#so I went 'what oh what can I do OH HI MILAH AND BAELFIRE!!! 8D'
justmilah · 7 years
“Far From the Tree” Killian Jones/Wish Hook
(Uploaded to Vimeo because the other place was being The Butt)
Do you like Wish Hook? Do you like the deliciously painful reminder that he shares the same crappy history as SB Hook? Do you like the pain when you remember he’d had happiness and lost it not once, not twice, but four times? WELL THEN HERE’S SOME PAIN! 8D
Enjoy the pain such as: Brennan “I Traded My Kids For A Rowboat” Jones Liam “I Love My Brother Like A Son” Jones Milah Baelfire -and introducing- Alice “I Have A Crappy Egg Donor But I Know My Papa Loves Me” Jones -special guest appearance by- Robin! …or is it Robyn! Robin Jr.!
(I blame this one on @killianmesmalls because I went ‘ug I want to vid with these very specific parameters’ and she went ‘all I can think of is ‘Piece by Piece’ off the top of my head’ and I looked at the lyrics, saw Kelly Clarkson, had some reservations (because her style isn't what I would normally choose for the character), read the lyrics and listened to the song, and went ‘I can hurt people with this!’ And three days later…)
"Piece by Piece" by Kelly Clarkson Once Upon a Time Edited using Sony Vegas
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