#so I’m trying to make tomorrow actually feel like my bday by making and drawing stuff for my own self happiness purposes
Am I trying to attempt to do some self indulgent doodles to cheer myself up cuz it’s my bday tomorrow and want to be as happy as I can for it??? Maybe.
But I guess you guys will find out if it works and if my motivation manages to hold up until then :D
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palimpsessed · 2 years
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It’s Wednesday?! Again?! Apparently. This has been a weird week but now I guess it’s nearly over. Except tomorrow is my busiest day of the month soooo well it will be a relief when it’s done.
Thank you lovelies for your tags! 🥰 @frjsti @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @facewithoutheart @confused-bi-queer @martsonmars @angelsfalling16 @artsyunderstudy
Does anyone remember a cracky piece I teased a bit ago where Simon and Baz were coming up with...uh, “nicknames” for each other? Anyway. I have started putting that rough draft into something presentable and I’m really loving it. So I’m going to share some of that instead of yet more SAE which I’m sure everyone but me is tired of by now. New working title is “By Any Other Name...”
Under a cut for very slight hints of spice. And I have another ART! update
Simon POV, post canon, post coital:
"It's not my fault your prophecy is full of ridiculous sexual innuendo."
"You're making it dirty! It's not dirty!"
"It's a little dirty," he murmurs.
"Well it's not mine and I'm over all that."
He sighs. "Fine."
"Fine," I say, and turn over to kiss him. I get as far as his cheek before he's speaking again.
His brows are knit. He's being proper thoughtful now. "You are a mess of innuendo."
"You can't call it that," I say. He cuts his eyes to me in confusion and then barks out a surprised laugh.
"No, no. Think about it, Snow."
I drop back onto my wings again with a huff of air. So much for post-coital kisses and cuddles. Of course Baz wants to write his fucking dissertation right now.
If we had a whiteboard, he'd be making columns and phoning Penelope for consultation.
"Sword of Mages. Excalibur—that's definitely one for consideration."
I'm going to object again—I'd die of embarrassment—but he's already moving on, quoting the fucking prophecy again.
"'One will come to end us.' Come?"
"I'll end you," I mutter.
"How, Snow? With your great big, powerful sword?"
"Oh my god," I groan, burying my head against the duvet where it rests over his arm.
Also, more progress on my Between Simons piece for his bday. 👀👀👀
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This was just before I added the lineart. Wasn’t sure how to make it look like the side Simons are projections and @tea-brigade and @gekkoinapeartree came in clutch with some great suggestions. In the end, I went with red outline and fine black interior outline, then I’ll just keep the pencil for the interior detail lines. And try an under layer of light red pencil. Lots of color testing ahead. Also, I feel obligated to say I did actually bother to draw in Simon’s hair before I lined this 😂
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riskeith · 4 years
omg hi. sorry i disappeared for a few days, been super busy with school. i missed you a lot. how have you been?
i haven’t had the need to eat any food since i got barbara and noelle on my team. if one of them can’t shield, the other comes in a clutch haha. *bows* thank you ladies for your service.
i’d pay hard earned money to see fanart with the boy scouts playing with guoba.. :( and YEAH. that would be so fitting? + it’s gonna be liyue themed which is super nice. do you know any predictions over which four stars will be in xiao’s banner? and who do /you/hope will be there?
last time i played three days ago unlocked dragonspine.. i even did albedo’s quest i can’t believe i defeat that evil place sjshdksk. meaning i got so some primogems and some intertwined fate. i’ve been itching to use some of the intertwined fates to get xiangling c rate up... should i?
october 20 is such a cute bday. you know how some dates just look nice? that’s one of them shskdhs. i want to say my birthday too but i feel like if anyone reads our messages they’ll know who i am... sorry. you’ll have to wait for that information until we privately talk some day. big promise. 🤍
ooh. you kind of wing it too, then! in some ways. if you’re not feeling it do you leave the fic for the day after or give up on it for a while? (so many question... shut up @ me) i’m the same as you! but i also write sometimes in the day time and i feel like that’s when i produce my best work. yesterday i was at a cafe studying and during a break i just started writing a fic and for some reason it just flowed so nicely? so yeah idk skdjdhsk. whenever it strikes i suppose.
i do borrow my books sadly. i kind of have to because i don’t have anymore place to put my books (we live in a small apartment) and books are kind of expensive :( i don’t mind borrowing though because i don’t really reread books unless they’re super special so it’s fine. do you buy yours? I HAVE READ LEGEND. i read it waaaay back in grade school haha, it’s been ages ago. i’ve never seen anyone say it’s their favorite but i can see why you feel that way. it’s kind of underrated in the community for sure.
dude fuck... chongyun and xingqiu live in my mind rent free. i kid you not i just can’t stop thinking about those boys... please send me all the fanart you find i’ll literally give you my life for that <3
i just listened to the g-idle song and AAA? wtf? i used to really like them while i was into kpop and this is so nostalgic to me. i haven’t listened to kpop in literally years shdkdhdk. this song is great thank you for sending it, do you like g-idle? <3
WAIT ARE YOU MAKING A SECOND ACC? I WAS LITERALLY CONSIDERING DOING ONE IN ASIA FOR YOU... shdjdhdjshsjsj our minds. and yes i’m in american server... oh god. our co-op date can happen? 🥺 but if it’s too much work for you i’ve seriously actually considered doing one in asia for me i’m totally fine with starting all over so.. 🥺
god i’ve missed talking to you so much. once again i’m sorry for not being here, but hopefully after tomorrow’s exam school will be a bit more chill and i’ll be yours again.
hope you’ve been well babe. mwah!
hi!! that’s alright ahah, i assumed that was the case. i’ve been well!! and then not so well bc we weren’t talking 🤪 needless to say i’ve missed you a lot too <333
omggg QUEENS!!! i don’t have any healers but i don’t eat food either... LMFAO unless it’s a boss fight i’ll just keep going until i’m done with whatever it is then go heal at a statue fsdhfkdjs
!!! brb just gonna go get good at art so i can draw that for u 😩 i don’t have any predictions myself, but i’ve seen people say it’ll be ningguang + beidou + barbara possibly?? but of course, i would hope that xingqiu was there <3333 he can appear twice in a row come on mhy <3333 just think about that <333 and omggg i’d wish if chongyun came as well.. i really want to get him to c6 (but he was only two banners ago?) hbu do you have any thoughts on the matter~
AHAHAH good job im proud of you 😤😤 show that nasty place who’s boss!! if you want to, I don’t see why not! it’ll get you closer to pity as well so by the time venti is near, hopefully it won’t take you much to get him! lmk how it goes!!!! manifesting c6 xiangling for you 🔥
fhskdf thank you... is it weird to say i agree? FHDSKFHSDKFKJ like. 20/10 or 10/20... nice even multiples of ten numbers.. AHAHAH. no need to apologise at all!! 🤍🤍🤍🤍 share whatever you’re comfortable with whenever you’re comfortable <33
hm it depends. (i just reaslised i said this exact phrasing last time too lmfao) i think i usually give up on it for a while? but sometimes i try to force myself through it too, just to get over that section so i can hopefully move on to a better one wait sorry i misread your question LOL. i usually leave it for the day as opposed to give up on it for a while! if i’m actively working on something i’d prefer to continue working at it slowly, even if the progress is just me opening the doc and then exiting after 5 mins fhdskj. are you the same? (NO!!! DO NOT SHUT UP @ YOU i never get to talk about writing processes pls im enjoying this a lot)
nice!! the vibes when writing during the day are sometimes better as well, bc it’s still light and stuff you’re not sitting in the dark or with a light on.. lol. it’s more ~natural~ & omg legendary... i love that for you!! on that note, do you usually study at school/cafes/libraries? i pretty much can only study at home, i hate doing it anywhere else. 
ahh that’s fair :( and yeah i agree books can get so expensive? like the authors def deserve to be compensated for all their hard work but damn lmao. oh that’s a good point! i do buy books yeah, and i don’t even necessarily reread them i just like having them on the shelf fhdskfd (there are many i haven’t even read for the first time... oops.) what ages do grade school cover? sorry i have no idea what that means fhsjfkshsdkjs the different names for education levels will never not confuse me. !! yeah i really wish legend was more popular aaaaa
here are some recent arts i’ve bookmarked!! (rip i should find one more so every word is linked but cbs hfskdhfs) i’m also considering making a genshin twitter! idk why i’m so averse to following these amazing accs on my normal account lmaoo but i’m also thinking of posting pics from the 52485 photoshoots i do with chongyun..
oh nice!!! i’m really happy you liked it 🥰🥰🥰 and yeah i do like g-idle but i don’t stan them! that’s me with most groups tbh fshkfjsd but i do watch most of their MVs when they first come out~
FSHFKJSDHFKSD wait what if.. this but it’s us surprising each other in the other’s servers <33 and if i’m telling you the truth... i kinda despise the idea of playing in am*rica server FHSDKJFHSDKFHSDKKDSHFKSDHKKJ but we could compromise and both start again in europe?? ahah let me know what you think! if you’re happy to just do one in asia tho that’s fine as well~ 
me too!! and no worries for real, school comes first!! (even if it fkn sucks... @ school i hate you. i say, when i’m still on holidays FHDSKJFJS) aaaa good luck on your exam!!! i hope you smash it 💪💪 
also um “and i’ll be yours again”??!?!?!?!? be still my beating heart 😩😩😩😩 i shall be waiting for you wifey hehe
hope you’ve been taking care of yourself!! kisses, c.r.
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negasonicimagines · 5 years
Things Change, pt. 1
requests: “ellie x reader enemies to friends to lovers PLEASE” + “negasonic x reader enemies to friends to lovers PLEASE.... the more angst and then attraction and then gay kissing the better” + “May I possibly request a yukisonic fic where ellie and the reader initially hate each other, but the reader and yukio hit it off immediately, and ellie ends up falling and is the first one to confess?? God, I love run on sentences, I promise I'm better than this, but it is 3:40 am where I am and I'm delirious at this point. Anyways, LOVE YOU!! happy bday again!! -🧸” + “Omg Ellie and Reader fic where at first Ellie and Reader don’t get along but then they both keeping having dreams where they’re in love with the other one and making out and it leads to friendship and then LOVE”
author’s notes: okay, I tweaked the requests a little bit because I’ve been looking for an excuse to incorporate ellie’s original power of psychic dreams. ok so remember how wade called her sabrina in dp2? I think it’d be interesting if she’s actually a witch, which would explain why she has the dreams, but then also has the fire power. that’s not entirely relevant to this but it’s my personal hc for her so I thought I’d share! thank you so much for your requests!
warnings: light smut, internalized mutant-phobia(?) due to lack of parental acceptance
Ellie doesn’t like you, doesn’t like the way you pull a laugh so easily out of her girlfriend, the way your eyes sparkle, and the way she feels a twinge of something she’s convinced herself is jealousy when she sees you, even when you’re not around her girlfriend, even though she has those dreams about you.
You don’t like Ellie, either. You don’t like the way she makes a snide remark every time you make a mistake in training, the way her devilish smirk heats up your cheeks, and you definitely do not like her lack of appreciation for Yukio - who you personally would treat like a princess if she was your girlfriend.
But she’s not, and it sickens you how you didn’t get up the courage to ask her out before that asshole Ellie did.
“Honestly, I don’t know how Ellie can watch these kinds of movies, I always get so scared. Like, I know that the stuff isn’t real, but some of it is based on legit folklore! We’re going to see The Curse of La Llorona tonight and I’m so nervous, the commercials alone made me anxious.”
“Just make sure you go to the bathroom beforehand,” you tell her, and she giggles at your joke. “How come you and Ellie never go see movies you like, anyway?”
“Oh, well… I don’t know. After she refused to see Ralph Breaks the Internet, I kinda just gave up and decided I’d just start doing my best to like the movies she does. It’s okay, though, she’s super sweet and holds my hand.”
“Yeah, when you’re not in front of people,” you mutter.
“Come on, Y/N…” Yukio groans. “You two have so much in common, I don’t see why you can’t just be friends.”
Because we have too much in common, you think, but you just sigh.
“Me either. But she’s a bitch to me, so I’m a bitch to her. I’ll stop when she does,” you tell her, and that’s the truth as well. Ellie’s the one who started the music, even if it does take two to tango.
“I can understand that, but do you think that you could just try to get along? It’s kinda stressing me out,” Yukio requests. The fact that she’s mentioning it at all, you know, is because it’s really stressing her out.
“Of course, anything for y- A friend,” you reassure her, and that’s when Ellie comes strolling up. The two of you are sitting at a table in the courtyard with a deck of cards - you’d meant to play, but got carried away with conversation. “Hey, Ellie,” you greet your mortal enemy. “Wanna play some rummy with us?”
The girl eyes you skeptically before answering: “No, thanks. I just wanted to see if Yukio wanted to walk with me to dinner, since we’re heading out for our date right after.” You know she’s onto you, she’s been onto you since the day you two officially met. It means nothing, though, because she’s jealous of you and that insecurity leads to her thinking that if Yukio knew your feelings, she’d choose you.
“You should go ahead, Yukio,” you tell your best friend, for her sake. “If you get too scared, though, I can pick you up. I know Ellie’s looking forward to seeing the movie, I’d hate for her to have to leave.”
“Thank you, Y/N, that’s so sweet!” Yukio cheers as she stands up, buying your passive-aggressive remark towards Ellie as an attempt at kindness. Ellie, though, clearly understands. She takes Yukio’s hand rather roughly and the two go off to dinner.
You begin to set up a game of Solitaire, and your new academic adviser plunks down in front of you, shaking the table a little with his lack of grace.
“Can I help you, Mr. Wilson?”
“You know, you can totally take that little shit in a fight. I mean, I love her, but she’s such a little shit. Also, don’t call me that.”
“How did you even get this job? The academic advisers are supposed to discourage violence.”
“Well, I created a team, known as X-Force-”
“I know that part, Yukio’s in it,” you cut him off, and he releases a dramatic sigh before cutting to the chase.
“Right, right, okay, so, basically, Russell goes here. And I’m Russell’s mentor. And also they want me to stop killing, so they gave me one of the paid academic adviser positions, because academic advisers are just assigned parental figures, because all your parents hate you or at least aren’t around, for the most part.”
“Right,” you respond, drawing out the i before grumbling: “I miss Wolverine. He’s probably smoking a cigar in his mancave-slash-office right now, and all he would be doing right now if he was still my academic adviser is just shooting me a text asking why my Econ grade dropped to a C.”
“Aw, come on, don’t you enjoy a more personal touch? A more hands-on approach?”
“I don’t want your hands anywhere near me! How do you wash gloves after going to the bathroom, or handling money, or-”
“Okay, I’m a dirty weirdo, point taken! God, you’re so mean, it’s surprising that you don’t just date both Ellie and Yukio, considering you and Eleven are so similar.”
“That’s such a terrible idea it’s not even funny,” you scoff, rolling your eyes and hoping you’re not blushing. What?! You’re a simple bottom, a hot girl is mean to you and you develop a small crush no matter how much you dislike her at the same time.
“It wasn’t a joke, weirdo. Come on, go to dinner, and sit with Russell if you don’t mind. It’d boost his street cred around here.”
“Fine. Later,” you agree, scooping up your cards and putting them away in your bag before heading off. You grab some food and sit with Russell, whose head snaps up immediately.
“What are you doing? Wait, I mean- Don’t go.”
“I’ll be honest with you,” you tell him. “Our buddy Wade put me up to this. But, I’d rather sit with you than Negasonic Teenage Bitch. You can never have too many friends, anyways.”
“Thanks,” he says. “What are your powers?”
“You can’t just ask people that, dude. Not everyone likes to talk about it.”
“Oh. No wonder I haven’t been makin’ any friends,” he realizes, looking even more down.
“It’s okay, you didn’t know. I have a healing factor.”
“That is so cool. That’s why they made Wade your academic adviser instead of Logan, ‘cause he has a better healing factor and can help you!” His enthusiasm pleases you, but it also makes you miss Yukio’s own enthusiasm; the way she reassures you that you’re not a monster when you’re down on yourself. Your eyes dart over to where she sits - looking rather bored - before you return your attention to Russell.
“Aw, one of these days you’ve just got to make your move, Y/N,” the boy insists.
“My move?” You ask, skeptical.
“Come on, it’s so obvious you like Yukio.”
“Doesn’t matter. She’s made her decision,” you tell him. You may like her, but you know Yukio, and that even if she were to leave Ellie for you, she’d feel immensely guilty for hurting the girl. You’d rather be miserable than have her be miserable.
“No ‘but’s, little man,” you tell him. “How was your day?”
Russell chats animatedly about his day while you listlessly eat your dinner. Once he’s done, you deal with your dishes and go to your room, flopping onto your bed and trying to pretend like things are okay. Your phone buzzes.
Wade Wilson: Parent teacher conferences are tomorrow!!!!!!!!! Are Mr n Mrs L/N going to be there
Y/N!!!!: What the fuck is wrong with you?
Wade Wilson: ???
Y/N!!!!: Never mind. They won’t be there
You sigh, slide off your shoes, and stretch out before plugging some earbuds - and your charger - into your phone and watching some Netflix. You stay up a little later than you should, both hoping and not hoping Yukio will text you, before doing your nighttime routine and going to sleep.
Ellie and Yukio get back late, but not quite past curfew. Ellie’s surprised, almost disappointed, that you’re not sitting on the love seat by the entryway, watching the doors like a hawk. If there’s anything Ellie appreciates about you, it’s that you’re so protective of Yukio. (Also, you’re really fucking hot, but she doesn’t like to think about that.)
The girls head to their dorm, undressing and redressing, brushing their teeth and washing their faces before cozying up in bed together.
“Y’know, Ellie, Y/N said something interesting to me today.”
Ellie - too tired to censor her expressions - glares at her girlfriend.
“She said she’s only mean to you ‘cause you’re mean to her. Do you think that you could try not being so mean? It would really make me so happy if you two got over your differences and became friends.”
Ellie sighs.
“Come on, I go see a scary movie with you every time you ask and even pay for half and you can’t do this one little thing?” Yukio pleads.
“I hadn’t even answered yet. I was going to say fine. But since you proceeded to ask so nicely… I’ll say yes.”
“Ha. Ha,” Yukio replies, spooning her girlfriend, and the two eventually drift off.
Except, Ellie doesn’t drift off to dreamland. Her prophetic dreams feel different, almost lucid but with no control. She realizes this one is from her perspective quickly, seeing her own outfit and feeling like she’s in her own body.
She’s also in her own room, but the furniture is rearranged. There’s another bed under the top bunk of the bunk bed, and she’s lounging with two other people on the futon next to it, watching a movie on a TV, which is on a nightstand she doesn’t recognize.
Her arm is around someone, but there’s a head in her lap, a head she strokes the hair of tenderly. She looks to her side and sees Yukio. She looks down, and it’s you. Future You turns, wriggling around until you’re facing her.
“Movie’s getting kind of boring,” Future You tells her almost silently, pupils blown wider than usual due to the dark room and maybe something else. She continues to fondle your hair.
“Uh-huh…” Future Ellie hums teasingly. “She likes it, though.”
“We could entertain ourselves… Quietly,” Future You suggests.
“You think so? How?” Future Ellie’s fingers slip from your hair to the smooth skin of your neck, caressing it.
She watches your cheeks darken in the light of the TV.
“Maybe a kiss or two?” you suggest, and Ellie feels Future Ellie’s lips curl into a smirk, feels her heart speed up.
“Then give me a kiss or two,” Future Ellie replies, and Future You swiftly straddles her. Ellie can feel the perfect movements of your lips against hers, and vice versa; feels her hands ball up in your shirt. Your hips rock against hers as the lip-locking continues, and Future Ellie’s hands move, one sliding under your shirt to rest firmly against your back while the other tangles in the hair at the back of your head.
You moan into her mouth and she feels herself pull tighter, tipping your head back to ravish your neck.
“Quietly,” Future Ellie reminds you in a whisper against your neck as she cuts her eyes over to Yukio, whose attention towards the TV is wavering. “The movie’s still going.”
Ellie wakes up with a start - and with a wet cunt - as Future Ellie sinks her teeth into Future You’s neck.
“Fuck,” she sighs out. This isn’t the first time she’s had a prophetic dream like this, about the three of you dating. She’s not sure what changes. She’s not sure she wants to know. Was it yesterday, when you offered her a place in your game of cards? 
Maybe it’s the fact that Yukio asked her to be nicer to you - Yukio probably asked the same of you as well. What about parent-teacher conferences, this evening? Will seeing your family give her a different perspective of you?
“Morning, honey,” Yukio sleepily says, curling around her girlfriend tighter. “You excited for parent-teacher conferences? You’ll finally get to meet my dads…”
“Great,” Ellie snickers, kissing her girlfriend on the head. “Two shovel talks.”
“Oh, come on, it’ll be great. They’re looking forward to meeting you… Speaking of, I know I asked last night, but it’s really important you play nice with Y/N today. They really like her.”
“Of course they do,” Ellie replies, rolling her eyes. “We should head to breakfast a little early, I know you’ve got all that Welcoming Committee shit to do.”
“Yeah…” Yukio agrees, releasing Ellie from her cuddling before stretching out and getting ready for her day.
Maybe playing nice is what will change things.
Training is always an interesting experience for Ellie. It’s one of the few times she’s around you when you’re not interacting with Yukio, typically training with Wade and sneaking glances at Ellie’s girlfriend that are the only reason he’s able to beat you, nowadays.
The two of you are whacking sticks against sticks already, and that’s not an innuendo. The clack of wood against wood - which sounds even worse - is typically one of the noises Ellie often uses to ground herself while practicing smaller blasts.
However, this time, she doesn’t practice her own abilities. Instead, she just watches you and Wade. It looks almost choreographed, the way you two flow together, and she realizes it’s because Wade’s the one who’s really taught you how to fight. Logan may have trained you while he was your academic adviser, but because Wade is teaching you in his own way, now, you’re learning to fight as he does.
Dirty, Ellie thinks, but then sucks in a breath through her nose, snapping out of her thoughts for a moment.
It’s intriguing, she’s able to admit to herself. You’re intriguing. 
Your eyes keep being drawn to her, though, realizing she’s staring, and Wade eventually manages to overtake you. Ellie’s always wondered what you could do - what your mutation is - and part of her’s terrified to find out, considering she’s never seen it.
“Longer than usual without Yukio in here to distract you, good job. Go see your other girlfriend,” Ellie hears Wade say.
“She’s not my fucking girlfriend, weirdo, she fucking hates me. Look at how she’s glaring.”
Not staring, but glaring, you said, and Ellie realizes that her resting bitch face is probably part of the reason you two have never gotten along.
“Well, go see her regardless of your romantic attachments. I wanna pester Nathan, you need a training partner, and hers is busy being president of the Come Join Our Cult Committee. Go, little bird.”
You flip him a bird that’s not little, walking over to Ellie.
“I assume you heard that,” you say, and she nods.
“I wasn’t glaring,” Ellie replies. “Just have resting bitch face.”
“Then why were you staring, Phimister?” You ask.
“Because, I think the way you two spar is interesting. It’s… Fluid.”
“I get what you mean. That’s what he wants. Get caught up in the pattern, and he’ll trip you up by going outside of it. But at this point, I anticipate that too,” you tell her.
“That’s impressive,” Ellie admits, because it is. Wade Wilson is a world class mercenary and you’re nearly on par with him? There’s no way she can spin that into an insult.
“Seriously? You never-” You look almost happy at what Ellie said, but then your expression falls. “Right, Yukio probably put you up to this. Whatever, we should probably get to it, then. What’re you looking to do today?”
“We could spar, too. My powers aren’t exactly low-range.”
“Show-off,” you remark. “Well then, let’s get to it.” The two of you get on some gear better suited to hand-to-hand sparring before going at it.
It’s a few minutes of back and forth, with you mostly dominating. She can hear Nathan and Wade’s pestering in the background before suddenly-
“Ellie, look out!” Your head cuts to the side and you shove her away before absorbing a shot from Nathan’s gun. You’re knocked down, and Ellie gasps like she was the one that was shot.
“Y/N!” Ellie cries out, rushing over to you. “What’s going on, what do I do? Why did you do that?!” Ellie’s not a very anxious person, but she can feel herself begin to panic. “Oh my god, oh my god, why did you do that?!” She tears up, realizing that there’s a very low chance you’ll survive.
“Ah, fuck, what are you freaking out about?” You groan. Nathan and Wade jog over.
“You- You’re going to die! You just fucking saved my life and you’re going to die!”
“I’m- I’m sorry, kid,” Nathan says, also kneeling beside you. “Should’ve held tighter to the gun, but that prick jostled it outta my hands.”
You can’t help it. You crack up. Wade does, too.
“You should see the look on your faces. Jeez, El, I didn’t know you cared so much,” you manage to get out before more laughter erupts. You feel the internal damage slowly repair itself, the tissues of ruptured organs reattaching. “Fuck, stop crying, I can’t laugh anymore, it hurts.”
“This- This isn’t funny. I know I’ve said some mean things before, but-“
You laugh even harder, cutting her off. Eventually, you look at your torn gym clothes and realize that despite the (already fading into a scar) burn, you’re ready to get up. The damaged organs will continue to heal themselves.
You reach up for Wade’s hand, and despite his laughter continuing, he manages to take it and support you.
“Oh, fuck, that hurt. Whew! Asshole.” You give Wade a punch to the arm.
“I- I don’t understand, you- You have a healing factor, you bitch!” Ellie realizes, wiping her face. “You scared the shit out of me!”
“I don’t know what for, it’s not like you care for me very much,” you tell her. “Just consider it revenge for all the horror movies you make Yukio watch.”
“But you saved my life. I mean, you still did.” Do you think she wants you dead? Ellie can’t help but feel bad for the way she’s acted towards you, even if it was only a little more hostile than she is towards other people.
“And? Mine isn’t exactly going away anytime soon.” The scar on your midriff fades, leaving smooth skin exposed that Ellie’s eyes are drawn to before they flick up at you. “So does this mean we have a truce or something, now?”
“No shit, Sherlock,” she responds.
This might be what changes things.
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ficdirectory · 6 years
The Crossing: Deleted Scene: Williams Family Chat Re: Accommodations
Deleted Scene: Williams Family Chat Re: Accommodations
When Dominique gets back from Avoidance, she bides her time, anxious to connect with her parents about what everyone said they needed.  One of the best things about having Avoidance - to her way of thinking anyway - was that she didn’t have to worry about not having what she needed while she was there.
More than anything, Dominique wants her house to function the same.
It feels like it takes hours for both Mom and Dad to sign into the Williams Family Chat, but when they do, she’s ready.  Roberta’s in her lap, reading along:
Dominique: Hey.  Do you guys have time to talk re: my bday and some other stuff?
Michael: Babe, we always have time for you.
Jaimie: Sure.  What’s up?
Dominique: Well, I just talked to Jesus, Mariana and Francesca about my bday and dinner and stuff.
Jaimie: How was it?
Dominique: Good.  We talked about what we each needed.  And I wondered if I could run some of the stuff they might need by you, so they can feel comfortable.
Michael: Yes.  We want them (and you) to feel comfortable.  Go for it.
Dominique: Mom?
Jaimie: Yes, babe, I want your friends to be comfortable, too.  I’d love to know what we can do.
Dominique: Well, Mariana and Francesca will need a hand up the steps.  I can help one, but probably not both. Jesus might be able to help whoever I don’t but I just don’t want anybody stranded alone outside, if we can help it.
Michael: Right.  We don’t want that either.  We’ll keep an eye out.
Jaimie: What else?
Dominique: Well, Mariana asked about someplace quiet she could go if the noise started to bother her, so I offered my room.  Just making sure we can all keep it lowkey so she doesn’t feel bad for ducking out.
Michael: No weirdness.  Promise.
Jaimie: Um, he can’t promise NO weirdness.  He is your dad ;)
Dominique: No weirdness with Mari though?  Please?
Jaimie: No, Dom, we won’t. I was just playing.  What else?
Dominique: Well, kinda similar for Jesus.  He has a thing about wrapping paper, and so he might need to step out while I open stuff.  I offered to open before they get here and he said that’s fine.
Jaimie: But he’ll wanna see you open your presents, won’t he?  That’s part of the fun.  What about gift bags?  I can do your presents up in those.  Can you ask if he’d be good with that?
Dominique smiles.  Leave it to her mom to think of something like this, instead of Jesus just removing himself from the situation.  She opens a new text and sends:
My mom is wondering - do you have a thing about gift bags?  She’s saying she can put my gifts in those instead of wrapping paper so you can stay.
Jesus texts back in seconds:
Tell her THANK YOU.  That would work. :D
Back in Family Chat, Dominique starts typing again:
He says gift bags are a go. And thank you.  But he’s also not big on clutter.  I don’t think we’re bad at keeping things picked up just something to be aware of with presents maybe.  ...Am I talking too much?  Is Dad mad?
Michael: Dad is taking notes so he can make sure your friends are taken care of while they’re here.
He sends a picture of a notepad, covered in his own shorthand.  It’s impossible to read, but Dominique knows he will know what everything says.
Jaimie: Nope, he’s not mad.  He’s faster at writing than me, so he’s taking the notes.
Mom also sends a picture of Dad intensely focused on the computer screen, pen in his hand, notebook on the desk.  They know Dominique needs evidence from all sides that things are okay so she can feel safe continuing.  She kinda loves that about them - that they do it without her needing to ask, and without making her feel crappy.
Jaimie: You okay?  Feel up to continuing?
Dominique: I guess.  Is it still okay?
This time, they send a pic of them cheesing and giving thumbs ups.  It’s ridiculous and just the thing Dominique needs to let her know they’re fine with her letting them know more.
Dominique: So, I know y’all wouldn’t do this but Mariana mentioned it.  If she’s having trouble looking for a word or something, don’t tease her for it, even lightly, or to lighten the mood.  Let her know we have time.  Sometimes asking yes or no questions helps.  Sometimes she wants help getting the word she’s looking for, but the biggest thing is to take the pressure off her.
Jaimie: Got it.
Michael: We can do that.  Supportive.  No jokes.
Dominique: And when we’re talking, she finds it easiest to listen if we go one at a time.  Try to minimize the crosstalk.  We’re pretty good about that, I think.  But maybe just something to keep in mind.  I think I’m almost done, but Jesus and pictures.  If you guys wanna take a pic with him in it, he can’t have it done on the DL.  Be explicit about it.  Ask him if it’s okay to get together for a picture.  Then answer his questions if he has them.  (Sorry, was that too much?  Too bossy?)
Jaimie: You’re advocating for your friends.  It’s never too much.
Dominique: Also, Mom, it’s possible Francesca might wanna bring something up with you in private.  But she’s pretty nervous about it, so if you could stay lowkey about it…
Jaimie: OK when am I not lowkey…. ;)
Michael: Babe.  Come on.  Seriously?  I’m the lowkey one. ;)
Dominique: Stop playing.  Please?  This is serious.  (Dominique’s heart hurts at how serious.)
Jaimie: Dom, if Francesca needs to talk to me.  She is more than welcome to.  About anything.  I’ll be calm with her.  You don’t have to worry.
Dominique: Okay.
Michael: Do YOU need anything specific for tonight?
Dominique: No candles?
Michael: Check.
Dominique: Lemon cake?
Michael: Check.
Dominique: Spaghetti?
Michael: Check.
Dominique: You?
Jaimie: Babe, you will always have us.
Michael: Always.
That night, Dominique lies awake a long time.  She can’t sleep, but for once, it’s not trauma.  Or not the usual trauma.  This time, she’s busy exploding absolutely everything in her mind.  Convincing herself none of it will actually happen or work out - so that in case it doesn’t - she’ll be ready.
It’s a thing she does because so much of her life - for so long - has been the worst case scenario.  It’s not some distant possibility or what if.  To Dominique the worst case is a sure thing.  And that’s terrifying.  The only thing that makes it worse is when it catches her unaware.  Hence, the obsessing.
It veers into intense pretty quick and she ends up needing Mom to talk her down at 11 PM.  (Mom’s proven time and time again that she doesn’t mind a late night phone call.  That she always wants to hear from Dominique, no matter the time.)  She’s sure Mom hasn’t expected it to happen quite this often, but still, she’s glad to have here there.
“Seriously,” she says.  “It was too much to ask of you and Dad.  Just don’t worry about any of it.”
“Won’t your friends be disappointed if we cancel so soon before the party?  Won’t you be?” Mom presses.
“They probably can’t come anyway…” Dominique ventures.
“Then why did I just get a Facebook message from Mariana thanking me and saying how excited they all are to come tomorrow?”
“You did?” Dominique asks in a small voice.
“I did.  A few hours ago.  It’s happening, babe.  Lean into the joy.  Let yourself feel it.  Okay?  Can you do that?  ‘Cause I get it.  I do.  You haven’t had friends over to a birthday party for a long time.  Not since...”
“Not since,” Dominique echoes.
“But that doesn’t mean things are gonna fall apart.  We got you.  This time?  We all got you,” Mom says, soft but confident.
“You sure?” Dominique checks.
She listens as Mom draws a breath and then says:  “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.  Get some rest.  And tomorrow?  You’re gonna have a fun day with your friends.”
“And after?”
“And after, it’s a Choose Your Own Adventure, babe.  Whatever you wanna do.  Wherever you wanna go.  You have people now.  And we have you.”
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kuraiamore · 7 years
Zura 2017 bday fic, plum rain
pairing: Gen (though can be GinZura if you feel like it)
fandom: Gintama
rating: G
summary: Happy birthday, Zura!
I know, I know, I’m late, but this ended up so much longer than I expected (I mean, all my fics end up like that, but still...), and I’m a very easily distracted creature >.< In any case, it’s done now, so I hope you enjoy!<3
AO3 or read below
Another day of nothing but dreary summer rain, the overcast skies so heavy with water Gintoki thinks he should start stepping outside for his morning showers and save on the water bill—except going outside would mean standing around in the muggy weather and having to deal with the outside humidity making the air dense and sticky against his skin.
Yeah, better to just keep lounging around on his desk chair and wait for the rainy season to pass.
After all, if snivelling kids and high school brats get a summer holiday, why can’t he? He is most definitely still a kid at heart; his hoarded pile of Shounen Jump could attest to that, which reminds him…
He swivels around on his chair and checks the calendar hanging by the window.
Yep, Monday; the latest issue of his most beloved magazine should be out by now, waiting for him on the cheap wooden shelves of convenience stores and train station kiosks.
His fingers twitch, the phantom sensation of rough paper and waxy front and back covers sliding across his pads. He glances out the window; the downpour hasn’t relented at all, torrents of rain falling lazy and fat over Edo and sending the slightly rotten petrichor of the city wafting up into the Yorozuya office.
“Ne, Kagura,” he singsongs, swinging his chair back around to look across the room at the young Yato seated on the floor between coffee table and couch, a pen in hand and doodling absentmindedly on a letter she's been composing to Umibouzu for the past hour, more paper and pens in varying colours scattered about the table.
“What is it, Gin-chan?” she asks, mild and sweet as the summer rain singing around them. The faraway quality to her voice that always appears on slow, rainy days dips her words with a soft wistfulness she’s probably not even aware of. Gintoki drums his fingers against the desk and waits for the butt of the pen to stop moving and bright blue eyes to turn in his direction.
“You hungry?” He does his best to keep his voice cool and nonchalant, but long experience living with him immediately makes Kagura narrow her eyes and cock her head to the side.
“And if I said I was?”
“What’s with that suspicious look, huh? Here I am, your gracious and generous guardian, simply wanting to offer you the chance to head down to the convenience store with money earned from my blood and sweat so that you can buy yourself a snack.”
Her eyes narrow even further, as if she’s squinting at something particularly loathsome.
“And pick up the latest copy of Jump for me while you’re there,”  he finally relents.
“What a scummy adult you are, Gin-chan,” Kagura says, somehow managing to look down on him even though she’s the one sitting on the floor, “trying to trick young girls into going out into the rain for a stupid stack of papers no decent person over the age of fifteen would be caught dead with. What if I caught a cold and got sick, huh? What kind of guardian would you be then, huh? Would you feed me lots of rice and pickled seaweed and wait on me hand and foot until I got better, aa?” She pauses, her eyes widening to what would be a guileless stare if it wasn’t for the sly gleam sneaking through. “Actually, yes, give me some money, Gin-chan, I think I’ll head down to the shops after all.”
As Kagura stretches out her free hand towards him, palm up, he kicks out with his foot and spins around to face the window again.
“Ahh, look at all that rain out there!” He gesticulates wildly up at the grey-white sky. “Guess you better stay indoors after all, Kagura! Wouldn’t want you getting sick now, would we?”
“You should go out, Gin-chan; idiots can’t catch colds, so you’ll be fine.”
Gintoki only grunts in reply, leaning back heavily in his chair and staring drearily out the window. His only solace is the thought that no one with a respectable job is likely out in the downpour, and surely no working man or woman has time for the ¥300 childish mindlessness of Shounen Jump. There’ll most definitely be a copy waiting for him tomorrow, and with the month almost at its end, the rainy season should be over any day now.
He settles more comfortably into the desk chair, content to listen to the rain wash over the city and let the day pass by in quiet banality.
He zones out to the tinkling of water droplets falling on metallic roofs, the rush of the water gurgling and trickling through the empty streets below, and almost misses the knock at the door, only just managing to discern the rhythmic tap-tap-tap pounding beneath the pitter-patter.
“Gin-chan, door,” Kagura says helpfully.
“What the hell,” he mutters to himself, peeling himself from fake leather and moving sluggishly down the hallway to the front of the apartment. “Who in their right mind would be outside in this crappy weather?”
He pulls open the sliding panel and his entire version goes white, a blast of heated air flying into his face. At first he thinks he’s gone and fainted for no apparent reason, but then he blinks several times in rapid succession and takes a step back to see Elizabeth standing in the doorway, the wide outline of his body almost blurring into the white-grey of the sky. In one flipper, the ever-creepy alien duck holds a slim but wide black case by two strappy handles; in the other, his trademark signpost, words sketched out in big, black strokes.
A folded umbrella, leaning against the wooden rail, slowly drips a tiny lake onto their porch.
“Don’t get any water into the house,” Gintoki says, moving back to let their visitor in.
Before he can turn to lead the way back into the main room, Elizabeth holds out the case and looks at him expectantly.
Gintoki pulls a face, suspicion in every line, then sighs and takes hold of the straps, hoping that whatever Joui madness he had just resigned himself to wouldn’t take up more than a few hours, and especially wouldn’t involve any running, fighting or general physical activity to be done outside.
A squelching sound pulls him out of his thoughts; he watches in a mix of disbelief and horror as Elizabeth pulls off his duck feet, careful not to touch the wet soles, and lines them up neatly in the genkan. He suppresses the urge to shudder when he catches sight of a pair of feet and ankles peeking out from under the sheet of white, desperately not thinking about what exactly is living under the sheet.
Instead, he carries the case into the living room-cum-office and sets it down on the coffee table above Kagura’s scattered writing equipment. Face up, it takes up almost a third of the whole table.
“Ah? What’s this, Gin-chan?” Kagura stops in the middle of drawing looping curls of silver on a stick figure standing beside two other stick figures, one with two balls of orange and the other with a pair of glasses, and looks up. “Oh, Eli! What are you doing here?”
Gintoki plonks himself on the couch near Kagura as Elizabeth seats himself on the opposite side of the table. The Yorozuya-minus-one both watch curiously as Elizabeth opens up the case and pulls out a card almost as large as the case itself, turning it over for them to read the words emblazoned on the front in shining gold.
In the background, various shades of dark blue blur together in a watercolour sea that make the words appear to glow. More gold swirls and dustings of gold glitter artfully flow across the expanse of blue, fireworks over an ocean.
Kagura lets out a gasp, “Eli, this is so pretty! Gin-chan, why didn’t you tell me it’s Zura’s birthday?”
Gintoki opens his mouth to protest, because how is he meant to remember the wighead’s birthday, he barely even remembers his own most years, but at that moment, Elizabeth unfolds the card with a flourish and the words vanish from his tongue as his eyes roam across the page. A chaotic jumble of scribbled messages fill up the almost entire space, handwriting in every degree of elegance and messiness spilling in every direction. Blue, black, green, red, purple, and bizarrely, neon pink ink clash together, words edging against each other as their writers vied for room to compose their birthday messages. The only real spot of white left is a small, rhombic patch near the upper left corner.
Near it, Gintoki reads a long, winding message in familiar handwriting.
‘Happy Birthday, Katsura-san! I know that we haven’t know each other for that long, but I feel really happy and grateful to have met you, both as a man and as a samurai. You have taught me a lot over the years, even if it’s only what NOT to do. Thank you for supporting me, and the Yorozuya, whenever we’ve needed it; we’ll always be here to support you too! I hope you have a really great birthday, filled with lots of laughter and smiles! —Your friend, Shimura Shinpachi’
“Look, Kagura.” He points out the message. “Patsuan’s already written a message for us.”
“What are you talking about Gin-chan?” Kagura picks up an orange pen, the one she must have used to draw her hair buns. “Shin-chan wrote such a boring message; we need to write something fun! It’s Zura’s birthday!”
Nodding to herself, Kagura writes a bold ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZURA!!!!’, followed by drawings of a round cake bearing a single candle, a wonky box topped with an extravagantly big bow, and a party popper. The whole thing takes up half the remaining white space, cutting orange lines into the words of the surrounding messages. Gintoki’s eye twitches.
“Oi, leave some space for me.”
“Yeah, yeah, I got it. Now shh, let an artist work.”
Resisting the urge to grumble, Gintoki sits back, catching sight of Elizabeth watching Kagura draw. If Gintoki has to guess, he would say that the alien duck is smiling, though it’s hard to tell with the duck bill.
Several minutes later, Kagura jumps up with an excited shout.
‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZURA!!!! Let’s do K-BBQ for your birthday next year!!’
Floating all around the message are balloons and stars in every colour she owns—she had even taken the time to squeeze them into the tiny spaces between other people’s messages, filling the card up completely with colour.
Gintoki doesn’t have room to write even the tiniest ‘hapiba’ that wouldn’t be an illegible series of dots.
Ignoring the strangely hollow feeling in his stomach, he turns to Kagura’s grinning face.
“Looks good,” he admits.
Kagura beams, carefully folding up the card and putting it back in the portfolio case for Elizabeth. Over her head, the alien duck tilts his head in question towards Gintoki; Gintoki stealthily waves a hand in response, shrugging lightly. Understanding, Elizabeth accepts the proffered case from Kagura, bowing to both to them, and starts making his way towards the door.
With Kagura seeing the Joui rebel out, Gintoki wanders back to his desk chair, settling himself to face the window once more. Behind him, the sound of footsteps as Kagura comes back, then the scratching of pen against paper. If Gintoki wanted to, he could pretend that Elizabeth’s short visit had never happened.
His eyes keep drifting to the calendar, circling around the date.
June 26th
Zura’s birthday...
His eyes drift shut, the sound of the rain soothing his ears—
—they had spent a night huddled in an alleyway once, their only shelter from the rain a protruding roof, because the men had found out their General Commander’s birthday and that had evidently been enough cause for the entire army to get drunk—
—Sakamoto had bought a bottle of saké for Zura’s birthday once; it was the first time Zura had ever drank a full bottle all to himself, trying to blame the beautiful red flush of his face on the summer heat—
—once, before—
—back when things had been simple, he and Takasugi had found a hidden pool at the foot of a mountain, in the forests on the far outskirts of the village, and spent the days of the long summer week leading up to Zura’s birthday stealing away to deposit bits of hard candy wrapped in pink paper, packets of nuts and red bean mochi, and the occasional bit of fruit into a box they stashed in the upper branches of a nearby tree, the lid carefully tied down against any curious beaks or paws, until the moment when they could bring Zura up to their secret spot and watch his face light up with pure delight; they had spent the whole day swimming and lounging and laughing, sugar tingling on their tongues—
—one night, the three of them huddled in their futons, Zura had confessed that his grandmother had always bought him plums as a treat for his birthday; the next morning, ignoring the dew still clinging to the grass, he and Takasugi got down onto their hands and knees and let Zura climb onto their backs to pick the ripe red fruits hanging down from lush green branches, the smell of earth and rain and plum all around them.
Gintoki opens his eyes; outside, the rain falls.
“Oi, Kagura, I’m heading out.”
“Huh? Whatcha doing out for, Gin-chan?”
“…Shounen Jump.”
“Oh, hmm. Okay then!”
“Yeah, be back in a bit.”
He slips his wallet into his pocket, pulls on his boots, grabs an umbrella, and is out the door in less than a minute, opening up the umbrella as he heads down the stairs and onto the street. It’s a quick fifteen minute walk to the nearest grocer, water splashing under his boots the whole way. The old lady watching the store gives him a kind smile as he starts picking out the juiciest-looking plums from the stand. It makes him want to protest, and tell her it’s not what it looks like, except what does that even mean, he’s just a regular guy picking out regular plums from a regular fruit store, it’s not like they’re meant for anyone, urgh, okay, he’s just going to pay for the plums and leave.
The old lady smiles at him as he walks out, plastic bag full of plums in hand.
He’s halfway down the street when he realises he doesn’t know where he’s going, that he’s never gone searching for the Joui rebel of his own accord, has no idea where he should even start looking.
(Kagura would know; in between the itinerary she keeps of her father’s travels and the timetable of Shinpachi’s kendo classes at the Koudoukan, she saves the slip of paper holding the location of the latest Joui meeting spot, slipped under their door every month.)
The longer he stands there, the worst the rain seems to feel as it slogs and hammers over his umbrella. The air is oppressive, the collar of his shirt sticking uncomfortably to his neck, his hair all frizzled and bristly in the humidity. Frustration gnaws at his chest, and he’s about ready to chuck the damn plums into the bin just to make himself feel better when a familiar low tenor calls out his name.
Looking up, Gintoki sees the man he had been just about to give up looking for standing a few paces in front of him, a large white-and-yellow patterned umbrella shielding him from the downpour around them. He’s forgone his haori, dressed simply in only his usual blue kimono. His hair is pulled up in a high ponytail, only his fringe and a few loose strands of black framing his face.
Somehow, he looks incredibly young, even though he’s aged another year.
Gintoki licks his lips.
“Oi Zura, the hell you doing out here in this rain?” he asks, completely naturally, walking forward to close the few steps between them.
“I’m not Zura, I’m Katsura,” Zura says on autopilot, then makes a contemplative hum, the sound almost drowned out under the rain. “I tried call a Joui meeting today to discuss our future plans, but everybody said they were busy and that I should take the day off. Even Elizabeth left me this morning!” He sighs dramatically, shaking his head. Gintoki watches his tail of hair swish behind his neck with the movement, somehow still looking soft and silky even with the heat in the air. “Honestly, just how do they think we’ll bring change to the country if we’re not constantly striving towards a new dawn, a new tomorrow? Days shouldn’t be wasted so frivolously like that, it’s unbecoming of a samurai.”
“Japan will still be here in a day,” Gintoki says, his voice gentle despite himself.
Zura shoots him an odd look, eyes searching, and Gintoki glances away, his grip on both bag and umbrella tightening.
He’s relieved when Zura lets the comment go unremarked, instead asking, “so what are you doing out here?”
His whole body relaxes, and he holds up the bag and lets it swing in Zura’s face.
“Grocery shopping. Apartment’s out of food and plums are in season. You want one?”
He supposes he can’t blame Zura for the baffled expression that crosses the man’s face, though it smoothes out a second later as a soft smile lights up.
“Yes, that would be nice,” he says.
If he tries hard enough, Gintoki can pretend that the rapid beating of his heart is no more than the pounding of the water falling around them. He coughs lightly into the back of his hand, the plastic bag rustling with the movement.
“Let’s get out of the rain,” he mutters, averting his eyes from Zura’s gaze and making a show of looking up at the sky, even though the only thing he can see is the red of his own umbrella.
He makes no effort to lead.
“…I have a place we can go,” Zura finally offers, turning on his heel.
Gintoki hums in acknowledgement, following after the rebel; they walk in a sort of meandering stroll, the rain and emptiness of the streets beckoning Gintoki to a dreamlike haze. When they finally reach their destination, a small traditional townhouse off a main road, the only thing Gintoki can clearly remember from their walk is the sound of the rain, the weight of the plums in his hand, and Zura.
Leaving their umbrellas and shoes at the entrance, they pad through to the main room at rear of the house, where Zura slides the shoji screen open to reveal a garden grown wild, leaves and branches tangled and groping over sand and stone. Gintoki plonks down on the tatami mats, handing over the bag when Zura gestures for them. The rebel walks off and comes back a minute later carrying a bowl filled with several pieces of the reddish fruit, water droplets glistening on their skin.
Zura sits down cross-legged and sets the bowl between them. They grab a plum each; the plum juice is cool and sweet on Gintoki’s tongue.
The rain outside eases as they eat, a soft breeze drifting through the falling droplets to cool the damp heat clinging to their skin.
Gintoki waits until he hears Zura bite into his second plum before breaking the silence.
“Hey Zura.”
“Happy birthday.”
A ragged hacking noise.
“O-Oi, you okay?!”
Not knowing what else to do, Gintoki thumps frantically on Zura’s back with his clean hand, trying to catch the other samurai’s face through the fall of his fringe and the hand raised to his face, plum clutched in his fingers.
The choking sounds taper away into little hics, but Zura’s shoulders are still hunched over and shaking, still hiding his face behind hair, hand and plum. It takes Gintoki a few long seconds to realise the wighead bastard is laughing.
Immediately Gintoki’s whole face heats up, and he slaps Zura’s back again out of embarrassment and slight vindictiveness.
“Ah, sorry, Gintoki,” Zura says when the giggles finally subside completely and he can look up properly, letting his hand drop, “I wasn’t expecting that.” His eyes flash suddenly to the left, head tilting slightly with the movement. “Ah, but that could explain… Gintoki, wait here.”
Bemused, Gintoki waits as Zura stands up again, finishing his plum is quick bites and throwing the seed into the garden, and scurries off. He returns carrying a giant saké bottle as tall as his torso, and a round lacquered box painted with pink and white blossoms set against a crimson background.  He sets them down next to the bowl of plums, opening the lid of the box to reveal candy wrapped in petal pink.
The scents of alcohol and mountain forest mingle in Gintoki’s memory.
“Elizabeth gave them to me, said they arrived this morning,” Zura says, a note of something bittersweet laced through his voice, “after the men told me to take the day off. I didn’t even think… Did you plan this?”
Gintoki looks at him, perplexed. “What?”
“Did you plan this?” Zura says again, as if Gintoki hadn’t heard instead being merely confused. He leans forward, earnestness taking over the timbre of his voice. “Elizabeth messaged me and told me to go to the convenience store in Kabuki District. I thought I was going to meet him, but then I ran into you.” His eyes shine.
Beyond the shoji doors, the rain recedes to a lull, the only noise vibrating through the air to their ears the slow chime of raindrops dripping off leaves and splattering to the ground.
Gintoki splutters, his brain running to make sense of Zura’s said, tripping over the words and untenably distracted by the intense way Zura is looking at him, the dark fall of his hair bringing out the gold of his eyes.
“I didn’t—it wasn’t planned—I didn’t even know—wait, that thing knows how to message? Since when did you even carry around a phone, Zura?”
“Don’t be ridiculous, Gintoki. Elizabeth doesn’t know how to message; he writes on his sign, takes a picture of it, and sends that to me.” He says this so matter-of-factly, the veins at Gintoki’s temples pop slightly with annoyance. “And of course I carry a phone. How else would I keep in contact with all the Joui members? Gintoki, you’re the only one who doesn’t carry a phone, you know.”
“Shut up, the Yorozuya doesn’t need a phone, we have plenty of loyal clientele. What’s the point of carrying around a phone, huh? It’s just useless weight. Besides, Kagura—”
Gintoki stops short, his brain jumping through loops as he remembers how docilely Kagura had let him go, no questions or snide remarks or demands for her favourite snacks from the convenience store. How well connected the young alien is in their rough’n’tumble town, her journal full of locations and names and numbers.
Gintoki groans, wiping a hand over his face. “Meddlesome brat.”
“Nothing,” Gintoki says loudly, making a note to buy Kagura some dango on the way home.
Zura smiles knowingly; Gintoki picks up a pink wrapper and throws it at his face. Zura laughs as it bounces off his nose, catching it in his hand before freeing the bit of crystallised sugar and popping it in his mouth. He picks up another piece and offers it to the man beside him.
Gintoki rolls the bit of candy around his tongue; as it melts into syrup in his mouth, sweet as Zura’s smile, sunlight breaks through the clouds and stretches across their laps. The whole garden gleams, light glinting silver off still-hanging raindrops.
The air, he thinks, rolling another piece of purple-red fruit to his old friend, smells of rain and earth and plum.
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faunaspirit · 8 years
VOLTRON AU High School
This is my first time writing a fan fiction, but I felt pretty inspired after seeing @chiouart post some pretty Voltron art of the Paladins as high schoolers. I hope you like it, I might write more!
Shiro - Senior; 18(early bday) Allura - Senior; 17 (moved up a grade) Keith - Junior; 16 Lance - Junior; 16 Hunk - Junior; 16 Pidge - Junior; 14 (moved up 2 grades could’ve been 3 but she liked her lame ass friends) Coran - Graduated; 20 (is the super chill older kid who works part time by the high school)
-It’s finals week and top Paladins of Altea High are currently relaxing at their usual spot in Sals Diner; Coran just started his shift so they’re all eager to annoy him as they study for upcoming exams-
Lance: I’m totally flunking out in Altean Lit guys, I don’t even how I’m supposed to pass the dumb test. Pidge: *mildly annoyed* You could try studying like the rest of us Lance.. Hunk: Lance have you even read the book? Lance: Wait, what there’s a book!? Keith: *deep sigh* What did you even think the test was on? Pidge: If he didn’t spend all class staring at the back of Nymas head maybe he wouldn’t be struggling. I swear I don’t even know how you’re in the advanced class! Lance: *blushing* I don’t spend all class staring at Nymas head! She just happens to sit in front of me.. Keith: *rolling his eyes* Ok so who’s got the better grade in Altean Lit because I’m in the Galra Lit class.. Pidge: *mildly defeated*Hunks pretty good at Altean but we should wait for Allura considering she has the top grades in the whole school. Hunk: Don’t worry about it Pidge, that’ll definitely be you next year. *Coran walks to the young Paladins table* Coran: What’ll it be today guys? Pidge: Vanilla Shake. Hunk: Chocolate Sundae, and a side of large fries. Lance: Blueberry Lemonade. Keith: Strawberry Shake. Coran: Alrighty, you know you could have said the usual considering you get the same thing every time. Pidge: Goodpoint. *the rest of them nod in realization* Coran: So where is Allura and Shiro? Lance and Keith: *annoyed inflections* Senior duties.. Pidge: *chuckling at the word duty* I know Allura was helping the yearbook club finalize designs for the cover. Hunk: Yeah, and Shiro stayed after football practice to go over next games plays with coach Ulaz. Coran: Ah, I see. Well they shouldn’t be long now, I’m gonna put in your order. *Coran walks away and as he does the doors to Diner doors open to reveal Allura and Shiro entering, they approach the table* Allura: How’s the studying coming along? Lance: *pushing Keith* Saved you a seat Princess ! Allura: Lance how many times have I told you Allura is just fine, we are friends aren’t we? Lance: *slightly defeated by the word Friend* *Shiro takes a seat next to Keith and Allura sits next to Pidge* Shiro: *he takes in a deep sigh but still smiles* *Everyone looks over to him a slight look of concern* Keith: Is something wrong Shiro? Shiro: *slight pause* This is Allura and I’s last year at Altea High.. Allura: *smiles gently in his direction* Shiro: We’ve achieved so much already but there’s a lot left unknown, *to the group* I want you guys to keep putting your all into your time here, one day we’ll all be attending Voltron University and maybe even someday form Voltron ourselves. I’m so proud of you guys.. Pidge: Lance is flunking Altean Lit. Lance: Shut up Pidge, I’m not completely flunking ! Shiro: Well I’m no Altean scholar but what parts of the book are you struggling with? Keith: *mildly amused* He hasn’t even read the book.. Shiro and Allura: Lance! Hunk: *chuckling*I’m pretty sure if there’s a question where you need to draw the back of Nymas head he’ll pass. Pidge and Keith: Nice one. Shiro: *looking at Allura* You got this? Allura: *looking towards a puppy faced Lance* I guess… Lance take out the book I’m gonna go over it with you, *Coran interrupts with food* Coran: *smiling* Looks like you’re all here now, Shakes for Pidge and Keith, Sundae and Fries for Hunk, Lemonade for Lance, strawberry Jello for Allura, and tall iced green tea for Shiro. Allura: Awe thank you Coran for remembering. Shiro: Thanks Coran you can put it on my card today. Allura: You’re too kind Shiro, Coran just put it on my tab. Shiro: Allura you always treat us, now it’s my turn. Allura: It’s really no trouble Shiro, you work hard for your money it’s really no trouble to treat my friends. *the young paladins watch the two go back and forth* Keith: We’re all super broke but it shouldn’t be all on one person I’m sure we can all cover what we ordered individually. *Shiro and Allura glare at Keith before they continue on who will pay the bill* Pidge: How about you split it ? Allura and Shiro: Sounds good to me. Keith: *still feeling wounded from glares he received a moment ago* Shiro: I’ll cover Hunk and Keith as a treat from their captain. Allura: I’ll take Pidge and Lance as a treat from the robotics club president. Coran: Alright then, I’ll leave you guys to your studying. Have fun guys. *Coran walks away and the paladins begin there studies* Hunk: Here Allura maybe my notes will help you with Lance. Allura: Thank you Hunk, ok Lance time to focus. When’s your test? Pidge: Tomorrow. Up to Chapter 12. Allura: Tomorrow?! Lance how could you leave this to the last minute. Lance: *feeling guilty* Well I mean I had two swimming competitions and then all the practice and then Hunk and I had to finish the preliminary designs for Engineering. Allura: Ugh fine Lance let’s go through these notes. Pidge: Hunk you needed help with History right? Hunk: Yeah, I had food poisoning when my class went over the lesson on Zarkon. Keith: Oh Pidge and I are in advanced the advanced history class. Maybe our notes will help boost your grade. Pidge: You should probably look through my notes, Keith’s is mostly bad pictures. Keith: *embarrassed* They help me remember, it’s not like I’m bad at the class. Pidge: That’s true Keith got a better score than me on our last test. Shiro: Woah nice job Keith, I’m proud of you! Keith: *uncontrollable smiling* I mean it’s like you said Shiro “Patience yields focus”. Shiro: I’m glad you remembered that, *Leans forward to look at Lance* maybe it could help some others with their studies. Lance: I’m trying really, aren’t I doing well so far Allura. Allura: He’s not as absent minded as I thought, he should be ready for his test tomorrow by the time we finish going over chapter 12. Shiro: That’s good, as long as we work together there’s no reason any of us should fall behind. *The Paladins continue their studies until the sun had already set* Shiro: I’m thinking we should call it a night, anyone need a ride home? Pidge: My moms dropping off Lance and Hunk. *Pidges phone rings* Pidge: Oh that’s her, cmon guys. *Hunk, Lance and Pidge all step from their booth seats* Hunk: Later guys, see you tomorrow. Lance: See ya tomorrow oh and Allura thanks for the help I’m totally gonna beat Pidge and Hunks scores tomorrow. *Everyone laughs as Lance makes his annoyed exit, Pidge and Hunk Exit behind him* Shiro: Allura do you have a ride? *Coran interrupting* Coran: I actually just finished up, so I’ll take her home. Allura: Thanks Coran, *she winks* maybe next time Shiro. Shiro: *lets out an embarrassed chuckle* C'mon Keith I’ll drop you off, you’re on my way home anyway. Keith: Oh, sure. I actually my bike with me, do you think I can fit in the back? Shiro: Yeah no problem. *Coran, Allura, Shiro, and Keith all exit Sals together making their way to different cars* Allura: *she shouts from the other side of the small parking lot*See you tomorrow, goodluck on your exams! Shiro: *Smiling he waves back to her and enters his car* You got it Princess ! Keith: *waves and enters the passenger seat of Shiros Car* -The next week- *Paladins sit at a lunch table in the cafeteria together* Pidge: *smirking* So what’d you get Lance? Hunk: Yeah I want to see this cause that test was harder than I thought, I only got an 84. Pidge: I got an 89. Shiro: *he smiles proudly* Nice job you guys. Allura: Well Lance, we’re waiting.. *Lance dramatically whips out the tests from his bag* Lance: 91! I read ahead and answered the bonus question ! Woo beat that Keith! Keith: *confused* Im not even in Altean Lit.. Shiro: *shocked* Wow Lance nice job, I guess we should be expecting more from you. Lance: Wait, no way I’m not gonna study any more than I already do! Hunk: Lance you don’t really ever study. Lance: Exactly. This is all Keith’s fault. Keith: *annoyed* I’m not even in your class! -End-
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deiupvote · 4 years
Hello,I had a particularly bad today, but this whole situation has been brewing for some time.I'm here to ask for legal advice, and possibly referral to some affordable English speaking lawyer.Intro: about 2 years back, I bought an apartment in Amsterdam that came with a detached attic/storage space (apartment is on 1st floor, attic is on 4th floor). Attic is accessed through a shared hallway on 4th floor, and another neighbour has his attic in the same space (2 attics + hallway are covering the vertical of one apartment). This person, let's call him mr. A also owns the apartment directly beneath both our attic storages. What mr. A did with his attic is that he made a stairway from his apartment into his attic and uses it as a bedroom. When I moved in, he made me an offer, if I can call it that, to buy my piece of the attic, presumably in order to increase his apartment. I refused, which he didn't receive well, amongst other things he said something like "why do you need it for" to which I responded "whatever I decide" (because I didn't really expect this question, and I didn't have much clue at the time). Important for later in the story, he removed ceiling isolation in his apartment (in order to achieve some cool design vibe I guess), which I know by seeing light from his apartment when I go to my attic (there's couple of mm space between the floor and the walls at some places).In the meantime: all the interactions we ever had is me saying hello and him responding sometimes, and there was one time when I heard some noise in the hallway, and it was him lugging his old washing machine downstairs on a trolley. I went and asked him if he needs help, which he accepted, and we dragged the machine down. Besides that, zero interaction.Fast forwards 2 years later: because of this whole working from home situation, I got the idea to make my attic into an office space, because my apartment is tiny and partially because I found out that neighbours that own the attics opposite of ours did the same, and additionally, they split the hallway halfway, gaining couple of square meters. I go and ask Mr. A if he'd be up for splitting the hallway, like the neighbours did. He refused, but didn't show any signs of distress at the time. Some days passed, and one day around 20h he's at my door, ringing. I open and what I get is a salvo of threats/insults, something like this "You are not going to terrorise me. You want to live in the attic, and go with your friends there and make parties. Little guy from 1st floor and Columbians terrorise me for 5 years, you're not going to do that too, I'm not afraid of you, don't fuck with me", he also doesn't let me complete my answer or let me talk at all, just continues rambling and insulting, to which I tell him to f*** off and close the door. I first went to talk with mentioned neighbour "little guy" who told me that he had some minor altercations with Mr. A over Mr. A closing the entrance door too loudly, but nothing serious. Columbians, well, they don't exist. At this point I was thinking I'm dealing with a crazy person, so first thing in the morning I called the VVE to check my rights regarding the attic and the police to report the incident. Police told me they can't do anything if there wasn't physical violence of threats of it, and they also told me someone will call me to advise me further, which didn't happen. Next day, when I saw the neighbour pull up with his car, I opened my door and told him I reported him to VVE and police which he kinda shrugged off.Fast forwards to todays date: me and my contractor were at the attic, around 17h, doing some measurements and drawing plans, while talking fairly normally, no work was done, no particular noise. We could hear the neighbour watching his TV bellow. When we finished, we started going down on the staircase, and boom, his door opens, Mr. A is standing there, angry, yelling and blocking the path. Same story like last time, to which I again tell him to f*** off or I will call the police. Now his response was hitting me in the neck with his fist, and trying to grab me and pull me towards him. I responded with pushing him away, he staggered towards his door, and me together with him. Contractor pulled me back, and tried to ease the situation by standing between us, but Mr. A seemed ready to hit me again, so we just rushed down to my apartment and called the police.Police comes over, first 1 car, entered my apartment and heard out my story and my contractors story. They asked me what do I want to do, to which I didn't really know what to respond, since I was still in a state of shock. They told me my options is that they go and arrest him and takes us both to the police station, or that tomorrow a "mediator agent" calls us to the police station and tries to smooth things out. I chose the later option, they took my ID data and my phone number and then they went upstairs. After that another police car arrives ?? and I tell them the story again and then they go upstairs.Both police crews come back to my place and tell me that Mr. A's story is different, but that he's "not feeling well and needs to sleep it off, and will give his statement tomorrow". The police then leaves assuring me someone will call me.Problem is that I don't feel very confident anything will happen, and that I'm afraid that this crazy person may escalate things again. I'm quite capable of defending myself, but as I'm a foreign citizen currently doing the inburgering process, I'm quite wary of overstepping self-defense, because as I heard any larger fine can result in denial of citizenship on application. Also, Mr. A is a middle aged white Dutch man, and I'm a kenningsmigrant in my mid 20s, from East Europe (I don't exactly look or sound like the typical violence victim).I know this is very wide and unstructured, but I'd appreciate any advice, particularly on:How long should I wait for the police to call me, or should I call them first?Should I try going to doctor and getting some proof of injuries (I have scratches on my neck and arm where he pulled me, but very minimal ones)?What can I actually legally do against Mr. A, is some sort of restraining order possible, given that we live in the same building?Should I hire a lawyer, and if yes, could you give me an idea how that works and if it's expensive, or if it's possible to get a state assigned one?P.S.I realise that I made some mistakes, by not urging the police to take us to the station, but I'm still kinda shocked, nothing like this happened to me before, and at the moment I didn't know what to do.Also it's my bday together, the shittiest one in a while, planned some light drinks, but all I can do now is sit and think about this whole situation.TLDR:Crazy neighbour attacked me over some attic disputes, I have a witness, police came and took our data but it wasn't very clear what will happen next. What can I do from the legal standpoint? via /r/Amsterdam
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ddrkirbyisq · 5 years
This month is definitely a bit of a rush...after coming back from the Asia trip, I had but a short time to catch my breath and then it was onto the celebration of my 30th.  I had better write about that now I guess? This was quite definitely the best birthday I've ever had.  Of course, it also tends to sometimes fall around the time of the spring Ludum Dare event, so sometimes the timing is weird, but even without taking that into consideration, this was by far the best it's ever been. I wrote in 2012 that "birthdays are a reminder of how little attention people put into me and how often I can be taken for granted, as well as a reminder of the imbalances in my relationships with other people." and that sentiment was definitely an honest one at the time.  Whether these perceived imbalances were ignorantly self-inflicted or through no fault of my own is up for debate, but I definitely had not found the types of social connections that I had truly desired, and would not until the coming years (though I had at the least gotten a lot closer than before).  It was because of this (along with my own knee-jerk reactions to oppose social trends) that I originally started to deactivate my Facebook account every time my birthday rolled around -- it left me with a disgusting feeling really, that horde of people who now suddenly bothered enough to type a meaningless message to me, but only because of an automated Facebook reminder.  Realizing that that automated birthday reminder had spurred them onto more action than anything else of our relationship during the 364 other days of the year was a terrible thought.  Of course, the family celebrations didn't really help, as usually they feel like little more than rituals for their benefit and not mine (still working on that one -- but at least I have gotten them to start picking from my wishlist so I don't also leave with wholly impractical gifts). Yet somehow after 30 years I managed to get together a great group of people whom I not only cared about but who also cared about me.  It was pretty astounding when I thought about it, I really was struck by the group that surrounded me that day and I think that day may ought to really serve as a sort of marker for myself in my life.  I planned some great activities, we had a lot of fun, and I had great help as well.  From one friend helping with tea, another helping with food preparation, another helping with miscellaneous logistics, it was truly amazing to finally have gotten together such dependable people.  Just read that post from 2012 that I linked -- what a difference! Of course, we also totally rocked the Roosevelt Escape Room -- great success, and I felt quite proud of the team.  I think we had a great mix of both people who tried to think very quickly on their feet (me) and people who tried to be more methodic and careful (i.e. catching everyone else's mistakes). And with that, all those people sending me short messages, somehow didn't really feel so bad anymore. Of course, that being over, it's right into the next thing...Ludum Dare 44 is coming up this weekend!  I've been doing a bunch of prep, including updating to Unity 2019, testing some things to make sure they still work, and also setting up and testing some things for itch.io!  itch.io is sort of like the "Bandcamp of game distribution" and I've always been a fan of them and the developers that gather on their platform despite not having used them. I do plan on trying to copy over all of our existing games over to itch, but it looks like that might (???) have to wait until after the dust from LD44 settles, as most of our recent games are actually domain-locked to avoid nasty people coming and stealing them onto their own sites.  I've added a rule to allow for itch.io hosting and tested that all to make sure it works, but I still have to go about recompiling all of the old games (probably also updating them to Unity 2019, hopefully not breaking anything in the process?), and setting up each of the project pages, etc etc etc. and that is something I just don't have the time for right now.  But I am at least set up to upload our LD44 entry onto itch.  Part of the reason I wanted to set up itch.io in the first place is because I think it does great discoverability for LD games, especially since the LD site itself has never been great at that.  (Not to mention, I might want to use itch to distribute Rhythm Quest as well!) Anyways, Unity 2019 seems to be working well (the itch.io tests also gave me some chances to verify that older games are working fine after the upgrade, which is important since there were some bugs that I had been working around and the workaround are deprecated, so good to know that the root issues were also fixed), and I've updated my unity template project as well as forked it over and made the repo.  Other things I still need to do before LD44: - Draw some 100x100 pixel art for this month's "Monthlies" album.  I knew this would sneak up on me even before I left for Asia...I was going to try starting this today, but then I got sidetracked by some more of the itch.io stuff and now this blog post...ugh.  Will have to try again tomorrow.  Need to get it done before LD since the end of the month is really soon after LD ends. - Laundry! - Do a big grocery run on Friday and get lots of food and snacks :D - If I have time, there's a boatload of letters I could probably catch up on...but not sure if that will happen =X  maybe will try to at least get to one or two... - Keep recovering physically and don't get sick... Things that will NOT get done before LD44: - I have a famitracker song that I "sort of finished" on the trip to Asia but might try to flesh out (or just call it done and master it). - Have a music commission on deck (due mid-july) - Also a remix to do for an arrange album (due august) - All the itch.io stuff - Potentially hosting a GCC dance on the 18th, but leaving that up in the air based on what I feel like doing. - There won't be another full-on JaSmix event for this quarter, but I will host the usual Summer event.  I've already done an initial reachout, now I just need to pick a good date. Well, on the plus side, I'm somehow still cruising along and handling everything despite having a full-time job.  I do feel like I'm taking care of a lot of things...just keeping on chugging along like I do best.
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rkxeve · 7 years
white night ✨
[ backdated: march 14, 2017 ]
jinwook has always upheld his end of the deal in these annual valentine’s-white day festivities. he’s a romantic at heart, and not one to defy tradition either. distributing a cheap little pack of individually boxed chocolates throughout the day can go a long way in starting new conversations, reviving old friendships, and giving back to the important women in his life.
it’s not an eventful day aside from the chocolate though, and jinwook stays past schedules that night — the extra modeling classes have him falling farther behind than usual. he readily packs up when jinri pokes her head into the studio.
“hey, it’s late,” he muses. a legitimate concern, but voiced mostly for the benefit of the walls’ ears. “let’s walk together.” he stands and tosses jinri his last remaining candy, casual as anything. with a grin, jinwook flicks off the light and shuts the studio door behind them.
he unzips his backpack as they approach jinri’s building, warm from her company despite the wintry air. “i’ll see you tomorrow?” taking a step back from the entrance, jinwook produces a paper gift bag. it's tattered from being packed all day, but jinwook had been careful not to cause too much damage. he gives her a conservative smile and doesn’t say aloud what he really wants to. “…sleep well, okay?”
the bag contains only a small white teddy bear and a folded note. jinwook could have written an essay on what she means to him, and how she’s always been there for him these past few months, and how endlessly thankful he feels for that, but none of it had felt right for the occasion.
the note is brief and light-hearted, torn from his usual pocket journal. it’s written in pen, in legible handwriting, and void of misspellings - three giveaways that jinwook had drafted the words at least once in advance:
Coach ♕~~
I only kept calling you coach as a joke, but for some reason I can’t stop now. It reminds me of where we started. Makes me wonder how I managed to end up here– being a trainee, and now wishing my girlfriend a happy White Day with alllll of my heart♡ 
I know your bday is coming up anyway, but I saw this little guy at one of those pop-up stands. Too cute to ignoreㅠㅠ  You can name him after me, and give him a kiss goodnight whenever I’m not around! ( smirk emoji )
preceding the parentheses is a little scribbled-out blob that one could only assume was his attempt to draw the smiley face on paper.
Love you always.  ♡ Your starlight.
“it’s always late for us. that’s the trainee life, young padawan,” jinri jokes, catching the chocolate her boyfriend tosses her easily -- an impressive feat for her, actually. but he isn’t her boyfriend now -- right now they’re just friends, fellow trainees, a former coach and team member from last year’s season of the mgas. because while they’re within these walls, around anyone outside the smallest circle of their closest friends, they can’t be dating. it’s too much of a risk. 
so even as they leave the building and walk the familiar route to her apartment, they chat only as friends, and neither of them make any move to initiate any kind of skinship. even if it is late at night, they can’t know who’s around to see. 
when he hands her the bag at her door, she suspects she knows what it is, but she knows better than to bring anything up. it might be paranoid to be this cautious all the way up to her doorstep, but jinri thinks that it might not be possible to be too cautious in their situation.
so instead of kissing him goodnight like she wants to, she just takes the bag without comment and sends him a smile as she turns to enter the building. “yeah, see you tomorrow,” she says with a smile that she hopes is more friendly than flirty. “you too.”
once she’s upstairs in her room and away from any potentially prying eyes, she opens the bag and smiles because her suspicions were right -- it is her real white day present. she’d suspected all day that jinwook would have something else for her, since he was handing out those chocolates to all the girls around the building. ( it was still good chocolate, but jinri still gets an excited feeling in her chest at the thought of jinwook recognizing her specially, even if it is in secret. )
she grins at the sight of the teddy bear, immediately cuddling it to her chest with one arm, the soft fur of its head tickling her chin as she opens the card with her free hand. her grin only widens as she reads the note, tucking the lower half of her face into the bear’s white head as she bites her lip to try in vain to hold back the huge smile. he’s so cute, she thinks to herself. i’m so lucky to have him.
when she finishes with the note, she sets it aside and turns the bear around, holding him out in front of her and examining his face closely. “naming you jinwook would be too weird, and it’d make his ego too big,” she tells the bear, thinking of something else as she remembers the way jinwook signed the card. “your name is gonna be star.”
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