#so I would just eat ice throughout the day so I'd get my water intake without wasting cups
icedteaandoldlace · 2 years
Friends, ya girl is anemic. I got my blood tested yesterday and just got the results in today. Now I'm looking back over all the symptoms I had before, and everything is making so much sense. I just never realized that they were connected because I was chalking it up to hormones and ADHD related issues (and I did think I has anemia a few years ago, but that time I went to the doctor and tested negative). Anemia being behind it all never even occurred to me.
So anyways, I'm on iron now. And hopefully this will help me kick my ice eating habit, because it's been unreasonably difficult to quit.
#I used to eat ice all the time as a kid but I quit when I got braces because I didn't want to break them#I didn't start up again till I got my first job#because we weren't allowed to keep drinks on the counter#we just had to get as much water or tea as we were gonna drink in the moment and then put the cup in the sink when we were done#and then repeat with a new cup the next time we wanted a drink#I didn't wanna do that because we had enough of a shortage on dine-in cups as it was#(plus all the ones I sent back because they hadn't been washed properly)#and we couldn't use the to-go cups unless you wanted to pay the price of a to-go drink#so I would just eat ice throughout the day so I'd get my water intake without wasting cups#YES it's insane there's several reasons I don't work there anymore#but anyway it got me craving ice even when I wasn't at work#which was part of the reason I thought I was anemic that time but I wasn't#so when I continued the habit after moving jobs I didn't think too much of it#honestly the dizzy spells should have tipped me off#and the increased need for coffee in the mornings in order to not be a sleepy fatigued mess#and the legs falling asleep more frequently#but I thought if anything that would be a blood PRESSURE issue and every time I get that tested it's normal#so yeah I've just been out here being anemic and not knowing it#despite being aware of all these issues individually and wishing I knew what to do about it#well now I know#this is like discovering I had astigmatism all over again#once you've gotten used to seeing grass as a big green blur it is DELIGHTFUL getting to see all the many individual blades again
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