#so I simply reclaim being weird even if ppl assume I’m cool when they meet me sometimes
heterophobicdyke · 2 months
the thing i most love about myself is that ever since a kid I’ve been offered to sit with the cool kids but always choose to sit with the outcasts because I disagree with creating power difference. like I’ve been reflecting a lot on this recently. some people use social dynamics to build self worth, thinking anyone different/odd is “cramping their style” when I find the weirdos way more interesting and genuine (being themselves). like I remember a few of my female outcast (not by choice) besties tryna be friends with the cool kids at school who were just laughing at them and me thinking/saying “are they gonna look after you when you’re drunk passed out on the floor or are they gonna turn a blind eye to men coming in to take advantage?” like fr I’ve always been offered the cool chair but hate the whole idea of being cool—you cannot trust a group bonded by wanting to be cool—and choose to back the weirdos and then the cool kids hate me and I’m back where I belong :)
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