each end of the battlefield, but no one ever found him, no matter how much they followed the red line. It was odd for such a giant beast to simply vanish. Some speculated he died, but others argued that if he was truly dead, his remains would have been found by now. So, now he makes for a great ghost tale among the people. Some say that if you go to an old battlefield, you can hear his growling and snarling underneath the cracked and blood soaked earth
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-Most beloved of dragons and, as the word has it, the most powerful among the dragons. She may not be as big as the battle dragons of the land, or most formidable looking, but do not let looks deceive you. She has protected her lands in her own ways, and none of them were easy
-She does not lack in wisdom and knowledge, but to her closest companions she did express doubt over her capabilities on a handful of occasions.
-Jinhsi looks like the embodiment of the snowy mountains and the glaciers that can be found around Mt. Firmament. Soft flowing fur that hugs her neck like a thick mane, and the long tuft of fur on her tail is faded to a blue. Sometimes, people say they can see snowflakes on her fur, flowing from it and melting when they touch the ground
-She often floats instead of walking, holding an air of elegance and regality about her wherever she goes. Her claws are faded gold and she has two golden stars on top of her forehead, the third one hidden underneath the fur
-The people often do bring gifts as offerings to her, some which she declines if she sees the person offering it needs it more than she does. 
-During the year she will descend down to her land of people and bring her own gifts - sometimes a few days of cool air during summer droughts, or easier snows during long winters, other times she only brings her presence when the people feel uneasy due to wars happening outside the borders. A lot of times she holds an audience in the main plaza, giving her advice to the towns people and even travelers from distant lands
-Jinhsi assists in the war mostly by gaining intelligence, giving strategies to the generals and captains, and while she does know how to fight, she saves her strength for the city, should all outside forces fall.
-She is one made for solitude, or at least that is the nature of her duty, and not many people actually see her face-to-face or outside of her duty which seems to be never ending, 24/7
-She rarely sleeps, and some say she doesn’t even need to sleep. Her Grace only needs the love and trust of her people to give her strength - or so the tale would say
-She is still young in terms of dragon years, but for her age she has grown a lot. Her scales are still soft, smooth running across her pale body.
-She doesn’t often let anyone near her den, which the people have decorated so beautifully with gifts, gems, silk and much more. She would let you in, secretly during the night when you both can have the reprieve of the watchful eyes of guards or civilians. She lets you talk, listening attentively as she rests her worn body
-She purrs in her sleep sometimes, long soft groans in her throat that seem like a bunch of gentle bees caught and wrapped in cotton and linen and then pressed to your ear to help you sleep.
-She doesn’t often go in her human form, much like Geshu Lin - it makes her vulnerable. And as someone of high status as her, it would be wise to avoid any vulnerability. She’d rather not risk being caught unaware with a blade in her heart or at her throat
-In human form she seems to be more slow in her movement, perhaps due to not using the vessel so much or due to exhaustion the long years of duty have taken upon her, but she is aware of every sound around her and often knows you are there before you even announce yourself
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-A rare dragon in these lands, as not many New Federation dragons can be found so far from their home. They aren't nomads by any means, and prefer to stick to their land of origin.
-Yet, Mortefi is unlike what gossip would describe him or his kind as. Fanatical and obsessive over technology, that part he shares in common with his peers, but he is nowhere near as greedy. He does not hoard his knowledge in a pile, hiding away from the people for all eternity, nor is he as aggressive as his kind usually is, especially to strangers.
-While he truly is a loner, having made himself a home far from the central city and keeping it tidy and perfect for his high standards, he doesn’t shy from contact if he runs into someone else
-He’d much rather he didn’t run into them, but what does he have to be scared of? His scales can barely be pierced and fire does him no harm, what could anyone do to him? And conversation he doesn't fear either. It is unlike that someone knows something he doesn't already, but a little bit of back and forth hurt no one.
-He is the only one here to breathe fire, and his flames are strong red with streaks of orange. Geshu Lin does have some power of manipulating purple flames but they don't seem to have the same source, he doesn't breathe fire like Mortefi.
-He has quite a lot of witty remarks if some curious wanderer stops by his territory, and eventually he chases them off with his banter as the other person simply can’t handle his jargon and analogies - some even directed at them 
-What some don’t know though, is that Mortefi has kept guard over the most naive and vulnerable ones of their community. The children that returned to the cities and villages after being lost for days, only returned when he found them. Often with a little trinket in hand. He may not like the adults as much, but children he can’t fault for their naive outlook on the world or their curiosity. He was once a child too, full of wonder and spark that he believes he lost, he hasn’t felt it in years. His own upbringing left a hole in his chest, that spark once filled that hole, but now it’s gone
-He doesn’t like when people enter his abode, and he likes it even less when they touch his things. Those may be the only times you see him be so enraged - he has quite the specific way of sorting things, you see, and he keeps it all clean too, so don’t touch it. He hasn’t spent so long sorting it all out, building his craft and honing his skills just for you to put it out of place
-In terms of size, at the present he is the smallest of the dragons listed here, but he is awfully slow growing. Longevity is one of the qualities that marks his kind, so this isn’t out of place for him. He will grow, but it will take long years to get to the size some of his elders in the New Federation are at.
-Mortefi is someone who indulges in his human form more than any other, preferring human hands to do his experiments than his big dragon claws, although both have their merit in their own ways
-He works quickly, and long nights are often spent at the table of his abode, making yet another craft, be it for the children or for his own self-given quests for knowledge
-He does keep you away while he is working, but ever since you wormed your way into his heart, he could never keep you too far off. He can feel you lingering nearby, watching him work sometimes, and he doesn’t mind. He also realizes how happier he is to explain his process when you ask, the hole in his chest slowly being made full once more
Size chart:
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Geshu Lin is the biggest of them all, but Jiyan isn't too far behind
Jinhsi is bigger than Mortefi although Mortefi has more mass to him, he is very chunky
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Ⓒ n0tamused. Do not repost, translate, edit, and/or copy any of my works. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
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lovers-rck · 8 months
little drabble about ellie and reader as the lady and the tramp (we all know who is the tramp)
"c'mon" ellie says, a greasy fry resting between her lips "get the fry"
you frown your eyebrows, but direct your hand towards ellie's lips anyways. she moves before you could grab the fry in her mouth "not like that"
"with your mouth" she continues. you look at her, your hands leaving the keyboard of your computer
"get it" ellie moves the fry between her lips, making faces to encourage you to do as she wants "c'mon"
"we aren't in the lady and the tramp ellie" you say, rolling your eyes and turning your attention back to the computer, resuming your task.
the light in your dorm is dim, you can hear people coming and going down the hall, talking about exams and subjects, complaining about teachers and longing for vacations.
"i know" ellie says, swallowing the potato and spinning around in the swivel chair "perhaps, they ate spaghetti, not fryes"
you smile slightly at the clarification. ellie had come to your dorm about 20 minutes ago, complaining about how hard her last assignment was and how her professor hated her, emphasizing the fact that she was sure it was because of that one time she fought with him in the middle of a debate. and with a tapper of fryes under her arm.
"i stole them from the kitchen" she told you when you asked, her lips in a pout and her eyebrows furrowed.
"cmon, get it" she repeated, placing another chip in her mouth "just for fun. i'll give you 20 bucks."
you looked back at her. you considered it for a moment, knowing that ellie wouldn't stop bugging you until you did, and you really needed to finish this assignment in time for your exam.
And something about being so close to her mouth made your stomach tingle.
"okay" you say, giving in to those puppy dog eyes "you are so weird".
she smiles "i know"
"I only do it for that 20 bucks" you reply, pulling your chair closer to ellie. but you knew that ellie didn't have 20 dollars. not even 5.
ellie rolls her eyes and nods, inviting you to proceed.
you try to think about how this is not normal behavior between friends as you move towards her mouth and feel the air from her breath against your face. the fry separates you and her by about 8 centimeters, so there is a bit of space between your faces, though not enough to avoid a nervous twitch in your stomach.
as your lips are about to grab the greasy chip, ellie pulls back, preventing you from catching it "ellie!" you exclaim, watching as ellie laughs uproariously.
"sorry, sorry!" she says, feeling your hand push her and almost knock her off the swivel chair "i had to do it. i'm sorry. now i'm serious."
when ellie gets back into her normal position, you move yourself to get close to her face again, trying to avoid the way ellie's eyes are staring at you with utmost attention, piercing your pores.
as your teeth are about to hunt for the food, ellie is quick and puts the whole chip in her mouth, causing you to stumble and end up with your lips on hers.
you feel ellie's salty lips against yours, greasy and warm. she rushes to rest her hand on your jaw, preventing you from pulling away from her but still giving you the chance to do so if that's what you want.
but you don't.
you reciprocate her kiss, which is not a kiss as such, as your lips only remain against each other for a few seconds, without moving, before they separate.
things are silent for a few seconds. you lick your lips, feeling the taste that ellie left you.
"we could agree that this is the modern version of lady and the tramp" ellie says, a playful tone tinges her voice and you can't help but giggle, feeling a warmth come over your cheeks.
"you idiot" you reply
ellie laughs and places another fry in her mouth "you didn't get it. try again".
you smile and move in again. the game goes on for five more rounds, five rounds where you fail to catch the fry and five rounds where you end up kissing ellie.
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o-sachi · 1 month
Dress to Impress Headcanons Pt. 1 - for WinBre Week!
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ᯓ what's it like to play the roblox game dress to impress with the Wind Breaker characters? ᯓ characters; sakura haruka, suo hayato, nirei akihiko, sugishita kyotaro, umemiya hajime, hiragi toma (more characs in the next part hopefully) ᯓ tags; crack, some profanity lol, gn reader, no y/n, can be platonic/romantic
[🐟]: for day 8 - side missions prompt! (because dti is a side mission) @windbreakerweek
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Sakura Haruka
"How the fuck do I win..."
It will take forever to convince him to play because apparently 'there is no way he's playing dress-up that's made for children' but will fold as soon as you tell him he's just saying that because he hates you.
He keeps forgetting where certain items are and keeps going in circles around the place. That's why he thinks 5 minutes isn't enough.
"Where the fuck are the heels with the pretty pink bows? Man." / "You're going in circles, y'know?" / "Not my fault this shit's a maze."
Pretty standard outfits. Like they're not terrible, but they're not impressive enough to get 4 or 5 stars.
He's more of a simplicity-is-beauty type of guy so that also reflects in the kind of outfits that he makes. But the kids in the server are not having it.
"What does 'ate and served' mean?"
SO SALTY WHEN HE LOSES. But he'll brush it off and pretend that he's cool about it because he is not about to let anyone know he cares about some stupid dress-up game.
Suo Hayato
"Oh, look. I got first place again~"
He was easier to convince. But only if you knew how good he'd be, you wouldn't have asked him to play with you. Why? 'Cuz your morale is plummeting by the second.
He doesn't even need to try. Suo just lets his natural sense of style bleed into the way he plays the game AND HE WINS. He's pretty and so are his outfits.
Suo knows that it's mostly kids playing the game. So when he figures out there are younger people on the server, he'll rate them pretty high to put a smile on their face. (HE'S SO SWEET).
"Suo... it didn't even follow the theme." / "But it's quite nice, don't you think?"
You notice that you rank faster when you duo with him. You've been exploiting this little feature.
"We make a pretty good team, don't we?" / "Huh? Oh, yeah. Haha totally..."
Nirei Akihiko
"OH, this one's good... No, but this one's really good too..."
Nirei is everyone's hypeman: yours, the fashion mavens', the ten year olds who can't follow the theme—literally everyone.
He actually gets better so quickly by observing the outfits of those who win a lot. Like dude is analyzing a whole ass Roblox game. Not that it's intentional—more like it's in his nature.
He falls deep into the DTI rabbit hole. You know because he eagerly waits for updates and hunts for codes on the internet.
"Heyyyy, guess who learned a new code hm?"
His face lights up when you ask him to play... as if he doesn't ask you to play every chance he gets already...
DTI actually becomes his door leading to his descent into the world of Roblox. Seriously, he starts playing more Roblox because you started him with DTI. He also starts asking the other Furin guys to play too.
"Guys, let's do an obby next." / "A what?" / "An obby." / "Again, A WHAT?"
Sugishita Kyotaro
"... I swear I can do better than this..."
This man... this man was even harder to convince compared to Sakura. In fact, you almost gave up. Soooo... you convinced Ume instead (which was easier) and in turn, that forced Sugishita to try it out.
Didn't even ask how it works. He's just reading the text that pops up and goes with the flow.
I'm sorry but... he has the blandest style out of everyone in the main Furin group. Like, he doesn't even try to win AT ALL. But, y'know, A for effort!
"Oh... I have to vote for them?" / "Well, yeah... actually no, just give me 5 stars, okay?"
He plays DTI for a grand total of 3 times, all of which were because Ume asked him to play with the rest of the guys.
He's not much of a gamer to begin with... really, he'd much rather watch you play DTI and see your dramatic reactions to whatever's happening.
Umemiya Hajime
"HAHAHA What's with these silly poses?"
It's like a switch flips in him when he boots up the game and the DTI background song starts playing. He looks waaaaay too happy playing it.
He only started playing because all the hype surrounding it. Ume just wants to be part of the conversation and that's why he tried it out.
Talks way too much in the chat. Usually people just use it to provide more context for their outfits, but Ume actually makes conversation with players there. It's pretty funny to see.
"Look. So many people added me." / "Huh... well ain't that a surprise..."
He almost threw the Ipad out of excitement when he saw that the theme was gardening. He said he had to win or he'd literally die.
A pose 28 spammer, obviously.
"Aw, my game started lagging." / "It's 'cuz you keep spamming poses too fast." / "Dang it."
Hiragi Toma
"I'm not that good at it... okay, maybe just a bit."
He's an old man so bear with him when he tells you that he doesn't even know what a 'Roblox' is. He thought it was a vape flavor by the way.
"So... I have to dress-up and make people vote highly for me?" / "Yeah, it's called Dress to Impress for a reason." / "Oh, yeah. Fair."
He barely tries, but somehow he's kinda good at it? He's not insanely amazing at putting together outfits... but for a guy who's not trying that hard—he's doing pretty well for himself.
But he'll be too embarrassed to admit it. Hiragi would click his tongue and tell you to knock it off once you start complimenting his DTI skills.
He's a bit lost with the Gen Z/Gen Alpha terms, but he's trying to learn—slowly but surely like a little baby lamb learning how to walk.
Will rate you 5 stars no matter what. Everyone else is getting 1 star. Hiragi doesn't care.
"I didn't know you could hit poses here?" / "Yeah, look at this one." / "What the fuck kinda pose is that? Who's doing that on the runway? Bffr." / "Did you just—" / "Told you I'm learning things."
o-sachi © 2024 pls do not translate/copy/reupload my work on other platforms.
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w3irdo666 · 7 months
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Lucifer Morningstar x Fem!reader
Warnings: None?
Notes: So sorry that i didnt post for sooooo long.Enjoy!!!(⁠づ⁠ ̄⁠ ⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠づ
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"Sera, listen! I'm begging you! You can't just take it like this and let it continue!"
You followed the woman down the hallway. The meeting went badly, the angels couldn't hear Charlie.Your voice was slightly strained, you were on the verge of a breakdown. A little more and you would feel tears flowing down your cheeks. You learned the terrible truth that it turns out that demons are regularly exterminated. This is brutal. Even for demons. "That's enough, I don't want to hear anything more." The seraphim said, not even caring enough to look at you. "But Sera-"
Sera suddenly stopped walking and turned to face you. Her wings opened behind her. Her face was full of annoyance. You were slightly taken aback. Tears flowed down your cheeks. “But why... This is not right... We, angels... are worse than demons...”
“You are forgetting your place. Don’t repeat this mistake, otherwise the same thing will happen to you as Lucifer.” Her voice echoed in the corridor. You looked down at the floor. Yes, you were an archangel, but your words did not carry as much weight as Sera’s words.You just had to agree with Sera's words "Yes, forgive me, it won't happen again..."
“I really hope so...Now, if you'll excuse me, I have things to do. I'm busy. I hope you understand that." Without waiting for your answer, the woman turned around and walked away down the corridor.Your shoulders trembled slightly. You sobbed. You quickly headed towards your room, not wanting anyone to see you.
Slamming the door behind you, you rushed to the bed and collapsed face down. You began to cry. Hot, salty tears soaked into your bed, leaving a wet spot. You felt bad. It hurt from understanding that even the angels don’t know how to get to heaven, it hurts that they don't want to give people a second chance. Well, not everyone deserves it, but many do.
Several hours passed. All this time you cried quietly, hiding your head in the bedspread.Having found a little strength within yourself, you rose slightly and sat up on the bed. Still sobbing, you wiped away your tears. No, you can’t do that. You can’t just suffer. You can’t pave the way with suffering alone, you’ll only go deeper into the darkness.
You spent the rest of the day in your room thinking about how to act more wisely... You wanted justice, but the limitations of actions were suffocating you. You could give up on expulsion and still stand in your position... But they still might not hear you. Looking at your reflection in a cup of tea, you thought what would happen if they didn’t understand you. You will be expelled just like Lucifer.. Lucifer, oh, how you miss him. You would give anything to see him again. Hear his laughter, see his warm eyes..You sighed and continued drinking tea.
What are you without these wings? Nobody. In hell, you are no one. Absolutely no one. You were afraid of this. No matter how close you were to the idea of ​​giving up on everything and continuing to stand your ground, you understood how stupid it would be. What if Lucifer forgot you? What if he doesn't want to see you? Then you will rot in this hell like a lost soul.But still, it is the only solution...
"Do you think...Demons can be redeemed?" The guy said looking into the distance. The wind played with his hair and the sun made his hair shine. The girl looked at his face without taking her eyes off. She was hypnotized by his beauty.
“Probably...I'm not sure..” The girl said quietly, as if in a whisper.The man smiled. "I don’t know either. But you know..." He turned his head to look at the girl. "I hope... No, I believe. I believe that sinners can be redeemed. Everyone should have the right to a second chance..." The girl smiled too. "I agree with you."
When Lucifer opened his eyes, he felt wet traces of tears on his face. He cried. He cried in his sleep seeing you there.
He sighed and got out of bed. Somehow putting on his clothes, he went out onto the balcony. He had no strength. No, he didn’t want to sleep, but his body felt so heavy... He raised his head to the sky... Red the sky of hell in which heaven is slightly visible. Oh, how he wanted to know what was wrong with you... How is your life. He would give anything to see you again...
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Notes: Weellll, i hope you liked it!!! Sorry that i posted it a lil' late.. Today, at February 26 was my birthday, so yeah, i spent almost whole day with my family, heh. (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠)
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saltydkdan · 1 year
Hey Salty,
You may not remember it, but one day, you were streaming Elden Ring on Twitch. And on that stream, you were at some point talking about pronouns, and how you felt like "they/them" felt just as right to you as "he/him". A short while later, on that same stream, someone in chat thanked you for convincing them to try new pronouns by having that discussion.
That was me.
I'm genderqueer; I realized it very recently. And I wanted to thank you personally, because as insignificant as that may have been to you, I feel like you were a pretty big stepping stone in my gender-questioning journey. That small affirmation that it was okay to try new pronouns was kind of the kickoff that made everything else come together for me.
Maybe you think all of this is weird. Sorry if you do. But yeah, thank you for sharing your insight and opening the dialogue for LGBT discussion. It helps people sometimes! Who would've thought?
(also i think you're really funny and i like your content a lot keep it up champ ok bye)
Thank you so much for sending this, you just made my whole October. I don’t think that this is “weird” at all, it makes me very happy! And also give yourself more credit, you took the steps in your own!!
I hope you are doing well and having fun being yourself!!
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knight-of-the-graces · 3 months
I... am having EPIC Thoughts. I read a post that talked about how Odysseus really isn't doing any better with ruthlessness than mercy, and I just started thinking, so... here you so. Yes, I'm writing an essay now, you're welcome, I am 'That Guy' in every fandom I'm in ever, yes.
Ruthlessness and Mercy: Would It Matter? An EPIC: The Musical Study
In short... no. No, it really wouldn't.
From the beginning, the conflict was never about ruthlessness or mercy; it was always about the will of the gods. It never mattered whether Odysseus was merciful or ruthless or prideful or what-have-you, insert-chosen-character-trait-or-flaw-here-- the only thing that mattered was if he was obeying the gods, if he had angered them or not. Odysseus wasn't the problem in The Odyssey, at least at the start.
(This is not me saying the man doesn't have or cause problems, because he definitely does, but the overarching problem of The Odyssey isn't about Odysseus.)
Think about it. Several of the gods had decided --at least, in The Odyssey-- to make Odysseus' life a living nightmare. The reason for this seems to vary, but it's there. So right there, no matter what he did, what choices he made, the outcome was already decided for him. He was doomed from the start and didn't even know it.
See, here's the thing, about the Greek gods: Most of them really don't care about mortals any more than most humans care about insects. Interesting on occasion, but usually just something to ignore. And then you have the people who like to torment them, to pull off their wings and legs and watch them suffer and squirm-- those are the gods who involved themselves in the Trojan War. They weren't interested in the affairs of mortals in that they didn't care about the cause of the war, only that it was something interesting to do to break up the monotony of their daily lives up on Mount Olympus, a chance to show off and compete with one another and settle old scores. (I'm particularly upset about Aphrodite. Like, seriously, who just kidnaps some poor woman to marry off to a random guy she's never even met? I mean, c'mon, you're a literal goddess, you couldn't've just... y'know, made a person out of clay instead of kidnapping someone who already had a husband and family? Goodness.)
But anyway. Let's take a hypothetical, shall we? Let's say that Odysseus didn't show Polyphemus mercy, when Athena said to kill him. Do you really think Poseidon would've been any less angry about a dead descendant than a blinded one? I mean, even in this same tale the gods were known for taking vengeance on those who wronged their descendants, and being dead is definitely worse of a wrong than being blind, at least in my humble opinion.
Then, let's take into consideration who exactly killed him: that'd be Odysseus, King of Ithaca and all of that... and a champion of Athena. Now, this might or might not be common knowledge, but Poseidon and Athena competed extensively for the patronage of the city of Athens, and Poseidon lost, badly; that isn't the kind of slight he'd forget easily. (I mean, an olive tree is a food source, though, so... sorry, but it's definitely more useful than a salty spring from the salty man of the sea. Thanks, but no thanks.)
In EPIC, Odysseus had at least defied Athena, so she'd left him by the time Poseidon could discover what exactly he'd done, and thus wasn't responsible for defending her former champion; however, in a Ruthless hypothetical, he'd done exactly as she'd said, and now she had a predicament on her hands: Abandon the champion who had obeyed her to the letter, or face the wrath of Poseidon herself, too?
In The Odyssey, Athena abandons Odysseus to face the wrath of Poseidon by himself, so as not to incur her uncle's ire as well. So in our hypothetical, she would likely have abandoned Odysseus here too. The only thing that would change would be the guilt.
Why is that?
Well, to put it simply, there isn't a way for Odysseus to not incur Poseidon's wrath here. Polyphemus is Poseidon's son, and Odysseus --in order to save the lives of himself and as many of his men as he can-- will do him harm. Poseidon, as Polyphemus' father --whether a good one or not--, is responsible for avenging a slight against his bloodline. Athena, due to Odysseus' actions, will leave him.
Perhaps --straying from the question of ruthlessness and mercy-- if Odysseus hadn't said his name, if pride or anger or stress or whatever interpretation of it you take hadn't influenced his decision, Poseidon might not have learned who was responsible for the act. But then again, who else was sailing the sea --Poseidon's domain, about which he knew every detail-- in that exact area at that exact time, with a captain clever enough to give his name as Nobody so as to not reveal himself, with a sudden influx of stolen sheep on their ships where Polyphemus the shepherd had lost his?
Really, though, that isn't relevant. The question was if it would make a difference whether he was ruthless or merciful, and honestly... I don't think it would make much of a difference. One way or another, his crew was going to die. One way or another, he was going to wind up alone. Do you think that his crew wouldn't have mutinied after yet another monster their captain had chosen to spare came back with a vengeance? Do you think they would have listened when he warned them about Helios' cows then?
Do you think a merciful Odysseus would've chosen his traitorous crew, his former friends, over the chance to see his wife and son again?
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ominous-corridors · 1 year
Reunion // Ominis Gaunt
Warnings: NSFW. Dominis. Unprotected sex.
Ominis Gaunt x Reader
One shot
Word count: 4,744
Keep in mind I'm Dyslexic so there may be spelling/grammar/punctuation errors.
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Summery: Ominis has been gone on Auror work and has been out of the country for years. He is finally home and comes around for a little reunion.
A/N: I'm so sorry you are all subjected to such a long rambling. My fingers ran and I followed. Hope you enjoy. Part of this was inspired by this image.
Ominis Gaunt. How to explain Ominis Gaunt?
He was kind. He was caring. He understood your problems. It was very interesting when she learned he was blind. It was many years ago, she had failed a Charms exam. Looking back on it now, that exam wasn't even that important. It was a silly thing to think about how hard she was crying as she walked through the Defense Against the Dark Arts tower. The echoing of shoes and sobs following her as she wandered aimlessly around the castle. All of her other friends had already gone to their other classes, leaving her alone with her emotions and thoughts. 
"Excuse me?" A gentle voice said behind her.
Turning, she saw a boy. She had seen him before, with his blonde hair slicked back and his piercing blue eyes that never seemed to see her. He was in one of Her other classes, Herbology maybe? 
She wiped her face on her robe sleeve, trying to rid the signs of her salty tears before he could get a good look and ask questions.
"Yes?" She said, maybe a little more cutting than she intended. 
He didn't seem to notice, "I couldn't help but hear you crying. Are you alright?"
He knew.
"O-Oh. Yes.....I'm fine," She gave a weak smile in hopes of reassuring him.
"You don't sound fine," He took a few steps closer to her, his wand firmly held out in front of him.
Why did he have his wand out like he was ready for a fight?
She sniffled again, "I am. Promise."
A small chuckle escaped his lips, "Very interesting. Already making promises and braking them. And we haven't known each other more than five minutes."
What did he know? 
He made his way across the marble floor to stand in front of her. It was interesting, the way he had come from only lead to a dead end, but she could have sworn he wasn't there when she originally passed that part of the corridor.
"Please, I know you don't know me very well, but I can be a very good listener. If you need to talk with someone." 
And that that was the beginning of a wonderful friendship. Not only did he help her feel better that day, but he was always the constant comfort for her during the rest of her schooling days. It wasn't exactly either of their faults when things started to get in the way after graduation and neither of them had really seen each other in person for a few years. Always owls back and forth about where their career paths took them. 
Ominis was actually a very good Auror, despite his lack of vision. He and Sebastian worked together, which made her happy that they could stay close with one another. It was a nasty thing that happened with them during their fifth year. It took a while for them to rekindle their friendship. That was really when Ominis and her got close. They were good friends before, but in those months after the incident, Ominis was the one who needed comfort. And that's where she came in. He had alway been there for her, and it was her turn to be there for him. And that's how she found out more about his family. What they did to people. To Him. And there was no way she were going to make him go back to them over the summer. 
So she offered to let him stay with her. An offer he tried his hardest to refuse, but she wouldn't let him. The summer months spent with her family were an integral part of what made their bond so strong. The days spent out behind her home sitting in the grass under the old oak tree. The sound of her voice as she read him all of those stories she always talked about. He would often slip into a cat nap as she read to him. When she noticed she couldn't help but smile and continue on reading, lest he wake up again. 
And now here she was, sitting at the table in her flat as an owl swooped in, dropping a letter in front of her. She had been expecting the small envelope for a few days. Details of when Ominis would be coming into the city again. He had been away somewhere in Eastern Europe on a case for a while. He had told her that she would not be able to refuse to see him, it had been far too long. She had offered him to come to her flat. She knew he wasn't one for crowded pubs, much preferring a quiet setting. 
I'll be there on Friday. 
It was an oddly short note, but he surely was getting things wrapped up and didn't have a lot of time to be sending out his normal pages of writing she had grown accustomed to. 
She fiddled with her dress, smoothing the silk under her fingers. The motion was almost unconscious, a way for her to let out the small bit of anxiety that was bubbling up in the pit of her stomach. She poured herself a glass of wine and took a few sips, hoping to calm her nerves. She knew that Ominis couldn't see her, but she still felt the need to check her appearance in the mirror one more time, just to be sure she looked okay. She had always had a soft spot for the man--She even had a crush on him during their school years. She could feel the old emotions of that school girl crush coming back up to the surface as the clock inched closer to seven. She shook her head, trying to get rid of those thoughts. It had been years since she'd seen him, she was acting silly. 
There was a knock at the door.
She set her glass down on the table before making her way down the hall and opening the door. 
And there he was, in all of his glory. Time had been very kind to him. He still sported his hair style from school, slicked back and still just as blonde as it had always been. He still had the same smile on his face. She felt a shiver run down her spine as she took him in. He had a wonderful blue three piece suit that fit his chest and arms snuggly. 
She took a deep breath, collecting herself, "Ominis!"
"Hello, dear," He held his arms out, inviting her in for a hug.
She didn't hesitate to walk right into them as she snaked her arms around his torso, burying her face into his chest. She felt his arms close around her in a tight hug. The feeling of being in his arms was just something so right. She could feel the butterflies of her old crush fluttering in her chest. She almost welcomed them as she took in his cologne. He smelled of mint and something she couldn't quite pinpoint. Perhaps a new aftershave? It had been a long time, he was bound to have something different about him. She wasn't complaining though, she welcomed the delicious aroma he put off. 
"Miss me that much?" He chuckled, still holding onto her tightly.
She felt the rumble in his chest as he laughed, and she realized she could hear his heart beating as well, thrumming against his ribs. She looked up at him from her place in his arms and giggled lightly as his jest.
"Is that such a bad thing?" She questioned with a teasing tone to her voice.
She saw the small smile he had been wearing grow wider at her question and he shook his head, "I suppose not." 
She smiled up at him and slowly pulled away from his arms, taking his hand and leading him into her home, "Tell me about Eastern Europe. You know I don't get to travel. I would love to hear about it."
They found seats at her small table in her kitchen and she poured him a glass of wine before sitting back where she had her own sitting from before. 
"Well, I'm not sure how much I can tell you. Sebastian did do a wonderful job at painting me a picture of what it looked like, but I'm not sure I could really do it justice," He admitted as he took a sip of his wine.
"Well, tell me how you saw it. What opinions do you have in that brilliant head of yours."
He smiled again, "Well, how to describe it...."
He thought for a moment, swirling his wine in his hand as he sank back in his chair. He was starting to relax, lose all those silly 'proper' mannerisms. He knew he could really relax with her, not have to worry about the judgment he was so used to. 
After a moment he spoke up, "Well, it could be loud. Walking the streets with Sebastian. He told me how beautiful the architecture was, how different it was from home. There were always carriages being driven around, and people. But, there was a little shop down one of the quieter side streets. They had the most wonderful coffee there, and good pastries. The smell of them was so delicious," He was smiling widely as he recounted the memory, "And at night, when all of the people were finally gone.....It was so peaceful. The only sounds were my footsteps and a few owls that had a nest near where we were staying. That was when I really enjoyed the city."
She smiled at him, "That does sound lovely. Maybe on day you can show me that little pastry shop."
"I would love to. I thought about you every time I went there, you know. I know how much you adore sweets and sugary things."
He thought of her? Well, of course she thought of him, but she hadn't thought that he gave her much more thought than when he got a letter from her that he had to write a reply to. It almost caught her off guard.
Ominis noticed her silence and spoke again, "Darling, I must admit--I thought about you more than when I went to that shop. More than when I got your letters," He sighed, running a hand through his hair before he sat up straight again, "I don't know how I've managed these years apart from you, being back here now. When you opened the door I felt like I dove head first into the Black Lake. I can't keep my feelings a secret any longer."
His feelings? What was he talking about? Surely his didn't mean what she thought he did.
He stood from his place at the table and came to stand in front of her before swiftly getting to his knees. He held his hands out to her, an invitation that she couldn't decline. She placed her hands in his and he squeezed them lightly. She looked down at him as he stayed like that for a moment before he continued.
"I'v had feelings for you since we were at school. I thought that maybe it was just a school boy's crush and I would get over it. I didn't want to jeopardize our friendship on something that I would forget about in a few weeks," He chuckled, "But I was very wrong."
She sat there, him still holding onto her hands. She watched him carefully, taking in every detail she could. How his pale skin seemed to almost glow under the light filling the room. Every last little beauty mark on his face--They almost looked like constellations. She had realized she was holding her breath at that point and took a sharp inhale. 
She felt Ominis's hands tighten around hers as she did so, almost as if he was afraid of her answer. Like if he didn't hold her tight enough, she would float away like a balloon in the wind. 
She still harbored feelings for him, but it had been years. He was bound to be a different person, as was she. Would they be able to have a relationship after being away from each other for so long?
"Ominis-" She began before being cut off by his deep sigh.
"Please, just give this a chance. Give us a chance. I have lived without you for too long. You are every thought on my mind. Your voice is like sweet nectar to my ears. Your scent is intoxicating. I understand why men do such rash things for the women they love. I would do anything for you. Anything to be the one who gets to know who you really are behind closed doors. To be the one who gets to feel your soft caress," He suddenly let go of her hands and moved them to rest one on  the arm of her chair, and the other to rest on her thigh. 
The feeling of his hand on her sent a shiver up her spine. She felt the goosebumps rising under his touch. His words were already making her feel dazed. How could he hide such strong feelings from her for so long? Why did he pick now to tell all of it to her? 
She felt his hand squeeze her thigh lightly, another sigh leaving his lips.
"I don't think you understand what you do to me, darling," He chuckled and shook his head almost in a teasing way.
"What?" She could feel her underwear staring to get damp.
He leaned in closer, his chest now hovering over her body and his head tilted up to hers as she looked down at him, "You don't understand what you do to me." His voice was husky now, and barely above a whisper.
She felt her breath hitch and her skin ignite under the warmth of his proximity. Her heart was practically beating out of her chest and the butterflies in her stomach threatened to fly away with her. In that moment, she could swear that Ominis was staring right at her. Pouring his soul into hers. 
He leaned in even more, noses touching and lips ghosting over each other, "I'm going to kiss you now, if you'll allow it."
She barely heard him over the sound of blood pumping in her ears. She couldn't manage to speak, not the she didn't try. So, she opted to just nod ever so lightly, not wanting to move her lips too far away from his.
He pressed his lips to hers, gentle and sweet. It was in his nature to be gentle with her. He had always been that way with her. His hand on the chair swiftly moved to the crook of her neck, finally giving her the skin on skin contact she hadn't realized she was craving. His thumb rested gingerly on her jaw as their lips moved in sync. 
After Ominis had done his testing of the waters, she felt his kiss get more aggressive, more rough. More like he was drinking in the sweet waters he had been yearning for, for years. The fire in him only growing as her lips moved to match his rhythm, surprisingly enough for her. She didn't realize she had wanted this so badly, to feel his lips on hers, to feel his hands on her. It was enough to drive her mad, and she craved more. 
Ominis moved his lips from hers, earning a soft whimper in disagreement. He chuckled again as his lips adeptly found their way to her neck, laying a path of soft kisses. 
She bit her lip, feeling the trail of heat and the tingling sensation he left in his wake. His hand on her thigh moved suddenly, slipping higher, his thumb grazing as he went. He was getting dangerously close to her now. She let out a soft moan as he began sucking on her neck.
She felt him smirk into her skin, "I want to see you. All of you."
What did that mean? See her?
His mouth moved to her ear, his hot breath washing over her. And almost as if he read her mind he spoke in a hushed whisper, "You know I see with my hands."
Her body moved before her mind could process. She quickly stood, causing Ominis to almost fall over. He was thankfully quick on his feet, standing not a moment later. She grabbed his hand and pulled him along behind her as she made her way to her room. 
As soon as she crossed the threshold, his hands were all over her. She would never know how he seemed to just know. Right now, though, all she could think about was he feeling of him running his hands down her sides as he pressed his body against hers from behind. He went straight back to kissing her neck again as his hands moved to the back of her dress.
She could feel as he delicately undid each button, running his fingers behind on the newly exposed skin of her back.
"Your skin is so much softer than I imagined," He said as he laid a few kisses across her shoulders, pulling the dress down off of them.
As soon as it he got it past her shoulders he let go, letting it fall to the floor, all but forgotten as he slid his hands down her back slowly. Savoring every inch of her now exposed body. 
Her breathing was shallow. She took quick breaths to try and fill her lungs, but nothing she did could stop them from screaming at her as she felt his hands leaving goosebumps behind them.
"W-Would you like me to show you?" She managed out. 
He hummed an agreement, his fingers still tracing out the shape of her shoulder blades under her skin.
She turned to face him, almost as if he was commanding her and she was to obey. He held his hands out to her, his eyes half closed in what only could be disturbed as a sultry glance. She bit her lip, taking his hands by his wrists. She could feel his pulse. She was glad that his body had to be screaming at him as much as hers was. 
Gently, she brought his hands to her chest, letting him cup her breasts in his hands. She watched him as he did so, his mouth falling open ever so slightly. He moved his thumbs over her hardened nipples which elicited a muffled moan from her as she clamped down harder on her bottom lip. She watched him smirk and blink a few times before she moved his hands, sliding them along her abdomen to rest on her hips. He squeezed lightly at first before digging his fingers into her flesh, his nails almost leaving marks.
"You are exquisite," He breathed.
He squeezed one more time and she felt her legs getting more slick by the second. She then moved his hands behind her, letting him rest them on her bum. He gave it a good squeeze before leaning in and kissing her again. His lips hungry for her, passion and desire leaking out of them. 
She realized that she was the only one naked in the moment, and she wasn't about to let him get away with that. She quickly started unbuttoning his vest as their tongues melded together. The only sounds in the room were wet lips and heavy breathing with a few moans here and there. 
Ominis's hands moved again, this time on their own to grab her hips again, digging his nails into her skin. She let out a small moan, prompting him to do it again. After a few more moments of unbuttoning his clothing and wet kissing, he stood before her in just his trousers.
She took in the sight of him, soaking in every detail of his form. He was still lean as he had been in school, but there were ever so slight layers of muscle that tugged at his skin in just the right way. He looked absolutely divine. Her lip found it's way between her teeth again as she tried to count every little round mark on his skin. She could spend hours just trying to commit each one's location to memory. 
"Enjoying the view?" He raised an eyebrow at her as he kicked out of his shoes.
"Oh, more than you know." 
He let out a deep chuckle as he stepped toward her.
"Lay down," His voice was rough and commanding. 
She didn't hesitate to obey, quickly making her way to the bed and laying down. He made his way to her, grabbing her thighs and pulling her to the edge of the bed. She let out a small yelp to which he only smirked. He guided her underwear off slowly, letting his fingers graze her skin. He spread her legs wide, holding on to her knees as he he knelt down in front of her. His hands moved from her knees and slid slowly up her inner thighs, his calloused fingertips grazing her in a way that made her feel like she was on fire. He slipped on of his hands under her leg, lifting it onto his shoulder and firmly holding it in place by her thigh. He squeezed again, pressing his cheek into her soft skin.
"You are a divine gift from the Gods, my sweet."
Every time he spoke words like that to her, she could feel her whole core tremble. If he could make her feel like this with just words, what could he do-?
Her thoughts were cut off by the sudden feeling of his finger sliding over her clit. She gasped and almost pulled away from the sensation, only to be stopped by his firm hand on her leg.
"Ah, there you are," He said.
He quickly backtracked his movements, pressing light circles against her. She let out another string of moans as he worked her sensitive area. She looked down at him, watching him. His mouth was parted and she could see the desire written on his face.
"You are music to my ears, dove."
He continued like that for a few moments before dipping his fingers to her entrance, feeling the pool she had left for him. Because of him.
"Oh, you are so deliciously wet for me, love," He smirked again, sliding two fingers into her slowly, relishing in the feeling surrounding them. She threw her head back against the bed. He let out a small groan that mixed with the moan she let out at feeling him inside of her. 
He began pumping his fingers slowly, the sweet sound of her drawn out moans and the wet slapping of her pussy hitting his ears. He picked up the pace, shoving his fingers as far as they would go.
"O-Oh, f-fuck!" She arched her back. His fingers were like magic as he worked her.
He stopped suddenly, removing his fingers quickly. She whined at the loss of him, looking back to see him slowly put his fingers into his mouth, sucking her off of them.
"Merlin, you taste phenomenal."
He quickly stood, unbuttoning his pants and pulling out his member, pumping it a few times with gritted teeth.
"On your knees." He commanded.
She quickly got off the bed, kneeling in front of him. He still held himself in his hand. He used his other hand to grip onto her hair.
"Open," He growled.
This was a new side to him that she hadn't seen before, and she wasn't ashamed to say that she liked it. She liked being commanded by him, she liked how he gripped her, how he pleased her. So, she did as she was told. She opened her mouth wide, sticking her tongue out, ready to accept him.
He slowly guided himself into her mouth, a muffled groan escaping his lips. He moved her head by the hair firmly in his fist, stroking himself ever so slowly. 
"Your mouth is so fucking good." Ominis was not one for swearing. He hardly ever said anything one would consider crass, and that made this all the more attractive to her.
After he gave her a moment to acquaint herself with his size, he began thrusting his length into her quicker. Soft groans coming from him as he did. He began picking up speed, thrusting harder, shoving his whole length down her throat. She tried to keep her throat relaxed, not choke on him, but she couldn't keep it up. She gagged loudly, which caused him to pull out entirely, a wide smirk on his face.
"Good girl," He said, "Now, get back on the bed. Ass up."
She moved and got back on the bed on her hands and knees, putting her bum in the air. She felt him get on the bed behind her, his hands gripping onto her hips. He slid one of his hands down her bum and felt for her entrance before taking his length and pressing his tip against her.
"Ready, love?"
"Y-Yes," She breathed. She had never imagined that their reunion would turn into this, but she was happy it had.
Without another word, he roughly pushed into her, feeling her walls around him with a drawn out groan. 
"Fuck," He muttered, rolling his hips.
She moaned out as he did so, feeling him fill her. 
He reached out and gripped her hair again, pulling her to support her top half with her hands. He began bucking into her wildly, moans and groans filling the room as they both felt the pleasure rocketing through their bodies with each connection of hips. 
"That's right. Take it, darling, " He groaned, "You take my cock so well."
She could feel him hitting deep within her, right on that magic little spot. Each thrust of his length hitting perfectly. The knot in her stomach was tight, almost painfully so a he continued his pace, her moaning loud and unbridled. He moved his hand from her hair and slipped it around her mouth, leaning forward to press his chest against her back.
"Quite, darling. I want to hear my cock fuck that pretty pussy of yours," He almost purred into her ear. 
He continued to buck his hips as he stayed over her like that with his hand over her mouth. Her moans muffled by his firm grip on her face. He grunted into her ear as he listened to the wet sound of skin on skin echo off the walls surrounding them. 
"Mmmm," He said something after that. Something that she could only describe as air slithering past his tongue. 
He let the sweet sounds of it pass his lips as he fucked her. Listening to him speak to her like that was only serving to drive her more mad. She could feel herself getting closer as the friction became almost unbearable. 
Her walls began to tighten around him, causing him to let out another groan.
"Let it out, dove. Come for me," He whispered into her ear, sitting up in his knees again and gripping her waist tightly. 
The then began pounding into her, pulling her hips to meet his as he groaned and grunted at the feeling of her tight pussy around him.
It didn't take long for her to get to her climax after that as he continued to hit her sweet spot. Her legs shook under her as the knot in her stomach came undone. 
"O-Oh, Ominis!" She moaned loudly as she came. Her breath heavy.
He chuckled, continuing to hit her hard as his own climax came over him. He groaned loudly, pushing as far into her as he could, filling her to the brim. 
They stayed in that position for a moment, both panting hard as they came down from the high of their escapade. After a moment, Ominis pulled out, falling onto the bed next to her. She quickly followed his lead and laid next to him.
He opened his arms for her to come closer to him and she happily obliged, cuddling herself into his chest as his arms wrapped around her. He kissed her forehead and then rested his chin on top of her head.
"How was that?" He asked.
She giggled, "That was....It was wonderful."
He chuckled and squeezed her tightly to him, "Good."
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dootznbootz · 6 days
Can i be honest. I don't get it when people try to use Antigone as a feminist icon or something, or that "She literally died because she didn't listen to man! That's just like us!" Because it's not and we're not living in the 16th century.
And these people are acting like Creon wouldn't have killed her if he was a man. Or that Creon wouldn't have killed her if he was a woman. Like guys, I'm sorry but "Girlboss" feminism is soo annoying.
I saw a post where it's like "Greek mythology male characters: 'He seems chill... Oh he's being a douche to women. Female Greek mythology characters: 'She seem cool... Oh she's getting revenge on the men that wronged her. She's so cool!!"
And in the tags they were hating on Ody for killing the slave girl and calling Medea an icon. Even though Medea killed her two young children just because she was salty at Jason... double standards at their finest, people
Also people better be mad at Penelope as well if they're mad at Odysseus for the slave girls. She hated them just as much.
Wise Penelope heard his words and rebuked Melantho, saying: “You can be sure, you bold and brazen bitch, that I have seen your shameless acts. You’ll wipe away the stain with your own head. You clearly know full well, because you heard me say it—I’m planning to ask this stranger in my halls some questions about my husband, since I feel such grief.”
(Book 19, Johnston)
People just literally turn a blind eye when the woman also does violence against other women. (Same with Clytemnestra. like sure, she killed Agamemnon but she also screwed up her kids. (one a girl so a lot of these "girlboss" types ideals are contradictory))
And it's really really tough enjoying Medea only to see people "girlboss" her. I love the play. It made me feel so many things but NONE of them were GOOD feelings.
Old meme from a post I made a while back but it sums up my feelings lol.
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I think it weirdly comes from this awful wave of "I hate children. Horrible beings. Hope they suffer. etc.etc." bullshit and the girlboss wave :'(
Also um, yeah, Creon would've killed ANYONE who would have buried Polyneices. I've always seen Antigone more as a story of honoring family and a family's love for one another, not so much of a "feminist story". As Creon is like, the opposite of Antigone in how he does not wish to honor his family no matter what and will even have family killed for honoring family.
I weirdly think there's this phenomenon of people seeing stories/myths that simply have women in them, especially if they are "center stage" and then decide that they're feminist regardless of the context.
Like I guess you could say that these stories simply having complex and driven women is feminist (I mean...moreso than most booktok/modern YA novels ;~; where many female leads are very...bland imo) which is very sad that feminism is just the bare minimum of "Hey a woman is a person who is complex."
But it's also like, these women and their meaningful and HUMAN stories are LOST because they're just painted as "girlboss".
I think Antigone would be more like "I mean...I was just trying to bury my brother because I care about him and didn't want to see him left to rot. I would have done it no matter WHAT told me not to." and less about "YASSSS queen SLAY!" shit.
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factual-fantasy · 1 year
29 asksss
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Aw! Thank you! :DD
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The elven style ears are meant to make them look less human and to match the Wario bros. :0 My AU's Peach and Daisy are these tall elf like creatures, not humans. They are the same species as the Wario bros.
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Jangles would prepare himself for this brutal duel in "put em up" type battle stance. Ready to give this fight his all.
Only to be squashed by Jangle. Alas, he is made of plastic <XDD
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XDD Thought that was a bunny at first-
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:DD Thank you! But hey, nothing's stopping you from book marking the post or saving the link to it somewhere :0
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Honestly I have no hope. I'm thinking its gonna bomb like the Ruin DLC did, lore wise. Calling it now there's gonna be a character named VANESSA and her nickname is VANNY even though this movie is about the first game and has NOTHING TO DO WITH VANESSA. There's gonna be a kid named Cassidy, another kid named Gregory, circus baby is gonna come out of nowhere, there's gonna be a nightmare animatronic reference, one kid is gonna look like the crying child for no reason, Springtrap is gonna talk a lot and take away the horror- its gonna be a mess. The lore will be a terrible. mess.
Horror wise it might be awesome but I am NOT looking forward to all the crap they're gonna mix in with the lore. Its soooo simple, just make a spooky movie that captures the terror that the first game created. Recreate the mystery and horror. Bonnie disappearing, Foxy running down the hall. Freddy's music. Maybe Golden Freddy?? Hints of a darker past with dead kids. It would be awesome. They don't gotta complicate the lore by adding all the other games into it but I know they will-
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@palettepainter :DD Thank you!!
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@randox-talore Nope! The flowers don't make them bigger. They just give the bros ice/fire powers :}
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Pretty much XDD
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:DDD Thank you so much!! Honestly I'm surprised by the number of my followers that are into the same fandoms I'm into. Sounds like I've found my people! XDD
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Thanks, I'm hoping it finally gets through to people and they'll just leave me alone..
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It is! But ya gotta DM me for it so I can sus out your blog :x
I need to have some idea of who I'm letting in-
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:DD Thank you so much! Also sorry, I don't take requests :/
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THANK YOU! I don't support any ships from any fandoms, I just personally don't like them. So having people harp on me and my AU because a "canon ship" isn't in it was really annoying.. 😓
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Glamrock Bonnie and Foxy would be thinking "Wow, they look different/great! :00"
Glamrock Freddy and Chica are like "WHY IS BONNIE SO LARGE"
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Oooo that would be cool! All my versions of Bonnie are slow, so having him throw things at Gregory would be terrifying-
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The reason why I haven't drawn any classic mermaids like that is because it felt kind'a weird to add a half human creature into the Octonauts universe. Considering humans don't exist in it.. Now that post with the mermaid thing actually has the creature looking humanoid for sure. Because it would look more alien if it was human. But I kept the scales because a straight up half human mermaid would just feel out of place-
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Firealpaca! :}}
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XD Thank you!! Also my WHOLE BLOG?? Dang. I apologize for all the Gravity falls cringe you had to see-
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XD Factual Fanta, that's great 🤣🤣
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I think those people are just salty because they wanna draw my stuff but I wont let them. My true fans will have basic human respect and just not draw fanart without sending me hate and rude comments.
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Monty is much more mellow and kind in the Partial swap. Although he still can be a bit of a grump sometimes. The way Bonnie is treating everyone (mostly Foxy) really angers/upsets him.
Roxy hasn't changed a whole lot tbh. Full of grief and self loathing. Except I don't think she'd have this "I'm better than you" attitude. Her thinking that Freddy's death was her fault would crush her. Just like Monty was crushed in the OG au.
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:DDD Thank you!! Also really? :00 Wow, great minds do think alike! XD
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Aw, I'm sorry that you relate to Bonnie's struggles, <:(
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I was thinking he would do 1 of 2 things.
Either this bombshell that his late friends of 10 years are alive, would be so emotionally overwhelming that he would completely shut down. Literally. They would break into his room and Bonnie is collapsed on the floor. And cannot be reactivated. And when he does eventually reactivate, he absolutely refuses to acknowledge or speak to anyone in anyway..
OR, hearing that Chica and Freddy are alive, would completely drown out any other feeling. They're alive, he would rush out of his room to go see them. All of his stress, all of his anger would be swept away in favor of his anxiousness to see his friends again. And finally, he would talk to people again somewhat. Every day would get easier knowing that once its over he can go see Freddy and Chica again.
I haven't decided which one is better <XD
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@burningmusicfunnygiant (Post in question)
Oh a whole mix of emotions. Mostly joy and sadness though.. Joy to see them alive after all these years. But sadness too see the horrible states they're in.. Mostly Freddy's state-
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<XD Don't worry I wont. I know some of the angsty bits of Bluey but not enough to draw stuff and traumatize you all-
You are spared this time! XDD
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I saw this one post tagged under Aang deserved better and Katara deserved better. As someone who loves both characters. I hate how people mischaracterize them while saying they supposedly deserved better, when really they’re just salty about shipping when it comes down to it.
Here’s the post:
"What does a 14-year-old want with a 12-year-old?" Same thing a 16-year-old wants with a 14-year-old, aka maybe a romantic relationship, maybe just a hook up, maybe just friendship, maybe nothing at all. You can't put people in a box like that. When I was 14 I wouldn't have cared if the person who had a crush on me was too years younger, two years older, or the exact same, all that would matter would be "Do I like them back or not?" Plenty of girls my age were the same, others would be caught dead with someone younger, and others thought that it was weird to date anyone older.
"It's just creepy, no matter the gender" *proceeds to ship Zutara, that has the same age gap, but the guy is older*
"It would have been better if they got together at like 22 and 20" Why? It's a two year agep gap, not twenty - why age them up to adulthood? 12-years-old is right around the time most people either start having crushes, or already have been having crushes for a while, it's not weird. And again, why it Zutara acceptable with Karata being fourteen, but Aang needs to be at least twenty for it to not be creepy, even though the only thing that changed was the gender of the younger character?
"I haven't read the comics" good for you, don't do it, they're terrible, every character was ruined and Yang should be as hated by the fandom as Shyamalan.
"But what I saw on tumblr" Ah yes, because you can always trust that people online are not biased, mistaken, or full on lying. Just ask the leader writer, Aaron Ehasz, about all the times he had to say "No, zutara was never going to be a thing, please stop sharing that fake interview in which people claim I said otherwise"
"Legend of Korra" Korra is also terrible, that's why the audience for it got so bad that Nick just dumped the final season online without a care.
"He kissed her TWICE, TWICE, without her consent and never said sorry for this" Nope, it was ONE poorly timed kiss that he immediately felt sorry for. Katara is seen blushing and thinking on that kiss during The Invasion because she enjoyed that kiss.
"He thinks he deserves her love because he is the Avatar (the hero) and that's how it be" He thinks the girl that got offended when he said he didn't want to kiss her, that has flirted with constantly, and has consensually kissed twice already is at the very least a potential girlfriend. When he is made to question if that's really the case, he full on ASKS HER if she only thinks of him as a brother and he simply misinterpreted her signs, to which she openly says THAT WAS NOT THE CASE. He explicitly mentions "After we kissed, I thought that meant we were together." He never, ever, ever said "I'm the Avatar, therefore you have to like me." Just because AN ACTOR in a play about THE AVATAR called her "the Avatar's girl" instead of "Aang's girl" doesn't mean he thinks his role means more than her feelings - again, he literally went to talk with her to clear things out. This is not how an entitled person behaves.
"He replaced the love for his people with Katara" No, he did not. The Guru explicitly said "Your love for them lives on the form of new love." When he saw Gyatso's dead body, Katara saying she and Sokka were his new family was what made Aang calm down. Yes, Aang is in love with her, but that moment was much more about general, familial love than romantic love. Honoring the people you lost by valluing your connection to the ones that are still in your life is not placing a burden on them, or being obsessed with them, or thinking that being loved by them will fix your trauma.
"He needed to let go of her" He did. Twice. First in Ba Sing Se, which led to him being killed and KATARA bringing back to life, then again in "The Awakening", in which he just up and leaves to focus on his mission and Katara is heartbroken because SHE DOES NOT WANT TO BE LET GO OF!
"Aang could still love Katara, he just needed to stop to put her on a pestal!" He never put her on a pedestal. He knew she was flawed and would openly disagree and even argue with her at times. Cherishing someone is not the same as idealizing them.
"Book three was... bad, and so was the finale" No, it wasn't. It had it's issues and it is the weakest season, but it is still good. Most of the problems were caused by poor pacing due to them sticking to three seasons instead of four. Aang's feelings for Katara were not a problem to be fixed, because the "entitlement" you complain about doesn't exist.
"Aang is a self-insert of Bryke" Bryan and Mike have repeatedly said that they're like Aang AND ZUKO, in the sense that one is goofy and the other is grumpy. By that logic, Zuko is also a self-insert, therefore shipping him with Katara would also be "bad."
"They act like Zuko is a bad boy instead of a dork" Zuko is a dork with social anxiety, who spent two and half seasons SUPPORTING GENOCIDE. "Bad boy" doesn't even BEGIN to describe him.
"No normal 14-year-old girl would date a 12-year-old and if she did call the police on her ass!" Go touch grass, you're insane, two children having feelings for each other is not pedophilia.
"Avatar was only amazing because of writers like Aaron Ehasz" Ehasz himself disagrees with you, and a lot of the "good changes" you made were decided by/along with Bryke.
"A lot of writer wanted also Zutara to happen and not Kataang" Ah, I see you DID read that fake interview. The writers were all on board with Kataang, even though some of them did like Zutara AS WELL. They're not mutually exclusive, you know?
"If I remember right season 3 was so rushed and lacking because the movie-who-shall-not-be-named was in production" You're remembering made up bullshit just right. Fans keep repeating that, and even I once wrongfully believed that in the past, but it's not true. The movie was going to happen regardless of when the show ended, and Bryke genuinely only wanted three seasons instead of four. Bad idea? Yes, but nothing to do with Shyamalan.
"Aang would find other airbenders" If that's true, I'm glad it was scrapped, THE LAST AIRBENDER needs to be THE LAST AIRBENDER for the show's premise and name to make any sense. Korra was also heavily criticized for a later seasons plot point of random people just magically becoming airbenders because it cheapens the gravity of the genocide by going "Lol, fooled ya! They're still running around!"
"Broodmare to repopulate" Three children is not exactly repopulating a nation, you should have paid more attention in math class.
"I'm a big fan of the theoretical season four" You being a fan of a thing that doesn't exist is surely on brand for a zutarian.
"Also, people who make fun of their own fans because they ship a pairing themselves not like are the worst!" Scream the zutarian that is doing exactly that. If you can complain about ships and call people creeps for it, you can take people pointing out your ship is just a figment of your imagination. Either suck it up or change your behavior so you're no longer a hypocrite.
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fountainpenguin · 23 days
Any tips for writing Cosmo? I'm struggling a bit with writing him and I'd thought I'd ask you since I enjoy your characterization of him (and while im here, who is the hardest fop character for you to write?)
Thanks, I'm glad you enjoy my take on Cosmo! He's got a pretty messed-up backstory in my works and I enjoy him :)
?? In the editor, my pics are arranged "a reasonable way" - next to each other, multiple in a line - but in the queue, they're... standalone, and thus a huge mess. I'm so sorry. I hope it doesn't post that way.
Talkin' Cosmo
This post talks a lot about Cosmo in my 'fics, and I have other Cosmo inspo resources at the bottom if you're interested. I'll give some brief notes before deep-diving into what I've done with him.
Cosmo has his clumsy moments, but he's a very good and protective dad! And that's very important to me.
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"Mission Responsible," "For Emergencies Only," "Super Zero," "Farm Pit"
He's here for the fun AND the disciplining! He's on top of both! He's trying to equally protect Foop as much as Poof despite their past grievances! He took a laser for his son in "Playdate of Doom"!! D:
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Also, Cosmo in "Formula For Disaster" - I will take a grenade or bullet for everyone in this room. Please let me take a bullet for you.
What is UP with Wanda's multi-season one-sided beef with Foop? lmao. He's always polite to her (Calling her Auntie Wanda compared to Uncle Idiot & tolerating her grabbing his collar and yelling in his face). Who would have beef with a baby who's always apologizing and saying thank you? sdklfjsdfj... (Kick his butt, Wanda) Cosmo's seemingly fine with him and even asked for Foop's business card, but Wanda does not like him. Foop brought Timmy some food he's proud he made and she put him to sleep "until his true love kisses him" without telling him that was the condition of the caramel apple she handed him, and then she told the camera that they were all going to live happily ever after... savage... Girl, that is not very "You have to learn how to forgive people after they try to destroy you" of you. Rules for thee, not for me... I love her, but that's really funny. Cosmo's pretty chill with him. I do not think Foop's relationship with Anti-Cosmo is particularly good. Like??? idk why I'm even asking what's up with her beef- It IS canonically Wanda who wants to kill Timmy's parents (S4's "Fairy Friends and Neighbors," plus she nearly kills Mrs. Crocker in S9's "Fairly Old Parent" and only stops because Timmy warns her he's "not going back to jail with her"), but... Wanda, he's a toddler.
Also, Cosmo even adjusts his body language sometimes because he's trying to copy and improve!! Love that for him!!")
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"Mission Responsible"
Shout-out to Cosmo in "School of Crock" smiling and tearing up affectionately when he thinks Poof came out to him... regarding Poof "wanting to marry a cat") and he states that he's both accepting and proud of him. This is not what Poof said, but it's the thought that counts.
Cosmo, they could never make me listen to "He's a deadbeat dad" slander <3
He has his lapses in judgment, but he cares deeply about both Poof and Timmy and works hard to be a good parent to them (and later Chloe too), send post.
The other thing you need to know about Cosmo is that he is SALTY as ALL HECK. But... he plays it in a way that I'd call plausible deniability (considering the "dumb" persona he's set himself up with).
Ex: Cosmo has strong feelings about Timmy's parents (He goes into a panic in "Sooper Poof" because "Those two have no idea how to raise a child!" but he usually keeps that on the downlow. I said above that Cosmo seems chill with Foop, but it's worth noting that he spends an excessive amount of time "trying to get a sprite off Foop" at the end of "Spellementary School" by slamming him with a frying pan, and he says words that imply he's playing dumb about it... Interesting...
Cosmo's way of treating people is very different from Wanda grabbing Foop by the collar and screaming in his face, or cheerfully announcing her plan to put him in handcuffs, or when she slapped Juandissimo in the face with her purse in "Stupid Cupid," or (although I don't consider very-late-series Juandissimo to be an accurate portrayal of his character) when she shoved him in "Fairy Con" and snapped that if he didn't back off, she'd "kick him in the butt-issimo."
Wanda intimidates, presumably because Big Daddy raised her that way. Funnily enough, Mama Cosma also tends to use intimidating (Ex: Being outright mean to Wanda, kidnapping Wanda's dad) to the point that she seemingly spooks H.P. and Anti-Cosmo enough to make them back down when she takes Poof from them. but Timmy straight-up grabs her by the collar and yells in her face, and I think that's funny.
Words cannot explain how funny it is to me that neither Cosmo nor Anti-Cosmo are fans of direct confrontation... but Cosmo handles it by getting up close to bother you, pushing the envelope, and Anti-Cosmo will run away. Ex: "When Nerds Collide" - A.C. pours salt on Jorgen's shoes, tells Anti-Wanda he'll be back for her, then scampers off with a look of terror on his face. This man will only taunt you if you're locked away or he has back-up. He's very easily spooked.
Anti-Cosmo when one fairy (Jorgen) stands between him and his wife: PEACE OUT, BABE!
Cosmo when his family's in genuine danger:
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Cosmo does not like head-on confrontation if it can be avoided, as he's much more into mind games or distraction tactics (like suggesting Jorgen scramble the fairies, or showing Jorgen a slideshow presentation to stall for time).
Anti-Cosmo always opts for running over fighting (Literally all his episodes except "Oddlympics," which is the only episode where no one threatens him directly unless you count Cupid poofing up angry cheetahs, which... fair) or else he just plain shuts down ("Fairly Odd Baby" & "Anti-Poof" are good examples).
LOVE his streak of looking confused in the background when he doesn't want to speak up. He's always a little nervous and I think it's funny. Even if you break into his house, he won't even yell at you. You can just do it...
Cosmo 🤝 Anti-Cosmo
Big "I don't know what I'm doing" energy
They just cover it with opposite personas... Anti-Cosmo pretends he knows everything and Cosmo pretends to know nothing.
One of my favorite scenes truly showcases Cosmo's saltiness. In "Jerk of All Trades," he offers to show Juandissimo to the room he can stay in (after Juandissimo loses his corporate housing)...
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... and promptly throws him in the freezer. Hey, what??
Keep an eye out for scenes where Cosmo seems smug, because those tend to be the best examples of his plausible deniability / clever subtleties
The beef Cosmo and Juandissimo have with each other cracks me up... I like the OG canon that Juandissimo is terrified of Cosmo. In an early script for "Fairy Fairy Quite Contrary" (linked), he straight-up says Cosmo is the only one he's afraid of because he's a "warrior" and "a cunning and calculating foe." Like ??? Excuse me?
-> Part of this did make it into the final version with Juandissimo whining to Remy that he's "lucky to be alive" after Cosmo almost turned his hand into a fist! Why is Juandissimo always flaunting his muscles but then he'll whine that Cosmo spooks him... sdlkfj.
- My secret headcanon is that Juandissimo was once witness to Cosmo losing control (as Cosmo is confirmed in multiple episodes to be extremely powerful and dangerous) and he realized then and there that he never wanted to be on the receiving end of that fury. But nobody ever believes him that Cosmo is scary, so he just cringes and whines in the background.
"Bird Song" (Florence and the Machine) is one of my Cosmo inspo songs for that reason.
Also, I live for the scene in "Super Zero" where Cosmo is holding Chet Ubetcha (whom he was taking to find his car) while Chet reports about how Cosmo is a terrible superhero...
... so Cosmo straight-up says "There's your car" and drops him into a volcano. Incredible. No notes. Saltiest boy in the world. It plays rent-free in my head...
He can be salty for a variety of reasons, but it seems to flare up especially when he's being territorial of his family or space
[Very long post (11k words from here) - Click at own discretion]
Major Cloudlands AU story spoilers up to where we are in the 130 Prompts; if you've made it to "Sentry," you've seen it.
So... Let's get detailed!
[Basic overview, cnt'd from above; the spoiler bits come later]
Cosmo is a mama's boy! We know that pretty well from canon; it's one of his most obvious traits. However... he won't leave Wanda for her (as much as his mother antagonizes him).
- He's VERY loyal to Mama Cosma, to the point of sneaking her into his and Wanda's underwater castle in "Hassle in the Castle" and not telling Wanda about it.
- I think "Presto Change-O" and "Odd Squad" showcase his attachment well- He's reasonably concerned for her and very caring, but he's clearly living his own life at home.
- When he darts out on Timmy in the former episode, he first assures Timmy that when he and Wanda are back, they'll "all do something really fun and magical together." After Mama Cosma recovers from her 9-hour flu, he doesn't make Wanda wait around and takes the lead in getting them out of there (with a cheerful good-bye to his mom).
Context: My Cloudlands AU 'fics strive to be "as canon as possible," and I'm particularly proud of a scene I wrote in "I Just Live Here" where Foop reflects on family relations (and we see evidence of Cosmo and Wanda's relationship straining due to insults):
Once he came clean about his marriage to a damsel she couldn't stand, Mama Cosma couldn't keep her hands out of his life. She threads her son's mind with all sorts of poisoned commentary and doesn't seem to feel a smidgen of remorse. Like… wow. I lie, cheat, and manipulate people too, but when I try to imagine my own mother fighting tooth and nail to split me apart from my friends, that just seems unnecessarily cruel. It's weird. I know my auntie has done her best to tolerate it (holding her tongue and temper in a way that even I admire), but once when I was lurking around Timmy Turner's house before he came home from school, I heard she and my uncle break into a fight. Well… More of a scolding, really. After three or four minutes of listing her grievances against Mama Cosma, Auntie Wanda simply burst into tears. "I can't go to her house anymore. I can't keep going to these fancy lunches in Fairy World. But I worry all the time that if I don't go, you won't come back to me. Mama Cosma can really stick her hooks in you. I just don't feel like you respect me anymore, Cosmo, or like you believe living with me is an improvement over being a mama's boy and staying all day in your childhood bedroom. I need your support when she bears into me. Can you do that?" "I'll try to be better," was his response, stunned and shaky. I'd felt that way myself, curiosity getting the better of me as I floated as near to the window as I dared, my ear pressed against the wall. I could hear my uncle's fingers fiddling with his tie, wrapping the fabric around and around his wrist. "I don't know, Wanda… She's my mama. I know she can be a little harsh sometimes, but she's just getting a little old and cranky. She wouldn't do anything to really hurt me…" "She's been flinging insults at me for years." "… This is real? It's not all just some smart people test about sarcasm or irony or hidden underlying meanings? I'm not good at picking up clues, Wanda… You know that." Then, more quietly, "I'll try… It's just that sometimes I have a hard time keeping up with what's going on. I never feel like I'm in on the joke, and then when I finally am, it's like everyone thinks it isn't funny anymore. And what's more confusing is that sometimes, people say something I thought was kind of mean and everybody laughs, but then other times, everybody gets real quiet and uncomfortable. It's really hard for me to figure out the difference before the words are out of my mouth. And I don't always know there's something wrong unless it's explained to me with puppets or words… but I'll try. Can you keep being patient with me, even when I mess things up all over again?" "Every time, Cosmo. I love you… SO much…" Well. That had been an awkward thing to overhear. But I know why they had that discussion when they thought they were alone in private. I don't blame my auntie and uncle for trying to keep the trials of their marriage away from their son and two godkids. They're doing what they can to provide stability. My own parents could likely learn a thing or two from them. My father shouts a lot when he's upset, and my mother often floats there and takes it, not saying a word. I've overheard breaking plates and sometimes the frustrated pounding of a hand against the wall, but… Well.
I really like this scene because I think it's a good balance of Cosmo being insensitive, but at least somewhat justified in his confusion and misunderstanding ("But... you also say mean things to me" and/or "People think it's funny and I don't always get when it isn't"). It allows me to treat their bickering as canon while also showing them working things out in the background.
It's got Wanda standing up for herself and Cosmo wanting to be better... and I like my set-up of them talking where they know Timmy wouldn't hear, and Foop's just flat-out eavesdropping. Makes me laugh. Everyone here is spot-on, imo.
"Crocker of Gold" is an episode I like for Cosmo's misunderstandings- That's the one where he dresses as a leprechaun and Crocker catches him and demands gold, so Cosmo takes gold from real leprechauns and leaves them a note. They're upset with him, and both Timmy and Wanda are shocked he left a note. Cosmo claims it would've been rude not to. He generally is following a social script... it just might not match the circumstances he's in. I like to think that he skates through life trying to be polite, salty, under the radar, or playing dumb. Those things have gotten him this far in life, so he defaults to them. -> I showed a screenshot earlier of Cosmo changing his body language to match Wanda's. I don't think it's common for him to want to learn new things or change his behavior, but he's all-in at being a good dad and tends to mimic what he sees Wanda do. He follows role models. -> Jorgen is clearly his role model in "Cosmo Rules," since Cosmo also opts for a military get-up while defending Da Rules despite that not being required (Juandissimo didn't) -> In "Oh, Brother," Cosmo lists things that a brother can do for you- Drive a getaway car, lend you bail money - which he's probably saying because his older brother is a con artist. -> In "Something's Fishy," he even mimics Schnozmo's catchphrase: saying "Two words!" followed by something that's not two words. Hilariously, both of these happened in Season 5- Long before Schnozmo was introduced in Season 7. -> And by that logic, it's not surprising Cosmo can be rude and speak his mind a lot since Mama Cosma and Schnozmo are both known for that. Heck, Cosmo gets under Juandissimo's skin in "Fairy Fairy Quite Contrary" by mimicking him, and it was his own idea to do so.
Notably, in Poof's POV section of this same story, he says he and his dad visit Mama Cosma's without Wanda, and shares this:
When I'm with the Cosma side of my family, Mama Cosma lets me put my feet up on the furniture if I want to. I definitely can't do that at my granddad's because my nonna would have a fit. Mama Cosma doesn't care if I eat in the living room, even on her couch while we look at old scrapbooks of my dad and Uncle Schnozmo when they were kids (Plus old yearbooks of her and Papa Cosma… but my papa died when my dad was only two, so I never got to meet him). There's definitely… a weird vibe at Mama Cosma's prim and frilly little house, though. She loves my dad and he'll usually spend the whole visit with me when we go, but my own mama won't set foot anywhere near my grandmother's house anymore. When I was a baby I didn't really get it, but then I learned to read and figured out why. Mama Cosma frosts all her cookies so they say my mother's name with large Xs or strike symbols through them… or if not that, then symbols of raging fire. I feel really bad not eating her cookies because she always works so hard on them and they taste so good, but I feel like I'm betraying my mama when I do. My dad gets quiet and evasive about it, but… he just tells me not to worry. He says I can do what I want, and that if I don't want to eat them, he isn't going to force me. So there's that. I've seen my dad get confrontational before, but he's usually pretty tame around my grandma. I brought up the cookies to my mama once and she tersely said we'd "talk about it when I was older." So I asked Timmy while we were filling out coloring books and he told me everything. Mama Cosma can't stand my mama… Timmy says it's because my mom "took away her little boy" by marrying her, which is what led him to move out of her house and into a new place with my mom. It's weird. There's a nagging feeling in my gut that makes me suspect that's not the whole story. I'm not even sure I want the whole story, so… I guess I'll take my mama's word for it. She'll tell me "when I'm older."
They are brothers, your honor...
Mama Cosma is important to Cosmo. She may not like his wife, but she was also his sole caretaker for tens of thousands of years (knowing what we know about the war between Fairies and Anti-Fairies taking place 90k years ago, since "Balance of Flour" is its anniversary, and we know Cosmo and Wanda have only been together 10k years).
I like to think Cosmo wants Poof to know his grandma since Cosmo and Wanda were cut off for so long. Cosmo has a paternal grandpa on his canon family tree ("77 Secrets of The Fairly OddParents (Revealed)" - Grandpa Gonzo - but Cosmo lost his dad young and I don't think he's close to his grandfather.
Family's important to Wanda too - she's very close with her dad - and I think she and Cosmo both make sacrifices for each other's happiness and Poof's sake, even though it's hard on them both.
Again, I like to play Cosmo as a mama's boy trying to balance the complexities of his life... Allowing Wanda space away from his mother, but also letting Poof have the chance to meet his grandma, but also telling Poof that if he doesn't want to eat the I Hate Wanda cookies, he doesn't have to.
I also think it's worth nothing that Cosmo tried his dang hardest to be very positive about his pregnancy and childbirth.
- He had a lot of hormones messing with his mood (leading him to be confused when he batted Timmy into the basement while in bear form, then returned to fairy form and couldn't find him), but he was super grateful for his pregnancy (Handled his morning sickness without disgust & we see him apologize for inconveniencing Timmy several times). - He didn't even resent Timmy for snapping at him and telling him to get lost, which is nice since Cosmo has a history of petty grudges. During his contractions, he's the one telling Timmy and Wanda to remain calm and to enjoy "this beautiful moment." - Even while actively giving birth and clearly in a lot of pain, he insisted childbirth was a wonderful experience (fighting for a smile through his tears, his eyes red around the edges as he held and rubbed his belly... Doin' his BEST to get through it). - I think it's interesting how positive he was since sometimes he can be very pessimistic (Ex: "End of the Universe-ity" when he points out that "Fairy powers are totally lame and limited and will last 5 more years, tops" compared to Dark powers).
I have to showcase Cosmo's happy moment followed by /double blinks in confusion as his newborn is taken from him.
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Every one of these faces is precious... He's a daddy! Thank goodness he has his precious baby! His hair is still extra ruffled from his stress and strain! He's in his hospital gown! His baby is his world! His godkid is delighted, and Cosmo is so happy to have his two boys in his life! ... oh no. help him.
Does Cosmo have his feet spread under the blankets the same way Peri, Anti-Cosmo, and Anti-Wanda all spread their feet in A New Wish to support heavy books? That's funny... He has a big baby in his lap...
I think... that covers my overview of How I Suggest Writing Cosmo In General:
- Mama's boy who's thoughtful, salty, a good dad, and doing his best to keep his marriage together because he loves his wife (although he does struggle to find the line for his teasing). He's not big on confrontation, though he'll stand up for his family when push comes to shove. - He does get jealous, but he and Wanda BOTH admit to having crushes outside their relationship; I don't think it's entirely fair to judge Cosmo for his fantasies without also judging Wanda, who's equally blatant in multiple episodes and has very questionable interests. I like to think they both know the other wouldn't really go for anyone else, though I do agree I'm not the biggest fan of these jokes. - He loves both Timmy and Poof. I didn't touch much on Timmy in this post since it's long and there are many good episodes of their dynamic (Timmy has a tendency to trust Cosmo and leap without looking). - Looks for role models to mimic. For better or worse, he grew up with Mama Cosma and Schnozmo, so he can be overbearing, sly, and rude. Loves his baby and his family very much. Very protective... Please let him take a grenade for them.
I think if I were to personally start my take on Cosmo from scratch, I'd ask this:
- What am I depicting Cosmo do? Who taught him this behavior? -> His mom was overprotective of him, so he probably read it in a book, got it from a kid at school, or picked it up form his mom or brother. - If it's none of these things... Why is he doing that action? (If he's older, maybe he got it from watching a godkid or reading a comic book). Is he following a social script from his culture? -> That's a good opportunity for worldbuilding. - He might've put in a lot of work, because something about the behavior is important to him (or was in his past). Since he's often associated with cars ("School's Out! The Musical" flashbacks, "Cosmonopoly," he's the car in "Odd Squad," his racecar bed in "Hassle In the Castle"), -> I've always imagined his car was the one thing he had that was truly his, and it represented freedom from his mom. After all, two episodes confirm he was driving in his younger years (and we know from "Transparents" that Wanda lacks experience)
These are good starting points if you're looking to develop a deep Cosmo portrayal with layers of backstory, though you can always keep it simple (especially for short one-shots).
I do think nailing down your interpretation of Cosmo's backstory is a critical aspect of deciding how you portray him in present day (as with any character). Everyone's vision of his story will be different, leading to their own take on Cosmo (and potentially Anti-Cosmo).
⭐ Here are some backstory jump-off points!
- "This Is Your Wish," "School's Out! The Musical," & "Cosmonopoly" are three episodes from the OG series episode covering the main story beats of Cosmo's backstory (Implied to have lost his dad young, grew up with his mom, forced into military school against his will, sunk Atlantis (9 separate times as of "Something's Fishy"), marrying Wanda). - "Double-Oh Schnozmo" debuts Cosmo's older brother, who clearly takes advantage of him. Schnozmo was off the radar enough that he didn't know Poof existed. Cosmo has great faith in and respect for his brother, and is heartbroken when he realizes Schnozmo took advantage of his trusting nature- There's a moment as he's talking through it that you can SEE the moment he breaks... That to me is quintessential Cosmo.
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Cosmo, having just said "He must think I'm the biggest fool in the world!" and freezing up one beat before he hurls his ham into the forest and takes off to be alone... He knows. Their past, their fond memories... How much of it was real to Schnozmo? Does his brother even care for him? He splinters.
- Neither Cosmo's mom nor Wanda's dad knew their children were married until "Apartnership" and "Talkin' Trash" (respectively), though Blonda seemingly did in her debut. Cosmo implies at the end of "Talkin' Trash" that he wants to take over the Fairywinkle family business?? Also, it's heavily implied Big Daddy was going to let Cosmo stay with Wanda when Wanda moved home, and it's important to me...
- Speaking of family, Cosmo found out in "Cosmo Rules" he has von Strangle blood. In my canon, he trains to take over as Keeper of Da Rules after Jorgen after he leaves Timmy and Chloe (and it's probably something I'll carry for him to New Wish 'fics since he could be doing it in his godparent retirement era- especially since Jorgen's more mellow in New Wish). There's lots you can do with that!
- Anti-Cosmo was old enough to represent his people in a truce attempt during "Balance of Flour" (canonically 90k years pre-series, as it was the anniversary in that episode), heavily implying Cosmo and those older than him fought in this war.
- Cosmo claimed he never went to Spellementary School (in the episode of the same title), but in "Love Triangle," he confirms he had a role in the school play.
-> He becomes a "pageant parent" to Poof in this episode, hovering around him and making Poof run his lines over and over even though Poof is clearly uninterested (Wanda even using the words "You know Poof doesn't want to be in his school play"). He reminds me of his overbearing mama!
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- "Truth or Cosmoquences" depicts Cosmo's high school years. Juandissimo claims he met Wanda during high school, they're confirmed to have dated, and Cosmo taunts Juandissimo in "Fairy Fairy Quite Contrary" by claiming he "lost his woman to an idiot."
-> Juandissimo is on good enough terms with Cosmo and Wanda that he attends, like, 5 different parties at their house in the OG series (including the baby shower Wanda's family didn't show up for) - I don't normally see people treat "Cosmonopoly" as canon, but I personally like it; I use the diner as the place Wanda started to fall for him since she wasn't very happy about being hit by his car. - Cosmo confirmed he designed his Cosmonopoly game to remind him of the day he met Wanda. He heavily implies he went to Pixie World to do his laundry that day (Pixie Woods is a location next to the laundromat). In my 'fics, I depict him sneaking out to get time for himself and using his laundry time to write his books. Funnily enough, Pixie World's laundromat was already established in my works even before this, because Rosencrantz works there. -> This potentially plays into the Pixies having Cosmo on their radar & Cosmo implying he met Sanderson sometime before "Pixies Inc." (i.e. he told Sanderson that if he "doesn't recognize him, it's probably the hat").
- Officially, Cosmo was designed with a 50s aesthetic. You could draw inspo by researching the 1950s. What hobbies or special events were popular?
- He's likely to have Megan Bacon trauma (a past godkid of his from "Past and the Furious"). Canonically, the past versions of Cosmo and Wanda are AWOL when Timmy looks for them in the past because they were hiding in her closet.
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-> She's still alive (and fairly young) in present-day Dimmsdale, having gone on to open a notable restaurant seen in many episodes: the Cake 'N Bacon. In "Vicky Loses Her Icky," this restaurant was inexplicably across the street from Timmy's house.
-> Funnily enough, I don't think he really showed what I'd call "Vicky trauma" in the OG series, despite the fact she did mess with him. That's more of a New Wish thing, but I do think he had Megan trauma.
- In Season 5's "Hassle in the Castle," Cosmo and Wanda keep portraits of all their past godkids, including those they had poor relationships with (with these replicas of MaryAnn and Pierre specifically wanting revenge on them; MaryAnn claims they "deserted her."
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Cosmo and Wanda instantly recognize MaryAnn when she's running around the castle, even though she killed Archduke Ferdinand and it's been a while since they've seen her. Even Cosmo? Who's not always the best with names? -> That said, we do know Cosmo snuck Mama Cosma into the castle in that episode and her door is down near the portraits. Him sneaking his mom in is a whole other can of worms. Also, they have Crocker's portrait in the Hall of Fame, not the Hall of Infamy!
- And if you want to go all the way back to Season 0, Cosmo and Wanda claim in "The Zappys" that their godparenting career is "speckled with failures," which Cosmo seems sad to admit.
- In both the OG series and New Wish, Cosmo and Wanda have separate beds. Cosmo's is a racecar:
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Hilariously, this is one of the episodes Wanda blatantly tells Cosmo she's daydreaming about Juandissimo. For all the bickering and irritation and "the ol' ball and chain" and "naggy wife" jokes... I do think it's funny that they're both completely open about having crushes on other people. Totally fair if people have a strong dislike for that part of their characterization, but I can't help but respect the sheer confidence and closeness they have to admit those things and that it won't ruin their relationship.
-> We know from "Stupid Cupid" that Cosmo finds Juandissimo hitting on Wanda annoying, but lets him flirt with Wanda because he keeps sending her food, which Cosmo eats because Wanda doesn't want.
-> Shout out to Cosmo in "Truth or Cosmoquences" when Juandissimo hit on Wanda and Cosmo instantly broke character from his façade as Britney Britney's husband and shoved himself between them... and then had to back down when Juandissimo innocently asked why he was so huffy about him merely asking for a dance with his unmarried secretary 🥺
Season 6's "Wishy Washy" gave us teen Cosmo and Wanda, where we see Cosmo with braces and a skateboard. He confirms to Timmy that at this point in his life, Wanda wasn't his type (because "he likes 'em with a little more swirl in the curl.")
I've always thought it was funny that Cosmo likes to say "swirly" when he's absentminded, like "Portals are swirly." Man's always thinkin' 'bout swirls...
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I drew him and teen Anti-Cosmo once!
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- After Cosmo started disguising his nose with magic ("The Boy Who Would Be Queen"), but before Anti-Cosmo chose to do the same. - Specifically, Cosmo went through a rebellious teen phase (slipping away from his mom to go play & later pick up a job at the diner, planning to buy a car himself). - Anti-Cosmo became excessively devoted to my zodiac-themed Anti-Fairy culture (He's wearing a shirt depicting the Fae zodiac & wearing bracelets to symbolize being born in the year of Water).
It's very important to me that teen Cosmo and Wanda refused to play along with Timmy until he uses reverse psychology on them by insisting they're not meant for each other. And that SNAPS them to attention... At their core, they've always had their rebellious streaks. They do not like being bossed around.
Honestly, if you're only going to pick one thing to focus on... I think the most critical detail to consider when writing Cosmo and Wanda is that they eloped without telling their parents. If you think about how they left their lives of being coddled behind for each other, you can take that anywhere.
Anti-Cosmo's backstory is pretty unknown, but you can use parts of Anti-Cosmo to build a take on Cosmo as well.
For example, Anti-Cosmo's mother might be very harsh to him since Mama Cosma coddles Cosmo. Or, you could argue his mother's completely absent from his life since Cosmo's is always around. I like to think she really wanted Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Wanda to get married. I personally play her as both physically abusive and emotionally overbearing. Cosmo crushed on Wanda for a long time, but I really enjoy slow burn A.C./A.W. as they slowly move from being annoyed by or disgusted with each other to admiring, respecting, and loving each other. I gave Anti-Cosmo bipolar disorder (due to his extremely high-energy moments in "When Nerds Collide" (where he rapidly flies in a circle 13 times in a row while still talking... yes, I went frame by frame and counted) and "Balance of Flour" (where Anti-Cosmo was unable to sit still while in disguise and revealed himself in front of everyone by running off and laughing). In his other episodes, he's in a mild state. -> Fun Fact: Technically, Anti-Cosmo has a magical parallel of bipolar rather than what humans have, and he treats it by rubbing Fairy pheromones on his face. In-universe, Fairies consider him to have divus displacement disorder (D3) and consider him "a Fairy in an Anti-Fairy's body" while Anti-Fairies believe he was born with his soul intertwined with a nature spirit's (whom he called Clarice in his youth). A.C. has a habit of drifting near H.P., who has strong-smelling pheromones. Anyway... My Cosmo has depression - especially postpartum depression - as a parallel. He struggles with a lot of personal issues, especially regarding his magical strength (Ex: turning his dad into a fly as a baby, leading his dad to never be seen again in the series).
Here are detailed examples from the backstory I gave my Cosmo because... I like talking about him:
Cloudlands AU Cosmo - #ridspoilers
Major spoilers up to the end of where we currently are in the 130 Prompts; if you've made it to "Sentry," you've seen it
I treat "77 Secrets of the Fairly OddParents (Revealed)" as canon, meaning Cosmo's deepest secret - that he's the author of Astrophysics For Morons and several other books - is something he has ISSUES telling people about... which I tie into "Wishology"'s canon of portraying stars as ancient Fairies.
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Yeah... Cosmo writing stuff that his culture hates does not go well for him in my work :'D
Cosmo struggles a lot with his love of books, hence why this is a secret for him. In Cloudlands AU canon, Fairies tend to have a brawn over brains culture and Anti-Fairies a brains over brawn one; Mama Cosma sent him to military school against his will to try to push him towards the brawn culture.
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During / after the war with the Anti-Fairies ("Balance of Flour"), Fairies weren't exactly charmed by brains or Anti-Fairy culture sympathizers, and Cosmo - who used to write political commentaries and kids' books that broke culture down in easy to understand ways - became an instant target, leading us to this scene:
"Let them come for me." Cosmo raised the point of his wand against his temple. "These memories are all that I have left. Look, it's simple. You don't want my insights on politics and religion leaking any further into the world, and I don't want you in my life ever again. So if you take one step forward, I'll blast them out here and now. You can tell Adelinda that you were left to scrape my time keys off the floor." "So I am the bad guy now? We've opened the castle for refugees like you! Art, history, all the science you could ask for… The charts, the maps!" Cosmo bobbed gently up and down, but otherwise didn't move. He didn't even blink, the wand still pressed thumb-deep into his head. "Yeah, right! You've von Strangled every scrap of success I ever had out of my hands. Why would this be any different?" A scowling Jorgen shifted forward then and Cosmo threw out a hand. "No further! Or I'll wipe my memories here and now!" Jorgen braced his staff against a jutting piece of the wall, leaning beside it with folded arms. "The revolutionaries are out there hunting for those who threaten society with radical ideas, Cosmo. Your stories of gas balls and tongue lashes towards the Council are the reason you've landed in their sights. You can burn your books, but erasing private memories hurts no one but yourself. Plus, I can still take you to the Pink Castle anyway. It seems a very foolish trade you are fighting to make." Cosmo narrowed his eyes. "But when you get me behind those walls, you're going to scramble my mind up anyway, right? Because you work for the Fairy Council? At least if I blast myself, then I don't let you get to have the satisfaction…"
After this point, Cosmo started erasing his memories on the regular and became a lot more unstable and unhappy with himself.
That said, I do think the war helped give him a purpose, lifting him a bit from the depression of his younger years over missing his father. He finally felt like he had something worth fighting for and was making up for the harm he caused, now out there protecting his people.
It's around this point in time that Cosmo - looking for a new career and now a smidgen more confident in himself (and looking for a new passion in life) - switched to the godparenting major, where he ended up doing a trial program with Wanda for Erg.
Erg being the godkid they claimed to have 50k years ago in an episode where they're celebrating their 10k years of being godparents, implying Erg was a special one-off case... Checks out since 50k years ago would've been well before they were married ("The Past and the Furious")
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Cosmo grew increasingly infatuated with Wanda from here on out, and learning to be a godparent also kicked off his love for children.
I like to play Wanda as "better with" wish-themed playtime and adventures while little kids tend to think of Cosmo as "more fun" when they're playing with toys. He's pretty imaginative. I like to think Wanda's humor is high-brow and flies over little kid heads (Depending on their age). One of my favorite headcanons is that Cosmo owns a lot of toys and likes to leave one with each godkid. Probably a bunch of toys his mom gave him since she coddled and fawned over him so much, so he's rehoming them.
So /claps hands. We've set Cloudlands AU Cosmo up to want a baby. Can u see where this is going?
I personally treat the baby H.P. and Anti-Cosmo raised as 100% canon. I made him the counterpart of the candle model!
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Here's some 2018 art, though I need to redraw / redesign now that my art skills have improved. Btw, I saw someone say they were sad this screenshot was fake, but :'D... I assure you, it's 100% real. It's in Jorgen's presentation of "Fairly Odd Baby" when he specifically uses the word "raised" to speak of Anti-Fairies and Pixies with children, and he shows this photo plus a flashing sign labeling H.P. specifically as "Bad," implying the kid has a connection to Anti-Cosmo in species, but H.P. was the real threat. I don't know why they drew H.P. with those glasses or added shading either, but it's real.
Let's talk Westley first! If you remember he's living with Blonda and showed up in "I Just Live Here..." congratulations! Poof slept in his room when he stayed with his Fairywinkle family for spring break that year.
He leans in to kiss me on both cheeks. I blink up at him, wide-eyed, and he pats my shoulder instead of ruffling my hair. Even though I have really, really ruffle-able purple hair, so I'm kind of glad he refrained (I don't like anyone but my parents and Timmy touching my hair, except I sometimes let Gary do it, and I really hate combing out the tangles). "Go back to sleep, cuginetto. We can talk more in the morning."
He was raised by Jorgen and Binky, specifically (playing into "Fairly Odd Baby" canon where Jorgen tries to take Poof from Cosmo and Wanda, telling them he'll raise him and will only let them visit him for one day every other millennium, plus Jorgen shows himself holding a baby in his slideshow presentation).
Binky dropped out of godparenting to be a stay-at-home caretaker for him on Jorgen's behalf.
Reminder: Binky and Jorgen are a gyne-drone pair. They don't live together, but they're basically in a QPR The Origin of the Pixies chapter "Inner Workings" is a good peek at their dynamic (back in the day), though H.P. refers to Binky by his surname (Abdul).
Westley is extremely bitter towards his bio parents and, while he respects Binky, doesn't particularly like him or Jorgen (or Cupid) as all three played a part in removing his chance at "a real family." He cut ties and changed his family name to Periwinkle.
AKA, before Poof was born, Westley went into modeling in Fairywood and Blonda took him under her wing. Blonda considers him a nephew
Poof looks up to him a lot names things after Westley - notably his egg baby in "Two and a Half Babies" - and that was canon in my work for years before A New Wish, sdkflj...
If I had a nickel for everyone in this family who changed their name to Periwinkle...
Frayed Knots is a 'fic about how Anti-Cosmo got to the point that he ended up with Talon - Westley's anti-fairy counterpart - and why H.P. is the one helping him raise him... Short answer? Anti-Cosmo wrecked his life for that child and a lot of people have issues with him because of it :'D But H.P. took him in...
Talon sneak peeks from late Frayed Knots!
“Yep. Talon, your dad’s out of it. Which is perfect, because that means I can do this.” H.P. clamped his hands around Talon’s waist and tossed him into the air. Talon squealed with surprise and apparent delight, and H.P. caught him when he came back down. “You are adorable. Oh yes you are, my Cú Chulainn. Yes you are.” “Again!” Talon cheered. “Nope.” There was a pat like H.P. placing small anti-fairy feet back on the floor. “One free sample per pup. If you want more services, you have to pay for them.” “Again!” H.P. sighed good-naturedly. “All right. One more time, Cú Chulainn. But, only if I can trust you to keep this our little secret.” “No! I’m going to brag to all the others that you tossed me twice. I had my fingers crossed about the promise.” “Oh, you’ve got me there,” H.P. told him in monotone. He rustled Talon’s hair with his huge hand. “Go play.” Talon trotted away, laughing. I clenched my claws deeper in the ruffled fabric. He never laughed for me like that.
Talon stomped his foot. “I don’t wanna go back with you! I want to stay here with my other dad!” H.P. and I looked at each other. Then he dropped his attention to Talon again, bending on one knee. “Talon, you’re adopted.” “Really,” I cried, “you’re starting with that?”
Also, shout-out to older Talon in Pink and Gray-
"I hate the inheritance traditions!" Talon's wings exploded behind him, flapping wildly. "It's not fair! You weren't even supposed to become High Count after Anti-Bryndin. Everyone only agreed to let you lead the Anti-Fairies because you have green eyes, but when it's me, your son, who should inherit after you, they're not going to listen, are they? They're not! You don't want me to be your heir! You only keep me around because I'm the only anti-fairy who's been born since the fairy baby mandate cut off all your other options. Or else you'd just dump me on H.P. forever so you don't have to look at me anymore and think about all your old mistakes. You want another kid because I was born with red eyes like some kind of commoner!" "Talon, enough." Anti-Cosmo swept his arm to the side. "You'll wake the hotel. Worshipers have traveled a long way to visit the Water Temple." "Look at me! Look me in these eyes and tell me it's not true!" Anti-Cosmo clenched his teeth, but didn't glance away. "I said, that's enough now. I broke the law to give you a healthy life, child. One would think you'd respect me for that." "The people," Talon snarled, stabbing a claw vaguely in the direction of Anti-Fairy World, "should accept me as your heir, no matter what color my eyes are." "I don't disagree, lad, and I don't intend to argue with you. However, you must realize that it isn't within my power to alter the expectations of an entire society." He stepped forward, fur bristling. "Bet the gossip's true! Bet you were unfaithful. Bet you had me with some hired anti-will o' the wisp for a handful of coins. Is that where I came from? Are you even my real father? Do you ever plan to tell me anything?" Anti-Cosmo tightened his grip on his wand, but regarded the furious anti-fairy with cool collection. His hand twitched, but he kept his arm low. "I will not argue with you, Talon, and I will not succumb to your goading. I am your father, Anti-Wanda is your mother, and despite your legitimacy, you did not inherit our spirit-blessed eyes. That is all you need to know, apart from the fact that if you do not hold your tongue, you will lose your inheritance tonight. Do not try my patience further." Talon simmered a moment more, then swung around and stalked away down the hall. "Telford Anti-Westley Anti-Lunifly. You have yet to be dismissed. Don't you dare turn your back on your High Count while he's trying to converse with you!" "'Trying,'" Talon said, and kept walking.
& "Health Bars"-
"What did you bring me?" Talon asks, looking up. Anti-Cosmo's eyebrows shoot into his hair. "'Bring you?' Why, I wasn't even aware you would be here tonight." Talon sticks out his tongue. "H.P. always brings me stuff when I see him." "True," I acknowledge. In my head, Anti-Cosmo's hitpoints drop into yellow. Anti-Cosmo gives the younger anti-fairy a pitying look. "Then he's spoiled you into being a selfish little brat, I'm afraid." And to me, narrow-eyed, "Thanks for that, actually." "Whoa. Hey. It's not my fault you deprive him of modern technology when he goes to stay in Anti-Fairy World. We agreed from the start: If you want to raise him Zodii, then I get to expose him to pop culture. Go ahead– ask him about memes. I've trained him well."
I just love him and my messy 'fic drama so much... Talon, my beloved.
Because this is a notable part of Anti-Cosmo's backstory - especially the conflict Anti-Cosmo and Talon have - it played into me giving Cosmo that aforementioned dream of wanting kids, which led me to scenes like:
"So, when can I meet Nixie?" Saffron frowned in the rear-view mirror. "Oh, did I not send the letter? You sounded like you'd read it over the call. You seemed fine with it." "L… letter?" "I changed my mind about adopting her out. Jorgen said he'd waive my file at the station if I trade her to him instead of you." He slammed so hard on the brakes, Saffron's glossy lip tube flew past the windshield.
"Repeat" - Cosmo's failed attempt to bring Nixie into his life... Nonetheless, he didn't give up
So... I found an episode with an interesting detail, and I really latched onto it and built my images of Anti-Cosmo and Cosmo around it. Simple enough start!
I lucked out in finding something I thought was super interesting to delve into (especially at a time no one else in the fandom had mentioned it... or at least not in 'fics tagged H.P., because I think I read all those and most if not all of the Anti-Cosmo ones available back then, at least on the sites I used, haha).
Even though I don't consider "The Fairy Beginning" canon as a whole (due to it violating too much established canon), it's still canon in my works that Cosmo stayed with his aunt and uncle for a while and lived under their stairs, which is... hoo boy.
"No, I didn't! I didn't do anything wrong!" Cosmo tightened his arms around Westley's back, beneath the baby's tiny fluttering wings. "It's not me or my fault, okay? It's just… just… Look, it wasn't supposed to happen this way!" Holding babies left him breathless, and Cosmo tried to shift his weight to hold him a little better. Westley kicked him in the chest. "I know I can't keep him, but you can't let Jorgen take him away." "Oh heavens, that's a real baby. There is a fairy baby in my house right now. I'm gonna be sick." Blonda floated backwards, one hand on her stomach and one on her mouth. The sleeve of her robe slid down to her elbow, dangling like a fish fin. She turned a full circle, pacing in the air, then swept back and grabbed him by the shoulders. "The A.B.B.'s been out for weeks. How hasn't Jorgen found you yet? Tell me you haven't been on the run alone. At least say you have another friend in the world besides my sister and me." "O-okay… Uh, we haven't been by ourselves all this time. Is that the right answer?" Blonda leaned her head back against the whitewashed wall. "Oh, Darkness devour me…" Cosmo bit his lip. "We were staying under my aunt and uncle's stairs for a while, b-but I know they're getting close…" As the breathing lines clenched up around his throat, his fingers curled into the yellow towel a little tighter. "Please, Blonda… Can we stay? And can you help me find milk without showing my face at a store? I ran out, and Jorgen wants to take him away so he can teach him to fight and bully everyone. I can't watch that happen! And… and Cupid will just throw him in a cage for the rest of his life. And I'm scared! If Jorgen takes Westley to his fort, then Anti-Cosmo will waltz straight in and waltz out with him again. A-and babies can't waltz!" "What… Where did you even find…? Babies are illegal in our subspecies without Eros consent. And the Eroses never consent outside the exhibit stock. Did you break into the Nest and take one of their kids?" "Blonda, I… couldn't just let them…"
And from there, we get this art of Cosmo, Westley, and Nixie:
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And this bit from "Told You So"-
"He went for milk," Florensa repeated as though in a daze. Sanderson… sighed. He replaced the silk cover on his crystal and dropped his eyes to his desk. Had his elbows always been this pointy? His arms looked thin and scrawny, barely able to hold his weight. He leaned against them anyway and brought his eyes to hers again. "Forgive me for the small talk. My question may be useful to you… Has your son experienced a major drop in energy? An increase in time spent sleeping? A lack of interest in his usual favored activities? I can't imagine he's in the most whimsical of moods right now." "How do you mean?" "Well… Last time I saw him was at Fairy Con. He floated on sagging wings, looking distressed out of his mind. H.P. had me report it. Even for a fairy, I noticed he expressed considerable emotion during Jorgen's speech. Dm. Cosma, I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but I think I heard your son ask if he could go back on forget-a-cin. Is this true? Pardon me if I am insensitive with this subject, but… How is he handling the separation from his kids?" There it was… cold and dark between them, like a smooth stone dropped into an unmoving pond. Florensa's blue eyes sharpened like snakeupine quills. "Those… those LEECHES under Jorgen's wing are not my son's children! That miserable SHREW forced responsibility on my precious boy! Oh, I'll wring his little blue NECK until he turns purple from it all!" Sanderson stared blankly back at her, too tired to argue. Now would have been a really good time to have his shades. Could she read his thoughts from his eyes? He tried again. "Has Cosmo spoken lately about the kids? I seem to remember he tried to disappear after Westley was born. Fairy World put out an A.B.B. It wouldn't surprise me if he still thinks about them sometimes. Perhaps he went looking for them. Or went to challenge Jorgen." If Jorgen had crushed him into oblivion with one of his mighty fists, that too might explain the shattered wand. Florensa's wings bristled up. "We don't talk about the kids at home," she snapped. "It wouldn't be good for his health! My son is… He's… he's… Well, he's been under so much stress in the workplace! You know how it is, particularly at his age. I just hope he's not been hurt." Hurt? Sanderson grimaced. It was all too easy to imagine Cosmo flattened into pancake form if he set foot anywhere near Westley or Phoenix. The pair were still the talk of Fairy World to this day. Two common fairy babies… the youngest of their subspecies. The first ones born in 370,000 years. They had to be 40 millennia by now. Jorgen bragged about them at every social opportunity, like he'd finally filled a void deep inside him that godchildren never could. And Anti-Cosmo, of course… Well, Anti-Cosmo had been elated with how things turned out. That was sarcasm. Ha ha. Ha ha. But still true, to some degree. Emotions can be hilarious. From the way he fawned over Anti-Westley (Well… "Talon") with his hands clasped against his cheek, you wouldn't think Anti-Fairy World's bachelor king actually lost his first wife over the whole affair. Or his daughters, for that matter… Anti-Saffron had taken both Anti-Miranda and Anti-Phoenix when she left him. As far as the media could guess, the High Count lived by gritting his fangs to bear it.
Aaaaaaaand this plotline in 130 Reasons Why I'm Fairy Trash! :')
"A firstborn will always have more magic than their siblings. Up to two layers of magic can wrap themselves around the core. If the child is the father's firstborn, they'll receive one extra layer, and if the child is their mother's, they'll receive two." Poof's head snaps up like a spring. His hand jolts after it. "But it's okay if they don't… right?" His question seems to catch Serena off guard. "Uh. Well, there's nothing wrong with not having the layers. Younger siblings can be equally as healthy as the firstborn. The extra magic is simply a small benefit the first receives." "Um, what happens if you're a firstborn who doesn't have extra core layers?" "Then that person isn't actually a firstborn." "… What? Are there any exceptions?" "To the firstborn bonus? I don't believe there are any. At least, I've never heard of one." Denzel keeps his head low, scratching out notes, until the silence between the two fairies drags on way too long. Uhh… He looks up again. Poof stares back at his grandmother, shock bleeding his face out to white. She hovers at the front of the room wearing the same look of confusion that Denzel himself might have shown to dancing chipmunks on a ceiling fan. "That's… not true," Poof croaks back. His voice wavers on a string. He drops his head to the desk, wrapping his stubby arms around his head. Um.
"Looking Back"
"Am I adopted?" Poof blurted, not answering the actual question. Auntie Wanda's brows shot off her head. She looked at Cosmo. Cosmo stared back at her, wide-eyed and frozen
And he laughed, throwing his arms out too the side. "Poof, do you even hear yourself? Or did you just flunk anatomy class? Only firstborns get extra core layers." "… Aren't we firstborns?" "Do… do you not know?" The mental damage Poof took after those words slammed straight into his brain a second later. Foop flinched back, gripping his hair in one fist. Poof's heartbeat spiked- hot, fast, and undeniable, because a cold cloud crashed into Foop's chest like a clenching fist. A spark of purple fire flared like a spooked rabbit in the depths of Poof's eyes. He's not joking. "Has your dad not talked to you about this?" Gary made an attempt to suggest they call it quits for the day. Foop only half heard him. "Poof," he spluttered, "what? You know my Vatajasa name is Fry-sün d'ichord. Did you think I use the title 'second child; second son' ironically!?"
Finley was just, like… taunting me and saying that I'm adopted." The memory flares tears in my eyes. I sniff, sort of pathetically, and wipe my eyes on the back of my hand. "But I'm not… I'm a Cosma and a Fairywinkle." "Adopted," Big Daddy repeats. He flicks his eyes from my crown to shoes. They coast along the freckles down my sides. He shakes his head then. Firm. "You wouldn't have the gene for lateral spots if you weren't a Fairywinkle. Your pheromones match the family's too. Cherry almond. Even if yours are underdeveloped, I can sniff that on you from here. Forget about it, Poof… There's no doubt about it. My little cannoli Wanda is your mother, as sure as I'm your granddaddy."
"I Just Live Here"
😬 ... Yeaaaaaaah...... I've been planning this since 2016.
So, hmm.. I wonder why I drew this during my music meme years ago...
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Yeah... Yeeeeeeaaaaah... That's rough, buddy.
Also, no matter the universe, Anti-Cosmo is notoriously bad at paying child support and consistently has a rougher relationship with Talon than H.P. does :'D
I also want to point out that when you're introducing characters and major plot points, take the time to consider how they fit into the world and play off other characters! Talon and Westley influence a ton of people, including Anti-Cosmo, H.P., Anti-Wanda, Cosmo, Wanda, Poof, Foop, Blonda, Big Daddy, Jorgen, Binky, Cupid, Sanderson, each other... etc. And all this from two photos of two characters who were onscreen for mere seconds, several seasons apart, and don't have speaking lines or even animation...
The big follow-up & "tying loose ends" 'fic for Poof's "Am I adopted?" anxiety is the upcoming Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Pixies - named after a song Wanda wrote, according to "77 Secrets of The Fairly OddParents (Revealed)."
It's Poof POV and parallels Foop's war POV in "You'll Never Know." I'm looking forward to posting it, but it's massive and - despite everything this post covers - still contains a lot of major Frayed Knots spoilers related to Cosmo's trauma that we didn't even touch on here, so... it's my baby. Huge personal favorite, though <3
The night before you sent this Ask, I actually sketched potential animatic panels for the Big Fish song "Showdown," even though I don't plan to make an actual animatic. It's been on my Poof inspo playlist for YEARS and was haunting me...
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btw, if you like this song... I'm not telling you to do anything, but I AM telling you the songs for this musical regularly disappear from YouTube and have been on and off for many years
Cosmo Wrap-Up
So... [inhales].
When it comes to writing a fan portrayal of a character, there's no replacing doing your own personal study, whatever that means to you - watching episodes, reading 'fics, studying other people's analyses - as you strain out your own version of him.
I think backstory is a really good jumping point for deciding what kinds of things you want to do with Cosmo, and how it ties into how he acts in canon.
Obviously, there's a lot going on in Cloud!Cosmo's backstory... and this despite the fact he's one of the characters I rarely put onscreen. He's one of those "characters who haunt the narrative" for me.
... I barely touched on Nixie drama in this post, but if you can guess where THAT'S going... congratulations! It's been heavily foreshadowed in my lore since the start and is super messed-up :'D.
Frayed Knots, my cruel beloved...
My Cosmo is super specific, and the many intricate layers at play here definitely influence how I write him. Which is a fantastic jumping off point for me if I ever get stuck.
Key points that come from the backstory I've given him include:
- Cosmo growing up without a lot of life experience, so he looks to others for advice. This can easily lead him to trouble if he follows the wrong crowd. - Tension between Cosmo and Mama Cosma, especially in regards to her being annoyed at Wanda and wanting Cosmo to marry someone who's "better for him" - Cosmo doesn't give up easily & is willing to take matters into his own hands. However, he does have his breaking point and massive amounts of trauma and anxiety, which he covers by wiping memories from his head - Cosmo is overprotective of his car because it's one of the only things in his life that's exclusively his and which he has control over (Setting us up for drama in "Repeat" when Poof panics about how he crashed the car... which spirals Poof into his vegan lifestyle, where he punishes himself by cutting meat from his diet despite being a carnivore, so that's a whole thing) - Cosmo is smart in a very specific way related to the stars, cars, energy, electricity, and the Fairy baby ban history... things that aren't necessarily common for godkids to ask about. Also, some random smarts leak through his fractured memories - Cosmo struggling with self-hatred because "he used to be smarter" and gets upset he can't remember things well - Cosmo in hiding (Ex: Only pays with cash to avoid being traced; I have an upcoming scene where he starts panicking about how he's slow and holding up the line and Poof steps in to help) - Cosmo's memory problems (Regularly on forget-a-cin) - Cosmo being clingy towards Wanda and/or struggling to make friends and trust others (especially in academia) - Cosmo's postpartum depression (Struggles with snappiness, loneliness, and fear that Poof doesn't like him) - Cosmo and Wanda having their second kid (Dusty) very early compared to the usual distance between siblings in Fairy society - Cosmo desperate to soak up time with his kids / godkids (Leading him to grant Timmy's secret wish to freeze time - Canon event) - Cosmo and Wanda being really anxious about Poof's relationship with Goldie, who comes from a species known for "tempting drakes away from their parents to join harems" (à la "Opinion" when they try to discourage Poof from dating her) -> And the change of heart Cosmo and Wanda have later in "All I Ever Wanted" when they tell Poof they support him and don't want him to elope and cut them from his life like they cut their parents. -> And Cosmo being extremely "dad" and gentle with Poof in that piece when Poof has his anxiety attack - Cosmo will absolutely have a breakdown if you ask him directly about Westley or Nixie, which is why he and Wanda are waiting until Poof is older to bring it up.
Actually, here's a scene about that last one!
“My friends said I’m not a firstborn because I don’t have the extra magic layers around my core. Am I really your first kid?” My dad screamed. No words, just a scream. I jerked back, and he whirled around and slammed his hand into the wall. It slid down, and he went with it in a shaking mess on the floor. Mom took my elbow and guided me from the room, promising we’d talk later after she made sure he was all right. I hovered in the next room, hands clapped to my mouth, not sure what to do. That evening, Mama came to find me. “Poof-” “I don’t want to know,” I blurted, plugging my ears. I clenched my eyes shut. “Just tell me I’m a weirdo who was born without the extra layers. If I’m not your first, I don’t want to know.”
Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Pixies
:'D ...
[Laughs in Frayed Knots] - Cosmo honey, you've got a big storm comin'...
For anyone wanting to write Cosmo, I suggest finding some moments from the show (OG series, New Wish, whatever) that you find interesting and want to delve into (or that you use to define your personal view of Cosmo- Who he is; what you like about him).
You might end up wanting to write a backstory 'fic, and if you don't, at least you'll have a good idea of what you envision his story being like, which can shape creative interpretation of his character.
A loose outline, thought web, or note sheet might be helpful- I usually make Tumblr posts or write one-shots to work through my thoughts.
Obviously, a lot of the stuff I listed above are things the series never delves into. I like the freedom of making stuff up for Cosmo, exploring what makes him tick in my own way, but there's nothing wrong with keeping it simple like "Well, my Cosmo was a small town kid who didn't really leave home until he fell in with Wanda."
Whatever you do, I'm sure it'll be interesting! Feel free to tag me when you post your 'fic so I can check it out <3
Other Cosmo writing resources:
- My brief bio of Cosmo
- Let's Talk Cosmo - Early character study
- My "Cosmo can be a tricky character to write" video clips + my analysis of them (I always meant to do one of these for other characters, but never got around to it~)
- Personal analysis on Cosmo's depression - I write Anti-Cosmo with bipolar disorder and this has been an interesting parallel.
-> Cosmo's postpartum depression is particularly fun for me and was glimpsed in "Repeat" flashbacks where he was hiding emotions from Wanda & working through his "Why would the baby like me if I don't even like me?" struggles. I always wanted to make its own 'fic about it, but it was very depressing, so I stopped :'D whodathunk...
- I like this scene in "I Dream of Cosmo" where Cosmo is trying to pull the reins in on Timmy's Dad :)
- I also like this scene from "Desperate Without Housewives," which takes place in Season 9 (after Jorgen stops wiping Crocker's memories in Season 7*. In this scene, now that Crocker's memory isn't wiped anymore, Cosmo blatantly outs himself as a fairy and Crocker just :|
* very heavily implied; my interpretation of the ending is that Jorgen actively exposed Crocker's relatives to Fairies to power the Big Wand and why would he erase Crocker's memory if he's doing that, but it's not technically confirmed... However, the episodes after this do seem to depict Crocker extremely sure of Timmy's fairies, no longer theorizing, and Kevin... also seems to have some memory immunity? Unclear, but if Cosmo was acting Like That in "Chip Off the Old Crock" because he was trying to pull the same joke with Kevin he pulled with Denzel, that's flippin' hilarious. But Timmy's Dad doesn't know and I like to think Crocker is covering for Cosmo in front of him in this scene when he nervously laughs Cosmo's comment off
Characters I Find Tricky to Write
I'll try to keep this section short since this post got out of hand, but thanks for asking!
I do think Cosmo is very hard to write. I'd probably say he's the most difficult for me. I can talk all I want about what I think his character IS, but that doesn't mean I know what to make him SAY in any given scene- especially considering I tend to write drama stories, and that's not a good playing field for him (He's better with adventure or romance or humor).
Secret knowledge I have from a close study of Cosmo I did once upon a time - he favors long sentences, not choppy ones. I feel like it's easy to default to "This character doesn't have deep thoughts, so I'll just have them say something quick and random." I'm sure Cosmo has his fair share of short comments, but recognizing his long sentences changed something for me. Made me think more carefully about how specific he's going to be.
I think he worked great in "Repeat" when he was the POV character and had to move things along - he had no choice & his internal dialogue was able to cover for the characterization his dialogue couldn't - but I don't do well when he's a side character and I need him to "say something funny" to sound like Cosmo.
Not one of my favorites to write, but that's because I like making characters clash and have long conversations about complicated topics. Cosmo isn't necessarily a fun one for that, or to see get in an emotionally heated situation with. I think he'd just leave... ... but I liked "Repeat" when he COULDN'T leave us, so we were privy to all the secrets he wouldn't say.
You might be surprised, but I genuinely like writing Anti-Cosmo long and rambly- I get to do this in Frayed Knots (which is a completely unique narration tone from Origin of the Pixies, which is informative but blunt).
I especially liked Reedfilter Rules Chapter 2, when he uses some VERY heavy (as in flowery) and long-winded language for his internal commentary. Sadly... a lot of people aren't fans of reading that kind of thing :'D And I do not blame them... but I enjoyed it.
That chapter took YEARS of on and off attention to finalize because I wanted him to be perfect before I locked myself into a certain style for the rest of the AU, but honestly... I'm not sure I can - or should bother to - mimic that for future chapters.
idk. I think it's fun, but my goal was to write RR!Anti-Cosmo's internal narration distinct from Clouds!Anti-Cosmo's, and I think I succeeded. Just not sure if it's worth doing twice to that extreme.
One of the comments Frayed Knots tends to get is that it's exhausting... not only for length of its own merit, but also because Anti-Cosmo rambles about worldbuilding and it can make readers free pressured to retain the info and/or it just confuses or bores them. And I totally get that...
... but also, I cannot emphasize enough that Knots' style is like that on purpose. Have you met this man? He SHOULD be bothering you- he's REALLY annoying and he talks a lot. And also, if you get lost along the way, I think he'd find that amusing and would do it more. lmao. get wrecked.
/whispers loudly - His whole thing is that his mom and stepdad think he's annoying and they're not especially nice to him - in fact, they both outright abuse him - and they don't really feel bad about it because he is just THAT bothersome, which is why he falls in with people like H.P., Blonda, and Anti-Wanda - who "just get him" - down the line. Hilariously, Wanda does not have patience for him... as much as he has a crush on her and wishes she did.
Sorry to everyone who takes his longwindedness as clumsy, frustrating writing. You're correct, but so am I. If I have to sit here in his annoying head for 8 years of writing this 'fic, you have to sit here with me <3
Genuinely though, rambling is A.C.'s thing and I like doing that in his other POV stories, like "Yellow Flower Number 9" (linked below). He literally stops shopping to dump his woes on a cashier and I think that's very fitting for him. Man loves his monologues...
I write a lot of H.P.-Anti-Cosmo interactions, but because I strive for canon-compliancy, I can't allow H.P. to call him by his "A.C." nickname until he canonically gives it to him in "Fairly Odd Baby" (A.C. seems surprised by the nickname, but says he likes it).
- You wouldn't think it would matter, but the amount of times I've had to sigh and fix a draft with the nickname is not 5. - Compare with "Yellow Flower Number 9," where he calls him A.C. like 4 times in 20 minutes, lol.
Hmm, hardest character... Ooh, I think it's Jorgen. I really like how I wrote him in "Whatever," specifically here-
Jorgen's hand shot forward. He grabbed Juan in his fist and squeezed until the fairy shrieked and started spitting pleas. Then Jorgen jerked his hand over to Seneca. She flinched back. "I am not here to wait around and answer all your pathetically obvious questions. That is what he is for. You can ask him. As for me, I have two appendixes to separate and a great deal of paperwork to do." He dropped Juan to the floor, then crashed his walking stick (Star staff, sun staff) down too. The force of it sent a shockwave across the clinic.
- but I'm extremely self-conscious of him in general. I don't use him much.
Oh, Chloe takes a ton of attention. She has a super specific speech pattern of using contractions to start her many, many follow-up sentences to her thoughts (She builds on her thoughts and elaborates in a series of addendums).
She speaks her mind and is kind of "deadpan snark" about it, but in a happy way. She also has very weird phrasings. Fascinating.
I wrote about her speech pattern HERE, but she's unique for sure. I'm quite pleased with how I wrote her in "This Is a Box."
I also think Vicky can be tricky to balance realism with what a threat she is... particularly if you're trying not to lampshade the consequences of her actions (although the show does). I look forward to writing her in combination with Dale especially. I have free reign to push Dale way past where I can realistically push Timmy without Timmy reacting, so I think that might be fun.
I had a lot of fun writing Trixie in Chapter 4 of Come What May, when Kevin meets her at Shirley's Pizzeria (and I enjoyed Tad, Chad, and Veronica both in that chapter and the previous). Kevin meeting the popular kids was one of my favorite topics in general :)
I struggle with Kevin flipping from high energy to extremely self-deprecating. I tend to play him as dead inside, which I do think is accurate, but I do think Come What May is missing the humor that comes from being the guy who kicks down a door yelling "Yo, yo, you! Crockmeister in the hizzy!" or answers his phone with "This is the Crockmeister; crock to me!"
I'd love to finish this 'fic, but it always feels depressing to me :'D I was going for "quirky middle grade adventure," but I ended up with gloom and creepiness. Idk what to do to make it fun and I hesitate to touch it if it might bring me down, so I procrastinate.
I think I need to practice my Mark Chang voice to make him more fun and quirky instead of stating plain facts.
Also, for the longest time, I felt kind of guilty that I write Anti-Cosmo as an overly anxious loser when (afaik), most of the fandom don't consider that even close to their vision, so I felt like I was bashing on their favorite even though I was genuinely trying to write him the way I see him, but... sldkfj. vindicated!!
Thank you New Wish for reminding me he really is that much of a cringefail loserboy <3
No matter what happens with the series from this point on... "Battle of Big Wand" Anti-Cosmo, you will always be famous to me.
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tetsunabouquet · 6 months
Hi! Could you do a nsfw scenario for Nash and Hanamiya in which they're bullying the girl that they like?
(18+ And with the slight increase of young, new KNB fans: If I catch you making NSFW requests to me I will be deleting the asks. A firm reminder to everyone that I don't write that kind of stuff for minors. I'm not named Colleen nor do I have a ukelele.)
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He grinned widely as he caught you doing something you shouldn't be doing. Now as a member of the Disciplinary Comittee, he couldn't just ignore you stealing a can of Coke from the vending machine. Even if you had forgotten your lunch money and looked like you were about to faint. If aything, he could use that to his advantage. "Now, now, y/n-san, aren't you a bad girl?" You froze at his voice and desperately started to shake your head. "Please Hanamiya-san. Forget you saw me." Hanamiya chuckled darkly, you just had to offer yourself on a plate, didn't you? "I could do that but honestly, I don't want to have this school turn into a breeding ground of disobedient little bitches." You flushed as those words sent a strange tingle down your spine. "I'm not a disobedient little bitch." You uttered the words with a shame you didn't quite understand. Hanamiya laughed as a reponse, and the poisonous edge to it brought tears to your eyes. "Oh really? I think a thief would qualify for being a disobedient little bitch. You're worse then that actually. You should be happy I gave you that compliment." Your lips were wobbling at the insults, and a tear rolled down your cheek. "I'm sorry." You apologized as you trembled and it was honestly making Hanamiya rather hard. "You know, I could see past this if you could be so good to help me with something." Your eyed widened and you nodded. "Of course. You know I didn't mean to do something bad." You said before you once more looked at your shoes at the sight of his intense gaze. Hanamiya's lips curled, and he unbuckled his belt as you gulped. "Be sweet and put that mouth of yours to use already." You fell on your knees, because it's not like you had any other choice and so you licked at his throbbing cock like the good girl you promised you were. You couldn't tell wether it was his cum or your tears that left such a salty taste but you swallowed it all up just the same.
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College life was far less interesting as people had made it seem, so he tried finding some new hobbies outside of sports. Which is how he met you. The students who were following art or music programs would typically gather in one corner of the campus when they had no classes and they would all make art with everyone uplifting each other. The photography and film students would film the musicians for their YouTube pages and make photos of the paintings made under the bright L.A sky. They would allow people curious to sit with them and there always seemed to be someone willing to teach someone a few basic skills if they seemed interested. As a photography student, you always were springing about taking pictures of everything but honestly, Nash just wanted you to snap a picture of his dick and burn in into your memory and memory card alike. Which is why, when he got to corner you all alone, he took your camera away from you. "Hey, give that back!" "What? You think you look threatening to me shortie? I would tell you that you look like you punch as a girl, but you are one already." Your jaw dropped open as you saw him going through your photos. "Are you really studying photography? These look like dogshit," Nash commented and you felt rightfully defensive at the way he sneered at your pictures. "I am! You don't need to be such an asshole because it's not up to your taste." You scoffed. "First of all, don't you think you should be talking less shit when I have your camera? Secondly, I would like to know what you think qualifies as taste and how do you even know mine?" This man left you speechless and you tried to grasp at things to say but the words died on your tongue, tears slowly forming. "You know what, I'll give it back to you. But I do require a picture from you, and one of better quality then this garbage you snap." Your eyes immediately narrowed, sensing the direction of this conversation. "I am not allowing you to snap a nude of me." Nash once more curled his lip into a sneer as he said, "I'm not going to be the one taking any picture of you. Why would I want your ugly face and sullen expression? Didn't you teach me that it's better to capture something in the heat of the moment?" You did tell him something along those lines in an earlier conversation and he once more managed to silence you with the way he was analyzing your every move. You honestly were shaking from anxiety as his imposing figure loomed before you. "So how about you take a selfie when you're riding my dick." His free hand grabbed your ass and as your lashes fluttered from confusion and fear he planted the most sensual kiss on your lips, his tongue licking and teasing at your bottom lip in a way that made you lean forwards and press your body against his. There was no way of denying Nash what he wanted, and finally he would have you and that dirty picture.
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kwanisms · 1 year
Under the Cherry Tree — c.san
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❀ ateez masterlist ❀
➮ bff!San × fem!Reader wc: 2.1k summary: Y/N has something important to tell her best friend San and asks him to meet her at their favorite cherry tree on campus. genres/themes/au: fluff; friends to lovers; non idol au, college au warnings: adult dialogue, female reader, slightly suggestive content, mention of alcohol consumption
permanent taglist: @yoonguurt @wonderfulshinee @candidupped @dejavernon @violagoth @tigermoonbiss @katsukis1wife @luvsooby @thesolarplanetarysystem @salty-for-suga @devilsmatches @dmnspiit @simeonswhore @yangracha @seonghwalover @atinypurr @aikyubi @labyrinthonmymind @bintificreads @toxic-babexe
ateez taglist: @2hodefender @cixrosie @pyeonghongrie-main @flowerboykun @sanjoongie @anyamaris @stardragongalaxy @kpop-stories-21 @wooyoungmybelovedhusband @mlysalt @cinnamoon-belle @briannabk22 @is4b3ll3s @hyukssunflower @vampiirose @0325tiny @ateezstanforever @justiny @jeongwangjessmina @lacie220900 @aaaaajonghooooo @dementedaly
join my taglists! Strikethrough means I cannot tag you. MINORS WILL BE BLACKLISTED & BLOCKED.
a/n: part of the 2023 Meet Me Under the Cherry Tree event for @cultofdionysusnet. I'm sorry this is so late. I meant to have this done and up way before the deadline for this event but other events wnd collabs got in the way and took up more of my time. Writing this one was easy. When the randomizer paired San with fluff, I knew I wanted him to be the reader's best friend. After that, it practically wrote itself lol thank you for reading and as always, this is a work of fiction and all characters are not reflective of their respective irl counterparts. for entertainment purposes only. banner and line breaks made by me. Creator reblog banner template by @cafekitsune. I do not allow reposts, translations, or continuations of my works. All my writings are ©️ kwanisms.
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For most people, cherry blossoms signify the start of something new.
New beginnings.
For you, cherry blossoms have always made you think of your best friend.
Choi San had come into your life when you least expected it.
He’d been a stranger you ran into on the playground and again on the first day of junior high. He’d been an awkward, thin, shy, and quiet boy and to an extent, he still was.
Well, except for the thin part.
Late into senior high, San had filled out, spending more time at the gym than at home reading or playing video games with you. Not that you were complaining. San used his new found strength to keep unwanted attention off you.
Of course, it also meant he had a gaggle of giggling girls following him, constantly asking him out and to be their boyfriend. San never took any of it seriously. Always preferring to spend his free time either in the gym or with you, studying so you both could attend college together.
When graduation came, you were ecstatic to finally be free from the confines of high school and onto the upgrade that was higher education. Your parents hadn’t been on board with a co-ed dorm at first until San promised to keep an eye on you which was made even easier when you were assigned to the same floor but unfortunately not as roommates.
Your roommate ended up being a girl who you befriended well enough but she was no replacement for San. For you, no one could compare to your best friend. No one could ever replace him.
You soon learned that it wasn’t the case for him towards the end of your freshman year of college when San finally gave in to one of the girls in his class and agreed to go out with her.
One date turned into two and then into three and soon he was introducing you to his new girlfriend, Hanna. You tried to be happy for him, you really did. After all, college was all about new experiences, right?
That’s what you kept telling yourself as San spent more time with Hanna and less time with you. Your roommate, Bee, decided enough was enough and took you out with her one night. A very rare night out where you met the man you would both later dub as “trouble.”
Wooyoung was kind enough, albeit a bit loud and boisterous. He took an instant liking to you however he wasn’t the one who ended up turning your life upside down. That was Yeosang, Wooyoung’s best friend.
Yeosang was a lot like San in that he was quiet, a little shy, studious, loved to work out and always had a group of girls fawning over him. The only difference was where San was spending more time with Hanna, Yeosang, wanted to spend more time with you.
Winter break brought with it a visit back home where you spent a lot of time at home, seeing your family and only seeing San a couple of times. When you went back to school, it was like you and your best friend had become strangers. The movie nights you usually held in your dorm room had been replaced with date nights with Yeosang, your first official boyfriend.
The second semester brought with it Valentine’s season and with that, San got his first dose of heartbreak when Hanna broke up with him.
The night it happened, you woke up to your phone vibrating on your nightstand and that was the first time you spoke to San in months. You listened to him rant, cry, and vent until eventually you both fell asleep.
You weren’t sure how but San managed to reintegrate himself into your friend circle. He got on very well with Wooyoung surprisingly but the real issue was with Yeosang. The two, despite being so similar, did not get along at all.
You tried to keep the peace, mediating and keeping them physically separated when the circle was together. It became exhausting until you finally put your foot down, telling both of them to grow up and stop acting like babies.
San seemed to handle this as he normally would have but Yeosang didn’t handle it as well. A lot of fights were had between you and Yeosang and thus began the long, complicated on and off again relationship with him.
It was clear San didn’t like this but out of respect, he never said anything. For an entire year, Yeosang and you fought, broke up, made up, and got back together. It seemed like every two weeks, you were making up.
You’d be lying if the fights and breakups weren’t exhausting but the makeups always seemed worth it until the final explosive fight that ended things for good.
It was junior year at a house party at one of the frats. You were enjoying yourself, drinking and having a good time. You and Yeosang had just gotten back together and he promised for good this time. Your finals had gone well and you were riding on cloud nine. Nothing could have prepared you for what was to come.
Ever since your last makeup with your boyfriend, San had seemed distant and indifferent. Perhaps he was just upset that he hadn’t found anyone to occupy his free time like you had, or perhaps finals week hadn’t gone as well for him.
Whatever the case, he had been sulking all week and it was starting to get on your nerves. You had come with San and Bee and met up with Wooyoung and Yeosang and almost immediately, Yeosang had pulled you onto the dance floor.
Unbeknownst to you, San watched the two of you bitterly as he sipped on whatever punch the hosts had prepared. You weren’t sure how many cups he’d had but someone later told you about six.
When Yeo had disappeared to get drinks for the two of you, San made his move. He swooped in, pleading with you that he needed to talk to you. You could immediately tell he was drunk and had told him he needed to go home but he refused. He had to tell you something important before the moment slipped away forever.
It was then that San drunkenly blurted out that he was in love with you and had been for a while. It was the reason he and Hanna broke up. Uncertain what to say, you had told San that it wasn’t the time to discuss this but he insisted, saying he’d been in love with you since before college.
It was that moment that Yeosang overheard the conversation and decided to step in, telling San to back off. Drunk and fueled by his overconfidence, San blurted out that Yeosang was sleeping with another girl the whole time he and Y/N had been off and on again.
A scene had formed and soon it turned into a scuffle in which Wooyoung and one of the hosts who you later learned was named Changbin broke up the fight, pulling both men apart while Yeosang warned San to stay away from you.
Changbin managed to get San outside the party while Wooyoung managed to calm Yeosang down while you made your way to the bathroom, having had the drinks Yeosang got for you spilled all over you when San lunged at him.
Bee had spent part of the night helping you try to get the smell of booze out of your clothes but you knew the only way to really fix it was to go home and wash your clothes.
As you left the bathroom, you were confronted by a girl you’d seen a few times before. She confirmed San’s story that Yeosang had been sleeping around while you were off and on. She apologized, being under the impression that what you and Yeosang had was casual.
You decided to confront Yeosang and break up with him once and for all.
He put up more of a fight than you expected but when you left, pulling from his grip one last time, he seemed to get the message and let you go.
San remembered everything from that night from the fight to confessing to you. He promised that you didn’t need to reciprocate his feelings he simply wanted you to know how he felt and he wanted you to know the truth about Yeosang.
Your friend circle fell apart shortly after the party, Wooyoung being Young's friend after all. Bee stuck by your side as did San. You focused on your school, making time only for your friends between classes and studying.
It had been almost a year since the party.
You hurried down the steps, careful not to trip as you pulled out your phone and shot a quick text to your best friend.
You: the cherry blossoms are blooming
You sent the text and hurried across the lawn, ignoring the stares from your classmates as you did. Your phone vibrated in your hand and you came to a stop to read the text.
Sandwich 🥪: big deal? We see them every year Y/N
Big deal? It was a big deal! Since breaking up with Yeosang and focusing on yourself and repairing your friendship with San, you’d come to realize three things.
No matter what, your friends would always be there for you
Boys were icky and men weren’t any better
You were in love with your best friend.
You sighed heavily as you typed a quick response.
You: oh whatever sourpuss, just meet me there!
Sandwich 🥪: 🙄 aye aye captain 🫡
You pocket your phone and continued, running across the lawn huffing as you reached the top of the hill. On the other side stood the south lawn which was home to a cluster of cherry blossom trees which were in full bloom. Pinks, whites, and everything in between decorated the branches, the blossoms swaying gently in the breeze as you started down the hill.
Running downhill was much easier than uphill and you reached the cluster in record time, gazing up at the delicate flowers as you walked past many of your classmates as they took pictures of the trees and each other.
You continued walking until you reached the furthest tree. It was your favorite one. It had clearly been there longer than the others and was much larger. In fact, it was large for a cherry blossom tree to begin with. Blossom covered branches hung down, shielding the trunk from view.
Pushing one of the branches aside, your eyes widened as you took in the sight of your best friend standing under the tree, phone in his hands as he snapped a couple pictures. It only took a moment for him to notice you, quickly hiding his phone as you approached.
“You got here fast,” you said, slightly out of breath. San shrugged. “I’ve been here the whole time,” he admitted softly, pocketing his phone and moving to sit at the base of the trunk, setting his bag next to him.
You moved to sit beside him, shrugging your own bag off and setting it down before taking a seat beside him. You looked up at the blossoms blowing in the breeze, a smile on your face.
Next to you, San watched you with a fond smile. When you turned to look at him, he didn’t look away like he had over the past year. He held your gaze. “What?” you asked with a shrug. San shook his head but reached forward, picking up one of the blossoms that had fallen from the branches.
“Nothing,” he murmured, inspecting the flower before reaching up and swiftly tucking it behind your ear. Your cheeks burned as you glared up at him but he merely smiled back at you. “Pretty,” he said simply.
Your gaze softened before looking down at the ground. “Shut up,” you murmured before leaning into his side. San accepted the gesture, draping his arm over your shoulders. “You are,” he said simply. “Pretty,” he added.
“I’ve always thought so.”
Your cheeks burned even more. “So are you,” you whispered, hoping he wouldn’t hear you but when he shifted to look at you with wide eyes, you knew he’d heard you. His shocked expression morphed into a smirk. “You think I’m pretty!” he teased only to stop talking when you leaned in to kiss him quickly.
“Yeah, and?” you replied, puffing your chest indignantly. “So what if I think you’re pretty? I think lots of people are pretty! I just happen to think you’re the prettiest and I’ve also always thought you were pretty and—”
Your rambling was cut short as San cupped your cheeks in his hands, pulling you into another kiss, this one much more tender and longer. When he finally pulled back he nuzzled his nose against yours.
“You think I’m prettier?” he asked, smiling when you nodded.
“Well, I think you’re the prettiest.”
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afro-hispwriter · 1 year
It was real!?
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Evan Peters x Black!reader(not really descriptive but I only write for POC)
Kai Anderson x Your Character
Summary- your sex scene in Ahs cult(the shower scene) was a little too real
Warnings- past smut descriptions, masturbation, exhibitionism, just the tip, kais breeding kink
A/n- set during the Conan interview where Evan talks about masturbating but not copied word for word.
Italics= the scene
Evan and you walked on the stage of the Conan show, with people cheering loudly. You greeted Andy and then Conan before taking a seat next to the desk, Evan sitting beside you.
"Y/n, Evan how are you guys?" Conan asks.
"Good." "Good."
"So season 7 of American Horror Story[people cheer] and the theme is Cult." 
"Yeah, this was a very interesting season to do." You look at Evan for his answer and he pursues his lips together and nods.
"Y-Yeah." The audience laughed and you chuckled at his awkwardness. 
"Evan you got to play basically 6 different leaders this season, how is that." 
"Y-Yeah I do, it was very interesting and exciting in a way but um it's mentally challenging doing it all but having Y/n on set, working beside me always helps a lot." He says and grabs your hand, you scrunch your nose at him and the audience awws'. 
"You guys sicken me," Conan says and the audience laughs, along with you. "You guys have equally done crazy stuff in the past seasons, how is this season different and I should say crazier?"
"Om my god." Evan starts. "The list is endless." 
"Yeah everything you do, that you think you've done it they just."
"Yeah, they just one up all the time." You say. "But I'm assuming you're talking about our scene." You point between you and Evan.
"Billy Eichner." Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Evan have his hand curled up near his crotch. Like when he holds his- "You didn't need to do that with your hand."
"Im sorry im sorry." 
You walked through the men's bathroom, the camera following you closely. You could hear Evans moaning from outside. He insisted on getting himself worked out, he wanted the camera to catch his real climax. 
You rounded the corner and were met with Evan or Kai really, hand clenched around his cock. He gasped and moaned loudly. His thrusting in his fist and face twisted in pleasure. 
You stopped where you needed to stop and froze there.
"You didn't have to, you got to," Conan says.
"Yeah, I got to. It was very pleasant to look my girlfriend in the face as I did it."
"I didn't mind, it was kind of hot." Conan laughed. "But he got to do it, so I did."
"What do you mean?"
"Yeah, our characters having sex in the shower was pretty real except there was no actual penetration involved really." 
Evan gasped and he shook and you looked down to see his cum splattering on the tiles. It made your thighs squeeze, and the camera caught that.
"Hey, hun." He says with a shuddering breath.
"Are you serious Kai Anderson? This is what I catch you doing IN PUBLIC! I and our children have not seen you in almost 2 days. How is it fair that you can track my every move but I can't-."
You squealed as Evan reached forward and grabbed your wrist and pulled you into the shower, soaking you. 
"That scene took a few tries to get because id either fall or there would be a wardrobe malfunction."
He twisted you around and flattened your face against the tiles. 
"Bend down." He says and you lean down, his bare cock pushing against your leggings. The camera panned to your face, which was smushed against cum/lotion(that they squeezed very quickly to make it more prominent) "Clean it you whore." 
You slowly stuck your tongue out and swiped it along the tile. There was no taste overall, but there was a familiar saltiness to it. 
"We did that scene so much that you- she actually." Evan shook his hands around, trying to come up with a word and your face burnt hot.
"I was worked up so by the last shot I... climaxed for real." The audience cheered and there were some very excited men and women in the crowd. 
The camera panned across your body to see Evans hands pulling down your leggings along with your panties. A harsh blow hit your ass and you gasped. 
"When he spanks me, he didn't actually want to."
"I didn't want to hurt her." Evan shrugs with a knowing smile on his face and you squeezed his hand tightly.
"Kai." You moaned out and reached behind you and pushed a hand on Evans stomach. He leaned forward and wrapped his hand around your neck and pushed your back flush against his chest.
"You liked seeing your divine ruler touch himself, Hmm?" You sucked in a breath.
"Not when others can see what is mine." 
The camera changed to Evan and he rolled his head around before cracking a smile. He then dipped down and bit your neck harshly before licking up it. 
"Yours huh? I'm nobody." He growled in your ear and your exposed cunt clenched together. 
Get a grip Y/n it's supposed to be acting, even if it is your boyfriend saying it.
"For that, I should fill you up, so you give me another messiah. Maybe you'll give me twins again." He let go of your neck and started ripping your thin soaked shirt off. Followed by him skillfully unclipping your bra. 
"I didn't mind my actual boobs being out, it's not the first time as a lot of us know." You laughed awkwardly and the people laughed. "So I just told Ryan, '[Beep] it, no fake boobs or going the extra length to cover them. And it worked out." 
He grabbed your neck again, smushing your left breast down. With his available hand, he reached down to grab his cock. 
"Ready?" But before anything could be said Evan pushed his hips against your ass as if he was pushing inside you.
"There was no actual penetration involved, we didn't go that far," Evan says just to clear things up. 
Skin slapping against skin and moaning(mostly fake on Evans) was picked up by the microphone. Evans cock was wedged between your thighs, and he'd angle his hips just enough for it to rub against your clit.
You wrapped an arm around his neck and pushed yourself up to kiss the outside of his mouth. He turned his head and captured your lips, followed by him pushing his tongue into your mouth. 
You ended up losing yourself in the pleasure that you didn't notice Billy had walked in. 
"We have an audience."  He whispered and your eyes widened and looked at Billy before screaming and trying to get away. "No, you're not leaving, and get your hands away from your tits, let's give my trainer a show." 
"No no Kai please." 
"If I want to have sex with you in front of someone I will." He bit your ear making you wince but nod. He looked directly into Billy's eyes and continues his “assault” that had you gasping. You started to lose balanced and your knees buckled but Evan wrapped an arm around your neck and held your hips tight to him. He flexed his arm as he gave slight pressure on your windpipe. He then moaned loudly in your ear and your eyes rolled into the back of your head.
“K-Kai gonna cum.” You say as you felt your stomach tighten and your hips started thrusting back and forth. 
“Cum for me my pretty whore.” You were shocked that the derogatory word made you cum, hard. Evan was always a tender and loving boyfriend. It made your body jerk and your thighs clench tightly right on his cock. 
“Shit.” His balls tightened and he came for the second time in the small time this scene was supposed to go. You fell slack in his arms, tiredness going through you and maybe some embarrassment. You did just have sex and cum in front of cameras as if you were doing a porno.
Evans hands circled around to rest on your belly and he kissed your shoulder.
“May my messiah grow strong in the fruitful womb of my most devoted member, my wife.” He whispers so that only the microphone picks it up. He grabbed your wet curls roughly and pulled you up. “Go ahead and clean up what my wife failed to clean, and any other mess we left.” He tells Billy or Harrison really before pulling you off, you covering your breasts while walking past him. The last shot of the scene was Billy looking back and smirking as he stared at Kai before Ryan called cut.
“Yeah, we talked about it when we found out about the scene.” You say.
“We decided to just think about it as if it was just us two in the room, and when Billy came in it was us plus Billy.” Laughter filled the room and you smack your hand down on Evans thigh.
“Conan I think today we’ve gotten pretty off track so next question.” You say, starting to feel slight regret and embarrassment for talking about the scene(and thinking about it as you talked about it)
You and Evan were instantly given towels, robes, and privacy. Once everyone was out you released a breath and leaned against the wall. 
“You okay, didn’t go too hard did I?” Evan says, already having dropped the Kai mindset. 
“No babe you didn’t its just.” You start before laughing. “Im never doing that again, with anybody.”  You grab his face with both hands and pecked his lips. 
“Aww.” He says and placed his hands on your hips. “I liked feeling you practically throb-.” You shushed him. 
“Like you don’t feel it all the time. Next time let's just shoot a porno and post it on pornhub, see how many views we get.” You say sarcastically but there was a glint and a smirk of mischievous adorned on Evans face.
“Next time?” 
He got the biggest ‘Are you serious?’ face. 
A/n- I don't know if I like this
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sucrealacreme · 2 months
Supe Busters - Soldier Boy x female reader
Chapter two
Summary : Vought has many secrets, project W is one of them. What happens when said project turns against them?
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Butcher grunted, trying to force open the heavy metal door.
“You lot’s sure it's here” he said with annoyance. He didn't want to use energy for nothing after all.
“Yeah Butch we're sure. We should wait for Kimiko and Annie tho, none of us can open that door, it's made for supes, not us” M.M suggested. Both women would probably have more odds with the door then them.
But as M.M and Butcher were arguing, a loud creak echoed in the warehouse. They searched for the origin of the sound, but only saw one of the main doors slightly open.
“Come on we gotta hide in case they see us” exclaimed Hughie. They were huge shelves with boxes all over the warehouse. A hiding place wouldn't be hard.
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You were walking back to the warehouse after collecting infos on Soldier Boy. This man needed to be put down, he killed a bunch of civilians and some innocent supes. I mean yeah, some were bad but it’s your job to do that. Your whole organisation is based around that and if more people start doing so, well it could fuck up your entire operation.
It angered you when people were being reckless. You hated when things didn't go as planned cause it meant you suddenly had to improvise and you're not good at that.
Arrived at the warehouse the door made a loud creak. Uh, you're gonna have to put some oil on it tomorrow before it hurts someone ears. Some of you have highly heightened senses, which can cause discomfort. But anyway, you'll deal with that tomorrow.
But your thoughts were interrupted when you smelled something strange. You maybe didn't have super vision or hearing but for smelling? Oh you were good at that. You could track supes with that for kilometres. But this scent, it wasn't a supe, it was similar to it but it missed this sweet note. No, it just smelled sour. But not a candy type of sour more like an alcohol one…
Someone cleared their throat behind you. You slowly turned around, wary of what awaited you.
“Oh Jesus you scared me” you exclaimed, happy to see it was just Florence.
“Ahahaahah sorry girl, you want to tell me why you were sniffing around like a police doggy?”
“I'm smelling something… I think there's someone in the warehouse.”You said now once again warry
Did someone find your hiding place? And if so, what could you do? You couldn’t just attack them, they could be civilians, drugged up ones but you know, still civilians.
No, it’s impolite to say this but no humans could possibly smell like that without using substances. Humans smelled bland, just a little salty but that's it. You were used to it, but that’s no normal one.
You heard something about some sort of compound V that was temporary weeks ago. Temp V it was called if you remember well. But if it’s that, that meant those people didn’t have any good intentions.
“Prepare yourself, I think we have some fake ass supes in here” you warned Florence. No one would be killing y’all without the both of you putting up a fight. Florence’s eyes started to have their usual white glow while yours stayed normal. Hers were just a result of concentrating light. Nothing much but damn it looked cool as hell ans could scare supes.
You slowly opened the door enough for Florence to enter with you. Calmly following the track your sense of smell gave y'all, it seemed to be coming from behind the boxes. Now you were sure as hell that there was someone in here. You were anxious that it could be some supes with an unusual body odour. Someone like Homelander, Black Noir or worse.
You were exhausted from your day of running around New York for even scraps of infos. So to be faire, you weren't up for a fight. But it didn't matter, there's people in this weird ass basement. You couldn’t really call it a basement, it was closer to an underground city you managed to put together. And if someone asked you, you would say it was pretty. There are many lights coming from bioluminescent species a villain called Nerissa made. It didn't have stores or anything, no it was just a few offices and bedrooms. Kinda like a hotel but instead of the big building it was a cave. Anyway, it was truly a little paradise on earth.
But you're getting carried away. Right now all that mattered was making sure no one knew where the entrante was. The metal door was a trap. The actual door is on the ground under some glued up together boxes. You always feel like some sort of movie spy when you use it. Urgh, you're getting carried away once again.
The odour seems to have moved. You quickily turned your head and saw nothing.
“Hey, maybe you're just tired… I think we should go home” Florence told me, unsure of herself.
“Yeah, yeah maybe you’re right let's go home.”
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Soldier Boy was in a car with Annie and Kimiko while the rest of the team was at the warehouse.
“Why aren't we with them again?”he asked, not seeing how it could be a good idea to do so. I mean, a group of dickless normies agaisnt some fucked up supes?? At that point they just want to die.
“Because, one of the girls can separate compound V from our blood wich makes us useless. Unless you wanna look like you’re 100 years old, I’d recommend we stay here until Butcher has made a deal with them.”said Annie already annoyed by the old supe presence. I mean for crying out loud, it always seemed like his brain was producing too much testosterone. Respect for woman was far from him, he was always calling both her and Kimiko ‘woman’, asking them for a beer, no ordering them for a beer like they were his maids and ugh just so much bullshit like that.
Annie was pulled out of her thoughts when her phone started ringing.
“Hi babe, uhm we’re actually gonna need your help. The door it’s uhm, it’s too heavy for us.”
“So you want us to risk our lives for a stupid deal?”
“give it back- NO butcher I said give it back-”
Annie heard Hughie fighting with someone.
“Evening sunshine. The deal isn’t stupid first off fuck off kindly, second if you happen to have around a thousand of supe allies then I’ll consider letting go of the plan. So, do you have those sweethearth?”
“No obviously but-”
“Didn’t think so. My plan it is then. Now, yall bunch of bollocks ought to join us at the warehouse” Butcher said before hanging up.
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Y/n was walking to her quarters when Evangeline called her to come into her office.
Apparently she wanted to discuss about the team. Something about welcoming new members.
“You wanted to see me miss?”
“Yes, you see I’ve noticed that being only a team of four maybe wasn’t enough for our next targets.So I selected a few files about other villains. And I wanted your opinion on them” The group leader said with a smile.
“Sure miss no problems”You agreed with a kind smile in return.
“Oh come on don’t call me miss we’re almost friends you and me” Evangeline laughed.
Nerissa Montera
Aka Vineyard
Abilities : control over plants, can create life and new forms of life, degree in biology
Weakness : If a plant she's controling gets hurt, she will feel the pain, often get lost in her thoughts.
Cordelia Tremblay
Aka shark mouth
Abilities : Has a mouth with thousands of shark like teeth. Can rip anything with her mouth, has heightened senses, force, speed and intelligence
Weakness : Scared of blood, often gets huge headaches to the point of falling unconscious.
Rae Brown
Aka Funnel-Web
Abilities : can crawl on walls and roofs, has the ability to form strong webs, heightened senses, force and speed.
Weakness : Highly sensitive wrists since the webs come from there, is extremely wary of light since it causes her eyes pain.
Rebekah Acharya
Aka Actias
Abilities : can fly thanks to wings ressembling those of a moth. She is extremely fast and intelligent.
Weakness : can be compromised by lights easily so need to wear special glasses and is scared of heights
“Oh wow we got a good bunch eh?”
“Yes, now who should we pick according to you?”
Asked Evangeline, curious of her answer.
“Well honestly I would take them all, we could use as much help as we can and they all seem pretty powerful and useful. Yeah I'd say pick them all.”
“All of them uh? I didn't think of it honestly I was scared it would be too much for all of you but if you can handle it it's fine by me” said the older woman.
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At Vought’s tower, things were getting agitated.
“So you're fucking telling me now silver man doesn't respond anymore? For fuck's sake Ashley do something before I get rid of those people my self jesus on a cross!” Homelander was beyond pissed. Supes have been missing left and right and those that were found had to be pumped full of compound V again. Apparently some villain had the ability to separate it from blood, what a fucking shitty ass mess.
“We're trying to sir but we have no idea who's doing all of that, none of the villains we created matches to what we found. I'm afraid you're going to have to wai-” Ashley was cut off by Homelander choking her. His red leather gloves were clenched so hard around her throat she could feel pressure behind her eyes.
“Now you're going to listen to me carefully you bitch. I need a suspect by friday. Or else I'll go and find them and then end the day with you. Understand?” He asked aggressively. Ashley tried to nod her head but could only gasp for air
“I SAID. UN.DER.STAND?” He was now screaming at the poor scared woman. She let out a small chocked ‘yes’. Homelander then let go of her now bruised up throat. Ashley fell to the floor now coughing up a storm. She was so tired of this job, but she knew she would be killed if she left. She knew too much, too much dirt, infos on weakness to be let go. But one day she'll escape. She was sure of it.
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A/N : Thank you for reading and again if you have any suggestions feel free to tell me . I'll update when I'll be at 10 notes, cause yk it means people like it😊
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bolithesenate · 2 months
hello i would like you to choose violence. questions 1, 7, and 13?
1 - the character everyone gets wrong
can I say Yoda?
i feel like theres two camps in fandom: either he's a Fun Lil Guy Who Eats Frogs And Talks (sometimes helpful) Riddles OR he is The Source Of All Our Problems (derogatory)
and make no mistake. i've been part of group 2 before and especially in EU material there are a lot of... questionable choices made by the man. deeply questionable. but I lso feel like there's no one really tackling the sheer existential horror that is yoda's life?
he is older than all his peers. if we look at grogu, then he must have, already as a *baby*, seen his friends grow up, live and die like like fireflies, shining bright for only the briefest moment. basically all of his padawans are dead. his padawans' padawans as well.even with the extended livespans that jedi have, he is so old that he literally speaks different
idk, i think i just want to see more people look at this weird green guy and really THINK about why he is how he is, bad sides and all
(and yes, I also could have said Tarre Vizsla here, bc i have some very CHOICE opinions on him. but ive talked about those in length before, so Yoda it is)
7 - character I began to hate bc of how fanon acts about them
well, it's not really hate-hate, but I now find myself actively avoiding fics that have him tagged as a main guy.
idk, i've just grown bored of him?
also i really don't understand why ppl find him so hot. sorry. he looks like a random guy i could see at the train station.
like, guys! expand your horizons a bit! there's so many funny little guys out there in the big gffa, do we really have to sing the praises of the same ginger over and over again? yeah I'm salty but this is revenge for every time a random commenter asks about Obi-Wan in a fic where he isn't even tagged
13 - worst blorbofication
see above.
second worst to me probably is Bo-Katan. idk, i don't get it. this woman was a literal dterrorist and showed no remorse whatsoever about being part of the reason her sister is dead and her planet crumbled. and yet people call her a girlboss?
idk, make it make sense
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